#bankruptcy mortgage ky
kentuckybats · 11 months
Can you get a Kentucky mortgage loan while in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.
Can you get a Kentucky mortgage loan while in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy:” Louisville Kentucky Mortgage Broker Offering FHA, VA, USDA, Conventional, and KHC Zero Down Payment Home Loans
Louisville Kentucky Mortgage Broker Offering FHA, VA, USDA, Conventional, and KHC Zero Down Payment Home Loans Can you get a Kentucky mortgage loan while in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: Can you get a Kentucky mortgage loan while in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy:”
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January 19, 2021
Heather Cox Richardson
On January 20, 2017, Trump took the oath of office and gave his “American Carnage” speech describing America as a hellscape, and we were off to the races.
Trump vowed he would smash norms and boundaries to “drain the swamp.” He filled positions in his administration with political operatives and appointed his son-in-law Jared Kushner to manage so many projects it would have been funny if it weren’t so deadly serious. The policies the administration advanced were usually hastily and poorly conceived; when the courts overturned them, Trump complained of “the Deep State.”
Days after he took office, he issued the travel ban aimed at Muslims, the first in a series of actions throughout his presidency designed to subordinate people of color to white Americans. The racism in his rhetoric and regulations pulled white supremacists behind him. On August 11-12, 2017, they rioted in Charlottesville, Virginia. Their protest of the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee became an attempt to create a political vanguard.
The “Unite the Right” rally turned violent, injuring more than 30 people and killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer, whose last Facebook post before she joined the counter protest in Charlottesville read: “If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention.” Three days after the riots, asked about the violent protests in Charlottesville, Trump said that “you… had people that were very fine people, on both sides.” People took that, rightly, as Trump’s support for white supremacy and the gangs that advanced it, a support illustrated dramatically in summer 2020, when he and his attorney general, William Barr, used federal troops against peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters.
By spring 2017, there was another crisis on the horizon. The FBI was investigating the cooperation of Trump’s presidential campaign with Russian spies. Trump’s former National Security Adviser, retired lieutenant general Michael Flynn, had lied to the FBI about conversations with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, and Trump pressured then-FBI Director James Comey to stop the agency’s investigation of Flynn. When Comey refused, Trump fired him, prompting the deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to appoint Special Counsel Robert Mueller (then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions had recused himself because he, too, had lied about conversations with Russians) to investigate the ties between Trump campaign officials and Russian operatives.
Both Mueller’s report and the report of the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee established that Russian operatives had interfered in the 2016 election to help Trump. They indicated that Trump campaign officials knew what the Russians were doing and were willing to accept their help. The Senate Intelligence Committee also noted that Trump’s campaign chair Paul Manafort gave sensitive internal information about the campaign to a Russian operative in Ukraine. Trump continued to call these allegations the “Russia hoax,” but observers noted that, for all his feuds with other leaders, he seemed oddly solicitous of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Trump came to office with an expanding economy. In the first three years of his presidency, the economy continued to grow, in part because of tax cuts that slashed the corporate tax rate by 40%. Trump promised that these cuts would be “rocket fuel for our economy,” but economic growth stayed at about 2.9%, the same as it had been in 2015, and more than 60% of the benefits from the cuts went to those at the top 20% of the economic ladder. Even before the pandemic, Trump’s economic policies were projected to add about $10 trillion to the national debt by 2025, an increase of more than 50%.
And then the pandemic hit. Trump first downplayed the crisis, then insisted that Democrats demanding he address the crisis were overplaying it: he called it a Democratic “hoax.” The pandemic tanked the economy, undercutting his best argument for reelection, and by summer 2020 the administration had decided its best option was to reopen schools and the economy and to try to achieve herd immunity through infections. The result was a disaster. Today, on the last day of Trump’s administration, the number of Americans we have officially lost to Covid-19 has topped 400,000. That’s about the same number of people we lost in World War Two.
The pandemic threw about 22 million people out of work and forcing businesses into bankruptcy. As the faltering economy undercut Trump’s plans for reelection, he tried to destroy faith in mail-in ballots, trying to drive people to in-person voting sites. Then, when that didn’t work, he pushed the idea that Democrats would steal the election. Although his Democratic challengers Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the 2020 election by more than 7 million popular votes and secured the Electoral College by a vote of 306 to 232, Trump and his supporters continued to insist the election was stolen.
On January 6, 2021, Trump and key members of his administration rallied his supporters to attack the counting of the certified electoral ballots for Biden and Harris. Encouraged by the president, the crowd marched to the Capitol with the plan of disrupting the vote. They overpowered the police, killing one officer; broke into the building; and came within a minute of taking our elected leaders hostage, or perhaps executing them on the gallows they built.
In the wake of the attack on the Capitol, the House of Representatives impeached Trump for the second time—the first was in 2019 after he withheld congressionally-approved money to Ukraine in an attempt to bully the newly-elected Ukraine president into announcing an investigation into Joe Biden’s son Hunter in the hopes of weakening Biden as a potential rival in the 2020 election.
So, Trump leaves the White House tomorrow facing a second Senate impeachment trial.
Trump has split the Republican Party. His true loyalists intend to turn America into a right-wing, white, Christian nation as embodied in the 1776 Report the administration released yesterday. In the last days of the administration, Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is pretty clearly trying to position himself for a 2024 presidential run, tweeting from the official government account of the State Department a long list of what he considers his accomplishments. Others are likely planning to give him a run for his money. Today Senator Josh Hawley, under suspicion of inciting the January 6 rioters with his support for throwing out Biden’s Electoral College votes, slow-walked Biden’s nominee for Secretary of Homeland Security because Hawley objects to Biden’s plans to create a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
Establishment Republicans are trying to regain control of the party. After the January coup attempt, some corporations announced they would no longer donate to Republicans who had voted to challenge the certified electoral votes, while others declared a moratorium on all political spending. The corporate turn against the Trump wing of the Republican Party strengthened the backbone of the establishment Republicans. Today Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) stood on the floor of the Senate and put Trump at the center of the January 6 attack on the Capitol. "The mob was fed lies," McConnell said. “They were provoked by the President and other powerful people."
But McConnell went on. He claimed that neither party has a broad mandate after the 2020 elections, which, he said, meant that the Democrats have no call to advance “sweeping ideological change.” He is referring, of course, to the plans of incoming President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris, which he has every intention of stopping.
Today, President-Elect Joe Biden arrived at Joint Base Andrews. He traveled in a private plane since Trump refused to extend him the traditional courtesy of a military plane offered from an outgoing president to an incoming one. Trump will not attend Biden’s swearing-in; he will leave for Florida in the morning. In his place, three of the other living ex-presidents will be attending the inauguration: Republican George W. Bush, Democrat Bill Clinton, and Democrat Barack Obama. It’s a party of ex-presidents, together to emphasize the peaceful transition of power. Trump won’t be there.
The tide is already turning against him. Vice President Mike Pence has announced he will not be able to attend Trump’s farewell ceremony as he is attending Biden’s inauguration instead. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and McConnell—who will become minority leader tomorrow after the two new Democratic senators from Georgia are sworn in—are not going to see Trump off, either: they will be attending church with Biden before his inauguration.
Tomorrow at noon, President-Elect Joe Biden takes the oath of office. He intends to return the government to the principles the Democratic Party has held since the late nineteenth century: that the federal government has a role to play in responding to the needs of ordinary Americans. He has also embraced the traditional Democratic idea that the government should actually look like the people it represents. In an implicit rebuke of Trump’s white nationalism, he has tapped the most diverse set of officials in American history. They are also extraordinarily well-qualified and have many years of experience in government.
Biden and Harris have already outlined a very different administration than Trump’s. Their first task is to combat the coronavirus. Biden wants 100 million vaccinations in his first 100 days in office, and is mobilizing the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Guard to make that happen. To rebuild the economy, they have advanced a coronavirus relief package designed to protect children, first, and then women and families. It calls for expanded food relief and rent and mortgage protection, as well as expanded unemployment benefits and a one-time relief payment.
Trump’s administration is, perhaps, ending where it began. This weekend, Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny returned to Russia after his near-fatal poisoning by Putin’s agents in August. Upon his return to Russia, authorities immediately detained him. Trump refused to join other nations in condemning the poisoning, but yesterday, Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) demanded that the U.S. hold Putin accountable for “the corruption and lawlessness of the Putin regime.” Joining Romney in calling for new sanctions against Russia were a range of senators from both parties.
The act is called the “Holding Russia Accountable for Malign Activities Act.”
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kylebuyshouses · 3 years
Solutions For Homeowners That Need To Sell Their House Fast in Louisville KY
In Louisville, KY, home problems are unique to any other area in the world. Although these issues are similar in other cities, it is not the exact same, and that changes everything. This is perfect for us because we are local people helping the local community in Louisville.
 We understand the issues that affect our community specifically. From protest and riots in the street to shutting down the entire city for a less than a half foot of snow.
 These are issues that our community works together to overcome, and we want to do our part to improve the Louisville community by providing solutions for Louisville home problems. That is what we specialize in and that is how we can change lives in Louisville.
Being the experts in sensitive real estate solutions, we have seen a wide spectrum of problems which seem to have no answer in sight. I am here to tell you that there are solutions and will list as many scenarios as I can to hopefully get to the one person who needs it most.
 If you, as the reader, feel as there is something we can add to this list, please send us a message, or give us a call. We would be honored to have input from another Louisville local doing his/her part to improve the community and help a neighbor.
Simply put, we buy houses in Louisville, KY. The ability to buy your house fast lets you sell your house fast. Meaning less time on the internet searching how to sell my house fast. Less time wasting time on someone that will not buy your house fast, or a person not from Louisville, KY.
 The solutions provided below will get rid of that problem infected house fast. So fast you will say “Did I just sell my house faster than it took to move in in the first place?”. All the answers listed will educate anyone on how you can sell your house fast.
Chances are that your mortgage is most likely the largest single recurring charge on your checkbook every single month. When life takes a turn for the worse, the mortgage can become a stressful part of your life that may have once needed to be put to the side to take care of more important things, like legal or family issues.
 The solution to these problems is often found universally and simple across the nation. A few maxed-out credit cards followed by a second or even third mortgage. Sooner or later, it is a weekly juggling act just to make ends meet with no end in sight.
 Working to live has become your life and stress has become your native language. For sure debt on a home can pile up quick and make your entire life a restless struggle to pay bills, all the while surviving on the cheapest lifestyle manageable.
 Majority of people can push through eating ramen noodles three times a day and never leaving the house except for work for a few weeks; but these things stack on to each other over time.
At what point is this interest growing debt crushing you to the point that the only options are bankruptcy or selling the house? If bankruptcy becomes the route walked, finding another place to live could possibly become another struggle because of the lack of funds and absolutely destroyed credit.
 Selling the property seems to be the better answer but the amount owed on the property is more than anyone is going to be willing to pay on a property in this present condition. So, doomsday starts to come faster than your next shift at work, the bank begins sending notices to your mailbox.
By this point, checking the mail has become a dreadful occurrence of opening bills that only stack on to the increasing stress being piled on daily. If your lucky, maybe you will find some really great coupons or win a large prize contest that you did not enter in to.
 Now, not only are you behind on all your utilities and your mortgage but disconnection letters and foreclosure warnings come together in waves of hair pulling torment to the front door. That’s it.
 There are not enough hours to work in a day to catch up on all the bills. You are going to lose your house and still be in debt. Without money to the side, maybe luck will find some humor and allow you to live in your car long enough to get the money for an apartment. The options have dwindled into a funnel of despair. Guess it is time to fill for foreclosure.
That is where you are wrong. Foreclosure and the struggle that often comes with it can all be avoided. We are here to help. We love helping people, its why we are in this business.
On many occasions, we can purchase your home, get you out of any and all debt associated with the property, and give your enough cash to make sure you are able to move into another place to live. The end results eliminate your stress and debt, causing it to be completely relieved.
 No foreclosure must be filled. Your life can pick up where it left off before it was twisted into stress, tension, and debt. You deserve the right to less stress. You deserve the right to live your life! Not something that is feasible with euphoric-less crushing debt guiding every move to a funnel of depression and homelessness.
 â€‹So Yes, we can buy your house without you filling for foreclosure and knowing we are changing your life for the better makes it a win-win for us and you
Debt for Life
Quite often the need to sell your home is not because it is time to more on to bigger and better things. If that was the case, then every young person would live in a car and every senior citizen would live in a mansion.
 Unfortunately, certain unexpected financial trouble may come into your life that backs your life and bank account into a corner with no way out. Having several bills and maxed out credit cards with high interest rates leads to little money to spend on any other parts of life.
 Day by day goes on with just having enough money to eat and survive. Then one giant blow to the finances come crashing down like a skydiver without a parachute. Maybe it is an injury preventing you from working, resulting in a lack of income. Maybe it is an unexpected major car repair that was not quite built into the budget for the year, none the less the week!
It is easy to dig yourself into financial troubles through poor decisions or just plain bad luck. So, you decide to sell your house to hopefully relieve the crushing debt payments before the only option is bankruptcy.
 To sell your home, it needs to look like a home that someone will want to buy. Unfortunately, your home needs a lot of repairs before any random person has any interest to purchase it.
 Even then the problem arises that you cannot afford to make repairs on your home, and you are not sure how you are going to afford to live anywhere else because it seems like even the cheapest of apartments want a significant amount down for a security deposit to make up for the lack of credit that this financial hole has made for you.
Luckily for you there are buyers in the market that want to help you and themselves. These buyers like us have enough cash to purchase your property for the right price.
 For most cases, that means we can pay enough for your home to pay off the remaining balance on the property and give you enough money to get started fresh in a new place to live.
 All this with the added bonus of not having to declare bankruptcy and reducing the amount of bills in your life every month. Selling your home to a cash buyer like ourselves means selling as-is is perfect and may be the key for a fresh start without having to truly restart everything.
Abandoned Thoughts
So, you have a home that is not really a home but just some house you happen to own for some reason or another. It is a house that has sat around for years without being touched, looked at, or even thought about.
 These abandoned houses still have owners, but the owners do not deal with it very often. Going years at a time without such a property even so much as coming up in conversation can leave the property at hand with a lot of unexpected and unknown issues.
 Normally the house is in desperate need of repairs after the years of neglect. Sometimes the waterlines may freeze and bust with the only notification being the increased water bill from mass amounts of leaking water.
Abandoned homes still must have the property taxes paid on them every year. The bills associated with the property comes in waves whenever it is finally visited.
 The longer the timeframe of being abandoned the more likely the condition is to be dramatically different and higher influx of cost to repair to a livable standard for even the most flexible of tenants. Sooner or later the house must go. The money pit cannot sit around forever without great financial consequences.
This is where we come in. We are happy to purchase your abandoned home no matter how long it has been since it was last seen or how bad the condition is.
 Throughout our experiences, we have seen what was described as a perfect home be a complete surprise to the owner on site. Has an unknown leak in the roof has caused the entire interior of the house to be rotten and molded? Ridden with mice, termites, and other pests?
 All obstacles that come with abandoned houses are not match for our innovative team of problem-solving warriors. No matter how recently or how long ago the home has been abandoned to become a random house, we are happy to help rid you of this parasite on your life.
How Do I Sell An Inherited Property
I have never met someone who was ecstatically excited about inheriting a home. Usually inheriting a property means that someone close to you has passed away. That close family member or friend can never be replaced, and a house will not fill the void.
 Most of the time an inherited home has sentimental value and can be painful to see in person after a love one’s passing. For all these reasons I and saddened by each person I encounter owning a recently inherited home. Our first question is always “How are you doing?”.
 The house at hand can wait until after we make sure that you are in a well enough mental state to make a conscious decision on what you would like to do with the home. Anyone who hears that you recently inherited a home and does not have a concern for your wellbeing above all else does not deserve to have a conversation with you and is not needed in your life.
Just wanted to make sure you, the reader, are aware of our standards and morals. With all that being said, the pain with having an inherited property is one that is wanted to be relieved immediately. We will purchase the home as fast or slow as you would like.
 You will be given has much time as you need to get any belongings desired out of the household and we will dispose of anything you do not want to take. The cleanup, repairs, and maintenance are all on us. It is the least we can do in a troubling time like this. I am sorry for your loss and I hope we can help in any way we can.
How Do I Sell A House That Needs Repairs?
Does your home need some repairs? Or maybe a lot more than some repairs? The kind of property that might be better off tearing down and rebuilding rather than attempting to repair the current structure of the house?
 That is perfect! We love to buy houses in need of repair, minor or major. The largest portion of homes we purchase are those in need of more repairs than the current homeowner can afford to make on the property, or more than he/she is willing to. To help with this common problem, we recommend not repairing your property whatsoever.
The troubles of repairing a house before selling can obviously be an overwhelming amount of stress and financial strain. This is not to mention the fact of all the time it takes to properly repair many projects that are likely to be out of the scope of your ‘Average Joe’.
 So, let us look at the flip side. Let us put into consideration the concept of just not repairing the property whatsoever. No contractors to deal with on a daily or weekly basis.
 No personal elbow grease, withering down upon the minds patience minute after minute. And with the utmost importance, no money to be shoveled into a dying investment.
This is all a very real concept that happens more than one might think. Selling a home without committing to any repairs at all and selling it just how it is right now, in its present condition is called selling a property AS-IS;
 Or selling a property exactly as it is. No renovations, no repairs. It is literally the simplest and easiest way to do it. The trick is just to know who to sell a house as-is to.
 The run of the mill retail home buyer is not going to have the money make repairs and will not be likely to qualify for a loan from a banking institution for a property in need of excess repairs.
This is perfectly where we come in with open arms and a smile. We have the funds to buy your house in any condition and make all the repairs necessary, so you do not have to. The present funds available means no banks to deal with and no real estate agents to tack on extra fees.
 All this turns into a quick and easy process to sell your home fast with no money out of pocket from you. That is right, we cover all closing cost.
 So do not stress about what condition your home is in. Do not live in a rundown house that has crashed down from a home to a working self-prison of shame and worry. You have found a potential buyer right here and now and we want to help you.
How Do I Sell My House After A Divorce?
Getting a divorce is a day that every single person says will never happen. Most wedding include the terms ‘Until death due us apart’ or some variation in the vows.
 The person you marry was meant to be the one, for life. But life has changed and so have you and your soon to be ex-spouse. This is by no means something that we will get involved in, the divorce that is.
 Although a home purchased during the marriage often needs to be sold during the divorce. One member usually has the option to buy the other one out of their ownership in the property but is rarely feasible with other issues taking the forefront of urgency.
Divorces come is a wide variety of speeds and emotions, making it impossible to give a most common scenario. The one factor that is the same in all divorces is that we can buy your house and take care of that extremely large headache in the divorce.
 How the money is spilt between both parties is something we will let the lawyer figure out. We just want to help in any way we can. For members getting a divorce, this quite often means being stress free and hasty in our transactions.
 â€‹We understand that your home was built on past memories that need to go away as soon as possible. So, we will help because that is what we love to do.
I Have No Time Left, I Need To Sell My House Fast
Selling your home on the market with a real estate agent can take a lot of time. The average time to sell after signing an agreement with a real estate agent is between sixty and ninety days.
 Add that to the couple of weeks you will use to comb through all the all the available rea estate agents in the city. Plus, the time it will take to make all the necessary repairs to your house to make it retail market ready.
 Then the time wasted on general retail buyers that will waste your time committing to purchasing the property and then backing out. It can easily take up to a year or more to sell your home that needs repairs with a real estate agent.
Depending on your current unique situation, that may not be time you can afford to continue to pay all the bills on the property. If you lost your job or had house inherited to you with a mortgage payment, the bills may pile up faster than your nerves can handle.
 There must be a way to sell this house much faster. There must be a way out of this financial deathtrap before it ensnares your entire life in a spiral to depression and bankruptcy.
 If you cannot afford to wait three months to sell your home, keep reading for the answer to all these problems and with less headache than standing in line with a single item purchase behind an argumentative customer trying to return a product from two years ago.
What you need is someone that will not want to waste time. The need to get out of this house is more urgent by the day and cannot be delayed by an indecisive retail buyer.
 You need an investor; you need a cash buyer. A cash buyer wants to buy your house before you look to sell it to someone else. This strong motivation is for the fact that this is the way he/she makes a living. A cash buyer purchases a property as-is and repairs it in order to rent it out for a monthly income or to sell it for an increased profit.
 As cash buyers, we can purchase your home and get you out of this rut in thirty days or less. That does not mean we will start on the process to buy your house in thirty days or less, it means that you will be free of the bills and headache in that time.
 â€‹You will be living in a new place with your old property a worry of the past in a month or less. That is how to make sure no time is wasted.
I Have Tenants or Squatters, How Do I Sell My House Fast?
Houses are made for a singular purpose, to live in. Maybe that is the homeowner, a tenant, or a squatter; Someone usually lives in the property. Whoever decides to live in the home at hand, we have a solution for.
 Homeowners being the easiest because they are very aware and deciding to move out of the home. Any case can be solved with swift action that can benefit most or all parties involved.
 We prefer and strive to come with a solution that is a win for all parties involved if at all possible. As you will hear again and again, we are in the business of helping people. Buying houses is just how we found out to do that.
Tenants are commonly under contract within the home and pay rent on a monthly basis. A well-mannered tenant is a bonus in most cases, not a problem. The tenant can usually stay right where they are and should be disturbed as little as possible.
 These law-abiding citizens deserve our gratitude as much as you, the seller, does. Anything less is absolutely unacceptable. A conversation with the tenant is a common practice if it is okay with them.
 Being the person(s) that have been living in the household, they have an insight to the condition of the property that the owner and seller are unlikely to be able to match. Having a tenant living in the house you want to sell is not a problem at all. We are still happy to buy your home, just like any other.
Squatters are a more complicated situation. Having a squatter living in your home or on your property can be frustrating and make the situation seem to have no solution.
 Often, squatters are homeless individuals or groups with little information given. The squatter(s) may be confrontational and skittish to conversation with anyone at the house at hand, especially you the seller and the police.
 Squatters often destroy the property and have a disregard for the value or condition of the home. My upbringing has taught me to try the best solution for the squatters, yourself, and myself. If the squatter is willing to talk, we can offer him/her a variety of solutions to help them out of their situation.
 A squatter did not end up there because he/she just wanted to live rent free and decided to just find the find uninhabited house and move in. No, usually it is a much more complex scenario involving immense hardship and a terrible streak of luck paired with a few poor life decisions.
 We all make mistakes; it is human nature. We will attempt to help them if possible and willing conversation can ensue. Although these situations can often lead to other solutions, we are aware of the necessary steps to have your property become squatter free.
 Squatters are just one more obstacle for us. Not a reason to not buy your home. We can take care of any problems caused by unwanted guests and still purchase your house in no time.
With tenant or squatters, we are still happy to buy your home. We will take every unique situation into careful consideration to guarantee an optimal solution. In a nutshell, yes, we buy houses with tenants. Yes, we buy houses with a squatter or squatters.
 Yes, we want to buy your home, and yes, we are happy to make sure the situation turns out as best as possible for all parties involved. Our business is helping people, this includes tenants, squatters, and yourself, the seller.
 So, give us a call and we will run you though your options for such a potentially complex situation and find which solution works best for you and your home.
How Does It Work?
So, as a seller, you are problem wondering how all this works. What the process is for us to buy your home. What you need to sell your home. We have made it into remarkably simple steps that anyone can understand, and if you have any questions, call us and we will explain everything in depth.
           1) Contact Us
Call, text, or fill out a form on our website.
We will ask you some questions about the property you want to sell.
We will make you a cash offer for your home. All fees in the process will be paid for by us, not you.
 2) Sign a purchase agreement
The agreement will give us the right to an inspection of the property in case there are some issues that neither yourself nor we were aware of.
Closing date and any addition terms included.
 3) Closing
Come to closing and collect your money!
Enjoy the stress lifted from selling your burdened causing home.
A Word From Kyle
Dear Louisville, KY Community,
My name is Kyle and I buy houses in Louisville, KY. My partner Vince and I built this company from the ground up with one goal, to help people. Through our conversating came out the thought that the housing market in Louisville, KY needs help. There are good people within the community that are struggling and need to get out of their house for one reason or another. I do not want to see things turn so bad for anyone that he/she must lose their home and live on the streets or live in a house that should be labelled as inhabitable.
Shelter is one of mankind’s primary needs and our personal shelter has a direct correlation to mental well being on a daily basis. Since housing is most commonly the largest expense monthly, it seemed like the perfect category to build a business on. Fix the big problems to get big solutions. Big solutions lead to smaller problems occurring less frequently and an overall healthier community. That is our goal. We want to help the community in Louisville, KY.
Please reach out to us about any way we can help by buying your home today. Call me, text me, email me, or fill out a form online. We will do our best to provide a solution that helps you and in turn makes for a better community.
Thank you for being part of what makes this community so great!
Kyle S.
(502) 200-9903
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kentuckybats · 5 months
Kentucky Mortgage After a Bankruptcy
Chapter 13 bankruptcy can impact your ability to qualify for various mortgage loan programs like FHA, VA, USDA, and Fannie Mae.
Buying a Home after Bankruptcy Chapter 13 bankruptcy can impact your ability to qualify for various mortgage loan programs like FHA, VA, USDA, and Fannie Mae. Here are the details for each program regarding waiting times, credit score requirements, down payment, and qualification criteria after a Chapter 13 bankruptcy: FHA Loan after Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: Waiting Time: Typically, you’ll need…
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kentuckybats · 11 months
How to Qualify For a Kentucky FHA Mortgage Loan
How to Qualify For a Kentucky FHA Mortgage Loan   The requirements for Kentucky FHA loans are set by HUD. Borrowers must have a steady employment history of the last two years within the same industry or line of work. Recent college graduates can use their transcripts to supplant the 2-year work history rule as long as it makes sense. Self-Employed will need a 2-year history of tax returns…
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kentuckybats · 2 years
FHA Announces Consideration of Positive Rental Payment History for First Time Homebuyers
FHA Announces Consideration of Positive Rental Payment History for First Time Homebuyers
FHA Announces Consideration of Positive Rental Payment History for First Time Homebuyers
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kentuckybats · 3 years
Can you get a Kentucky mortgage loan while in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy:
Can you get a Kentucky mortgage loan while in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy:
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