#bad batch reacts
writing-reaper · 2 years
Bad Batch Reacts…
S/o asking: “Can I kiss you?”
Description: you’ve been dating for a short while and in the transition between friends to dating, kissing always seems to slip your minds. So, in a moment of pure attention to your bad batcher, you just have to ask…
Note: I know it’s been a while, but I’ve been extremely burnt out. If you’ve sent a request I promise I’m trying my best to get things done. Hopefully, with the release of season two this burnt out will turn to inspiration. This has been sitting in my drafts for a bit, so i finished it up to let everyone know I’m still alive. I hope you enjoy! And happy new year!
Warnings: fluff, kissing, maybe suggestive, bit of insecurity
Spending time away from the others was always nice…
Even if it was only 10ft away from the ship.
The two of you stand by the lake attempting to skip the little acorns on the ground across the water.
You’re both talking about the latest mission and he can’t stop teasing you about how you had slipped in the mud which somehow managed to mask you from the droids, but also need to head back to the ship without the boys.
Pretending to be annoyed at the admittedly hilarious event, you throw one of the acorns at him.
“You want to try that again?” He asks, his harsh voice edged with a playful tone you would’ve missed if you didn’t know him so well.
You stick out your tongue as you toss another acorn at him.
Suddenly, he moves toward you, earning a shout as you bolt away from him.
He chases you along the water, throwing the acorns he had at you, trying not to laugh as you squeak at each hit.
Suddenly lost for breath from laughing and squeaking, you stop and suddenly you runs straight into you.
He pulls you on top of him so he doesn’t crush you on the way down.
A loud splash is heard as the two of you become drenched in the cold water of the lake.
The two of you can’t help but to break out into laughter, not making any motion to get up.
As he’s still chuckling to himself, you feel your gaze drift to his laughing mouth and your hand finds purchase on his cheek.
He raises his brow at you, a small smirk on his lips, only you had the privilege to see.
You feel your breath catch as you quickly glance to his eyes.
“Can I kiss you?” You ask, a sudden wave of confidence overcoming you as you lean closer to him.
He’s almost caught off guard by the question, but he doesn’t let you know that as he pulls your face to his and locks his lips to yours.
Soon, you separate, and he pushes your face away from him, smirking to yourself as you whine.
“We need to get out of the water.” He states, but truly, he just wanted to hide his face from you.
He felt like his skin was on fire as he thinks of that look in your eyes and just how focused you had become on him and only him.
All he wanted to do was kiss you again, just… somewhere a lot more private.
“Watch! You’re not looking! Watch!”
You can’t help but laugh at his eager tone as he tries to draw your attention away from your work.
“Alright! Alright! I’m watching!”
You watch as he picks up a tree that had recently fallen
He lets out a grunt as he holds it above his head.
It was silly, and slightly worrisome, the way he always tried to impress you by lifting such heavy objects.
“Tsk Tsk! Always showing off, Wrecker! Yet you never pick me up.” You scoff with a playful tone, turning your head, pretending to be jealous of the tree.
“I can carry you!” Wrecker counters, dropping the tree with a loud thud before he rushes over to you.
“W-wait Wrecker I was just playing—!”
Your feet are no longer touching the ground as Wrecker scoops you up.
From your surprise, you wrap your arms around his neck before he starts spinning in place.
You let out a squeal, as the world blurs, squeezing him tightly as he laughs.
When he finally stops, he stumbles, earning another startled squeak from you at the idea he was going to fall.
The two of you fall into a fit of laughter as soon as the world steadies once more.
“I could hold you like this all the time!” He declares, gripping your thigh and arm as he uses you as a weight to curl.
“Wrecker!” You squeak once more before laughing as he holds you properly once more.
Brushing your thumb along his cheek, you sit up further in his arms and he responds by adjusting his grip.
Leaning your head on his shoulder, you pop the question: “Can I kiss you?”
“Heh, Heh…” he’s flustered as he laughs. “Is that even a question?”
“Mmm, I just wanted to make sure.” You hum, pressing your lips to his.
He gets all giddy as he kisses you back, adjusting the way he’s holding you in order to kiss you better.
When you pull away, you feel his grip on you loosen before he adjusts his grip on you once more.
“Can I— c-can I kiss you? …again?”
There he goes again on one of his information dumps.
Oh how you loved listening to him talk for hours on end of the most random things.
For now, he was talking about the nexu.
How this topic came to rise was beyond you as all you could do was stare at his lips, making your best attempts to make eye contact.
But it was just so difficult.
So many clever and intelligent words spilled from his mouth everyday, you just wanted to praise and reward him for how smart he was.
Not that any of his brothers would appreciate you boosting his ego.
“The nexu has four excellent eyes, the second pair, in fact, allows them to track their prey through their infrared vision. They also—”
“Tech,” you hum, wanting his eyes to meet yours again for the first time in the hour he’d been working on his latest project.
“Yes?” He asks, his eyes meeting yours, but you can’t find yourself able to hold their gaze as you continuously glance down at his lips.
“Can I kiss you?”
For the first time, since you confessed your feelings for him, you see him visibly buffering as his cheeks and the tips of his ears turn a light red.
“You want to kiss me? I-I mean— Ahem, yes, of course.” He stammers, his eyes suddenly looking everywhere except at you.
A giggle leaves your lips as you hold his head in your hands, bringing him closer to you.
He squeezes his eyes shut tightly and his lips pucker ever so slightly, waiting for your to meet his.
You couldn’t help yourself, as you grin widely, brushing your lips lightly across his lips before kissing the side of his mouth.
Almost looking offended, his eyes open in surprise and he slightly pulls back.
That is, until you pull him back in and kiss him right on the lips.
He returns your kiss, his shoulders relaxing in relief that you actually kissed him on the lips this time.
“You’re so cute when you ramble.” You mumble after pulling away, only a mere centimeter away from his lips.
“Perhaps I should ramble more often…” he trails before kissing you once more, holding the back of your head in his hand.
“As long as I can shut you up with a kiss, you talk as much as you please.”
It wasn’t often you two found yourself alone with each other.
In fact, the only time you ever found yourself alone together was in your bunk as you cuddled away one of his headaches.
Unfortunately, there was no avoiding the loud sounds of Tech fixing the ship on this random moon.
The buzzing sounds sent a throbbing pain through his head as he makes his best attempt to just focus all his senses on you, in an effort to tune it out.
“This isn’t working.” He grunts into the skin of your neck, attempting to pull you closer to him despite already being skin tight to himself.
“I’m sorry, love.” You answer, brushing your hand beneath his hair, lightly scratching his scalp as you cover his ears. “I have an idea, if you’d like to try?”
“It can’t hurt anymore than this.” He sighs, lifting his head up as he grimaced once more as Tech drills something into the shop once more.
Even if whatever you did didn’t wind up helping him in the end, he just appreciated that you were with him.
“Can I kiss you?” You ask, glancing between his surprised eyes and lips.
Suddenly he’s very in tune to you.
Your steady breath, your trailing eyes.
The sound of your heartbeat and the warmth of his face combatting against the warmth of your hands.
“Kriff, cyare, do you even need to ask?” He answers, pressing you down on the bed as he kisses you deeply.
The sounds were suddenly way easier to drown out as he worked his lips against yours, only pulling away to catch your breath.
Well, at least now he was distracted.
It was often Echo found himself feeling insecure.
Ever since the two of you got together, he feels as though his confidence has taken a step backwards.
He’s constantly questioning why you would ever want to be with him, that you deserve someone better.
The two of you find yourselves sitting together, reading.
Echo, as usual, going over the reg manual for the 170th time.
You were just glad he could focus, because you certainly couldn’t.
You find yourself staring over the top of your datapad, the book you were reading was irrelevant to the focused man sitting before you, using your legs as an arm rest after you’d stretched yourself out over him.
You couldn’t stop thinking about how lucky you were.
You were so scared to tell him how you felt, so afraid to ruin your friendship over your once seeming forbidden crush.
But now here you were, sitting with the most amazing guy in the galaxy.
He looked so focused, it was undeniably attractive.
The problem now was, you were starting to become very jealous of that reg manual.
“Hey, Echo?” You address, your heart seemingly slipping a beat as he meets your gaze.
“Can I kiss you?” You ask, shifting closer to him, sitting on your knees, settling one between his mechanical legs, pushing the reg manual down so his gaze was completely on you.
He stutters your name with a deep red flush.
“I asked you a question, Corporal.” You tease, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Of course you can kiss me.” He answers, a sudden spike of confidence in his voice.
You kiss him sweetly, sitting yourself down as his arms wrap around you.
“How did I get so lucky?” He asks when you separate for a breath.
“You deserve the best in life.” You answer, kissing him again like her life depended on it.
“ I’ll have to start asking for kisses more often.”
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misstoodles-doodles · 2 months
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Peaceful Pabu time 🧡
Edit: Fixed some lighting
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arcsimper5 · 1 year
Clone reactions to meeting Grogu:
Rex: *looks him over, visibly confused* I thought jedi couldn't have sex?
Fives: omg omg omg omg omg omg we need to keep him, he's the new 501st mascot, he can ride on my shoulders, I NEED HIM.
Echo: You're cute, which, given nature's cruelty, probably means you are dangerous. *backs away slowly*
Kix: *eyes suspiciously*... There is no way you're older than me.
Tup: *repeats nonsense babbling back at him while sitting cross legged and doing arts and crafts*
Cody: *stares for several minutes*... Can you hold a blaster?
Waxer: *running away with him in his arms while being persued by numerous jedi* NO! CHILD IS MINE!
Boil: You're one weird looking critter... You play sabacc?
Wolffe: *holding him up to Master Plo* General, I humbly request that this be your new padawan. Yes, I know he can barely understand basic, and that he is fundamentally useless. That's why he'll fit in with us. No I'm not being harsh.
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echojedis · 1 year
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Maybe I’m not as over Plan 99 as I thought 
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here-comes-the-moose · 4 months
Crosshair: *laying in bed, having a depressive episode*
Hunter, leaning in the doorway and about to pick up some random objects and walk awkwardly around the room: Hey…
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katara-stan-club · 6 months
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Tech when he finds out about Phee’s “stealth entrances”
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robotsandramblings · 2 months
ok so this topic haunts me 24/7 so i'd like to start a discussion about it: Rex finding out (or not) about Anakin becoming Vader.
i'm not asking what you think is happening in canon; i wanna know, if you were the star wars head writer, creator, overseer, whatever, and it was your choice,
if it was up to you, would Captain Rex ever find out that Anakin fell to the dark side and became Darth Vader?
that he marched the 501st into the Jedi Temple to kill the all the Jedi there? killed the younglings? became essentially the second-in-command of the entire Empire?
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wolveria · 6 months
Oooh can I ask about Dark!Hunter x Reader?
Oohhh I'm very excited for that one! Just came up with it over the weekend, so it's still all shiny ;)
Crossing my fingers this doesn't actually happen, but I thought... what would happen if at the end of season 3 everyone in the Batch died but Hunter? What would that do to him?
The answer: A lot of bad things.
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Hunter is broken. Barely functional and catatonic. Rex doesn't know what to do. He knows he can't let him go off on his own, not in the state he's in. He feels responsible how the way things went, and he owes it to them to make sure Hunter's okay.
He's not. After two days of this, Hunter just... disappears. No word or message left behind, he takes one of the ships and vanishes. And Rex isn't sure he'll ever see him again, not alive.
For a standard year, Hunter wanders the galaxy, aimless, taking what jobs he can, leaning towards the violent, dangerous ones. He excels at hunting, and he would be a class one bounty hunter if he wouldn't piss of the Guild at every turn. He doesn't work well with others, and he doesn't much care for rules.
He's mean, ruthless, and most of all, hollow. He's little more than an animal, moving from one need to the next, not staying anywhere too long. He sees others as an obstacle or a means, depending on how cooperative they are. He barely talks, no more than is necessary, and he rarely sleeps more than an hour or two at a time.
And then he comes across a quarry he can't resist, legal bounty or not. Someone watching him, paying too close attention, and that's enough to set loose the hound straining at its chains.
He's patient, a predator lying in ambush, only to realize too late the trap was for him. He mistook his target for prey.
Hunter should have known, in the end, it would be a Jedi.
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lokithanos · 7 months
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kyber-collector · 11 months
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Do you guys think that, after he was rescued and joined the Bad Batch, Echo ever learned that Crosshair said this about him? That he didn’t want to attempt to save him, that he didn’t think he was worth it? This has been on my mind recently :/
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techs-goggles9902 · 5 months
OH an idea struck and I just knew you were the person for the job 😌
I would like to request the Bad Batchs reaction to the reader blasting your favorite Ghost song on the Marauder 🤭 (also RIP to my fave ship 😮‍💨)
Head cannons or a one shot, it's up you 😊
TBB Reacts to The Band Ghost
Warnings: cursing, satanic music (duh), Hunter can't sing (eardrums tortured in a loving way)
Word Count: 1718
A/N: lmao I took waaaaay too long for this. I went super overboard with Hunter and well... I re-did it so I could post them all at once. No fr I went back and re-wrote the entire thing multiple times lmaoo
You couldn’t play it too loud, of course. Hunter was here. The others had gone to the docks littering the lowest level of Pabu. It was just you, your man, and your favorite rock band. 
You began to connect your datapad to the Marauder’s control panel. Hunter was who knows where, lurking around the ship doing who knows what. As your deft fingers tapped away at the buttons, you knew exactly what song to play. 
Hunter never minded you playing your music whenever the others were out, mostly because with all the different preferences of music, no one was satisfied whenever someone’s song came on - except Omega, who liked all her brothers music, bobbing her head to whatever was playing, but that was a different story. 
The pad of your finger selects your chosen song, a gray swirl floating around the screen as the datapad loads. You sigh and tap your foot impatiently. How long has it been since this ship has experienced your glorious, powerful tunes? How long has it been since the soundwaves have echoed through the durasteel walls of the ship? Too long. 
The swirl faded away and the familiar intro to your song starts blaring through the speakers. The loud piano fills the ship and you hear Hunter shuffle around the back of the ship.  
“Damn it, Wrecker,” you mutter as you fumble with the volume switch, turning it down to a more… healthier level. You turn around to face Hunter, who’s slowly uncovering his ears and staring at you wide eyed, as you mouth sorry. 
“Was that Zenith?” He asks.
“Yeah. But I didn’t know it would be that loud, sorry,” you reply, giving him a guilty look. 
“Don’t worry about it, cyare. Turn it up a bit. I like that one.” He comes over, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind. He presses a soft kiss to your temple and taps his fingers on your belly to the beat. “I saw some post on the Holonet about Zenith.”
“Mmhmm,” Hunter hums, “apparently it means ‘the final end’. Do you think that means Co-”
“No. Don’t. Copia lives forever and ever,” you cut him off, shaking your head. Hunter gives a low chuckle. You reach your hand up behind you to run your fingers through his hair.
“Play it louder.” He hums the tune of the song in your ear, swaying you gently. 
“This is not the right type of dancing we should be doing to rock,” you whisper. 
“Shhhhh… ‘s the best part.” Hunter leans his head back a little and starts to sing, “Time will soon be gone… Right will turn to wrong.” He’s incredibly offkey and he knows it, curling his fingers around your wrists, moving them up and down like he’s trying to make you dance. You giggle. 
“Winds come on strong! So, help you God! Call on meee…”
“Hunter, baby, love of my life, stop. Please, you’re killing my ears.” You grin, laughing as he whispers a soft ‘no’. 
“You’re set free!” He twirls you around and dips you dramatically. You can’t help but laugh. His chocolate eyes gaze into your own as he leans down and presses a tender kiss to your lips. 
“You can’t sing for shit…” 
“I love you, too, cyare.” 
The signature rapping of drums and the low strumming of guitars filled the Marauder. You sat back in the co pilot's seat with your feet up on the console. You imitate the drums, tapping your pointer fingers in the air like you’re Pebble or Mountain on their stage. 
Tech’s somewhere on the ship, findling with whatever needs repairing. You’ve all stopped at some backwater world, the rest of the team going out to the local town for supplies. Tech’s never had an issue with your music, in fact, he lets you blast it as loud as you want when it’s just the two of you. 
I have my headphones, he’s told you, you rarely get to play your music. I do not mind. 
But, you were nice enough to never play it on full blast. Just loud enough to feel every time the drummer’s sticks hit the instrument. 
You don’t hear the footsteps behind you, not noticing Tech had come to the cockpit until he touches your shoulder. You gasp, jumping a little. Tech’s big amber eyes widen and he allows his lips to form a soft smirk. 
“Scared?” He rubs the pad of his gloved thumb over the bones in your shoulder. 
“Maybe a tad, yes.” You grin, putting your hand over his. 
“Mummy Dust, correct?” He lowers himself down into the pilot’s seat, his fingers trailing down your arm before slipping off. You nod. Tech’s head bobs slightly as the tempo quickens.
You and him both mouth ‘dust’ as Tobias Forge begins singing. 
“I was carried on a wolf’s back…” you mumble.
“To corrupt humanity…” Tech whispers back. 
“I will pummel it with opulence…”
“With corpulence and greed…”
You both sing, “In God you trust… My mummy dust…” You look up at Tech with a grin and you both - him less aggressive as you - bob your head to the beat of the drums. Tech gives you a soft smile and a low chuckle. 
The pair of you sing the next verse together, alternating between lyrics. His eyes close and he tilts his head back against the headrest as the keytar solo begins. His slender fingers twitching slightly, as if imitating the musician. You watch with a little grin.
“Having fun?”
“You know, if we were to acquire a keytar, I believe I could execute that solo to perfection. With some practice, of course.” Tech opens his eyes and looks over at you. 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, hun.” 
“I am merely stating facts, cyare.”
The intro to the song plays loudly out of the speakers. You bob your head to the guitars and tap your foot. You feel strong hands grab you from behind by your waist just before you could sit back down into the copilot’s seat. 
“I’ve been lookin’ so long now for you now you won’t get away from my grasp…” Wrecker sings along to the song, Phantom Of The Opera, giving your waist a gentle squeeze. You smile. 
“What’re you do-” You’re shushed as he whispers into your ear, “You put on my favorite song, mesh’la…”
His deep, rough voice carries over the ship’s speakers. He spins you around, holding your hands as he dances you through the ship. His smile never fades as he gently holds you but aggressively sings. 
“Watch your step, he’s out to get you!” He tickles your stomach, your laugh drowned out by the music. “Come what may… Don’t you stray… from the narrow way!”
He lets go of you to vigorously shred his nonexistent guitar. 
“You’re runnin’ and hiding in dreams. I’m always there… I’m the phantom of the opera, I’m the devil. I’m just out to scare!” 
“Wrecker, you couldn’t scare a baby tooka if you wanted to.” You grin.
He stops singing and dramatically gasps, “What?! This face has scared quite a few clankers in its day.” 
You roll your eyes with a joking scoff. The song ends a moment later and Wrecker leans close to you. His lower lip juts out slightly as he whispers, “I’m scary.”
“No you’re not.”
“Yes I am.”
“Nuh uh.”
“Yuh huh.”
Your finger hovers over the screen of your datapad, ready to play your song. You’ve settled on Respite on the Spitalfields when someone’s long fingers curl around your ‘pad from behind you, gently pulling it away.
“That’s a good song, but if you’re going to play Ghost, play a better song,” Crosshair rasps in your ear. His deft digits scroll through your playlist. 
“Oh yeah? What’s better than Sodo’s solo?” You turn your head to look at him.
“The intro to Secular Haze. But the If You Have Ghost version.” 
You cock a brow. “Not Infestissumam?”
He scoffs, “The intro for the one in If You Have Ghost is better. Tobias’ vocals are better in Infestissumam. They have their differences.” 
A smile tugs at your lips. “Okay, Cross… Didn’t think you were paying that much attention to my songs.”
“I always pay attention to the things you like…” His slim arms loop around your waist as he pulls you in. His lips hover next to your ear. 
“Oh… Well… what other songs have you been paying attention to?”
“Mm.” Crosshair pauses for a moment. “Take It From Everyone by that one band with the members from Ghost in it…”
“Drag Talk?”
“Mmhm.” Crosshair rests his chin on the top of your head, swaying a little and taking you with him. You lean your head back against his shoulder and let out a content sigh as the guitars break through the silence of the ship as Secular Haze plays. 
It was just you and Echo on the ship, for once. The pair of you lie on his bunk, your head on his chest with his good arm around you. His prosthetic feet tap against each other as your music plays through the speakers of the ship. 
His lips brush against the top of your head as he shifts a little. What sounded like a clock ticking cuts through the quiet of the Marauder. Echo looks puzzled. 
“Never heard this one before,” he whispers. You can’t help but grin a bit. 
“Just listen…” 
In this your time of need
You're turning to the light
You had just begun to explore the dark
In the urban night
Echo nods a little. 
The world is on fire
And you are here to stay and burn with me
A funeral pyre
And we are here to revel forevermore
He presses his hollow cheek to the top of your head as the song plays. 
“I like that… Kinda sounds like a love story.”
You look up at him. “I think it means like… The absence of God or something.”
“Well, I think it has something to do with love. The world burning but you’re here to stay and burn with me? C’mon, that sounds something like love.”
“Um… sure, hon.” A small giggle escapes your lips. “Whatever you say, Echo.”
He jabs a finger lightly into your side, making you squirm.
(no dividers since I'm lazy)
Taglist:@fionajames @will-is-silly @dangraccoon @hellhound5925 @skellymom @sevdidntdie
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alabyte · 7 months
WHAT DO YOU MEAN!!!!!!! BY THIS ENDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ladylaser07 · 6 months
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annwayne · 1 year
How the Batch Reacts to Omega Dating
I saw a post that put me off so bad I’m writing my own headcanon to offset it.
SFW, child dating (canon age or older in mind while writing), alluding to heart break and comfort over said heart break, parent & child relationships, mentions of "the talk" from a parental figure to a child figure, education on consent, education in self defense (thus alluding to, but not mentioning, possible dangers of dating)
As usual, if you enjoy please let me know! Reblogs, likes, and replies are welcome!
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He’s wary, honestly all of them are wary, but they also know Omega, knows what they have all taught her. Hunter trusts her. At most, he’s worried about an imperial trap. So he does his due diligence to see if there’s anyway this other kid is connected to the Empire. Usually, everything checks out. He waits up until Omega gets home. Even though he's been watching over Omega with his brothers for years by this point, he still gets plenty anxious when she's away. So Echo joins in on waiting for Omega. Conversation with Echo is the only thing that makes time pass for Hunter.
Crosshair helps Omega with her outfits and hair. I headcanon Crosshair as being really into fashion, but not so much for himself, rather he likes to help other people look their best. So he helps Omega pick outfits, does her hair, and gives any other stylistic advice if she asks for it. Crosshair has given Omega one talk about consent, and during that conversation he explained the importance of a yes, over the lack of a no.
Tech helps Omega plan dates, when she wants to plan them. He will inform her of weather conditions, optimal food locations based on holonet reviews, and any unique phenomenon that would be beautiful to watch with a date. (Little magical things like bio-luminescence, shooting stars, dancing fire flies-that stuff.) Tech has also given Omega a talk, but this one related to sexual anatomy, STD's, and the use of condoms/other safety material for sexual intercourse. He then gave Omega a packet of each kind of condom he explained.
Wrecker gives Omega 'material' to use on the date. Pick up lines, jokes, and riddles. Things like that. He'll also tell Omega about various food spots to try out-though all the places he's been, they've been together so it's more a reminder than new information. When her date comes to pick Omega up, either Wrecker, Echo, or both are there to wave them off. Omega knows how to fight, and has been fighting opponents much bigger than herself for awhile by this point, but Wrecker still goes out of his way to learn how to teach self defense. He includes it in with her regular training after he feels confident enough in the material to teach it.
Like mentioned above, Echo tries his best to be at the door when Omega leaves with her date. He also tends to stay up with Hunter, though, unlike Hunter, he can read, adjust his prosthetics, or clean them while waiting (Hunter kind of just waits and paces occasionally.) Echo help's Hunter pass the time by chatting. When Omega comes home, Echo is the one she goes to to tell about the date first. He's her enthusiastic support, and shoulder to cry on if needed. Echo will always remind Omega what she's worth, and will always make sure she knows it. (All of them do this to a degree, Echo just gets the chance to do it the most and first.)
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Sigh I swear the bar is so low with writing sometimes.
I’ve just been remembering how much it bothers me when there’s no lasting consequences or acknowledgement for things. When everything resets like nothing ever happened at the start of the next episode, or even the next scene sometimes. How cool and rare it was that Wally’s arm was in a cast for a whole 5 episodes of Young Justice. How relieved/excited I was when Mulder actually still had bandages on his fingers the episode after he broke them because FINALLY something carried over! Or when Hook was leaning on someone for support in the background after the fight scene in Pan. How impressed I was to see Katniss still crying hysterically for Rue a few scenes after her death. How surprised I was to actually see a hint of the effect of Echo’s extremely traumatic experience when he panicked in the medbay. How my heart soared when he insisted on rescuing Gregor because omg he’s acting in a way that makes sense for his character! Clinging to every small scrap we get to see of clones showing real emotion when so often they seemingly never bat an eye at their losses and never mention their fallen brothers again.
I love these shows I swear, but it just gets so frustrating! Like I’ll literally be so nervous no one will be affected realistically, or react like a human, or behave in-character and then I get so excited on the rare occasions they do. And then I realize wow the bar is so low, shouldn't that just be, you know, writing 101?
Like I remember some episode of some show (the Seeker? Or something idk) where a character was captured and tortured and not ten minutes after being rescued his friend was like “hmm you sure are quiet today” like YEAH I SURE HOPE HE IS?!
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archivistofnerddom · 1 year
How the Batch responds to someone who denigrates the color pink in front of them
And God forbid if this happens when Omega is figuring out her personal style, preferences, and fashion sense.
The Batch would certainly not ascribe to the belief that pink is for girls and blue is for boys. They make it their personal mission to prove that that’s nonsense.
Guess who found pink-handled knives? And guess who will always at least two strapped to his belt at all times?
Rambo Barbie over here has traded out his usual bandana for a bright pink one. He’s wearing it with absolute and complete unfazed confidence. Giggle about it at your own risk and peril.
Just in case the knives and bandana were a little too subtle, he makes a point of wearing pink (possibly flannel) shirts regularly. Said shirts run the full spectrum of pink, but that’s fine. He thinks he looks good in the color.
He will absolutely look anyone who goes off about the pink/blue gendered thing dead in the eye and just go, “No.” That usually stops the BS in its tracks.
This man knows he looks good in black. That doesn’t stop him from having pink be his new go-to highlight color. All of the little accessories and details on his armor and helmet are now a lovely share of pink.
When his hair starts coming back in, he starts coloring to a nice light pink (blush) color. Just don’t mistake the pink hair for friendliness though. He’s still a snarky bastard.
His Firepuncher gets a makeover too. Crosshair enjoys taking people out with a neon pink sniper rifle. (It sets a very specific, very petty tone — and he’s here for it.)
He will also intentionally be a little shit and set people up to get verbally knocked down a peg or three. Tech has roughly five versions of the same speech about how assigned gendering colors is an outdated concept. Crosshair is going to do his twin a solid and let him loose on idiots. (He enjoys watching the chaos and panic that unfolds.)
Like I said, he will give a full lecture about the fallacy of “Pink is for girls, and blue is for boys.” Oh, did you want to see slides to go along with that? Here, he’s got those too.
Tech shows up with pink-framed goggles, a pink-cased data pad, and pink embroidery on all his pockets and pouches within 24 hours. For him, fashion is functional first, but it can also be fun and make a statement.
Did you say give the Marauder a new paint job? Why yes, it is time that it got a new look. Thank you so much for suggesting that. (And yes, Wrecker helped with the paint job and redesign. They both did such a good job.)
Tech also knows how to recalibrate his blasters so that his blaster bolts and stun rays are pink. He can show you how he did, if you ask him nicely.
This man comes in one setting — loud and enthusiastic support. And the best way to do that? Head-to-toe neon pink At All Times. (Seriously, this man shows up with completely pink armor and a helmet and just continues to do his normal job without commenting on his new paint job.)
Lula gets a wardrobe upgrade too. She’s now for a very cool pink jacket that Wrecker made for her himself.
Wrecker will loudly and eagerly proclaim that pink is his absolute favorite color anytime he hears a person talking shit about the color. He isn’t putting on a front either. He does love the color pink.
Guess who has pink smoke grenades and pink glitter bombs in his pack at all time? Wrecker. Why? Well, why not!?!?!
Bright pink kama for life! No, he will accept no questions or suggestions to the otherwise. His kama is pink, and he looks fabulous.
Echo may be a part of the Bad Batch now, but he was part of the 501st and Domino Squad before that. If you give him just the slightest scrap of an idea, he’ll run with it in a way that would make Fives proud . . . which is why so many people wind up covered in a violently pink glitter-and-glue mixture when they say stupid shit. (Wrecker may have helped.)
He gets Tech to upgrade his scomp to be metallic pink.
Grumpy Disappointed Mom Face gets deployed with great effect. Echo isn’t mad that you’re spouting nonsense. He had just hoped you didn’t buy into the nonsense that only girls can like pink.
Omega colors the tips of her hair to be bright pink. It’s actually a whole family project, especially in deciding which shade of pink would look best on her. She also used this as an opportunity to try some new hair styles to show off her color makeover.
She also got Tech to readjust her bow so that it too fires pink bolts. (They’re gleeful menaces on the battlefield together.)
Leaning into pink helps Omega connect with her femininity. For as much as she loves her brothers, that’s one area where they aren’t the best role models (even if they fully support her during this journey). She is the one who helped her brothers incorporate pink into their current wardrobe.
Omega also learns how to give manicures. The only polish choice anyone she gives one to gets to make is whether or not they want glitter. Everyone is going to be rocking pink nails when she gives them a manicure. (The Batch are very diligent and serious about maintaining their manicures.)
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