#b) i havent seen new stuff and will get to it when i get to it
warlordfelwinter · 2 years
my favorite half remembered possibly non canonical but i dont actually care doctor facts are:
- beat a kid to perma-death with a brick at school for trying to kill his bf and his government employee brother covered it up
- made said bf with chronic drums in the brain disease play the drums in their college jam band and either koschei was very talented or all their songs had the same bpm
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friccafracc · 5 months
“Something is after me. I know it is, I’ve seen it. It looks like a man, but I know that it’s not. It…. It’s face is like a mockery of something human- like- like if you asked someone who has never seen a human to draw or model a person’s face, their smile. No… I don’t think any human would be able to get it that wrong.”
“And I’m not crazy, alright? God, y’all probably get that a lot here, don’t you? You people specialize in crazy. Not that I’m anyone to judge anymore, given the shit I went through before coming out here. I didn’t even know a place like this existed outside the Usher Foundation. I just…there’s some weird, crazy shit out there I guess, and when I heard about y’all, I figured I should probably pay a visit. At least let someone know before I die.”
“I know I’m gonna die.”
“I suppose I should start from the beginning. My name is Joshua Nelson, I’m originally from the States–Memphis Tennessee. Now, if there’s one thing you should know about Memphis, it’s that nobody in their right mind should EVER move there on their own accord, ‘cause you’ll either get mugged or stalked or both. I was born and raised there, so I never really got the choice during the formative years of my life. I’ve learned to live with it, though.”
“I worked retail in a gas station before…well, everything. It was a shithole. The kind of building where, no matter how hard you scrubbed and no matter how much bleach you used, the stains and smell of smoke would never leave. Instead just…mingled with the citrus of the chemicals. It paid the bills, though, and I was never witness to a robbery, so I couldn’t complain too much. The customers were docile and if I noticed anyone shoplifting, I kept it to myself. I wasn’t getting paid enough to give a damn.”
“We had regulars that would come in on a schedule and regulars that wouldn’t. People who were just passing through the city or visiting family or friends. You get all types in that kinda place, and if you’re placid enough to any asshole who’s having a bad day, everyone gets along just fine. There were a couple of regulars who were friendly enough, though, that I remember their names. Miss Kelly was an older woman, short and heavyset–she was one of the friendlier ones. We’ve got a lot of talkers in the south and boy did she make sure I knew every exact reason for what her kids were getting up to, or what was going on in a reality show she was hooked on at the time.”
“George Michael, a thin man in his 40s, maybe, always came in whenever he needed a new pack of cigarettes, I think he was a chain-smoker, cause he was in there a lot.”
“And then…then there was Hunter. Now Hunter was a younger man, maybe college age. A little older than that? Poor bastard was hooked on something, that much anyone could tell. He was gaunt, a little twitchy, you know, telltale signs of drug abuse. I could never tell what specifically he was on, but then again, it was never my business to know. I treated him the same as every other customer, we all knew he wasn’t gonna cause any harm, he usually came in for food, chips and hotdogs and stuff and he never caused a fuss.”
“I think… I think Hunter is dead.”
“One day he came in, I think it was a Wednesday or something cause it was slow that afternoon, and he burst through the door. Well–maybe not burst, but he came in the building like he was racing to get indoors first before someone else. The guy was usually jittery and, I’ll admit, a little shifty usually, but this was full blown paranoia. It startled me at first, his intensity, and he made a b-line towards the back of the store and ducked behind one of the shelves. Maybe not duck completely like ducking for cover, but it was obvious he was hiding. It almost made me expect the police or some drug lord to come storming through the door, but nobody else came.”
“Hunter stayed pacing in the building for a good 20 or 30 minutes, periodically lifting his head to crane his neck and peer out the window or the glass of the door. I checked once or twice as well, but if someone was out there, I didn’t see them. Eventually the guy calmed down enough to buy something and when he approached the counter with his bag of Doritos he looked almost like he was going to be sick.”
“I asked him if everything was alright, but he just shook his head and left.”
“I didn’t see him again for another week or two after that. Obviously I assumed the worst. I theorized that someone was after him and when he didn’t show up when he usually did it was more than enough to confirm my suspicions. Be it cops or some random person on the street, I couldn’t decide which fate would be worse, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel for the guy at least a little bit.”
“Hunter was almost completely out of my mind when I saw him again. I was surprised. By all accounts, it didn’t look like anything had changed about him. Maybe aside from the fact that his posture was way better than it usually was when I saw him, but other than that, nothing was out of the ordinary.”
“Business went on as usual and when he came up to the till with a liter of coke, I offered him a ‘Welcome Back’ and rang him up.”
“When I turned back to him, he was smiling. For some reason it was like a pit opened in the bottom of my stomach. I couldn’t understand why, though. It looked like Hunter–patchy, unkempt stubble, greasy hair, thin face, sunken eyes. His appearance had never bothered me before, so I was struck with confusion that mixed in with the undefinable, sudden sense of dread.”
“‘Thank you,’ he said as I handed him his change. And he walked out the door. It sounded like Hunter, too.”
“Hunter returned the next day, and the next. Each time he was polite and quiet, and each time he smiled when I rang him up. I counted his teeth. They were straight and flat. When I counted mine in the mirror when I smiled, I saw 17 or 18. Hunter’s counted 24.”
“Maybe he has a dental problem that I didn’t notice until now, I told myself. Human bodies are weird. Sometimes you have more teeth than usual.”
“The fourth day he came in a row, I saw his eyes and his pupils were…swollen, is the only way I can describe them. I know what people’s eyes look like when they’re high. This was not that. It was like they almost swallowed up his irises completely, and they were dull. Dull in the sense that the fluorescents overhead did nothing to cast any reflections onto them. It made me want to writhe and squirm whenever he looked at me.”
“I called in sick the fifth day. I knew Hunter would be back in that gas station to see me. I knew it was to see me. And I knew that thing. That..whatever it was. It wasn’t Hunter.”
“I guess a part of me was always dreading that day. I had always heard stories about people being stalked from friends of friends. It was only a matter of time before it happened to me, right?”
“I saw Hunter at the grocery store the next day, posture straight and face split open into that smile with too many teeth. I didn’t have the mind to be polite. I turned completely around and walked the other way, trying to fool myself thinking that he hadn’t seen me. I kept a pocket knife on me after that encounter. I probably should have been before, but hindsight is always 20/20.”
“Each time I saw him after that, it was worse. On the street to my apartment, his eyes were too wide and his grinning mouth was slightly agape. A crude facsimile of delight as I rushed past him. I stopped going into work when I started to spot him everywhere I went. Every destination no matter how far or random, he was there, grinning at me. He knew where I lived, that I had no doubt. So I went to a friend’s one night hoping to throw him off. Maybe I could move out and lose him. Lord knows I didn’t have the money to break my lease early, but I was desperate.”
“My friend suggested I call the police, but for some reason I was convinced that wouldn’t help. Cops usually only made things worse in that town, and I had a sinking feeling going that route would only waste my time.”
“The final straw was the second night I was crashing on my friend’s couch. I was exhausted, the past few weeks spent sleepless and paranoid and I was ready to finally pass out when I heard a light, rhythmic tapping on the window behind my head.”
“It’s just the wind, I thought to myself. A tree branch or something scraping against the glass. The exhaustion was completely gone, my pounding heart and pumping adrenaline overpowering any lame excuse that I would be stupid enough to be reassured by.”
“I didn’t move from where I lay. Tap. Tap. Tap. Came through the window once again.”
“I don’t know why I laid there for so long, unmoving, convinced that if I didn’t turn around, whatever it was outside would lose interest and leave. I really, really wanted it to leave.”
“I lay still for what felt like hours, every muscle in my body wound up and tense and ready to leap into action at any given opportunity. I was praying the opportunity would never come.”
“I don’t know how long it was when the tapping ceased, but it was long before I finally managed to relax. It seemed like my strategy worked. What an idiotic thing to think. Like I was a child hiding from an imaginary monster in the dark. Like the logic of not giving a stalker any attention so it would go away was sound. No. I think it was that false hope that landed me in this situation.”
“Because when that tapping came again, I wasn’t prepared to turn around. But I did. I turned around and what I saw in the darkness through that glass was… I don’t know what it was. I know it had eyes and teeth. It was grinning, but its teeth stretched well beyond what would be the borders of its face. God, I couldn’t see its face. I knew it was Hunter, though. It had those same lightless eyes that stared back at me every time I closed my own. Dead and dark and dull and staring at me–eating at me, wide and gleeful and spilling into the shadow that I could only assume was a part of the creature, itself. Its form took up nearly the entirety of the window, blocking the outside world. It didn’t move.”
“I screamed. I screamed and closed the curtains and I hid. This woke my friend of course, and she came stumbling out of her room, looking bleary but alert. I tried to signal to her not to go to the window or do anything or to call the police. Thankfully she got the message and the cops were there within the hour.”
“They didn’t find anything. Or anyone, for that matter. I left out the…the monster bit, because I assumed it might land me somewhere I really didn’t want to go.”
“They were about as helpful as I thought they would be. Told me to call them again if I noticed any suspicious activity.”
“I booked my flight here that very night. I wasn’t going to stay in that goddamn city with whatever the HELL that thing was. I don’t want to end up like Hunter. I don’t want it to wear my skin.”
“It will, though. I know it will and it scares me more than anything in the world. And I know I can’t escape it, either.”
“It followed me here. I saw it. It was still grinning at me and it was still. Wearing. Hunter’s. Skin. The shadow that was cast over it made it so I could only see the whites of it’s eyes....its teeth.”
“I don’t want to die.”
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starscelly · 5 months
What are your most important hockey movies? (Or media in general) I am trying to watch more stuff that is out of my known bubble. Thanks
i fear i'm Pretty Basic when it comes to general hockey media but 1000000% recommend watching and reading "the russian five"!!!! i held out on doing it for so long bc i knew it would drive me insane and i was Right. so goooood. the editing of it is also really engaging and fun off the bat if ur someone who normally doesn't get caught up in like. Doc Style Things (me)
i think "red army" is also a good companion watch for after that!!! for more of a view of What russian hockey was like at the time
(i have reading "larionov" and watching "cold war on ice" and "ice-breaker: the 72 summit series" on my List for other possible good companions if ur interested in the soviet hockey of it all but i havent gotten to those yet so can't Personally Vouch)
also ik ur a stars fan but if u have never seen it.... come weep at the dallas stars "we're not going home" (2020) bubble cup run youtube unlisted doc with me.... please... my most important hockey media
"untold: crimes and penalties" is a fun doc on netflix abt a minor league team that was a. very violent b. owned by someone who's first line in their wikipedia says he is a convicted felon and associate of a crime family. but ran by his son! who was clueless in every way! pretty interesting
and then a bit more of a time commitment than the others because its a whole Show but. junior league is a russian drama that follows a team with a new coach trying to make the junior league so they can keep playing as like a career and all their interpersonal Dramas and Romance but Also Hockey As Well. There's 6 seasons but not all of it is available in english (yet! hopefully) .... use the link if inch rested its the only english version beyond early 1st season but keep it Hush Hush as the last channel that was uploading them like a year ago got taken down dlkfjsdl
i'm also assuming you've seen/know of shoresy but if u have not. that's less of a time commitment bc its newer and also a jared keeso show so. Shorter Episodes By A Lot. funny! silly! underdogs!!!!
and then if u enjoy Romance i did rlly like "the cutting edge" (even tho there's not. much hockey if we're being real) and the book "icebreaker" BY A.L. GRAZIADEI. THE GAY ONE. not the Other One.
and i think that's all i got in me??? i hope this helped!!! i feel like i'm definitely forgetting some but. if anyone else has any other recommendations or further Thoughts please feel free to add to this/reply with them!!!!! <3
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
OP your addtion about the Harbinger's reaction? Sent me wheezing to the moon 🤣🤣💀
I dont have any additions to Teyvat language yet (other anons have a more in depth explanations while mine is just shitposts wheEZE--) but I did have an idea for a Genshin AU.
I'm pretty sure everybody has heard about the blue alien people Avatar. Tribal people from another planet. (Also I just stumbled upon the forests of Sumeru while going through Chasm quests. The one that has giant mushrooms).
Imagine Genshin in the Avatar Au. Sumeru can be based on the first movie (It fits cause from what I can explore of Sumeru reminds me of the time I watched Avatar of the first time. Pure awe and wonder..) While the Water nation can be based on the 2nd movie, Hoyoverse hasnt released the name of the Water Country yet so we're just waiting. Mondstadt can be based on the upcoming 3rd (4th or 5th? Idk they had it lined up) movie that involves being high above the clouds. Kind of like the Jade palace or the Floating Abode in the serenitea pot.
Its all I could base for now since the other movies dont have that much info yet to be paired with Genshin's countries.
Bonus idea that randomnly popped into my head:
Still going with this Au but its sagau themed. Creator!Reader arrives to Teyvat and is considered as Eywa
Tumblr media
I just want u to know i feel b l e s s e d that u put this in MY ask box , when this coulda been a whole post of ur own 💖💖🙏🙏
WARNING: So i havent seen the new movie, just the og Avatar one, and i totally loved that concept about Eywa and how their world works so ill refresh myself but if theres any new lore from the 2nd movie i aint got it yet 💁 srry babs
^ except ur like the life itself bc ur god now
Thats why i put that there
This AU radiates that energy
So I accidentally posted this too early so keep refreshing or coming back bc if theres no "♡the beloveds♡" im still updating this then LMAO
So anon's a genius and i could listen to u talk about this all day
I fucking love combining world building or lore together
Esp like making one the AU or just the setting like u said with Avatar worlds as settings and same characters-
So they deffo use "Eywa" as a term for you instead of your name
Honestly, before when u were a mysterious af planet creature thing (lets say u get isekaied there i mean)
Nobody rlly knew if u even could take a mortal form or even thought of that as a concept
I feel like the younger generations immortals and Teyvat's current countries kinda think of you Eywa as more of a passive entity life force thing
Rather than the older immortals and creatures that had seen thru eons or over the course of a couple thousand years
That u were very aware and intelligent
Not that ur energy or aura didnt tell them that alone
So a little deeper into the Teyvat lore here but i dont see anybody else talking about it so I will
Originally, it was the Seven Sovriegns and you, and eventually Phanes and their Four Shades,
And they literally all quickly came to realize u literally made this planet and began to start the first traditions of worshipping you!
Like putting gifts or hand made goods at the base
(Ppl have also gotten a tradition from Morax/Rex Lapis and Guizhong and other adepti to leave birthday letters to offer you, which ties into what i say below⬇️)
Ya know,
Eywa the tree could even be a sort of source to the eyes of Teyvat of what you look like while u were playing the game
Like how Eywa's little jellyfish reach ppl in the forest and shit? I think?
So like i would imagine that whatever u make certain vessels or acolytes do most often, is what they think they should offer u :0
Claymore users give u gemstones and ores
Bow users give u hunted game like fowl, or the treasure from puzzles that required arrows (like those bursting blue balloons?)
Catalysts and Polearms give u all kinda of crazy shit lmao
Bc they can be used for a vareity of things
Bc of ur player status and abilities, people of Teyvat attribute a gain in power or talents or whatnot to you, Eywa
So say u actually physically there now, and u just wake up under the coolest sickest tree youve ever seen in ur life
Omg could u imagine????
Seeing Teyvat irl? But AVATAR WORLD IRL???!!!
You would stand there lookin around like a drunk fuck for like 20 minutes, maybe longer lmao
Its just so ✨️pretty✨️ here
Also the tree itself just feels like, the equivalent to ur bedroom basically but like specifically if it was hella comfy and like just the way u want it (all the decor is up, the floor is clean, u got like hot choco on ur desk, theres a candle burning, etc.)
Oh so since ur like weirdly connected to the land, like u know how theres a voice line abt walking in that glowing aranara part of Sumeru and ur steps light up?
I saw that too in the OG avatar movie
So i feel like u would have a map with ALLLLL the peoples on it and little icons
U can focus on just vision users or bosses or big nature things like Dragonspine
Oh so Eywa can control all animals and whatnot and so u as a mortal person can too
So anytime theres a threat u can deadass just become a pokemon trainer LMAO
Ok but think how badass it would be to just like,
Get the Primo Geovishap or Giant Bird Jadeplume Terror thingy to just leave their territory and wipeout some mfs
It would be fucking amazing
Unrelated to above bc im just spitting out ideas srry guys
but like
I feel like if u were a lifeforce sort of ancient eldritch god for the entire goddamn continent of Teyvat let alone the whole planet-
You would have to maintain said continent/planet
Like, make sure the Irminsul is growing okay, protect from mfs like Dottore,
Stop diasters if ur Eywa too, esp bc u can hear prayers now, and would hear ppl crying out to help them geez
while the prayers of the many kinda just glob together to form the major "feeling" of the prayer for most creatures,
Vision users, gods, ancient creatures u can get their exact sentences
Basically more magic = better heard to connect with u
Oh u know, i could even see it being even more manual or personal labor bc ur not like a tree connected to ur roots thruout the world technically
Like if volcanoes erupt in Natlan, the archon and gods there help and u r also wanted/needed in person for it to work
U would still be powerful, but yeah like say the tree was u just playing genshin before,
The game automatically regulated diasters and stuff other than what was supposed to happen in game
So kinda bouncing off that I read smwhere that the Na'vi dont actually view Eywa as like omnipotent or omniscient
(like the God™️ from the Christian bible for a example of what your not)
And also! Dont blame/attribute natural diasters, plagues, or other bad stuff on Eywa
So good for you whew 💦
Ur actually supposed to kinda just be the collective lifeforce or Teyvat/world and nature, and a defender and guide of life :0
Which kinda fits with the whole "upgrading characters" thing actually
Okay but I saw somewhere in SAGAU tag someone did another name instead of Creator to spice it up and its "All-Mother"
And interestingly, Eywa in Avatar is also called that and "Great Mother"!!
How fun :0
Also, the reason Eywa still got people with free-will is bc they kinda described the relationship to Eywa being something like a mother or parent
Maybe where name/titles came from ig?
Either way, ppl be calling u all types of nicknames u aint heard before lmao
I mean ur sacred, they dont just say ur name,
Nobody knows ur real name or what u call yourself
Just what they call u
Bc they couldnt communicate with u super well before, (the bday letters were the closest they got verbally, and even then they had to be addressed somewhat to ur first vessel the traveler to get thru/be seen)
Otherwise yeah u operating them lets say before on Earth you rlly felt like an eldritch nature deity 💀
Cause u guide them in battles, strengthen their talents and skills and bodies, and feed them food
If they were in battle like needing healing food, u help them heal by consuming it for them so they dont have to take a snack break in battle and
Let me tell u, these denizens of Teyvat who have to constantly deal with magic and monsters and abyss stuff, so a stroll outside ur house gets u in a fight...
...They are very grateful for that needless to say.
Plus i like to think u make fighting easier on them bc ur "guiding" their bodies
Anyway thats a long winded way to say, help me think of all the names Teyvat's given you lmao:
All-Mother / Great Mother
All-Father / Great Father
All-Parent? / Great Parent
Their Grace
Great Puppeteer
The Puppeteer
Soul of Teyvat
Greatest Soul
She aint long bc im not that creative and this idea has sm potential too😔
I would love to be Eywa sounds fun and powerful af and i dont get expected to be Jesus and they know i dont cause the natural diasters, like that sounds nice
Aight im no genius and this writing feels like im just rambling like a drunk guy sittin on the sidewalk mumbling to myself, i had to stop writing 💀
Like that energy specifically-
So lmk if yall got any other cool titles or names :0
I couldn't think of anymore :/
Also srry about the updating this post and making u check back in if u already read this before i put the taglist
(Me putting the taglist means im done editing/writing this dw if u seein this)
♡my beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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hiiiiiiii we havent sent you any asks for some time. mostly because kanra didnt front much
[idk if you can recognize us after all the url changes]
ereyesterday our their of pissed suggested getting into an outpatient psychward and told us to think about it. and silver[headmate] made a post on the tumbler saying that this could be a bad idea because somewhat recently i made a hole in a wall and less than a week ago Lyra messed up a cupboard. as if we're the only ones who on occasion damage stuff when angered. this is literally so mean for no reason.
also. a few months ago shinra had an accident with a knife. and we got a fun new 1 inch long scar and possibly a little bit of nerve damage or something. and we were supposed to get some reminder tetanus shot around a month after that since i had no idea when was my previous tetanus shot. and i uhhhhhhh didn't get it since i'm scared of doctors, and it would probably seem quite weird if i went to a doctor about this now
also im sorta balding but. scared of doctors so cant do anything about that
last sunday i was in some social studies class or some other shit. and the teacher said something about how lgbt people were never oppressed in this country. which is a very bold thing to say as someone living in a country in which like a quarter of the area declared itself a "lgbt free zone" and only calmed down a little when the european onion told them that that's probably illegal. and i decided to argue with the teacher a bit. one of the things she said was that sometimes there's dudes in pup masks on pride parades, which invokes disgust and thus should be banned, and. idk why but i kinda expected teachers to have a bit more common sense than 14 year old twitter users. also i came to school wearing a spiked dog collar on a regular basis. [for reasons unrelated to kink.]
well. good thing i'm failing every single one of my classes lmao. at least i won't be invoking disgust in fragile old ladies
also. i just met a doggy and he was very niceys. very soft and friendly. and polite also.
- toby
HOW COULD I NOT RECOGNIZE U MY BESTIE IN CHRIST <3 u changed ur url a binch of times but ur icon remained the same sdlfndnfkjsnsdf so i was able to keep track!
i however do not understand a single word of that first paragraph. if u want my advice, DO NOT. FUCKING GO. TO A PSYCH WARD!!!!! idfc Who it helped, it hurts a lot more than it helps, theres NO WAY to tell which psych wards are good and which are shit. no really let me go thru them all rn:
REFERRALS: most professionals that work in different offices do not know each other on a personal level and may never hear of their bad stories. a doctor that was the chillest coolest doctor id ever met referred me to a psychiatrist that sucked fucking ass shit. there is no way to know for sure
GOOGLE REVIEWS: im gonna b real i dont trust some of those mfs. you seen the guys that go into psych wards? a lot of mentally ill people r internalizers and just accept whatever happens to them, and even if they arent, society looks down on the mentally ill SO MUCH that they could b told "you deserve this bc ur crazy" and due to all this societal gaslighting, theyd agree
why is this so important? because you cannot Fucking leave a psych ward. an outpatient ward yeah you can leave, but ive been to both in and outpatient and they excert the same level of bullshit control over their patients. in outpatient, one of the therapist told me "you are not mentally ill" and made me cry lol. she MEANT to mean it in a "you're not mentally ill, you're ~suffering from a mental illness~ uwu dont let ur disorder define you" kinda way, but that concept was introduced in therapy..... two days after she told me this. like hello? and then she tried to spin it as like, it was a problem with Me i.e. My PTSD Was Triggered and not She Is Dog Shit At Timing The Explaining Of Concepts.
this place also invited my abuser into group therapy even after me incessantly telling them "this is my abuser, she will use all this against me" and yeah guess what she did immidiatley after lol
dont go to wards.
WRT THE KNIFE: damn :0 thats insane dude, hopefully the nerve damage will heal but from experience its gonna take like, a few years at minimum lmao. i had a Knife Incident involving my pinky and the nerve damage was so bad that i couldnt hold scissors w my pinky in the scissor loop thing but evenchually it got better but it took like 4 years. if the knife was clean and not rusty ur risk of tetanus is pretty low i THINK, do not quote me on this. if ur scared of doctors, look into if ur pharmacy offers tetanus shots! some pharmacies have vaccinations other than flu and covid (which i need 2 get lol rip) so u might be able to get one THERE and not see A Doctor about it!
u dont need a doctor for the balding. minoxidil my dear boy, its at walmart, its the stuff thats in rogaine. you want "minoxidil 5%" thats whats in rogaine, theres "minoxidil 3%" thats For Girls but idk ive never heard of anyone having a problem w it. IT IS TOXIC TO CATS THOUGH IT IS VERY VERY TOXIC TO CATS IF YOU HAVE A CAT DO NOT LET THEM FUCKING TOUCH YOU OR RUB ON YOU UNTIL IT DRIES ok? :) id google more if i were u but boom. problem solved. i am the doctor now
"dog masks invoke disgust and should be banned" babygirl disgust is subjective and like, someone could use that logic to ban whatever YOU like, or Are. maybe someone is really disgusted by lil old ladies bc the wrinkles look gross as fuck to them. should we quarrantine the grandmas?
also lol at the dig against 14 year old internet puritans and then surprise surprise guess what happened on This Very Blog while this ask was sitting n collecting dust!! i gotta b on my best behavior bc theres a nonzero chance that The Feds will be looking at this blog (did u know u dont report cybercrime to local police and instead theres a form on the fbi's website? Well Now You Know!) and that goes 4 all of u too. bart please be good..... for the love of GOD please be good....... please tell me yall know that simpsons scene
also also yay doggy!! was it a regular dog or a dude in a pup mask? either way very fun n cool!!!
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msm-tsotmw · 1 year
( . . . )
Hello? You awake?
(Sprigg tries to blink their eyes open. Their glasses are somehow still intact.)
Ugh… huh?! Where am I? Who are you?!?
Oh, you are! You’re on Air Island. My friends and I found you and your friends lying on the beach unconscious, so we brought you up here!! I’m Strootheo, by the way, but you can just call me Theo. Anyways, you’re alive!
(@paidexp it’s the bird :D)
Uh… where are they?
Um, who?
My friends. You said they were unconscious too.
Oh, they’re just outside doing stuff! I don’t know exactly WHAT they’re doing, though, but I think I saw one of them try to jump off of a chair while the other started trying to make friends with literally everyone on the island.
“Make friends with literally everyone…” sounds like Toorie. Uh, can I get out of this bed now?
Oh, sure! I think Toorie told me that she was “worried sick” about you earlier. I think she’s by the bakery, eating a Big Salad with some Mammott.
You mean Mondo?
Uh… yeah, probably!
Oh, okay.
…Wait, what about Mauna?
Ehhh… who?
She’s about the same height as Mondo, has a volcano for a head, and carries a bright red bag around with her.
Oh, right, her! Yeah, I think she was talking with Xever about the “Dawn of Fire” or something like that. No idea what that’s about, haha!
(theo , are you done trying to talk to the fluffy green thing ?)
Oh, right! Yeah, I am, actually. Wait, what did you say was your name again, uh, green one?
Ah, okay! Yeah, uh, Sprigg, this is Shwam! She’s kinda shy, but she knows their way around here. :)
uhhhhh , hi ? um , i can lead you to your friends if you want …
That would be convenient, thanks.
okay , uhhhhhhh , i saw two of them over there by the bakery . i’ll lead ya there .
Okay, thanks, Shwam.
its been a while and we still havent seen sprigg
do you think theyre dead or smth
What ?! No , No !! They’re Probably Just Studying Their Surroundings , Like How They Usually Do On New Islands . Let’s Just Hope They’re Fine !!
Plus , Mauna Managed To Survive Being In Water , So I’m Sure They’re Okay .
uh … are these your friends , sprigg ?
Oh , Sprigg !! It’s You !! Welcome Back :D
we thought you fucking died
(Toorie nudges Mondo, still smiling.)
…You what?
i jumped off a chair btw
I know. Theo told me.
Uhh , Who’s Theo ?
the pink bird guy with one leg who checked on us to see if we were ok
Oh , Right ! It !
Anyways , We’re Glad You’re Back .
Yeah, I could tell.
…So are you two gonna save that Big Salad for me and Mauna?
Of Course !! We’re Not Leaving Anyone Out .
speaking of mauna where tf is she
Theo told me she was talking with this guy named Xever.
i think i may know where she is … want me to go get her ?
Yeah, that’d be convenient. It’s dinner time for me and my friends anyways, and I don’t think she’d want to miss out on this, uh… salad.
okay , i’ll go get her .
~~~~~~~a few minutes later~~~~~~~
… uhm , she’s here ! i have to go now , though … uh , bye .
Okay , thank you , Shwam ! I highly appreciate your help .
you’re welcome . you can , uhh , eat , now .
Hi , guys !
Hey , Mauna !! :DD
Hi. Toorie and Mondo apparently ordered this huge fucking salad, and there is NO WAY they’re gonna be able to finish it by themselves.
O-oh . Uh , you two ordered THIS ?
we were hungry af
(Mondo Had No Idea What He Was Thinking When He Ordered This .)
Oh . Okay … let us dig in , then !! I have not eaten anything in a WHILE .
…Uh, what?
What ? I was trapped in amber , and I did not have much to eat on the boat ride ! Anyways , this salad looks DELICIOUS .
…Yeah. I guess you could say that.
hgaujvHvhgvajhgvaygvhGJHGAJYGAJBJHbjhabuhbauyg sorry for not posting today!! as I said on my main, I had to go with my grandma to an appointment, then to a restaurant w/ my family, then I got a haircut and some parts of my hair dyed pink B)
dying hair takes a lot of time tho so yeah
that’s why I took so long to post-
-Mod Jimmy 🗣️
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aemiron-main · 1 year
also apparently someone called figureone is accusing me of being a henwill shipper which is insane. like. ive made analyses (esp older ones) about will and vecna and the idea of a predatory dynamic there/vecna’s predator coding (which like. You guys have Seen those posts. This is Not News) but IM not the one with an entire twitter talking about how will and henry are soulmates who gently kiss eachother and how they should fuck and be such a good couple etc etc and Actual Ship Shit- that’s finalb*ybyers’ twt 💀💀💀
And also, I know figureone had a diff acct back in the day/we argued with eachother and hilariously enough, they tagged james and i in this massive writeup about henry/vecna’s innocence (assuming that henry is vecna/they believe he is) which a.) my opening response to that was “alright, so, i think we agree on more than you think we do, but there’s a lot here i disagree with,” b.) even WITH my innocent henry posting, that whole writeup/that user’s claims are something i still disagree with the vast majority of because they lack evidence.
I never posted the reply, though, because they blocked me, unblocked me to tag me in it, and then later blocked me again before i could post the reply/before i’d fully finished it.
Like atp my memory of it isnt great but maybe later ill dig around & see if i still have my reply saved somewhere but its like. My thoughts on their analyses/beliefs havent really changed 💀💀💀 there’s still a handful of things i agreed with them on at the time and still agree on such as henry not being born evil even if he is vecna etcetc but so much of it just lacks evidence.
And also, iirc they were very much getting into delusional apologist territory and just like. Making claims that are very obviously contradicted by firm evidence in the show/making some odd claims re: leftism and definitions of abuse (and one of my main qualms w them initially was some of the tags they left on stav’s post re: st, hnl and nazism). Anyway i just cant take them seriously when theyre talking about “making theories with canon context in mind” because so much of their writeup was just. Speculation about a completely sentient shadow monster/mindflayer and a lack of evidence. Again, there WAS stuff i agreed with in it, but they never ended up finding that out because they blocked me before i could post it 🫡🫡🫡
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blissfali · 2 years
OK i have thoughts to share on yesterdays lore.
well first off Personally the only thing i disliked about the stream was how they talked about cwilbur. it felt very distasteful idk. Like i guess i get it? But they kept treating it like eh was dead and then saying he wasnt dead and was in utah and they talked about him like had committed suicide again im just going to choose to Ignore That Stuff! Ya know . I Did really like the part where ctommy talked to wilbur through the lman shrine i thought that was great tbh. Im incorporating a new HC into my belief system aka whenever tommy sends wilbur letters to utah he puts them in the chest in front of the memorial thing and then somehow they just appear in the gas station. "i havent seen wilbur in months.." Haha dont worry they had a facetime call over communicator yesterday Hahaha. i like that the highlighted how wilbur leaving fucked with tommy's mental health but i HATED like how they basically said Well we brought him back but then he left again so maybe he didnt even deserve to be revived lol. Not a fan !!!
numero dos. When tommy revealed he had been ia for months because he'd been getting addicted to invisibility and hiding in the shadows tbh like the idea of that is horrifying right? Tommy is the guy who stands up and talks to everyone he is not afraid to be out and about and loud But then he gets on invis. suddenly hes in the dark and he is the Watcher. hes always been the initiator of conflicts but now he is the spectator. coupled with this i was thinking about how clingyduo talked about the prison having descended into these era of abandondment, where vines drape over the walls and the exterior and shit, into something awful and unlike the symbol it stood as before as cdream inhabits and lives in it. and tommys descent into something awful and so unlike himself in a cave, a literal crevice filled with vines and rubble as cdream inhabits it (aka in the way that he continues to inhabit tommys mind because of how hes traumatized him and how tommy literally cant even go a day without thinking about him at this point) (cctommy impeccable writer in this regard)
Like the idea of that is awful. i was thinking about how ctubbo asked if ctommy ever watched him while he was on invis and how tommy hesitated. and i think about maybe tubbo caring for michael b in the mansion and tommy watching in the corner just listening to tubbo talk to his son. never speaking to his friend never initiating anything. Just watching. He was only there to watch me[GUNSHOTS i am quickly removed from the premise]
Trois. Also clingyduo wishing things were simple and stuff. talking about how grown up and adult they were. how theyre not kids anymore vs. them making pinky promises throughout the stream. it really just highlights the fact that those two had to grow up incredibly fast on that server but even now they are still KIDS. they can play the part of big scarier warriors but at the end of the day they just wanted to dick around and now its all come to this.
tubbo like "please no invis please no invis!!" to tommy like. Tommy is pushing and isolating himself into this corner where no one can talk to him so he cant be the problem starter again, but tubbo doesnt Want tommy to change, to go down this quiet alienated path. They are best friends and tubbo loves him as he is and he wouldnt change that for anything
i was also thinking about "i just dont wanna be the bad guy" tommy and "tommy, are the bad guys?" wilbur. it almost felt like tommy was answering wilbur's question all the way back then in the now. now that hes experienced now that hes been through hell ya know?
also ill prolly have more thoughts in this later but my last point was tommy determined for copresidency on a nation w tubbo vs. being wilburs right hand man, his vice president, and following him no matter what, and how in the beginning tommy didnt want tubbo to be president because he knew it would dissolve their friendship but if they r president TOGETher well… Clingyduo :(
during tge stream i was thinking YEAHHHH AND TOMMY SHOULD GO TALK TO CRANBOOO WAHHOO!!!! And then i remembered wait a minute ranboo is dead Guys i think i accidentally convinced myself into thinking cranboo never died.Haha whoopsies
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
LMAOAOA it’s okay it looked so bad before 😭😭😭
YES I HAVE TO dances r the main part of a 15th party 😭😭 like first u have to do a valtz or smth and then right after that it’s the surprise dance and then the father and daughter dance and stuff
i get that I b like that too when I get into new groups LMAOAO 😭😭
OHH i meant like the dance belle and beast do in the movie idk i havent seen it in a while but that wud be cool
that’s so cool tho omfg
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sungbeam · 2 years
hi beam! college has been kicking my butt recently ☹️ idk how ppl do it but i'm dragging myself through the week right now LMAO
i don't see anything 😀 when i search up my asks 😀 so i unfortunately 😀 have a very vague 😀 idea of our last convo 😀
but i DO remember that you asked about dc!! i'm glad u asked b/c i'm actually trying to get into dc right now! i'm watching titans season 1 on hbo max, recently watched black adam, saw ww84, & saw the new batman movie a while ago! beast boy is kinda 😍💖💕💗💞 in titans HEHEHE- my favorite dc characters rn are him & starfire but i really wanna delve into the franchise more!! who are ur dc biases so far 🙏 (yes we'll be using kpop terminology for non-kpop fandoms from now on)
also i have NOT listened to 28 reasons by seulgi yet b/c of my schedule i feel like such a fake reveluv but i'm looking into that 😭 AND YES GIVE CRAVITY SOME LOVE ON PARTY ROCK <3 i'm taeyoung biased ever since i saw his tiktoks (all their tiktoks are iconic tbh they keep up w/ trends LOL)
HOW HAVE U BEEN BTW?? and are u excited for wakanda forever? i can't believe its coming so soon alreadyyyy 😟❗️
XNONIE !!! BFF !!! I'M SO SORRY FOR MY LATE REPLY I'VE JUST LACKED SO MUCH ENERGY TO EVEN REPLY TO ASKS THIS WEEK (´Д⊂ヽ but i was so excited to see u active and alive akcnekfnek idk how people do it either tbh :') like i felt that so hard when u said ur practically dragging urself thru the week like me too dude, me too 😔 LMAO SOMETHING IS UP W TUMBLR TAGS 🗿🗿🗿 as there always is tbh, but i went thru and found my latest response so i'll link it here BAHHAHA
AHHHH DC YESYES !!! i actually haven't watched the live action titans series yet :0 but i follow ryan potter on instagram so i've def seen some stuff for it !! he's so hot tho so true 😩😩😩 i kinda wish he was casted as nightwing/dick grayson cuz he would've made a really good one, but the current one i think fits as well :') ahh yes i actually am not the greatest fan of dc movies lmao just cuz their animated tv shows r just top notch and so much better imo but i did enjoy the first wonder woman and robert pattinson's the batman !! ooh my dc biases? it's prob the bat boys AHAHAHHA i'm writing an au inspired by them actually rn hehe so basically nightwing/dick grayson, red hood/jason todd, and red robin/tim drake, but i am also particularly fond of roy harper/speedy and robin/damian wayne @_@ they all make my mind go brrrr (wbu tho 👀👀)
AHHHHH WAKANDA FOREVER I HAVENT WATCHED IT YET I FEEL SO SAD ☹️☹️☹️ it's cuz college has also been kicking my ass and watching marvel movies is a thing my family does together and it's just not the same going to see it in theaters w anyone else :( so i've been holding back skcnekfn have u seen it tho :0 i'm also so very excited for quantumania !!! (ノ´∀`*) IT LOOKS SO SO SO GOOD SKFNKENFKD I LOVE PAUL RUDD PLS GIVE THAT MAN AN OSCAR RN
okok i think i also was gonna bring up the fact that i wanted to write another mcu au for svt?? like ik we were talking abt the xmen au, but i was thinking abt making minghao scarlet witch and basically yn is like the one person who truly saw him and when he lost u, all hell broke loose (like in wandavision), and so it's like him recreating a life w u while his friends on the outside r trying to break him out of it before the stinky government folks do skcnwidn
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vampirefreakzdotcom · 4 years
silly little rant
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sleepingbutawake · 3 years
Grand Admiral of Hell's Navy babysitting duty
Part 2
It was casual morning in the HoL until Asmo decided to show MC and the exange students squad some parts of Devildom not many had seen.
"Hey MC, have you ever seen Devildom's butterflies?" Asmo asked.
"No, i dont think i have" they respond continueing to sew belphies pillow.
"They hasnt seen them maybe bc theyre on that island. Maybe Levi knows what kind of ocean beast is there." Beel said munching on his after-breakfast snack.
"i havent seen that either. Maybe Levi knows how to get there." Belph spoke from couch with his head on MC's lap.
"You're right. LEEEVIIIIIII" Asmo screamed as if his life depended on it.
Instead of angry Levi comes angry lucifer and then after angry Lucifer comes angry Levi.
"Keep it down!!" Lucifer scream and Mc is wondering how the hell does the house still stand.
"What do you want Asmo" Levi looks at his youger brother.
"You know about that island where do bloodsucking crystalline butterflies live, do you?"
"Ofc i do. As a Grand Admiral i have to know where am i leading my ships." Levi scoffs.
"Well thats good to know. On that island you can get just by water and i dont know how do anything with boats and since on that part of an ocean is a sea monster... Who else that my sweet big bro can get us safe on that island. You can do that since youre Grand Admiral of Hell's Navy." Asmo says slyly to get to his point.
"And you think i can do that? Sure get to that island wont be problem for me, but as a Grand Admiral i also have limits! I cant do everything as i pleases, can I?" He tried to put him down from his idea.
"Fine plan B. MC you want to go there? Asmo turns to face MC.
"I mean, if i could see that butterflies, i could have some inspiration in making the butterfly hair clips as had the butterfly sisters in Demon slayer." MC says looking straight at Levi. "Would you please take me and the others there, Levi?"
"I-I mean,sure thing. Ofc yeah, anything for you. Why re you still sitting? Go dress up bc on ocean its sometimes cold. Try to hurry up if we want to come back before the night." Levi says and leaves living room to grab his stuff.
Asmo just smirks. "I know how to get something of I want to." and winks at MC.
They all met in the living room, luke, simeon and solomon joining too bc solomon said: 'Ive gotta see this' so here they are.
Levi came downstairs in his admiral uniform.
"So you decided to go full mode huh? Wanna impress MC that much?" Belph teases slightly red Levi.
"S-shut up. Lets go." And he pushes them out of house.
"Its about time you took us here Levi. Funny how you never let your dear big brother wander here alone." Mammon teases.
"Yeah no. I dont need nuclear explosion." He mutters.
"Alright my soldiers. All you have to do is preprare Bailoar and make sure All of them are safe on it." He says in a voice MC never heard him speak in.
"Yes Admiral" they say automaticaly and get to work.
Levi knows theyre talking about the situation and he just lets them bc 'I came here to enjoy a cruise with my human' mode is on.
"Its weird to see admiral Leviathan so chill today. He usually have stare that could kill if if he had that power." The soldiers whisper between them.
"You know what im not gonna fuck up today bc im not really in the mood to be feeding Lothan." one of them says. They all agree and go to do as their admiral wants.
"What is Bailoar?" Beel asked.
"I think its the name of the ship?" MC says.
"Yes correct. Bailoar is the ship i was using the most when i was still new. Shes not especialy big bc I dont want to take the other ones out." Levi explains when he leads them to a huge ship where on the right side is in caligraphy written Bailoar.
"How did you called her again?" Solomon stood there, mouth wide opened looking at the ship.
"Bailoar is bigger than seven football stadions..." MC says.
"Yeah shes tiny sorry. "He responds to MC. Then he turn to face his brothers, Angels and Solomon who were just observing the base.
"What are you waiting for? On board!" He ordered.
The cruise started nicely, wind was fine, the sea was calm...what can go wrong?
Lemme tell you. EVERYTHING.
"Levi how would you call Bailoar for humans?" Solomon asked.
"I think Bailoar is the ship that would never sink. I mean NOTHING can take her down." Levi says proudly.
"Like the Titanic?" MC said.
"What is Titanic?" Luke, Mammon, Asmo and Belphie asks at the same time.
"For the humans it was the unsinkable ship in human history." Solomon explained.
"yeah. Well it wasnt that unsikable bc in its first cruise ended up at the bottom in the middle of Atlantic ocean with at least 500 or more dead passagers." MC said as if by the way. The way their smiles dissapeard was really funny to watch.
"Yeah it did sank but the capitain of the ship was kind of stupid." Solomon says trying to calm a little panicked luke.
"Dont forget that Titanic sank bc it hit iceberg." Solomon reminded MC.
"Yeah and since levi is the capitain now lets hope he dont do anything stupid or at the bottom of the ocean will be us." MC says jokingly. All of the soldiers that were with them at the boat trying not to cross their way if they dont have to froze looking at Levi with tears in their eyes, some of them that pale that Satan could swear he saw their veins.
Levi responded very calmly.
"Yeah. Well im demon capitain, and on this ocean are not any icebergs."
"I know but is a sea monster."
Some soldiers had to leave to breathe it throught, or sit somewhere and calm down.
"Why does everyone look like were about to get eaten?" MC asks totally confused.
"Levi’s lowkey known only to come visit the base when there’s either an imperial order to wage war or suppress something or he’s going to 'whip everyone into shape' and those who fail his standards are gonna be eaten by Lotan" Satan explains not looking up from his book.
Mammon just laughs.
"yeah Levi has rage issues too lmao he traumatized his subordinates 😂👌”
(original idea goes to person i could not find so if you see this pls say its your idea and im more than willing to give you credit for this beatiful thing i'll Also tag @dicetheroll and @obeythebutler bc i can. Hope you'll like it <3)
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Me whose also a writer for the pedro fandom: ive never been included on one of those fic rec lists and im a huge supporter of a ton of those people.
Lots of writers in this fandom travel in the same circles, and its hard to get into that circle even if you support them on the same blog you post fics with.
Its not that youre unlikable or whatever rude thing they were implying, but its just hard to get noticed by the popular blogs, and if popular blogs dont pick your work up its not as common to get regularly recognized.
Other anon, you're either just being purposely malicious for no reason, or you're just dumb.
My newest fic is about to hit 400 notes and not a single solitary popular or semi popular blog I follow have liked or reblogged it, so thus other popular blogs likely won't see it and therefore it doesn't get the same traction as fics that get pased around from popular blog to popular blog.
Not being on a fic rec list doesn't mean no one likes you it just means the people fic rec lists are aimed at or made by either havent seen your work or just didnt like it.
Being rude is completely unnecessary, anon.
First - congrats on the 400 (almost!) notes. That's a huge number, and it's got to feel great that so many people have seen and enjoyed your work. Best of luck in the future when you post new things, too! I hope they're just as successful.
It's always kind of a hit or miss thing when those lists go around. The one I saw earlier today (and the one that I'm assuming Anon was referring to) and I was not on it - nor were a lot of the people whose work I truly enjoy - but many "new" writers in the fandom were... and coincidentally, these newer writers are A) all friendly with each other and B) have made quite an effort to be friendly with the 'big' blogs.
Do I have a few close friends on Tumblr that I interact with quite often? Yes. Of course I do - it's natural to gravitate toward people that you have things in common with (even outside of fandom) ... but I ALWAYS try to be supportive of newer and smaller blogs when I see their work and enjoy it.
It's really frustrating to me that like you said, people tend to 'travel' in the same circles and don't branch out at all, even for others that support them and their work - because it can be discouraging, especially when you see the same stories and the same authors over and over again from various reblogs and recommendations. That isn't to say that these aren't good stories or talented writers, but they're not the only ones on this site or on AO3 - and some people treat them like they are, or like they have a monopoly on how a specific character is written and anything else is wrong.
That isn't what fandom is supposed to be. That isn't how you encourage new people to write and draw and engage in the fandom for prolonged periods of time.
It's easy to stick with the same people especially when you know that they're going to hype you up like there's no tomorrow, but you're not always going to get the same kind of feedback from people that you're that close with as you will from a stranger that has no reason to blow smoke up your ass all the time.
And maybe that's why these anons have no issue being so straightforward with what they say and how they say it - because they don't have to associate themselves with the vile things that they're saying, and they don't have to censor themselves. They can get it all out in a way that they might not be able to otherwise.
Would it be nice to be on fic rec lists all the time or for multiple stories? Of course it would. We all write or draw or share things on here because we want to share them with people.
But will I ever go out of my way to beg people to read or leave feedback? No.
Will I ever OUT OF THE BLUE message someone and say "Hey I wrote this, you should read it"? Also no, (because I don't like bothering people) but I wouldn't mind if people sent me their stuff that I might not otherwise see.
Will I threaten to withhold chapters or updates because what I post isn't getting the attention that I'd like it to? Never.
The people that find and read and reblog and comment on my stuff are important to me, sure. I love hearing from friends and people that are fans of my writing. I love knowing what they liked and what they didn't like. I like seeing that new people are discovering my blog - and in turn, my work (and hopefully the work of others, too.)
Not everyone is going to like my writing. Not everyone is going to agree with my take on characters. Not everyone is going to like the fact that I speak my mind about certain topics and what I will/will not write.
And that's fine. Because there are certain things on here that I don't enjoy and that I won't read. And there are writers on here that I don't seek out, and characters and kinks and topics that I have tags filtered for - so I get it.
But if anon thinks that messages like the one they sent earlier are going to get me to change my writing or the way I post or who I follow or interact with, they're wrong.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - I'd rather have a smaller number of genuine interactions on my posts than hundreds of notes that don't even let me know what a person thought of the story or update - or whether or not they even read it.
This was long winded, and I get it ... but I guess I had a lot to say.
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kwonhoshi0 · 4 years
𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬/𝐨 :
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requests : open masterlist
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pairing : bakugou x reader
genre : a little angsty but lots of fluff at the end
word count : 764
warnings : angst, near death experience
request : hey! could you do a request where bakugou, and possibly deku if you want, see their s/o get heavily injured by all might in a training accident? for example, a kid from another class used their quirk on him while made him see an illusion, do when he though he was about to push a wall it was really a bunch of other students. know that all might could literally kill these kids, you jump in and try blocking him with your quirk. key word try, bc when it’s all said and done and -👾
-after its all said and done, after one all might punch, you’re thrown kinda far away, laying on the ground with several broken bones and struggling to breathe. how would the boys react to seeing all might almost kill their s/o? if you got the time, could you put the recovery process and how they would help you with that too? thank you!! -👾
[ your quirk is like elevens power in stranger things < telekinesis> ]
note : i’ll try my best i hope you like it !
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[ bakugou ]
you’re training as usual with class 1A, class B had to join you since vlad king had patrolling for the day. mr aizawa was recovering from the last league of villain attacks so all might was here he was here only here for the physical stuff though like dodging and attacking.
you were standing beside bakugou watching all might take on some student who wanted a challenge, ‘baby have you seen him before’ you whisper to bakugou, ‘probably just some other extra but no i haven’t’ he shrugs. it was strange this student challenged all might because he hadn’t had a ‘real fight’ in weeks but you swore you’ve never seen him in school before, nevermind in your rival class, maybe he’s new or something.. but he still seemed off.
you watched as all might stood still for a moment his vision blurry, wait what’s this guys quirk. you watched all might stumble, there’s now way he’s about to lose to a teenager you thought, before you could think any thing else he came swinging at the wall next to the students, there’s no way he would hurt any of us, he sure is getting close though. you glanced over at the man who he was meant to be fighting his eyes were white he was whispering things under his breath, you glanced at jirou next to you asking if you could lend her a headphone so she could hear what he’s saying,
‘kill them, hurt them all might look look there’s a wall,, punch it and you’ll win against me’
your eyes widened, the wall this guy was pointing at was a few of the students in class 1a and b, he had some sort of hypnotising quirk and you had to act fast, aizawa could erase his quirk but since all mights with us he’s helping some of us on the other side of the training facility, you could tell all might is trying his best to hold back, you knew one thing, this guy is not a student.
you were thinking too much you had to act, you watched as all mights fist slowly rose up, before you could even think about your plan you leapt in front of the kids in both classes, you brought all the force and power you could muster to the tips of your hands and pushed as hard as you could, for a brief second you were pushing his fist away before you heard the mystery man say
‘pull back quickly, and punch again with more force’
there was no chance you could’ve done this, you watched in that split second as he quickly grabbed his fist away and punched again, you tried as fast as possible to bring the energy back to your fingers but it didn’t work, all you could do was make sure the punch only hurt you no one else,
you felt a force hit you like a couple houses and you were thrown across the room, aizawa erased the mystery mans quirk and bound him but it was too late to stop all might. bakugou ran towards you kneeling by your side he saw red, he wasn’t angry at all might he was angry at the man who made him do it, he went up to the bound man and punched him so many times he coughed blood, deku and todoroki pulled him away, todoroki kneeled by your side pressing a gentle hand to your palm checking how often you were breathing, your breathing was becoming forced and inconsistent, you were bleeding around your ribs.
as soon as recovery girl and the ambulance arrived your scratches and cuts were healed by her your lung had been punctured by your rib, but you’ll live, there wasn’t much recovery girl could do about the punctured lung which needed to be handled by professionals but she stopped the bleeding and bandaged you up.
you found out the mystery man was working for the league of villains and because aizawa and all might havent taught class b before they didn’t know. you arrived at the dorms the next day but you didn’t tell anyone you would be so when you got home you got very gentle hugs and pouty bakugou ‘never do that again please’ he said . ‘you know how proud of you i am’ he blushes stroking your hair, ‘no one else figured out what he was trying to do but you did, you’re so smart but stupid’ you scoffed ‘shut up’ he did shut up but only because he kissed you.
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a/n : i hope you like it !!
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Beetlejuice cant tie a tie
I got a little off topic, but we get to it eventually
Musical beetlejuice x reader
Nsft mentions and bonus
A day off like any other, your phone buzzes to life at 11am, you groan at the sound, but you cant sleep all day, even though you really want to. As you shift to turn off your phone, you feel the familiar dead weight, you huff.
Ever since you let the ghoul into your home he has made it a habbit to sneak into your bed with you, at first he would leave before you woke, but now? He just makes himself at home, claiming that your bed is so comfy and warm, and way more lovely then the couch, honestly you didnt mind, his pajamas were clean, and he kept his hands relatively to himself, and lets be real even if you protested he'd still do it, just something you got used to over time, and enjoyed, as much as you wouldnt admit it, sleeping with another person did help you sleep at night, but you weren't exactly ready to open that can of worms.
You nudge the demon
"Beetlejuice let go"
The ghoul had you trapped in his arms, wrapped tightly around your waist, as his face was buried in your hair, his legs tangled with yours, the demon was spooning.
You squirm again, this time a tad more aggressive.
"Keep wiggling like that sugar and you'll give me a boner" he groans, more mockingly then anything else.
"Let go so I can turn off my alarm and start my day" you huff
Beetlejuice tightens his grip around your waist.
"No can do sweets"
"Beej please, I need to be an adult today"
"Oh babes, you can EASILY be an adult in bed~ but fine, if you must" be dramatically let's you go fawning hurt, you simply roll your eyes as you take your new freedom and leave the bed to reach your beeping phone on the table across the room.
Following your example, beetlejuice gets up too, and with a simple snap of his fingers his black and white pajamas were replaced with his trademark suit, the ghoul straightens him self out, adjusting the jacket and tie as if he had somewhere important to be.
You couldnt help but feel a tad jealous at that, to be able to get ready for the day in a second, something like that could shave a good amount of time off your mornings before work routine.
You usher the demon out of your room stating you needed to get dressed, though he did plead to stay and help, as always, you only replyed that youd take a rain check.
Reemerging from your room, dressed and ready to enjoy your day off, you head to the kitchen to make some coffee, your morning routine was simple, normally beetlejuice would chit chat with you as you made breakfast for the two of you, but it was strangely quiet, you havent seen the ghoul since you ushered him out of your bedroom, normally this ment he was hiding and getting ready to scare you, a regular occurrence.
Now something as simple as making toast and coffee now had you filled with anxiety, why did he always do this? You know why, he thinks it's funny. Your anxiety was short lived when a little note flutters down from the ceiling in front if your face, instinctively you grab it
'Babes, off scaring, saw you got new neighbors, be back soon~ xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo'
You sigh in relief knowing that bastard wasnt gonna mess with you today, yet you couldnt help but smile at all the xs and os, corny, but that was him wasnt it.
Like any other day off you try to catch up on house hold chores, and with beetlejuice out and about you can actually get stuff done, nothing against the ghoul, hell you loved having him around, it was just hard to be productive with someone so chaotic under foot.
Your day off went by pretty productive, you here you were, enjoying the peace and quiet, with a cup of hot tea and a book you've been meaning to read.
Beetlejuice appears from literally nowhere in the center of the room you were currently residing.
you nearly jump out of your skin at the sudden outburst, no matter how many times the ghoul burst into your home that way, it always startled you.
You regain yourself, and with a small laugh you sigh "welcome home B"
The tips of the demon's hair turn a soft pink, something as soft as 'welcome home' from your lips sent him, how lame, a big bad demon from hell, getting all warm and soft from just a little breathers kindness, yet, he wouldnt want it any other way.
The ghoul is quick to slide next to you on the couch "ya miss me toots?~" he cooed leaning in and making an exaggerated kissing face, you snorted out a laugh and gave him a shove.
"Knock it off B, and yes I missed you, but I was more productive without you, so~" you laugh
"OH Y/N you are so mean, you would rather me be away so you can do boring breather stuff, then have fun with the sexiest dead guy you know? How cruel" the ghoul pretends to be hurt.
You laugh again "Beetlejuice, you're the ONLY dead guy I know-"
"Therefore the sexiest" he countered giving you a wide toothy grin
"You got me there I guess" you laugh and give beetlejuice a shrug.
As the laughter dies down you notice how roughed up your friend really was, more so then usual, more dirty, shirt slightly untucked, new holes in his jacket and pants, his tie undone, loosely hanging around his neck. Yes the ghoul was messy, but it looks like he lost a fight, and hell with his powers he could clean up in a second, maybe he hasnt noticed?
"Beej? What were you up to today?" You ask shyly, you didnt exactly like to butt into what the demon did in his spare time, mostly because if he wanted to share it with you he did it with gusto.
Beetlejuice freezes for a second, the shrugs
"The usual, messing with your neighbors, why?"
You gesture to his messed up clothes
"OH,  yeah, new guy down the hall fought back, you should have seen it babes-"
You sigh, not that you needed too, but you worried about beetlejuice, what if he got into a jam he couldnt get out of.
"What's up sugar?"
You flinch, beetlejuice must have caught in to your expression.
"Do you need a hand straightening up?" You mentally slap yourself at that suggestion, he can magic himself back together why would he need your help?
Glancing back up to the demon's face you swallow hard, plaster across his mug was a love sick dopey grin, his most and beard now sprouted pink patches.
"Please~" he purred, a word you rarely herd from the ghost.
You nod, slowly you start with the tie, grabbing on to the two pieces, you swear you saw the demon flinch, slowly but surely, you tie a simple tie, years of doing it for yourself for forced formal occasions, guess the info stuck.
You gently strengthen the knot, paying more attention to what you were doing, rather then who you were doing it for, if you were paying attention to beetlejuice you would have saw his wide eyes staring so intently on you, both hair and scruff completely pink, a soft smile plastered across his face.
"You know babycakes I would just LOVE to have you yank on my tie more often~" he purred
You flinch at the comment, being brought to reality by that delightful gravely voice of his, you stutter out a soft noise, unsure how to respond in your frazzled embarrassed state.
The demon continues "have ya drag me around, mmmhmmm, have my sweet little breather in charge"
You unable to think of a response, just sit in front of the demon, hands still gripping his tie, staring back at his face.
"I have to say I've thought of it often"
You DID yank the ghoul by the tie alot, to make a point and or get him to your level, him being taller then you.
"My little y/n riding me, using my tie as a leash, you being fully naked, while I'd be full clothed, sounds like fun maybe we should- urk"
That was a step too far for you, as hot as the idea way, it was till too much and too embarrassing, with a quick movement of your hand you tighten the ties knot around the ghoul's throat, as if to strangle him, not that he needed to breath, it did shut him up though.
"Harder baby" he croaked
At least you thought itd shut him up.
You let go of the tie and get off the couch, taking a step back.
Beetlejuice laughs, his soft pink hue shifting back to his default green.
"Oh sugar we done already? Not only are you kinky, you're also quick to finish" he snorts out a loud laugh.
"Cant we have one nice moment?"
You sigh, little frustrated with the ghoul's ability to ruin just about any moment, as if the ghoul sensed your mood, he was quick to jump to his feet and pull you into a side hug, you huff, still being a tad annoyed with him.
"Alright sugar, ya twisted my arm, not more dirty stuff tonight, I appreciate your help with the tie, how bout I return the favor?"
You quirk a brow, return the favour without saying something dirty? You didnt think the demon COULD do such a thing.
"Heres what I'm thinking doll, me, you, and the new neighbor down the hall, I'm gonna show you how I got messed up to start with, and play your cards right babes and I'll let ya tie me up again~" the ghoul winks at that last line, regardless of the innuendo you smile.
"Alright BJ I'm game"
The ghouls gives you a wide toothy grin
"Its showtime".
Nsft bonus
Later that night when you were dead asleep beetlejuice couldnt help but dream of you sitting on him wearing nothing but a coy smile as you rode him, he being fully dressed with his cock freed from it prison and being buried in your warmth.
You bounced up and down, yanking his tie, half for balance half cuz of the sound he made.
With a delightful dream like that, the ghoul did not last very long,
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superphlyduskull · 3 years
some core and halfa physiology thoughts
found a page of notes from when i thought i was gonna rewatch dp (apparently i got three episodes in before i realized i just couldn't do it by myself lmao) and i found some interesting thoughts i had on how halfas work!
also look at the single note i took from one of a kind tho dfkhsldfk
One of a Kind
* tucker and danny snuggle…
also might be watching dp with my friends tomorrow so maybehaps ill take more notes when i do that!
this post got away from me, so im gonna put the rest under the cut in case it’s a bit long lmao
now to the meat of this post!
so i surprised myself by having written this. i have zero memory of it:
* Cores: concentrated ball of ectoplasm inside a ghost, similar to a heart but more difficult to destroy or manipulate. has organelles as well, and there are some that are the same across all ghosts, but some that are different based on core type and ghost type. is kept strong by feeding the ghost’s obsession and/or by being in the ghost zone. 
    * with halfas, its a little different. there hasn’t been much (ethical) research done, but a halfa’s core is sustained both by continually feeding the obsession and keeping the human side healthy (mentally and physically, but mental health in particular). not keeping up with the obsession significantly weakens the core, but it also won’t kill the halfa, just weaken. Same goes for the human health necessities; if physical and mental health are not kept up, the halfa won’t die/end, just be weaker. Both sides have to be neglected  in danny’s case, this gets difficult, as he tends to rely on his ghost powers to feed his obsession (protecting and helping others)
i havent thought extensively about cores and core types yet, but i picture cores with at least four organelles: one for holding the form together, one that determines what their appearance is like, one that contains energy for their element, and one that harnesses the energy they get from their obsession or other sources (like ambient ectoplasm or emotion). and some pretty standard core types ive seen around are ice, fire, electricity, plant/nature. also time and space
ive always had a hard time figuring out whether i vibe more with danny having an ice core or an electricity core; electricity bc of how he died, and ice bc of all that stuff with frostbite and whatnot. then i thought, maybe danny’s a weird case, because he is in every other way, isnt he? there are two other halfas, and he at the very least came about through very different means than they did. i subscribe to the hc that vlad isnt “as much” of a halfa/is less stable bc he didnt half die immediately/died less than danny, which makes danny even more different from him
and from that thought, i arrived at: what if danny has a multi-element core? like one element is dominant, but the organelle responsible for his core type just kinda grabs a little of an element if he has a strong enough attachment to it. like he is primarily an Ice core (for some reason? still don’t understand the choice for that in canon but what else is new), but because of his death, his core latched on to Electricity a bit as well. and it gives him the potential to have a bit of Time if clockwork mentors him. i also think Space would be plausible, both bc of his love of outer space and the fact that he died in a portal. this makes him incredibly op but like..... he was already, why not ramp it up a notch?
OH AND ALSO its like that because he’s A) a new ghost, which i hc are more susceptible to change as they get used to being a ghost, B) an adolescent at the time of the accident, which is a time of turbulent change for humans and C) was literally between dimensions when he died, which is as about as symbolic of change as you can get!!
now for my thoughts on halfa physiology! not sure i fully vibe with what i wrote before, but there are two hcs that i like:
- if he takes care of one form and then some, that “and then some” bleeds over to his other half and he doesn’t need to care specifically for it. like if he overfeeds his obsession, he doesn’t really need to worry much about eating or drinking or breathing depending on how much he overfed. if he can’t get to the ghost zone for the ambient ectoplasm or feed his obsession, overeating will do just fine
- the above, except that only works for so long. one half can only compensate for the other for so long. he can go a lot longer without than a full ghost or human, but eventually he’ll need food or ambient ectoplasm
- surprise third option: his ghost half can override his human half’s needs, but not the other way around. he doesn’t really need to eat or brink or breath anymore (even if it makes him uncomfortable) as long as he’s keeping up with his ghostly needs, but ignoring the needs of his ghost half isn’t sustainable and will cause great distress, madness, or death
i may have accidentally stolen these from the many fics ive read over the past year, but if anyone has any input i’d love to hear your thoughts!
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