#bad girls club fanfiction
birthdayboy-ilu · 1 month
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big brother cloud strife 🗣️📢🔊🔊🔊🔊
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libraryledge · 2 months
Please, Please, Please (A Bikeriders Story) Pt 2
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A/N: Thank you for showing love to the first part of my Bikeriders story inspired by Sabrina Carpenter's lyrics. Enjoy part two! (Minor spoilers of the film ahead).
I'm sitting in bed watching Bewitched. The show itself is pretty ridiculous. It follows the story of a witch who marries a businessman, who doesn't find out about her magical abilities until after their marriage. The entire show follows the witch’s chaotic attempts to live without magic in order to blend into suburban life.
I may not know anything about magic, but I sure do know a thing or two about a chaotic life. I spend half my day chasing after you to keep you out of trouble.
Except for today. You're sitting next to me with a broken foot propped up on the bed. It took a lot of convincing to get you to just stay inside. I knew you were craving some fresh air, but I convinced you that the ceiling fan is so nice.
I sink into your shoulder and feel your chest rise and fall under me as you laugh at the antics on television. Things are only simple on sitcoms. Sometimes, I think that we can live so happily if no one knows that you're with me. Obviously I'm just kidding. I look up and spot my next door neighbor spying on us through the window. Kind of.
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I wish for more moments like these, where it's just the two of us. We can be ourselves with no pressure to save face or look tough in front of other bikers. I love this version of you, Benny. You're sweet and affectionate, and you're the man that took my breath away a few years ago, when I first laid eyes on you at an empty bar.
People warned me that you are a bit of a troublemaker, and I had no doubt about it. Every day I plead for you not to prove I'm right, but every so often you get yourself into predicaments that bring me to tears and ruin the makeup I did so nice.
I am not fragile and have learned to separate matters of the heart from matters of reputation. Facing heartbreak is one thing. Pacing together a tarnished ego is another. Being with you has really challenged my perspective and toughened me up, but something inside of me longs for more instances like this, where I can nestle in your warmth.
I close my eyes and sigh contently as I listen to the chatter of the television mixed with the softness of your chuckles. If only I could cast a spell to keep us at ease like this forever. I don't know what waits for us around the bend, but I know we'll make it out alive. I beg you: don't embarrass me little sucker.
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for the 'why wouldn't date them'
charles, hawkeye, trapper
and i think you might be into twin peaks? if so, dale cooper and donna hayward
whichever ones you want to do :)
Ahhhhhh omg thank you for all of these I want to do them ALL but let's go backwards.
Donna Hayward
Ok so the thing is I AM into Twin Peaks but it's been a while since I've seen it and I tried to watch The Return but I was too stupit to understand much less enjoy it :( sowwy. So I would be dating my own flawed incomplete interpretation of a person, really. Typical Twin Peaks. 
Anyways I love Donna! I think we have similar personalities and stuff. In all brutal honesty I think if I were in her situation with a friend like Laura I’d have done similar things. Also yeah maybe her actions did lead a man to suicide but that was NOT her fault. I think the only three things that would prevent an attempt at a relationship here are 
1) The obvious. Her taste in men = atrocious. In all the rest of these hypotheticals where the character is already canonically in a relationship or has feelings for another character I’m just like yeah the more the merrier but if Donna insists on inviting her insufferable ass boyfriend into the mix I could NOT fucking do it I’m sorry. 
2) This girl is not ready for a relationship yet after All That god damn. But then again neither am I so maybe that balances out. We would need to spend some time as support group buddies just hugging and crying a lot before even considering a date. 
3) It is unlikely we would ever interact as I am never setting foot in that town ever in my life are you kidding me. Donna is super pretty in both her incarnations but I’m sorry I don’t think any pussy pops severely enough for me to risk going to fucking doorknob hell or some shit.
Dale Cooper
Ignore everything I said in that last paragraph. I change my mind. I forgot my beautiful autism creature husband is here. I would risk it all for a date with Dale Cooper and so would all who know and perceive the truth. AND he’s got two hot girlfriends with him at least one of whom is ALSO an autism creature??? Sign me the FUCK up for this polycule IMMEDIATELY. “Oh but OP what about the horrors” I don’t even fucking care it’s fine. Dale can have little an evil doppelganger. As a treat.
Still there are some problems:
1) Dale is an FBI agent and Harry is a cop. Booooooo!!!! But maybe if Annie and Caroline and I unionize we can force them to quit their jobs. 
2) Unclear if I would be forced to join the Black Lodge Horror Vision Rotation along with Annie and Caroline. Boring and time consuming task and unlike Laura you don’t even get to do a Big Scream.
3) I personally actually don’t like pie or coffee at all :( I’m sorry babygirl I understand if this is a deal breaker. 
Trapper McIntyre 
You know that “golden retriever boyfriend” joke? Trapper is like THE golden retriever boyfriend to me. Which I mean as an absolute compliment! Golden retrievers are friendly, helpful, adorable, lovable dogs. I am always up to pet a golden retriever.
But the thing is, I would never get one myself. They’re just a bit too big, bit too much energy, bit too messy, and anyways I prefer cats. No hate, no judgment, just a series of tiny preferences. Not into jocks, not into casual no-strings-attached type relationships, not super into kids, you know how it is. Boring and petty answer but I just feel like this adorable happy-go-lucky goldie deserves the PERFECT forever home and obviously he’s one of the most popular of all the dogs at the Mashblr shelter so I know he’ll get adopted super fast. So I can turn my attention to the miserable ass overbred old cat in the corner <3
Hawkeye Pierce
Oh, Hawkeye. I just don’t think so. Idk what’s wrong with me but I have to work to see Hawkeye as like. A dateable entity in my mind. He’s our little scrunkly! It’d be weird to date a scrunkly. BUT maybe I’ve just been overexposed to him purely by dint of being in the fandom he’s the main character of, because objectively I DO find Mr. Alda’s portrayal of him in certain scenes to be Attractive (TM), and seeing clips of his charisma and charm and humor and all that good handsome stuff is literally what got me to check out the show in the first place! Man. What happened. Hmm. 
I think one issue is that scenes where he’s explicitly trying to be Romantic and/or Seductive have just never done it for me. Like comparing Hawkeye’s lovey scenes with Kyung Soon to Charles’ with Martine, there’s no contest in how they make me feel. To me, Hawkeye is honestly at his most appealing when he’s radiating Friend Energy, which is why his casual relationships actually work really well IMO; you feel like he’s truly a great pal to the nurses he hooks up with. This is also, I think, one of Piercintyre’s great strengths as a ship, because Hawkeye and Trapper both have amazing Friend Energy and then their natural compatibility makes that bleed seamlessly into sweet romantic vibes. And to be clear I would LOVE to be in a Friends To Lovers relationship too but unfortunately I am cringely obsessed with loveydovey romance in a way I’m not sure Hawkeye is even capable of. Plus there’s also just the fact that I’m a shy waiting til marriage person and I suck at banter and yeah it’s just not working. In conclusion neither Hawkeye nor Trapper should date me they should date each other!! But we knew that :P
There are 10000000 reasons not to date Charles. But I will be doing it anyways ^_^ Peace and love on planet earth <3
Anyways I’m not bringing up his Problematicness as a reason here because I didn’t bring it up for anyone else and nobody noticed, so why should it be any different with him. Like no obviously I would not date this dumbfuck racist but I also would not date a guy who thinks it’s a funny prank to make a woman think she’s being sexually assaulted. I also for that matter would not date a guy who works with the dumbfuck racist and is like aw, ya know what, he’s not that bad really :) the second they have a chance to have a bonding moment. I guess I have decided to be a buzzkill about that forever now btw sorry :( oh well 
But ok no real talk I would Not date Charles unless one very specific condition is met, which is that I have whatever magic stardust they sprinkled on his single-episode love interests before they put them in the story that made him be utterly besotted with them, because more than any other character on the show, it seems, the difference between Regular Charles and Charles In Love is so hysterically huge??? Like fuck. My dudes. We’ve done it. We found the one villain who actually does do a complete 180 and starts trying to act right as soon as a girl takes pity on him enough to look at him twice. (Disclaimer: I haven’t seen Ain’t Love Grand yet I’m sorryyyyyyyy) He’s so ~romantic~ and it’s like catnip to me unfortunately. :\ The total opposite of what I said about Hawkeye up there. Offers a girl his stupid little teacup and recites poetry at her. Unbelievable. Did anyone ever think about the fact that maybe I would like to be offered a teacup and recited poetry at. No. You all only think about yourselves.  
Like even though objectively the way he nukes his relationship with Martine was hurtful to both of them, he’s so Tender the whole time it’s insane. She turned him into her pauvre petit miaou miaou overnight. I want that power so fucking bad I NEED that power so fucking bad. Say it with me everyone. I Could Fix Him. (”But OP Martine and Donna DIDN’T fix him he still left them both and never mentioned them again?” Yes but don’t worry they were just loosening the lid on his jar a little bit. I’ll get him open you’ll see. He’s gonna be soooo well trained when I’m done I’ll make him apologize to Maxwell and everything. He won’t even need the shock collar after a few weeks.)
But yeah if I have to like, try to appeal to him on my own it’s not fucking happening. I have no desire to hear the equivalent of a DOS deepfake hologram that has become evil due to being trained on text scraped from youtube comments tell me I’m ugly and stupid, which is exactly what would happen. Up til now I’ve sidestepped the issue that I do not think any of these people would give me the time of day (except Maxwell who would take pity on me probably because he is sososo Good) but I cannot ignore how much Charles just would Not like me. I don’t know how the selfshipper community does it they’re braver than any fucking US marine over there fr. Charles would look at me like I was a gross little bug on the ground and I can’t escape it. Oh well. Who needs him. Where’s your sister you dipshit I’m about to GET IT
#THANK YOU for this kind ask beloved mutual!! Sorry it got long and weird it's been a rough week and I'm afraid that may have bled through#to all these answers which I'm so irritated at myself for but I can't fix it OTL#Starky loves answering questions#majorbaby#I LOVE when people notice what fandoms I'm in it makes me so happy thank youuuu#anyways DOS leading romantic hero of all time but nobody ever let him fucking BE one. humanity deserves to be driven to extinction for this#wtf is ''You give the longest compliments I've ever heard'' ''Then let me be more succinct [adorable kiss]'' BITCH I'M GOING TO KILL YOU#WHAT IF I WANTED A LITTLE KISS HMM!!!!!!! WHAT THEN!!!!!!!#Anyways I used to get so sad knowing my favorite characters wouldn't like me. Cried alone in my room over it as a kid.#Now it's just like whatever. Join the club.#Anyways I LOVE how DOS' insanely amazing ability to sell those one-episode romances better than any other main cast member#inadvertently makes Charles seem uniquely susceptible to falling in love at first sight and being an embarrassing little hopeless romantic#which is an absolutely hysterical trait to give your rude brooding misanthropic antagonist#''I hate everyone in the world and they are all beneath me#except for this random girl I met yesterday who is Everything to me I love her SO much <3<3<3''#SEE. LITERALLY A GUY FROM AN X READER ''I CAN FIX HIM'' FIC.#Actually in my experience most X Reader types are fairly uninterested in fixing the him in question despite all the bad press they get#like at most they only care that the Him is nice to THEM and sometimes not even that#like I'm sure this is a phenomenon IRL but it's really not there much in the kinds of fanfiction#that everyone blames for causing said IRL phenomenon#I know this because I AM an I Can Fix Him person! And I'd be the one to find Fixing Him content if it existed!#for me it's only fun if there's fixing involved tbh. I don't want a Mafia Boss Wattpad BF that's not fun.#that's literally just a guy being mean to you. do we not get enough of that IRL. I want a little project!!!#these tags are one giant red flag for me as a person but you should have known I was unsalvageable the second I begged off a date with Trap#NOT the behavior of a mentally well person#mash
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pufflehuffing · 9 months
Courting rules in the 1890's and Hogwarts students
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Courting: be involved with (someone) romantically, with the intention of marrying.
I love reading time accurate fanfiction and decided to delve into the courting rules of Victorian England, more specifically the late 1800's. I twisted some rules to add my personal interpretation of how these habits would work for Hogwarts students. This post is specifically about courting, not casual dating. Please keep in mind that the 1890's weren't as progressive as the 2020's while reading and that this discusses middle- and working-class families. This post will probably be subject to additions when I learn even more about Victorian England.
English isn't my native language so I hope the grammar isn't too bad? Let me know!
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Meeting someone new.
Typically, teenagers were allowed by their families to begin courting between the ages of 16 to 18, though their education always came first. Girls were taught at home by their mothers to prepare meals and take care of the household. Boys were taught to work with their fathers at home or at the local workshops so they knew how to handle enterprise. During the summer months, Hogsmeade had more soon-to-be sixth-years working the shops than the actual owners.
In September, sixth-years were taught sexual education by the school nurse. She was aided by the potions professor, who taught the girls how to brew a simple contraceptive. Boys were taught their valuable role in society, and how important it was that they did not court multiple girls at a time. It was the boy who had to make a move, so to speak. Victorian women had a more helpless image than they do today, seen as delicate flowers who needed men to take charge.
A girl who was kind, patient, benevolent, peaceful, charitable, and caregiving, was worth pursuing. Girls were to pursue boys who possessed the ability to speak with ease, respect, and courtesy to all, a neat appearance, excellent manners and respect for all women.
The two sexes didn't mingle much. Students would often stay within their own circle, only befriending peers in their own house and classes. The only times that Hogwarts students really had time to meet someone new was during their walks in the hallways, study time in the library or on their trips to Hogsmeade. Therefore, students would often join extracurricular clubs to widen their circle like Quidditch, the school choir, the Astronomy club, Crossed Wands, etc.
Students taking Defense Against The Dark Arts were to follow rules when dueling with the other sex. Boys weren't permitted to use Depulso or other blasting charms at their female peers unless specifically asked for by the professor as it was ungentlemanly to launch a female into a stack of crates without reason.
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Dating and falling in love.
If he perceived that she was interested, and he was confident that his position in life and circumstances were sufficient to allow him to proceed, a boy took the next step — sending an owl to the girl's father (or his next-in-line if he had died or was absent from the family) to ask permission to pay a visit to their home. In this letter, he stated his position and prospects, and mentioned his family, as well as his blood status and house. Boys would often pen down what electives they were taking and which profession they would like to pursue after graduation. The letter's envelope would be sealed with a wax stamp of the boy's house or family crest.
Families played a crucial role in the courting process. Parents often had a say in their children's relationships, and the approval of both families was considered important.
If the father of the girl had approved of the young boy, courtship could commence. Most courtship was conducted exclusively in public places and always in the company of a chaperone. Note that I'm discussing romantic and not platonic relationships. Girls and boys were allowed to spend time together alone platonically, under the clear pretence they weren't courting.
The lovers weren't officially allowed to give their suitor any gifts without her parents being present during the exchange. Though it wasn't uncommon for boarding school students to hide lockets under their pillows and dried flowers in their journals, hoping the house-elves wouldn't find them. Flowers, fruit and non-explosive candy from Honeydukes were allowed to be given without supervision, as their perishable nature implied no greater enduring memorials.
With the many rules society put on courting teenagers, love letters were one way to escape the prim and proper manner at which they conversed. Love letters were considered sacred and sincere testaments to a couple’s love; such intimate correspondence was regarded with respect and a deep sense of privacy. A family member would never open a daughter’s or sister’s love letter. Upon receiving an owl she were to retire to her room to read its contents in private.
Often times girls would scent their letters with their perfume and moving portraits were popular attachments. Photography wasn't popularized in working-class families until the next century, yet witches quickly gossiped about conjuration spells that allowed them to take small polaroids of themselves. Boys would attach the dried flowers I mentioned earlier. The more experienced wizard could include a conjured paper butterfly or bird.
Staying at Hogwarts, students weren't allowed in the other gender's dormitories, so they resorted to explicit portraits and sneaky snogs in the Astronomy Tower or the Muggle Studies classroom. Gifting each other their scarf was a discreet way of "claiming" each other, though it was considered improper by the professors.
After having learned the disillusionment and silencing charms, teenagers were very eager to master Evanesco.
The more cunning wizards and witches of Hogwarts would sneak into the Restricted Section of the school's library to look for Muggle books that contained erotica in order to spice up their love letters and late-night encounters.
If allowed by her family, male students would accompany their date to the Yule Ball. They were instructed to never lose sight of her there and to not drink any alcohol in her presence. The couple was also required to arrive in separate carriages and left the event separately before midnight. The boy would walk his lover to her carriage or to her chaperone and bow his head to say goodnight.
As graduation approached, boys who were in the process of courting were sat down by their father figure who explained the importance of marriage. The boy was expected to start thinking of proposing to his lover.
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Getting engaged.
Though courtships were short and often only lasted less than a year, engagements were commonly much longer, and usually lasted several years. This was especially the case for working-class couples, as they had to work to save money for the marriage.
Though boys were allowed to ask their girlfriends for their eternal love via an owl, it was much more proper to do so in person. It wasn't permitted to propose marriage with a ring, though they were often obligated by the families to officiate the engagement with one.
After the couple decided to get married, the boy was supposed to visit his future wife's house often. Visits were often made in the evening and when he came over, he needed to pay attention to everyone in the family, not just his fiancée. The goal was to slowly win over the family's affection, especially the girl's mother.
Engagement rings were a means of showing a boy's wealth. If he had worked at the workshops or had inherited some Galleons from his family, he could gift his lover a more intricately designed one. Rings ranged from a simple band to a collection of carved initials and differing gems.
Rings weren't often gifted to boys from their girlfriend, though if her fortune permitted it, she could have a custom wand handle made for him.
Gift giving became more frequent amongst the lovers, as did penning love letters, since the couple would be spending more time apart to work and earn money. Gifts were allowed to be given in private now too. Lockets were often (officially now) exchanged with a small enchanted cloud inside. The light represented the giver's mood: red meant anger, blue meant sadness, pink meant in love, green meant happy. A bewitched bouquet or a self-writing quill could also be thoughtful presents.
Once the couple got engaged, they were officially allowed to get closer to each other physically. No couple had the nerve to tell their parents they had probably already kissed and perhaps spent the night in their lover's dormitory already, and that they snuck out just before the prefects and house elves would catch them. Nevertheless, they were now officially allowed to go for walks by themselves, hold hands in public, and take rides without anyone accompanying them. They could also share a hug, a sweet kiss, or hold hands publicly now.
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sunflowerhae · 2 months
GG! (Good Game!) 👾🌀👾 (L.DH)
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Summary: Famous YouTuber and Streamer y/n just moved in next door to scholastic loser haechan! No sweat for him! No big deal! Not like he has her picture above his computer! Not like he owns her merch that he stayed up all night to get! Not like he cried when she started playing his favorite video game! Not like he’s completely and utterly obsessed with her and all his friends know it!
Oh wait…Major deal.
Genre: SMAU (with occasional written parts) , loser college student!Haechan x streamer fem! Reader, somewhat strangers to ???, fluff, angst, mostly just haechan being obsessed with reader (you’re welcome delulu fans!)
Starring: All members of NCT DREAM, all members of AESPA, might have some occasional other artists pop in & out!
Warnings: profanity, sexual themes and language, mentions of obsessive behavior, more to come 😫☺️‼️
Playlist: punch, NCT 127 // about you, The 1975 // the adults are talking, The Strokes // disco, Surf Curse // from the ritz to the rubble, Arctic Monkeys // spy?, WHOKILLEDXIX // mass anasthesia, Mediavolo
Notice: all depictions of artists are fictional and no way represent who these artists are in real life. Any similarities are simply coincidence. All pictures are taken randomly from Pinterest. Anything you would like to see removed, please message me PRIVATELY and it will be discussed.
Notes: yay! I’m so excited for yall to read this UGH. I’ve been wanting to get back into the swing of writing recently, and I’ve been super obsessed with SMAU’s and thought I’d try it out. Lmk what u think! I love a boy obsessed w me so it felt only right to make this. Enjoy! 🌀👾💥
Status: Ongoing..
Want to be added to the taglist? Send me a message, or comment under the masterlist!👻
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The Flops™️ | extra |
Bad Girls Club | extra |
Ch. 1 - the worlds tiniest violin
Ch. 2 - that dog in u
Ch. 4 - I need a gun
Ch. 5 - manifesting 🫶
Ch. 6 - wattpad fanfiction (written)
Ch. 7 - Lala land
Ch. 8 - check engine light
Ch. 9 - chat is this real (Bonus)
Ch. 10 - The Friendzone™️
Ch. 11 - lil dude
Ch. 12 - #virgin
Ch. 13- Renselle 4 life
Ch. 14 - suicide not postponed!
Ch. 15 - don’t HMU ❌
Ch. 16 - u broke him 💀
Ch. 17 - FTCU by Nicki Minaj (written)
more to come… 💭
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🤖 Plot questions 🤖
Y/n and Haechan’s ages
☆ Main Masterlist ☆
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transmascutena · 4 months
i cannot get over how much ruka feels like a bad self insert fanfiction character. "suddenly this cool handsome guy shows up who was the true captain of the fencing club all along (and he's just as strong- no, even stronger than juri is) and, um, the reason he hasn't been mentioned until this point is because he was in the hospital (he's tragic too!!). and he of course gets to duel, because he has a super special rose seal too. and he's doing it because he's selflessly in love with juri and nobly wants to save her from that evil bitch shiori who i- i mean who he hates. and every girl in the school is deeply in love with him." and then the narrative itself has to kill him off to get him out of there because none of that was supposed to happen
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kooqitas · 7 months
— middle finger ★ with: myg!
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#pairings: stranger!myg X reader
#synopsis: just a stranger fingering you in the middle of the club
#tags: strangers, fingering, public sex, a little bit of degradation because u know... my history
🌸 . . nsfw, +18 | 
to be honest, i don't like this story, but after starting it's so bad to archive it :(
and as i always say: english isn't my first language, so be patient :)
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you felt the middle finger brushing in your underwear.
honestly? you even know how things happened
the last five hours have been weird. you break up with your boyfriend, cried a lot, stopped crying, and cried again, like, maybe you are on an angst fanfiction. 
isn't like you really love your boyfriend, because you don't, and you know that.
but does anyone want to be a kick in the ass? of course, not! 
so, after crying, you put on your best dress, put on your best make-up and go to the club. just for fun, you even know what club, just need a club. 
you drink, dance, talk with strangers, and everything is ok.
except for the guy who looks at you like a predator. 
he is pretty, really pretty, but you don't wanna anyone, not now, isn’t in your plane kiss someone tonight…
but happened… 
yoongi came close to you in a sneaky way, but now he had his hand firmly on your waist, while his middle finger brushed the middle of your legs.
the touches don’t happen suddenly, you dance, talk, drink, god he is hot! and after everything, his fingers… you know
‘’can i?’’ he asked, still brushing your finger on you.
‘’but, if someone see…’’
“that’s the joke, sweetheart!”
the deep voice makes you feel things (more than that you have feeling), you never do this before, like, oh my god a stranger is fingering you at a ballad? everyone can see you
‘’if you don’t, that’s okay! just a ideia’’ and his middle finger brushed again, you get more and more excited.
‘’can we go to the bathroom…’’
‘’but isn’t funny on the bathroom, if we go there, who will see you cumming on my fingers, doll?’’
you didn’t give a answer, not a verbal answer, you just ride on his finger, making yoongi smile and kiss you neck 
‘’i promise that i will be fast, ok? give me two minutes and i make you feel good’’
and you agree
he puts your underwear aside, and slides his fingers between your core.
you moaned, and he smiled.
he puts one finger, without any warning, and when you finally breath he puts the second.
yoongi is faster, making you bite your lips, training to not moan so loud, but he doesn't care, he wants everyone to see what you are doing.
''you're a mess, god! can you handle my dick opening your pussy?''
it hadn't even been a minute since you were there, and you could feel the orgasm approaching.
he said dirty things in your ear, how wet you are now, how tight, hot, how much he wanted put his dick on your little pussy.
you look for some guys close to you, a little group with five boys, everyone looks for the way that yoongi is fingering you. 
‘’you have fans now, everyone see my finger fucking your cunt, you need cum for him, baby, don’t be a bad whore, i know you can cum only with this’’
he’s right, you would cum.
and he noticed, so put the third finger…
‘’t-too m-much…’’ you scream, trying stop the hand who fucked you without any delicacy.
‘’you can, baby, just cum on me, come on’’
his thumb goin on your clit, and this is enough…
you cum on his fingers, shaking all your body while you scream and close your legs. 
yoongi laughed, putting his fingers on his mouth and sucking everything, every liquid of you.
‘’good girl, so good to me…’’ 
he gives you a kiss, your panties still thrown to the side
‘’now, you have two options, baby: i'll finish you off here in front of everyone, and let everyone record what a stupid cockslut you are, or i'll eat you in my house, where i’lll only stop fucking you when i can't take it anymore’’
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
Heyy :) Can you please write headcanons of dating quackity, but in his earlier eras? (like 2019-21 maybe) ❤
ooooo yes of course!!! ; fun fact I've been watching him since 2018 or so (I don't mean this in a "Oh I'm cooler than you way) ; thank you for the request!! this was fun as hell ; I tried to kinda do it in a chronological order but yeah, I did like stuff and then more details of relationship if that makes sense yk???
QUACKITY ; 2019-2021 era
warnings ; language, talk of drugs, jokes about sex
genre ; fluff
word count ; 858
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Raiding Club Penguin with him and Axel was a core memory for you. It was the first true time, however cringe it sounds, that you saw Alex as your best friend.
he'd always try to make you laugh, especially on stream
such a little tease
back in the olden days, we had those Discord server 'wtf is that food' videos
you guys rank some of them and how likely you'd eat them
also ranking Discord memes
so many of them were dumb shit or weird shipart from like 2015 deviantart LMFAO
"guys I know me and y/n are dating but that doesn't mean compare us to Shrek couples!"
"I thought Thanos was your true love?"
"He-He is! Oh my God, stop being so desperate, y/n. ugh"
once he got invited to the Dream SMP, you were all ears and proudly taught him how to play Minecraft
you made his alt skin with the tuxedo, which he didn't wear often, but used in lore some time later
youd often help him with lore ideas
he also got you invited into the SMP where he introduced you to some of his new friends
you knew schlatt and some others, but most of these people were new and it was nice meeting all of them
the fiances are established and then you and quackity are already a think and you also like karl, which creates a weird love rectangle with an open end because you and sapnap are sharing the other two 💀
lore goes fuckin crazy with that
while Karl's off making Kinoko Kingdom and Quackity's running Las Nevadas, you're building El Tropicana, off in the far away jungle biome
Alex would usually stream and translate Mexican soap operas, which you joined in for sometimes
you'd give the characters different voices and twist their words up a bit to make it more entertaining for chat
the amount of drug talk that went into that was wild
also the amount of queer kids bullied in those schools?? yikes on bikes
also the one with that girl who got in trouble for kissing a boy on the playground or whatever that was?? Jesus christ man
youd both act put the scenes on occasion and use Tiger as whatever kid was being yelled at if she was in the room with you
taking a break halfway through stream for him to play guitar and for you to karaoke to fuckin Bo Burnham
also making fake joints out of paper he had laying around and "lighting them up" aka setting paper on fire next to a PC and your faces
Jackbox streams with the Feral Boys until 3am>>>
Paranormal Activity in the middle of the night went so fucking crazy
teaching Bad how to play GTA is your favorite memory with those two
playing horror games and watching him play horror games with Karl while he visited him
how dare he leave you all alone (you couldn't go because you had a busy schedule)
your chats shipping the hell out of you and your dsmp characters
hella fanart and fanfictions man
try not to laugh streams where you always ended up laughing before the ten minute mark because of him
he purposefully does shit to make you laugh
reading fanfiction on stream was a regular activity especially for y/s/n
youd rank the book on a scale from one to ten and how accurate to real life they were
"nahhhh that one doesn't have enough Thanos, two out of ten"
"yknow what... were gonna have our own tier lists... okay?"
"damnit... does this mean I'm not getting laid later?"
promoting the quackityhq merch religiously
also stealing whichever beanie he wasn't wearing, either the LAFD one or the plain black and blue one
him tying you to a chair and forcing you to laugh was a common stream plot
tweets that were either very inconspicuous about drugs, very sexual, or very old married couple vibes
youd both be frequently trending on twitter
hot wings or dare streams with Bad >>>>
playing girls go games and hoping you wouldn't give his PC a virus
sitting in the inflatable pool fully clothed, playing with children's bath toys
he'd for sure be the type to fall for his best friend
whether it be all the way back then or just now, he could go forever without feeling any feelings but one day they'll show up and the nervousness begins
he'd lend you a hoodie if you were cold in his room and he just straight up begs you to keep it
lots of just staring at you while chat ships you, like genuinley just zones out on your pretty face
would probably doubt his feelings at first and talk to his mom about it and she's like "boy you have a crush. Go ask them the hell out, you're a handsome young man, I'm pretty sure they like you too"
genuinley spoils you with no good reason and after a while you just accept it
he starts sending good morning and good night texts
he'll repost (or reblog) (he has a secret tumblr) fanart of you two, especially if it's shipart
will constantly send you clips of movie characters making out or kissing and say "this should be us"
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unlimitedlust · 4 months
Good Girl Gone Bad (Javier Peña x Reader)
A/N: Heyyy, another Javier Peña thristy fanfiction for you!!! Now heads up for initial details I noted people appreciate:
Word count: 4.3K
Disclaimers: it’s a female Reader x Javier story, +18 (very explicit scenes ahead guys) 🌶️🔥👄💦, unprotected p in v, tinges of sub Javi and breeding kink!!!
When you see this “-0-”, I recommend you to put “Ride or Die, Pt. 2” by Sevdaliza, Villano Antillano and Tokischa for ambiance purpose!!!
Please let me know if you enjoyed it, likes and reblogs are very much appreciated and also encourage me to keep writing (if you like my writing ofc 😅)
Enough said: Enjoy your reading!!!
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Javier seized the burning sensation from the freshly brewed coffee down his throat as he took a big gulp from his mug, as if the bitter liquid was going to turn off his mind from all the work he had to do for at least a few seconds. His eyes scanned the big piles of files around him, the full ashtray almost falling off the front border of his table and next to the telephone he’d left off the receiver on purpose.
DEA staff ran up and down their office talking on the phone, receiving and printing new information from loud fax machines, typewriters keys clicking annoyingly loud, both English and Spanish being spoken all the time. For an ordinary person who wasn’t used to such a busy dynamic it was a maddening environment itself, not to mention the main part of their job, which was chasing after narcos.
Javier knew all their faces and names, but he was under such stress he just didn’t care to engage in any kind of small talk conversations with his coworkers anymore, and day after day he understood the wallflower that sat in the farthest corner of the office, just doing her job like a horse on a winker.
He knew she worked there for a while now, but all the knowledge he had about her was her name and that she was a great investigator. She was so quiet the only times he’d heard her voice was when someone greeted her and she greeted them back. At first Javier thought she was a weirdo, but now not only he admired her invisibility and discretion, but also understood why she wanted to be left in peace in a corner just doing her job.
The fact that she was a beautiful woman didn’t go unnoticed by him of course, even without ever seeing her smile, but she kept herself shut to any contact with anyone in that place he just didn’t dare to bother the peace she seemed to hold and he envied so much.
Sadly his position in the DEA didn’t allow him to have that luxury, after all, he was The Javier Peña.
Hours flew by and by the time Javier broke his attention away from the files in front of him, he realized it was dark outside and he was alone in the building again.
He knew he still had endless work to do for the day, but he’d had enough, his head would explode if he spent another night in that office, he needed to leave and blow off some steam.
“Fuck this shit”
Grabbing his car keys, Javier left the empty DEA office and drove mindlessly around the city looking for the first place that would grab his attention enough to drag him inside.
Tonight he wasn’t looking for a hooker to spend a few hours by his side, if he wanted that he’d just head home and call one of his contacts and get it over with.
He wanted something different, something cheerful and with heavy drinks, he desperately needed to forget his job and all the shit he had to deal with everyday just for a few hours.
A club with big pink neon lights adorning its name caught his attention as he parked his vehicle on the side of the street, the loud reggaeton beats coming from the inside drawing him in as he made his way to the entrance.
Just as he stepped inside he was swallowed by a sea of sweaty and drunken people dancing, twerking, grinding on each other, hands all over the place, allowing the sensual and captivating beat to take over their bodies and desires.
It was perfect for what Javier needed at that moment.
He made his way through the crowd to one of the bars, checking out a few asses on his way there, feeling more comfortable and confident as he received some flirtatious glances in his direction.
With an ice cold beer in hand he checked out the dance floor in front of him once again, but this time a woman in a dark pink skin tight dress caught his attention. He hadn’t seen her face yet as she had her back turned in his direction, but the way she swayed her hips and how that tantalizingly short dress hugged her body in all the right places made his mouth water at the sight. He couldn’t help but wonder how she would look like moving like that on his dick, riding him in a reverse cowgirl position with that juicy ass and bouncy hips. The thought alone made his jeans feel tighter on himself.
Javier took a larger gulp of his beer as he got ready to approach her, ready to use all of his charm and unfailing game with women in hopes to be the one to take her home tonight.
But as soon as she turned in his direction, his jaw dropped when he realized the woman he was lusting on was the wallflower from the DEA, the one that no one knew nothing about other than her name and the info on her files, held a naughty smile on her face as she danced in the most provocative way possible, dragging not only Javier’s but many other men’s attention, and she knew it, she meant it.
Every now and then men tried to approach her to dance with her and maybe get a little taste, but she ditched them all gracefully. She didn’t want them. She wanted to feel desired and lusted on, but for her the real fun was in taking the candy out of their mouths, which was drawing them in like a mermaid, to then ditch them off like nothing.
The new discovery only encouraged Javier to take his shot with her. He was well aware that working with her could be both a leverage or a weakness, and there was only way he could find out.
She hadn’t seen him yet, the dim and colorful flickering lights over her didn’t allow her to see faces clearly from a certain distance, so he used that to watch her, waiting for the perfect window to go after her.
And just as she left the dance floor to the bar at the other side of the club the window was open.
“Good girl only during business hours?” Javier purred in her right ear just as she rested her forearms on the counter.
He didn’t miss the way his low voice caused goosebumps on her skin, the thin hairs on her arms standing immediately as he got by her side on the counter, waiting for her answer as she displayed a sly smirk on her plush lips.
“What makes you think I’m not a good girl full time?” She batted her eyelashes, a challenging glimmer in her orbs as her eyes traveled from his brown ones to his mouth, watching him lick his lips for a second as he seemed to get lost in his sinful thoughts for a moment.
Taking him off guard, she rested her right hand on his chest and slid her index finger over the first sets of buttons of his cream shirt, opening the them skillfully in a swift motion, revelaving part of his tanned and smooth chest, the light touch of her fingertip being enough to make his heart race.
“I like you better that way” The playful smirk never leaving her lips “Charming”
“Charming enough to buy you a drink?”
“I like shots better”
Javier was now by her side, right elbow propped on the counter as he signaled the bartender for two shots of tequila. He put two shot glasses in front of them along with a salt cellar and served them a small plate with pieces of lime, producing the bottle containing the golden liquid for last.
“Leave the bottle” He demanded just as the bartender finished filling the glasses.
They put salt on their hands, licked it and downed their first shot, the section of lime coming right after to soothe the bitter oaky punch, the alcohol instantly warming up their bodies.
“How did you find me here?” She asked, running her thumb in the corner of her lips to clean off the excess of lime juice.
“Are you upset about that, cariño?”
He faked a pout.
“Well…” She paused, pretending to be thinking deeply about the answer “I’m actually glad you found me”
“Is that so? Mind telling me why?”
“If you play my cards right, might as well show you” She teased him, pouring them another round of tequila.
“Then teach me how to play them”
They took their second round of tequila, but this time their eyes never broke their contact, a silent dispute of power between them, hunters hunting one another, testing each other to see how far their teasing would go, who would lose the battle and give in first.
Javier was both amused and tempted.
Amused because he still couldn’t believe that in front of him, challenging him, was the shy reserved woman from the DEA, claws out and ready to attack.
Tempted because she was the temptation herself. But Javier was a competitive man and he wasn’t going down without a fight.
“Do you dance, Mr. Peña?”
“Javi” He corrected “You’ll have to find out by yourself”
“I’ll take my chances”
She winked and handed him another shot, both of them sinking it fast, the spicy-woody liquid didn’t even burn their throats anymore as their bodies already felt like in flames, not only from the alcohol, but also from the heated exchange between them as every second, every word, every glance felt like electric shocks, like adding fuel to the fire.
Javier waited for her to give the next move as she sized him up, the smug look on her face making clear she had nothing but bad intentions in her mind, and oh boy how he wanted to get into her trouble.
“Come on”
She hooked her index finger in one of his pant’s belt loops and pulled him, the sudden move making Javier jolt forward, his body halting less than an inch away from hers, a dangerously short distance separating them as she watched amused his surprised reaction over her small stunt.
Colorful lights beamed over them as they were now in the middle of the dance floor, a loud song with heavily provocative beats and lyrics guiding their bodies, her arms resting loosely around his neck and one of his hands keeping her close by the end of her back as they danced together, their hips moving in sync, up close, almost intimate, but never brushing against each other, one of his legs strategically positioned between hers as they swayed sensually.
She slid one of her hands down his chest seductively, but this time, he was the one in control.
The hand on her back slid to her waist and spun her around, his hands now keeping her in place and practically locked against his body by her lower belly and waist, her ass now rolling irresistibly close to his crotch.
Javier loved how her skin reacted to the way he manhandled her, goosebumps all over as she bit her bottom lip and threw her head back, leaning against his shoulder as she let herself get lost in her own lustful thoughts for a moment, the suggestive lyrics only adding to her imagination.
Taking advantage of her exposed neck, Javier got intoxicated by her smell, the jasmine and warm notes of cocoa overpowered his senses as his lips traced the sensitive skin towards her ear, the light touch of his lips along with his mustache intensifying the goosebumps she still hadn’t recovered from yet.
“Am I up to your expectations?” He whispered in her ear, his lips moving just above her lobe. His teasing affected her more than she’d like to admit.
They lost track of the time they spent dancing together, teasingly of course, but also having a great time singing, laughing and smiling at each other.
Javier, who'd never seen her smile before that night, couldn’t take his eyes off her lips every time they curved upwards, revealing not only her beautiful lined teeth, but also the dimples on her glowing cheeks, lighting up her already cheerful face.
And again he caught himself admiring her, as they were now outside of the club. Javier stood leaning his back on his truck’s passenger door while she stood on his opposite side, leaning herself on the wall behind her.
A comfortable silence hung between them as he lit up a cigarette and she drank the last bottle of beer she got on their way out. Javier inhaled the smoke, enjoying the feel of the nicotine kicking in his system as he watched her take a gulp from the bottle, her lips wrapping around it softly as she reciprocated his gaze.
He wondered what her lips felt like, not only against his lips, but all over his body, plump and soft kissing him, caressing him, marking him, sucking him, the thought alone making his pants feel tight once again.
The sound of her heels clicking on the pavement took him out of his reverie as he now realized she was coming to him, slow and steady steps. She left the half empty bottle on his truck’s roof behind his head and then took the cigarette from his hands, bringing it to her own lips as she held it between her manicured nails.
And just as she leant on his vehicle by his side, he took his cue to leave his position and imprison her between his body and the truck, his arms hovering on each side of her head, the smug smile indicating she had him right where she wanted him to be: his body inches away from hers, the muscles on his arms twitching with the force he held onto the truck’s roof ledge, trying not to lose the last bit of restraint he still had.
She puffed the smoke out of her lips towards his, the simple yet enticing gesture making him snap and take the cigarette off her hands in a swift motion, throwing it away just as he crashed his lips against hers.
Their tongues met right away initiating an erotic dance, devouring each other, euphoria rushing through their veins as their teasing had finally reached its goal.
Javier cupped her jaw and pressed his body against hers urgently, the jolt against the truck making the beer bottle fall and shatter on the ground, the loud noise and green glass on the pavement not bothering them at all as she pulled the soft curls on his nape and grazed her teeth against his lower lip.
His big hands slid down her waist behind her and grabbed her ass cheeks, pulling her up and making her wrap her legs around him for support, her short dress rolling up to her hips leaving her almost half naked on the street.
Using the leverage he had with the position, Javier ground his raging erection trapped inside his jeans against her core, covered only by already drenched black lace panties, earning a strangled whimper from her.
Part of him wanted to just pull her panties aside and take her right there on the street against his truck, raw and rough. But the other part wanted to take his time with her, after all it would be a shame to just resume the last few hours of teasing in just a few minutes. And also, he didn’t know if he’d had another shot with her after they got back to their professional facades.
“Are we getting inside your truck or you want to give our audience explicit content?” She tilted her head, indicating the group of people next to the club’s door, a few curious eyes lingering, waiting for their next step “Either way I’m in”
“You’re mine only, at least for tonight” His teeth dug on the soft flesh of her neck as he fished the car keys in his back pocket “But as long as I can fuck you I’m into anything you want, bonita”
Javier put her down and opened the truck’s back door, revealing the brown leather cushion dimly illuminated by the street lights.
He let her in first and watched with hungry eyes the way she crawled inside the vehicle and then rolled her body upwards, resting her back on the other door only to then slide her panties down and off her legs, spreading them open in a seductive way, offering herself to Javier, who hurriedly got inside the truck and closed the door behind him.
He pulled her by her ankle and hovered over her, his gaze connecting deeply to hers as he fished the panties she’d dropped on the car floor and put them in his back pocket, the simple yet unexpected action arousing her even more.
Javier’s hand made its way to her nape, bringing her head up for a breathtaking and passionate kiss, their hungry tongues invading and exploring each other's mouth as her fingers slid down the buttons of his shirt, undoing them without breaking their kiss.
As they devoured each other frantically, her hands explored his broad chest and abs, enjoying the feeling of his soft golden skin under her digits and the way his muscles flexed with the thrusting movements he made every now and then, purposely grinding his clothed erection against her exposed core.
Their kiss got sloppy as Javier’s hand found its way down her body, feeling her soft breasts, the curve of her hips then down the smooth skin of her thigh and leg, hooking it on his back before his hand slid up her body again but this time, skipping no beat towards her intimacy.
Javier growled when he finally felt how wet she really was for him, her arousal coating his fingers sliding up and down her pussy in feather-like touches just to tease her.
Whimpering, she rolled her eyes and clawed his back under his shirt when he increased the pressure with his digits and traced tight circles against her needy clit, her whole body melting under him as it got overpowered by shameless waves of pleasure.
Drinking in her sexed expression, Javier slid a finger inside her wanting a bigger dose of satisfaction out of the intoxicating woman under him. The unexpected invasion of his thick
finger made her moan louder and arch her back against his body, which only encouraged him to add another one right after, stretching her further, her slick pussy clenching around his fingers in response.
She bit his shoulder as he finger fucked her, his fingers massaging the magic spongy spot inside her as his thumb roled lazy circles on her clit, making her nails drag angry scratch marks down his back while her other hand pressed hard on the leather backrest, nails desperately digging in it.
Javier trailed small nips and kisses along her collarbone and neck while his fingers kepting working on her, all of it adding to the building pleasure in her lower stomach, getting her closer and closer to bursting at each expert rub of his rough digits against her clit and g-spot.
But she didn’t want to come yet, much less in that submissive condition.
Fighting against her own urges, she pulled his hand out of her, bringing it to her lips to lick her own juices off his fingers, her dark orbs drawing him in as she sucked his fingers suggestively, swirling her tongue around them.
“Now sit” She commanded, cheeks still red and heart racing from his finger fucking “And take of your shirt”
She didn’t need to ask Javier twice for him to comply, he knew she was close on his fingers, and now he wanted to see and feel what she had in mind.
Just as he took his shirt off and straightened his back against the seat, she straddled him and pulled down the top half of her dress, exposing her breasts, hard perky nipples at his mouth’s level and he couldn’t help but to dive in.
Javier fondled and squeezed them hard with both hands before he took a mouthful of one of them, teeth grazing the hard bundle of nerves, then rolling and sucking in with his flat tongue, and then repeated the same stimulation on the other one, feasting on the soft mounds before him as she unfastened his belt and unbuttoned his jeans.
Catching up with her intentions, Javier lifted his hips from the seat, enough to take both pieces of clothes off, allowing her to undress him completely, all while he still delved into her breasts.
With his thick and hard manhood free, she spread his leaking precum over his tip with her thumb, tantalizing him before she finally took it and held it against her clit, rocking her hips back and forth, arching her back towards the front seat behind her and getting herself off against his shaft, her slick blending with his precum.
Javier broke apart from her chest to gaze down between them, his cock sliding easy against her drenched folds, teasing him shamelessly.
“Condom?” He asked, but only out of politeness.
“No” She leaned in, foreheads touching as she whispered against his lips “I wanna feel all of you”
Her answer got his cock impossibly harder and dying to feel her, and for his luck, she was also getting impatient.
Javier held his breath the moment she stopped her motions right when his tip was lined to her entrance, the thrill of anticipation of finally having her making his heart race faster as his hands flattened on her thighs.
“Tell me what you want” She demanded seductively, teasing his tip pressed against her opening, torturing him with slow rolls of her hips, threatening to slide down on him at any second.
“I want you, cariño” He gasped, chest heaving up and down.
“Yeah? And what do you want me to do with you?” One of her hands cupped his jaw and brought his lips close to hers, close enough to feel his ragged breath against hers.
“Ride me, bonita, I’m yours”
She placed a soft kiss against his lips before she leaned back between the front seats and placed her hand over her mound, fingers spreading her folds apart allowing him to have a full view of where his tip met her pussy, until she finally sank on his cock, her opening slowly welcoming and swallowing him in, his thickness stretching her walls each inch as his name came out of her lips in the sexiest moan he’d ever heard, and he swore that that scene alone was enough to make him cum.
But he needed to last, he needed to feel more of her, see her, have her, every detail in front of and on him, getting him terribly pussy drunk on her at each second as he felt their bodies merging and watched his cock disappear inside of her, her walls tightening around him in a slippery and warm embrace.
He threw his head back and rolled his eyes as she started to ride him at a deeply addictive pace, his fingertips digging in the flesh of her hips, pulling her harder down on him at each thrust forward.
“Eyes on me, Javi” Her command came out as a needy whine as her hand slid down his neck towards his shoulder, the skin slapping sounds getting louder as her bounces got harder.
Javier moved one of his hands to the back of her head, fingers tangling in the roots of her hair as he now thrusted his hips up to meet hers, the new and unexpected angle made her cry out his name again and dig her nails onto his shoulders, looking for an extra leverage.
He hooked his other arm on her lower back keeping her body against his, and the way she melted in his arms only made him keep on, thrusting harder and faster against her while she held onto him for her dear life.
Without disconnecting their bodies, Javier laid her on the backseat, eager to be the one fully in charge, especially because holding his release back was being a lot harder than usual.
One of his hands took support in the car’s windows, which was completely humid and foggy and entrentched with sex as he fucked her hard, her back arching and her walls tightening around him with her climax right around the corner.
She closed her eyes and moaned even louder as he put one of her legs over his shoulder, the new angle allowing him to go even further, deeper and drive her into oblivion in record speed.
“Look at me when I’m fucking you” He demanded, bossy as the Javier Peña she was used to watch on duty, and that was the line for her to feel the knot on her lower belly snap hard, strong waves of white hot pleasure through her veins, making her cum hard and milk his cock looking deeply in his dark eyes.
The mesmerizing scene together with the clenching from her climax on his shaft also made him cum seconds after her, exploding inside her, his hot seed filling her in long spurts, the feeling of his dick throbbing inside her riding her high for a few extra seconds before they collapsed, the hand on the car window leaving a wet trail as it lazily slid down.
She moaned when he finally pulled out, instantly missing him inside her as he carefully took her in his arms and laid next to her, nestling her body against his, both their breathings and heart beats still racing fast.
“We have a problem now” He muttered looking at the car’s ceiling.
“What?” Her answer was low and unconcerned, too fucked out to care about anything at that moment.
“Office hours are gonna be challenging from now on.”
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vvynia · 9 months
my internal struggle, as a black woman, writing black reader-specific fanfiction: a reflection
sometimes i catch myself feeling bad for having many of my works be specifically geared and shaped around black readers. and this is because the last thing i believe will drive out harmful discrimination and exclusion is more segregation, but then i remember that there are a plethora of other works out there tagged with “white character’s sister!reader” that will simultaneously boast lines such as “you tried to hide the growing redness on your cheeks.”
my first contact with reader-insert fanfiction was when i was around twelve. they were written for various fandoms i’d lightly dabbled in. as i read them, i made myself feel better when i saw white or fair skin-coded lines by psyching myself into believing i just wasn’t the norm; that it was okay for me to not feel seen by others. after all, i could just pretend those lines didn’t exist, right?
but it sucked and, especially as a black girl growing up in one of the most poverty-striken states in the US, i felt weird for liking what i liked. all my peers were watching bad girls club or listening to solely rap and r&b, but i was getting into fairy tail and how to train your dragon and visiting barnes and noble almost twice a week. i liked vocaloid and MMOs and had the radio set to my local pop station for hours a day.
so when i catch myself feeling some type of way because i’m not feeling inclusive enough or like i’m perpetuating centuries-long issues just in reverse, i imagine little v right next to me in her school uniform, relaxed hair in a high pony, and ballet flats. i imagine her on her kindle fire scrolling through silk browser. she finds my—her—black reader fanfiction. she’s so excited that she has to inhale sharply just to catch her breath. she smiles cheek to cheek as she taps the link.
her seeing my work tells her that there are black girls out there who aren’t weird for liking what she likes, and they write too!
so i implore anyone with doubts to undersrand that “x black reader” fanfiction isn’t an act of segregation, but rather, an act of healing.
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blood-inthefields · 3 months
Summary of all my Yennefer/Tissaia fanfics so far...
♠ All we are (is dust in the wind) ¬ It takes four days for Tissaia to find Yennefer after the battle of Sodden.
♠ Pynk (is where it all starts) ¬ In which hot-shot lawyer Tissaia de Vries unknowingly walks into a strip-club and finds herself hypnotized by one of the dancers there. Not how she’d planned her evening to go.
♠ Get naked (i got a plan) ¬ The phone rang, drawing her attention. With a sigh, she picked it up. “Phil, is that you?” Distorted by the line, a muffled voice answered her. “Johnny got clipped.” Tissaia’s hand balled into a fist. “You know what to do,” she replied curtly. The line went dead. She hung up, ran a hand through her hair. A bath would do her good. And then she would go find Yennefer. 
1920s AU.
♠ I’m your sinner (and your whore) ft. JZXR7 ¬ Due to circumstances entirely beyond Tissaia’s control (Yennefer. Due to Yennefer), she’s found herself trapped in her bedroom with a human whirlwind during a minor pandemic.
She has decided, in all her collected wisdom as Rectoress, that the girl has ten minutes to stop talking before Tissaia takes drastic measures.
♠ Want you, yes i do (bet you never knew it) ¬ The first time that Yennefer considers throwing Tissaia on a bed is in Rinde.
♠ I’ll be loving you (til the end of the night) ¬ Tissaia comes home after a hard day at work to find that her girlfriend has a couple of surprises in store.
♠ The one where Tissaia is a freestyle dance teacher ¬ “It’s Tissaia,” Triss told her, concern evident in her voice.
“What’s with her?”
Now closer to the window, Yennefer leaned forwards and watched as her former mentor, way down below, was shaking her arms and upper body in very strange ways. Had the woman finally lost it?
♠ I will let you down (i will make you hurt) ¬ She feels the blade against her throat before she’s even done with her sentence. Tissaia remains calm, despite the cold metal piercing the skin ever so lightly. Something warm runs down her pale skin and she knows it’s blood. Still, her eyes never leave Yennefer’s.
“Why,” Yennefer begins, almost shouting, as she stalks forward until she’s all up in Tissaia’s face. “Why did you let them send me to Nilfgaard?”
♠ My immoral ft. thinkbucket ¬ What’s up preps, I’m Yennefer Fireball Darkness Purple Mist Vengerberg and I’m a teacher at Aretuza.
or, a parody of legendary fanfiction My Immortal.
♠ Didn’t wanna believe it (but now you are all I see) ¬ It’s on their third date that everything goes to shit. In hindsight Tissaia should have known crushing hard on the whirlwind that is Yennefer would mean her life would be turned upside down. However, she had never imagined it would land her in jail.
♠ And now the surface ripples¬ She’s been scouring the Continent, desperate for a cure for her barrenness when word reaches her.
Tissaia de Vries is dead.
♠Find my place (in the warmth of your embrace)¬ A look at some entries of Tissaia’s diaries about her ever-evolving relationship with Yennefer.
♠ Stay a while (and be mine) ¬  Post Sodden Hill, Yennefer and Tissaia are back at Aretuza. One night changes their relationship forever.
♠ After hours ¬ Could the torture be any worse? Yennefer wondered. It was bad enough to have to spend entire days with Tissaia stuck in a classroom together with noisy, dirty children but being around her after the day was over and the children and other teachers had left was pure torture.
♠ Wanna kiss you (til I lose my breath)¬ The woman is not just a powerful sorceress, she’s an absolute witch and Yennefer tries to hide but it feels pointless. One look from Tissaia and she becomes an open book.
♠ I will reach for you (when you’re feeling low) ¬ Set in 2.03 after Yennefer shows up at Aretuza and gives Tissaia a gay heart attack.
They know, they all know what Yennefer means to her, how long she’s spent trying to find her.
♠ I used to float (now I just fall down) ¬ Post 3.08. Petals descending from the ceiling. Yennefer knew right away it was Tissaia, from way above up in her study, honoring her fallen girls. She looked at them, admired how they fell silently to cover the freshly dug graves.
Then the pain came.
Sharp, burning, unexpected.
Yennefer gasped.
♠ For neither ever nor never (goodbye) ¬ Missing scene from 3.08. Drabble.
♠ This is a glove story ¬ Tissaia receives a gift.
♠ If you wanna go (then I'll be so lonely) ¬ When she finds Tissaia on the floor surrounded by her own blood, Yennefer’s first instinct is to run to her, so she does. Her knees sink to the floor and she wails, cradling Tissaia’s body, hovering over her as if to shield her from harm. But the harm is done, and Tissaia’s the culprit, and Yennefer curses her name.
♠ Sinking fangs (into pumpkin delights) ¬ It is Halloween and Tissaia's been invited to a party where she meets a bewitching stranger… one that could potentially bite her, if asked nicely.
♠ Somewhere in the darnkess (us together for a while) ¬
“You’re playing with fire, Yennefer,” Tissaia warned, a hint of regret in her voice.
The younger mage closed the small gap between them, gently but firmly grabbing Tissaia’s hands with hers.
“Maybe I've always been drawn to the flames,” she replied, her eyes never leaving Tissaia’s.
♠ Do not stand by my grave and weep (I am not there, I do not sleep) ¬
“What did she mean to her,” Ciri bluntly asks after a while. The question’s escaped her but now she can’t take it back. She wishes she could when Geralt remains quiet and a slight frown appears on his face. He doesn’t know, she realizes. Or he does not want to tell her.
And that, in itself, is the beginning of an answer.
♠ Oh, my lover (you made me feel like no other) ¬ Freshly divorced, British architect Tissaia de Vries embarks on a journey to Italy where she finds herself caught in a whirlwind romance with a beautiful and enigmatic young gondolier.
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libraryledge · 2 months
Please, Please, Please (A Bikeriders Story) Pt 1
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A/N: I'm a big fan of Sabrina Carpenter and her song, "Please, Please Please". I thought it'd be fun to do a story about Kathy and Benny from The Bikeriders inspired by the lyrics in the song.(Contains minor spoilers from the film.)
I walk into the county jail, and I'm immediately escorted to the calling booth by one of the officers. They already know me by name, which should be no surprise considering who I'm about to visit. You, Benny Cross, one of the youngest members of the biker’s club, the Vandals. You've been arrested more times than I can count. At this point, it's just another Tuesday afternoon for me. 
I consider myself to be a person of good judgment and taste. It’s funny and ironic that only I feel this way. People tell me I should leave you because you'll never change. However, I tell them that you're different. After all, everyone makes mistakes, but I keep praying that you just don't.
You wear so many disguises. Maybe you should have become an actor. I wish you'd pull the best performance of your life and act like a stand-up guy. Every time you head out with your friends, I plead whatever devil's inside you, not come out for the night. I've used the turbulence of motorcycle culture as an excuse one too many times that by now, everyone rolls their eyes. I know I wouldn't buy my explanation either. 
I sit at the booth and pick up the phone. Your blue eyes stare back at me as you ramble on about running seven red lights and leading the police through a chase downtown. I shake my head and think about all the red flags I raced past myself when I chose to marry you. I knew better. 
“All I'm asking Benny is please, please, please don't prove I'm right,” I say with a roll of my eyes, as I voice my frustration. 
I listen through the phone as you continue to tell your side of the story. When you finish, I sigh and point to my face, which has half done mascara and lipstick upon it
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“You see this? I was eagerly getting ready for our date, and what do I get in return? A call from the police station saying you’ve been arrested. Don’t bring me to tears when I just wanted to do my makeup so nice,” I say in exasperation. 
You give me a look that is both apologetic and amused, and I return the gesture with a stern gaze. 
“Listen, I've heard enough of your sob stories for them not to have an effect on me. Heartbreak is one thing. My ego’s another. I used to be respected. Now, all of the neighbors gossip about Kathy and her troublemaking husband. I have a reputation to uphold,” I say with a roll of my eyes.
“So do I,” you reply with a twinge of annoyance. “Those guys were insulting my colors, Kathy. You always tell me to stand up for what’s right.”
“Yes, but not to break the law! You sped through a school zone and delayed traffic for over an hour. Do you think I have money growing out of my ears? How are we going to afford to bail you out?”
“I can call Johnny and the guys and see if they can give me a hand,” you reply with an almost sheepish look upon your face. 
I sigh. “Fine. Just stay out of trouble, and I beg you. Don’t embarrass me mother-”
Benny hangs up the phone and cuts me off, knowing what was about to come out of my mouth. I frown at him through the glass of the calling booth. He shrugs playfully and gives me a lopsided grin.
I shake my head, trying to suppress a smile of my own. It’s that stupid smirk of his that gets me every time. Benny is a sweetheart. If only he could get his head screwed on straight. He may love a good street chase, but the way he makes my heart race could give his motorcycle a run for its money.
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sakyhana13 · 5 months
I have a Hazbin Hotel fanfiction where Vaggie is a Carmine and here I have a compilation of memes of the Carmine girls and their dynamics in this dubious fanfiction that hasn't come out yet.
The relationship between the three of them is basically that typical sibling thing: "Mommy found you in the trash, but if someone said that to you, I'll want names."
They will pick on each other, but in the end, they will be sleeping cuddled up in a pillow fort with Clara moving restlessly around the bed, Odette with all the sheets to herself and Vaggie curled up in a ball like a cat.
Clara and Odette are somewhat protective of Vaggie, because she is their youngest sister and even though she vehemently denies being treated like the baby of the house, claiming that she is an adult with the body count and PTSD of a retired war soldier, no one cares. , she is the baby of the house and nothing will change that. Let Charlie say it, after a short conversation with the older Carmine sisters, she came out pale and shaking (she thinks she would faint when her future mother-in-law talked to her).
Odette is the oldest sister, Clara is the middle child and Vaggie as previously mentioned is stuck as the youngest child.
Clara is chaotic, extroverted and clearly has ADHD. She is the artist daughter, theater and cinema are her passions, even in hell she still writes some scripts and records short shorts during her days off, when she is not doing odd jobs as a DJ in the clubs in the lust ring (Carmilla obviously doesn't know from that). She is usually the one who gives the bad ideas, the one who drags her other two sisters into adventures or misadventures. She is a talker, a person who knows how to deal with the public, a stellar negotiator and salesperson. And well, she will do everything, everything, to make her sisters happy.
Odette is obviously the child whose mind never stops thinking of new ideas and theories. She is the inventor of the weapons produced by the Carmines industries, but she has her personal projects that don't involve military weapons, like gadgets to make her life easier, like her little robotic assistant ASSIs and her hellish computer because she's not using the fucking technology manipulated by the Vees. She's basically an Entrapta, autistic technological genius inventor. And it all started because she saw a plane take off and she wanted to do something similar. Carmilla had to prevent her daughter from meeting Jesus a few times (all 3 of them in fact, being little devils who got into trouble whether they wanted to or not). She just seems to be controlled and less chaotic than Clara, but anyone is less chaotic than the middle Carmine, but don't be fooled, just like the entrapta she's a bit of a mad scientist, but she and Vaggie usually reverse each other in controlling chaos. , normally she will agree with Clara's ideas at first and then bitterly regret having gone. Despite this, she feels responsible for her little sisters, so that they stay safe and well, she would do heinous things to care for and support the two idiots that her mother did the favor of tying her to forever.
And then we have Vaggie, you know how she is. But before the fall, even before her time as an exorcist, she was a quiet and shy but extremely curious child. She wasn't an artist like Clara or an inventor like Odette, in fact she was an explorer. Your eyes seeking to learn about the world around you, especially the little animals among the leaves. Loving every second he could spend outdoors watching the little ants do their work or exploring the forest or beach near his childhood home. Vaggie strangely has a chaotic streak, but is it completely by accident or because she went along with her sisters, usually she will be the voice of reason, but when is she not? Well, maybe hell's heaven will turn yellow and hot pink. Vaggie is autistic and I don't have much else to say other than: I love this headcanon and you can pry it from my cold, dead hands. Plus Vaggie would definitely lose her other eye to protect her sisters if she had to, but she'll never admit it, because she'll never hear the end of it if those two scoundrels hear it.
Yes, Carmilla has chaotic and neurodivergent daughters who would knock God off the throne if it were for their sisters, their mother is very proud.
(Sorry for the bad English, it's not my language, and the crazy text, but I've had this in my head for a while and I wanted to get it out, because I don't know when I'm going to write a fic with it.)
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xxdoompatrolxx · 5 months
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Hello! I'm Kaleigh but you can call me Kay if we are close :) she/her any are fine though (16) Bisexual Favorite things: Video games (OLD GAMES ESPECIALLY), Horror/Comedy movies, True crime cases, Poetry, Anatomy, Old things, Fanfiction, Cards, Weapons, Video game Emulators, Music, Animals, and TV shows. you can ask for my socials if you want to become friends I mostly use Discord, but my messages are open. I don't have really any dni's but one I have is don't be racist or I'll just block you if you don't take to my liking. FAVORITE GAMES: Postal, Doom, Playboy Mansion, GTA, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater/Underground, Sally Face, South Park: The Fractured But Whole, Emily is Away, Half-Life, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Roblox, Nintendogs, Pac-man Party, etc TOO MANY. FAVORITE SYSTEMS: Nintendo 64, SNES, NES, Every PlayStation But PS2 is amazing, Xbox 360, Xbox 1, WiiU, and Wii. FAVORITE MOVIES: Natural Born Killers, Almost Famous, Every American Pie, Every Jackass, Every Austin Powers, Buffalo '66, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1/2, Scream, Bride of Chucky, Butterfly Effect, Saw, The Sandlot, Stand by Me, The Breakfast Club, Dumb and Dumber, and My Friend Dahmer. FAVORITE SHOWS: Eastbound & Down, Daria, Clone High, Malcolm in the Middle, Hamtoro, Family Guy, Breaking Bad, South Park, Aqua Teen Force, King of the Hill, Fallout, F is for Family, Big Mouth, Friends, Wonder Showzen, Full House, Moral Orel, That '70s Show, Freaks and Geeks, MTV Cribs, Rock of Love, American Horror Story, Beavis and Butt-head, Saturday Night Live, The Tom and Jerry Show, We Bare Bears, Powerpuff Girls, Dexter's Laboratory, Johnny Bravo, and Pokemon. FAVORITE MUSIC: Nirvana, KMFDM, Rammstein, Prodigy, Nine Inch Nails, Descendents, Seether, Beastie Boys, Korn, Etc. Spotify: neon.dogg SHOUTOUTS TO THE BEST FRIENDS: @contraculture and @nyaturalbornkiller and @scoutingout5 :3
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choccy-milky · 5 months
Funny story: when I first found your art I was reluctant to read the fic, because I thought there is absolutely no way that one person can be this talented in two different art forms (drawing and writing). Boy was I wrong. Now Clora and Seb live in my heart and mind rent free. 🥹 Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. 😁
BAHAHA AWW THIS IS BOTH SO FUNNY AND NICE😭💖 like damn, whats her secret.....🤔🤔🤔 (its brainrot. the secret is brainrot. draw and write obsessively enough and for long enough and you're bound to get decent at it eventually BAHHAA) BUT THANK U and im glad u gave my fic a shot in the end 🥹im fr so lucky to have ppl that like both my art AND my fic it feels like im in a lil book club sometimes its so fun so THANK U ALL 💖💖
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I WANNA DRAW THIS NOW but seb likes how soft/small she is, bc it makes her nice to hug and also reminds him of how delicate and feminine she is and how much he wants to protect her. and PHYSICALLY clora likes sebs freckles and his eyes (and also how toned and lean he is, which she'll only really admit to when shes drunk BAHHAA)
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SURPRISIGNLY IVE NEVER READ ANY HARRY POTTER FANFICTION, not in hogwarts legacy OR the og harry potter. ive read all the books and when i did, ron x hermione was my main ship, and idk, i guess i never got into the fandom enough to want to find fanfics bc the books satisfied me on their relationship enough. but yea, ron/hermione is the only thing i really shipped, though before HL came out i DID consider/was about to go look for dramione fics since i was craving that good girl/bad boy dynamic and i knew that was a big thing with dramione (but then i ended up just making my own in the end LMAO)
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@dokuroskull23 ASTARION NO QUESTION WHICH I SEE U AGREE WITH BASED ON UR PFP LOOL. I LOVE MY VAMPIRE TWINK AND I LOVE PRETTY BOYS (i still need to finish bg3 tho...i got to act 3 before stopping bc i wasnt happy with my character. and now that mods are out im gonna completely restart and make my tav even hotter LMFAO)🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
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LMFAO "TITS ANON" as per whats on your government ID. (this is actually just clora now) but also THANK U GLAD U LIKED IT, MORE VARSTITTY JACKET + HOODIE SEB IS ON THE WAY, TRUST💖✍️✍️
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charm-u-laterarchive · 8 months
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍎🥧💭 ꒱ ˎˊ˗:*ੈ✩‧₊˚
A ton of Apple and Darling headcannons <33
Apple White:
☆Lesbian (She/Her)
Never really had a thing for Daring
Her first crush was probably Briar (the gal loves tall women)
☆Manages to be in almost every club (nobody knows how)
☆The only clubs she really likes are GSA and student crowncil
☆Reads Ao3 One Reflection fanfics
☆WRITES Ao3 One Reflection fanfics
They're VERY popular fanfics too
☆She has super cute glasses but never wears them :[ her mom made her self-conscious of them
☆Despite her mom's frequent criticism, she talks to her about almost everything
This kind of filters out as time goes on, and she becomes more accepting of changes to destiny- she still talks to her mom a lot but doesn't share so much
☆She's Ashlynn and Hunter's biggest fan now
She's very intent on supporting her friends, so whenever she hears anyone talking bad about them, she gives them a very stern (and unnecessary- Ashlynn has tried to tell her) lecture
☆Her fav date with Darling is study dates at the café
2 gals with things to do (who also want a little kiss every time they get an assignment done)
☆For a while, she had no idea who woke her up during Dragon Games
Nobody would tell her for the longest time-
Eventually she managed to get it out of Briar because she felt too bad not telling her BFFA
Darling Charming:
☆Lesbian + Transfem (She/Her, fine w/ using He/Him when shes in armor)
When she was little everyone was SUPER confused
She came out and after some debate her whole vibe was switched because she couldn't be a prince anymore
Thats why her story is "made up"
☆Shes got like. Archer body type + tall (the 2nd tallest girl in school)
☆Once her and Apple start dating she becomes a designated proof-reader of Apple's fanfiction
Not a One Reflection fan- but she tolerates it for her lovely girlfriend
☆Her parents were VERY unhappy upon discovering she was Apple's destined princess
Like "almost pulled her out of school" upset
She was taken away for about a month before her parents were convinced that it was acceptable (for the sake of following destiny, despite the slight disruption to tradition)
☆Her fav date with Apple is a tie between study dates (same reason as Apple) and little picnics
☆She collects old knight stuff
Pieces of armor, shields, swords, books, autographs, that kind of thing
Its a small collection since she isn't normally allowed to keep those things (it's unladylike)
☆Yknow how boys are like obsessed with her?? After publicly being out as a lesbian there's also girls now
Everyone loves her
A lot of boys backed off actually, but some still think they somehow have a chance??? (They do not, obviously)
☆After Dragon Games she finally got into Heroics classes!!!
Under the condition she would still take a few classes like Princessology (so she's still elegant, her mom still wants her to be at least a little ladylike-)
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