#barbie scissor kicks
bkdotblog · 2 years
"Trials and Tribulations," S3E14
The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 3 Finale Recap
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My Title: "Everything's Coming Up [Wild] Roses"
My rating: 4 out of 5 Barbie scissor kicks
Support for Lisa Barlow: Strong
The season finale helpfully opens with a full inventory of ongoing plot-lines. They are: Heather's Bad Mormon book and misfit choir, the @shahexposed Instagram account, Jen being insane in San Diego, Heather's Black Eye, Jen's fraud trial.
We've had a very Heather-Jen season, unfortunately for us.
In the opening, Jen's tagline has reverted from "The only thing I'm guilty of is being Shah-mazing!" to "I'm fighting for my life, not your approval," presumably after United States government quoted the former to demonstrate Jen's flippancy about her case. It appears she's finally taking things seriously, only she's a minute late and 16 million dollars short: Last week, she was Jentenced to six and a half years in prizzy.
I sincerely hope that is the last we see of her for some time. Of course, it isn't, because we still gotta watch the finale together (and then the reunion which I am excited about.) Onward!
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It's not Heather's book launch party, but Heather's book cover reveal party — OK? The title of the book, Bad Mormon, will be frosted on the windows, and the Salt Lake City skyline will glitter above steam rising off the heated pool. I think the title is. great.
The other ladies and their husbands prepare for the event, which is apparently later that day.
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Wait... maybe it's starting immediately? The next scene is Heather, the Bottega Cuntessa, strutting back into the space after a costume change. I was physically unable to suppress the "YAS" that escaped from my throat!
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Heather is hoping for no drama. But she says if there is drama, she hopes it will occur in front of her Bad Mormon cover mockup, because she is a PR maven!
Not sure if it's 6 PM or 11 AM, but everybody is now rolling up to the function. Lisa greets Heather warmly and notes that her eye is almost completely healed. "Just like the memory of it, I hope," Heather jokes.
"The memory is never going away, Heather," Lisa not-jokes.
"I wanted it to not be an issue, and now it's the only issue," Heather straight up lies.
Enter Whitney, also wearing a skin-tight black dress. Her and Heather embrace, and all seems briefly well. We also see Bad Angie arrive. And Good Angie, whose entire personality is Greek-American, tells Whitney and Lisa that, in honor of Greek Easter, she is going to confront Jen about some off-camera comments later on.
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(If Good Angie isn't lying to seem more Greek, the date must be April 24th, 2022; a week after non-Greek Easter and three months prior to Jen's guilty plea.)
Allegedly, Jen told a man (gay?) (I guess it doesn't matter) that Good Angie was the one who punched Heather. "That's ludicrous," Whitney says. Up until this moment, Jen has conducted herself with the integrity of a house of cards, and the odds are high that this was either a reckless act of comedy — similar to her hilarious bit where she pours champagne on her friends' freshly-pressed hair — or an outright lie. Still, viewers of the show are forced to consider the possibility that Good Angie did whoop Heather in the night, and the idea is shocking. But not quite so shocking as the idea of Jen telling the truth for once in her life! This particular case is not yet closed.
It gets better. Angie ups the ante by suggesting Jen punched Heather after they had sex.
Crucially, Angie does not say they had sex. She says they were doing "Barbie scissor kicks."
Actually she does then immediately say she thinks they "had a sexual relationship, romping and bumping, and giving each other a black eye because somebody wasn't very good in bed in the end, who knows."
Whitney's reactions are truly perfect.
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[BK's Take: This is an official and notarized declaration of stanhood for Whitney Wild Rose. 1/12/23. For many reasons that I will have to elucidate in a future post—I simply haven't the time right now.]
Lisa makes a vaguely homophobic comment about not understanding how scissoring works. Lisa... I'm not mad, but I'm not happy!
Good Angie does a little demonstration with her hands, and it's unfortunately audible:
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And then Jen walks in!
Immediately Jen and Coach Shah approach Bad Angie and her fat fucking elf on the shelf husband. Aside, Coach Shah asks for an honorable apology from the man who created the @shahexposed finsta. Angie's husband says a couple words — no more than five — before descending into a very soft sob. What an utterly bizarre reaction! Bad Angie takes the wheel.
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"It wasn't personal!" Whatever. It all becomes water under the heated pool.
It's time for the choir to perform — all of the ladies participate with the notable exceptions of Whitney and Meredith, who cling to their husbands in the crowd. The song is "Amazing Grace," and it soon becomes clear that the rehearsal we saw but a few episodes ago was in fact the only rehearsal conducted. (Certainly you remember: Heather in the green vest? The Tom of Finlandesque choir director? Lisa asked Heather "Am I your friend?" and Heather said "Is that important to you?")
Clap clap clap clap. Heather takes the mic for her solo and takes her place beside the cover mockup, pre-reveal. She gives a speech about being a good friend — a ride-or-die, even. Interesting, seeing as her book isn't about friendship? Not even the choir is not about friendship, as more than half of it is comprised by musical theatre majors she imported from local universities?
Then she reveals the cover for Bad Mormon. In their confessionals, Good Angie and Lisa issue snarky remarks on the "book cover reveal party" conceit, calling it hollow, where's the actual book?, etc. They don't understand: It's all about the pre-sales, baby. (The book comes out Feb 7 — it's perfect promo!)
When the party continues, Whitney wants to speak with Jen. Not to smooth things over, exactly, but to get an explanation for her recent behavior. This is a popular social miscalculation: The idea that "talking things out" equals communicating effectively, or usually results in some form of understanding. Whitney wants a coherent, nuanced admission of wrongdoing from Jen, something Jen has shown both on-camera and in a court of law that she is unable to produce.
Bad weather. Heather is off-camera somewhere else, but the rest of the housewives seem to gather around Whitney and Jen like a storm. The conflict begins to escalate as Angie begins to thunder with her own anti-Jen talking points, overtaking Whitney completely.
Angie accuses her of spreading the "Angie-punched-Heather" rumor, which Jen categorically denies.
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She desperately calls out for her husband to come to her side. Good Angie goes in a very bad direction and begins questioning whether or not Jen survived a suicide attempt. Jen goes ballistic and walks off. Coach Shah assures Angie it was very real.
Jen is all "get the cameras out of my face!" and needs to cool down. Heather takes Greek Angie aside and asks her what her aim is with Jen, which Angie cannot communicate; it seems like she just wanted to lash out at her?
Jen decides to leave. Good idea! Meredith guides her out with the trademark sisterly warmth that has become her custom:
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It's clean-up time; we see empty champagne glasses and Heather bidding farewell to guests. And then... what's this?... the episode seems to end, with each housewife getting their little postscript placard. (None of them are good but I'm obsessed with the first half of Meredith's.)
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Of course, one housewife is missing from this montage. The screen goes black, and three words sear into view.
It's a clear, July day in Salt Lake City. Jen and her mother are enjoying the weather on Jen's front porch. Soon she'll go to New York for her trial, which is in a few days. "When I come back, I'll be guilty or innocent," she says wistfully. Her mom says, "You'll be innocent. Right?"
Both start to cry.
A spooky montage plays. We see that day at Beauty Lab and Laser, in the hours before Jen's arrest; we see her asserting her innocence at a restaurant; we see Andy Cohen at the reunion mentioning the New York District Attorney's 95% conviction rate, and Jen's response, "Because people take plea deals,"; we see her "I'M INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!!!" outside the choir auditions.
For those who are wondering how the cinematographers at Bravo decided to frame the final shots of this sequence, when Jen arrives in New York to enter a guilty plea, wonder no more:
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"Facing her future." !!
After a commercial break, we're back. My heart is racing. There are 20 minutes left in the episode, and all of them appear to be devoted to the events immediately pre- and post-guilty plea.
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Heather and Meredith are revealed to be with Jen for her trial. After privately expressing their worry, they go to Jen's suite, which is the size of Versailles. All of the women are wearing Brooks Marks tracksuits.
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In the blonde living room, the Shahs and friends have a solemn but supportive conversation.
The next day (?) Meredith and her husband dine with Heather. (The camera works very hard to make it seem as though they are at a chic riverside bistro, but they are eating at the Brookfield Place mall downtown, by the marina, in case you care.)
They discuss the gravity of the case, before discussing the case itself. Meredith was a lawyer, remember? (I don't know what her husband does but I think it's commerce related??) She points out the case isn't about the scheme itself, which we know happened, but about Jen's knowledge and involvement in it.
Meredith's husband asks: What if guilty?
Meredith says it would be a "huge problem" if she was proclaiming her innocence but turned out to be guilty.
Heather doesn't really answer. She makes a comment about how nice the weather is, and contrasts it with the grave circumstances of their being there to enjoy it. More like Bad Metaphor... am I right, ladies?
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Pajama party in Jen's room! Heather brought Sour Patch Kids. Jen continues to maintain her innocence. Talk about ride or die! She brings up her former assistant Stuart, who was also implicated in the scheme but plead guilty early on. Jen seems to suggest that he played her, the unwitting boss. In her confessional, Heather seems to suggest that this was a bridge too far. Blaming Stuart? Something's not right...
Very intuitive, Heather.
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The two people I want to discuss this matter most meet to discuss this matter.
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Heather has returned from New York mere seconds ago. She is reeling. So is Lisa. Both are horrified, astonished, grieving, angry, heartbroken. The most galling thing, according to Heather? She claimed innocence because she thought she could get away with it.
She goes a few steps further by invoking Coach Shah. "If my husband knew about it and was involved..." she says. "'I'll take care of the boys, see you in 15 years,'? That to me is a whole other tragedy."
That's all, folks. I'm looking forward to the upcoming reunion episodes, and am trying to think of different formats for covering them in a way that'll be fresh and funny. As always, if you made it this far, thank you for reading. –BK
Discussion question: When Whitney said that "they say every woman is three shots away from being a lesbian," did you think it was a little homophobic? The more I think about it, the more I don't think so — more of a comment on how inebriation can often lead to sexual experimentation. Then again, maybe it was homophobic of me to assume that Jen was speaking to a gay man earlier, even though I know in my heart she probably was. Also, who is the most homophobic SLC housewife? I believe I know the answer but I fear to utter it aloud.
Gay Imagery
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(Why did Angie look at Jen on the word wretch [sobbing emoji!!!!] She turned to her ON THE WORD. Was anybody else unsettled?)
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homosociallyyours · 2 years
Watching RHOSLC finale like 😬 at every second knowing that Jen pleads guilty and gets 6.5 years in prison... Meanwhile her whole family is like "WE KNOW YOU'RE INNOCENT"
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
pairing: regulus black x female reader
warnings: cursing, fluff, mr no nose
summary: you and reggie being the entertainment in voldemorts cult
a/n: this was funnier in my head, i kinda butchered the idea but oh well, hope you enjoy it !
song: mind mischief - tame impala
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You and Regulus were at a Death Eater meeting. You sat next to each other, as always.
Your hands were under the table as the two of you played rock, paper, scissors.
Lucius was next to you and he watched you hit your thigh, annoyed when you lost.
Voldemort hits his wand on the table twice, waiting for you two to stop.
Caught up in the game, since you had gotten four ties in a row, you both hadn't heard him.
It wasn't until you felt both your heads being slapped in the back did you realize the Dark Lord was waiting on you two.
"If you two are done with your filthy muggle game, I was just about to mention..."
You and Regulus rested your heads on the table, eyes fluttering shut as you two tune out the boring voice of Voldemort.
You were soon awoken by a bang on the table.
"I hope you two enjoyed your beauty sleep," he glares.
"We did," you and Regulus say in union, then high five each other
You glance around the room and notice that everyone else has already gone.
"You two can be excused from this behavior if you teach me how to play that game, but you two mustn't tell a single soul," Voldemort whispers.
You look at each other, a grin making its way to both your faces. You glance back at Voldemort before nodding your heads.
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This was the second meeting this week.
You two had been arguing about random stuff, getting things thrown at the two of you as you ran around shouting at one another.
You were sitting at the meeting, thinking about things that you are better at than Reg.
You suddenly feel a tug on your hair.
"The hell?"
"What?" Regulus shrugs. You turn your head back to the people at the table, but you feel another tug.
"Can you fucking not," you whisper harshly.
"Can you fucking not," he mimics you in a high pitch voice.
You kick his leg with your heel and he lets out a hiss of pain.
Voldemort slaps his hands onto the table, making you both jump.
"Stop this foolishness, now," he orders you two.
"Not until you get a manicure," you roll your eyes and cross your arms.
"I'm sorry?" Voldemort asks as Regulus covers his laugh with his hand.
"A manicure, you know... to fix your nails," you say as you look at the people around the table. Most of them are either scared for you, or just shaking their heads.
You feel another tug on your hair, this time harder.
"Ow! Regulus, what the fuck," you hold your head.
"Enough!" Voldemort shouts.
"He's just mad he has no hair for someone to pull," Reggie whispers in your ear.
"Make one more comment on the topic of my baldness-"
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Sat next to Regulus, you two were gossiping about the Death Eaters.
Not everything you were discussing was true, but they were things you heard.
For example, Regulus heard some muggleborn girls laughing about how Lucius looks like something they call a "Barbie".
After you two found out what it was, you couldn't get that picture out of your head.
You two giggling like children while pointing at Lucius and whispering to each other.
"Are you both done laughing at me," Lucius stares at you both with a bored face.
"Whatever do you mean, Lucy."
"First, don't call me that. Second, you know exactly what I mean!"
"We really don't."
"Fine," you huff, "we were just comparing your looks you a Barbie Doll," you explain.
"A what?" Voldemort and Lucius asks.
"Let me show you," you take out your wand and conjure a Barbie.
Regulus takes it and holds it out to them.
To everyone's surprise, Voldemort himself starts laughing.
He points his finger back and for between the doll and Lucius as he laughs.
"You guys are right! He does indeed look like Barbara!"
"Same thing."
"Not you too, My Lord," Lucious runs a hand over his face.
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"Who the fuck did this!"
"Uh, oh," you and Reg sigh. You figured that after the conversation with hair at one of the recent meetings, Voldemort would want some.
But you two decided that was too nice for your liking. So you decided on clown hair.
Voldemort comes rushing into the living room, where everyone was on the couches.
Gasps of horror filled the room as people stared at the bright rainbow hair.
"You two," Voldemort snarls.
"You," you both grin.
"What have you done to my head!"
"We thought you could use some hair," you smile innocently at him.
"You call this rubbish hair?!"
"Hey! We think it suits you!" Regulus exclaims as you nod in agreement.
"Get it off of me, this instant!"
He starts speed walking to you, you two tried so hard not to laugh at the sight, that your eyes started watering.
He is almost where you guys are sat when you two stand up and start sprinting out of the room.
"Gotta go!" Reg shouts as you rush out into the hall.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
taking the boys to see barbie‼️‼️🔥😫💯🤩🫨🫶🏻
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A/N: I just got home from seeing Oppenheimer so this is like, perfect timing. These are some general movie outing headcanons for the group!
Going To the Movies
0.8k words | SFW | gn!Reader
Content: Luke is mentioned in a platonic sense only, the other relationships can be read as platonic or romantic.
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You suggest a matinee show time because you figure it'll be less disruptive and chaotic for everyone.
Levi and Satan are the only ones that bother to look up the movie beforehand.
Levi wanted to read the early critic reviews, but he's careful not to complain about how stupid the plot sounds because he knows you want to see it.
(If it's a pop culture franchise Akuzon sells, Levi will order a t-shirt or sweater to wear on the day of the movie outing.)
Satan looked up the film's plot/backstory because you've been eager to talk about it.
(He likes knowing more about your interests than Lucifer his brothers do.)
Diavolo caught wind of your plans somehow (probably from Lucifer) and managed to convince Barbatos that they could both use an afternoon off to have some fun in the human world too.
When you show up at the theatre, Solomon and the angels from Purgatory Hall are already waiting near the concession stand.
(Barbatos admits to you that he might've told Luke about the movie plans in passing.)
Ordering food at the snack bar is interesting.
Lucifer orders himself a drink but no snacks. He opts for wine if the theatre sells it, or coffee if they don't serve alcohol, and he finally settles on bottled sparkling water if nothing else is available.
Mammon orders a popcorn combo that comes with a bag of candy. He asks you very casually what kind you like best before he just happens to choose that for himself.
Levi orders the popcorn combo that comes with the plastic collectible cup, and he browses the small display of plushies and toys near the snack bar too.
Satan orders popcorn and a drink and reminds you that there's plenty if you want to share with him.
Asmo buys a bottle of vitamin water and says he doesn't want anything to eat.
(Later he'll sneak some popcorn or nachos and candy from whoever he sits beside.)
Beel just points to all the popcorn poppers behind the counter and says he'll buy all of it.
(He grabs bags of candy off the display and drops those on the counter too.)
Belphie clarifies to the poor staff working behind the counter that they'll take two large bags of popcorn with lots of butter—and two bags of candy each, and two of the largest soft drink size they have...
Barbatos heads to another part of the concession stand to look at their frozen yogurt flavours and toppings.
While Barbatos is distracted, Diavolo orders the kid's popcorn combo because he wanted the collectible cup and toy it comes with.
Simeon buys a kid's popcorn combo for Luke and a frozen yogurt cup for himself.
(He gets two spoons so Luke can share it with him.)
Solomon orders popcorn with butter for himself, and everyone is relieved that he didn't try to sneak in any of his own homemade snacks.
He pulls out a salt shaker filled with something he claims he made himself and sprinkles it all over his popcorn.
(Unsurprisingly, no one else wants to try any when he offers it.)
Your entire group could fill an entire row of the theatre, and seating arrangements are the next big hurdle.
It surprises no one that Mammon, Asmo, Belphie, and Solomon all want to sit beside you.
(You absolutely forbid them from playing rock-paper-scissors in the theatre to solve that squabble.)
There are some obvious allowances in the seating arrangements: your BFF/lover(s) naturally claim the seats beside or closest to you.
If the seat's not already taken, Lucifer wants to sit on your right hand side.
(He smiles when you offer him some of your own snacks during the film.)
Satan and Belphie are not allowed to sit in the row behind Lucifer's seat—he already knows they'll kick the back of his chair (or his head) if they do.
Beel and Belphie usually sit next to each other. If Belphie falls asleep, he'll lean on Beel's shoulder so he doesn't disturb anyone else.
Levi complains that he's not in the seat that will give him the "best viewer experience," whatever that means, but he will sit close to you or Mammon if he can.
Solomon, Simeon and Luke move up a row and sit behind you if they can't sit beside you.
(Luke will tap your shoulder during the movie and offer you some of the candy from his kid's combo.)
Diavolo likes to sit beside or close to Lucifer.
(You can hear Diavolo comment excitedly about things throughout the movie while Lucifer reminds him to hush, which leads to both of them bickering loud enough for everyone else to hear.)
Barbatos likes to sit near Satan because they both enjoy watching the film quietly and won't bother each other.
(Barbatos doesn't mind sitting apart from Diavolo because he's always mindful of what his Young Master is up to.)
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m.list | Taglist: @l-d-8 @mithrakira @your-next-daydream @haezen @xpixie @meggsngrits @flemmingbamse @tortibomb @amberrskiies @a-hidden-gem @lust--on--my--lips @meiloorun-tea @beelsjuicytitties @goldenglow149 @callmesaya @cosmicstarlatte @alexxncl @sirimirihiro @i-am-empress-irish @ezraiix @bizarrebankai @devildomd0ll @todothedodo @gaychaosgremlin @alexxavicry @moon-i-v @ablondehoe @thewisteriarchives @vinsmouke @kiirschtein @halaxia @bookoffracturedescapes
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jomsimagination · 6 months
sorry. || santana lopez and sam evans?
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you and santana were…friends, well secret friends, who sometimes makes out and sometimes scissor. it’s complicated, santana tells you it’s nothing, and you tell her ‘ok’ simply agreeing with her instead of arguing.
she had boyfriend, well still has, and it’s puck, she tells you, that she’s gonna break up with him, but it’s always, later, or ‘why do you even care?’ you shrugged it off, knowing deep inside that you cared a little, and plus it was deep inside you, like her fin-
but moving on, you hated the fact that you were just her little side piece, god you felt like a mistress, you hated how she treated you like a shit, she was degrading you every minute, not that you didn’t like it, but still.
her words felt like a stab in your heart, when you weren’t having sex, but still, she called you all the things there was in the book of ‘lopez insults’
—that’s her notebook that filled all the insults she said to people, and to who. you were a big topic on that book, being the number one she bullies, at least you were number one to her.
and what upseted you the most is whenever a guy takes interest in you, possibly asking you out, and she would drive them away, telling them lies about you, causing them to not text you back anymore.
and what was worse, was that she didn’t care, she didn't care one bit, she didn't care she was hurting you, she didn't care that you were crying in front of her. instead she's kicking you out, even if it was your own room.
she hurt you, a lot, too many to count, to hurt to count, so you stopped, replying to her texts, eventually started to ignore her, as if she would ever talk to you in school. but still you ignored her, whenever you see her in the hallways to whenever you see her enter a bathroom, when you really need to pee. just ignoring her whole entire existance.
until, a boy, with beach blond hair, big lips, tall, muscular, came into your world. you were in charge of showing him around the school, you guys talked, which led to laughing, which led to him slowly and softly flirting with you, not giving out the image if a creep who just wants to get into a girl's pants.
in fact, he was excited to get to know you, your ups and downs, your wrongs ,your rights, everything about your life just seemed interesting to him. and it was surprising, since he was the star quarter back, he had blonde hair, he was the perfect type, a stereotypical ken, while you, you were a Raquelle.
when he came to you, asking for advice on how to ask a girl out, you thought he was gonna ask out Quinn Fabray, i mean who wouldn't, she was your stereotypical Barbie, plus the pregnant part. even though you were hurt on the inside, as you thought that, but you were used to getting hurt, so you shrugged it off.
"well first, courting, every woman wants that. take her on dates, wait patiently for a yes, but to ask her that, you have to give her presents, first." you tell the boy, as an idea sparked in his mind. "give her chocolates, or flowers. but for me, i personally, i don't get the use of flowers, i mean they're boring, and well chocolates are the best."
then that sparked turned into an even bigger one. "and honestly, just be yourself. girls will like that." you smile at him, one last time, before you walk off to your next class.
he was super sweet to you, he was a natural gentleman. he would hold your heavy bags, filled with textbooks, and some other stuff. he would wait for you in the entrance of the school. helping you carry your books to your next class, no matter how far his classroom was from yours. protecting you from the jocks, and slushees. there was even one time when he stood in front of you taking the slushee, since you wore a white shirt.
he helped you a lot, but not to much to leave you feeling like a helpless girl who needs help every second. he, again, was sweet to you, he was to good to be true. so Santana walked up to him. "hey there, sammy evans." she said, with a evil smirk upon her face.
"uh, hey." the blond boy said awkwardly. "haven't you heard?" she asks him. "that girl right there, has got a little problem" she adds, gesturing to an alcohol addiction.
"huh." the boy asked. "yeah, it's true, she was caught buying vodka in a liquor store." she nods, trying to make him believe. "yeah, so you should stay away from her, she'll just hurt you." and with that, the latina walked away, leaving the blond to be confused.
he believed her, a little. a big part of him knows that it was probably a lie. but, you kept secrets about you hidden very well, you knew how to hide something or not. but whatever it was, he knew he was ready to work through it with you.
so the next day, he came up to you, with a big, goofy grin. he wore a messy blazer over his shirt, and hid chocolates behind his back. "sooo, y/n. i want to make this twenty minutes before your first class, worth it." he paused taking a deep breath. "i want to court you. i've liked you for a really really long time, ever since i've first met, you. i like your eyes, i like your smile, the way you laugh, the way you style, the way your hair smells so good in the morning, the way you're often sleeping in class, but still manages to pass. the way you think you're not the most perfect human being, even though you surely are. even if you're mean to people, even to me. i like you so damn much, not to take this chance and leap into your heart. ew, cringe i know. but i like you, so so much. to the point-well i'm not gonna say it yet, i know how much you hate people saying that so early one. but i really really really, like you. and only you. no one else. just you, in my heart right here." he says, pointing to his heart.
"yes." you breath out, smiling. genuinely smiling, like a big dumb dork. "r-really?" his grins grows so much bigger, obviously happy with my answer.
"of course, who wouldn't you're absolutely fucking perfect." you chuckle, as he hugs you tightly. "i know how much you hate when romcom leads kiss each other the first second they meet each other."
"you know me so much. maybe too much." you joke, "i mean i do know you're secretly working undercover. but it's between us." he whispers, looking around, actually playing around with the joke.
what you didn't know was, santana was actually watching from the far, an unsettling feeling in her stomach. she wanted to shrug it off, but she couldn’t, just seeing you being so happy with someone that wasn’t her, it just does that.
so she made a plan. after all your classes, you’re at your locker putting away your books, fortunately your class ended early, due; to only having a quiz the whole class hour.
but as you were walking to sam’s class, decided to wait for him there, you were suddenly pulled into the janitors closet, by your bag. the lights were close, you felt someone behind your back, while a hand covered your mouth, shutting you off, their other arm wrapped around you tightly, to refrain you from leaving, or fighting back.
you were scared, you didn’t know who this person was, of course you were scared. it lasted about ten minutes, when the arm tightly wrapped around you let you go to open the light. you immediately turned back around, reaching for the door knob, but it was locked.
"ow! my feet!" a voice too familiar said. "what the fuck do you want?" your voice stern. your face cold. "i want you. it's been to long since we're last together." she said, walking closer to you, placing a quick kiss on your neck. "fuck off." you push her away.
"y/n. i'm sorry." you couldn't believe it, santana lopez, the santana lopez said sorry to you. "what?" you mumble. "i treated you like absolute shit. i put away your feelings, and i am so so sorry. i'm willing to do anything to make you forgive me. i camd to my senses and realized that, i'm..i'm in love with you. i'm in love with you y/n. i treated you like shit because i felt like shit being in love with you, i knew you would never reciprocate. so i treated yo that way. but i was really just mad at myself. i'm sorry." she says, genuinely.
"i like you too. liked you. but you just treated me like shit, you made me feel like i was nothing but a waste of air." she looked down on her feet, biting her lip not knowing what to say. "i know you're sorry."
"i really am.”
“i know. but you’re too late.”
“i know.”
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goodwhump-temp · 11 months
Ryan Gosling Whump - Multiple Movies
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The Nice Guys - Holland March
06:00 - Hungover 07:00 - Shaving cut 09:50 - Dumb asf, glass cut, profusely bleeding, weak, ambulance, weak, high (drogas) 12:30 - Punched, bloody nose, thrown, kicked, knocked down, left radius fractured, aiaiai scream, arm casted 22:00 - Upset 25:25 - Jumpscare 37:00 - Can't smell 41:50 - Drunk, falls off balcony, rolls down hill, pain, freaks out, nausea 51:00 - Car crash 58:50 - Drinking in misery, passes out 1:05:00 - Berated ((1:06:35) adorable interaction) 1:11:25 - Shaking (scared), screams 1:20:00 - Hallucinating, car crash, screaming 1:24:30 - Shot at, screams (???), freaks out (mishandled gun) 1:35:00 - Held at gunpoint, misinterprets life & dream, 1:39:40 - "Drunk", "crying", falls from roof, hallucinating, freaks out x2, shot at, chased, falls from different roof, hit by car, emotionally happy, limping 1:50:30 - Freaks out (bee)
The Grey Man - Sierra Six
01:00 - Prison 09:10 - Punched multiple times, hit with bar x2, manhandled 26:30 - Betrayed, punched, headbutted, plane torn in half, falling 40:20 - Badass 44:20 - Scars, abusive father 47:00 - Betrayed, falls down well, coughing, bloody mouth, limp 53:30 - Pepper-sprayed, annoyed, jumps out window, limp, held at gunpoint, betrayed-ish, handcuffed, tranquilized 58:00 - Drowsy 1:06:30 - Shot at, knocked back from explosion, held at gunpoint 1:09:40 - Chased by two different groups, hit by car, pain, restrained x2, shot at, caught in the middle of firefight, cornered on train, manhandled, elbowed, jumps off derailing train 1:19:50 - Fake injury 1:20:40 - Hand stabbed, body slammed, pain (obvio), headbutted, punched, kicked into glass, decked, punched, stabbed w/ scissors, wacked with defibrilator x2, shot at, bleeding out 1:25:00 - Bleeding out, bandaging, talks about childhood 1:38:00 - Headbutted, shot at 1:43:00 - Boss fight, punched x6, sliced x6, stabbed x3, drowning x2 (irl/flashback), shot, bleeding out, tired, medevac
Drive - Ryan Gosling
03:00 - Looks tired 15:20 - Car crash stunt 35:00++ - Heartbroken 41:00 - Annoyed 51:30 - Nervous, shot at 59:00 - Annoyed 1:01:00 - Ambushed/betrayed, shot at 1:03:00 - Stitches, angry/sad? 1:05:00 - Angry 1:10:05 - Slapped 1:12:00 - Angry outburst, emotional, betrayed, angry 1:22:00 - Crying 1:26:00 - Car crash 1:29:00 - Sad/scared 1:32:00 - Stabbed, bleeding profusely
Stay - Henry Letham
The whole movie - Suicidal/depressed 1:21:00 - Head bleeding 1:23:00 - Emotional confrontation 1:25:00 - Saddest shit you'll ever see in your entire life
Crazy Stupid Love - Jacob Palmer
1:29:00 - Freaking out, punched, manhandled-ish, tackled by 4 guys
Barbie - Ken (I don't want to watch the movie)
somewhere near the beginning - heartbroken somewhere near the middle - heartbroken somewhere near the end - Sobbing, suicidal
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rigginsstreet · 2 years
Steve Harrington is a pretty good choice in partner, but Billy is of the solid opinion that everything can be improved. And what won't be improved willingly can always be roped and dragged there kicking and screaming.
First and foremost; that godforsaken bedroom his boyfriend expects him to sleep in. Billy actually physically recoils the first time Harrington opens the door, and decides immediately if you ever want to break a man, just lock him in here.
Looking at his dad's bare asshole would invoke less of a vomit reflex than tartan on tartan. Also, whoever actually created and sold tartan wallpaper needs to be killed for the immediate greater good of humanity.
Still. The wallpaper is a longcon kinda game, so Billy turns his attention to something that can be fixed with relative swiftness.
The fire is roaring and crackling when Steve comes home from work, and his boyfriend scrunches his nose at it with a pleased, surprised smile. "Howdy, Pyro," he greets, leans over Billy's shoulder to warm his hands. Billy offers him the pack of marshmallows and, subtly, uses his heel to kick the pair of scissors further under the deck chair.
"Is that fabric?" Steve asks on his third marshmallow, leaning so close to the flames Billy has to pull him back lest he lose a brow.
"Eh, scraps I found in the garage."
Two weeks later, Steve has been rib-deep in his closet for a good half an hour before he calls out; "hey, Cake? Do you know where my green sweater is?"
Billy can't help smiling a slow, smug, sly little thing as he dries off the last dish. "Sorry, Hidalgo. No idea."
The next time, Steve brought it on himself. The faux-fur monstrosity he wears out to the movies looks like he cut up a rug made out of unfortunate roadkill and shaped it like a jacket, and honestly, Billy's just doing the Lord's work when he trips and spills a blue slushie all over it. It'll never wash out, and Harrington wisely decides the thing has lived a full life and deserves to visit the landfill of eternal rest.
The day after, Billy buys a cream colored suede jacket with sheepskin on the collar and cuffs. Presents it to Steve, pouty and apologetic, and Steve wears it for a week straight when they go out. It makes his eyes look deeper, darker. Makes the pink on his cheeks stand out a little.
Two months into dating proper, Steve wears an honest to god vest that Nancy got him for his birthday to Jonathan's college leaving party, and Billy has to do breathing exercises before getting in the car.
"You love him," he mutters, clenching and unclenching his fists. "You love him. His dick is fucking huge. You love him. He eats your ass like he's starving. You love him...."
The vest, ultimately, accidentally gets washed with a pair of jeans Billy doesn't really care about anyway, which happen to have a forgotten switchblade in the pocket, and Billy has to visibly school his expression when Steve pulls it out of the machine a half-hour later in eight different pieces.
They're three months, two jackets, three sweats, one vest and a pair of honest to god flared khakis ("they're novelty, Billy!") later, and they're laying together in their newly papered bedroom when Steve rolls over him, tucks a lock of his hair behind his ear and says;
"The guilt is eating me alive, so. How about next time you hate something I wear, you just tell me, and we can donate it to charity so you can get me something else, my conscience stays clear, and we're both happy, mm?"
Billy grins. "And inflict those crimes against humanity on other people? Damn, Long Johnson. Knew you were a secret sadist. That's kinda hot," he bites his lip and Steve laughs, squirms up close, fingers digging into Billy's hips, words hot on his ear.
"Oh, Barbie. If you wanna see sadism, I'll show you my christmas sweater collection."
billy is gonna queer eye steve so hard when they start dating ... he loves the rich preppy boy money he does NOT love the yuppie fashion he has to draw a line somewhere
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albatmobile · 1 year
Have you ever written Kori with alien anatomy/tentacles/ovipositor porn 👀👀?
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i could be lonely with you (and you) pt. 2
[part 1] || ao3
𓅪 Rated: E | 7.7k includes: possessiveness, realization, conflicted feelings, loneliness, eventual smut, voyeurism, ovipositor, alien dildo, egg laying, threesome, strapon sex, first times, double dildos, scissoring, oral, fem dom, multiple orgasms
𓅪 established kori x roy, eventual fem!reader x roy harper, fem!reader x kori, fem!reader x kori x roy harper
You’re at your place, body nestled between her thick legs and head between her lofty chest when she asks the question.
“Would you want to stay the night with Roy and me?” Roy. You can’t help the instant frown that settles across your face. She senses your shift in mood and her hand easily reaches down to cup your face. “Are you alright?” she asks, moving her hand to touch the back of it to your forehead. “Your temperature seems perfectly normal.”
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You brush her hand off to hide your blush, though you instantly regret it when you see her hurt face. “I’m fine, Kori,” you sigh, reaching up to kiss her neck. "Swear," your voice rumbles lowly against her tan skin.
You pause, waiting for her to tell you to get the fuck off of her, but she doesn’t. In fact, if you’re being completely honest, she looks… embarrassed?
You gulp, conjuring up an excuse that never comes.
She speaks before you can ramble out your half-thought-out excuse that you’d actually meant to bite her.
Her wide eyes gaze down at you with their usual innocent appearance. “You are coming over, yes?”
You flip around so you’re chest to chest with your feet kicking up behind you absentmindedly. The effect this woman has on you…
“Yeah,” she beams at your response and you easily return the gesture, “I guess it’s time I meet your friend, right?” She nods quickly, not correcting you.
She only ever talks about him every other second. “Roy took me to the park,” ‘Roy got me new hair ties,” “Roy wants to be the Ken to my Barbie for Halloween.” 
Roy this, Roy that. It makes you sick. 
Kori is yours.
So, if Roy’s truly just a friend, you won't hesitate to stake your claim.
“You’ll love him just as I do!” she exclaims.
She, however, doesn’t suspect an ounce of your hesitation. 
You pack your shit to leave for her house for the night because god forbid, you skip your skincare routine for a single night.
Luckily, Roy’s not there when you arrive at her place. 
You go about your usual touching, pressing up against her body languidly as she fixes the two of you snacks. Well, what actually ends up happening is she burns the popcorn and, somehow, the potato chips (???) before you push her aside and take over.
She sidles up behind you and wraps her long, tanned arms around your front before drawing you against her chest. 
With your snacks secured, you easily allow her to pick you up and carry you over to the couch. You’re only wearing an oversized tee she'd left at your place the other week and a thong. All this being said, when she lifts you, the shirt lifts too, exposing, well, everything.
“So you do not spill,” she claims as she carries you on her hip, accentuating your large height difference. You’re eating it up, practically vibrating against her side out of sheer joy. 
You end up vibrating a little too much and end up falling face-first into her cleavage to save the chips from dropping to the floor.
This is when the door opens.
How fucking convenient.
Kori spins around quickly. You shift your weight around on the side of your hip as if you’re riding a mechanical bull to maintain your balance.
“Oh, Roy!” 
You can hear the happiness in her voice, but you’re too busy glaring at the intrusion to look up at her beautiful face. Well, you chance a glance up at her before settling back on Roy, maybe just a quick look.
Roy’s hot.
There’s no way you can compete with his fiery locks and verdant eyes, but you’re sure as fuck going to try.
You can't let him have her. No, you refuse to give her up when you want her this bad. 
So, you do the most logical thing; you ham it up. You press salaciously against her side, nearly grinding into her warm skin in the process, glaring at Roy all the while.
You whisper a joke into her ear, pulling back to witness the beautiful chime of her laugh. Out of the corner of your eye you watch as Roy sets down the bags in his hands on the kitchen counter, his eyes never leaving yours.
Kori is yours.
Roy’s flashing eyes submit to you. 
Now, he knows it, too.
“Roy, this is,” Kori says your name. You shiver as her mouth forms around a word you’ve never felt sounded so special until this moment. 
“Hey,” you greet him with a nonchalant nod nod his way.
“Hey,” he repeats lamely as his eyes take in the scene in front of him, seemingly in disbelief. His eyes lowly trail from Kori's bare legs to your fully exposed ass cheeks. He pulls it together quickly enough once Kori moves over to the couch. He clears his throat as she perches you in her lap, “What’s up?”
He's not slick and your unimpressed stare shows it.
“We are going to watch a movie!” Kori responds when you and Roy continue your staring contest right where you’d left off. 
His light green eyes never leave yours as he unpacks whatever groceries he brought in until he physically has to look away to put them in the fridge. As soon as he turns back around, the contest is back on.
“That’s cool, Star,” Roy says, leaving you to narrow your eyes at him. What, does he think him throwing out a nickname for her will throw you off? You’re in her lap, motherfucker. Suck on that. “Mind if I join y’all?”
You shrug, nestling into Kori’s chest as you face the screen where she’s browsing. You hear Roy chuckle from off in the kitchen. Whatever, he may have won the pissing match, but it only adds fuel to your singeing flame. 
She starts feeding you popcorn before throwing the remaining kernels in her mouth, eyes never once leaving the screen. You, however, can’t say the same. 
It’s hard not to watch her when she’s living, breathing art. 
Kori is beauty in its rawest and ethereal sense in a way you never could’ve imagined had this woman not been in front of you at this very moment. You know you’re blushing and you know she’s probably about ready to notice your lingering gaze, but you can’t bring yourself to look away.
You feel Roy’s eyes on you. The feeling you’d felt earlier stings at the side of your face like a constant, read: annoying,reminder that he’s still here. You allow your eyes to leave her face languidly in order to meet his staring head-on. He ducks his head, orange hair shaking in its wake. Without another word, he crosses the room and plops down on the couch right next to Kori’s.
Your breath catches unexpectedly in your throat when he throws his arm around the back of the couch. Your heart is like a jackhammer against your rib case. Being this close to them, you hope neither can hear its pathetic racket.
“I have never heard either of you be so quiet,” Kori jokes, causing your back to straighten inadvertently as you feel two sets of green eyes resting on you. “Surely I am not the talkative one, no?”
“You’re perfect,” you answer before Roy can even open his mouth.
“She is so funny, Roy,” she giggles, batting lightly at your upper arm with her usual breathtaking charm. “Do you not agree?”
You turn your head to face him in a ballsy move that even he doesn’t seem to expect.
His open mouth falters before he's able to school his expression, “Hilarious.”
You smirk, turning around and obnoxiously snuggle back into her cleavage. You’re surprised when her arms come around you and she moves to cradle you in her lap. This new position means you’re now looking directly at Roy with his hand dangling dangerously close to your head.
“Are you comfortable?”
Kori looks down at you at Roy’s question. The way she peers down at you is as if you’re an adorable baby in her arms, which is honestly how you feel. 
You just nod, not giving him the satisfaction of stuttering out a response.
You narrow your eyes as you stare at whatever movie Kori put on, though you can’t actually focus on anything on the screen with Roy’s unwavering gaze settled on you. You do the only logical thing- you rest your head on her tit, bumping your head against Roy’s arm, which is still snug around her shoulders. You feel his hand tense, but Kori’s pleased sigh quickly stops both you and Roy in your tracks. Your eyes flicker to the side of her face and a quick glance up and over proves Roy’s doing the same. 
Your eyes meet again, but this time, you look away without a challenge, hating the way you feel a blush coming on. It doesn’t help that Kori’s leaning in to giggle, nearly bumping foreheads at every stupid joke the movie throws your way.
You still have no idea what the fuck you’re watching, but apparently, there’s yoga in it.
“We learned this move last week!” Kori nearly throws you off the couch as she points at the screen where they’re doing a double downward dog. She pats at your side and deposits you on the floor before you can even blink and bends down into downward dog. “You will be the top, okay?”
You sputter out what you hope is not too pathetic of a response and quickly bend down into the move before you can even realize what your body’s doing.
Is she a hypnotist or something?
The things you do for her…
Your feet are technically supposed to rest just above her lower back to anchor your position, but her torso is far too long. In class, after a fair amount of tries, you finally realized you needed to put your feet closer to her upper back more than anything, so now you make the correction. 
She settles into the pose, shifting as she does, leaving your back to arch as your anchor, Kori, moves. Now, you’re staring down at the back of her head and right smack at Roy’s face.
“Oh, damn.”
The new voice startles you so much you end up shakily somersaulting off of Kori’s back. You end up with your legs eagle-spread at the feet of someone who looks like the very definition of trouble.
You must’ve said this out loud because he chuckles lowly as he moves to help you off the ground, “Guess I’ll have to stick around so you can know for sure, then.”
You eye him up and down warily. “Whatever the fuck that means,” you spout before you can stop it. You do, however, accept his extended hand as he helps you up off the floor. You allow the touch to linger, looking into his green eyes and nearly rolling your own at how perfect he is. 
Why does everyone Kori knows have to be an actual god?
Soon enough, Kori’s bounding across the room to check on you, “Are you alright?” she gathers you up in her arms, fully extending them outward to check you over for any possible injuries. “Are you hurt at all?”
“Yeah,” Of course, Roy can’t resist being left out, “you sure took quite a tumble there.” He walks over, seeming to have a conversation with the new man solely through their shared eye contact as he does.
You glare at Roy still within Kori’s loving grasp. “Peachy,” you reply, feeling nothing of the sort.
The skunk-striped-hair motherfucker laughs from behind you, startling you. Kori releases you back to the ground but pulls you securely against her front.
“I dropped by because I need you to check out something on my bike, Roy.”
Roy’s eyes widen, though you’re not sure why until you notice the raven-haired man slyly checking you out.
You will not blush. 
You refuse to blush. 
You’re blushing.
It’s Roy’s turn to smirk and you fucking hate him for it. You’re sure it’s written all over your face because both he and Jason share another fucking look before disappearing out the door with stifled snickers.
“Will you braid my hair?” Kori asks suddenly.
You snort. Of course, Kori would be completely oblivious to the pissing matches going on, not even two feet in front of her.
“You already know I’m obsessed with it,” you say in lieu of an actual response.
To prove your point, you run your fingers through her thick, long locks. You make grabby hands for her to lift you up and she easily obeys, picking you up as she had earlier before depositing you back on the couch. You spread your legs wide and pat for her to scoot back for you to begin. While you’re braiding, she scoops up your feet into her lap to paint your toenails her signature bubblegum pink.
You’re both babbling about your usual topics, giggling like idiots when she finally brings up the elephant in the room.
“Now that you have met Roy and Jason,” she starts. She’s mentioned Jason a few times, namely that he and Roy are best friends. You probably should’ve pieced together that he was the dark-haired man who'd just left with Roy. “We should go on the double date!” she insists with an excited grin.
You pause your braiding instantly. “Jason and Roy are dating?”
They seem fruity enough that you can believe it, but it still catches you off guard. Nevertheless, at least Roy isn’t the threat you’d originally thought him to be.
She laughs, though, throwing her head back and nearly messing up your braiding progress. The sound she howls out is an awful-sounding laugh that leaves you no choice but to join in. 
“No, silly, I meant me and Roy and you and Jason,” she says.
Her and…
You and…
Your hands still in her fiery tresses. “You and Roy are dating?”
‘He is the best friend who is a boy-’
She'd meant to say Roy's the best boyfriend, holy fuck. How did you miss that?
“Our third-year anniversary is on Halloween,” she informs you casually, like she hasn’t just crushed every atom in your body.
You feel pathetic that your first response is to cry, but it is. You attempt to shove the tears down your throat, but they’re already wobbling up, stinging and suffocating you all the while. “That’s cool,” you manage to choke out.
You could at least try to sound more convincing.
She turns around at your pained voice. “What is the matter?” she asks with sudden concern.
You have to tell her.
How can you not tell her now?
“Kori, I…” you trail off, completely ready to bare everything, when the door opens back up to reveal Roy’s dumb, greasy head. You wipe quickly at your face, using Kori’s excessive height to duck from his view.
If Kori notices, she doesn’t say anything, only begins chatting amicably with her boyfriend about Jason and a double date.
Roy says your name. You look up automatically, forgetting your current tear-stained state and curse yourself when you see his shocked eyes.
This is way too much.
If Kori weren’t squishing you against the arm of the couch with her back, you would’ve been long gone. 
For some reason, though, you can’t find it in yourself to ask her to move. You’re frozen like a deer in headlights.
“Are you okay?”
It’s Roy’s annoying ass who speaks. 
Whatever tears you managed to stuff down now boil over and begin to spill out freely. Kori flips around onto her knees to put both her hands on your shoulders as she takes in your sobbing face.
“What has happened?!” Kori exclaims. Her kind, glowing green eyes take in the streaks running down your cheeks with concern. “Are you hurt?” she asks you for the second time today, but for the first time, the answer is yes. 
Yes, you’re hurt. 
No, you’re not okay.
“I-” You take a calming breath as she wipes away the slow tears that trickle from your eyes. It only serves to upset you further, realizing if you tell her what’s wrong, all of this touching, all of this closeness will have to come to an end.
You’ll lose your friend.
Your only friend.   You try again, but the words refuse to come out.
Roy’s still standing awkwardly off to the side as if debating whether or not to act while his girlfriend faces you and automatically begins to comfort you. Her fingers trickle ticklishly up and down your arms, distracting you from your plight. 
Her being able to calm you, though it only serves to remind you of your plight because she’s always able to melt your worries away by just being Kori.
You sigh, mentally preparing yourself for the ramifications of your admission. 
You can’t even look at her. No, your eyes remain fixated on their popcorn ceiling.
“You, we… Ugh.” You’re becoming frustrated that you can’t just come right out and say it. “When we met, Kori, I was in a really bad place,” you admit shamefully. Your eyes flicker to hers at her quiet, pained reaction to your statement. God, she’s so. fucking. perfect. “My friends pretty much left me in the dust and you just kind of, well, I guess I just kind of bumped into your life at the perfect time,” you say and she smiles lightly at the mention of you falling into her at your first yoga class. You can’t admit it. Fuck. You want to, but fuck. “I was really lonely and I’m really glad for your friendship.” Your last sentence is spewed in haste as if racing out of your mouth before you lose the courage.
Even hearing it in the quiet of the apartment, the word ‘friendship’ stings on your tongue, emanating down to a feeling that lodges uncomfortably deep in your throat.
Her angelic voice quells the new tears you feel stirring. “I am very glad for your friendship as well,” she says kindly as she takes your hands into her larger ones. You can’t help but notice how nice your hands look in hers. Like they’re meant to stay like this forever in her grasp. “It has been the same for me as well,” she admits self-consciously before tucking a strand of her red hair behind her tanned, pierced ear. You follow the movement easily. “I have never had a good friend until you, nor have I ever met anyone like you.”
Your eyes instantly snap to where Roy’s taking in the scene in front of him with an unreadable gaze behind his verdant eyes.
Her reassuring words only make you break down even more. “I’ve been so lonely for so long,” you breathe, feeling all of your pent-up emotions releasing with each word. Kori, the kind woman she is, nods like she knows, but you don’t think she really understands what you’re about to say. Regardless, you say it, anyway, “And I finally thought that maybe this wasn’t just a friendship.”
It's quiet for a moment, then-
“Oh,” she says, sounding genuinely stunned.
Roy, on the other hand, looks like you’ve finally confirmed his suspicions.  
Fuck him. 
“And I know you’re not even fucking gay,” The words are jumble together, rushed and slurred as you unsurely bare your heart. “I really don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable and I hope I haven’t-” 
Before you can finish, she leans in and kisses you without hesitation.
You’re not sure if it’s you or Roy who gasps, but it’s audible.
Her sweet scent that keeps you up at night swirls around you, swallowing you whole with each glide of your lips against her soft ones. You can’t stop the moan that escapes when her fingers thread through your hair to pull you into a deeper angle.
Your heart is damn near beating out of your chest with every timid flick of your tongue against hers, worried you’ll do something wrong. Based on her pleased hums and gasps, you don’t think you should be so worried.
It’s bliss; pure bliss.
When you finally break apart, the name that rolls off her tongue nearly breaks your heart in two, “Roy.”
Roy obediently makes his way over to stand beside her, though the entire time, his eyes remain on you.
“Yeah, baby?”
“Watch us,” she commands. Her iridescent eyes flicker to his with a fire you’ve never witnessed before.
You can’t help but stare, astonished as your heart mends itself in milliseconds. 
Watch us what?
Kori gently squeezes your hand, which still rests in her own, before carrying you bridal-style to her, no, their bedroom. 
Holy shit.
The expression on your face seems to portray this because Kori chuckles lowly, taking in your small form in her arms.
“Yes, ma’am,” comes Roy’s distracted voice, following from behind. With the abashed way he’s acting, you don’t think this is something they’ve ever done before and can’t help but preen at the thought that you’re the only one they’d do this with.
Kori gently deposits you on the bed, stepping back so she and Roy can examine you. 
Your wide eyes slide between the two of them, waiting for someone to say, “psych” but it never comes. Instead, Kori puts her knee on the bed and slowly begins to crawl toward you.
Your breath hitches in your throat as she closes the distance between you. Her eyes slide closed and you melt into her hold as she draws your startled body in for a deep, wet kiss. 
“What do you want from me?” you ask breathlessly. Your head’s in a daze as your lips slide along her wet ones with the movement and your close proximity.
It’s an honest question.
You bared your heart to her and she kissed you, but what does it mean?
Is this all just entertainment for Roy, or does she actually want you?
She draws your chin up with one of her manicured fingers. “I want all of you, every single inch of you,” she answers honestly. In response, you gasp, but she only takes it as encouragement to continue. “I want your laughter, your adorable smiles,” she bites your lip while she openly eyes you up, “I want your touch. I want your everything, though it is not so much a want as it is a need.”
“Kori,” you gasp, shaking your head in disbelief.
“I need you,” your name rolling off her tongue has you arching into her grasp. “I need all of you,” she finishes with a whisper, no, a promise, against your quivering lips.
This time, it’s you who makes the first move. You throw your arms around her neck, drawing her plump lips against yours desperately as if she might change her mind if you hesitate.
Her tongue slips into your mouth, tangling lewdly with yours even as she’s pulling away. Saliva strings between the two of you as your part, but it’s only for a breath before she’s pulling you right back in. You can’t hold back the moan that releases into the quiet, wet noises of her bedroom, startling away from her when it does.
“Sorry,” you sputter, feeling the blazing heat of the blush settles across, well, your entire face and being. “I-”
“Hush,” she cuts you off with a delicate manicured finger to your slick lips. “Do not be sorry. I want to hear all of your wonderful noises.”
As if on command, you breathily sigh, startling back once again when you hear the harsh tear of a zipper. Your attention shifts to Roy, who looks terrified under your scrutiny, though you’d honestly just forgotten he was even there in the first place. 
“Sorry,” he says, holding up his hands as if he’d been caught red-handed. 
You can’t help but throw your head back and laugh at the ridiculousness of the whole situation. 
“I must admit, I have never, uh,” Kori motions down to your crotch and you follow the motion self-consciously, “partaken.”
“Partaken?” you repeat with a quirk of your head.
When she continues to fumble, Roy steps in for her. “She means that she’s never been with a woman before,” he supplies.
"Oh," you reply, eyes widening. All the while, Roy’s verdant ones stare you down, however you’re more focused on his tenting problem. Your stomach feels giddy when you reveal much of the same, “Neither have I.”
Roy’s practically drooling, no, never mind, he’s actually drooling and you do the same when you turn around and come face to face with Kori’s perky tits.
“This is okay?” Kori asks. She takes your hands in hers and cups them around as much of her breasts as they’ll cover.
“Fuck yeah,” you breathe, nodding dumbly as you allow your hands to sink deep into her soft mounds. You squeeze them lightly, relishing in the soft moan she releases.
The entire time, neither she nor Roy remove their eyes from you. The whole thing’d probably be nerve-inducing had you not been so turned on by it.
Kori seems to sense you relaxing into the situation and gently begins to remove the shirt you’d borrowed from her. With it off, your breasts are exposed to the cold air and attention, leaving your nipples quickly become erect.
Though you want to cover yourself up, you allow yourself to do the opposite by spreading your thighs apart. Your swollen pussy lips have eaten your thong up, creating an obscener display than you’d meant. 
“Shit,” Roy curses and bites his bottom lip so hard that it looks painful. You watch as he visibly restrains himself from rubbing at his leaking erection, seeming to nearly give in under your intense inspection of him. “Star, can I?”
Kori nods and he slowly approaches the bed, gauging your every minute reaction. You show no signs of hesitation, so he removes his jeans and gently places one knee on the mattress. He stops timidly as if waiting for you to protest, but it never comes.
He slides his shirt off next, watching you out of the corner of his eyes as he does so before fully climbing onto the bed next to you.
Your breathing quickens, realizing that, holyshityes, this is about to happen.
You draw Kori close with a coy finger under her chin. She slowly crawls across the mattress to meet your needy lips, molding her body against yours until your front is flush with hers.
“Fuck,” you can’t help but moan, sucking the tongue she slips further into your mouth with it. Your hands come up to press her lofty tits against yours, rubbing her nipples against your own to get the friction you’ve been craving so badly. “I want you so bad, Kori.”
“Good,” she praises you as her thin fingers tease the lacy fabric of your panties into your leaking cunt. You blush under her unwavering attention as she relishes every gasp, every arch of your back, every buck of your hips into her touch.
Your clit twitches when her cold fingertip tickles at it. You imagine this is exactly how she plays with herself and groan at the lewd imagery.  
Your hand reaches out to stop her before she can make you come.
“Are you not enjoying?” She quickly attempts to cover up her body, but you’re not having it. “Am I not satisfactory for you?” she questions with evident concern.
“That’s not it at all, babe,” you quickly reassure her, not believeing how she could think something like that. You gently pull her arms away from her, running them up and down her long torso appreciatively. “You’re so fucking hot. It’s literally insane, Kori.”
She looks concerned now. “Then what is the issue?”
Your eyes gleam impishly as you respond, “I want to last longer so I can make you feel good, too.”
“I don’t think you have to worry about not lasting long enough,” Roy says as he motions down to the thick gobs of come dripping down his hand. “‘Sides, you should enjoy too, beautiful.” You can’t help but blush. Seeing this, Roy smirks and moves closer to you, though falters slightly when your mouth opens without thinking. “You want to taste my come?” he asks you.
Your eyes flick over to Kori, but her hand’s found its way to her clit.
You nod shyly, languidly sticking your tongue out like you’re hungry for it. Your tongue slowly slides around his freckled fingers, creating light suction and a teasing flick of the tip of your tongue against his fingertips when you pull away. He watches, hypnotized as you make a show of swallowing his come. Some trickles down the corner of your mouth and Kori reaches over to remedy this.
She licks at the come before setting her attention back on you. “Thank him,” she says. Kori’s voice is lowered, vibrating every part of your being in the most wicked of ways.
You stare owlishly at her, though she only motions for you to look Roy’s way. You gulp, obliging as you timidly face him. “Thank you.”
“Say his name,” she commands suddenly.
Your eyes flick up from the mattress back up to his shit-eating grin. “Thank you, Roy.” You take special care sounding out his name as you do so with your half-lidded fuck doll eyes.
His grin flickers and you watch as his dick stirs back to life.
If you were close before, you’re teetering dangerously on the edge, feeling the tantalizing iciness spreading from your sensitive nub all the way into your lower abdomen.
You move her delicate hand back to your pussy, guiding her manicured fingers past the slick fabric of your thong to rub against your wet folds. She briefly stops to situate herself behind you, just like how you usually snuggle on the couch, though, this time, it’s so much better. The new angle means she can use her free hand to tease your nipples as she pleases, leaving you a withering mess against her toned body.
You come undone in her arms, blooming like a flower next to her boyfriend as she milks your come out of you obscenely. She fans out her fingers to inspect your slick as if it’s some foreign substance to her and, hell, it probably is. You’d never be able to tell from her skills, like, seriously… it’s hard to believe this is Kori’s first time with a woman.
Roy’s two fingers deep in his ass beside you. You nearly startle when you come to after your lust-filled haze to see how physically close he’s gotten. Hell, his legs are practically tangled with Kori’s and your own at this point.
 Luckily, he seems too busy to notice your original shock. 
Kori’s eyes no longer carry the innocence you’re used to and for good reason. She’s downright devilish as she moves to lap up your come and spits it back out on your cunt, only to slurp it back up. You watch, slick with want as she leans over your stomach to swap your arousal between her and Roy’s mouths for your entertainment. 
You watch as his eyes roll to the back of his head and the grip on his cock stutters obscenely. Before he can come again, however, Kori’s lithe fingers wrap around his pink-tipped cock to prevent him from coming. Roy groans in frustration, but her hand remains securely around his cock.
In the meantime, she uses her free hand to push your mouth towards Roy’s drool-coated, chapped lips. His whimpers and moans, coupled with his half-lidded, lucid eyes, leaving you no other choice than to give him the best kiss of his life. Your fingers tangle themselves in his greasy, strawberry locks while your body arches against his muscular abdomen. 
“Fuck, yeah,” Roy whispers excitedly, seemingly to himself. Meanwhile, he stares down at your naked body in his arms like he still can’t believe this is actually happening.
You snort but draw his lips to yours, nonetheless. 
His tongue eagerly begs for entrance into your mouth, which you oblige with a quick flick of your own tongue. You’re affronted with your own light musk as his tongue breaches into your mouth, causing you to release a wrecked moan, “Shit-”
“That’s what I like to hear, gorgeous,” he says. His voice deep with want as he breaks apart from your mouth with a wet pop and a boyish smirk. 
“Shut up,” you say, though your tone makes it obvious you don’t mean it at all.
Your fingers trail down to where your arousal remains slick against your twitching cunt. Your fingertips glide through the thick substance, teasing your opening and clit as you go. “Fuck, yeah,” Roy breathes. “You wanna touch yourself, baby?” You blush at his question, looking at Kori for help, but startle forward into Roy’s muscular chest at the sight that meets you. “That’s her favorite one,” Roy whispers against the shell of your ear, kissing languidly down your neck after he does.
Kori’s propped up on the mattress with a thick, dragon-looking dildo bobbing in and out of her gorgeous pussy. You watch as her grip tightens and something seems to push from the dildo to stretch against her bright pink entrance. 
“What is that?” you gasp, turning your head and nearly kissing Roy in the process. 
“Ovipostitor, beautiful,” Roy responds. You quirk a questioning brow, but he just nods his head over to where Kori’s showing you exactly what it does.
Kori’s effervescent, other-worldly eyes blink slowly at you as she pushes a purple, round object against her entrance. Her hole stretches the more she pushes.
You can’t just sit there and do nothing while watching the most erotic thing you’ve ever seen in your life. You break away from Roy, using your come-slicked fingers to taunt her clit, drawing a wanton moan from her.
The round object crowns, falling from her twitching hole onto the mattress with a wet squelch… an egg?
You need to taste her gorgeous pussy stat.
“This dildo,” she holds it up for you to inspect, “it deposits these weighted eggs into me.” She watches with heated eyes as your tongue slowly laps up her juices. The egg lightly bobs back into her with the gentle pressure of your tongue, leaving her to force it back out so you can repeat the motion. “You are sure you have never been with a woman, yes?” she sputters out her question, seemingly mesmerized with the way your tongue flicks against her clit, just as her fingers had done for you.
To push her closer to the edge, you gently rub at her clit, mixing your come with her arousal as you do so. 
You slurp at her sweetness as you come up for air to respond, “Pinky promise, Kori.”
She squeezes around another egg, whimpering when you immediately push it back inside her, completely absorbed in the way it disappears into her tight heat.
You don’t know what overcomes you, but you take the dildo and slowly insert it into her. Once she gets used to your pace, she uses a guiding hand to show you where to squeeze to release another egg into her already filled cunt. After a few languid thrusts, she halts your hand. You wonder if you’ve done something wrong until she speaks.
“I have always wanted to try the rock, paper, scissor,” Kori admits, blinking down at you innocently. “Would you wish to try with me?”
You quirk a brow at her, removing the dildo completely. “The hand game?” you ask, feeling entirely confused.
“Not hands, uh,” she trails off and looks up at the ceiling as if the word she’s looking for will magically appear. 
It doesn’t.
You both look to Roy, hoping for clarification, but he’s busy shoving three fingers into his tight hole and asks her to repeat herself.
“Scissoring, baby,” he groans, thrusting into his ass seemingly as soon as he realizes what she means. “She’s talking about- fuck,” Roy pants, desperately bucking his hips into the air. “Keeps fucking feeling like I’m about to come," he groans. Roy watches the two of you with eager eyes as you position your wet folds against hers once you confirm that, yes, she’s talking about scissoring. 
She cups your breasts, drawing you in for a toe-curling kiss as her slick heat twitches against your own. 
A pathetic groan unleashes itself from your throat at the intimate, foreign contact. You can’t even bring yourself to care how raw your voice sounds when her clit is flicking deliciously against your own. You moan into her open mouth, savagely fucking your cunt against her like she’s your pillow at home.
You wrap yourself in her arms, watching how her ass arches and snaps into each thrust, jiggling her huge ass as she goes. You can feel your own cheeks clapping together, undoubtedly giving Roy an insanely obscene sight to jack off to.
You think it’s more so the fact that she’s whispering sweet nothing against your spit-soaked lips than her tits bouncing against your own that pulls you under again.
“I don’t wanna come again,” you whimper with a pathetic pout. “Not until you come… I can’t- fuck!” you gasp, coming again with your eyes trained on Roy as his girlfriend fucks another spine-tingling orgasm out of you. “Kori!” 
Roy bites at the corner his bottom lip, ceasing his movements, white-knuckled as you ride it out against her.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as she continues to rub her slit against your spasming clit until your twitching finally ceases.
Roy wastes no time in rushing to eat her out, slurping up your come and her arousal before flashing you a wild, dripping grin.
Your hands tentatively move from Kori’s tanned skin to Roy’s pale, freckled skin, nearly pulling away when he arches at your touch.
Kori sees you staring at his ass and motions for him to stop. He pulls away with a concerned look, wiping your come and Kori’s arousal from his rough lips as he does so.
“What’s wrong, Star?”
“You said you want me to come, yes?” Her salaciously darkened eyes as they devour you whole. You blink owlishly, releasing a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding in. “Roy, would you bring me the strapless, please?”
“Strap?” you repeat dumbly, watching as Roy eagerly digs around in his nightstand and produces a giant, pink, thick-veined dildo that hooks into a shorter, thicker plug.
“Here,” Kori insists. At this, the redheaded woman takes the strap from him and motions for you to kneel and spread your legs on the mattress. Her fingernails trickle along the sensitive skin on your inner thighs, grazing dangerously close to your over-stimulated nub as she slips the plug end of the dildo inside of you. She scoots back with something pink clutched in her hand, admiring her work with cutely clasped hands. “It is comfortable for you, yes?” she asks.
It is.
Like, immensely so.
The strapless dildo cups your groin with tiny divots creating friction against your sensitive clit. The exuding end is at least seven inches long, though it’s half the width of the end currently nestled inside you. 
You nod, head whipping to stare at Roy. His breath catches in his throat at the sight of you experimentally stroking the veiny pink silicone.
“I’ve never met a girl like you before,” he repeats what Kori had said earlier as you rub lube over the strap.
You motion for him to present himself to you and he easily obeys, slipping his handsome hands to spread his pale, freckled cheeks. Your eyes widen as he does so. You definitely weren’t expecting this when Kori asked if you wanted to spend the night.
He’s blushing and you know you’re blushing, but Kori looks downright devilish. 
“Yeah, well, I’ve never met a girl like your girlfriend before,” you retort easily.
He stares back at you like he can’t believe this is real. Kori uses your distracted state to slip behind him and spread his legs even more obscenely for you. 
“And you’re gonna fuck me, anyway?” His eyes are in slits and he’s practically drooling, biting his lip as your gorgeous curves languidly crawl towards him, positioning yourself as he pops the cap on some milky-looking lube.
His breaths come out even, as if he has to force himself to either A. breathe or B. remain calm. Either way, it’s not fooling you.
You can see just how affected he is by your domineering nature, from his blown-out pupils to his drooling cock. 
“And I’m gonna fuck you anyway,” you confirm, rubbing the lube over their strap. You exhale shakily as you line yourself up with his puckering hole. 
Neither seem to notice your nervousness, however. Kori seems entirely entranced with the way the tip of the strap grazes his entrance. She presses soft kisses across his freckled shoulders as you breach his tight hole. Meanwhile, Roy’s still preoccupied with regulating his breathing.
You slowly fuck into him, stopping your movements once you’ve inserted your full length. 
“You feel so good,” Roy rasps out your name around a breathy moan.
You bite your lip as you stare down at his needy, whimpering form. You haven’t even started and he’s already such a mess for you.
“You’re being so good,” you blink dumbly in disbelief that you've actually responded to him out loud like that. “Uh…” You blink again, head shooting up to look at Kori for backup, but she’s currently three fingers deep in her cunt. 
Roy smiles wide, forearm moving to cover his eyes as you stare at him not knowing how to proceed. He suddenly peaks out from underneath his arm, freckled cheeks tinged a deliciously chaste pink, though you know nothing about Roy is chaste.
Case in point.
“Keep talking to me like that, darlin’ and I’ll be a goner for sure.”
“Shut up,” you groan with a swift roll of your eyes, smacking the side of his hip.
Roy’s face stretches into a wolfish grin like somehow you’re the prey, even with a dildo up his ass. “Just like that, yeah,” his sultry low voice rumbles into every part of your being.
You’re fucked.
So fucking fucked. 
They’re both perfect.
He winks and this time, when you smack the side of his hip, you do it harder. You’re not expecting him to moan, let alone how loud he moans, nearly over-exaggerated as if he’s begging for more.
Suddenly, you startle forward with a buck of your hips into Roy’s when toe-curling vibrations shake every part of your being. You and Roy both moan wantonly in unison from the new sensations. You stare down at the strap in question, tilting your head only to find Kori dangling a pink control from her perfectly manicured nails.
“I love seeing my favorite people getting along,” Kori downright purrs. Roy and you moan again, giving her the only response she needs to hear to up the vibrations.
Roy’s withering on the mattress below you as you thrust in and out of his tightness at a shaky pace. The lube they'd used makes it look like you're fucking come in and out of his pink hole and it's doing things to you. You don’t think he’s once shut his mouth to stop moaning since you’d started and it was all you needed to continue to ruthlessly fuck into him. 
Kori squishes Roy against your bouncing tits as she teases her tongue into your mouth.
“Fuck yeah,” Roy moans. The redhead motorboats your tits in front of him and Kori’s tits surrounding his head at the same time. “I fuckin’ love my life, man,” he chuckles as he pulls away.
“Who the fuck are you talking to?” How is Kori able to come when he babbles like a fucking idiot?
Roy laughs, but before he can get too cocky, Kori puts him back in his place. She knows exactly what he wants and wastes no time in flipping him over, forcing him to present his ass to you as she shoves his face against her slick pussy. 
She allows you to fuck into him for a bit while Roy continues to draw pornstar moans from Kori before she stops him, tugging him off her cunt with a fistful of his strawberry hair.
“Do you want to be spanked, Roy?” she asks, though she’s smirking down at him like she already knows how pathetic his answer will be. “You can be rougher with him, you know?” She quirks her head cutely. “He will not break so easily, trust me,” she teases with a wink.
Roy groans in appreciation, doubling his efforts lapping at her slick folds.
At this, your hands had been grasped around his hips but now slowly trail across the freckled globes of his ass before stopping. It’s not like you didn’t want to spank him; you've just never done anything like this before. This doesn’t stop you, however, as you cradle his right cheek. You caress it gently as you pull out of his entrance and pull back to release a stinging smack as you thrust back in.
“FUCK!” Roy whimpers.
Part of you wonders if you’ve done it too hard until his hips wriggle expectantly on your cock. You place a calming palm over where you just hit as you continue to meet his stuttering pace. This time, you slap both sides in quick succession before grabbing a fistful of his red hair and rubbing his face into Kori’s cunt. When you allow him up for air, Kori’s quick to smash her lips against his, slurping her own want off his chapped lips until he’s a complete mess of incoherent moans and curses.
Realizing he’s close, Kori turns the vibrations to max, sending your hips snapping forward at a brutal pace into Roy’s pliant hole. She knows exactly how to make him come undone, but what she doesn’t expect is to draw another orgasm out of you. 
“Kori, please,” you beg, not knowing exactly what you’re begging for, only that it feels like your cunt’s ready to explode. “It feels so good. Please- ROY!” You nearly cover your mouth, but Roy’s back arches even further into the mattress, giving you the perfect view of him and Kori at the same time.
It’s all too much, especially when Roy cries out. You lift up his head by his fiery hair, so you and Kori can both watch as he loses control.
You earn each and every wrecked moan your thrusts produce. 
Kori comes before he does, however. You watch entranced as her orgasm causes the eggs she had inside pop out with a wet squelch right next to Roy’s panting face.
His eyes roll backward with a loud whine. You give him a few long, hard thrusts that leave his cock spurting white ribbons across one of Kori’s thick thighs. 
You collapse on top of him, apologizing profusely when he grunts from the impact. Kori, who hasn’t stopped grinning once, shifts to curl around your panting bodies as the three of you revel in the aftermath.
“That was,” Kori pauses as she thinks of the word, “incredible!”
“But,” you pant as she draws the dildo from you. Liquid leaks from your cunt and onto their sheets as she does and forces a weak whimper from you, “You only came once.”
She throws her head back, fiery hair slipping around her naked form like a silky blanket and laughs, “I have come too many times to count, friends.”
You quirk a questioning brow at the nickname, you know, after you’d all just quite literally fucked. Though thinking back on how she referred to Roy when you first met, you can’t imagine wanting to be called anything else.
Flanked by two redheads, you definitely don’t feel alone anymore.
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A/N: what'd you think??? lemme know here and check out my other works tagged in the pinned link below!
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oopsiedaisymae · 4 days
thinking about your ocs fucking is insane bc you made up BOTH of these guys and yet you're giggling and kicking your feet about essentially making your barbies scissor
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black survival  characters’ preferred gifts
Adela:she doesn’t have a lot of traits that make it easy to figure it out beyond the obvious answer. so. i once saw this cool, glass chess board. she might find that sort of thing sick
Adriana: she’s too obcessed with fire. she would only be happy if you gave her anything that either burns well or can make fire. maybe a novelty lighter
Aiden:he would legitimately be happy to recieve socks
Alex: do i specifically need to give context on how i got this information. no, not really. i think he’d like the tetris themed shit this one company sells. they have tetris gummies, tetris portables, the works. he’d find that fun
Arda:i can’t shake off the image of him being all happy to get one of those kids’ toys but then it’s an archeology one. though i feel like he’d be happy to get stationery. get him a nice notebook
Aya: she would legitimately be happy to recieve socks. but even more than aiden. like, with him itd be casual “oh thanks”. she’d legitimately be happy to recieve a christmas gift that is just normal plain socks
Barbara:i think if you can get her anything mechanical she can tinker with she’d like it. my brain says clock
Bernice:canonly doesn’t want to get things because he doesn’t want to get attached. but also i love the image of him getting one of those christmas sweaters that went viral on tumblr with the silly little things and wearing it all day
Bianca: i think she’d like bratz. she doesn’t seem like a barbie girl, she seems like a bratz girl. i guess by extension myscene because it’s bratz but barbie. actually i’m getting flashbacks of this ugly ass huge doll my sister had. i looked it up, one meter tall, which is as tall as i was at the time. and my cousin said this creepypasta she heard to my sister of the doll coming alive and killing everyone. and i insisted on hearing it. and then my grandma had to watch me sleep or i wouldn’t sleep. she wasn’t there when i woke up. first betrayal scaramouche style. anyway if she liked nina she’d like that doll
Camilo:he’s canonly self-obsessed. either anything flattering like sexy outfits if you can get it in his size, or just. mirrors. narcissus ass man
Cathy:now i looked at danganronpa gift lists to get some ideas and. i feel like if you gave her a skull you would be strange. but she would not even blink and get so happy you gave her that and display it
Celine:bomb obsessed. give her bomb
Chiara:struggling. i feel like she’d refuse gifts because of her self loathing. she wouldn’t like most things because she has a pathological hatred for cute things. the first idea i’ve got is cool dagger
Chloe: giving her a doll would be hilarious. she’d want to kill you with her mind
Daniel:he seems too... not fond of material things. maybe art supplies. maybe new scissors
Echion:give him boxing gloves. wouldnt that be funny. anyway considering his likes and dislikes section basically says he acts like a dog, give him a whiskers sachet. there is a non-zero chance he’ll like it if you don’t let him know that’s animal food
Elena:man. she does not give much to work with. all we know is figure skater, russian, greasy food, no like heat. idk man give her cool ice cube trays
Eleven:she likes everything. but i think she’d be happy if you gave her cute things. like cute accessories, or things like stuffed animals, if we’re going more traditional. give her blahaj
Eva:we don’t actually learn much about what kind of gift she’d like but my head insists she’d like to get nice clothes
Emma:well when i was a kid my mom gave me a magic book that taught you simple magic tricks. shed get a kick out of one of those
Felix:he’s the sort to accept anything. but i think he’s struggling enough with money to be happy just getting money
Fiora:practical gift fan. you get her a stepstool and she’s like “sick”. you get her a toolbox and she’s like “oh thank god there’s a loose screw in my house”
Hart:similar deal to felix. accepts almost anything. except i think she might be too prideful (maybe not the right word) to plainly accept money
Hyejin:i think she’d love to get books. but also she’s the sort to cherish anything you give. also think she’d like cute stationery actually
Hyunwoo:too obsessed with becoming an adult to accept a max steel. so. i don’t think he’d like clothing, really don’t. but because of that line of thought i’m picturing him being like SICK, A RICE COOKER
Isol:if it’s not useful like a swiss knife he probably would straight up reject it even if he liked it
Jackie:knife, chainsaw, knife sharpener, if it’s not to kill shit she might not be that interested
Jan:he strikes me as the sort of guy to think the strangest things are great gifts. like. you get him shit like a first aid kit and he’s happy
Jenny:material girl, whether she’s actually an enjoyer of it or just wants to look it does not matter, she’d be the fucker who has a minimum price on secret santa. baiengiaca shoes only
Johann: he likes wine. so. we don’t have a lot else. bottle of wine
JP: i think hed be happy if you got him another poster of a buff guy wearing feminine clothing to add to his collection. otherwise i can’t imagine many things that count as gifts he’d be into
Laura: expensive things, probably. generally
Lenox:strikes me as the sort of person who isn’t into material gifts. she’d be happy to just hang out for the day. but also she canonly keeps around old shit and you can probably just buy her an upgrade of something and she’ll be happy
Leon:difficult to say actually. because if you gave him, like, a cute plushie, he’d tell you off. but also i’m convinced he’d keep that forever
Li Dailin:bottle of anything alcoholic. moving on
Luke:he might like another colorful shirt for his collection. or like. a new mop
Magnus:5 in 1 shampoo that smells like motor oil
Mai:i think she’d like to recieve accessories. like hairpins. belts. etc
Nadine:practical gifts only. it’s said she likes to use meat and leather to make things and i assume she’d like to get tools to handle those things. unless she tries them and decides it’s easier without
Nathapon:new camera, or more film. printer if you want to be slightly evil
Nicky:probably only wouldn’t do her whole “i need to complain first and realize i fucked up” thing if you gave her something deeply practical for her that she currently needed. like if her gloves were tearing and you just got her new ones
Rio:loves cats. just give her a cat thing. like a keychain or sticker or even hoodie if you want to go over the top
Rosalio:canonically will complain about your gift, brother. he might complain about money
Rozzi:extremely difficult to work with, i know it. good luck figuring it out. if you try to get her, like, a knife, she’ll try to break it in front of you and if it does break she’ll chide you, i know it
Shoichi:when the post idea first floated around the best suggestion was stuffed animals for azuko.  also that if it’s for him he’d really rather plain get money. you give him a shirt and you find a facebook marketplace ad, by him, selling it. though he does like tea, maybe giving him tea could be what makes him not sell it
Silvia:no clue. she doesn’t seem to put value into things. maybe clothes. shoes
Sissela:maybe art supplies
Sua: i feel like everyone gives her books. and she always has that book already. and she never says that she has it, she gets really happy instead. but then she has like five copies of the same book. handy for borrowing, maybe she donates some of them. but on average? confusing bookcase
Tia:definitely art supplies and stationery. at least partially because she can draw anything into life, good luck beating that
William:maybe new headphones. or stuff for gardening since he seems to be kinda into it
Xiukai:he might be too picky with his cooking supplies to get a good gift out of that. but maybe. we don’t know much about him
Yuki:i think he’d thank you politely for any gift but you’d know if he disliked it because he’s a “it’s nice that you thought to do this” kinda guy. anyway he’d like to get shiba themed stuff probably
Zahir:cannot get a read on his likes and dislikes either. zero idea. too unmaterialistic. i guess he had his gold jewelry. maybe that
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iwannawritelots · 2 years
HUMAN Archives: 02-20XX
Originally written December 2022
Trigger/content warnings: queer child being kicked out, allusions to toxic beauty standards
Barbatos 16
Diavolo 18
February, five years before HUMAN…
Shuttering sobs escaped Barbatos as he finished packing his bag. Having kept the crying quiet for half an hour, he felt his final threads of control falling out. “Barbatos…” The teenager whipped his head around to face his father. Eyes bloodshot and face puffy, the middle aged man cautiously approached his child. “That’s the name you like now, yes?”
Sniffling and rather violently wiping away his tears, Barbatos nodded. “It is.”
“I…” The man sat on the bed, opposite the side Barbatos was utilizing. “I don’t have anything to say that will change your mind.” He curled his lips inwards and folded his hands in his lap. “There are many things I want to say, both to you and your mother.”
Averting his gaze, Barbatos told him, “Mother wants me out, so I’ll leave.”
“Barbatos, I don’t want you to leave.”
“You and I both know she won’t allow me staying here unless I grovel. I am not going to be her Barbie any longer.” Barbatos took a deep, shaking breath before gazing at his father. “It’s not like I’m happy about this.”
Barbatos’ father sighed and rubbed his face, a poor attempt to mask another onslaught of tears. “Do you have anywhere to go? I could call your grandmother, or Chelsea, or Mei, or—”
“I have a friend.” Barbatos sniffled and pushed some of his hair behind his ear. “Mother doesn’t know about him, so I’ll be able to have some peace for a while.”
“Do you know where he lives?”
“It’s a three bus transit.” Once Barbatos stood up, his father did as well. “I am fully capable of finding his home. I’ve been there before.”
Eyebrows furrowed, his father asked, “Really? I thought Heather disallowed you from visiting boys.”
“She didn’t know he’s a boy. They’ve never met.” Barbatos threw on his jacket and slipped on his gloves. “When she asked for a picture, I showed her one of him in drag. She didn’t question it; she only said he is an ugly girl.” He chuckled, then muttered, “Of course, she says that about every girl. He is beautiful either way.”
The man scrunched his face for a moment, then exhaled long. “I see.”
“I’ve attempted to be the perfect daughter she wanted for far too long. The image she created of me in her head is shattered, and there is no way to repair it. I… do not think I wish to repair it.” Barbatos awkwardly pulled some of his hair out of the jacket, then grimaced. Without saying anything, he ensured it was all out before walking to his desk and digging in the drawer. Upon finding a pair of scissors, he collected all his hair in one hand and impatiently cut it off.
Once he opened his hand, thousands of strands of long, deep black hair fell to the floor in a flat pile. “Barbatos?”
“I’ve always wanted to do that.” He shook out his newly shoulder length hair, feeling free of both literal and figurative weight. “It’s been too long for years. I may as well leave it here since mother valued it so much.” He laid the scissors down on the desk and stepped over to his father, then slowly extended his arms out. “I will be leaving now, Papa.”
Slowly wrapping his arms around his child, Barbatos’ father asked, “Are you going to attempt emancipation?”
“Yes.” Barbatos felt more tears stinging his eyes, feeling slightly comforted by his father’s familiar arms. “Otherwise, I will be brought back here.”
“I… see…” The man squeezed Barbatos close, then kissed the top of his head. “I love you, my child. どうぞお元気で。”
“I love you, Papa.”
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realhousewives-fan · 2 years
Bad Mormons and Bad Editing
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Is the worst part about this season of RHOSLC, the producers? There were big moments in the trailer that we never got to see on the show.
They continue to give throwbacks to scenes we’ve never seen, so we know there’s a lot of footage at the floor in the editing room.
Like, where was Meredith Marks’ confrontation with Whitney Rose? Where was Danna Bui-Negrete’s confrontation with Jen Shah?
That was a moment that the fans were celebrating when the trailer dropped. And then the editors just dropped it?!
For what? More scenes in New York with the trial? Then extend the episode, then! It’s not like it hasn’t been done before…
I know that these women are rookies and has flaws, but I now think that the producers and editors are the ones to blame for ruining this season.
As epic the trailer was, for us to only get 14 episodes of the actual season without them even telling the stories from the trailer, is a slap in the face.
So, Heather Gay’s book cover reveal was going to be the season finale, and as Lisa Barlow and Angie Katsanevas pointed out, that seemed a little pointless.
A book cover reveal with no books? How dreadful.
But Heather’s black eye was still the topic of conversation, and Angie K. had a ridiculous theory to how it happened: Barbie scissor kicks.
But according to Angie K., Jen had been spreading a rumor about Angie K. being the one who gave Heather the black eye, and now she’s done with Jen.
She interrupted a conversation between Jen and Whitney, told them to wrap it up so she could have her turn with Jen. 
She asked if the finsta really was the reason why Jen tried to commit suicide. It didn’t look good.
We also saw Heather and Meredith in New York supporting Jen and Sharrieff Shah, but after the guilty plea, her ride or die friend admitted to Lisa that she believed that Jen was truly guilty of her crimes.
And that was the end of season 3! What a joke.
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cumetery · 8 months
Can’t believe Touga came at Nanami with “god created men and women don’t go against gods plan” mere moments after he did Barbie scissor kicks with Anthys brother AND saionji
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1kook · 4 years
kissanime & foreplay
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this is part of my netflix & chill collection !
summary; You get a glimpse of the KissAnime screen for a good two seconds before about seven ads pop up. Another tab to a raunchy hentai website opens, and Jungkook groans. warnings; mentions of hentai yes u read right, kook leads most of it, cunnilingus, masturbation (f), oral (f), use of a sex toy, fingering, nipple play, face sitting/fucking/riding idk (f), praise kink, hints of dumbification, cum eating, jk is like passive aggressive in this one, 4 (f) orgasms, this is the kicker: sub kook at the end😳, like 2 sec of dom yn lol, & u get 0.002 sec of adams apple kink misc; more dumb story lines, made up sex stores bc my creativity knows no bounds, Jungkook plays nice but is actually mean for the majority of it, once again doyeon plays a pivotal role in the furthering of women empowerment, internal love monologues about jk best boy<3 wc; 8.2k
notes; back when kissanime was offed I remember looking at this fic in the drafts like what the hell we gone do now.. n almost deleting it but I was like yknow what this isn’t a 1kook fic unless there’s smthn weird going on so here we are. also yes I know ohshc is on Netflix shut up!!!!! 
The good thing about getting your own apartment is that you finally have a place to call your own. There’s no limit on how many potted plants you can squeeze into a one bedroom, one bathroom apartment, and if there was one, you’re twelve in and no one has said anything to you yet. You don’t have to share the shower space with anyone, label all your products with a hastily scribbled name. There’s a bathtub—something you haven’t had the pleasure of using during college—and a fairly open living space. There’s so many empty spots to fill with useless decorations and family heirlooms and that ugly plastic rooster Jungkook won you at the summer kick-off fair last month.
The bad thing about having your own place is that the entire world and their mothers seem to know now. Despite graduating from college, you still keep in touch with your trusted graduate mentor Kim Namjoon, who is still very much in school, and has made it his mission to bring you a new plant every week, hence your growing collection. Your childhood friend comes over every Saturday morning to lounge around after her Friday nights out. Jungkook, although the only one who is ever actually invited, runs through your strawberry scented body wash like a madman.
And of course, Doyeon.
Your beloved college roommate of four years, Kim Doyeon, has been the bane of your apartment experience so far. Unlike you, who had slaved away for four years, saving every penny you made during college for this moment, Doyeon was a big spender. She blew every dollar she ever came across, which is why she’s going to be stuck living at her parent’s house for at least a couple more years.
Nothing wrong with that, of course, if she wasn’t the most maniac online shopper in existence. It hadn’t been a problem in college because she was always good old pals with the students who worked the mailroom. If they saw something questionable, they’d let it slide as long as it was under Miss Kim Doyeon, Room 229.
The reason it became an issue for her now is because it’s poor Mrs. Kim who signs over the package from Sexuality Unleashed: The Best Toys Worldwide! one Tuesday afternoon as it is delivered to their suburban home.
So now she’s taken to ordering all her freaky stuff to your new apartment, where the small cabinet by the door has quickly become home to her impulsive shopping habits. Truthfully, you don’t mind accepting Doyeon’s weird packages, and have long since grown used to the uncomfortable looks the mail carrier gives you.
Jungkook’s supposed to come over today and you really hope he doesn’t ask about the state of your hall cabinet. Now that you work at a small company outside of your degree to make ends meet, time with Jungkook has been significantly decreased. You weren’t in college anymore, so you didn’t have the luxury of dropping by his house whenever you wanted to in between classes. Of course, it’s mostly your schedule that conflicts with your planned hangouts, because Jungkook is still working his dream job from home.
However, because Jungkook is quite possibly the most amazing person on this planet, he’s started coming over every Saturday night to make sure you’re still alive and not dying. And so weekly media binges are a thing, and it’s currently week four.
He gave up on showing you the Marvel movie franchise last week, after you had asked where Wonder Woman was three times in a row. Since the Barbie Movie Debacle of last month, you’ve found a nice medium between who picks when. Jungkook picks most of the time, because most of the time you don’t really care. It’s become a running joke between the two of you that movie binges are usually just terribly masked excuses to go to town on each other, so you don’t mind missing an entire 15th Century French Revolution documentary if it means Jungkook is deep in your guts by the time King Louis XIV gets beheaded or whatever they did to him. Is it too obvious you didn’t watch the documentary?
Occasionally, there are instances where one of you genuinely does want to watch something, in which case you have an intense match of rock-paper-scissors to decide who’s picking that night. Most of the time, Jungkook wins. But for every match Jungkook wins, he promises you’ll pick the next one so you’ve long since stopped trying to actually beat him.
Long story short, last weekend you sat through a two part Ancient Aliens episode on the connection between aliens and American presidents.
It was the most god-awful conspiracy theory you’ve ever heard of, but Jungkook ate up every minute of it. By the time the two hosts announced their conclusion you were just about ready to rip your own ears off and single-handedly fist fight every producer on the channel for allowing the production of such an atrocious show.
Anyway, because you had so bravely sat through the entire evening without complaints— well, no complaints towards Jungkook’s terrible taste; the show, however, was not safe from your wicked tongue —Jungkook has so graciously allowed you to pick the media for this weekend.
You’ve been telling him for the longest time that you were going to hook him on anime. It was one of the few interests you always believed Jungkook should possess, being a weeb and all, because it was only fair that he had one questionable trait to balance out the rest of his perfection. Liking anime isn’t bad— if a hottie like you enjoyed it, then it obviously had its perks. However, you know a lot of other people are turned off by anime-enthusiasts due to preconceived notions of the genre and the viewer-base.
Now, it was a widely known fact that you always had ulterior motives. So maybe turning Jungkook into a weeb was just a ploy to turn other women off from him and keep your jealousy at bay. Sue you, your boyfriend was a walking wet dream, and you’d do anything to keep him to yourself.
After long deliberation, you’ve decided on introducing Jungkook to anime with a classic: Ouran High School Host Club, a god among anime, a true Beyonce among shoujos. The only problem was that you absolutely refused to pay Crunchyroll or Funimation when you could so easily find the entire show on KissAnime.com, home to only the finest of hentai ads and Are You a Robot? questions.
He sends you a text when he’s outside your building, and five minutes later there’s a rap against your door.
“Hi,” you smile up at him, heart fluttering in that same trademark way it did whenever Jungkook was within a five foot radius. He smiles back softly, leaning down to peck your lips as you step aside for him to enter. He’s got on those cotton sweats that you love, the ones that send your brain into a censored frenzy. But he’s also got that soft curl to his hair that lets you know he came here straight out of the shower in his hurry to see you. How you managed to bag a dream boyfriend like him was beyond you.
You bask in the overwhelming feeling of unannounced love for all of ten seconds before Jungkook is lifting up a square package you hadn’t seen at his hip. “Mailman gave me this,” he says, waving around the signature bright pink packaging of Sexuality Unleashed. Jungkook, for all his politeness and respect, seemed to falter in those categories when it came to you. He turns the box over, reading the big fat name of the company on the side. “Since when did you start buying sex toys?” he asks rather loudly in the hallway.
You yank him inside, hurriedly slamming the door shut before any of your neighbors can come out into the hallway and get a peek of this avid sex toy consumer. “They’re not mine!” you hiss, standing still when he uses you to balance himself as he tugs off his shoes. You snatch the box out of his hands, turning it around to make sure it is actually addressed to your home. Sure enough, it’s for you. Couldn’t there have been some other sex toy fanatic on this floor?
With his shoes off, Jungkook wastes no time enveloping you in a hug, the Sexuality Unleashed box tumbling to the ground. “It’s okay, baby, no need to be embarrassed.”
You groan, leaning your forehead against his shoulder as he continues to pat your back like you’re actually embarrassed to be caught buying toys— you’re not. You’re embarrassed he caught you with a sex toy you simply can’t put to use. “Whatever,” you sigh, “your gross popcorn is in my bedroom and it’s probably stale.”
He releases you, not before pulling you into a slow and languid kiss that has you clutching tightly at the front of his shirt. He pulls away with a soft smooch, right eye falling into a wink. “Bring the box, gorgeous,” he teases, before sauntering off in the direction of your bedroom.
You groan loudly. “It’s not mine!” you repeat, but for some reason do as he says.
Not only do you have no idea what’s in this package, but you’re frankly not too keen on finding out. You’re more interested in Jungkook’s reaction to one of your favorite animes of all time. The package is tossed onto the end of the bed, where Jungkook has already stripped himself of his socks and cuddled beneath your covers.
Your laptop has gone dark from inactivity so you slam down on the space bar to bring it back to life. Your first mistake was pressing anything at all. It flickers back on alright, but you forget that you are working with a minefield of ads ready to explode. You get a glimpse of the KissAnime screen for a good two seconds before about seven ads pop up. Another tab to a raunchy hentai website opens, and Jungkook groans.
“What the hell is this?” he asks in a tone that screams he has never had to fight viruses off his computer just to watch something at two in the morning.
You ignore him, cuddling into his side as you hurriedly type in the title of the anime before another annoying ad can intercept you. “KissAnime,” you answer for now, accidentally clicking down on the mousepad with the heel of your palm. Another tab opens up to some sketchy credit site. You huff.
“Baby, I swear I just saw like twelve viruses,” he says. “And what even are these?” he scoffs, jabbing a finger at one of the many ads that lines the perimeter of the website. “Animated teacher porn?”
By the grace of god, you somehow manage to get onto the episode selection screen without having another tab open on you. You smile in relief, turning the power of your excitement onto Jungkook… only to find his eyes narrowed in on the square advertisement for some hentai website. “What? You wanna watch hentai now?” you snort, placing the laptop on his legs as you cuddle into his side.
Jungkook sputters, cheeks tinting red at the mere insinuation he would ever consume such media. “No,” he glares, releasing the arm around your shoulders to huffily cross them over his chest. “I am not going to watch anatomically incorrect illustrations of a woman teacher relieving herself, ___,” he says rather matter-of-factly.
You snort, repeating, “a woman teacher,” mockingly and in a high pitched voice that, honestly, doesn't sound anything like him. You click play on the video box that appears after only about twenty more pop-up ads. “Silence, you nymphomaniac, the episode is starting.” Jungkook pulls you close with a displeased expression, finally quieting down when you put it on full screen and the ads disappear from his view.
You’re beginning to wonder if Jungkook really is the script and plot dissector he claims to be, or if he just lives to get under your skin. He doesn’t make it three minutes without finding something to critique. First it’s the quality of the frames, and then it’s the characterization of the lead character. He nitpicks everything about the best anime in existence, and by the end of the first episode you’re considering breaking up with him.
“Oh my god,” you groan, tearing yourself away from him. He’s all laid up against your mountain of pillows, tongue prodding at the insides of his mouth in that ridiculously attractive habit of his. Usually, you’d be tripping over yourself to kiss him, but you’re about two seconds from ripping his head off. “I mean this in the nicest way possible, baby,” you sigh, picking up his hand in yours. “You gotta shut up.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes. “I have to shut up?” he asks in a scandalized tone. “You sang through the entire intro, off tune may I add.”
At this rate you’re getting nowhere, so you just snatch the laptop back up before you actually hurt his feelings. You escape the full screen, met with those hentai ads that are slowly becoming the bane of Jungkook’s existence.
“Who actually watches those anyway?” he mumbles, covering the sidebar full of naked cartoon ladies with his palm for you, a real gentleman if you ever saw one. “Really?” he says, knocking his pointer finger against a particularly raunchy ad with the caption Be a Good Boy and Let her Play beneath it.
You snort. “You are such a baby,” you tease, pinching his cheek much to his annoyance. “What? Can’t handle seeing some anime titties?”
Jungkook shoves your hand away, leaning back to become one with the pillows as you continue onto the next episode. “They’re just weird,” he admits. “And make unrealistic faces.”
“Unrealistic,” you repeat, finally giving one of the ads the time of day. There’s an adorably drawn character making the most perverted expression, knees hiked up to her chest. Her face is twisted up, drooling like a dog and with her eyes crossed in ecstasy. You shrug. “Just because you can’t get those faces out of me doesn’t mean they’re unreal.”
The second the words leave your mouth Jungkook is letting out a scandalized scoff, sitting up to level you with another glare. “First of all, I can get you like that,” he defends, tapping his finger against the ad on screen. “In fact, I can get you like that without even trying, so let’s not say anything too drastic now, okay?”
His sudden bout of defensiveness makes something playful in you switch on, laying back down beside him with a smirk. “Oh, you can make me all stupid like this?”
Jungkook scoffs. “Yes.”
“Uh huh,” you drawl, tracing a finger up his chest teasingly; Jungkook knocks your knuckles away, obviously still butt hurt about your comment. That’s fine, because a slightly riled up Jungkook was always the best Jungkook. You sit up and lean in close, letting your hand slip beneath his hoodie, palm running over his bare shoulder and around the top of his back. You give his nape a light squeeze, lips pressed against the shell of his ear. “Why don’t you prove it to me, Jungkookie?” you purr, before pulling away.
His jaw twitches at the nickname, one shapely brow unconsciously arching as he regards you with a calculative expression.
The thing about Jungkook was that, after almost a year of dating, you know just how to push his buttons. He has a rather calm and collected exterior to him, the same one he’s had since the day you met him, but beneath it all was a childish competitiveness that raged with the heat of ten suns. He disliked being taunted like you were doing now, especially when his credibility was at stake.
Honestly speaking, you don’t doubt Jungkook can make you look as goofy and messy as those hentai ads. In fact you’re rather confident he can. Either way, him being right or you being right, you would still get some fun out of it.
“Hm?” you add, tracing your hand up to dance over the skin of his cheek, pads of your fingers running over that stiff jaw. “Are you scared I’m right and you’re wrong?”
A hand snaps up to catch your wrist, fingers tight around your skin until you’re shivering against him. “Oh baby, I can make you cum until you cry,” he murmurs, his usual sweet and lilting tone dropping to a low vibration that makes your pussy throb beneath your panties. Your heart leaps in your chest, lips falling open when he ducks down to brush them against yours. It’s too light, just a simple touch that makes you follow his mouth when he pulls back.
With one firm shove, the laptop is tumbling off the bed, thudding loudly against your bedside rug. Jungkook leans over you, his usual trademark doe eyes zeroed in on you with the focus of a laser. “Have a little faith in me,” he teases, and when he presses close you can feel his fattening cock flush against your thigh. Your body is begging to be touched, every brush of his fingers against your skin searing trails in their wake.
Suddenly, he’s drawing back. “Kook?” you frown, barely biting down on a childish whimper when he snuggles back into your mountain of pillows, one arm stretched behind his head.
He flashes you a smile. “Go on,” he says, arms behind his head. “Show me how to get you like that.”
“By myself?” you ask, shifting onto your knees anyway. Jungkook nods, a soft jut of his chin as he gives you another one of those easy going smiles of his. His goal seems a little unclear, but you had a ridiculous amount of trust in your boyfriend that whatever he had planned was certain to be good. With one final skeptical glance his way, you sink down onto your bum, knees spreading and giving him a clear view of your little pink boy shorts, elastic band hugging your waist.
The material of your t-shirt is guided away, held to your chest by the hand currently not traversing the length of your stomach, gliding across soft skin, over your belly button and past that band until it slips beneath. You chance another look Jungkook’s way, only to find his eyes wonderfully downcast in the direction of your core. That smile is gone now, replaced with a somber look as he watches your hand move mysteriously beneath the fabric of your undergarments.
The first brush of your forefinger against your swollen button makes you twitch, back arching at the sensation that is magnified by his watchful gaze. “Mmh,” you bite down, hand twisting in the material of your shirt. Jungkook’s eyes glare a molten path across your skin, from the comfy bra that peeks out from beneath your rumpled shirt to the wrist slowly working beneath your panties.
A hand falls over your thigh, tattooed fingers giving the skin a light squeeze as you get to work swirling your bud around. The sight of his inked skin on yours makes something warm blossom in your lower abdomen, your eyes following the inky swirls up, up, up. They lead you to the face of your very handsome boyfriend, long lashes fanning across his cheekbones as he watches you play with yourself. “Wanna take these off for me?” he says, the tip of his pointer finger wiggling beneath the fabric of your shorts.
You nod hurriedly, wiggling around on the bed until you’re on your back, legs bent in front of you. The shorts come down your legs; the simplest press of your thighs makes something quiver in your abdomen. You toss them off to the side, and just as you go to sit back up, Jungkook places a hand on your knee. “Stay like this for me,” he says, sitting up from his mountain of pillows to glance down at you. You melt into the plush mattress beneath you, staring down at him between your legs. He’s got that adoring look in his eyes, the one that makes you feel so warm and in love, it’s only natural your hand slips down to play with your bare clit again. “That’s my girl,” he smiles, rubbing a hand down the outside of your thigh, urging your legs to fall open.
There’s this overflowing vat of arousal that builds up inside of you everytime Jungkook is around, like the moment your eyes land on him you’re reminded of every position he’s ever had you in. You remember the soft brush of his hands on your body, the way his lips feel on yours, the soft tickle of his hair when he gets too close. It makes your heart lurch in your chest, like if you don’t grab onto him tightly this feeling will slip through your fingers and out of your life. So you were crazily in love with your boyfriend— now what?
A puckered set of lips meets the inside of your thigh, the action ripping you from your overly gooey, overly soft inner rambling. Your hand trails down your quivering pussy lips, collecting your dripping wetness as you go. At the same time, Jungkook kisses down the inside of your thigh, soft smacks of his lips against your skin filling the air with an emotion that makes you bite down a whimper. Your hole puckers at the brush of your fingers, anticipating an entrance that you yearn to give into soon.
His mouth is on you before your finger can go deeper than a centimeter in. But Jungkook doesn’t brush your hand off, doesn’t shove you away to prove his mouth was undoubtedly better. He places a kiss over your knuckles, before swallowing up your significantly smaller hand with his, that of which he clasps together over your navel.
You groan, head rolling from side to side. “Don’t be so soft with me,” you whine, leg twitching when he presses a kiss against your engorged bundle of nerves. “Push me around like that one time, you know I like it.”
Jungkook grins, mouthing over your clit with practiced ease that has you releasing all kinds of whimpers and sighs. He’s got his other hand wrapped around your thigh, strong arm pulling you closer to that devious mouth and tongue that lavished attention on your clit. “Need me to be mean to you, baby?” he purrs, curling his tongue in such a way that it makes your entire body tense up, muscles pulled tight. “Want me to push you around like the stupid little girl you are?” You moan, head bobbing up and down at the ideas he stuffs in your mind. As he moves down the length of your cunt, that round nose you love brushes against your bud, and the cheeky shit takes an obnoxiously loud sniff of it, a soft groan breathed against your lower lips. “But isn’t this better?” he hums, languidly molding his lips against your lower ones, much in the same way he does with the ones on your face; he moves slowly, slips his tongue in every few seconds before eventually diving in head on. “Slow... and so easy.”
“Kook,” you mewl, getting this overwhelming urge to cover your face with your hands. But you can’t, because he’s knotted one hand with yours and his fingers only tighten when you try to yank them apart. Instead you’re left pressing one knuckle against your mouth, brows pinching as he begins slowly fucking his tongue into your cunt. “F-Faster,” you beg. He, of course, ignores your plea.
The wet mass moves past the clenched muscles around your hole, nose brushing against your lips with every intrusion. Every few cycles he stops to press a kiss against your pussy, so hard and wet that it hurts when he pulls off. You’re left writhing and moaning, your heel knocking against his shoulder when he pushes your leg up closer to your chest. “It’s enough,” you cry, your entire body shivering.
Jungkook pulls off with a loud pop, lips glistening with your arousal. He’s got this glint on his eyes, like he’s thoroughly entertained by your reactions. He shuffles around to get comfortable, finally releasing that grip on your hand. Immediately, your newly freed hand jumps forward to tangle in the hair above his ear, tracing down the delicate curve of his cheekbone. Jungkook turns his head, pressing a soft peck against your open palm that makes your heartbeat thunder in your ears.
As he moves around, his leg bumps against something that has both of you pausing. It sounds out of place next to your shallow breaths, and both of you glance down only to catch sight of that stupid package from Sexuality Unleashed teetering on the edge of the bed.
The moment you see it, it’s like you’re transported into an omnipresent view of the scene, the next few hours flashing before your eyes as Jungkook snorts. You know he’s going to reach for it in two seconds, and you know he’s going to tear the hot pink packaging apart with his bare hands. He does so with a scary amount of power, the industrial tape not standing a chance against him. A box roughly the same size as the package falls out, and before you can kick it away and save yourself from suffering beneath Jungkook’s teasing antics, he’s snatching up the box.
“The Bullet Bestie,” he reads aloud, dark eyes flying across the text with lightning speed before that box is also being ripped open. (Briefly, there’s a voice in your head that thinks of Doyeon, but you’re not sure why.) Out tumbles a little pink bullet with a strap on one end that bounces against your thigh and an even smaller remote.
“Baby,” you rush out, the sight of the tiny toy making your heart thunder in your chest. “We can look at it another time,” you try, hands coming up to brush against his face again. “Why don’t you finish off here?” you ask, a sickeningly sweet politeness dripping off your tongue as the knot in your tummy fades into the background of his attention.
Jungkook ignores you, picking up the remote with a wondrous look in his eyes. Before you can try to persuade him back between your legs, a quiet click cuts you off and the little bullet whirls to life. You yelp at the sudden vibrations against the inside of your thigh, so close to your throbbing core. The jump of your thighs has it falling onto the mattress below you, wide eyes snapping back to the smirk that grows on his face.
“No,” you say slowly, sitting back up, “no, no,” you try, your usual assertiveness melting into a whiny cry as you try to wiggle away from him and the nefarious ideas infesting his lust-addled mind. You’re barely turning, ready to make a run for it and hand him his victory by forfeit, when Jungkook is catching you by the waist. Your hips get pulled up, arms clawing uselessly at the sheets beneath you as he drags you close to him. He’s fast, already having moved onto his knees behind you, and when he yanks you up, you can feel every hot plane of his body aligned with your backside. “Kook, please just make me cum,” you gasp.
There’s a smile pressed against your shoulder, lips still wet from before, kissing along the side of your neck. “Look at my girl,” he murmurs, and you nearly jump out of your skin when something smooth is traced along your thigh. One hand slips beneath the material of your shirt, soothingly rubbing circled against your skin. This hand also holds the tiny remote between two fingers, and every nerve in your body is on edge waiting for it to be used. “Where’s that smartmouth now?”
“Jungkook,” you try to warn. But there’s no bite to your words, only an anticipation that grows the closer he moves that damned toy between your thighs. “Baby, we-we can play another time, okay? Just please—“
A soft click, and suddenly your spine is giving out on you, upper body flopping forward as Jungkook runs the vibrations over your clit. Of course Jungkook follows, never letting you slip far from his reach. A loud moan spills from your lips, lower lip wobbling at the unreal amounts of pleasure he bestows upon you with such a small toy. “W-Wait,” you sob, the coil from before suddenly magnified tenfold. It makes your orgasm loom over you bigger than ever, a wave that threatens to spill over and drown you in one go. “No-please.”
His mouth presses against your ear, hot breaths fanning against the skin there. “Hey pretty girl, does it feel good?” he husks out, kissing just below your ear. “Aw fuck,” he groans, something stiff pressing against the cleft between your cheeks, “can’t even see if you’re making that stupid face right now.”
You are, but you don’t even have the words to tell him that. The moment the vibrator had made contact with your already ravished clit, your eyes had rolled into the back of your head. You don’t doubt you look like those silly ads you’d laughed at earlier, mouth opening and closing every few seconds as he circles the toy around your bud. You settle on a high-pitched whimper that has Jungkook laughing meanly against your ear.
It ends too soon, the stimulation from Jungkook eating you out for a few minutes combining with the bullet to form a powerful duo that swallows you whole. An embarrassingly loud moan rips itself from your throat, hands twisting in the sheets beneath you as it washes over you. It’s so powerful, it blinds you, pussy spasming. Jungkook’s name is repeated about a thousand times in between, your body eventually melting back into the mattress as the final shocks run through you.
The vibrator clicks off just as quietly as it turned on, your harsh breaths filling the room in its place. “Good girl,” Jungkook praises, raining down a parade of kisses against your shoulder. You mewl in appreciation, still awkwardly shoving your face into the mattress, and your hips in the air. From the corner of your eyes, you watch him set the glistening toy off to the side, and you’re just about ready to thank the heavens for such an experience with your boyfriend, when said boyfriend hits you with a curveball.
The gentle pecks against yours shoulder dissolve into harsh kisses, rough hands trailing up your waist. The t-shirt gathers around his knuckles, pushed and pushed until he’s got those same hands cupping your breasts. “Did you like that?” he asks, biting down against your shoulder; the sensation is dulled by your shirt being in the way but it still makes you whine. You moan softly, nodding against the mattress as he gets to kneading your breasts over your bra. “Mm,” Jungkook sighs, “my pretty girl was so good for me, wasn’t she?”
Those deft fingers run back down, crawl beneath the elastic of your lounge bra and push it away until your breasts are bouncing out of their cage. “Kook,” you sigh, eyes fluttering shut as he traces circles around your nipples. “W-Wait,” you whimper, suddenly reminded of the swollen cock pressed against your backside when he leans closer.
“Shhh,” he soothes, tweaking your nipples. “Relax for me, sweetheart,” he coos, flicking your hardened nipples with his fingers. You can’t relax, not with your body still so sensitive and him playing with you. Still, the low intonation makes something soft and warm settle in your chest, the kisses against your jaw making your eyes fall shut. “That’s it,” he says, giving one nipple a playful twist that draws a high-pitched moan from you.
Just as you’re beginning to fall into the rhythm of Jungkook’s caresses and voice, he releases one breast to traverse his hand down and over your tummy, to your sensitive pussy. You gasp, biting down on your lip as he teasingly flicks your clit with his fingers. “Bet you could come again now,” he murmurs, taking the tip of your earlobe into his mouth and nibbling softly. You groan, shoving your face into the sheets as if that will save you from your doom. “Bet your pretty little pussy can cream itself just like this, isn’t that right, sweet girl?”
You whimper, hips bucking back against him when he begins nudging your bud, lewd sounds reaching your ears. His other hand remains on your breast, no longer toying with your nipple but simply holding it almost comfortingly. There’s a smirk pressed against your skin, that pearly white smile you usually adore so much teasing you as he circles your nub.
“Come on,” he encourages quietly, kissing up the column of your neck again. You moan, thighs quivering as he strokes a second orgasm out of you with no struggle. Your eyes and throat burn at the heat that washes over you, and you release a hoarse scream into the mattress— Jungkook chuckles at the sound, egging you on with that low voice until your muscles go limp a second time.
When he rolls you onto your stomach again, you try desperately to cover the tears that blur your vision, turning away from him like a child when he tries to look. “Crybaby, crybaby,” he sings teasingly, prying your hands away to capture your mouth with his for the first time that night. “Lemme see those tears, baby,” he purrs.
He tastes like you, tongue dripping with that sweet tang of your pussy, and he smells like you too. It strokes the flames of you ego, arms eventually wrapping around his shoulders as he settles above you. He pulls off with a curl of his tongue against your swollen lips, brown eyes lazily staring down at you. It’s embarrassing how well kept he still was compared to your half-nude state of dress. His skin is all glowy and pretty, not a single tear track in sight, and his grin is still too relaxed for your liking.
Jungkook’s body feels so warm and comforting against yours, muscles keeping the heat trapped between your bodies. You go to brush a hand through his hair, needing to feel the familiarity of those silky locks, before he’s suddenly leaning away. He shuffles onto his knees again, glancing down at your thoroughly abused cunt with a quirk in his brows.
“God,” you groan, knocking your foot against his side. “Just fuck me already,” you huff despite your earlier fatigue. You could only go so long without feeling Jungkook’s fat demon cock inside of you.
He snorts at your snappy tone, cutely tilting his head to the side to move his hair out of his face. His jaw looks sharp from this angle, facial features covered in shadows the lamplight behind him can’t touch. “Can’t,” he announces, and you could pull your hair out from all this unnecessary build up.
Truth to be told, you and Jungkook were both equally as unrestrained when it came to each other. Most of the time, the lead up to actual, penetrative, key-in-lock sex included a couple minutes of heavy petting from his end, and maybe a half assed handjob from you. Sometimes if you felt extra attentive, he’d eat you out and you'd him off. But for the most part, the two of you jumped straight into it after an orgasm, like horny teenagers despite the two of you being twenty-three now.
The most adventurous you’d ever gotten up until the point was maybe two orgasms bestowed upon you by a crazed Jungkook. And, well. You had hit two orgasms now. You were ready for his monster cock.
“Kook,” you whine childishly.
Jungkook shakes you off, placing a palm on both your knees. Slowly, he spreads your thighs apart again, eyes zeroed in on the glossy folds that come into view, the sparkling pearly cum that leaks out of your hole. “I can’t, baby,” he says, almost pained. “I gotta clean you up first,” he insists, and before you can tell him how counterproductive it is to lick you clean of your arousal before fucking you, he’s diving face first into your cunt.
But the biggest surprise doesn’t come from Jungkook going in for thirds, but from the hands he clasps around your thighs, the sheer strength he uses to roll you over (ignoring the shriek you let out) to sit you on his face. “No, no,” you yelp immediately, “I-I‘ll break you,” you cry, trying to escape from his hold.
From beneath your thighs, dark eyes peering up at you daringly, you can see the clear warning on Jungkook’s face. It’s a look that loudly says don’t you dare fucking move, shapely brows sending a jolt of genuine fear down your spine for a moment. “Jungkook,” you fret, trying to ignore the arousal that only continues to blossom as his tongue laps against your folds for the second time that night. “I’m, I’m,” you stammer, hands burying themselves in his hair as he ignores your cries. “I’ll break you,” you try again, spine arching when he slurps your clit into his mouth. “I-I’ll—“
He pulls off with a pop. “Fuck my face, baby,” he says, as if he hadn’t heard a single of your concerns at all. His nose nudges against your clit, a whimper catching in your throat. Briefly, his hand disappears from around your thigh, and when it returns, that tiny bullet vibrator from earlier is pressed against your thigh. “You got that?”
You nod, internally torn apart by your fear of crushing him and your need to drag your cunt all over your boyfriend’s handsome face. You glance down at him, watch him slip that vibrator into his mouth for just a second and lewdly coat it in his saliva, before he’s reaching around to shove it past your pussy lips. They’re still swollen and puffy, but have long since relaxed enough for him to slip it in. “B-But what if—“
“You won’t,” he cuts off, readjusting himself closer to your cunt again, “come on, pretty girl.”
The reason you think you and Jungkook click so well was because he was able to bring that vulnerable side out of you every now and then. He knew you liked to parade around with that huge superiority complex, and he loved it. But he also knew there were things you liked and disliked, and sometimes it took a little pushing for you to reveal them.
For a second, that horny cloud over his irises lifts, and he gives you one of those cute, sloppy winks as he taps your thigh gently. “Fuck my face, sweetheart,” he whispers, “drag that pretty cunt all over me until I can’t breathe.” A gasp catches in your throat, hands unconsciously curling against his scalp. He notices, and flashes you a lazy smirk. “You can do that, can’t you?”
Something akin to adoration blooms in your chest, and before you can blurt out something embarrassing—like I love you—there’s a soft click that has The Bullet Bestie revving up inside of you. You gasp, the sudden vibrations deep inside your pussy making your hips snap forward, clit rubbing against Jungkook’s nose.
“O-Oh,” you cry, and that’s all it takes for you to lose it. Your hips start off slow, at first just savoring the wet drag of his tongue against your lips, his nose against your clit. He sticks his tongue out for you, and part of you wants to tell him he’s a good boy, that corny hentai ad flashing in your mind, but you doubt you’ll survive the aftermath of that. Once you find that perfect pace, your hands are practically yanking at his hair, pushing him further into the mattress as you ride his face like he’s nothing but a toy. “Kook, Jungkook,” you pant, grinding your lower lips against his all too eager mouth.
It feels oddly weird being over him like this, using him like this. You like to think you and Jungkook have equal power in the bedroom, but you will admit that more often than not, he assumes control by default. You’re not particularly bothered by that, because you doubt you’d ever come up with the crazy ideas Jungkook did when he was horny (okay, a lie, because you definitely have thought of crazy sex schemes before).
But, this moment…
The power was quickly going to your head. “Fuck,” you sob, roughly dragging the length of your pussy over and over his face. The hands around your thighs are pressing against your skin with a strength that would hurt were you not blinded by arousal. His eyes are shut, lids fluttering open every now and then as he watches you buck wildly over his face like he was a pillow in high school and your parents were gone for the weekend.
It doesn’t help that the rhythmic pulses of the vibrator inside of you are doing their job well, the tongue that slips into your pussy joining together to form a powerful combination. It’s ultimately what has you halting your manic thrusts, instead falling into a slow grind over him. Your hips circle, eyes squeezed shut as you lose yourself in the lapping of his tongue against your dripping hole. “Mmmf,” you mewl, biting down on your lower lip as the wet muscle prods against a delicate spot within you. You hear feels light, view of the gorgeous man beneath you obstructed by the eyelids that can't seem to stay open. “N-No,” you cry, pulling his hair more roughly than you intended to in order to redirect him. “There, there,” you whimper, holding him tight against your pussy.
Beneath you, Jungkook exhales harshly against your lips, hands moving frantically over your thighs as he works his tongue inside of you alongside the bullet vibrator. If you weren’t so caught up in your own pleasure, all kinds of sounds spilling from your lips, you would have heard the quiet moans that fall from his. Alas.
It takes a few more pulses from the toy and a few more licks from Jungkook until you’re coming for the third time that night, features twisting up as your pussy clenches around his tongue before spilling down his mouth. Your back arches, a defeated moan escaping you as you release the same mess he’d claimed to clean up onto his lovely face. You can barely breathe afterwards, mouth dry and head dizzy when Jungkook finally pops back out from between your thighs. You barely have enough time to lift yourself up, pussy lightly brushing across his Adam’s apple as you stop yourself from crushing his windpipe. It makes you twitch.
“Good girl,” Jungkook praises with a cheeky smile that distracts you from the bullet toy he retrieves from your quivering cunt. His face is absolutely glistening from your arousal, skin warm and flush. He’s looking up at you like you’re some mythical goddess and he’s but a humble villager coming to pay his respects at the temple that is your body. Fuck, were you okay? You don’t think you’ve ever felt this good in your entire life, and Jungkook’s mushy gaze was doing things to your heart.
He presses a kiss against the inside of your thigh before helping you off of him, laughing meanly when you flop limply down beside him. He’s still fully clothed, a fact that irks you when he leans over to kiss you with that glossy face of his. “D’you like it?” he mumbles, kissing softly down your face. You nod, legs twitching from the aftermath of that wild ride. “I saw it, y’know,” he says suddenly.
“Saw what?” you mumble, mindlessly rolling your head to the side and exposing more skin when he begins kissing along your neck.
Jungkook says nothing, just rolls over you. Part of you thinks he’s crazy, but you’re suddenly hit with the realization that while Jungkook’s drawn three orgasms out of you in the course of an hour, you hadn’t done anything for him. Before you can dive head first into swallowing his cock, he’s kissing you softly. “That stupid face,” he smirks, slotting his mouth against yours. “That weird, now realistic face,” he tacks on.
You huff out a laugh, throwing your leg around his waist comfortably. Jungkook smiles, kisses you one last time before settling in your arms, face cutely pressed in between your boobs. “Hey,” you call, “don't you wanna cum too?”
He shakes his head, a soft sigh filling the air. “Nah,” he says, cuddles closer into you. “Rest now, baby.”
You roll your eyes. “I can feel your dick against my thigh,” you point out, wiggling your pelvis upward to brush against his throbbing erection. Jungkook holds you down in an effort to stop you. “Fuck me.”
He groans against your collarbone. “No, you’re tired,” he tries to convince you, but his skin is warm and flushed in the way it always gets when he’s riled up. “Sleep.”
With the leg around his hip, you pull him closer. “Fuck me, Jungkookie,” you purr, using the hands in his hair to turn his face up towards yours. His dark eyes are drawn down cutely, pouty lips too. “Use my body,” you suggest, “I’m yours anyway.”
His eyes flutter shut, a quiet whimper falling from his lips. “Don’t say that,” he sighs, “makes me wanna do very mean things to you.”
You smile. “You can do whatever you want to me, don’t you know that?” Another groan, his head falling forward until he’s hiding in your neck. Still, there’s movement from below, he sweats slipping down at his hips until that throbbing cock is pressed into the tiny crease where your thigh meets your pelvis. There’s a moment of hesitation, and you wonder if this is what he felt like earlier when he’d managed to get you to sit on his face. “Inside, Jungkookie,” you murmur, reaching down to line him up with your sensitive entrance. He whines softly, arms wrapping around you as he pulls you close. “Good boy.”
Despite your earlier belief that you’d never survive an encounter with Jungkook after using such a term on him, the result is much different from what you had anticipated. He visibly melts into your arms, cock slipping past your folds easily. “No,” he says, his voice feathery and whiny against your ear. “I can’t.”
You soothe a hand down his back, eyes fluttering shut as he begins slowly rutting against your swollen lips. “That’s it,” you encourage, tugging softly at his wavy hair. Jungkook moans wantonly against your neck, rolling his hips harshly against you until his arms are the only things keeping you from jostling out of his hold. “Do you like this pussy?” you ask, purposefully clenching around him, tummy tightening at the stimulation you keep packing on.
Jungkook shudders, pace growing slipping inside of you. “Yes,” he pants, “s-so wet… creamy.”
“Yeah?” you huff, pressing a smiley kiss against his forehead. “It’s yours.”
“Ffffuck,” Jungkook chokes, picking up his pace as his well-deserved orgasm reaches its peak. He’s breathing harshly now, and it’s taking everything in you to keep your pussy tight around him. But after the night he’d given you, the sounds and faces he pulled from you, it’s the least you can do. Besides, your body, after being so thoroughly pleased, still rears up for one final orgasm with him. “Mine,” he growls, bucking his hips into you. “You’re mine, baby, mine,” he seethes, ending his little tryst with a piston of his hips that makes you gasp, body almost unconsciously spasming around him. It’s painful, but so, so delicious how he manages to pull this last orgasm from you as he finally busts inside of you.
He comes with a stuttering garble of words, none of which you catch as he collapses into your hold for the final time that night. “Fuck,” he pants afterwards, leaning into your touch when he finally registers the soft combing of fingers through his hair. “That was evil.”
You laugh, pulling him closer. “As evil as you making me suffer through three orgasms before putting your dick in me?” you tease. Jungkook slips out of you, and you know it’ll be a hassle to clean your sheets tomorrow but it’s worth it.
“It’s called building the scene,” he weakly defends, blindly tugging the puffy blanket over the two of you. “I was gonna rhyme it with that horrible website you made me use but I already forgot it’s name.”
“Rude,” you snap, “it’s called KissAnime.”
“And fore-play,” he suddenly says, and you almost yank his eyeballs out of their sockets for doing that stupid thing again.
Two weeks later, your favorite website and home to hentai ads is shut down after years of piracy. Jungkook laughs at your demise, sits and actually cackles at your heartbreak, until he eventually comforts you with his flaming demon cock and a subscription to both Crunchyroll and Funimation. Doyeon spends weeks tracking down a missing package, apparently some freebie she’d gotten for being such an avid customer on Sexuality Unleashed: The Best Toys Worldwide! before eventually finding it in your drawer. And because her and Jungkook have some awkward life-long rivalry for your attention, he doesn’t pay for that. 
Copyright © 2020, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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johnbbutmakeitace · 2 years
hey love! for your song prompt, invisible string by taylor swift! if possible, can you tag my obx blog midsommers?
this song is absolutely perfect for them, my heart was giddy the whole time i was writing this. also, your blog doesn’t pop up when i try and tag @midsommers :(
The late August heat lingers in the air as the bonfire finally begins to burn low. It’s like being draped in clean linen sheets, freshly washed from the dryer. The desire to sag under its soft, warm weight is echoed in the cherry red glow of the logs that aren’t quite done burning. It’s a welcome exhaustion, the kind that follows the gentle resignation of a job well done, a celebration successfully rejoiced. 
Pope thinks-- as a gust of wind off the shore kicks up a flutter of red-orange sparks in an attempt to add some stars to the sunset sky-- that this kind of exhaustion is quite fitting, given why they threw the party in the first place. 
Things should be allowed to be beautiful, he thinks. Especially when they’re so close to the end. 
From down the stretch of the beach Pope hears a high pitched yelp, followed by Kiara’s familiar breathless laughter. Sarah, blonde hair soaked dark by the rogue wave she hadn’t quite been able to dodge in time, shouts after Kie’s retreating form, “oh, you asshole!” 
She sends a playful volley of water showering over Kie’s head with a slap of her hand. Kiara dances out of Sarah’s reach, brown curls flying. “Too slow, Barbie!” She hollers before she gets beamed in the face by another well aimed splash. 
Sarah’s path to vengeance is interrupted with a delighted shout as John B, who had been sneaking up behind her in the carnage, wraps his arms around her waist just in time to lift her up and out of the way of another wave. Laughing all the while, she clings tightly to him, arms akimbo around his neck. Sarah says something that Pope can’t hear before she presses a kiss against his forehead with a wet smack. John B, like the adoring, diligent life partner he is, allows himself to be dunked under when Sarah uses his shoulders as a springboard to launch herself after Kie. 
Kiara’s cry of surprise is drowned out when Sarah barrels into her back, and the two of them both go crashing under when the next wave hits. When all three of them come back up for air they’re laughing harder than they have in a long time, and Pope’s heart feels inexplicably full at the sound.  
Pope can barely believe there was a time when Sarah didn’t fit right into their little group. It’s been the five of them for so long that all those initial animosities and prejudices feel like lifetimes away from where they are now. 
It all kind of feels like that, if he thinks about it. Those kids hunting for the gold and secret treasure maps are not the same people that Pope sees splashing in the waves. But at the same time they must have been. 
Those kids had to look for that gold, had to fight so hard to find the answers to questions kids their age should never have been looking for in the first place. They had to face all that fear and pain, because how else would they have forged the bonds that formed between them? How else would they have found that deeply felt trust, that desire to protect one another and never let go? 
How else would they have found that kind of love?  
Those kids Pope knew way back when had to look for that gold, had to look for those answers, otherwise this group-- this family--  wouldn’t exist. Pope doesn’t want to know who he would be without that, without them.
Something warm bumps against Pope’s back, and he tips his head up just in time to see brilliant blue staring back down at him.
It’s almost funny-- how easily Pope’s taken aback by the sight of him these days. His hair’s gotten long, blond locks swooping down into his eyes so much that he’s started stealing Kiara’s hair clips to keep it out of his face. 
Sarah had offered to pay for the cut, which he’d adamantly refused against, citing that the only person he trusted with scissors around his neck was Pope’s mom. Mrs. Heyward has been cutting all three of the boys’ hair since they were young kids, and Pope doesn’t blame JJ for not wanting to suddenly change things up. Especially now, considering. 
Despite the long hair and the hint of a five o’clock shadow that’s starting to stand out on his cheeks, JJ still looks just as familiar as he always has. Pope thinks it must be those eyes. Big, wide open blue. Come rain or shine, or in storm and thunder-- Pope is sure he could recognize them anywhere. 
“Hey,” JJ says, one hand up to shield against the sunset as he squints down at Pope.  
“Hey,” Pope says back, amused. He lets himself rest back on JJ’s knees, the point of contact warm and welcome against his back. 
“I can see your gears turning.” JJ tilts his head, hair flopping all to one side. His grin spreads as easy as butter. “What’s up, bubba?” 
“Just thinking,” Pope answers with a half shrug. 
“Yeah?” JJ asks. “What about?” 
“Dunno. Just--,” Pope cuts himself off, not wanting to voice it but doing it anyway. He bites absently at the inside of his cheek, and doesn't let himself meet JJ’s eyes. “What comes next, after tonight.”
They both know what he means. Pope hates himself a little for even saying it out loud. He doesn’t want to think about what happens next, after the fire dies down. 
Across the horizon, the ocean burns a rusty orange. One step further towards swallowing up the final sunset of their childhood. 
A younger, much more fearful Pope would have watched it until his eyes burned for fear of missing it. Now, he doesn’t even want to watch it go.  
JJ seems to understand, probably better than most. 
Pope feels more than he hears his friend’s answering hum. Without much fanfare, JJ reaches down to offer his hand, palm open flat. Pope takes it on instinct, allows himself to be pulled up and out of the sand.
“It doesn’t have to change anything, you know,”  JJ says, and Pope looks at him in surprise. JJ shrugs, looks down at where their fingers are laced together. “Just because you’re going somewhere else doesn’t mean I’m not there with you.” 
“You don’t know that,” Pope mutters, and hates himself for thinking it in the first place. 
“I do.” JJ doesn’t back down, and there’s such fireceness in his tone that Pope can’t help but look up. He’s met with the same blue eyes he’s been looking into his whole life. JJ’s voice is sure and strong. “I got you, Pope. Always.”
Pope’s head feels as light as a balloon under that gaze. His breath flutters like the breeze in the tall grass dunes at their backs, and just for a moment it’s all suddenly too much. 
JJ doesn’t flinch back from the hug, not like he might’ve back when they were kids. He clings just as hard as Pope does, fingers scrambling for purchase on Pope’s T-shirt. Pope feels JJ’s breath leave him in a rush of hot air against the side of his neck, and he holds on as tight as he can. 
They stay like that, curled into each other, just breathing in tandem, until Pope’s thoughts are calmer. Once he feels more settled into himself, the whole ordeal finally catches up with him, and Pope lets all the tension drain out in a tired, relieved huff against JJ’s neck.
“What’s funny?” JJ asks as they pull back from each other, eyes still squinting against the setting sun. He tilts his head again, and Pope bites back the urge to smile. 
“Nothing, nothing,” Pope waves him off, a little cheeky. “I just didn’t realize how sweet you are, when you wanna be.” 
“Shut the fuck up,” JJ says, and gives him a good natured shove. Pope plops back down into the sand with a genuine laugh, and JJ laughs too. Pope beams up at him, pretends not to notice the flush making JJ’s ears go pink. 
“Hey, lovebirds!” Kiara’s voice breaks through the haze of the moment down from the water. Beyond her, Sarah is on John B’s back, the two waving back at them with whooping calls. “Get your pretty little asses down here before we come get you!”
“Guess that’s our cue,” JJ says, and Pope heaves a dramatic sigh, letting his head fall back in the sand. JJ eyes him, amused. “You coming, Dr. Spock?”  
“Yes, Captain,” Pope mocks with a salute from where he’s flopped back in the sand. “Right after you help me get off my pretty little ass.” 
JJ’s laugh bursts out of his chest like a party popper, light with shock and sweet surprise. Pope watches him, warmed through by the sound. His heart finds that inexplicable fullness again, so much so that it might burst right out of his chest. And-- looking up at the golden boy framed in the sunset, all of Pope’s worries shimmering away like confetti-- he wouldn’t have it any other way.  
“C’mon, old man,” JJ says, and offers Pope that same hand again. Fingers open, palm flat. “You coming or what?” 
Just for a moment, Pope thinks back to those kids, sneaking around old cemetaries and stealing diving equipment from junkyards. Thinks about how many lessons they learned along the way in search for something they thought they’d never find in the first place. Thinks about the connection they found between themselves, and he realizes-- that kind of love doesn’t just go away. No matter how far apart they may wander from each other, that kind of love doesn’t end. 
“With you?” Grin spreading wide, Pope takes JJ’s hand without a second thought. “Always.” 
No, he thinks, as JJ pulls him up from the hot sand and pitches them forward in a dead sprint to meet their friends in the amber waves head-on. This kind of love doesn’t end.
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jjw4jld · 2 years
"Play With Me" by Extreme from their 1989 self titled debut album “Extreme”  Ring around the rosie Hopscotch, Monopoly Red light, green light G. I. Joes and Barbies Hide and seek, kick the can Cowboys and Indians Wiffle ball, paper dolls Hacky sack and hangman Do you wanna play with me Tag you're IT, cops and robbers Jungle gym, chutes and ladders Tic tac toe, Mister Rogers Marco Polo, London bridges Simon sez, steal the bacon Time out, trick or treat Electric company Olly olly oxen free Do you wanna play with me [CHORUS:] Do you, do you Wanna, wanna Play, play with me Play with me Do you, do you Wanna, wanna Play, play with me Play with me Spin the bottle, post office Kiss and tell, dressin' up Playin' doctor, peek-a-boo Two hand touch, cooties Little League, Looney Tunes Scissors rock paper, Zoom Kick ball, stick ball Kill the guy with the ball Do you wanna play with me Buckin' up, recess Jump rope, relieveo See saw, sand box Matchbox, Cheerios ABC's, spelling bees Sesame Street, hockey Duck duck duck duck Duck duck goose [CHORUS] Jack and Suzi Sittin' in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G First comes love Then comes marriage Then comes Adam In a baby carriage
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