#babyhedgehog cutebutdeadly
phicphight · 4 years
The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes
Identity Reveal, Because it wouldn’t be one of my fics if there isn’t an identity reveal. Complete. Rated G. Word Count: 2136
Pairings: None
Trigger Warnings: None
Author: @babyhedgehog-cutebutdeadly (Team Human)
"Danny being stuck as Phantom and forced to deal with situations that he'd normally be as Fenton (like going to school, having a family dinner, etc)" - @ecto-american (Team Ghost)
Maddie Fenton knocks on the door of her son's bedroom, a small frown on her face. Is he alright? It's two o'clock on a Saturday. He has a tendency to sleep in on weekends, but this is a bit much even for him. 
"Danny? Are you alright?" 
"Mom! Don't come in!"
Continue reading...
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coffeecakecafe · 5 years
Electric core AU question: What happens to Danny during a few days of non-stop lightning/thunder storming? Also does his relationship with Vortex change?
Too much electric energy in the air gives Danny insomnia. It doesn’t take long for most of the lower level ghosts to figure out that they should steer clear of Amity if the weather is stormy for too long, which leaves Danny antsy with not much to take it out on sometimes. A particularly long-lasting storm front results in him painting an accurate scale representation of the night sky over FentonWorks in glow-in-the-dark paint on his ceiling.
Danny talks a big game with Vortex about how his storms can’t do anything to hurt him, after Vortex opens with a lightning strike - then Vortex starts throwing volleys of potato-sized hail and the fight is back on. Neither of them are quite as lethal to the other as they’d like, since they share a core type, but Vortex has enough elements at his disposable to be a formidable foe nonetheless. 
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bosstoaster · 6 years
WHAT'S THIS I HEAR ABOUT A DEBATE AU?? Lol I am in love with this idea. Consider: Coran being the team's chaperone and no ome can take him seriously because of his infatuation with his moustache. Lance only getting into debate because he wants to one-up Keith, and drags Hunk along to be his partner, and then the both of them find they actually enjoy it... But then Lance is also the one cheering the loudest when Pidge and Keith inevitably end up getting their nth trophy. THE POSSIBILITIES.
Coran used to be into, like.... Individual Events or Deep Southern debate (oh, southern debate... yikes) way back in the day.  He’s dismayed to get back into it and find that these days so many of the kids are debating in, like, hoodies and cargo shorts!  Who let them get away with this???  Back in his day that was an automatic point deduction.  And none of them are speaking clearly!  They’re mumbling fast into their computer screens.  Where are the tubs?  Where are the notecards?  This is an outrage!
(He’s not allowed to judge until he gets caught up, lol)
Shiro is a grad student who’s technically TAing for Iverson, who actually got the position as Director of Forensics.  But Iverson has zero experience/interest in debate, and basically just lets Shiro run it however so long as he doesn’t go over budget and none of the kids get in trouble at tournaments.  Iverson also really doesn’t care about the really basic Speech and Persuasion class he’s supposed to run, so he’s utterly content to let Shiro take the reins while he focuses on the Media Rhetoric classes that are actually his bread and butter.
That’s how I was going to have Lance and Hunk get into it: they took it as General Education credits for their degree, because it sounded like a boring but easy A.  But then Shiro staged really basic debates as part of the persuasion unit and Lance ended up against Keith (who already knows Shiro), and did a lot better than expected.  He liked being able to go head to head against someone, so dragged Hunk to the debate interest meeting (esp since ‘Professor Shiro, just call me Shiro, I’m not actually a professor’ is pretty cool anyway).
He really, really tries to go for the hard politics/policy stuff that Keith excels at, and it takes him a damn long time to get used to the idea that Ks aren’t cheating and they’re a really legitimate form of debate, and also a meta commentary on the community which is really interesting.  Hunk takes to it more easily, but he also needs to learn the confidence that the stuff he’s talking about is important and isn’t just a hacky way to win debates, no matter what strictly policy teams mutter.
(But way harder to end in nuclear war.  Is it really debate if someone’s impact isn’t nuclear war?  No, no it’s not.)
(Allura, meanwhile, is the political rhetoric professor who just graduated from grad school and is trying to get her feet under her, but ends up wrapped up as the professor in charge of the team.  Shiro does most of the debate-y background stuff, since he has championship experience at CEDA/NDA, but Allura turns out to be fucking incredible at building args and cutting cards and Shiro mourns that she never went to a college with a debate team in high school or college).
(This is so fucking self indulgent y’all I’m so sorry)
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narwhalsarefalling · 7 years
I, um... I'm kind of scared to ask... but what is the dannypocalypse?
last year on april 3 we changed our icons to this to honor the anniversary of danny phantom
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we also made a bunch of memes and shit
now we are doing it again to honor the 14th anniversary of HELL
u can see all of the memes on @dannypocalypse if u wanna go though hell
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this-iswhywefight · 6 years
What happens if I don't order by the 28th? Is it still available after that day?
The zine will absolutely be available after the 28th! 
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wastefulreverie · 4 years
hey do you have any good wes fic recs? i cant really find very many but i also havent checked ff net cuz im not used to navigating it.
Wes fics are hard to find, my dude. The thing is I know I've seen them around, but as soon as I go onto FFN it's like they all scamper and hide. Still, they're there and I know it.
Here’s what I managed to find!
Nightmares and Cuddles by @lucifer-is-a-bag-of-dicks
The Nasty Ecto Fries (spn crossover) by @horrendoushag
What Goes Around Comes Around (incomplete) by TheDiiva
Last Resort by @gammija
Takes One to Frame One (incomplete) by @wolfsongroar
The Misadventures of Wes Weston (mine) I started this in eighth grade please don’t read it.
Danny the ViewTuber (series) by @babyhedgehog-cutebutdeadly
Why no one Believes Wes Weston by @enigmaris
Any Truth (mine)
Confidant (mine)
Where Skin Overlaps (mine)
Another Day Exposing... Fenton? (mine)
Clones (mine)
Curse by @dp-marvel94    || based on the Clones AU ||
Well, That Wasn’t the Reveal I Was Going For by @voidetrap​
Wes Has a Bad Time by @voidetrap​
wesley’s day was worse than yours by 01nm
i think the blondes are done with fun by @astridianmayfly
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omgiamwish · 4 years
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Dannymay2020 Day 15 - Fave AU
My favorite AU is Danny the ViewTuber by @babyhedgehog-cutebutdeadly
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a-closet-emo · 4 years
Phic Phight 2k20
Team Ghost
Title: Fenton, the Theory.
Prompt: Wes forms a Conspiracy Club or something similar. A couple people join because they're interested, but it's really just a cover for Wes to rage about how Fenton is Phantom... except he actually convinces at least one person.
Prompt by: @babyhedgehog-cutebutdeadly
Word Count: 1411
Warnings: Gore
Edward Lancer strode down the empty halls of Casper High, cup of coffee in hand and clipboard in the other. It was a Saturday, and the school’s building was a ghost town (well, a ghost town in the more traditional sense), almost completely devoid of life. Today was not the first time he had taken an extra shift to make a little extra cash, and he was in charge of overseeing the clubs that held meetings on weekends and the students who had to take make-up tests.
He passed by the classrooms being used by the clubs, peeking in every now and then. The science club, the drama club, the anime club…. Lancer yawned and took a sip from his coffee. Everything was business as usual. He slowed down as he approached a classroom where a few teens were standing in the doorway. This club wasn’t familiar to Lancer and he looked at the list on his clipboard. Hmmm, let’s see, classroom 5B was scheduled to be used by… the Conspiracy Club? That’s new.
“—whenever he runs off, Phantom shows up!” Wes exclaimed.
“But haven't they been seen in the same room?” one student said as another interjected, “Save it for when the club meeting actually begins, Weston.”
Wes smacked a hand to his forehead and went on, ignoring the latter student. “Ghosts can duplicate! He obviously did that to save his sorry hide from being found out!” the redhead insisted.
This earned Wes a few skeptical stares. “Look, I bet you a couple - no, five - bucks that Fenton’ll come charging out of that classroom,” he said pointing at Lancer’s destination, “ any minute now, saying that he needs to use the bathroom or some other poorly concocted excuse.”
Lancer moved on, shaking his head. Another glance at his list told him that Wes was the club’s president. Of course he would form such a club. Oh well, the boy’s been too worked up lately. It would be good for him to have a healthy outlet to discuss an interest shared by others in an organized and calm setting rather than shrieking his theories at the top of his lungs standing on a table in the cafeteria. Lancer shook his head and moved on. By The Screwtape Letters, he would not forget that eventful lunch.
As he made his way to the classroom where the makeup tests were being held, the only student scheduled to take the tests today burst out the door, sprinting toward Lancer.
“Oliver Twist! Mr. Fenton, what are you—!”
“Sorry, Mr. Lancer, but I really gotta use the bathroom—,” Danny called over his shoulder, the boy already past Lancer. “—super quick I forgot to go earlier and now my bladder is acting up it’s really bad is that cool? Ok bye!”
Lancer stood speechless as Danny spewed out the last part while already sprinting down the hallway in the opposite direction of the nearest toilet.
Nearby, two kids lost ten bucks to Wes.
Lancer made his way back to the classroom where Danny was supposed to be taking the makeup tests, his spirits low. He had looked everywhere for the boy. He had gone in the direction Danny had sprinted away, he’d checked all the bathrooms on the floor and the one below it, he’d explored classroom after classroom, he’d gone on the intercom, but the boy seemed to have vanished into thin air.
Lancer sighed deeply. He knew the teen was bright and had lots of potential, if only he would attend class. By this point, he had missed so many classes he was at risk of being held back or even being expelled. Especially now, he just couldn’t understand why the young man was evading a makeup test he had even arrived early for, seeing as how he had been in the classroom before Lancer had even arrived at the school.
It was a shame, really.
As Lancer passed the classrooms currently in use, he heard muffled shouts coming from one of the clubs.
He stopped in front of the Conspiracy Club’s door and sighed. He hoped against hope that the commotion had nothing to do with Wes. He peeked through the door’s window, eavesdropping in case intervention on his part was necessary.
“—AAAND ANOTHER THING!” Wes said, pacing the room and making agitated gestures with his hands. He must have been relishing the only audience he’s had in months.“He always comes back or shows up with mysterious injuries! Cuts, bruises, hell, he even showed up to gym one time limping!—“
A brunette wearing glasses spoke up, “Wes, we know you’re president, but you’ve gotta give us a chance to talk here.”
Wes, however, went on. “—And once, I caught on on video Manson and Foley RESETTING HIS SHOULDER in the boys’ locker room! Of course Fenton later broke my camera, but how can everyone ignore all the other blatant evidence I’ve collected—“
Lancer shook his head as he moved forward, and the sounds of the club were replaced by the silence of the empty halls. The Rats of Nimh, that boy did not stop. He would have a word with Mr. Weston about spreading rumors later.
He finally made it to the classroom where Danny was supposed to be. He stopped in front of his classroom’s built-in window, and was surprised to see the boy already there. He moved to enter the classroom, but something stopped him.
The boy was at his desk, but the lights were dimmed and flickering, the curtains drawn. He was cradling his right arm, and Lancer peered closer through the window, brows furrowing in concern.
Then Danny stretched out his arm, and Lancer paled. The limb was peppered up and down with cuts and bruises, colored green and red by the malfunctioning lights. The arm itself was bent completely in the wrong direction, the lower half of it perpendicular to the floor in a way it never should be. He felt sick, but he stood transfixed, hand on the doorknob, and watched as Danny gritted his teeth and brought his other hand (also covered in scrapes) over to the injured one. There was a split second as Danny grasped his injured arm at the broken area that gave Lancer time to realize what the boy was doing. Then Danny quickly and forcefully pushed his bones into their proper positions, making terrible snapping sounds as he went.
Lancer let out a small whimper. Suddenly, the teen looked directly at Lancer, their eyes locking for a split second before the room’s flickering lights went out. That split second, however, had been enough for Lancer to doubt that the toxic green eyes he had seen were a trick of the light.
He backed away from the door, trembling.
Meanwhile nearby, a classroom door slammed open, and Wes stormed out.
“I can’t believe this! I’m the president of this club! I started it! How dare you form a conspiracy to depose me?” the redhead pointed accusingly at the brunette with glasses whose name he had forgotten. She was now standing at the front of the classroom, with the rest of the club standing literally and figuratively by her side.
“Wes, admit it, you made this club just so you could rant about your crazy theory.”
“-Which,” she continued, “we wouldn’t have minded so much if you’d simply given everyone else a chance to share their theories and conspiracies. This is a community, and you completely ignored that.” The small crowd around her nodded and murmured their agreement. Someone in the crowd added, “Your theory is dumb, anyway!”
Wes spluttered, looking for a defense. Looking around, however, he realized he was defeated. So he held his head high, turned on his heel, flipped the bird, and marched out of the classroom slamming the door open as he went.
The young man stalked past Lancer, mumbling a few insults and curses.
“The theory’s not dumb,” Wes said to no one. “And it’s not a theory! Fenton didn’t even come up with a clever name! Phantom and Fenton sound the same!”
Then he noticed Lancer, whose back was against the wall.
“Uhh, Mr. Lancer?” the boy asked, waving his hand in front of Lancer’s face. With the man unresponsive, Wes shrugged and moved on, thoughts still on his recent kicking from his own club.
There was no way Wes was actually right, was there?
Moby Dick, Lancer needed a drink.
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this-iswhywefight · 7 years
A1 for the bingo thing? If it's not too late. :)
A1: Apologizing right before passing out
The pod lands with a hiss that makes Jion’s ears twitch. Ortraz chuckles, laying a heavy hand on the pup’s shoulder. “Be easy,” he murmurs. “It was a successful mission, he should be in a good mood.”
“It’s not his mood I’m worried about.” Jion blinks at him, all wide eyes and curled in ears. “I have never had Commander Holt return without the Commanders on ship. This throws off the whole routine Martek left me!”Almost anyone else and Ortraz might just sigh, but it’s Jion, sweet pup, trying so hard to step up and fill Martek’s sizable role while he’s away on Shi’or piecing the ground base together. He’s doing his best, not that he seems to believe that, and Ortraz had promised Martek he’d help guide the pup along.“The Commanders return soon,” Ortraz reassures, gently squeezing his shoulder. “Your priority is to retrieve the data and make sure Commander Holt eats before he attempts to hole up in the Hub. Commander Zarra will see to the rest once she is back on base.” 
Jion nods, hugging the data pad in his arms tighter to his chest, attention jumping up to the pod as the doors open, revealing Holt and Baerl, both looking tired, and a little bruised up, but otherwise uninjured. 
Holt is just finishing up his debrief with Baerl, speaking to her in low, but firm tones, and she nods as they head down the steps. Jion stands straight at attention, every muscle tense and tight. “Be easy,” Ortraz mutters to him once more before straightening up himself. “Welcome back, Commander.”Holt claps Baerl on the back, and tugs off his helmet to reveal a drawn, tired smile on his lips. “Good to be back. Anything blow up here with just you two in charge?”“No Commander!” Jion squeaks, eyes wide once more. “Of course not, sir!”“I’m teasing, Jion.” Holt chuckles, tucking his helmet under his arm. “I know you had it handled.” He looks to Baerl. “You should rest. Check in with Rel and take the next few days to rest.” The tired smile shifts to an all out grin. “We did good today.”“Yes, sir.” Baerl smiles back at him before thanking him and taking her leave. There’s the slightest limp to her walk. Ortraz frowns, making a mental note to ask Omontu to take a look, just as Commander Holt starts frowning to.“Jion send Omontu after her later, would you?” he murmurs, carding a hand through his hair. “She landed wrong during the fight. I think she twisted it. Anything more than that and remind me to ask Lani to take a look.”Ortraz smiles. It is moments like this that he truly gets to see and appreciate how much Commander Holt has grown since those first cycles with the Coalition. “Yes Commander,” Jion says, making a note on his pad. “What else do you need of me, sir?”“Nothing really.” Holt shrugs. “Data was uploaded right to the ship’s banks, so the engineers are gonna need to extract that before we can do anything with it. Are the Commanders back yet?”“Not yet,” Ortraz says lowly. “The meeting on Gitur has run a bit long. Commander Zarra does not think they will be much longer though, sir.” Holt hums, soft and thoughtful. He looks… calm. Tired, and a bit drawn, but calm. Ortraz almost takes it at face value and misses the way his grip has gone tight and white knuckled around his helmet. He takes a step forward, abrupt enough that it startles Jion, making him jump. “Commander Holt? Are you alright?”It takes Holt a moment to respond, like the words don’t quite reach him right away. He meets Ortraz’s gaze evenly, and shock rips through Ortraz at how hazy and unfocused his gaze has become. “I was hoping Leilani would be back,” he says with the slightest waver to his voice.“Sir?” Jion asks, blinking.“I didn’t say anything because I thought they’d be back,” Holt says. It’s an explanation, but Ortraz has no idea for what. Holt steps forward, stumbles forward and Ortraz is quick to catch him with a grip on his arm. “Commander Holt-”Holt shakes his head, muttering that he’s fine, even as his weight sinks into Ortraz’s support. “It’s nothing…Just a knock on the head…” He shakes his head again, brow furrowing tightly. “Needed to get her home…”That takes a moment to process. Knock on the head. Knock on the– The curse falls from his lips before he can stop it, professionalism breaking on the realization that Holt had gotten hurt and didn’t say a single damn thing. “Ortraz?” Jion asks, wide eyed again. “What’s wrong?”“It’s okay Jion,” Holt reassures, seeking out his stand in second. A shaky smile crosses his lips. “Sorry about this pup…”
Holt tries to steady himself, pull himself up from Ortraz’s grip, only to fall limp with a groan of pain on his lips. Ortraz quickly catches his weight, Jion’s cry of alarm coming to him through a thick fog, all his focus on the now unconscious Commander in his arms.
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this-iswhywefight · 6 years
babyhedgehog-cutebutdeadly replied to your post “little snippet of a thing I wrote at Em that I keep poking at. If any...”
I didn't need a heart anyway.
Where’s my Hamilton gif of a dramatic as Lin Manuel Miranda singing “Just you Wait.....” ? haha
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