#background got censored due to doodles
giaffa · 2 years
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Ar-Pharazôn and Tar-Míriel
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blucmoon · 3 years
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━  ☾ ⊹  ( gabbi garcia, cis female , she/her ) say hello to ALTHEA CORTEZ, the TWENTY FOUR YEAR OLD that seems to have a lot in HER hands with HER job as an EVENT PLANNER! beyond that, they seemed METICULOUS AND GENEROUS upon first glance. i heard someone say they’re sort of VOLATILE AND STUBBORN though. SHE seems to live in a SHARED VILLA in SIARGAO, PHILIPPINES. anything else to add? oh, yeah! she also LEFT EVERYTHING BEHIND IN VANCOUVER FOR A JOB OPPORTUNITY IN THE PHILIPPINES!
basic information
full name: althea cortez
nickname(s): ally, thea
age: twenty four
date of birth: december 2, 1996
birthplace: makati, philippines
hometown: vancouver, canada
current location: siargao, philippines
ethnicity: filipino
nationality: canadian
gender: cisfemale
pronouns: she / her
orientation: demiromantic, heterosexual
religion: agnostic
education: graduated high school, various courses at a community college
occupation: event planner
physical appearance
faceclaim: gabbi garcia
hair colour: naturally dark brown, has never dyed it in bold colours. the most she’s done is getting some blonde streaks upon arriving at siargao but soon got bored of them and dyed back to a color similar to her natural one.
eye colour: chocolate, does like to wear coloured contacts when going out or on special occasions.
height: 5 ft 6.5 in (1.69 m)
weight: 132 lbs ( 60 kg )
tattoos: none yet.
piercings: standard and upper lobe in both ears, helix on the left ear.
label: the restless
positive traits: meticulous, ebullient, outgoing, loyal, generous, helpful, ambitious,
negative traits: volatile, conflict-averse, fluctuating self-esteem and confidence, secretive, reserved, quick-tempered.
hobbies: calligraphy, baking, swimming, hiking.
habits: talking to herself, drumming fingers on every surface, chewing the ends of pens, flicking pens/pencils/anything between her fingers, doodle on the corners and margins of her planner, humming when listening to music, tapping her feet when she’s impatient, rubbing her neck when she’s nervous, tugging loose threads when she’s anxious, not listening to others when she’s deep in thought.
zodiac sign: sagittarius sun, leo moon, virgo rising
mbti: esfj-a “the consul”
temperament: sanguine
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
moral alignment: chaotic good
anger: hot
approachability: friendly
sociability: loves being around people, feeling most energized when she’s having deep conversations about topics that interest her. one to not let the conversations die and always finding ways to either continue or spark a new topic, getting so involved in this that she often loses track of  time. she’s easily bored if not involved in social activities and dislikes solitude. it’s not unusual to feel as if you’ve known althea for years after the first meeting as she welcomes everyone with open arms and loves making people feel seen and heard.
detailed personality
restless, cheerful and friendly, althea will happily involve anyone into whatever interest she has or will give up her free time to be engaged in the things her beloved ones are interested in. generous with her time, effort, and emotions, she often takes on the concerns of others as if they were her own, and will attempt to put her energy to help others, eager to please and provide.
secretly, althea needs approval, recognition and admiration; she wants to be seen. goes out of her way to notice what is needed and feels even more motivated when others acknowledge her efforts and express their appreciation. though, sometimes she’s so focused on others that she lacks to pay attention to her own unmet needs and feelings.
however, she’s selective with her friends and is not overly influenced by them. when she feels comfortable, she does like being the center of attention. that is, she likes being in the “spotlight” in the comfort of her own home and with family and friends. enjoys entertaining others and is more able than most people to get others talking, simply because she’s very receptive and sympathetic with an innate ability to pick up others’ feelings and body language.
althea possesses an unwavering ambition: once she’s set on a particular path, she’s not coming back until her purpose is fulfilled. likes to get things done and has a knack for handling a wide variety of tasks at once; a tendency to take on perhaps too much at the same time. very easily distracted and her attention span can be quite short.
doesn’t have an inherent love for routine and established anything’s, but does recognise its value and purpose when it comes to be productive. she’s learnt to be a little more organized and does prefer to stick to certain plans, mostly when it comes to her job due its nature. easily gets stressed when things don’t meet up to expectations. althea sees problems clearly and is able to delegate easily in order to solve them. likes a sense of harmony and cooperation around her, and she’s energetically dedicated to her responsibilities.
able to adapt quite easily to wherever she’s in and, with an outstanding memory, she tends to pick up a lot of information from her environment to facilitate this. althea can be brave, knowing how and what risks to take. she’s able to bend the rules from time to time if she feels the need to do so.
can be a challenge to predict from time to time, even by the closest people to her. can seem very loyal and steady for a while, but althea has a tendency to build up a store of impulsive energy that explodes without warning, taking her interests in bold, new directions.
has always had problems expressing herself, particularly verbally, and much prefers to listen to others than being listened to. whatever she might say is self-censored to some degree. it’s difficult for althea to pour out her emotions because she’s always aware of what others might think of her with what she says, not wanting to accidentally come across as tactless and judgmental. very careful with what she reveals to others.
she can get easily wounded, and when this happens, her emotions are not contained as she “wears her  heart on her  sleeve” but will more often than not avoid burdening others with her own problems and concerns. instead, she likes to channel these dramatic and vibrant emotions into one of her multiple hobbies, mostly baking (she stress-bakes).
to avoid feeling a deep sense of loneliness, she finds ways to connect and be of service to others. she has an innate sense of what to say or do for people to feel seen and admired, taking pride in her ability to comfort and support others. she’s constantly moving away from feelings of worthlessness and towards feelings of connection and appreciation.
born as the middle sibling out of the three, althea and her family moved from makati to vancouver when she was almost one year old due to a job opportunity presented to her father.
had a really average childhood with all the pressure being poured onto her sister, five years older than her, and pushed to become the example of the other two. all the while her brother who’s only 2 years younger than althea clearly became the unspoken favorite. being the middle sibling was easy most of the time. so long she didn’t do any extraordinary things, neither good nor bad, althea was able to remain below her parent’s radar.
regular high school experience: neither remarkable nor reprobatory grades, a “steady” friends circle (as much as it can be when a teenager), dated a couple of times, part of the swimming team. by junior year, college never figured in her plans (or the lack thereof).
her parents didn’t quite like the idea but after getting help from her sister who talked to them, they didn’t complain as long as she got a job or helped her mom with hers (she was a seamstress), which is what she ended up doing.
it comes as a stroke of luck when her mother gets a call asking if she could help fix a bride’s dress at the wedding’s venue. her mother, quite busy at the moment, sent althea instead and she quickly fixed it before the ceremony started.
about to depart, crisis after crisis started presenting and it was obvious they were a little understaffed (althea learned a couple of years later that two of the assistants got sick on that same day).
with a little bit of free time in her hands, althea offered her help. by the time every crisis had been averted and she was ready to leave, the event planner took notice of her and offered to become an assistant in her company. at nineteen, thea takes the job.
the company is not as big as many others but still renowned enough to have a steady income of clients and at least one event every couple of weeks. thea was pretty much an errand girl at first and they often sent her to take courses or workshops to learn and hone some skills. (calligraphy, flower arranger, hospitality, etc. she even took an event planning course that went for 9 months, successfully getting a certificate.)
eventually, her opinions start being taken more and more into consideration and she takes more of an active role in the planning process. at twenty one, thea planned her very first wedding (a small one, no more than 50 guests).
she pours all her energy and time into this new phase of her job, loving every second of it and thriving for the compliments she got after every successful event. weddings were mostly her niche, she even planned her sister’s wedding; it doesn’t come as a surprise that she announces the engagement with her college sweetheart, it was actually quite expected. (her parents even implied more than once that they were taking too long).
it’s in one of her events, a birthday party for some socialite, that thea meets the guy that would become her boyfriend for the next two years. despite being surrounded by wealth and pretentiousness, he was unlike any of his peers: sweet, attentive, decent and didn’t pride himself on his parents’ money. it was quite easy to talk and be with him, thus they started dating shortly after.
her life seems to be perfect in every aspect: a good job, more than decent income, a healthy relationship with her boyfriend… her parents couldn’t find anything to complain about… for now.
it’s at the peak of her career as an event planner, that her parents become more and more insisting on questioning her about her status with her boyfriend. “after planning so many weddings, shouldn’t you start planning your own?” asked her mother, which thea always dismissed or ignored to avoid any fights.
truth is, even if weddings were a prominent aspect of her day to day, being a bride and going through the whole ceremony wasn’t something she saw happening in the foreseeable future, and her boyfriend seemed to be on the same page… or at least it was an unspoken thing between the two.
it’s the day before her 23rd birthday that she finds by mistake a ring box in her boyfriend’s apartment. knowing exactly what it meant, thea cracked the box open, finding the most beautiful engagement ring she’s ever seen. and it made her feel sick.
putting it back in its place, the whole night thea acted as if nothing happened despite the emotional turmoil she was going through.
when getting home, the first thing she did was try to find an email from one of her friends who told her about some camp in the philippines that could use an event planner. finally finding it buried deep within her inbox felt like all the answers to her problems were in those couple of lines.
in the middle of the night and with a dire need for adventure, thea left with a bag full of her belongings and all of her savings after booking the next flight to the philippines.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
[created by: --rainboweyes--]
Why did you last feel like crying? Ever since the pandemic started almost a year ago and we were in quarantine, I’ve put off seeing one of my doctors. Well, I’m going to have to bite the bullet and make an appointment soon and I’m just really nervous about it because it’s been so long and I worry there could be something wrong. I always expect the worst.
How long ago and why did you last feel infuriated? Hm. It’s been awhile.
Do emotions control you or do you control your emotions? Oh, my emotions most definitely control me.
Do you keep your friends secrets/private information to yourself? Yes.
What negative quality do your friends bring up the most? I don’t have any friends, but in the past I’ve had friends tell me I’m too hard on myself.
What quality do you think you have that others don't think you do? I’m weak, not strong. <<< Yeah, people tend to think I’m strong and brave and I’m so not. I’m weak and scared.
Do you often "jump" to conclusions? When it comes to stuff relating to myself, yes. Like, I jump to the worst case scenarios all the time.
Would you let your best friend babysit your younger sibling? My younger sibling is almost 22 years old lol.
Do you find being alone with strangers scary, interesting or indifferent? It’s uncomfortable and makes me anxious.
Do you think you know a lot about the world? I wouldn’t say a lot. There’s so much to learn and much I don’t understand.
What about the world do you wish you never found out? I don’t know.
Do you know first aid? No. Does the sight of blood make you feel sick? Yes. 
Does your first name have an L in it? Nope.
Middle name have a C in it? Nope.
Last name have a R in it? Yes.
Do your initials spell a legitimate word? If so, what? Nope.
The word above, does it have any connection to you at all?
Do you prefer classic rock or alternative? Alternative, but I like both.
Do you like Kings of Leon? Yeah.
How about The Script? Yes.
Does crying make you feel better? It can help a little.
Do you know a girl called Becca? Nope. How about a guy called Gregory? Nope.
Does someone’s background effect whether you'll be friends with them or not? It would have to be something really bad.
How about their religious background? No, I can be friends with people who have different religious beliefs than I do. 
If someone admitted cheating in a past relationship of theirs, would you trust them? That would make things difficult, for sure. I think I’d always have that in my mind and it might cause me to look for or see things that make me think he’s cheating. Like, I might not think anything of a particular thing had they not told me that, but since they did I see it differently, ya know? I’ve never been in that situation so I can’t say for sure, but I think it would affect things.
Do you drink tea and/or coffee every day? Yes, I have to have my coffee.
Did you ever want to be a cook as a kid? No.
How about a fashion designer? No.
Do you wish that magic was real? I mean, it’d be pretty cool. And convenient. But of course there’s a bad side to it cause it could be used for the wrong things.
What food would you love to wipe off the face of the earth? I don’t feel that strongly about foods I don’t like, I simply just don’t eat them.
Can you use a bottle opener? Yes?
Do you own a cheese grater? No.
What time will it be in 38 minutes time? 11:18PM.
What day/date will it be in 11 days time? Thursday, February 4th, 2021, my brother’s birthday.
Have you ever owned a pet fish? I had a fish tank full of fish when I was a kid.
Do you prefer fire or ice? I like cozy fires in the fireplace and bonfires. 
Do you rap along with rap songs? Ha, I can attempt to.
When happy, do you become more talkative? Yeah, I do.
Bowling or sailing? Why? Neither. Not my thing.
What color is your kettle? I don’t have one.
How about your microwave? It’s black.
Do you prefer sitting in the front or back of a car? I like sitting in the front.
How about in a train? I’ve never been on a train.
On the bus? I had to sit in the middle cause that’s where the wheelchair seating was.
Do you care about politics? I do.
Blair or Brown? Who?
When did you last cook something from scratch? I don’t cook from scratch. Or cook at all, really, except for ramen.
What things make you jealous? I feel envy more than jealousy. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt jealous.
Are you offended easily by non politically correct language? No, I wouldn’t say that.
Do you think the censors/fcc go a bit too far or are just right? I never understood how they chose which curse words you can and can’t say on TV or in songs. 
Do you feel hungry, thirsty, sleepy or none of the above? I’m hungry, but I’m waiting a little bit before I make some ramen.
What's your I.Q? I don’t remember the number, but it fell under above average. IQ tests are whatever anyway.
What's your Mum's Mum called? I called her grandma.
How about your Dad's Dad? I call him papa.
Do you prefer crepes, pancakes or waffles? I like each of those, but waffles are my favorite.
Do you have ice-cream in your fridge right now? I think we do.
How about chicken nuggets? No.
Do you eat fish often? I don’t eat fish ever. Or any seafood.
Have you ever taken a martial art? Which one{s}? Nope.
Do you know anyone who is scared of you? Uh, no.
Do you like watermelon? Yeah.
Can you remember the month of your first kiss? It was October, 2015.
Do you make friends easily? Not necessarily friends, but I got along with everyone.
What makes you different from everyone else? Being a paraplegic makes me different than a lot of people.
I give you a piece of paper. What do you draw/write on it? When I doodle, I tend to write random stuff in cursive as well as like hearts, stars, and squiggles all over. 
What pictures or photos are up in your lounge? Is that my bedroom? I have a few giraffe paintings and a couple beach ones.
Do you like purple and white patterned things? Sure.
Do you know anyone called Pipa? I just think of Pippa Pig lol.
I say purple, you think... Grapes.
What do you think is the most interesting thing about you? Nothing at all.
Do you like being complimented or does it make you uncomfortable? I mean, it’s nice, but I’m just so awkward. And in my head I’m like, “ew, no not true” cause I think negatively about myself.
Does the description of your starsign correspond with your personality? Not at all. I’m so opposite of how a Leo is described.
Do you have a photo album? We have a ton of them. And I have a lot of digital photo albums, too.
What artists paintings do you find the most beautiful? There’s numerous beautiful paintings. 
What about the most disturbing? I can’t think of a specific one offhand.
Have you ever gone to a camp or summer school? Yes to both. I’ve been to science camp and Girl Scout camp. I also did summer school once in middle school cause I missed a lot of school due to a long hospital stay, and the other times were mostly voluntary while at community college to get classes out of the way quicker. There was just one time I had to retake a math course. 
What was your favorite cartoon as a child? I was into the cartoons on Nickelodeon, PBS, Disney, Kids WB, and Fox Kids in the 90s.
What was your biggest fear as a child? The dark and bugs. 
Would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater? Fly.
What about invisibility or mindreading? Invisibility. 
Do you like what you see in the mirror? Not at all. :/ 
Which stereotype do you dislike the most? There’s many, but I came across this and it’s worded well, “The burden of disability is unending; life with a disabled person is a life of constant sorrow, and the able-bodied stand under a continual obligation to help them. People with disabilities and their families -- the "noble sacrificers" -- are the most perfect objects of charity; their function is to inspire benevolence in others, to awaken feelings of kindness and generosity.”
Can you remember all your past teachers names? Not all, but a lot of them.
Do you like talent shows? Which ones? I like The Voice.
Have you ever failed an important exam? In what? Yes, in math.
Do you find people taller than you intimidating? As someone in a wheelchair most people are taller than me except for small children. I do feel awkward around really tall people. 
Do you think you are better than people of a different country/background? Absolutely not.
Who is your favorite bzoinker? I don’t go on Bzoink. 
What websites do you have bookmarked? I have a few on the bookmark toolbar: Google, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, and Pinterest.
Do you use bows and ribbons to decorate your gifts? I just use the bows that easily stick on.
Do you listen to the same type of music as your parents? What type is that? We like a lot of the same music. What TV show scared you as a kid? Are You Afraid of the Dark? <<< The intro always got me haha. I still liked watching it, though.
Family Guy, The Simpsons or South Park? Why? None of ‘em.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Why did you last feel like crying? This past weekend I was just extra moody and on the verge of tears.
How long ago and why did you last feel infuriated? I get easily irritated and frustrated, but it’s been awhile since I’ve felt infuriated.
Do emotions control you or do you control your emotions? My emotions got control over me a few years ago and I haven’t been able to gain it back. :/
Do you keep your friends secrets/private information to yourself? Yes.
What negative quality do your friends bring up the most? I wouldn’t want friends who did that. I do that enough myself as it is, I don’t need anyone else pointing out all my negative qualities all the time.
What quality do you think you have that others don’t think you do? I don’t know. I feel like people in my life overestimate my abilities rather than the other way around. I feel a lot of pressure to maintain that illusion. <<< Same in regards to feeling like people overestimate my abilities. Although, in terms of the long list of negative qualities I believe I have, my loved ones would disagree on a lot of them.
Do you often “jump” to conclusions? Yeppp. Always the worst ones, too.
Do you find being alone with strangers scary, interesting or indifferent? It could be scary depending on the situation, but I’d definitely feel anxious and uncomfortable.
Do you think you know a lot about the world? There’s a lot more I don’t know.
Do you know first aid?   No. 
Does the sight of blood make you feel sick? Y Yes. It makes me feel weak. I can’t even look when having blood drawn and getting it done makes me sweaty and weak.
Does your first name have an L in it? Nope.
Middle name have a C in it? Nope.
Last name have a R in it? Yes.
Do your initials spell a legitimate word? If so, what?  Nope. The word above, does it have any connection to you at all? 
Do you prefer classic rock or nope alternative? Nope alternative?
Do you like Kings of Leon? Yeah. I loved when Sex on Fire first came out.
How about The Script? Yes.
Does crying make you feel better? Sometimes.
Do you know a girl called Becca? Nope.
How about a guy called Gregory? No.
Does someones background effect whether you’ll be friends with them or not Uh, well yeah. Like if they have a sketchy background or have done things I’m not comfortable with.
How about their religious background? I’d have a problem with a satanist or if they were involved in a cult.
If someone admitted cheating in a past relationship of theirs, would you trust them? That would likely make things complicated, but I guess it would depend on the situation. Although, you’re likely just getting their side of it and it may not be accurate or they’re leaving things out that paint them in a better light than their ex. It would just really, really depend on the situation and it’d take a lot of communication.
Do you drink tea and/or coffee every day? Coffee, yes.
Did you ever want to be a cook as a kid? No.
How about a fashion designer? No.
Do you wish that magic was real? I mean sure it’d be dope to make something you want appear or happen whenever you want. It could also be tricky, though, and used for the wrong reasons.
What food would you love to wipe off the face of the earth? I’m picky, so there’s a lot of foods I don’t like, but plenty of other people enjoy them so I’m not going to wipe it off the earth just cause I don’t like it.
Can you use a bottle opener? Yeah...
Do you own a cheese grater? Nope.
What time will it be in 38 minutes time? 4:26AM.
What day/date will it be in 11 days time? May 25th. Damn.
Have you ever owned a pet fish? Y Yep. I had a fish tank full of fish as a kid.
Do you prefer fire or ice? Fire in terms of bonfires and in a fireplace for the comfy, coziness of it and I love the smell of it during the fall. I don’t use ice in my drinks, so, not a big fan.
Do you rap along with rap songs? Ha, well my attempt to rap along.
When happy, do you become more talkative? Yeah.
Bowling or sailing? Why? Bowling I guess if I had to pick out of the two. Have no interest in either one, though.
What colour is your kettle? I don’t have one.
How about your microwave? Black.
Do you prefer sitting in the front or back of a car? Front.
How about in a train? On the bus? I’ve always had to sit in the middle on buses cause that’s where the wheelchair spots are.
Do you care about politics? I admit that I really haven’t been following closely these past few years. I used to pay more attention, but I just... can’t. It’s too much.
Obama or Bush?
Blair or Brown?
When did you last cook something from scratch? I don’t cook from scratch. The only cooking I do is packaged ramen.
What things make you jealous? Im rarely jealous. <<< Same. I feel envy more than jealousy.
Do you think the censors/fcc go a bit too far or are just right?  I am confused as to why it’s okay certain curse words but not others. And I really don’t get why in “asshole” just the “hole” part is bleeped out lol. Do you feel hungry, thirsty, sleepy or none of the above?  Right now I’m just sleepy.
What’s your Mum’s Mum called? How about your Dad’s Dad? Lupe/Charles. 
Do you prefer crepes, pancakes or waffles? Waffles and crepes.
Do you have ice-cream in your fridge right now? I think we have some.
How about chicken nuggets? Not chicken nuggets, but my brother has a bag of chicken wings.
Do you eat fish often? Never. I hate seafood. <<<< Saaaame.
Have you ever taken a martial art? Which one{s}? Nope.
Do you know anyone who is scared of you? I can’t imagine anyone being afraid of me, a stick thin, super shy, and awkward af girl. haha.
What person who has died would you bring back and why? I wouldn’t mess around with bring people back from the dead. I believe I’ll see them again one day.
Do you like watermelon? Yeah. I couldn’t tell you the last time I had any, though.
Can you remember the month of your first kiss? October. I remember that because it happened at my high school drama department’s haunted house. 
Do you make friends easily? No. I also don’t try to to be honest.
What makes you different from everyone else? DNA <<< Hahaha welp that most certainly does.
I give you a piece of paper. What do you draw/write on it? I’d do random doodles and write random words in cursive cause that’s what I do when I doodle.
What pictures or photos are up in your lounge? Is that like the living room? If so, we have a few framed photos on the shelves we have.
Do you like purple and white patterned things? Sure.
Do you know anyone called Pipa? No.
I say purple, you think… It’s my mom’s favorite color.
What do you think is the most interesting thing about you? Nothing.
Do you like being complimented or does it make you uncomfortable? They’re nice, I’m just super awkward.
Does the description of your starsign correspond with your personality? Nope. I’m so opposite of how a Leo is described.
Do you have a photo album? Yeah, several old photo albums (physical ones) and several on Facebook and my phone.
What artists paintings do you find the most beautiful? I don’t necessarily go for beauty in art. My favourite painters are Dali, Kandinsky, and Klimt. Weird over beauty for me. <<< That’s how I am. One of my favorites is The Scream by Edvard Munch. I like the melting clocks one by Dali, too.
What about the most disturbing? Hmm. There’s definitely paintings I’ve seen that I thought were disturbing, but of course I can’t think of a specific one at the moment.
Have you ever gone to a camp or summer school? I’ve been to two camps: science camp and Girl Scout camp. I also had to do summer school once in the 6th grade cause I missed a lot of school due to spending months in the hospital and at home after having surgery. I voluntarily took a few summer classes in college.
What was your favourite cartoon as a child? A lot of the stuff that was on Nickelodeon, Disney Channel, PBS, WB Kids, and Saturday morning cartoons on ABC.
What was your biggest fear as a child? Bugs.
Would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater? Fly.
What about invisibility or mindreading? Invisibility.
Do you like what you see in the mirror? Nopeee.
Can you remember all your past teachers names? Not all of them, but a lot of them.
Do you like talent shows? Which ones? I enjoyed when we had talent show assemblies in elementary school. Those were fun.
Have you ever failed an important exam? In what? Yes, in math.
Do you find people taller than you intimidating? Just about everyone is taller than me.
Do you think you are better than people of a different country/background? Wow, absolutely not. I don’t think I’m better than anyone.
What’s your favourite thing about your country? We have our issues and I know other countries make fun of us, but we have a lot of good qualities and I like where I’m from.
Who is your favourite bzoinker? I don’t go on there.
What websites do you have bookmarked? The ones on the toolbar are Google, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Pinterest, and a couple PDFs from Bible studies.
Do you use bows and ribbons to decorate your gifts? Yeah. I love wrapping presents and making them look all nice and pretty.
Do you listen to the same type of music as your parents? What type is that? We like a lot of the same, yeah. Especially my mom and I.
What TV show scared you as a kid? Are You Afraid of the Dark haha but I also loved to watch it. That intro is what really got me. Oh, and Unsolved Mysteries. That was a show about real life mysteries and murders and such. 
Family Guy, The Simpsons or South Park? Why? Out of the three I’d pick Family Guy, but I’m not into any of them. My family loves Family Guy so I see parts of episodes here and there all the time and I’m familiar with it. Sometimes it’ll give me a little chuckle.
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