#baron and louise worked hard on their backstories
tcrmommabear · 7 years
TCR AU #4: D’n’D AU (2)
Welcome to part 2 guys, gals, and non-binary pals!
Let’s get this show on the road! Today we’re talking characters!!
Sidenote: So, 90% of my experience is with Pathfinder, so that’s what I’m using in regards to race and class and suchforth. D’n’D and Pathfinder are two separate things, but I felt D’n’D was a better name for the AU.
Name: Louisa Player: Louise (DM) Race: Catfolk Class: Vigilante Backstory: Louise is the (older) twin sister to Duke. They grew up in a primarily Catfolk village by loving parents. When they were young children, their parents were viciously murdered. Duke took the time to mourn, while Louisa viciously clung to the idea of vengeance. The twins separated due to conflicting wants and desires- Duke settled down as a sort of “sword for hire”, deadset on helping and defending those who couldn’t do it themselves, while Louisa searched tirelessly for their parents’ killer. Years later, she finally has a lead and asks Duke for help, just this once. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Name: Duke Player: Baron/Humbert Race: Catfolk Class: Paladin Backstory: Duke was happy to live his life, working for little pay to help those in need. He couldn’t protect his family, so he’d protect as many people as he could. But when his sister Louisa finally came back into his life after nearly 10 years, he couldn’t deny her ask for help (or the gold she provided when he originally said no). With the help of his employees/friends, they’ll travel across the world to finally find peace. Alignment: Lawful Good
Name: Moon Player: Muta Race: Half-Orc Class: Bloodrager Backstory: Moon doesn’t have much of a story to tell. He keeps it close to his chest except after a few gallons of ale. He was raised in a human family, educated beyond measure. Then his Orc family took him away and all he knew was violence and bloodshed. He was caught between two worlds for a long time until he settled on being a mercenary for hire. It wasn’t until Duke came along that he knew he wanted to do something more. Something better. With a healthy dose of brains and a great disregard for rules, Moon is willing to do anything to help a client. (Side Note: Has a weakness for little kids) Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Name: Aubert Player: Toto Race: *Tengu Class: Rogue Backstory: Aubert came from a distant Tengu village, hidden in the mountains. He talks little of it though, only sharing bits and pieces of the life he lived there with the friends he surrounds himself with. All is known is he left, and he committed theft after theft in order to survive and get where he is. Now, he uses his talents to help Duke and Moon, to pay for the meals when Duke refuses payment. Now with Louisa in the picture, he’s seeing different sides to his oldest friend, and wonders what this adventure will do to everyone. Alignment: True Neutral
Name: Hero Player: Hiromi Race: Human Class: Ranger Backstory: Hero stumbled across the group during their journey to cross the sea and just... Never left? With nothing better to do, and instantly bonding with Yuki, Hero decided she would be just that- A hero. Alignment: Neutral Good
Name: Kore, Pirate Queen of the 8 Seas Player: Persephone Race: Merfolk Class: Swashbuckler + Witch Backstory: Merfolk are xenophobic and harsh people. With amazing musical ability and a dangerous beauty, they lure many a sailor and innocent victim to the cracks of their islands and devour the bodies as they fall to the sea. Kore was born the most beautiful of them all, but with a compassionate heart and no singing voice. She was forcibly chased from her home, her family, her life, and sought out a new way of life. That’s how she met Captain Killigan. The two women were inseparable, and Killigan helped Kore find her calling- benevolent pirating. Killigan died, and Kore conquered the seas in her name. Now alone, and hiding her heritage with an innate magic, she sails for hire and battles other pirates competing for her crown. She was supposed to be the Ironwilled Queen. Until a certain Catfolk came onto her ship. Alignment: Chaotic
Name: Yuki Player: Haru Race: **Skinwalker (Elf) Class: Druid Backstory: “H-Hello? Is this the Cat Bureau?” Yuki was just looking for help. Little did she know she’d get dragged into the advenure of a lifetime, with romance, bloodshed, intrigue, and deeply personal problems. Indebted to Duke and Louisa, Yuki travels with them to help the siblings find their parents murderer and seek vengeance. But is that what the pair really need? Working constantly as a voice of reason and constant motivation, Yuki hides a dangerous secret from her friends. Maybe one day, she can tell them about the animal skin she wears. And warn them to let sleeping dogs lie. Alignment: Good Neutral
*Tengu= Bird people **Skinwalker= Shapeshifters (Haru looks like an Elf rather than a human)
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