#balkan wars
gemsofgreece · 1 year
the other day someone told me that greece was actually turkish and that greece stole all turkish food from them and i am shaken to the core and still quite confused ahahahahahahahahah
Oh I have the meme for this
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Having said that, Turkish and Greek cuisine also share numerous elements with Balkan and Middle Eastern and Arabic cuisines so it’s not at all an only Turkey vs Greece in fact.
In general the cuisine of this region comes from the Ottoman Empire which simply made modifications over the Byzantine Empire’s cuisine. The specific locality of each dish is usually not known because all these different peoples lived in the same empires and dishes were getting popularised within their broad borders. Most ingredients Turks use are indigenous in the Mediterranean and although they certainly like to think that, it is a little unlikely that they came last in the region only to teach Greeks, Arabs and Slavs entirely how to eat, because apparently we all ate cardboard before the Turks came. Thanks for the rice and coffee tho
It is always beneficial to us how Ancient and Byzantine Greeks recorded all but their daily dookie size, because there is knowledge available. I think you will like this series of three posts about the History of the Greek cuisine. I have added the first part, in which you will also find the links to the second and third part.
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uniquekindoftrash · 1 year
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Софија Јовановић (1895 - 1979.) - добровољац и наредник српске војске, српска Јованка Орлеанка
Sofija Jovanović - volunteer and sergeant of the Serbian army, Serbian Joan of Arc
When she went to sign up for recruitment, they told her it would be the greatest sin to die so young and beautiful, but that didn't deter her, she showed up again the next day.
When asked why she was here again she said: "I want a rifle and a war schedule! I won't leave without one. If I falter or get scared of a task, kill me... All my people are at war, I don't want to sit at home either."
She received 13 decorations for her heroism after the First World War.
Her grand granddaughter said in an interview about her: < My grandma was a real lady. After the war she wore dresses and high heels, and I never knew how she managed it because she lost half of her foot. She didn't talk much about the war, apart from it being awful, but she said that we all had to give up everything for our country, that was our debt to our fatherland. >
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balkanturksblog · 1 year
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Eyüplü Hasan Efendi, the oldest Ottoman soldier who participated in the Balkan Wars. When the First Balkan War broke out in 1912, he was 66 years old and volunteered the same year.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"MUCH-BESIEGED CITY." Vancouver Sun. November 18, 1912. Page 1. ---- Constantinople was assailed by:
Avars in 627 A.D.
Sarcens in 673-677,
Sarcens in 718.
Bulgarians in 813.
Bulgarians in 913.
Forces of Fourth Crusade in 1203-4.
Turks in 1422.
Turks in 1453.
Bulgarians in 1912.
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modern-greek-history · 9 months
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Thessaloniki during the Balkan Wars (1912 - 1913), Alexandros Makkas, 1913.
Η Θεσσαλονίκη κατά την διάρκεια των Βαλκανικών Πολέμων (1912 - 1913) , του Αλέξανδρου Μάκκα, 1913.
Balkan Wars by Makkas, Alexandros (amateur) Athens - 1913 - Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive - Cultural Foundation of the National Bank Of Greece, Greece - CC BY. https://www.europeana.eu/item/122/https___www_searchculture_gr_aggregator_edm_ELIA_000100_22_440173
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
When a non western aligned nation is having a separatist problem the west bomb it to dust and accuse it of genocide,when a western allied nation COMMITS a genocide for 8 years it gives weapons for it.
China stood for peace then and stands for peace now and yet the west dares call China unreliable
The post is machine translated
The translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
Never forget, never forgive.
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😢 Oggi, purtroppo, si ricorda un terribile evento: il 24° Anniversario della criminale "Operazione Allied Force" della NATO, con cui - partendo dal pretesto del fantomatico "intervento umanitario", l'Alleanza Atlantica diede inizio ad una pesante campagna di bombardamenti contro la Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia 🏳️
🔍 Per chi volesse approfondire il tema di questa oscena e illegale campagna perpetrata dagli USA attraverso la NATO, un'alleanza militare falsamente difensiva, e realmente aggressiva, si consiglia la lettura di:
📖 "Bombe su Belgrado, vent'anni dopo - all'origine delle «guerre umanitarie»", a cura di Andrea Catone e Andrea Martocchia, "MarxVentuno Edizioni", in collaborazione con il Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia - ONLUS
📖 "Imperialismo e Guerre nel XXI Secolo", a cura di Andrea Catone, "MarxVentuno Edizioni", il capitolo "Marzo 1999: l'aggressione USA - NATO alla Jugoslavia", di Mauro Gemma 💣
🚩 Come ha ricordato il Compagno Zuo Dapei, in questo articolo su "乌有之乡", la NATO - utilizzando il pretesto dei diritti umani - lanciò feroci attacchi contro la Jugoslavia, e - il 7 maggio 1999 - bombardò l'Ambasciata Cinese a Belgrado, assassinando tre giornalisti Cinesi ❗️❗️❗️
🇨🇳 La Cina protestò duramente, e il Presidente Jiang Zemin, dopo l'evento, declinò per giorni e giorni le telefonate del Presidente Clinton, che poi si scusò ufficialmente con il Presidente Cinese, ma il Popolo Cinese non ha mai dimenticato questo evento, e sa bene che non si trattò di un "incidente", ma di un messaggio ad una potenza nascente 🚩
🕊 Anche a quell'epoca, la Cina si schierò a favore della Pace, dimostrando che la Politica Cinese ha sempre percorso la Via dell'Ascesa Pacifica e della Diplomazia, e anche in quel caso - come oggi - il Governo USA si rifiutò di cessare i bombardamenti 🇺🇸
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
😢 Today, unfortunately, a terrible event is remembered: the 24th Anniversary of NATO's criminal "Operation Allied Force", with which - starting from the pretext of the elusive "humanitarian intervention", the Atlantic Alliance began a heavy bombing campaign against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 🏳️
🔍 For those wishing to learn more about this obscene and illegal campaign perpetrated by the USA through NATO, a falsely defensive, and truly aggressive military alliance, we recommend reading:
📖 "Bombs on Belgrade, twenty years later - at the origin of the «humanitarian wars»", edited by Andrea Catone and Andrea Martocchia, "MarxVentuno Edizioni", in collaboration with the National Coordination for Yugoslavia - ONLUS
📖 "Imperialism and Wars in the XXI Century", edited by Andrea Catone, "MarxVentuno Edizioni", the chapter "March 1999: the US - NATO aggression against Yugoslavia", by Mauro Gemma 💣
🚩 As Comrade Zuo Dapei recalled, in this article in "乌有之乡", NATO - under the pretext of human rights - launched vicious attacks against Yugoslavia, and - on May 7, 1999 - bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade , assassinating three Chinese journalists ❗️❗️❗️
🇨🇳 China protested harshly, and President Jiang Zemin, after the event, declined President Clinton's phone calls for days and days, who then officially apologized to the Chinese President, but the Chinese people have never forgotten this event, and he knows well that it wasn't an "accident", but a message to a rising power 🚩
🕊 Even at that time, China sided in favor of Peace, demonstrating that Chinese Politics has always followed the Path of Peaceful Ascent and Diplomacy, and even then - like today - the US Government refused to cease the bombings 🇺🇸
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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worldtravelfacts · 1 year
Gjirokastër, Albania
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tamamita · 1 year
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gemsofgreece · 11 months
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King Constantine I of Greece during the Second Balkan War, by Georges Scott.
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uniquekindoftrash · 1 year
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Наталија Бјелајац, рођена Антонија Јаворник (1893 - 1974.) - болничарка и наредник српске војске у Балканским ратовима и Првом светском рату
Natalija Bjelajac, born Antonija Javornik - nurse and sergeant in the Serbian army during the Balkan Wars and WW1
She was injured in combat twelve times and for that she received as many medals for bravery.
As a person who was present to liberation of Kosovo during the Second Balkan War she said: "On this journey I haven't been shaken by witnessing all of the wounded and crippled. I haven't been shaken by the unending tiresome marches, or by all of the sacrifice on the battlefield... I was shaken by the scene that I saw when the hospital company arrived at Kosovo Polje. All the soldiers laying on the ground, kissing it... and then kissing each other and embracing, saying that this moment was five centuries in waiting, Kosovo was avenged... Then I realised, from June of 1389. to October of 1912. from generation-to-generation people have lived for that dream, in both joy and sorrow it was spoken about Kosovo, and they have finally seen their dreams come true - they have banished the Turks and liberated Kosovo... Fulfilled was the vow of many generations..."
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humanoidhistory · 4 months
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Memorial to the victims of the Novi Sad massacre, Serbia, 1968.
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balkanturksblog · 1 year
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Isamettin Sirozi’s tomb - he was a member of the Sirozi family
The story of this family begins with Ismail Sirozi, an Ottoman separatist who ruled Siroz, a town in Macedonia, from around 1770 until his death in 1813. He had a small army that he sent to fight Russians, Austrians and Serbs, and accepted refugees fleeing the rule of another Ottoman separatists, Ali Pasha, who ruled around Yanya.
Among his successors is Yusuf Muhlis, who has lived in Istanbul for a long time, writing poetry and taking part in various events, including the suppression of the Mora uprising. He built a mosque in and a fountain in his hometown, for many years he was governor of Saruhan, Aleppo and Aydin.
Many people in their line worked as muftis in Macedonia. One of them was Isamettin, who, together with his brother Esat, saved many valuable manuscripts from Syros and brought them to the Suleymaniye Library.
Metin Serezli and Nevra Serezli, Turkish actors are also descendants of the Sirozi family.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Carving Up of European Turkey," Vancouver Sun. November 15, 1912. Page 1. --- Map showing how the Balkan states will partition the country they have conquered-if the great powers let them.
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foursaints · 4 months
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mapsontheweb · 3 months
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Second balkan war in July 1913.
by summusrexetruriae
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arbenia · 3 months
Palestinians protest pro Kosovo (1999) 🇵🇸🇦🇱 (x)
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