#baptism anon
allthegothihopgirls · 3 months
thoughts on jasons design in boy wonder being covered in scars as a way of saying he cannot remove himself from the violence that created him. he is solely red hood, there is no more jason todd— he is *just* red hood and red hood is made from violence and cannot be separated from that.
also white eyes as something just… a little off about him. not entirely human. a little zombie-esque.
also my mother was forced to listen to me yap and she mentioned that in that one panel of boy wonder he looks like frankenstein to which i got this stupid grin on my face and said “oh, you don’t even want me to START with that one” because you put those brainworms in my head.
—baptism anon
there was SO much in the boy wonder #2 that screamed of jason not being able to let his past self go. although there's definitely much psychoanalysis to be had about jason and his perception of himself, i'm more fascinated by the fact that this is how DAMIAN sees jason.
jason not taking his helmet off until right at the end of damian's story, making it seem as though he looks at him and only sees the red hood, not a brother.
the one notable thing in jason's apartment being the closed door, and there being a highlight on how that room holds every possession he has. the seperation between red hood and robin, and the acknowledgement that jason's managed to seemingly build nothing for himself post-mortem, and is still bound by who he used to be.
the white eyes definitely make him more zombie-like. i also see them as just completely devoid. like, you look at them and see nothing, just one more thing taken from him that stripped him of his humanity.
i definitely agree with jason not being able to separate from the violence his death was rooted in, and the events of utrh. the one thing i really enjoy about juni ba's design when it comes to jason is how as himself, he doesn't appear recklessly violent, or overly macho and angry, he's just hurt. i think that's why he leans into red hood so much, because that's the front that lets him appear that way. but when you strip him of the helmet, he's very much just vulnerable and there's no intimidation factor there at all. it's definitely the scars that play into that whole idea, but also just his posture, and overall figure.
he's not as strong and buffed as he's usually drawn, instead he looks very much like a prey animal. i think that just goes to further the distinction between the usual aggression he's portrayed to have with the whole intimidation and macho factor. and then this new perspective, where his anger doesn't seem to be amounting to much, just protecting his hurt.
i think damian also views the hood as a figurative mask as well as a legitimate one, he's aware of how vulnerable jason's been since the lazarus pit, and pinpoints the differences between him as a man and a concept. he definitely knows that the hood isn't just a protection of his own identity, it's an image. one that tip-toes the line between an extension of jason, and being jason.
don't even get me started with how this is all playing into my frankentodd brainrot.... so many thoughts and so many asks to answer abt him..
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akajustmerry · 1 year
i know you don't ship shiv and nate but i'd love to hear any thoughts on them if you have the time?
oh, i have all the time in the world to ramble about succession! i think each of the 3 sibs has an "i am free in all the ways you're not" mirror. for Kendall, it's naomi because she's made peace with being the dark horse of her family in a way ken won't. for roman, its tabs aka someone who lives genuinely carefree and comfortable with herself. and for shiv, its nate, someone who actually believes in something. don't get me wrong, nate is guilty of everything shiv's guilty of - cheating, blind ambition, misogyny, etc - but that's what makes him a great mirror. he has lines in the sand. he has a belief in what he wants the world to be which is why he's in politics. shiv's a good political analyst, better than him in some ways, but she doesn't actually believe in anything. she's attracted to nate AND she hates his fucking guts because he's everything she tries to pass herself off as but never can: ambitious, idealistic, and a guy. all the sibs' mirror relationships are my favourites because in all of them, there's a moment where they could join their respective mirrors On The Other Side and be something closer to the person they want to, but they choose to self-sabotage and stay because succ is a tragedy!!! to me, naomi and nate are the most obvious mirror characters. naomi because of [gestures vaguely at all her dialogue with ken] and nate because, i mean- look at this shot its not even subtle!!! literally a mirror!!
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hanzajesthanza · 23 days
I've finally cleared up my reading list and I'm thinking about actually reading the Witcher books, any thoughts and/or prayers in this pursuit. How insane am I going to get after this. For context I've played all the games and have seen one episode of the show. It was not the first episode but it was the first season. I am familiar with the intricacies of the fandom wiki as well. Do I need like a ritual or something, any drug recs, or should I just raw dog that thang
you’ll get as insane as you want to be
my tips:
don’t use the wiki (use your mind). if someone or something is forgettable then you’ve forgotten them. + wiki has a lot of game and other canon that isn’t applicable to the books
don’t worry about putting events in chronological order (sometimes it is only revealed by the end of the book, or by the end of the series)
be open to disliking protagonists and-or “good-aligned” characters
don’t forget yennefer has feelings too
get in touch with your sense of humor
don’t think in modern terms, but in fairy tale ones
there’s more considerable explicit SA and disturbing topics from ch. 7 of time of contempt onwards, it’s not like on every page but just be aware
forget the show exists (even for one episode) and also forget the games exist (not out of spite, just use your own imagination instead of CDPR’s)
for maximum emotional pain think about your own parents or various traumas
read at night, keep tissues and cold water close by for when you start crying so hard you can’t breathe
recommended pre-reading:
brush up on your WWII history when you get to time of contempt and baptism of fire. specifically (somewhat obviously) in the european theatre
look up slavic folk traditions, culture, and mythology/deities. keywords to search: noc kupały (for something more), morana/marzanna (for time of contempt), dziady (for tower of the swallow)
be aware the official translation is not meant to give you cultural context. if you’re reading it in english, read the “lost in translation” reddit post series by coldcynic.
other than that, know of the existence of lord of the rings and conan and generally fantasy genre tropes. if you know what an elf is you’re probably good
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ranminfan · 3 months
Yes I am! It's so nice to know that anon, I appreciate it! 😍😖
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madame-fear · 10 days
“When my baptism quickly turned into an exorcism when I hissed at the sight of the mother of God”
You can’t just casually leave something like this with no further explanation!! 😂 Amira…i am talking to you….Amira!
Maybe you should tell him that story, he may feel compelled to perform his own sort of “exorcism” *wink wink* 😉😏
AMIRA’S EXORCISM STORYTIME IS HERE ‼‼ thank you for asking, nonnie,, I usually have fun telling this one AHAHJSJD 🤭 It all happened when I was one year old— and since I was just a one y/o baby, I have to rely on what my parents told me about that day ! 😂
My parents baptised me when I was a little girl— like I mentioned above, at one year old! They dressed me up properly for the occassion, and we went to a nearby church that let my parents do my baptism there. I wasn’t very happy with the situation, because I could already talk (AND I TALKED LIKE A PARROT 24/7) and express my not so humble opinions— so my only option was tolerating to go there and shut it. 😂
The second I arrived at the church it was already a mess, because I started shouting and throwing tantrums, which wasn’t common for me because I was a pretty chill child... And the worst of all? Was when I first hissed AT THE PRIEST ‼
Then at one moment, when the Priest held me in front of like a statue (?) they had of Virgin Mary and they tried to cover me with a veil, I started hissing even louder and shouting almost like I was a possesed baby,, and also I kept fucking hissing when they placed Holy Water on me— and there were other people in there so they were all like 😳 AGHAHSH
Both my parents at that moment were like *side eye, heavy sweating* and even telling me in between teeth to not do that because it wasn’t of any help the fact that this Priest that baptised me had previously done exorcisms in Africa so it made me look like instead of a baptism it was an exorcism AHAHAH 😂😭😭
The Priest that baptised me was a total sweetheart, though. He didn’t mind, in fact he just kind of joked about the situation— he also apologised to baby me after that situation (needless to say I was terribly offended and moody), and grabbed my hand and tried to kiss it as an apology but I took my hand away, huffed, and rolled my eyes like NO THANKS SIR 🙄💅
Aaand that’s the story of my baptism/exorcism! It sounds far worse when you hear the story directly from my parents, trust— but at least all my demons were cleansed after that... Or not? 👀🤭
AAALSOOOO HELL YEAH NONNIE,, YOU KNOW WHATS GOOD !!!! 👀👀 I was planning on making a brief conversation with him and bonding, too— step by step. I got plan A, B, and C with this man... Just wait and watch, you all... 🤭💅
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pardonmydelays · 10 months
if you were a movie what kind of genre would it be?
probably a comedy because my life is a fucking joke
no, but seriously, i love this question! i think i'd be a mix of a musical and horror. actually, i'd love to be a sung-through story about ghosts! (and it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that i am kinda obsessed with ghost quartet lately btw. i just think being a ghost would be fun, i could scare people i don't like.)
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mortiflyer · 1 year
finale was ultra chaotic but what would've been even better was ragnar getting fucking got by the mythosaur
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thetriangletattoo · 1 year
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moonlightretriever · 1 year
hi anon im also autistic and im tellin u that ur a rude fucking prick for coming in here and just assuming shit without any knowledge of why he got it or who even fucking gave it to him. i bought him a sex toy for his birthday because i was being selfish and i Really really wanted him to have fun and indulge and also it was less than 30$ lmao. you dont have to "wrap your head around it" because it isnt your fucking business. i wanted to see my puppyboy have lots of fun orgasms and make his dick bigger because it makes ME feel amazing to see the ppl i care abt enjoying themselves. thats your fucking reasoning. i bought a boy that subs for me occasionally a sex toy. someone else being gifted shit RIGHT BEFORE THEIR BIRTHDAY is literally not your fucking concern. if he had told me no and hed rather i buy him groceries then i wouldve. but like goddamn i just got him smthn nice that he wont immediately eat or go thru bc its his birthday and he deserves a fuckin gift lmao. huffs.
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thevalicemultiverse · 5 months
"when a centaur dies, the horse half obviously goes to hell, but the human half ascends to heaven, detached and missing its lower horse body, forced to go about the rest of its afterlife mourning the loss of something vile and profane, which is in a sense its own kind of hell"
"This forces the question: If you baptize a centaur, and let’s say full immersion of the entire centaur to head off tedious arguments, is the whole thing considered washed clean of sin and so forth, or just the human portions of the centaur?"
"If you baptize a centaur you are sent to hell immediately"
Alice: ...I believe the appropriate response here is the Eggman meme from tumblr -- what the fuck are you talking about??
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allthegothihopgirls · 4 months
just finished reading death in the family properly and. whoo the racist undertones are racist undertoning. but uh. wanted to say that i cannot understand why people hated jason back then because like. he’s just a kid. he’s a KID. shaking 80s fans by the shoulders he’s a CHILD. he’s not gonna be a mature adult he’s gonna be a little weird and a little annoying even!! but he is a KID.
also wanted to ask your opinions on the jason has chronic pain headcanon? i personally as someone w chronic pain really enjoy it because it makes sense and i am a firm believer that we need more representation of invisible disabilities like some chronic pain is (and mine is) but ive heard a few people say they don’t like it
— baptism anon
right?? like yeah i think jason dying was the most beneficial thing to ever happen to his character, and he also had next-to-no defining traits as robin apart from being a dick grayson carbon-copy + replacement... but i don't get why people hated him.
jason w/ chronic pain!!!!!! oh boy i have feelings about him... i LOVE.
especially when it's death-induced.. a bit like phantom feeling/pain, but instead it is. very. real. like, he has chronic joint pain in places where joker hit him a few too many times etc. personally i reject the 'lazarus pit made him squeaky clean' canon, so on top of him keeping all his scars, and being more frankenstein than man.. chronic pain fits in very well.
i also definitely enjoy headcanons of him with chronic migraines.. not because i'm projecting.
i think it's a pretty agreed-upon headcanon that jason isn't a fan of medication in the slightest, due to his mother's death (only making exceptions when he's sustained more than a minor injury on patrol or a mission and is being tended to).
so i propose, stubborn jason w/ chronic migraines, who will never admit to needing actual medication. obviously he isn't going to be stupid about it, he won't patrol if it's too bad, and maybe tries to ward it off with some regular ibuprofen. but he is so against being properly medicated for prevention or treatment, and gets super defensive if dick or bruce suggest it to him.
he's always in varying levels of head hurt™ and just. lives with it. in the comfort of his own apartment he's definitely not a stranger to herbal teas and heat packs though.. however at the same time he's 100% beating himself up whenever he can't just power through.
i don't think he'd actively tell anyone either. dick figures it out from the way he'll rub at his temples post-patrol, or maybe a couple of unclosed search tabs on a computer 'whydoesmyheadalwayshurt' or 'home remedies: how to naturally prevent migraines'
for bruce finding out i have a bit more of a developed idea. jason's gone out patrolling with a migraine, against his better judgement. he's on comms with bruce, who's getting his assistance on a case he's been tracking. seemingly out of nowhere he hisses a little in pain, and bruce is asking what's wrong.
jason grows defensive quickly and spurts out a routine "imfinedontworry" but was apparently not convincing enough because before he knows it bruce is asking "status?" ..and he swears there's a microchip in him somewhere that forces him to give a truthful answer, because it's not like he wants to tell bruce his head's hurting, because that's just plain embarrassing. he doesn't want people thinking that he can't handle pain that miniscule.
between that and the other times he's been asked "red hood, report" and stated his condition, adding on a "head hurts a bit too, but that's just normal".. it wasn't difficult for bruce to suspect something unusual.
moving away from migraines, i think he also experiences chronic joint pain. compared to the previously mentioned, it's easier to play joint pain off as 'normal' and convince himself there's no cause for concern. he's 100% in denial of having an actual issue, which i'd like to think somewhat comes from bruce experiencing the exact same thing, and jason watching him absolutely refuse to admit any weakness it causes him.
he ends up believing it's just something that happens to everyone (well, at least everyone who dresses up and fights crime on the regular). jason's confused when dick's asking him if he wants to stick around for a chat post-patrol, because is dick not also desperate to go home, ice his joints, and spend time doing stretches to ease his pain before finally getting some sleep?????
i don't think he'd realise that it isn't a normal thing until he's called out on it. maybe he makes an off-comment about 'never feeling 75%, let alone 100%' comfort-wise, and damian remarks how that is. an issue. jason's instantly defending himself "yeah well that's just what happens when you've been in the business for this long-" and dick chimes in to point out that he doesn't feel like that. from there i think he goes to an even larger effort to hide any pain he's in.
big believer in jason being a cane user too. i think babs is the one who convinces him to start using one, after the events of this panel ↓ ↓ ↓ 
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you cannot tell me that she's letting that comment slide: "that book looked... useful" plus "i don't think i've ever been okay", ok jason mr 'i really resonated with this and now i'm having revelations' todd.
she's 100% sitting his ass down for a real talk about whatever he has going on.
and i think afterwards, babs suggests that he really considers mobility aids. to which i think he ends up being very accidentally ableist, in the 'but those are for old people' way. it takes... a lot to reverse his somewhat internalised ableism, and get him to at least try a mobility aid out.
he grows less opposed to it as he realises that it's not something he's obligated to use all the time, and that it works. so he uses a cane around his apartment, and around the manor when he gets to be confident enough (he's a bit worried of people asking questions, but no one even bats an eye, because it just makes sense).
i have a whole other set of thoughts about the batfamily + how they go about jason using a cane... but i think i've gone on for long enough.. my apologies
in conclusion... chronic pain!jason todd is a HUGE headcanon of mine. love it a lot.
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alltheprettyplaces · 9 months
1 and 9?
First things first, did you have a good year?
i can't say it was too bad a year all things considered! made lots of new friends, met a good amount of mutuals irl <3, got to go to some great concerts and sports games, got play a part in my close friends getting engaged. unfortunately i did have to get surgery after having some WIIILLLDDD periods at the beginging of the year and found out i have some hormone problems and my mental health was Very Not Good can someone tell my body and my brain to play its part in making it a good year please? (also let's not talk about how the trauma dump of a season four completely pulled me out of my favorite show)
9. What was your favorite article of clothing this year? Post a pic if possible?
i sweaaaar i took at least one picture in this dress but i can’t find it BUT im in love with this dress i found any excuse to wear it she’s so pretty
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also bought those shoes to go with it but haven’t had the chance to wear them together yet
end of year meme
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onlymagpie · 25 days
For the doodle prompt: perhaps the fish soup scene in Baptism of Fire? Maybe Geralt reluctantly peeling the vegetables after Dandelion tells him to? To me that's one of the most heartwarming scenes in the entire series. :)
you're so based for this anon
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
"can clowns get pregnant" anon you are so behind the clown breeding discourse. we've just finished up deciding that when they're birthed, thirty siblings push out of the birthing clown's vagina like it was a clown car. now the next debate on the agenda is whether they're born with the big shoes already on their feet or whether those shoes are gifted ceremonially, like at clown baptism.
Yeah Anon get with the fucking times bro
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astralnymphh · 11 months
on the topic of ellie and home wrecker reader we KNOW ellie is easy to please like one lick on her clit n that bitch is squirting like its a damn baptism and i love dina but if dina cant make ellie cum so often that she has to go to reader i mean at that point is it home wrecking or home improvement i mean cmon now
LIKE A DAMN BAPTISM STOPPP. HOME IMPROVEMENT. u crack me up don't let this be ur last ask mystery anon 🩷🩷 ellie facing dina withdrawal and having a complete uproar of lust for reader ☝️☝️ she wants to make it seem like everything is fineee nothings wrong with you dina, meanwhile.. ellie goes 2 u for like everything now. very much "can't let dina find out, can we?" in her haunting rasp that has you folding like a beach chair– telling you to act natural when she DEFINETELY just stuffed her fingers ten miles north inside you.. on the job. ur over here trynna muck the damn barn and she's following you around, pleading to fuck as if dina hasn't been making trips to the house and back. so pussywhipped for u..
also im just gonna call the trope adulterer!ellie x homewrecker!reader or sumn just to give it a specific tag for all these posts I'm making abt it!!
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charlotte-of-wales · 8 months
a summary of the Monaco Tea, creds to the lovely anon who sent me the article <3
btw most of the information on the family was in article one, the latter were more just info on real estate + off shore accounts
again, this info is all coming from the former accountant of the family:
Prince Rainier III was seriously considering changing succession laws so Caroline would be the head of the family and Monaco as he found Albert to be weak. Albert is said to be the "despised member of the clan" who would stutter while speaking to his father. Rainier even looked into what this would mean to the Grimaldi name since Andrea - at the time 17 - obviously carries his father's name (Casiraghi) and not his mother's (Grimaldi). Rainier told the ones carrying the investigation that this was done in case Albert died.
the funds from Albert's state endowment and his private funds would be mixed all the time.
Albert would say yes to essentially everything his family asked for, including a $30 million apartment for Stephanie
Palmero (the accountant) would frequently buy things for the family to keep "their privacy". He bought Charlene's engagement ring and multiple properties for the Grimaldi's in France. He would pay property taxes for those properties and have the family pay him back.
Caroline and Stephanie would frequently make use of and sell family property (Rainier's cars, family jewelry and art, etc) without letting him know, even though they technically belonged to Albert.
Caroline is in charge of the family's castle in Marchais, which he had an issue with as she would always go off budget.
he makes a note to pay attention to Pierre Casiraghi as he is very ambitious and his dealings in real estate could create problems (spoiler alert: it did)
Caroline is said to hate Charlene
the allowance that Charlene, Caroline and Stephanie receive increases constantly, which worried Palmero. As of late, they were: 1,5 million euros for Charlene, 900.000 for Caroline and 800.000 for Stephanie yearly. This follows the family hierarchy.
 Jazmin Grace receives 86,000 dollars per quarter. In February 2010, Palmero had to spend $5,000 “extra for her birthday”. Albert also bought her a $3 million apartment in New York City.
Albert spends almost a million a year funding Nicole Coste's (the mother of Albert's second illegimate child) fashion business. It's all in Alexandre Coste's name as Nicole fears that Charlene might create issues when Albert dies.
loots about Charlene. She frequently demands high sums in cash, her personal chef is $300 a day, she has multiple undocumented people from the Philippines working in her staff, the celebrations for the birth and baptism of the twins was well over half a million euros, in eight years Charlene spent around 15 million euros when she received 7.5 million euros in endowment (the Palace didn't deny this and said that the accountant was simply told to pay the difference with the family's personal funds), she spent 965,000 on a villa in two and a half months, her office decoration cost a million euros, she requested 3 x 300,000 for her brother's house.
Palmero made sure to change Monaco's regency laws so in case something happens to Albert while Jacques is underage Charlene won't be regent. Instead, the principality will be ruled by a regency council.
Albert has a secret apartment in Monaco, bought by one of Palmero's secret companies. He also got rid of problematic photographs of Albert (hinted at blackmail).
there was a whole system for hiding sums used on "special missions". They were labeled DS (for special destinations) and with time were used to pay for an informal intelligence unit that operated within the police force of the principality. They'd collect information on those close to the family and even on politians of the principality. He would also pay journalists to paint a good picture of Monaco while Hollande was president in France and was constantly criticizing tax-havens.
the DS accounts would be used to hide over-budget situations, including budget for the children's nannies and the budget for the wedding.
they were terrified of the Panama papers, as a lot of money laundering funds go through Monaco and the family had accounts on Panamanian banks.
a link between a Russian billionaire and the Monegasque Minister of Justice was revealed in 2017 and the Minister was forced to resign. An investigation was launched by a French judge and there was fears that the palace would be involved: jurisdictional immunity was granted to members of the sovereign family by order. There was rumours that the French judge wanted to hear the Prince as a witness......he was told to leave the principality. He was accused of having, through his “behavior perceived as authoritarian and vexatious”, “endangered the proper functioning of the criminal justice system”.
the real estate market is a big point of collision here and a big focus of article 3. Nothing too interesting to report - Palmero says he tried mingling in the market to break down the monopoly of real estate owners in Monaco (centered around a bestie of the Casiraghi brothers) while Albert claims Palmero had close ties with some of the developers and tried mingling with things that were of interest of the government in order to make money. The real estate issue was what eventually led Palmero to be fired. Palmero and a former laywer of Albert who was his childhood bestfriend and is also now a persona non grata claims that Albert is now fully under the influence of the bestie of the Casiraghi brothers who now controls the real estate in Monaco.
Palmaro is STILL paying property tax on properties he bought for the family!! crazy!!
Palmero detailed a number of off-shore accounts that hold about 250 million euros of the family's fortune including a company created specifically for Charlotte Casiraghi. He passed on the information from that account to Albert's new accountant at a monitored meeting.
Albert's explanation is lowkey....pathetic. He claims he told Palmero to move all of his family's assets from off-shore accounts to Monaco but Palmero never did it and that was that. He claims he was never able to obtain a precise statement on the family assets due to Palmero's secrecy and Albert just trusted him. He claims Palmero would act in his name and refuse to delay his decisions.
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