#baldwin de clermont x oc
adarafaelbarba · 2 months
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!!New oc time!!
Dylan, 31, daemon
Born and raised in Chicago.
Lives in London where she runs her own café and small online business.
Has tattoos, piercings and usually colorful hair like bubblegum pink.
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mrs-declermont · 4 months
Do you think if Baldwin is overworked and stressed, and Nora were to offer to build a lego set together or do some small, easy craft, that he'd calm down and do it or be grumpy?
I could see them doing painting maybe? or yeah, building legos. which I think would be quite the sight to see 😅
He'd never let anyone know, and tells Nora to never utter a word about any of it, which she promises.
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plaidbooks · 1 year
Take your time with this but:
Nora x Baldwin - wine 🩵
Nora was nervous about her surprise for Baldwin. He always went above and beyond for her, and she wanted to do something nice for him. But this might be too much, even for him.
Marthe had helped her set it up, making sure the proportions were correct, before Nora made her way to Baldwin's Sept Tours office.
She didn't knock, knowing her knew she was there, and just went in, two wine glasses in one hand while she closed and locked the door behind her.
Baldwin's nose flared at the smell. "What do you have there, darling?"
"I thought I'd bring you some wine, Baldwin" she replied.
His eyes locked to the darker red glass--her wine was white. "Laced with you?"
Baldwin's voice had a dangerous tint to it, and it made her smile coyly.
"You do like blood in your wine, right?" Nora teased.
Instantly he was up and over to her. He took the red wine glass from her hand, and, without breaking eye contact, he took a long sip.
Slowly, so slowly, he took the other wine glass from her and placed both on the desk. Then he let out a growl and kissed her hard. It was messy and rough and she let out a gasp at his hunger.
"You taste delicious, darling, and I'm going to savor every drop of you."
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apinchofm · 2 years
Hiiiiiiio, hope you're doing great! I just finished sunshine and iT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD, ANF I LOVED IT SO MUCH. anyway, if you're feeling like it! Could you write something for them with one (or all, i won't complain 🤧) for them?
grumpy one just does everything the sunshine one says. like they cannot for the life of them say no
what it looks like once they start rubbing off on each other
“i love it.” “i think i just puked.”
Thank you so much lovely! So glad people enjoyed Sunshine! These prompts are definitely a lot of fun!
grumpy one just does everything the sunshine one says. like they cannot for the life of them say no.
This sums up Baldwin and Alyssa's relationship
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Alyssa was typing up some notes, sitting in the living room of Sept Tours, Diana marking papers and Marcus doing research.
"Babe, can you get me a bottle of orange juice?" Alyssa yelled, still typing.
Within a second, Baldwin was back from the kitchen and back with a bottle of orange juice and her water bottle, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
"Thank you!" Alyssa chirped, returning to her work, unaware of the confused looks she was getting.
"Baldwin can you-" He left the room before Marcus could even say anything.
"How did you do that?" Diana asked. She merely shrugged.
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butternuggets-blog · 2 months
@baldwin-montclair @adowobsessed @sylverdeclermont @nicki-mac-me @thereadersmuse @kynthiamoon @wheresthesunshinesblog @adowbaldwin @beautifulsoulsublime @lady-lazarus-declermont @adarafaelbarba-blog @dogblessyoutascha
Part Fifty-Four
Summary:  Baldwin Montclair had a string of ex girlfriends, a single child, and a  lifetime longer than most people could dream of to make all kinds of  mistakes. His family knew one which kept coming out of the woodwork to  irritate him every other century
Also on AO3
When the call to arms finally came Yvette felt like she could breathe properly again. It was the anticipation of disaster that always hit her the hardest; she stood firmly in the eye of maelstroms.
England and France had been raiding each other's ships of supplies and mercantile goods for around two years now. Skirmishes between French galleys and English cogs up and down the coast, towns and villages raided; there had been civilian casualties in both countries but still it wasn't technically "war".
The match to the powder keg had been news that King Edward was planning to set sail from England but was suffering delays. King Philip, taking advantage of his opponents' momentary lapse of focus, sailed the Great Army of the Sea - 200 repossessed ships, mostly of Norman make - to Sluys on the Flanders coast and cut off the English-held port's communication lines to home.
Scrambling his resources in record time, Edward set sail, a two hundred and fifty ships to Philip's two hundred and thirteen.
It was breathtaking, watching the black dot grow on the horizon. By noon Yvette could actually see the cogs in full sail bearing down on them, and by mid-afternoon they attacked.
Yvette heard her uncle swear as the first volley of arrows rained down. She was crouched behind a couple of barrels, a tiny shield raised above her head; from her position she could look across the deck through the howling wind and torrential rain to see the archers at the starboard edge returning fire, peppering the English longbowmen with their crossbows.
A soldier hit the deck as she watched, the shaft of an arrow buried deep in the man's eye. Blood slicked the deck; someone was screaming.
Breathe. Move. Collect the arrows.
Yvette sprinted, fell, shield still raised and someone else's blood on her knees. The ship beneath her was lurching to the left, fighting against the rudder that was forcing it right.
'Here! Girl!'
The soldier looked stricken by his slip of the tongue.
'Apologies m'lady-'
Yvette ignored him. The fleet had been lashed together to create a barrier against the encroaching English but the current had carried them to the east and around each other, until everyone was hopelessly entangled. By the time the order came to cut loose the enemy was upon them.
Yvette looked up, spotting the problem. One of the bolts holding the chains in place had twisted, sticking into and pinning other chains and thick knots of rope. She worked her slim fingers between the mess, holding her breath as she slowly worked the bolt free.
The chains and rope jumped as the bolt slid loose but she got herself clear before they sliced through her fingers. Wiping grease and rainwater onto the rest of the bolts, she worked them out of their holes as the soldiers sawed through the ropes and someone yanked her clear as the ship detached from the rest of the fleet.
'Merci,' Yvette pat the soldier on the arm. 'Godspeed your good work!'
The men gave a hearty cheer as she ran on. Down into the hold, along midship to the store, then back up to the men clutching several sheaves of arrows.
They lost, in the end.
The Flemish had attacked the rear when the battle began to turn, so that between them and the English and the roaring sea the French fleet began to break down. Nicolas Béhuchet de Musy de La Loupe d'Escrignolles, one of the fleet's commanders, had been captured and hung from his own mast, while many men jumped in the water to avoid capture, only to drown as they were dragged beneath the waves.
Yvette shivered violently, but kept a firm grip on the burlap sack in her hand. She was drenched, soaked to the bone in rainwater, seawater and blood, but she had refused to stop doling out the ship-biscuit rations the men were owed.
Her uncle had sworn an oath to her father to get her home safe. She owed it to him to help his men get back safely as well.
'That is enough, now' Baldwin carefully pried the sack from Yvette's frigid hand as she passed by.
'But I have not finished-'
'Yes you have,' Baldwin knelt down, smiling proudly, and wrapped Yvette's hands in his. 'You have done very well, and I am so proud of you. Now rest. You need your strength.'
Yvette nodded reluctantly.
'Besides, we need to get you out of those clothes and into something dry!' Baldwin led her up the deck towards his sleeping quarters. 'Your father would kill me if I let you catch another cold.'
-Yvette stood firm on the bow. Our daughter has far better sea legs than you or I! She gets her strength from her father, never flinching in the face of the enemy. And nine years of age!
Your face has been ever-present in my mind since we last spoke. There is an ache for you that gnaws at me whenever I am abed. In the quiet I miss you. In the sunshine and the darkness you haunt me. I wish I could touch you.
Author's Notes
"The Battle of Sluys, also called the Battle of l'Écluse, was a naval battle fought on 24th June 1340 between England and France. It took place in the roadstead of the port of Sluys (French Écluse), on a since silted-up inlet between Zeeland and West Flanders. The English fleet of 120–150 ships was led by Edward III of England and the 230-strong French fleet by the Breton knight Hugues Quiéret, Admiral of France, and Nicolas Béhuchet, Constable of France. The battle was one of the opening engagements of the Hundred Years' War." Wikipedia
The French suffered losses of between 16,000 to 20,000 men; those who didn't drown upon flinging themselves into the water to escape capture (most soldiers couldn't swim) were viciously clubbed to death by the Flemish English-loyalists if they made it to the shore. 190 French ships were lost, with 166 captured.
A galley was a type of oared ship with a long hull; similar pre-medieval examples include the Scandinavian longships that were used by Viking raiders. Many galleys had sails, but they were primarily driven along by teams of oarsmen.
A cog was a clinker-built ship, made of oak, and used for trade and travel during the Medieval period. Clinker-built means that the edges of the hull planks overlapped each other; cogs were also bigger than galleys, with a greater carrying capacity.
Hard tack, or ship's biscuits, were a staple of navies world-wide from the 17th to the early 20th century. The earliest version of a ship's biscuit could be found in Egypt (dhourra cake) or Rome (bucellatum); they were designed to last for months at a time, providing a necessary source of food on long voyages if nothing else could be provided, and to help ease the strain on supplies.
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sleeplesssheep · 5 years
Veni, Vidi, Vici (part six)
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He was tall, handsome and steamy. Salt and pepper hair sat upon his head like a crown of wisdom, and a mark of brilliance. The human man’s eyes were pools of sparkling cobalt. This human was a doctor, which was obvious from the white coat and stethoscope wrapped around his neck. Doctor… Daddy- same thing. 
“Oh, but Derek, we can’t!” Cried a much younger medical resident, similar to the stethoscope- this woman wrapped her arms tightly around the handsome Doctors neck and began to cry loudly. 
Derek leaned away from the brunette, and looked lovingly downwards at her. 
“I’m not going to stop loving you, Meredith. I can live without you, but I don’t want to live without you. And I’m going to do everything in my power to prove it.” 
A loud sob broke through the room, quickly accompanied by hiccuping and cursing. Popcorn suddenly flew out of Breanna’s hands and gently bounced off the large television at contact. 
“Don’t do it, Meredith! Don’t leave him!” Brea cried out in frustration, hot tears puddling over in her eyes. The expensive charcoal polyester couch shook under her as Breanna moved quickly off it, shedding the cashmere blanket that previously covered her naked legs. 
“Ugh!” The witch groaned in frustration as the television quickly switched to commercial. Just as an older man was discussing his lack of erections as of late, Montclair entered the room wearing a bewildered expression. 
“What the devil is going on here? I have a conference call in five minutes-” The Vampire's red hair appeared a dark brown in the evening light as he walked around the living room to examine the witch. Seeing her teary eyes, the Roman immediately startled and became alert.
“Oh, you have no idea! Derek, and Meredith, well they’re soulmates and they don’t even realize it yet- but I do! And she won’t give him a chance because--” Breanna sputtered about pacing, her face becoming flushed as she ranted. 
Realizing that there were no vampires, witches or demons making an attempt on her life Baldwin relaxed. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply in an attempt to calm himself. Deus, this television thing was a mistake. 
Breanna and he had come to an agreement of sorts. She couldn’t leave the property without him, nor make contact with others (this included work emails much to Breanna’s annoyance). In return for this submissive behavior, which was not usual for the witch, Montclair would provide television for entertainment and allow her to contact her Aunt’s and cousins on occasion. Both of them knew this peace treaty of sorts would only last a few days as Breanna was planning on voicing her issues soon. 
However, the vampire had yet to inform her that a) her Aunt Emily had perished and b) that her cousin Diana and his brother, Matthew, had run away to the past in an attempt to escape prosecution. 
To be plainly put, he wasn’t looking forward to the upcoming phone calls. But, deceiving her was necessary for her safety. 
Baldwin dragged a hand down his face and checked the time on his Rolex. 
“Two minutes,” Baldwin reminded Breanna, distracting her momentarily.
In Baldwin’s brief moment of self pondering, Breanna had begun to levitate around the room muttering to herself angrily. At Baldwin’s interruption, however, she fell to the ground and landed gracefully on the tips of her toes. As time passed (today was the eighteenth day that they had been sharing the apartment together) Breanna had become more casual around the vampire. This resulted in her constant humming while cleaning or cooking, as well as her use of her magical powers. Not that Montclair was going to admit it, but this pleased the beast within him. 
Despite her new level of comfort with him, he had yet to reach that level with her. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, just that Baldwin’s guard rarely fell down and when it did- that was something momentous.
“What did you say?” Breanna’s eyes cleared and she flushed with embarrassment as she realized how caught up she had been in Greys Anatomy. She quickly took in the vampires bewildered expression, his iPhone in one hand and his gold Rolex shining upwards at his face. Clearly, he was busy and didn’t have time for this. 
‘Oh fuck meeeee,’ She sang in her head. In an effort to distract herself before she combusted from the mortification of this whole evening, Breanna began picking the popcorn up. 
“I have a conference call in two minutes and it simply cannot happen if you are shouting and running about like a child,” 
Part of her ego wanted to roll her eyes at his comment, while the other part stung to hear him compare her to a child. 
Rude vampire. 
Breanna muttered an apology under her breath and continued to restore the living room to its previous cleanliness. Little did she realize, however, the silk robe she was wearing just so lifted in a way as she bent forward, attracting the vampire’s eyes immediately. 
Just as he would occasionally feel her tingling eyes on him, she felt the icy patches blossom right on her bottom. Breanna whipped up immediately, her hands squeezing the popcorn so hard it began to crumble. 
Neither of them addressed what had just happened, instead, Baldwin returned to his office and Breanna to the couch. But, before either of them had settled down into their separate activities, both served themselves hefty glasses of wine.
It was, after all, the best tonic for a supernatural.
The next morning Breanna sat perched in front of a vanity in her room. Despite being adjacent to the vampire Montclair, she never saw him enter or leave it, and never heard anything from him. Montclair had given her a large bedroom that was decorated beautifully. It had dark wooden floors that were sparingly covered with a white area rug which contrasted pleasantly with the dark navy walls. Two french doors opened up onto the street below (after her railing adventure Montclair had taken up to put chairs on each balcony in an effort to curb her much more risky method of viewing) and took up most of the right side of the room. On the opposite wall was a fireplace so giant a Volkswagon bug could fit inside,  and surrounding it was a collection of antique-looking chairs. 
In fact, her entire room was kinda ancient. Breanna was an anthropologist and could easily appreciate such aged furniture and creations, but her specialty was not in goods but rather the people that made them. 
Using the mirror in front of her, she eyed her bedroom once again- taking in the extravagant curves, lines, and details in the expensive furniture. 
Definitely French. 
It was early morning in London, around eight o’clock or so. The witch stared blankly at her reflection as she thought of home. Her cat and the Madison Country neighborhood were sleeping as of now, unconscious to the rest of the world. 
Suddenly, a shine of white caught Breanna’s attention. 
“Jesus, is that what I think it is?” She leaned forward and brushed her hair to the side revealing a single white hair. Goddess, the vampire was aging her. Though Breanna had never dyed her hair, being pent up in this apartment for more then two weeks was starting to make her a little stir crazy. She thought of Diana, her cousin, and her beautiful straw colored hair. 
“It’s good to change,” Breanna encouraged herself. 
A simple spell came to mind and soon enough Breanna was chanting. When she opened her eyes to see the results, the witch grinned excitedly. Just as Baldwin was beginning to knock on her door, she threw it open to go see him. Both of them huffed awkwardly as Breanna almost flew into Baldwin. In an effort to keep her grounded (literally) Baldwin grasped her upper arms and forced her feet back to the ground. 
Blond wisps of hair floated around the both of them, crackling quietly as the magic left Breanna’s body. Her hair reminded Baldwin of a wild octopus- its legs waving around erratically. 
“Good morning, Miss. Bishop” Baldwin took a small breath as he examined her new hair and in doing so was assaulted by her scent. Jasmine, bluebells with the undertone of burning electricity. He had never seen a witch uses her power to dye her hair.
“So, what do you think?” She bounced up and down, shaking the vampire’s hands off of her. Breanna’s once amber hair, close to Baldwin’s shade, in fact, was now a honey blonde. Straight as a pin, it finally settled down onto her chest. 
“You look like your cousin,” He commented. 
Both of them noticed it wasn’t a compliment, rather just a statement of facts. Not that he would ever tell her, but Baldwin thought she was beautiful with her original coloring. Of course, now that he thought of it- two red-haired supernaturals moving about London would not be subtle.
Baldwin sighed as he moved passed into the witches’ room, doing his best not to breathe her smell. 
“You’ve met my cousin?” Breanna followed after him until they were both in front of the balcony. 
“What kind of answer is that?” She exclaimed.
Baldwin eyed her from the corner of his eyes, realizing his mistake. He noticed the dark patches under her usually bright face, making her pretty face seem sick and sallow. The witch had not been sleeping well lately, and whether she had begun to notice this was unclear. Those who slept often didn’t remember their dreams, but Baldwin had heard her nightmares the night before. 
He shook his head and peered down at the quiet street below them. A gentle rain had started, cooling the air. 
“Baldwin, it is time we discussed this whole situation.” Breanna’s voice was confident and allowed no room for objection. The vampire turned from the balcony, his mouth parted open. Before he could speak, shout or do anything, Breanna held up a single finger. 
“I have stayed in your home. I have listened to you, respected you, and done my best to understand this situation. Something which, might I add, my cousin nor any other witch with some amount of sense would do. I trust you, only because my Aunt does. It has been more than two weeks, Baldwin, I can no longer sit by and wait. The Congregation is after me yes, I understand that. I am not stupid- I am just done with all of this nonsense.” Breanna spoke quickly and her hands fluttered about with each sentence. When she finished, her hands came to rest firmly on her rounded hips.  
Montclair processed everything she said. The witch made logical points, but it did not change the fact that they were in danger. More so, she was. He began walking out of her room and as he reached her door, Baldwin called back to the expecting witch,  “We are calling your Aunt today. I thought it would be good to fill her in on everything- as well as share my findings.”
As the door closed behind him Breanna cursed and sat on one of the chairs in front of the fireplace. This lack of communication on his part was begging to get the best of Breanna’s usually calm and docile soul. Sourcing her anger she shot a stream of fire into the hearth, igniting the logs immediately. 
“Goddess, guide me…” Breanna whispered, her face glowing from the flames. 
Later in the evening, Breanna and Montclair had settled in his office. The witch had never actually been in his office and was not the least surprised by its size, decor, and oppressive ambiance. Breanna sat comfortably in a Victorian age chair across from Montclair and eyed the surrounding room while he was calling her Aunt. Floor to ceiling bookcases covered three of the four walls and held hundreds if not thousands of ancient books. Breanna’s fingers itched to touch them.  
She snapped out of it when a strong, familiar voice called out. 
“Hello, Baldwin.” 
“Aunt Sarah!” Breanna called out, ecstatic. Her voice was high pitched with excitement and relief. She had attempted to call her aunt the other day but the older witch did not answer. 
“Brea, baby. How are you? Oh, it’s so good to hear your voice. I am so sorry baby, about this and when you get here I’ll tell you everything-” 
Baldwin coughed and interrupted Sarah, caused Breanna’s hazel eyes to flicker up to him in confusion. 
“Sarah, I am sure you want to catch up with your niece but at this moment I have some pressing concerns. As we know the Congregation is looking for Breanna, and though they have yet to trace her here, I imagine they will soon enough. Breanna is under the impression that it would be best to bring her to Sept-Tours, but I am not sure that is the best move. Tell me, is Ysabeau with you?” 
“Yes, she is right here with me.” Breanna paled at the French name, recognizing it from countless warnings and horror stories told to her as a child. It must be taking a tremendous amount of strength from her Aunts to be within the same walls as Ysabeau de Clermont.
Breanna breathed deeply and closed her eyes and felt that if she concentrated enough, just the sound of Sarah’s voice was enough to transport her home. Montclair smelled the change in Breanna and was suddenly aware of her inner sadness, and fear. The young witches breathing slowed, and her hair vibrated gently. 
“As much as I want to bring Breanna home, her safety is my priority. Tell me, what should I do?”
On both sides, there was a pregnant pause. The vampire, Baldwin Montclair, asking for other thoughts? How rare it was of him. 
Breanna was shocked out of her spell by his question and eagerly listened to what her Aunt would say. In the back of her mind, she made a note to question Baldwin later on his witch killing vampire mother Ysabeau. 
“I don’t know, Baldwin. I think bringing her here where we can protect her as a family would be best, would it not Sarah?” Ysabeau’s voice was soft, her French accent was heavy. 
“Perhaps,” Baldwin sighed heavily, “it would be best.”
“I don’t want to bring more trouble, if this is what we will do- perhaps it is best to stay and hide.” Breanna spoke quickly, coming to the realization that the Congregation could follow them and harm not only her family, but Baldwin’s. It was not until hearing the voice of her Aunt that Brea felt this way. 
Baldwin looked sharply at her, disgruntled by what she had said. A flicker of respect burned in his eyes as they looked upon eachother. Despite only knowing Montclair for less than a month, a never meeting his family, Brea did not want to bring trouble to their door. 
“Do not underestimate my family, Bishop.” He scolded her. 
“And do not speak to my niece like that, Montclair.” Sarah was quick to snap, her anger could be felt by both Breanna and Baldwin, despite her being hundreds of miles away. 
Breanna’s heart swelled and her stomach dropped. She looked into Baldwins brown eyes, pleading with him silently. 
“We will be there by next week.” With one click, Baldwin ended the conversation. 
The two of them sat in silence for a moment, deep in their own thoughts. Breanna wrapped her cashmere cardigan tighter around her torso and sighed softly. What had happened to her life? Icy patches bloomed along her face as Montclair examined her expression. He wished to know what she was thinking. Her dark eyebrows were turned down in a frown and her eyes were staring blankly at her jean clad pants. Breanna’s lips opened in thought then closed once again. 
“What is it, witch?” Montclair hid his curiosity beneath the layer of contempt in his voice. 
“The Congregation will know that we will have relocated to Sept Tours, will they not? You are a member of the council, charged with bringing me into questioning. They surely will trace our movement…” Breanna looked deeply into the vampires eyes, and stood bracing her hands on the dark surface of his desk. Her hair begin to rise ever so, its strands vibrating in the air. “Unless we convince them that we have remained in London, they will quickly guess where we have gone.” 
The Bishop witch was right, Baldwin grudgingly agreed. He, of course, had already thought of this and had a plan to trick the Congregation. 
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baldwin-montclair · 5 years
Baldwin’s Nightingale (Part 8)
Characters: Baldwin Montclair/OC
Timeframe: After the S1 Finale, TV Show canon MOSTLY (some S2 and Shadow of Night).
Summary: Baldwin deals with the fallout of his decision to protect Alisha himself.
Tag requests: @christi14 @poemfreak306 @pookie-cleary
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“Alisha,” Baldwin handed the photos back to Marcus and turned to give her a look of concern, “you need more sleep, it’s still early.”
“I can’t sleep anymore, I need to do stuff. What’s that about?” She nodded to the items Marcus was now hiding in his bag.
“Family matters, very dull and very much not your problem.”
“You’re hungry,” Baldwin cut her off walking over to stand in front of her, “you didn’t eat a lot yesterday.”
“I’m not hungry.” She assured him.
“That wasn’t a question.”
“What aren’t you telling me?”
She sighed, knowing that she was pushing against a brick wall. If she was ever to find anything out, she had to abandon this route.
“I guess I could eat,” she relented, “and clearly you both have something to talk about so I’ll leave you to it.” She took a step as though she was headed to the kitchen but he caught her hand.
“And where do you think you’re going?”
“To make breakfast. Is it stupid to ask you both if you want anything?”
“I’m more of a liquid breakfast guy.” Marcus joked.
“We’re fine and you are doing no such thing. Go take a long, relaxing shower and I’ll have something you’ll like ready for when you’re done.”
“Go take a shower? Do I smell so bad?” She asked them with a hint of offence.
“If only,” Baldwin mumbled to himself, “now please, do as I ask?”
“I need clothes!”
“Walk-in, first wardrobe on the left, I had some delivered yesterday.”
“You bought me new clothes?”
“Don’t worry, I didn’t choose them, Christina did!”
“I’m such an asshole, I didn’t even ask, how is she?”
“Still a vampire, so mostly recovered. She’ll be by later, wants to check up on you.”
“Good, I’d like to see her, and maybe also see what’s on Michael’s drive?”
“Long day.” Marcus commented.
“One thing at a time,” Baldwin answered pointedly, “go.”
“Yes, my Lord.” She hit back with sarcasm with an awful curtsy.
“Don’t say that, he might like it!” Marcus scrunched up his noise in disgust.
“Might?” Baldwin didn’t look at Marcus but instead gave Alisha a mischievous wink followed by a nod of the head in the direction of his huge walk-in closet.
“She seems better than yesterday at least.” Marcus commented when she was out of earshot.
“It’s been a long, hellish, few days for her. She’s strong, she’ll survive this!”
“Then, what? You just wave her off after her testimony at the congregation? Wish her well and go your separate ways?”
“I can feel you straining for a point Marcus and it’s painful to endure. Out with it!”
“Last night was a mistake! When she does finally go face Gerbert and Domenico, they will smell you all over her. I don’t care how long or relaxing a shower she takes, your claim is very much on her!”
“And I believe I told you not to discuss matters you don’t understand. I have put no claim on her, I have neither fed on her, nor have I possessed her in any other way!”
“You didn’t even hesitate, when Guillermo had her by the throat. I saw it, you didn’t weigh up what killing him could cost.”
“Just because it appears I act without thought, does not mean it’s not happening.”
“I know your mind works fast Baldwin, I’m telling you, there was nothing going on but animal fury. I’ve seen you in battle, and fighting with Matthew but I have never seen that expression before. You weren’t calculating, your brain was not engaged, it was primeval!”
“Please drop the poetic flourish. Like I said, he harmed someone under my roof and protection, yes, I was angry!”
A beep from a cell phone nearby alerted his attention and he picked it up to see the caller ID.
“Fuck,” he swore, “of all the things I don’t need right now!”
“Who is it?” Marcus asked but Baldwin had already hit the button to pick up the call
“Agatha.” Baldwin answered.
“Where is she?” The daemon responded, just as curtly.
“Miss Black is under the protection of the Knights of Lazarus, she will be delivered to the Congregation when it is safe to do so, given the attempt already made on her life.”
“Michael was killed by one of your kind and you expect me to surrender Alisha to your hands. Also, you owe me, unless you’ve forgotten. If it wasn’t for the daemons you’d be a pile of ash!”
Marcus frowned at this overheard statement.
“Do not play games with me Agatha! We both know the only reason you helped me was for your son and his family, all of whom are right now taking refuge in my family estate.“
“Are you threatening them.”
“I am no more a threat to them as I am to Alisha.”
There was a sharp inhale at the other end of the line.
“So it is true? I was told of your indiscretion with the girl by her orchestra master but I didn’t believe it until now. I did think you were above that sort of thing however, keeping a Nightingale is a move Gerbert or Knox would make.”
“Do not call her that!” Baldwin answered sharply and Marcus could swear he heard her heartbeat skip in fright over the bad line.
“What should I call it when a vampire or witch take whatever they want with no regard to the consequences.”
“If memory serves, you actively assisted Matthew and the witch, why are consequences suddenly such a concern to you?”
“Like you said, that affected my family and, from what I saw, your brother genuinely cares for Diana Bishop. I have no issues with her, she can take care of herself and she is not one of my own. Alisha is, and she has no defence against whatever game you are playing.”
“You’ll have to take me at my word that she is safest with me.”
“Is she a prisoner?”
“A thrall?”
“I’m not Gerbert.” Baldwin answered through gritted teeth.
“No-one has seen her in the past two days Baldwin.”
There was silence on the other end of the line.
“Knox has contacted me,” she continued, “with completely fake concern for her. If you don’t provide proof that she is alive and well there is every chance they will take that as pretext to move against you.”
“I don’t trust Domenico and Gerbert may well be Satan himself, you at least have a code of honour. The daemons will not move against you in this matter if you promise me, right now that she is both alive and well.”
“She’s alive. Gerbert’s lackey Guillermo almost drained her but she’s mostly recovered from that. She’s lost someone dear to her so, again, it’ll take time.”
“When you arrive in Venice, I want to see her first, before the Congregation!”
“Understood.” Baldwin hung up.
“What was that about the daemons helping you?”
“Gerbert making a power play is what I call a Tuesday, Marcus, it is nothing to be concerned about. He was trying to use my refusal to hand over Matthew and Diana as grounds to replace me.”
“What now, they want to see her?”
Baldwin pulled up the Calendar on his phone.
“They will! There is something I have to do first.”
Alisha stepped out of the shower and dried off before dressing and exiting the bathroom to an empty apartment.
She followed the alluring scent of breakfast to the kitchen and found a post-it note beside a silver plate cover.
Christina will be over soon. I’ll explain everything later. B x
She wondered what someone who didn’t even eat would need a domed plate cover for.
Entertaining guests, obviously.
Not long after she’d eaten, the sound of the door opening alerted her to the fact she was no longer alone.
“Alisha!” Christina called out.
“Christina.” Alisha followed her voice to the main room and noticed three other women behind her. She moved to hug the vampire but noted her freeze for a second.
“What?” Alisha asked.
Christina just shook her head and pulled Alisha into a hug.
“What’s happening?” Alisha asked, noting the the rack of stunning dresses being wheeled in behind the strangers.
“Baldwin is taking you to a silent auction. He was invited some time ago, had no intention of attending.”
“Why is he?”
“I think he wanted to get you out of the house.”
“Are we ready?” Asked a woman with the measuring tape around her neck and a pin cushion bracelet around her wrist.
Brian Cassidy closed the door of his office and the sound of musical practicing a few rooms over.
That’s when he felt it, the cold creeping into his bones from the focal point between his shoulder blades. The uninvited guest was behind him.
He glanced at the door handle, calculating his chances.
“Your dismembered hand would reach the corner of the room before it made it to the handle!” The voice answered his unasked question.
“Step away from the door and turn around, slowly!” The voice commanded, his tone as cold as his stare.
Brian did as he was ordered, his expression one of fear upon seeing the surprise visitor.
“De Clermont,” his voice shook, “here to kill me like you did poor Michael?”
Baldwin gave a theatrical sigh.
“Now, why would I do that?”
“The girl, just like the witch your brother abducted, you De Clermont’s-“
His sentence was stopped by the acute lack of air caused by his being lifted inches from the ground by the throat.
“I don’t hear the phrase ‘you de Clermont’s’ come out of your mouth a second time. Do you understand?”
The daemon nodded and Baldwin sat him back down on his feet, choking for air.
“Who did you have spy on Alisha Black and why?”
“There was no spying,” he explained, “Michael was friend, I was doing him a favour!”
“By threatening her?”
“An idle threat, I assure you. Regardless of her choice, it was important to Michael that she be kept safe!”
“Is that why you told Guillermo?”
Baldwin stared at him for a moment before realising his confusion was real.
“The vampire who killed Michael and almost killed Alisha!”
“Is she alright, where is she?”
“She’s safe, answer the question!”
“Of course I didn’t talk to a vampire. I told Agatha Wilson though.”
“I’m aware.”
“I had to,” Brian answered with mock concern, “fraternising between species is prohibited under the covenant.”
“I get it-“
“Much in the same way that daemons gathering together is also against the coven-“
“You’ve made your point!” Baldwin cut him off.
“And you’ve made that girl a target.”
“Believe me, her life was endangered by whatever it was your friend was involved in.“
“It was always in danger, you brought her to their attention.”
Baldwin’s eyes narrowed in understanding.
“Why would a daemon be a target, what did Michael know?”
“You’ll have to kill me because I would die before I put her in further danger by telling you anything!”
Baldwin cocked his head to the side and approached slowly, like a predator sizing up it’s prey. Despite his fear, Brian stood resolute.
“No matter,” Baldwin shrugged, remembering the drive Michael left Alisha, “you clearly have concern for her. Worth keeping you alive at least.”
Baldwin walked towards the door.
“De Clermont.” Brian called after him.
Baldwin stopped but didn’t turn around.
“As much as I loathe you and your family for your part in the daemons struggles, I care about her more. We’re not capable of standing against your kind or the witches. Agatha means well but you can’t let her take the girl-”
“No-one is taking her from me,” Baldwin cut him off and turned to fix the daemon with a cold stare, “stay in New York where I can find you. If I have to hunt you down I cannot promise to be as merciful! again.”
Alisha glanced down at her plunging neckline, barely concealed by the lace that covered up the bodice part of the dress, with trepidation.
“Am I being auctioned off?” She half-joked.
“Stop it, you look amazing!” Christina scolded, fluffing out the skirts, made up of what had to be thousands of soft black feathers that made up the bottom part of the gown.
“Black tie event, black dress.” Geraldine, the seamstress, explained as she buttoned the last fastening at the nape of Alisha’s neck.
“It’s crazy soft.” Alisha ran her fingers through the feathers.
“Almost done.” Helen, the hair stylist pinned the last braid into the updo she’d fashioned for the event, leaving just two wayward curls to frame Alisha’s face, the rest swept up into a complicated latticework that would be impossible to replicate on her own.
With Christina in front of her, she knew Baldwin had returned with the cold sensation of his gaze upon her.
“Well,” She asked without turning around, “will I do?”
“You’re perfect.” He answered and she noted the satisfied glances between Helen and Geraldine.
They said their goodbyes and well wishes for the evening and left.
“Will there be any other vampires there tonight?” Christina asked Baldwin.
“More than likely.” He admitted.
“Then tell her, she doesn’t know the rules.” She chided him before turning back to Alisha.
“I won’t see you for a few days. I’m heading to London but I’m sure we’ll catch up again soon.” The vampire told Alisha, giving her shoulder a sympathetic squeeze before giving Baldwin a farewell nod.
With Christina gone, they were alone again.
“Look at you!” Alisha grinned, admiring the bow tie and tuxedo combination.
“Trust me, no-one will be looking at me tonight!”
“Where’s Marcus?”
“He had to leave, urgent business at home.”
“Any other nieces or nephews around?”
“Well, there’s Gallowglass. He will be attending this event.”
“So I get to meet more members of the De Clermont Clan?” She smiled.
“In time.”
“Even your infamous brother?”
“Not if I can help it!” He answered decisively, his tone failing to disguise the suppressed shudder.
She frowned.
“You don’t get on?”
“That’s...putting it mildly! Matthew has issues and I have no intention of putting a warmblood in his path!”
She nodded, deciding not to push.
To say she’d figured out how to ‘manage’ him would be wrong but she knew when to retreat from a line of questioning. If she pushed too hard she’d get nothing and he’d be more reticent to provide further detail in the future.
“Sorry,” she gave him a contrite smile, “I didn’t mean to pry.”
“Happily forgiven,” he approached and took her hand in his, “we have to discuss the rules.”
“That sounds ominous.” She retorted, recognising the topic shift.
“I know but it’s actually very simple. Do not offer your hand in greeting to anyone tonight. If they are human, they will offer theirs first.”
“And if they’re a vampire?”
“They won’t touch you.”
“Guillermo did.”
“That was then.” He answered quickly, his thumb lightly stroking her wrist just above her pulse.
“Given what you did to him I can understand someone else been wary about trying the same.”
“There’s more to it than that.” He admitted
“I’m listening.” She prompted gently.
“It’s not easy to explain, its...” he trailed off, trying to buy himself time to think, “vampires are driven by instinct, as civilised as we may appear, and territorial. When Guillermo bit you, he left his scent on you-“
“Do I still smell like him,” she interrupted in a slight panic, “what did he even smell like, is it bad?”
Alisha rubbed at her neck, over a now mostly healed mark.
“That’s weird, it feels...different!”
“I healed the wound with my own blood, just a few drops. It repaired the damage and erased what he did. You don’t have his scent on you, just-“
He nodded slowly as though reluctant to admit it.
“Last night, I shouldn’t have stayed.”
“I asked you to, and I’m glad you did.”
“You were upset, you weren’t thinking clearly and I should have been. I fucked up, I let you down.”
“So, you think that being an uncaring asshole would have made the situation better?”
“Being genuinely uncaring where you’re concerned would not be possible but, yes, I should have made a performance of it.”
“Do you know why I was so upset last night?” She asked, taking him aback.
“The pen drive, Michael’s name for you. I’m not the most sensitive male you’ve ever met but I’m not completely hopeless!”
“Why last night? Why not the night it happened, before Guillermo showed up?”
She shook her head.
“No, it’s the same reason I actually managed to sleep last night. It was the first time I’ve felt safe since this whole thing started,” she admitted quietly, “if that’s what being ‘yours’ means, I can live with that.”
“We should go.” She stopped him with a hand on his arm, not needing a response.
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adarafaelbarba · 1 year
What do you think Baldwin’s reaction would be to someone (Nora, maybe?) giving him flowers or a gift?
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He’d be stunned at first. Not used to actually get anything.
But Nora is insistent, standing there with her arm stretched out with the gift or bouquet in hand.
«What’s this my love?» He’d ask, moving closer to her to look.
«A gift. Happy birthday love.» The smile on her lips so soft he couldn’t help but lean in for a small kiss.
«It’s not my birthday—»
«I know that—but no one knows when it is, so I’ve designated it for today.»
A laugh left him, more surprised than anything. «Nora—»
«Happy birthday Lucius.»
Baldwin wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in for a hug, a soft «Thank you» leaving his lips.
The date became an annual day of celebration, the twins and Arielle especially loving that they had a day to celebrate him.
@plaidbooks @xoxabs88xox @beatrice-san @adowbaldwin @butternuggets-blog @rozalynfrozen 
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adarafaelbarba · 1 year
Wrath of a Goddess
Where Baldwin is taken by the Congregation and Delphie is furious
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Steam came from her hands, quickly laying the floor of Philippe’s office in a layer of fog. Baldwin hadn’t just gone off the grid to deal with his brother’s affairs, he had been taken, by the congregation, she was sure of it. On what grounds though, she didn’t know. But she was going to get him back, no matter what.
These feelings may be her finally coming to terms with her feelings for him. Or it may be her feeling like she owes him for saving her from Eva. The thought of the vampire’s name sent chills down Delphie’s back, and she shook it off. The scars still fresh on her body from what she had endured.
Delphie barely registered the voices of the others in the room. Sarah and Emily were no doubt talking about what could cause the smoke from her body. Her own voice a mere mumble of words they didn’t even know, Greek. She spoke to the wind, or to the ghost in the Chateau perhaps.
Beside her, Ysabeau shifted, maybe she was nervous? Surely, she understood what was being said. The older woman had after all lived many lifetimes. She knew things that had been forgotten with time.
“I’ll get him back”, Delphie whispered. And with the snap of her fingers, she was gone, dissolved into thin air.
Moments later she was there, inside the Congregation chambers. The eight creatures all rising to their feet.
Peter Knox was the first to speak, demanding to know who she was. But she gave no answer, just looked around at the members, trying to see through them.
This kind of magic had never been present in her life. She’d never felt this powerful. Until now. Something had changed. Something big was coming, she just knew it.
“Speak. Who are you? And why are you here?” Knox tried again.
Delphie’s head snapped to the side, looking at him, only, she wasn’t looking at him, her eyes were clear, staring right through him. And as she spoke, her voice became hollow. “None of your concern Peter, son of Arthur and Augusta Knox.”
The color on his face must have faded, as he started stuttering.
Next her head snapped to look at Gerbert, who’d been trying to sneak up on her. “I wouldn’t try anything funny if I were you Gerbertus.”
A snarl left his lips as he spoke, “How do you know that name?!”
Without any warning, Delphie’s body lifted from the ground, flying upwards until she was hovering just out of reach. Powers surging out of her hands. And when she spoke it almost didn’t sound like her anymore, casting what could very well be understood as a curse.
In one corner, Satu and Sidonie spoke in tongue, either praying or casting, no one could tell. The three daemons were huddled in another corner, while Domenico stood by himself, away from view. Only Peter Knox and Gerbert remained standing, challenging Delphie. And only the name Hecate was understood by all.
A wicked smirk appeared on Delphie’s lips for a moment, and then it melted away. Her voice once hollower as she laid out her demand.
“Give me de Clermont, or you will all feel the wrath of my powers.”
Gerbert snarled again at the name, and in an instant, she had lifted him off the ground with a thick string of electricity around his neck. “Do not play games with me Gebert D’Aurillac. You will not like the outcome.”
From one side, Peter was speaking to a small sphere of magic, but Delphie chuckled coldly, lifting him off the ground too with the same kind of cord she had on Gerbert. “Nice try, witch.” She said, the grip on the two men tightening.
“Give me de Clermont, and I’ll let you all live. If not, I go after you, and anyone you care about.”
At that Agatha finally spoke up. “Get him right this instance. Our lives and the lives of our families are not worth risking for him.”
“Smart girl, Agatha Wilson.” Delphie said.
The witches and daemons all fled the room to fetch Baldwin.
“Who are you, witch?” asked Gerbert, struggling to get free.
“I am the daughter of Hecate.” She responded coldly, thankful that the other two witches weren’t there to overhear it.
At the mention of her mother’s name slipping her lips, Hecate’s response flowed through the room like the wind.
Strong daughter of mine. Show them what you’re made of.
Peter’s face went pale again, eyes filled with fear.
Peter, son of Arthur and Augusta Knox. Bow to my daughter, give your service over to her and you may be spared.
He began shaking in her hold.
Your end will come if you do not heed my warning.
Just as quickly as she had appeared she disappeared, just in time for the others to reappear with Baldwin between them.
He looked exhausted and famished. Delphie knew she didn’t have much time to get him out of there and fed, so she dropped the two men and swooped down to catch Baldwin in her arms. He was so out of it he didn’t register being whisked away to safety, leaving the whole congregation quivering.
Back at the Chateau, Delphie called for Marthe and Marcus. “Bring blood, he needs to be fed, quickly!”
The two vampires appeared, blood bags in hand, shock written all over their faces.
“Ms. Morton? How? You were gone for what, 10 minutes?!” Marthe spoke, and Delphie grabbed one of the blood bags the older woman was holding.
“I don’t have time to explain. Tell Madame de Clermont and the others to be ready for a counterattack from the Congregation. I just challenged them. When they find out where we are they might want to retaliate.” She highly doubted it, with how scared they had looked, but one could never be too sure. One did not simply challenge the congregation and get away with it. They usually fought back, and most times won. Whether with actions or words.
“You need to feed, Baldwin. Get your strength back—and then you need to hunt.”
He grunted, and all Delphie could do was pull him into her arms and cradle him like a newborn, feeding him the blood. Baldwin took to it, drinking it down hungrily. “That’s it, drink it all. I’ve got more for you here.” She dipped her head to kiss his forehead, not where she could see his memories, that was for later.
“I’ll leave the blood bags here. Call for me if there’s anything.” Said Marcus, placing the bags down by her.
“Thank you, Marcus.” She nodded, giving him a tired smile. The powers had really taken their toll on Delphie, and she struggled to stay awake, to feed Baldwin.
Once they were completely alone and he had drunk the contents of all four bags, Delphie locked the door, and opened a wound on her wrist, “Drink, my love”, she whispered for only him to hear.
Baldwin’s eyes widened and he tried to push her hand away, but she didn’t budge. “Take some of my blood, you need the strength.” Her voice still soft, her lips close to his ear.
“N—no.” He sounded desperate, like he was fighting himself, his inner instincts. But she knew her blood was singing to him, heard the way he growled.
Before she could even register it, Baldwin took hold of her arm, pressing her wrist to his lips and sucking in the amber liquid.
“That’s it my love, have your share. Let me heal you and make you stronger.”
After she deemed it enough, she went to pull her arm away from his lips, but he let out a growl in protest. “You can have more later. But now you should really go hunt with your nephew.” She offered, closing her wound with magic, then unlocking the door.
She had to muster up enough strengths to go to the altar and give thanks to her mother. And for that she needed to be alone.
“This isn’t over Delphie.” Said Baldwin, kissing her, before disappearing in a flash.
@plaidbooks @xoxabs88xox @muchadoaboutcj @beatrice-san @adowbaldwin @butternuggets-blog @rozalynfrozen 
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adarafaelbarba · 2 years
Cold hands / mittens
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Normally, especially in the summer time, Nora would have no issue with Baldwin’s cold hands. But as the temperatures dropped, either in the chateau or wherever she was, she appreciated the coldness of his hands less.
The sweetest touch, under her shirt and the dip of her lower back, would be almost torture when she felt the chill in the air.
“Jesus Christ have mercy! Lucius don’t put your icicle hands on me!” She called out one evening after putting her daughter to bed.
“Sorry my love, I forgot.”
But there was a glint in his eyes. He never forgot anything.
Baldwin was doing it on purpose.
She turned to him slowly and gave him the sweetest smile she could muster, her arms wrapping around his neck.
“Do that again, and I’ll end you.”
The way she said it would make anyone shiver. However he knew better.
“Of course darling.”
“I’m serious! I’m already cold enough.” A shiver going through her body for added effect.
He let out a shoft chuckle, leaning in to kiss her. “I’m sorry my love. I just love to see you jump.”
Baldwin laughed some more, asking why the cold hands were an issue when his cold gaze wasn’t.
“Because you don’t mean to look at me. But you do it on purpose when you put your icicle hands under my shirt!”
“And when my cold lips press up yours? What then?”
He was teasing her now, but she became needy for his kisses.
“And when I fuck you? What then?”
Nora blushed hard, looking away. She felt arousal pool up in her panties and and she pulled him in for a kiss, clinging to him.
“Shut up and take me to bed.”
@plaidbooks @xoxabs88xox @bidisasterforben @beatrice-san @adowbaldwin @butternuggets-blog @rozalynfrozen
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butternuggets-blog · 2 months
@baldwin-montclair @adowobsessed @sylverdeclermont @nicki-mac-me @thereadersmuse @kynthiamoon @wheresthesunshinesblog @adowbaldwin @beautifulsoulsublime @lady-lazarus-declermont @adarafaelbarba-blog @dogblessyoutascha
Part Fifty-Five
Summary:  Baldwin Montclair had a string of ex girlfriends, a single child, and a  lifetime longer than most people could dream of to make all kinds of  mistakes. His family knew one which kept coming out of the woodwork to  irritate him every other century
Also on AO3
...I caught a flash of red hair today and thought of you. Sept Tours is so close and yet hundreds of miles away...
...a tobacconist opened up opposite the fruit shop that sells apricots now they are in season. I am forced to walk betwixt them to reach my place of work. It is agony...
...I keep coming upon new fancies that I know would make you laugh. I hate how I cannot share them...
...I see you in my dreams and when I wake it is rotten that I wake alone...
Yvette was a Looker. She had learnt, at a very young age, the useful skill of taking up as little physical space as possible, watching and listening to the world passing by around her. Children were to be seen and not heard; Yvette happily made sure neither verb applied to her when she didn't want them to.
Watching her father, for instance. She had always been encouraged to be inquisitive, and she took a keen interest in learning how her father held himself when he was conducting business, the ticks and tells he affected to put people at ease or push them into tripping over their own lies.
At Sept Tours she watched her uncle put on similar masks, wielding anger like a surgeon's knife to get at the root of a problem. She stood half-hidden in plain sight while grown men were reduced to blubbering messes beneath her uncle's unwavering glare.
She watched when they were alone. When her father supped wine at the windowsill or played cards by himself on the hearth. When her uncle went out riding or hawking, or stayed up late looking wistfully at old maps as they stirred up memories.
She had also been watching when they were together. The long glances full of hopelessness at each other's backs. The warmth in their smiles when the other one laughed loudly, eyes shut or blurred with tears. The stillness that resulted whenever fingers accidentally brushed; the way they curved towards each other, unconscious of the movement.
And Yvette was watching now as Philippe called for her uncle and Baldwin jumped up from his chair, stashing an unfinished letter in a desk drawer before speeding off. She had been exploring the servant's hallway in the wall, peeling back the doors cleverly concealed by the woodgrain to look in on various rooms.
She waited a moment to see if Baldwin would come back; when he didn't she ventured forth from her hiding spot and crept up to the desk.
Yvette plopped herself down in her uncle's chair and felt along the bottom lip of the desk with both hands until her fingers brushed a tiny lever tucked up into the frame. She smiled and pressed it; there was a dull thud as something unclicked and she opened the drawer her uncle had just closed.
She hadn't meant to read the letter. She had been focussed on the brass seals wrapped in leather that Baldwin had plucked from their hidden compartment and shown to her mere days ago. He had made her close her eyes when he'd used the mechanism but her ears were sharp and she'd figured out what he'd been doing.
Her father's seal for the Knights of Lazarus was also made of bronze, with a pair of glassworking shears set above a knight kneeling in prayer. On the opposite side was a cross, with a tiny boar's head and a torc set above and below it, and Secretum Lazari stamped around the edge.
Her own name caught her eye. She looked at the letter.
-Yvette arranged the cups precisely as Marthe instructed her and the countess spilt wine down her front exactly as they had hoped! A braggart taken care of, and no one the wiser that anyone was to blame but herself.-
Yvette grinned. The woman's loud squawk of surprise had been hysterical, and her face! The servants had been laughing at it for days.
-I miss you.
Yvette froze. She read from the beginning again.
I miss you. I wish I could find the courage to tell you in words what I happily commit to paper but I do not want to ruin our friendship. I will hold back my heart for both our sakes.
A light breeze stirred the room, as if a ghostly presence was leaning over her, reading over her shoulder.
'..I have two pères, do I not?' Yvette whispered, a smile on her lips.
The breeze stirred again in agreement.
Author's Notes
Boars were a Gallic symbol of battle
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apinchofm · 2 years
grumpy one just does everything the sunshine one says. like they cannot for the life of them say no ~ requested by an aon!
This sums up Baldwin and Alyssa's relationship!
Can't Say No.
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"Babe, can we buy that cottage we saw in Kent? I think it would be place for Nina and the other children to play around in?"
Alyssa brought up the suggestion over lunch at Sept-Tours with the family.
Baldwin nodded in agreement, "Yes. Give the realtor a call tomorrow."
"Thank you!" Alyssa chirped, returning to her food, unaware of the confused looks in her direction.
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This was noted again by Diana. It was not that it was anything big, but she knew Baldwin to constantly count the cost of everything.
She brought the twins over to meet their newest adopted daughter, Nina, who was only a few months old.
"Baldwin, we should buy one of those vibrating cots for Nina?" Alyssa asked, when Diana suggested it was good for naps.
"Why not?" He murmured. He dug into his pocket and gave her his credit card, "Sorry, I have a meeting. Can you go without me?"
Diana was surprised at how sincere he was and Alyssa smiled, leaning up to kiss him sweetly on the cheek.
"Only this time. I miss having my personal assistant with me to carry bags." Alyssa joked. He kissed her on top of the bed, gently tickled his baby daughter's stomach before leaving.
Diana looked at Alyssa, still surprised, "What do you have on him? Seriously, he doesn't do anything for anyone else without thinking first!"
Alyssa shrugged, "Meh. He's likely to say yes to me and Nina and Miyako. He just doesn't like the rest of you that much. At least on most weekdays."
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adarafaelbarba · 3 years
Chance encounters and hungry confessions
Pairing: Baldwin de Clermont x Nora Olsen (oc)
Fandom: A Discovery of Witches
Can be found on AO3 HERE
A/N: This covers the Historian square of my birthday bingo 😅
Tagging: @teamsladsandgents @adowbaldwin @cptnrogersevans @minim236 @butternuggets-blog @rozalynfrozen @i-run-with-scissors39 @ocfairygodmother @beautifulsoulsublime @pomme003
(Let me know if you want to be on the taglist too ❤️)
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Visiting the Bodleian library seemed strange to Nora after being told of the things that had happened there in the last almost two years. But she tried to act like nothing, smiling at the man sat at the front desk. «I’d like to call some books up, please», she said, giving him a smile.
«Just fill these out and I’ll get it to you as soon as I can, ma’am.» Handing her the call slips and a pen, Nora started scribbling down what she would be needing. She had a plan to finish the book she was working on, and get it published before her baby was born, and with only four more months to go before that happened, she needed to get a move on, which was why she had flown over to England and gone to Oxford to do her work. They didn’t have the books or manuscripts she would need in Norway.
«They’ll be with you soon enough», the man said, and she nodded, going to find the spot she would be sat in for the next couple of hours.
No sooner had Nora sat down before the librarian was there, holding the books to her. Chuckling she took them, placing them on the table. «If there’s anything else you need, please let me know.» She nodded, thanking him for it.
She felt stiff as she stretched, and looked at her watch. What should have been maybe four hours had turned into almost 7 hours, and now she had no idea if her legs would be working. Nora cursed herself under her breath for not having paused to have some food, and maybe used the restroom.
Carefully placing her feet down, she braced her hands flat on the desk. She tried once, but nothing. On her second try she managed, but she found herself having to pause, so she could let the blood flow through her.
«You should be eating something», Diana stood next to her, a smile on her face. «I didn’t know you would be in town though, you should have let me know, we could’ve had lunch together», she added.
Nora blushed, looking at her new found friend. «I know, I was just so caught up in my work, I have to be done by my deadline. So time just disappeared from me», she confessed, and Diana chuckled, surely she, as a fellow historian, knew the feeling.
«Well, let me help you get out of here. Are you living close by?» Diana asked, taking Nora’s hand in hers to help steady her.
«Uh, yeah, I got some rooms at New College», Nora responded and Diana smiled wide, telling her how she used to live there before she met Matthew, and before the shit show went down, but Diana didn’t tell Nora that part. It was more just silent, added on comment.
Once outside, after Diana had said her goodbye to the librarian, who Nora found out was named Sean, the two women made their way to two waiting shadows. One, Nora recognized as Matthew, the other, surprisingly, at least to Diana, seemed to be Baldwin, and Nora smiled, more so to herself than anyone else.
«I found a friend while inside», Diana commented, presenting the two vampires with Nora. Matthew came over at once, hugging first his wife, and then his best friend. «Whatever you’re here for, Baldwin, can wait. Nora hasn’t eaten in a few hours.»
Nora wanted to curse Diana for that last comment. But the look on Baldwin’s face told her not to. «And why’s that?» He asked, looking at her, and she felt like she wanted to let the ground swallow her up.
«Too—occupied with—my studies», she said weakly. Both men sighed, Matthew even rolling his eyes, muttering something about Diana being just like that.
«Then we’ll go somewhere so you can eat. Any preferences?» Baldwin asked then, eyes focused only on Nora. Those ice blue eyes drilling into her own blue ones with such intention that she almost collapsed at his feet to apologize. She shook her head, letting him wrap his arm around her back, leading her to his waiting car. «You need to take better care of yourself, professor, or you won’t make it», Baldwin commented.
«I’m sorry», she whispered, but none the less she let him lead her away, saying her goodbyes to Matthew and Diana.
At the restaurant, Baldwin ordered a glass of wine for himself while ordering a big dinner for her, and a glass of water. «I’m sorry if I took you away from something important, Baldwin», she murmured, looking down at her own hands.
Suddenly his hand rested over hers. «You have nothing to apologize for. I was in town to visit my brother, and to see you.» Nora looked at him, shocked at his words.
Why would he want to see me? She thought to herself. But none the less she took his hand and squeezed it. «Why me?» Her words were out before she could think, she barely dared to look at him.
«I don’t know why, I just know that I want to be near you, well, maybe not want, it’s more that I need to be near you», he confessed.
Her gaze was fixed on him intently, both leaning in closer to each other. «Your food, ma’am», the waiter said, stepping in just before Nora and Baldwin could kiss.
She ate in silence, feeling the tension thick in the air. And all she wanted to do was get on Baldwin’s lap and kiss him, holding him close as their lips moved in synch. But not now, not yet.
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adarafaelbarba · 3 years
Love at first touch
Pairing: (new) Baldwin de Clermont x Nora Olsen (oc) — Matthew de Clermont (platonic)
Fandom: A Discovery of Witches
Warnings: None
A/N: By "New Baldwin" I mean the season three actor who plays the character, Peter McDonald 😅
Word count: 2276
Also on AO3 HERE
Tagging: @teamsladsandgents @adowbaldwin @cptnrogersevans @minim236 @butternuggets-blog @rozalynfrozen @i-run-with-scissors39 @ocfairygodmother @beautifulsoulsublime
(let me know if you want to be part of the adow taglist 🥰❤️)
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And sure enough, within second the door opened, Matthew appearing in the open room. «Nora!» He exclaimed, a broad smile lighting up his smile as he pulled her in for a hug, making her laugh in return.
And sure enough, within second the door opened, Matthew appearing in the open room. «Nora!» He exclaimed, a broad smile lighting up his smile as he pulled her in for a hug, making her laugh in return.
«Nice to see you Matt!» She responded in the same light hearted tone, wrapping her arms around her friend’s back.
The two hugged for a little longer before he pulled away to look at her. «Now then what exactly brings you to France, Nora?» Nothing got past Matthew de Clermont. She knew that all too well. And although she was a good liar, she knew better than to lie to him.
«I’ve been summoned here, on business of the grandmaster of the knights of Lazarus», she said calmly. Which was the whole truth. Matthew’s son, Marcus Whitmore who had been made grandmaster when Matthew and Diana left, had summoned her there, on his brother and sister’s 1st birthday. She was unsure why, well, that was a lie. Surely it had to do with the twins being born of a witch and a vampire, much like herself.
«Marcus asked you to be here?» Matthew seemed confused, which seemed to have drawn his wife to the hallway. Asking if everything was okay there, a worried frown on her face.
Matthew didn’t move for a moment, but then decided to introduce the two. «Diana this is my friend Professor Nora Olsen, Nora this is my wife Doctor Diana Bishop. Nora and I worked on my studies of Norwegian wolves», Matt explained while the two women shook hands, exchanging ‘nice to meet you’s and genuine smiles.
«I can see why you fell for her, Matt, she’s beautiful», Nora noted, smiling at her friend and his wife.
It seemed to make Diana blush as Matthew gave a warm smile. «Thank you. Why don’t you come in?» Diana asked, moving out of the way.
The place seemed so alive inside, witches, daemons and vampires, even some humans flitting around, mingling with each other.
She recognized some people, Marcus and Miriam included, as other members of the order or Matthew’s family. Greeting the ones she knew, acquainting herself with the others, before Marcus finally pulled her aside.
«Thank you for coming. You know why I summoned you, right?» Nora nodded at that, looking over her shoulder to where Miriam and Hamish sat, holding one baby each. She smiled, hand on her small baby bump. When she looked back to Marcus, his eyes were on her subconscious action. «Who’s the dad?»
Nora shrugged at that. She had no idea who the guy was, and she didn’t really want to know either, that’s why she’d gotten a donor. She didn’t want a human who’d just be asking a tone of questions, and she didn’t want a daemon who, from what her mother told her about her dad pre being turned into a vampire, were difficult at best to keep up with, mentally and emotionally. Nor did she want to fall for a witch who would just fear her, and what she was, when they found out what exactly she was.
«It’s a donor baby», she simply stated, shrugging her shoulders again. «But that’s not why I’m here. So are you going to introduce me to your brother and sister?» That made Marcus chuckle as he nodded, leading her over to the couches.
She gave a quick hello and nod to Ysabeau, chills going down her back as she locked eyes with the older woman who she feared, she knew what had happened to witches at the hand of Ysabeau de Clermont, so she knew not to cross her.
«Hello Miriam, Hamish», Nora said, softly, sitting in the chair close to Miriam. The two of them smiled in return at her, but something in Miriam’s eyes made Nora stop. Of course she, as well as every vampire in the room, would sense the second heartbeat within her. She was surprised Matthew hadn’t made a comment about it when he opened the door.
Deciding against making a comment about her friend’s staring, Nora turned her attention to the twins. Both children looked at her in wonder, and as her hands started to glow, that wonder turned into pure amazement, both letting out soft giggles.
There was a collective, soft gasp in the room as the magic of three bright borns glowed through the room. But they were all frozen in their seats, no one taking their eyes off them.
Once the magic subsided, Matthew and Diana came over, picking their children up. «Well? What did you see Nora?» He asked, looking at his friend.
«I saw good. They’re going to be just fine. None of you have anything to worry about», she confessed, smiling as she looked around the room. Matthew and Diana smiled at that, holding their babies close. «You might’ve already noticed, but Becca takes after you Matt. While Philip takes after his mamma. But no worries, they’re both magic, and they’re both vampire, just not in the same way.» Nora went on to explain.
They nodded at that, before Matthew handed Philip over to Miriam again. «And what about you?» He asked, finally asking about Nora’s lineage.
«My father has blood rage, just like you, luckily he’s been able to contain it pretty well, to keep out of the Congregation’s watchful eyes. And like your wife, my mother is a weaver. She comes from a long line of Norwegian witches, most are weavers too.» There was no going back now, as they all listened to her talk about her family.
«How have you been able to keep this from anyone, from the congregation, from the knights of Lazarus?» Gallowglass asked, shock written on his face.
«Surprisingly easy. I just, didn’t tell Matthew, not even when he begged to get my DNA for his research. I was told I should never reveal what I was, for fear that I would be taken away from my family, and that they would be killed.» She felt relieved, telling her friends and allies about herself, knowing now that it was safe. It was evident in the way they doted on the twins, who were just like like Nora and her older brother Tobias.
There was an eery silence over the home, before the front door opened. Ysabeau smiled warmly, as did Marthe, the two women turning to the direction of the hallway. «You didn’t tell me you brought a plus one», Ysabeau noted, a sharp laugh sounding from whoever had just entered.
A beautiful vampire, possibly Japanese, entered the room first, and hurried to Ysabeau. «It’s so good to see you again grandma», the younger woman said, a wide smile on her lips as she wrapped her arms around Ysabeau in a hug.
«And you, darling Miyako. It’s been so long since last time», the older woman said, cupping the other’s cheeks to look at her.
As the two stood there in each others embrace, a man entered the room. His suit fitting him perfectly, his gray hair complimenting his gorgeous face. Nora found herself spellbound by the man as she watched him walk further into the room.
«Welcome, Baldwin», Diana said, greeting the man, arms wrapping around him in a hug. And, it seemed, to everyone’s surprise, he hugged her back.
«Thank you, for the invite. Any excuse to see my niece and nephew», he murmured, and Nora nearly fainted. His voice was so soft, almost like silk. She just wanted to hear him speak more.
He went on to great the others. Kissing both of Ysabeau’s cheeks and calling her mother. So he’s the older brother Matthew was always complaining about? Nora thought to herself. He leant to press a kiss to Philip and Becca’s forehead, and Nora nearly melted at the sight.
Nora tried not to look too long at the interactions. She may be part of the Knighthood, but she was no de Clermont, far from it, so she just looked away, her hand going back to her bump. Only when she felt ice cold eyes on her back did she turn back, finding Baldwin looking at her.
«I don’t think we’ve met. Baldwin de Clermont», he said, holding his hand out for her. She took it a little too eagerly, shaking it.
«I’m Nora Olsen», she simply responded, smiling softly up at him. They stayed like that for a moment longer, before someone cleared their throat, and the spell was broken. She turned to where the sound had come from, and scowled at Gallowglass for interrupting the moment. But when she turned back, Baldwin was still looking at her, probably trying to figure her out.
She gulped, not wanting to let this unknown vampire know her secrets. Not yet at least. If he let her get to know him more, then possibly. But until then.
«Are you staying for dinner, Nora?» Marthe asked, already on her way to get food started for the warmbloods in the room.
«I don’t want to overstay my welcome, thank you though.» It wasn’t that Nora didn’t want to stay, because she really did want to stay there, wanted to know more about Baldwin.
He was still standing so close to her, she could feel his breath on her neck as she had turned to look at Marthe. «I’ve found it best to never disagree with or decline an offer from Marthe», he murmured, and Nora breathed in hard.
«Wise words Baldwin.» Marthe had a wicked grin on her face as she looked at the oldest de Clermont brother.
Nora took in another deep breath, nodding her head at Marthe, «I’d love to have dinner with all of you», she said, smiling, trying to mask how nervous she was.
Baldwin rested his hand on her back, and she turned back to him. «So how do you know everyone? I’ve never heard about you.» Of course he hadn’t. Surely Matthew had told him nothing. Baldwin was after all, part of the congregation, and as such, wouldn’t have approved of Matthew’s friendship with a witch. Even now that the covenant had been abolished, she couldn’t be sure if he wasn’t one of those people who disapproved of inter creature relations.
«I worked with Matthew in Norway when he was doing research for his paper. I don’t usually go to France. Or England», she noted, a smile on her lips.
«Where do you go then?» He was standing really close to her, and she could still feel his hand on her back.
Nora took a sharp intake of breath, and her nose was filled with the smell of wood fire and saddle leather, mixed fantastically with the cologne he was wearing. «Usually in Norway, sometimes on expeditions to a dig.» She was surprised at how easy he got answers from her.
It felt like she was lost in his eyes, his blue eyes fixed on her own blue ones for the longest time, before the spell was broken again at the sound of the twin’s crying. For the first time since meeting, Baldwin stepped away from her, and in turn, turned his attention towards Miriam who was currently holding Becca.
«I’m sorry, Cara, of course I’ll give you attention», he murmured, moving towards Miriam, picking Becca up and cradling her in his arms. The crying stopped instantly, turning to coos from the baby.
Nora watched in amazement, and amusement, before Diana turned her attention, «Do you want to hold Philip?» She asked, and Nora nodded willingly. It would be good practice for when her own baby got there, to have held another.
She softly spoke to the little boy as she held him, swaying from one foot to the other. And Philip in return, smiled up at her, his hand trying to catch her finger, as she rubbed it over and bopped his nose. The little giggle that came from the baby was enough to make Nora’s heart soar. And she instantly wished her baby was already here. She looked to Matthew and Diana, the three sharing a smile, happy that it was a good interaction.
Philip babbled up at her as she stood there, holding him, and she nodded, responding to him as if he had told her a complete sentence. She could feel everyone else look at her, stunned. «Did he tell you something else?» Ysabeau asked, and she could again feel Baldwin’s intense stare on her.
Not knowing what she could or couldn’t tell in front of him and Miyako, she shook her head. «No, just, makes them smile if you talk to them like this», she said, giving Ysabeau a soft smile.
«You’re a natural, Nora. Your child will know nothing but love, I’m sure of it», Marthe commented, re entering the living room to put food on the table. Matthew appeared next to Nora in seconds, easily picking Philip out of her hands.
«Thank you, Marthe, that’s very kind of you to say», Nora responded, her hand going back to her bump for what felt like the millionth time, making her way to the table with the others. From where she was sat, she had Marcus on one side and Miriam on the other, while Diana’s aunt Sarah sat in front of her on the opposite side of the table.
Nora fell into light conversation with the three, and for the first time that day, she finally felt herself fully relaxed.
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adarafaelbarba · 3 years
Through Time
Pairing: Baldwin de Clermont x Minerva Xiulin Chen (oc)
Fandom: All Souls Trilogy (Books + TV Series)
Synopsis: After having a few traumatic years, Minerva finally had a stable life, a family, a man who loved her, but then it was all taken away.
Warnings: Mentions of miscarriages, child deaths, losing a husband.
Tag list: @teamsladsandgents @adowbaldwin @thatdarnyellowsubmarine @minim236 @butternuggets-blog @rozalynfrozen @i-run-with-scissors39 @ocfairygodmother @beautifulsoulsublime @pomme003 @sazmags @sylverdeclermont
You can find it on AO3 HERE
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One Minute she had kissed her husband before falling asleep, the next she knew, she woke up to a variety of new sounds, smells and a place unfamiliar to her. Minerva stood there, wearing a thin toga, trying to cover herself from the freezing cold weather, wondering where the hell she was.
And then someone grabbed her hand and pulled her close, telling her to «look out!» She looked up at her savior, a woman, who looked to be from somewhere in Asia, but she couldn’t pinpoint it. She had travelled from Chang’an to Rome, to get married, what was it now, 12 years ago, or was it. Standing there she looked away from the unknown woman, and looked around. It scared her to see all those lights, coming from something that wasn’t candles.
«Where am I?» She wondered aloud, needing some answers. It definitely wasn’t home, otherwise Lucius, Luke, Lyrica and Sage would be there with her. Maybe she was dreaming? But she couldn’t understand how her dreams could make up this, whatever this was.
The woman looked at her and then gave her a soft smile, no mocking tone or stare, «You’re in Tokyo. And you’re definitely not dressed for this cold», she said, shrugging off a layer off her clothes and laying it over her shoulders. «Let me take you back to mine, you can borrow some clothes while we find out where you live.»
Minerva let her lead her away, no questions asked. She needed answers, and maybe the woman knew the answers, or at least how to get them.
Trying not to jump at the sounds, she followed the woman through the streets of Tokyo, before they went through a door and up some stairs. If she wasn’t dreaming, she needed to know what year it was. She couldn’t believe that this place, Tokyo, could be more advanced than the Holy Roman Empire. There was simply no way. «Can I ask? What year is it?» The woman turned and gave her a soft smile.
«It’s 2019», she simply stated. Minerva had to stop, leaning on the wall. It couldn’t be? Right? No was was this the truth. Her newfound friend stopped and looked at her, holding her hands out to catch her.
«Are you alright, miss?» She asked, stabilizing her. Looking up at the other woman, Minerva slowly shook her head. «I need to get you checked, see if you’ve been drugged—»
Minerva shook her head again, trying to wake herself up. But nothing worked. This has to be a dream, there’s no other logical explanation. Time travel wasn’t real! «This isn’t real. I’m just dreaming!» she told herself, covering her ears from the sounds coming from outside.
The woman looked at her, and then got a brick up, and started speaking into it. «Marcus, I need a favor. Yeah. As soon as you can», she said, and then looked at Minerva again. «You better call my father too, he’d want to see for himself.» She said goodbye, and then put the brick away to look at Minerva again.
«Who are you?» Minerva asked, a frown forming on her face.
She smiled, still softly, «I’m Miyako. This is my home, well, this apartment is, I don’t own Tokyo», Miyako chuckled at herself. «Let me get you some clothes, my cousin and father will be here soon enough to help you.»
Minerva wasn’t sure if she should be relieved that the two men could help her, or worried that she could be assaulted. She knew nothing but the name of this woman and the ‘apartment’ as she called it being hers. But she kept her eyes trained on Miyako as she went to the next room, then returned shortly after with some fabric.
«I’m sure this dress will fit you, it’s not too different from a toga, although it’s been a while since I’ve seen someone wear one as thin as that out and about. What is that, one for sleeping?» Minerva nodded at Miyako’s question. She had been sleeping not too long ago. Oh how she missed the warmth of her husband and children sleeping next to her.
It took some time before there was a knock at the door to Miyako’s apartment. Minerva had been sat on the floor, wearing a dress and something reminiscent of a cloak, that was apparently called a cardigan. But she stood as soon as there was a knock, ready to run should there be trouble.
«That must be them», Miyako said, going to the little room where the front door was, to open the door. She spoke softly to the people there. First to someone with a youthful voice, she referred to him as ‘cousin’ and then she had said a soft ‘papa’ followed by something Minerva couldn’t understand.
There was some more talking before a young, dark curly haired man walked in. «Hello, I’m Marcus, I hope I can take a look at you, find out what happened with you», he said, sounding not at all threatening.
Non the less, she gave him a wary look, unsure if she could really trust him. And then there was a familiar sound, «I can tell you exactly what happened, Marcus!» Minerva looked to where the voice had come from, and then she shot up.
«Lucius?!» Tears formed in her eyes and her legs felt like they were planted firmly on the ground. He approached her cautiously, worried perhaps if he too was dreaming. There was nothing she wanted more than to run to him, throw herself in his arms. She had only just seen him what must have been a day ago, but it felt like she hadn’t seen him for centuries.
«How did you know, Mimi?» He asked, not even taking is eyes of Minerva, but she knew he was talking to Miyako.
Miyako spoke, softly, «I remember her from your memories, papa. She looks the same.» It made Minerva wonder what was going on, but she couldn’t find the words to ask him, or the other two. «But she’s not like us. So how could she still be alive?» Miyako asked then. The question on her mind since she woke up.
Drawing a long breath, Baldwin spoke again, his voice so soft it could lull her to sleep, like he had before. «She was taken, while we were asleep. I only found out it was witches when Philippe came over at the sound of the alarms going throughout the town. They must have taken her through time, like Diana did with Matthew. Only, I don’t know why they did, or who it was», he explained, and Minerva frowned, witches? Impossible. And what did general de Clermont have to do with my disappearance?
Baldwin noticed the wondering look on her face and finally walked over, one of his big hand on her cheek. «Don’t think to hard on it, please, no worrying», he murmured, and she closed her eyes, leaning on the hand, grabbing it with both of hers to hold it there. She let herself fall into his arms, hugging him tightly.
«I thought I would never see you again, or our child—Lucius, what happened to our children?!» a new panic blew over her as she started worrying about their children. She never got to say goodbye to them, or see them grow up.
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adarafaelbarba · 3 years
Through Time - Shocking revelations
Pairing: Baldwin de Clermont x Minerva Xiulin Chen (oc)
Fandom: All Souls Trilogy (Books + TV Series)
Synopsis: After having a few traumatic years, Minerva finally had a stable life, a family, a man who loved her, but then it was all taken away.
Tag list: @teamsladsandgents @adowbaldwin @thatdarnyellowsubmarine @minim236 @butternuggets-blog @rozalynfrozen @i-run-with-scissors39 @ocfairygodmother @beautifulsoulsublime @pomme003 @sazmags @sylverdeclermont
Find it on AO3 HERE
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She was close to tears again, trying to scan his face. «I only found out 70 years ago what happened to them», he started, and Minerva was quickly confused again.
«What do you mean?» She asked. Marcus and Miyako left the room to give the two privacy. «Lucius, tell me what’s going on.»
Leading her to the couch, Baldwin made her sit, taking a deep breath, «Your parents took the three of them in when I—when Philippe turned me. They kept me posted about them for a while, and then it stopped.» He stopped talking, taking her hands in his. «The letters stopped after I got word that Lilin had gotten ill and died. I think it was smallpox.» He scanned Minerva’s face, tears slipping down her cheeks. «It wasn’t until after Philippe died, in 1945, that I found out about Luke and Lyrica.» At the mention of their other two children, Minerva looked up. She wanted to ask what happened to them, but couldn’t find the words.
It looked as though her head was gonna explode with everything she had gathered in the last couple of hours, and Baldwin almost didn’t want to tell her. Afraid of how she would react. But the way she squeezed his hands, the way her eyes were focused on his, he knew he had to go on. «Last I checked in, Lyrica was in Vienna, in Austria, working on her music. While Luke is somewhere in France, doing research for a book», he explained simply.
«Are they—are you—immortal?» She asked, voice soft as a whisper. Everything she’d learned since waking up was flushing through her mind. Lucius and their children, sleeping. Waking up in the middle of the street, something racing past her on both sides. Arms grabbing her and pulling her away. A woman, Miyako, taking her to her home, giving her clothing. Lucius appearing, wearing some strange clothing. Their children, one dead for eons, two, alive, living somewhere.
She snapped out of it when Baldwin placed a big hand on her knee, shaking her softly. «Philippe was a vampire, he turned me, he needed someone like me at his side, especially after his daughter was killed. I didn’t want to at first, being turned meant never getting to see our children again, and it had only been two years since you disappeared, but he was insistent. So I sent for your family, to come get the children. It was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. But having you back in my arms, it’s almost like I was supposed to be turned, to find my way back to you.» His hands going up to cup her cheeks, thumbs caressing the delicate skin as he tried to re-memorize her face. «Luke and Lyrica were turned when they were 22 and 20. But it’s not for me to tell their story. I’ll send word to them to come home», he said.
«Where—where is home now?» She asked, needing to know where she would be going. Miyako’s ‘apartment’ was way to small for her to stay there with her.
«France—modern day Gaul», he explained. She had so many questions, but didn’t know how to ask them. «We’ll leave now, if you’re not tired», Baldwin added, helping her stand.
Looking at how she was dressed, a beautiful dress with flowers on, and a cardigan, her feet bare. «I—I suppose I need more clothing, perhaps before we leave, so I can return this to Miyako—.» Baldwin shook his head and smiled.
«I’ll get her a new one. Keep it, it looks good on you, and we’ll get you clothing when we get to France, I know some excellent designers who can make you anything you’d want.» It all felt too much, and Minerva turned towards where Miyako and Marcus had left.
The young woman appeared as if she’d been summoned, «I packed her some clothes for the next couple of days, so she won’t be cold», Mimi said, handing over a bag to Baldwin who in turn thanked her.
«I’ll be sure to order you replacements for what you’re gifting», he murmured, hugging Miyako, then whispering something Minerva couldn’t hear, but Marcus smiled, like he knew what had been said.
«Tell Luke and Lyrica I said hello», Mimi said. She went over to hug Minerva, who in return hugged back, whispering thanks, for saving her, and for everything else she could think off to thank the other woman for.
Nodding at Marcus, the two exchanged a smile, and then Minerva took Baldwin’s hand in hers, «It’s time to go home, Lucius.»
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