#barberian bakugou
kingkatsuki · 2 years
hello, a question concerning the barberian bakugou fic from kinkctober with multiple parts, is it not gonna be a thing or?- I'm a sucker for barberian bakugou 😔(which btw if you have any good fics for I'd love to read --)
Oh shit yeah it’s finished. I’m just a pussy about posting it because he’s actually super fucking soft in it LOL. I can’t write mean Bakugou anymore.
Maybe I’ll try find someone to scan over it for me once before I post it cause I don’t want people laughing at me online🥲
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katsukis-sad-angel · 4 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
dragon kiri and barbarian baku rescue princess s/o from evil father (possible sexual abuse?) UwU? (kiri x baku x reader)
The Journey Begins
pairing: barberian!bakugou x princess!reader x dragon!kirishima
word count: 1k
warnings: mentions of sexual abuse, fantasy au, bakugou being soft, swearing, kiri being adorable
A/N: thank you for submitting! i hope this is what you wanted or close to it
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“Princess! Princess, wake up!”
Warm, calloused hands gripped your shoulder and shook you in a crude attempt to rouse you from your slumber, but eventually stopped when a hiss from another to ‘shut up’ and ‘stop being so rough’ made him stop.
You groaned softly, the stiffness in your leg muscles causing you to wince as you tried to sit up, rubbing the crust of sleep from your eyes.
“Morning princess!” Came Kirishima’s happy voice; you could nearly hear the huge smile on his face and you hadn’t even opened your eyes yet.
“It’s the middle of the night Shittyhair.” Chastised his blonde companion, the deep tones of his voice making you shudder and finally lay eyes on your two best friends in the world standing next to your bed.
In all honesty, they were much more than ‘best friends.’ Do best friends take turns french kissing you by a river under the moonlight? Do best friends sleep snuggled up on either side when you have a nightmare about your father? The list goes on, but you were pretty sure you could call them boyfriends if you really wanted to. Both meant the absolute world to you and you couldn’t imagine a life without them.
Kirishima Eijirou, a dragon-human hybrid who had been cast away by society after his mother was stoned to death for fraternizing and breeding with ‘that horrid species.’ You’d never find a kinder or happier soul though, in fact, at this very moment the precious boy was sitting on the floor, muscular arms resting on the edge of your mattress, chin on his large, scaly hands, and big, expressive eyes trained on you like you were his favorite thing on the planet (which was very possible).
But the icing on the cake was his thick, red dragon’s tail. It wagged back and forth like a dog happy to reunite with its owner.
Behind him, a young barbarian gone rogue from his clan, stood Bakugou Katsuki, stony-faced but eyes alight with pride while your eyes raked over his breathtaking form; bared chest and slim, muscled waist, powerful shoulders, not to mention the mouth-watering, bulging biceps on either arm which flexed and rippled every time his thick, calloused fingers drummed on his forearm.
You carded manicured fingers through Kirishima’s mop of spiky red hair and he made a sound close to a purr, almost a growl, but the way his eyes rolled back in his head as you stoked his chin made you giggle, happier than you had been for quite a while.
The blonde clicked his tongue in annoyance as he watched his idiot best friend try to flop onto the bed so you would keep stroking his head, but before he could get comfy he tugged Kirishima back by the collar so he sat on the ground instead of his rightful place in your lap.
“Later.” He murmured after receiving an angry noise from below, “We need to focus and get her out of here before that asswipe comes looking for her again. Look at her dumbass, she’s still shaking!”
“N-No I’m not!” You huff, pushing the cotton sheets away and attempting to stand, but considering the events from only hours ago, your legs were so sore you could hardly move.
You cried out in pain as your legs failed you, but Bakugou caught you before you could crumple to the floor and Kirishima was on his feet in a moment to help get you back on the bed.
“This is why we need to get you out now.” Bakugou snarled, “What the hell did that bastard do to you?”
Your bottom lip juts out and you twist your hands into the blankets as the events of the evening came rushing back, as well as a bout of fresh tears rolling down your cheeks.
“The usual.” You whisper, a contemptuous, disgusted, edge to your shaky voice while fisting your blankets tightly, “B-But it was a lot longer this time. I can’t even move without wanting to scream. I-I’m sorry this had to happen before you guys were g-gonna get me out of this horrible place… I j-just make everything worse and him using me doesn’t-”
“Hey-” Kirishima interrupts, “None of this is your fault, understand? Your father is a disgusting swine who thinks it’s ok to sexually abuse his only daughter and then leave her to waste away all alone. But you have me and Suki and we’re not gonna let that happen, ok?”
“Yeah, and once you’re with us you won’t have to worry about shit ever again. We’ll protect you.” Bakugou murmured, rough hands cupping your face and pressing a gentle kiss to your trembling lips.
What had you done to deserve them?
You nod tearfully and reach out for the barbarian to lift you into his arms, which he gladly scoops you up against his broad chest, his natural warmth flooding your scattered senses and allowing you a moment of relaxation while the dragon boy tugged the cotton sheets from your bed and wrapped a few changes of clothes for you inside it, along with your treasured necklace and a few bags of the allowance money you never spent from a dusty corner of your room.
Bakugou was already on his way out the window they’d entered through, sliding down the shingles, running along the marble molding of the castle roof until he reached a rope. After sliding down, he dashed into the forest until the castle was almost out of sight, but not quite. Soon, Kirishima leaped from the roof, caught the rope and slid down, the bundle over his shoulder and he joined the pair of you catching your breath behind a large shrub and Bakugou was busying himself with wrapping you snugly in his cranberry red cape, the fur-lined collar tickling your throat while you complained that he would be cold.
He ignored your pestering and picked you up again, nodding to Kirishima.
“Your life begins now,” Kirishima smiled gently, ruffling your bedhead, “You ready?”
Bakugou snorted at his insufferable optimism, but couldn’t help the smile that tugged on his features when you snuggled closer to him and let out a deep sigh of relief.
“We gotta find a cave to sleep in that’s far enough away first.” He mumbled.
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rvmety · 4 years
Kirishima Fantasy verse Headcanon dump.
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Dragon shifter and regular dragon are technically two different kind of things. Dragon shifter are much rare to come by then a regular dragon.
Dragon shifter tend to seek out a huamn rider to bond wiht more so then regular dragons. Having a palce to feel they blong too so to speak.
Dragon shifter don’t become over thousened of years old, their lucky when they reach 300+
Dragon horading is a myth, or missunderstood. Yes, dragon hord something that is of value to them, they care about the most which they will carre for and protect. This hording myth is from dragon protecting the treasure of their current or fromer riders.
Kirishima hair was black at first as were his scaled, they turned red in his pree teen years. Kirishima hair turns black and falls down when he is low on magic which also keeps him from shifting.
He hatched in his half shifted form, learned to turn into a dragon months after, shifitgn back into his half shifted took soem time, more so his human form.
He is actully well versed with humans - or at last with Katsuki’s Barberian clan. He can still be confused about certain things or think humans are weird. He likes it thoug.
He technically chosse Bakugou but both can dip out of the bond whenever they want. Kirishima fears of losing Bakugou a lot thoug.
Eijirou can breath fire even as human but usally uses his daggers to fight.
That his hair looks the way it does is by his own choice, he can very much shift withou it spiking up.
Don’t anger him, you don’t wanna wake his inner dragon.
Otherwise he can be like a overgrown but pridful puppy.
He takes a lot of pride being Bakugou’s dragon, despite him chossing the human.
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shivncho · 4 years
𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 || accepting @tenacityblitz​; [ 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐄 ] My muse laces their fingers with yours
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The necromancer hated his hands. May he embrace the gift of his magic he doesn’t like those clawed...things. Always remind him of what he was..how he didn’t belong. May he exclude himself from others...sometimes he just wished...he could be a part of it all, if just for a day. 
He lifted his hand, looking at it in the moonlight, staring at it for a while before suddenly another hand laces into his from behind. It startles Shinsou for a moment, he hadn’t even noticed the Barberian approaching. 
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He looked at Bakugou, but the future dragon king was more focused on their hands then the necromancer himself.  Not saying a word, and the necromancer didn’t desire to speak either. So, he returned into his glance to the intertwined fingers.
It felt...right, in a way the magic-user couldn’t describe. But for just a moment, he felt like he did belong, even if he had to yet to understand why.
Neither of them would speak of this the following morning. And Shinsou was fine with it. May his gaze linger on the usual brash prince longer than before.
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