#balancing out what all the j men do
viivdle · 9 months
"My heart is yours, Hazel Sinnet," Jack said. "Forever. Beating or still."
-Jack Currer, Anatomy: A Love Story by Dana Schwartz
22 notes · View notes
trippinsorrows · 25 days
without you + two
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authors note: there's a couple moving parts at play here. some foreshadowing in this one as well. as things get more intense, i'll add appropriate cw/tw's.
do not read this story if you haven’t read ’with me’. it won’t work as a standalone.
warnings: none
song inspo: be without you by mary j. blige
words: 6k
Since having a conversation with Callie and reassuring her that nothing and no one could separate her from Y/N and Joe, she’s calmed down a bit with the possessiveness. She’s still very much interested in making him her personal playmate, which he doesn’t necessarily oppose, but she’s also just as interested in playing and spending time with Y/N as well.
It’s balanced out. 
Joe is even able to take Y/N out for date night that includes a hotel room and night spent with just each other while Callie stays the night at Kaylah’s house with Ellie. 
For all intents and purposes, it’s a bit of smooth sailing.
But now, it’s time for meetings.
Because while Joe is on indefinite leave from television and the ring, he still very much has a huge chunk of say in the creative direction of the Bloodline. Thus, scheduled meetings to discuss how that all plays out during his absence are occasional.
Joe is in the middle of listening to Paul and Hunter propose some ideas regarding Joseph, Solo, and his promotion with Joe being off air. He’s about to comment on something when there’s a small knock on the door. 
It’s followed up with the door opening, revealing Callie, her tablet and headphones in hand. Joe hits mute on the mic and computer and turns to her. “What’s up, baby girl?”
Instead of verbally responding, Callie walks over and climbs onto his lap. She hands him the tablet and headphones. “I wanna watch Moana.”
Joe chuckles. “I thought you were taking a nap with mommy.” A planned, scheduled thing because Y/N wanted to give Joe some privacy. Wanted to let him be able to focus and zone in on work without his little twin shadowing him.  
Not that that matters at this moment. There’s no way he’s turning his daughter away.
“I’m not tired.” She replies in the voice of a child who probably is in fact tired but too stubborn to actually sleep.
Joe takes the tablet, putting the passcode in and unlocking it as he gets to work on syncing her headphones.
Callie, meanwhile, looks around and realizes the computer is on, a video conference between the men at play. Curious, she asks in that sing-song voice. “What are you doing?”
Joe matches her tone, answering. “In a meeting.”
Head tilted, Callie follows up with a question he knows is really for something else. “How long is the meeting gonna be?” I.e. how much longer till he can play and spend time with her. 
It brings a smile to his face as she looks over at the screen, waving when she sees Joseph. He quickly hits unmute on both the mic and computer. 
“Hi, cousin Joseph!”
Joseph smiles, “what’s up, Callie?” He then asks. “What you been doing?”
“Playing with daddy!” She answers, leaning over closer to the computer than probably what’s necessary. “How come you and daddy have the same name?”
Joseph laughs, shrugging. “I guess our family really likes the name Joseph.”
Callie suddenly takes a bit of an attitude, correcting almost even though she’s literally the one who said they were the same names. “My daddy’s name is Joe.” 
Joe chuckles. She’s every bit of her mom sometimes. He beckons her to turn around to face him, placing her headphones over her ears. “She’s supposed to be taking a nap with her mama.”
Headphones on but nothing playing yet, Callie turns back to the screen and only then notices Paul and Hunter. She waves enthusiastically. “Hi, Mr. Hunter. Hi, Mr. Paul!”
They laugh and greet her, Hunter asking, “you don’t want to go take a nice nap? I sure wish I could take one.”
She pouts and shakes her head. “Naps are boring.”
“Spoken like a child,” Paul comments, asking Callie, “I bet you could stay up for a very long time, couldn’t you, Callie?”
She nods again, sharing, “one time, I stayed up till midnight.”
The men on the screen do a wonderful job of feigning surprise at her ludicrous admission. Meanwhile, Joe is trying to figure out just when in the hell this child stayed up so late.
But, that’s a conversation for another day.
He opens up Disney Plus, navigating to the Moana splash screen and reaching it to her. He’s not sure if she wants to resume or restart, so he leaves it up to her.
A small part of him thought she’d be on her merry way with her tablet and headphones all synched and ready to go, but he also knew better. Knows his daughter. Cause Callie only proceeds to sit further back against his chest, tablet in hand as her attention is now devoted to the screen in front of her.
He shakes his head, apologizing. “I guess she’s sticking around.” He adds, “her headphones are on, so she can’t hear anything.” His suggestion to buy her the noise canceling ones truly turned out to be the best decision. “Where were we?”
Hunter waves him off. “No worries. We’re all dad’s here.” It’s evident too in the way they interact with Callie and are completely unbothered by her presence, even if unexpected. “I was just running down your potential return timeline.”
Joe quickly checks, looking down to see if Callie is somehow snooping, but she’s completely in the Disney zone. Good. She doesn’t need to overhear any of this. “Alright.”
Hunter jumps right into explaining, “Here’s what we’re thinking. A possible return for Bad Blood which will set the stage for Bloodline Civil War 2 in November. Then from there, start preparation for WrestleMania.”
Joe nods, taking in the timeline, Hunter asking, “whatcha thinking?” A lot. He’s thinking a lot. “You know this is all still up in the air. Just wanna get an idea of when you plan to come back just so we’re ready and doing what we need to do to make that what it needs to be for you.”
And he knows that. Appreciates it. Truth be told, he hasn’t thought a lot about that. His return.  Largely due to the little girl in his lap, the woman upstairs sleeping in his bed as well as the children growing in her stomach.
His family. His family has been his priority. They always will be.
But, he understands that there’s still space to think about his career as well.
“Bad Blood is in October, right?” Y/N is due in September. That’s a month, if that, to be home with the babies. They’ll still be newborns.
“Would he be required to attend all SmackDown tapings following that return?” Paul asks a very valid question, once again proving why he’s such a valuable team member for Joe to have at this point in his career.
Hunter shakes his head. “No. No, of course not. The modified schedule will stay as Joe requested. The SmackDown show immediately following Bad Blood, he’ll need to be at, but we can mess around with specific shows he’s gonna be needed for when we get there.”
Joe nods, appreciative of Hunter willing to accommodate this new part time schedule. There’s no way in hell he could return back to being on the road full time. He couldn’t do that to his family.
Couldn’t do that to Y/N.
“Let me talk to Y/N.” It should be the answer everyone saw coming. “See what she thinks.”
Callie suddenly giggles and shifts on his lap, Joe glancing at the tablet to see it’s a scene with that brainless chicken from the movie. He gestures to her. “And especially this one.”
Hunter laughs a little. “Of course. Take your time. There’s no rush. Joseph’s got this.”
Joe turns his attention to his younger cousin. “You’re doing great already, man.” 
Joseph appears deeply appreciative of the kind words. “Thanks, Uce. That means a lot.” 
Hunter checks the time on his watch. “Well, I’ve got another meeting in a couple of minutes, so Joe just reach out when you have an answer or just to let me know where your head is. Or you can have Paul contact me too.”
“Will do. Thanks again for understanding.”
Hunter lifts his hands. “Hey. You know if anyone gets how important family is, it’s me.” He then suggests, “but a little father to father advice that I’m sure Joseph and Paul would agree with me on….make her take the nap.”
Paul nods almost as enthusiastically as Callie when she was waving. “Absolutely.”
Joseph chimes, shaking his head. “Man, if you don’t, you gon regret it later.”
Joe chuckles, taking it into consideration even though he’s pretty certain it won’t happen. Callie is too hype. Plus, what’s one day without a nap gonna do to her?
Megan fucking hates being paired with Jeremy.
For one, he’s fucking boring.
For two, he’s old and balding.
For three, he’s too nice. And not even in an insincere way. He’s truly a nice, family oriented, God fearing man. All that is fine and shit if not for the fact they’re supposed to be trying to make a sale here. The goal is to end this informal virtual meeting with Roman Reigns at least expressing that he’ll consider the role.
It’s not going to be easy. All that Megan has heard via coworkers and her own deep dive is that the man is extremely family oriented and not interested in doing anything other than spending time with his pregnant fiancé and kid for the next couple months. If not longer.
Still, with the movie primarily filming in Florida and not starting for another month or two, she’s hopeful that their pitch will be enough to win him over.
Well, less she’s more hoping Jeremy will let her handle this.
She can be….very persuasive when it comes to men.
And Roman Reigns is the quintessential definition of what a man is. Because the minute he joins in on the call, all she sees is broad, muscular shoulders, pretty brown eyes and one of the most handsome men she’s ever seen.
Unfortunately, he’s not alone.
No. There’s a kid on his lap. His kid, she’d guess. The little girl has her head down, focused on something else, but even with that angle, it’s hard not to see the similarities.
It definitely kills her mood a little bit. Hard to fanasize about a man fucking you senseless with his kid sitting right there. Still, she does her best to hide the irritation and jumps to introductions before Jeremy can.
“Hi, Roman. It’s so nice to meet you. I’m Megan, and this is my colleague, Jeremy. We’re the reps from Apex that’ll be working with you, hopefully, on your next film.” She flashes him the most charming smile she can muster and nearly moans as he also offers a smile. Not as wide. Just as friendly.
“Nice to meet you both. Please. Call me Joe.” Megan crosses one leg over the other. Joe….it fits him. “I’m also sorry about my daughter being here. She’s really been enjoying me being home.” He ends with a chuckle, kid still not looking up. Good. Hopefully, she’ll stay quiet.
Jeremy’s annoying ass, however, just has to stay true to his gregarious nature. “No worries. I got three at home. I get it. What’s her name?”
Megan has to suppress an eye roll as Joe lightly taps on the little girl’s arm. She lifts her head, and he shifts her headphone so one ear is exposed.
He asks, “can you say hi and tell them your name?”
She pouts a little, voice soft and almost unsure. “Hi. My name is Calista.”
“What a very pretty name, Calista.” Jeremy is quick with the introduction. “My name is Jeremy, and this is my friend, Megan.” 
Megan has to force herself to tap into the truly non-existent kid-interacting skills she has. “Hi there, Lis.”
Her pout deepens as she corrects with a fucking attutude, “my name is Calista. Not Lis.”
“Callie,” Joe lightly chides Calista or Callie or whatever her fucking name is. Little brat shouldn’t be there anyway. “Be nice, baby girl.”
“It’s okay,” Megan smiles. One of the first things on the list will need to be finding the brat a boarding school of some sort. She seems pretty young, but there has to be something out there. “My apologies, Calista.”
Megan is relieved when the kid places the headphone back on, tuning out the adults. And to be fair, she’s not the only one turning out because while she’s partially annoyed Jeremy then takes over the handling of the meeting, it allows her time and space to fawn over the man on screen. 
God, he’s so damn handsome, and his smile is infectious. She finds herself pushing back her own smile whenever Jeremy makes one of his lame ass dad jokes that somehow Joe seems to find funny. 
Must be a father thing.
The request for his real name to be used leads to Megan subtly grabbing her phone and googling him yet again. She can never remember his last name. It’s complicated as fuck.
She doesn’t know how to pronounce it but decides to save that for another conversation. Preferably when his failed Plan B isn’t around. 
She finds herself doodling on her legal pad. 
Megan Anoa’i.
She can’t help the smile this time around. The pronunciation may still be unknown, but it looks damn good on paper.
Way better than Y/N Anoa’i.
But speak of the fucking devil, and she will appear. 
Because Megan watches Joe turn his head to the side and gesture over someone who turns out to be Y/N herself, thanks to Jeremy saying something about wanting to say hi.
God, she hates this man.
Y/N apologizes, and Megan has to hold back her scowl at the woman on screen, her hand on her big ass pregnant stomach. 
“Hi. I’m sorry,” she chuckles, other hand moving to Calista’s shoulder. “I just came to get this one who was supposed to be taking a nap with me.” She leans down, kissing the side of the little girl’s neck, making her giggle.
Good lord. Is this a fucking family reunion?
Jeremy also laughs. “Don’t worry about it. She’s semed real focused on that tablet versus any of our boring conversation.”
Megan forces herself to join in even though it literally kills her to talk to this woman. Like seriously, what the hell does Joe see in her anyway? If they only had one kid, she’d bet it’s because the bitch trapped him with a kid. But now two kids?
Maybe she gives good head or something.
Megan is better though.
“Oh, I bet whatever she’s watching is way cooler.”
Y/N lands her eyes on Megan. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name?”
Megan forces a deeper smile and little laugh. “Megan. I’m sorry, I don’t think I offered it. Sometimes, I space out a bit during these types of things.”
“Don’t even worry about it. I’m a teacher. I get it.” She doesn’t remember asking this bitch what she does for a living but okay. “I’ll just escort this one….” 
Caliope or whatever the fuck her name is starts to whine, and it’s irritating as fuck. “I wanna stay with daddy.”
“Daddy’s gotta work,” Y/N emphasizes, offering a potential compromise Megan hopes the kid goes for. “Come help me make dinner, and you can have ice cream for dessert.”
That does it as the girl gasps, jumps off Joe’s lap, and sprints off, out of view. Good.
Y/N laughs and waves bye. “It was nice meeting both of you.” The feeling isn’t mutual, but Megan musters up another smile and feels utterly relieved when they both leave.
If only Jeremy would do the same that way things could be as they should.
Just Megan and Joe.
Mom: Hi, baby. Just got out of evening service, and you fell heavy on my spirit. I just want you to know I’m always here for you, and I know I always raised and told you how strong we as black women are. But, I don’t know if I told you enough how we don’t always have to be strong.
Mom: You’re about to be a mother again to three babies at the same time. That’s a lot on anyone, even with the support you’re gonna have. I guess what I am trying to say is that I hope you know you can always talk to me if you need it. 
Mom: Talk to Joe. Your sister. Someone. Just never think that you’re alone.
Mom: Love you, and I’ll try to call you tomorrow. ♥️
You have to read over your mom’s texts a couple of times before shaking your head and chalking it up to her just being an overtly concerned mom who’s worried about her daughter who just moved away from home. 
Regardless, you appreciate her kind words even if they don’t necessarily seem….well…..necessary.
There was a bittersweet theme to your first pregnancy, the absence of Joe and not having him as your partner noticeable, maybe more than you initially realized. But, that was then, and this is now. He’s back in your life. For good. You’re about to commit yourself to this man until death do you part.
You’re about to welcome three beautiful babies in the fall. The most strength you’ll need to deal with whatever stress or trial your mom believes is coming will probably be limited to the fact that you’ll have to push out three children at the same damn time.
And even then, Joe will be right by your side.
So again, while you forever love your mom and her thoughtfulness, she’s worried for nothing.
The person who should be worried is your future husband who suddenly walks into the bedroom, brushing his hands together. “Okay, kitchen is all clean, Callie Bear is sleep—” You snort, grabbing the remote to pause the episode of Judge Judy you were watching. “What?”
“Didn’t you say you didn’t make her take a nap today?” 
He looks from side to side confused. “Yeah. She said she wasn’t tired.”
Covering your mouth to hold in your laugh, you inform him as kindly as you can, “then that child is not asleep.”
“I put her down for bed. She was falling asleep when I left.”
You sigh. Your poor, handsome future husband is so naive. “Did you take her tablet when you left?”
“No, cause she was sleep.”
“Joe, I bet you any money that lil’ girl is in her room right now on that tablet watching Disney Plus or playing Roblox cause I know you forgot to put the passcode back on it too.” He opens and then closes his mouth. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” You sit back against the pillows, grabbing a couple more pretzels from the bag you were eating out of. “You’re gonna have to go in there and set her lil’ ass straight. Because she’s gonna be irritable as hell too since she didn’t have her nap.”
He sucks his teeth. “I keep telling you she’s sleeping.” You roll your eyes, chewing on the pretzels and sipping some of your sweet tea. “And if she’s not for some reason—”
“She’s not.”
“—I’ll just tell her to go to sleep.”
That makes you almost choke on your food. “That’s funny. You think it’s just gonna be that easy? Joe, you haven’t seen Callie throw a tantrum before. She’s a lil’ nightmare. You can’t be that super sweet daddy. You gotta be stern with her.”
He shakes his head. “I got this, okay?”
You lift your hands in a defensive position. “Okay.” Grabbing the remote to hit play, you start humming the Undertaker music as he walks away. 
“Annoying ass,” he mutters under his breath, exiting the room. 
Joe is more than certain he’s about to prove you wrong and come back with a smug ass disposition that’ll lead into taking advantage of Callie being sleep by fucking you senseless and reminding you why you also call him daddy.
There’s only one problem with his plan.
Callie is very much not sleeping and instead sitting near her play area.
On that damn tablet.
It takes a second for him to take in the scene before him. “Callie, why aren’t you in bed?” 
She ignores him, continuing to play on her tablet. “Calista.”
It’s only then she whines out, “what?”
That takes Joe back for a second. He can’t recall a time where she’s said as such. “Don’t what me. I thought I told you to go to bed.”
She murmurs, mouth pouted. “I don’t want to go to bed.”
Fuck. This is the first time he’s actually had her push back on him. Experienced a side of Callie that isn’t 100% agreeable. “Callie, it’s late, and you need to get in the bed. Now. I’m not gonna—”
“Be quiet,” she whines, cutting him off, turning her back toward him. 
Joe is nearly rendered completely silent. He’s never known Callie to be capable of disrespecting anyone like this. 
“Callie.” Joe tries to make his voice sound stern. Emphasis on try. Because as frustrated as he’s getting, she’s still his little girl. “It’s time for bed.”
She’s unmoved, still sitting in the corner on her tablet as she shouts out, “I don’t want to go to bed!”
Joe has to mentally count backwards from 10 before trying yet again to get his almost 5-year-old daughter to just go to bed. “I understand that, Callie, but you need your sl—“
Again, she cuts him off, hitting the ground as she screams, “I said no!”
Joe closes his eyes and shakes his head. Without another word, he’s down the hall and in the master where you’re still laid comfortably up in the middle of the bed snacking on some pretzels and enjoying the court case on the TV.
You land your eyes on him, head tilted as you ask with an intentional amount of inauthentic sweetness, “how’d it go, Mr. Gentle Parenting?”
He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. “Fine. You win. She’s not listening at all. What should I do?”
You smirk and close up the bag of pretzels, carefully climbing out the bed. “Watch and learn, Daddy.” You clap your hands to get rid of the salt remnants, providing him some context on just how he got here. “Because you didn’t make her take her nap, she’s extra irritable because she’s tired even though her lil’ stubborn ass is too hard headed to realize it. So you gotta be extra bold with her.”
You can tell he’s partially confused or just not in agreement, clearly needing a demonstration. Taking his hand, you lead him out of your shared bedroom and into hers. 
“Calista Manaia Anoa’i, if you don’t get your little ass off that damn tablet and into the bed right now.” His eyes widen a bit at your tone. You’re not yelling, not screaming, but you’re definitely not using the typical tone used with her.
Callie looks up from her tablet with determination that’s a bit wavered. “But, I’m not sleepy!”
You cross your arms over your chest. “I don’t care if you’re sleepy or not. Your daddy and I say it’s time for bed, so it’s time for bed, sis.”
You lift a finger to silence her. “Calista. I brought your little butt in this world, and I’ll take you out.” You point to her bed. “Bed. Now.”
Joe watches with slight amazement as Callie stomps over to hand you her tablet and stomps right back over to her bed, climbing in, still pouting. 
“And don’t you ever disrespect your dad like that again, you understand me, lil girl?” She doesn't say anything, but she doesn’t need to because you know she knows you mean business. 
But it’s when her bottom lip starts to tremble and she starts to ‘cry’ that Joe damn near acts like the girl just got her arm broken. 
He starts moving toward her. “Cal—”
You stop him, however, instead telling Callie, “if you wake up in the middle of the night and wanna come sleep with us, you can.”
But Callie is too busy with her tearless crying, shouting again, “I don’t want to go to bed!”
Ignoring her, it literally takes you lightly pushing on Joe’s chest to guide him out of the room as you close the door to her bedroom, partially obscuring the sound of Callie screaming.
“She’s upset. We can’t just leave her.” He seems just about as upset as his unruly four-year-old twin.
You turn around and correct him. “No, she’s throwing a tantrum because she didn’t get her way.” And before he can protest, you point out, “did you see any actual tears coming out her eyes? Exactly.”
You wait until the two of you are back in the room before placing your hands on his chest, trying to butter him up a bit before hitting him with the truth. “Baby, I love you so much. You’re such a good dad, but when it comes to this discipline thing, you suck.” He rolls his eyes. “I told you she’s a nightmare when she’s having one of her temper tantrums.”
He really has no need to worry about her. You’ve done this song and dance countless times to know how it works. In less than ten minutes, she’ll be out like a light. 
Joe scoffs. “Yeah, well, she gets all that attitude from you.”
You can only also roll your eyes because he’s not entirely wrong. Joe is legitimately a chill ass person. You’re the one who’s got the smart mouth from time to time. Or maybe more often than not. “Maybe so, but you still love me and all my attitude so….” 
He moves his hands to your ass, pulling you into him. “Damn straight….”
And before he can kiss you, you hit him with the truth you’ve been sitting on since this afternoon. “So are you gonna willingly tell me about that movie they want you to be in or do I have to fuck it out of you? I mean, I’m cool with either.”
“How about we skip the movie talk and just fuck instead?”
“Nice try.” You lean up and kiss the corner of his mouth. “Get to talking, baby.”
“I knew your ass overheard something.”
“I’m a mother, Joe. I hear and see everything.” Moving away to grab your bag of pretzels, you again remind him. “Now start talking.”
He shrugs. “It’s an action movie.”
“Not just any action movie, they’re rebooting Reacher and want you to have a leading role. Baby, that’s huge. You know that’s one of my favorite shows too. The only man I would ever consider leaving you for.” It’s more a joke than anything, even though Alan Ritchson is not hard on the eyes at all. “Seriously, Joe, it’s a great opportunity.”
“I get that, Y/N, but I’m taking a break from work.”
“No, you’re taking a break from wrestling. There’s a difference.” You motion him over to the bed, patting the spot next to you. He comes and plops his body down. “I heard them, Joe. It’s filming here in Florida. Less than what, an hour away?” His silence is the answer. “And you wouldn’t even need to be there all the time. 2 or 3 days out of the week, max.”
Realizing what’s probably got him most hesitant, you close up the pretzels, placing the bag back on the nightstand. Sliding closer to him, you place his hand on your stomach. “Joe, I’ll be fine. The babies will be fine. Callie will be fine not having her best friend around 24/7. It’s not like you’ll be on the road like you are with wrestling. You’ll still be close enough if we need you.”
“I don’t want you feeling like I’m putting my career first.”
“I would never think that, Joe. Ever. With everything you’ve done for us, there’s no question where your focus is.” This man has been too good to you for you to ever even think he’s about anything other than his family. “I just think this would be great for your career, and I know you’re at least a little bit interested or else you wouldn’t have even agreed to hear them out.”
The guy seemed cool. The woman was alright. Just your average looking white woman. Nothing to write home about. But, they represent something much bigger, an amazing opportunity for Joe to further his career, to possibly transition into something else fully when his wrestling days are done.
“Besides, you said it yourself, you didn’t have to go to Hollywood, Hollywood came to you.” You do your best to imitate him from one of his stellar promos. It makes him smile and laugh a bit.
“Yeah….” He then shares. “Met with Hunter today too, and he asked if I would be open to returning around October.”
You shrug, no strong opinion on that. “That sounds reasonable to me.”
He looks at you, an expression of disagreement on his handsome face. “The babies will only be a month or so old.”
“I’m aware.” You move your hand to the hair at the nape of his neck. “But, you’re still gonna transition to the part time schedule once you return, right?” He nods. “So, it’s not like you’ll be gone consistently. My mom will probably still be here. Kaylah’s here. Alexis is here. We have a really great support system, baby. It doesn’t have to be all on you.”
“What about Callie?” He asks, clearly a high priority point for him. You as well, but Joe’s concern is probably a bit deeper than what’s necessary. “She’s already scared I’m going to leave her.”
“And you will sometimes, because that’s the nature of what you do. We’re working with her on that though.” And you are. Gradually getting Callie to a place where she isn’t as anxious about something happening to her parents. “Plus, she’ll be in kindergarten at that point, so it’s not like she’ll be moping around the house all sad. She’ll also have ballet.”
Not wanting to be too pushy, you decide to leave the ball in his court. “It’s completely up to you, Joe. Just know whatever you decide, I support you, baby.” You take his hand in his. “I’ve also been thinking about the wedding.”
He looks down at you. “And?”
“I think we should wait until next summer to have it.” Before he can protest or ask follow-up questions, you explain, “I don’t want to walk down the aisle big and pregnant. Plus, there’s realistically not enough time for us to plan a wedding before the babies get here. Not to mention, trying to coordinate everyone’s schedule so the people we want to attend can do so is virtually impossible with such a short timeframe.” Because you can’t imagine having a dream wedding if the people you love and care about the most can’t be present. “The babies will be almost a year old. It gives everyone time to clear their schedule. I won’t be as big as a house…it’ll just be better that way.”
You know he knows that you’re right. He doesn’t appear to be happy with it though. “I hear you. I just….” He scratches his beard. “I hate the idea of having to wait that long for us to get married.”
Frowning, you agree with him there. “Me too, but—”
“What—” He cuts you off, looking at you. “What if we didn’t?”
For a second, your heart stops. “Didn’t get married?”
He’s quick to shoot that down. “No. No. The opposite. What if….what if we got married now?” And just like you, he jumps straight into explanations. “We can still have a wedding. As big or whatever as you want it to be, because you deserve that. I wanna give you that. But…but what if we just legally got married now and the wedding is just for the social and show aspect of it?”
The more he talks, the better you’re able to follow along. “Like….like we just go to the court house?”
Your voice must unintentionally indicate some level of disagreement. “I know it’s not how you probably imagined it—”
Cutting him off, you place your hand over his that’s still resting peacefully on your stomach. “I would marry you under a bridge if that’s what it took, Leati.” His eyes soften as your lips curve into a small smile. “But, we don’t need a bridge, because we’re going to the court house.”
He seems genuinely surprised. “Yeah?”
It’s not a hard sell. At all. You love this man. He’s your best friend. Your lover. Your soulmate. Being married legally before the actual wedding is actually a brilliant idea. You want more than anything for you all to share the same last name. 
Smirking, you get up and climb onto his lap, your baby bump providing a little bit of a barrier.
“Alexa.” You call out, locking eyes on him as you make your request. “Play Let’s Get Married by Jagged Edge.”
“.....Because I am Wrestlemania!”
Megan’s thin lips turn upwards into a big smile. She likes the video and adds it to her ‘Lover ♥️’ playlist on YouTube. Private, of course. It must be the 50th video she’s added. She quickly clicks the back button to see the result list that has nothing but Roman Reigns videos.
Watching him, watching Joe is such an experience. It’s fascinating to her how he can be such a dominating, narcissistic presence on screen but such a gentle soul behind the scenes. It’s fascinating and impressive as hell how he navigates both roles so seamlessly.
Makes him even more attractive. 
But, it’s when a video with Cody Rhodes from the latest SmackDown show appears in her list that she scowls. Megan still can’t believe Joe actually dropped the belt for her. For Y/N.
She’s read articles, seen the gossip on wrestling blogs. The internet wrestling community seems to be torn on that. Half say it was time anyway and that Cody needed to ‘finish the story’ while the other half say Joe himself asked to be relieved so he could spend more time with his family.
And with that fat bitch pregnant with his second child, the second choice seems more believable to her.
Megan groans and turns on her back. She truly cannot see nor understand why Joe ever settled with the likes of that. This man is a god among men, yet he chose a maggot.
He reproduced with that unworthy bitch. 
She grabs her phone and goes to his profile again, the latest option in her search history. His page is nearly perfect, filled with Roman based posts except for the last three. No. He just had to ruin the algorithm by posting them. The first personal post is a picture of him, Y/N, and the spoiled little brat, Cathy. The caption is long and essentially him defending them. 
From what Megan read online as well as what Paige sent over, Y/N had an ex best friend that leaked a lot of shit online. Some true. Some untrue. Apparently, ever since getting slapped with a slate of lawsuits, one or two of which could include jail time, she’s gone dark.
Unfortunate considering she almost got rid of Y/N for Megan.
The second post is of the bitch. From some date night he took her on or something.
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And the latest post is of the kid with some sappy caption.
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Again, what-fucking-ever.
Humming his theme song, Megan climbs off the bed and opens up her top dresser drawer. She digs around, pulling out her favorite red lingerie set and putting it on. Grabbing her phone, she moves to her bathroom, using the mirror attached to the back of the door to snap a couple photos. 
Settling on her favorite photo, she uploads the photo, smiling at her caption.
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angelkiyo · 2 months
modern au high school hcs for my fav haikyuu boys based on my high school experiences + romance hcs <3
[miya osamu, sakusa kiyoomi, oikawa torū, iwaizumi haijime]
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a/n- part one + my asks are open bc i do not know what to write but im down for mostly anything tbh so ASK AWAY PLS
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miya osamu
he has a similar gpa to his brother [gpa at a 2.5 😔]
is in culinary club and the president
since atsumu is a drake glazer, osamu makes sure to bring up kendrick everytime he hears a drake song
he had a field day when “not like us” mv dropped
even though his brother and him are opposites in a way, that hasn’t stopped osamu from being submitted on ‘inarizaki.bops’
he was most likely talking to a teacher
private insta with 300 followers
doesn’t give a fuck abt p.e and would be enjoying basketball if they weren’t able to play volleyball
osamu would probably also have a very casual way of dressing — stussy and abrocrombie fiend
steals from his brother’s nike collection while owning several pairs adidas gazelles and new balances himself
as for with his s/o, he would be more of a soft launch guy and would post stories of you two holding hands or the two of you in a mirror pic
he would def be holding your hand in the halls and having his arm around you
imagine peter k lara jean moment
your friends would find him to be a green flag
the two of you would use study hall to not study at all but use his little crock pot thing he got from tiktok shop and make food
would try to be nara smith one day and fail miserably
very much would wear ‘aqua de gio’ bc i said so (n would find atsumu’s cologne to be too strong)
dates would include: cooking at his place and eating your masterpieces while watching movies (esp spider-man bc he seems the type)
artists he would listen to: kendrick lamar, joey bada$$, childish gambino, doja cat
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sakusa kiyoomi
annoyingly smart (3.6 gpa) and would probably get a 4/5 avg on his ap tests
if he wasn’t on volleyball, he seems the type to be in academic decathlon or science olympiad
would be keeping to himself but if he were to play a sport, it would be smt like lacrosse or tennis
he’s rich. like RICH RICH. (he goes to itachiyama with three siblings or smt)
so he’d wear like club monaco, j. crew, or like ralph lauren
would have a specific rotation of shoes that would be asics or new balance in white
insta would be like 700 followers and 32 following
for him and his s/o, he’d be like osamu and would be very much soft launch you
even though he hates crowds, he would very much like to go out with you shopping (in a shopping center that has nobody/barely anyone)
kiyoomi may be presenting himself as a cold and calculating and he can be, but he’s a soft to ppl he’s close with
him and komori would use brain rot language ironically (I just see that lemme elaborate) after komori would use brain rot language unironically
he would use it with you once “by accident”
he kept hearing komori say it and said it subconsciously
and then never again after the second hand embarrassment he got
“on skibidi…?”
you still bring it up to this day (he blames komori)
dates would include movie nights and making pillow forts
artists he would listen to: sza, 21 savage, kanye west, playboi carti
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oikawa torū
would be a note taking fiend and be an honors/ap student with a 3.4
he would be on a ‘bop’ page for volleyball in general
great king? nah great bop
instead of being a wyll warrior, he’d be one of the mfks on insta that would slide up with a 😍 then ghost you after dm-ing
another dior sauvage user and on some days, versace eros…
caught up in the central cee madz drama
also obsessed with watching nara smith (me too)
he’s team ice spice
would be very persistent in taking 0.5s
though because of this, he purposely fluffs up his bangs and hair for him to not fall victim to 0.5s
if he didn’t play volleyball, he would play badminton/tennis
would be a SLUTTTT for pinterest clean boy fits
very clean boy core with his lululemon mens shit and would be shopping at alo + urban outfitters
also ralph lauren teddy bear sweaters n golden gooses
his insta user would be smt like “theyenvy_.toruuu” or basic like his full name and he would have more than 3k followers
his finsta would be very full of you and spams of volleyball
nle choppa slut me out 2 glazer
dates would include: self care day at either one of your places while watching baddies or real housewives +shopping
artists he would listen to: laufey, cigarettes after sex, olivia rodrigo, megan thee stallion, nle choppa
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iwaizumi hajime
he went to uci so he has his shit tgt (nhs and 3.9 type shit w aps)
though, he would definitely be apart of debate club and a lacrosse person if he didn’t do volleyball
shops at psycho bunny or hollister. the occasional lululemon shirt bc oikawa put him on
would wear yeezys and supreme, i fear
i can see him being into watching the “who tf did I marry” series
massive gym bro
would have his finsta tracking his gains
his fyp would also probably be workouts and those “baby don’t hurt me” meme tiktoks (idk how to explain)
would be the winner of senior assassin
he would def shoot oikawa first
type of person to wear ‘obession’ by calvin klein mixed with axe body spray
as for insta, he would def have a good 1k
would post you to the cutest songs ever and collab on posts
yall would have like a specific song that would make him be like “this is our songgg”
in his head
most likely a tyler song
aka ‘sweet/i thought you wanted to dance’
he’d be the okokok to your lalalala
dates would include: him just spoiling you and dinner dates
artists he would listen to: tyler the creator, metro boomin, 21 savage, kendrick lamar, j. cole
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jerreeeeeee · 5 months
Balance fic recs
some of my favorite balance fics. various ages, popularities, and lengths. i’ve been wanting to do a rec list for a while!
caramel by nevereverever
The first time Taako is left alone, it isn't pretty. But their lives are stuck in a loop and people come back and die again and again and he wonders if there will ever be a time when he doesn't have to fear being left alone.
2.7k, Taako & Lup Lup dies one cycle and then, years later, she dies again. But she always comes back. Hurt/comfort of the best kind.
Warmth by noxic
"It was a well-known fact among the residents of the Starblaster that Lup, Barry, and Taako slept in the same bed more often than not. It was one of those things that they just did without really talking about it."
2.1k, Barry & Lup & Taako The BLT fic of all time. Quality platonic adult sleepovers.
Taako the Matchmaker by @fantasysamsclub
In which Taako tries to set up his sister. Events take place during Stolen Century.
11.1k, Blupjeans & Taako Taako tries to set up blupjeans. Miscommunication ensues. Very sweet and funny.
red fishing line by @anistarrose
A routine performance of Sizzle it Up goes nightmarishly wrong, and at Lup’s bedside, Taako feels helpless. And when a red-robed guest appears before him, Taako doesn’t know how or what to feel at all.
3k, Barry & Lup & Taako Also the BLT fic of all time. Excellent subtle Taako characterization, and my favorite depiction of the familiarity-but-not of being voidfished. Warning for major character death.
Sunny-Side Up by @barry-j-blupjeans
And the world? The world loved Taako. For once in his gods-damned life, people loved him. They didn’t care about all the flaws, they didn’t care where he came from or who he was before. They loved his food and they loved him. No one would ever quite be at Taako’s level and that was something he thrived on. There would never be anyone who could measure up. Taako deserved this happiness. He worked for it. He wasted his fucking life away for it.
5.7k, Taako A wonderful character study, revolving around the role food plays in Taako's life. Fairly minor but impactful characters like Sazed and Taako's aunt are utilized in a very meaningful way. So well-written and warm. Warning for brief suicidal ideation.
On the Deck of the Starblaster by @papergardener
“What the… what are you all doing? We have work to do!” It’s a justified reaction, Lucretia thinks, to finding your entire crew literally lazing about on deck not an hour into this new cycle. “This one's on me,” Taako says. “It’s a new trend I like to call: taking a fucking break.” Cycle Nintey-Five. Everyone’s maybe not doing so good and could use a little warmth.
6.5k, Lucretia & Taako Near the end of the century, Lucretia is feeling rough. Taako pulls her out of her funk and initiates a much needed rest. Fantastic characterization, of Lucretia as a whole, and the loyal, warm side of Taako. Warning for mentions of a suicide attempt and suicidal ideation.
leaving, as an injustice by @anistarrose
When Mavis is eight, she starts finding her Dad asleep on the couch in the morning. Sometimes, he’s even all the way out on their tiny patio, with his head slumped onto a pillow atop the chess table, and bags beneath his eyes. In one of their following games, he tells her about tactical retreats.
4.7k, Mavis & Merle A study of Mavis and her relationship to Merle. Incredibly insightful into criminally underrated characters. Excellent Merle characterization.
Permission by vaguenotion
She’d been doing this on and off for the last hour, as if daring the men to catch up to them. Daring them to fight her. Every time seemed like a final stand. Here is where I will meet them, her shoulders said, hiked up around her ears. Here is where I’ll make them pay for what they’ve done. But then Taako would grab her hand, and she would turn and see the bruising on his throat, the blood drying on his brow, the tear in his shirt. And she would grip his hand in hers and together they would keep running.
12.6k, Taako & Lup My favorite depiction of the twins as children, both in character and realistic. Beautifully atmospheric, with so many small details that make the setting feel so real. Warning for assault and harm to children.
Come Hell or High Water by @nillial
“Taako,” Hurley asks, “where’s your magic umbrella?” Taako looks behind him. He had tossed the Umbrastaff in the path of a neighboring vehicle, which was beginning to catch up to them. He sees them now, far in the distance, and he sees his Umbrastaff, too, lying dangerously close to its wheels. As if on cue, he watches the tires crush it to pieces. “Whoops,” he says. - Lup is trapped. And then she isn’t. --- In which Taako breaks his umbrella during the Petals to the Metal race, unknowingly freeing Lup, who is almost immediately captured by Kravitz. After becoming a member of the Raven Queen's retinue with Kravitz as her trainer, she has two missions: 1) find her family, and 2) ruin Kravitz's afterlife. A story about enemies becoming friends and lost families finding their way back to one another.
197k (currently), Lup & Kravitz Incredible characterization. I love the way Lup is written. Hilarious shenanigans, sweet friendship-building, and terribly sad sometimes, because it dives deep into the reality of Lup existing in a world that's forgotten her.
Very cold water on a very hot day by @keplercryptids
Sometimes a family is a nerd who can't swim and the crunchy-haired watersport inventor who teaches him how. Surfer lingo required.
3.1k, Barry & Taako Deep dive into the beach year. Excellently in character, well-written dialogue, and a beautiful depiction of their growing friendship.
Children of Atlas by @papergardener
They’ve survived the apocalypse and now as far as they know, they’re the only ones left. Perhaps it was inevitable that they’d consider… repopulation. Lucretia writes up a weekly schedule to try and address that. Absolutely no one is happy with this.
76k (currently), IPRE crew The premise for this one is incredibly offputting, but I'm so glad I gave it a chance. The characterization and quality of writing is absolutely wonderful. I also love the attention to detail of the realistic difficulty of just surviving. Fantastically atmospheric, this fic dives deep into the uncertainty and fear of the first cycle, when the crew are all strangers, and the love that turns them into a family. Warning for extensive discussion of sexual assault.
Emissary Davenport by DragonWrites
A series of stories where Captain Davenport is secretly an emissary of Garl Glittergold, Gnomish god of pranks. And when you're a serious-minded captain on a mission to save all of reality, having a cheerful trickster god as your unexpected patron can get a little strange...
300k, Davenport A series of four works set in an AU where Davenport is an emissary to the leader of the gnomish pantheon. My absolute favorite depiction of Davenport, ever. The first three works are explorations of Davenport as a character and the relationships between people and gods in a DnD world. The last, Lost Gods, is the best fanfiction I've ever read. I can't express how good it is. The attention to detail among myriad plot threads, the building of themes, the characterization across just about every single character in Balance, all come together to create 223k words of a genuine masterpiece.
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Red Burning Stars (Platonic)
Y’all asked for Shanks you have received. Since everyone was asking for him I decided to make his part of Determination it’s own thing. I’m thinking of doing something like this for other characters as well
Also Uta is canon in this cause I really like her and I said so
Hope y’all pick up a bit on my foreshadowing of shit. It’ll eventually be explained (not now tho cause I’m evil muhahahahhahaha)
Part 1 Part 2
Tagged: @peachsuka28 @emptynessinmyworld @badluckinfrench @j-s-l-m @tigerfang-rage @madokamagicaa @rymtea
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From the moment that you had stepped aboard the Oro Jackson shanks had knew he wanted to be friends with you
It was an instantaneous affect
One that deepened and got worse the moment he locked eyes with you across the large ship
Your calm and kind eyes connecting with his own
He felt as if in that moment time had froze, it was just him and you on that ship alone
A tugging feeling in his very soul calling out to him
Telling him to approach
To say something to this stranger that had somehow caught his attention in a way no other had ever done
It’s an odd feeling to look back on in retrospect since he’d never felt it again or with anyone else
Especially considering he’d heard some typically describe what he felt as something akin to a romantic connection with someone
Hell, when he had explained the phenomenon to Reyleigh the first mate had assumed it was a crush until Shanks repeatedly told him it wasn’t like that
But no, he knew from the start it wasn’t a silly crush or love outside of that of platonic
It was more like…a calling from something greater than him saying that the two of you were meant to be allies
Telling him that the two of you were meant to meet
Meant to befriend one another
Like fire and gunpowder
Or a sailor and the sea
Two forces that are meant to be combined together
Naturally creating something new in the process
He doesn’t understand it now and sure as hell didn’t as a kid
But back then he didn’t question it much
Not when he was Solely focussed on that feeling
That call from the universe guiding him towards you through the crowds of men
Past Buggy who’s yelling at him for leaving all of a sudden from whatever they were doing before you were invited aboard
He felt like he was being pulled on a lead
Mindlessly following without a single thought in his head other than he had to meet you
Had to do something at least
And when he stumbles his way into Rogers office as you sat down on a cushioned chair
Turning around to meet his brown eyes once again
Shanks feels a wide smile stretch across his face as if it were rubber
“I’m Shanks! Wanna be friends!?” It stumbles out his mouth excitedly as does his jagged breaths. He whips out his hand, outstretched towards you as you stare at it for a moment in surprise. A bit of worry coats his face, shit he probably came off to strong-
Suddenly he feels your hand in his, gently shaking it. “Sure, I’m y/n by the way”. He nods, his smile getting wider. “Do you usually forget to ask for people’s names when you try to befriend them?”
“Nope, only you so far”
“I must be special then”
The entire time as that happened Roger watched on with a large grin
Practically kicking his feet beneath his desk out of enthusiasm
Despite being a grown man his captain was able to match his and Buggy’s childlike spirit
It’s perhaps because of that he was able to understand the connection the most
Not chocking it up to a crush or puppy love
It was something more akin to Nakama
Something the pirate king had felt when meeting some of his crew
He just knew they had to be friends
To be apart of his crew
Admittedly it take awhile for Buggy to warm up to you compared to Shanks’s instantaneous pace
But eventually the three of you fall into a comforting balance of personality
Whilst he and Buggy are rambunctious and rather impulsive your the opponent
Your a calm force, you think before you do and help them find a solution with more opportunities
If your combined force together is a hurricane then your the eye of it
The calm within the storm
It’s what the rest of the crew begin to affectionately call your trio
Even Roger begins to use it when referring to you all
Much to Buggy’s displeasure
He doesn’t mind though, unlike his friend shanks finds amusement in the nickname
One that he thinks actually fits the three of you quite nicely
Meanwhile you don’t think much of it
Instead just thinking of it as a the crew poking some light fun
Speaking of your role in the trio
You make sure neither of them get killed
Usually cause of both Buggy’s and his stupid plans of playing pranks or stealing more food from the kitchen instead of just asking
Both of which become much more successful that they aren’t arguing over said plan and screwing up
Now their Fort is stocked with cheese and as many sweets they could plunder
So much so that the cooks are now on edge as someone sets up a diversion for the other two to strike
It’s fun
A whole lot of fun that he realizes up until now you had seemingly missed
Admittedly he nor Buggy know much about you
Hell, none of the crew besides seemingly their captain knows anything
But honestly he’s fine with that
Their not entitled to that knowledge unless you deem them so
All that he’s focused on is the moment
The fun times he shared with you and Buggy
Nights spent out atop the crows nest looking up towards the stars
You explain that each has a story behind them all
Every island and their cultures have given them stories and formed differences constellations
It’s fascinating to him
Perhaps not Buggy who opts to go to bed
But as you both sit there, legs kicking back and forth while sitting on the ledge
It leaves him listening with eager ears
Engraining the new knowledge into his mind
It’s not just constellations that he listens about, it’s basically anything that you talk about
The others besides Rayleigh and Roger no one seems to notice how much you’d be seen despite your age
It’s odd but he notices
Especially as you sometimes mumble about how much you missed acting like a kid
Acting your age
It worries him
But he focuses on making you happy
Showing you the wonders of the life here
Stealing more food
Playing tag with Roger who can’t help but join much to everyone’s amusement
Outings on islands you sometimes recognize that usually end with the three of you raiding an ice cream shop
Sharing the spoils of stealing toys gotten from a few stores he might’ve yoinked them from
Times where he and Buggy protectively would start fights when other pirates at bats would try to pick on you
Roger would always laugh, calling them big brothers and mother hens
But of them would deny it even if they both knew deep down they saw you as a younger sibling
And that you did the same likewise
It was something unspoken but there that they all unconsciously and silently acknowledged
It came naturally as well
The two of them fretting over you when you got too close to the edge of the ship or did something reckless enough that even he and Buggy thought it was too dangerous
And that’s saying something
Their both really worried about that
You put your safety behind others
And whilst that might be fine in some cases in yours it’s dangerous
Really dangerous
There had been times he narrowly saved your life without you even knowing
A wild animal sneaking up from the brush
An enemy pirate almost swinging his sword at your neck
It bothers everyone on the crew how many close calls there were
Almost unnaturally so
But it makes him on edge even more when his captain has a look in his eye
One of unspoken sorrow and worry
Roger was a man who ran head first into danger
Someone who never considered the consequences before diving into the lions den
Never showing fear or hesitation for his actions
Only doing so when it came to the safety of his crew
And even then he knew they would be fine
They all had each other to rely on
But that look in his eyes directed towards you was something he’d never seen
Buggy tries to ease Shanks’s worried in his own…Buggy way
While he appreciates the effort not much can ease the tension in his shoulders
Roger never looked that worried
And that init of itself was scary
And it’s even more so when it’s directed at someone Shanks had dearly cared for
Rogers death comes as quick and painful as a shot to the chest
Burning white hot pain encompassing his entire form
Buggy and him got into a fight and when their separate ways
The crew disbanded
No one but Roger knows where you disappeared off to
He just said you were doing him a favour and like a whisper in the wind you were gone
Almost as if you were never there to begin with
The memories and small mementos show you were there though
Not a figment of his imagination
Not a cruel mirage
You were real, he knows that
Yet everything feels like a blur
Grief tinges his vision and mind like a filter over his perception of the world
For a long while he’s hopeless
Wishing and hoping to find someone
To perhaps find you once more
To find stability again
His dream lost and shattered
His life is very much the same
Yet after a long while he rebuilt himself
Began building his own crew
Finding and making stability once more as he sailed the seas both you and Roger loved with a whole heart
Many a nights he spends drinking and partying but occasionally finding a quiet corner for a moment
Staring up towards the night sky you taught him about
He always pours one out for the dead and lost of his former crew
A sign of respect for the people he might not meet again yet wishes to reunite with one day
In death or in life it doesn’t matter to him
Just one day meeting once more
You included
Though you had never formally joined the crew everyone had accepted you there with open hearts
Him definitely included
God he hopes your alright
That despite your terrible track record of danger and lack of self awareness you were alive
You’d be quite grown up by now
Maybe you found an island and settled down
He doubts that thought
You were much too like Roger and him
Souls called and nurtured by the sea and thrill of adventure
Never leaving her waves until possibly being drowned in her salty cold embrace
But that’s what makes him think that perhaps you hadn’t though
That perhaps instead you had died
The thought leaves him sick
So much so that when it happens he braces himself again the railing
Fingernails digging into the wood as his Haki flairs up
Seeping from his form and through the cracks of his cheery facade
Ben always notices
Pulling him back to the party and into his normal self
Handing him a fresh pint of beer with a knowing look
Shanks always gives him a thankful nod
Then going back to drinking with his crew
His first mate already knows of his history
Of why he’s wracked with grief and when no one’s looking stares off at the night sky
He’s never confused when Shanks returns to the party with an empty bottle yet doesn’t seem any drunker
Lucky and Yassop sometimes notice but don’t push him nor Ben on the topic
It’s better that way
Shanks would rather not air out old dusty laundry of his past anyways
Especially not when he had to keep morale up
Cause if his crew saw he was down in the dumps they’d follow suite
Caring too much about his sake to back down in doing something
It’s admirable
It reminds him of the good old days of the Oro Jackson
The way in which the crew would cheer you up when you were lost in thought
A glazed look of sorrow over your eyes they all desperately wanted to wash away
Because you were a kid
Because you were a friend
Because you were a part of their Nakama
Because you were his little sibling
No blood was shared between either of your veins yet the kinship of family was there anyways
He misses it
He misses a lot of things from the past but that’s one thing he especially longs for
Even if for just a moment he’d like to see you smile once more
Perhaps even hug you again and let himself cry
….yeah that sounded nice
Rumours on the sea spread fast and wide but are always dubious in nature and reality
It’s something you learn quick whilst on the seas
Especially when your as seasoned as he was in that retrospect
He’s spent his entire life on some sort of boat
being found by Roger in a treasure chest and being taken in by the entire crew
He was quite literally raised by the seas
It’s why when he hears rumours of a travelling child on the ocean going from place to place it doesn’t initially make him hopeful
It in fact makes him kinda melancholy
He can’t help it, not when he still wonders about you
Maybe that was your kid or something, he wouldn’t be surprised
But either way that wasn’t his business
Or at least that’s what he tells himself despite keeping an extra eye out for any small raft on the sea
A small desperate part of himself clinging to some sort of hope
That maybe it somehow was you despite the fact you’d be a grown adult
That after all this time of wondering and praying to whatever god had listened you were alive somehow
That the child more precious than any treasure he befriend all those years ago who he cared for as if they were his sibling was still out there
While at piers he tries to find what he’d imagined to be your grown up face in the crowds
Tries to find the rickety old dingy you called your loyal stead
And comes up empty handed as the whispers of the child on the raft continue to spill into his ears
At this point it’s either pointless fodder or a plain lie that leaves him disappointed
Ben pats his back as takes a sip of his drink, guzzling it down with ease as his men party around him
….and then someone enters the bar
He doesn’t care to turn around, not when he’s in a sour mood
Doesn’t care to bat an eye to the newcomer who sits themself down next to him on the only other empty barstool on account that no one wanted to be near a grumpy drunk emperor
Yet this either brave of foolish soul dares to do so
He’ll give them that, they either have balls of steel or a death wish since he really isn’t in the mood for bullshit right now-
“Huh?, what happened to Rogers hat? Did you give it away or something?”
Shanks goes still as the sound of your very familiar voice enters through his ears
He goes ridged and his emperors Haki lashes out
A few men drop to the floor as the attention turns to him and the small figure who sits looking up at him
Shanks slowly turns and faces someone he had missed for a long time now
There you sat
As young as ever, looking like you haven’t aged a day despite the fact it’s been well over a decade and now nearing a second decade
You still have Rogers coat but now it’s adorned with several trinkets and charms along with the fact you seemed to have gained more souvenirs from other pirate friends (much to his chagrin)
Your eyes are still innocent yet have the spark of something ancient in them
Chubby cheeks pulled up into a look of confusion at his agape reaction
He accidentally spits the beer out his mouth into Ben’s face
His right hand man can’t even seem to be mad when your looking up at the red haired man with a small grin at his expression
“Never thought you’d waste beer like that. Not when you’d beg Rayleigh and then sneak a sip from the mugs of people passed out”
Not even a word after that can come out your mouth before your in his arms
This feels unreal to him
Like a cruel dream he’s gonna wake up from
He’s preparing himself for it yet it doesn’t seem to happen
Your still in his arms
Your still you
He’s still him
His crew is watching gobsmacked and confused as tears begin to like his eyes
Him, red haired Shanks crying for the first time in years let alone at some small bar with a random kid he’s hugging
Maybe they think he’s so drunk that he’s imagining you as Uta or Luffy
But no
Your you
And perhaps that’s the one thing that makes this feel like some sort of fever Dream
He’ll give his captain credit where it’s due, he could’ve never imagined Roger keeping a secret let alone several important ones
Though Shank supposed that Roger was a man of his word, he’d rather cut off an arm rather than go back on a promise he made
And that extended to keeping something a secret
But he had to admit of all possibilities as to why you haven’t aged a single day this was the one he dreaded the most
He was hoping for some mad science experiment or just a weird devil fruit
But this was much worse
Many people want it, but like a monkeys paw every blessing comes with a curse
And you had seen the extents of what it could bring to not only you but those you had gotten close to
The mental horror of watching someone you were close to die not knowing they would appear across the world moments later
And then having to grapple with the fact they had traumatized that person now with the possibility of meeting them again in the future
It sounded torturous
But it also now explained the fact as to why you were already hardened to the sea back then
Already seeing it’s worse storms and foes
It’s why your eyes despite their innocence are hallowed out, empty of life sometimes as you stared out towards the sea you loved
Why they always seemed older than what you looked
It’s cause you were technically older, just stuck physically and mentally as a child
One who had braved the seas for both its treasures and tortures
Content in wanting to explore and see all that could be seen, experience everything there was
It is fascinating as it is horrifying
He can’t imagine what you had been through up till now
Who you had met on your journeys
that explains why you’d always tell cryptic stories about people you’ve met that now looking back sound suspiciously like big mom and Kaido
Speaking of which that probably means their trying to look for you still
….god this did not turn out to be what he expected nor wanted
He takes a sip of his beer as his crew can’t also help but be exasperated from how nonchalant you are about all of this
As if dying repeatedly isn’t a big deal
Nor is meeting future emperors and Yonko’s who were definitely affected by your time with them
If he hears that you befriended Doflamingo or something then he’s officially done
With all these things coming to light though he can’t help the small grin that made its way onto his face
You weren’t exactly ok (at least mentally speaking) but you were alive
The greatest blessing that came with your immortality was that you were alive
He can’t help but continue to hold you close
You don’t mind, you had seemingly missed his presence over the years
Even if your time on his ship will be but a blip in your long life he knows you’ll remember it
You have that feeling as well
Every night with them is a party of sorts
Shanks had always been one who enjoyed a festival’s atmosphere so it’s no surprise that each night with his crew is an experience
They drink, laugh and dance with one another
Singing songs familiar to you and your years at sea
Even one that they now realize was made for you
The undying star in the sky that leads sailors to wonders untold
A spark of determination lit in their souls when the star moves across the sky to a new horizon
A lot of old stories and rumours at sea make sense now on the fact that your probably connected to them
But what’s perhaps the most funny thing about all that is the world government knows about you but doesn’t have a clear enough picture to try and pursue you
Photos are always blurry or downright incomprehensible, descriptions are muddied and vary
The people who met you refuse to tell even a pep of what you looked like
They can imagine it’s driving them mad
Especially Sengoku who has been tasked to find you for years now
And for a time you were right under his nose without even knowing
They all get a good cackle out of that
Imagining the old man’s face when he does eventually realize
It would probably take a big public event for that to happen though
Something you’d probably inevitably crash for whatever reason
So until then your relatively safe from marine pursuit
But even when that does inevitably happen you’ll have a good portion of the pirating world at your side
Him and his crew included
Like all those years ago on the Oro Jackson you work your ways into the crews hearts
A relatively quick process that somehow happens with everyone you meet
Yet it’s something that has yielded you much more power than you know of
Hell, your probably the most safe person on the sea not accounting your devil fruit ability on account of somehow getting on everyone’s good sides
How you did this he and his crew don’t know but it’s certainly something their suspecting is due to your devil fruit
Or you just have some uncanny ability in literally having the power of friendship or something
Either way their not writing it off as other just quite yet
Not when their all too caught up in your stories or insisting on teaching you blackjack
You don’t tell them you already know how to play, especially since you use that to win their desserts
Shanks just laughs, especially as they all sulk at “being beaten by a kid” momentarily forgetting your older than all of them
Whilst Shanks is both happy and ecstatic of finding you again he can’t help but feel melancholy
He swears he sees his old crew mates while lucky Rox and Yassop toss you around like a hot potato
His mind playing tricks as Ben messes up your hair just as Rayleigh did
Whenever this happens you seem to know
Always ending up at his side, going to a quiet part of the ship for a moment of peace where he can breath
In its there you both truly talk
You both catch up with what’s happened over the years
After the crew disbanded he was aimless
The fight with buggy
Him raising Uta with his crew before eventually leaving her for her own safety despite the fact it still kills him on the inside
The young boy who ate a fruit he was transporting for the world government, the reason why he doesn’t have Rogers hat anymore and why he’s missing an arm
It’s all a lot to process
Yet it’s even more when you tell him what’s happened on your end
The other pirates you’d met, the marines, becoming and dying as a slave
The pain
The loss
He can’t help but just sit there for a few solid minutes
Processing everything
And then comes the guilt
If he had tried harder to find you none of that would’ve happened
If he had done better
If he-
Your small hands shake him from his stupor as you place them gently on his tear stained cheeks
Here he was, an emperor crying as a child comforted him
Yet as he does it feels natural
Like back when he had a nightmare when he was a young teen and you talked with him to help distract from it all
The times that despite being your self appointed “older brother” he’d rely on you for advice
He crumbles in your gentle hands yet he does not care
Because when shanks is with you he knows he’s not the cabin boy of the Oro Jackson
He’s not red haired Shanks, the fierce-some emperor of the sea
He’s not shanks, the bastard child of some celestial dragon who was abandoned at birth in a treasure chest
He’s not the father who left his daughter out of both love and fear for her safety and wellbeing
He’s not the party animal who’s constantly drunk despite his power
To you Shanks is just Shanks
The man encompassed by the colour red
And most importantly of all Determination
For once in a very long while he feels the stress fall from his shoulders
As much as he loves his crew and the sea he feels a heavy burden of responsibility on his chest out of love for them
But like a switch it melts away
He feels a bit guilty that he’s the one crying when your the one who went through so much pain
But when he sees your gentle smile he knows you don’t mind
A soft look of ‘its ok’ and ‘you can cry’
And so he does
So much so that his eyes turn red from irritation
It’s inevitable that you leave
He knows that when it comes to you yet he can’t help but feel sad
And notice something slightly different this time around
When on the Oro Jackson you’d leave from time to time
Staying for good portions of times before leaving for awhile and somehow always making your way back
You never once hesitated to leave
Back then they had all accepted it
Knowing you’d come back eventually, so much so that they’d plan parties in advance
But now as you prepare to leave it’s different
Your tired
It’s easy for him to tell since he’s known you for a good portion of time
Though your smile is as good as a mask as ever he sees the cracks
The way you don’t look at the sea like the way you once did
He can’t blame you
But it worries him
A part of him wants to offer you a place here permanently but that in some sense would be cruel
He can’t will himself to take advantage of your exhaustion to essentially trap you here
The sea is meant to be a place of freedom and would not shackle you like others once did
He won’t guilt you into this when he knows you’d stay out of guilt
He may be selfish but he isn’t selfish enough to do that
Not when all he wants is for you to be happy
So he prepares to let go
Knowing you’d meet again
But not before he throws you the biggest party they’ve had in a long while
Stacks of food are prepared
So many Desserts to the point big mom would have to stop and take a break from eating
Enough booze to create a running river
Streamers and confetti decorating the ship in all the colours of the rainbow
Songs sung loudly as the few who knew how to play instruments strummed away
Mihawk even showing up much to his surprise because he apparently already met you once before
Not surprised at that fact but Moreso on how that stubborn asshole gives you a small well made sword
One obviously custom made and designed for you with it’s whole star design
Neither of you elaborate how you both met
Both giving each other a silent stare before turning to him with shit eating grins saying that “that story is for another day”
It leaves his a bit huffy but he’s secretly happy that it seems the two of you are both well acquainted
Even more so that you finally have something to defend yourself with for once
God knows the amount of times he and buggy had tried to convince you to bring some sort of weapon only for them to say you’d be fine and then save you at the last minute from being stabbed
It seems Mihawk shared this same sentiment since he nearly jumps out of his skin when you start mock sword fighting with Ben and his second hand man gets the death eye of the century
It’s good though, especially as you sing with the crowd of drunks who are either happily joining in for the party or sadly joining in remembering this is a goodbye party
Your hoisted and thrown playfully in the air screaming the lyrics of shanties
Given a few sips of alcohol behind Ben’s and Mihawk’s backs (Shanks is guilty of this as well)
At some point someone decides fireworks are a good idea and almost set the ship on fire
It all works out though as sparks scatter in the sky
Fluttering down until fizzling out
All the while you watch on from the crows nest beside him
Everyone else down below watching and dancing
Mihawk nearby enjoying the lively atmosphere
It’s nice
Yet as he wishes for this moment can last forever he knows it can’t
The reminder of this is when you begin to speak once mor e
Shattering the silence he wishes to keep as to have the moment last longer
To not be reminded of the imminent departure from his ship that this entire party is about
Your words aren’t that bad yet it fills him with solace
You tell him you’ll keep your eye out for a kid in a straw hat
It’s probably inevitable you run into Luffy at some point
Knowing him you’ll probably even join him on some grand adventure
The kid Is a supernova waiting to happen and you seem to have an affinity for finding them
You also promise to check up on Uta for him if your given the chance
Meeting her when she was only a baby when he had found her in a treasure chest just as Roger had with him
For the first few months of her life you helped him raise her
The young toddler even eventually naming you her Auncle
The whole crew got a laugh out of that
As did he
But now as you say that it just reminders him you’ll be leaving again
He doesn’t have the courage to look you in the eyes until he looks up at the stars
They burn brightly in the sky
Golden light thousands of miles away yet still brilliant in their glow
And it’s there looking at those stars he’s reminded of the day you climbed aboard the Oro Jackson
The spark of determination in him to be your friend
He remembers now why he had felt that calling all those years ago
The world government had been vague in why the fruit you ate was so important
Naturally Shanks attributed that to the nature of immortality that came with it
But it seems there was more to it than meets the eye
Whenever you had met someone you ended up being a catalyst to their determination towards something
And perhaps that was more powerful that immortality itself
Being the spark that can change someone’s entire life course
It’s no wonder why they wanted this fruit
One that would most definitely play into enlisting more powerful forces and lighting the fuse to their souls that would have them walk to the ends of the earth to accomplish it
It’s like with the gum-gum fruit that they had him try to deliver
But now thinking about it perhaps that one as well has some sort of other purpose they needed it for
Not if he has any say in it though
Shanks is a selfish pirate at heart and nothing comes between him and protecting his treasures
Whether that be a boy in a straw hat, a girl with half white and red hair or a child always floating at sea with stars in their eyes
He will fight tooth and nail to keep them safe
Cause selfishness is something taught to him by his captain
Protect what you love no matter the cost
Protect their freedom and your own,
Be determined to take the stand in liberation
Red is the colour of his hair and it encompasses his soul
Shanks’s hands are dyed that colour as well; the colour of blood and love.
He will continue to stain it that colour to protect what he’s passionate about with vigorous anger if the world government so much breaths in any of their directions
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hellsslibrary · 1 year
✧・゚:*NSFW Alphabet with Riddle Rosehearts*:・゚✧
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DNI : minors.
!!Warnings : switch(mostly sub)!bottom!Riddle, kink for size difference, oral, praise kink, soft sex, teasing, roleplay(King and Queen of Hearts), pet play, male reader.
Trey <————«« Riddle »»————> Jack
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Heartslabyul. Riddle Rosehearts.
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A = Aftercare (What are they like after sex?)
He is very tired after sex, no matter what the pace was, no matter who dominated, no matter how many rounds and how intense the sex was. He is always tired. He also has a weak throat, I think, so he's always thirsty. So take care of the cute, red-haired boy, okay?
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Well... I guess his favorite body part in you is your eyes. He loves the way they shrink, looking down at him as he lies helpless underneath you, writhing in pleasure. He loves the way you close them when he pleases you. And he just loves your loving, sensual look when you talk about loving him.
His favorite body part in him is probably all parts of his body anyway. He's been very prepared for your first time by reading everything there is to know about two men having sex and... He's probably been doing some practice so somehow he loves everything about him and won't pick out anything about him.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
Considering his overly balanced and proper diet, his sperm is probably one of the most perfect. Like the truth, this is the most ordinary sperm, and it is released in a measured, normal amount, absolutely nothing unusual.
As for you, he'd rather you cum outside of him. He just doesn't want to give you the hassle of washing it out of him and himself too. Although he doesn't mind if you want to cum inside, yes.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Mmm, since the beginning of the relationship, he may have had the idea of role-playing the King and Queen of Hearts (Well, she's literally his prototype, so yeah). And, given that the king is much more loyal and kind (albeit still as infantile as his wifey), you would take a more submissive position, and he would, on the contrary, be more dominant and then you would violate one of the rules of the queen and on you would have hung a collar, though very unpleasant and heavy :( .Well, I leave everything else to your taste, imps~.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
He's... a total virgin. His mother is clearly "one partner for life", at least for her ideal son, so yes, he is definitely a virgin. Although his mother probably taught how to handle the female body and certain parts of it, apparently confident that her son would not be able to fall in love with a guy.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
Mmm, doggy style? He doesn't really like it when you see his face, although he loves when you play with his body however you want, but in the end he definitely gives up and puts his head on the pillows, exposing half of his face to you.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He is definitely serious. Although if you have the most ordinary relaxed, sensual sex where you just enjoy each other, then he can lower his walls a little and joke here and there, but not much.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Definitely very clean, the hair is just completely shaved off. Like really, how can Riddle of all people not be clean there? Although the color matches, the same strawberry red.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Of course very strongly! For him, sex is primarily a moment of your privacy, a moment where you can enjoy each other without unnecessary factors. He is incredibly romantic, even if sometimes he can be shy about it.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He hardly has time for that, anyway. But I guess he doesn't do it often anyway, he'd rather have sex with you than his hand or anything.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Kink for praise, obviously! I won't even explain it, it's just Riddle. I think pet play. Like why not? He will gladly put himself under your command, knowing that you do not want to harm him. Or he will take command. Depends on your tastes. And I have one thought that maybe he has a kink for tenderness(?). I don't know how to explain it better, but I think it's the caring and gentle handling of him that turns him on during sex.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Within those places where ABSOLUTELY NO ONE can see or hear you. But probably the bed, he's simple enough in his looks.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
I think it fires up surprisingly fast or not at all. Although given his temperament, this should not be surprising. It's just the truth... One moment he'll have a hard-on from a few words whispered in his ear from you, and the next time he won't have a hard-on even after you teasingly rub his cock through his pants.
N = NO (Something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
Sex in public or semi-public places. Too much use of pain. And probably humiliation (albeit in a playful or, uh, romantic way maybe), but if you tease him like that... You better not do it.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He loves to give. After all, he read a lot of books before your first time, like I said before, so he definitely knows what he's doing... Only in his head, of course.
Although he still loves to receive, of course! Blowjob, rimming, eating out, whatever! He likes everything as long as you do it. (Although for some reason it seems to me that he preferred rimming/eating out).
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Slower and gentler tempo. He does not like to rush, he wants everything to be beautiful, cute and romantic. So he definitely prefers this pace.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He... Not a fan of that. Absolutely not a fan of this. One orgasm is probably not enough for him to satisfy himself. But if you or he really wants to fuck, but you don't have too much time, then of course he will agree.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He won't take risks, nope. Experiments of course. But he will not risk your reputation, health, or anything else. But to satisfy your perverted fantasies or offer his own, he is happy to.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Well, it lasts quite an average amount of about 5-10 I guess. Although somewhere around 12, he is already starting to get overstimulated.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He didn't have them. He considered it too dirty and unpleasant. Like who needs toys if there are hands, genitals and stuff? He... Began to treat them neutrally after starting a relationship with you. At least he doesn't mind them, and he'll keep something if you give it to him, but he's unlikely to buy it himself.
U = Unfair (How much do they like to tease)
Riddle will not tease you if you are dominant. He wants to be completely obedient and a good boy for you, although he may tease you a little if it pleases you, but he will immediately finish with any disapproval from you. But he loves to tease you when he dominates. He just finds something sexy in your pleading or in your facial expression when he teases you.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He thought he would be quiet like 1/10. But finished somewhere at 7-8/10. It's loud enough, yes. He doesn't scream though. But it's still very loud and that changes that fact. It's too easy for him to feel pleasure when it all starts, so he just can't handle it.
W = Wild Card (Get a random head canon for the character of your choice)
He definitely has a kink to the size difference, it's true, you can't deny it. He's just tiny, and he's tiny there too. I'm just heading the headcanon for the fact that he has a small dick and has always been shy about it, even at the beginning of a relationship with you (well, I mean you're a guy biologically, if not, grow your dick). But after all, why does he need a big dick if he's the bottom, right? :)
X = X-Ray (Let's see what's going on in those pants, picture or words)
Very slim. Maybe a little muscle, but it seems to me that there are not so many of them. Well, his penis is small in both size and girth, as I said earlier. 3-4 inches / 7-10 cm.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It is very low. I doubt he ever wanted to have too much sex, other than his puberty, of course. But on his own, he doesn't want to fuck very often, so in almost all situations you need to offer it.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fell asleep afterwards)
He... I think he generally has a hard time falling asleep, worrying about something or remembering. But I think next to you and even more so, given that he is tired, I think he will fall asleep quickly enough.
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boozenboze · 2 years
Los Vaqueros + Task Force 141 x Flexible !Male reader
Summary:You,code name Bendy was minding your business doing your daily stretches.Rudy unfortunately walked in on you when in an awkward position and he thought you were possessed
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Females She/Her She/They DNI
You were one of the military’s special soilders with an interesting code name.Bendy was the name you had on the field for many reasons.Laswell had warned Price about your flexibility but he didn’t take it to heart,and he should’ve.It would’ve prevented his blood pressure from sky rocketing.
You were currently in your room doing some stretch’s,making sure none of your muscles tense up.You were currently doing a handstand with your legs separated,it would’ve looked like you were doing a split mid air.Once you started to loose balance you put yourself into a back bend.Your feet were currently where your head was and you were so focused on getting comfortable that you didn’t hear the door of your room creaking open.
“M/n we’re gonna go on a jog do ya wanna j-AGGGH!”You looked up and saw terrified Rudy.
“Sure just let me.”You we’re cut off again by Rudy screaming and running down the hallway.You were unamused but found the situation funny.You decided that you were gonna be different and chase him in a crab walk position.
So you did
“Rudy come back I wanna answer your question!”You said while rushing towards him full speed down the hallway.The poor guy turned into the kitchen and bumped into Alejandro.
“Yo amigo what’s the problem?”Alejandro asked while steadying Rudy by the shoulders.
“I-it’s M/n I think h-“
“Hola niños~”M:n said while looking at Alejandro and Rudy.Out of pure instinct the two started running to the main room where the rest of the Task Force was.Ghost was currently sipping on some tea,while Soap and Gaz sat next to each other having a conversation.Price was currently reading a book that Laswell had given him,but looked up when he heard running.
Rudy and Alejandro slid into the room almost falling to the ground.
“What’s wrong with you two?”Gaz asked while looking at the two men who were out of breath.
“M/n*insert huffing noises*I think the mans possessed!”Rudy said while looking down the hallway.
“Don’t ya think your over exaggerating?What was he even doi-WHAT THE FUCK.”Price immediately stopped talking when M/n came into the room.Soap and Gaz were now hugging each other while Rudy jumped behind the couch that Ghost and Price were seated on.Ghost was stuck in place trying to process what he was witnessing and Price threw his book at M/n missing him completely.
“Aw come on y’all are over exaggerating.”M/n said now sitting up straight and facing them all.They were all stuck in place.Terrified?Yes.Amazed as well?Also yes.
“Jesus Christ muppet you scared the hell out of me.”Price huffed our while putting a hand to his chest.You laughed slightly at their reactions and lifted you sweatpants that were beginning to drop down on your hips.Once they all calmed and(and Rudy came from behind the couch)they all took notice to what you were wearing.The sweatpants obviously stood out along with the tank top that made your man boobies more prominent.They were all stuck in a trance until Price spoke up again.
“I’m guessing Rudy asked you if you wanted to go on a jog am I correct?”Price asked while putting on his hat.
“Yes he did and sure i’ll tag along,just let me go get my jacket.”M/n said turning to go to his room,not before approaching Rudy and kissing him on the cheek.
“Sorry for startling you cariño.”M/n said while patting Rodolfo on the shoulder.Everyone else stared in jealousy but that subsided when Ghost spoke up.
“Did any of you know he could do that?”Ghost questioned while standing from his place on the couch.
“Laswell did say that M/n was flexible but I didn’t take it to heart.The room fell silent and M/n stepped back into the room.
“Alright let’s go!”M/n said while running out the door.They all looked at each other,having the same question run through their minds.If your as flexible as Laswell claims you to be
What other positions could you handle?😏
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sohnric · 5 months
[TEASER] partners in crime – j. changmin
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after a series of unpredictable events, you and ji changmin, the foster kid with a shady reputation, become partners in crime. in a world where every choice has a consequence, you two must decide how far you're willing to go as you balance on the edge of danger with the promise of a better life.
pairing: ji changmin x fem! reader
genre: criminals au. acquaintances to lovers. coming of age, slice of life. angst, hurt/comfort. thief! changmin. partners in crime au (duh). slight high school au. inspired by a real case of robbery in a jewelry store here lmao. also loosely inspired by the kdrama extracurricular!
wc: for the teaser :: 1k || for the full fic :: approx. 32k
warnings: for the teaser :: existential dread, a fake gun, robbery || for the full fic :: mentions of alcoholism and juvenile behavior, swearing, changmin's character is a little inconsistent at first. changmin is a foster child, dysfunctional families, yn's father is absent. mentions of minors going on dates with older men, a man trying to take advantage of the reader, a physical fight (with the use of a knife), more to be added as i edit lmao
SEND AN ASK/COMMENT TO BE ADDED TO THE TAGLIST! Posting when the editing is done and my beta reader gives me the approval and validation <3 (end of may??)
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Eyes catching the glimmer of the silver chain in between your fingers, you press your skin into the metal and drag your nail over the stones in the pedant. You watch over the glass vitrines situated all around the store, various different shades of gold and silver staring back at you, almost laughing to your face with the prize tags slapped onto them, showing prices worth more than your groceries for the month. 
Contemplating your next decision, looking behind your shoulder to catch the security camera watching you, you think over your next steps. Angling your body so that it’s shielding what you’re doing with your hands, you gently take out the drawer that you’ve taken the silver chain out of, pretending to put the jewelry back where you got it from.
Your movements are careful, calculated. You’ve rethought this plan over and over again, birthed in your mind the moment you saw the sign ‘hiring’ on the glass door of the fancy jewelry store in the town center– made adjustments to it, tweaked it around and tried your hardest to make a good impression on your boss so she wouldn’t suspect anything– but now that you’re actually in front of the important part, the one that’s supposed to help you the most in your hunt for money, you can’t really bring yourself to do it.
Who knows. Maybe you could just keep the job– you don’t make much, though, considering you only work part-time. With the way your shifts are scheduled and the amount of time you have to put into working, you don’t really see the jewelry store as a good source of income– you are barely home and have time for anything. 
And it’s not the kind of money you need. Not at all.
Sighing to yourself, you shake your head to clear it off all thoughts– it’s time to do it. You can be sneaky. You can be uncaught. You just have to put your head to it.
Fingers shaking, you move the chain towards the front pocket of your jeans, ready to hide it in there and then sell it in the pawn shop a few weeks later to not raise much suspicion– when the sound of the front door opening brings you out of your thoughts, making you jump in surprise. Eyes snapping to the customer entering the store, you get ready to sport the kindest, warmest smile you can– to seem innocent and not at all suspicious. However, the grin stops growing mid-way as you recognise the appearance of the customer, smile freezing and turning into a concerned frown. 
This is not how you’d expect a customer of a fancy jewelry store to look.
The person is dressed in black, skinny jeans adorning their thighs, the hood of their jacket pulled over their head and a mask covering the bottom half of their face. Before you get a chance to dwell on it any further, they take out a gun– and they point it to your face.
There’s a moment in time where you feel like everything freezes. A moment in time where you just stare the gun into its eyes and wait for the person to shoot you, a moment in time where you can’t even think. Your brain clears, the only thought present at the tip of your tongue being– this is not how I imagined to go.
Your hands start shaking as you put them above your head, pupils dilating in terror. You guess this is something you should’ve expected when taking the job in an expensive jewelry store, but even though you’re aware a situation like this could exist in your timeline, you don’t really expect it. It’s like that with all bad things in life– you keep telling yourself that there’s no way something like that would happen to a person like you.
There’s no way your father would leave. There’s no way your mother’s world would crumble. There’s no way you’ll be left in charge of everything. There’s no way you’ll have to be the one to steal groceries because you can’t afford to buy food to put into your sister’s mouth. 
There’s no way a man would pull out a gun on you in the middle of your shift.
And yet, it happened. Everything.
In a moment of absolute terror, though, it feels like the world starts spinning again and the force clutching your chest relaxes a little when you stare into the man’s eyes. 
Strange, isn’t it?
There’s a sense of familiarity in his gaze. Something mirroring a weird kind of surprise, a weird kind of recognition. A million different thoughts flow through your brain, eyes scanning his figure– the skin of his hands as he grips the gun that you now recognise to be one of the kinds you use when you play airsoft, not a real one– the lean posture of his figure, but most importantly, the spark in his dark orbs that somehow invites you to do everything he tells you to. Not because he’d kill you if you don’t– but because somehow, you know this might be of gain for you.
Trying hard to play out your previous panic, riding off the erratic heartbeat in your chest, you walk over to the cash register and open the drawer. Eyes meeting with the intruder, you precisely take out the bills stacked in the register, throwing them on the counter in a careless, yet seemingly nervous manner. 
“The jewelry,” he mumbles, pointing towards the vitrines with his chin, waiting for you to obey his words. 
It doesn’t take you much to take out the drawers full of silver and gold, letting the man take whatever he pleases, his bag filled with expensive chains and rings, all while he keeps the gun on you to get the full effect. 
You could be given an Oscar for how good your acting performance was in this very moment.
Your eyes lock in another meaningful gaze, one that suggests that all cards are on the table now and you share a secret you will never be able to shake off, before he disappears out of the store into the dark. Acting stunned for the camera, you only reach for the phone when you’re certain he’s far enough to not be caught, dialing 911 and telling the line all about the robbery.
Ji Changmin chose the bad jewelry store to rob.
Or maybe, he chose the best one he could.
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ofallthingsnasty · 7 months
From the yandere alphabet, could you possibly do F, H, J, or N for Blue? Him and Bill are my favs :)
Yandere alphabet
Of course 💕 Blue is from this fic and my not-so-little beefy merman, you can find more yandere Blue here and here. For everything Blue, browse my OC: Blue tag.
tw. yandere, noncon, oviposition, f!reader, minors dni
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Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Hurt, betrayal, disbelief, anger, annoyance - Blue feels a lot of things at once. But the only emotion that he will show is anger. Of course, he knows that what he is doing isn't sane, isn't consensual - he isn't delusional - but he thinks he is acting for both his and your own good when he takes you for himself. Blue is a lot older than you (which is only natural, considering that merfolk live longer than humans do and mature slower) and he sometimes gets a little cocky, a little condescending. To him, you're still so young and immature - especially when you tell him (fully aware that his last fertile seasons are approaching) that you want to put off having kids for another few years. He takes you out a sense of entitlement and hurt that you're suddenly 'breaking your promise', coupled with the 'I-know-best' attitude I mentioned above - so how does a boyfriend-turned-captor react when the love of his life is fighting back? It's definitely going to be a pile of negative emotions. When you dare to buck under his grip, to wiggle away from him or even try to hurt him - he'll go through a million thoughts in one second. But his pride is too grand to show you that it makes him sad, deep, deep down - the only thing that you will reap is acid, in hopes that it might deter you from acting out again. He can fix your relationship later, he thinks. Because you're more likely to see that he was right all along with a fat-cheeked baby on your arm. Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them? I'd say that depends on you - as in, what would be worse for you? He isn't violet, but he is going to force himself on you so you can carry his eggs. He isn't going to isolate you forever, but he will definitely keep you from anyone and anything until your babies are a little older. So, what is worse? To get violated by your partner of more than a decade or to be all on your own because he thinks it's what is best for you? Which can you stomach better? That one singular traumatic event or the grueling years of isolation and solitude? Both are harrowing in their own right, though the latter might not be defined as a 'single experience'.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Oh, Blue gets jealous pretty easily, even as his 'canon' self. Your worlds are so different - he can't follow you to land, only has you when you're at sea with him - and, as many men with big, great egos do, he has that little nagging voice in his head that tells him that you might just fall for another human because it's easier, more familiar. I didn't mention in 'at home', but you wear his bite on your neck for that very reason. He's trying to tell any potential suitor to back off. He's a biter in general, obsessed with leaving marks all over, to make it clear that you're taken. So when he gets jealous? It might just be the straw that breaks the camel's back. You tell him you need more time before having kids and he can smell some other man on you? That doesn't bode well for you. Trust me.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Never physically, that's for sure. He will give you the cold shoulder, will ignore you, will get loud and desperate - but he won't ever hit you. Really, in his eyes he isn't even punishing you. He thinks that you're still in a relationship, even when he forced his eggs into you, thinks that he simply had to force you to see what's important. He thinks you're just arguing like couples do, that he's simply voicing his anger and frustrations. (The fact that there is now a considerable power balance between you is ignored by him.) So why would he hit you? He isn't like that, he loves you, don't you see?
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notsopersonalcharlie · 7 months
My Ranger
LOTR Ranger!Bucky x fem!reader
Note: Absolutely borrowed the concept of Ranger Bucky and serving girl reader from @witchywithwhiskey's LOTR masterlist. Obsessed.
Warnings: Minor mentions of casual groping, nothing else I don't think
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You stacked another plate and then precariously balanced the last three glasses on your tray before carefully winding your way through the crowded tavern. It had been a busier night than you all had expected. A major part of the bridge had broken down just before sunset and with no other options but to stay in town, you had gathered double the number of patrons you were expecting. In addition to the spring festival starting up in a few days, every table, chair, barstool, and vague standing area had been occupied. 
You dropped off the stack in the kitchen, where two of the tavern owner’s children were cleaning up in a large tub that was being constantly refilled. The tavern itself only had a few regular workers, never quite meant for a crowd this large unexpectedly. Both cooks and all four serving girls were run down as soon as the bridge crashed. 
“We need two more orders of stew and bread!” You called over your shoulder already on your way out to get more orders and dishes. A number of the tables had been pushed aside to accommodate space for dancing. It was lively and full of laughter and it made it impossible not to smile while hollering across tables to catch people’s orders. Thankfully you had reached the part of the evening where most of the orders were ale or spirits, and you gratefully poured drink after drink, serving them to already half drunk dancers.
You watched the dancers wistfully, wondering what your own dance partner was doing now. You’d met James Barnes entirely by accident on his first passing through the town. His horse had been eating the flowers growing in your window box and when he knocked to apologize it was as if you’d both fallen in love at first glance. He had stayed in town days longer than he should have, and had to ride nearly non-stop for days to make it to the post he was headed for in time, but he came back as soon as he had been relieved to see you and on and on for the last three years. You never knew when he would be back, just that he always would.
You switched off with the tavern owner’s husband, picking up his place behind the bar to pour ales and collect coins along with Lyddie, who had arrived in town just a few weeks before to pick up any work she could ahead of the festival. Good timing for her too. 
“There’s a man in the corner who’s been staring at you for far too long,” she said into your ear as  you poured another ale and slid it across the bar for a copper piece. The man slid you three instead and winked. You worked hard not to roll your eyes as you tucked the extra coins into your pocket. 
“Probably just another one of the band’s troop hoping to get their hands to less use.” The night before there had been a caravan full of young men on their way to perform at tomorrow’s opening day. Two of them had gotten handsy enough that some of the local men had tossed them out to the street. They had gotten a stern talking to by the troop leader, a bard who had come around before and was well respected, and both boys had sulked back in the morning to apologize for their actions. Boys never learned till they had been beat over the head. 
“Perhaps. He looks alone though.” You carried on pouring and accepting coin into a safebox, smiling at the odd woman or two who pushed her way through the crowd for another drink. For the most part the women dancing with the men from out of town were locals in it for a joke or a fun night. 
A whole cohort of the girls who weren’t supposed to technically be “women” till the weekend’s festival had arrived full of giggles and flowers in their hair and you and Lyddie were quickly tasked with keeping an eye on them. Which of course meant accepting a few dances of your own, but only with the practical men of the town who joked with you nightly and always slipped a couple silvers in your hands. 
It wasn’t long before the girls had tired out and decided to rest at a table, and during a break in the music you overheard them.
“He’s been staring at the dancefloor.”
“Maybe he fancies one of us.” 
“He must be a ranger, did you see how he’s dressed, and so mysterious!” The word ranger sent you spinning, following their eyeline to the corner where Lyddie had vaguely pointed before. There was a man, certainly a ranger, sitting in the shadows of the corner of the darkened windows. For a moment you couldn’t be certain, but he leaned forward so his blue eyes caught the light. He quirked his eyebrow, the ghost of a smile appearing across his lips. You nearly yelped out loud, ignoring the cries of the dancers you knocked out of the way, sailing into Bucky’s waiting arms. 
“I hope you don’t react like that for all the strange men sitting in corners,” he whispered into your ear, holding you tight in his arms. 
“You’ve been sat there all night and didn’t say a word?” You exclaimed, pulling back from him so you could hit him in the chest and get a better look at him. His hair had grown long as had his beard. Yet his blue eyes were shining bright with a grin just for you. The whole room had faded for a moment, but a whoop and it restarted in overwhelming song. Bucky reached into his pocket and pulled out a purple flower, a little bit crushed but it meant everything to you just the same. He tucked it behind your ear. 
“A dance, my beautiful flower?” 
“How could I ever refuse.” A dance turned to two, and the tavern owner all but shooed the two of you out the door with the promise that you would be back in the morning to make up any hours. She had dismissed you with a huff and told Bucky he should keep you away under all circumstances. 
“Titan!” The horse was just as happy to see you as you were to see him, and practically led his own way to your small cottage once Bucky lifted you up into the saddle. He climbed up behind  you, warm body pressed to your back, holding you tightly at the waist as he told you of the last many moons of adventures he had. He had been everything but bored it seemed.
“And you? What exciting times have been had here?” 
“Oh, the bridge falling has been the most excitement in weeks. For a few days the river was frozen enough to walk on, but nothing else has been quite as remarkable as seeing you.” He laughed, the rumble in his chest warming you more than his cloak draped around the both of you and you leaned back closing your eyes and enjoying the absolutely safety in his arms.
“I’m certain that’s false. What of the baker’s daughter? Did she actually go to Gondor? And the new butcher shop! I saw it on my way to the Three Horseshoes. Joseph could not have enjoyed that.” You felt silly telling him the trivial happenings of your small town, but he listened avidly, engaging where he could and ensuring he had all the details to fit back into your life for however much longer he had here with you. By the time Titan had stopped to eat flowers from your window box, Bucky was laughing, sliding down and catching you in his arms as you completed the tale of pulling the Blacksmith from the well down the hill near the town square.
He frowned when you were suddenly serious after he cleaned up Titan in the barn. 
“Darling, what’s wrong?” 
“You’ll be gone again soon, won’t you? War brewing in the East, raids in the south. You can’t have much time here at all.” A sad smile overtook his frown, and Bucky pulled you close, pushing your hair away so he could rest his hand on you cheek. 
“I know not how long I can stay with you, but I do know that I will spend every moment of it with you, present and attention all for you.” You accepted his solemn promise with a long kiss, his hand pressing your lips close and his arm holding your bodies closer. 
“And I will start with all my attention on you as soon as we get inside.”
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Unlikely Trio 🕶️ | MIB Headcanon
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Being an Agent of MIB and partners w/ K & J would look like: 
You three are an unlikely trio that somehow works. By this we're talking there's never a moment of peace when on the job because not only do y'all draw chaos, but you and J are constantly messing around to annoy K. "Drink your coffee, you two," he'd grumble at the dinner every morning, "We got work to do." "Whatever you say, boss man." "Yeah, don't wanna get your panties in a twist this early." 
Both you and J were recruited at the same time. Which thinking back was confusing considering J was a NYPD detective and you were a private investigator but somehow crossed paths the night J was chasing a suspect. That's when they brought you in as a witness and from there you both met K and the rest was history.
Going on late night patrols around the city together. You and J taking turns in the passenger seat since K didn't let either of you two drive. That means whoever is in the front is in charge of the aux cord despite K's protests. "Turn that crap off." "K, this is a classic--I thought you were a man of taste." "Y/I, remember this man is a fossil. He prefers the 1800s--." "Watch yourself, stretch.:
You and J are the jokesters, always having a laugh and making light of situations. Whereas you and K share deep, serious conversations and know when to be professional. When you three are together, there is a sense of balance. 
At functions you and J are the lives of the party--playing bartender, DJ, and keeping the dance floor occupied. Sometimes force K to dance with you whenever an old school song plays. "C'mon, old man, don't leave me hanging." And you can expect J taking pics on the sidelines as proof K can let loose every once in a while. 
On rare nights where all of you are off, you force J & K out of their apartments to hang out like normal people. You'll go to a diner or bar, maybe see a movie or go bowling. But when y'all do go bowling, it's intense since you three are MIB reigning league champions as a team so going head-to-head with each other brings on y'alls competitive side. and of course there is a bet in store for whoever wins & loses. "Winner gets the weak off from writing up the reports--that's the losers' job." "I'm down with that. Hope you boys are ready to take on more work." "Don't be full of yourself, sport. That's how you choke when it comes time to deliver."
God forbid you get hurt on the job. The men are in shambles and losing their minds. For example, if you're in the back seat bleeding out while K hauls ass to the hospital you best believe him and J are screaming at each other which then has you--who's on the brink of death--having to snap them out of the behavior. "Will you two shut the fuck up! It's no one's fault so stop blaming each other and focus on keeping me alive before I bleed out in this car!" Next thing K is pressing the red button to go at hyperspeed.
K never understands pop culture references you and J often say, leading to one of you explaining to him the meaning. Especially when on a job and the alien you're dealing with says something you both understand but K is clueless. "What's a TikTok?" "You don't want to know. Trust me, it's better if you remain ignorant."
When the shit with Boris happens, both you and J are racing against time to save him. He'd become a father figure to you guys besides being your mentor so there's no way in hell you were going to let him down. Traveling to 1969 and having to work with his younger self was quite the experience. Not to mention the reveal that you and J met him as children yet have no recollection.
When y'all return and the world is back to normal, you three are closer than ever. You nearly shed tears seeing the old man you grew to love as a father sitting at the countertop with his pie and coffee. Then when he realized you and J knew the truth, you leaned over to kiss his cheek, making him go red. "Thanks for everything, K." 
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🐥🐿Pretty little bros💐💐
Play On the Street for bg music, please.
The friendship that puts all others to shame.
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These men are #friendship goals.
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When I first got to the fandom, I noticed what surrounded Jimin. I'm Jimin centric. But there wasn't much chatter about Hobi's presence in Jimin's life. But at time passed, it became more obvious that Hobi and Jimin were close. And were getting closer. There is no denying that these men are soul mates.
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Looking back at old content, jihope always had a stable relationship. A roommate and dongsaeng&hyung bond. Hobi did a lot of instructing and Jimin respected him.
And they both respected and complemented each other's position in the group. They still do.
But as time passed, their bond appears to have grown and stabilized to a degree where you can really say they are brothers, best friends, soul mates.
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And it's important to say that sometimes your soul is still growing until it's ready to match with one of its mates. Such is the case with jihope.
Perhaps their bond doesn't need such labels.
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Through our screens, we are able to see the respect and admiration they have for each other, though.
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We've all been witness to Jimin's journey. He wrote an entire album of this. And now, that he is on the other side, Hobi is still with him. That says a lot.
Not everyone decides to stay with you until things are better and you don't allow everyone to accompany you on your journey.
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The same can be said for Hobi. During dark times, Jimin has shown up for him. During happy times, Jimin is still there in Jimin mode for his Hobi hyung.
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In Latin America, Hobi is nicknamed "Solecito", little sun. And he has proven to be that to Jimin as they have continued their friendship through the hard times that we've seen and the probable hard times that they've kept from us.
Their friendship is balanced by the fun times and adventures they have decided to share with us too.
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At this point, I think we all want to be their 3rd wheel and play sand castles with them.
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In an era where "posting for each other means nothing" Hobi constantly shows Jimin support with his cute comments on instagram.
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It was Jimin who supported Hobi during Hobipalooza and had a little freak out when he thought Hobi had spanked a dancer's butt.
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It was Jimin who was pumped for Hobi because he got to meet his idol, J. Cole.
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It was Hobi who took Jimin purple tulips and a hand-written note when Jimin had his debut stage in Korea.
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It was Jimin who was there when Hobi shaved his hair for military enlistment.
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It is Hobi, it is Jimin that have given us so many amusing and funny moments and sweet memories that we now hold on to dearly.
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It is Hobi, it is Jimin...this phrase can go for a while because their friendship and support is visible and ever so present.
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I hope we can continue being witnesses to a bond like this.
Jihope for life!
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lizcameron · 1 year
Daddy's Little Girl
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This one is a little off-brand. No smut, fluff, or angst. Just a little creativity exercise.
Request: “Would you write a dark fic with jj x sister!reader where she kills their dad with a knife after all he’s done to them. She gets arrested, of course.” - @tracymbcm
Word Count: 1501
Warning(s): MURDER, mentions of SA, domestic violence
Thank you @pankowperfection for passing along this request. I hope I did it justice! It’s not as dark as I anticipated; I couldn’t bring myself to make it premeditated.
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You could hear shouting as you walked along the curve of the dirt road leading to your neglected house. Quarrels like this were not uncommon in the Maybank household. Your father was always coming home high on something heavy, his mood worsened by alcohol. Most of the time, he was bitter and spat harsh words at you and your brother. That was the easy end of the stick. When he got really drunk, he was a mean, violent man. He would do and say spiteful things out of resentment and self-pity. He blamed you and JJ for your mother’s sudden departure, having left when you were 5 and JJ was 6, though you believed she must have seen a ghost of what he would become and fled before things got really bad.
You sigh heavily, slowing your steps, hoping to wait out the argument until JJ and your dad inevitably shut themselves in their respective rooms. When you hear a crash and shattering, you sprint to the porch door on the side of the house, throwing it open to see that the two men must have been at it for a good while. The entire living room is in shambles, coffee table on its side, papers littered everywhere, and the couch shoved out of its typical place. The sheets that usually hang by nails to cover the windows are torn down, blinds behind bent and broken.
Your eyes scan the room, and you spot the pile of dishes shattered on the floor before landing on your brother, who has your father in a headlock. JJ is struggling, Luke being shorter than him but with the weight of muscle and a beer gut giving him an edge. Luke is clawing at JJ’s forearm over his airway, but JJ has his back braced against the kitchen counter and one leg pushing against the counter across from him, the support making up for Luke’s weight advantage.
“JJ, what the fuck,” you scream as you rush into the kitchen and try to move past Luke’s kicking legs. “Let him go!”
“No can do, little sis,” JJ strains. “‘M not lettin’ him get me back.”
You stare, aghast, eyes raking over your dad’s flailing body. You are severely out-gunned in the current situation. Not knowing what else to do, you shove at JJ, trying to loosen his grip on your father.
“Shit, Y/n!” JJ shouts. “Get outta the way before he gets you square in the nose. Just go to your room!”
“Enough, J! You’re gonna kill ‘im,” you wail.
JJ scoffs, but you can tell he’s beginning to weaken. “Just putin’ dear ol’ dad to bed. Don’t worry; he’ll be up by mornin’.”
You grit your teeth in frustration, widening your stance to steady yourself. You push against JJ’s shoulder again, this time not letting up until JJ loses his balance and tips over, back hitting the wall. Luke is on the ground with him, choking in air.
Before JJ can reach for him again, Luke scrambles to his feet, putting the length of the small kitchen between the two. Both men are heaving, trying to catch their breath from their struggle.
“Now what is this all about? Are you drunk, Dad?” you ask needlessly. You can smell the beer and cheap whiskey in the room, and it’s not coming from JJ.
Luke ignores your comments and locks eyes with JJ. “Big mistake, boy,” he rasps. “You shoulda gone home to yer boyfriend, Routledge, like ya always do.”
JJ grunts at that remark but doesn’t let it phase him.
“What’s a-matter, boy? Can’t finish the job? Gonna let your pretty little sister do it for you?” Luke drawls with a snicker.
You snap your eyes up to JJ’s and see the fire in his pupils. Nothing infuriated him more than when your dad spoke of you in that way. In the past few months, Luke had started commenting on your body and your “pretty little mouth,” little insinuations here and there when he was particularly too far gone. You insisted he didn’t mean it like that, but JJ knew where Luke’s thoughts leaned when he’d had so much to drink that even his murky boundaries muddied.
JJ roared as he charged across the room toward Luke, but your father was too quick, the coke in his systems making his senses a little sharper than JJ’s were through his cloud of rage. Luke dodged your brother, catching the collar of his shirt and dragging him down to where he pinned him to the floor. He straddled JJ with his hands around your brother’s throat.
It all happened so quickly. You hadn’t had any time to react, to stop JJ. Now he was jerking under your father, trying to get out of his hold, but it was no use. Without his legs under him, JJ couldn’t overpower Luke. You knew your father wouldn’t stop, not after JJ had put him in a similar position just moments earlier.
“Stop it, Dad! Get offa him,” you scream, moving to try to push him off of JJ, but Luke swats you away. You shove at him again, and his arm swings out and catches you in the cheek just under your eye. You ignore the wetness that drips down to your jaw as you can see your brother turning a sickening shade.
“Daddy, please! You’re hurting him,” you wail, violent sobs now shaking your body.
“He did this, Y/n! He asked for it,” Luke hollers back.
JJ’s movements begin to slow, and you panic, knowing you’ll surely lose your brother if you don’t get Luke off of him. You’re hyperventilating as you look through blurry eyes around the room for something to hit Luke hard enough to render him unconscious long enough for you and JJ to make your escape. Your hands clatter along the kitchen counter as you fumble blindly for anything to help you. Your fingers clasp around a handle over the stovetop and you raise it, not cognizant of its weight.
Blinking back your tears, you make your way over to the struggle by the kitchen table. You raise your arm, implement in hand, and bring it down swiftly to the side of your father’s head. You do not hear a resonating sound as you expected from a frying pan against your father’s head, but rather a sharp, wet sound. You blink several times around the confusion, clearing your eyes, and as the blur dissipates, your gaze lands upon Luke leaning lax over JJ with the sharp edge of a meat cleaver sunk just above his ear.
The house quiets as your sobs stop. The only sounds remaining are the harsh breaths both you and JJ drag in. JJ pushes out from under the weight, letting it fall with a dense thud.
“Y/n… Y/n,” he whispers, conscious not to startle you. He knows you could crumble at any moment, and you don’t have time for that.
JJ could hear the sirens in the distance. The neighbors must have called the cops because of all the screaming. You were in shock, though, and didn’t hear them.
“Y/n, you have to move. We don’t have time to run,” he says gently. When you don’t budge, he grabs you by the shoulders and begins guiding you. “You have to lie down. Lie down next to him.”
JJ menuevers you to the floor, laying you back beside the kitchen table. When your hand touches the growing puddle beneath you, the glaze over your eyes pulls back and your face contorts. You look over at your father’s lifeless body beside you, then bring your gaze to meet your brother’s.
JJ’s mind is a million miles ahead of yours already. “We’ll say he was trying to take advantage of you. Ya’ got the cut on your cheek to prove your struggle. I walked in and stopped the fucker with the first thing I could get my hands on. C’mon, lay down. We have to spread the blood so it looks like he was on top of you,” he rambles, motioning for you to comply.
Your grimace deepens, and you can feel your stomach starting to churn. “J, no, that’s- that’s not what happened. He was killing you,” you croak, throat tight.
JJ pulled his head back, looking at you incredulously. “Y/n, I’m not letting you go to jail for this. It was me. I did this. He was trying to hurt you,” your brother pleads. The look in JJ’s eyes is excruciating. “Please,” JJ whispers as you hear the screen door swing shut.
Shoupe takes a few steps in, hands poised on his hips. “Kids,” he begins. “What the hell happened here?”
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Jottings: Season 7, Episode 5. Dinna fash, we'll sort it out
The proof is in the pudding: we don't really need to see J&C/S&C all the time on screen, to know an episode is still consistently good, in an overall unexpectedly great season, so far.
Side note: just how hypnotic Bear McCreary's Dance of the Druids must be, to immediately cut all ties to the real world, as you settle on the couch, larva style, with your ice cream (yes! again! B&J's Karamel Sutra Core - more appropriate for last week, but nobody's perfect)?
It would seem this time speed gave precedence to density and even gravitas, because neither war, nor self-assertiveness are jokes. The main theme of the mysteriously named Singapore seems to be the obvious cause and effect relationship between prejudice and miscommunication, or even lack thereof. It doesn't really matter if the year is 1777 or 1979: men will be men, women will be women and idiots will be idiots, regardless of gender or nationality. Tonight, for instance, an accomplished French idiot, which is ironic and a tad unfair to watch, seconds after Bastille Day (this comes from a place of deep love, familiarity and appreciation). But almost all of them will face authoritarian idiocy in this episode: I will let you discover (remember: nothing but minimal spoilers).
Still embarrassed for SS, whose vital signs seem to be on display only when she is a) crying and b) pissed off because of someone or something. For the pub scene with the gang of morons from the plant, she could have borrowed a wealth of JAMMF's expression tricks (for which S is the absolute ace) and I suspect she tried but, yet again, failed to persuade: the only thing that she seems remotely acquainted with is the smirk. And I will not insist on the torturous rendering of maternal love or domestic bliss. I feel merciful tonight and sometimes mercy is just about the same as oblivion (not a word about that vanishing panties scene, do you hear me?). Maybe this is also why RR still seems more relaxed, but perhaps also totally resigned about a situation that must be dealt and be done with a stiff upper lip, for the cause.
Product placement alert, with the Barbour wax jackets and shirts (long time client, here) prominently featured at Lallybroch. Nothing magic. This is a long-term partnership, maybe also S's contribution. Yes, Mordor, that peasant did it again!
A propos of the plant inspection, the tunnel scene sent powerful The Man in the High Castle vibes, from the set to the running through well, something, for lack of a better word. For those who have not seen this excellent series, here's a good Droughtlander plan. It's all about Jude Law and the Japanese guy; and also Philip K. Dick, one of my beloved science-fiction writers, truly a genius.
Spoiler: "You can thank that rotten stew". Ohai, Vandervaart, sweet summer child. Too fleeting a presence on my screen, yet you nailed your scene with Rachel Hunter, which I proclaim my favorite of this episode. The scenery helps, that pre-dawn murky, metallic light is perfect and you found the right balance between disgust, horror, an adrenaline high, fear, uncertainty and yes, unspoken (maybe even unconscious) attraction. Also, a masterful use of voice, pitch and breathing techniques - what's not to like?
A close second but enthusiastic kudos for Young Ian. John Bell is wonderful in his scene with C. which, again, gave me life imitates art vibes. And even more moving is the dense moment with the Cherokee/Scottish son, for I believe that endearing boy with a Fraser smile is Young Ian's.
These jottings are unable and unwilling to ignore S, very busy shaping Jamie's hero stature in short, effective appearances. Something we will probably see in full force next week, when I shall be out of town and not watching. Still, rejoice: the Jottings will be making it a double in two weeks.
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cqthqrtic · 2 years
A, J, and O for Mori and Kunikida?
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sfw alphabet.
mori ogai.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Mori’s affection depends on how busy he is with work. If his mind is preoccupied with the state of the mafia, the most you’ll get is a chaste kiss on the lips. On days he’s free from the fast paced happenings of the mafia, which are rare, he’ll be pretty loving and somewhat clingy. Overall though, the most common ways for Mori to show affection is through quality time and gift giving. When he has the time, he likes to take you on relaxing dates at nice (and expensive) brunch cafes, shopping at those luxury malls, and walking through quiet art museums on a weekday afternoon when few people visit. Mori’s actually a pretty good gift giver. He’s very observant and takes time choosing gifts for you. He’s not a particularly sentimental man though, so it won’t seem very romantic in the moment. He won’t write love notes in the books he buys you or engrave his name in a necklace but he’ll buy your favorite book he knows you’ll be excited to talk about with him and he’ll buy necklaces he thinks will look good on you. Mori’s a lot more subtle but he’s practical and his feelings get across.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Mori is like,,, insanely jealous and possessive. To the point where it can be a legit cause for concern. He’s mostly needy when he’s jealous and he doesn’t really see most men as a threat. So 90% of the time, he’s just pouting and whining for your attention or glaring at people who stare at you a bit too long. But when he does feel threatened, he gets quiet and sweet. There’s a dangerous glint in his eye. Next day on the morning news, there will be a report of the guy’s head found on a stick at a random park. God save us all...
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Mori keeps his cards close to his chest. Depending on the information, he’ll tell you whatever it is he thinks is appropriate to tell you over a period of time. There’s a lot he won’t tell you, regardless of how close you are to him. Especially if it’s concerning his work. Overall, Mori doesn’t view openness as a testament of love and his secretive nature will remain throughout the relationship, regardless of how you might feel about it.
kunikida doppo.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Kunikida is actually pretty affectionate, he’s just not affectionate in the typical sense. He shows his love by almost “mothering” the people he cares about and remembering the little things. The most common form of affection Kunikida gives is looking after your diet. He often makes lunch for you in the mornings while you get ready and makes sure that it’s both delicious and well balanced. Kunikida is also pretty observant of the people he likes. He’s often checking in on you and while he can be brash while doing so, he has good intentions and takes care of you. He wants to lessen your burdens and shoulder them with you. That’s Kunikida’s way of saying he loves you. He’s quite a romantic!
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Kunikida is comical when jealous. He thinks of himself as being above jealousy and that it’s something only mentally weak people succumb to. So when he experiences it himself? Oh, he is suffering. Kunikida’s coping mechanism is mostly through denial and distraction. Of course, Dazai picks up on this and riles him up by saying “Oh that other man is just so strong, isn’t he?” or “Doesn’t the other man have such impressive ideas?”. After some torment from Dazai, Kunikida will become very snappy and sulky. Please baby him a bit when he comes home. Kunikida won’t act on his jealousy though. He’s too ashamed for that and he’ll avoid taking it out on you. So there’s not much to worry about on this front.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Kunikida has a lot of pride and a lot of shame. He wants to look his best in front of you. He wants to be able to stand tall and never let you see him falter. But obviously, that isn’t realistic. It will take some time but not too much time. The pressure to seem perfect and unbothered around you will cause him to break down and all of his worries and burdens and weaknesses will come flooding out. He’ll be greatly ashamed when it happens but after consistent assurance and love, Kunikida will feel more comfortable being vulnerable. He’ll still be a little embarrassed though. 
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello dear , how are you today🫶🏼♥️ Sorry to bother you🪄. Can i request a Jealous Qin , Rudra , Kojiro ( or Thor if you want ) , you know Juvia from Fairy Tail ? With a Juvia ! Reader please? Pretty pretty please .
Juvia! Reader is in love with them (Those three or four Koji/Rudra/Qin or Thor) and a guy , that Juvia ! Reader once met , in the Ragnarok fell madly in love with Juvia! Reader . They always want Juvia! Reader to be by their side but Juvia!Reader s/o wants J!Reader back!
For the guy who fell madly in love= pls can it be Rudra/Qin/Kojiro or Thor's rival or friend pls
Have a nice and wonderful day take caree♥️
-You were a minor rain goddess, but you were still very powerful when you focused, being able to control the raindrops to make bullets if you wanted, or surround others in a ball of water of your rain to knock them out.
-You were a bit quirky, speaking in first person, but you were very likeable and popular, you were regarded as one of the most beautiful goddesses in Valhalla.
-You got along with everyone, unless if you felt you were disrespected, then you were downright terrifying.
-And you were a passionate woman, full of so much love to give, but only to the man who had stolen your heart.
-Qin Shi Huang- Huang was almost always smiling around you, holding you hand, elated that he was the one that you chose, but as a former emperor, someone as perfect as you was perfect for him. He made you feel so special, so delicate, despite being a goddess yourself, even a minor one, he made you feel like you were the only woman in the world when it came to him. You trusted Huang completely, and you were never jealous when other women were around, however he was the opposite, if another man was around you, one that he knew that wasn’t after you romantically, he was glaring hard, an arm around your hips, silently threatening the other man. You were waiting on a bridge for Huang, your meeting place so you could go on your date, when you heard a voice, “Excuse me miss!” you turned and saw a man, a minor wind god, who was blushing slightly before he came and kneeled before you, holding a hand up, “Is this what love at first sight is called?!” you squeaked, your face turning red as you held your cheeks, shying away from him, “Y/N is so embarrassed by your words, but Y/N is-” a new voice then spoke up, “Taken!” the god looked up, seeing Huang there, his eyes widening as you blushed, your arms going around his waist, “My love~” this other god stood, a glare on his face, “A human? Such a beauty deserves another god by her side, not a human!” You turned with an icy glare, sending a shiver up his spine, “Do not insult my love. Huang is Y/N’s one and only.” Huang beamed brightly at your praise, pecking your cheek which made you turn, holding you cheeks before Huang made this other god leave.
-Rudra- He adored you and everything about you, you were the calm rain to his storm, a perfect match, even Aphrodite called your relationship perfect, as you balanced each other out perfectly. He trusted you completely, and you him, but he was very protective of you, as he knew that you were stunning, anyone could steal you away from him. You always assured him that nobody could ever take you away from him, and he believed you, but when he saw other men around you, he became extremely jealous and wouldn’t hesitate to threaten to throw hands to defend you. You were walking through the Hindu pantheon, looking for you love, when someone called out to you, and you turned, seeing Shiva and his three wives who were quick to envelope you in group hug, making you giggle, “Y/N is so happy to see you all!” Rudra overheard and rounded the corner, seeing you being hugged by Shiva and he saw red. Shiva saw his friend approaching and instantly grinned, “Y/N I want you to by fourth wife!” you let out a squeak as his wives were quickly laughing, seeing their husband tease Rudra who immediately pulled you into his arms, wrapping you in all four, “No, Y/N is mine!” hearts appeared in your eyes, “Rudra~” before Shiva started laughing and Rudra pouted, realizing Shiva had been teasing him before all six of you were laughing.
-Kojiro- Even after years of dating, Kojiro had no idea how he managed to get your attention, not that he was complaining, unlike others who were angry that you chose a human, an older human, as your love, but you’ve never been happier. Despite being a rain goddess, every day spent with you was a warm and sunny day to Kojiro, his mood could be the worst and all he needs is to see you and everything melts away. He knows you’re beautiful, never forgetting to tell you, as he likes to see you flustered, but with having a pretty girlfriend comes big responsibilities, particularly in the way of other men who might steal you away. Kojiro never had to worry about you leaving him, as you only had eyes for him, but that didn’t mean others didn’t have eyes for you. He had been walking to meet you for a walk, as the weather was getting warmer and he saw you shying away from another man, another samurai who was leering at you, “C’mon pretty lady. I know you’ve got a thing for samurais!” you pouted up at him, “Y/N only has eyes for- Kojiro~!” you beamed, seeing your love, coming over to hug him but he surprised you, stepping in front of you, glaring at this other samurai, “Not very honorable of you to go after a taken woman.” This other man flinched, as he knew Kojiro was strong, he couldn’t handle his power, bowing deeply in apology before he glanced at you once more. Kojiro gripped his sword, a glare appearing on his face, “Keep your eyes to yourself, boy.” The man ran off as you threw your arms around Kojiro’s neck, pecking his cheek, “Y/N is so happy Kojiro saved Y/N~” he chuckled, pressing a kiss to your temple before taking your hand and walking off with you.
-Thor- Not many would every even think of challenging Thor, unless if you were Lu Bu or if you had a death wish. Besides his family, the only thing that he would level worlds for, was you. He adored you, basking in your gentle affections, the only gentle thing he had in his life, that he could remember anyway. He remembers the day you first met like it was only yesterday, but it had been decades, it had been raining and he walked out, seeing a maiden standing under an umbrella and he approached, standing in the rain. You heard his footsteps and you turned, your eyes instantly widened, “Oh no! you’re getting wet! Y/N will make the rain stop!” you turned, waving your free hand and the rain was gone, surprising Thor who instantly froze, seeing a rainbow appearing above you. Many women were jealous that you had bagged Thor and men were the same way with you, but while you trusted each other completely, Thor didn’t trust others, not wanting anyone to take you away from him. Loki was notorious for flirting with you, not seriously, but he enjoyed getting Thor riled up, finding it fun. Thor did his best to ignore Loki as he popped up beside you, “Y/N~ how’s my most favorite rain goddess in Valhalla?” you giggled, greeting Loki warmly. Loki pouted, not getting a rise out of Thor like he wanted before you grinned, wrapping his arms around your neck, pecking your cheek, making you squeak, pulling back, holding your cheek. Thor’s hand covered Loki’s whole face as he looked down at him, fury around him but as soon as Loki started to laugh, he let the jokester go before picking you up, holding you up with one arm easily, calming as your arms wrapped around his neck.
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