#bad at fluff author
pininghermit · 1 year
Alucard with a Dhampir Reader
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AN: I tried guys.
Please read part 1 before you continue with this.
Now normal people born to normal parents aren't born with sharp fangs and gleaming eyes but such was not the case for you.
You were born a dhampir to your very much human parents. In fact they were normal enough to not be familiar with the term dhampir.
Your 'peculiarities' had been ignored in the favor of living a quiet and uneventful life and you had lived such life with your parents. Working in the farm or skipping stones by the village pond.
That is until everyone around you aged. Waves of time swept everyone but you. Peer that you grew up with were long resting in their graves but you lived alone. Some years you were the blood sucking vampire while others the friendly neighborhood witch.
Your uneventful life was long and boring. Nothing to entertain your fancy except for the bite mark on your neck. You could not remember when you first started looking for the reason behind for your existence but the more you tried the harder it got to get to a reason.
It then, that you met him. You mistook him for a beggar on the first sight. There was no shortage of them by the city you had found yourself in. But he was more than a beggar.
Dreams, nightmares, or visions of past lives flooded your nights. All changed except for him. He who found you in every path of your past. He who now wanders the streets with an empty look in his eyes.
Maybe you should have resented him. Lamented for your loss of a normal life. Or grieved your tragic death in the past but you could not bring yourself to mourn for the past when you had to go find him in the present.
You searched every town, every city, every port looking for him as he had done once for you. But all you find is the whisp of his presence long gone.
Adrian his name barely escapes your lips without holding back the tears that fill your eyes at his very thought. How did he bear it? Such pain, such tragedy. He did it all without a complain and the fate had been so cruel to him.
So, when you spot him on a warm summer night your heart does not allow you to rest. You rush and settle all your past dues. You hold Adrian close. You take his trembling fingers and run them on the bite marks that adorn your neck. A mark from another life that brought you together in this life.
Your reunion is not without hurried apologies, remorseful words or guilt laden confessions. You find your beloved broken beyond what seems repairable and for a fleeting second you wonder if it another cruel joke of your fates.
Instead of the loving husband of your past lives you find a scared man. Adrian pleads you to let go. He flees your every touch and it burns your soul. "I...don't come near. I am not good...I have hurt you and I cannot-" your beloved breaks down. You barely resist the want to pull him in your arms and comfort him. To tell him that death had been nothing but a failure in keeping you both apart. Instead you kneel next to Adrian and hold on to his hands. You do not speak. Your presence is the only comfort you offer him.
Since that night you follow the one who seems to have been the only one the time has spared to you. The only one you would accept this eternity with.
"I had to die. It was bound to happen one way or another," you cup your beloved's face. "My only regret is that it came at your cost. That my fate has caused you this sorrow," next to simmering fire and under the vast skies you kiss your beloved gently.
Slowly but surely your Adrian returns to you. In the form of sweet banter or his snobbish knowledge of spices. He returns.
"My fall is yours to claim," Adrian holds your hands in his. "My rise is yours to claim." His words ring in the quiet clearing.
Flower crowns adorn both your heads. You need to ring, no altar to bind yourself to him. "My death is yours to claim, my life is yours to claim," you promise the dhampir you have met in life, death, and in-between.
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riaki · 10 months
thrifted romance | megumi fushiguro x reader
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synopsis: you’ve never really spoken with megumi before, so when your friends leave the two of you behind on a snowy night, you take the opportunity to get to know him.
wc: 6.2k... SO SORRY I GOT CARRIED AWAY cw: swearing, college au, noncurse au, i don’t thjnk there’s anything else ??
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this got way longer than i intended it to be and i rushed to grind it out so it may not be coherent.. if so i apologize :’3 and this one’s late but i hope the content makes up for it ! enjoy meemow barely proofread!
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it's a late winter evening when you meet up with megumi and your friends on the side of the street— cozied up in puffy layers and a long blazer stained with coffee splashes and a few hot chocolate smudges here and there.
fall had melted away with the slow gradient of leaves from the trees, sinking into fluffy piles on the sidewalk that soon became coated and replaced with light snowfall; the first of many problematic inches. midterms were just around the corner, and with it meant late hours spent pulling all-nighters that left you exhausted, eyes dark around the edges with a lack of sleep; breaths of minty hot chocolate and coffee from the amalgamation you'd concocted to at least pretend to get into the holiday spirit.
(a fruitless effort, though— if not for your failure that warned you to stay out of mixology, but the way your roommate's cat had knocked over your mug and ruined the flashcards you'd been wrestling with and looked completely smug with itself.)
really, though, there was absolutely nothing jolly about school, or exams. so when your favorite inefficient, sidetracking study buddy had offered to spend the weekend out, who were you to say no? nobara had offered to go find a club, but it was far too cold out to frolic around in skimpy clothing and your expensive winter coats were much too valuable to risk being stolen in the haze of drunken students and sweaty bodies. so, you'd decided to go shopping, because what else is there to do with her? besides the usual karaoke session with the upperclassmen she seems to like so much, of course.
turns out, it'd had been a group endeavor. or, more accurately— a group of four, unlike the duo you had previously thought you'd be going out in. yuji and megumi were there too— friends from separate majors; you'd heard that yuji was involved in the uprising surge of software engineers and computer science majors clambering for a shot in the world of big AI tech companies, even though he supposedly was about as computer-smart as your teetering old grandma ripe with age, permanently stuck in her rocking chair crocheting the days away.
megumi, on the other hand, was a mystery. you'd shared a few classes together; his chipped dark nails that shone the same blue as his esoteric eyes beneath the warmth of the glowing sun, and his inky black hair that spilled over the collars of his simple gray sweatshirts like effortlessly graceful calligraphy on paper had captured your attention as smooth and seamless as the daylight turned to darkness, days cut short by the onslaught of cold. even so, you'd never brought yourself to interact much— he seemed like he'd prefer to keep to himself, if the way he'd disdainfully scoot away from anyone who tried to approach him and turn up the volume of his headphones indicated anything. you had laughed to your friend and called it introversion to its finest, only to promptly shut up when his unmoving gaze landed on you, leaving you feeling like a clown on the stage, rimmed by rich dark red curtains and a wooden floorboard as the beaming spotlight shines upon you imaginary button nose, hot and glaring under his gaze. 
even though you'd approved of his music taste once you snagged a few notes by the ear, you'd really thought his taste in fashion was too bland to be the type of person to shop with nobara— her meticulous style and image were much brighter and more flamboyant than megumi's jaded attempts at a splash of color through the occasional blue argyle or layered turtleneck. still, those were better than yuji's paltry attempts at fashion; at least the myriads of color on nobara's figure were coordinated. the pink-haired boy with funny scars on his face would probably have been better off learning graphic design or art, with the disasters of clashing colors on his person.
and he'd gotten the opportunity to demonstrate his questionable tastes on the chilly evening, when black ice had begun to form on the roads and the soft light of boutiques with slow jazz flowing from the speakers filled your frost-bitten red ears as you walked up to the shade of a nearby lamppost. once you'd all met up, nobara had hooked an arm around your elbow and dragged you off, leaving the boys to follow along like it was walking dogs.
honestly, you wouldn't be surprised if you were— at least, with yuji. he carried nobara's bags like she was the next princess in line, without complaint and with the little fearful quivers that dogs get in their legs whenever their owners scold them for barking or misbehaving, much like how nobara would yell at yuji if he dropped a single cream linen sweater or ruffled pink cami.
megumi, on the other hand, was far too lethargic and quiet to be considered any kind of canine. although the weaved bracelet on his left wrist with a cute little puppy charm you caught sight of when he'd rolled his sleeve up implied otherwise. the only reason he'd even had to do that was to rub the sickeningly sweet orange blossom hand sanitizer nobara had spritzed on each of your palms after you took turns petting a stray cat, one that seemed to take a great liking to you and megumi in particular.
the night seemed to drag on forever; pale yellow lights and holiday decorations blurred into swathes and bubbles of color in your vision as the hours passed and the caffeine from the cute little coffeeshop you'd stopped at earlier began to wear off.
but there had just been something magical about that evening; spending time with friends (albeit, more like acquaintances) had granted you a much-needed break from cramming your mind with an overflow of information that was sure to spill out the moment you answered the last exam question. so, when it was almost midnight and it was time to retire to your bed, you'd insisted on staying out for just a little longer while nobara and the rest returned to their dorms to catch some sleep. yuji had complained something about his legs cramping, but you were feeling giddy, and the stars were twinkling just as bright as the light in nobara's eyes were when you told her you had to soak in the fresh air for as long as you could before being locked in to study again as she laughed and headed home with her pink dog-boy escort in tow.
megumi had mumbled something about staying with you since it was late and he wanted to make sure you were safe. you didn't think too much about it, because if you did, you were sure you'd end up with a faced even more flushed than it was frostbitten from the cold.
so, here you were, strolling down the quieter side of town, a brooding boy with inky dark hair and hands pale with blue veins shoved into the pockets of his jacket trailing behind you. he had one airpod tucked into his pierced ear; you assumed he hadn't brought his headphones because yuji would be there to prattle and babble. even so, you were content not to say anything, so there was plenty of opportunity for him to wear both. but he wasn't. you decided not to linger on it.
you'd just finished writing a silly little note out of the crisp snow gathered on the windshield of some stranger's car; the flakes were cold and biting on your skin, leaving it feeling numb with little droplets of icy water when you pulled away to admire your handiwork.
"actually, maybe i shouldn't be doing that." you decided after a moment, mumbling under your breath. it was just a little message with a whiskered smiley face, but the headlights on the car and the bumper seemed to form a frown at you when you stepped back, shaking its motorized head at your vandalism.
"you think?"
megumi's voice sounded from behind you, a little weighed down by the cold with a wisp of warmth leaving his lips like a powdery exhale, curling into the prickly night air. he was standing on the sidewalk, observing you all prickly-like as if you were some flagrant toddler he was babysitting. you still had to get used to the way his voice sounded after rarely hearing it; the few crumbs you got when your professors forced obligatory presentations onto struggling students had sent this warm, fuzzy feeling collecting in your stomach at the rich tone of velvet it held. not rough or overly deep, but smooth and reassuring. the kind you could fall asleep to; like there was a lullaby just waiting to be poured from his tongue with little scratches in the indent of his tone.
of course, you hadn't heard enough of it to make such an assumption, so when you heard the little quip framed with irritation at the edges, it wasn't all sugary sweetness like you imagined.
"yeah, well, sorry i like to live a little," you huffed, rubbing your hands together in an attempt to resuscitate some warmth back into them with a small little sigh.
"you call that living?" he scoffs a little, cocking an eyebrow at the vandalized toyota behind you. now, it just looked a little sad; imaginary eyebrows over the red lights droopy in disappointment. you followed his gaze, before looking back at him and making a sour face as you stepped onto the sidewalk.
"maybe we just have different tastes, y'know? doesn't mean we don't have to get along like this," you mumbled, shaking your hands out a little to get the remaining snow droplets off before stuffing them back in your blazer pockets. "just like itadori and nobara. one has terrible taste in fashion and the other doesn't, but they both like their bright colors." you feel satisfied with yourself for that one, but clearly, megumi doesn't feel the same. but the corner of his pink lips seem to quirk up just a tiny bit, and you feel pride blooming in your chest.
there's just something about the way it looks— an almost implausible smile coaxed onto his lips by something particularly amusing, reaching his dull blue eyes in a way that made their usual tedious apathy morph into something like fondness, or appreciation. adding a shine to his navy irises the lamp light overhead could only hope to mimic. then again, you didn't let your mind linger on it for too long like usual— so instead you chalked it up to the one other thing that had caught your eye besides the sharpness of his jaw and the handsome slimness of his face: his jacket.
you take back what you said about his style and its blandness before— it would be unfair to what he was wearing right now. just a simple black turtleneck (one that you were sure he'd worn to the early morning wednesday lecture you had a few days ago, when the sun was still bright enough to catch on the condensation of the cup of lemonade your white-haired, oddly sweet-toothed professor had), and black jeans, but the vintage racing windbreaker hanging from his shoulders brought it together in a way that was unfairly seamless; all dark blues and stripes of checker; a neutral grayblue that reminded you of the sky on rainy afternoons, trudging about the shopping districts in tokyo. there were a few brand patches here and there, some red bubble lettering of names you didn't recognize in patches of color that brought out the shade of his eyes. maybe the labels of those energy drink brands you often caught him running on when the shadows beneath his long dark lashes seemed heavier than usual.
all that to say he looked good. like, seriously good. you didn't know how you hadn't noticed all night— but now that you had, it was hard to keep your eyes from his slim and tall silhouette (not that he minded). the jacket really complimented it.
"that's a neat jacket. where'd you get it?" you asked after a moment of chilling silence; he'd probably noticed you looking, and you prayed he didn't think you were checking him out. although, if that meant getting your hands on one of those windbreakers, you wouldn't really mind. he glanced up at you, tearing his attention from the sad snowy toyota camry that seemed worn past its years at the newfound attention on megumi's racing jacket. he blinked a little, and you didn't miss the little flake of frost on his eyelash; probably caught from brushing past a windowsill earlier. by now, most shops were closed; even so, the street still felt warm and safe. well, maybe it was to be credited to a person rather than the concrete— but like you had been all night, you ignored it.
"oh, this?" as if he was wearing more than one jacket (it was cute), "i thrifted it." and for some reason, you didn't expect to be surprised, but you were. him? thrifting? the few western-fashion tailored thrift stores you'd been to with nobara had been lacking— not like you'd been able to stay in them long; the artificial ginger had this... beef with reused clothes. she liked her clothes clean and fresh from the press, even if you reminded her they could just be fresh from someone else's press. megumi must be familiar with the antiquated racks of varied worn graphic tees and frayed pants if he could fish something that classy from a thrift store.
then again, it's not like you had any experience to go off of at all.
"really? y'know, i've always wanted to go thrifting," you sighed, stretching your arms out, watching the fabric of your blazer wrinkle and curve to follow the movement of your muscles. a light dusting of snow coated the surface, like powdered sugar on tiramisu. that makes the coffee stains fitting. "but i feel like i'm bad at it." you said, stepping over a crack in the sidewalk, the rubber bottom of your sneakers brushing against a little clump of pine green weeds.
"bad at it?" megumi echoes, following you with a faint ruffle of smooth fabric, like the sound of a zipper sliding down. before, the world had been a cool shade of gray, like smoke rising from a cigarette or the blurry blue of the sky from the window of a speeding bullet train. but now, you let yourself soak in the sound of his voice, like grinded coffee beans and a smooth, soothing honey medicine for your throat on a sick day when you get to cozy up in your bunk bed and watch the clouds drift by.
it's nice.
"yeah. like, i wouldn't know where to go, or what to find, or what to look for..." you trailed off, rubbing your cold fingers together again as your breaths leave in little exhales of coagulating mist in the cold night air. now that it was late, it the temperature would only continue to drop.
you walked in silence for a little longer, listening to the scuffles of shoes against concrete, glassy with ice that had begun to creep up on the roads like a steady stream of seafoam from the tides.
"why don't we go thrifting now, then?" he asks out of the snowy blue.
you paused, and you almost smacked straight into a pole. "now?" you spluttered, turning around to face him. the look on his face was unreadable; a mix between exasperation, amusement, an attempt at stoicism, and something like affection in the corner of his lips as they curved upward. it was like a CPR compression; the smile that sent fuzzy electricity through your veins and reinvigorated your heart.
"yes, now." he said it like you were stupid, which you might just be, the way you stared dumbly at his face. "the place i got this jacket from is just over there," he said, jutting a ring-adorned thumb behind him. you had to lean up and peek around his shoulder to see it; you wouldn't've noticed if he didn't point it out. it was tucked between two buildings, a stairway downward into the store. the only thing indicating its status as a retail and thrifting store was the broken neon sign and painted red arrow that gestured towards the staircase.
"looks really shady. and it's late." you grumbled after you got over yourself, and he shot you an irritated look. that was all he really seemed to be doing tonight; that downward knit of his dark eyebrows and the slight pout weighing his lips down. not very suave, you think.
he swallows hard, and you aimlessly watch the bob of his adam's apple. "well?" he prompts, a hard edge to his voice despite the situation. you stand there for a little while, marinating in the growing cold until you cant feel the tips of your fingers.
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one accidental slip on the crosswalk and a few minutes later, you're stepping down the last wooden stair of the thrift store and into the building's basement; it's much bigger than you would've thought, with an expanse of layered clothing racks that obscure your vision, the corners of the walls clogged with cobwebs and years of dust build up. there's a faint lingering scent of cigarette smoke and cologne; something vanilla that you've caught clinging to megumi's wrists and neck on the rare occasion you brush past him. faint jazz spills from the speakers, something in a swing rhythm with the signature lilt of saxophone that makes you think you should be out enjoying a romantic fancy dinner instead of being cooped up between old wrinkly moth-bitten clothes. but you're here with megumi, so you convince yourself you don't mind either way.
"you sure this is the right place?" you asked, trying (and failing) to keep the obvious distain from your voice as you kick a folded 'floor-is-wet' sign from your path and step into the store. you can't even see the cash register from where you're standing.
"yes, i'm sure. can you stop complaining?" you can practically hear the eyeroll in his voice, and you're sure you could see it too if you just turned around. "trust me. it's not all shit." his voice softens, and you freeze up a little as he brushes past you; the corridors and margins are tight, so he has to turn sideways to fit. even so, a tag on your coat manages to snag on his jacket, and you hasten to unhook it before he can notice. he almost disappears into the racks, and you have to follow him, pushing your way through thick coats and worn graphic tees that have cracked logos and balls of lints clinging to them.
you're no thrifting expert, but you're pretty sure the store's supposed to be in better condition than this.
"hey." megumi's voice soon snaps you back into reality, and you look up from the mustard yellow top you were eyeing warily to meet his sedate gaze. "the good stuff's in the back. c'mon." he doesn't give you much room to argue even though it sounds like you're here to do drugs rather than find clothing, and before you can react he's reached forward to grab your wrist and tug you along. a yelp of protest almost spills from your lips, but you bite your tongue and let him drag you along, trying to extinguish the hue of cherry you know is making a home on the tips of your ears.
you brush past patchwork coats and a few leather belts that've tangled with the lace from the silk shirts next to them, but nothing really catches your eye, until you realize that he's let go of you only because of the lack of warmth around your skin and you focus yourself on the current again. you glance up at him, but he already has his back turned to you, sifting through a rack of black shirts that all look the exact same. maybe you have an untrained eye, though.
still, you can't help it when your gaze lingers over the back of his neck; one strand of dark hair has caught itself beneath the collar of his turtleneck, and it irks you. and you decide to do something about it because you'll know it'll bother you if you don't.
time seems to move in a liquid slow; things are blurring and there's no mothballs or ugly recycled coats to get in your way as you reach over and swipe your hand across his neck, hooking a finger beneath the strand and pulling it out of his collar. it takes you a moment to realize what you just did, and when you do, it's like there's a permanent mark seared into your index finger just from the touch of his skin against your own. you think he might have whiplash because he turns his head around so fast to catch your gaze before you can slink away, eyes wide and eyebrows knit, and you notice his bottom lip is snagged between his teeth.
he raises an eyebrow, but before he can utter a shaming word that'll only make you feel more embarrassed you shake your head vigorously, apologetically.
"sorry— it was bothering me. i hope you don't mind." you managed to say, the words spilling out in a rush before you turned away and slipped past him, disappearing into an aisle of dresses. you can feel his gaze burning cold holes into your back as you distract yourself.
you don't let yourself linger on what you just did— you seem to be doing a lot of that, lately, especially with him as you go through a few batches of clothing. by now, it's far past midnight, and you're feeling much more sluggish than you'd like to admit. you haven't seen megumi in a good twenty minutes save for the few times you picked up a few shirts and a cute diner jacket you thought would look good on him. he just thanked you bluntly, taking the bundle of clothing from your arms before walking away to the fitting rooms. you wished he'd stay to let you see the jacket.
you'd tried on a few things, discarding your blazer in favor of a cute knitted cardigan you grabbed, but nothing seemed to stick the way you'd like them to. it would be a great help if you had nobara to assist, but you were sure she was snoring away at home right now, and at the thought of your warm, inviting bed, your knees wobbled a little and you balanced yourself on the wall.
"hey— oh, you alright?" it's an unfamiliar voice; you lift your head up, looking for the source. it's a young boy— he looks to be about your age, maybe a little younger. there's a blue lanyard around his neck, and he's got a spattering of freckles on his hands, which are curled around the collar of a white linen shirt. he must be the one who's tending to the store.
"yeah, i'm okay. sorry," you said hastily, pushing away and rubbing the back of your neck. how embarrassing— he didn't seem to mind, though. he just smiled, big and bright and toothy. cute. reminded you of how toddlers would grin up at parents with those huge red lollipops in hand.
"no worries. i just thought i'd let you know that we're closing soon, since it's almost 2am." he said, shifting his weight on his sneakers. you nodded, about to give a hum of confirmation before another voice cuts through the slow jazz filling the stifling air above, all familiar in its smoothness.
before you could respond, though— "[name]?" megumi's voice rang out in the quaint little store, calling for you, and so you give the employee an apologetic nod before you turn and start toward the noise. you pass a mirror with a coat draped over the top, peeking your head around a tall rack of long skirts to catch sight of the raven head, in all of his glory. you notice that he's taken off his windbreaker.
"what’s up? we have to go soon," you reminded him, yawning a little and rubbing your eyes as you straightened up and stepped over to his side. there was another mirror in front of him, you noticed, with fading stickers pale in the dim yellow light stuck to the wooden rim. even so, with the smudges and the bare sheen of the silver, he looked good. that black turtleneck really suits him.
"i know. i just wanted to ask for your opinion." he said, glancing at you from the corner of his eye. you tilted your head curiously, and he held up a deep mauve sweatshirt, with some varsity logo branded on the fabric. it had a nice touch to it; a warm color that reminded you of red wine and slow evenings. you were sure it had been one of the pieces you'd picked out for him, but you were too sleepy to recall. "you should try it on. i think it'd look good," you said, gesturing toward the mirror.
you think you must've said something wrong, because he looks at you for a moment too long before he seems to catch himself staring and he nods, a choked little sound leaving his throat which he hides by ducking his head down and covering his face with his long bangs. you think you're hallucinating the pink on his cheeks.
after a moment, he glances at you. "hold this," he shoves his jacket towards you, and you have no choice but to take it. doesn't seem like he's used to taking no for an answer, but you're certainly not the one complaining when he tugs the sweater over his head, ruffling his soft black hair as he steps a little closer to you, observing himself in the mirror while straightening out the folds and fixing his turtleneck. you were right— it does look good on him. almost unfairly so— you don't know how he manages to rock granny clothes so well, like he was born a retirement home's runway model.
unlike him, you're not a reticent shut in— and although you'd like to say you have no problem telling him how good he looks, it's still a little difficult when the words feel like they're lodged in your throat in order to prevent you from making a fool of yourself again. but you ignore it and push on.
"you look great. i think it really suits you," you breathed, shaking your head as your hands tighten around his jacket in your arms. he blinks, adjusting the collar before glancing down at you. you take a moment to really appreciate the sight— him, bathed in the soft yellow glow of the chipped lights overhead. despite the dilapidated store and the antiquated, worn clothing surrounding him, he still manages to look like some ethereal angel boy you'd stumble upon in a bookstore on a dreary winter's afternoon and never be able to get out of your mind again.
ink black eyelashes flutter when he blinks, framing his eyes like the bangs falling over his face when he turns around again to observe himself in the mirror once more before he takes the sweatshirt off. it catches on his turtleneck, which rides up when he slips the mauve sweater over his head, tussling his hair and exposing the dip of his pale hips, all muscle and flesh and bone, and you pray he chalks up the red on your face to the cold. the end of his belt dangles from the buckle as you hand his jacket back to him, fingers almost brushing— just barely out of reach.
a meager conversation flows between the two of you; you follow him through the endless maze of used clothing until you somehow stumble upon the cash register and he buys his sweater; the only thing he manages to buy after all this time spent milling about in a dusty, dinky little retail store. the boy from earlier helps check him out, and the icy glare he receives from megumi when he glances at you seems to fly straight past your head as you pick at your cuticles. the tips of your fingers are still red from messing with the frosty snow earlier. you wonder when the car owner will find your message.
it's almost freezing when you get out of the dusty shop, emerging from the smoke-stained alleyway stairs and into the cold night air. your breaths almost seem to form a precipitate, and the thought reminds you of the chemistry conversions waiting for you on your desk beneath the lamp, and you cringe internally. staying out for a few hours longer seems way better than succumbing to the never ending stream of worksheets and documents calling your name. you wonder if your charismatic professor will let you get away with a few assignments if you call in sick. are papercuts excuse enough?
the click of a lock behind you signifies the store's closing— the employee left through a back exit, it seems. and you realize too late that you left your blazer in the dressing room when you turn around and a sigh falls from your lips. megumi, paper bag in hand, glances over at you.
"you okay?"
you almost forgot he was there, in his brooding vintage racing jacket glory. you shake your head, before sighing forlornly again. he notices this, making a little face; his lips press together and his pretty eyes narrow. he thinks you sigh far too much. you'd look prettier if you smiled some more. he likes it when you do.
"i left my blazer in there, but he just closed it and it's so fucking cold out," you whined, bringing your hands to your face and rubbing your eyes tiredly. you're cold and your fingers are going numb again, and there's light snowfall. so much for not losing your coat at a club. you can't tell which one's worse. "sorry to complain so much, but do you mind if we—"
you're promptly cut off; the words on your tongue left unsaid, burning with the taste of bitter black coffee. your gaze trails from megumi's hand, the clink of his silver ring against the zipper rail of his jacket as his fingers curl around the fabric, up his arm to the sleeves of his dark turtleneck, rounding the curve of his shoulders and up his neck to his face. he's not looking at you.
the words that leave his wet lips are so small and hurried that you think you're hallucinating them; when you inevitably looked back at this moment later, you'd realize that he was being shy. he mumbles something under his sweet breath, and you ask him to speak up.
"i said, you can use mine." he repeats, louder than necessary as he finally brings himself to look down at you from under his lashes, biting the inside of his cheek. his voice is a little strained, and a soft breeze carrying the smell of cinnamon and fresh ice rustles his hair. you blinked, feeling like a deer caught in headlights over a layer of thin ice, ready to shatter at a moment's notice.
"oh— okay. um, do you have anywhere else you need to go..?" you said tentatively, reaching forward to take his jacket again. it was exactly like how you'd done back in the thrift store, but the vague sense of deja vu you get is accompanied by an endless fluttering of warmth in your stomach that melts away the winters and tiring exams, and the night seems to become a soft warm orange, as if someone's drained the cool hues from the landscape.
megumi just shook his head, reaching into his bag and taking out the sweater he'd bought earlier. he slips it on again, adjusting it over his shoulders and refusing to meet your eyes as he crumples the paper bag in his hands. you notice they're slightly trembling as he does it, fingers digging into the material with much more force than is really needed. his hair follows each movement of his head; the strain of the muscles in his neck when he swallows again and gestures for you to follow him back down the empty street, past cars coated in melting snow and jaunty yellow lights twinkling over the awnings of closed store windows, shut down for the night. the sweater suits him really well, you think; not too loose, but tight enough in the right places to send your heart racing a mile a minute.
you pull his jacket over your arms, tucking your sleeves in and zipping it up. it's big on you— that's no surprise, and you can almost taste the vanilla on your tongue, his cologne lingering on every fold of the insulated fabric. it's warm, and it feels like being enveloped in a tight hug. in megumi's head, he hopes— prays its him you think of if you ever feel that way again.
you walk in a stiff silence; both of you want to say something, but you're dancing around it, letting your words linger unsaid until the other breaks the ice first. it's only ever cracked once you reach the dorms, where you part ways. there's light snowfall, and a thin layer of white has coated his hair when you turn to face him. you reach forward, learning onto the tips of your toes to brush off the ice. his hair feels unimaginably soft beneath your fingers, slightly damp from the snow. but he's the furthest from cold when you pull away; his face is burning up.
by now, you can't bring yourself to mind.
"thank you," you said softly, sighing contentedly. you move to take his jacket off your shoulders and return it, but he stops you, holding a hand up. the expression on his face is unreadable, but his lips are pursed together in a way that makes you think he's pouting.
"don't worry—" a pause. " you can, uh. keep it. i know you wanted one. just... give it back when you want, yeah?" he says, curt. almost prude, if it weren't for the way he was avoiding your gaze out of embarrassment. it was like trying to play the world's most difficult game of whack-a'mole, attempting to catch his eyes and see the iceberg that's melted into pools of warm glittering affection in his blue irises. at the thought, you wonder if he likes arcades, and you make a mental note to suggest an activity to nobara the next time she has the urge for an escapade.
you don't bother asking him whether he's sure, because you don't want him to take his words back. so you linger there in a moment of silence, letting it hang over your heads like a warm throw blanket, cozied in front of a fireplace with a mug of hot chocolate in your hands. maybe a coffee mix like you'd attempted before.
angel boy clears his throat first to speak, all honey that links the syllables together like christmas ribbon; rich like orange flavored dark chocolate. "i'll see you later, then." it's short and sweet, but your heart is already flying so high on euphoria you can barely bring yourself to care, or suppress the giddy grin that's spreading across your lips.
yeah, you're tired. yeah, you're still a little cold and you think you need to thaw at your desk for a week until exams, but at least you've got his jacket to accompany you when your study buddy passes out first and you're alone on all nighters. frankly, you can't bring yourself to care— your head is spinning with the events of the chilly night, from crude messages in the snow to thrift store mothballs and lanyards, to one checkered racing jacket. but you don’t think it’s so bad when it threatens to stick to your memory, like chewed up gum under your professor’s desk. whether it’s from the students or the professor, that’s a mystery you’ll never solve.
"yeah. see you around, fushiguro." you can’t say the same about the mystery that megumi is, though. in fact, you think you’re already one step closer when you turn around and part ways, catching sight of him in the reflection of a frosted window. he’s slipping both of his airpods back into his ears, crimson at the tips.
the sound of your shoes against the rug stairway fills your ears as you clamber back up to your dorm, eyelids heavy with drowsiness and face flushed a pleasant warmth. even when you finally get to bed, you can't stop your eyes from drifting over to the bundle of lapis blue fabric sitting on your desk, and your mind from the soft spoken boy with eyes like the night sky and inky hair like calligraphy.
you decide you don't think his style is too bad, after all. and when you tell him that the next morning when he's still sleepy and his lashes fall slow when he blinks the weariness from his eyes, you get to enjoy the steady flush that stains his cheeks and prompts a hoarse cough from his throat when he ducks his head away and grumbles something under his breath, probably about being offended you even thought he was boring in the first place.
and if you ever ask, the only reason he lent you his windbreaker that night was to replace the scent of mothballs and dust with your sweet-smelling perfume.
so, as it turns out, you're able to get your hands on one of those pretty vintage racing jackets— except, it wasn't a new one; it was his. nobara hasn't stopped pestering you with questions since you showed up to class the next day; the only thing you hear for the next week is how much she regrets leaving early.
apparently, it's all yuji's fault.
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my (riaki) stuff. don’t repost and/or plagiarize !
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"What will you do once I pass away?" The question came out of the blue, but such strange questions were par for the course at this point. Gamigin was nuzzling to your neck when you spoke, but he wasn't phased.
"I'll revive you. Death won't be permenent in Paradise Lost for as long as I'm around to stop it." You were running a hand through his blue hair, playing with a strand of it.
"But what if you don't revive me? If you can't revive me? What will you do then?" The dragon stopped kissing up your neck and shifted so he would be at eye level with you on the bed. He looked confused and hurt which almost made you ashamed that you asked the question.
"My staff can bring anyone back from the dead."
"Ok, but I age and demons don't what about that? What if I get so old I want to die to end my mysery."
Gamigin looked even more confused by your words. He didn't quite understand why humans aged so fast. He pouted in thought and stared at the ceiling. After a while, with a stern voice he asks "How long do humans usually live for?"
You try to remember your anthropology classes and what the avarage age of death was for your country, but you just can't put your finger on it. "I don't know, 70 or something like that." "70! Only 70 years!?!" He pushed you to the bed and pinned you to it with a shocked expression. His mind was working overtime trying to calculate just how long that timespan felt like.
Finally, he turns to you and holds your hands softly kissing them both. He stares determined in your eyes. "You are going to have the most exciting life ever. I promise you. What do you wish to do before you die?"
You've never seen him so stern, but the question was one that you've many times asked yourself yet never seemed to have an answer to. Gamigin's glare was starting to intimidate you so you gently slap his face.
"Don't look at me like that! You're making me nervous! I don't know what I want to do before I die. I just kind of want to see where life takes me."
Gamigin smiles like he usually does and pins you to the bed with a hug. His staff, which he kept in one hand at all times, jiggled lively as you both collapsed on the cottage bed.
"Well then, I want to cuddle with you and rewatch the 'How to Train Your Dragon' trilogy. And then we can play blackjack and whoever wins has to wash the dishes after dinner!" Gamigin proclaimed before kissing your cheek and nuzzling into it.
"Who tought you blackjack?" It was strange hearing your usually innocent boyfriend putting forth the idea of blackjack of all things.
"My brother Buer. He also thought me the dishes strategy as well. Jokes on him, I won." His giggle was contagious and you two ended up just cuddling and watching movies for the better half of the night.
If your relationship with Gamigin thought you anything, it was that you didn't have to live through bombastic experiences to enjoy life. You were having the time of your life just being close to him.
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spicywhenspeaking · 10 months
heaters out: noah x reader
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Just some fluff about you and Noah dealing with a little power outage during your weekend away.
“Its freezing, Noah can you check make sure the heater is on please?” you ask from the bundle of blankets you’re buried under on the bed. Noah surprised you by whisking you away for the weekend to a secluded bed and breakfast in th mountains.
“Oh shit.” You hear noah mumble from the other side of the room. “Umm, I think the power is out. Let me run down to the front desk and ask really quick.” He runs over to where you’re huddled and gives the top of your head a kiss before quickly exiting.
You get out of bed to add more layers on, one of Noahs hoodies he brought back from tour and a second pair of fuzzy socks you packed. Hoping back under your mountain of covers you wait for Noah to get back. Several minuets pass and Noah returns with a bundle of fire wood, more blankets and a thermos of something.
“Well a few things.” He begins. “The power is out and we are snowed in for at least the next day or two until the snow plows can get up to clear the roads. Good news is I have firewood, more blankets and hot chocolate.” He throws the blankets onto the already comically large lump on the bed and sets to building a fire in the fire place. Thats the great thing about staying in cute bnb’s like this. Each room has a beautiful fire place but unfortunatly the electrical work is old and apparently prone to outages when the snowfall is heavy.
Crawling out of the cave of blankets, you move to sit on the small loveseat next to Noah as he pours two mugs full of steaming hot chocolate. “There is also a huge collection of games down in the library if you want me to beat you at monopoly again.” Noah jokes and you knock into his shoulder “hey! You totally skimmed from the bank last time.”
The two of you laugh as you warm up by the fire and drink the delicious chocolaty beverage that heats you from the inside out. “This is the best hot chocolate i’ve ever had.” You groan as you finish the last sip. Noah grabs a blanket off the the bed and you cuddle closer together, watching the fire shift in orange and reds and hear the wood crack and splinter. “They said they’d bring some more wood when it’s closer to dinner time so we should stay plenty warm tonight.” Noah tells you. We spend most of the day cuddled and reading by the fire.
Before dinner, which is soup the owner of the air bnb cooked over the fireplace in the main room. We played a game of monopoly like Noah suggested and he beats you. “How!? How are you so good at this game? You- you capitalist!” You joke and he holds his hand to his chest, gripping his heart. “Capitalist? I resent that, I’m just a master strategist.” You roll your eyes and laugh “okay, okay, but next time I get to pick the game.” He holds out his hand to shake and says “you got a deal.”
“Perfect. Strip poker it is.” His eyes widen and then he gets knowing look in his eyes. “You’re just trying to get me naked arent you? Last poker night you nearly got Jolly to bet the keys to his new car.” You both laugh because you’ve always won when you played poker. “What can I say, I guess I’m just lucky.” He leans over the small table you were playing at and kisses you softly. “I think I’m the lucky one.”
After eating you decide to both bundle up and go on a walk in the snow.
“Wow, it's so beautiful. I haven’t seen snow like this since I was a kid” you pick up some of the snow in your hands and ball it up tight. Noah is looking out onto the snow covered field so he doesn’t see you when you wind up to lob a snowball right into his left shoulder.
“oh! It’s on now!” He exclaims as he rushes to make his own snowball to throw in retaliation. The two of you spend the next 20 minutes until the sun has begun to set, throwing snowballs at each other until you start to feel the cold sneaking into your coats.
“Okay, time to go in and warm up” Noah says as he wraps his arms around your shoulder and ushers you back inside the bnb.
Heading back up to the room you get inside and quickly remove the first layer of our snow covered clothes. Hanging them to dry on the coat rack while Noah goes to start up the fire again.
In your warmest pajamas you sit cuddled on the love seat in front of the fireplace as Noah opens the bottle of wine the owner gave him after dinner and pours you each a glass. “This, along with the fire should warm us up pretty fast.” I comment as I take a sip of the silky red liquid. “I can think of a few other ways we could warm up.” Noah says in a sultry voice as he leans to place a soft kiss to my neck.
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profoundbondfanfic · 4 months
Everybody Loves A Parade (Except Dean Winchester)
Everybody Loves A Parade (Except Dean Winchester) by darkshrimpemotions (jujubiest) @darkshrimpemotions Rating: Teen and up Word Count: 2k
Dean Winchester may be openly bisexual, but he's also a grump and a workaholic who's never been to a Pride parade.
Just in time for Pride month, this fic is one I have revisited a few times and it always leaves me feeling warm and fuzzy. It's a quick read, but it's really soft and sweet.
Jack stops into Dean's bar after he gets separated from his dad (Cas) at Pride. Dean is a bit of a scrooge when it comes to the Pride parade, but Jack's sweet earnestness and smoking hot father pull him out of his mood.
I particularly like the little details about Dean's past and the way he feels hopeful to see a new generation encountering a less hostile world. Also, the chemistry between Dean and Cas is amazing. They are drawn to each other in a really compelling way.
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depressopax · 6 months
Hi!!! if it's okay (and if your request is still open) I was wondering if I could request a fluff scenario for Jimmy McGill? :D where he gets all soft and loving sjdjdj can be both sfw and nsfw ... thank you !! ♡
Thank you for the request!!! <3 Been meaning to write about Jimmy for quite a while, so this was the perfect sign to do it lmaooo I was gonna do a NSFW too but realized that the SFW version was at 1K word already 💀 Will do a part 2 tho!  Oh well, enjoy these cheesy Jimmy headcanons 🥹🫶
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Jimmy McGill relationships headcanons
Fandom - Breaking Bad/Better call Saul
Jimmy x gn!reader || SFW HC's
Pairing: Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman x gender-neutral reader Genre: Fluff, headcanons Warning(s): None that I can think off?? Cuss words maybe, slightly angsty Jimmy lol. Reader is gender-neutral and referred to as "partner" and gn!pet-names. Words: 1.1K Summary: Being in a relationship with Jimmy McGill would include... English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 || AO3 link || Masterlist || Request || NSFW version ||
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Jimmy is not good at figuring out his feelings.
That’s why it took him a while to realize he’d fallen in love with you. 
It’d take some time for him to accept what he’s feeling though.
Homeboy would be in denial at first. He’s scared to fall in love with someone, in fear of commitment and getting hurt etc…
But he’d show interest in other ways, without realizing it himself.
We’re talking about cheesy stuff: - Always looking good (and that’s not so difficult, HE GORGEOUSSSSS 👀) - Trying to impress you with his knowledge about things - Making sure to say something funny and make others laugh when you’re around, to let you know how funny and amazing he is lol - Compliments and teasing 
Noticing his attempt, you straight up ask him about it. “...Do you like me, Jimmy?” “What?? I-” … “Yes. I do.”
Once it’s said and done, he eventually asks you out on a date.
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Listen… Jimmy may be overconfident, especially when it comes to his seduction skills
However, there’s something about you that makes him nervous.
What you think about him and how he comes across matters to him.
That’s why he plans a date weeks ahead, trying to make everything perfect
He tries figuring out what you like and dislike so he can use that to make a good impression. 
He takes you out to some fancy restaurant (RIP early season Jimmy’s wallet 😭)
The date goes well and he is very smug with his effort.
After a few dates, Jimmy realizes he’s fallen for you.
At first he tries to hide it. He doesn’t want to come across as “desperate” or “needy”. 
But then again… He’s not good at hiding his true feelings.
Luckily, you feel the same and eventually you become a couple for real. 
He was the first one to say “I love you”, and did so without realizing it.
You were leaving for work or something and he just goes: “Bye, love ya!” Completely flustered when he heard what he just said.
When you say it back, he feels a wave of relief. 
After that, he makes sure to say ILY as often as he can.
He won’t shut up about you. Like ever. 
“So then my partner said…” “My partner brought me this shirt!” “I’m taking my babe out on a date tonight” And everyone else will eventually be like: 😐”Shut up”😐
He’ll refer to you as his spouse/wife/husband, watching everyone confused “You’re married?” “I will be soon” 🤭
Jimmy’s a sucker for cute pet names. And yeah, some of them are probably “cringe” but that won’t stop him 
Baby, Boo, Sugar, Sweetie, Hot stuff, Doll, Kitten (😭)
He loves it when you wear his shirts. Especially as lounge clothing or when sleeping.
Jimmy also finds matching outfits adorable. 
Would probably take you shopping for either suits/blazers or just hoodies that you can match. 
He also buys matching jewelry, towels, morning robes etc etc… He’s one of those guys 😭
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He has a picture of you standing on the desk in his office, as a way to carry the sweetheart with him all the time. 
…And also to brag about you to anyone that enters his office (but he puts the picture away when dealing with some of his unpredictable clients, homeboy is overprotective)
Speaking of being overprotective: He deals with a lot of shady people, so he’s very careful with who he chooses to trust when it comes to talking his love to you.
He prioritizes your safety over anything else. 
Ofc he’s scared for his own safety too, but pretty much puts it aside to make sure you’re safe first off. 
If danger comes up, he’d make sure to find somewhere safe for you to stay whilst he deals with it.
He would go so far as hiring a bodyguard for you tbh.
Being with him might be a struggle too
Homeboy is a bit unpredictable and impulsive
Doing stupid things is his speciality- 😭
No but literally, you’ll sometimes have to stop him from acting out on his weird revenge ideas or stuff that could get him into trouble.
“I was just gonna-” “No.” “But…” “Jimmy, no.” 
Sometimes you succeed, sometimes you don’t. But you love him either ways. <3
He also likes talking shit about people with you *cough* probably Howard *cough* - sure, a bit rude - but he finds it hilarious lol 
Lot of in-jokes between you and him
Jimmy is a daydreamer and is easily distracted
Especially by you.
He sometimes gets stuck thinking about you when doing boring work.
Until Francesca tells him to pull himself together lmao
Jimmy spends all possible time together with you. 
He is ambitious and serious about work, but after you and him became a couple his priorities changed. 
He finds time to spend with you. Last thing he wants is for you to feel like he cares more about work than he does for you.
If you’re adventurous and like being outdoors, he does too.
But honestly? He prefers cuddling at home and watching movies with you.
He is not a good chef, so he buys a lot of food from restaurants and brings it home if you’ve had a long day at work.
He makes sure to be a romantic bastard too. 
Candlelit dinners, taking baths together, picnics… You name it. He loves spoiling you. 
He wouldn’t admit it to anyone else but hear me out… Home-spa dates 👀
He did use to have his office at a nail salon, so he knows his way around those things
If you allow him to, he likes painting your nails - with him choosing the color
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Like I said, Jimmy enjoys cuddling you.
He has a lot of feelings, traumas etc pent up, which he dares to let out around you.
He has learnt that he can be vulnerable with you and not get judged, which he appreciates.
That’s why he loves coming home to you after a long day and simply resting in your arms.
He prefers being the little spoon - to feel protected and loved by you. <3
To summarize: It might take him a while to put the pieces together and actually confess his feelings for you - but once he does he spends every day letting you know how much you mean to him.
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I just remembered why I love Jimmy sm AHHH he deserves love and happiness <3<3 Part 2 soon!
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yellowcry · 3 months
“Okay, I'm not giving you back”
When people gave Luisa gifts, it was usually related to her role Stuffed donkey toys weren't. But it might just be the best things anyone has given her in a long time
More of Fracture—Swap besties duo! Fracture Mirabel belongs to @miracles-and-butterflies
The sword whistled. Step back, prepare, block. Okay, here she goes.
Luisa got the sword above her head, shifting the weight to another leg. Agrh, it wasn't hard enough. She had to warm up her trainings again. She wouldn't become better if she didn't challenge herself. Which was a hard quest. Luisa's strength was already out of human capabilities. Regardless of from which angle she looked at it. After years of physical work, managing the sword became her second nature. But the problem with being this strong was the fact that a fair training with all her skills was impossible. It leaved a glooming feeling of unsertanity, not letting her to actually know how prepared she was. And...maybe it was a part of the reason why Luisa always felt so unsafe. Despite the fact that she was nearly impossible to hurt even without all her battleskills. But she couldn't tell for sure.
Luisa held her breath, trying to imagine how someone could attack her in the moment.The fighting was all about instincts. And in Luisa's case being as fast as possible to deal with enemies before they get the chance to even get closer to her family. She can imagine them, sitting in the audience while Luisa shifts the weight, breaking through the air to strike.
"Hello." The voice is enough to break her from whatever she was doing. Luisa turned around in panic, before she ever could proceed the voice. Getting ready for whoever was here.
Oh, right, it was another Mirabel. The girls stood a little behind, waiting for Luisa to say something. She raised her head, unnaturally frozen.
"Hi!" Luisa hummed, hiding her sharp tool. "Long time not see." She marched to the younger girl, crouching next to her. "Anything new, or are you just passing by?"
Teenager held out a small box. Unmoving like a robot. "I have a gift for you.. As far as I am aware, it is what people give to show their attachment to sertain person."
Ohh... A smile had spreaded across Luisa's face. It was so sweet, especially if you ignore the part where Mirabel wasn't completely sure at how to show affection. Which wasn't her fault, and the fact that she tried was more than Luisa could ever hope for.
"Thank you!" Luisa grinned, petting Mirabel's hair. Gentle so she wouldn't mess it up. "You're so sweet!"
Mirabel's eyes flinched up. "You do not have to thank me." She stated, passing an yellow box to Luisa.
Luisa hummed, excited, pulling the bright ribbon. What could it be? Knowing her, people usually gave her things related to her role. Whenever it was a millitary styled fashion or some hard equipment to train herself. When the talk was about her, it was always about bare strength. The power piercing through her muscles since the day she got her gift.
But... It wasn't hard. Luisa found herself dumbfounded. Inside the box, was a small knitted donkey. Enough to fit into Luisa's palm. It's dark gray spine stood boldly against the paler nose and belly. Black eyes, also knitted, stared right into Luisa's. A really good and proper made donkey. If Luisa didn't know how much this version of Mirabel was into knitting and embodying, she would assume Mira had bought it somewhere.
"What is this?" She breathes out, squeezing a toy. Her big finger ran across the loose knots of the mane. Soft.
Mirabel tilted her head, replying flatly. "I apologize if my offering did not make you happy." Completely ignoring the question.
Luisa gasped and nervously shook her head. "No, no, I just..." What? Didn't expect it? Luisa was strong, and with it came its expectations. She wasn't supposed to have soft things. They were too damageable. Luisa had to always look strong and a plushie didn't come as a symbol of indestructibility.
"I knew it looked bad." Mirabel continued. "I am very sorry, I should've made it better than this. There's not enough details and the size..."
"No, no, it's okay, it's really good!" Luisa assured her, eyetwitching. "I just... usually too strong for stuffed toys?" She spreaded her arms, for a moment showing off her outfit.
"I do not understand how stuffed toys are opposite of being strong but I am sorry for a misunderstanding. I thought you would like it."
Luisa did. She really did. It was small, and cute, and not hard or dangerous (She hoped for this). She just wasn't used for this. Warriors don't own plushies. At least as far as Luisa was aware. And her role was to ensure everyone:s safety. It wasn't about having soft things to herself. It would just distract her in case there was any danger. And with how Luisa built her image, there was no doubt everyone saw her as strong and indestructible. There was no reason to question if she wanted something small and soft.
Luisa sobbed, wiping her eyes. "Thank you," her lip trembled as she held the toy tight. "It's sweet, really."
Mirabel stared without moving. Her eyes ran uncomfortably, trying to read too hard emotions for her.
"Can I just keep you in my universe? You're too sweet!" Luisa picked Mirabel up, letting her to sit on her arm. Her tears fel down, wetting the coat.
"I can not leave my family." Mirabel nodded her head, wrapping her arms around Luisa's neck. "Can you tell me what have upset you so I won't fail next time?"
"Nothing," Luisa chuckled. "It's happy tears. Thank you."
The listener's gaze fliskered. "I do not understand emotions very well." She replied honestly. Luisa grit her teeth, knowing exactly who was to blame gor this. "But I am grateful you enjoyed a gift for a mother's day."
"I do," Luisa smiled through her crying. "You're the best." She replied almost on instinct before thought has kicked in. "A gift for what?"
"For a day of mothers around the world." Mirabel explained like an encyclopedia. Did she just... claimed Luisa as her Mamá? Luisa froze, not daring to take a breathe. It must be some fever dream from caffeine overdose. "I do know you are not my mother but..."
"I am your mother now." Luisa stated. Brown eyes shoon with proudness.
Oh. And Mirabel is sertainly isn't going back to her universe.
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Joel and Ellie stood huddled together in the corner of the Tipsy Bison, arguing. Joel wanted her to go talk to the group of teenagers at a table nearby. Ellie wanted him to shut the fuck up and eat dinner with her.
“Are you and your dad gonna come say hi?” one of the girls in the group called over.
Ellie and Joel both turned to her, speaking simultaneously.
“He’s not-” “I’m not-”
Both stopped speaking, looking at each other. Neither finished the sentence.
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essektheylyss · 2 years
Not gonna lie, both vindicating but also deeply sad that every single literary magazine I've looked at recently, having visited those site in the past, has edited their submission requirements to specify that AI work will not be considered.
And at the same time, I'm extremely fearful of how many writers are going to give up writing when it becomes impossible to tell AI from real anymore, and markets are utterly saturated with content to the point that getting anything published is nearly impossible as scammers try to make some quick change.
I imagine it wouldn't be worth it in the long run as a scam, because it doesn't exactly pay to write these days even prior to this, so it may then die out within a couple of years, though that might be optimistic given the plagiarism that makes it into the Amazon self-publishing realm. But even still, I do worry that in the meantime it's going to push writers out and force already struggling lit mags to shut down, and I'm so, so worried about it.
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aspenwritesstuff · 2 years
Part Four: Star Pupil
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🌹 prev 🌹 masterlist 🌹 next
🌹 taglist: @drhsthl @propertyoftoru
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He walked towards the open door of your room, smiling gently as the same smell that lingered on your clothing filled his nostrils - heavy floral notes accompanied by something more savory…sandalwood, maybe? He’d considered asking you what perfume you wore when you were awake, but quickly shook his head to remove the thought. What a weird thing to ask. 
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🌹 warnings: alcohol consumption, negative self talk/subconscious insecurity, events occuring whilst asleep (being tucked in, nothing nefarious!), love interests are a lil dumb dumb
🌹 wc: 3.3k
🌹 a/n: because of you guys’ sweet feedback I was hit with sudden motivation to work on this next part. 🥺 I'm not kidding when I say reblogs and comments add fuel to the my creative spark. thank you, as always, for loving my work and supporting it. Feedback and likes and comments just make me so “🥰❤️💕” and I appreciate you all so much. You’re very dear to me. I hope you enjoy this new part, and I eagerly await your responses!
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The last time Felix was this nervous was the day he’d told his family he was moving away. 
The familiarity of the bar did little to nothing for the butterflies overtaking his stomach as he skimmed the groups of people for the woman of his dreams. 
He heard her before he saw her, the laugh he was so accustomed to hearing from across the bar cutting through the chatter of the other patrons instantly bringing a smile to his lips. 
That was, until he remembered he actually needed to speak with her. 
The smile was soon replaced with a slight frown, brows pulling together as he debated just walking back out to the truck and calling it a night - he made it this far, that’s good enough. Right? 
He could already picture your disapproving scowl and the shake of your head as you chastised him for giving up so quickly. The thought of disappointing you gave him courage, somehow, as he straightened his back and took a deep breath. 
As luck would have it, there was an empty seat on the barstool directly next to Ryujin. Luckier yet, she didn’t seem bothered by Felix’s taking it - he honestly wasn’t even sure if she’d noticed his presence. 
She held her hand up and caught the attention of the barkeep on duty, politely requesting a refill of her drink. Within a few minutes, a new glass of the yellow-pink ombré was set on a fresh coaster in front of her. 
“Maui Sunset?” Felix asked, using his knowledge of drinks to his advantage in an attempt to jump start conversation. 
She turned to him with wide eyes, smiling politely before nodding. Felix returned the gesture, gulping hard as though to keep the aforementioned butterflies from escaping through his lips before raising a hand himself - ordering the same. 
She cocked her head at this, watching as the bartender set an identical beverage in front of Felix. He took a sip, glancing towards her out of the corner of his eye before chuckling. 
“What? Is it really so strange?” 
“I mean, no, I—“ she cut herself off, sipping at her own beverage before continuing, “I’m just not used to seeing a man so unconcerned with ordering a —“ she stopped suddenly again, flushing slightly as she looked down. 
“Girly drink?” Felix offered, smirking innocently at her nervous expression. She nodded again, giving an apologetic upturn of her lips as he kept speaking, “I used to be self-conscious, y’know.” 
“Oh?” She questioned, turning her body towards him as she grew more interested in the man she hadn’t bothered to remember the name of before. 
“Mhm,” he continued after another sip, “My friends would tease me - still do, actually!” 
“Doesn’t it bother you?” she asked, tilting her head to the side after mimicking his action. 
“Used to,” he admitted sheepishly, stirring his drink with the black plastic stir-stick, blending the hues into a vibrant orange.
“What changed?” she was hooked now, leaning forward into her hand - elbow on the counter - as she hung on every word. 
“I figured that it’s not my problem that they’ve got some weird vendetta against sweet things,” he said with a shrug, feigning indifference despite the way his heart raced at her newfound proximity, “Not my fault that I like myself enough not to pretend to like the other things.” 
Ryujin threw her head back and laughed, “I actually feel the same!” Her face still held the mirth of her outburst, in the form of a grin, as she explained, “My friends will always order shots when they wanna celebrate, but I hate the way tequila tastes. They tease me for opting out,” she took another drink, watching Felix carefully as he took in each word, “But I’d rather spend my money and time with something I enjoy.”
Felix’s heart lurched in his chest as she smiled at him, hope filling the deepest crevices of his mind as he finished off his drink, “I’m really glad you agree. You seem really nice,” he admitted, anxious enough that he may as well have confessed. 
“So do you,” she agreed, still giving him a sweet smile. 
“I hate to cut this short, but I only had time for one drink before heading out,” Felix spoke genuinely, feeling guilty for having such a joyful moment while you waited alone in the car. 
“Aw, really?” Ryujin pouted, lower lip jutting out sending a jolt straight into Felix’s heart, “I was hoping to talk more! You’re different, I think.” 
“If you’d like - it’s fine if not -“ he inserted the second bit as an assurance, doing his best to come off as the sweet man he truly was, “ - I could give you my number?” 
Ryujin nodded quickly, pulling out her phone and handing it to Felix - who did an excellent job at containing the giant smile he could feel twitching at the corners of his lips as he handed it back to her. 
“Felix, huh?” she murmured, meeting his eyes once more as she gave him a final smile, “I’m Ryujin.” 
Felix, of course, knew this. But he grinned brightly in response, giving a sweet, “Pleasure to meet you,” before walking towards the exit - allowing his excitement to show the second the door closed behind him. 
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You’d just begun to consider catching a nap when a bouncing head of blonde illuminated under the neon caught your attention. Judging by the smile on the attached face, you found it easy to assume that it went well. 
As Felix climbed into the driver’s seat of the truck, the expectant glimmer in his eyes made you ask him anyways. 
“So, how was it?”
As soon as you’d asked, he lit up. Nearly wiggling in his seat as he spoke, he reminded you of an excited schoolgirl being asked to the prom. 
He explained from start to finish, including how nervous he was to approach at all. When he told you about relating to her by choice of drink, you couldn’t help the swell of pride in your chest. He’d found his opening, without you guiding him. 
“She seemed to really want me to stick around, y/n!” he beamed. 
“You should offer classes, your advice really works!” he gushed.
“The execution was just as important, Felix,” you deadpanned, “I may be an okay teacher, but you’re a star pupil!” 
“Really?” His eyes were on the road, but sparkling nonetheless as he received your praise. 
“Really,” you affirmed, unable to contain your own grin at the sight of his contagious smile. 
“I was so nervous,” he admitted, chewing on his lower lip, “I still kind of am. What if she doesn’t get back to me? And then she sees that I’m a bartender and feels awkward? And then she’ll think I’m a creep and then —“ 
“Felix,” you interrupted, cocking a brow as he simply continued, drumming his fingers anxiously on the center console. 
“She’s gonna avoid the bar at all costs and, oh god, what if I messed up and ruined my chances? I knew I should’ve had you come in with me —“ the speed of his fingertips accelerated as he spiraled into his own doubt - though you could’ve felt annoyed, you instead found yourself wishing you could pull him from his mind. 
“I always end up having done something irritating when I think everything’s fine, she probably thinks I’m just weird and annoying and—“
“Lixie…” you placed your hand on top of his, ceasing the soft thumps alongside his ramblings. He gave a sideways glance towards you, panic evident despite the brevity of the eye contact, “You did just fine. You’re fine. Breathe.”
And he did. As felt his hand relax beneath yours, you gave it a reassuring squeeze. His long exhale did wonders for the worry you had for him. 
It was difficult for you, seeing him upset. Unnatural, really, to watch someone so full of sunshine and love be shrouded in stormclouds. 
Now content that he wouldn’t continue his self-depreciating tangent, you pulled your hand back - suddenly self-conscious at how easily it came for you to offer him such an intimate comfort after such a short time. 
He was just so comfortable and easygoing, it came so naturally to ground him into reality however you could. Still, though, the awkwardness you helped Felix get away from seemed to take residence in your own mind. 
“I’m sorry—“ you’d started, ready to try to explain why you’d even consider doing what you had. 
“Thank you—“ he said at the same time, genuine gratitude thickening his tone with emotion. 
“Thank you?” you peered at his profile, watching as the streetlights briefly illuminated his features before he faded back into the dark. 
“Well, yeah,” he spoke as though it should be the most obvious reaction, “Sometimes my mind gets away from me, y’know?” 
You hummed, understanding completely how it felt to be aware of your own contributions to your fears but completely helpless to stop it. You couldn’t bring yourself to speak again, still feeling uncomfortable with yourself despite his thanks. 
The cab of the truck was peaceful, quiet but not disconcertingly so, with tire treads against concrete providing a stable white-noise that encouraged the wandering of your mind. Felix had said it was fine, even having seemed to be thankful for your affectionate touch, so why did your cheeks stay flushed with embarrassment? You huffed quietly, both irritated and resigned, before pressing the side of your head against the cool window in an attempt to fight off the lingering warmth in your cheeks. 
Felix flicked on the radio, singing along softly - and an octave deeper - to the pop song that played, seemingly content to settle into the wordless drive with you. It didn’t feel unpleasant to share the quiet - rather than discomfort, the silence itself was tranquil. You quickly found your eyelids drooping as you listened to Felix’s voice, fighting with every fiber of your being to stay awake. 
The warm glow of streetlights passing you by grew fuzzier, Felix's voice further away, and the flush of your cheeks all but disappeared as sleep crept it's way into your bones.
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Jisung’s familiar grin brought a matching one to Felix’s features as the former exited your apartment building, spotting the truck easily and making a beeline towards it. Felix had noticed your lack of consciousness as he parked, the peaceful look on your face making him immediately feel guilty at the thought of rousing you from sleep. 
He wasn’t sure that he’d ever seen you look so completely unbothered, each worry line of your face ceasing to exist while you slept. Your lips were slightly parted, typical frown nowhere to be seen as your steady, rhythmic breathing became audible only at the cut of the truck’s engine. He’d reached out to touch your shoulder, hoping to wake you but stopping short at the soft sigh of content you produced whilst curling further into yourself.
He absolutely could not be the one to interrupt that. 
He’d shot a quick text to Jisung, having gotten his number from you after being too nervous to ask following the near-brawl of their meeting, snapping a photo of your sleeping frame to send along with a straightforward, ‘help.’
Luckily, Jisung had been waiting at the apartment for your return. He’d laughed upon seeing the text, staring at the photo of your sleeping face with a mixture of affection and humor. He supposed he should’ve warned Felix about the effect car-rides seemed to have on you - but, then again, he wouldn’t have this absolute gold-mine of teasing material now if he had. 
Felix got out of the driver’s seat and met with him outside of your door, catching a glimpse of your peaceful face through the slightly-fogged glass bringing a sweet look into his eyes. He’d grown quite fond of you in your short time together. He’d almost begun to feel a sense of responsibility for you; for your safety, for your happiness - for you, in general. 
Jisung greeted him warmly, giving one of those hugs that men seemed to think was somehow more macho than just embracing the other - with hands clasped in a prolonged high-five between them and a chaste pat on the back before releasing contact. 
“She’s really out, huh?” he chuckled, peering past Felix to your sleeping face.
“Yeah,” Felix agreed, turning to look towards you as well, “I swear, she was awake one second –”
“And completely zonked the next?” Jisung laughed, reaching for the door. As he pulled it open, your body slumped towards the now-open space you’d once been resting your weight against.
“Shit!” Felix hissed, lurching forward as he watched gravity betray your body in slow-motion. The image his mind conjured of you colliding with the concrete made his chest ache, the mere concept of harm befalling you making him feel as though he could burst into tears.
Without taking the time to think, Felix ducked down, opening the arm closest to you as panic brought a bile to his throat. The fear kept his heart racing, even as your cheek made contact with his shoulder, though his sigh of relief would keep anyone from knowing. He stood slowly, raising you from what had to be an uncomfortable angle to your previously assumed position - save for your head, which now rested in the crook of his neck rather than against the window of his truck - and shot Jisung a half-serious glare. 
“Fuck, that was stupid, huh?” he asked, a nervous laugh covering the actual shame he felt for almost busting your face. Felix didn’t justify that with a response, knowing - or, at least, hoping - that Han wouldn’t have purposefully done something to hurt you. That didn’t stop him from feeling just a tinge of anger towards him, though.
“No harm done,” Felix whispered, giving him a nod before turning back to your frame. The blonde was much stronger than he looked, linking his free arm under your leg to pull you completely from the cab. You stirred slightly, murmuring something completely unintelligible in a breathy, sleep filled tone as Felix kicked the door shut behind him. 
“You got her?” Han asked, obviously surprised by the strength of the man before him. Felix gave him a nod before jerking his chin towards the door to the complex.
“Mhm, can you get the door?” Felix had wanted to say something snide, commenting on the irony of his concern after nearly introducing you to the pavement. Han gave a thumbs up before jogging back to the door - Felix in tow with you cradled in his arms, passing by him through the newly opened door. 
Han squeezed past the two of you in the narrow entryway, climbing the steps with the occasional glance back to ensure Felix wasn’t experiencing a struggle with your dead-weighted sleeping figure. To his surprise, Felix seemed completely unbothered, climbing the steps with the speed of someone unencumbered by another person’s body. 
They made it to your door in silence, save for your occasional nonsensical mumble. Han held the door open wide, stepping aside to allow Felix as much ease as possible to get you inside. The latter held your head closer, exercising extreme caution so as not to wake you up with a doorframe to the skull, side-stepping into the apartment with Han close behind. 
“Where’s her room?” he aired his question with his hand still gently supporting the back of your head, looking up towards Han to notice which direction he pointed in, “Thanks.” 
He walked towards the open door of your room, smiling gently as the same smell that lingered on your clothing filled his nostrils - heavy floral notes accompanied by something more savory…sandalwood, maybe? He’d considered asking you what perfume you wore when you were awake, but quickly shook his head to remove the thought. What a weird thing to ask. 
Your bed being unmade was a stroke of luck, giving Felix a much easier future of getting you tucked under the covers. He approached the side of the mattress, placing your legs down first before leaning down with you to prevent any sudden jolt pulling you from dreamland. With painstakingly careful movements, he slid his hand out from under your hair and went to pull away. 
He was nearly completely removed from you when your fist clenched around the collar of his shirt, tightening with a desperation he hadn’t once seen from you. He turned to look at your face, wondering if you’d woken up and were upset that he’d entered your room without asking, only for you to still be unconscious. The furrow between your brows had returned, though - and your lips had pulled downwards into a frown, lower lip trembling slightly. 
“What did I do..?” you mumbled, sleepiness weighing down what otherwise would’ve been a heart-wrenching whine. Felix tilted his head as he knelt at the edge of your bed, cautiously lifting a hand to brush a few strands of hair from your face. His mind raced as he wondered what was plaguing your dreams, chest aching as he realized that your peaceful rest was being plagued by worry. 
“What?” he asked softly, just in case you were conscious enough to need a reply, “What could you have done wrong?” his words came out sweeter than candy, his eyes never once leaving your face - searching for any inkling of consciousness. 
“I tried…” you whispered, head lolling to the side, “Tried my best…”
“I’m sure you did…” he assured, confusion evident in the upwards lilt of his voice. He moved his hand back from your face as he leaned down to pull off your shoes, only to be stopped by the grip you still held on his shirt. 
“Sorry…not enough…I can be more…” these phrases trailed off into silence, leaving more questions than answers in their wake as your grip relaxed on his collar, leading him to hope the worst was over. He felt his heart break a little at the sight of your mournful expression, breaths coming quicker as your head thrashed in the opposite direction. 
“You’re more than enough, y/n,” his voice was thick as he fought tears of his own, wondering who or what had ever made you feel the need to apologize for feeling less than what you were, “I promise.” 
He moved away for a moment to finally remove your shoes, setting them on the floor next to the bed before pulling the comforter over your shoulders. He placed his hand on your covered back and, feeling your muscles relax under the well-intentioned touch, began to rub small circles between your shoulderblades. Your breathing slowed, the affectionate motion driving away the negative thoughts your subconscious had dragged into your dreams, bringing Felix a wave of relief. 
As soon as he was content that you were no longer in distress, his hand fell back to his side. He stood, grabbing your shoes to place by the entrance as he made his way to the hallway - pausing in the doorframe to send you one last glassy-eyed glance. 
“You really are, y’know,” he spoke softly, watching the rise and fall of your breathing from beneath the blankets, “More than enough.”
With that, he pulled your door shut behind him and said his goodbyes to Jisung. It wasn’t until he was back in his truck that he allowed his emotions to swell. A single tear fell from his eye as he recalled the pain in your eyes whilst you apologized to an unseen force. 
That moment fully cemented his already firm intentions; however it had gone from a bet to a personal mission.
Love wasn’t dead, despite whatever had happened that made you believe so.
Love wasn’t dead, despite the anguish in your unconscious ramblings.
Love wasn’t dead, and he desperately - for your sake now, rather than his own - needed to prove you wrong.
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sailorjules26 · 8 months
Heyo, my name is Jules, and I finally worked up the nerve to promote my DeathBed Nonsense series on here!
Parts 1-3: Connected storyline of how Wolfie meets and gets together with Muerte, cute relationship moments, domestic life, and so on. The third part is very plot-focused... and is currently on indefinite hiatus but I plan to finish it eventually. 😅
Andante, Andante
Head Over Heels
The Moon Will Sing
Part 4:
A 3-chapter roleswap au where Muerte is the Big Bad Wolf and Wolfie is Death. It's basically how I envision Part 1 happening under a different context, so, a love letter of sorts to that! I made sure to provide important details at the start to explain how it works and it heavily features OCs, self-indulgent headcanons, etc.
This Side of Paradise
Big kudos/love to my writing buddy @youwishyouweregay who helped read over the first two chapters and let me include their oc. Please check out Lovegood's art/fics, they're wonderful! I hope to complete this fic sometime next month.
Part 5:
18+ smut fic. This is pretty self-indulgent, and a birthday treat to myself since I didn't expect to still have such brainrot a year later when posting "Andante, Andante," and wanted to celebrate with something different!
Romantic Love but Keep It Rough
I'll update this post with any new works I make for the pairing, but feel free to reach out! I'd love to meet more peeps who love these two, or to be tagged in any art/fics/etc. 😄
- 💜 Jules
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spicywhenspeaking · 11 months
If I’m There
Noah x OFC Natalie 🫶🏻
A second chance love story
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Includes smut *
Part 1:
one two three four five six* seven* eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen* sixteen
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Part 2: in progress
seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five
ask to be added to my tag list 🫶🏻
trigger warnings listed at each chapter
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profoundbondfanfic · 8 months
Mad at your Dad?
Mad at your Dad? By wannaliveindeansdimples Rating: Mature Word Count: 7k
Dean wasn’t sure why he was even scrolling through Craigslist. Especially not the casual encounters section. It was four days before Thanksgiving. Not like he was gonna try and hook up with someone before that shitstorm. After, sure, but not before. He kept scrolling, though, not clicking anything until a title caught his eye. Alone on Thanksgiving? Mad at your dad? I am a 28 year old male felon who has no degree, but has studied enough theologies of the world, behavioral psychology, and philosophy to set your whole family’s teeth on edge—no matter which way they lean, politically, religiously or in terms of neuroses. I drive a van the same age as me that’s got a mural on the side of an angel holding an orgy. I can play between the ages of 20-30 depending on whether I shave. I live off an inheritance, and sell weed on the side. If you’d like to have me as your strictly platonic date for Thanksgiving, but have me pretend to be in a very long or serious relationship (monogamous or polyamorous, whichever sounds most like it would freak out su familia) with you (and/or others), to torment your family, I’m game...
A shortie but definitely worth the time to sit back and relax with this fabulous piece of fiction. Cas is everything you want a mentally healthy endverse!Cas to be, irreverent, smart as shit, and sexy as all hell. The man literally has no shame and it's a joy to witness.
Dean has been pushed past his limit and can't handle his family's medling and his father's disapproval anymore. The ad he sees in the paper seems like the perfect prank.
The best part? Cas gets thru to his family in ways Dean never could and Dean can see through all of Cas' bullshit for the armor that it is. They're both broken, both lonely, and both adorable.
For a happy, funny, quick fix, give this one a read.
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depressopax · 6 months
hiii! im not sure if you write for gus (brba/bcs) but if you do, could i request a few headcanons (sfw or nsfw) of him with a gender neutral partner if possible :0 maybe qualities he finds attractive/would like in a partner, physically or personality wise or whatever you have in mind:] tysm ! i hope youre having a good one ♡
Tysm for the request!! <3 I made it into some relationship headcanons but tried mentioning what he likes in a partner etc… It may have turned out a bit dark lol, sorry ‘bout that 😭 Anywaysss hope ya like it! Have a good day anon!! 🫶
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Gus Fring relationship headcanons
Fandom - Breaking Bad/Better call Saul
Gus x gn!reader - (N)SFW headcanons
Pairing: Gus Fring x gender-neutral reader Genre: Fluff, smut, (kinda angst too??), headcanons Warning(s): Slightly possessive Gus, cuss words. Sexual content (marked further down as “NSFW”, MDNI! Dom/sub dynamic, degradation. Words: 1.4k Summary: Being in a relationship with Gus Fring would include…  English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 || AO3 link || Masterlist || Request ||
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First time Gus saw you was at Los Pollos Hermanos.
You were there with some friends and you immediately caught his eye.
Maybe it was your smile, your eyes or the way you talked to your friends that made his heart skip a beat
That, or the fact you and him made eye contact at least 4 times. 
But because of his dangerous life and past relationship traumas, he let you slip through his fingers, to not drag you into his chaos.
Or so he thought at least.
Truth is, you felt a spark, too. There was something dangerous about him, but also something charming.
Curious as you were, you went to LPH more often, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious man - eventually learning he’s the manager. 
Gus of course noticed you being there more often. Ignoring you got harder.
One day you decided to shoot your shot - the same day he decided to strike a conversation with you. 
You learned his name is Gustavo Fring.
There was something about his smile and way of talking that charmed you.
But he also seemed very reserved and troubled. He seemed afraid to answer your flirting and got really flustered from it.
Just as you were about to give up your flirting attempts, he surprised you by asking you out on a date.
Of course, you said yes.
Gus enjoys good food and luxury, so it was no surprise he took you to a 5-star restaurant for the first date - his treat.
Not having been on a “real date” in over a decade, Gus was a nervous wreck lmao
Luckily he is good at handling stress. You barely noticed the emotions he kept under the surface. 
The date went really well. Gus is a good listener and listened to you in a way that was rare.
Even when you got a bit too nerdy about your interests, he listened with a smile. 
 But it did make you a bit concerned when he dodged questions about his own personal life. 
He realized himself how weird that must've come across, getting anxious that you wouldn’t contact him again.
Luckily, you did. 
Gus kept taking you on dates. 
The more he got to know you, the harder he fell in love. 
Actually - he figured he was in love already after the first kiss. 
Once getting clarity in what he felt, he knew what he had to do - Telling you the truth about who he is.
The fear of losing you was big. 
…But the fear of you staying, becoming part of his dangers - was bigger.
He explained to you how he had fallen in love with you, before dropping the bomb.
You were shocked, of course. 
After some days of thinking about what he’d told you, you made a decision.
Upon telling him; Gus felt a wave of emotions: Confusion, happiness, relief but also anxiety. But he put all that aside. 
Gus officially became your boyfriend and you couldn’t be more happy - neither could he.
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All dangers aside - Gus does everything to be “boyfriend material” lol
His love language is touch, and words of affirmation.
He doesn’t let a day go by without telling you how much he loves you. 
He always wants you close - just holding your hand makes him feel good. 
He also likes spoiling you - expensive gifts, homemade dinners, road trips with him etc… 
He basically spends all his spare-time with you.
You spend a lot of time in his house, with or without him.
He has money, enough to provide you safety. 
Because of his enemies, and dangerous life, Gus gets very overprotective and a bit possessive.
Ngl he’d probably hire a bodyguard for you whenever you are away in another town with friends/family 😭 Or ask Mike to keep an eye on you lol
He’d be too paranoid to openly be in a relationship with you - but tell a few people he really trusted. If he could, he’d tell the whole world tho. He loves you and it frustrates him to not be able to tell people.
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Gus is very good at reading people, so he often can see if something is wrong.
He’s a good listener and tries to always see things from your POV
He rarely gets mad at you either. 
Most of the time he’s calm and understanding.
He tries to always be there for you, if not with advice, at least with support and to offer you comfort. 
He also gives really good hugs 😌✨
Same goes for your interests/hobbies. He learns for example how to crochet, paint or whatever so you can make it a date.
He’ll let you talk about things you like for hours
Gus is not the type of person that likes indoor activities. Of course he appreciates movie nights, but I feel like he enjoys spending time outdoors.
Going hiking, walks in the forest, sightseeing etc etc
Weather doesn’t really matter to him. He’s def one of those that tells you to “Dress depending on the weather 🤪🤪” 
He enjoys cooking food for you, but also with you.
He’ll teach you some old family recipes 
When eating, he lits candles and makes it cozy so it feels like a restaurant. 
Gus appreciates movie nights too. Snacks, wine and cuddles whilst watching something.
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Gus is cheesy in the way of envisioning his future with you.
He knows that one day, he wants to marry you.
As for starting a family, he’d like that - if you want to have kids too, ofc.
Otherwise he’ll just be happy to marry you and always have you by his side.
To summarize: Gus is very overprotective when it comes to you, but his criminal lifestyle aside - he loves you deeply and a relationship with him would be passionate.
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I feel like he’s definitely a dom
But more of a soft dom.
He’s on top, always. Convincing him otherwise is not easy.
He can get pretty rough, but would never hurt you or make you uncomfortable.
His sex drive isn’t that high, but he makes an exception for you.
Besides, you just happen to turn him on a lot 🤭
He prefers to do it at home and in bed
However… If you happen to tease him when in public, he’ll find a private spot and just take you there. “You couldn’t wait until we got home? Pathetic” …As he thrusts into you and muffles your moans with his palm
He prefers to take you at a fast pace, one that’ll leave you breathless.
He has a lot of pent up frustrations and releases all tension in the bedroom. 
He’ll have you laying under him, pinning your wrist over your head as he makes you into a moaning mess.
He has a lot of stamina and can go at it for hours.
If he’s feeling rude, he’ll have you beg for him and/or plead for him to slow down to give you a break.
Only for him to laugh and tease you for it “My poor baby… Look at me.” “I’m not done with you just yet.” “Be good for me, my love.”
When it comes to you, he likes both praising and degrading you - doing so equally.
He’ll have sweet nicknames for you as well as insulting ones.
After sex, you’ll be covered in hickeys, which he’ll praise you for.
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He prefers giving oral, merely because he’s in full control of your pleasure. 
When going down on you, he’s a tease.
He’ll have you begging for him to use his mouth on you.
And he knows how to do it, too.
Gus likes using his hands too, to stimulate your area or other body parts.
He’ll grab your hips, thighs etc roughly, hard enough to leave marks.
When receiving, he likes being in control too.
He’ll hold your head still and move his hips to his own liking.
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Gus prioritizes aftercare. He wouldn’t go to sleep without being reassured you’re ok after a rough session.
He’ll clean you and the bed up, run a bath for you, cuddle, give massage etc
Although he can be meanie during sex, he gives affection, praise and love afterwards, putting the dominant act away. 
He falls asleep after you. 
Since he’s rough in bed, you often end up falling asleep faster than usual - especially when he hugs you lovingly too. 
He likes seeing your sleeping figure and falling asleep knowing that you’re all his… 
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mars-ipan · 10 months
guys i am having such an internal dilemma
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reverie-starlight · 5 months
Heartless by Marissa Meyer is the first book in a longggggg time that’s actually making me want to read character x character fanfics again. give me the fluff.
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