#bang and whimper
sanakimohara · 1 day
But wait… dating Chan has so many perks! - …p*rn links
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explicit content ahead + masterlist > + 0T8 link [n/a] >
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- You’re never not spoiled and a little greedy for his attention! Always so demanding and pouty when he doesn’t give you what you want and sometimes he’ll have to remind who’s in change! But it’s so worth it!
- You’re the first to hear any and every song he’s working on. So you spend a lot of time in the studio with him when he isn’t too overwhelmed by work!
- You get the very best hugs.
- You don’t have to worry about feeling lonely because when he’s not around there’s always someone to keep you company. Maybe Felix. Maybe Minho. Hyunjin. Seungmin, Changbin, Or even Jisung and Jeongin! They’re always around to help you out when Chan gets caught up in work! But don’t worry because he won’t forget to make it up to you and give a reward for being so patient!
- You get whatever you want from him as long as you say ‘please’ just like he taught you. Always so polite. Always so sweet for him!
- You get to take care of him! He’s always being everything for everyone and sometimes even he needs a little break so helping him relax is your favorite thing to do!
- You can wear any and all the cute little outfits your heart desires -but be careful because it’s not always going to stay ‘cute’ around him! And that’s okay cause he’ll buy you something prettier!
- You get the cutest messages from him! Voice memos and videos made just for you! All for you.. And he’s always so excited and proud of you when you send him one of your own!
- You can sit on his lap whenever you want, for as long as you want, and he loves it when you do! He won’t wanna let you go!
- You get all the best kisses. The ones that leave your head spinning and all foggy just the way he likes it!
- You can relieve some of his stress. Ease his mind when no one else can and he appreciates it!
- You’ll be the love of his life. A point of inspiration he draws from every second you’re with him…
- You could be all his
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Alright…so how did I do on this? Should I do the other members too or no? 🖤
Also, the literal battle I had to fight to get these vids and audios was nothing short of a rollercoaster. Literally was melting, crying, and dying all at once so you’re welcome-! 🖤
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witchern · 2 months
i unironically want biden to start going fucking crazy for his last few months. total student loan forgiveness. universal healthcare. pop-up abortion clinics on every street corner. go on national tv and call trump a turkey-necked cunt in front of god and everybody. fire a bazooka from the white house lawn. what're they gonna do? fire him?
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silverskye13 · 11 months
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There was no explosion on the mountaintop. The earth did not crack. The seas did not boil. The doom the dragon brought came slower, quieter. The world had not collapsed at its talons, shaken by its might, deafened by its roaring. The calamity of the dragon came, instead, like blood tracked upon the floor of a silent house. The wound didn't kill, but the smell of it sent foul things sniffing after, until you realized you were alone in a place of safety, surrounded by teeth.
When the dragon woke, they only new it because the sun set one day, and, though it rose the next, the skies were too black to see it. There was only the glow on the horizon as its fire pooled, and seeped, and rolled its steady march across the landscape.
Like blood on the floor of the world, there was no regret in the wound, only in the stains it left behind.
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johnslittlespoon · 5 months
– i think of you all of the time.
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fizzytoo · 11 months
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hey, soldier
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formulanni · 16 hours
I’m not a fan of Daniel, but the way he’s going is so brutal I can’t help but feel bad 😭
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howifeltabouthim · 4 days
'The world is dying, and we've been doing what we can to save it, but we are running out of sacrifices. Soon will come a day when we have nothing left to give, and when that day comes, the end will follow close behind it, and it will not be a conflagration, but numbing cold and darkness that never ends.'
Jenn Lyons, from The Ruin of Kings
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couthbbg · 5 months
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wetcatspellcaster · 21 days
I'm in the last few months of my PhD and am definitely flagging. Do you have any advice for the end of it?
Also, your writing is wonderful xxx
hey anon, sorry for the delay in replying, I was on holiday!!!
which is absolutely my first piece of advice - schedule a break, schedule a holiday if you are financially able to. This is a sincere plea from someone who DIDN'T do this (or rather, whose first 'break' was wiped out by covid), and it's the one thing i wish I'd done differently. Right now, you probably feel like you can't take time off (you can!) and after you submit you might be focusing on financial solvency like i was (don't!). Schedule a break. I have now had 6 months of non-stop deadline chasing and work since my surgery, and sure enough the cracks show heavily. i'm tired, my emotional regulation is shot, and i'm not doing well. DON'T become me!!! Take a day or two off in these final few months to enjoy yourself, and schedule in a CONCERTED break to be head empty once everything is over, or risk exhaustion and burnout.
my other piece of advice is subject dependent but: the thesis doesn't have to be perfect, it just needs to be done.
if you're a humanities student like i am, you will probably get corrections. your thesis could be the sistene chapel of theses, and it probably will still get corrections. so if you're pushing wordcount, or coming up against comments from your supervisor that just aren't feasible in the time you have left, then save the comment somewhere, then delete it from your current document. It can be a Corrections Era problem, not a Final Submission problem. do what needs to be done to have a submittable piece, action what feedback it's reasonable to action - and learn to trust your judgement on that! (sincerely, a me who still has issues with standing up to authority!!! I should've been deleting some stupid comments right out the fucking gate!!)
no one knows your thesis like you do. if there's feedback you don't agree with at this stage, cull it. if there's feedback that would take you over wordcount or that you just don't see the point of, cull it. trust in yourself as a scholar, and also know your limits. your supervisor isn't in your brain, and doesn't know how tired you are. There is a difference between essential feedback, and nice-to-haves, and at this stage the nice-to-have bandwidth is getting thinner and thinner. Action essential feedback, and then anything that is easy/quick to do, and will definitely improve your project. the rest can wait until post-exam x
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silverfoxstole · 11 months
Hearing Lucie hugging the Doctor and saying she loves him at the end of Relative Dimensions knowing what’s going to happen…
*starts bawling*
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No because the more I - and many, many others think about it, why five chapters to wrap everything up? I keep thinking of reasons and only one makes sense to me, but.
BNHA is considered a world-wide best-seller, being WSJ's 6th most sold manga (last I checked, which was a few months ago). So many mangakas and artists taking notice and praising it, its big demograohic getting bigger because of its 10th anniversary in two weeks (!), more people are inclined to see it through the end. Hell, even taking out worldwide demographic, it's still very beloved in Japan- they had an entire tour event for the manga, for goodness' sake. It's a weird decision from a financial and commercial standpoint.
From a creator standpoint, Horikoshi likes taking his time writing his arcs down to the most ridiculously minimal details- the most likely possible positive outcomes is that Horikoshi is either planning a sequel or changing publishers but that's a whole leap in logic-
1. A sequel implies we aren't following the Hero Academia like stated by 424's release; and there's a whole bulletpoint of things that need to be addressed; a sequel wouldn't make sense because why tackle everything in a different part of the story?
I've seen people suggesting another MC, but. Remember BNHA as of now took place in the span of 2 years in-universe, but in real life, 10. Izuku's story isn't finished and we have another character (which now I'm certain it's Tenko) to meet, that would be more cluttered than the PLFW Arc.
Others mentioned a possible spin-off, or a time skip, but that's a another can of worms because that's a new world/POV with missing development from the characters we know, which would be interesting but. Again, a whole list of plot points to address; why not address here and now? Surely that's not what we imagined when 424 said "we need to go even further beyond" the end of the story, right? And one more thing: Volume 41 still does not have enough pages to fill in a tankobon unless the page count is huge and that's why we got a two/three-week break. Even then it doesn't fully solve the problem.
2. Publisher changing is another story, because it implies WSJ is falling on hard times, cutting corners, Horikoshi's contract wasn't renewed, or someone offered a better deal, but once again, big money-maker. Which we know it's BS. Not to mention the amount of legal jargon and time it'd take for that to happen behind the scenes for this to be possible- a month ago we got Hori saying he didn't know how long it'd take to reach the ending, and all of these complications would delay, if not officially put the series on a hiatus similar to OP, right?
And then there's the "five chapters is a long epilogue" or the argument, which I do agree, unfortunately. But this is why I'm so baffled; the amount of shit that needed to be addressed in the story- Todofam, Himichako, Spinner, Rooftop Trio, Hitoshi in Class 2-A (Class 2-A in general, really), Izuku and Katsuki's state, future and relationship, societal rebuild and re-evaluation of pro-heroes, what happens to Toshinori now, if OFA is really gone or not, Hero Commission, Mr. Compress's fate, Hawks being Quirkless now, the mystery man from 425, the list goes on and on. Nothing about hero society in BNHA was shown to change, then what's all that talk of long epilogue for if we can barely focus on five of these? So much to answer and not enough time for all.
IDK, there are more "positive"* theories of Horikoshi ending the "Academia" part of Boku no Hero and focusing on the more ambitious part of the manga in a part two, a la Chainsaw Man, but even that feels like wishful thinking- especially because of so many second series being. A mess, to put it lightly.
Horikoshi does deserve the break from writing and drawing, don't get me wrong, ten years of pumping up a story of this quality is not an easy feat, but it's so weird considering all the loose ends. If he did decide to end on his terms, well. His decision, I guess, even if it still feels off. But it is the only explanation that makes sense, in my opinion. Especially with the amount of breaks he needed to get because of health conditions- Shonen Jump is very harsh on their mangakas after all.
*I say "positive" because he said he didn't want it to be a long runner, and he did say he's interested in a BNHA spin-off and elevating the light novels. And that he'd "see us again in Jump" on the countdown announcement, so. There's that, take that as you will.
Maybe I should try and be positive as well, there is a chance this is not the end of the main series yet, and we're getting, Idk, a rebrand of sorts? Maybe Horikoshi will show up at Jump Festa and be like "surprise I got more tricks up my sleeve". Back to the beginning, but not quite the same. Hell imagine if he decided to go to the actual beginning: Boku No Hero one-shot from 2008. Call it Boku no Hero Agency or something like that. Hah.
Won't erase that I am feeling shitty about this right now- but, what do I know, I wanna choose hoping for something as wishful as this until the end of the ride rather than dwell on the doomerism of it all. Just wanted to talk about it. Makes me regret I chose to get into BNHA late in the game, but I'm still glad I got to ride in at all. I hope this "final bow" isn't gonna feel as incomplete as I fear it will.
I. Guess we'll have to wait and see with fingers crossed then. *sigh* So, with that said.
I guess I wanna hope for the handhold, at least.
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tomoleary · 9 days
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Rich Buckler and Joe Sinnott “With a Bang-- and a Whimper!” Avengers #104 Title Splash (1972) Source
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soapdi-spencer · 6 months
My Name Is No-One is such a banger + I love how they utilised their instruments to create the sound effects of the doors opening I just think that's cool!!
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my-shields-are-down · 2 years
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austinwehaveaproblem · 11 months
> wakes up at 3 am
> hm i should fix my hair
> ruins my hair
> welp. back to bed !! <3
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taldigi · 7 months
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