#badboyhalo au
aetherean-alchemist · 7 months
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sweetie-peaches · 8 months
Qsmp apartment au but something is slightly off about everyone there
• those in the complex has built a bit of community around each other, they’re all close. All connected in some way, and they turn a blind eye to others adnormalities
• Tubbo, the local biological engineer (or that’s what he says he is) never actually says where he works. Or who keeps him and Sunny living comfortably in their apartment, with Sunny getting new and fancy clothes almost every week.
• the basement of the complex is blocked off to residents, yet they swear they see Tubbo toting what looks like medical supplies and machine parts to it in the early hours of the morning.
• residents claim to see Phil standing on the roof some time, a weird shadow behind him, he leaves a trail of feathers wherever he goes, despite never seeming to have anything with feathers on him.
• missa who’s skin is always cold, who seems to come and go, like some kind of ghost or reaper
• if you watch closely you’ll see a little girl running up and down the hallways at night, don’t make her notice you though. Charlie is the only one she likes, he’ll talk to her and play with her as though she’s his lost daughter
• BadBoyHalo is the kindest resident, he bakes muffins for the kids and parents regularly, though he does have a mischievous side to him. Try not to shuffle things around too much in his apartment though, you’ll see the sigils carved into the floor and that’s no fun for anyone is it?
• things in the complex disappear sometimes. Don’t worry about it. They’ll come back, if you have to leave your apartment late at night, pretend the ceiling isn’t the floor, and the floor isn’t the ceiling. Step around lights, don’t acknowledge it, you’ll be okay.
• if you see the eyes the eyes see you. Run. Don’t come out, for the sake of everyone and everything you love don’t fucking come out.
Feel free to add more!!
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bantaro-bird · 5 months
Clearing out old posts in my project folder. I have a stack of lore doodles for my dream monster doll AU.
Picking up right where the first post left off, after Sapnap rescues Dream, he tries to tell Skeppy and BBH about him, but they don't believe him. It's just Sapnap's doll that he carries everywhere.
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Not knowing where the monster went, thinking it could maybe even be invisible, BBH and Skeppy are really worried about Sapnap's safety. Until the thing turns up again and they can get rid of it properly, BBH brings Sapnap to sleep in his room.
Dream can disguise as a doll, but he's still a living creature that needs to eat, so when Sapnap bring him to bed, he has to sneak out without waking up BBH.
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He wakes up Sapnap, who is not too keen on staying in bed.
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Dream knows Sapnap isn't supposed to be up this late and, despite his struggling, takes him back to bed.
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But Sapnap makes a lot of noise during this, which wakes up BBH and alerts him to the fact that Sapnap is missing from his bed. Skeppy was awoken by the noises too and they both go to investigate the source of it. They find Dream carrying Sapnap and immediately start trying to figure out how to rescue Sapnap. Skeppy hits him as hard as he can with a wooden baseball bat, but the bat just breaks and Dream in unphased. Before they can think of anything else, Dream just approached BBH and gently offers Sapnap to him.
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He then returns to his toy form.
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So Skeppy and BBH are finally putting together that the toy and the monster really are the same, and maybe the monster is Sapnap's friend after all. But it's still clearly a REALLY dangerous creature and they don't know if they can trust it.
For now, BBH declares a truce between them and Dream on the condition that Dream sleep alone in Sapnap's room tonight so they can all get some sleep and talk about this situation properly in the morning.
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Dream agrees to these conditions.
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In the morning, Sapnap comes running excitedly to wake Dream, who is extremely groggy and still pretty hungry.
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Dream turns into his toy form so Sapnap has to carry him to the kitchen.
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At breakfast, while Dream and Sapnap are really excited they don't have to keep their secret anymore, Skeppy and BBH still really don't know how to feel about all this.
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The only drawing I have concerning the family meeting is this one about Dream's lack of table manners.
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And then I have one last drawing where Dream learns about Sapnap's fire powers for the first time. It was from a later segment where BBH gives Sapnap some trash and tells him to take care of it. Dream follows Sapnap into this mysterious metal shed where the walls and floor are covered in soot. Dream is extremely uneasy. He thinks Sapnap is going to be irresponsibly playing with fire so he keeps trying to stop him. In the process Sapnap accidentally gets a papercut, and then deals with it by summoning a flame to cauterize the wound. Dream is eventually properly informed that Sapnap is a fireborn and that BBH and Skeppy regularly give him burnables to take to the shed to practice controlling his powers.
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kenjo-arts · 7 months
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Who is aware TM (magical boy au)
In order of who learns when :] and how they looked back at the age they learned the truth.
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magicalbunbun · 2 months
So I'm thinking Dsmp Y/N with either Technoblade,Wilbur or Bbh and Skeppy don't ask why
And I feel like Foolish,Slimecicle or Jaiden(Platonic sorta way?,more siblings relationship?)
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And witch ship I enjoyed the most:
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By the way guys, I redesign MC from dream smp because I start to not like the design I made then🫣
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SAVETHEM mini game
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digoload · 1 month
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volleyball au pt. 2 !!!!! (part 1)
I know the shading makes it difficult to tell but Tina is the libero lol. Rivers is opposite hitter, bbh is outside hitter, pac is middle blocker, and tubbo is the setter. (6th and 7th unseen players are probably like aypierre (outside hitter) and mariana (middle blocker). Missa is probably backup libero and Lenay is probably a backup middle blocker, aannnd thats all the headcanons i got for this AU atm lol.
This is a redraw of a haikyuu screenshot (under the cut)
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dappersautismcreature · 9 months
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saint eve {reblogs appreciated}
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elgatofx · 5 days
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a couple of doodles I made over the past week (funny sonadow skephalo tweet and main oc Nieves and my newest oc Lijun)
Also did an art trade with Sin on Elitas' discord 💜💜 and doodled sunnymph (characters belong to @einelitas
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st4rry-fruitz · 1 year
ok time for more sillies 🤝
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prozach27 · 1 year
Okay as someone who was mainly following Jaiden’s streams on the qsmp, it’s hitting me JUST HOW MUCH jaiden lore you miss 😭 I’ve started watching foolish’s recent livestreams while playing Minecraft and holy crap, Jaiden was there for the ARREST of pac & Mike (and immediately got BEHIND foolish when he pulled out his gun)? She was there for Foolish accepting a position as a detective for the federation and receiving his badge? She successfully got BadBoyHalo to tell her everything he had on Foolish after JUST WITNESSING foolish begin working for the federation, all while playing completely dumb? Jaiden stream followers really are left in the dark on how much Jaiden knows about what’s going on in the QSMP, and it’s SO INTERESTING because how much else has she done on this server that she hasn’t shown on stream? What other actions has she witnessed (or even committed) that she didn’t want broadcasted to her YouTube audience? The amount of incriminating lore she’s a part of off stream makes everything to do with her disappearance SO much more interesting
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ive-got-you-clovered · 10 months
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supine-ly · 2 years
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Au doodles- I love drawing Bad can you tell?
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grunya34 · 9 months
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bad and tubbo!
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kenjo-arts · 11 months
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c!Bad! from my ma.doka au :D
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the-final-sif · 9 months
C!Dream brought c!Sapnap home before he died, but now has to confront something brand new to him: a worried adult. 
Dream was very relieved when the demon scooped up Sapnap, but less relieved when he was also pushed towards the house. He considered running, he really did but-
His entire body was tired and sore and the house didn’t look quite like a nest but it did look warm and safe.
So Dream let himself get pushed inside for whatever awaited him there. 
As it turned out, the demon was far more preoccupied with Sapnap. The demon handled Dream’s friend very delicately, putting him down right next to the roaring fire and running to grab potions. 
Dream wasn’t quite sure what he was supposed to do, but after deciding that the demon didn’t seem too dangerous, he shuffled a bit closer to the fire. His hands still felt numb, and he’d only just realized he was shivering. 
The demon fussed over Sapnap for another few minutes before rather suddenly snapping his gaze towards Dream, as if he’d just remembered Dream was there. 
 “Are you- I’m so sorry, I almost forgot- Are you alright? Did you get hurt at all? What happened?”
Dream just barely made out the questions, and once again he considered bolting for the door. 
 Still, what if the demon needed to know what happened to Sapnap? What if he didn’t let Sapnap come out to play anymore if Dream didn’t tell him?
 “I’m- I’m okay. Don’t think I’m still hurt. Just cold. We were cavin’ and the floor broke. We fell into a really cold river. I dragged ‘im out and gave him regen. Me too, for my hands. And strength ‘cause he’s heavy.” 
As Dream spoke, he shuffled his feet nervously, not sure if this demon was going to get mad at him. The man did have a tail which was helpful but he didn’t have wings and his tail movements were very different from what Dream was used to reading. He couldn’t tell if the demon was angry or not. 
When the demon responded, his voice didn’t sound angry. 
“You were- Okay. You two were in a cave. Okay. I- I’m glad you got him out. That was very brave of you and you must’ve been very determined to keep him safe. He’ll- he should be okay. He got cold, and that’s very scary for a blaze hybrid, but he’s warming up now. You should come here too, to warm up.” The demon then paused for a moment, seeming to realize something.
“You’re Dream, right? The boy that Sapnap keeps telling me about? I’m Badboyhalo, Sapnap’s father, but most people just call me Bad.”
Dream wasn’t quite sure how to respond, so he just nodded to confirm his name as he shuffled closer to fire. The shivering hadn’t quite stopped yet and his fingers were starting to ache more. He must’ve gotten pretty cold to not feel that.
The demon- Bad, didn’t seem happy with that. His brow furrowed and he reached out, gently grabbing Dream by the arm and pulling him until he was next to Sapnap. 
“Here, come here, you’re obviously cold. Sit here, let me go-” 
And as he spoke the man stood up, bustling over to the couch to grab a thick blanket that he draped around Dream’s shoulders. It was warm but a bit scratchy. Dream put up with it regardless. 
“There, that should help you warm up. Let me go make you something- Do you like hot chocolate? It’s Sapnap’s favorite drink. You aren’t allergic, right?”
Dream wasn’t sure what all-er-gic meant, but he shook his head regardless. If he didn’t know what it was, then clearly he couldn’t be it. He also didn’t know what hot chocolate was, but he knew that XD sometimes gave him chocolate ice cream and that tasted pretty good. So hot chocolate was also probably good?
As Dream quickly discovered, hot chocolate was actually amazing. Bad had even brought him a little tube that was much easier to drink with. He didn’t even need to move his mask!
As he sucked at the drink, Bad checked over Sapnap again, smiling at whatever he found. Which was a good sign probably? After his check, Bad turned back to Dream.
“Before I forget, Sapnap mentioned that you had a guardian- The two of you have been gone for quite awhile. It’s been almost a full day. Have you been able to contact them? I imagine they’re quite worried about you by now.” 
Oh, That was longer than Dream thought they’d been gone, but XD wouldn’t be worried. Dream had met him only a sunrise before he’d set out with Sapnap, so XD wouldn’t be looking for him for another few days. But Bad seemed to think that XD should be, which was weird. He’d need to pick his words carefully. 
“My guardian won’t be worried. They can always find me if they need to. If Sapnap’s okay then I should probably head home though. The hot chocolate was very nice though, thank you for making it.”
That seemed to alarm the demon, as Dream shrugged off the slightly scratchy blanket and offered the now empty mug back to him. His tail quickly lashed back and forth, something that set Dream on edge. 
“Wait, that’s not- I mean, it’s past nightfall. Mobs will be out right now. It’s not safe for you to walk back alone. Maybe your guardian could come pick you up? Or if you could wait just a little, Skeppy should be back soon. He was out looking for Sapnap, he could stay here and I could walk you back home?”
Uh. Dream had to pause in confusion. Why would it not be safe to walk at night? Night was very safe. It was when there were friends around that would give Dream directions or let him know about dangers. Plus it felt like home. It reminded him of the comfort of the void. His eyes weren’t quite as good at seeing in the dark as they used to be, but he was still well adjusted to it. Night felt far safer than day, it was much easier to go unnoticed. It was also easier to navigate when he had familiar stars above him. He also felt more connected to XD at night. It was far easier to call his guardian under the cover of darkness. 
Demons were from the nether, right? The nether didn’t have nights, so maybe that was why Bad was scared of them? That made sense to Dream, so he tried to explain, 
“I know night might seem scary, new things often seem scary, but it’s actually very safe! I know you don’t have it in the nether, but it’s a lot like day, it’s just darker. Your eyes get used to it pretty quickly. Maybe. I mean, my eyes get used to it quickly. I dunno about demon eyes. But once you learn how it works, you can use the stars to figure out where you are.” He gestured widely, trying to convey the wonders of the sky. (sometimes he missed flying, most times he missed flying). 
“Mobs really aren’t that scary either. They don’t bother you unless you bother them, and some of them are actually quite nice. Enderman are very nice and very safe. They help me reach fruit sometimes, and one even helped me get down from a very tall tree.”
He was trying to be comforting, Bad was probably just unused to the overworld, but the demon’s brow furrowed further and he seemed… confused? More so than before. And then his eyes fixed on Dream’s mask and went wide in some sort of realization. 
“Ah- I supposed that would make it a bit safer. Still, you’re too young to be out there alone. I would feel a lot better if someone was walking you back. You said they can find you- could you call them? Surely they wouldn’t mind coming to take you home?”
If Dream asked, he was sure that XD wouldn’t mind coming to take him back home. It actually would probably be nice, his legs were very tired and achy. Night was comforting, but it was also cold. But… XD was very nervous about strangers. He might not want to be seen. He might be worried about this demon or about Sapnap. Dream didn’t want his guardian getting nervous. So he stretched the truth a little.
“They’ll be with me. I’m never walking home alone, particularly not at night. If anything happens that I can’t handle, they’ll be there.” As he made his assurances, Dream shuffled his way to the door, with Bad hovering nearby. Not stopping him, but clearly not quite convinced. Hm. Oh! Right at the edge of his hearing, Dream heard a familiar noise. Something that reminded him of home. 
Throwing open the door, he called out with a loud VROOP and got a low whirr in response before a familiar black and purple figure strode out from the forest.
The enderman was tall, most of them were, and it seemed happy to see him. It did seem… nervous? Probably the lights of the house. It was a bit much. But it held out a clawed hand that Dream happily took before looking back towards Bad. 
Weirdly enough, the demon was looking at the floor he seemed… scared? Had he never met an enderman before? They were very nice. Or maybe there was something important about the floor? Oh well, Dream needed to get going.
“Okay, I have someone to walk with me now, so I’m gonna get going home. Goodbye, Bad! Thank you for the hot chocolate!” 
With his thanks given, he led the enderman out of the yard and into the dark, feeling his guardian’s presence wrap around him as he did so. The soreness in his muscles eased and he felt a new spring in his step as he hurried along back towards his treehouse, back towards home where safety awaited.
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