#bailey swain
jolifleurbleu · 11 months
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
📨 Random simblr question (for the ts3 simmers) of the day: Who's your favorite premade sim?
*sigh* I hate admitting this, I really do, but I make it so obvious. Bailey Swain is my favorite premade.
Look, she's just a special kind of awful that is endlessly entertaining to me, ok? There's something extra in her code that makes her completely devoid of any personality to the point where it actually loops back around and gives her the most personality. This girl will literally stand in the corner staring at the wall for hours. This girl will walk away from other Sims mid-conversation like she lost interest in them because they weren't vampires. This girl will have no thoughts in her empty little head whatsoever and then randomly start pondering the meaning of existence out of nowhere. It's wild. She's the worst. I hate her with every cell in my being and I absolutely love that.
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callistothebard · 1 day
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zergula · 2 years
Welcome to The Kingdom Of Kaodina
The Kingdom Of Kaodina welcomes you to our bustling yet ancient town! Our townsfolk are living their best lives as their ancestors did before them. It's a simple life in Kaodina but luckily, the townsfolk seem to have special abilities to make it a little more exciting! There's mischievous fairies, wicked witches, wild werewolves, vicious vampires, and even beautiful mermaids everywhere! There are fantasy homes, ruins, and lots of parks for your sim to explore!
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I have played Moonlight Falls and Dragon Valley far too many times. I wanted a new fantasy/medieval/tudor world to play in so I decided to try making my own! I found this gorgeous map by JanasCreatives and just had to make my very own perfect new tudor town!
Interesting Characters
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There are a lot of townies from Dragon Valley and Moonlight Falls here: The MacAnna Sisters, Robin Hooley, The Dolans, The O'Connells, The Goodfellows, The MacDuffs, Chaucey Grimm, Gladsten Farmwell, John Burb, Siobahn Murphy, Bailey and Chester Swain.
The Mudd Family is a farming family! They love to get their hands in the mud to plant, build, and more! You'll see them tending to their garden on their lovely lot all of the time!
The Blossom Fairies are best fairy friends and probably 99% responsible for all of the shenanigans around town.
Cordelia Morgan has been a resident of The Kingdom Of Kaodina since the beginning…mostly because they can't keep her out of Kaodina Bay. She is a daughter of the sea king!
Flora Root loves her little house on the peninsula. She can practice her alchemy potions, let her garden thrive, and all with an absolutely beautiful view!
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Around Town
27 community lots 74 residential lots
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There is lots to do in The Kingdom Of Kaodina! Along with all EA rabbitholes, there is:
Splash Mountain Rollercoaster by soocoolsim - set as a beach, your sims can lay under the sun, swim, snorkel, play in the water, or even ride an amazing rollercoaster!
Camp Plumbob by ruthlesskk - even medieval sims still like to camp so bring them down to this beach and pick your favorite tent!
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Royal Bulldog Pub by XOX1 - you can definitely meet some interesting folks at this dive bar!
The Old Mill - a smaller version of SimGuruKitty's Old Mill, you can catch only the best fish here. It's the town's best secret
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The Three Broomsticks by elle0808 - a lovely cafeteria where your sims can enjoy all kinds of different delicacies from around the world
Kaodina Market And Nectary - lots of fun trinkets to find here or sell your own! You will be surprised at the nectar selection as well!
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Kaodina Entertainment District is where you will find the grocery store, theater, bijou, and a fun arcade with all games.
The Opera House And Casino is Kaodina's Live Show Venue where you can see your favorite performer, play some casino games, or both!
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Country Bear Jamboree by Sandraelle - this is where all of the locals gather to have some fun
Kaodina Library has a lot of books and you can buy some at its bookstore, too! The Vault of Antiquity is here for all of your deep research needs. The Wyeth Institute art gallery is right next door!
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Visit the Gypsy Camp by LariFari2009 to purchase potions and glimpse into your future…for a price, of course.
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Prosperity Lounge and Casino by Joolster - a dance club with an underground live music room
Notre Dame de Paris by soocoolsim - an absolutely gorgeous recreation of the Notre Dame where your sims can get married, or get buried.
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Kaodina Fire And Rescue - a small station on a big lot with everything you need for the firefighter career.
Construction Pete's Junkyard - a small junkyard with lots of treasures to be found!
The Duke Of Bows Renaissance Fair - store venue edited a bit by me and set as the town gym
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The Kalua Pool by Snowmoon - a cool oasis pool ready for your next party
DunBroch Archery by Sandraelle - a recreational park where you can practice your archery, martial arts, or just enjoy the scenery
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Orchard House - a community garden hangout with a working tractor so you can grab those goodies even faster. Who says a medieval town can't be a little modern?
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Other Important Info
Kaodina is a medium world. I have all expansions, all stuff packs, and all store content so I am sure most of it is used in this save. If you do not have some of the items, the game will generate another item in its place. The only expansion not used is PETS so I am not sure how it will perform with pets and horses, etc. but there is plenty of room for them. This is a world save file so you will have to have the world installed in order to play the save file. In this download there is the world download and 3 save files:
KaodinaCommunityLots - this save is only the community lots, no residential houses
KaodinaUnpopulated - this is the final version of the save with zero households
KaodinaPopulated - this is the final version of the save with all households
There is zero custom content in this save
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I hope you enjoy! Please tag me @zergula or hashtag #kaodina in any posts or photos you share because I would love to see them. You can check out my other world saves here: River Falls and here: Simarellen Happy simming!
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thsc-stuffs · 1 year
Galeforce Family Tree
Buckle up because there's a WHOOOLE lot to unpack here. (Info under cut)
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Alright, so, needless to say Hubert comes from a bit ole military family. For current clarification, the squigley lines signify adoption and the dotted line signifies a child born from parents not in a relationship.
Starting at the top!
Dewane and Martha Galeforce got married young and had a whole lotta kids. Dewane was KIA while very shortly after Hubert's birth, so Hubert was the golden child.
Children in order are Mark, Mary, Kaitlyn, Krista, Reynaldo (not featuring his deadname), and Hubert.
> Mark and Mary were twins. Mark went into the military, Mary went into the police force. Mary was KIA.
>> Mark Galeforce married Emma Swain, had Conrad and Bailey Galeforce. Conrad died of cancer in his 20s. When Bailey married John Bukowski and they had twins, she named them Conrad and Calvin, after her brother.
Kaitlyn is somewhat distant from her family due to her parent's disaproval of her being a single mom to her adoptive son, Noah Petters, and said son being trans. They've gotten better over the years, though, and the two have started showing up to family events again.
Krista was killed in a car accident in her teens, when Reynaldo was around 8.
> Between Krista and Dewane dying, Reynaldo had a lot going on and his mother took a lot out on him. By the time Hubert was born, Reynaldo was the oldest kid in the house and in turn expected to help take care of Hubert.
>> Needless to say, when his coming out turned sour, it was the final straw. He had been offered a place in the clan by a buddy of his and he took the offer.
>>> Reynaldo married Jaques Kensington, then Harriet Smith after Jaques' death. Harriet fell pregnant and panicked, murdering Reynaldo and fleeing the clan. She abandoned the baby boy. The signature, H.S., was taken to be the boy's initials and he was named Henry Stickmin.
Hubert dedicated himself to the Military almost immediately and grew distant from the family because of it. By the time he came out as gay and got married to Dmitri Petrov, the family wasn't outright homophobic but Grigori Olyat did fistfight Mark at the wedding for saying some fucked up shit about the couple.
> Dmitri and Grigori adopted Terrence Suave. Yes. I got a taste of this with an au and almost IMMEDIATELY fell in love.
> Terrence had a son, Charles, who he didn't want to be dragged into everything and didn't feel would be safe being raised by a hated ex Toppat leader. So, Hubert adopted him. He got to keep Terrence's new last name, Calvin, and was told of the situation pretty early in life. It's why he's chill with criminals/crime but still doesn't approve of the Toppats.
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echoweaver · 2 years
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One strange night, under a full moon, a frightening creature rose up from the ground in our front lawn.
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He crept up on Bailey Swain, who was standing on our front porch for some reason.
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Then he spent all evening hitting on her.
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The nerve of some people.
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[Note: It took me a couple of looks to realize the action is in the window on those last shots. LOL.]
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irnalia · 2 years
playing the sims 3 lately. Sent Bailey Swain to uni, where she married Leonard Shelly
Anyway new fave crack ship is Bella Swan x Sheldon Cooper
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kurtlukiraz · 1 year
Polis dedektifi DS Swain (Vicky Myers), uyuşmuş görünen Carla Barlow'un (Alison King) dikkatini çekmek için bağırırken, Michael Bailey (Ryan Russell) tedirgin görünüyordu. Stephen'ın yeğeni Sarah Barlow (Tina O'Brien) da kendi başına bir sınavdan geçmiş gibi görünüyordu.Şu anda Stephen, habersiz kız arkadaşı Jenny Connor (Sally Ann Matthews) ile Tayland'a taşınmaları hakkında sohbet etti ve Jenny'ye, Tim'in kanala gitmeye cesaret edip edemeyeceğini sordu; Aynı yerde bir temizlik girişimine kaydolmadan önce.Stephen yakın zamanda Tim'in kurbanlarından birini imha ettiği yerde onu gözetlediğini fark etti. Ancak Stephen, eşi Sally (Sally Dynevor) için gecikmiş bir yıldönümü yemeği hazırladığı için Tim'in aklından daha fazla uzaklaşamazdı.Kevin Webster (Michael Le Vell) bir futbol maçı biletiyle uğradığında Tim, annesi Elaine Jones'a (Paula Wilcox) Sally'yi yüzüstü bırakmayacağına dair güvence verdi ama Kev yine de bileti orada bıraktı.Ancak Stephen'ın kanal temizliğiyle ilgilendiğini duyunca Tim'in dikkati tüm bunlardan dağıldı.Coronation Caddesi'nde" sınıfları = ""]Coronation Caddesi'nde" sınıfları = ""]Stephen kaçmak için uçuşunu değiştirdi. ITVTim kanala yöneldi, burada bir kayık kancası yakaladı ve bir ceset görene kadar suda balık tuttu. Tim taksiden polisi çağırmak için koşarken cüzdanını yere düşürdü ama Stephen araca bindi.Buna benzer daha fazlaTim sakin kaldı ve bir süreliğine Stephen da sakin kaldı; ta ki Stephen, Tim'in polis karakoluna gittiğini fark edene kadar.Stephen kravatını çoktan çıkarmıştı ve arabayı sürerken Tim'i boğdu. Tim kaçmayı başardı ve koştu ama Stephen metal bir boruyla kafasına vururken başıboş bir ayakkabı bağı onu durdurdu.Kendine gelmeye başladığında Stephen, Tim'i bağladı, ardından vahşice üstüne çıktı ve Tim'i çıplak elleriyle boğdu! Daha sonra Tim'i taksisinin bagajına koydu ve ormanın içinde üzerini benzinle kapladı, ancak tepedeki bir helikopterin onu ateşe vermesi engellendi.Bilgilerinizi girerek şunları kabul etmiş olursunuz: Şartlar ve koşullar Ve Gizlilik Politikası. Aboneliğinizi istediğiniz zaman iptal edebilirsiniz.Bu arada, Stephen'ı kendisine ilaç vermekle suçladıktan ve DS Swain tarafından onun peşinde olduklarını söylememesi gerektiğini hatırlattıktan sonra Carla, Stephen'dan özür diledi ve nazik davrandı. Ancak daha sonra Carla'nın Jenny'yi bulguları konusunda uyardığını gördük.Craig Tinker (Colson Smith), Swain'e kanaldaki bir ceset hakkında bir raporun geldiğini söyledi ve ikilinin kısa süre sonra bunun bir aldatmaca olmadığı konusunda hiçbir şüphesi kalmadı.Bölüm boyunca gelecekten daha fazla flaş sahne, Swain'in Carla'ya "Ne düşünüyordun?" diye sorduğunu gösterdi. Sarah'a soru sorulurken: "Neden bildiklerini kimseye söylemedin?"Stephen Sokağa geri döndü, burada Sally ve Elaine onun yakasındaki kanı fark ettiler ve Stephen ertesi gün Carla'yı yurtdışına uçurmaya çalışırken Jenny onunla yaptığı konuşma hakkında sessiz kaldı.Jenny hamlelerini ertelemeyi önerirken sinirlerini tuttu ve Stephen mümkün olan en kısa sürede tek başına uçmayı gizlice ayarladı. Peki Sally kocasının yokluğuna öfkelenirken Stephen zavallı Tim'i mi öldürdü?Devamını oku:Coronation Street hafta içi akşamları ITV'de yayınlanıyor. Sabunlar kapsamımıza daha fazla göz atın veya neler olduğunu öğrenmek için TV Rehberimizi ve Yayın Rehberimizi ziyaret edin.Radio Times dergisini bugün deneyin ve yalnızca 10 £ karşılığında 10 sayıya sahip olun, AYRICA evinize teslim edilen 10 £ John Lewis and Partners kuponu da alın - hemen abone olun. TV'nin en büyük yıldızlarından daha fazlası için dinleyin Radyo Times Podcast'i.
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gundemburadadedim · 1 year
Polis dedektifi DS Swain (Vicky Myers), uyuşmuş görünen Carla Barlow'un (Alison King) dikkatini çekmek için bağırırken, Michael Bailey (Ryan Russell) tedirgin görünüyordu. Stephen'ın yeğeni Sarah Barlow (Tina O'Brien) da kendi başına bir sınavdan geçmiş gibi görünüyordu.Şu anda Stephen, habersiz kız arkadaşı Jenny Connor (Sally Ann Matthews) ile Tayland'a taşınmaları hakkında sohbet etti ve Jenny'ye, Tim'in kanala gitmeye cesaret edip edemeyeceğini sordu; Aynı yerde bir temizlik girişimine kaydolmadan önce.Stephen yakın zamanda Tim'in kurbanlarından birini imha ettiği yerde onu gözetlediğini fark etti. Ancak Stephen, eşi Sally (Sally Dynevor) için gecikmiş bir yıldönümü yemeği hazırladığı için Tim'in aklından daha fazla uzaklaşamazdı.Kevin Webster (Michael Le Vell) bir futbol maçı biletiyle uğradığında Tim, annesi Elaine Jones'a (Paula Wilcox) Sally'yi yüzüstü bırakmayacağına dair güvence verdi ama Kev yine de bileti orada bıraktı.Ancak Stephen'ın kanal temizliğiyle ilgilendiğini duyunca Tim'in dikkati tüm bunlardan dağıldı.Coronation Caddesi'nde" sınıfları = ""]Coronation Caddesi'nde" sınıfları = ""]Stephen kaçmak için uçuşunu değiştirdi. ITVTim kanala yöneldi, burada bir kayık kancası yakaladı ve bir ceset görene kadar suda balık tuttu. Tim taksiden polisi çağırmak için koşarken cüzdanını yere düşürdü ama Stephen araca bindi.Buna benzer daha fazlaTim sakin kaldı ve bir süreliğine Stephen da sakin kaldı; ta ki Stephen, Tim'in polis karakoluna gittiğini fark edene kadar.Stephen kravatını çoktan çıkarmıştı ve arabayı sürerken Tim'i boğdu. Tim kaçmayı başardı ve koştu ama Stephen metal bir boruyla kafasına vururken başıboş bir ayakkabı bağı onu durdurdu.Kendine gelmeye başladığında Stephen, Tim'i bağladı, ardından vahşice üstüne çıktı ve Tim'i çıplak elleriyle boğdu! Daha sonra Tim'i taksisinin bagajına koydu ve ormanın içinde üzerini benzinle kapladı, ancak tepedeki bir helikopterin onu ateşe vermesi engellendi.Bilgilerinizi girerek şunları kabul etmiş olursunuz: Şartlar ve koşullar Ve Gizlilik Politikası. Aboneliğinizi istediğiniz zaman iptal edebilirsiniz.Bu arada, Stephen'ı kendisine ilaç vermekle suçladıktan ve DS Swain tarafından onun peşinde olduklarını söylememesi gerektiğini hatırlattıktan sonra Carla, Stephen'dan özür diledi ve nazik davrandı. Ancak daha sonra Carla'nın Jenny'yi bulguları konusunda uyardığını gördük.Craig Tinker (Colson Smith), Swain'e kanaldaki bir ceset hakkında bir raporun geldiğini söyledi ve ikilinin kısa süre sonra bunun bir aldatmaca olmadığı konusunda hiçbir şüphesi kalmadı.Bölüm boyunca gelecekten daha fazla flaş sahne, Swain'in Carla'ya "Ne düşünüyordun?" diye sorduğunu gösterdi. Sarah'a soru sorulurken: "Neden bildiklerini kimseye söylemedin?"Stephen Sokağa geri döndü, burada Sally ve Elaine onun yakasındaki kanı fark ettiler ve Stephen ertesi gün Carla'yı yurtdışına uçurmaya çalışırken Jenny onunla yaptığı konuşma hakkında sessiz kaldı.Jenny hamlelerini ertelemeyi önerirken sinirlerini tuttu ve Stephen mümkün olan en kısa sürede tek başına uçmayı gizlice ayarladı. Peki Sally kocasının yokluğuna öfkelenirken Stephen zavallı Tim'i mi öldürdü?Devamını oku:Coronation Street hafta içi akşamları ITV'de yayınlanıyor. Sabunlar kapsamımıza daha fazla göz atın veya neler olduğunu öğrenmek için TV Rehberimizi ve Yayın Rehberimizi ziyaret edin.Radio Times dergisini bugün deneyin ve yalnızca 10 £ karşılığında 10 sayıya sahip olun, AYRICA evinize teslim edilen 10 £ John Lewis and Partners kuponu da alın - hemen abone olun. TV'nin en büyük yıldızlarından daha fazlası için dinleyin Radyo Times Podcast'i.
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necile · 2 years
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Theda took a trip to the elixir store, and while she was waiting for the cashier to show up, she sat with this young lady under a tree and read a book.
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wannabecatwriter · 3 years
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Sims the Season: Snowflake
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harmoniouspixels · 4 years
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papermint-airplane · 10 months
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Eleanor: Oh for fuck's sake. Ladies, side bar!
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Eleanor: Are we seriously not going to address the elephant in the room?! And by elephant, I mean the obvious wig and clown makeup.
Mysterious Mime: Not a clown, dear, a mime. Zey are completely different!
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Eleanor: You stay out of this!
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Angela: What are you saying?
Eleanor: Really?! If your eyes somehow aren't telling you something is seriously off here, then use your head. A mysterious sixth contestant just happens to show up right after Rose reappears? Come on, I can't be the only one who sees right through that stupid disguise.
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Mysterious Mime: You wound me, mademoiselle! Zis is no disguise! Zis is how I always look! Eet ees called 'fashion'. Look eet up!
Eleanor: I am not talking to you!
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Angela: Hmm, she does sound a lot like Rose, now that you mention it. And her accent is rather...transient.
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Eleanor: We're not really going to go through with this challenge like everything is normal, right?
Eleanor: What?!
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Eleanor: I mean, sure, but...
Eleanor: Yeah, I do think that's strange. The Watcher has to know who's under that paper-thin disguise, so I don't think it's an accident that she's here.
Viridia: SO...?
Eleanor: *sigh* Fine. For the sake of morbid curiosity, let's do it.
[Beginning] [Previous] [Next]
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moonlight--falls · 4 years
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BAILEY: "Boo! Your snowman sucks!" 
SAMUEL: "Don't judge my art!"
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taylors-simblr · 5 years
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Io’s got an easy shift today, all of the guests keep hanging outside instead of actually coming in for their romantic dinners.
Well Bailey and Briony aren’t on adate as such, more of a let’s get to know my adult, almost the same age as me, step daughter, which I’m sure isn’t as awkward as it sounds.
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lgthatawkwardgamer · 5 years
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Zoe went to prom by herself because she’s a boss ass witch and finally won prom queen. 
Zack won prom king for the second time in a row (no surprise there), but his girlfriend, Bailey Swain came dressed in her mother freakin’ hot dog costume and ruined my sweet boy's prom photo for the second time in a row. 
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