#babe who do you think most countries would want to avenge themselves from
favroitecrime · 9 months
if the US and UK want to go fucking nuts and bomb Yemen then they really will have nothing to say when they’re bombed back right? cause they love revenge and believe in retaliation right? they fully accept their due punishment then right?
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wienerbarnes · 4 years
Much Ado About Nothing (1/6)
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 2,726
Warnings: enemies to lovers, talk of wedding and marriage stuff
A/N: enjoy the first part and let me know what u think!
The ride back to New York feels a lot longer than the ride to Croatia, Bucky decides. HYDRA wasn’t kidding around when they said cut one head off and two take its place, whatever. No matter how hard Earth’s Mightiest Heroes try, there’s another facility that pops up at one point or another.
Bucky tries to think positively; they should be off HYDRA duty, if they keep up the consistent schedule of finding a new facility every three or so months, for a bit now.
“What’s the first thing you guys are gonna do when you get back? I’m gonna get some hot chocolate from the little cafeteria in the main building.” Sam hums from the seat directly behind Bucky.
Bucky’s in the passenger while Steve pilots and he gives his own answer at the same time as Steve,
“Propose to Sharon.”
A small pause for the boys to ensure they heard that correctly.
“Wanna run that by us again, Cap?” Sam pipes up.
“When we land, I’m going to propose to Sharon.” Steve repeats nonchalantly.
“Since when?!” Bucky asks. He knows for a fact that Steve and Sharon adore each other, but Steve has never brought up marriage once in the time he’s dated Sharon, and clearly he hasn’t done so to Sam, either.
“Listen, I know we haven’t been dating long, but I know I love her and I know she loves me, so, what’s the point in waiting?” He explains.
“Is this about what happened earlier, Steve?” Bucky asks, knowing his best friend all too well.
A bomb was in the facility, of course, and Steve and Bucky tried to disarm it while Sam rallied the rest of prisoners out of the building.
Now, while Steve has obtained most of his training through his serum-fueled muscle memory and military experience over the last few decades, he is extremely lucky. Steve has successfully disarmed twenty-nine bombs throughout his Avengers career. Not a single failure. With no bomb training.
So when he cut one of the wires confidently and the timer started ticking faster, it made him nervous. And it made him even more nervous when he clipped a different wire and the time counter automatically set to zero. He froze in shock and was lucky Bucky was able to fling the two of them out a window and away from the direct blast.
“Okay, so, yeah, maybe I got a little scared. But, listen, it’s not a lie that we lead dangerous lives. Why should I hold back on the things I want if I know tomorrow isn’t promised?” Steve defends.
“Steve, you can’t marry a girl because you’re scared of dying!” Bucky exclaims.
“I’m not marrying her for that, Bucky, I love her!”
“I know you love her, but -”
“But?! -”
“Alright, alright, listen,” Sam interrupts their sibling bickering, “If this is what you want, I’m with you 100%, Cap.” Sam reassures.
Steve gives a thankful smile and looks back to Bucky, hoping for the same.
“You know I’m always on board with you, you punk.” Bucky slaps a hand on his shoulder.
“Thanks, guys.”
“Ah, big man’s gonna be engaged!” Sam throws his hands on Steve’s shoulders, jostling his body in the tiny pilot’s seat, and Bucky joins in on the teasing.
“I’m gonna tell everyone to meet in the hangar for when you ask her.” Sam says, pulling out his phone.
“You’re not gonna tell the Geek, are you?” Bucky groans.
“Of course, I’m gonna tell her. I don’t know why you don’t like her, man.”
Bucky rolls his eyes at the thought of the little lab rat. Sharon’s best friend. A young girl, born and raised in New York though thoroughly traveled through your work experience. Been to over fifty countries offering your expertise to combat cyberterrorism and have helped locate some of the hardest-to-find and worst people in the world.
You act like you’re all that just because you’re considered one of the youngest geniuses in the country and one of the greatest hackers in the world as well as the Avengers’ best tech expert of all time.
Whatever, big whoop, Bucky could care less.
As the jet lands, hugs and cheers are exchanged as the group of friends reacquaint themselves once again after a long mission. After greeting everyone, Bucky hangs on the outskirts of the group, waiting to see how Steve is going to pop his big question.
“C’mon, punk, don’t lose your courage.” Bucky talks to himself.
“I don’t know if you noticed, Bucky, but no one’s listening to you. You can stop talking.” Your voice pipes up next to him.
“Oh, hey, Little Miss Geeky, don’t you have some codes to hack, or something?” He bites at you.
“I told you not to call me that!”
“I told you not to call me that,” Bucky mocks you in a higher pitched voice.
“Geez, how does anyone stand you around here? I don’t get how all the female trainees are infatuated with you.”
“They definitely kiss my ass because I train them and I have the final say on whether or not they move on to second-class training, but even if I didn’t,” Bucky turns to face you now, “They’d still love me because every woman here loves me except for you, it seems.”
“Doesn’t matter anyway, I’m not interested in getting involved with anyone or anything right now, I don’t even know I’m capable of that, anymore.” Bucky finishes.
“Women everywhere are lucky, then. You’d make a horrible boyfriend. I’m glad I have no need for romance, either.”
“Hopefully you keep it that way, any guy that ends up with your catty ass will end up with his face scratched up.”
“Well, if his face looks anything like yours, a good scratching would only make it look better.”
“Alright, alright, enough, you two. Can’t even be civil around each other for five minutes.” Sam interrupts, slinging each of his arms around both you and Bucky’s shoulders, shoving himself in between the two of you.
“She started it.”
“No, he -”
“Stop! He’s about to do it.” Sam shushes you.
“He’s about to do what -”
“Guys, guys, I want everyone’s attention.” Steve’s voice calls out, and everyone quiets down immediately.
Steve turns to Sharon, “Sharon, you are the most beautiful, the strongest, the kindest, and most amazing woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on.” He begins.
“I’ve known for a while now, and I know you have, too, that I love you with every fiber of my being. You make me a better Captain, and a better man every day I’m with you. I truly and deeply believe that you’re my soulmate and I won’t ever find another girl like you in my life. You’re all I’ve ever wanted. So, I don’t want to waste anymore time,” Steve lowers down onto one knee and a few gasps echo from the group.
Bucky sees you slap a hand over your mouth in shock and Sam sniffles beside him. A small smile appears on Bucky’s face, too.
“Sharon, will you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me?”
“Yes, yes, yes! Steve, yes I’ll marry you!” Sharon cries out, jumping into Steve’s arms as he stands again, and the group claps and cheers for them.
They share sweet kiss after sweet kiss, relishing in the new step in their relationship.
Sharon’s voice catches everyone in their celebration, though, “Let’s get married now!”
Collective what’s come from the group of friends that surround them, “Like you said, babe, let’s not waste anymore time!”
“Sharon, if you think you’re not getting the most gorgeous and lovely wedding you deserve, you’re mistaken.” You tell her.
“For once, I agree with Techie, Shar. I mean you don’t have a dress, Steve doesn’t have a tux; hell, the two of you don’t even have rings!” Bucky says.
“I can make it happen in a week.” Tony’s voice booms from the group. Everyone looks to him.
“I can get you guys rings, I can get Sharon a dress, and Steve a suit, I can set up the smaller ballroom for a pre-wedding party for everyone tonight and get the bigger ballroom ready for a wedding by next Friday.” Tony offers.
“Consider it a wedding gift.” He smiles.
Sharon and Steve look to each other before looking back at Tony, “Next Friday it is, then.”
The group goes back to congratulating the newly engaged couple as well as conversing about the future wedding.
“Hey, did you guys hear about the rumored wedding?”
Bruce Banner pipes up in the empty lab after returning from downstairs. Well, not empty, of course, but empty of you, the intern’s tech leader in their internship.
“What idiot would want to get married, nowadays?” John pipes up.
The only reason he’s here is because his step-brother, Sam “The Falcon” Wilson insisted on getting him this internship gig. Everyone was always saying how he wasn’t going to live up to his big brother’s legacy, and he hated the fact that that was only ingrained into his existence further by the fact that Sam got him this position.
“Your brother’s best buddy.” Clint Barton enters and answers. Always roaming around the building, he is.
“What, that pretty boy, Steve?”
“That’s the one.” The archer confirms and plops himself down in a spinning chair.
“Huh. And I guess he’s marrying that pretty girlfriend of his? When did this happen?”
“That he is. It happened just downstairs now that they’ve returned from that mission. There’s a party tonight to celebrate.” Banner informs him, hoping the sound of a party will liven the kid’s spirits a bit.
Banner can see the kid’s frustration in living in his brother’s shadow - or feeling like so - and hopes that allowing him the opportunity to make some good memories will make his time here feel a little less miserable. Despite the connection to his brother, John’s incredibly smart for a nineteen-year-old, a teenager, and deserves to have a little play among all his work.
“Hmmm. I think I’ll go. Who doesn't love a good party, right?” John says, satisfying both Avengers in the lab with him.
Meanwhile, John’s fantasizing, he’s going to get into trouble around here.
Sharon, Tony, and you sit around a small table in the cafeteria while Sam waits for his hot chocolate across the room.
“If only I could find a guy in between Steve and Bucky. Steve’s too vanilla and Bucky’s too… Bucky.” You say.
“Keep thinking like that and you won’t find anyone.” Tony tells you.
“Well, good. I pray everyday that God doesn’t send me a husband. Ugh, and especially not a guy like Steve or Bucky; I can’t stand those beards.”
“Maybe you’ll find a husband that shaves.” Sharon offers.
“I know I’m not hearing my darling Geeky and husband as topics in the same conversation.” Sam finally joins with his cup of hot chocolate.
“You’re right, you’re not. I’ll start looking for a husband when they make men out of something other than trash. Speaking of which, I know Steve is America’s Golden Boy, or whatever, but you make sure he treats you right.” You say.
“I second that.” Sam agrees.
“I third it.” Tony follows.
Sharon laughs, “Guys, guys, I appreciate it, but I don’t need you guys to have that talk with me, Steve is amazing, and you all know it.”
“Yeah, yeah, anyway, I’m going to go shower for the party tonight, I’ve been holed up in the lab all morning.” You stand and go to exit the cafeteria.
Bucky’s way ahead of you in that aspect, following through with what he said on the jet and retreating up to his room to shower as soon as the congratulations were given to the happy couple.
Showering is a special ritual Bucky follows after a rough mission. Of course, everyone showers after a mission, but Bucky makes his post-mission showers extra special.
He double shampoos both his hair and his beard, lathering them up with a smooth conditioner after, while he washes all the dirt and gunk from his body with a lavender and grapeseed oil body soap.
He applies a face mask while he cleans up any wounds he might’ve sustained on the mission, as well as polishing and scrubbing his metal arm clean. Once he’s finished, he painfully reminds himself that he can’t just sleep for the next sixteen hours. He has to get ready to go to a party.
He sighs to himself, “Let’s get this over with.”
Everyone in the ballroom is dressed to the nines for the last-minute engagement party. There’s music, dancing, drinks, and just about everyone that works in the tower is in that room.
The group of friends all find each other eventually, and of course all of the attention is on the future bride and groom. Talk of colors and themes and cakes all overwhelm the couple - the question of whether or not Sharon will wear a garter makes Steve blush.
Quite honestly, they’re on the verge of just eloping downtown and saying to hell with all the parties and festivities.
“Okay, okay, can we talk about something else? I don’t want all this wedding stuff to be the only thing I hear about for the next seven days.” Sharon finally interrupts.
“Okay, what do you want to talk about, Miss Bride-to-be?” You ask.
“Well, how about when you’re going to find yourself a husband?” Sharon teases her friend, knowing how much she despises talking about her own love life, or lack thereof.
“Oh no, absolutely not, not this again. I’m going to get a drink.” You wave her off, stepping away from the group and making your way back towards the open bar.
“I hope I didn’t arrive just as we were talking about relationship stuff.” Bucky says as he arrives and finally finds his friends.
“I’m afraid you did.” Natasha confirms beside Sharon.
“In that case, I’m gonna follow Geeky’s lead and get a drink; I’ll certainly need one for that conversation.” Bucky excuses himself, the shadow of his dark blue suit follows the flow of your navy gown worn tonight; you surely matched by complete accident.
“Imagine if they were married.” Sharon thinks aloud to Natasha.
“Who? Barnes and Geek-a-Chic? Please, they’d kill each other within a week of being married.” Natasha argues.
“I hope y'all aren’t talking about our Barnes and Techie, because there’s no way in hell they’d be caught dead with each other like that.” Sam butts in, Steve by his side.
“C’mon guys, think about it. It’s like opposites attract and all that. Plus, I think they are the only people that are a match for their own wits.” Sharon explains.
“I don’t know, babe. They’re constantly at each other’s necks; I don’t even think they’ve had a normal conversation with each other without insults or bickering.” Steve says.
“I suggest we do the impossible.” Tony interrupts, clearly having had a few too many drinks.
“While we wait for the wedding to come, we are going to set those two up together.” He hiccups.
“Tony, you’re crazy.”
“That’ll never work.”
“I’m with it!” Sam shouts, excited to play along and work with Tony on his shenanigans.
“Atta boy, Sammy! C’mon, Sharon? Nat? Steve? Where’s Clint, I know he’ll be on board with this.” Tony whips his head around in all directions looking for the archer.
“C’mon, guys, it’ll be fun! The worst that can happen is that we fail.” Sam tries to convince.
“I think the worst that can happen is that we succeed! Imagine Barnes and her together!” Natasha exclaims.
“I just want her to be happy. She deserves a good boyfriend and husband.” Sharon says sweetly, Sam words slowly convincing her.
“I agree.” Steve chimes in, wanting the best for his own best friend as well.
The five of them turn towards the bar to see Bucky and their favorite tech nerd pushing and shoving at each other’s shoulders, clearly fighting about something once again.
“Alright, I’m on board. Let’s do it.” Natasha finally agrees.
John watches the happy friend group from a distance. He sees his brother smiling and laughing with his friends; his famous, talented, skilled friends, his friends who are soon going to be married and live happily ever after.
Not if he can help it, anyway.
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redfoxwritesstuff · 5 years
Of Dust and Ashes (chapter 10)
Goood morning Lovies. Here we go, this week I don’t bring any pain at all. Just some friendly interaction between our two friends here. Hope you enjoy. 
Chapter warnings: None, Clint x ofc, Rated M
Chapter 10: Teaming up?
“Team up? How’s that going to even work?” Everything in Deanna pulled tight. She had no reason not to trust him but in this world, trust was dangerous.
“I’ve got land in Missouri, a few hours drive from here. You can stay parked there for a bit- as long as you want really.” Clint shrugged.  
“And what would you want in return?” Everyone wanted something in return in this New System. No kindness was ever offered ‘just because’ anymore.  
He was silent for a moment, thinking before answering, “To not be alone, I guess.”
“What does that mean, exactly.” She demanded. “Those men back there could have said the exact same thing without lying.” She was right and he knew it.  
“Just, someone to talk to.” He elaborated with a shrug. “I went from having a wife and kids at home to being alone. Even my damn dogs got dusted.”
“Nothing more?” Deanna pressed, sounding every bit unsure as she should have been. Clint couldn't fault her for the lack of trust.
“Nothing more required.”  
“Okay, turn left onto the dirt road. I’m parked behind some trees.”
“Out of sight, smart.”  
“I learned.”  
“Guess you had to, huh?” He mumbled, more to himself.  
In no time at all, the world had spun into a dangerous place and where were the Avengers during it all? Distributing aid on the east coast and trying to locate politicians? What good was that doing for the rest of the country, for the rest of the world? Clint realized, perhaps for the first time that this wasn’t something they could put a bandage on and wait for it to begin healing in a few weeks.
What was Clint doing other than just that in the last few weeks, really? Hiding in his family home letting the pain of what he lost drag him down while he waited for what? Some word from the Director telling him how they would fix this for those left behind?
There was no fixing this. The Avengers couldn’t fix this. All they could do was try to keep order and maintain some semblance of basic law while they waited for the world to decide who now got to make the laws.
They fell into a silence as the truck rocked with each bump. Each lost in their own thoughts, brooding on what had become of the world. Never in her life had Deanna expected to be sitting in a truck with Clint Barton- Hawkeye but here she was. Could she ask for a better partner while her ankle healed?
“This is it.” She broke the silence as they approached where she had parked tucked between some trees and back off the road.  
“Doesn’t look like anyone’s been around.” Clint commented, scanning the area. It was something she had learned to do after the incident in Saint George but watching him do it, it looked natural.  
“No, it doesn’t. But I still would like to move a bit outside of town as soon as things are loaded.”  
Clint looked at her surprised before smiling. “You’re a smart cookie.”
“I just like not dying.” Deanna offered. “Most of the time, at least.” She added, under her breath, not intending to be heard.  
“You and me both, babe.”  
She smiled at him as she leaned to the side, pulling the keys out of her back pocket, an action that felt insanely normal and out of place in her new life. It didn't seem to matter how many times she had done it in the last few weeks, it still felt too normal. Handing them over to Clint, she watched him.  
He could get out of the car and run for the RV, open it up and drive off without her and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it. He could steal it, leave her in the dust with an ankle that prevented her from going anywhere. She would die if he left her.  
All she could do was watch, trust and pray. So that’s what she did. She watched as he walked over, dropping to his knees and looking under after scanning the area. It was something she never thought to check, but someone could hide underneath.
With careful steps, he made his way around the RV while he checked the area. When he came back around the side, he offered her a wide grin that didn’t in any way reflect the seriousness of the life they were all now forced to live.  
But maybe, that was okay. Maybe it was okay to start finding the occasional reason to smile at one another. What was the harm at least, in trying? She was going to be stuck with him for at least a few weeks. And honestly, it would be nice to have someone around. It was always her and Trust.  
“Looks all clear.” Clint said as he opened the passenger door for her. “I’ve got some crutches at home you can have. Probably annoying having to be carried around.”  
“It wont’ be so bad in the RV but yeah, that would be nice.” Deanna admitted as he turned his back and crouched down. He brought his back close to her while still leaving room for her to move her hurt ankle around to his side.  
“Hop on Taxi Barton.” He waited until she had settled against his back before he stood. “You can give me the tour after we get farther from town. Till then, is it okay to take you inside and load things up?”
Deanna agreed, though she wasn’t paying him much attention. She would feel better inside her home where he couldn’t turn into a monster and leave her behind. At the moment however, she was more focused on the warmth of his back, seeping into her as she clung to him. She had her arms wrapped around broad shoulders though if she was honest, she had a feeling she didn’t need to hold onto him at all.  
With his arms hooked behind him, strong hands were gripping the back of her thighs high up and so close to her ass that she couldn’t help but be aware of it. It surprised her that he smelled good, like clean linen and the forest. It was a unexpected mix that worked so well for him. His hair was clean and looked so soft, unlike the so many she had seen since the Decimation.  
The sun played on his dark hair through the gaps of the trees, lighting up the warm highlights and scatterings of almost blonde strands lost within the dark masses. The tips of his hair were a bit lighter and sun bleached than the roots. She could see freckles along the back of his neck and the lines of age beginning to etch themselves into his handsome face. It had been so long since she had thought of a man as handsome outside of a screen but he was beyond doubt a handsome man.
Clint carefully knelt down, back toward the passenger seat of the cab. He let his grip go slack but was careful to not let go until he felt her weight shift off of him and settle onto the seat. It wouldn’t do anyone any good if he dropped her and she was thankful for the care he had taken.  
He made quick work of loading up her supplies and before she knew it, he was hauling himself into the driver’s seat and turning the ignition. The RV roared to life and Trust, still soggy from a hose bath took a spot on the floor when he found that he couldn’t sit in the passenger seat as he normally would.
Clint’s driving was a bit jerky at first and Deanna teased him for it as he pulled them off the back road and onto a paved street. “Once we’re out of the suburbs, we’ll stop and I’ll help you put the stuff away.”
“Thank you.” Deanna’s voice was soft.  
“I would say: ‘That’s what heroes do’ but I’m not sure that this is a world that still has a place for heroes.”  
“You’re my hero at least.”
“I’ll take what I can get, Dee.” Clint laughed and it was a warm sound. It had been so long since she had heard anyone laugh. Until now, she feared no one would laugh again. “Been traveling long?”  
“A bit.” She admitted, unsure of how long she had actually been traveling herself. The days and weeks blurred together. It was hard to care about the passage of time when the children were gone. “You put my backpack in here, right?” She asked in a panic.  
“backpack?” Clint was focused on swerving around some abandoned cars as they made their way outside of the city. Buildings were becoming fewer and fewer and he almost felt safe to stop soon.  
“Yes. We’ve got to go back.” Deanna was struggling to stand without hurting her foot. She needed to go and look. She needed to be sure they had it.  
“Hey, hey. The black one, right?” Clint asked. “Dee, sit down. It’s okay. It’s behind your seat. We’ll stop and I’ll show you, just sit down before you hurt yourself.”  
With great care, he pulled them to a stop on in a rest pullout. It took everything he had to try and keep the RV steady as she struggled to grab the backpack. When they were parked, Clint reached back behind her seat. Making it seem like nothing, he wrapped his hand around the strap of the backpack, partially covered by a bag of dogfood and pulled it around into the cab, accomplishing what Deanna had been struggling to do.
“Here.” He set it in her lap. “What’s so important?” Deanna didn’t answer. Instead, though she knew there was no reason for it logically, she unzipped the bag. Without a second thought, she pulled out the child’s blanket and stuffed animal and clutched them to her chest. Clint was silent for a moment as he watched on, shuddering breaths ripping through her. “Those… they were your kids’?”  
“I’m sorry.” The words were mumbled into cloth and stuffing as she tried to pull herself together.  
“Hey, it’s okay. I get it. I am… was a father too, remember?” Clint’s heavy hand came to rest on her back, rubbing it softly. Comfort was something she never thought she would receive again. “We can stop here, get things put away. I can drive though the night to the farmhouse tonight if you want. Or we can camp out for the night. It’s your rig, up to you.”
“You’re the first person I’ve let in.” Deanna was picking at the ear of the fox, letting the soft fibers of it’s fur slip out of her fingertips. The double meaning wasn’t lost on Clint.  
“I promise, I’m not going to take advantage of you. I’m not going to take anything. I don’t want to hurt you.” His voice was low, reassuring and finally she looked up and met his eyes again.  
“Let’s find somewhere off the road to park for the night?”
It took almost half an hour to try and find somewhere that looked secluded enough to park for the night. Once a place was picked, Deanna directed Clint through the process of sliding out the extensions. With great care, he helped her from the cab into the living space and set to work following her directions and putting things away.
“The bedding’s for the bed, through the back.” Deanna offered when it was really all that was left.  
“I’ll make it up for you.” Clint offered, lifting the massive bag up and disappearing down the hall with the ever watchful Trust on his heels.
Deanna sat for a moment on the couch before standing carefully. It was odd, not being alone in the RV. As she hobbled toward the refrigerator, she listened as Clint chattered at Trust. The dog’s wagging tail thumping against a wall. The dog had been keeping a close eye on Clint but seemed to accept his presence.
She opened the door and pulled out a package, one of the few remaining, of chicken breasts she had thawed. Her supply of meat was running lower by the day but with all that Clint had done for her today, the least she could do was make him a meal. There wasn’t a whole lot she could do to thank him beyond that and words.  
Without much thought, she sprinkled seasoning salt over the chicken. When he came out of the room, she had the breasts sizzling in the pan and another pan of sugar snap peas she had picked the day before cooking up. She glanced over at him and felt herself smile as Trust followed him. The dog was clearly taken with the man.  
“I’ve got some juice concentrate we can have. Or we can have coffee or just water?”  
“Coffee.” Clint moaned the word and she laughed. She was doing that more since meeting him a few hours ago and it felt good.
“Coffee it is.” She pulled out the canister and set about making a pot.
“Not instant?!” He cried, perking up eagerly as if a boy on Christmas morning.  
“Not instant.” She laughed again, shaking her head.  
“Dee, you’ve got all the power now. I’ve only had instant for over a week and I’m- I’m dying. It’s killing me. I’m yours.”
It didn’t take long for the small pot to fill. She grabbed a mug down and filled it for him.  
“Food will be done in a minute.” She turned as she spoke, preparing to hobble over to the dinette with the mug where Clint had been sitting.
His warm hand settled on her waist and she found him next to her. “I’ve got it. I don’t want you to burn yourself.” A odd warmth spread through her at the contact, at the way he spoke, low and calmly. All she could do was nod. “When it’s done, I’ll carry the plates over too.”  
It was only a few short minutes later that Deanna was putting the simple dinner on the two plates sitting on the covered sink. The extra oil and fat was poured from the pan onto Trust’s bowl of kibble along with the fatty scraps she had cut off before cooking.  
Clint was at her side before she could call him. The space was small and he would clearly see that the food was done so it didn't surprise her. His hand came to rest on her lower back and he looked down at the food on the counter.
“Looks delish. Smells good too.”
“It’s nothing, honest.” Deanna felt that warmth again, in her chest and face.  
“It isn’t nothing.” Clint insisted, placing the dog’s dish by the door. Trust was eager to eat. When he turned back toward her, he let both hands rest on her hips as she faced him. “It isn’t nothing. A home cooked meal is something I haven’t had in a month, not since my wife…” There was a short silence as he took a deep breath. “They’re gone now and I thought the chance to have a home cooked meal was gone too. At least to me, it isn’t nothing.”
Silence fell over them and Clint’s hand found hers and offered a reassuring squeeze. Deanna wasn’t sure as to what she should say to that and so she finally settled on, “I’ve got a decent set up.”
“Damn right, you do.” Clint offered around a mouthful of chicken, waving his fork. “You’ve got power, a way to cook, coffee, a shower, coffee, a bed- a pretty comfortable bed- mind you, coffee...”
“That coffee really is a big deal for you, isn’t it?” Deanna felt that odd urge to smile again.  
“I love coffee. Live off of it. All I’ve hand in the last few weeks was a few cups and half of those were instant.” Deanna made a face full of mock horror and brought her hand out from under his to rest over her heart.  
“That’s a punishment on par with death!”  
“Right?!” Again, Clint laughed and she felt that warmth in her heart. She found that when he laughed, she wanted to smile.  
When the plates were cleaned of food- and that didn’t take long, Clint leaned back with a sigh and patted his stomach dramatically. It was fascinating to her how in the moment some of the weight he carried on his shoulders seemed to fall off. The lines in his face seemed to be a little less deep.
“I have fed. I may sleep now. Right here.” He slipped down on his side along the dinette bench. “If I look dead, don’t bother me.”  
“Or you can get up and we can turn the dinette into a bed?” Deanna stood to hobble the dishes to the sink, preparing to wash them. Clint was faster, surprising her with his eagerness.  
“You cooked. Dee, let me.”  
“Fine, but I’m getting the bed ready for you.”  
As Clint washed the dishes, she balanced on her knee, protecting her foot as she lowered the tabletop. When the top was secured flush with the solid frame of the benches she arranged the cushions from the bench backs, filling in the space.
“It won’t be as comfortable as the bed.” Deanna leaned back.  
“It’s better than the shed floor.” He sat down on the edge and leaned back, groaning when his back audibly popped. After a moment, he answered her unasked question. “I couldn’t stand going back into the house at first.”
“I don’t think I could go back.” She admitted. “It would hurt too much.”
“Yeah.” He mumbled. “I don’t have a plan. I don’t really… what’s the point?”
“It can’t be undone, can it?”  
“Nope. They tired. It’s too late.” Silence stretched on. There wasn’t anything more that could be said.  
“I don’t have any extra blankets.” Deanna finally spoke when thunder crashed in the distance. “If it storms it could get a bit cold in here.”  
“I’ll be fine. I’ve slept rougher in worse conditions.” He assured her but still, Deanna got up and turned the heat on and set it low. When she set about closing the blinds and curtains, Clint quickly beat her to it. He checked doors and windows, insuring they were locked.
“Don’t use up fuel on my account.” Clint insisted as he worked.  
“It won’t last forever. I’ll eventually have to learn how to stay warm without it anyway.” Deanna shrugged. “I can’t have my hero catching a cold on my watch.” 
Before Clint could respond, she hobbled down the short hall and closed the door to her small bedroom.  
Tag List: @usedtobegoodfriend96, @0-0-0-0-0-0-0-7, @theoneanna, @alexakeyloveloki, @toozmanykids, @j-u-s-t-4, @missaphrodite23, @winterisakiller, @tnystrk-exe, @bambamwolf87, @nonsensicalobsessions, @tinchentitri, @carissime72, @xoxabs88xox, @queenoftheunderdark, @myoxisbroken, @wegingerangelica
As always, want in on the tag list? Let me know. Want off? Let me know. Want to sing my praises? Let me know. Wanna dance around in a clown costume? I guess you can let me know... But for real, I love to hear what you think of what’s happened, of Dee and Clint, how they’ve dealt with things and even what you think is going to happen or any thing else. <3
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shellheadtm-a · 5 years
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@ikumkani​ | your thoughts on tony/t'challa, enlighten me
oh boy oh boy, i’ll do my best.  so this is like...a dynamic that i think gets overshadowed a lot because a lot of the deeper meat of it is in little asides and offhand comments made by either t’challa or tony themselves.  like we’ve got plenty of them interacting one on one, sure, and there’s some good shit like that, but it’s the casual talking about each in other things that kind of...cement the dynamic for me.
but first off...tony and t’challa have like.  known each other a long time - t’challa was an avenger way back when in the early days, you know, it makes him part of the old guard.  the...what i like to term the pre-house of m old guard.  there’s a connection between them that just doesn’t really establish itself in later avengers teams.  too much blood under the bridge at that point, i guess, it’s not easy anymore but.  that already puts a certain flavor in their interactions that’s going to be lacking in others, if that makes sense?  especially when you consider t’challa knew iron man, more than likely, before he ever knew tony stark.
they have some really...odd things in common, i guess?  that aren’t really that odd if you dig a little.  both of them absolutely suck at...idk.  maintaining a relationship and there’s like a million reasons as to why that is, but i think...being who they are - in respects to black panther and iron man - kind of has an influence on that.  there’s a...weight of responsibility on the both of them that goes beyond just being an avenger - or part of the superhuman community in general.  t’challa’s not just a superhero, you know, he can’t just...devote himself blindly to his ideals the way a lot of people do in a lot of respects (the way, say, someone like steve rogers can, when his whole life revolves around being an avenger).  he has real world concerns.  t’challa lives in the real world - he has a country to run, people to lead and see to the welfare of, he has to move and exist within the world’s boundaries that way and balance all sides of his life.  meanwhile you have tony, who while not a king (but one of his many masks is pretending like he’s king of world), still is a real and powerful influence on the world.  people like to talk shit in this respect, but it’s true:  tony’s a powerful figure on the world stage outside of the suit.  he influences trends in technology, he employs thousands and thousands of people.  tony acts on his ideals a lot, but he’s also bound by his real world life, too.  that’s a thing they both have to manage, which, i think, often puts them both at odds with people that are pure idealism.  they both understand the ends can and have to justify the means sometimes (see: the last illuminati line up).  and people are quick to call it arrogance, but what it really is...it’s a different kind of leadership - the leadership that involves dealing in real people and real consequences.  it’s having a foot firmly planted in both worlds.
like i cannot overstate how important them being hugely public (i mean, t’challa’s a king and tony’s an industrial business titan) and influential people in their civilian identities as well as their superhero ones is.
they’re both nerds, and everyone knows they’re nerds, sure, like it’s not like some huge hidden dark secret, but like...they’re not the kind of people i think you expect to be such huge ones, does that make sense?  they both have...polish, i guess.  i think that’s the word i’m looking for.  and it comes from what they do and their places in the world but then on their own they’re complete lab-dwelling troll disasters that not everyone gets to see as clearly.  it’s just...a fun parallel, i think.
but then you’ve got things like red zone.  this is one of my favorite interactions between them, it really is, because there’s this urgency, people are dying, they need to do something and bureaucracy is being ridiculous and shady on the part of the us (considering where the whole thing came from) and yet especially on tony’s part there’s a kind of...smug good humor, especially when he’s breaking them out of jail and they go full tilt to save the avengers in the containment zone.  this is also one of those times where someone other than steve sees and recognizes one of tony’s self-sacrificing moves for what it is.  and also i’m sorry literally everyone missed t’challa kicking the shit out of red skull because it was glorious.  what an absolute bad ass babe.  and then you’ve got tony and t’challa post-battle while tony’s recovering from the virus hammering out an idea trade agreement with wakanda.  do...do either of them know how to just.  slow down a minute?  no.  the answer is really no.
also a super important thing to note here:  tony trusts t’challa.  even after everything, tony trusts him.  this is a big damn deal, on tony’s end.  he trusts him enough that t’challa has access to the iron man.  there are not - i repeat not - many people that do.  i can think of four others - steve, bucky, pepper, and rhodey - that do.  especially after tony’s stint as secdef.  and t’challa’s trolly enough to put that knowledge to the most unorthodox use possible (so hey remember that time t’challa used tony’s armors to act as waiters at a dinner thing because that was hilarious and good shit and we stan t’challa in the house of amanda).  like...t’challa has that sense of humor that gets on well with tony’s, answers his playfulness with a deadpan dryness and it’s just...good shit.  love it. want to see more of it.
and while i still complained that it definitely needs to be steve rogers looking for tony in the current avengers run and t’challa in space (more bc the way the writing of steve was handled it was just bad) because t’challa is chairman and i feel like he’d be better served being with the team:  friendly reminder that when tony went radio silent for seemingly no reason, it’s t’challa out there looking for him.  t’challa also joined tony’s side in the fight with carol, even though they were on opposing sides during the first civil war.
and kind of unrelated but still important, as much as i harp on tony and steve being framed in couple like ways at ben grimm’s bachelor party, tony and steve also had t’challa with them.  like it was three of them together.  and we know they all used to hang out in the mansion together in the early days so that makes complete sense.  also it tells you everything you need to know about how similar tony and t’challa are, because they both gamely went into that strip poker game and clearly had a blast.  they’re friends.  which for me bumps t’challa way up the could definitely work out list because that’s an important factor, i think, in a tony ship.  you can think he’s pretty, but do you like him?  do you enjoy his company?  have you seen the good and bad sides of him?  his good and bad days?  and i can answer yes, i think, to every one of those questions.
i don’t think a relationship between them would be easy.  i don’t think it would be smooth sailing.  i think there’d be bumps in the road, definitely.  which means they’d have to communicate in more than deadpan one liners, do a little soul searching, be open to making themselves mutually vulnerable to one another.  but i think they occupy unique positions in the world that are similar, and a shared understanding of what it’s like to be an avenger and responsible for the whole world?  and being civilian leaders and responsible for also your own people, and having to consider that in the moves you make in the life of the former.  if they could like...work some stuff out (especially on tony’s end good lord that boy has more issues than scientific american), i think...this would be some good shit.  they’d be good places to lean on for each other, because of those similarities, and their differences would keep things interesting.
also talk about a fucking power couple in either world.
anyway, i like it.  looks good.  gets my stamp of approval.
who do you ship tony with | accepting
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wingshead · 6 years
FULL NAME:  Steven Grant Rogers GENDER & SEXUALITY: male / bisexual ETHNICITY & SPECIES: Irish-American / Human BIRTHPLACE & BIRTHDATE: Upper East Side, NY / July 4th, 1920.
GUILTY PLEASURES: sweets (cupcakes, cakes, chocolate, ice-cream … it’s steve’s secret weakness bc he tries so hard to eat healthy, sweet babe), sleeping in, show boating (he’s such a fucking show off guys, it’s not even funny), acting Innocent and Unassuming to get out of trouble and frustrate people when he acts like he doesn’t know what they’re talking about lmao.
PHOBIAS: waking up to find himself in a different time era again, losing his loved ones in battle, being unable to help someone in need, becoming what he hates / adhering to modern a/immorality, failure
WHAT THEY WOULD BE INFAMOUS FOR: his Guilt Trips, accompanied by his Disapproving Frown. that, and his sometimes infuriating stubborn nature lol
WHAT HAVE THEY/WOULD THEY HAVE GOTTEN ARRESTED FOR: breaking the law & refusing to cooperate with or work for the government, ironically enough haha
CHARACTER YOU SHIP THEM WITH: steve/sharon (the otp), tony/steve ( the other otp ♡ ), steve/wanda ( !!!!!! ), thor/steve, steve/rachel, steve/sam, steve/rebecca (it was short lived but i loved them so so much)
CHARACTER MOST LIKELY TO MURDER THEM: red skull / baron zemo / zola / the baddie of the week. that and tony for steve being so frustratingly stubborn. also sharon. because she’s gotta deal with his bs on a daily basis lmao
FAVORITE BOOK GENRE: historical / philosophical / sci - fi
LEAST FAVORITE BOOK CLICHÉ: sensationalism / shock factors
TALENTS OR POWERS: peak human strength, agility, stamina and reflexes. eidetic memory. world leading strategist. olympic level athlete. master in dozens of fight styles in martial and mixed martial arts, accelerated healing factor, indomitable will, multilingual, doesn’t age.
WHY SOMEONE MIGHT LOVE THEM: he’s considerate. he’s kind. he’s empathetic, and understanding. despite his large and intimidating stature, and his ‘take no bullshit’ attitude, steve’s just a giant teddy bear, haha. he will do his utmost to make sure people are safe and comfortable, and will help those in need - whether they’re being attacked, or they’re in emotional pain. he’s just basically The Ultimate Mom Friend
WHY SOMEONE MIGHT HATE THEM: he’s stubborn. he refuses to compromise, and therefore refuses to go along or even listen to plans that compromise. so, steve sometimes doesn’t listen to people, even when their plan is better. because of steve’s iron will and steadfast ideals and morals, people see him as holier-than-thou. also, villains hate him ‘cause he kicks their asses, lmao.
HOW THEY CHANGE: he doesn’t. steve over the past 75 years has remained largely unchanged as a whole. he still follows the same set of ideals and morals that he did in the 1940s, and is still the same person. still thinks the same. HOWEVER, this does change from time to time when he’s been betrayed, or when his loved ones are threatened. steve gets really ugly then. he does not rule out doing some bad stuff. he has threatened to kill, has aimed to kill, has let people been tortured. he hates doing it but. he does it. shit’s bad ya’ll. apart from anything to do with his loved ones though, steve changes in his response to the world. he always aims to go bigger, to tackle the next issue. he, eventually, manages to accept guilt and blame when he’s guilty and to be blamed – like how he hasn’t helped the x-men enough.
WHY YOU LOVE THEM: okay … li s t en. i’m going to try not to get too into this and write like, a whole fucking novel on him ok. lmao. but … i’ve been a fan of steve rogers since i was a kid. my father introduced me to marvel comics. i loved him. fell out of comics for a bit in like 2009, picked them back up like two years ago after ca:tws came out. fell in love with steve rogers again and to a whole new level because i could actually understand better what he stood for. fell out of love with comics in 2016 because of the bullshit nick spencer pulled with h*dra cap. got back into it now that it’s been over for a while and the first issue of the waid/samnee run pulled at my heart strings. steve rogers is … he’s an ideal. a lot of people look up to him. i look up to him. he’s a pretty popular superhero, despite many people not seeing him as a superhero since he has no superpowers. he’s not an anti-hero, or a sometimes hero, or a hero on the weekends, he’s a hero. his ideals, his morals, his belief system, they are so simple but pointed true north. protect those who cannot protect themselves, fight for what’s right even if others push you down or refuse to listen, and help one another. steve rogers doesn’t fight for the government, or for the country. he fights for the people. first and foremost. and despite all the shit that the world has thrown at him, despite all of the loss and the death and the grief and the hits he’s taken, the insults, the betrayals, the shocks, the trauma — steve rogers has remained steve rogers this entire time. the world can fuck him up, it can beat him down, it can shove him into the dirt and spit on him, and steve doesn’t let it change who he is. steve doesn’t let corruption touch him, doesn’t let his ideals waver, doesn’t let it stop him from fighting for what’s good and what’s right and fighting for the people who need it. steve could have easily, so easily, been a completely different person. near any other man would have broken and shattered under the weight of everything he’s been through and all of the responsibility that he carries on his shoulders every single day of his life. he could have been the most bitter, jaded, despicable fuck you have ever seen in your entire life.
but he isn’t. he’s kind. he’s compassionate. he sees the flaws in society and the corruption in the government and isn’t afraid to call people out on it. he isn’t afraid to disagree or go against his government if they do something that he can’t morally stand by. steve has trained every single avenger in hand-to-hand combat himself. he considers them family. he gives them the support they need - emotional, physical, mental. a lot of avengers, new and old, are/were reformed criminals, because cap gave them a second chance and vouched for them. he believes people can change. he has a huge heart. that’s been there since before the super soldier serum. steve is just such a good man, who looks for nothing else than the chance to help people, and constantly puts them before himself. he has given up and sacrificed so much of his life and of his own personal dreams in order to keep being what the public and the world needs him to be. he helps people. first and foremost.
and he doesn’t ask for anything in return other than for others to do the same.
TAGGED BY:  no one !
TAGGING: @ukubi / @roikhoi / @armorforged / @decommed / @theimperiusrex / @bestdefender / @gamenu / & anyone who wants to do this!!
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Are You Shuri That’s Thortful?|| Shuri and Thor
Shuri tempts Thor over with a lie in hopes to study his hammer, things don’t exactly go to plan. 
A jug of ale that magically refilled itself with a cryptic message at the bottom? If there was anyone who could defeat this evil before it over took the world then it was Thor. Thunder clapped in the distance as he threw himself out of Darryl’s bedroom window and Stormbreaker sent him rocketing across the city, he broke the sound barrier as he took off, the speeds overwhelming the time it would’ve normally taken to approach Avengers Tower and soon he was landing. “Where is thy foe?” he crowed, thunder and lightning flickered off of his skin as he searched for the jug of ale.
Shuri’s intention was to study Stormbreaker. There were not a lot of things that baffled her mind, but a hammer being able to transfer matter through infinite time and space was one of those things. The potential information she could learn from it was revolutionary. Shuri also did not believe in magic, it was all science that just wasn’t understood yet. As she hang up the phone, the sound of thunder echoed off the buildings of New York, followed by what sounded like an extremely loud clap. Before she knew it, Thor was standing in Avengers Tower, singeing the carpets. “It’s this way.” She said, her mind making up the lie as she went along. She wasn’t a trickster or one to lie, but for science she would try to. She walked them into the bar area and by using her Kimoyo beads, cracked open the safe that held a magical mug that refilled itself. It was originally created my Doctor Strange but had somehow made its way to the avengers tower bar, where it was locked up for safe keeping and probably to prevent drunk New Avengers. “Here it is.” She stepped away and pointing towards the open safe. “Careful, it needs two hands.”
As static electricity surged off of his skin before finally coming to a stop as sparks littered the carpet. Thor stepped inside of Avengers tower, Stormbreaker grasped firmly in his hand as he recognised the mug of ale that Doctor Strange had once provided for him. “Ah, an old foe,” he said with a wry smile as he reached out and grasped the mug, turning and grasping it in one hand and placing Stormbreaker over one shoulder. “This mug is barely large enough for the youngest babe to need two hands to grasp such an odd trinket,” he started drinking, spotting no message at the bottom of the glass, but he was sure that Shuri wouldn’t lie to him for no reason. They had barely interacted before, but he knew that she was the sister of the Black Panther who was a noble warrior. But Stormbreaker was not a trinket to be tampered with and Thor was not a complete fool. Her mention of the hammer had been a bit of a give away.
Shuri cursed silently as Thor didn’t put down the hammer. She needed to move around the whole hammer to scan it, and with it over Thor’s back, that wasn’t possible. She sighed. “The message seems to have disappeared. I guess the agent who informed me about the message was wrong.” She threw her hands up with fake frustration. “I’m sorry you came all this way for nothing.” She paused. “But whilst you’re here, do you mind if I take a look at your hammer? Just a quick scan, I won’t even touch it!” She knew that the hammer meant a lot to Thor and was meant to be protected, but not allowing others to be able to study and learn from it is what she found selfish.
As Thor did his very best to quaff down as much of the ale that he possibly could, he barely heard what Shuri said. It took him a moment to recognise what she was saying and once he did he couldn’t help but lower the ale from his lips and fix his eyes on her. “I am no mere mortal to be summoned on a whim,” he warned with a flicker of lightning leaping across his irises, “If this was some attempt to get me to agree to allow you to study my hammer then I warn you against it again, the first visit was a courtesy that I’m not sure will be extended twice.” He kept a firm grip on his weapon, especially knowing that she wanted to scan it. “I’ve made my position with this weapon perfectly clear, it is no toy or tool which should be studied, it is a dangerous weapon that must be wielded by the correct person in the correct manner, so, no. You can’t take a look at my hammer.” He looked at her and waited for the inevitable argument. “You certainly cannot scan it.”
Shuri furrowed her eyebrows. He was no mere mortal to be summoned on a whim. She felt like asking what things he had to do that were better than being here? It’s not like he had a kingdom anymore and as far as she knew, SHIELD watched over his people now, not him. She shook her head, unimpressed by the so-called god of thunder. “Fine. I’d just like to add that I know that is a weapon, and that it is not a toy, I’m not 5 years old. When everyone else around the world saw Vibranium as the perfect material to make weapons, I saw it as everything else but a weapon. I’d probably be the most trustworthy person to study Stormbreaker.” She shrugged, “But the almighty Thor has spoken and obviously does not want to be summoned again, I guess I’ll go play with my ‘toys’ in my lab. You know, the ‘toys’ that are driving the future of technology forward.” She honestly didn’t wait for a response and she didn’t say this as a way to persuade him. She was tired of people underestimating her because she was only a child.
Raising his eyebrow at her, of all the things that Thor had expected from Shuri. Being summoned here there and everywhere was something that SHIELD seemed to pride themselves on doing to Thor. “My apologies young one,” he said quietly, “I did not intend to belittle or provoke you, you however must understand my position, I forged this hammer from a dying star. The express purpose of such an act was to destroy a Titan. This weapon is dangerous and it is my duty is to protect it from those who might want to misuse it.” He paused and stroked his beard whilst sipping his ale thoughtfully. “What guarantees do I have that you’re not simply attempting to gain the power of the hammer for nefarious means? How do I know this isn’t simply for personal gain?”
Shuri stopped and sighed. Yes, she was upset and expected more from Thor, but the temptation of maybe being able to study the hammer won her over every time. “Because, I’m a New Avenger. I want to be able to help those who cannot help themselves and to be able to do that at my best ability, I need to understand everything this world throws at me or presents to me.” She turned around and headed back to Thor, a smile coming to her face whilst she thought of the possibilities. “Being able to transport matter through time and space would be revolutionary! Imagine being able to send supplies to countries in need without risking innocent lives or the transport being intercepted! Imagine being able to evacuate wounded from a building right before the building collapses or even moving people out of a city before a flood!” The possibilities were endless and she could ramble on, but she didn’t want to bore the other. “That is why I’d like to study it.”
Running a hand over his still closely cropped hair and then stroking his ample beard, Thor listened carefully to her justifications and did his very best to decide whether or not he thought that she was truly worthy of studying his hammer. He was aware that there were a lot of people out there who would like to use the power of Stormbreaker and the uru it was forged from for evil. “The power of the hammer is something that I cannot simply allow people to possess, your civilization hasn’t perfected this technology yet and giving it to you before you’re ready could spell disaster, you yourself mentioned how you were the only one who wanted to use vibranium for something other than weaponry.” Pausing for a moment, he stroked his beard. “I realise what you think you’re going to be able to do with this technology, and I believe your ambitions to be truly noble. But I with a good conscience cannot just allow you to examine it right now. So I’m not saying no, I’m just saying not yet.”
Shuri listened at Thor explained himself. He wasn’t wrong. Even if Shuri developed the tech, there was no way she’d be able to keep it from someone else who’d use it for the wrong reasons. Someone would always try to replicate it or even steal it. She let out a soft sigh. “I appreciate that.” He hasn’t said no, and the idea of her being able to one day study it excited her. She started planning ahead, perhaps today she could try and replicate it by herself from what she knew. Nothing was impossible when it came to her and her lab. “I suppose you could keep the mug, nobody here will miss it.” Nobody here would even dare to try it.
Pausing for a moment, Thor was surprised to find that Shuri wasn’t arguing her point further. Maybe it was his new approach, maybe it was the fact that he hadn’t said no, just not yet. Perhaps it was something else. But he didn’t want to argue with her further. “I’m surprised that you haven’t attempted to investigate this wonderful chalice!” he exclaimed, knowing full well that this mug wasn’t a chalice, “I would imagine that someone with your goals would be intent on discovering exactly how this worked.” He smiled gently before moving back to the safe and placing the mug (now full once more) inside and closed the doors. “I shall leave it in your capable hands for safe keeping, for my next visit. Whilst I can’t allow you to study the hammer, perhaps I can show you the power of the bifrost? Where would you like to go?”
Shuri didn’t get out much so not only was Thor offering her the chance to experience the bifrost, but he was offering her to explore any place on Earth, no, any place in the universe! Shuri smiled as her mind skipped over the ideas of where she could go and what she could experience. “Does it have to be on Earth?” She asked, she had no idea where she would go or what she would like to see, but right now, she had the means and ability to go any place on Earth, but not anywhere beyond.
Thor had to admit that the question caught him off guard. For some reason he hadn’t even considered that she might go off world. Yet, fair was fair. What harm could taking a human off world really do? Peter Quill and the rest of the morons had been doing it for many years. “A pact cannot be broken without slighting my honour, so yes, it may be outside of the planet Earth. However there will be some ground rules.” Not that he particularly had any idea what he was going to make into these rules. “First there are some places which are simply too dangerous to go, Jotenheim for example. The frost giants don’t enjoy Asgardians or Midgardians.” He thought for a moment more. “Obviously there are some places where you couldn’t survive. So I won’t be able to take you there.” He paused a final time. “Be sensible with your choice, this won’t happen often.”
Shuri paused. The option to go anywhere in the universe had never occurred to her and for once she had no idea where she wanted to go. “Do you think that perhaps we don’t have to go right now?” She needed some time to really consider her answer and not waste her one chance as it won’t happen often. “I just need some time to consider my answer.” Not only that, but if she had enough time, she could even develop a suit for herself, one that could allow her to survive in certain conditions she normally wouldn’t.
“Of course, I am in no hurry. There is wisdom to patience, as this is a one time offer that I am making you. There aren’t likely to be repeat trips, at least not for pleasure.” Thor took a moment to stroke his beard thoughtfully. “All I ask is that you put that great intellect to use when you make your decision. Though that doesn’t appear to be an issue for you thus far.” Smiling gently, he spun Stormbreaker’s shaft, watching the balanced combination hammer / axe head spin around before he caught it again. “Do not wait for too long though, real life seems to have a strange way of obstructing our best laid plans.”
Shuri nodded and understood. She’d put a lot of her spare time into deciding where she wanted to go and what benefits that place would have. “Thanks for coming all this way Thor.” She appreciated the fact that he hadn’t just said no, but had given her the privilege of being able to travel using the bifrost instead. “Let me know if you ever want to have another go at the mug.” She smiled at him before adding, “I won’t take too long, I get that life happens and I should seize the opportunity before it’s too late.”
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lomlwintersoldier · 7 years
Prompt: Hey can you write something fluffy with Bucky? His fiancé is starting to have doubts about things between them cause she’s just a normal girl that works in retail? She thinks he deserves better like Natasha or a shield agent. But he reassures her and gets Natasha’s help doing something cute for her?
Word count: 2975
A/N: Fluffy relationship Bucky is my favorite Bucky xx I’m hoping to get more up soon!!
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You’d met Bucky a year ago in the small cafe you worked in, the same one you’d worked at since you were sixteen and you had no reason not to love your job. You loved talking to the regulars, people whose orders you had memorized and had ready the second they walked in. You loved meeting people from all walks of life; wealthy business owners constantly on the phone debating their next deal, tired mothers who just needed a caffeine fix to get through the day, broke college students looking for a cheap food option between the expensive restaurants that New York city offered. 
Then, one day, Bucky had walked in, looking entirely lost as he stared at the cluster of options on the menu. You’d never seen anyone like him and he intrigued you as he stood leaning against the wall with his head down. He was nervous and jumpy at first and he ended up leaving the warm cafe without ordering anything, but he came back every day. After about a week, he finally went up to your register and quietly ordered a coffee. He had a low, gruff voice that you’d instantly been attracted to and you’d tried to strike up a conversation with him. It took a little bit of time and talking for him to open up to you but eventually he’d asked you out and that was it. You were completely taken by him.
After a few weeks of dating, he told you about his life and you still loved him and stayed with him, but you couldn’t help but feel that your life was entirely ordinary compared to his, especially as he progressed with the Avengers. He was constantly going on missions with people like Captain America and Black Widow and although you weren’t a particularly insecure person, you’d seen photos of Natasha Romanoff on the news and and you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t looked up pictures of her and Wanda Maximoff. They were gorgeous and they spent so much time with Bucky.
It never bothered you before, but after so many years working the same job, waking up at 4 in the morning everyday to open, and making food for the people who wandered into the cafe, the lack of “excitement” had an effect on your self esteem.
One night, you were sitting in your small apartment alone the way you usually did; Bucky was away on missions a lot and tonight, he was with Natasha. You were only a civilian (another blow) so he wasn’t allowed to tell you anything about where he was going or what he was doing but you knew he was somewhere in Europe and the thought of it made your stomach churn. Of course you were worried about his safety but you’d been around the Avengers long enough to know that he could take care of himself.
You read the book in your hands but for some reason, you couldn’t focus on the letters on the page. Finally, you were tired of staring at the words that floated around the pages and walked out to the tiny balcony, breathing in the cool night air.
You were probably standing there for a good ten minutes when suddenly a pair of familiar arms wrapped around your waist from behind. You breathed a sigh of contentment as Bucky’s lips pressed to your shoulder he pressed his chest to your back. “What are you doing here?” You murmured as his lips traveled up your neck.
“Came home early. I wanted to see you.” He whispered against your skin.
“Is everything okay?” You asked, confused. He rarely ever came home early from a mission; if anything, he would come home later, not sooner. You tried to never be upset at him for that since it really was out of his hands.
“Of course. We finished the mission and I was on a jet home this morning.”
“I missed you.” He whispered against your skin.
“You too.” You murmured back but you kept your gaze forward, staring at the skyline that gave you a perfect sight of the Stark Tower. The glaring reminder tugged at your heart as you remembered that all of Bucky’s friends lived there. He’d invited you to move in with him there but you’d refused, preferring your small apartment to the high tech rooms of the tower, hence why Bucky stayed at your place most nights.
“How was it?” You asked as his hands rested themselves on your waist, circling your skin gently.
“Great. Natasha was great; she found what we needed way quicker than I anticipated, which is why you’re in my arms right now.” Bucky wrapped himself around you, curling his arms around your torso.
“Oh, Natasha was great?” You repled shortly, shifting away from him slightly.
“Yeah! I don’t think we’ve ever gotten through a mission quicker. She was incredible.”
You pursed your lips and pushed yourself away from his arms, stalking inside. You heard a small sigh before Bucky followed you.
“Babe, what’s wrong?” “I just don’t get it.” You turned to him, insecurity and anger obvious on your face.
“What?” He held his hands up, spreading his palms placatingly. You sighed as he approached you but you put a hand on his chest, stopping him before he can wrap his arms around your waist the way he usually does when you’re upset. You hold his gaze before readying yourself to say your next words.
“You live a big life, Bucky. You save the world every other day, you fight for people who can’t fight for themselves, you travel the world all the time and I….I work in a coffee shop.” You said as you lean against the island, needing to steady yourself. “I just can’t help but feel like you deserve someone who understands it and lives their life the same way–”
“Stop.” Bucky interrupted you. “Where is this coming from?” You sighed, knowing you were being silly but your insecurity was making you crazy. “You deserve someone like Natasha, or Wanda, or any SHIELD agent really, who lives the same life you do. Who understands why you do it.”
You looked down at your feet, shuffling slightly from your discomfort because you didn’t know how he’ll react. What if he agreed?
Instead, Bucky laughed softly at your statement and wraps you up in his arms, his hands coming around you tightly. Your arms wrapped around his neck instinctively as he held you to him.
“I love you, Y/N.” He whispered into your soft hair. “Maybe you aren’t an agent or a mutant or particularly enhanced person but you are still the most special woman I know. I love you and your normal, human life, Y/N.”
Bucky pulls back to look at you but still holds on to you as his eyes drift all over your face. Finally, the tension in the air dissipates and you let out a small, humourless laugh.
“I’m being silly aren’t I?” You smiled slightly, embarrassed at your insecurity.
“Yeah.” Bucky laughed.
“I’m sorry, I just….it’s hard because I love you so much. I just constantly feel like I’m not good enough for you.”
“Y/N.” He laughed incredulously. “I’m marrying you, aren’t I? I think it’s pretty clear that you’re good enough for me. I think I’m the one that doesn’t deserve you.”
“Okay….” you whispered back.  
“Look, it’s late and you look exhausted. Go to bed, and I’ll see you in the morning.” He said as he presses a kiss to your forehead. You look up at him with confusion.
“You aren’t staying?”
“Afraid I can’t, doll. I’ve gotta report back to headquarters.” He looked as disappointed as you feel so you just smile sadly.
“Okay, I love you.” You whispered as you press a soft kiss to his lips.
“I love you too.” He murmured back against your lips.
He let himself out but you’re hit by loneliness the second he’s gone. You miss him and although he reassured you tonight, you still can’t help the way you feel about yourself and how your insecurity is keeping you from wanting to fully commit yourself.
Instead, you pushed these thoughts away and lay down to go to sleep but like always, you didn’t sleep well without him there.
Bucky was unsure of what to do to reassure Y/N. How could she not understand that he truly did love her and wouldn’t want to be with anyone else? Sure, people always said that but with Bucky, it was real. He had resigned himself to never being with anyone when he’d been freed from HYDRA but after he met Y/N, none of it mattered. He was entirely in love with her, even after he repeatedly told himself that he couldn’t let her get close, especially because of his lifestyle. The fact that she was insecure about herself hurt him because there was nothing more he wanted than normalcy. She was perfect for him.
After he reported to Stark and Steve, Bucky went to find Natasha. He always went to her for advice, especially when he’d first met Y/N.
“Hey, I need your help.” He said when he stepped into her room. As always, it was freezing in here; she was used to the cold Russian winters.
“Hey soldier.” She smirked up at him. “Problems in Y/N-land?” She teased as she continues to scroll on her laptop.
“Sort of. I need to figure out something to do for her. She’s been kind of insecure lately.” Bucky muttered, feeling guilty for making her feel that way. Natasha pondered it for a moment before looking up at him.
“She’s never been out of the country right?” She asked, her eyebrow flicking up as she thought about it. “Not as far as I know.” Bucky replied, still clueless as to where she was going with this. “Well, idiot, there you go. Problem solved.” “You want me to take her out of New York?” “Just take her on vacation. Go to Paris, or Spain, or even Romania. Just take her somewhere.” Bucky pondered this for a moment before a wide smile spread across his face. “You’re a genius, Nat.” “No need to tell me what I already know.” She replied slyly, a small smirk curving her lips.
The Next Day
You were making breakfast in your kitchen, wearing nothing but Bucky’s shirt and panties when you heard the lock turn and the door open. You smiled as you heard his familiar gait in his heavy boots and you knew that when he stopped, he had seen you. It was only seconds later when you felt his arms come around your waist. “Goddamn, you look so fucking good in my clothes.” He muttered roughly in your ear as he molded his chest to your back, his hands stroking up and down your sides. “I think it’s been mentioned once or twice.” You giggled as he spinned you around and kissed you passionately. “It makes me think about all the things I wanna do to you.” He groaned against your lips. You laughed, causing you to break away from the kiss and turning back around.
“Breakfast first, you animal.” You turned back to your food and finished cooking the bacon while Bucky sighed defeatedly and headed to your room to shower and change. When he came back, he was wearing a black t-shirt and jeans and goddamn did he look good in that tight shirt and long wet hair. “Just in time.” You grinned as you set the food on the table as he grabbed plates and utensils. He reached you in time to pull out your chair for you and you giggled at his gentlemanly nature. You highly doubted any man from this era would do the same for a girl. “Wow, you cooked something edible for once.” He teased as he sat down and inhaled the scent of your cooking. “Shut up.” You punched his shoulder but your smile gave you away because you knew he was right. Bucky was the one with the skill of cooking and most of the time, you just sat in the kitchen and watched him work, enjoying his look of concentration as he blended the ingredients together.
“Look, I wanted to ask you something.” He said after a few moments of silence as you ate. Instantly, nervousness replaces the warm feeling of affection you’d been feeling since he got home and you look up in confusion. “What is it?” You asked as you pulled your legs up onto the chair, easily leaning your knees against your chest.
“Well, more tell you something.” Bucky laughs nervously. “Spit it out, Buck. You’re killing me.” You replied. He reached into his pocket and took out two stiff pieces of paper, setting them down gently. You pick them up but before you can even read what’s said on them, Bucky pipes up excitedly.
“I’ve booked us on a flight to Paris today at 2 pm so we should get packing.” He grinned widely at you, anticipating your reaction to the announcement and instantly, you let out a cry of glee.
“What?” You yelled, not believing him despite how serious he seemed. “I want to take you to Paris–” He doesn’t finish his sentence because you threw yourself into his lap, straddling his waist and press your lips against his excitedly. “I love you.” You murmured against his lips. You felt his smile in response as his hands rested on your hips, stroking your bare thighs. “I love you too, doll.” He whispered when you pulled away. As soon as he sees your face he laughs. “Are you crying?”
“No.” You replied furiously wiping away your tears. “I’m not.” “Aw, c’mere sweetheart.” Bucky laughed as he pulled you tightly to his chest and picked you up, your legs instinctively curling around his thick waist. He spun you around and kisses your neck, causing giggles to erupt from your parted lips. “Bucky, that tickles!” You cried out, trying to pull away as he nipped at the sensitive. Finally, he released you and set you down gently. “Go pack, doll.” He pressed a quick kiss to your lips before you practically sprinted to your room and started throwing clothes into a suitcase, preparing for your first trip across the ocean.
10 hours later
It was early evening when you arrived in Paris alongside Bucky. You were tired from the travelling so Bucky took your bags and easily carried them to the hotel for you despite your protests. “I really can carry my own things, Bucky.” You protested as you reached for your bags. “I’m not some helpless, weak little girl.”
“I know you aren’t baby, but I want to.” He grinned as he adjusted his grip on your bags, shifting them away from you so you couldn’t reach them. “Fine.” You relented as you followed him to the hotel. It was this adorable little thing wedged between restaurants in the upscale area of Paris and you fell in love with it the second you saw it. “This is gorgeous, Bucky.” You murmured in a hushed tone as you walked through the lobby.
“Glad you like it.” He pressed a soft kiss to your temple and wrapped his left arm around your waist. “By the way, I was thinking maybe we could head to the Eiffel tower once we dropped off our stuff?” “Sound like a plan.” You whispered as you kissed him again, still not fully believing that you were actually in Paris, the city of love, with the love of your life. You couldn’t believe he’d done this for you, you a simple, ordinary human girl and yet, you never felt like it when you were around him now that you thought about it. It was only when he was on a mission or off saving the world when you felt insecure but when he was here, he made you feel like the most special girl in the world. 
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The two of you walked the short distance to the Tower and the second you saw it, you gasped at the lit up beacon of light. Bucky smiled at your excitement and you walked a little faster until you were directly underneath the tower, staring up at the metal rungs that made up the beautiful pillar.
“This is…Bucky…this is…” You murmured in awe as you stared up at it. “Thank you.” You leaned into him and kissed him deeply, molding yourself to him. “I’m glad you’re enjoying it.” He murmured against your skin. “It’s the best trip ever.” You grinned up at him. “You have no need to be insecure about us, Y/N.” He began. “I love you, I adore you. You are my light, my life, my beacon of hope. I’m marrying you because I’m so in love with you, Y/N.  I need you to know that.” “I do, Bucky.” You whispered, smiling up at him. “I do and I’m sorry for being so anxious and insecure all the time. I just…I love you so much it scares me sometimes.” That cause a wide smile to break his serious features and he kissed you again, deeply and passionately. He poured everything he felt into this kiss and you felt every emotion he tried to convey. His hair tickled your cheeks and you smiled into the kiss, feeling happier and falling more and more in love with this man. Your fiancé.
Tags: @xxchexchickxx​ @killpop-writes @melconnor2007 @psychicwitchphilosopher @frolicsomefawkes @the-witching-hours12-3 @bubblegumuntsr @badassbaker @trashsnitches @barnes-toddpartnersinheartbreak @thickthighedqueen @megandrawsspace @rda1989 @ailynalonso15 @cupcaitlyn96 @elyza-jeanette
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