#banging my head against the frickin' wall
roamwithahungryheart · 11 months
I've sat on this for a little while, but I'm just going to say it.
If you've decided not to post about the conflict until now because you wanted to 'wait for clear information' to give a 'measured response', but neglected to mention the deaths of 1400 Jewish people at the hands of a terrorist organization whose sole purpose is to eradicate all Jews, that's not a measured response. To only say retrospectively that you have sympathy for the community flies in the faces of your Jewish friends who are suffering.
What happened on October 7th has had a ripple effect across the entire Jewish community. Incidences of antisemitic hate crime have risen by 1000%. Read that again. One thousand fucking percent. To see those we view as friends be silent is deeply hurtful.
Many of us - myself included - are afraid to leave our homes. Afraid for our families in the supposed safety of suburbia. It isn't hard to reach out. To send a text or a message online. It isn't hard to forget a friend when they're in pain. At least, it shouldn't be if you're a true and decent friend.
I'm going to get a little personal. Last year I experienced a prolonged campaign of antisemitic and ableist hate crime. Friends stood by me and showed support. Where are they now?
Ask yourselves, why are you silent? What are you so afraid of?
Standing in support of your Jewish friends does not negate your support for those suffering in the atrocities occurring in Palestine. It doesn't make you a zionist. It doesn't mean you condone the actions of the Israeli government. It's simply an act of basic human decency.
Silence from the people we care about makes us question if they really care about us in return.
This is not a case of 'choosing sides' in the conflict or showing allegiance to one cause over another. A 'balanced view' means showing compassion for all.
Refusing to do this reinforces the very thing David Baddiel talked about in his most recent book - Jews don't count.
Make us count.
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thesinglesjukebox · 10 months
And the beat goes on...
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: "This already feels so omnipresent, so much like background noise, that it's difficult to remember actually having a strong opinion on it. I think that the sense of crushing, inevitable momentum destroying everything in its path was very much a function of its design and was already there prior to overplaying, but I can't be 100% certain." [8]
Ian Mathers: It's kind of simultaneously both the most and least surprising thing in the world that Kylie would have a hit in 2023. Having heard of the title before hearing the song I never would have guessed it was onomatopoeia for a heart beating (and a very not-fun part of my psyche points out to me every time I listen that "Padam" is not how I'd represent what it sounds like they're singing here in text), but the abstraction suits a song that always feels chilly and in control however horny and passionate the subject matter is. It's a pretty strict machine Kylie's driving these days, but she gets a lot of mileage out of it. [8]
Will Rivitz: Art often requires its context to make sense, but context does not so much justify "Padam Padam" as it does fully stitch it together from thin air. In its moment in time, the song was a two-month fever dream, bare skin and heavy-pour vodka sodas and nitrate fumes united by camp sincerity and knowing winks, "padam" as a statement of purpose and clarity. By itself, the song blows over in a light breeze, an immediately dated EDC mainstage reject immediately forgotten if lightning had not struck. On one hand, "Padam Padam" is so inextricably interwoven with the fever dream of this past summer that the climate it ushered in by necessity makes it essential; on the other hand, this is Kylie frickin' Minogue we're talking about, and the standards she's set for herself demand a song that can stand on its own. [6]
Peter Ryan: Arguably one of the progenitors of memeability, Kylie has certainly understood it far longer than it's been a thing. Some memes make better songs than others though, and after a little breather after this summer of Padam I feel like I hear it more clearly -- synths that I wish were crisper, a clattering chorus that gets muddled to my ear, and -- both in single and extended editions -- a bridgeless wonder. "Shivers & cold champagne" is up there for Kylie place-setting, but I prefer this kind of thing from her when there's a little more to it. [6]
Josh Winters: As someone who has spent much of the past few years as a hermit, I ended up avoiding "Padam"'s reign over Pride month quite naturally. I don't know what it was like for the gays, theys, and babies who weren't there for the fever she spread with "Can't Get You Out of My Head" in 2001. To me, this is typical Kylie: a well-traveled wanderer slinking her way into our common ear to get to the heart of our most primal sensibilities. This time, the dart landed on the bullseye, giving her a viral sensation that could work as a FIFA World Cup theme, Eurovision entry, aforementioned Pride anthem, any other opportunity for collective enjoyment you may be thinking of. For those who have reduced "Padam" to Another Basic Bop and were banging their heads against the wall over the summer as to WHY THEY CAN'T ESCAPE THIS SONG... well! You hear it and you know. [8]
Rachel Saywitz: Did we actually like this song in May, or were we that desperate for a song of the summer pop hit? Regardless, "Padam Padam" is cute, if not entirely forgettable. There's something kind of "robot sexy vixen" about it, which allows me to excuse bland verses like "And we don't need to use our words / Wanna see what's underneath that T-shirt." The chorus is no doubt the track's standout; Kylie's minor third "padam" gives off a false hesitancy that's commanding in its naiveté, and is even more convincing knowing the woman singing it. I don't think "Padam Padam" the song will be in our collective consciousness a year from now, but the phrase most definitely will. [6]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: I dismissed the "Padam"-mania of June 2023 as a Commonwealth-country bout of exuberance -- but then I remembered I lived in Canada now and felt obligated to check it out. On further examination, this bangs exactly the right amount. It's not a revelatory, best-of-the-century reinvention of the core principles of dance music, but it's not just "good for someone who's been making music since Bob Hawke was in office" either. Most dance pop artists in Kylie's lineage would kill for a track as well-struck as this. It's a fascinating exercise in tension and release, a song lifted up from generic dancefloor filler by Kylie's mastery of the form. [7]
Vikram Joseph: For a song so evidently catchy and meme-able, "Padam Padam" looks surprisingly threadbare up close. It certainly hints at some of Kylie's most iconic moments, in particular the motorik future-pop of "Can't Get You Out Of My Head," but it doesn't seem to aspire to the same delirium, instead content to be slinky and understated. It has strong production values and a distinct sense of atmosphere, but the line between being minimal and lightweight is a very fine one -- "Padam" is more than serviceable as wallpaper, but as an image in itself is oddly lacking in pleasure. [6]
Will Adams: For the longest time I thought the line in "Can't Get You Out of My Head" went "boy, your love is a song I think about." The concept of the one you're yearning for being like a song endlessly looping in your head just made sense. What made even more sense is said song materializing as mesmerizing Euro-pop with a wordless la-la-la hook. Realizing what the actual lyric was years after the fact didn't diminish my love for it, but I wondered if that essence could ever be captured again. In 2023, I got my answer: "Padam Padam" burst into the world, and with just two-syllables, burrowed into our brains forever. The hallmarks of its predecessor were all there, namely, that hypnotic quality that refuses to leave you, asking a very simple question -- "padam?" -- and boom: you're experiencing love as a song you think about. [9]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: The Kylie Minogue songs I love pull you into her current state of mind. In "Can't Get You Out of My Head," it's the way she convinces you of her infatuation via sustained melodies--"set me free," "stay forever and ever" -- before it fully materializes in the onomatopoeic hook. Here, I'm left to do the heavy lifting, the song all good and fine for bopping around but with none of the release, nothing resembling palpable sensuality. I don't want pop songs or dancefloor crushes to be things I have to think about. And even when I am thinking about this track, I'm left even more disappointed: It lacks the chic sophistication of her artsier '90s works, the spectacular camp of her other Eurovision-y songs, the mesmerizing arrangement of the superior 2023 single "Tension." Worst of all, it doesn't even fail in spectacular fashion. [3]
Jibril Yassin: Easily one of Kylie's best hooks since the last best one. [7]
Katherine St Asaph: I wrote at length elsewhere about the ruthless efficiency of "Padam Padam," and how much knowing Ina Wroldsen wrote the song unlocks it. How many pa-da-dams can I take? Apparently a lot! [8]
Brad Shoup: I like this because it sounds like sex -- unlike "Can't Get You Out of My Head," which sounds like business-class air travel. The synthline warps with anticipation; the pitched-down padams keep things a lil goofy. Lostboy and Wroldsen have so thoroughly written a one-night stand, they've even covered the following days' afterglow. [8]
Jonathan Bradley: Sure, when Kylie goes out, she wants to go out dancing. I've heard her attempt this disco revival any number of times over the past 20 years; it's not clear why this should be the one that hits. Even as far as heartbeat bops go -- the notion that an aortal thump could be a dancefloor beat is not new -- "Padam Padam" is particularly anemic. [4]
Anna Katrina Lockwood: What a breathtakingly perfect pairing of song with performer. Mononymous Australian legend Kylie brings a deftness of hand to the breathy minimalism of "Padam Padam" borne of her decades of experience in her niche. Much like Kylie's indelible "Can't Get You Out of my Head," the meat of "Padam Padam" is a perfectly deployed arpeggiator, building complexity without adding weight. It's both lighter than air and grounded in the physicality of the bassline, precision calibrated for moving your body. The lyrics are a bit goofy, but this is a woman who made an extended phrase of "la la la" ad nauseum into a vocal riff for the ages, so they work just fine. The only thing I dislike is the sub-three-minute runtime of the single edit--the ending feels abrupt, and wrong to my ears. Heck, I could even go for a longer version than the extended four-minute version--god knows Kylie can handle it. [9]
Alfred Soto: To argue that Kylie Minogue has spent thirty-five years (!) distilling her essence to this song's title doggerel would upset no fan. She could try harder, you can also argue: 2020's "Say Something" was my pandemic winter jam. But if she wanted to get my ass shaking she could not have tried less. [7]
Nortey Dowuona: This would've been ignored back in 2010 when it was actually groundbreaking, and millennials are now nostalgic for the Obama administration (which you really shouldn't be). When the dynamic drum programming sparks to life during the first chorus, then slides through the second verse, it gets cut off by the 4/4 kick thumping like a racing heartbeat, then slips back down. That couldn't have happened then, since building to a massive drop was the only idea allowed (until Disclosure came through and crushed the buildings). Maybe it's actually 2013 nostalgia, but 2013 wasn't long enough for nostalgia. [7]
Joshua Lu: When this song first dropped, I was reminded of "Timebomb," a similarly straightforward bop that felt focus-tested to be played on loop at the WeHo Barry's Bootcamp, replete with generic lyrics and an anonymous vocal performance from Kylie. "Padam Padam" is elevated, however, by the dark, gloopy slap house instrumental, making each listen feel like a slow descent into a swirling tangle of velvet and strobe lights. The sound suits Kylie remarkably well. [7]
Dorian Sinclair: I put off listening to this song for ages for the silliest possible reason, which is that I wanted to maintain my delusion that an Edith Piaf cover had inexplicably taken over Gay Twitter. My partners eventually convinced me to listen to the real track though, and while it may not be Piaf, it's a great, slinky dance number. Give me a moody, sinuous melody over a throbby synth beat, and I'll get on the floor -- Kylie claims another victim. [8]
Alex Clifton: I can't actually figure out a way to write an elegant, coherent review for this song because I love it so much, so: THIS SLAPS!!!!!! [9]
Aaron Bergstrom: The "sad banger" (happy music, sad lyrics) is such a time-honored pop staple that it gets NYT coverage. "Padam Padam" is fascinating because it's a rare example of the opposite. The lyrics are boilerplate club-night fantasy, but the undercurrent of darkness running through the track is unmistakeable. It's built on ever-so-slight dissonance, ominous in a way that you ignore at your own peril. Its not quite Kylie's telltale heart, but she's the only one who can tell you how this ends. [7]
Oliver Maier: Classic, clinical Kylie in a contemporary coat of paint. It's easy enough to imagine someone else singing this, it's just hard to imagine liking it as much. [9]
David Moore: This would be the blurb where I'd share my thoughts on "AI vocals," while stubbornly insisting on calling them something less snappy and more cumbersome like machine learning tools instead. But alas, this is not KylieAI (Grimes is trying that; so far it appears not to be a disaster). Just goes to show that you can get all the unsettling, impersonal, not-quite-there-ness of machine learning with a good old-fashioned celebrity work ethic and a joyless but brutally effective chorus that makes you wonder why this singing disembodied head is asking you to take off its "clothes." [7]
Leah Isobel: I was thinking recently about Britney Spears (as I usually am). Specifically, I was thinking about how -- despite the comparisons to Madonna that followed her around for the boom years of her career -- she was much more of a Kylie Min-analogue. Both women center embodied pleasure and the search of it in their work; both favor specific and brilliant deployments of texture and persona over technical vocal skill; neither seemed to ever go out of her way to court critical favor. (Well, Kylie tried it once.) The difference, though, is that where Britney's persona is guileless, Kylie knows. Her work is animated by the gap between the innocence that her songs' lyrics suggest and the omniscient, unearthly confidence that she projects as a vocal presence, a confidence that allows her to literally transcend the limits of the body and sing from the perspective of song itself. Song desires only to transmit itself, to arc across the globe from satellite to satellite, from ear to open ear; this is its purpose, its sole dispensation. From this perspective, all of humanity begins to blur into a shapeless, featureless, consuming mass: when Kylie delivers "You look a little like somebody I know," the gap between "somebody" and "I" renders the lyric as two separate statements. You look like somebody, anybody. I know. In Kylie's hands, song flattens; it is not a possibility space, but a negation space, in which people become interchangeable, sellable images. It is the void at the heart of the world, reaching out to grasp. It hears. It knows. [7]
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blnk338 · 1 year
brainrot for that sweet shit blnk cant wait for the frickin chapter i just know im bout to bang my head against the wall again for those ghost and grim interaction 🤭
hurt/comfort baby!
0 notes
transfennecbuddy · 2 years
So I just got to listen to Uncanny by Ghost and Pals, and my god I can't describe how much I love it into words! Like I can try, but it won't get the whole meaning across, this is so good. But since I have a bit of free time now and no reason not to gush about it, now I will make it your problem too, mwahahaha! >:3
So, this wonderful brain-stealer of a song starts with an eerie choir of voices, and that's already a great way to catch my attention lol. But then it adds the staccato beat and the background whirring and the deeper beat and I'm already jamming out before the lyrics have even started! And I apparently really love Kevin's voice cause when the lyrics do start, they get me to jam even harder cause I love how the voice mixes so well with the rest of music! (Plus I can sing the notes so that's an extra point in its favor!)
Then it hits that "Visions intangible" line, and I just have to groove to it! I love how it oozes across the beat, like it's not restrained to a set part of the beat but it stretches across it like a lounging, lazy cat. And the rest of the lyrics do the same! Like the pauses between words and the stretched out words all make it impossible to not shimmy and sing to! It's like a nice break from the sharp head-bob-worthy beat of the lyrics.
And then as if the whole song wasn't a jam from the beginning, the first chorus just elevates that! The background spins with high-pitched whirring and a desperate chorus and loud beat and the whole song rises with the lyrics "Hold my hands even if I cry" and it just sounds like a mess of chaos and desperation and pain! When I first heard that part, my face scrunched up and I thought MMMM that's GOOD! And now I just bop my head so hard that my glasses come off and stomp my foot to the beat.
Then it all goes back to the verses, but the beat's still super groovy! And the lyrics are slightly changed (character lore)! But the beat leaves the regular 2-4 parts and stutters and goes to the 1-3 parts as it builds back toward the next chorus! You can't just tune out of the second verse cause it's just like the first beat-wise, it snatches your attention with those staccato beats and grips your brain and doesn't let go! And I love it SO. MUCH.
And my favorite part when I first listened to it was later in the song when the lyrics for the chorus overlapped with "BACKED AGAINST A WALL" (literally said like that, like screaming and unsettling and demanding all at once)! And like I'd already been grooving since the first chorus, but then I started really getting into it and I realized that this is a frickin good song! And now whenever I listen to that part, I turn the music up all the way and just jam! I LOVE the "BACKED AGAINST A WALL" part, it just REEKS of helplessness and anger and desperation and tears and it SCREAMS over the other lyrics and it makes me wanna cry gosh I love it. And THEN the main chorus shifts from "Hold my hand even if I cry" to "go away even if I cry!" If this is a well established character with well established lore then I'm not aware but as someone just popping their head into this, I just love the change! I dunno if it screams of stronger insecurities or fear or something else or what but it scratches my brain in a good way!
In fact, this whole song scratches my brain in a nice way, from the bass and the whole beat to the delivery of the lyrics and the high-pitched wailing and the chorus in the background!! And that's not even counting the actual words or the words' meaning or the beautiful art!! Just the music is so fun to dance to and scream to and jam to on so many levels! Even now I'm listening to this at full volume in ear buds as I'm writing this (and I normally can't put my thoughts about a song together while I'm listening to it. This is very much an exception somehow)! It makes me want to squish myself into a corner and bang my fists on the ground to the beat!! Like the best way to describe my love for this song is yelling and stomping and crying and I KNOW this is gonna be a song stuck in my head for weeks like Reckless Battery Burns, I am PREPARED. I love this so much and this has already made my day!! So now I hope I've made your day a lil better by introducing you to this song too!
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Words: 9,067 Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Reader pronouns: she/her Era: The prison Warnings: mentions of anxiety, language Summary: Y/N falls ill on a run and Daryl worries about what's wrong.
Your name: submit What is this?
You leaned back against the chain link fence as Daryl pulled out the bolt cutters and cut the chain around the gate. “Okay. Umm… canned pears,” you said, glancing over at the archer. He peered up at you through his curtain of wavy brown hair.
“Pears? Nah. Peaches.”
You straightened up as he heaved the gate open. “I prefer pears.”
“Canned pears are disgusting,” he said, raising his eyebrows at you.
“Fine! If we find some, more for me!” you said. He slung his crossbow back over his shoulder in a well-practiced habit and started to lead the way toward the building. You followed just slightly behind him, fingering the hilt of your knife.
When you reached the small loading dock, Daryl gave you a serious glance and set down his duffel bag. He pulled the bolt cutters out again. You nodded and he banged them harshly on the closed overhead door. You both strained your hearing after the metal rattling ceased. Nothing. It was silent. You grinned at him.
“Well, that’s good news,” you said, relaxing slightly.
“There could still be some in there stuck somewhere. Don’t let your guard down,” he said, clipping the lock off the mechanism keeping the door shut.
“You know I don’t let my guard down,” you countered.
“Mmm,” he hummed, focused on the task at hand. He replaced the bolt cutters in the duffel and checked the magazine of his pistol before sliding it back into the holster at his side.
“French-cut green beans,” you said suddenly.
His blue eyes shot back up to your face. “Green beans?” he repeated. “And what the hell does ‘French-cut’ mean?”
You laughed. “They’re, like, thin sliced lengthwise. Julienne cut.”
Daryl just kept staring at you like you were nuts. “Juli-what? Green beans,” he said again. You grinned. “I love canned green beans! Maybe even more than fresh ones… although I don’t think that’s true anymore since you can’t find fresh anything these days…”
He let out a scoff of a laugh and shook his head, turning back to his crossbow and fitting a bolt into the flight groove. “Yer nuts, ya know that?”
“You like it,” you said, lifting your boot and poking the toe into his butt. It elicited the exact response you wanted, which was a look he meant to be stern, but the crinkles at the corners of his eyes gave away his mutual amusement.
“Sometimes,” he said, straightening up.
“Well, what are you hoping we find in there? Besides canned peaches.”
He shrugged. “I dunno.” He reached for the door latch, getting ready to heave it open.
Your hand shot out and landed on his arm, stopping him. “Nuh uh! That’s not a good answer!”
He sighed, taking in your insistent and expectant expression. “How ‘bout a giant jar of garlic dill pickles?”
You nodded, pleased with his answer. “Much better. Okay. Ready,” you said, unsheathing your knife. Daryl took in the playful light that lingered in your eyes as you readied yourself for whatever you were about to find inside.
He heaved the overhead door open and the two of you stepped into the dim shipment receiving area, shoulder to shoulder. You both clicked on your flashlights and swept them over the room. Daryl led the way to a door in the far wall. “Bet this goes to the storage area,” he said quietly. You nodded, a little anxious, shifting your weight from one hip to the other.
Daryl knocked loudly on the door and again you both strained your hearing, listening for the tell-tale moaning and clawing of the dead. It was intensely quiet. You and Daryl exchanged a look and he reached for the door handle. You gave him a nod and he pushed into the next room.
You were hoping to find the stock of emergency supplies that had been put together shortly before the outbreak became all-consuming. They were to be sent as hurricane relief. But instead of the hoped-for stockpile, you found a mostly empty stockroom instead.
“Shit.” You stepped farther inside and kicked at a piece of discarded shrink wrap on the floor. “I guess someone else heard the same tip we did,” you said, shining your light over the empty shelves.
“Mmm. Or got real damn lucky,” Daryl said, his crossbow still raised. His light illuminating a nearby doorway into the main store area. “C’mon. Let’s just check out here.”
You followed behind him with your flashlight up and you hadn’t moved too far into the room before a wall of horrendous odor hit you. “Oh my God,” you said, pressing a hand over your nose and mouth.
Daryl’s light landed on the decomposing scattered bodies of walkers. “Somebody cleared the place out,” he said, crouching down to look at the inflicted wounds. “They’re all shot.”
“Oh, fuck,” you murmured, gagging at the smell. You doubled over and heaved a few breaths, struggling to stop the bile that was suddenly churning in your stomach.
Daryl glanced back at you over his shoulder, climbing to his feet when he saw how pale you looked. There were beads of sweat across your forehead. “Ya alright?” he asked, rushing over to you, overwhelmed with concern. He gently rubbed your back.
You were afraid if you spoke you were going to vomit so you waved a hand at him and did your best to steel yourself. When you felt like you could talk, you tried to straighten up. “I’m fine. I’m fine. Really. It’s just the smell—Ugh, it hit me hard. I think I just need some air…”
Daryl was staring at you with a deeply furrowed brow. “Ya sure?”
“Fine. I’m fine.” You felt another wave of nausea and shut your eyes against it. “I’ll be outside… Just finish looking around in here and I’ll—I’ll meet you out back,” you said. Daryl sweetly grabbed your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. You met his blue eyes and saw they were darkened with concern. “I’m okay.”
The archer watched you retreat out into the fresh air, puzzled over the situation. He’d never seen you react to the smell of rotting bodies or gore that way. Hell, he’d seen you open up a walker’s stomach to check for meal contents. He’d seen you put down countless numbers of dead ones with an unhesitating knife to the skull. Just then he heard the unmistakable sound of you retching outside.
“Y/N?” He rushed outside to see you doubled over on the pavement a short distance from the door.
You straightened up at the sound of his bootsteps, your knees feeling a little shaky.
“You’re sick,” he said, a shadow growing on his face. “We gotta go. Get ya home.”
You looked miserable. “It’s just a stomach thing. It’s not a big deal,” you said, pulling out your water and rinsing out your mouth.
“Maybe it’s somethin’ ya ate. What’d ya have this mornin’?” he asked with anxiety.
You shook your head. “Can’t be that.”
“Food poisonin’? Why not?”
“Because I didn’t have anything,” you said, shoving your canteen back in your bag. “Did you finish up in there?” you asked.
He shook his head. “Nah, but don’t matter. I’m sure whoever put down all those walkers cleaned it out. Ain’t nothin’ gonna be in there anyway. C’mon. Let’s just get ya home,” he said, taking your pack from you and slinging it over his shoulder.
“Daryl, we came all this way. Don’t you want to—”
“Nah. What I want is to get ya home. You’re sick. C’mon,” he insisted. His face was clouded with worry as you wiped a shaky hand over your brow, surprised at the clamminess of your own skin.
You nodded. “Okay. Alright.”
You were still a little nauseous the whole drive back to the prison. You had the window down so the fresh air was on your face which helped some, but the churning in your stomach never really stopped. Daryl kept glancing over at you the whole time he was driving, checking the color of your face, watching carefully for any sign that you were worsening.
He reached over and rested his hand on your knee. You caught his blue eyes and smiled weakly. “Don’t look so worried. It’s nothing. Probably just the stagnant air in there or something,” you said, trying to reassure him.
He wasn’t convinced, but he nodded.
He felt better as soon as he had you back behind the safe walls of the prison. His hand rested lightly on your lower back as you both headed up toward the main building. Daryl spotted Hershel and Carol in the yard and stopped short. “Hey—I’m gonna grab Hershel to come take a look at ya. Go on and lay down,” he said, inclining his chin toward the building.
“I’m fine,” you said for what felt like the hundredth time. “You’re really making too much of this,” you said.
“Maybe. But better safe than sorry,” he said.
You gave him a weak smile and nodded, conceding to his sweet concern. “See you in a few?”
He nodded, grabbing your hand and giving it a squeeze before he jogged off toward Hershel.
It wasn’t long before he arrived at the space the two of you had claimed, Hershel and Carol in tow. You were laying on the mattress with his poncho draped over you. You looked tired, but Daryl was relieved to see that some of the color looked like it had come back into your face.
Hershel pulled up a chair as you sat up. “Feeling a bit under the weather? Let’s see if you’ve got a fever. After having kids, every parent turns into a human thermometer,” he said. He pressed a hand to your forehead. “No fever. Any other symptoms? Headache? Weakness? Feeling dizzy?”
You shook your head. “No. A bit tired. And just had some nausea.”
“She was pale and clammy before,” Daryl drawled, watching with worry. “She looks better now.”
Hershel nodded. “I see.”
“Really, I think it was just the smell of those rotting walkers. The air in there was heavy with decomp. It was like I could frickin’ taste it. Ugh, it was horrible,” you said. Your stomach turned again a little as you thought about it and you squeezed your eyes shut.
Hershel nodded. “Well, I don’t think there’s anything to worry about,” Hershel said.
Daryl shifted. “Ya sure?” the archer pressed him.
“I’m sure. Why don’t you go on and help Rick with that new water line? We’ll just get her some water and something to eat. Make sure she rests. But I don’t think there’s anything troubling.”
Daryl considered you for a moment and you gave him a smile. He seemed to feel reassured and he nodded. “Alright.” He crossed the space to you quickly and leaned down to place a kiss on your cheek. “I’ll be back in a bit,” he said, giving you one more parting glance. You smiled at him again and watched the wings on the back of his vest disappear down the stairs.
“So, I’m okay?” you asked, adjusting Daryl’s poncho over your lap. You watched Hershel and Carol exchange a look. You stomach twisted. “What? What is it?”
“It was the smell of the walkers that set off the nausea?” Carol asked.
“Yeah…” You stared at the two of them, perplexed. “What, you’re surprised that a bunch of rotting corpses in a closed-up store with no ventilation made me puke?”
“Well… a little, to be honest,” Hershel said gently.
You gave him a questioning look and then stared at Carol.
“We’re not saying that isn’t understandable. It’s just that you have never reacted that way before. And we’ve all seen you deal with rotting corpses before plenty of times,” Carol said. “You’ve never gotten sick.”
“I don’t get what you’re driving at. So, maybe I have a little stomach virus or something?” you said. “Is something wrong with me?”
“No. No, honey,” Carol said, grabbing your hand. She took a breath, her eyes searching your face. “Y/N, could you be… pregnant?”
You froze, a sudden, struck expression on your face. The doctor and Carol watched your eyes go a little round and wide, flitting back and forth as your mind whirred, like you were searching for the answer in the air over their shoulders. “Oh my God.”
Hershel and Carol watched your reaction carefully. You were as still as a stone statue.
“Oh my God,” you said again. “I didn’t even—” You shook your head slightly. “I didn’t realize, but—” You pressed a hand to your mouth. “Between never having enough to eat and the constant stress, I didn’t even notice that I—I mean, it’s not like we’ve been trying.”
“So, I’ll take that as a maybe,” Hershel said nodding. There was a spark in his eye as he peered at you kindly. “We’ll see about getting you a test.”
You looked back at Carol, your mouth dropping open and your eyes a little frantic. “Carol, what do I—? Daryl… He—" If it was true, you had no idea how the archer would react. Hell, at that moment you didn’t even know how you would react.
She gave you a concerned smile and squeezed your hand between her palms. “Let’s just take this a step at a time,” she said gently. “Okay?”
You gulped and nodded, suddenly reeling with anxiety. “Okay. Okay…”
Hershel climbed to his feet. “You rest. Carol and I will figure out getting a test for you. Probably just ask Glenn to make a run.” He read the anxiety on your face. “Either way this goes, it’s your decision what happens next,” he said gently. “Daryl is a good man. Try not to worry,” he said.
You nodded. “I know. I know… Okay.”
Carol followed Hershel out and you laid down on the mattress, pulling Daryl’s poncho up over you and curling your fingers into it, pressing your face close to the fabric and breathing in his smell. You laid awake for a while with your mind spinning, wondering how he would react to the news. It was always easy to picture your future with Daryl, even during what was seemingly the end of the world, but you’d never thought about the details beyond the two of you being together. And with the history of his parents, what he had gone through, you didn’t know what he would want as far as a family… That had never mattered to you before, but now that you were staring the possibility in the face you were suddenly wrecked with nerves.
Sometime later, the archer arrived to check on you, approaching the space you shared in the lofted area of the cell block quietly, expecting you to be sleeping. But he was surprised to see that, although you were in bed, your eyes were open and you rolled over at the sound of his quiet steps.
He was sweaty and coated in dust and mud that was in various stages of drying. He set his bow down beside the bed. “Ya ain’t sleepin’?” he drawled.
You shook your head.
“Why not?”
You shrugged. “Just couldn’t.”
His brow furrowed. “How are ya feelin’?”
“Fine. Just a little tired.” You smiled at his dirty and somewhat disheveled appearance. “Come here,” you said softly.
He glanced down at his mud-coated clothes and arms, and looked back up at you like you were nuts for that request. “M’filthy,” he said.
“I don’t care,” you replied. “Come here.” You moved over to make room for him to lay down beside you.
Daryl gave you a look, his blue eyes soft, and bent down to at least pull off his boots. He laid down facing you and his heart leapt as you moved into him closely, your arm draping over his waist. You moved your leg until it was tangled between his. He happily breathed in the scent of your hair.
“Ya okay? Really?” he asked, his deep voice a little heavy with gravel—the result of his concern.
You pulled back from him just enough so you could look into his handsome face. “Mhm. I’m fine. Really.”
He nodded and seemed to relax some, draping his arm over you, mirroring your position. You nuzzled into him again and for the first time since Hershel and Carol had left you alone, your mind quieted.
You felt him place a kiss in your hair and you smiled reflexively.
“I need to clean up. I’m gettin’ our bed all muddy,” he said. You felt the rumble of the bass in his voice.
“Can I come?” you asked softly. “I’ve felt gross since the run.”
He glanced down at you and nodded. “If I ever say no to that, ya can assume I’ve lost my damn mind.” He gave you a fond look and smoothed your hair gently. “Ya sure ya just don’t wanna sleep?”
“Mhm. I’m sure. Besides, I won’t be able to sleep unless you’re right here anyway.”
Daryl smiled, feeling a swell of affection for you and the way you always made him feel wanted and needed. “Alright. C’mon then.”
So, the two of you made your way to the showers and slipped into a private stall. Daryl pulled you into him under the stream of water and kissed your bare shoulders and up your neck, his arms smoothing over the curves of your sides and landing on the angles of your hips. You scrubbed away the mud from his skin and he smoothed the soapy lather over yours, loving the way his fingers glided over the shape of you. When you were both clean, Daryl shut off the water and wrapped you into him with his big towel causing you to laugh. “Gotcha,” he drawled.
“You do.” Your hand landed flush on his strong chest, your fingers splayed out, and you looked up at him, the corners of your eyes crinkled slightly in a smile. Daryl’s heart jumped every time you looked at him like that. He leaned forward and left a kiss on your nose, watching as your eyelashes fluttered closed.
You looked up at him again as he grabbed your towel for you and you both dried off before pulling on some clean clothes. Daryl watched you running a comb through your hair and studied the graceful movements of your hands. “Hey,” he said softly, drawing your eyes to him immediately. “Ya know I love ya, right?” He still looked a little bashful every time he said it. You didn’t mind.
Your face lit with a gentle smile and you closed the space to him in an instant, clasping his face in both of your hands. “I know. And you know, I love you, right?” you said.
Daryl’s lips found yours and you sank into each other for a moment. “I know,” he said when you broke apart. “C’mon. Ya need somethin’ to eat and then sleep.” He laced his fingers with yours and pulled you toward the cell block.
After a quiet supper with the rest of the group, the two of you wandered outside into the evening air to enjoy the stars for a few moments before heading up to bed. Daryl sat down on the soft grass and tilted his head at you, beckoning for you to come sit up against him. You sank down in front of him and leaned back. He wrapped his arms around you and rested his chin on your shoulder.
One thing Daryl always loved about you was that you didn’t need to fill every silence. Just being close to one another filled each of you up in ways that idle chatter never could. But when he did want to talk, you listened intensely, really listened to him in ways he wasn’t used to. “I’ve been thinkin’,” he said softly, pausing to anxiously chew his bottom lip for a moment, “if the outbreak hadn’t happened, you and I probably never would have even looked at each other.”
“Hmm. How do you mean?”
“Mmm,” he hummed, thinking about how best to explain what he meant. “I was too busy runnin’ around bein’ a piece of shit with Merle. And you—we were in different worlds, ya know. We probably never woulda even had the chance of brushin’ elbows. But if we did,” he shrugged, “I don’t think ya woulda looked at me twice.” He ran his hand down your bare arm, relishing the feeling of your soft skin. “Hell, I didn’t think ya would look at me twice even now…”
You turned and looked over at him, a sad but thoughtful expression on your face. “It’s hard to know, and maybe you’re right, that we would have never met… but if we did, I think I would have seen you just the same way. It’s impossible not to see you, Daryl.” You clasped his face and stroked your thumb along his strong jaw.
His eyes were flickering between yours and he felt that familiar bloom of warmth starting in the center of his chest, right between his lungs, and growing outward. He nudged his nose up at you, in awe of you always, and you acquiesced happily and kissed him. “Let’s get some rest,” he drawled when you finally broke apart. “C’mon.”
Daryl stood and pulled you up, keeping your hand captured in his, his thumb smoothing over the back of your hand as you made your way up to bed.
_ _ _ _ _ _
When you woke up the next morning you could tell it was much later than you usually slept in. And the fact that Daryl wasn’t beside you and that you hadn’t woken up when he stirred was also unusual. You were a light sleeper, and the two of you generally woke and got up around the same time. This sent your anxiety whirling again.
You got up and threw on some clothes, heading down to the lower level of the cell block and finding Carol and Beth sitting at one of the tables with Judith.
“Morning, sleepy head,” Carol said with a smile.
You rubbed your eyes and sighed. “Yeah, geez. What time is it? I don’t even know when I last slept in this late.”
She nodded and gave you a pointed look.
Beth only smiled up at you. “You must have needed it then,” she said kindly.
“I guess so…” You glanced around but the cell block was empty. “Where’s Daryl?”
“He’s on the fence with Rick. Little herd piled up overnight,” Carol explained.
“Mmm,” hummed in acknowledgment.
“Maggie and Glenn ran into town for some supplies,” Carol said, shooting you another meaningful look.
You nodded. “Great. Okay.” You anxiously bit the inside of your cheek.
“You want some breakfast? There’s some oatmeal we made,” Beth offered.
You shook your head. “No, I’m alright. I’m gonna go see how things are going on the fence I think.”
“Y/N, you should eat something,” Carol said.
You waved her off, already headed toward the door. “I’m fine! I’ll eat something in a bit!” Truthfully you had no appetite at all. This waiting, the not knowing, was agonizing.
You stepped out into the bright sunshine and set out toward the two figures on the perimeter fence. There was a group of walkers still clawing at the chain link, but it looked like Rick and Daryl had it under control. You grasped the interior chain link and hollered at Daryl and Rick over the mawing and growling sounds. “Best way to start the day?”
They both spun and you grinned at them. They were sweaty and splattered with walker blood, each clutching a metal rod in their hands, the end covered with a bit of gore. You felt a spin of nausea and avoided looking at the crimson dripping from their weapons.
“Morning exercise,” Rick said with a smile. He turned back and continued the task.
“Yer up,” Daryl said with a smile. He came over, wiped his hand on the red rag he always had in his back pocket, and then rested his fingers over yours, which were poking through the fence on his side.
“You should have woken me up! I can’t believe I slept in this late,” you said.
“Nah. Ya needed it,” he drawled. “Ya were out cold. Didn’t even move when I got up. Besides, we’ve got this handled. Ain’t no reason ya need to be out here.”
You nodded. “I see that.”
“Should be a done in a bit,” he said, glancing back over his shoulder at the growing pile of dead ones on the other side of the fence. Looking back at you, Daryl thought you looked a little pale. “Ya feelin’ alright?” he asked, his brow furrowing a little.
You nodded. “Mhm. Fine. I’m gonna just go see if Hershel needs help in the garden,” you replied. “See ya in a few?”
The archer nodded and watch you start to turn away. “Hey—just take it easy, alright?”
You laughed. “I think harvesting cucumbers is about as easy as it gets!” You gave him one more wide smile and headed for the vegetable garden. “Hey, Carl,” you said, as you came through the gate and passed him. “What are we harvesting today?”
Hershel glanced up at you and gave you a small smile. “Cucumbers. Peppers. Those tomatoes could use some weeding if you’re up for it,” he said. He surveyed you carefully and, like Daryl, did think you looked a little pale. But you seemed otherwise bright and alert as you set about your task.
But you hadn’t been working in the garden long when you started to feel a bit dizzy. A cold sweat broke out at your hairline and on the back of your neck and you knelt heavily in the soil a little suddenly.
Hershel noticed immediately. “Y/N?” He got up and moved over to you. He watched you wipe a shaky hand across your forehead. “You alright?”
You heaved in a deep breath and forced it out slowly. “Just feel sick all of a sudden. I’m okay. I’m fine,” you said, straightening back up. But as soon as you tried to stand your knees felt weak.
Hershel grabbed your arm to steady you. “Whoa. Easy now. Alright.” He turned to Carl. “Carl, go run and get Daryl.”
“No. No, I’m fine… Don’t bother Daryl with this. It’s nothing. I’m alright. I’ll just head back inside and rest,” you argued.
“You sure? It’s no bother to Daryl to come look after you,” Hershel said, giving you a pointed look.
“I’m fine. Really. I guess I do need some rest. It’s nothing,” you argued.
Hershel reluctantly released his gentle hold on your arm and you made your way back inside. Carol stood up when you came in and you read concern on her face at the sight of you. You let out a wry laugh.
“Wow, do I really look that bad?” you said, wiping at the sweat on your brow again with the back of your hand. Beth glanced over and she too looked worried after studying you. “I’m okay. Just gonna go lay down. I must just be a little sick... Caught some virus or something.” You climbed the stairs and collapsed back into bed, again grabbing Daryl’s poncho and cuddling up to it.
You dozed in and out for a while but woke when you heard hurried steps on the stairs. Looking up you saw Daryl in front of you, his blue eyes narrowed and obvious worry on his countenance. You leaned up on one elbow as Hershel came into view behind him.
Daryl sank down on the edge of the bed next to you and pushed your hair out of your face, smoothing it gently. “Ya are sick,” he said.
“I think she might be a little anemic,” Hershel said. “She needs iron. Red meat would be best.”
Daryl glanced over at him and nodded. “Alright. I can do that,” he said, grateful for a task that would be helpful to you when he was feeling helpless. He looked back at you. “I want ya to stay in bed today. Rest,” he said softly, his eyes flitting between yours. “Ya gonna be alright if I go out and hunt?”
You nodded. “Yeah. I’ll be fine.”
He gulped. “Alright. Promise you’ll stay in bed?”
You looked up at the sweet worry on his face. “I promise. Promise you’ll be safe out there?” You hated the idea of him going out and hunting alone.
“I promise. I’ll come back to ya.” He smoothed your hair again and then leaned down to place a kiss on your forehead. You closed your eyes briefly at the sensation.
He shouldered his crossbow and look at Hershel. “Thanks, doc,” he said. You watched the wings on the back of his vest disappear down the stairs.
You glanced up at Hershel who set a glass of water down next to the bed for you. “You really think I’m anemic?”
He nodded. “I do. Fits all your symptoms. All of them except you getting sick yesterday.”
“Oh… okay.”
Hershel gave you a kind look. “Glenn and Maggie should be back any minute now. I’ll come and check on you in a bit.”
You dozed on and off for a while until you heard some activity down the stairs and you sat up in bed. Quiet, steady footsteps on the stairs approached and Maggie came into view with a small bag for you. “Got what you needed,” she said.
You sat up, your stomach churning nervously, and accepted the bag from her. “Thanks,” you said. She hovered for a moment.
“Do you know what you’re hopin’ for?” she asked.
You shook your head and glanced up at her. “Not really…”
She nodded. “Well, either way it goes, we’re all here for you. And I know Daryl is too, no matter what.”
You gave her a small smile and nodded. “Yeah. Thanks.” You stared back down at the bag in your hand. “Well, better get it over with I suppose,” you said, standing up and heading for the bathroom.
A short while later you were back in the space you and Daryl shared, the pregnancy test sitting on the chair next to the bed. You couldn’t stop switching between sitting and anxiously bouncing your leg and pacing along the side of the bed wringing your hands. You were obsessively checking the time and it felt like it had decided to move like cold molasses. You were a bundle of nerves, but finally it was time to check the results. You forced a nervous breath in and out and picked up the test.
Positive. It was positive.
You felt like your knees were about to give out and you sat down on the bed hard, staring at that little plus sign.
Your heart was racing, and even though you were terrified, and so nervous wondering what Daryl’s reaction would be that you thought you might pass out, you broke into a teary smile as you stared at the results.
You replaced the test on the chair beside the bed and flopped backwards onto the mattress, staring up at the gray concrete of the ceiling and watching the shifting light and shadows. Whether it was simply from the relief of knowing or a result of the stress leading up to it combined with the toll on your body, you fell asleep not long after, cuddled up to Daryl’s poncho.
_ _ _ _ _ _
It was almost sunset when Daryl came back from his hunt, hauling a small deer over his shoulder. He had told himself he wasn’t coming back until he had some meat for you and everyone else (but mostly for you…) and he had succeeded. Usually hunting or tracking quieted his mind, but the whole time he was outside the prison fences he had been worrying about you. Before the outbreak, it wasn’t a big deal to get the flu or some random virus. But now, without access to modern medical care, something simple could turn into a big fucking problem real quick. You’d never had a problem with anemia before, if that’s what this was, and he didn’t really understand why you suddenly would. But he also knew that you were the type of person who would choose to go without a decent meal so Beth or Carl could have a second helping. He made a mental note to ask Maggie and Glenn about whether they saw any place on their run today that might have meds or supplements. Better to search out what they could before you needed it desperately.
The sun was low and sinking fast beyond the tree line as Daryl nodded to Carol as she closed the gate behind him.
“That’s a good find!” she said enthusiastically, looking at the deer slung over his shoulder.
“Yeah. How’s Y/N?”
“Hershel’s been checking on her. She’s been sleeping all afternoon,” Carol said.
Daryl nodded. “Good. I was afraid she’d be up tryin’ to help on the frickin’ fence or somethin’. Stubborn,” he drawled. He started up toward the prison and left the deer outside to be butchered. He wanted to see you before he did anything else.
It was quiet in the cell block. Most of the group was winding down for the evening, sprawled out with a book or busying themselves with some quiet activity. Rick gave Daryl a nod as he came in and continued bouncing and shushing Judith.
Climbing the stairs to your shared space, Daryl could tell you must still be asleep. Normally you’d have been calling out to him already with some greeting, or you’d be waiting at the top of the stairs with a one of those smiles that killed him every time.
He smiled as you came into view on the bed. You were partially curled up on your side, cuddled up to his poncho tightly, your fingers curled into the fabric and your cheek pressed to it. He pulled off his vest and tossed it on the chair beside the bed, debating about whether or not to wake you up and ask how you were, when he heard something clatter to the floor.
He bent and felt around under the chair and his hand closed on it. Straightening up, he finally looked at what was in his hand. Even Daryl knew what that little plus sign meant. He glanced back over at your sleeping figure.
This was—was this—suddenly, everything made sense.
The archer rushed down the stairs and toward the exit. Rick looked up and frowned at his urgency. “Daryl?” But the archer didn’t even stop to look at him.
Outside, he grabbed his crossbow from where he had laid it down by the deer, shouldered it, and let himself into the alley between the fences, running toward the vehicles waiting on the outside.
Carol saw him and her stomach immediately twisted. “Daryl?” She rushed toward the fence, but by the time she got there he was already slamming the driver door of the SUV and peeling out, the tires scattering gravel behind the car. Carol gripped the chain link fence so hard her knuckles were white and stared at the taillights disappearing into the dark beyond the lazily drifting cloud of dust. Her stomach dropped.
She ran the whole way back up to the prison and met Rick on his way out. “What’s going on?” Carol asked desperately.
“I was just coming to ask Daryl that same question,” Rick said, his eyes searching the yard and perimeter fence for his broad-shouldered frame. “He just went hurrying out of the cellblock.”
“I saw! He just took the SUV and peeled out of here,” Carol said, her eyes wide and worried. “It’s dark! Where could he possibly be going right now that couldn’t wait?”
A shadow darkened Rick’s expression. He shook his head and shrugged, meeting Carol’s eyes again, at a complete loss. “Better ask Y/N.”
Carol suddenly realized—like a flash of lightning. She nodded to Rick. “Let me go talk to her.”
Carol climbed the stairs to you and Daryl’s space in the cellblock. You were fast asleep on the bed and she gently touched your shoulder to wake you. You stirred and glanced over at her through sleepy eyes. You must have read something on her face because you shot up in bed immediately. “What? What is it? Is Daryl okay? Is he back?” You could tell by the lack of slanted light coming through the high windows that it must be dark.
Carol didn’t know how to tell you this. “He’s fine. He came back with a deer. And then—all of a sudden he just barreled out of here again. He took the SUV.”
You suddenly realized that Carol was sitting on the chair where the pregnancy test had been. Your heart plummeted into your stomach. “Wait—where—where’s the test? It was—it was right there where you’re sitting,” you said.
Carol shook her head. “I didn’t see it. There was nothing here when I came up. Just Daryl’s vest over the back here—”
Carol took in your wide-eyed expression. You jumped up off the bed and starting searching around the floor, reaching under the mattress. “It was right there. I set it there.” You stood up, frozen, one hand clutched to your head. Shit. You hadn’t meant to fall asleep. Daryl came back, and you were asleep, and he must have seen the test and— “He—He came back and I was asleep and he saw it,” you murmured. “He must have seen it and… he just ran off?” There were tears stinging in your eyes now.
Carol stood up and gently grasped your shoulders. “Try not to jump to any conclusions.”
“Carol, it was positive.” You just stared at her, your eyes still wide. “It was positive! What else am I supposed to think? He came back and he saw a positive pregnancy test and he just—he just left?” Your voice was desperate.
The only thing Carol could think of doing was to grab you tightly and hug you. “It’s okay. It’s going to be okay! Don’t panic!”
Part of you knew Daryl would never just leave, but another part of you knew this was completely uncharted territory. You honestly didn’t know how he would react to the news… You couldn’t stop cursing yourself for leaving the stupid test out like that and letting yourself fall asleep. Anyone could have walked up and seen it, and of course it had to be Daryl. You snatched his poncho off the bed and started toward the stairs.
“What are you doing?” Carol demanded.
“I’m gonna go wait,” you said. “I’ll be in the east guard tower…And Carol—Please don’t say anything about this to anyone… Just—not yet. Not now.” You breezed past Rick on your way out, ignoring him calling your name.
Carol met him at the bottom of the stairs. “What’d she say?” Rick drawled.
Carol shrugged. “She was sleeping. Maybe—maybe Daryl is worried about her being sick and decided to go look for supplies,” she offered weakly.
Rick let out a disbelieving sigh. “At night? By himself?”
All Carol could do was shrug.
“How is Y/N? And where’d she just rush off to?”
Carol nodded. “She’s alright. Worrying about Daryl now obviously. She wanted some fresh air and to watch for him so she headed up to the guard tower.”
The worry creases on Rick’s forehead didn’t ease. “What the hell is he thinking going off by himself at night?”
Carol shook her head. “He probably wasn’t.”
Up in the guard tower, with Daryl’s poncho swaddled tightly around you, you sat out in the open night air and stared at the road that led up to the gate. A few times you even tricked yourself into thinking there were distant headlights approaching, but when you looked again everything was just as still and black as it had been a moment before. You heard the door creak open behind you and Hershel stepped out.
He sighed and looked up at the inky blue-black sky, dotted with innumerable stars. “Ah. It’s nice and cool out here now,” he said, leaning back against the wall of the tower. He bent and set a bowl of some noodles and vegetables beside you. “You better eat something,” he said.
“No appetite right now, funny enough,” you said.
He could see the rigid tension in your shoulders and he sank down next to you with some effort, adjusting his prosthetic leg with a sigh. “I can see you’re getting ahead of yourself,” he said gently. “Trying to guess the answer before you can even ask the question.”
You finally looked over at him, an anxious expression on your face. “Did Carol tell you?”
“No. She didn’t have to. I can guess well enough,” he said, a small smile on his lips. Hershel turned his gaze out over the yard. “You know there was a time, back at the farm, when I wasn’t sure about Daryl. You can imagine this old farmer was a little skeptical of his rough-around-the-edges, hot-headed biker attitude,” he chuckled to himself. “But time and time again, he came through for me and my girls. He watched out for all of you and he kept us safe even when we weren’t his to care about yet. He certainly saw Shane for what he was before anyone else.” Hershel breathed in a deep breath of the cool night air and let it out slowly. “And I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he’d do anything for you.”
You could feel tears burning in your eyes again, and you adjusted the poncho around your shoulders.
“Whatever reason he had for tearing out of here like he did, I promise you that he will be back,” Hershel said strongly.
You wiped one tear that leaked onto your cheek and sniffled, trying your hardest to blink away the rest. You nodded. “Yeah. I just—I don’t know how to—how to do any of this,” you said. “And we’ve never even talked about it so I don’t know what he wants. What if—”
Hershel chuckled again. “What ifs can lead you down a dangerous road of thinking. Let’s just wait and see, hmm?”
You gulped and nodded, staring back out into the night. “You don’t have to wait with me,” you said.
“I’m going to sit here until you eat something. Doctor’s orders.” You could hear a smile in his voice and you begrudgingly picked up the bowl he had brought for you and picked at the food. Hershel smiled.
When the bowl was empty, Hershel took it from you and pulled himself to his feet again. He gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze. “Everything is going to be just fine. You’ll see.”
You felt like you had been waiting up there for days, but it was really only a few hours. You were reeling with worry, but this time when you thought you saw headlights and looked again they were still there.
You jumped up and stared as the SUV came into view and stopped at the gate. Turning on your heel, you started to rush toward the stairwell but you suddenly froze. What the hell were you going to say? What the hell was Daryl going to say? You were gripped with anxiety again as the multitude of what ifs you had been fighting since waking up suddenly traveled through your brain in single file at light speed. You were frozen, staring at the door for… you didn’t even know how long when it suddenly started to open.
You startled and jumped back with a small gasp of surprise. Daryl’s broad shoulders emerged through the widening gap. “Y/N?”
You gulped and stared back at him, anxiously chewing the inside of your cheek.
He stopped just inside the door and took in your wide eyes and obvious distress. His brow furrowed heavily, casting a shadow over his narrowed blue eyes. He gulped and stepped closer to you.
You cleared your throat, hoping your voice wouldn’t come unnaturally high or strangled sounding despite the constriction in your throat. “You’re back,” you said softly. It was the only thing you could force out.
Daryl looked puzzled. “Of course I’m back,” he said, stepping closer. He drew his bottom lip in between his teeth and worried it between his teeth for a moment. You watched as he reached in his back pocket and pulled out the pregnancy test.
Your heart was pounding.
“I, uhh—I found this. Ya were asleep and—” He gulped. “It’s positive, right? Means you’re pregnant.” It really wasn’t a question.
Daryl could see your chest heaving a little with your nervous breaths. You nodded.
Daryl stared down at it for a long moment before he looked back up at you. “What do you wanna do?” he asked.
You stared at him. He looked so calm while you felt like you were spinning. “I don’t—I don’t know—I—” You forced in a breath. “We’ve never talked about what you want. Hell, we’ve never talked about what I want either…”
“I know what I want. I want you. That’s more than I could ever ask for,” he said, stepping closer toward you again. “But this? This is your decision. And whatever you decide is fine by me.”
You were almost overwhelmed with emotion immediately, just hearing him speak those words. Daryl saw it and he couldn’t resist breaking the buffer of space between you any longer. He clasped your face in both hands as the tears finally broke free of your eyes and traveled down your cheeks. “Hey. S’alright,” he murmured to you. He wrapped you up in his arms and pulled you against him tightly. “M’right here.”
You pulled back just enough to look up into his eyes. “You’re really okay with… either way?” you asked him, uncertainty still plain in your eyes.
He nudged his nose up in a nod. “Ya. Promise.” He smoothed his hands over your back.
You leaned your head against his chest for a moment and listened to his strong and steady heart. Daryl gently stroked your hair, enjoying the feeling of you against him and the silky strands of your hair under his fingertips.
You squeezed your eyes shut, part of you still bracing against some worst-case scenario you knew would never come, but that nagging doubt wouldn’t be completely silenced. Your voice was soft, but Daryl still heard it as clear as day. “I think—I want to do this. With you.” You pulled back slightly and looked up, meeting Daryl’s waiting blue eyes. You had barely gotten the words out before he had wrapped you up again and picked you up off your feet, hugging you so tightly he squeezed a little air from your lungs. You let out a surprised laugh as he set you back down, about to speak again, but he clasped your face and kissed you feverishly before you could start. It was like a warm shot of bourbon or that first warm day of sunshine after a long winter. It was urgent and soft at the same time, pleading and needy but affirming, his fingers in your hair.
When he finally pulled back there was a smile crinkling the corner of his blue eyes as they flickered between yours. You were sure you had a slight look of shock on your face still despite the bewildered smile you were now wearing.
“We’re doin’ this?” he asked, not releasing his gentle hold on your face.
You nodded. “We are.” Your heart was pounding. “Oh my God, we are…”
Daryl kissed you again and you sunk into it deeply this time. His hands came to rest on your hips and you stared up at him, still feeling a little like you were spinning. “I didn’t know how you’d—because of your life growing up…” you trailed off.
He nodded. “I know. But I ain’t my dad,” he said forcefully. “You’ve shown me that more than anyone.”
“I woke up and Carol said you just went running off and I—I didn’t know what to think when I realized the test was gone and that you must have seen it,” you admitted.
Daryl’s brow furrowed and he shook his head as he looked at you. “Ya thought I would leave ya?”
“No! No, I didn’t—but then—I just—I guess I got scared… This whole thing is a little overwhelming.”
“Hey. C’mere,” he said, wrapping you up in his arms again and pressing you against him. “I ain’t never leavin’ ya. Never. You’re—you’re my everythin’.”
You breathed him in for a moment before pulling back. “Well, then where did you go?”
One corner of his mouth twitched up and he laced his fingers with yours. “C’mon. I’ll show ya.”
You followed him down the stairs and back into the prison to the cellblock. It seemed that everyone was already asleep except for the two of you, satisfied once Daryl was back that they didn’t need to wait up worrying anymore like you were. When you climbed the stairs into your space, Daryl bent down and pulled a duffel bag out from under the bed. It looked like it was stuffed full. He knelt down beside it and unzipped it.
You stared down at the contents and then met his blue eyes. “This is what you were doing?”
He nudged his nose up at you in a nod, pressing his lips together a little nervously. Now you were the one who grabbed him and kissed him desperately.
The bag was full of things you would need during a pregnancy and for a baby; pre-natal vitamins, bottles, pacifiers, blankets, diapers. Your heart swelled as you looked down at it and then back at Daryl again. You shook your head. “You just—you amaze me,” you said.
He shrugged, still a little bashful when you directly complimented him even after all this time. He reached back under the bed and pulled out a second bag. You gave him a questioning look. “What is that?”
“In case ya decided the other way,” he said. “S’mostly just some random things ya like. Books and…” He shrugged again.
“So—Baby was Plan A?” you asked him as he climbed to his feet.
“You were Plan A. Ya always were and ya always will be.”
You looped your arms around his neck and his hands reflexively landed gently on your lower back. “But—you were hoping—?”
He paused thoughtfully for a moment and then nodded. “If ya woulda asked me a week ago I don’t know what I woulda said. But as soon as I picked up that damn test up and looked at it… And then I looked at ya just layin’ there asleep, all wrapped up with my poncho the way you were… I knew what I was hoping for. But I mean it when I say that anything you decided would be fine. You’re the one who as to do the hard part.”
You arched up onto your toes and kissed him again, sliding your fingers into his hair and feeling calm and happy again for the first time since you had sent out for the test. “How’d I get so lucky finding you?” you asked him quietly. Daryl felt his heart skip a beat and electricity zipped up his back. You always did that to him. Easily. Still.
“I ask myself that all the damn time,” he drawled. “Now c’mon. Ya need rest.”
You nodded and realized that despite sleeping most of the day, you were exhausted. Anxiety will do that… “I suppose you think this means you’re gonna be able to boss me around now?” you joked, settling into bed.
“Damn right,” he said with a smirk, pushing the duffels of supplies back under the mattress. “Gotta make sure ya take care of yerself and the little one. I’m gonna boss ya around all the damn time.” He kicked off his boots and slipped into bed next to you, immediately moving until his body was pressed against yours and he could wrap an arm over you. You slipped your fingers between his. “Gonna tell Hershel he can boss ya around too,” he joked. “And Carol. And Rick. And Maggie. And—”
“Alright, that’s enough,” you laughed.
Daryl smiled to himself and kissed your neck. “We’re doin’ this,” he said softly.
You sighed contentedly and nodded. “We are.” And that night you had no trouble sleeping.
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
NCT Dream reaction to you getting your wisdom teeth removed
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babysitting the dreamies is part of his daily job so he thinks ‘how hard can it be to take care of you for a few hours pffft’
he’s never regretted underestimating you so bad in his entire life ◑.◑
you’re not just a nightmare
he was so embarrassed when he had to gently drag you out of the dentist’s office while you were crying cuz
“mY TOOTH!! mark, i lost my tooth, what am i gonna do?!?! i should have put a leash on it, i knew it!!!! now it’s gone and it’s all my fault!!!!” (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )
*ugly sobbing* *mark awkwardly patting your back while pulling you away from the scrutinizing glares of a few karens in the waiting room*
“mark. i didn’t even get to name it!!!”
poor bby cheetah mark is SO lost
“baby, hey, don’t cry! we’ll uh…. i’ll get you a new one!” ヾ(゚Д゚;ヾ)
you look up with your glassy eyes and your right cheek chubbier than your left from the cotton lodged where your tooth used to be, your bottom lip trembling oh so cutely 
and mark just…stops functioning for a moment because
“ rweally? would you really do that for me, markie?” (◞‸◟;)
 and he still insists he’s not 120% whipped for you can you believe it
he ends up piggybacking you all the way back home because your giggles were just too cute for him to resist so he can’t even get tired with how happy he is to witness you so carefree and joyful
and his heart just melts when you leave a huuuge kith with the loudest *MWAH* ever on his cheek and you nuzzle your nose in the crook of his neck that’s like the fatal combination of cute acts ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
in conclusion : this man just adores you with every bit of his heart :((((
probably asked kun to pick you both up from the dentist 
you’re just too much for him smh
you’re cute and all but renjun is a tired uncle
so you’re both in the backseat with kun as your driver and it’s silent
renjun just knows something is wrong there’s no way you’re so calm 
but you’re just staring at him like ◎_◎
“uh..babe, you alright?”
silence and then *GASP*
renjun just knows he’s about to facepalm himself into another dimension when you grip his cheeks in both hands
“you’re a fAIRY!!!!!!!” (*゚ロ゚)
*sigh* *muffled words* “y/n let’s calm down and just-”
he doesn’t get another word out before you shove his face in your lap and literally raise his shirt up to the nape of his neck
damn beach you know what you want huh go off
“where are they???!!?!?! where are you hiding them you impostor??!!!?”
and then you start slapping his back
renjun is this 👌 close to knocking you out for good with a karate chop
so he just pushes you off and straps you to your seat with a second safety belt as he huffs under his breath
“i can’t guarantee you’ll live to see next week” (⊙_◎)
kun watching in the rear mirror like (͡°͜ʖ͡°)
“you know what? i’d really eat some chicken wings right now!! jun, let’s go get chicken wings!!!” ⊂((・▽・))⊃
he’s surprised you even remember his name
but you eventually exhaust yourself and pass out in the backseat of the car so renjun and kun drag you to bed 
and renjun just tucks you in like the soft loving boyfriend that he is
and he just stares at you fondly and smooches you all over your face cuz
“how tf can you be so cute, you lil overexcited evil? you’re like the cutest thing in the world and it just!!!not!!!fair!!!!!” (♡ ‸ ♡ )
so even though he complains about you a lot, he’d sell his kidney just to see his lil cute bub happy i’m so soft :((((
Lee Jeno
“let’s go to the playground!!”
“y/n, no, let’s go home and put some ice on that cheek”
“but baaaabe i wanna go one the swing” ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )
“then we’ll have to ice both cheeks”
“what did ya say???!!?!”
so jeno’s headache only worsened once you both arrived home with no prior stop to the playground
and as much as he loves you he also wants to bang his head against a wall and end his suffering yay o((*^▽^*))o
“just stay still for a second please, i’m really trying to tie this thing properly around your head”
you’re just so restless and jeno is just so done
“does it hurt?”
“ywes, my heart hurts because my own boyfriend doesn’t love me!!!”
“y/n, we already had this conversation, now just-”
“i just wanted a swing!!!” *bursts into tears* *jeno sighs half of his soul out* ଽ (৺ੋ ௦ ৺ੋ )৴
so jeno sits down beside you and pulls you into his lap gently, rocking you back and forth in an attempt to soothe your sobs jeno best boyfriend no cap
“there there, baby, we can’t go out-” *sobs intensify* “BUT i promise i’ll get you a swing right here if you let me take care of you first”
you leech yourself onto jeno’s sleeve and wipe your tears on his shirt but he doesn’t seem to mind the wet patch left on the material as he watches you with that soft look of his (´-ω-`)
so you let him patch you up after his reassurance and after he just pats your head affectionately and motions for you to stand up
and this man just flexes his arms and nudges you to latch on
that’s how jeno ends up with a squealing you as you swing back and forth with your fingers gripping his arm ╰(✧∇✧╰)
Lee Haechan
you want to pretty him up
because “since my left cheek looks like it’s stuffed with a tennis ball, i can’t carry the visuals in this relationship for a while, so i need to hand the responsibility over to you”
“who even said you’re the one carrying the visuals” ℃ↂ_ↂ
“oh honey you’re only now realizing?”
he blames the anesthesia for your severe accusations
but the only way to shut you up is give in to your wishes
so that’s how he found himself seated down on the carpet of your home with your legs draped over his and your totally professional make up applied over his face
“i look like a clown”
“not even make up can cover your true identity, hyuck”
deep breaths, donghyuck, in and out, take it easy (◎ω◎*)
“any preferences for the nail polish color?”
“to match my soul”
“so hot pink” o(≧∇≦o)
*poker face* “you know i could obliviate you if i wanted to clown you”
*pout that hurts hyuck’s lil heart* “but you wouldn’t do that to your hurting baby, would you” *blinks rapidly with puppy eyes*
“you bet i would” (no he wouldn’t you’re just too cute and he loves you too much) *totally not whipped (♥ω♥*)*
painting his nails is the hugest struggle in your entire life
on second thought, mercy is no longer available for you
“hyuck, you should tape your fingers so you won’t bite your nails like a preschooler anymore”
“i’ll tape your mouth shut, that’s what i’ll tape” *_*
“hUH???!?!!?”  (*゚ロ゚)
Na Jaemin
“okay jisung is an easy task compared to you right now”
even though this man is used to being the mom of the group
he’s still most likely in disbelief watching his otherwise angel flap around like a headless chicken 
but you’re even cutter with your swollen cheek so he forgives you (︶▽︶)
“hey, jaem, did you know i’m closely related to snails??”
“entertain me” (∩_∩)
“they can sleep for years at once. that’s like my main talent.”
“it would be great for me if you’d put this talent of yours to work now”
jaemin ends up sprawled over the couch and watching dramas like a tired mom of 3 hyperactive children with you curled up at his side playing games on his phone
jaemin’s brain before he even registered the sound : something’s wrong
“y/n baby?” (。•́︿•̀。)
*hiccup* *sniffle* *hiccup* 
jaemin’s overprotective instincts kicked in ಠ╭╮ಠ
he knocks the phone out of the way and swings your legs over his lap to cradle you against his chest and hush you with the gentlest coos while rubbing your back up and down softly
“what happened, my love? does it hurt? tell nana what’s wrong and he’ll get rid in a second of what dared hurt his precious baby” just imagine this man this would be like the peak of my life  🥺
so in between your boyfriend’s comforting whispers and your harsh breaths of air you managed to let out a few words
“e-elephants, nana”
he already knows the biggest facepalm is coming his way -_-
“tHEy CAn’T jUmP, tHE poOR ELephANTs”
he just sighs and continues rocking you in his arms until you doze off, slumped on his chest, your head cushioned by his shoulder
he softly shakes his head at you and lays a butterfly kiss on your forehead
“i would make elephants jump just for you, my cute big baby” ♡♡(→ε←*)
Zhong Chenle
he halfway panics at the way you act
you’re usually the one who takes care of him so your childish act that surfaced because of the anesthesia took him by surprise
“dude they brainwashed y/n” (ノ`□´)ノ
once you start babbling to him about the end of the rainbow and the elf that awaits there with a pot full of golden coins he knew you lost it
calls renjun
“hyung i’m sorry for saying you’re batshit crazy with your conspiracies, but aliens kidnapped y/n”
*muffled voices on the other side*
“NO, I’M NOT DRUNK!! they brainwashed y/n or even worse… returned a cheap copy of them”
renjun probably just tells him to put you to sleep and advises chenle to do the same with himself -_-
so chenle just approaches you very carefully, his voice barely above a whisper
“hey, babe, aren’t you tired?”
“actually no, how about a walk in the park???”
“idk y/n, it doesn’t seem like the best idea”
this man is royally whipped for you so he takes you to the nearest park and keeps a careful watch on you as you bend down to pet every dog that passes by ⊂((・▽・))⊃
while he would do anything for you, he’s very panicky about your safety so he has to hold your hand the entire time and you’re not allowed to leave his side for even a second overprotective boyfriend check
mid walk you take a break on a bench and you lean your head on cheble’s shoulder before muttering sleepily
“lele, i’m tired, imma take a nap”
“are you serious rn” (ಠ_ಠ)
but you’re already a goner and chenle is left fuming by himself
despite his annoyance he still adjusts you so he can piggyback you home and hums songs softly every time you stir (灬♥ω♥灬)
you’ll have to baby him an entire week to pay him back
Park Jisung
this boy is actually quite pleased
because for once he can take care of you and not the other way around without any complaints coming from you
so you both end up curled into each other under a blanket while watching the Frozen movies :((((((((
and for once he ends up watching you more than he watches the movie because you’re so cute reciting all of Olaf’s lines ꒰˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩๑꒱
but the fun can only last for so long
and when your mouth starts feeling ‘funny’ jisung’s mind goes haywire
“sung, i’m gonna die”
panic panic PANIC (シ;゚Д゚)シ
“they poisoned you didn’t they??? i knew it!! i knew dentists are evil, how am i gonna explain i let crazy doctors perform dark magic on you???!!?!?” no offense to dentists y’all are life savers
so you have at least 2 ice packs and a bag of frozen peas clutched against your cheek and you swear you’re about to die from frostbite rather than the weird feeling coming from your teeth 
and then jisung wraps you in a mountain of blankets cuz ‘we can’t have you catching a cold now too’ as if sweating your ass off is gonna fight off the numbing cold on your face  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but babie is confused a tad lot bit scared for both his and your life
and you’re kinda very dazed so comforting him isn’t really in your agenda
he probably worries within an inch of his life ヾ( ๑´д`๑)ツ
too afraid to let you fall asleep just in case
so every time you doz off sweet cutie jisung just kithes you (๑°꒵°๑)・*♡
and you wake up just to kiss back your cute boyfriend
and he just chuckles and blows raspberries on your neck man jisung would be such a cute whipped boyfriend
but he ends up asleep next to you with his face buried in your hair and arms tightly wrapped around you cocooning you close to himself ah i’m getting soft again ♡(㋭ ਊ ㋲)♡
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notyetneedcoffee · 4 years
Can’t Run
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Steve Rogers is a wanted man. He broke the Accords, broke the law, and is still trying to do what’s right. . . even if it may get him killed.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Cannon level violence in this chapter, NSFW in future
New series. Others can be found on my Steve Masterlist
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 Enough of the cold night air seeped into your old house to prompt you to pull on a heavy sweatshirt and wool socks. It’s not that you couldn’t turn the heater up, you just did see the need. If you could live in a cold tent through an Afghanistan winter, an east Cascade Mountain cold snap wouldn’t kill you.
Gary, your Belgium Malinois, curled up in front of the wood stove on his dog bed. You gave him a quick scratch on your way to the kitchen. The lights were low. All the devices were off. You just needed some quiet time. Maybe a beer would be good, too.
Before you could pull open the refrigerator, your dog moved past you to the rear door. He moved silently, hackles up. Unusual. Your training kicked in and you pushed further back into the shadows. Moving closer to the door, you tried to look through the sliver between your blinds out into the darkness of your carport. Something moved, something man height.
You swore internally as you slipped back to you living room and pulled the P320 from the hidden gun case in your console table by the front entry. Slipping your feet into the muck boots by the door, you quietly stepped out into the cold through the front door. You left Gary in the house, knowing that if you yelled for him he would go through the flimsy dog door. Hopefully, it was just a prowler. No need to be sued for a dog bite by someone who was trying to steal your chainsaw.
Peeking around the corner you saw your car door open and the hood up. ‘Good luck, asshole,’ you thought. ‘That thing isn’t going to turn over until the new starter comes by FedEx tomorrow.’
You stayed back far enough that he couldn’t easily turn on you, but close enough to see well. “Don’t want to shoot you…”
He moved so fast, a blur of dark movement rushed toward your face. You fired twice before a hard hit sent your gun flying. Instinct took over. Your foot made contact. You went low and inside, catching a glancing swing on the shoulder. Your elbow smashed into his gut, knocking him back.
His face came into focus. Holy shit, Steve Rogers.
You jumped back, putting your hands up.
He frowned, hard, before a groan of pain escaped his lips and he slipped to ground.
Blood seeped from his torso, from his thigh, and his shoulder. He was already wounded. You stepped a little closer to the man desperately trying to stay sitting up. “What the hell?”
“Dammit.” He muttered just as his eyes rolled back and he collapsed to the ground.
Shit. You looked around. There was nothing but darkness. Where the hell did Captain Frickin’ America come from and why was he bleeding out in your carport? Shit. You couldn’t let that happen. Rushing inside, you went for the medical go-bag you kept in the closet.
“Gary, get back.” The dog had slipped out when you came inside, he was sniffing over Rogers. At your order, he sat. “I wish you could help me with this.” You spoke to the dog as you began to cut the material away from his wounds.
With well-practiced precision, you cleaned the wounds and applied trauma dressings. It took effort, but you rolled him over to look for any through and throughs or rear entry wounds. He had one more on his left shoulder.
After stopping that leak, you pulled out an old green canvas tent. There was no way you could carry him, but you couldn’t leave him where he was either. Folding the single person tent into a quick litter you tucked it under his side before rolling him over onto his back.
“Okay, Cap.” You stood up, panting a little. “What to do with you?”
But you already knew the answer. It took a lot of tugging, a lot of swearing, but you finally got him moved into the spare bedroom. At least, to the floor of the spare room. The hardwood floors made it a little easier, but you were sweating by the time you were done.
Going back to get your bag, you were thankful for the supplies. The Captain looked ashen and extremely hypotensive. Cutting open the right sleeve of his uniform, you opened an IV kit and pulled out a bag of saline. Even bleeding out the man had great veins. You hung the bag off the bedpost over his head. He would do better with plasma, but you could at least help a little to get his volume up while you figured out what to do.
Your dog whined from the door. “What do I do, Gary? I shot Cap. It’s not like I can call 911. He’s a fugitive. I’m not going to be the one to turn him in.”
“N’hospital.” He murmured.
“Captain?” You leaned over him. “Can you hear me?”
“No.” His eye opened but didn’t focus. “N’hospitals.”
“Okay. No hospitals. Got it.”
Suddenly Gary bolted for the front window. Someone was coming down the drive.
Remembering your gun, you shut the guest room door and dashed to the back of the house. Cold rain had started pelting down, practically sideways. At least it began to wash away the blood. You grabbed your Sig from the driveway and the bandage wrappers. Stuffing the paper in the trash, you heard the car pull up.
Tucking the cold weapon in to your jeans, you took a deep breath and looked at yourself. The ratty black sweat shirt hid any blood and you’d wiped your hands clean. A knock came at the door. Gary barked, aggressively. He didn’t like whomever was at the door.
Three men in uniforms stood at the door. They looked military, but had no visible insignia. You only opened the door a few inches, but enough to let them see you holding back the big dog.
“What is it?” You asked, not bothering to be friendly.
“Ma’am,” One tipped his head. “We’re going door to door looking for a suspect. Male, six foot one, blond or possibly brown hair.”
“Haven’t seen anyone, but something set my dog off like crazy about an hour ago. I thought it was elk.” Living in the woods, you saw them all the time. “He took off, barking like mad, but came back a few minutes later.”
“So, you haven’t seen anyone?”
“Nope.” Gary gave a growl and you tugged on his collar. “This guy would let me know if anyone were around. He’s not fond of men, as you can see.”
He stared at you a moment longer, before nodding. “Alright, ma’am. If you see anything, do not approach. Just dial 911.”
“Got it. Goodnight.”
As you shut the door, Gary instantly settled down and trotted off down the hall. You watched the men get in the car and leave down your drive. They didn’t stop even when they turned onto the main road at the end of your long drive.
You went back to check on your patient, opening the door slowly. The Captain had slid himself up against the wall and was half sitting up. Looking panicked, cornered, and dangerous, somehow his strength was coming back frightening fast.
“Hey there, Captain.” You said softly. “You okay? I mean, I know you’re hurt, but you’re not going to try and kill me, are you?”
“Who’s here?” His voice cracked.
“Just me.” You opened the door all the way and your dog laid down in the hall.
“No.” He frowned. “I heard, heard you talking to a man.”
“Some men came to the door. I lied and sent them away. It’s just me here.”
He shook his head. “Earlier.”
“I was just talking to my dog, Gary.”
“What?” He focused on you fully, face incredulous. “Who names a dog Gary?”
“An asshat brother with the intent to torment me for the rest of my life.” You knelt down, to be eye to eye with him. He huffed a half laugh. “Did I add to your wounds?”
“Um, don’t think so.” He swallowed and lifted his right arm. “You patch me up?”
“Yeah. It was either that or have you bleed out on my drive. Shitty job trying to steal my car, by the way.”
“Sorry.” His eye drooped. “Why didn’t you call me in?”
“We’re soldiers. You’re THE soldier. There’s no way in hell I’m going to do that.” You moved a little closer. “Any chance you’ve got enough strength to help me get you on the bed?”
“Soldier, huh?”
“Army medic, was anyway.” You came a little close and rearranged his IV line. “Good thing, too. You were banged up. I can’t believe you’re talking to me, actually.”
“I shake it off pretty quick.” He groaned as he tried to sit up. “What’s your name?”
“Y/N.” You carefully helped him up an onto the bed. “I’m gonna take your boots off and cut these bloody clothes away. That okay?”
He laid back, panting, and gave a little nod. As you worked on his boots, he got the pain back under control and watched you. “You’re not going to ask what happened?”
“Near as I can figure I’m harboring a wanted man.” You grinned. “Best to have plausible deniability.”
“Fair enough.” Steve stiffened as you cut your way up his pant leg, getting close to his hip.
“Captain,” You paused. “I’m going to do my best to respect your modesty, but I’ve got to get these off.”
He frowned again, but nodded. You figured casual conversation would set him at ease.
“So,” you started. “Gary seems to like you. He doesn’t like most strangers. Are you a dog person?”
“I love dogs.” His lip curved up. “Never had one of my own, but yeah.”
He groaned as you pulled the remnants of his pants from beneath him. He wore black boxer briefs and you did your very best not admire his muscular thighs as you tucked a quilt around him. “It’s pretty amazing you’re even conscious. Is healing part of the whole super soldier thing?”
“Most times,” He ground his teeth together as you got the pieces of his uniform top off. “Doesn’t mean it isn’t painful, though.”
“I can only imagine. I don’t have anything very strong, but I might have one or two painkillers left from rehab after my last surgery. You’re welcome to them. Or a stiff drink?”
“Won’t help,” he huffed a pained laugh. “It would take more than you have, and I could down a bottle and not get drunk. More of that super soldier stuff.”
“Well, that sucks. Did they hide that disclaimer in the fine print or something?”
He laughed, and winced. “Oh, stop that. It hurts to laugh.”
“Sorry.” You grinned and bundled up his ruined clothes. “Any friendlies going to be looking for you?”
“Not for a couple days.”  
You could see him fading fast. “Okay then, you rest. I’m going to get rid of this and bring you something to drink, something to eat too.”
By the time you returned with a large bottle of water, a turkey sandwich, and a pair of pajama bottoms your ex-boyfriend left at your house, the Captain was out cold.
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chrysalizzm · 4 years
Do you have fic recs or head canons? please ramble for paragraphs im bored and looking for something to read.
oh boy do i have some fic recs for you (and everyone who sees this), my friend! this one is quite long because there are a lot of fics i like and this isn’t all of them, so if you’d like more, you can check out my bookmarks page ^^
The Run and Go by Numanum 
“That’s not fair,” Bad protests. Dream raises an eyebrow at him and jerks his tied hands in emphasis, clearly saying that none of this is fair.
“Look, you keep running! Who runs if they’re not guilty?” Bad challenges, staring him down with obvious distrust from the generous distance of exactly five feet. It’s fair, as much as Dream hates to admit it; it’s not like he’s been the most honest hostage in the past, with all of his escaping and running and framing himself for his own murder, apparently.
“Only the good die young, and only the guilty run,” Technoblade chimes in, holding his own potato and sitting in the snow like it’s not cold at all.
A hot flash of irritation burns through him.
“Someone being chased?” he counters sarcastically, jerking his tied wrists up again to wave them in front of the group. Sapnap laughs so hard that he almost chokes on his potato, but it dies off when Dream gives him an icy stare.
Or: Dream is having a hard time, and the hunter just want to adopt him like a stray puppy that bites you at every opportunity.
multi-chapter, ongoing.
a manhunt with plot-style fic! exquisitely written, visceral in the emotions it evokes. it’s the kind of fic that makes me feel all shaky with anticipation, the kind that i have a physical reaction to; you can’t put it down.
pain. all-consuming pain. this one feels bad, man
and as he fell (you walked away) by Teahound
Once upon a time, there were three hunters.
They were good at what they did. If you wanted something-- or better yet, someone-- found, discovered, or destroyed, they were the people you asked. They didn’t have much to their name, besides a formidable reputation, but they were a team, and that was enough for them.
Once upon a time, there was a king in the forest.
He wore a mask, but it didn’t matter. That deep in the forest, in a hidden fortress, buried behind leaves and monsters and broken stone, no one could see his face anyway. He had been there a very long time, and he was alone.
Being a king can be a very lonely thing. So one day, the king left the fortress.
A Minecraft manhunt AU, with a fantasy twist. Dream is a cryptid, and Hunters are idiots.
multi-chapter (11), complete.
tea’s fic!! a manhunt-with-plot fic, featuring a forest spirit dream and circumstantial hunters and friendships that feel both intensely real and desperately melancholy because they can’t last.
or can they?
The Real World by Cinammonzoa and Fire_Fly464
"Ten, paces fire!"
Time stopped.
Tommy’s entire body went numb. He tried to open his mouth to say something, but his body was determined to keep him silent. His vision went dark, and he could no longer feel his headphones over his ears. The mouse in his hand. The slight breeze of his ceiling fan. For a few seconds, he couldn’t feel anything.
His senses came back to him all at once. The first thing Tommy noticed was the weight in his right hand -- a bow. His nostrils stung with the lingering scent of gunpowder. In front of him was a masked figure. Their right arm was bent, their elbow by their face. In their left hand was a bow, aiming directly at--
Aka Dream and Tommy get transported into the SMP world and have no idea what the fuck is happening
multi-chapter (23), complete
you’ve probably seen this one if you haunt the video blogging rpf/minecraft tags of ao3 often! an irl!dream and tommy replace their smp counterparts type of beat, very upbeat in dynamic and fun to keep pace with, great read.
staying alive (though the city is dead) by Alice_Not_In_Wonderland
"Damned if you do, damned if you don't," Schlatt smirks, his words lilting, almost song-like. His eyes seem to glow brighter. "Tell me, Dream, when did you realize that you could talk and talk and talk and no one would ever believe you?"
or: if dream's damned to be a villain in every story he's in, then he's going to show them exactly how much of one he can be
one-shot, complete.
the gratuitous greek mythology references are truly everything and this fic is such a good dissection of dream and schlatt’s motivations and how their goals intersect, and dream’s likening to cassandra really hits different 
Green & Gold by HognoseSnake
George’s legs ached.
His lungs felt tight and too small.
His breath was loud in his ears.
His pack bounced uncomfortably on his shoulders.
George, homeless and adrift, is an outlaw of the Mad King's reign. He'd spent the last two months being hunted across the wilderness at the fringe of society by a ruthless killer in a smiling mask and bright green coat. This, he understood.
What he didn't understand is why such a ruthless killer kept letting him go.
multi-chapter (8), complete. sequel ongoing.
a breathtaking pseudo-manhunt-with-plot fic, with george and dream running from a kingdom that wants them dead for perceived transgressions. this shit hurted, and the sequel hurts even worse ;-; snake please i beg
We’re Only Young series by ImperialKatwala
It's easy to forget amid the chaos and bloodshed how similar - and how young - Dream and Technoblade really are.
collection of both one-shots and ongoing multi-chapter fics.
((bangs on table)) please read this series it is dream and techno friendship fics that alternate between lighthearted and heartwrenchingly comforting and imperialkatwala’s characterisation of them and their respective groups of family and friends is so frickin’ good i read this series when i’m not having a good day and it never fails to make me crack a smile
kept promises and old ruins and names carved into stone by verecundiam
"Would you... would you want to stay here?" Bad wrings his hands, looking away. "Like, like actually stay? I know it's not, ah, not exactly comfortable, or all that homey, but I don't want you two to get hurt out there on your own, and I just... I think maybe you could stay? If you want?"
"That sounds nice," Sapnap says, because it does.
(Or: How four kids managed to build a family, against all odds.)
one-shot, complete.
muffinteers found family that makes me want to go to the smp writers and beg it to be made canon. unbelievably soft yet excellent at parsing out the younger counterparts of the four and creating backgrounds that feasibly form them into the people they grow up to be.
in the age of icons by BananasofThorns
“Yeah, keep digging,” Tommy crows.
The pickaxe hesitates on the downswing. The air shifts; Dream’s aura bursts into visibility, brilliant green and jagged. Ozone hums on Techno’s tongue and Bad stutters in the middle of his sentence. Up on the wall, silhouetted by the sun, Dream stands frozen and furious.
L'manberg messes with something it shouldn't. Techno watches the repercussions and tries not to laugh.
one-shot, complete.
i love deity aus (figures, i wrote one myself akjdfh), and this one hits. there’s something exquisitely delicate about how dream and the repercussions his godhood both on himself and on the people who are exposed to him in that moment of unbridled rage.
that's how we keep going (we make the best of things) by lieyuu
[ i can’t decide if this is heaven or hell. the walls keep closing in and we’re running out of space, but you’re pretty cute ]
“So, do you want to build a flower shop, a cottage, or a coffee shop?” Puffy asks, smiling like just Niki’s presence is enough to light up her world.
Niki looks at her, thinks, I want to bend nature to my will and weave tapestries in your name, says, “I think I might like the flower shop best.”
one-shot, complete.
a niki/puffy fic that crushed me in its hands in just six hundred words.  the delicate love and wonder and beauty of this fic killed me softly and i welcomed it. it’s girls in love rendered by lieyuu’s masterful hand, what more could you want
i need it to be known that as i was typing up my thoughts midnight love by girl in red started playing from my playlist if that’s not a shining endorsement i don’t know what is
did i ruin the moment? by itisjosh
Ranboo drags himself through the snow, burn wounds going up and down his body. His suit is crumpled, half of it discarded as he crawls along the ground. His eyes are firmly pressed shut, and he refuses to open them, just in case he sees him, Dream, again. Ranboo sobs as the snow melts on his skin, the water scalding him as it trickles down his arms and chest.
one-shot, complete.
it’s character death, i do need to put it out there because it felt like i was punched in the stomach at the end even though i knew. josh knows exactly how to drag his readers kicking and screaming into angst hell, as always - a ranboo is rescued by phil fic wherein ranboo ends up convincing himself that the only reason for his presence in the nearly-empty anarchist commune is because phil sees him as a placeholder for his sons ;-; pain
Frame The Halves, And Call Them Brothers by MusicallyActive
"Let's go!" Quackity roared. "Let's fucking go!"
The anvil dropped, and Techno reached for his totem of undying. This was going to hurt like a bitch.
Phil screamed something, and instantly a crushing force struck Technoblade's skull. It rattled him to the core, doused his vision in red, and then all he knew was black.
He gasped awake moments later to the sound of his communicator pinging softly at his bedside table, and when Technoblade opened his eyes, New L'manburg was nowhere in sight.
one-shot, complete.
a techno timeloop fic that shows off the unintentional cruelty of the children who run l’manberg and techno’s own inability to allow the people he tries so hard not to love to come to harm. techno’s rendered in painstaking detail; this one was cathartic in the best way.
on i go (move to move) by Aenqa
If you ask someone whether they’ve ever experienced real, severe physical pain, you’ll learn a lot from their response.
Techno knows what it means to be in pain. He’s accepted it as a necessary consequence of keeping his family safe. But when the pain he's experiencing starts to become too much to bear alone, it takes his family to show him what it might mean to feel better.
one-shot, complete.
chronic pain fic featuring sbi!! it’s really good - aenqa wrote chronic pain well, and incorporated respawn mechanics into it well, and the dynamic between sbi is impeccable.
Yellow and Blue and- by nic_takes_Ls (nic_L)
It’s another gorgeous day in New L’Manberg. Tubbo’s stilted streets of deep toned spruce and honey-touched oaks are warm under his feet from the sun, and a sign and a small banner proclaim the country’s name in front of his face. Wilbur is so happy to let the ‘L’ roll of his tongue as he says it, ‘Manberg’ was harsh and too guttural, but the two extra syllables make it something that could fit on a melody, a four-note beat he could set the pace of his unbeating heart to.
The citizens of New L’Manberg track him with cautious eyes at first, until Tubbo changes his eyes to slightly sad ones, listening along to Wilbur’s rambles, warming up to the truly soot-grey sight of his face and sunshine yellow of his ever-present sweater. The rest of the population soon follow, laughing at Wilbur’s strange innocence and telling him what he’s done with only a little bit of spite in a pitying mask and fixing their mouths in a line when he suddenly forgets what he’s doing or stares into space or laughs at nothing.
But all the people who get sad when Wilbur starts laughing after shock-still silence are dumb.
Because Wilbur’s not laughing at nothing.
one-shot, complete.
a ghostbur fic from quite early on! it includes references to wilbur and schlatt’s older videos/smp experiences and has a super interesting take on the nature of wilbur’s amnesia i enjoyed this fic a lot ^^
east of eden series by subwaywalls
Philza protects his home.
(An angel with a singing blade of fire guards the gates to paradise.)
two one-shots, one ongoing multi-chapter fic.
READ IT READ IT READ IT. the eoe series is exquisite in both content and presentation, centering around sbi and the powers they all respectively have but also bringing in people like grian and dream, and subwaywalls is a master of packaging her words ever so delicately to create an experience that is ethereal.
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sitcomified · 3 years
we can’t make any promises now, can we, babe?
summary: impromptu peraltiago wedding one-shot set in the b99 season three finale  word count: 5.4k rating: general
read below or on AO3
A buzz of chatter spills across the bar. Jake, Amy, and Charles are reunited at last, sharing stories the past few weeks over cheap drinks on a sticky wooden countertop. Amy finally tells Jake she loves him so much and he reciprocates without second thought. Charles offers a knowing glance to Amy, but Jake’s phone buzzes before he can follow up.
“Ooh, I'm gonna get this.” Jake excuses himself from the conversation and answers the call from an unknown number on his phone.
“Jake Peralta? This is Jimmy Figgis.” He feels like his throat has been shoved down his stomach. Cases were never truly solved, and usually the perps harbored resentment, but he had never been singled out like this, on his personal phone number. His first instinct is to try to locate Figgis, but even if he wanted to track the call he couldn’t. The voice on the other end has been altered by a robotic filter, and the background noise is indiscernible. 
He hesitates for a moment before responding, “oh, uh, hey, dog.”
“You and Ray Holt took down my operation. Now I'm gonna kill you both.” Jake squints across the room in search of anyone remotely suspicious. Unfortunately, he could read too much into anyone when given the chance. He doesn’t recognize the new bartender, and he’s been less chatty than the others. There’s a lady squeezing her purse against her chest as she looks in his direction. His anxieties boil over in his throat as he tries to stammer out a response, but Figgis ends the conversation before he has time to interject: “later, dog.”
Jake’s hand is still shaking as he lowers his phone. His eyes dart around the room. “Uh, Captain Holt?”
“Peralta,” Holt says from across the bar, approaching the counter after politely excusing himself from an odious conversation with Hitchcock and Scully. His arrival catches the attention of Amy and Charles, who drop their conversation about where to find the best sundaes.
Jake scans the room once more before speaking in a low voice. “I just got a call. From Figgis. He knows that you and I busted his operation and he’s coming for us.” He sighs and his shoulders fall down with defeat.  Amy instinctively reaches for Jake’s hand. 
“Oh dear,” Holt replies. Even his ever-emotionless expression is disturbed by the news, with raised eyebrows and a slight frown. “Well that is certainly unfortunate.”
“What does this mean?” Amy asks, her voice trembling. Jake squeezes her hand, in a futile attempt to calm the storm of worst-case scenarios she’s piecing together. 
“We’re screwed,” Charles says, “don’t worry Jake, I’ll make sure to tell your story.” 
“We are not ‘screwed’,” Holt replies, “however, we should discuss proper procedure in a more private place.” He gestures to the couple making out at the table to their left. The group nods in agreement. “Go ahead to the precinct, I will meet you there.” He exits the conversation just as swiftly as he arrived, sparing no second in rallying his—albeit somewhat tipsy—squad.
The walk to the precinct is uncharacteristically somber. Charles doesn’t even comment on the fact that Jake draped his jacket on Amy’s shoulders the second they left the bar. The omnipresent breeze of arguments between neighbors, loud music, and traffic goes still and the only noises they can hear are their own footsteps, and the occasional sigh. 
The precinct is at least familiar, but laced with uncertainty as night shift officers occupy the bullpen. The trio make their way to the empty briefing room, which is fortunately unlocked. Amy takes a seat in the back, and Jake hops on the table next to her. Charles heads for the bathroom to face the consequences of the “Authentic Asian-Mexican Fusion” cocktail he tried earlier.
“It’ll be okay,” Amy says, gently stroking Jake’s palm. His blank gaze is fixed at the wall in front of him for minutes that seem like hours, and he still hasn’t said a word. Usually when he was worried, she couldn’t get him to shut up. Seeing him silenced sent an eerie chill across her. “At least for now, Figgis and his guys are way too smart to infiltrate an active precinct.”
He finally replies, “So you want me to live the rest of my life here?” He lets out a meek chuckle. “I think that would be worse than getting shot.”
“Oh, come on, it wouldn’t be that bad. I’d see you every day, you already eat most of your meals out of a vending machine, and the bathrooms are nicer than your apartment.” Amy jokes. 
“Hey, one day that will be our apartment, watch your mouth.” He cracks a smile. For just a moment he allows himself to forget about the immediate danger surrounding him and indulges in the idea of a daily life with Amy. They would order takeout and sit on the couch watching an action movie, and she would be curled up with her embroidery and he could smell her eucalyptus shampoo. Or maybe he'd learn to cook, and she'd put on another nature documentary, and he'd get to listen to her laugh at the stupid voices he did for the animals. He runs his fingers absentmindedly through her ponytail. That’s a life he would buy a million mattresses and toss his grey towel thousands of times over for. 
His fantasy is, however tragically, cut short by the Captain’s arrival. “Peralta, a word, in my office please.” Jake nods and follows him through the bullpen, without even bothering to greet any of the officers. It's as if he was watching himself enter the room, rather than actually experiencing it.
“Take a seat,” Holt gestures to the chair across from where Jake was standing awkwardly across the desk, and he hadn’t thought about sitting down. To be completely honest, he wasn’t entirely aware of the fact that he had a body. “I have contacted the U.S. Marshall’s office to make arrangements to send the two of us into Witness Protection. I know that this comes as a disappointment, but I believe that this level of security is necessary to avoid the threat.” 
The news hits Jake like a punch to the gut. It’s a new type of dread, one that’s crushing him in instead of pulling him apart. He had worked on high stakes cases before, but this was a new level of imminent danger. He’d always been able to talk his way out of any threat; the squad was always there to help him. Even without them, he could fend for himself. Hell, he survived six months undercover in the frickin mob. Jake clenches his fingers against the captain’s desk. “Captain, with all due respect, is that really necessary–”
“–I understand your hesitancy, but it is absolutely critical that we take the utmost caution, but this is non-negotiable. Our Marshall will be here in two hours. Sergeant Jeffords is on his way to brief the squad on necessary protocols right now.” 
“How long will we need to stay in WITSEC for?” Jake tried to reason with himself. Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad. It could be a couple weeks, a month tops. It would hurt like hell, but it’s nothing he couldn’t handle. If it was somewhere cool, then he could also get a killer story out of it.
“Indefinitely,” Holt responds, as if it was obvious and insignificant as the color of the sky. His answer severs the last thread holding Jake’s sanity together. He bangs his fists on the table.
“What the hell? You just assumed I would be okay with all this?” he shouts, “I can handle myself. I don't need to be babysat. I've been a detective for ten years!”
“Precisely, that's why I assumed you would react like an adult, and not like a petulant child.” Holt retorts. His dismissive delivery only fuels Jake’s anger.
“What did you expect me to do? I just got to see Amy for the first time in weeks and now my life is at risk because of some stupid case?” He pauses for a moment, recalling the ridiculous conversation from the briefing room moments ago. “Let me stay here, I’ll take down Figgis. I’ll even live in the precinct.”
Holt manages to convey a magnificent lack of amusement. “I don’t have time to deal with your immaturity right now. There are several arrangements I need to attend to, for your safety, If I may add.”
Jake’s heart is still pounding as he storms out of the captain's office. A pair of officers look up at him with concern before returning to their paperwork. He walks directly to the evidence lock up. As much as he wanted to squeeze out every last moment he could with Amy, he couldn't risk ruining it with some impulsive hot-headed remark.
He paces around the room before eventually landing on a box to rifle through. If he couldn’t address his feelings, he could certainly distract himself from them. It’s an old case—from before Holt became Captain. From what he could remember, the perp was busted for poisoning victims she catfished, and stealing their identities. When he opens the box, a puff of dust fills the air, hitting him with the heavy reality of just how much time had passed. He occupies himself by sifting through the contents of the box: the bracelet she used to store arsenic, the harddrives containing compromised information, and the perfectly crafted report that Amy had spent their whole lunch break editing. He really didn’t know how lucky he was then. He spent every day with the most wonderful woman alive and wasted it by teasing her.
Suddenly, he hears footsteps. He would recognize Amy’s awkward clunking in her “going-out heels” anywhere. Even if he was deep undercover all the way across the country. “I knew I’d find you in here,” she greets him, standing in the door frame with a bunched up tissue in hand.
“It’s like you’re a detective or something,” Jake says. He aims for the light flirtatious tone that the two have grown so accustomed to, but it comes out too aggressive for either of their comfort. 
Amy hesitates before clearing her throat and approaching him. She closes the lid and returns the box of evidence to the shelf, and reaches an arm across his back. She notices Jake’s widening eyes, slowing heart rate, and just as he opens his lips she accepts his implicit apology. “This is stressful, I understand.” She pauses and Jake can hear the soft popping of her lips; she's choosing her words very carefully. “I was thinking. Figgis will take a while to track down. I can’t let you go alone for that long.”
Immediately Jake tenses back up. He felt that they were in an awkward stage relationship wise, even before Amy went undercover. He worried she thought that he was moving too fast too soon. That he wasn’t serious or responsible enough. He can’t stop himself from vocalizing his anxieties. “Ames, are you breaking up with me?”
Luckily for him, Amy looks equally horrified at the idea. “No, the opposite, actually—” she takes a deep breath, as Jake violently racks his mind for what that could possibly mean,“—I think we should get married. I know this is all really soon and we haven’t hit all the relationship milestones, but WITSEC only allows contact with immediate family, and after what we just went through I can’t imagine—”
He interrupts without a second thought. “—Duh-doy, of course I’ll marry you.” 
Although the proposal was a mere technicality, excitement washes over the room. Amy launches herself at Jake with wide-open arms. He squeezes her tightly and lifts her up. Figgis was still on the loose and his life was still in jeopardy, but it all seemed insignificant when he knew Amy would be by his side. He slowly lowers her down onto a pile of boxes. With their faces pulled back from each other, Jake can actually see Amy’s brilliant smile. He almost feels guilty for dampening it. “Uh, the Captain said the Marshall would be here in two hours, and everything’s closed.”
Her eyes are illuminated by that specific laser-focused excitement  that was reserved for completing a crossword puzzle, or, choosing a new notebook, or, someone concerningly, receiving praise from her captain. “Leave that to me,” she says. 
Jake can barely muster a response as Amy races to her desk. “You’re my dream girl.”
“I know,” she replies from across the precinct, no doubt doing one of her lovable dork dances from behind the door. The officers must assume that they’re somehow crazier than they already do, but Jake doesn’t care. Amy’s voice is still echoing in his ears when he returns to the captain’s office. His senses return to him, and he’s even grateful for the precinct’s faint smell of metal and burnt-coffee. 
Holt seems to have calmed down from earlier, or at the very least, he’s so immersed he can’t be bothered to deal with Jake’s crap right now. He has a pile of binders on his desk and his reading glasses are on the verge of sliding off the tip of his nose. Seeing Holt in serious action almost makes Jake feel guilty for acting out earlier.
He enters the room awkwardly, and Holt looks up from a particularly thick file and clears his throat. “Detective, I noticed you and Santiago were conversing. I trust that you have sufficiently addressed any emotional concerns this process might have, given the romantic nature of your relationship. I understand that the prolonged separation can be quite challenging to navigate. Kevin and I recently had quite an emotional conversation ourselves.”
“Hello Kevin, it is I, your husband Raymond Holt.”
“May I inquire about the occasion? This is a rather unusual time to call.”
“I agree it is quite unorthodox, but this news is urgent. I just completed a very dangerous case and my life is in danger. I am headed into a Witness Protection program indefinitely.”
“I understand. I am quite disappointed by this news.”
“As am I.”
“Yeah, something like that,” Jake replies. In any other circumstance he would declare his eternal love for Amy from the top of the Brooklyn Bridge, making sure that the whole city could hear. But, although he would never admit it, he cares just as much about the Captain’s approval as she does. Whenever he imagined proposing to Amy, years down the line, he knew it would be elaborate and tasteful (to the extent he was capable of it) and when both of them were ready. He knew that’s what Amy deserved, and Holt knew it too.
“Pardon?” Holt takes his eyes off the monitor and folds his arms, and Jake feels as if he’s being interrogated. Through the glass, he watches Amy at her desk frantically typing and scribbling down notes.
He purses his lips in anticipation. He doesn’t have time to do a bit or give a fake story to dull the big news like usual, and that makes the ripping off of the bandaid even more painful. “It is possible that Amy and I maybe just decided to get married before the Marshall gets here.” 
Holt opens his mouth with a slight indication of confusion, before swallowing a gulp of air. “I see…and you’re sure that you will be able to file the requisite paperwork in time?” An entirely unremarkable—and characteristic—reaction to the situation. No hints of judgement or celebration, just an acknowledgement of simple facts. Jake supposes that he filed any emotional response away to be processed at a later point.
“Don’t worry sir, we have a plan,” Jake assures his still-skeptical Captain. “Well, Amy has a plan,” he clarifies, and Holt indicates marginal relief. 
Holt sighs, “I know I am not one to talk you out of your schemes—”
“—It’s not a scheme, it's a plan, and it’s a great one. Amy and I are going to go to whatever craphole state the Marshalls send us to, solve the case in no time and then make out 24/7,” Jake says with a new rush of adrenaline. 
“As I was saying, you seem to be quite confident,” Holt continues,  “which is why I’m not going to attempt to negotiate with you. You are excellent detectives and you clearly care a lot about each other. Congratulations to you both.” He gestures to Amy, who has her face nearly pressed to the glass behind the shades, as she tries to listen to their conversation. “Santiago, you may enter.”
Amy almost trips on her way into the office, and Jake greets her with a hug, “Did you hear that? The Captain approves!” 
Her face floods pink, undermining her already futile efforts to maintain composure. “Thank you sir, it means a lot.”
“Of course. It’s highly enjoyable to see a couple as compatible as yourselves.” Jake has to bite his tongue to avoid mocking his word choice. “Now, given that time is of the utmost essence, I urge you two to go home and gather personal documents. I’ve already spoken to the night shift’s Sergeant, and he has agreed to lend officers to escort each of you.”
“We need to get all the marriage paperwork sorted out, I can just stay here,” Jake adds, turning to his girlfriend, “Amy, all my important stuff is under my beanbag chair.” 
“That's why it's so lumpy!” 
“I’m sure Detective Boyle would be more than happy to help out with your nuptials,” Holt replies, pushing aside his disgust with his Detective’s living situation. “Here is a list of things that the Marshall will need,” he hands over two slim printouts from one of the many binders on his desk. “You are dismissed.”
“Thanks,” Jake says, flipping through the sheets. He would be so screwed trying to find this all in his apartment. 
“See you on the other side, babe,” Amy whispers as she leaves the office.
“See you on the other side,” Jake says, planting a soft kiss on her forehead before heading downstairs.
One hour later.
Amy returns to the precinct with a sleek folder containing every document the Marshall requested. While gathering her necessities, she changed into her old graduation dress. It’s knee length with cap sleeves and a sweetheart neckline, not nearly formal enough for the wedding she had several binders dedicated to, but for all she cared she would marry Jake in sweatpants and grandma glasses. 
Her jaw drops as she enters the break room.  As it turns out, Charles wasn’t the only one in the squad ecstatic about a Peralta-Santiago wedding, even if it was just a formality. As soon as the rest of the squad found out, they volunteered to help in any way possible. Rosa took her motorcycle to the City Clerk’s office where she obtained a Marriage Certificate and License, though she wouldn’t disclose how she got into the locked rooms. Terry convinced his neighbor who worked in the State Court to begrudgingly sign a letter authorizing the marriage in under 24 hours (“Theirs is a love story for the ages, for the ages Margo!”) Hitchcock and Scully even rearranged the furniture to form a sort of mock-chapel although it didn’t help that Scully was asleep on one of the couches in the back.
Charles himself went full-Boyle. The room is decorated with a beautiful miss-match of flowers from the 24/7 bodega down the street, and soft classical music was playing over the precinct’s sound system. It’s enough to make the holding cell containing a single perp with thirteen charges of public urination seem miles away. “Amy!” he turns around when he sees her, letting the banner of post-it's he’s hanging drop to the floor. 
“Charles, this is incredible!” Amy exclaims. 
“Thank you, it's not the wedding I dreamed about for you two,—that one has far more exotic birds involved, both for eating and for pleasure,—but I figured it was my job to step up as Jake’s de facto best man,” he says, pulling her into a hug. “If you hurt him I swear to god I will make you suffer for the rest of your life,” he whispers into her ear.
Amy pulls back hesitantly, “yeah, of course I wouldn’t do anything to hurt Jake.” She laughs, but no one joins.
“Seriously, we mean it,” Rosa adds, her tone somewhat undercut by the bouquet of roses she’s tying together.
“Everybody, leave Santiago alone, she’s not going to do anything,” Terry says, but his authority is undermined by the mouthful of tape from hanging up decorations. 
At that moment Jake walks in, “Leave Santiago Alone, She’s Not Going To Do Anything: title of Amy’s sex tape.” He’s changed into a white button up shirt under his leather jacket and dark jeans. His red tie and scuffed sneakers match the flower petals around them. Charles must’ve coordinated this, Amy thinks. He looks so handsome that she forgives the insult. Besides, they both knew he wasn’t speaking from experience.
“Dude, you’re literally getting married,” Rosa says, as Jake rolls his eyes. He saunters over to Amy and gives her a quick kiss. She takes his arm around her, and they walk to the back of the room for a semblance of privacy, taking a seat on the couch opposite Scully.
“Hello future wife,” Jake greets Amy. 
“Hi future Mr. Santiago,” she responds, with a slightly smug smile.
“Wait, what are we going to do about last names? Should we hyphenate?” Jake asks, frazzled. He’s still processing everything that’s happened that day. 
“We can work all that out later, but it would make paperwork a nightmare,” Amy says, as she tucks a tiny curl behind his ear. It immediately bounces back. Jake smiles at her. Of course she could still be thinking about paperwork at a time like this.
“I know it’s cliche, but I really do feel like the luckiest man on Earth,” he says. 
“Well you are being targeted by one of the countries largest crime families, so I guess it evens out.” Jake looks away in response, and Amy bites her lip. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring it up, I just thought with everything—”
“—No, it’s fine,” Jake says, and he quickly pulls back his frown. At some point over the past evening (early morning, really) Jake had allowed himself to believe that this marriage was forever. That it was the next step in the infinite journey they would share or whatever. His stomach churned at the nagging idea that this was just a loophole for Amy to work a case with him. 
“Babe, is everything alright?” She turns to face him, and he realizes the uncharacteristic length of his silence. 
“After all this is over—if it’s all over—are we going to stay married?” he asks, not quite able to make eye contact. 
“Is that what you want?” Amy counters.
“Maybe,” Jake responds. He definitely knows what he wants, but he tiptoes around putting Amy in a precarious position. The last thing he wants is for her to feel compelled to stay married to a guy she’s only been dating for a year. Instead, he returns the question, “is that what you want?”
She pauses for a second to think. “I want a proper wedding. With my family and everything—I think my mom would kill me if I didn’t. But I want to marry you. Preferably not in a police precinct though,” she adds. Now it’s her turn to avoid his gaze.  
“I want that too,” Jake smiles in agreement, “Although a precinct wedding doesn’t seem that bad. Terry’s kids could be our flower girls.”
“That would be adorable,” Amy says.
“Do you think Sarge could bring them in now?”
“Jake, it’s the middle of the night on a school night,” Amy reminds him. Stupid reality always getting in the way of his great ideas.
“Right,” he pauses, and then lets out a laugh. “I love you, Ames.”
“I love you too, Jake,” she says, with her head on his shoulder. He wishes that they could stay like that forever, but time (or, to be more precise, his captain’s anal scheduling practices) were not on their side.
Amy explains all the different forms they have to sign and Jake watches her carefully scan each line and write her name in font-like handwriting. She feels Jake’s leg shake underneath the table and lays her warm hand against his knee to calm him down. He picks up a pen from the floor and adds his name next to hers. He takes a moment to appreciate the smooth black ink from her favorite fountain pen next to his skipped blue-rollerball scrawl. 
“Alright, we’re married,” Jake announces, going in for a high five. Amy looks at him with disbelief, and Charles takes the opportunity to cut in and slaps his palm. The rest of the squad joins them around the table, except Hitchcock has fallen asleep on Scully’s lap.
“I can’t believe it,” Rosa shakes her head, “someone actually agreed to spend the rest of their life with Jake.”
“Hey,” Jake protests, “that’s my wife.” He looks up at Amy with his adoring heart eyes and she feels a flutter in her chest. It was the first time she was referred to like that, and he didn’t even use the Borat voice like she expected.
“Whatever. I’m happy for you dorks,” Rosa says and she’s just drunk enough not to hide her smile. “This is unacceptable,” Charles interrupts, “I mean all this work, all this build up—years of watching your heightening sexual tension—just to sign a few papers? At least give us the vows.” He gestures around at the decorations to emphasize the point.
Jake is about to butt in about how it’s not for him, and if they were able to they would celebrate more, until Terry adds on. “I agree with Charles! Terry loves love.”
“Eh, seems like a good way to kill twenty minutes, babe, you in?” Jake turns towards Amy. 
“Why not?” she says. 
“Yes!” Charles exclaims, “I can officiate, I’ve had my speech written for years. How familiar are you with the different types of tentacles?” Amy and Jake exchange horrified glances, and Jake gets ready to talk his friend down. “I’m just kidding, about the tentacles,” he clarifies, although Amy isn’t entirely convinced.
“Am I going to be able to stop you?” Jake asks.
Charles is already running to his computer when he replies, “Not in a million years!” Terry soon follows him outside, inviting every officer to come watch the ceremony. Rosa tries to wake up Hitchcock and Scully with a gentle nudge before eventually slapping them awake.
In the meantime, Jake and Amy stay at the table. They’re both exhausted from the events of the day, and Amy tries to stifle a yawn as Jake asks her nonsensical questions about life in WITSEC. “What do you want your undercover name to be? I’m thinking Larry Sherbert.”
Amy rolls her eyes, “I’m not taking the last name Sherbert.”
He smiles, “that’s right, because I took yours, Rainbow.” 
“You want my name to be Rainbow Sherbert?” she responds incredulously.
“Yep, you had hippie parents,” he explains. She’s about to tell him to knock it off, when Captain Holt enters the room. Amy instinctively straightens her posture and smooths out the front of her dress.
Holt lays the bottle of champagne he’s holding on the table, “This is from my miniature fridge. I was saving it as a mentor-to-mentee gift for when Santiago passed the Sergeant's exam, but this occasion seems equally appropriate.”
“Thank you sir. This is too kind,” Amy says, in the most formal voice she can muster. 
“Of course,” Holt says, “It is a customary gift between workplace associates such as ourselves.” Jake shifts his puzzled gaze between his wife and his Captain. He loved them both, but couldn’t for the life of him decipher their relationship.
Terry and Charles return and a few officers trickle into the chairs in the back. Holt takes a seat in the front row, next to Rosa, and Amy and Jake join Charles in the makeshift archway between the vending machines. 
“This is the happiest day of my life,” Charles whispers, putting his arms around Jake and Amy. 
“Because you found out you were adopting a child, right?” Jake checks. 
Charles blushes, “yep, totally that. I’m going to be such a responsible dad.” He rifles through his papers one last time, “Ok I’m ready whenever you are.”
Amy glances expectantly at Jake who gives her two sharp thumbs up. “I think we’re good!”“Alright let’s get this party started!” Charles announces. His volume catches the attention of the crowd, and the chatter dies down. “We are gathered here to celebrate the union of the two most magnificent people I know: Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago. Many of you have had the privilege of watching Jake and Amy’s relationship blossom from the overly competitive co-workers who drove us crazy with their constant bickering, to the glorious sight it is today.” He continues his speech, skipping over entire pages that have been crossed out, containing metaphors everyone is undoubtedly thankful not to hear. “To Jake and Amy, partners in crime solving, and now also, partners in life!” 
The room applauds, and Jake takes the time to dab at the tears he was holding back during the speech. “We come now to the words you’ve all been waiting for. Before you declare your vows to one another, I want to hear you confirm that it is indeed your intention to be married today. Jacob Zachary Peralta, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Amy Maria Santiago in marriage?”
Jake and Amy share a mischievous glance, realizing he never told Charles his actual middle name. He’s about to bring that up, along with the fact that none of the day’s events were remotely close to his intentions, but he gets the sense that Amy wouldn’t be happy if he derailed the ceremony. Instead, he smooths out his tie and confidently says, “I do.”
“And Amy Maria Santiago, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Jacob Zachary Peralta in marriage,” Charles continues, oblivious to their antics.
“I do,” Amy smiles. 
“Please face each other and hold hands,” Charles says,  pulling two silver bands out of his pocket. Amy looks at Jake with confusion and he mouths the words beanbag chair. Charles instructs the two to repeat after him as they place the rings on each other’s fingers. The whole ceremony starts to blur in Amy’s mind as she realizes Jake already had this ring that somehow slid perfectly on her finger.
“And now, by the power invested in me by the state of New York, it is my honor to declare you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!” Charles declares, tossing his papers on the ground for dramatic effect. Jake reaches his arm around Amy’s back in an attempt to dip her as some grand romantic gesture. She fumbles a little and ends up standing up and pulling her head up to his until their lips meet in a warm, invigorating kiss. Both of them chuckle as they pull apart. A few of the officers take that as a cue to return to the bullpen.
“It’s my grandma’s—the dead one’s,” Jake explains, pointing to Amy’s ring, “—and that’s like the one Peralta marriage that wasn’t a total failure so I thought it would bring good luck or something. Plus, you know the crushing debt.”
“It’s perfect,” Amy says, examining the carefully carved diamonds.
Captain Holt rises from his seat and reaches for the bottle of champagne, announcing a toast. As he starts to open the bottle, the cork goes flying across the room, shattering the vending machine glass. Hitchcock and Scully race towards the rubble to steal some free snacks. It’s at that moment that the Marshall, who unbeknownst to the squad had been waiting outside the Captain's office, decides to examine the break room and investigate the noise. 
There’s a moment of silence, interrupted only by the fizzing of the overflowing champagne. Amy feels her stomach churning as if she’s somehow in trouble. Holt is at a complete loss for words. At last, it’s Charles who speaks up, hesitantly saying “Mazel Tov?”
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amanda-teaches · 4 years
Into the Woods (2)
Part 2 of 2- Read Part 1 here.
Summary: When disaster strikes a fairy tale forest wedding, Y/N must take charge to save the lives of herself and her friends. Will she be able to survive being hunted while trapped in the woods?
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Square filled: Hurt/Comfort for @spndeanbingo​
Word Count: 3084
Warnings: Swearing, show level violence and gore, suspense, werewolf attack, fighting, hurt character, unconsciousness, fluff, cheesy jokes
A/N: About 64,000 years ago, I entered a challenge the wonderful @foreverwayward​ was having for hitting 500 followers. Well, there wasn’t a due date, because she’s the sweetest, so I kept saying I would get to it and get to it, and then I never did. Well, surprise, here it is! This is the second part of a 2-part miniseries, and the challenge quotes, from The Hangover and The Big Bang Theory, are bolded within. Enjoy!!!
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Together, the three of them pushed a large wooden table, one of the few pieces of furniture in the room, in front of the door. “There, that should hold, for a while at least.”
Dean nodded, only half listening, continuing to stare out the window, his eyes darting back and forth at any sign of movement. You looked back up at him, taking in the determined set of his jaw. It surprisingly made you feel just a little bit safer. “So, now what?”
“Now, we wait,” he responded, without even looking down at you. “We don’t want to risk fighting them if we don’t have to, not with this many civilians. Our only hope is to hole up here and wait for morning. It’ll be easier to get you all out in the daylight.”
“Oh, will it?!” You sighed. Frickin’ Tim.
Dean and you turned in unison to find him defiantly staring you down, hands on hips. You were already regretting this conversation. “Look, I don’t know who put you in charge, Captain America, but why should we listen to you? You storm in here with your giant sasquatch of a brother and start ordering us around, telling us when we can and can’t leave. We don’t even know you!”
Well, to be fair, you didn’t know Tim either. Thank God for that. “Hey, back off, Tim…”
Dean put his hand on your arm, stopping you. “No, it’s okay. He’s right, none of you know us, but we do this for a living. My brother and I, we hunt monsters like this every day, and we’re damn good at it. So, know us or not, we’re your best chance of getting out of here alive.”
A silence fell over the group, but, looking up at Dean, you didn’t hesitate to be the first one to break it. “I believe him. I think we should trust them.”
“Me too,” Lindsay echoed, and Aidan nodded his agreement, along with a bunch of the other guests. You looked at Tim who clenched his teeth and frowned before finally nodding. “Fine.”
Dean smiled, pushing right past the drama. “Okay, then. We’re about as secure as we can be right now. Everyone should hunker down and try to get some rest so we’re fresh in the morning.”
You inhaled deeply and closed your eyes, letting yourself relax for just a second. Feeling like the energy had drained out of you, you walked slowly towards the far wall and sat down by Lindsay. Groaning, you crossed one of your feet up over your knee and began massaging it gently. Lindsay looked over at you and grimaced. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” You frowned as you hit a particularly sensitive spot. “Just the results of running around barefoot in the forest. You?”
“I’m fine, I’m f…” Her voice broke as sobs began to rack through her body.
“Lindsay!” you cried, waving at Aidan to get his attention. He moved over immediately, taking his wife into his arms. “What’s wrong, are you okay?”
She nodded against her husband’s chest, her tears soaking through his shirt. “Yeah, it’s just my wedding, my, my family.”
“I think it’s all starting to sink in,” Aidan whispered, looking over her head at you. “It’s going to take a minute.”
You thought about the slim odds of everyone out there having gotten away. “Or a lot of minutes…” Sighing, your eyes drifted over to Sam and Dean by the door, spreading the contents of their duffel bag out on the table. “I’ll be right back, okay?”
Aidan nodded as you rose up, making your way over to the two hunters. “What are you guys doing? I thought you said we were safe here.”
“We are,” Dean said. He scrunched up his face, tilting his head to the side. “Mostly.”
“Oh, that’s comforting.”
He laughed. “Yeah, well, better safe than sorry. We’re taking count of everything we brought just in case we missed anything that could help.”
You glanced down at the table, your eyes skipping over the variety of weapons until they settled on a brown bag. Stifling a laugh, you held your hand to your mouth. “And, how exactly does a man purse fight off werewolves?”
“Okay, first of all,” he insisted, holding up a finger. “It’s not a man purse. It’s called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one. And, B,” he smirked at you, holding up a second finger. “Shut up.”
You laughed, freely, earning a vibrant smile from Dean. You saw Sam grin quietly on the other side of you, but you dismissed it, figuring you must’ve been imagining it had anything to do with you. “Can I help?”
Dean regarded you for a second, his eyes lighting up. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
Half an hour later, the three of you had all the weapons cataloged, and you’d found a smaller silver dagger and necklace Dean figured he could use in a pinch. Not bad, Sam had declared. You stretched your arms over your head and yawned, unable to help the fatigue that had been creeping up on you all night.
Dean noticed right away. “You should get some rest.”
“No, no, I’m okay…”
“Y/N, it’s not gonna do you any good to be exhausted later. Sleep when the werewolves are sleeping.”
You smirked. “Did you just make a ‘sleep when the baby sleeps’ reference?”
He laughed and opened his mouth to respond, but Tim got there first. “Yeah, Y/N,” he yelled out from his spot propped up against the wall, his eyes closed. “You should get some rest so the two of you will stop flirting and keeping the rest of us awake.”
“Wow,” Dean said, raising his eyebrows. “He’s really an asshole, isn’t he?”
You nodded, chuckling. “I heard that!” Tim yelled. “Good night. And, if there’s an apocalypse? Good luck.”
You shook your head, laughing even harder, but that made you start to feel like you could barely stay standing. “Yeah, I guess I should probably get some sleep.” You looked around, seeing that most of them were either already there or well on their way. “I’ll see you in the morning?”
He nodded. “Where would I go?”
“Yeah, right,” you smiled. You started to walk away, but then you reconsidered, turning back. “Hey, when this is all over, you maybe want to get a coffee or something?”
His eyes widened, and, for a second, you thought you saw excitement, but then he clenched his jaw, his face clouding. “Um, you know, we don’t really stick around town once a case is done, and…”
You waved your hand, trying to play it cool and mask the embarrassed disappointment that was flooding through you. “No need to explain. I totally get it.”
He opened his mouth, but you turned before he could say anything else, rushing off to go lay down. You heard Sam mutter “dude” behind you, but you kept walking, until you were settled on the floor by Lindsay and Aidan. They were already fast asleep.
“Some wedding night they’re having,” you whispered, peeking over at Dean, only to find him staring right back at you. Quickly, you shut your eyes before he could see you, drifting off to sleep moments later.
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The morning seemed to come all too soon, the bright sunlight providing a rather rude awakening. You felt like you hadn’t slept at all, rolling out your aching muscles as you sat up on the hard floor. Most everyone was still asleep, but Dean was in the same spot, standing by the door, looking like he hadn’t moved a muscle all night.
At the sight of him, you blushed, the memory of your rejection from last night ringing out clearly in your head, but you pushed it aside. You were hiding out from werewolves for God’s sake, you could be an adult for 5 seconds and not act like a total weirdo around the guy who’d probably saved your life. So, what if he didn’t like you, right? You’d live.
Looking up, you caught sight of his perfectly tousled hair and newly grown stubble, and you sighed. Sure...easier said than done. Damn, why’d he have to look so good, too?
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
You looked over at Lindsay, who had, at some point during your weird internal monologue, woken up and was now sitting, staring at you with the silliest smile on her face. “What?!”
“Oh, you know what!” she loudly whispered to you. “You’re totally checking him out.”
“I am not,” you insisted, crossing your arms over your chest. “Besides, he’s not interested.”
“Mhmm, sure.”
“He’s not,” you whispered back, turning your head towards her. “He practically told me as much last night.”
“Y/N, I’m sure he’s just on edge with the whole…” She frowned and bit her lower lip, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes before she shook them away. “Situation. Besides, no one in their right mind would turn you down. You should go over there and show him just how amazing you are.”
You rolled your eyes. “Lindsay, I don’t think that’s what’s important right now.”
“Trust me,” she said, her smile bittersweet as she looked over at her sleeping husband. “There aren’t a lot of things more important than love right now. Mine is pretty much the only thing keeping me going.”
You sighed softly and pulled her into a hug. “We’re going to be okay, Lindsay. We’ll get through this.”
She sniffled against your shoulder, nodding slightly. You gave her a reassuring smile as you pulled back, taking her return of it as your cue to stand up and make your way over to Dean.
You swallowed as you grew closer, gathering the courage to talk to him. “Morning. Did you get any sleep last night?”
His head turned towards you, and he smiled. “A little.” He paused and stared at you, his expression sobering. “Look, about last night…”
You held your hand up, stopping him. “You don’t have to explain.” Before he could argue, you changed the subject. “So, it’s morning. Are they still out there?”
He continued to stare at you for a second, and then he shook his head. “There’s no way to know for sure, but we haven’t seen any movement in a while. Sam,” he said, nodding back at where his brother was, beginning to wake people up, “is getting everyone ready so we can try to get you all out of here.” He paused and pulled one of the silver knives from his waistband. “Here, I want you to have this.”
“Dean, I’m not really a…”
“You’re tough, Y/N. I don’t have any doubt you can take care of yourself. Besides, when we’re out there, the more people we have armed the better. It’s easy. When, in doubt, just aim for the heart.”
You hesitated, but reached your hand out to grasp it. “Thank you.”
He grinned. “Oh, you’re also gonna need these.” He bent over and reached into the duffel bag, pulling out an old, worn pair of shoes. “They may be a little big for you, but…”
“They’ll do,” you laughed, grabbing the shoes with your other hand and slipping them on. They definitely felt roomy, but it was way better than being barefoot. “Thank you, Dean, really.”
He looked like he was about to say something else, but Sam interrupted. “Everyone’s up. We good?”
Dean nodded, stepping towards the door. “Remember,” he whispered as he moved past you, “aim for the heart. Okay, everyone,” he said, raising his voice. “We only got one shot at this, so stay together and stay alert. We’re gonna try to get you out of here as quickly as we can.”
You looked down at the knife in your hand and tightened your grip. You could feel your hand start to shake, but you inhaled, breathing deeply. “You can do this,” you whispered, moving forward as Dean opened the door.
He held it open and waved everyone through, with Sam leading the way. Dean took up the rear, keeping the group together in a tight formation. They moved silently, their bodies on high alert, and the rest of the group followed suit, staying as quiet as possible, eyes scanning the forest anxiously.
You stayed close to Dean, feeling safer with his presence than you felt with the knife in your hand. You were walking back in the direction you’d came, towards the clearing they’d used for the wedding and the safety of the cars beyond it. Sam seemed to know where he was going, and you made it deep into the forest in no time at all. Soon, you began to recognize your surroundings, and you got excited, realizing you were getting close. 
Then, it all went to hell.
They came out of nowhere, surrounding you on all sides. There were at least six or seven of them, and they moved like bullets, fast and powerful. You heard a scream, but Dean was in front of you before you could blink, stabbing his knife into the closest werewolf. It dropped instantly, and you heard two shots from the other side of you, Sam joining the fight. 
Lindsay screamed, and you turned, seeing a werewolf advancing on her and Aidan. Dean was still pulling his knife out of the first one, and Sam was too far, so you knew you had to do something. You ran, jumping onto the werewolf’s back and stabbing your own knife into its chest. It struggled for a bit, but you held on, using all of your strength to push the knife in deeper, until the werewolf dropped to its knees under you.
Letting go of the knife, you stood up and backed away, staring down in horror at what you’d just done. You glanced up, wildly looking around, and you spotted Dean fighting with one just feet from you. He had his knife poised, but he didn’t notice the other werewolf coming up behind him.
“Dean!” you screamed. He plunged his knife into the monster he was fighting and turned towards the sound of your voice, still unaware of the threat lurking behind him. You leaped forward, pushing him out of the way just as a pair of claws came slicing through the air. The two of you hit the ground hard, and you felt a sting of pain in your side as you made impact. He rolled you away, pulling the small silver dagger from his boot and slashing it through the werewolf’s neck. It fell, dead, beside him, and he looked over at you, frantic.
“You okay?”
You nodded, still trying to catch your breath. He stood up, looking around for his brother. Sam was standing a couple yards away, but there weren’t any werewolves left standing. Dean exhaled and dropped the dagger, coming over to help you up. He offered you a hand and you accepted it, pulling yourself up until you were standing.
“Well, that wasn’t so bad, huh?” he joked, grinning at you.
You laughed, in spite of the circumstances. “Oh, yeah, piece of cake.”
He reached up and brushed a lock of hair out of your face. “See? I knew you could do it.”
You smiled and took a step back, faltering as the pain in your side came searing back. “Ah,” you mumbled, your hand moving down there on instinct. When you brought it back, it was covered in blood.
Dean noticed, his eyes falling to the four distinct claw marks in your dress. “Y/N?”
“I don’t think I’m okay…” you whispered, feeling the forest start to spin as you dropped to the ground.
“Woah, woah...Sam, I need help!...No, Y/N, no...Stay with me, do you hear me?...Sam!...Stay with me, Y/N! Stay with me...”
That was the last thing you heard before the world went black.
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Your mouth was dry.
That was the first thought that popped into your head as you regained consciousness. Groaning softly, you willed your heavy eyelids open, turning your head to find Dean looking back at you. When your eyes connected, he let out a breath and jumped up, rushing over to you.
And, that’s when you realized you were in a hospital. No wonder your mouth was so goddamn dry. “Water?” you croaked out.
“Here.” He reached over to your bedside table for the water with a straw in it that was sitting there. It seemed like his hands were shaking as he moved it over to you, but it very well could’ve been your head that was doing the shaking.
“What happened?”
He sighed, his eyes sobering while he placed the water back down. “The werewolf winged you. We stopped the bleeding and got you here in time for them to stitch you back up, but…” He paused. “Damnit, Y/N, it must’ve happened when you pushed me out of the way. I’m so sorry…”
You put your hand on his, knowing the guilt must’ve been killing him. “Hey, I’m okay. Better a little scratch on me than you being dead, right?” You could sense he was about to argue, so you decided to distract him. “Plus, I get a really cool scar out of it! I’m going to tell people I ran into a burning building to save a bunch of kids.”
He laughed, throwing his head back. “What, fighting a werewolf isn’t a cool enough story?”
You smiled and shook your head. “No way. Burning building is way better.”
His laugh faded, but his smile stayed. “So much for a piece of cake, huh?”
“Eh, I’m more of a pie person anyway.”
“My kind of girl,” he chuckled.
You frowned, the casual remark reminding you of last night. “Dean, why are you still here?”
He furrowed his eyebrows, clearly confused about where that had come from. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, the danger’s over, werewolves are gone…”
“And, you were hurt. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“So, that’s it then? Now that you know I’m okay, you’re leaving?”
Dean shook his head, smiling in amusement. “Y/N, what’s going on? What’s with all the questions?”
Your gaze dropped to your hands. “It’s just, you said you never stayed around, and…”
“Ah,” he said, finally understanding. He placed one hand on top of yours and the other on the side of your face, drawing your eyes back up to his. “I never stayed around because I never found something worth staying for before. That doesn’t mean I won’t.”
“It doesn’t?”
He grinned. “I think I’m due for some vacation time. Thinking maybe I could spend it helping a pretty girl recover?”
“Wow,” you muttered. “I wonder where you’re going to find one of those.”
“Shut up,” he laughed, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “You should get some rest.”
You smiled, feeling the fatigue the second he mentioned it. “You’ll be here when I wake up?”
“Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.”
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trashyswitch · 4 years
Stormy's Small Adventure
Roman has a pet Hamster named Stormy! He's a black hamster, with a cute light nose and lots of affection to give! One day, Stormy wants to explore his human owner! And he'll do all he can to learn more about Roman.
This is based on a friend of mine, who owns a stubborn, mischievous hamster! I actually read it out loud to them, and made them frickin' DIE. So, I hope you all enjoy it as well!
Roman was currently reading a fantasy novel and using his imagination to bring it to life. He had started out with a map of the locations, and was currently adding the specific medieval towns, jobs and characters running the jobs. Each character was very important to a hero's journey. Each job benefited the hero in one way or another. That's what he liked about the novel.
Now he was working on the main character's house. He was working on a farm with the character's horses, when an abrupt banging sound could be heard. Roman paused his imagining, and turned his head towards the sound. There, rolling its ball into the bookshelf over and over, was his hamster: Stormy! Roman had been looking after Stormy for a while now. Stormy was a small, male black hamster with a light pink snout, small circular ears and a lot of love to give. Roman loved having Stormy. He was very entertaining at times. Especially now!
Right now, Stormy was rolling his ball into the bookshelf, in an attempt to get around the shelf. Roman placed his imagined creation into the novel page as a bookmark, and watched Stormy struggle in his little ball. In a couple seconds, Stormy managed to get around the bookshelf and started rolling around the room. He began bumping into little things as he rolled around, which really made Roman giggle. He rolled around a shirt on the floor, took a right and bonked right into the chair leg, and even managed to roll right into his full body mirror! Roman giggles got louder and louder at every little bump and bonk. It was so adorable and amusing, seeing Stormy do everything it can to get to Roman.
After what felt like 20 minutes, Stormy finally bonked his ball into the leg of the bed. Roman just laughed and picked up the ball.
"Hi Stormy! Did you want out of there now?" Roman asked. Roman placed the ball onto the bed, twisted the lid open and let Stormy crawl out of the opening. Without any hesitation, Stormy crawled out of the ball and right onto Roman. "Hi! Hello there!" Roman greeted in a high-pitched baby voice.
Stormy squeaked happily in response and began crawling up Roman's costume. "Oh! You want up, I guess? Okay. Just be careful up there." Roman warned. Stormy crawled up Roman's chest and up to Roman's shoulders. Then, Stormy walked up to Roman's neck, and curled up to Roman's collarbone. Roman covered his mouth and used every inch of his energy to stop himself from squealing. After a few more nuzzles, Stormy felt comfy and winded down.
Roman smiled and began giving Stormy little pets on his back. Stormy was a good hamster. He was tiny, adorable, yet could fill a room with entertaining laughter! Roman giggled to himself as he remembered why he named Stormy: Virgil was the inspiration!
Roman had found the hamster during one of his little adventures. Not wanting the little hamster to become prey to owls and coyotes, Roman took the little guy home.
When showing him off to Virgil, Virgil took some time to hold the little guy. "His body is as dark as my soul". Virgil proclaimed.
Roman rolled his eyes. "Okay, emo-tional wreck." Roman replied. Looking at the hamster again, Roman realized something. "You know...it does remind me of you." Roman admitted.
Virgil gave Roman a small smile. "If that's the case, you should name it Storm-cloud or something." Virgil suggested.
Roman ended up actually taking his advice! So, Stormy the Hamster was adopted into the family.
Roman was suddenly pulled away from his memories, by a fluffy, tiny nose against the underside of his jawline. Not expecting it, Roman squeaked. Stormy squeaked back in reply, and only continued nuzzling its nose against the side of Roman's neck.
"Ohohokay, cohohome hehere buhuhuddy." Roman said, reaching his hand up to move the puny little pet.
Stormy, who liked the spot and didn't want to be moved, crawled onto the white sleeve and climbed himself right back up onto the shoulder towards the collarbone. "Nohoho! Get bahack hehehere!" Roman reacted, letting a few giggles slip out of his mouth.
Roman picked up the critter and tried cupping him within his hands. But, Stormy escaped and climbed up Roman's arm again! Roman was starting to grow slightly frustrated. What part of 'don't go there' does he not understand?! What was so interesting about his collarbone anyway? Roman didn't get it.
This stubborn fighting went on for some time. At one point, Stormy even jumped up on its hind legs and rested its front paws on Roman's neck to reach his jawline. "Gehehet dohohohown frohohom thehehere! Thahahahat tihihihickles!" Roman reacted, attempting to stop himself from covering the spot, so he doesn't squish him.
Soon though, Stormy discovered a spot on Roman that was much more interesting! As soon as Roman lifted his arm up, Stormy crawled down Roman's arm and onto the bed, before climbing himself onto Roman's soft belly.
"Is that more comfortable?" Roman asked. Stormy squeaked in response and began running around on Roman's belly. Roman giggled at both Stormy's silly behaviour, and at the tickly feeling Stormy's paws were giving him. Then, to make matters worse (or better), Stormy had found an opening in his costume. Stormy happily burrowed himself into the small hole, and continued squeaking and running around on Roman's bare belly under the costume.
"STOHohohormy! Gehehehet ohohout ohohof thehehehere!" Roman reacted. Stormy, being the stubborn little hamster he was, ignored Roman's protest and continued running around for a few more seconds.
As he ran, Stormy stopped for a moment to look at something that had caught his eye. It was some kind of deep hole connected to his owner. Why was there a hole? How deep was it? Why did it smell like a mix of owner smell and fabric?
Stormy decided to shove its nose inside the hole to figure out how low it went.
"WAHAhahahait! Stohohohormyhy! Gehehet ohohout ohohohof thehehere!" Roman said through his giggles.
Stormy didn't understand his owner's yells. He didn't understand why his owner's belly was bouncing. What he DID understand though, was how deep the hole was. Stormy decided to give it a little taste test. Maybe there's food in the hole?
"EEEEEHEHEHEHEHE! NOhoho lihihihickihing!" Roman giggled. Stormy discovered something cool: the hole has a sniff-able floor! And he liked the smell! So, Stormy continued to sniff and lick the walls and bottom of the hole in curiousity. "Stohohohormyhy! Plehehehease stahahahap! Ihihihit tihihihihickles!" Roman begged.
As the hamster nuzzled at the hole, Stormy began to wonder if he could dig into the hole. So, Stormy put its claws in the hole and began digging.
"BAAHAHAHAHA! GEHEHEHET OHOHOHOFF!" Roman begged, before lightly pushing Stormy away from his belly button. But, Stormy wasn't having it. He wanted to keep exploring! So, Stormy crawled under Roman's shirt again and began digging his claws back into the belly button.
"STOHOHOHORMYHYHY! NAHAHAHAHAHA!" Roman yelled. Amidst his squirming, Roman managed to grab Stormy and move him aside again. But, Stormy only jumped right back onto Roman and continued digging into his belly button. No matter what Roman did, Stormy managed to find his way back to where he started! It was both adorable and frustrating all at once!
Within a couple minutes, Roman's door opened, and a man in a light blue shirt appeared in the door frame. "Are you okay?" Patton asked.
Patton's eyes widened, as a few giggles in amusement left Patton's mouth. "Can't you move him?" Patton asked.
Patton smirked. "Maybe he likes that spot!" Patton suggested.
Patton opened the door further and walked in. "Too tickly? Well, I don't think that's Stormy's problem, now is it?" Patton commented as he walked up to the side of Roman's bed. "I think that's a 'Roman' issue that should be explored more." Patton added.
Roman gulped before spitting out as many protests as he could in a matter of 10 seconds. Unfortunately, just about all of the protests came out all giggly and mumbly! Patton cooed. "Awww...I made the strong, unbeatable Roman speechless and flustered!" Patton teased, booping Roman on the belly. "How cute!" Patton cooed further.
"Pahahattohohon, plehehehease...Ihihihi'm wahahaharning yohohou- AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Roman shouted, bursting into hysterics. Patton began scratching a couple of his nails on Roman's belly, around where Stormy was digging.
"Tiiickle tickle-tickle-tickle-tickle!" Patton teased.
"PAHAHATTOHON! COHOHOHOME OHOHOHON! WHYHYHYHY?!" Roman asked loudly through his laughter.
"Because you're so cute! Coochy-coochy-coochy-coo!" Patton replied, before pausing his tickling to boop Roman on the nose.
Roman continued to giggle from Stormy's nuzzling. When his face became more and more red, Roman quickly looked away from Patton. He couldn't bare to look the innocent bean in the eyes while he was flustered like this.
Patton tilted his head to the side, and allowed a small, crooked smile to morph on his lips. Patton began poking Roman's right side, to get the childish prince jumping. Roman instinctively began jolting and giggling in a higher pitch.
Then, Patton's fingers began crawling up Roman's chest. "IIIII'm gonna getcha! IIIIIIIIII'm gonna-getcha! IIIIIIII'm goooonna getcha-getcha-getcha!" Patton teased.
Roman's giggling intensified as Patton's fingers got closer, and closer and closer...
Now, Patton's fingers were standing on Roman's shoulders at this point. Then, Patton began crawling his fingers around Roman's neck.
Now, Patton's fingers had wiggled themselves in the front and sides of Roman's neck. "Aaaaaa-coochy-coochy-coochy-coochy-coo! Aaa-coochy-coochy-coochy-coochy-coo!" Patton teased in baby talk.
"EEEEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHA!" Roman giggled, squeezing his eyes shut and curling his neck in. Though Roman's neck was now squishing them, Patton's fingers were still able to sneak a few tickly flutters onto Roman's neck.
"Who's a tickwish pwince? You are! Who's an adowably tickwish pwince? You are!" Patton teased further in his infamous baby voice.
"Nuu? Are you using UwU's to make me stop? Cause that's not gonna work..." Patton reacted.
"Uh, yes you are! You just said 'Nuu!' to me! Next, you're probably gonna be saying 'OwO!' 'UwU!' 'Tickle meeeee!' I deserve ALLLL de tickles!'" Patton reacted. "To that, I'd say: 'Yes you do, Roman! You deserve every ticklish touch you're being given!' You know why? Because you're an adowable widdle cinnamon roll! That's why!" Patton added.
Roman was physically DYING from the endless compliments. It was too much! It was WAY too much! With the tickles making him physically melt from vulnerability, and the teases making him all bashful, everything added up had made him into a giggly, flustered mess.
Finally, after another 5 minutes of teasing and tickling, Patton slowed his fingers and picked up Stormy. Stormy smelled Patton's hands, and jumped up on his hind legs to get up to a taller spot. Patton decided to place Stormy onto his own shoulder. Eager to get comfy, Stormy walked into the curve of Patton's collarbone and nuzzled himself inside. Patton smiled at the little critter.
"Hohohow dohohohoes thahahat nahahat tihihihickle fohohor yohohou?" Roman asked, still giggly from his long tickle session.
"Easy: I'm not ticklish on my neck." Patton replied.
"Luhuhuhuhucky yohohou..." Roman reacted.
"Where do you want me to place Stormy?" Patton asked.
Roman waited for his giggles to subside more. "Cahan you place hihihim inside hihis cage please?" Roman asked.
Patton nodded in reply and placed Stormy inside his cage before closing the lid. Stormy climbed onto the hamster wheel inside his home and began running on it. Patton decided to watch the little, dark hamster run for a while. It was really cute watching Stormy crawl around the cage. He looked so busy! Yet, he was a tiny pet that didn't have things to do, other than eat, sleep and run. He was really cute.
...Maybe Patton should consider getting himself a hamster as well. Maybe Patton would be able to get the tickles that Roman got today...
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
ok, hopping off the Leo train, how about a Paige&Richard that's more than a little off the wall? Paige and Richard are a brief teen fling that ends up with twins. They don't stay together, because Richard's mother disapproves and Richard won't go against what she wants, he's weird about Paige being around his family, and he won't let the girls in his house, but he's a good dad to their daughters so Paige learns to live with it. Fast forward a few years, and Paige meets her sisters and gets (1/2)
 her powers. After the dust settles and everyone's safe, she immediately goes to Richard, because they're raising kids and he deserves to know that her new powers could affect their kids. Only she arrives at his place to find out his secret in the worst possible way: the feud got out of hand and one of the girls got hurt. After she finishes freaking out, Paige tells Richard he's not seeing the girls until the feud is over, grabs her girls and heads for the Manor all "hey meet your nieces, my ex is a witch, we need a place to stay" and they spend the night And she wakes up in the morning to Richard standing on the front porch with his new girlfriend Olivia and a brand-new marriage certificate from Vegas, begging her as a new Charmed One to be the one to break it to their feuding families that they've eloped... 
oh thank god i don’t think i could weather one more leo ask okay word paige richard past torrid love affair let’s talk. okay so i think paige would be like yeah i’m doing what’s best for my daughters bc i’m like a 20yo orphan working a minimum wage job and i’m 95% sure richard is loaded (even tho he’s never even let me in the fucking house 🙄) but whatever richard has a family he has a stable home he’s clearly the better one to raise our kids oof our kids what a phrase man i have kids oh my god i have kids i have richard’s kids that’s weird. that’s weird that’s a lot. and so she sorta. i mean she doesn’t forget i mean those are her kids she just doesn’t let that fact really occupy a lot of mental real estate she’s definitely convinced herself her kids are better off without her like she’s basically a kid herself her sobriety’s still sorta on shaky ground if she’s gonna enter their lives she wants to like enter their lives as A Mom and she’s definitely not that right now. so yeah. as stated. not a lot of mental real estate. until one day she’s brewing a potion with phoebe and phoebe’s like hey can you pass me [specific potion ingredient] and paige is like making conversation like y’know i never really liked [specific potion ingredient] it smells like my ex boyfriend and phoebe’s like lmao was ur ex boyfriend a witch and paige is like 😶. will u excuse me for a moment and orbs into richard’s driveway banging the door on the montana estate like hey it’s paige matthews i know you remember me u better open up that door and let me in or i’m gonna orb in there myself and richard opens the door like did u say orb? and paige is like yeah i did gathering you know what that means were you ever gonna tell me u were a witch? and richard’s like oh my god..... how did you die? and paige is like what no i’m a witch too a whitelighter witch witchlighter if you will now answer my question and richard’s like was i ever going to tell you i was a witch and paige is like yuhuh and richard’s like no i mean i didn’t plan on it look i don’t like being a witch i don’t practice the craft it’s not something i’m proud of do you wanna go talk about this somewhere else and paige is like what does that mean and richard’s like come with me and they arrive at this cute little loft in idk the presidio and olivia’s there with the kids and richard’s like um paige meet olivia my fiance olivia meet paige my um. ex and viola and sebastian’s mom. and both olivia and paige are sorta registering each other like. oh um. hi. nice 2 meet u. when paige’s kids coming running into the living room well viola coming running and sebastian’s chasing after her in his wheelchair bc well he only has one leg and paige is like richard. correct me if i’m wrong but the last time i saw my son he had both legs right and richards like yeah i mean like you should really get to know him he’s a total trooper really creative and paige is like richard what happened to that kid’s leg and olivia’s like you should probably sit down and paige is like richard what happened and richard’s like it was an energy ball it happened when he was one and paige is like excuse me?!?!??! are you fucking kidding me!?!???!?!?!?!!?!? and richard’s like it’s this fued it’s been going on between our two families that’s why i never wanted you in the house or getting too close because it’s dangerous and paige is like IF IT’S SO DANGEROUS THEN WHY DID YOU KEEP OUR KIDS THERE? and richard just sorta blanches bc like she’s right but he’s like i mean i was worried,, or at least i thought that the twins would be witches and i couldn’t just leave you to deal with that and paige is like huh yeah interesting point tell that to our Son who lost a limb before his first birthday! and paige is like i’m taking the kids with me and richard’s like what no you can’t that’s you can’t and olivia’s like we can drop them off at your place at four where do you live and paige is like the halliwell manor and olivia who’s a history buff is like the charmed one’s house and paige is like yeah i mean that is where the charmed ones live so and olivia’s like you’re a charmed one?? and paige is like yeah and richard’s like wait what and then he’s like hey are you saying the charmed house is a safer place to grow up in than my house don’t you guys have demons attacking all the time and paige is like well richard we’ve clearly established that your house is actually very much not safe for children so uh yeah i’ll see you at the manor 4 o clock and paige orbs home and immediately finds piper like hi you’re motherly right and piper’s like okay interesting observation and paige is like do you know how to mom and piper’s like not sure what you mean by that and paige is like idk i’ve never had to be a mom before i’m not sure what i’m doing wait oh actually FAMILY MEETING and phoebe and leo also show up and paige is like yeah so uhh in high school did kinda get knocked up did kinda have twins but i left them with their dad and phoebe’s like the witch ex boyfriend? and paige is like yeah and piper’s like the what and paige is like yeah well i thought that was a good idea at the time but it very much was not the point i’m trying to make is two second graders are gonna walk through that door in like half an hour and piper’s like paige!! blah blah blah olivia and richard end up dropping off the kids the kids r like hey who are you and paige is like oh well i’m your mom nice to meet you and the kids are like cool why is your hair a different color than mine and paige is like oh because i dyed it and they’re like can i dye my hair and paige is like sure man i don’t see why not and piper’s eavesdropping in the kitchen like paige!! and paige is like what having dyed hair is cool besides we should be teaching kids to express themselves paige initially has to orb sebastian up to his room bc well stairs so like step number one becomes making sure the house is accessible to sebastian and leo gets to go back into handyman mode which he’s hyped about and phoebe frickin loves having kids around the house and like. olivia and richard end up stopping by like A Lot bc they did spent the better part of the past decade raising those kids and the twins don’t like fully get that paige is like their mom olivia’s sorta been like a mom figure to them blah blah blah the trio end up all bonding as paige gets the 411 on the feud and richard’s like i mean not to sound fucked up but and paige is like great way to start a sentence and richard’s like i mean it’s fucked up but ever since mutilating a baby the fighting has really stopped but uhh and paige is like there’s a but! and olivia’s like the fighting has stopped but the hatred still runs deep and paige is like oh is that why you two haven’t gotten married yet and they’re like yeah 😔 our families won’t give us their blessing and paige is like oh wait is that like a magical thing like you need that before you can get married and they’re like no it’s just like a normal thing you know so your family will like be at your wedding and stuff (and pay for it) and paige is like well why don’t you guys just elope and they’re like what and she’s like yeah get married and that’ll force everyone to come to the table and then you can have a real wedding later right and they’re like i don’t think that’s how it works and paige is like yeah but you might as well give it a shot cut to like x amount of time later and olivia and richard are like okay we eloped can we please bring in some charmed back up so our families don’t like incinerate us or whatever and paige is like damn i wish i could laugh at the joke but nope so yeah we’ll be there so a meeting is called at the neutral space of the halliwell manor blah blah blah they break the news blah blah blah it does take some mediation which whitelighter leo and psych major phoebe are glad to helm and you know what it mostly gets resolved blah blah blah paige trusts richard again they end up like splitting time with the kids with probably richard and olivia taking the majority of the time at their apartments away from the estates paige is sort of less of a mom that she is like a really cool aunt but the situation seems to work just fine soon enough there’s cousin wyatt to join the mix blah blah blah and so on and so forth
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star-spangled-steve · 5 years
His New Partner
Chapter 35: The Decimation
Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Words: 649
Warnings: Angst, angst, death, and... oh, yes, some more angst.
A/N: Please don’t hate me for this!
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The Avengers had lost.
There was no other way to put it. They had lost, and on the most important battlefield of them all.
Thanos and his army were merciless, demanding death to fifty percent of all life in the universe. Just hearing what they were planning to do was terrifying, but what was even more horrific was watching them succeed.
At a snap of the fingers, Thanos’ fingers in that ever-powerful Infinity Gauntlet, half of all living creates had simply turned to dust; ceased to exist. It wasn’t painful for them. No wounds, no bullets, no blades, no blood. The only real pain was in the hearts of their loved ones, watching someone so important to them just fade away.
That’s what was troubling Steve Rogers at this very moment. He had just watched some of his closest friends disappear; Bucky, Sam, Wanda. And now he was worried that the same thing had happened to his wife and one-year-old son.
Right as soon as the jet had landed, Steve was sprinting off of it. Nobody was surprised, as he had spent the whole ride pacing and tapping his foot, the anticipation of what could’ve happened eating him up inside. He had called Y/N’s cell about 30 times, the Compound like 20 times, and there was still no answer. Apparently the phone lines were down due to the mass destruction, and there was no way to get a hold of anybody. Steve had hoped that was the only reason she wasn’t answering, as any other reason would probably be the end of him.
The man’s dirty boots thumped loudly on the fancy flooring of Avengers Compound, and he was practically running into walls all over the place, not being able to control himself at the speed in which he was going. Steve couldn’t tell if he was grateful or petrified that the hallways were deserted.
Once he finally reached the door to Y/N and A.J.’s room, he burst it open, not even caring to knock. There was no place for politeness at a time like this, the only thing on his mind being whether they were alive or not.
Though, the chances weren’t looking too good when the first thing that Steve saw when he entered was a small pile of dust on the carpet.
“No.” He breathed out, tears beginning to well up already. “No, no, no, no. God, no!” The man fell to his knees, reaching his fingers out to pet the flakes of dust. “Please, God. Please, no.” He was full on sobbing by now, not being able to bear the weight of any more losses, especially of those who mean the most to him.
The man instantly turned his head towards the sound of the faint whisper, letting out a breath out relief at what, or who he saw sitting in the corner of the room.
“N/N.” He sobbed out upon seeing her. “Y/N, oh my god.” Steve immediately got up on his feet and walked to where she was, joining her back on the floor before embracing her in a tight hug.
If it was under any other circumstances, she would’ve rejected his touch, still furious with him for the two years that he was gone. But right now, she was just too devastated to care.
“I-I thought you were gone.” Steve cried into her neck, feeling her own tears against his skin as well. “I-I saw the dust. I-”
He stopped himself halfway, coming upon a realization. Y/N wasn’t the only one who lived in this room.
“Wait.” He continued, his level of pure fright beginning to rise again. “D-Does that mean-?”
His wife heartbrokenly nodded against his shoulder, confirming his suspicions that the little pile of dust actually used to be Anthony James Rogers, his son.
Steve released a heavy sob, while Y/N was too grief-stricken to even make a sound.
Next Chapter
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wednesdaysxreaders · 4 years
it all falls into place
lowercase is a stylistic choice
i’ve been writing different versions of that last scene for months skgfskdjfsdf
summary: dallas swallows her fear.
word count: 1551
she was used to waking up on a cold metal table, but she wasn’t used to her entire body feeling like shattered glass when she did.
       she pushed herself up slowly, groaning at the creaky feeling in her joints.
       “hey, take it easy, kid.”
       the voice wasn’t ellie’s, but josh’s.
       she squinted at him, the bright light of the warehouse stinging her eyes.
       “ellie and those preschoolers brought you here,” he said, handing her a bottle of water. “you were banged up pretty bad.”
       she set the bottle aside, only caring about one thing. “and brett?”
       josh scoffed. “let’s just say he’s lucky b made me do all that reading on wolfsbane. he was in bad shape—like, leaking black shit from his eyes—i barely managed to purge the wolfsbane before it reached his heart.”
       “but he’s okay?” she demanded.
       “physically, yeah,” josh said. “but the poor kid may be fucked up for life.”
       she glanced around frantically. “where is he?”
       “come with me.”
       as he led her further into the warehouse, she couldn’t help but notice the odd look he was giving her.
       “did you really go up against an unknown enemy unarmed to help this guy?” he asked.
       “technically it was the number of enemies that was unknown,” she said, “but yeah.”
       he stopped. “you must really care about him.”
       “shut up.”
       he shook his head.
       “he’s back there.”
       “your workshop?” she asked.
       “temporary infirmary,” he corrected. “c’mon.”
       she followed him back to what he had definitely transformed into an infirmary. all of his projects had been swiped onto the floor to make room for brett, and he had dragged in an iv and other medical supplies.
       she immediately ran to the tableside, having to block a gasp with her hand at brett’s condition.
       if she didn’t know any better, she would have thought he was dead.
       his skin was deathly pale, and his breathing was so shallow she could barely detect it, and josh hadn’t been kidding from the black. his blood had started to turn black from the poison and it was all over his face, coming from his mouth and nose—and even his eyes and ears.
       she touched his cheek tentatively and almost immediately drew her hand back, clutching it to her chest and casting a questioning glance at josh.
       his skin was cold.
       “i had to make it almost frickin’ subzero in here to slow his metabolism,” he explained. “it was the only way i could think to buy myself some more time.”
       he quickly added, “i sedated him, too, so he could get some peaceful rest.”
       “thank you,” she said quietly. “what about lori?”
       “she’s upstairs,” he said. “i told her to get some rest. i figured you wouldn’t mind if she used your room.”
       “and ellie and liam?”
       he shrugged. “ellie took liam home. didn’t want this place to get too crowded, i guess. i think ellie said she was gonna stay at your place.”
       “why would this place get crowded?” she asked.
       “are you serious?” he quirked a brow. “as far as the hunters know, the three of you are dead. if they found out you’re not, they’d just come back harder to finish the job.”
       “are you saying we can’t leave?!” she demanded.
       he nodded solemnly. “yeah.”
       “fuck that, josh!” she yelled. “those assholes nearly killed brett! they hit me with a fucking car!”
       “i’m sorry,” he said, “but ellie can do magic and i don’t want to piss her off. you have to lay low for now.”
       she swallowed hard. “i have to sit here and do nothing while my friends are hunted.”
       “i’m sorry,” he repeated, turning and walking away.
       she grabbed the nearest heavy tool and hurled it after him, but he anticipated her doing so and dodged it.
       “fuck you,” she whispered, picking up the cleanest looking rag from his tool table and using one of his stockpiled bottles of water to wet it.
       she started to wipe the blood off brett’s face, careful not to apply too much pressure—as if he was fragile and would fall apart at the slightest wrong touch. she had to blink back tears as she cleaned his face, neck, shoulder, and chest.
       josh must have cut his shirt off to get to his wounds.
       as far as she could tell, there was only the puncture wound from the arrow in his right shoulder and what appeared to be a stab wound in the center of his chest.
       she squeezed her eyes shut as the tears came faster, wiping them away and spinning and kicking over the tool cart. behind her, she heard a soft groan.
       “brett?!” she spun back. “brett, can you hear me?”
       his eyes fluttered open and he flinched at the lights.
       “somewhere safe,” she said softly. “how do you feel?”
       “like my entire body is on fire.” he struggled to sit up, so she grabbed his arm to help him. “what about you?”
       “fine, i think, all things considered.”
       he looked at her. “that car. . . you pulled us out of the way. . . you got hit. . .”
       “yeah,” she whispered.
       “why would you do that?” he asked.
       she chuckled humorlessly. “was i supposed to just let you get hit?”
       “i—” he sighed. “i guess not. i’m sorry, it’s just— the thought of you getting hurt because of me—”
       “how do you think i feel?” she exclaimed. “none of this would have happened if i had warned you about monroe!”
       “hey. . .” he slid off the table and took her face in his hands. “this wasn’t your fault. you couldn’t have known.”
       she pulled his hands away. “you almost died tonight because i was a pussy.”
       she cleared her throat. “i’m gonna go see if i can find you a shirt that’s not covered in blood.”
she couldn’t help the loud fuck that came from her mouth as she missed the next rung on the salmon ladder and crashed to the floor.
       she hoped her bones had fully healed—because if they didn’t, she just broke them more.
       she hissed through her teeth and threw the bar at the wall; it clattered to the floor pathetically and she sighed, rubbing her eyes with her thumb and forefinger. with a deep breath, she stood up and walked from the training ‘course’ to the weapons table, starting to unwrap her hands. out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a tall figure standing nearby.
       “have you been standing there long?”
       “not long enough to be creepy,” brett said, coming closer.
       she chuckled, tossing the wrappings on the weapons table. “can i help you with something?”
       “i just wanted to thank you, i guess. . .” he said. “for tonight.”
       “it was no big deal.”
       he moved to stand beside her. “you saved my life.”
       “i almost didn’t,” she reminded, avoiding his gaze.
       “but you did.”
       “i don’t freeze up often,” she said softly, turning away from him completely. “but when i thought you were going to die tonight. . . i couldn’t function. . . i nearly shut down completely. . .”
       he sighed. “when i thought i was gonna die, i couldn’t stop thinking about lori. . . or you. . .”
       she almost whirled around in shock. “m-me? why me?”
       “isn’t it obvious?” he stepped closer to her, leaving only a few inches of space between them. “all the stuff in the air between us. . . you dance around it like it’s a game, but i really do like you. . .”
       “you wouldn’t have agreed to go on a date with me if you didn’t like me, too,” he said.
       there was almost a hint of a smirk on her lips as she looked over her shoulder at him—her own form of defense. “how can you be so sure?”
       “you’re not like that,” he said, grabbing her hand.
       “you don’t even know me—“ she choked, instantly yanking her hand away. “not really. . .”
       she didn’t mean to react so aggressively, it just caught her off guard, but the damage had been done and she almost hit herself knowing she had fucked up again.
       “it’s okay,” he mumbled, turning away. “i get it. you’re right, i guess.”
       “brett—“ before he could walk away, she caught his arm. “please don’t go—“
       he looked back at her, and before she could give it a second thought, she closed the distance between them and kissed him.
       he stiffened in shock for a second, but relaxed immediately after, turning back to face her completely and taking her into his arms. she rose on her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto him tight.
       it felt like hours before a tiny voice cleared its throat off to the side. they jumped apart to see lori standing at the top of the stairs.
       “about time,” she said, then turned to dallas. “josh wants you.”
       she went back down the stairs, leaving them alone again.
       “so. . .” dallas cleared her throat. “about that dinner. . .”
       he chuckled. “we’re on. you’d better go see what josh wants before he comes looking for you himself.”
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krystalreverb · 4 years
Tomorrow, Tomorrow (Fic Preview #3)
Hubert nodded, and helped her out of bed. He began dressing her, for the second time that day. 
When they finally made it to the training grounds, they were terribly late and just a tad disheveled. 
“Hey, there they are!” Caspar crowed. “Boy, you two look like shit! Was that you banging into the wall for like an hour and a half? Were you movin’ furniture or something? You know you have servants for that, right?” 
If Hubert’s expression didn’t give him away, the flush in his cheeks certainly did. 
“No, it was not us, you blue-haired idiot, now get back to work before I curse you six ways to Sunday!” Hubert bellowed, and Caspar grinned like the fool he was and continued punching a training dummy and shoving it against the walls of the training arena gleefully. Byleth and Dorothea gave each other a Look as Edelgard picked up her axe and swung it with all her force into a dummy, cleaving it cleanly in two. Hubert clapped politely at her display of power. 
“Very good, milady, very good. Your luster has not dulled. You, the shimmering jewel of the Empire. But if I may make a suggestion?”
“I welcome it.” Edelgard replied, and Hubert climbed up into the arena with her, gently taking her arms and moving them slightly in their position on the axe. “Keep your wrist more straight, and follow through with your strike. You’re powerful enough to kill with even a weak swing, but the ease in which you destroy those before you will inspire fear in the rest of those poor fools who deign to stand against you.” He murmured, and Edelgard swung the axe again, this time not only carving the wooden dummy’s head clean off, but flinging it halfway across the training grounds, the wooden head skidding across the ground and coming to rest at Byleth’s feet. Byleth looked over at Dorothea, and Dorothea sighed dramatically.
“Oh, what now?” Hubert sounded miffed as he addressed her, standing back up straight.
“This is painful. Really, Byleth, can I tell them?”
“Absolutely not. You can’t force the issue. They have to figure it out on their own.”
“But Byleth! Look at them!”
“Look at us why?” Hubert interrupted. “Figure what out on our own? I’m not entirely sure what sort of shitshow Milady and I have just walked in on, but we’ll have no part of it.” 
“I concur. You are all acting like schoolchildren.” Edelgard scolded. “Whining and vague gossip only breeds dissent.” 
“We’re not dissenting anything!” Dorothea said. “Look, I’m just going to come out and say it--”
And suddenly, Hubert was behind her, a flash of steel against Dorothea’s pretty throat. “Choose your next words carefully, Miss Arnault.”
“Hubert!” Edelgard snipped, as if calling a particularly disobedient dog. Hubert flinched ever-so-slightly, and then the blade was gone, back into its sheath concealed under his pant leg. Dorothea barely had time to react before Hubert had shoved her bodily away from him by the elbow. 
“Oof! Easy!” Dorothea complained.
“Your Majesty?” Hubert addressed Edelgard dully, ignoring Dorothea’s protestations.
“Killing her won’t do what you think it will. Besides, we like Dorothea, remember? She’s our friend and friends don’t threaten to murder each other.” 
“She was definitely about to say something stupid, I could tell.” Hubert said.
“Still! Please do not murder our friend, Hubert. I can’t believe I have to make it an order.”
“Oh my Gods!” Caspar suddenly broke the tension with a shout. “Jeez Louise, everybody shut up. Look, if nobody else is, I will. I’m sick of looking at you two. You two look like the mushy lovey-dovey couple everybody hates in school. You know, the ones who wear matching clothes and talk about their future with their seventy-five million kids and your nice house. You’re constantly attached at the frickin’ hip. I mean, Hubert, you never let her out of your sight. Don’t think Byleth didn’t notice that you never came out of her room last night. Don’t think we all didn’t notice. Like, seriously, are you two fucking? Because if you’re not, you’re doing a real good job at convincing eeeeeverybody else around you that you are. Like, people are starting to talk.” 
Hubert and Edelgard were tellingly silent, mouths agape and faces deep red. 
“Well, I….” Hubert started, then trailed off, cheeks red. 
“That is to say, er…” Edelgard seemed equally at a loss for words. 
“You’re an idiot, Caspar von Bergeliez.” Hubert grumbled after a tense moment of silence.
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jungshookz · 6 years
beauty & the bookworm {librarian!namjoon}
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→ pairing: kim namjoon x reader
→ genre: librarian!namjoon who’s a little nerdy a little dorky but we loVe it, university!au, y/n’s the brat this time around, fluff softer than clouds, a bit of heartwrenching angst :’(, BTS as in BIG TIME smU T
→ wordcount: 20.8k this will definitely make the app crash as per usual don’t come for me
→ note: okay first and foremost i apologize because this is wAY overdue! i started writing librarian!joon in october but i kept putting him off and it’s not what he deserves :-(( but the most important thing is that he’s here now and he’s ready to trip his way into your hearts!! also i finally gave one of my fics a title instead of just naming the au so we’re spicing things up for the new year! enjoy!! 
pst if u wanna talk to y/n or joonie or even jimin u know what to do ;-)
(gif isn’t mine!)
(((and the read more function iS there but most of the time it doesn’t work on mobile :// i am sorry don’t attack me by sending passive-aggressive anon messages)))
you’ve always been the type of person to just go with the flow
whenever life throws an obstacle your way you somehow always aLways make it out alive
you always have a backup plan and you never worry about anything
because worrying gives you frowning wrinkles and you want your skin to remain smooth and beautiful
maybe it’s maybelline??? maybe it’s just not giving a fuCk
but this is the first time you’ve ever been… slightly concerned
you are in unfamiliar territory because you feel
and you don’t like this feeling at all
“i don’t know what to tell you, y/n. you’re failing three of your courses. you need extra credit.” your counsellor looks at you and then looks back down at his laptop where he has your transcript opened up
“okay! okay okay cool cool cool that’s fine” you clear your throat and nod quickly “extra credit is fine. no need to worry.”
“well, i wouldn’t say no need to worry. there’s definitely room for worry here.”
you thought you had the hang of this university thing but apparently not since jin just told you you’re failing three of your damn courses
kim seokjin - he graduated like two years ago and is your academic counsellor
he’s a pretty cool guy most of the time!! sometimes his dad jokes makes you want to slam your face into a wall but other than that he’s cool
and he’s always there to help you whenever you feel like you’re struggling
he’s a good counsellor but right now he’s being an awful counsellor and not even offering you an ouNCe of support
just kidding you’re just mad at yourself and you’re taking it out on literally anyone you see  
you lean forward a little to try and get a sneak peek of your transcript and jin shifts his laptop away
you huff and lean back against the plushy sofa chair “so… how am i supposed to get extra credit?” you inspect your nails uninterestedly because you’re supposed to be napping right now but obviouSly you’re not going to be able to catch some extra z’s today because of this stupid meeting about your stupid grades
“summer school is an option.”
just the thought of summer school makes you feel nauseous
you’re not going to spend two months writing a philosophy paper or studying for an exam when you could be on a beach somewhere or on a road trip with jimin and the others
thank u next bitch
“please tell me there’s something else. anything else??” you frown and slump against his desk and he lets out a sigh before rifling through some loose papers on his desk
“which prof do i have to go down on to get extra credit” you joke but the smile drops from your face when jin raises a disapproving brow at you  
“if you’re lucky, maybe you can find a part-time job on campus. usually you can get extra credit from doing things here! last i heard there was a position to be the school mascot!”
having to jump around in a slightly damp and sewage-scented costume for two hours??
no thanks
jin can tell by your expression that that’s the last thing you want
“i hate to break it to you, y/n, but you can’t exactly be picky here. go to main hall where they stick up all those posters and job offers - maybe you’ll find something good! cheer up, hm?”
“yeah, yeah” you murmur and scratch the back of your head before standing up and swinging your bag over your shoulder
“oh, and y/n?”
“maybe you should study instead of watching netflix all the time - you really have to boost your grades this term otherwise… y’know” he winces
‘y’know’ means you’re not going to frickin graduate
“…bye jin” you mutter and shut the door behind you before letting out a breath
that was a depressing conversation
jin didn’t even tell you a dad joke this time around
as you make your way to the main hall you can’t help but let out another sigh of disappointment
in high school you had eeeehhhhh average grades like you were kinda dumb but not thAt dumb
but you never expected yourself to faiL classes
you thought you were smarter than this!!! obviously not tho
you let out a huff as you stand in front of the bulletin board
there’s an overwhelming number of posters ranging from poetry sLAM competitions to math tutoring services and you don’t know where the heck to start
okay let’s see
what can we do
‘do you have school spirit? do you need extra credit? why not try being our adorable school masco-‘
“nope” you click your tongue and immediately look at the next poster
‘looking for a philosophy tutor for philosophy102’
philosophy is one of the classes you’re failing so maybe not that one either
‘looking for water girl/water boy for new school year! email coach bang for more details’
good god
the water girl??
that would be pathetic
that min yoongi tho
wOO you are definitely thirsty for him
but not thirsty enOugh because there’s no way you’re going to be known as the dang water girl
‘ocean expedition next summer? come to seashell city and explore the ancient legend of the mermaid… extra credit included!’
now thAt sounds cool
but next summer??? you’re not planning to still be here neXt summer
you’re running out of options here
the ones that you’ve seen just don’t sit well with you
the ones that seem okay are already all booked up
you raise a brow when you find a smaller note pinned under an obnoxiously neon pink ‘JOIN THE CHEERLEADING SQUAD’ poster
oh cute
it’s a picture of a book
‘booking for extra credit? there’s no one to blame but your-shelf if you let this job opportunity slip away! come to the library and check it out!’
you cringe in your soul and shake your head
a 60 year old grandpa definitely wrote this up
you take the note off the bulletin board and re-read it
are u really going 2 do this
you really gon spend most of your time at the library instead of, oh, i don’t know, literally anYTHING ELSE
“beggars can’t be choosers” you mumble to yourself
plus this option doesn’t seem like it needs a lot of skill so it should be easy-peasy lemon-squeezy
the extra credit will just fall right onto your lap                                  
but at the same time
you despise the library
it’s too quiet
you can’t eat or drink in there
it always smells like musty old books
everyone’s always hogging the charging ports
you can’t talk without someone giving you a dirty look because apParently you’re being too loud when you wereN’T EVEN being that loud
your stomach always rumbles in the library and you end up not studying because you’re too focused on wondering what you should get for dinner
the last time you were at the library you were only there because jimin wanted to get some studying done and he needed a study partner
but that was literally like last year
now if he wants a study partner you tell him ‘it’s mY way or the highway’ which means you force him to study at your dinky apartment
you purse your lips and read the note yet aGAin
it seems like this is the option that makes you want to rip your fingernails off the least
it’s the library i guess
“what’s the matter with you?” jimin pokes your cheek with his fork before digging into his spaghetti
you scowl and rub the dot of tomato sauce off your cheek
“i’m failing three of my classes” you mutter before slumping against the table “and now i have to work at the library everyday to get extra credit”
jimin shrugs
“at least you’re not failing all of your classes?”
“i’m taking four courses this semester. i’m failing three out of four classes.”
jimin pauses and purses his pillowy lips
“like i said…at least you’re not failing four out of four classes?” he offers through a mouthful of pasta
he swallows “plus the library isn’t all that bad! books are… books are like… cool”
“you’re not doing a very good job of making me feel better”
“well, i don’t wanna be that friend - but you kinda did this to yourself!!!! working at the library is a consequence of not doing well in class, y/n. i’m sorry to break it to you, but you gotta do what you gotta do. you’re not allowed to complain because you let this happen to yourself.” jimin sighs frustratedly because as much as he loves you it’s so iRRitating when you’re whining about problems that could’ve very easily been avoided
“ya i guess so” you mutter
it’ll be fine
becoming a librarian will be great
maybe you’ll absorb the information from all the books that you’ll be hanging around with all day and become smart enough to graduate and not need the extra credit
jimin jumps when you let out a groan and smack your head against the table in defeat
life is really kicking your ass right now and is showing absolutely no mercy
“you want me to go in with you and drop you off at the counter?” jimin smiles sweetly and you shake your head and slip your arm from his
“this is a battle i’m going to have to face alone.” you shake a fist in front of you
“go on, my brave warrior.” jimin says dramatically before nodding “i’ll see you tomorrow!”
you let out a sigh before pushing the doors open and letting yourself in
you see a couple people sitting here studying
it is exam season after all
speaking of exam season u should probably start studying
you don’t remember the last time you were at the library
you came in once because you needed to pee really bad and this was where the nearest washroom was
also why is it so biG
there’s nobody at the front counter so you assume the guy went to the back because there’s like another room behind the desk
you whistle a tune to yourself as you lean against the counter and scroll through your phone
you’re blissfully unaware of the many people who are glaring at you because of your awful whistling
it’s when you get a (very rude) ’shh!’ that you raise a hand in defence and stop the whistling
it’s too quiET in here the whistling was necessary
these ungrateful assholes should be thankful
“hi there! can i help you with something?” you jump ten feet into the air from the voice that breaks the silence
you turn around and there’s this this tall ass tree of a guy standing behind the counter
he smiles at you and you immediately notice his sweet smile and cute dimples
he tilts his head before reaching up to adjust his glasses
“um, i…” he looks down and his eyes light up when he sees his poster in your hand
“oh, y/n! i didn’t know you were interested in working at the library” huh
he knows your name?
how does he know you
…do you know him?
well you have to know him otherwise how does he know your name
he pushes his glasses up and waits for you to respond
you decide to play along with it for the sake of a good first impression
or..,.,. good second impression??
you’re tempted to tell him you’re only doing this because you have no choice and also you’re failing your classes but he probably doesn’t want to hear all of that
“yeah! a little extra credit never hurts” you laugh and scratch the back of your neck “it’s nice to see you… again…?” you trail off because obviously you have no idea what his name is
you’re still confused as to how he knows your name
he kind of blinks at you and his eyebrows knit together in confusion before he’s like oOh okay i see what’s happening here
“i, uh, i’m namjoon, ha. i’m actually- we were in the same philosophy lecture last year. you… you bumped into me on the first day of class and spilt your coffee all over me.” namjoon chuckles awkwardly and scratches the back of his neck
oh yiKES
your cheeks flame up immediately and you press your lips together
good first impression!!!!1!1!
“oh! oh, right! yeah, of course i remember you, joonie!” the nickname slips out to try and soothe the awkward situation but you don’t think it’s working that well “i’m sorry about that, by the way. you know how klutzy i am” you clear your throat
namjoon chuckles awkwardly and scratches the back of his head
and then u remember an important detail
you raise a brow
“wait but like didn’t you graduate last year? you’re older than me aren’t you?”
“yes, i graduated last year. and yes, I’m older than you”
“….so why r u still here”
“i like it here! it’s as simple as that” namjoon shrugs and you hum in response
personally speaking
once you graduate (if u even graduate lol roasted) there is no turning back
you don’t want to come back here
you wasted four years in this torturous hell why would you willingly come back
but now that he reminded you that you two were in the same philosophy lecture it’s kind of coming back to you
you’ve seen his face like once or twice
he always sat in the front and always raised his hands to answer questions or remind the professor of assignments and oHhH right kim naMjOon
sometimes you and kook poke fun at him because like he’s genuinely suCh a n3rd and a dork aNd a try hard anD he always corrected people over the most minuscule mistakes and he’s a neat freak and wow you are suddenly realising you’re not a huge fan of namjoon
“please, i prefer namjoon.” namjoon clears his throat before setting the pile of books down on the counter “so… you wanna start working here? become the ~junior librarian~?” he sticks his hands out and does some jazz hands and you resist the urge to roll your eyes because woW that was lame
“yep, i need the extra credit” you shrug and lean against the counter
“why do you need extra credit?”
“i don’t think that’s any of your business, namjoon.” you tilt your head and namjoon’s like alright fair enough
“look. it’s pretty obvious you need some help around here.” you gesture to the cart stacked with like a trillion books sitting by the desk “and no one else has applied to help out according to your sad poster- i’m pretty much your only option, bro” you shrug as if to say ‘it’s not my fault’
namjoon definitely doesn’t appreciate the tone and the attitude that you’re giving him
but you’re not wrong
surprisingly not a lot of people have come up to him wanting the job as the junior librarian
it’s kind of disappointing
being a librarian is so much fun!!!!!!
who wouldn’t want to be surrounded by books all day????
and no offence
but he doesn’t really want to give you this job because you’re just so,,., snooty and kinda rude
and you seem like you don’t care about anything
aNd you seem kinda disorganised
he’s just getting that ~vibe~ from you
but he doesn’t have a choice because he does really need the help and you need the extra credit so it works out for both of u
and he’s mature enough to work well with someone he doesn’t like so he’s sure he’ll be fine
namjoon purses his lips and exhales
“fine… i suppose i can let you work alongside me. but just to let you, i have a system for everything, so i would really appreciate if you followed the rules that i set in place and-“ you keep staring at him but you’ve drowned him out and you’re just singing a song in your head
“do you understand?” he finishes and adjusts his glasses before giving you a pointed look  
“ya man i gotcha” you click your tongue before pushing yourself off the counter and clapping your hands together “so chief where do i start” you take your backpack off and swiNG it over the counter and it fLOps to the ground loudly
namjoon’s eye twitches when your books spill out of your bag and you don’t bother picking it up
what’s a job that’ll take a while and will require you to be awaY from him
namjoon disappears behind the counter for a split second before reappearing with a duster and a rag
“those shelves over there need to be dusted.”
you raise your brows in disbelief
is that it
easy frickin peASY ladies and gents
“at least try and make it hard for me.” you snort and snatch the duster and rag from him
extra credit - here we come! goodbye suMMER scHOOL
“see, i told you it wasn’t going to be bad!” jimin points out after you finish fleXing to him about how good of a dust job you did on those bookshelves
weird flex but ok lol
“i know!! i don’t actually mind the library, now that i think about it. the dead silence is kinda relaxing. but-“ you raise a finger “i’m not sure about that namjoon guy”
“he’s the librarian. he graduated last year and- god, he’s just… he’s such a nerd. which isn’t a bad thing, i guess? you know what i’m saying, right? he’s just,,,, i don’t know… he seems like the kinda guy who’d get a heart attack from breaking a tinY rule or something,, or i feel like if i drop a book he’ll start crying like he’s thAt kind of person”
jimin nods understandably before shrugging “i get it… but i’m sure if you give him a chance you’ll warm up and you’ll get along!! even if you don’t get along just keep it mind that you’re only doing this for a couple of months.”
“yeah, i guess.”
jimin’s usually right so you’ll take his word for it
maybe namjoon isn’t as much of a stick in the mud as you think he is
you’ll be fine
remember how in the beginning of all of this you were like this is going to be easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy
it’s not
it’s not easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy
in fact it’s difficult-difficult-orange-difficult
why are there so many books here???????? it’s never ending!! every time you put one away like ten more appear on the counter and then namjoon’s like mmMm c’mon pick up the pace there’s a lot to do around here
you haven’t even had a chance to sit down for a minute because the library is huGe and you have to walk everywhere to make sure each book is in the right place and no books are overdue and if books aRe overdue to have to go and harass the person that still has the book and the point is THIS IS HARD AND YOU ARE TIRED
no wonder no one wanted this job!!!!!!!!! it’s hard work!!!!!!!!!!
you can’t help but wonder if that water girl job is still available but the thought of having to talk to someone like min yoongi makes you nervous so you shake the thought out of your head
namjoon is boring
SO boring
what kind of modern young man willingly wears sweaters and cardigans and button up shirts all the damn time
also?? he keeps candies in his pockets
like he’ll be sorting through some files and then stops and he rifles through his pockets and pulls out a hard candy and pops it into his mouth
they’re those salted caramel hard candies and you’ve been tempted to ask him for one but.,,.,., u don’t want any of his damn pANT candy
also he’s so quiet and you’re very chatty so that’s another thing to add to the list of things you hate about kim namjoon
whenever you try to talk about your day he replies with mm’s and ah’s but never does anything to continue the conversation so you’re left in awkward silence waiting for a reaction
aLSO he has egg salad or tuna or plain turkey sandwiches and like vegetable soup and a piece of fruit (he literally said an apple a day keeps the doctor away one time and you were like what century are you living in???) for lunch most of the time and it sTANKS it’s awful  
and when you try to crack a joke he never gets the punchline which is infuriating because you like to think that you’re somewhat of a funny person
aren’t you??????
all he gives you is a polite laugh and a nod before he goes back to his book
you don’t know how long you can keep doing this
it’s been a month and a bit since you started working at the library
and namjoon would rather give himself a trillion paper cuts than work with you
“y/n - you’re supposed to stamp the first page in the book - not the coVer of the book.” namjoon presses his lips together to keep himself from screaming when he sees you with a mountain of already wrONGLY stamped books
“oh. can’t you like erase the ink or something?”
“no you can’t- you can’t just erasE the ink the stamp is gonna be there forever”
“it’s okay i only stamped like 20 books” you shrug and instinctively stamp the book in your hands “…21 books”
“y/n whY… why did you use a glittery pink pen for the book record sheets”
“it makes it pretty! it’s not a big deal no one sees these sheets besides you and i” you grin and take the sheet from namjoon and he feels his soul die a little when you scribble something down with a neon green marker
also you keep giving yourself little breaks?? and the only breAK that is allowed on your schedule is your lunch break or the occasional washroom break whenever you need it
but you give yourself these nonexistent breaks
‘granola bar break’ - you take 30 minutes off to eat one single granola bar
‘texting break’ - this one’s worse because it happens more frequently like the two of you will be filing things together and namjoon likes to keep things working like a well-oiled machine but it’s hard to do that when you keep pausing to text someone and then you’re like okay where were we like it ruINS THE FLOW
‘reading break’ - THIS is awful because namjoon will see you study and he’ll be like okay at least she’s doing something educational and he peeks over and you’ve literally got your phone out scrolling through memes on instagram
and when he reprimands you for taking too many breaks you always wave him off and tell him to relax and to not get his panties in a twist
he feels like you’re doing this on purpose
pushing his buttons
getting under his skin in the worst way possible
also you keep calling him random names and he hATES IT he just wants to be called namjoon because that’s his name
“hey joon”
“good morning joonie”
“hi joonathan”
“joona- namjoon!”
“whaddup dimples”
“hey bookworm”
“hey nerd”
“what’s up four-eyes”
“yo yo yo dork”
“oi egghead where’d i put my phone”
“it’s namjoon - and feet off the counter” it’s almost automatic at this point when namjoon shoVes your legs off the counter and you nearly fall off your chair from the force
he gives you a warning look when you move to put your feet back up and you huff grumpily
“no messy foods in the library” you gawk when namjoon picks up your takeaway box of spaghetti and proceeds to dump it into the bin
“don’t use the books as coasters” namjoon snatches your drink and picks up the book then wipes the condensation from your drink off the front cover
“no more texting during work hours” your phone disappears from your hands and you blink down at your fingers because that was sO speedy
“oH my god am i even allowed to breathe in here???” you snap exasperatedly because you and jimin were talking about how kook slipped in the cafeteria and got banana milk all over tae’s new shoes and taheyung freAKED it was hilarious
namjoon blinks down at you before opening up a drawer and dropping your phone in there before proceeding to l o c k the drawer
are you KIDDING me
is this bitch for real???? he just locked up your phone???????
“i don’t know. your breathing is kind of loud, so we’ll have to figure out a way around that issue.” and with that he turns his back with a huff but not before turning to face you one last time so he can look you right in the eye as he drops your can of soda into the bin
it’s pretty obvious that you and namjoon most certainly do not like each other but the both of you are just being very passive aggressive and tip-toeing around the elephant in the library
you let out a breath and dig your nails into your palm
deep breaths deep breaths
we’re doing this to graduate
we can do this
no biggie
remember how you promised yourself you’d be more responsible when it came to your work load
obviously you forgot about that promise
because you have a final in a week and a half that you completely forgot about that even frickin jungkook was aware about
and now you have to jam a whole semester’s worth of information into your head and finish that 12 page paper for your history class and work on your presentation for your film class and there’s just so much that you have to do and you don’t have enough time to do everything
you decided to skip your last lecture of the day (you asked tae to take notes for you and he’s usually good at that so you’re not worried) to come to the library and study
and you couldn’t find an empty table or anything so you figured you’d just study at the desk
you’re surprised to see that namjoon isn’t around because he practically lives at the library
okay it’s whatever
he’d probably distract you anyway
you plop yourself down on the chair and proceed to pull out all your notes and books and markers and you dump it all on the table
you crack your knuckles and look down at the mountain in front of you
let’s do this
namjoon hums a tune to himself as he opens the door and enters the library
he’s in an especially good mood today for some reason
the smile falters on his face when he realises that he’s going to be spending the rest of the day with you and that’s definitely going to soil his mood
you’re usually late because you always come after your classes so he expects that he’ll be in a good mood for about twenty more minutes or so
namjoon pauses when he sees the top of your head poking out from behind the front counter
on time?
he looks at his watch
no you’re not just on time
you’re… early
you’ve never been early to a shift before
how odd
maybe someone finally lit a fire under your ass and you’re finally being more responsible!!
he’s still in a good mood
he’s about to give you a chirpy greeting (and this time he’s not going to correct you if you address him using another one of your lame nicknames) and then he’s suddenly aware of the scene in front of his eyes
“y/n?” namjoon furrows his brows to see you with your face buried in your arms and you’re surrounded by like teN textbooks and a lot of scrap paper with random notes scribbled on them and a million highlighters and pens “…whatcha up to?”
you don’t respond and he leans over the counter a little more
…are you even alive
suddenly you look up at namjoon
he takes a step back in surprise at the sight of your red and watery eyes and he’s like o shit she crying
“are you okay??” he unlocks the gate and steps behind the front counter to join you
“i don’t know anything, namjoon. i literally don’t know anything and my final is in a week and a half.” you sniffle and reach up to wipe your tears away
“oh god. i’m going to fail this exam and this is totally going to put my life on hold and everyone’s going to graduate before me and i’ll be stuck here because of how stupid i am” you sob and slam a textbook shut and namjoon jumps
he’s never seen you like this before
he’s never seen you so… defeated
usually you’re all smiles and you have a smartass comment ready to go at all times and even when he shuts you down you don’t let that stop you
so for the first time ever
when he sees you with puffy eyes and a trembling bottom lip and a permanent frown on your face
he feels… bad
and you called him namjoon
not joon or dimples or bookworm
this is serious
even though you piss him off everyday because of how irritating you are
you don’t deserve to be this sad
namjoon sets his briefcase down before pulling his chair over and sitting down next to you
he looks over at all the textbooks briefly before looking up at you “what are you studying?” he hands you the box of tissues that are on his side of the desk and you thank him quietly before sniffling and wiping the tear that’s trailing down your cheek
“um, philosophy.” you sound kind of nasally from how much crying you’ve done but whatever “right now i’m looking at the main branches of philosophy but i just don’t geT it.”
“okay, well…” namjoon glances at your handwritten notes for a second and all you’ve written down is ‘philosophy notes’ with a bright purple marker
oh god
is he really going to do this
is he really going to help you right now
because he could totally just tell you to put your notes away and do your job
but instead he’s deciding that he’s going to help you study for your finals
even though you’ve been nothing but an obnoxious piece of shIT for the past two months
he’s going to help you whether you like it or not
“let’s start off with differentiating between the branches. typically, there are four branches. sometimes there are five, but for philosophy301 you just focus on four. logic, epistemology, metaphysics, and-“
“what are you doing?” you interrupt namjoon and look at him confusedly
he’s helping you?
“i’m… explaining the four branches of philosophy. at least i’m trying to. what’s wrong?” he tilts his head and blinks twice “oh, you know what, maybe i shouldn’t… because i can’t focus if your study station is a pig sty.” he starts cleaning up your papers and putting your highlighters back into your pencil case
he pauses in the middle of stacking your textbooks to look at you “don’t just stare at me - clean up! and then we’ll get on with it.”
“namjoon, you don’t have to-“
“y/n, i swear to god.” namjoon groans quietly and taps the top of your head with a pen “stop being so stubborn and just be a good girl.”
you raise your hands in defence
you can’t help the little smile that twitches at the corner of your mouth
namjoon’s helping you
…you knew he had a soft spot for u
(little do you know that you have a soft spot for him too)
namjoon spends the next two and a half hours explaining many different philosophical concepts to you and he answers every single one of your questions
at one point you get a little shy because you feel like your questions are dumb but namjoon reassures you that your questions are most certainly not dumb
he even paused to tell you a story of how in one of his classes he raised his hand and forgot what he was going to ask by the time the prof got to him so he ended up asking the prof ‘what class is this?’
that made you crack uP because you can imagine namjoon’s flushed cheeks and nervous stammer so clearly
also namjoon shared his lunch with you which was a surprise (today he brought in a turkey sandwich and an apple)
“my favourite sandwich is actually turkey on whole wheat with spicy mustard - and my favourite kind of apple is honey crisp!”
“spicy mustard is too much flavour for me. i just like putting mayo. and i’m a red apple kinda guy.”
“you’re boring” you tease him as you bite into the sandwich
“am not! don’t attack me for liking the plainer things in life!”
even though the ingredients are pretty plain somehow it still works and you find yourself scarfing it down in like thirty seconds
namjoon pulls a hard candy out of his pocket and offers it to you
“you’re giving me one of your precious candies??” you gasp and pluck it so delicately from his fingers as if it were made of glass or something
“it’s only because i feel bad for you because you criEd so don’t expect anymore candies from me” namjoon snorts and bites into an apple slice “also i always see you staring at me whenever i pull out a candy”
“it’s only because i’m wondering if they’re stale or not” you unwrap it and pop it into your mouth quickly before namjoon can take it back
“they most certainly are not!” he gasps in mock offence before reaching up to adjust his glasses
“your glasses are just as dorky as you” you reach over and brush your fingers over the thick rims and namjoon scowls before smacking your hand away
“don’t make me regret helping you and sharing my food with you” he points an accusatory finger in your direction and you grin cheekily “now, c’mon - let’s talk about famous philosophers and then we’ll start making some flash cards!”
“i like flash cards!!! ooh we can use my mArkERs-“ you start rambling excitedly about your multicoloured markers and namjoon finds himself smiling fondly as he watches you rummage through your pencil case
maybe you’re not so bad after all
“yES you got it again! alright who do we have next…” namjoon shuffles through the pile of flashcards on his lap
“okay-“ he pauses to read the notes on the back of the flashcard before holding it up for you “who is saint thomas aquinas?”
“ooh, i know this one!!” you raise your hand even though you’re the onLY One stuDYING
you’re so lame
endearingly lame
“hm, any takers?” namjoon plays along and pretends to look around a classroom of people before pointing at you “ah! yes, miss y/l/n?”
he’s just as lame as you are
you clear your throat and sit up straighter
“saint thomas aquinas was a 13th century dominican friar, theologian and doctor of the church, born in what is known today as the lazio region of italy.”
“okay, and what did he do?”
“uh, his most important contribution to western thought is the concept of natural theology! …right?”
“mm, go on” namjoon leans back against his chair and plucks at his bottom lip as he skims over the notes on the back of the card again
“he… adhered to the platonic and aristotelian principle of realism, which holds that certain absolutes exist in the universe, including the existence of the universe itself…?”
namjoon puts the card down and stares at you and ur like o shit am i wrong
a smile creeps onto his face and he raises his fist for you to bump “you got it!”
“yAY” you give him a fist bump and apologise quietly when you hear someone in the distance go ‘shh!!!!!’
they’ve shushed you like five times in the last hour
both you and namjoon exchange glances before bursting into giggles
“uGHhgH namJOoON” you groan and slump against the table as you twirl your pencil between your fingers
today’s been a pretty slow day
wednesdays are your longest days because you have classes from 9 to 6
and now you’re at the library and namjoon is forcing you to study even though you’re like hey let’s rearrange books or something!!!! let me do my job!!!!
“no complaining! now sit up straight and listen to me.”
you ignore him and continue twirling your pencil around
“y/n. sit up and listen.” he sighs and raises an eyebrow
you curse to yourself quietly before forcing yourself to sit up but you slump against the chair as if your bones were made of jelly
better than nothing
“okay, let me tell you about the gemeinschaft-gesellschaft dichotomy. it was proposed by tönnies as a purely conceptual tool rather than an ideal type in the way it was used by max weber to accentuate the key elements of a historic or social change. got it?”
you give namjoon a pointed look before huffing “no”
namjoon lets out a slow sigh and looks through his notes again
meanwhile you’re spinning around and around on your wheely chair
namjoon’s hand shoots out and grips onto the arm of your chair to stop you “how about we take a break?”
“yEs i love that! now that i understand.” you stretch your limbs out but quickly curl up when your stomach rumbles
you forgot that you didn’t get a chance to eat lunch today
namjoon clears his throat
“i actually,.., um, i brought you some food today!” namjoon turns and grabs the paper bag sitting on his desk
you raise a brow
“you did?”
that’s a surprise
that’s actually really nice of him
“you’ve been working and studying pretty hard lately so i thought i’d treat you to lunch! turkey on whole wheat with spicy mustard.” namjoon clears his throat and hands you the bag before reaching up to scratch the back of his neck “and also a honey crisp apple… and two caramel candies.”
he remembered your favourite kind of sandwich and your favourite kind of apple
which means he went out of his way to buy ingredients that he would usually stay the heck away from
that’s… that’s kind of sweet actually
“you remembered what i like?” you reach into the bag and pull out the neatly wrapped sandwich
“the, uh, the dorky glasses make me more observant” namjoon taps the frames gently and you laugh
“look, i didn’t mean- like, dorky isn’t necessarily a bad thing i just- it’s cute! you’re cute” you flush immediately wOw what is wrong with you
you clear your throat “your glasses are cute. your glasses.” you murmur
both you and namjoon avoid gazes and you don’t realise it but both your faces are on fire
namjoon twiddles with his thumbs and bites back his smile  
you’re about to take a bite of your sandwich before you realise he’S not eating anything “hey, where’s your food?”
“oH, right” namjoon twists back and grabs his paper bag
“lemme guess - turkey on white with mayo with a red apple.”
“ah, nice guess, but i’m afraid you’ve been mistaken” namjoon tsks and shakes his head “it’s tuna sandwich tuesday!! and i brought a pear!”
you snort and roll your eyes playfully
only namjoon would have a tuna sandwich tuesday
“i believe that’s another point to me” namjoon leans back against his chair proudly after he makes yet anotHer paper ball dunk into the waste bin
you convinced him to take a lil break since you’ve been studying for an hour and a half and your brain is about to explode
and today you’re the one who brought lunch for him
you bought soup from the cafeteria!! luckily they made his favourite today!! chicken soup
he got so excited when you presented the little take-out bowl to him
he even offered you a spoonful and at first you were like nah but he said look the cafe’s chicken soup is AMAzing you will not regret this
he blew over it to cool it down first before feeding it to you and you were like o shit ur right this is good
he ended up feeding you a couple more spoonfuls as you looked over your notes
it was kinda cute but whateva
so it’s kind of that after-lunch lull where your tummies are full and you’re feeling lazy
which is why you and namjoon are competing in paper-ball
and namjoon is winning which is very surprising
whenever you play paper-ball with jimin you’re always in the lead so you’re not used to thIS
you’re realising now that you might be a bit of a sore loser
“it’s getting hot in here - it must be because i’m on fire.” namjoon smirks as he adds another dash under his name
“lame” you roll your eyes as you crush up another paper ball
“okay but seriously i’m like sweating” namjoon sits up and peels his sweater-vest off before unbuttoning a couple buttons on his shirt and rolling his sleeves up neatly
your eyes flicker over to his now exposed forearms
he has.,.., really sexy arms.,,.. what the hell,.,,
namjoon wheels a little closer to you until his knee is in between your legs “here lemme do it because your paper-balls all sucK” namjoon takes the ball from your hand and you feel a lil ziPzaP when his fingers brush over yours
what the hell x2.,.,.,., his hANDS.,.,.,., even his hANDS ARE SEXY
“what’s the matter with you? where’s the witty retort?” you look up from his hands quickly and namjoon’s grinning at you in a way that makes your heart skip a beat
what’s happening to you
you look away quickly and try to snap yourself out of it
what the fuck
what the fuck is happening
what’s going on with your body
why are your hands clammy
why is your heart racing like this
why do you want him to scoot evEN closer
you like namjoon
oh no
you like namjoon
oh NO sweetie you do NOT like kim namjoon
yes you do
no you don’t
mmmmmyes you do
NO you don’t you can’t like namjoon!!! he’s the worst!
he’s the best and you love him
he wears stupid sweater vests!!
he can pull it off tho and also his button-up is kind of thin today and you can see very faint outlines of his abs and it makes you want to run your hands over his bronzey smooth skin you LOVe it you perv
“y/n? you okay?” namjoon taps your knee gently and raises a brow when you jumP in your seat  
“i’m good! i’m just…” you snatch the paper ball from his grasp and point to the waste bin “i’m just getting my heaD in the game because i’m going to kick your ass”
namjoon laughs before gesturing for you to throw “i’d like to see you try.” he leans back against his chair and crosses his arms
even THAt was sexy
you are losing your mind
you like kim namjoon
“good morning!” namjoon plops down next to you and you let out a little yawn as a good morning “today’s the big day~” he wiggles his brows “you ready?”
you look down at your flashcards and your notes and give a little shrug
you think you’re ready?? maybe
“i guess so??” you murmur and stretch your limbs out
you decided to come to the library before your 8AM exam because.,,,.., uh.,,,.,
okay you just wanted to see namjoon so WHAT
“i have something for you-“ namjoon rummages through his bag before pulling out a bracelet looking thing
a bunch of different shades of purple threads braided together neatly
she looks a little worn out but she still cute
“this was my good luck bracelet when i was doing exams during my last year - i thought maybe you’d want to wear it or something? you don’t have to, obviously, but i know how nervous you are and… yeah, i don’t know… i just wanted to give it to you i guess“
there it is again
your heart just went boom-boom for joon-joon
you press your lips together to hold back a dorky smile before you stick your hand out for namjoon “i need all the luck i can get”
namjoon smiles and shakes his head as he ties the bracelet around your wrist carefully “you don’t need any luck. i believe in you!” he glances at the clock hanging behind you on the wall “you better get going - it’s 7:42.”
you let out a little sigh before getting up off the seat and grabbing your pencil case and your water bottle
namjoon looks up at you with a small smile “i’ll see you after your exam?” he watches as you open the little gate to step out
“if i survive, that is” you retort and namjoon rolls his eyes
you’re about to walk out but you turn around swiftly “namjoon?”
namjoon looks up at you “mm?”
“thank you… for everything.” you murmur shyly while twisting the bracelet around your wrist “you’re… not bad. not bad at all.”
you don’t really know what to saY but all you know is that you’re super appreciative and grateful to have someone like namjoon,,, care about you
and you’re already not good with emotional things so ‘you’re not bad at all’ is a pretty big thing to say in your opinion!!!
lucky for you
namjoon fully understands
namjoon’s cheeks flush slightly and he shakes his head “get outta here you sappy loser”
he lets out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding once you leave the library
and now that he has this moment alone
a realisation begins to creep into his mind
he likes you
well it’s pretty obvious at this point
things that used to irritate him about you are now endearing
he makes lunch for you willingly
he doesn’t flinch or move away when you initiate contact
he actually pays attention to your lame jokes
he gave you his good luck bracelet for god’s sakes
he likes you
you’ve been on edge for the whole day
this morning you got your philosophy final exam back
for a whole week this exam was on your mind and now it’s finally back in your hands and you can’t even bring yourself to look at your grade
because you’re terrified
you’re terrified that you failed yet another exam and you’ll have to graduate a year behind all of your friends and you’ll have to put your life on hold because you were a dumbass in university
and you’re terrified that you disappointed jin and jimin and namjoon
you don’t want to disappoint namjoon
but your exam has been burning a hole in your backpack and you figure that it’s now or never
“oh pleasepleaseplease” you whisper to yourself as your trembling fingers gently pull the crinkled, folded up piece of paper from your backpack
no need to panic
it’s just your philosophy final that you had to get at least a 90% on to make up for the rest of your shitty grades in that course
you pinch the corner of the page getting ready to flip it open
you take your bottom lip in between your teeth nervously
you squeeze your eyes shut
it’s now or never
you unfold it in one smooth motion and the paper makes a thwacking sound as you do so
you peel an eye open
you peel the other eye open
and the blood drains from your face
namjoon’s in the middle of putting books back onto the shelves
it’s the end of the day and there aren’t a lot of people around so it’s nice and quiet
namjoon likes these nice and quiet days
it’s just him and the books
him and his library
and then he hears something
frantic footsteps slapping against the floor in the distance
someone must be in a rush
he furrows his brows when the footsteps get louder
and he whips around to look at the entrance of the library with narrowed eyes
he yelps in fear when the doors suddenly buRST open and a manic-looking you appears with wide eyes and a huGe (slightly terrifying) grin
you look around the library before you lock gazes with namjoon and if it’s even possible your smile grows wider
oh good god
you look like what’d he’d see in the corner of his room if he ever got sleep paralysis
“yoU BEAUTIFUL TREE OF A MAN I LOVE YOU” the next thing namjoon knows you’re leaping into his arms and he quickly grips under your thighs instinctively so that you don’t fall flat on your ass
he stumbles backwards a little and his fingers dig into the flesh of your thighs as you smoosh kisses all over his face
he’s certainly not complaining but whAt the hell is going on
you drop back down onto your feet and you unravel your arms around namjoon’s neck and throw your hands up in the air “i goT 98% ON MY EXAM” you squeal excitedly before wrapping your arms around his neck in a hug and bouncing up and down and oHHH now he sees why you’re acting like a psychopath
“see!!!! i told you you could do it i’m sO ProuD of you!!!!!!!” namjoon grins and wraps his arms around your waist and twirls you around in a circle “98% is so good!!!!!”
“i know!! i never get a 98% on anything!!!” you giggle and pull away from the crook of his neck
your arms are still wrapped around his neck and his arms are still wrapped around your waist
your breathing slows down a bit as you start to calm down and
your faces are very very close
and suddenly
you feel this overwhelming urge to kiss namjoon
you want him to kiss you
namjoon’s eyes flicker down to your lips and you feel your heart pounding in your chest
it’s going to happen
he’s going to kiss you  
you’re disappointed when he quickly takes a step back and pulls away from you
you clear your throat and smooth your skirt down and namjoon adjusts his wonky glasses
both of your guys’ faces are on fire
“anyways - 98% is really good! aim for 99% next time.” namjoon teases and turns around to look at his book cart again and the moment he turns away from u he mouths a ‘wHAT THE FUCK’ to himself because WHAT THE FUCK
meanwhile your face is on fire because that was deFINTEly something
you guys had a moment
does this mean namjoon likes you back
doES IT?????
“joon” you approach him and tap his shoulder gently before standing next to him
“mhm?” he glances at you briefly before looking back at the books on the cart
you get up on your tiptoes and plant a little smooch on his cheek and namjoon freezes immediately
“is there anything for me to do?” you ask casually as if you didn’t just kiSS HIS CHEEK
“oh shoot you know what i was organising the thriller novels before my exam and i never finished doing that! let me go do that now and then you can give me something else to do” you disappear in between the shelves and namjoon blinks owlishly
he reaches up and brushes his fingers over his hot cheek
and the FATTEST smile appears on his face
today’s been kind of a slow day
namjoon texted you earlier and said he’d be in late today
so here you are
sitting behind the front counter
well, not exactly
lisa, wendy and jisoo came to keep you company even though you insisted you were fine
they texted and asked if you wanted to grab some lunch and when you didn’t respond they all came to ambush you at the library
“yeah, sure! as soon as namjoon gets here we can go get some food.” you smile politely before looking back down at the computer
these girls,,, well they’re not your frieNds exactly
they’re in a couple of your classes
let’s just say they’re a whole lot more popular than you think you’ll ever be
they’ve taken a liking to you for some reason and you don’t mind because the more the merrier!! also it’s kinda cool because in high school you were never really friends with the ‘’’’’cool gals’’’’’’ so there’s that too
also you think another reason why they hang around you is because you’re friends with guys like jimin and jungkook and you don’t want to be that person but like..,,. YEaH ur boy-friends are really attractive so it makes sense to go through you to get to them (spoiler alert jimin and jungkook do not like any single one of these girls but you don’t have the heart to break the news to them)
“namjoon… why does that name sound so familiar” lisa furrows her brows and leans against the counter
“remember? he was that guy in our philosophy lecture last year - the one who sat at the front? he graduated last year” you hum and scribble something down
“oh shit, i remember!!!” lisa gasps “…oh god, he was awful. such a try-hard”
wait what
your head pops up and you furrow your brows “well like he’s not a try-hard he’s just passionate about-“
“i hated him. he kept reminding the prof to give us pop quizzes” wendy shudders
“i bet he’s still a virgin”
“who cares if he-“
“i bet he hasn’t had his first kiss yet”
“we can’t just assume that he hasn’t just because he-“
“yeah, i wouldn’t be surprised” jisoo snorts “who the hell would wanna kiss someone who looks like that?”
what the hell
what kind of assholey thing was that to say??
“oh, c’mon, y/n. the sweater vests. the pervert glasses.”
“he’s tall and gangly. no meat on his bones??”
“i could never even imagine dating a loser like that!”
and suddenly you remember why you don’t like these girls
namjoon is in a very vEry good mood today
and now he gets to spend the rest of the day with you so he’s teN times happier!!!!!!!
plus he brought lunch for you again because he knows that sometimes you neglect your stomach and he can’t have that (and as cute as your stomach rumbles are he wants to make sure you’re eating and not skipping lunch just because you’re too lazy to line up)
he hopes you like the sandwich
he cut it into the shape of a heart just because he thought it was kinda cute
and uh
the heart-sandwich kind of emphasises the fact that he likes you a lot
he picked out a bunch of little daisies from the ground on his way here
and he tied them together in a little bouquet using a blade of grass
very rustic looking bouquet but still adorable!!
he looked like a madman yanKIng all the daisies out of the ground but u know what he’s embracing it because he’s a fool in LOVe
he accidentally stepped on a couple daisies and was like yikes
and he has a couple specks of dirt on his shirt but he’ll deal with it later
today’s the day he’s going to tell you that he likes you ~romantically~ and he’s going to ask if you wanna grab dinner after you guys leave the library tonight
he even made reservations at this cute cafe he hopes you’ll like
and he’s dressed extra spiffy today
his hair is swept back neatly and he even used a lil more gel to keep every strand in place
there’s not one speck of dust on his glasses lens
he ironed his tie and his button-up
and he’s wearing a brand new expensive cologne
all for you!!!!!! because you are woRth it
his heart skips a bit at the mere thought of your smile and that adorable giggle and the way your nose crinkles when he scolds you playfully
frick he likes u sO MCUH
he decides to take the back door today
just because the romance books are on the shelves in the back and he’s in a romantic mood and wants to pick out a book for you to read
he’s thinking Jane Austen’s ‘Persuasion’ is a good one
namjoon’s finger brushes over the spines of the books on the shelves as he looks for it
he perks up when he finds it
he tucks the book under his arm and adjusts his book bag on his shoulder and triple checks that he has everything
sandwich? check
new book?? got it
flowers???? yEs
say it with me now: hoTEL?trivAGo
he hears the murmuring of some voices as he nears the front and he freezes when he hears his name float through the air
he pokes his head out from around the corner and sees you and a couple of who he can safely assume are your girl friends because they’re all giggling about something
namjoon furrows his brows and stays hidden behind a bookshelf
a little eavesdropping never hurts nobody
“you would never go out with someone like namjoon, right? i know i wouldn’t” lisa taps the top of your head to get your attention “not even if we were the last people on earth”
“yeah, i don’t think i would either” you reply automatically because if you said yEs i’d go for namjoon (and u totally would) you’d never hear the end of it
((but at the same time who cares about what these girls think?? they’re not ur real friends))
you don’t want to go out with them anymore
as soon as this conversation ends you’re kicking these assholes the heck out of the library
but you can’t kick them out without saying something nice about namjoon because ?? namjoon is one of the sweetest guys ever and they need to be aware of that
“but without him i wouldn’t have passed my exam so i have to give him some credit for that” you point out and hope that they’ll cut him some slack
wendy leans against the counter and gasps
“oh, i love that, you cold-hearted bitch!!! taking advantage of the smarty-pants virginey loser to pass your exams?? geniuS”
that didn’t exactly work out
“you would never go out with someone like namjoon, right? i know i wouldn’t”
“yeah, i don’t think i would either”
namjoon deflates and he feels his heart clench in his chest
his fingers tighten around the paper bag and he takes a small step back
he knew this day was going too well
you really wouldn’t want to go out with him?
you wouldn’t even give him one chance?
was he really that awful?
“but without him i wouldn’t have passed my exam so i have to give him some credit for that”
“oh, i love that, you cold-hearted bitch!!! taking advantage of the smarty-pants, virginey loser to pass your exams?? geniuS”
namjoon’s eyes flutter shut and he presses his lips together
of course
of coursE this would happen to him
you were the one person that he thought might’ve actually like him back and it turns out you were only using him to pass your exams
how could he not have seen that????
you???? being interested in him?????
i m p o s s i b l e
you don’t go for dorky librarians like him
you go for guys like min yoongi and jeon jungkook and park jimin
well now he just feels stupid
he has a stupid heart shaped sandwich and a stupid honey crisp apple and a stupid packet of animal crackers in this stupid paper bag that has your name on it because he has a stupid crush on you and he really thought you liked him back and he was looking forward to taking you out on a stupid stUPID date
but of course the inevitable happens
you don’t like him… at all.
you used him?
your fingers tighten around the pen and you bite down on your tongue
these girls are getting on your nerves now
you’re kicking them out now you’re done with this  
“anyways - as much as i wanna talk about how much of a loser kim namjoon is,” you say sarcastically and make air quotes “i think i have some work to do so i’m going to have to put a rain check on-“
you jump when you hear the sound of some books toppling off the shelf and everyone immediately looks at the source of the sound
you stand up and peek over the girls’ shoulders
and the blood immediately drains from your face
oh,,,., god
oh no no nO
did he hear everything you said??
namjoon doesn’t think it’s possible for his heart to break even more
but then
“anyways - as much as i wanna talk about how much of a loser kim namjoon is, i think i have some work to do so i’m going to have to put…”
big yikes
this did not go according to plan at all
maybe he should head out the back door and then come in through the front door and just act like everything is normal
that’s a good plan
namjoon turns around to leave but he stumbles over his feet a little and his hands reach out to grip onto the bookshelf  
instead what happens is he shoves a couple books riGHt off the shelf and namjoon curses before automatically dropping to his knees to pick them up
oh shit
where does he go from hERE
namjoon freezes like a deer in headlights and he swallows thickly before slowly turning to look up at you “u-uh, i-i-“
“hey, look what the cat dragged in!” wendy coos and namjoon feels his heart starting to race in his chest when the girls approach him “what do we have here, hm?”
before he has the chance to pick up the paper bag jisoo snAtches it from the ground
“oh, y/n! it’s for you!” she unrolls the top and reaches it before pulling out the sandwich
she coos before pushing her bottom lip out in a mocking pout “aw, isn’t that cute? a wittle heart shaped sandwich for y/n!” her eyes flicker down to the bouquet of daisies that have now been tramPled on “and a bouquet of weeds!! ever the romantic, aren’t you??”
namjoon feels his entire face flush bright red and he’s struggling to put the books back onto the shelf
he’s just doing whatever it takes to avoid eye contact with the girls
“you’re looking a little red, namjoon. maybe you should take that cardigan off?” wendy pinches his cheek and namjoon gets off his knees immediately
although he towers over them he knows they’re the ones holding the power in this moment
“what’s the matter? you’re not even going to say hi to y/n??” lisa frowns before gesturing to you
namjoon locks gazes with you and your heart clenches when you’re able to see the pure hurt and pain in his glassy eyes
he looks away from you immediately and bends down to grab his bag
“nam-“ the next thing you know he spRints towards the front door and leaves
all three girls burst into laughter and jisoo tosses the paper bag and the flowers onto the front counter and it lands right in front of you
your heart tightens at the sight of your name scribbled on it with a little heart drawn next to it
you pick up the bouquet of daises and they flop down against your fingers sadly
“…you guys are assholes” you hiss and start packing up your things
“what? y/n, what’s wr-“
“all of you - get out!” you snap and point towards the door as you zip your backpack up frantically
the girls all exchange glances before scoffing and leaving the library
good fucking riddance
you basically leAp over the gate and sprint towards the front door
you’re not technically supposed to leave the library because no one’s at the front desk but you need to find namjoon
you should’ve said something!!! you should’ve stuck up for joon!!!! why didn’t you???
why didn’t you stick up namjoon who always makes sure you’re drinking enough water and eating enough food and not skipping meals and who always offers to get you a snack whenever he goes to the cafe and is always very patient with you when he’s teaching you something new and is always giving you new books to read
namjoon with his boisterous laugh when you or that shy giggle he does where he covers his mouth and his eyes crinkle
namjoon who makes you feel happy and safe and warm and smart and all the good things in the world
namjoon who makes your heart go boom-boom because of how sweet and caring and wonderful he is
namjoon who has two left feet and has officially tripped his way into your heart
you look like a maniac because you’re sprinting everywhere to try and find namjoon but you seriously don’t know where he is
you’re out of breath and your bag is flopping against your back anD you’re holding onto the daises and the paper bag for dear life
you spend an hour trying to find namjoon
but he’s nowhere to be found
you end up back at the library and you let out a sigh as you shut the gate behind you
it’s the end of the day so there’s nobody around really
the sun is beginning to set
you groan and slam your head against the desk in frustration
an idiot
congratulations, y/n y/l/n - you fucked up.
“thank you” namjoon smiles at the waitress before sitting up a little straighter and reaching out for the sandwich on his plate
he takes a small bite and his eyes flicker to across the booth where you should be
suddenly he’s not feeling very hungry anymore
he swallows his bite and pushes the plate away before slumping against the booth and looking out the window of the cafe
he curses to himself when he feels a lump growing in his throat
he feels dumb crying over you
he should’ve known you would never go for someone like him
he sniffles and reaches up to dab away the single tear that’s threatening to spill over
namjoon doesn’t come to work the next day
instead you’re met with the sight of some random guy sitting behind the counter
his name is hoseok and he’s all smiles and you’re sure he’s a nice guy but he’s really getting on your nerves right now
and he has the audacity to ask you if you need help with anything
he’s sitting in namjoon’s chair!!!!!!
“sorry- where’s namjoon?” you interrupt his little rant about his day and he blinks at you
“hm? oh! uh, not sure… would you like me to try contacting him for you? if you have a question about how things work around here you can always ask me! i used to work at the library but they told me i talked too much buT here i am again because-”
oh my god this guy is infuriating
namjoon doesn’t come to work the next day
or the next
or the next
or the next
you’re starting to get worried
you’ve texted him - no response
you’ve called him - no response
you talked to jin and jin told you that you actually have enough extra credit now!! so you’ve been relieved of your librarian duties buT since namjoon isn’t there you can fill in for him til he comes back
“i thought i was supposed to continue working there til the end of the semester? and after the semester ends i’ll get the extra credit?”
“yeah, i thought so too - but i guess you’ve done such a good job that namjoon’s given you extra exTra credit!! good job!!!” jin grins and claps his hands together “goodbye summer school!!!!!! now, listen, let’s not fail our courses so that i don’t have to have this discussion with you again, how about we…”
o god
namjoon doesn’t want you around anymore thAt’s why he gave you the all extra credit immediately
you slump against the seat as jin continues to blab about a study plan for you
what are you doing to do now?
two weeks pass by and you’ve gone to the library every single day in hopes that namjoon will be there
instead you’re met with hoseok’s smiling face
side note: you’ve warmed up to him he’s actually really sweet
but you just
you miss your joonie
so when you walk into the library after a particularly tiring day and see namjoon sitting at the desk instead of hoseok
you’re understandably a little shook
“namjoon?? where have you been????” you gasp and shut the gate behind you “i-i’ve texted and i tried calling you but you-“
“i just needed a break.” namjoon shrugs
there’s an awkward silence between the two of you and you pluck at a loose thread on your sweater
you need to say something
you had something planned out but for some reason you can’t remember what you were going to say
how about you start off with sorry
that’s a good plan
start off with sorry
easy peasy lemon squeezy
you clear your throat and sit down in your chair before scooting closer to namjoon
he doesn’t budge
that’s a good sign.,., right
“hey, uh, look - i’m sorry-“
“it’s fine.” namjoon replies softly and flips to the next page in his book
it’s obviously not
he can’t even look you in the eye
“namjoon, i-“
“i think you should go. people who aren’t librarians aren’t supposed to be behind the desk.” namjoon snaps his book shut before getting up off his seat and walking over to the gate
he holds it open for you
you deserve that
“i just wanted to say that i’m sorry-“
“yeah, i got it. is there anything else i can help you with?”
u feel awful
you pluck at the purple bracelet around your wrist nervously
“please, just give me a second to explain-“
“you’ve done plenty of explaining. i get it. i’m not good enough for little miss y/n y/l/n.” namjoon scoffs “message received loud and clear.”
“no, that’s not tru-“
“now if you’ll excuse me, i have some students waiting who actually need help.” namjoon gestures to the line of students before pointing at the gate
you swallow the lump in your throat and you stand up and grab your bag
difficult difficult orange difficult
namjoon feels a twinge of guilt nibbling away at his conscience
it’s been about
five days? since he last saw you
five days since you tried apologising and he didn’t even give you a second to explain yourself which honestly wasn’t fair of him
and he wants to talk to you and stuff but,..,., like.,. he’s never experienced anything like this before and he doesn’t know what to do
are the two of you just going to avoid each other for the rest of your time here
the only time you interact will be when you check out a book at the library which very rarELy happens
he can’t help but wonder when he’ll see you again
the next time he sees you he’s definitely going to say something
and it seems like someone up there is either on his side or really hates him
because there you are
behind the counter
but he hasn’t had a chance to prepare for this situation and whAT IS HE GOING TO SAY TO U
it’s then that he notices that something is off
“y/n? what are you doing here? you don’t work here anymore and… it’s saturday.”
namjoon jumps when you whIP around clutching a bunch of books to your chest
“i put all the returned books away. i stamped all the new books on the first page and not the front cover-“
namjoon can barely pay attention to what you’re saying because you look
you looking a little rough girl
there are bags under your bloodshot eyes
your hair is pulled up into a messy bun
there’s a pen stuck through the bun
your reading glasses are tangled in your hair
“i also put the new books into the cataloguing system so you don’t have to spend this weekend doing that anymore!! you can go home and rest if you want!! i-i can take care of it!!”
“how long have you been h-“  
“i’ve restrung all the old books that are falling apart! i-i vacuumed behind the desk and i dusted the bookshelves too-“ you gesture wildly to the bookshelves
“y/n - jesus, you look like you’re about to pass out i think you should rest” namjoon rushes behind the counter and grabs onto your shoulders to steady you because you’re starting to sway a little bit
even though he’s still hurt by what happened he’s not going to prioritise thAt before you especially since you don’t look so good right now
also now that a good amount of time has passed he’s slowly starting to get over it
if you don’t like him like that then you don’t like him like that
there’s nothing he can do about it
he just has to accept it
“no namjoon listen to me look i even restocked on those black pens you like so much and i didn’t use my glittery pink pens when i labelled the books!” you sniffle and look up at him with watery eyes before gesturing to the cup of pens
“yes, i see that-“
“i just need you to know how sorry i am, okay?”
“yes, and i’ve forgiven you-“
“no, you haven’t! you haven’t forgiven me and i can see why! if i were in your shoes i wouldn’t forgive me! i’m just an asshole and there’s literally no excuse in the world to defend what i said about you and i feel awful and i’d understand if you never wanna see me again because i would never wanna see me again-“
“but you’re literally the sweetest guy i’ve ever met and i like you so sO much and you didn’t have to help me study for my finals and you didn’t have to give me extra credit-“
“and you need to know that i don’t think all those awful things about you i was just being stuPId because those girls make me act stupid and i don’t know i should’ve defended you but i didn’t but i reaLLy wanted to but i-i just froze and i didn’t know what to do and aLSO i’m not letting you give me extra credit because i’m smart enough to know that i have to finish working for a full semester before you administer extra credit-
“oH my god will u just shUT UP”
in a raRe act of spontaneity namjoon grabs your cheeks and bends down and plants his lips right against yours
and as cheesy as it seems
f i r e w o r k s
your eyes flutter shut and you fist namjoon’s shirt in your hands as you kiss him back
and then namjoon realizes the the fact he’s kissing you
he’s kissing you
he pulls away quickly and steps back and you immediately miss his warmth but also
he just kissed you
did that really happen??
or are you overtired and you just dreamt that whole thing up??
“i forgive you, alright? and… you can come back and work here for your extra credit.” namjoon clears his throat and scratches the back of his neck “now go and take a nap before you pass out right here right now”
his entire face is on fire
what the hell was THAT
namjoon watches as you lie down behind the counter and cuddle up to a makeshift pillow (his hoodie that he let you borrow after a long night of studying)
a couple days go by
things are
kinda normal ??
you guys are slowly falling back into your old routine
you apologise again and namjoon reassures you that he’s forgiven you and tells you to stop saying sorry before he kicks you out again
you get a chance to fully explain the situation and noW namjoon definitely forgives you
it was a misunderstanding and yeah he was pretty hurt but
he’s over it now
and he tells you to quit apologising otherwise he’ll make you a sandwich with no mayonnaise at aLL and you shut up immediately
you two haven’t brought up the kiss at all
namjoon is mortified
he’s never going to be spontaneous ever again
do you even remember kissing him?? (yes u do and ur freaking out about it)
god he hopes not
if it isn’t obvious by now namjoon is a lil bit of a coward
it’s not his fault!!!!
why would a sane person want to step out of their comfort zone?? just STAY in the comfort zone that’s why it’s called the C OM F O R T zone
things that are within the vicinity of kim namjoon’s comfort zone:
1) adding a touch of sriracha to his sandwiches for a LITTLE bit of a kick
2) drinking soup and wearing a crisp, white button-up because he’s very neat and is 100% positive he won’t get a droplet of soup on his shirt
3) not making a move on you because he doesn’t know what to do and if he doesn’t know what to do he’s just going to leave it like that
you, on the other hand
you are very different
things that are within the vicinity of y/n y/l/n’s comfort zone:
1) adding a SHITloAD of spicy mustard to your sandwiches because p a i n   i s p le a su re
2) drinking soup and wearing a white tee-shirt because who cares?? if u stain the shirt you can just say you bought it like that AND it gives your clothes more character
3) making many maNy moves on namjoon to try and encourage him to reciprocate affection and eventually admit that he has feelings for you
“good morning, joonie~” namjoon’s eyes pop open when you lean down and plant a ‘’;’friendly’;;’;’ kiss on his cheek
that was unexpected
“morning” he clears his throat and stays quiet as you sit down and pull your things out
you wheel closer to him and look down at the desk “whatcha doin?”
“uh,” namjoon looks down at the book on the desk “re-binding a book… it, um, it was kinda falling apart but to be fair it’s a really old book so i can see why-“
“do you need help??” you reach over and brush your fingers over where namjoon’s holding the spine of the book down as he waits for the glue to dry
his cheeks immediately buRST into flames and he yanks his hand away before breaking into a nervous laugh “no!! it’s okay!!! i- uh, i suddenly remembered i.,,. i have to pEE” the chair spiNS in circles from how quickly he zippEd off of it and you let out a small breath
this is going to be a lot harder than u thought
“y/n, where did you- oh, there you are! your soup is getting cold” namjoon scratches the back of his neck
he furrows his brows when he sees you on your tip-toes on the toP STEP of the very VERY old wooden ladder
you turn to glance at him “oh, hey! i’ll be right there. i’m just cataloguing some of these older books”
“okay, um- maybe you should use the metal ladder instead?? didn’t i tell you the wooden one is basically falling apart?” namjoon adjusts his collar nervously
o god
his palms are getting sweaty
you look down at the ladder before shaking your head
“you never told me that”
he DID tell you that but this is all part of your master scheme
although you’re probably going to break every single bone in ur body if you’re not careful so u should probably get off soon
you’re not aware of this yet but the weak wood is starting to splinter a bit under your weight
“i’m fine, joon. look!” namjoon’s heart stops in his chest when you stomp down on the step in a poor attempt to prove its stability “see?? totally fine”
oh my god
you’re purposely trying to kill him aren’t you
luckILY it doesn’t fall apart
and then he hears the first splinter
and a crack
and another crack
namjoon’s superman instincts immediately kick into gear and he zips towards you when the ladder suddenly snaps and you’re sent hurdLING TO THE GROUND
you find yourself in namjoon’s arms in a millisecond after falling and you blink up at him “holy shit”
“i toLD YOU” namjoon scolds and doesn’t budge when you slip an arm around his shoulder and praCTIcally cuddle up to him “i told you the wooden one was crap but you neveR listen to me and you could’ve seriously hurt yourself and whAT was the whole stomping thing are you an IDIOT-“
“you care about me” you grin and poke his chest and namjoon glances down at you
he clears his throat
“of course i care about u” he lets you back down onto your feet and takes a step away from you “now come and eat ur stupid soup before i smack u”
somehow you end up tricking namjoon into feeding you spoonfuls of soup because you’re “still shaken up from what just happened”
namjoon rolls his eyes at your antics but uh
he plays along
“y/n y/l/n??? reading??? preposterous!” you look up from your book when namjoon suddenly appears and sets a stack of books on the countertop
“don’t use your fancy vocabulary in front of me, you know i only know like 3 words maximum”
“what are you reading?” he adjusts his glasses and peeks over a little
“i don’t even know what i’m reading. i just picked it up because i was bored. it’s called ‘Captain Corelli’s Mandolin’. i thought it was about pirates but it’s….. noT.”
of course u thought it was about pirates
“oh! i’ve read that one! Louis de Bernières, right?”
you close the book to look at the front cover
“ya it’s lewis dee bearnards.”
namjoon looks at you like,, okay A+ for effort
“read it out loud”
“don’t you have work to do?”
“i do, but read a line to me! refresh my memory”
“alright, alright - here” you lean your elbows on the counter so that you’re right next to namjoon
you clear your throat and open the book to find where you were at
“When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots are to become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is.”
“Because this is what love is.” namjoon quotes quietly and you put the book down
the two of you lock gazes and you can’t help but notice that something feels different between the two of you
and then you find yourself leaning closer
and closer
and closer
“anYways it’s a really good boOk” namjoon suddenly stands up before clumsily picking up the stack of books “i’ll be in the back!!!!!!”
you groan quietly
SO close
“thanks for walking me home” you smile up at joon and he nods in response “and thanks for lending me your cardigan”
you slip your arm from his as you go to unlock your door
you turn around and wrinkle your nose “you probably want your cardigan ba-“
“you can keep it!” namjoon blurts out and quickly looks away “i mean, um… if you want. you can keep it. so next time you have something to keep you warm when it’s cold?”
you press your lips together to hide your grin and you nod and look down at the plain brown cardigan “okay, well… thanks again.” you murmur and take a lil step closer to namjoon
he looks up at you in surprise and you can FEEL the magnetic attraction bringing the two of you closer and closer
it’s going to happen
he’s going to kiss you at your front door
and it’s going to be magical
and then-
“i think i left my oven on at home” namjoon breathes out and he’s SO close you feel his breath wash over your lips “can i text you later?”
this is fucking ridiculous
you and joon keep having these almost-kiss moments and you will GLADLY smooch the man but he backs out every time and is like hOohOo i’ll be in the back!!!!!!!!! or he’ll be like i NEED 2 PEE or like i NEED TO READ A BOOK NOW
whenever you’re standing near him or your knee brushes over his when you guys are sitting with each other he gets all nervous and jittery and his face gets all flushed and then he’s like i NEED TO DUST SOMETHING
and then when he leaves each time you have to refrain yourself from grabbing the stapler and like stapling your fingers together out of frustration
he’s just so!!!!!!!! he’s being such a nAMJOON
you’ve never really chased a guy down like this before
and at first it was fun but now you’re just frustrated
so you’ve finally decided it’s time for the last resort
as much as you hate confrontation
it’s necessary in this situation
“i have a question for you” you murmur as you scribble a note down in your journal
it’s a pretty quiet afternoon in the library (as per usual except there are less people here since exam season is over)
namjoon’s sitting behind the counter and you’re standing in front of it doing your work because you felt like your ass was going to fall off from how numb it became due to you sitting on it for like 5 hours straight
you set your pencil down quietly “joon.”
namjoon sighs and flips through his book “if it’s about the online library system i told you you have to hit the big green button for it to sav-“
“why don’t you wanna kiss me again? i know you like me too”
wait wat
namjoon chokes on his tea and pats his chest a couple times before quickly adjusting his glasses
did you just
did he hear you right
what the fu
what’s happening
is this a fever dream
you like him too?
“sorry - w-what?”
“i said - i know you like me too. so what’s the problem, dimples?” you lean over on the counter and prop your chin up on your palm
what’s the problem?
the problem is that this is way too good to be true
he knows exactly what’s happening
you don’t like him you only think you like him
he doesn’t need your pity
you’re only saying you like him because he’s the lame librarian and he’s not mr athlete like yoongi and you’re trying to make him feel better
“i- who- look, i don’t know who put this ridiculous idea in your head, but i-i don’t!” namjoon gets up from his chair quickly and walks out from behind the counter
the little gate snAPS shut
“why’d you kiss me in the first place then??”
“to get you to shuT uP” namjoon explains as if it’s the most obvious answer in the world even though he’s definitely lying thru his teeth right now
“to get me to shut up mY ASS”
namjoon bites down on in inside of his cheek and suppresses a groan
OH my god you are so IRRITATING
“wha- if anything, i think you’re the most infuriating, annoying, and obnoxious girl i’ve ever met!” namjoon takes a step towards you and towers over you but you don’t budge “you- you always crash the cataloguing system and you never put the books back in alphabetical order like you’re supposed to and on top of that you’re always bringing your dumb snacks in here and you always leave crumbs everywhere for me to clean up even though i’ve told you multiple times you have to clean up after yoursel- mmph!”
namjoon’s eyes go as wide as saucers when you’re suddenly grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and yanking him down so that you can kiss him
you pull away and namjoon blinks quickly before his cheeks flare up
you let go of his collar and smooth it down before prodding your finger into his chest accusingly
“you have all these complaints about me yet you never activELy try to stop me and that signals to me that yoU LIKE ME- oh!” namjoon’s suddenly grabbing your waist and pushing you up against the counter and then he leans down to mash his lips against yours
you feel the sting from where the counter is digging into your back but holy shit you do noT give a fuck right now
his hands are cupping your face and he tilts his head to deepen the kiss
namjoon licks into your mouth and you let out a small noise of surprise
you whimper and tug at his tie to pull him even closer to you
“waIt wait wait oh god this is highly inappropriate y/n we’re in an educational setting” namjoon pulls away from you and you find yourself chasing after his lips before you’re like you’rE right you’re right
so the two of you step away from each other and you smooth out your shirt while namjoon adjusts his collar
the two of you look at each other and lock gazes
and then you’re immediately lunging at each other again and namjoon’s strong arms wrap around your waist while your arms wrap around his neck
he lifts you up in one swift movement and you find yourself sitting on the countertop leaning down to kiss joon while he slots himself in between your legs and places one hand on your waist while the other rests on your thigh
“you’re a very good kisser” you murmur into the kiss  
“don’t underestimate me” he squeezes your thigh and you smack his hand away when it starts sliding up higher and higher
“so are you still positive that you don’t like me back?” you pout and slide a hand down his chest and namjoon reaches up to wrap his fingers around your wrist
he purses his lips and pretends to think “you might have to kiss me again and then i’ll have a definite answer for you”
you giggle and cup his cheeks before leaning in to give him a sweet little peck and namjoon hums happily
“…yeah, i definitely like you back”
the two of you can’t hide the fat grins on your faces
god bless the library
surprisingly enough you aren’t actually that much of a party person
just because going to parties requires so much damn effort
you take like two hours to slather 10 pounds of makeup on your face and another hour to squeeze into a saucy outfit
and then when you get to the frat house it’s all dark inside so doing your makeup wasn’t even worth it
and when you sit down you have to sit straight otherwise you’ll buSt out of your jeans
you only go to parties because of jimin
he usually takes care of the drinks and it would be plain rude of you to say no to free drinks!!!!!!!!
the basketball team is celebrating their big win and they’re going aLL out and they asked jimin to take care of the drinks for them at this party and so jimin was like ya you don’t have a choice you have to come to the party
and you know jimin’s going to be busy all night so you invited namjoon to come along
no offence to your sweet boyfriend but you hope he doesn’t get too overwhelmed because he gets overwhelmed pretty easily
obviously parties aren’t his scene which isn’t a bad thing
you told him that if he was uncomfortable and wanted to leave you would totally leave with him
you’re predicting that he’s going to show up in a sweater vest or something
bless him
to be fair you’re wearing one of his cardigans over your outfit right now just because it’s still a little chilly out anD the cardigan kind of matched with your ~lewk~ for the night
and also it smells like him and makes u feel cozy
“look at this set up! this is like a legit bar” you smooth your hands over the marble countertop and jimin nods enthusiastically
“i know right!!! you’re lucky that you’re friends with the bartender - so what can i get for you tonight, ma’am?” jimin smirks and tosses a rag over his shoulder before wiggling his brows
“surprise me, minnie” you grin
“where’s namjoon?” jimin plops a chunk of lime into the shaker
“he’s on his way! he wanted to stay back and clean up before coming here and he-“ your phone suddenly buzzes in your pocket “-and he’s calling me right now pardon me” jimin nods and wanders off to the other end of the bar for the ice
“hey, i just got here - where are you?”
“i’m by the bar! i’m wearing your cardigan so-“
“oh! okay, i see you. i’ll see you in a sec” you hang up and slip your phone into your back pocket and jimin wanders back over with your drink
“i’ll start you off with a spicy blackberry margarita” you ‘ooh’ in amazement because this looks like a veRy fancy drink
jimin watches you expectantly as you take a sip and your eyes pop open “this is SO good!!!!! please keep them coming or i’m suing” you murmur while taking the straw in between your lips again
“hi baby” you feel someone slip an arm around you from behind and you immediately recognise that musky cologne when joon props his chin up on your shoulder
“mm- hey dweeb” you pop a quick kiss on his cheek but you’re not really paying attention because this drink is bOMB
“what are you drinking?”
“it’s a spicy blackberry margarita. did you wanna try- woah.” you choke on your drink when namjoon sits on the stool next to you and you get a really reALLy good chance to look at your boyfriend because sweetie this is not your boyfriend
he has his hair slicked back
he’s not wearing his glasses
he has two small silver hoops hanging from his ears
he’s wearing a plain white tee that is very veRy tight around his biceps and a pair of ripped skinny jeans anD a pair of timberlands
y/n.exe has stopped working
whose mans is this
is this your mans???
this is your mans????
“aren’t you going to give me a proper kiss hello?” namjoon tilts his head and pouts
what the hell
what the hell?////???
“who are you and what did you do to namjoon?????” you manage to squeak out
he rolls his eyes playfully before leaning in and slotting his lips against yours
“cute outfit, by the way. a cardigan’s kinda dorky for a house party though, don’t you think?” he raises a brow and tugs you off your seat so you can stand in between his legs
“you’re calling me dorky??”
“i’m not the one wearing a cardigan at a party. have you never been to a party before?” namjoon slips his hands under the cardigan and rests his hands on your hips and gives you a little squeeze
“y/n! hey, girl!” you feel a little piece of your soul die when you hear that familiar pitchy voice
you spin around in namjoon’s grip so that he’s hidden behind you
“wendy! …hey…” you clear your throat
you haven’t spoken to wendy or the others since the incident
just because they’re assholes and u don’t really,.,., like assholes??
“ugh, i’m so glad you made it! look, the girls and i just wanted to give you an apology.”
“well it’s not me you should be apologising to” you raise a brow
wendy scoffs playfully “well it’s not like kim namjoon would be at this party. you can just apologise to him for us or something!”
suddenly namjoon yanks you down so that you’re sitting on his leg
his arm slithers around your waist and your arm hangs loosely around his neck  
“wendy! so nice to see you again!” before you get the chance to say anything namjoon offers the three girls a charming smile
.,,.,.god his teeth are literally perfect
wendy’s brows furrow in confusion
“see you agai- wait, namjoon?” she gawks and you feel a twinge of anger when her eyes graze him from his head to his toes
lisa and jisoo exchange glances before murmuring things to each other
you catch a glimpse of lisa staring at namjoon as if he were a piece of mEat
the AUDACITY of these girls
she takes her bottom lip in between her teeth before her right eye drops in a wink
namjoon sighs
“you alright, lisa? is there something in your eye? you’re blinking weird. and jisoo - i see a widdle piece of lettuce in your teeth.”
the two girls’ faces flush bright red and you press your lips together to keep yourself from laughing
wendy shakes her head “you- wow, you clean up nice…”
“wish i could say the same for you.” he pouts and reaches out to pinch her cheek “you’re looking a little red… maybe the stick up your ass is causing tension?” he suggests and props his chin up on your shoulder
breaking news: wendy has just been COMPleteLY obliterated
“wow… whatever.”
you remain silent as the three girls immediately whiP around and head in the other direction
“…do you think i should go and apologise?” namjoon suggests sheepishly and you turn to look at him
“if anything i think you should’ve taken it farther”
“and this is why i like u”
“i know” you raise your fist and namjoon laughs before bumping his fist against yours “now, c’mon - let’s get you a spicy blackberry margarita”
about two hours have passed
you and joon have been hanging out at the bar mostly
jimin keeps testing new drinks on the two of you
both of you have an ample amount of alcohol flowing through your veins
and now you’re on the couch because the bar was getting too busy
and uh
you’ve always been a affectionate!drunk and namjoon is now realising this
“what’s gotten into you?” namjoon laughs after you rub your nose against his before pulling away to give him a lil kith
“just loving on my boyfrienD” you giggle and wrap his arm around your shoulder before nuzzling against him
in the background you hear the commotion of people getting excited because jungkook’s gone and volunteered himself for body shots
you very faintly see min yoongi and the random thought of that water girl job pops into your head
namjoon takes the red plastic cup away from you “mhm, i think that’s enough for you, missy”
“namjOoooOn” you immediately make grabby hands for your cup and namjoon holds it away from you so that you can’t reach it
you’re practically stretched out on his lap trying to grab it
you huff and roll your eyes “well noW what am i going to do to pass the time”
spoiler alert: u somehow persuade joon into a make-out session on the couch (it was pretty easy and u had good points “everyone’s over in the kitchen doing body shots and also u look super hot tonight”)
you pull away from namjoon and take your bottom lip in between your teeth “…you wanna get outta here?”
“you need to learn how to be more patient” namjoon laughs when you squirm your way in between him and his front door
it’s hard to unlock the door when you’re pressing kisses to his neck aNd tugging at his shirt at the same time
“you need to learn how to find your damn keyS” you groan and tug at his belt
the moment namjoon unlocks the door he pushes you in and the keys clatter to the ground
“now look who needs to learn how to be patient” you squeal when he lifts you up in one swift movement and wraps your legs around his waist
“it’s still you” namjoon murmurs against your mouth and you bite down on his lip in retaliation
he grins and squeezes the underside of your thigh causing you to giggle
“stoP i’m ticklish there” you murmur and namjoon raises a brow
you pull away and jab a finger into his chest “don’t even thiNK about it”
“i have no idea what you’re talking about” namjoon shrugs innocently as he begins the small trek to the bedroom
you don’t know how he hasn’t dropped you yet
like ya you knew he was strong but you didn’t know he was thiS strong
your fingers wrap around his bicep and you give a testing squeeze and you feel a ziP of heat down there when he flexes underneath your fingers
o fuk
you fall onto the mattress and it bounces under your weight and the next thing you know namjoon is hovering over you
“c’mere, you” namjoon breathes out and leans down to press his plump lips against yours
he grunts when you roll your hips against his and let out a whimper
he wants to hear you make more noises for him  
“wait wait wait” you breathe out and pull away from joon
“what’s wrong?” namjoon sits up immediately
what did he do???? o god
he fucked up what did he DO
you reach over to the bedside table and namjoon’s like ??
namjoon blinks quickly as you slip his glasses onto his face
“as much as i liked bad boy namjoon i miss my bookworm”
“do you find visual impairment sexy?” namjoon adjusts his glasses and crinkles his nose
you giggle and lean in to kiss him again
namjoon jumps when he feels your hands tugging at his belt and he immediately reaches down and wraps his fingers around your wrist
“what are you doing?” he breathes out and you move down and start pressing kisses to his neck
“taking your pants off”
well like
he knOWs what you’re doing he just
he doesn’t want to like,, pressure you into doing stuff because he rly likes u and u guys haven’t been together for thAt long
“we don’t have to-“
“why? are you a virgin?” you tease and namjoon scowls playfully as you continue to undo his belt “because i can be gentle with you!”
he doesn’t like this game
“maybe we should get some chocolate covered strawberries and champagne?”
you continue your little jokes even as namjoon pushes you down gently on the bed
your head flops against the pillows
“you want me to light some candles?” you giggle when namjoon gives the side of your bum a smack after peeling your leggings off and tossing them aside
“oh yeah, i love candles. i especially love those vanilla scented ones.” namjoon tilts his head before peeling his shirt off and tossing it aside
you pause in your teasing for a second to admire joon’s sun-kissed tanned god-like skin
you want to take a bite out of his biceps
“maybe we can take a bubble bath or something? to ease your nerves” you coo and poke his nose when he slots himself in between your legs and leans down with his hands on either side of your head
“that does sound nice. i’m trembling with nerves, after all” namjoon sighs and buries his face into the crook of your neck and starts pressing kisses to your skin
“don’t worry - i’ll be gentle with you” you mutter and namjoon snorts before biting down on your shoulder playfully  
oh god
you’re on cloud nine right now
“oh, namjoon,” you gasp and dig your nails into the nape of his neck
your back arches against his chest when he thrusts into you again
your toes curl into the mattress
you’ve never had sex like this before
it’s a slow slow burn and you can already tell that this is the best orgasm you’re ever going to have
“you feel so good” namjoon moans lowly and his raspy voice “s-so warm n tight and you’re all mine- nngh- fuck,”
“oh my god namjoon”  you whimper breathily and your finger dig into his back
namjoon brushes his lips over yours in an almost kiss as he struggles to breathe because you feel so good around him
your vocabulary is very limited at the moment just because your mind is clouded with lust and you can’t focus on anything besides namjoon namjoon namjoon
“good?” namjoon leans down and presses his forehead against yours before his hand is slithering in between your legs
“good, s-so good,” you whine and arch your back against him
he keeps at a steady pace and continues to build up the pleasure and the tingling sensation and your toes curl into the mattress
“nam-namjoon- i-i’m-“ you choke over your words as you finally fall apart beneath him his eyes are hazy with pleasure and his pupils are so dilated that they’ve basically swallowed all colour in his eyes
“i’ve got you, you’re okay,” namjoon murmurs as he starts planting soft kisses along your jawline and then down your neck
the next thing you know you’re seeing stars and you’ve officially been reduced to a trembling whimpering mess
namjoon manages four and a half more thrusts before he’s letting out a groan as his orgasm slams into him suddenly
he gives you one last kiss before rolling off of you
you immediately cuddle up to his chest and the two of you share a moment of silence where you’re just processing what the heck just happened
“…not bad for a virgin, eh?” namjoon grins and you snort against his chest before whacking his arm gently
“c’mon, i think i promised you a bubble bath”
you love your handsome boyfriend
but those thick square frames of his makes him look like such a dork (which makes you love him even more)
sometimes he leaves them on the counter because he says wearing them too much gives him migraines
and you like to take advantage of the situation
“i’m namjoon and i can’t walk five steps without tripping over my feet!” you imitate namjoon and the boys burst out into laughter and you can’t help but feel a sense of pride not only because you know your impression is spot on but it’s also funny as hell
“i’m namjoon and i keep stale candies in my pocket like a grandpa”
another round of laughter and you’re feeling good
“hey wait - where are you guys going??? i haven’t even gotten to the good ones ye-“
you jump when you feel an arm slither around your waist and suddenly you’re being pulled into a hard chest
“i’m namjoon and you’re in big trouble when we get off from work today”
boyfriends usually find it sexy when their girlfriends wear an article of their clothing
and sure you’ve stolen a couple of joonie’s tees and hoodies and he thinks you look adorable drowning in his clothes
but nothing gets him going more than seeing you wear his glasses
especially when you wear them while you’re riding him  
you know that saying
gentleman on the streets but freak in the sheets
namjoon is the epitome of that saying
“nNgh- na- namjoon! ah, joon, fuck-“ namjoon’s glasses slide down until they’re on the tip of your nose and namjoon groans at the sight
his fingers dig into the flesh of your hips and he bucks his hips making you cry out in pleasure
“fuck, look at you, falling apart on my cock - oh, you like it when i talk to you like this? naughty little girl” he reaches up to grasp your chin and presses his lips against yours
in conclusion: nothing gets him going more than seeing you wear his glasses
namjoon’s pretty proud of the fact that he gave you a new appreciation for books
because you’re reading a new book like eveRy week which is great
but now he’s starting to think that you might like books more than you like him
and he’s not typically the kind of person who whines because he thinks whining is annoying and won’t get you anywhere
but you are turning him into a whiney person because of your new infatuation with books
“joon, stop,” you scowl and push him away when he rests his head on your shoulder and starts reading along with you
you like to read alone and he knows that but he likes being near you!!!!!!! and you’ve been silent for like an hour!!!!!! and he misses your voice!!!!! so SUE HIM
“but you’ve been reading for an hour and i’m bored” namjoon pouts and slumps down on the desk
you look down at him and your heart flutters at how cute he looks with his pillowy lips in a pout and his cheek squished against the desk
“well let me finish reading a couple more chapt-“
“a couple more?!” namjoon squawks and gets the attention of some people sitting near the counter
“-and then i’m all yours! it’s just getting to the good part. i don’t bother you when you’re working!”
“because when i’m working, you’re working too! and you actually interAct with me when we work” namjoon grumbles and sits up before grabbing a random book and flipping through it angrily
“well i’m taking a break”
“yEAh like your fifth break in two hours”
“watch the attitude mister”
“u watch youR attitude” namjoon huffs before wheeling back to his side of the counter
he turns and gives you his best angry-looking face and you snort before putting your book down because he looks like an angry puppy
you wheel over to him and rest your cheek on his shoulder and namjoon shakes you off
“have i not been giving you enough attention, hm?” you coo and link your arm with his before grabbing his hand
namjoon doesn’t respond and continues to click on the laptop but he doesn’t let go of your hand
it’s time to pull out
the biG GUNS
you immediately smoosh your lips against his cheek and assault him with kisses and namjoon can’t help but break out into a giggle
this is all he needs to stay happy!!! just kiSs him a couple times a hour and he won’t be whiney anymore
it’s not that hARD TO DO
he reaches up to cup your face and leans in to give you a soft peck before pointing to the book that you abandoned for him
“go and finish reading… bOokworm”
namjoon typically is very gentle when it comes to pretty much everything
when he’s rebinding books he does it with such delicacy and precision so that a page is never out of place
when he’s dusting shelves his wrist flicks so subtlety as to not knock any books over
when he holds your hand he intertwines your fingers with his and it makes you feel soft and cozy on the inside
but the namjoon that is currently in between your legs is not the same namjoon
and you love it
you gasp as namjoon’s fingers dig into the meat of your inner thighs to keep you planted firmly against the bed as you try to buck your hips
“joon, i c-can’t-“ you whimper and squirm underneath him
“yes you can, i know you can,” namjoon purrs and presses a kiss to your inner thigh before leaning down and burying his face in between your legs
he’s already made you cum twice with his fingers alone and now he wants to make you cum with his mouth
“nO namjoon please-“ you mewl and bury your fingers in his hair before yanking “please i need you so bad”
as much as namjoon would like to spend the rest of the day with his face buried in between your legs he knows you’re not going to last much longer so he’ll show some mercy
also he’s like buSting out of his pants so he needs to relieve himself too
namjoon sighs before pulling away and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand
he can’t help but smirk at the sight of you flopped on his bed with your hair in a halo around your head and your cheeks are flushed and your lips are swollen and your eyes are glassy
all because of him
“only because you’ve been such a good girl”
“i- oh!”
namjoon flips you over onto your stomach in one quick motion “and you’re going to continue being a good girl for me, aren’t you?”
you hear the gentle tinkering of his belt and the shuffling of his pants and you bite down on your bottom lip in anticipation
you nod quickly and prop yourself up onto your forearms
namjoon chuckles when you squirm and wiggle your bum against him “patience, jagi”
“i’ve been patient” you murmur into the crook of your elbow and namjoon smacks the side of your bum in warning
your eyes flicker up when you see namjoon’s hand reach out to grip onto the headboard
his other hand is on your hip and you freeze when you feel him easing himself in slowly
he starts off slow to let you adjust
but the moment you give him the green light
all hell breaks loose
namjoon begins fucking into you at a merciless pace and you can’t help but mewl and moan underneath him
you feel like your body isn’t even attached to your minD right now because you’ve never felt pleasure like this before
namjoon stays silent apart from his heavy breathing and the occasional grunt and if that’s not the sexiest sound in the entire world you don’t know what the hell is
“tell me who’s making you feel this good” namjoon growls into your ear and gives you a particularly hard thrust
“y-you, you are, i-i, oh god, namjoon-!“ you gasp and bury your head in the pillows
“up, baby” he warns you and wraps his arm under your stomach as he pulls you and straightens you out
your arms are shaking underneath you as you hold yourself up and namjoon leans down to press a kiss to the back of your neck
and then he’s placing his palm on the small of your back and continuing to push himself into you as deep as he possibly can
your orgasm practically obliterates your body when it finally comes
spots dot your vision and your fingers dig into the mattress and namjoon’s name continues to slip past your lips over and over again
you spasm uncontrollably around namjoon and that triggers his own orgasm because hoLy fuck you’re so warm and tight and-
namjoon pulls out and you feel splatters on the swell of your ass and you hear him groaning lowly as he finally relieves himself
you have no idea what’s happening
all you hear is white noise
all you feel are tingles up and down your spine
“you did such a good job, baby” you weren’t even aware that namjoon left to go to the washroom and now he’s cleaning you up with a warm rag “such a good girl for me” he coos and presses a kiss to your shoulder before he flips you over gently so that you’re on your back
he leans down to give you a sweet peck before nudging his nose against yours
honestly.,,.,. get u a man who can do both
you look up from your phone and namjoon’s holding up the cataloguing notebook with a raised brow
“purple glitter pen??? seriously??” he says in a verY unimpressed manner
your eyes flicker over to the sheet before you look back at your frustrated boyfriend
“…you said you didn’t want me to use pink so i used purple”
namjoon suppresses a groan and pinches the bridge of his nose
some things never change
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