#baby flatline still time to do it too
hqmillioncorn · 1 year
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FFXIVWrite Day Three (freeday): insomnia
"Slept well last night did you?" Hades asked Babycorn. He wasn't all that happy that he had to be the one to look for and then fetch their missing companion. "You must be her familiar. If you can sleep in such uncomfortable places like that." Babycorn yawned and kept walking ahead of Hades. Even if she did finally get a good nights rest yesterday she was still a little sleepy. "Thanks for finding me Emmy." she mumbled.
It turns out that there was not much of a difference between Elpis in the daytime to Elpis at night. Babycorn figured that most of the Concepts would be asleep by now but to her disappointment most of them were still roaming about, ready to attack her at any moment's notice.
“Does everyone work all day?” Babycorn asked no one in particular, “Sounds kinda boring…” 
Since she was all alone with no weapon on her, Babycorn made sure to avoid walking too deep into any areas with them. Which was surprising she was managing to do while not really paying to where she was going at the same time.
She had no idea how far she had walked but considering Babycorn could still see the little building she was offered a place to sleep in-she must not have walked that far. 
Babycorn let out a sigh and decided she didn’t walk anymore, she sat down onto the grassy ground and hugged her legs closer to her, leaning her head on them. 
It made sense, she was exhausted. So much had happened today. Traveling to the past, meeting Hades and Hythlodaeus, being tasked with the job of finding out what happened to Hermes. She was so tired. 
Before she knew it, or could do anything about it, Babycorn’s eyes began to close. 
Darkness slowly began to overtake her vision. 
Unfortunately like the countless other times she had tried earlier today, the peaceful silence didn’t last long. 
Visions of fire falling against a dark sky. The deafening sounds of people screaming all around her. Shadows all around her, calling her a monster over and over and over again. Her own baby brother taking hold of someone and slowly raising them up to their mouth and-
“STOP!!” Babycorn screamed, thrashing her body around violently, trying to fight back against the imaginary enemies in her head. They weren’t real. She knew this. Babycorn paused, just to end up almost crying again. “...Just stop it…Please just leave me alone…” She wanted desperately to close her eyes and drift off to sleep, to forget this whole mess even happened.
Something deep inside her just wanted to take her memory of the whole thing and rip it right out of her. 
“Wow! It’s a beautiful night out isn’t it?”
“WaAAaaAA?!” Babycorn let out a yelp and fell back in shock. “W-Who’s there?!” She was sure that she hadn’t been followed by anyone the entire time. Maybe someone had seen her walking around and decided to follow her?! Hopefully it wasn’t someone bad, she was pretty much defenseless…
To Babycorn’s sorta-relief it was actually someone she had briefly met before. “It’s meeeee!!” the doll said in a high-pitched tone, “Your best friend Sicily! At your service!” A burst of glitter exploded behind Sicily and Babycorn couldn’t tell if that was real or if she had hit her head just a little too hard when she fell. 
Sicily paused her introduction to bend over and help Babycorn sit up again. “Up and at em’! You don’t wanna get any grass stains on your pretty white robe!” She advised. Unfortunately it was a little too late for that at this point for Babycorn but the effort was still appreciated. 
Sicily took the time to dust Babycorn off. Poor Babycorn was too tired to tell her she didn’t really have to bother doing that. “By the way…” She walked all around Babycorn in a circle, examining her from head to toe, “Where’s the outfit me and Venice gave you? You looked sooooooo cute in it earlier!!” Sicily sniffled and though she was incapable of actual tears on account of being a doll, one look at her face at the moment would have you thinking otherwise.
Babycorn hesitated to answer. The truth of the whole thing was that she had taken it off shortly after parting ways with Sicily and Venice. Since they had both told her they would be leaving soon Babycorn had figured there would be no real danger to not wearing it. Besides people doubting her story of being Azem’s familiar but people seemed to believe it with or without the outfit.
“Umm…” Babycorn nervously looked around for anything that could help her in this situation. Ultimately it all came down to her. She nervously tapped two of her fingers together and looked down, “Its cause…These are my pajamas…? It wasn’t entirely a lie. Wearing this robe was really comfy and felt more like wearing a blanket than a usual robe did. 
Sicily’s eyes instantly lit up. “Ooooohh!! And since you’re out here you didn’t want to get your clothes we gave you dirty so you’re wearing pajamas instead!!! Ooooh!! Babycorn!!!” In an instant her ragdoll arms were wrapped all around Babycorn in a tight hug. 
“AAAuHHHauccK?!?!” Babycorn felt herself being lifted off the ground but weirdly enough it wasn’t too tight a hug. It must have come with the whole thing of Sicily being a soft ragdoll.
Sicily swayed Babycorn in her arms from side to side. “You’re so smart!! And so cute!!” she let out another squeal and finally set Babycorn down on solid ground, “I’m so lucky to have a little sister as adorable as you!!” 
“L-Little sister…?” 
Babycorn had heard both Sicily and Venice refer to each other as siblings but she must have somehow missed the part where they called her a sibling too. Maybe she had too much on her mind at the time?
Sicily grinned, “Little sister!! Maize all made us so we’re all family of course!! That’s what she told us!” 
“Oh, cool…” Sounds like something Cherry would-
“And families have to help each other when they caaaan! Which is why…” Sicily sat down and crossed her legs in between each other in a knot. She patted the ground next to her for Babycorn to sit down next to her. “Which is why I’m here to help you!” Her eyes sparkled with a hint of red to them. 
“Help me? With what?” 
There were a lot of things that Babycorn needed help with. But she couldn’t think of any way that Sicily could help with any of them. Unless this doll somehow was privy to some secrets about Hermes or something.
“You’ve been having trouble sleeping tonight!” 
“H-Huh…?!” Babycorn was so caught off guard by Sicily’s correct guess that she didn’t have the foresight to deny her accusation. 
Sicily covered her mouth and let out a loud giggle. “Don’t try to hide it and pretend everythings okay! We can tell! Because I’m having trouble sleeping too!” Sicily stood up from where she was sitting and rested her hand on Babycorn’s shoulder. 
“And we know it's because of you.” 
There was something chilling about Sicily’s voice. Babycorn didn’t like it.
“How do you-?”
“Oh, I can always tell.”
Babycorn heard another unfamiliar voice behind her. As soon as she had, Sicily froze and fell to the ground in front of her. Like a toy that someone decided they were done playing with. Babycorn let out a scream and stepped back, kicking Sicily away from her. Sicily did not react at all, her eyes were blank and she was as still as a corpse. 
Before Babycorn could turn around and run away she bumped right into someone, which caused her to fall backwards right onto Sicily. 
Babycorn panicked and tried to get away, only to trip over herself and Sicily over and over again. Until she felt someone grab her by her foot and lift her up. Even being upside down she could tell who it was that was holding her up. 
Even if they’ve never met before.
‘Azem’ smiled at Babycorn. Or did she frown? Babycorn really couldn’t tell from her upside down vantage point. 
“That’s my title! Don’t wear it out!” Azem grabbed hold of one of Babycorn’s hands in an attempt to flip her back up, when she did that Babycorn could finally tell that she was smiling. “But you can call me Maize! I don’t mind!” Maize lowered Babycorn onto the ground and gave her a small pat on the head.
Babycorn struggled to find the right things to say that wouldn’t get her exposed as being from the future and also a part of Azem’s broke of pieces of the future. “Um…? I thought you were supposed to be somewhere else? You know? Being somewhere that isn’t here?” It was something she had overheard Hades and Hythlodaeus talking about. 
That would surely raise no suspicions.
Maize laughed nervously to herself for a bit. “I-I was! But I heard word that there was a new familiar of mine roaming around Elpis! And helping Emmy and Hihi too!” Babycorn guessed that Emmy and Hihi must have been nicknames for Hades and Hythlodaeus. Maize leaned in closer to Babycorn until she was staring down at her, “A familiar of mine I have no memory of creating.” Her stare was pretty damning. 
“I-I-Is that so? Haha…” Babycorn’s days were numbered, she was so sure of it. This was the end. 
But in a move that could both be described as unexpected and a relief, Maize stood straight up and clasped her hands together in a smile. “And so I headed right back because I just needed to see the new cutie I made!! Don’t tell Emmy and Hihi though! They would never let me live it down! Teehee!” 
Creating dolls in her sleep was nothing new for Maize. It just so happened that most of the sleep created ones happened to be more of a nuisance for everyone involved in contrast to the more friendly ones. So when word had reached her of a new doll taking Elpis by storm, she couldn’t resist making the trip.
Babycorn’s relief was very short-lived as it was replaced by a mild panic when Maize suddenly rushed up to her and grabbed hold of her face.
“Mmmmpppph?!?!” Just what was this lady doing?!
Maize ignored Babycorn’s scowl and simply continued to examine her. “Oooooh! Just look at you!! Your cheeks are so cute and full! And are those freckles I see?! How adorable! And your hair has the same color and consistency as Sicily and Venice.” She paused to laugh to herself about something, “I wonder if your hair would taste the same when boiled and covered in spaghetti sauce?”
“Excuse meeee?!”
Was she going to be the one being eaten instead?! 
“Never mind all that!” Maize waved Babycorn’s worries away and turned Babycorn’s head to the side. “Omigoooosh!! Look at your ears! They’re so different!! I wonder why?” Turning Babycorn’s head to face her again, Maize noticed something else. “And…Your eyes…They’re the same color as…!” She let out a loud gasp and covered her cheeks in embarrassment. 
Babycorn decided to ignore whatever her ancient was doing and rubbed at her face. 
“It wasn’t my imagination then…was it? This doll's texture feels like nothing I’ve ever felt before…” Maize continued to mumble to herself, all while walking in a circle. “Almost as if…as if…” 
Babycorn froze.
“As if…You’re not a doll.”
There wasn’t really anything Babycorn could say in her defense. And running away screaming at the top of her lungs wasn’t a viable option either. There was nowhere to run!
Maize looked down at her, though the ancient was considered short by this world’s standard it didn’t make a difference to Babycorn, she still towered over her. As most things did. 
Babycorn looked up to meet Maize’s one uncovered eye. It was a bright red. Which did not help in making this entire situation any less scarier. 
“You’re alive. A living concept. Just like most things here, aren’t you?” 
Babycorn remained silent. Mostly out of fear rather than necessity. 
“Which means…”
“Which means??”
“Which means you must be me and Emmy’s daughter from the future?!?!” Maize let out a maniacal laugh and twirled around in place, “Kyaaaaaaaa!! You’re even cuter than I imagined you’d beeee!!!!” 
“NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Babycorn let out a scream so loud that it was almost a shock that it didn’t wake up everyone in the nearby vicinity.  It did scare a couple of birds from their trees though.
As soon as Babycorn finished screaming Maize frowned. “Aww…Guess I was wrong…” She was more than a little heartbroken about the fact that she was not talking to her and Hades’ future daughter but she would get over it. Surely this didn’t mean that they weren’t any less destined to be together.
Maize knelt down to Babycorn’s level and brushed some of her loose hairs down. She noticed that her hair was a mess and the bags under her eyes were worse than her own. Not only that, her eyes were red and puffy, as if she had just been crying. Maize was more than familiar with that look.
Babycorn simply looked right at her. The rush of despair of being called Emet-Selch’s daughter still running through her mind. Coupled with the actual realization that she was face to face with her ancient who wanted a child with Emet-Selch had rendered her completely speechless at the moment.
“You must have been so lonely out there.” Maize gently set her hand on Babycorn’s head. “I’m sorry I created you and left you alone for so long.” Had she known she created her, Maize would have canceled her trip and stayed to shower Babycorn with gifts and affection as long as she could.
“It's a scary world out there. Isn’t it?” 
Babycorn was still quiet, speechless. Though this time it was because Maize’s hand was resting on her head. It was a nice feeling. A feeling that Babycorn always secretly wished that people would give her. 
A warm touch to hold her that everything was going to be okay. 
“To journey out there, to places you hardly know with people you can’t trust, I wouldn’t blame you for being so scared of it all.”
Babycorn raised her hands up and grabbed Maize’s wrist, just to make sure that she wouldn’t let go. 
“Losing people is never easy and it never gets any easier. Then to continue living on for them like nothing ever happened? You don’t know how to do that, do you?” 
Babycorn shook her head.
“Aww, sweetie I’m so sorry! I wish there was something I could have done. But I think it's a little too late for me to do anything…”
“It’s okay…”
Maize adjusted her hand “For now. I’ll just relieve you of your worst one!” 
Babycorn’s hands let go of Maize as her arms fell to her side. In an instant, Maize removed her hand, a long glowing thread was attached to the end of her index finger. It wasn’t too long of a thread but it glowed so bright it looked like it was almost on fire. Interlaced around it was another thread, much longer than the first. 
Maize wordlessly moved the thread around in the shape of a circle. From there she could see the memories stored inside of it, all from Babycorn’s point of view. It was a nightmare from what she could see, but the most confusing thing about it was Babycorn’s sympathy for the monsters tearing people apart. 
“Haha! Ew, gross.” was Maize’s only reaction to the whole thing. No wonder her poor little doll hadn’t been able to sleep. “Let’s take care of this!” With a flick of her hand the string collapsed right into her hand alongside the extra one.
Then in an instant and with a clap of her hand, Maize turned the memories into nothing more than dust that she mindlessly sprinkled into the ground. 
As soon as the memories were destroyed Babycorn broke out of her trance with a gasp, only narrowly missing hitting the ground again thanks to being caught by an awakened Sicily.  
“Got ya!” Sicily set Babycorn down on the grassy ground and stepped back. She held her non-existent breath until Babycorn took a breath of her own. Even if Babycorn wasn’t a doll like her it didn’t mean she didn’t care any less about her than before.
“Good job Sicily!” Maize gave her a congratulatory pat on the head and then walked over to inspect Babycorn. 
Babycorn was sleeping soundly on the ground. She had turned herself over on her side, most likely the position she slept in on her own bed. There was a smile on her face and a tear in one of her eyes. 
Maize smiled, “That should do it!” She brushed a part of Babycorn’s hair away from her eyes and stepped back. 
“I hope Babycorn won’t mind that you did that Miss Maize!” Sicily jumped onto Maize’s arm and wrapped her own arms around her. 
“She won’t mind! If she could-I think she would thank me now that she can finally get some sleep!”
“You’re so nice Miss Maize!!!”
“Oh, don’t say that!” Maize chuckled, “After all, I want to get some sleep too!”
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steddielations · 5 months
- nsfw, age gap, rockstar Eddie, drummer steve
Eddie should not be wearing a plug here.
It’s stupid. It’s reckless. But that inner voice that led to decades of being stupid and reckless says it’s fine, it’s just for Eddie. Steve doesn’t have to know, unless he wants to find out.
It really is just for Eddie. It’s more for confidence than kink. It’s a trick he learned back when he was still getting comfortable on stage, back when he could still handle the fast life. Started way back when he was a teenager, dear old dad made sure to turn his talent into cold hard cash.
Now here Eddie is, way too many years of coping with drugs and never any therapy later, retired rockstar doing the whole studio owner mentoring baby rockstars thing. Someone’s gotta keep rock and roll alive so long as Eddie’s still kicking.
So the first thing that comes with years of being stone cold sober is realizing he spent too much time on the road and in the closet, not enough time growing roots so he’d have someone to settle down with when he stopped being so afraid of it.
The second thing is a dick that doesn’t work half the time because maybe if someone told him doing drugs would land him limp-dick at 40, he would’ve stopped sooner. The third thing is that he’s going to die alone with his floppy dick and trust issues.
So with the wild life Eddie lives nowadays, it’s no surprise that a couple smiles and smooth words from a good looking young drummer sent him into a spiral.
Steve’s a session musician, an independent guy that looked good on paper and even better in person. He’s got more heart and grit than the last few ‘frontmans’ Eddie tried to get something real out of. Steve knows it too, the way everyone does at 28.
He’s got the same cockiness in his skills as Eddie, but he knows he’s more than just his skills in a way that Eddie wishes he could’ve known at that age. He’s confident enough to make his own suggestions to Eddie, calls him old fashioned and he’s smooth about it, strikes up debates about music and he’s fucking sassy about it.
Eddie’s gotta be under some kinda spell to be considering Springsteen is one of the greats like Steve insists.
It’s not just because Steve’s younger, there’s always been girls much younger than late 20s trying to get with him for his name, status, money. Bless their hearts, maybe if he was still 20 years deep in the closet. It’s not just because Steve’s a guy either, there’s plenty of young guys now that dare to bat their eyes and call him Daddy and want to get fucked.
No, it’s because Steve’s different. The opposite, even.
Eddie slips up and calls him sweetheart once and it’s like Steve was just waiting to open that door and let every babe and handsome and honey slip out from his lips.
He notices Eddie checking out his biceps as he’s banging away on the drums once and sends him a wink that nearly makes him flatline.
He’s not intimidated to get in Eddie’s space. He has no reason to ever be in the control room, but Eddie doesn’t question it when Steve’s close, leaning over him with a warm hand pressed to the small of his back for one second. Eddie’s so hot faced and flustered that he gets his long hair caught in some of the board switches.
“Fuck, fucking, god damn it,” Eddie curses, tangling it even more trying to yank it free and vowing to chop it all off later.
“It’s alright, here, let's get you sorted out.” Steve’s steady hand closes over Eddie’s, gentle and warm as he eases the lock of hair free. Eddie’s breath lodges in his throat when Steve reaches up, fingers brushing Eddie’s face as he combs through his long silver streaked waves and says, “Don’t ever cut your hair. I love it too much.”
God. Steve makes Eddie feel like he’s a pretty young thing getting moves put on him in the kinda club that he was always too famous, too busy and too afraid to go to at that age.
It can’t be real. Steve can’t be serious. Eddie’s mean. Bitter. He talks shit about everyone and everything. He’s nothing without a guitar. He’s got the prickly rind of daddy issues and doesn’t even have Wayne to make it better anymore. The whole world adoring him all his life only fed his ego. He’s worth millions of dollars and feels like nothing most days. His only real friends are his bandmates that he doesn’t call often enough because they love each other, but they’re sick of each other, being stuck together all those years.
Surely, Steve’s just bored and playing with him. Eddie needs a kick of confidence to deal with it until Steve’s contract ends and he’s done playing with Eddie.
So that’s why Eddie’s got a plug up his ass at the studio. At work, technically.
It helps. It gives him all the inner fire he needs to ignore when he feels Steve’s eyes burning into him, and push his hand through his hair that Steve loves, and sway his hips as Steve’s gaze follows him walking out to the bathroom.
Oh yeah, Eddie’s still got it.
And he has to piss. Really bad. His bladder just ain’t what it used to be and when he’s gotta go, he’s gotta go and for whatever reason, he can’t do it with the plug inside him.
Eddie’s locked in a stall so he doesn’t hesitate to undo his belt and reach inside to pull it out. He holds it while he uses the toilet, so distracted sighing in relief like such an old man that he doesn’t realize how lube-slippery the thing is.
It’s too late. He drops his plug and it rolls out from under the stall just as the bathroom door opens and shuts slowly.
Then Eddie feels both relief and panic when it’s Steve’s voice that asks, “Eddie, did you drop something, honey?”
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munsonsmixtapes · 3 months
Sweet Nothing
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Evan "Buck" Buckley x fem!reader
summary: you come home from the hospital and the entire 118 is there to assure you that you have family by your side
word count: 2k
cw: reader has PTSD
part one part two part three part four part six
Buck sat up quickly and looked around to see that he was still in your hospital room. But how could that be possible if-he turned to your bed and there you were, awake this time. You were awake. So he had been dreaming. You were alive and well and hadn’t actually flatlined. But it all felt so real. So real that he had to open his eyes and make sure that it wasn’t actually happening. 
“Hey stranger,” you spoke with a bright smile and he was quick to pull you into his arms as gently as he could and you returned his hug, giving him a squeeze, both of you pouring your emotions into it. The past twenty four hours had been terrifying for the two of you and now you could both rest knowing that everything was going to be just fine. 
“Hey,” he replied, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips that your were quick to return. “And hey you,” he greeted as he rested a hand on your bump. You rested your hand on top of his and scooted over so he could get into the bed with you.
 Your fingers interlocked as he laid next to you, leaning his head on your shoulder. You turned to look at him and could see tears streaming down his face and you were quick to wipe them away with your free hand. Seeing him cry made your own eyes misty and you rested your hand on his cheek as more tears fell. 
“What’s with the waterworks, honey?” You asked softly and he just buried his face into your neck as he cried some more. 
“I thought I lost you,” he mumbled against your skin and wrapped one of your arms around his neck while your other hand carded through his hair.
“But you didn’t,” you told him, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “Hey, look at me,” you forced him to look you in the eye and you could see that new tears had fallen. “I’m not going anywhere, okay?” 
His hand moved to rest on top of yours and he could see that you were crying too. He wiped your tears away and pulled your in for another kiss, this more deep than the other one, as if he was pouring everything that he has been feeling over the past twenty-four hours into it. His hands wrapped tightly around your waist as he tilted your head back so he had more access to your lips. 
He pulled away just as things were getting a little too heated and grinned at you before snuggling into your chest, the top of his head right against your neck. You rested your chin on top of your head just as there was a knock on the door. Bobby and Athena came into view, a bouquet of your favorite flowers in a vase in Bobby’s hands and a teddy bear that was holding a heart that was embroidered with the words “get well soon” into it in Athena’s. 
You all smiled at each other and Buck was quick to sit up even though the position that the two of you were in was very innocent. He felt like he had been on thin ice with Bobby ever since the two of you had gotten together and there was no way he was going to risk doing anything that was going to get him benched again. 
“There’s my girl,” Bobby said, his smile getting wider as he set the flowers and teddy bear on the table that was to your left that held all of the cards and gifts from the 118 and their families that had been left while you were asleep. 
“Hey, Bobby, Athena.”
“How you holding up, baby?” Athena asked as she stood to your right, moving some hair away from the bandage that was on your forehead, not wanting it to get stuck to the tape. She had only known you for only a few months and was already becoming a mother figure to you. Not that you minded. You actually didn’t mind at all. Her and Bobby had treated you like their third child and considered you to be as such. It didn’t matter that she hadn’t given birth to you, you were her daughter in every way that counted. 
“I’m good,” you nodded as best you could with Buck’s head buried back into your chest. “Thank you guys for being here.”
“We wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” Bobby replied as he sat down in the chair that was previously occupied by Buck. His hand reached out for yours and you gave it to him. You watched his eyes water and didn’t think your eyes could produce anymore tears, but looking at his bottom wobble, you knew you wouldn’t be able to hold them in anymore. 
Pretty soon, all four of you were crying and you all gathered into a group hug, Athena on your side while Bobby was on Bucks, everyone trying their best to hug you tight, showing you just how thankful they felt that you had survived and had come out the other side practically unscathed. It felt like a miracle that a crash that bad had only broken your leg and hadn’t affected the baby in any way shape or form. As your car rolled down the hill, making its way to the tree, you were positive that you were going to be a goner. 
One Week Later
Buck rolled your wheelchair into the elevator as slow as could be, trying his best not to hurt you. You had just been released and he really wasn’t trying to give you a reason to go back, especially since you had racked up quite the bill as it was. Bobby and Athena and Scarlett were right behind with all of your gifts and cards from everyone who had come to visit you. 
You were all engaging in conversation as the elevator went down and once you got to the parking garage, you all exited and went to your vehicles and let them all know what you’d meet them at Bobby and Athena’s where you were going to stay temporarily in their guest room because they insisted on keeping an eye on you. 
Once you said your goodbyes, Buck helped you out of your wheelchair and got you into the passenger seat of his jeep. Once he made sure that you were okay, he got into the driver’s seat and started the vehicle. You realized that you hadn’t been in a vehicle since the accident and you were trying to choke down your fear, trying to push out all of the images of the crash out of your head. 
It was manageable considering that you were a passenger, but now you were afraid that you weren’t going to be able to drive. Not that you could considering the state of your leg, but still. You shut your eyes tight and squeezed Buck’s hand that you were holding tight. He turned to you briefly and then quickly pulled over once he realized that something was happening. 
“What’s going on? Is it the baby? Do I need to pull over?” He asked, constantly looking over at the uneasy look on your face. 
“I’m fine, the baby is fine. Just drive, please,” you begged, wanting this hell to be over. Once you got to the house, you’d be perfectly fine. 
“Are you sure?” He just wanted to be positive that you were actually good and not just saying what he wanted to hear. He knew that you wouldn’t lie to him, but sometimes you did stretch the truth a bit just so he wouldn’t worry and he knew that. 
“Very sure,” you nodded and Buck continued to drive all the way to the house without another word. 
His jeep pulled into the driveway and he was quick to get the wheelchair out of the back before helping you into it. You weren’t sure why, but something felt off as he wheeled you to the front door. Buck opened it and pushed it open, only for the lights to be off, which was weird since Bobby and Athena had been the ones to invite the two of you over and also that their cars were in the driveway so they had clearly beaten you there. 
Buck flipped on the lights and Bobby, Athena, the entirety of the 118 and their families were standing in the living room in front of a large banner that was welcoming you home. They all yelled the word “surprise” in unison and all you and Buck could do was gasp as you pushed your chair to get a closer look. 
Bobby rushed over and pulled down the ramp that they had installed for you and Buck pushed your chair down it with ease. Once you were on the main level, everyone rushed to give you hugs and congratulations on the baby. If you felt loved on the night of your first party, here, you really felt like family. 
All of these people barely even knew you and here they were, taking time out of their busy schedules to visit you in the hospital and even throw a party to welcome you back home. You had never felt more loved and accepted in your entire life and you felt very grateful that you had met Buck that night at the bar. Not only because he was easily becoming the best boyfriend you ever had, but also because you now had a family that came along with him. Just by the way they all dropped everything to be there for you when you were in a time of need and had even showed up to your welcome party even when none of them knew you. Just because Bobby had asked them. 
One Week Later
You felt like a kid on Christmas morning as Buck drove you to your appointment. He would have gone anyway, but since you had gotten home from the hospital, he wouldn’t leave your side. He had made himself at home at Bobby and Athena’s and they didn’t mind a single bit. If he wasn’t fetching something for you, he was laying in the bed in the guest room with you, talking to your bump. 
You both were so excited to find out the sex and decided that you’d be happy with whatever you had as long as the baby was healthy. You had discussed names for either gender and Buck was honestly fine with whatever you wanted, completely willing to get rid of his list if you didn’t like any of the names he had written down. 
Buck wheeled you into the room and helped you onto the bed as the woman who was going to be doing your ultrasound entered. She gave you a bright smile and your nerves suddenly lessened. 
“Hey, mama,” her smile got brighter as she approached you.
“Hi,” you gave her a wave and Buck mimicked your actions. 
“Alright, I’m going to put the gel on your stomach,” she put her gloves on and poured some of the gel into her hand and you grabbed hold of Buck’s hand, giving it a squeeze as the stuff was rubbed onto your stomach. It felt odd and cold. She then took the sensor and moved it around until she could see the baby. 
You felt tears welling up in your eyes as you saw it. It was so small and you wanted to do everything in your power to protect it. And you would. Between you and Buck, there was no question that that would happen. Even though neither of you were sure what you were doing, everyone else was sure that you were going to be the best parents to that baby. 
You both looked at the screen as you squeezed Buck’s hand and you felt the tears run down your face as you looked at the tiny little baby that was inside your stomach. You turned to buck briefly and could see that he was crying as well. 
“If you’ll look right there,” the woman pointed at the screen. “You’ll see that it’s a girl.”
“A girl,” you repeated, looking at Buck once again. 
“A girl,” he repeated. He’d never tell you, but he always secretly wanted to have a girl. He thought he’d be a much better girl dad and he was hoping that he was right. He was going to spoil her and give her whatever she wanted, knowing that she would take after her mother by being able to show him a smile and he’d try his very best to give her the world.
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fourmoony · 4 months
going lingerie shopping w JAMESSSSS
ty for requesting! f!reader, 1.2k, mdni
cw: suggestive, mdni
James can hear you shuffling around in the changing room, the clinking of hangers and your clothes landing in a pile on the carpeted floor. He'd thought you were teasing when you dragged him into the shop with you, cheeks rosy and your smile all knowing. But here he is, waiting for you to show him your top three picks of what he thinks are, essentially, scraps of lace. And you're expecting him to pick a favourite?
James thinks you look good in anything. Truly, you're the most beautiful woman he's ever met in his entire life. He questions himself daily on how he ever managed to secure you as his girlfriend. Not only are you stunning, but you're entirely too smart for him, and you have a brilliant, loving heart. You're everything James has ever dreamed of and he simply cannot believe his luck.
Especially when the dressing room door peaks open and he catches sight of the baby pink lace wrapped beautifully around your waist. Your eyes flick along either end of the hallway before stepping out fully and when you do, James' heart almost flatlines.
The intricate lace hugs your hips in a baby pink coloured dream, and when you spin, the lace dips into a thong. You look at James expectantly, but his eyes snag on the bra, pure lace that shows the darkness of your nipples and his mouth waters. "Holy shit." He lets out.
James isn't too ashamed to admit that the sight of you gets him going. The colour makes your skin look so smooth, matches perfectly with the tone, makes you look positively radiant. Your tits lift perfectly in the bra, sitting perky and James wishes that public fornication wasn't illegal because he has ideas.
"You like it?" You sound sheepish, cheeks a lovely shade of pink that compliments the lace adorning you.
You look the picture of innocence. James wants to ruin it.
"Like isn't a strong enough word, angel."
You laugh, "Okay, hot shot, keep it in your pants. Still two more to go." You tell James as you step back into the changing room and close the door.
"Why can't we just buy all of them? I mean asking me to pick a favourite is cruel." James speaks to the closed door, and he can imagine the amused smile you're giving him, the way you're probably naked and grinning and it's all getting a bit much for him.
"Because," You huff, the sound of a hanger clinking as you take the next set from it, "They're like super expensive. It's a nice little treat, but three is far too many."
James scoffs, folds his arms over his chest. You've spoken a little about James' family, their dynasty in the pharmaceutical industry. But he has a suspicion you live in denial of just how rich he actually is. "I'll buy you all three, baby. You deserve to be spoiled."
He doesn't have to see you to know you're rolling your eyes, ever the one to detest any sort of money being spent on you. You hardly allow James to pay for dinner, even when he asks you on the date.
The door swings open to reveal an emerald green set, this time. You're scowling at his suggestion, still, but you look no less beautiful. This time, there's no lace. Only string, with a scrap of silk to cover your modesty. The bra is made of silk, too. Your nipples press against the shiny material and James realises he really has to get a grip of himself. He gulps and the scowl lifts from your face.
"So the lace wasn't your thing?" You ask, lips tilting up.
James takes an involuntary step forwards, as though if he doesn't get his hands on you soon, he might very well die. "The lace was very much my thing. But this," His fingers twitch, eyes darkening, and James doesn't miss the tiny inhale from your parted lips, the way your eyes glaze over, "Baby, you're so fucking beautiful."
Your smile is saccharine like sticky honey, manicured fingers reaching forwards until they're brushing against James' forearms. His eyes shutter closed at the touch, a man gone mad, driven mad by his beautiful, sexy girlfriend in what he can only describe as the most pleasing lingerie set he's ever seen. "Thanks, Jamie." You whisper, and then you're gone.
James opens his eyes in time to see the round of your ass before the dressing room door slams shut, the sliver of emerald green string that disappears between your perfectly rounded cheeks. He has to stuff a fist in his mouth to stop from groaning loud enough for the entire shopping centre to hear.
The energy shifts, you're not joking or playful anymore, and James can tell you've worked yourself up in your endeavour to tease him. He thinks it serves you right. When the door opens for the third time, James can't breathe. This set is red, has thigh garters and a belt made of the most delicate, sensual mix of lace and silk James could ever imagine. The bra has underwire to support, but is fully lace where it covers next to nothing, and the underwear is so sheer, so small and barely covering you, that James bets all he'd have to do would be to blow hot air against it to have you writhing.
James is so hard he can't think straight. You look sinful, beautiful. He wants to rip the godforsaken lingerie off and simultaneously take his time, enjoy it. Your coy smile lets him know you're aware of his dilemma.
"What do you think, handsome? What ones your favourite?" You ask, leaning against the door jam of the changing room.
Your eyes have a shine to them. One that tells James you're as worked up as he is, that you're enjoying every minute of this like he is. He smiles, allows himself to get close to you in a serious exercise of restraint, and reaches out until your warm skin meets the palm of his hands. Your eyes flutter closed, your body relaxing at the touch. James palms at the skin of your waist, runs a gentle finger from the belt to the thigh garter and watches as your breaths shallow, as your lips quiver.
He bends, all the way until he's right by your ear, the smell of your perfume sweet in his nose, "I think you're gonna go get dressed, and then you're gonna let me buy you all three of these," He pings at the elasticated string of the red thong, marvels at the way you whimper, "And then we're gonna go home and make good use of them."
James dares his fingers to ghost along the lining of your panties, marvels when he gets low enough for you to have to grip onto him for support and finds you soaked. "Sound good, baby?" He asks, pulling away entirely.
Your body jolts at the loss of him, your eyes unfocussed and breaths shallow. "Yes." You manage to get out.
The changing room door slams shut behind you, and for the first time since James has ever known you, you manage to get changed in under a minute.
It's not until later, when there are scraps of emerald and baby pink lace and silk littered across James' bedroom, when you're curled into his side, sleepy and clad in red lace, that you admit to him you'd had every intention of buying all three sets. That the store doesn't allow try-on if you're not going to buy them. James can't bring himself to care.
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Billy Hargrove is your boyfriend 💕
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“Baby.” All other words ceased to exist as Billy’s brain flatlined at the sight of you in your new bodycon pleather halter dress. You stood in front of your vanity mirror applying a red lipstick and giving your hair a final spritz before standing up straight and shrugging.
Moving over to your bed to put on your shoes, you were surprised when Billy wordlessly bent down to kneel in front of you, taking your left foot in his hand and resting it on his knee. He picked up the left leopard print boot and worked it carefully on, zipping it up to the top, and repeating his actions with the other, eyes running over and over you, and you could swear he was almost salivating.
“Is this okay?” you asked, gesturing to your outfit, hair, and shoes.
“Okay?” His eyes widened. “Why wouldn’t it be okay?” With the other boot zipped, he stood and offered a hand to help you up.
“It’s not too much?”
“Definitely not.”
“Well, what is it then?” He lifted your hand and spun you around slowly.
“Gorgeous, stunning, ravishing comes to mind. You’re breakin’ my heart already,” he smirked, pulling you in closer, eyes locked with yours.
“Aww, do you need me to kiss it better?” You smiled wide and rested your hands over his heart through his unbuttoned shirt.
“Always,” he replied, pressing a sweet kiss to your forehead, the smell of his mint gum and spicy aftershave reminding you that this is home. 
✨ Nicknames for you: Babe, dollface, sweet thing (This defaults to “baby” when he’s turned on, and sometimes that’s the only word he can say when he sees you looking like an absolute snack.)
💕 Love language: physical touch/acts of service
Insists on being your personal chauffeur and bodyguard under any circumstances.
Even if he’s preoccupied with something, he is still touching you in some way, i.e. resting a hand on your thigh while he drives.
Loves to show you off wherever you go together with his arm around you.
Offering to fix your car, help you with the yard work, and taking care of the dishes after your meals together.
Takes you on drives to listen to music and talk about life together. He knows all the best places to park where you two can be alone and enjoy a beautiful view of the lights of the town, or a hidden stream, or the best hideout to see all of the stars.
He loves having you close to him. He will absentmindedly move to be near you in any room or situation. No matter what is going on around you, the two of you are like magnets, always finding your way back to each others’ sides.
Loses all functioning capacity when you walk into a room, having to stop and take time to stare at you, gawking and speechless, before running his hands over you and telling you how appetizing you look. He is completely obsessed with you, obviously.
💋 Kissing Billy: He is all fire and intensity. With strong hands and lips, every time kissing Billy is a dizzy adventure, and his experience level means he’s the best at what he does. Whether it’s lazy, smiley kisses tangled in the bed sheets or rough and tumble lip biting between ass grabs and muffled growls, he is always giving 110% for you. Pushing his curls out of his eyes before a kiss always earns you a warm, blinding smile from him.
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beezwackz · 2 years
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Baby flatline, still time to do it too!
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tornado1992 · 7 months
I know it’s wholesome Sonic and Tails Wednesday eve and I shouldn’t be posting anything angsty BUT
Now that we’re exploring the potential of Tails being directly linked to the Chaos Emeralds…
Team Sonic and the restoration are fighting Eggman’s forces, it’s rough, they’re outnumbered and are getting close to being out powered, Silver and Team Dark’s assistance be dammed, Eggman did plan how to keep them occupied.
A foreign place, no citizens around, no remaining functioning facilities nearby, not any city, town or population, nothing close to them, everything has been rather evacuated or demolished by Badniks.
They’re scattered around the battlefield, everyone way too far from one another, but they have to cover more terrain, and no one’s better than Sonic to do that.
He’s going from edge to edge, dodging, punching, wrecking, they’ve been at this for hours but he can keep on for days, no doubt.
There’s yelling and shouting until there isn’t, a harsh sudden silence taking its place, weird. Sonic turns to the vibration in his arm.
His communicator illuminates in bright angry red, an alarm. Tails vitals.
Tails flatlines.
Way to sudden, no rising on vitals, no yelling from his side of the battlefield, it had to be a mistake, he needed it to be a mistake.
But the screen shows Tails’ communicator’s still attached to his wrist, and there’s no longer any silence when the shouts and cries of the fox’s name fill the place, It wasn’t a mistake.
He nearly trips on his own feet at how quickly he moved, his legs suddenly so weak to support him, but he had no time to freeze, he had no time to doubt he had no time-
He gets beside him in less than a second.
He’s on the ground, no badniks near him, the ground around him almost steaming, surrounding him in infernal smoke, he can feel the ground trembling, trembling, almost like how his body felt when a much younger Tails was purring while hugging him. Hell, why does he look so small all of the sudden?
His baby brother’s bright pretty yellow fur tainted if not bathed in a sick red. His chest fluff has no white left to show, a deep wound right over his heart. No.
He craddles him close, he knows he shouldn’t move him but he shouldn’t be so still, he wasn’t supposed to be this still, no, he was supposed to at least be crying he was supposed to hug Sonic back he was supposed to open his eyes-
There are no functioning hospitals in miles. The medic team is not equipped for this after hours of treating the wounded and preventing casualties. There’s no longer any medic team around, just wrecked badniks and his friends approaching.
Tails isn’t breathing. He doesn’t react to the speedster’s hand on his cheek. He doesn’t purr when his brother’s fingers run through his bangs. He doesn’t wake up when Sonic shouts his name begging him to please open his eyes.
Tails flatlined, but Sonic could tell his own heart threatening to stop.
He can’t hear anything. He can’t think. He can’t see anything but how still his little brother’s chest is.
He doesn’t think. He just knows he will not lose his little brother. Not now. Not ever. Not like this.
His body moves on his own when he practically rips a chaos emerald from Shadow’s hand, returning to his brother’s side not a second after, he doesn’t think even once about what doing next.
Sonic puts the chaos emerald over his kid’s small chest, right over his heart. Most would call what he made an “overpowered defibrillator”, but he knows he was just reaching for a miracle.
The miracle mercilessly shocks his kid.
One time, it doesn’t work. Two times, he can feel how the kit’s body can barely handle that much energy. Three times, his own hands are trembling, why is Tails face wet? It’s not even raining. Four times, someone’s yelling at him to stop, he’s only hurting Tails even more, he’s only damaging his body, but he can’t hear anything, Five times, he uses even more power, all his rage, desperation and… fear? Into that last shock.
Tails wakes up with a gasp. It worked.
It worked, Tails opened his eyes and started coughing loudly. Rough and harsh, but it meant he was alive, no wound visible anymore over his chest.
It worked, and that’s all that matters now.
Not how the skin in his hands got burned even through his gloves, not how his little brother’s eyes are no longer baby blue but an emerald green so much like his, not how long it took for Tails to actually look at him and answer when he asked if he was okay, not how he seemed more scared than confused about the fact that he was alive, not how even while Tails was fully awake and conscious Knuckles couldn’t find a pulse.
Tails is alive, and that’s all that matters.
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byghostface · 6 months
Their faces😭 He is so mad and she is so sad and clinging to him to apologize for her action😭😭
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Honestly, Nika is partially telling her truth to Damian here, she only asked for Damian to help her find her sister, and he did, so she thanked him, promising to talk later. She just trying to buy time for her plans to work while stopping Damian from getting more involved and making Mila trust her.
Look at how cheerful and cute Nika is with her sister… Mila is so pretty… they are so cutee☹️☹️🥲
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This is probably the first time they’re having fun and understanding each other, and Nika already knows she has made the decision to sacrifice this possible renewed kinship by betraying Mila's trust while keeping her safe. ( look at her sad face ungghggh my baby ueueee😭😭😭 she knows she will have two people she loves mad at her simultaneously in one single night…)
Just thinking that Nika still cares about her sister a lot, and probably knows this criminal life will not do well for Mila in the longest run, so she track her down and decided to make a plan to get her out… And all this time Mila is blinded by jealousy of not having power as her, then when she gets the power she doesn't even once try to find Nika😭😞😞
I'm just hoping Nika will keep in touch with their mother and tell her what happened to Mila…
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Nika immediately blasts Mila with the ice guns once Mila wants to severely harm and poses a danger to Damian. Mila must have called Nika weirdo so many times as an insult when they were little kids, cuz Nika is still mad about this (I don't blame her, you go girl!! Tell her to back off, seems like your sister still doesn't know that words still hurt).
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Nika came to him and Batman to ask for help to find her sister and make sure it would be fine for her to handle Mila's situation (minimal the chance for Mila to be sent to Gotham prison, and stick to her plan). She explains her plan and actions to Damian and tells him that it's not all an act with him.
She wants to return the favor by helping his cases and making sure that's fine with him too (She's so open to talk and gentle to Damian here… and meanwhile he looked so sad thinking she's leaving again so soon😭).
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Man-bat in Nikola's style is sooo good!!! I love how he looks here, so brutal and threatening! This page is one of my favorite.
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Love these panels too, Batman being dragged into the darkness by Man-bat… Shush why are you looking so shook here, even though Batman save you from Man-bat's strike a few seconds before… I thought you wanted him dead?
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Erica's face lowkey reminds me of that one Shrek image… she's so funny with that stare she gave to Damian😂
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The tie, the red skirt and the knee-high boots… She's my everythinggg🥹🥺🫶♥️🖤💕💕
Can't wait for the next issue! If Ms. Hall is actually Shush, it would be so interesting for her to see Damian sneaking Nika into school to help him try to uncover the principal as Shush.
I had a feeling that in the next issue, Nika would punch Damian's bullies for calling him names (look how she did with her sister, she definitely would not tolerate that I fear), or something they planned together this time would happen to get both of them to the detection.
(I'm kinda sad that Mila's appearance is so short, hopefully she can return in later issues… reasons number 97676443178 why I need a Flatline solo!! To explore more with her family!!!🙏🙏)
Batman and Robin(2023) #8 spoilers- preview thoughts.issue thoughts
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i-am-a-l0st-gh0st · 1 year
Please hold me close to you- Lyney x reader flufftober day 13
Baby flatline still time to do it too T/w- Fluff, short and sweet Summary- Lyney gets really clingy before a show
Taglist form!
Flufftober 2023 Masterlist
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“Loveee.” Lyney whined, pulling on the back of your clothes. “Please I have half an hour till performance.”
Lyney was the clingest person you’d ever met, he was currently holding on the the back of your clothes asking for cuddles. You had refused and said he needed to get ready for his show. He shot back saying he was already ready, and continued to hold on to you like you were treasure. The only way he would actually get up on stage and perform for an audience was if you cuddled him before.
“Fine come here then.” You lay down on the miky couch while Lyney rushed over and lay on top of you.
He snuggled his face into your neck kissing it slightly, while wrapping his arms around you. How had you gotten so lucky, you had a partner who loved you and wanted you, he was a very physical person and he loved you, so much. He always told you, no matter the place, the time, or the situation. And he always said how much he missed you after the show even if it only went for an hour.
The way lyney cuddled into you was so adorable, almost like a cat. He felt so warm so comforting, almost like a warm blanket. He gave you a few kisses on the neck, which you returned with cheek kisses. About half an hour later, Lynette found the two of you like this and told lyney to get up. Both of you were a bit flustered after.
After the show lyney seemed so drained and tired. Still, he tried to put on a happy face, in front of you. But you could see it was failing. So this time you initiated the cuddles, and he accepted with such haste you’d think he was waiting for it. So you two resumed the position you had hours ago and fell asleep.
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becauseimanicequeen · 2 months
4 Minutes Theories (Ep. 3)
In this post, I've compiled my theories from my initial reaction to the trailer and the teaser (which were kind of sweeping since the trailer and teaser didn't give me much to get super detailed about), the new ones I've written down after watching new episodes (episode 1 and episode 2), and some new wild-ass theories I've written in some scattered posts throughout the previous week.
Just like last week, I will go through my theories one by one. Let's see how wrong I am this time, and how (un)likely the other theories are. Like last time, I might develop some of my theories and add some new ones as well.
Let's go!
Pre-premiere theory: The moments Great sees ahead of time are moments that might help him redeem himself from a past mistake/transgression. (Unconfirmed)
Well, the first two episodes seemed to have a pattern where the moments that were reversed seemed to be reversed for Great to do them over, do better, do "the right thing".
In this week's episode, though, it seemed like Great was moved back in time so he could tell Tyme that he could see 4 minutes into the future (with proof to make Tyme believe him). So, perhaps it isn't so much about redeeming himself from past mistakes/transgressions. That could still be a part of it, of course. But his precognitive ability might be helping him move forward quicker (since time is clearly running out). Moving toward what, though? That's the question, isn't it?
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Maybe to find a way to wake up from his cardiac arrest (I still believe Great was the one that flatlined in the first episode). Maybe he needs to find the information he needs to do whatever he needs to do after waking up. Maybe to just make the most out of his out-of-body experience (OOBE) before he dies. Or maybe something else.
Either way, I'm keeping this theory for now, until it's proven wrong (or right).
Revised/developed pre-premiere theory: Korn will do some shady shit to prove to his dad that he can take over the family business. (Unconfirmed)
Korn is already deep in the shit. And I have a feeling he will only sink deeper and deeper (until he's 6 feet under).
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This man will destroy more than one person he cares about, won't he? He's already putting Tonkla through shit, even though he's doing it unknowingly since this idiot doesn't use his goddamned phone!
(I'm usually annoyed by phones in general, but they can serve a productive purpose too, like making sure you block a fucking cop's cock from entering your sugar baby!)
I have a feeling Korn will fuck Great over as well. Great is only the result of his dad's affair, and Korn is probably more interested in prestige, status, and money than Great even though it seems like they have a good relationship (at least on the surface).
Will it go so far that Korn kills someone? Maybe. He might not do it of his own will, but if he's under too much pressure or if someone pressures him to do it, it might happen.
It will definitely be interesting to see how far Korn will go.
Pre-premiere theory: Title is involved with Korn. (Unconfirmed)
Before watching the first episode, I thought Title might've been a brother or that they had a boss/minion relationship. But, Title is (most likely) not Korn's brother (but who knows how far Korn's dad has spread his seed...). There's still a possibility he is (or will be) working for Korn. Or, perhaps Title's dad (whom he mentioned in the 2nd episode) is one of the shareholders, and Title will get involved with Korn for that reason.
Anyway, I'm keeping this theory for now.
Pre-premiere theory: Tonkla has a target on his back. (Unconfirmed)
This theory was based on the background of the poster for Fuaiz/Tonkla, and I still believe it's a possibility.
How will Korn react when he finds out Tonkla is hooking up with a cop? How will Fasai react when she finds out Korn has a sugar baby (if she doesn't already know, which I have a feeling she does)? How will Fasai (or her dad) react when she realizes Korn's sugar baby is hooking up with a cop? How will Win react when he finds out Tonkla's sugar daddy is managing illegal gambling sites? How will Win react when he finds out Tonkla has beaten the shit out of someone? (I mean, if Win even survives that long.)
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I don't think all of them will target Tonkla, but there's definitely a possibility that Korn and Fasai (and potentially Fasai's dad) will want Tonkla gone/silenced/killed while Win might try and get information about Korn out of Tonkla.
Either way, I need Tonkla to come winning out of this, even if it means bashing other people's heads in to protect himself.
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Pre-ep. 2 theory: Tonkla will betray Korn. (Unconfirmed)
I won't call Tonkla hooking up with Win a betrayal. Just like I didn't see it as a betrayal when Korn was with Fasai. There might be feelings involved for Tonkla and Korn, but they both know Tonkla is just a side piece (Tonkla even asked himself why he allowed himself to be treated this way, which means Korn has ignored him more than once in the past).
I won't call this theory confirmed until I have an actual betrayal. And I'm rooting for a betrayal. I don't really care if he reveals all of Korn's dirty laundry to Win or if he ends up beating the shit out of Korn with a rock. I just want him to fuck shit up.
Pre-premiere theory: Win is battling some contrasting, opposing forces (internal and/or external). (Unconfirmed)
This theory was based on the background of the poster for JJay/Win. I solely based it on the red and green contrasting colors.
Last week, after finding out he works for the police, I thought that perhaps the contrasting forces he's battling are his attachment/feelings for Tonkla and his duty to uphold the law.
After this week's episode, there's also the ethically ambiguous action of getting involved with the brother of the murder victim you're investigating (well, not officially anymore, but still). Will Win be able to keep his situationship with Tonkla separate from his duty as a cop or will he continue to go rogue to keep his promise to Tonkla?
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Also, there's still the possibility that Tonkla might kill someone. What will Win do if/when he finds out? Will he have trouble deciding between protecting Tonkla or arresting him?
In other words, I need more to label this theory as confirmed.
Pre-premiere theory: Den has a situationship with Korn. (Unconfirmed)
I'm keeping this theory only because I want to see Bas and Job together. This is such a delulu dream of mine.
What if Korn goes to the hospital to get the wound on his neck fixed? What if he runs into Den there?
If I can't have Korn and Den together, can I at least have Bas and Job in the same frame? Please. And, thank you.
I will keep being delulu about this until I get it (and probably even when there's not even a snowball's chance in hell that they'll hook up).
Pre-ep. 3 theory: Dome is Tonkla's brother. (Unconfirmed)
This theory is based on several timelines happening in the series (at least two, anyway). However, there might've been evidence in this episode that points to it not being possible for this theory to be true (seeing how Tyme said he was asked by Great to check in on Dome at the hospital). So, maybe not...
I don't know...
I'll have to write my timelines posts first. So, when I get some time after the Olympic Games have ended, I will expand on this theory (as well as the parallel timelines).
Pre-premiere theory: Fasai is the other character with a condition similar to Great’s (alternatively, it's Tyme). (Unconfirmed)
This won't happen. The only reason I'm keeping this theory is because I need the show to prove to me that Fasai doesn't have precognitive abilities so I can label this as wrong and move on.
Pre-ep. 3 theory: Tyme has a precognitive ability similar to Great’s (or might develop one). (Unconfirmed)
I've been dilly-dallying about this since I saw the trailer, but I didn't write it down until last week. That's only because I believe it one second only to not believe it the next. (This is a good example of how this show is fucking with my head. I love it, even though it's annoying.)
But, I will keep this theory because of the way Tyme's eyes caught Great when Great was sitting silently in the hospital in last week's episode as well as this moment from the teaser:
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There's definitely something going on with Tyme, as if he can feel his way toward Great or something. (Perhaps a connection through a heart transplant?)
Come on, show. Prove me wrong (or right).
And, if I spin off on how he might've developed an ability of his own...
Wild-ass pre-ep. 2 theory: Tyme will have a near-death experience and develop his own precognitive ability. (Unconfirmed)
Do I think this will happen? Most likely not. But having both Great and Tyme develop precognitive abilities is delulu enough for me to like it.
Just imagine if both Tyme and Great are having OOBEs and are trying to either help each other or happen to unintentionally get in the way of each other's goals/changes? That would be bonkers.
Revised/developed pre-premiere theory: Fasai has a connection with Korn. (Unconfirmed)
Last week, I wrote that I would only confirm this if I could guess what kind of relationship they have (or half-confirm it since they clearly have some sort of connection).
My first pre-premiere guess was that she was Korn's sister (which, as soon as last week's episode was out, proved me way off). Then, my thought last week was that they have a situationship.
Fasai gets the pleasure of power/domination while Korn gets access to a higher standing, more money, more prestige, etc.
They have more than likely known each other for a long time because of their families, but I feel like it would be too obvious and boring if they were engaged (or even married).
So, I will keep this theory unconfirmed for now.
Pre-ep. 3 theory: Fasai (and/or her father) is in league with someone within the police force. (Unconfirmed)
In the first episode, Korn said Fasai was going to have dinner with an uncle Warit. In this week's episode, Nan found the name of a Warit on the papers in the safe.
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It said he was a Lt. Gen., which, to be fair, is more of a military ranking than a police one, right?
Either way, I'm keeping this theory for now because I might be onto something.
Revised/developed pre-premiere theory: Great is having an out-of-body experience. (Unconfirmed)
I previously called this theory a "dream world" after watching the trailer and teaser, but an OOBE is a much better description of it.
I'm keeping this until proven right or wrong.
Pre-ep. 2 theory: Great's visions of himself and Tyme are his present self's memories of their time together. (Unconfirmed)
This is based on the OOBE theory being true. But this theory seems pretty obvious to me if the OOBE theory is true.
The reason he sees those visions, however, might be because some power wants him to approach Tyme a lot faster than he did in the real past. And that could be connected to another theory I have (the heart transplant theory).
I will expand on this as soon as I get some time over after the Olympic Games have ended.
Pre-ep. 3 theory: There are different timelines. (Unconfirmed)
Not to sound like a broken record (lol), but I will develop this in a separate post when the Olympic Games are over. I will, I will, I will.
To summarize, I think there are:
A present-time timeline
A real past timeline
And a timeline I call the OOBE timeline (which is where Great changes the events based on his precognitive ability)
I will develop this in another post because I can't seem to get it out of my head. And I need to get it out for my own sanity, lol.
Pre-premiere theory: Great’s (Bible’s) tattoos have something to do with the story. (Because I refuse to believe otherwise! lol) (Unconfirmed)
Just like I wrote last week (and the week before): I swear I'm keeping this theory because it hasn't been confirmed (or denied), yet. That's the only reason I'm keeping this theory.
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I swear I'm not keeping this theory to add this image to every post I write...
Pre-premiere theory: Great becomes Korn’s target because he can see ahead of time. (Unconfirmed)
I'm starting to get the feeling that this might be more possible the more I learn about Korn than I thought after watching the first episode.
As I mentioned before, I have a feeling that Korn is going to do some shady shit. Turning on the kid that's the result of his dad's affair might not be that far-fetched. Will Korn become so ruthless in his pursuit to prove himself to his dad that he'll turn on Great? And will Great be able to avoid it now that he has his precognitive ability?
We'll have to wait and see.
Pre-ep. 2 theory: Great has a cardiac arrest/near-death experience at 11:00. (Unconfirmed)
This probably won't be confirmed until Great wakes up in the present (which might happen in episode 5 or 6). Unless I've been wrong about this the whole time. In that case, I'll gladly tuck this theory into my failed/scrapped box (where most, if not all the others, will end up too, lol).
We also saw that the clock was counting down in last week's episode as well as this week's episode.
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And that leads me to the next theory...
Pre-ep. 3 theory: Great has 4 minutes to wake up/get his heart to start beating again. (Unconfirmed)
Great has 4 minutes (well, after the 3rd episode, it's only 2 minutes) to wake up/get his heart to start beating again in the present before his brain gets damaged. Because the brain starts to get damaged due to a lack of oxygen 3-5 minutes after the heart stops (according to a quick Google search). Since Sammon is an actual doctor, I'm pretty sure the 4-minute mark is scientifically supported. And that's what I think is happening here.
My guess is that Great needs to find the information he needs/learn whatever he needs to learn/solve whatever he needs to solve before the time runs out so his heart can start beating before he suffers major brain damage.
Pre-ep. 3 theory: Tyme is looking into the illegal gambling sites because his family fell victim to them. (Unconfirmed)
There has to be a bigger reason he's doing this than just wanting to be "the good guy" fighting crime.
My theory is that his parents fell victim to the illegal gambling sites even though it's been years since they died.
As I think about it now, though... Maybe Tyme has something against Great's dad in particular rather than the gambling sites. What if Great's dad was the reason Tyme's parents died? Perhaps Great's dad covered it up, and Tyme's investigation into the illegal gambling sites is just a way for him to take down Great's dad and get some justice for his parents' deaths?
Pre-ep. 3 theory: Tyme is getting close to Great because of Great's family and their connection to the illegal gambling sites. (Unconfirmed)
I still believe this is true even though I think Tyme was a bit surprised that he got to see a different side of Great than he thought he would.
Pre-premiere theory: Someone will die/fake their death. (Unconfirmed)
As I wrote in the previous posts in this series on my 4 Minutes theories, this was pretty obvious from the start. Sammon kills characters all the time.
But, I also mentioned in last week's post that I won't confirm this theory until one of the major characters dies. Technically, Dome has already been killed. But Great reversed it, so that doesn't count.
In last week's post, I also speculated on who would be killed and wrote Dome, Title, and perhaps Korn, which I still stand by.
I might pass this as soon as a major character shows up dead, or I might not pass this theory until at least two out of my options above (Dome, Title, and Korn) show up dead.
Either way, I'm keeping this theory for now.
Wild-ass pre-ep. 2 theory: Great will get Tyme's heart (after Tyme is shot). (Unconfirmed)
This is not the Transplant I want, btw. But it might be possible.
(Disclaimer: I'm not a medical professional. I have no idea if this is medically possible considering where Tyme was shot and how far he might be from a hospital (since I know a body needs to be hooked up to a ventilator to be able to keep the organs alive if organ donations are to be possible). So, excuse my lively imagination, lol.)
I will develop this theory in a separate post as soon as I get some time when the Olympic Games are over. I have so much to say about this one.
Wild-ass pre-ep. 3 theory: The number 4 marks a character with death. (Unconfirmed)
I had this theory yesterday before the 3rd episode and added it to this post.
The number 4 (which in Cantonese is pronounced very similarly to the word "death") marks characters with death. Either actual death or something like a cardiac arrest (which can be saved).
To summarize what I wrote in that post, Those characters are:
The patient at the beginning of the 1st episode who has a cardiac arrest. (I still believe this is Great.)
Great, who is surrounded by the number several times during his OOBE.
Manee, who is lying in room number 4 at the hospital.
View, Title, and Dome who are near that 4 on the trashcan in the 2nd episode. (It might just be one or it might be all three, my guess is all three.)
And in this week's episode, we also saw the patient in bed 4 that Great had intubated even though Den said it might've been more humane to let her die.
Also, if they're playing with several timelines in the show (which I also believe), the number 4 might signify the characters that died in the real past:
Great, who flatlines (even though that might technically be in the present)
Manee, who Great hit and left to die
View, who might've been killed by Title if Great hadn't helped her escape from him
Dome, who most likely would've been killed if Great hadn't stopped Title
Title still has time to die (perhaps by Tonkla)
And the elderly lady in bed number 4 who will probably die anyway
Let's see how wrong I am about this.
New theories after the 3rd episode:
Here, I'll gather the new theories I have (to make it simpler for myself to find them next week) and add one or two other ones I've come up with.
I'm still thinking about the rocks in the 2nd episode and what significance they have, but I haven't made up my mind about this yet. I feel like the parallel timelines might be at play here, so I'll have to think a bit more about that and perhaps develop it in a separate post.
Tyme's choices in the real past are the reason Great is in the hospital having a cardiac arrest and an OOBE (the note on the tea cup changing to "Can you forgive me, Great?" might be a message from Tyme). (At the risk of sounding like a broken record again... I will develop this in a separate post as soon as I get some time after the Olympic Games are over.)
When the clock strikes 11:04, Great wakes up in his real past and gets to do everything all over again according to what he learned during his OOBE.
Results so far:
Total theories since the trailer: 31
Confirmed theories: 1.5
Unconfirmed theories: 25.5
Wrong/scrapped theories: 4
New theories after ep 3: 2
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djarrex · 1 year
Captain Rex x f!reader
masterlist | read on ao3
Rex hears his baby's heartbeat for the first time.
pregnant!reader. dad Rex. this is so soft, y'all. there's also brief mentions of Rex feeling guilty, but overall, this is just a fluffy, self-indulgent fic. about 1.2k words.
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When you come out from your room after changing into something more loose-fitting and comfortable, you see the new at-home fetal doppler device laying on the kitchen table just outside the box it came in, and Rex is sitting there with his face buried in the little instructions foldable that came with it. Ever the researcher, Rex more than likely has read every word since opening it, whereas you would have just skimmed to what looked most important. Or, rather, you would've looked at the pictures, using the visuals as the sole model. A hand on your belly, you let out a light laugh, making Rex look up from what appeared to be pretty intense reading.
“Tricky piece of hardware?” you tease.
“I like to be thorough,” he points out matter-of-factly. “Wanna make sure I do this right to get the best results.”
You plop onto the couch, the creak of the springs doing the tortuous job of reminding you of your changing body. “What’d you find out?”
Rex follows you over. “Well, we want to make sure we're not confusing your heartbeat with the baby's. There are a few other things we may hear too, like the movement of your placenta or arteries.” He pauses, placing a pillow at the very end of the couch and motioning for you to lay on your back. “You still have a full bladder, right?”
You scoff. “Yes. Remember you scolded me a couple hours ago into drinking all of that water at lunch, and then told me afterwards to not use the bathroom?”
“It was for a reason, love,” he reminds you with a teasing smile, lifting your shirt up to the slope of your belly. “A full bladder helps push your uterus out of the pelvic cavity, that way the fetal heartbeat is more easily detected.”
“Wow. You really did do your research. I like it when you talk medical to me.”
Rex chuckles at that and squirts a copious amount of lotion on your belly, rubbing it in gentle circles. “I’ve already verified the device is functional and sterilized the probe face.”
You bite your lip to hold back a laugh. “You used it to check your own heartbeat first, didn’t you?”
“Maybe,” he replies cheekily, deliberately avoiding your eyes with the response. “You ready, love?”
“Let’s hear what this little bean's got.”
Rex clicks the receiver on, a device that’s small enough to fit in his hand. A display lights up with a little beep, a flatline and a zero sitting stagnant. A cylindrical probe is held in Rex's other hand, and as he rests the face of it against your lotioned belly, you suck in a breath of air. Your own heartbeat thumps in your ears as you watch the focus creasing in Rex's handsome features. He’s moving the probe so slowly, so particularly, that you know he’s searching for something specific that he had to have read in his research. His hand turns the probe so that the face changes angles, starting low near your pubic bone up towards your navel then back down again.
This is a moment the two of you have waited for, for a while.
The beginning of this journey was rough, the first several weeks being nothing but bedridden illness and nausea that lasted longer than just the mornings. You stayed at home, too drained and lacking any energy to do necessary things, like go shopping or cook. A lot of days included you ordering food to be delivered, and groceries as well. It was hard to not have Rex there by your side, to help with things that would normally be a breeze for you – and you know he feels guilty for that, even though both of you are more than understanding that it isn't his fault. Still, in the odd hours of the night when he actually was able to contact you to check in only added to his needless guilt, upset with himself that he was never there laying beside you to rub your back or retrieve whatever it was that you required.
You’re a little more than a few months into this pregnancy and you’re not under any impression that Rex’s schedule will miraculously change to you and your unborn child’s benefit, but moments like this one now make it all worth it.
The quick thrumming of the baby’s heartbeat comes out muffled through the handheld over the whooshing waves in the background, the beats monitored on the display. The sound fills you with warmth and you laugh in astonishment, a choked sound as tears fill your eyes. Your hand clasps over your mouth and you look to Rex, who looks completely entranced and in awe – but there’s something else in those warm eyes of his.
The hand covering your mouth instead finds his wrist, fingers gently enclosing around it. His eyes are positively glowing as he watches himself slowly and carefully run the probe face in steady circles around a specific part of your protruding belly. Rex remains extremely silent, lips twitching in the most miniscule of movements as he concentrates.
An overwhelming sense of pride floods into Rex. He can’t believe he created this. Life – natural life. A clone soldier, a man bred for nothing more than to be fodder in battle, created life from love. It’s just beneath this device, growing in the womb of the one he loves. For the very first time he can hear it, the beating heart of it a flicker of sound that he’ll surely remember forever. The shame and guilt that he constantly feels for rarely being present to support you flees him in this moment, replaced with the overriding feelings of promise and joy.
You already know the answer to your impending question, but you want to hear Rex's voice, to prompt him after being silent since switching on the doppler.
“This is our baby’s heartbeat, what we’re hearing?”
Rex clears his throat, using the back of the hand that’s holding the receiver to wipe at the unshed tears in his eyes. “Yes. Yes, it is.” Eyes shimmering, he looks up at you, offering up the devices. "You wanna try?"
You nod, taking both devices from his hands and quickly placing the probe back where Rex just had it. It takes you a few tries to find it, but then the rapid little heartbeat is coming back to life once again.
"It's perfect," you say softly with admiration. "A perfect little heartbeat."
Rex's head lowers then, his forehead meeting your belly. He inhales and exhales shakily.
"Are you okay, Rex?"
When he looks up at you, a tear is streaming down his cheek. "More than okay. I'm so happy."
You laugh through a sudden sob just as Rex goes to kneel closer to you. He kisses you gently, a smile forming on his lips against yours. He folds his hands over your own and the two of you stay like that, foreheads pressed together and hands holding the doppler as one, the sound of your baby's heartbeat filling the room. It's just the three of you here and now, everything on the outside forgotten in this moment.
@pinkiemme @twistedstitcher27 @wild-karrde @rain-on-kamino @ner-runi @literallydontlook @rexxdjarin @rowansparrow @burningfieldof-clover @commander-sunshine
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worldwhampion · 1 month
RETIREMENT (and why I was so crazy about NMS)
it has been roughly 3 years. 14 at first, 17 by now and closing nearer to 18.
The time has come for Blog Retirement.
Interests have shifted, Life has called. I'll hop to another galaxy, but I will remember.
Supermoon which drew me in, entering a galaxy with stories pervaded by isolation, alienation and solitude, comfortingly familiar.
A traveller searching for others alike to ease their solitude, only to be trapped in a state of agony, more dreadful than the state in which they began.
Another attempts to drown out theirs with material value, until they learn of other sources for happiness.
An immortal life for the price of deeds unforgivable, ultimately leading to irredeemable condemnation- in eternal solitude.
Two friends who don't belong in reality, hiding in the cracks where those who are similarly fundamentally different, can call sanctuary.
A god-like being left to deteriorate fully awake in its dying state, alone and abandoned by its creator.
Such stories of isolation, alienation and solitude have provided comfort in familiarity. What I felt, I had found in these characters and their stories, when there was nothing else for comparison. What I felt was not given only a name, but stories instead, complete with the same themes as my own.
These are stories of immense isolation, alienation and solitude, and yet through them, I had found Connection with others, something then very frightingly new to me. (Still is). Through isolation, alienation and solitude, I had found Connection? This was a mind boggling contradiction to me (still is) NMS was the only medium through which I could connect, and wanted to. It was the first to ever do so. Most incredibly, I wasn't strongly appalled by it, as I used to with any kind of interactions. Instead, I was genuinely delighted as I interacted. For once I felt I could do what others seemingly did with ease, the ability, the will, and the actual want for interaction. Not as a shallow disguise for courtesy, but out of genuine interest and curiosity for what others thought. I found I loved listening to people sharing their thoughts, and I did the same, shamelessly unfiltered. Unheard of before.
Though the people I've met on discord are those who are the furthest away from me, I've felt the strongest bonds with them, people who can't be called anything else but Friends.
In the span of one year, I have learned most of what I now know about friendships from everyone I've talked to. I have never felt so much about others before. Far Too often I felt Far Too scared by this unfamiliarity, but just as scary as it was, it had brought equal joy too. It is a scope of feelings I cherish immensely, everything, from the highest to the lowest. From snorting laughter, stupid chronic smiles to long worries and cried tears. I think I have laughed and smiled the most the past years, not alone, but with others. Not limited to smiles and laughter, but Feeling in general.
Feelings aren't meant to flatline, like a heartbeat they go up and down. With every peak, there is a depression. That is what keeps you alive.
I am proud, but at the same time I know I am still a baby when it comes to such things. What does one year mean? If this is what one year could do, then what could another do? Or a decade? Despite this, it still feels very new to me, and many things still do scare me. But without NMS, I would've gone on a trajectory of continued aversion of interaction. I am so, so glad I can avoid that path. There are many galaxies for me to hop to.
For all the years I've lived it's strange to think it's a sci fi game out of everything, that would open me up to anyone.
If I were Artemis in their search for others who are alike, I have found them. And I hit not gold, but something entirely priceless. And it's with the best imaginable community I could've ever met.
From the deepest bottom of my soul,
Thank you
To everyone who has read this, to everyone who has viewed my blog, everyone to everyone I've met, to everyone in the NMS server. To everyone who has been a part of the NMS community.
If you're the sum of everything you've ever experienced, then I am so glad to have you all.
14 year old me originally only hoped to find a NMS community, but I think I have hit it further a notch.
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shion-yu · 4 months
Day 16: Coma (#2)
Cliff story for @medwhumpmay. Since I already have a story with this prompt going, why not add to it anyways? To be continued on day 24! Parts 1-3 were done for Whumptober 2023: Fever | Flatline | Coma.
Cliff stayed awake for less than a minute at a time. The doctors would come in and out and try to get him to speak, but all that came out was the faintest “yes” or “no” that was audible only if one were to lean close. He seemed too tired to say his full name and birthday like they wanted him to - or maybe he just couldn’t. Elliot didn’t know, only that the relief he felt when Cliff opened his eyes was not lasting.
It was obvious Cliff was struggling to breathe. Even with high flow oxygen, his numbers dipped frequently, setting off alarms and bringing the nurses hurrying in. The ten days that Cliff had been unconscious were painful, but not as difficult as watching him struggle like he was now. Elliot tried to comfort him, but Cliff seemed to hear very little of what he said.
“We may have to intubate again,” the doctor said after the first very long night. “It happens, it’s unfortunate but not rare. Sometimes people just aren’t ready.”
The numbers didn’t bode well for this fate. Cliff’s father seemed to be pushing the doctors to try any other methods before intubating again, and for once Elliot agreed with him. Of course he didn’t want to see Cliff with the tube down his throat again, still to the point of eeriness. On the other hand, if it had to be done he’d rather they do it before it became an emergency again.
“Baby,” Elliot said softly, holding Cliff’s hand and squeezing. Cliff didn’t respond, but Elliot knew he was listening. Cliff’s breath was labored, his chest heaving and breath shuddering with effort. He had a fever again and they’d been trying a non invasive ventilation mask on and off all day. It didn’t seem to help. “If you need to go back to sleep for a while, I’ll be right here.”
Cliff opened his eyes ever so slightly and looked at Elliot, expression pained. “Married,” he croaked the word out so weakly it was barely audible, but Elliot understood immediately. He stood over Cliff and forced a teary smile.
“We’ll get married the second you wake up again,” he promised. “The big ceremony can wait. You want to share a name right? And have kids? So you just get better and I’ll handle the rest.” The words promised so much strength when he said them out loud, but Elliot didn’t feel nearly that confident in reality. There was no choice but to act strong and hold it together for both of them right now though; the only other alternative was to fall apart.
Cliff nodded. “Love you,” he whispered. Then his eyes drifted closed. It would be weeks before Elliot saw them open again.
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seongminiz · 4 months
omg pls jo im so dizzy /pos 🥴😵‍💫😵‍💫
ur so real though,, dom!minhee is really good.. that’s soo crazy (pls i’m so bad at repeating stuff pls but!!) imagine ur riding his cock ur starting to babble cuz ur just so fucked out from how good his long, thick cock feels reaching every inch inside of u :)) so ur leaning into his neck, drooling onto his shoulder while he grips your waist tightly.. ur like “oh god, please.. im so close.. ur getting too good at this..” and he would laugh into ur ear softly, he’d find this to be the best opportunity to tell u that ur definitely not his first.. he doesn’t usually tell his partners, there’s no point and it would ruin his charade but he figures from how things are going so far, this won’t be the last time u end up falling apart like this on top of his cock.. ugh his breath would be all hot on ur neck, tickling ur skin as he explains, adding “you’re such a slut, i probably didn’t even need to lie to you…” and fuck, you’d be clenching so hard around him at the way he degrades you “my dumb little whore, you didn’t need any convincing..” he’d be gripping onto you hard, pinning you down on his cock so you can’t move ur hips anymore, ur still trying to chase ur orgasm but it’s fleeting now, whines spilling from your lips and tears welling in ur eyes “fuck, you wanna cum don’t you? tell me you’re mine now, tell me you’d do anything for my cock..” and maybe for a sec you’d come out of ur subspace because part of u would be a little mad, “min- fuck, please,” you’d squirm and try to roll your hips but he’d just squeeze you harder, you’d groan out in desperation, “you’re such an asshole, what the hell-“ and then idek im insane maybe he’d wrap one his hands around your throat, albeit gently enough so you can still speak “say it” and punctuate his words by loosening his grip on u enough to thrust up into you once, harshly and that would be it. ur done. you’d cry out, “please! shit.. im yours, im a slut for your cock.. minhee, please..” he’d start rolling his hips up into you again, slowly, “yeah? say my name while you cum for me baby” <333333 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
- 🧁 anon
i just flatlined n died im never recovering from this ....
n then just being minhee's fucktoy n his stress relief after a basketball match that didnt go as well as his expectations n hes so mean , always reminding u of how u tried to be in charge the first time n 'look at you now, letting me use you however i want' jehenfng im sorry im not ok rn
all while still keeping up the whole 'pretty inexperienced himbo who is too hot for his own good' act ... god i feel sick
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crissiebaby · 7 months
The Padded Palace Act IV: Chapter 2
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, crossdressing, inappropriate language, humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
“Ninis, Baby Connor,” cooed Stacy, planting a kiss on Connor’s forehead as she pulled the blankets up to his chin. She then lifted the bars to his crib as carefully as she could, hoping to avoid waking him. A sense of relief washed over her as she latched the bars into place.
Almost as if responding in gratitude to Stacy’s diligent silence, Connor’s snores filled the nursery, sounding akin to a jackhammer. It was no surprise that he passed out as quickly as he did following his feeding with Stacy considering the eventful evening he’d had, which Stacy took as a badge of pride.
Tragically, not all were as elated as Stacy was about the volume of Connor’s nasal rumblings. “I’m sleeping upstairs in Connor’s bed if he’s like this all night,” said Ellie, who already wasn’t the best at handling environmental noises when trying to fall asleep.
“You’ll do no such thing. Babies like you need proper sleep protection…” said Stacy, landing a swat on the back of Ellie’s diaper, “...in more ways than one. You know the rules: diaper babies sleep in cribs. In fact, why don’t both of you go brush your teeth and get tucked into bed as well? I don’t want to deal with any cranky Littles in the morning.”
Placing her hands on her hips, Riri wanted to throw Stacy’s words back at her. After all, there were four crinkle butts present in this nursery, not three. However, her confidence was shot as her hands made contact with her diaper, reminding her of her position on the Big-to-Little scale. Moreover, she wasn’t looking to provoke Stacy into another verbal sparring match, especially so late at night. “Whatever. I was gonna brush my teeth anyway,” she said, exiting the nursery whilst failing to mask her pouty frustration.
“Y-Yeah, what she said,” added Ellie before scurrying off in the same direction as Riri. In truth, her arousal had yet to completely flatline since playtime with Connor, and Stacy’s Big attitude was threatening to set her fire ablaze once more. Part of her wanted to lean into her bratty Little role and see how far she was willing to go after seeing what she did to Connor. Unfortunately, for as much as Stacy was turning her on, her style of Big was as frightening as it was alluring, sending her chasing after Riri for fear of being the only conscious person remaining on Stacy’s warpath.
This left Stacy alone in the nursery with Connor for the first time all evening. Other than his rhythmic snoring, the room was at peace. Elevated by the sense of power she had over her domain, she let out a deep, contented sigh. “Bet you thought you had us fooled, huh?” she asked Connor’s sleeping body rhetorically, “Well, you’re in luck. Unlike the last creep, you’re much too cute to allow you to crawl away like it was nothing…”
Stacy reached over the bars of Connor’s crib and grazed Connor’s cheek softly with her forefinger, producing the smallest of smiles on both of their faces. She could see why natural-born Bigs got off on this so much. Leaning over the bars, she landed a kiss on his forehead, whispering, “...I think I’d like to keep you.”
Backing away from the crib, Stacy needed to take her mind off the exhilaration of being in charge before her gratuitous fawning broke Connor from his slumber. To her surprise, it was the state of the nursery that captured her attention. Sure, they had done some minor tidying by picking up the pizza boxes and other trash items. However, that still left a lot to be desired cleanliness-wise. Ellie’s former spot on the carpet alone was shrouded in a mess of pizza crumbs and small toys with greasy fingerprints.
Departing from the nursery, Stacy walked across the house to the laundry room, where she knew the Padded Palace’s cleaning supplies and, specifically, the vacuum were kept. Tucking a tube of cleaning wipes under her armpit, she promptly rolled the standing vacuum back to the nursery, groaning at the busted right wheel that steered her into a wall multiple times. “Ugh, fix your damn vacuum, Latasha,” she muttered under her breath. For the amount of money she spends per month at this place, she would have figured Latasha could afford a decent vacuum. Putting those disgruntled thoughts to the back of her mind, she plugged in the vacuum, flipped the on-switch, and got to work much like she had seen Latasha do several times.
The loud whirr of the vacuum starting up caused Stacy to jump slightly. She immediately looked over her shoulder, relieved to find that Connor’s sleep was undisturbed and, more importantly, that no one had seen her get spooked by something so silly. Though, it was hard to expect anything else from her being this was the first time she’d ever used one in her life; a fact that made her face flush in a mix of shame and embarrassment. She wondered if Riri or Ellie were in the same boat as her in that regard. 
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me,” said Riri, standing with Ellie in the doorway of the nursery and spotting Stacy hard at work. She had a floss stick in her mouth and was going tooth by tooth as she spoke, “You know…*PLUCK!*...being a Big…*PLUCK!*…is more than just…*PLUCK!*…tidying up right?”
Rolling her eyes at Riri’s mockery, Stacy knew the only reason Riri was taking shots at her was because she was intimidated. Jealous too, for that matter. She clicked off the vacuum, wanting to ensure Riri absorbed every syllable. “Oh, I’m well aware. I know it can be a hard concept for someone whose brain is permanently frozen at age five but some people genuinely like to clean up after themselves. Something you wouldn’t know a thing about since your Daddy does all that stuff for you,” she said, smirking at the rage she could visibly see building behind Riri’s eyes. It was almost too easy.
“Oh, like you’re one to talk. You've been waited on hand and foot since what? Birth?” responded Riri, bated into yet another squabble over Stacy’s egregious double standard. Squaring up with her blonde-haired adversary, she no longer cared for pleasantries. She was going to give Stacy a piece of her mind, “Maybe if you wouldn’t be so unbearable if you didn't act like such a spoiled bi…”
Suddenly, in the middle of her sentence, a frog formed in Riri’s throat. Growing up a shy kid, cussing someone out was far outside her comfort zone. She couldn’t even remember the last time she used a curse word in passing. To use one now so aggressively and so pointedly was not something she could pull off without several helpings of liquid courage beforehand, forcing her to pivot, “…brat.”
Sadly, Riri’s pivot would not go unnoticed by Stacy, who was delighted to pounce on Riri’s obvious weakness. “Ha! What’s wrong, Riri? Having trouble with the buh-buh-buh-B-word,” she said, taking advantage of both the redness filling Riri’s cheeks and the additional two inches of height she possessed as she moved in close enough to stand over her shrinking rival. Landing a smack on Riri’s rear that put the one she gave Ellie to shame, she wasn’t sure she’d ever seen Latasha act this dominant. Perhaps she had found her hidden calling, “My eyes may be tired but my hand certainly isn’t. Best hurry to bed, Riri.”
Needing no invitation, Riri speed-walked from the center of the nursery to her crib in record time. She didn’t want to admit it but there was no getting around it: Stacy was a terrifying Big. Not terrifying in a fun way either. Her brand of vicious teasing and rule by force was too much for the seasoned Little. Having dealt with more than a few overzealous caregivers in the past, she knew the path of least resistance was the best option for now so long as Stacy didn’t do anything dangerous.
Ellie, meanwhile, was forced to chew on her lip with minty-fresh teeth to quell her unrelenting libido, which only intensified once Stacy’s rapacious gaze fell upon her. She would definitely be telling Carol to try kicking the cruelty up a notch when she got home.  “Hey, so long as I get to be a baby, I don’t care who’s in charge,” she said, holding up her hands in innocence.
“Good girl,” said Stacy, patting Ellie’s head twice before nodding her head in the direction of Ellie’s crib, “Now, I better not hear you three rummaging about down here. I have alarms set in intervals to remind me to check on you. Red butts for anyone caught outside their cribs.” She paced the nursery as she spoke, taking it upon herself to lock both Ellie and Riri’s crib bars into place for them.
“I don’t need to lift my crib bars,” scoffed Riri, too annoyed and too disgruntled to acknowledge the irony of such an immature sentence. Her apparent anger promptly shifted to confusion as she watched Stacy move toward the nursery door, “Aren’t you getting in your crib too, Stacy? I thought you said no grumpy Littles tomorrow. Don’t forget the house rules,” She chuckled, recalling what a notoriously awful morning person Stacy was.
Brushing off Riri’s attempt at getting even, Stacy wasn’t going to be goated into another argument with one foot out the door. She knew Riri would have plenty of time tomorrow for the Palace’s new dynamic to sink in. “Not tonight. I’ll be sleeping without a diaper tonight. And as we both know, adults sleep in beds without railings attached to them,’ she said, flicking off the light switch and shrouding the nursery in darkness, “Sleep tight, children.”
“Hey, I’m telling Latasha if you wet the bed!” shouted Riri as Stacy ascended the staircase without so much a glance backward. She never would’ve thought Stacy of all people would be able to make her feel so small. It was like high school all over again. If she hadn’t been so exhausted, she would’ve been able to put Stacy in her place…at least that’s what she told herself. Lying on her back and staring up at the ceiling, she listened to Stacy’s footsteps as she traipsed across the upstairs acting like Queen of the Palace. She was going to have some serious words with Latasha about Stacy’s overall behavior once she returned. Until then, she would just have to suck it up.
Turning her head to the side, Riri narrowed her focus on Connor. With all of Stacy’s shenanigans, she’d almost forgotten about Connor’s answer from earlier. “Connie,” she whispered under her breath, her mind racing with curiosity. She needed to pick Connor’s ear as soon as possible before Stacy had the opportunity to do any further damage.
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Edited by AllySmolShork
Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BlossomBitchDolly BlushyBen DD Exminister Gun1242 JFN LittlePissy PrincessKittenLizzi Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca WH17N3Y & Three Anonymous Investors
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firefoxstudios · 10 months
art inspired off a song
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This art was inspired by the song baby hotline by Jack stauber
To be honest l am quite proud of how the turned out
Also yes l did put some lyrics to the song in the art
Which here's the lyrics l did put in the art:
Baby Hotline, please hold me close to you
Baby flatline, still time to do it too (Ha-ha-ha!)
Baby snack time, chow down to earth
But in your head she's a hoarder of quarters
And no boundary boredom-dom, boundary boredom
I contend that your drinking eye has never opened
I insist somebody will die and I hate hoping
Wishing that the pills let you cry and I hate coping
l guess that's all have a nice day/night
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