#bîg's text
bigs-bigshot · 1 month
I mentioned in the past that I'd turn my Spmtum into an oc, but I decided that I wouldn't do that, because he's already my oc in a sense. Mine has a different story and lives in 'the real world' and more changes to fit my tastes. (examples being adi's age (26), his story is wg related, big shôt being more prominent, pûppet being an incidental result that doesnt faze him as much, and of course him being with you/reader. Among others things I don't have in mind rn)
Instead I just chose to continue doing new AUs, even if they're far off from canon, and ocs that are more or less him but with different traits (posted on @bigbugmonsters my oc+fatfur+fat monster art blog, I havent posted much there lately though- this will hopefully change). Because at the end of the day, it's prorn, I don't have to hold my designs to the same standard as sfw.
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bigbugmonsters · 8 months
My inactivity is due to focusing on sfw projects (I spent most of 2023 on notsafe stuff so it had to happen), but also because I'm indecisive about something.
I realized that with most of my characters, the 'stories' aren't substantial enough for me to have something to 'come back to', meaning it's hard to get motivation and new ideas. And I'd like to change that, at least for the 'main' guys.
I am fully aware that I'm essentially doing pôrñ and that stories don't have to be complex at all, but I do want *something*. So while I'm mentally working on that- with all the mains and fave secondary guys, I'm not posting. But that doesn't mean I'm not thirsty.
What the mains and fave secondaries are: the spiders (but especially the Spider King), Leaon, the classic monsters, (getting redesigned slightly), the Bee and Mosquito Kings, Daryl (rose guy), and some others that really need a story to make the list. That means there ARE ones that will stay tertiary/one offs, but if you like them and have ideas, you are fully allowed to take inspiration.
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bigs-bigshot · 2 months
Things I might have said it before, sorry if I did but I feel like they're worth saying (again).
• I'm ok with lurking- as long as you're an adult and not judgmental in the 'kniks are inherently bad' way. I was a lurker myself for a very long time, so I don't mind it at all. You don't have to like or reblog anything I do, though I do appreciate it when you choose to.
• If I made something you like the concept of, or even the poses or angles, you're beyond allowed to do them yourself- even if there's no changes. My honest belief when it comes to pron is that no one should 'own' concepts or poses, because at the end of the day, if it floats your boat (if you get what I'm saying) then you should be able to do it too. Besides, I highly doubt I'm inventing anything, and even if I were, again you have my full permission to do your own take on it.
• I currently have a lot of projects- both here and sfw, so I'll try alternating between the two. Projects on both sides take more or less time, so don't worry if you don't see art here. I'll be active here (reblogging) depending on free time.
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bigs-bigshot · 1 year
Spamtum hedonism. I love it very much
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bigs-bigshot · 1 year
Did you guys ever see that official pic of spamtum eating a huge burger... I wasn't aware of it until recently.
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(not my picture)
I think they know.
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bigs-bigshot · 9 months
I made a exmas picture but I'm not home and can't post it :( so you'll get it around the 28-29th, sorry.
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bigs-bigshot · 1 year
My blog turned one year old.
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(↑ He doesn't know I have been drawing him very well-fed.)
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bigs-bigshot · 1 year
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They should advertise the spâm air freshener like this but with a top surgery'ed chubby guy.
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bigs-bigshot · 1 year
I love the idea of taking your spamtum in holidays...
Just letting him have fun and see summer car shows. Taking him to the beach and showing off his summer soft body. And of course, keeping him cool and well-fed with lots of ice cream. And when you're finally going home, taking a big pizza or two for him to munch on.
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bigs-bigshot · 1 year
I think we all grew up with cartoons and kids movies doing fetish stuff, thought I'd share two I remember and feel 🌋 volcano hot
I can't actually find what animated show this was- I searched for it/this specific character but I couldn't find anything. In any case it was a superhero show and there was a villain of the day that was a HUGE round older guy. His origin story was that he won a tv quiz show and won 'a lifetime supply of chocolate'. I think he was miserable and wanted to turn everyone as big as he was. Either way to this day someone winning a lifetime supply of their favorite food and growing huge is hot to me.
Second one I don't actually know what movie that was- I just saw a clip of the scene on a top 10 video. Either way it was a clip of a skinny guy entering a restaurant, and next scene is the same guy but wider than two double doors, exiting the restaurant like nothing happened. All his clothes widened with his frame. I loved instantaneous restaurant wg ever since.
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bigs-bigshot · 1 year
I'll be doing this during october. 2022 version because it seems the artist hasn't been active since last year... Which is ok, I really like these 2022 prompts anyway.
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bigs-bigshot · 1 year
It's so good to see fellow kinky aces and, most importantly to me, fellow sx-repulsed people doing sexy stuff.
For so long I lurked and thought I was too broken (as stereotypical as that may be) to have anyone share these specificities, but now I see others like me and I just feel better about it all.
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bigs-bigshot · 1 year
I can't react to them all because I've had a lot of them, and if I reacted in my usual way it would be... Recognizable. (I react to them in a very positive but specific way on sfw)
But I truly do appreciate each tag left on my art! I'm very glad my content can be hot to other people too.
Since you guys liked my pics with angles, would it be interesting to show I do it? It's fairly basic/you don't need to know anything about perspective or foreshortening (I certainly don't).
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bigs-bigshot · 1 year
So I misread this post, specifically the 100 pounds bit- I misread it as 100 kilos (220 pounds) 😳❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
So now I'm imagining this spamtum scenario where addispâm is with his addifriends and they're all like 'haha who will get that 220 pounds pill', and spam doesn't think much of it, knowing he's unlucky in general, he feels he won't get any change to his skinny body. But then he gets that one pill and he balloons in front of everyone, a big chubby belly spilling unto his lap and just shredding all his clothes... And he's hopelessly turned on but can't say anything as the others stare, some blushing.
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bigs-bigshot · 1 year
I don't know who needs to hear this, but know that I don't share who appears in my notes with anyone.
And I said this at the beginning of my blog, but you don't have to reblog anything I do. I draw for quenching my own thirst and post to potentially quench others', not for attention/notes. That especially goes for anyone who don't have a notsafefw (side) blog. Reblog or like however you feel like, I appreciate it either way.
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bigs-bigshot · 1 year
I don't know if it's a popular feedism trope, but something I really like is gurgles that are proportional to the belly sizes.
Like a little tummy that makes subtle growls that make the person embarrassed, vs huge bellies that growl up a storm and are impossible to ignore.
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