williechou · 2 years
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啊啊啊啊~~我又有朋友開店啦~~ 他其實是我目前工作的前輩啦, 只是出社會之後, 開始工作, 真的難交朋友啊, 畢竟不像求學時期那樣沒有太過厲害的利害關係, 只有合得來跟合不來量種, 但出社會之後, 真的不只是和不合的來這麼簡單了...... 只是說真的, 我每份工作離開後, 多少都會有一兩位同事還會保持聯絡, 雖然說不是特別好, 但就是偶爾會見個面吃個飯,這樣 這次前輩離開這份工作就是要自己創業啦~ 開了一家屬於自己的小店, 從還在一起工作時, 就會一起說幹話, 一起討論食物的話題, 解解工作上的苦悶及無奈。 這間敲早, 就是他的小孩, 上禮拜三(4/13)才開始試營運, 所以我禮拜五放假就直接給它衝一波, 來看看他的東西如何, 跟一般的早餐店或是早午餐店的差別在哪? 這次點了三樣來試試看, 下次有機會再來吃其他品項。 他的品項分成吐司、蛋餅、漢堡、滿福堡、可頌等系列, 跟早午餐店絕對少不了的拼盤系列, 當然一定要來點本土味的菜色啊! 就是要吃他的主廚私房料理系列, 就跟丹丹一樣, 在一家店內可以買到小孩喜歡吃的漢堡, 也可以買到阿公阿嬤想吃的台式料理, 你說, 這有什麼好不來吃的! 而且才剛試營運, 老闆就直接貼了一張調降價格的公告在櫃檯前~ 然後,雖然才剛開始試營運, 也還不確定之後會不會有外送平台服務, 但是你想吃又不想等的話, 可以善用電話訂購, 更可以用line直接線上點餐, 不用擔心講電話講不清楚, 只要用手機滑一滑就點好餐, 騎車到店, 下車取餐付款就可以馬上離開。 |粉漿蛋餅 / 蔬菜 有別於一般早餐店或是早午餐的蛋餅是使用厚度較薄的市售蛋餅皮, 敲早的蛋餅皮是有濃濃傳統味的粉漿蛋餅皮, 不只厚度更厚, 口感上的軟Q度更好, 連帶的飽足感更好。 而裡面的蔬菜也是不一樣的作法, 捨棄了簡單方便的生菜, 他們是用炒過的高麗菜, 再加上些許胡椒跟千島醬來調味, 雖然說加了沙拉醬, 但吃起來並沒有讓我感到油膩感, 也許是因為千島醬內的番茄醬酸味的關係, 不但不會奇怪, 反而是讓他在嘴裡潤滑度更好 吃起來不會說是兩種不同的味道組合, 稍微炒過的高麗菜同樣是有爽脆的口感, 整體味道上的層次也更好了。 |厚切培根吐司 烤到金黃香酥的吐司 裡面夾了除了主角厚切培根之外, 他們的蛋不是單純的荷包蛋, 而是帶有點厚度的嫩煎蛋, 還有用來平衡培根鹹味的生菜還有切片番茄。 一口咬下, 現烤吐司的酥、培根煎過後的韌度跟香氣、 雞蛋的水嫩、蔬菜的爽脆, 每一口都可以吃到豐富的口感跟味道, 不會說第前面兩口都在吃吐司, 然後料只有一點點, 而是讓你每口都可以吃到。 |左宗棠雞 第一次在早午餐店裡吃左宗棠雞飯, 而且最讓我驚訝的是他的雞肉也給太多了吧! 直接在飯上面鋪超過一半的面積, 而且蔬菜的量也是頗多的, 加上是現炒出來的, 帶有熱度跟口感, 旁邊的炒蛋一樣是很有水準的嫩蛋, 不是冷掉或乾硬的炒蛋, 這比很多便當店都還要有水準! 主菜左宗棠雞本雞, 醃過香料,裹粉油炸過後的雞肉塊, 再用上醋、糖, 還有乾辣椒調製而成的醬汁拌炒過, 整體的味道呈現酸甜感, 但是又隱約透著微微的辣味跟乾辣椒的香氣, 就像糖醋雞肉的升級版, 雖然乾辣椒沒有到很爽的辣, 但是香氣是有的, 而且重點又要讓我拉回到他的雞肉量, 真的很多, 而且又大塊。 雖然他看起來沒有很大份, 但他其實份量頗多的, 因為他用了深盤來承裝, 下面飯的量很多, 所以說他的主菜也同時給了相對來說該有的量, 不然主菜的量太少, 飯太多, 吃到最後大概就是丟掉的下場, 但認真的說, 食量小的人來吃, 覺得可以兩個人一起吃一份, 然後再點其他小東西來搭配, 這樣可以吃得更豐富! 敲早這家店其實還蠻好找的, 雖然說善化跟新化名字只差了一個字, 但是距離上其實沒有很近誒, 中間還隔了一個新市, 但他這家店的位置就在新化排骨麵的正對面, 位在一個三角窗的位置, 而且光線還算蠻充足的啦, 不會沒有光線, 你可以悠哉的吃著自己的餐點, 然後邊看著對面新化排骨麵的人吃著他的餐? 哈哈, 其實我覺得蠻有趣的啊~ #新化早餐 #新化早午餐 #新化美食 #新化新店 #brunch #粉漿蛋餅 #手作早餐 #新鮮現做 #大廚私房料理 #北極是吃貨 #台南美食 #台南早午餐 #bacontoast #vegiepancakeroll #左宗棠雞 #soursweetandapicychicken #poptainan #popyummy #pop台南 https://www.instagram.com/p/Ccjb0tkP1zR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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foodleasure · 5 years
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🌻 Eggs & Cheese \*/ Eggcetera ✌ _____ #bacontoast #eggcetera #scrambledeggsontoast #bigtime #brunchtime #brunchporn #yolkporn #fancyfood #eggslover #breakfastalldaylong #eggsporn #frenchfood #tastingtable #specialfood #fancyplace #tastesbetterhere #mondaymood #getinmybelly #brunchlover #cheeseytoast #buzzfeast #eggtoast #fancystyle #eggstoast #viataincluj #instsfood #breakfastideas #chillday #brunchplace #enjoytoday (à eggcetera) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3l3-sNlWk6/?igshid=xz7eeygma9qd
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thegigahutt · 5 years
#thegigahutt🕹 #dailyshoutouts🕹 #Repost Round 2 with @_bacontoast • • • • • When you get the zombie arm and die straight away.. I used all my 5 life’s pushing two teams in here to get it.. luckily I traded at the end and got revived and went into win 😅😅 ———————————————————————— If you guys like BACONTOAST content do show some love by follow him on IG to found out more about his regular post, he play Call of Duty and produce such amazing clip such as this one, so go find out more and hangout when he is live - Support your small creators 🕹 Follow or subscribe to BACONTOAST link in his bio to click upon. He would really appreciate for the support. .So what are you waiting for, Go now ! For more latest trailers, game arts, throwbacks, shoutouts and game highlights we are THE GIGAHUTT - - #battleroyale #fortnite #bacontoast #callofduty #CallofDutyBlackOps4 #apexlegendsclips #squad #ps4 #realmroyale #twitch #online #highlights #twitchstreamer #beautiful #love #pc #pubg #steam #apexlegendsgame #apexchampion #playapex #xbox #shooter #nintendo #modernwarfare https://www.instagram.com/p/B1TlwKFHpM-/?igshid=py86qyfpwnw7
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socialsf · 7 years
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#breakfastporn #bacontoast @ranchollanoseco #bacon #friedegg #morningslikethese #hellosaturday #inmykitchen #deliciousness #liveauthentic #lifedoesnotsuck
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ozzistartsfires · 4 years
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myfranceypants · 4 years
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newswithbreenlala · 4 years
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coolinaria · 7 years
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Breakfast Toasts with Bacon & Poached Eggs ⭐️📸@stella_5727⭐️ #breakfast #breakfastlover #toast #toastlover #bacon #baconlover #bacontoast #poachedegg #healthyfood #food #foodlover #foodporn #foodie #foodielife #foodpics #foodphotography #deliciousfood #yahoofood #yummy #gluttony #coolinaria #eeeeeats #foodandwine #beautifulcuisines #buzzfeast #huffposttaste #eattheworld #eater #foodblogger (instalink https://ift.tt/2If22XE)
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ttlynn31 · 6 years
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Toasted garlic, green onion, colby jack cheese and uncured bacon. Bacon for dinner always great. Did I say bacon? Bacon, bacon, bacon. #bacontoast #bacon #garlicbaconandcheese #mondaydinner #whatsonyourplate
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kimarevalo · 8 years
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Bacon Toast. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 #bacontoast #bacon #bread #instafood (at Nara, Nara)
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foodleasure · 5 years
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🌻 Eggcetera ✌ _____ #scrambledeggs #brunchmoments #redpepperspice #omelette #brunchtime #homemadeguacamole #driedtomatoes #freshlymade #eggstoast #timeforbrunch #saturdaybrunch #brunchfood #scrambledeggstoast #restaurantfood #toasty #oeufsbrouilles #🥓 #frenchbreakfast #ptitdej #petitdejuner #driedtomato #omeleta #eatwithstyle #baconforbreakfast #bacontoast #baconandeggs #brunchideas #frenchbrunch #eggsandbacon #LikeTheEgg (à eggcetera) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6DImT0FT1b/?igshid=1tydm7hu3klof
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thegigahutt · 5 years
#thegigahutt🕹 #dailyshoutouts🕹 #Repost Meet @_bacontoast and he is out for blood • • • • • No loot at all 😩 All I could hear from my dead squad mates was you’ve only got 1 rampart bullet. To which I replied 1 BULLET IS ALL I NEED! We was crying laughing after this Hahahaha ——————————————————— If you guys like BACONTOAST content do show some love by follow him on IG to found out more about his regular post, he play Call of Duty and produce such amazing clip such as this one, so go find out more and hangout when he is live - Support your small creators 🕹 Follow or subscribe to BACONTOAST link in his bio to click upon. He would really appreciate for the support. .So what are you waiting for, Go now ! For more latest trailers, game arts, throwbacks, shoutouts and game highlights we are THE GIGAHUTT - - #battleroyale #fortnite #bacontoast #callofduty #CallofDutyBlackOps4 #apexlegendsclips #squad #ps4 #realmroyale #twitch #online #highlights #twitchstreamer #beautiful #love #pc #pubg #steam #apexlegendsgame #apexchampion #playapex #xbox #shooter #nintendo #modernwarfare https://www.instagram.com/p/B0qMmIHnq-4/?igshid=122ezeua0us4
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foodleasure · 5 years
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🌻 Poached Eggs with Avocado & Crispy Bacon ✌ _____ #morningtoast #brunchmoment #avotoast #avocadotoast #brunchtime #seedsbread #mashedavocado #freshlymade #toastforbreakfast #breadwithseeds #guacamoletoast #brunchfood #friedbacon #restaurantfood #avolovers #homemadeguacamole #breadseeds #icebergsalad #crispybacon #tuesdaybrunch #brunching #crunchybacon #2poachedeggs #friedbread #cherrytomatoes #crunchybread #poachedeggs #bacontoast #baconlover #poachedegg (à Nuka Bistro) https://www.instagram.com/p/B543FfXlVal/?igshid=1es6uc2fh27r5
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foodleasure · 5 years
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🌻 Scrambled Eggs ✌ _____ #scrambledeggs #brunchmoments #redpepper #omelette #brunchtime #asparagus #slicedredpepper #freshlymade #eggstoast #timeforbrunch #wednesdayvibes #brunchfood #scrambledeggstoast #restaurantfood #🌶 #oeufsbrouilles #🥓 #frenchbreakfast #ptitdej #petitdejuner #rawbacon #omeleta #eatwithstyle #bacontoast #vegetarianbrunch #bacon #brunchideas #frenchbrunch #🥚 #LikeTheEgg (at 25th) downtown flavours) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4zh2DRFtBz/?igshid=2uksekkfbm2d
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coolinaria · 7 years
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Rye Toasts with Bacon, Eggs, Tomatoes & Avocado #breakfast #breakfasttime #breakfastlover #toast #toasttime #toastlover #bacon #eggs #tomatoes #Avocado #avocadotoast #bacontoast #eggtoast #avocadolover #food #foodtime #foodlover #ilovefood #delicius #deliciusfood #foodphotography #enjoyfood #yummy #yum #gluttony 📸 @mohawk_gas01 (instalink http://ift.tt/2vG2pbx)
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coolinaria · 7 years
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Toast with Bacon & Fried Egg and Avocado Toast with Feta Cheese 😋☕☕😊 #breakfast #breakfasttime #breakfastlover #toast#toasttime #Avocado #avocadotoast #bacon #eggs #bacontoast #friedegg #eggtoast #fetacheese #food #foodtime #foodlover #ilovefood #ilovebreakfast #fridaybreakfast #deliciusfood #enjoyfood #eeeeeats #yummy #yum #gluttony 📸@theeconomicfoodie (instalink http://ift.tt/2v2PxdK)
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