#baron ot3
estinininininen · 5 months
oh rosa has no characterization this, rosa's just an object for kain and cecil to squabble over that. my rosa joanna farrell is best friends/stuck in a love triangle with two very, very capable but emotionally stunted men who have dark streaks a mile wide. what kind of ordinary soft white mage is like that? just hanging out with two royal pseudo-heirs that are also vibrating balls of competition and daddy issues? i'll tell you what. one who's almost as weird as kain and cecil are. girl is Hiding Something. your average emo girl thinks they can pull off the "sweet and pretty on the outside but darkness hides within" schtick pretty well but rosa has everyone so fooled even the dark knight and angsting dragoon don't pick up on it until she's elbows deep in someone's chest and talking nonchalantly over screams about what's for lunch. she was the kid who didn't have to be dared to poke roadkill. cecil harvey announces he's following his king's orders to become a dark knight and goes stalking off to his tower bedroom to brood while rosa joanna farrell in a pink frilly court gown looks up at his disappearing backside and thinks "damn he's gonna need someone to shove his bones back in place. might as well be me 🥰"
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skyedancer-rae · 1 year
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For any fellow FF4 Baron OT3 shippers. (Takes place post TAY).  Wherein Ceodore overhears some gossip after a Red Wings training session and comes to some realizations about his parents’ relationship with Kain Highwind.
I started playing Theatrythm & was reminded how much I enjoy FF4 and the Baron Trio. Also, I find the idea of exploring Rosa, Cecil, & Kain hooking up post TAY from Ceodore’s POV extremely funny.
Image description after Keep reading:
A 4-panel comic.
Panel 1: Ceodore wiping sweat from his face with a towel. Behind him, stand 2 random soldiers. The first says, "Whew. Am I glad Commander Highwind went easy on the training today. Normally he has us running at least 10 more laps around the training field." Ceodore glances back at them with a frown.
Panel 2: Same position as panel 1. The second soldier says, "Yeah. But the real thanks should go to whoever left those two hickeys on his neck. Man needed to get laid." Ceodore has gone wide-eyed, a furious blush on his face.
Panel 3: A close-up of Ceodore's frowning face. He thinks, "They should be gossiping about Commander Highwind like that.  Besides, there's no way Commander Highwind could have had a romantic evening when he spent all night talking with..."
Panel 4: "...My parents."  Ceodore has gone wide-eyed in shock. A though bubble shows a memory of the previous night's dinner, with Rosa & Cecil drinking wine with Kain. Hearts float around them to show it was a date.
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19thcenturylover · 4 months
Wingterbaron kisses😙
Hi again, I'm back with this ot3 since I finally finished my semester YIPPIE— I have to say that I started this "mini-series" of drawings in MARCH and I was barely able to finish it... idk, 4 days, so the change is noticeable ugh :[
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(1/3) Kiss on the neck :00
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(2/3) Kiss on the shoulder :D [I don't know how to explain it but for me this is a spiritual redraw of my first Winterbaron drawing]
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(3/3) And kiss on the cheek :3c
I really love that trio, It's been a while since I was so silly/happy for a poly ship since Dinot3 AJJDJD
[And hey, I wanted to clarify that I have been in a "small" emotional low during and after my semester and I don't feel in the mood to answer reblogs, questions, etc. In itself I'm bad at that but I don't do it with bad intentions, I really appreciate what y'all say, ily silly people :(♡]
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grace-nakimura · 10 months
Okay, okay, okay! For real tho? When I was toying around writing it - gonna post it on A03 but I need to make a few tweaks - I initially had it where the baron survived. He survived and somehow felt a pull, like he could feel someone from his pack was around, and initially, when he makes it to Mumbai he thinks it's Gabriel. Grace, at this time, has no idea she's expecting, she just thinks it's "stress from moving" but since Grace isn't a wolf, Fredreich knows she is carrying a wolf or someone who could be potentially a wolf.
(Also, since he never died, Gabriel is kinda... wolf-y, but it's something he is still Fighting against, and in the third game his behavior is explained by that.)
For a month or two, especially when she finds out, Grace is kinda stalked - tho he claims it was protecting her - by a wolf. Until she runs into him and, since the last time they saw each other she tried to burn him alive - both she and Gabriel did - she is, understandably, terrified. Of course, he is only protective of her bc she is carrying a part of his pack, so it isn't genuine.
And - at first - he is kind of using her to get to Gabriel, so he plays nice, charming, and very approachable. You know how it takes Grace a while to figure out she does have feelings for Gabriel in the games - and in my personal hc it's towards the end of GK2, but keep in mind most of it was just her envy of him, and not wanting to be left out - and Gabriel even longer? Frederich is older than them. He realizes that he feels the same way about Gabriel as he does about Grace quickly and hard. She is passionate, sassy, and yes, she is hardheaded and unyielding, but Gabriel said it best - she is something.
Calling the baby Whoops was funny the first few times. It got old, but much like Gabriel, Grace hid behind sarcasm and humor to deflect true feelings, so he let it go.
Rittersberg is a lot more dramatic. Gabriel is filled with guilt. Thinks von Glower is using Grace as a human shield and is manipulating the situation - which, fine, he was at first, and he might still be pulling some strings, but he isn't lying that he fell hard for Grace just as he did for Gabriel - and, um, it takes a bit longer for the three of them to really meet in the middle. A bit quicker with Gabirel and Grace, they still have the same sort of talks, but eventually, Fredreich and Gabriel do talk. Things happen. Then things happen with Grace - honestly things already probably did happen with Grace in India, bc hormones, but only after he realizes his feelings were genuine - and then. Well, things happen.
They do tell their guardians about Whoops earlier. The nursery is also furnished earlier, too, since Fredreich is excited. Gabriel is still scared, but hedging on a shy sort of wonderment. Grace has made up her mind and she's going to see this through, but she ends up being a little more openly excited with Fredreich around. A bit shy, like Gabriel's, but she isn't so afraid to show it. Before Gabriel has to leave for Scotland, their only real contention is naming the baby - Fredreich suggests Elisse; Gabriel jokingly wants to name the baby after himself, if only to annoy both of them; Grace still goes by Whoops to annoy Gabriel more. You know, assert Dominance. He does think of the name Chiyo, though, both out of respect for Grace's heritage - which he does know Uchinaguchi and modern Japanese, since he's been around for a while - and because of the meaning. A thousand generations. Full circle, almost. And then when Gabriel suggests Rebecca - to bind a thousand generations - it fits.
Grace still calls her Whoops even up to her birth. Fredreich is a baby hog. Bex - or Whoops - might be a wolf, but she might be a dormant one, which happens, and she might be destined to be a Schattenjäger. Much like the ending of my story, nothing matters but the right now.
And if Grace and Gabriel driving slow as hell back to Schloss Ritter was first-time parent cringe, all three of them are kinda known to just watch Bex sleep to make sure she was breathing.
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laughingstock13 · 7 days
Jonathan, Speedwagon, and Zeppeli based on this drawing prompt because they deserve to sleep peacefully ❤️
Please ignore the obvious flaw
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ellenolphe · 3 months
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regallibellbright · 2 months
Decided to do a full reread of Girl Genius, which led to me going from "Gil just entered Castle Heterodyne, the Baron is badly injured, Tarvek has not yet come down with Chromatic Death, Othar just reentered the main story after years of nothing, and oh yeah, Agatha's still reeling from the idea that her mother is The Other and possessing her body" to "Agatha and Tarvek figuring they'll have an easier time saving Gil when he can move and his apparent kidnappers can't, and we'll deal with the Baron trying to kill Agatha as we go, and also there's a HORRIBLE TIME MONSTER that's about to need dealing with because time's been stopped in Mechanicsburg for years, btw all parents have been removed from their children's brains and the ot3 is being treated as a political reality."
Which is quite the adjustment of my mental state of Mechanicsburg-ening, since as I mentioned: Tarvek hasn't even gotten sick yet.
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mihrsuri · 5 months
ooooh so I would love to hear more about Helen Norwich, and about how the English Civil War might have gone in that 'verse!
Helen, I don’t know if I said but she’s Norwich’s niece. Which I want to be clear, he never did anything to her but OH BOY. She was also born not that long after Tom Cromwell escaped him (Helen was born in 1523) after he’d been expecting to be his older brothers heir for so long (his brother had been married twice before Helen’s mother with no children and they had Helen late in their marriage).
Helen is very quiet, very considered and sensible - but she is beautiful which Norwich, after his Annoyed At Her Existence was like ‘…oh yay BARGAINING CHIP’ - it meant he could hold her wardship and then find an appropriate husband for her that could best benefit him.
(Helen was preparing to make the best of this she could - at least Norwich didn’t actually give a fuck about the actual management of the Earldom and she’s fairly sure that any husband he would pick for her wouldn’t either and would be happy for her to stay in the country with their children while he was at court so…she’d have that at least, in between whatever cruelty)*
*I’m fairly sure Norwich wouldn’t suffer like extreme cruelty because Status Thing and Status Thing Only but also he would totally not care if Helen was miserable or not.
She gets the Earldom in her own right in the end and makes it a really lovely place again - I think Welles Hall is actually particularly famous for fine wool(s) but I’m still working that out.
The Civil War in OT3 verse is me going ‘what if I flip things and the Restorationists are pissed about the increasing democracy + their colonial attempts got slapped down HARD’ essentially.
Essentially there’s this but I’ll babble some more!
Baron Hugh Wake (Of Liddell) is based on a real historical family - the first Baron had a daughter married one of the sons of Edward I by his second wife. It is however by his son (in our history both of the first barons sons died but here his oldest lives) John that Baron Hugh is descended.
King Hugh/The Restorationist King essentially begins the rebellion, well I’ll go from my notes:
Started it after his father, son and some of his sons friends were going to be jailed for human rights abuses. Believed that England should be an Empire to be great, should expel all the Jewish people, should become a Christian nation and revert to the ‘natural order of nobility.  
(They attempted to start a colony in what we would call North America. (The Spanish had previously been kicked out of South America in a story that is not mine to tell but does happen). They failed Miserably)).
There are whisperings about the changes Thomas and Mihrimah make and things do happen but they really start in Turhan’s reign. And then it goes on and becomes louder. About how Not White, Not Christian the royal family has become. About how there are Jews and Muslims and…in England. About how there is no imperialism, no ‘glory of empire’ and how people are being penalised for trying to make one by like jail. 
So we get to Henry VIII’s great great (I think that’s enough greats!) grandson Arthur (Jahan) II (I call him Arthur II because of the Tudor Arthurian Fandom Thing). His first child is a daughter and he decrees that she’s going to be the heir regardless of any brothers born afterwards. The royal family takes the final steps to expand representative democracy. Also the eventual restoration king’s son, his sons friends and his father are jailed for a failed attempt to colonise North America. They rebel at all of the above (it is possible that I a biracial jewish etc woman am Having Some Feelings). Arthur is eventually beheaded, there’s a Restoration King for the same time Oliver Cromwell ruled and then..Arthur’s daughter Charlotte Askala is invited back. 
The Restorationist Reign included a lot of awful things happening - like I mentioned the reform schools here
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But that was very much the idea - they also did that to the children of nobles etc who weren’t restorationists. It’s pretty heavy history and I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately (including Gregory Cromwell’s descendant(s) and how the chest with the Triads letters etc survived). The King Arthur Jahan was beheaded, his wife and daughter sent into exile. (I love them as well). Then Charlotte Askala (his daughter) is asked back because the whole thing falls apart after Hugh’s death (he’d styled himself essentially as protector of the realm for the quote ‘true king’
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There’s a whole bunch of other things that will come up in the modern day with this universes version of the Abdication in the 1930s but I will stop now! (Also the other thing to know about Hugh is that he has two children he loves deeply - his son ended up in luxurious exile and never had children but his daughter had three daughters of her own but because Restorationists do not accept inheritance through the female line they are never going to be able to be held up as heirs which is a whole other Fuckery related to the abdication).
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lesharl-eclair · 1 year
lewis ot3 fic recs
for @f1ot3fest !! i promised myself i wouldn't ramble but this turned out ridiculously long so ... i actually need to learn to shut up
all fics below the cut; if you enjoyed these fics, please show the authors comment and kudo love; should you be the author of a fic that's here, and don't want to be here, please reach out to me and your wish is my command :)
NO this is so funny bcs half of this is fics by the creator/recced by the creator BUT ITS OK. THESE LITERALLY ARE SO DEAR TO ME *clutches to chest* please go read please go read
heist AU by @sionisjaune (sebcedes)
on golden sands (T, 6.2k)
Mark rolls his eyes. “Skip the crap, Jense. Who’s the mark.” Jenson lifts his whiskey and swallows the dregs. “One Baron Nico Rosberg. Currently installed in Greece, inherited the title from his mother. His father—” “Keke Rosberg. 1982 Formula One World Drivers Champion,” says Seb. The others look at him like he’s just materialized out of thin air. Lewis cocks his head thoughtfully, and the bizarre sleeves of his jacket rustle with the movement.
the ships that go sailing (E, 11.7k)
As it turns out, threesomes are not especially logistically challenging when two of the participants are experienced organizers of high-profile heists, and the third is determinedly horny.
err okay i think this was something i read before i had the concept of sebcedes or like ot3s. so it was a pure yOU CAN DO THAT??? visceral reaction the first time i read on golden sands. i was quaking in my seat. anyway upon sufficient rereads i have apparently collected my thoughts enough to say that the first part of the series is nothing like the second in terms of content (i read all the way to the middle of the ships that go sailing and suddenly realised that it was a sequel and uh. had a very violent reaction.)
the premise is wonderful, oceans 11 is great to begin with and the way every detail is taken care of in the au!! the characterisation of it all... the tangled mess of interpersonal relationship... it feels like every character has their space to shine, and this on top of a quasi-convoluted plot is quite incredible. aND THE SEBCEDES OH MY GOD THE SEBCEDES. the denouement. the start of something that seb can;t even begin to imagine. lewis and nico both being batshit crazy. sex retirement fic. somehow you managed to capture all the nuances (brocedes + seb + the emotional push pull + the competition?? a bit of quiet almost fragile sico? the boat scene hello??? brocedes being so chaotic it gives me whiplash?????) i actually cannot get enough of the way you write them
i can probably write so much more about this but i will stop here :0 maybe one day i will rereview this and end up with a five page essay or something. who knows.
Circle Endless by @antimonyandthyme (E, 2k) (brocedes + seb)
“It’s a two-for-one deal,” Nico said, very salesman like, as if he sensed Sebastian just needed an extra push.
the vibes here are so horrifically good. lowkey unhealthy. probably one of THE defining brocedes + seb fics - it's set up and played out as a 2v1 (in 2016!!), and the toxicity of it all is so asasasandsjfadjsfasdfs . there's so much conflict everywhere: within seb, the way brocedes also fight for dominance on the bed (bc of course they do), seb needing more despite whatever it's doing to him... that scene with kimi is pure poetry. so much to unpack in so little, and excellent excellent sex
made a hundred good stories by @red-flagging (E, 24.6k) (for a kinkmeme prompt) (alex + sewis)
“That problem you were telling me about,” Seb says, giving Alex a meaningful look. “I wanted to know if you wanted us to help you take care of it. Lewis and I.” This isn’t happening. Alex is having the most stressful, least erotic wet dream of all time. Helmut has gotten bored of subtle nudges and has graduated to full-on psychological warfare to get Alex to quit on his own and save the team from having to buy out his contract. Lewis actually did give him a concussion in Austria, and the long-term brain damage is only now starting to set in. "...You can't be serious," Alex says weakly. Seb shrugs. “You don’t have to say yes,” he says. “But if you’re just looking to have some fun–it might as well be with people who know what they’re doing.”
ok claire. coherence.
I CANNOT BE NORMAL ABOUT THIS FIC LIKE AT ALL??? i have tried so many times
the alex characterisation. the hellhole that is redbull. the exhaustion. so much DETAIL that it's painful to look at
the galex? the galex. oh my god the way it meanders in all the little spaces between alex's frankly ridiculously busy life, the LAYERS. the so much unsaid & the way they dance around each other even in texts. the way alex holds himself back but still wants.
alex/seb. seb being an all round menace to society (Quite honestly, he sort of forgets the conversation with Lewis even happened up until Bahrain, when Seb sidles up to him on some balcony on Thursday and says, casually, “So, gay cruising, eh?”) ?????? ? ? ? ? the perfect timing of seb's proposition. so much else but the deviousness of it all..
that little bit with alex and lewis. the painful awkwardness of that conversation (but also how much lewis eventually got out of it). seb's retirement & lewis' instant protectiveness!! ^^
the racing metaphors are so apt somehow (and even more fitting because alex has basically been consumed by the redbull grind........) this is a detail i personally really really enjoyed
THE SEX bro i cannot even?????? ???? i cannot do it justice here but um. the sewis is clearly there and framed so strikingly against a hesitant tired alex. the games sewis play. LEWIS GUIDING ALEX.SFSHHGSHGHHHHGG the car's still spinning and the walls that don't exist...... how at the end of it all it's still only glimpses of sewis that alex gets but how it's enough for him to maybe start figuring things out with georgie.... the post sex clarity....
oh this was so damn incoherent wasn't it. this fic made me, to quote @kritischetheologie, reconsider everything i thought i knew about alex albon.
a bedroom where your heart is by @hungerpunch (M, 1.5k) (vasewis)
“Someone will have to go for ingredients,” Valtteri says. He does not happen to keep vegan cheese stocked. “I vote the youngest,” Sebastian says, grin sly. Valtteri blinks. “Wait—” “Sorry,” Sebastian says, affecting a suspiciously convincing faux innocence, as if he’s truly apologetic but his hands are simply tied. “Seniority rules.”
closing this with some good achingly wholesome content. FOOD AS LOVE and i am so so so here for it oh my goddddd ... val taking care of sewis and finding the greatest satisfaction from it/it not being always about the sex (though the sex IS good!) and finding contentment in those small domestic-bliss moments/the scene-setting, the food described as lovingly as it's prepared, the quiet early-hour moments and seb in a way the middleground between val's discipline and lewis' indulgence when it comes to mornings... there's so much to just revel in and enjoy here!! a comfort fic in the truest senst of the word. :)
that was long. and probably extremely incoherent. oh well. thanks for reading till the end and remember to show the authors some love!!
as always, if you enjoyed this, or if i missed any fic, please let me know :) drop me an ask mayhaps if you would like more fic recs, and i will try my best to give timely unqualified opinions <3
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elspethdekarios · 6 months
OC meme
Thank you @theletteraesc for tagging me in this a while back, and sorry it took me so long to get to it! Tagging @lolthslover @fantasyfictionfables @mumms-the-word @thebitchycloudpainter and literally anyone else who sees this and wants to do it lol
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Full name: Elspeth Vaidelark [now Elspeth Dekarios]
Gender: Female
Sexuality: straight but she can appreciate a pretty lady
Pronouns: she/her
Birthplace: Baldur's Gate, Upper City
Job: healer
Phobias: closed spaces/claustrophobia, spiders (the underdark was not a fun time for her lol)
Guilty pleasures: dropping a shit ton of money on nice clothes
Hobbies: reading, playing music (harp and piano), dancing
Alignment: chaotic good
Sins: pride
Virtues: charity
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
Cautious / Reckless / In between
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved / In between
Leader / Follower / Flexible (mostly a loner)
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hard-working / Lazy
OTP: Gale/Elspeth aka Galspeth
Acceptable Ships: none, her and Gale are literally soulmates
OT3: none
Brotp: El and Karlach! They're super close
Notp: El/Astarion. They disagree A LOT and while they do grow to be close friends there is negative chemistry there
Elspeth is the youngest of two daughters born to Baron and Baronness Vaidelark of Baldur's Gate. She was always second fiddle to her older sister, Ariadne. The golden child, Ariadne could do no wrong--even when she was bullying Elspeth. El was always the black sheep, and never what her parents wanted her to be.
In her young adult years, she was definitely a party girl. Living on her own, she would go out with friends more nights than not. She was a bit of a socialite, known around the city as the "wild Vaidelark child." Her reputation was sealed when, in a drunken night with friends, she gambled away the family jewels, which she was foolishly wearing around her neck. Thanks to her family's noble status, they were able to track down the necklace and pay a pretty penny to reclaim them, but this was the final straw of their relationship with Elspeth. She was not officially disowned, but their disdain was made clear.
Elspeth avoided her family for several years, but when she started dating Leon, a rising paladin in the City Watch, he convinced her to try to make amends. She did, as best she could, but her parents were still cold and distant as always. Still, they seemed to like Leon and dating him patched up El's tempestuous reputation in the city. Leon had ulterior motives, however, which El only learned about six months after ending their relationship. During her father's birthday party, Ariadne announced her recent engagement.
To Leon.
Furious and desperately wounded, Elspeth ran out of the house and stumbled home as best she could while sobbing. She stopped for a moment to let herself calm down when the nautiloid took her.
(I have a fic about this here!!!)
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thefatedthoughtofyou · 7 months
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Kirby Rivers {OC}
Faceclaim: Billie Joe Armstrong
Fandoms: Marmalade, Fargo
Age: 25 - 30 - could be younger or older, depends on the fandom and situation.
Birthday: July 19th 1990
Birthplace: Oakland NJ
Gender: afab trans/nonbinary
Height: 5"3
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hair: black, but it's typically dyed or bleached, he keeps it bleached most of the time
Pronouns: he/they
Eyes: Green
Parents: none, he's a foster kid
Religion: no thank you. But they'd say Agnostic
Occupation: Mechanic, Drug Dealer, lives at and owns a junkyward/car garage. He fixes a lot of older folks' cars for good prices, and smokes some of them out, if they're into that. A suprising number of them are. Mrs. Abernathy made him some BOMB cookies once when they were high. Best cookies he's ever had.
Background: Grew up in foster homes and state facilities, moved around and eventually ran away and has been on their own since. Settled in Minnesota about a year ago (for Fargo au).
Phobias: spiders, cages/being locked inside places, being made fun of and not realizing it, mold
(Not So) Guilty Pleasures: Sleeping (just whenever, any time he can), weed, cherrylemon sour gummy worms, dark chocolate, wearing as little as he can get away with, stealing Gator's hats
Hobbies: swimming, painting, drums, watching old black and white monster movies, being annoying on purpose, fixing up old cars
Marmalade: Baron/Kirby
Fargo: Gator/Kirby, Gator/Kirby/Win Lewis (oc)
Ot3: Gator/Kirby/Win Lewis (oc)
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mousieta · 2 years
2022 Drama Rankings: Dropped Shows
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Year: 2022 Country: Korea Platform: Netflix Episodes watched: 2/16 I so wanted to like this one, I was quite excited for the cast as I enjoy Lee Jin Wook, Kwon Na Ra and Lee Joon quite a bit in other shows. The premise, also, felt very Guardian-esq in a good way. I enjoy a good immortal series and Korean fantasy with a dark gritty edge? Yes, sign me up.
Unfortunately I could never get past the first two episodes. It fell victim to the trap that immediately kills my desire to continue watching a show: I started rewriting the whole thing *as* I was watching it (at least with Love in the Air the rewriting didn’t start for me until I’d seen the whole thing). But once my writer brain kicks in to redo it all, the show is done for me, its no longer fun, it is work and frustration.
I just didn’t care for the writerly choices as they felt poor and led to the overall tone of those first two episodes being very flat, emotionally. I just didn’t care about any character enough to make the flaws worth it.
Business Proposal
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Year: 2022 Country: Korea Platform: Netflix Episodes Watched: 2/12 This was sharp and slick, and very cute. I made it, again, through about two episodes before I realized I just didn’t care enough to keep going. The cute felt a little too much, as though the show were depending on that and its bag of tropes rather than believable characterizations and moving plots.
The writing of what I saw seemed fine, the acting was fine, the directing was a little to into itself but it was fine. Fine, fine, fine, and in a lineup of much more compelling shows, I just didn’t feel like spending my time with fine.
F4 Boys over Flowers
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Year: 2022 Country: Korea Platform: Netflix Episodes Watched: 3/16 I think I may just be Boys Over Flowersed out, y’all. Again, like Business Proposal, it was cute and fine. I made it through three episodes and just kept forgetting to watch more. I guess I don’t love BrightWin enough to watch heterosexual shenanigans.
The casting seemed spot on and I love that Thailand now has their own version which seemed to do well. I have the Korean version which was my first and the Chinese version which is my favorite and I think that’s enough F4 for me.
The Wind Blows from Longxi
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Year: 2022 Country: China Platform: Viki Episodes Watched: 9/24 Of all the shows on this list - and maybe any other on my Dropped list this one and the next make me the saddest. I got quite far as well, nearly halfway. On paper, this has everything I need. The writing is good and intense with layers of conflict and constant guessing at the twists and turns of the plot. It is slick and well-directed and the acting is phenomenal. It also has a delicious staple: a tense and fraught m/m love/betrayal dynamic. This should have been catnip but for some reason I was  always either too mentally tired to engage, or would get distracted watching other things. Dropping this was definitely an ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ thing. Hopefully, someday I’ll have the capacity for it because I think it would be an excellent and captivating binge watch.
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Year: 2022 Country: China Platform: YouTube Episodes Watched: 19/38 This is another one that dropping made me sad. It was delightful and has Baron Chen!! An OT3 Romance! Delightful DMBJ connections!! All I can say is what did it in for me was likely the platform. I don’t have the fancy YouTube so watching commercials made it impossible for my ADHD brain to keep focused on an episode, I kept getting lost in the plot (which isn’t why I was bothering to watch but would have been nice to follow) Now that it is on Viki I might give it another go when I’m in the right mood.
Strangers from Hell
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Year: 2019 Country: Korea Platform: Netflix Episodes Watched: 5/10 This was so, so good. Amazing. Gripping. Twisted. Lee Dong Wook was terrifying and compelling, Im Si Wan was as good as he ever is. Everything about this was good. I am just a great big old scaredy-pants who cannot tolerate anything suspensful or scary (I never have been able to).
I did my best: I only watched on brightly lit weekends in the middle of the day, and only one episode at a time. With those restrictions I managed to make it to episode 5 before I just couldn’t take it anymore. Highly recommend if psychological horror is your jam, you will be very pleased with it, I think. I just…can’t watch anymore. Dong Wook I still love you though! I just love sleeping through the night more.
2022 Drama Reviews Masterlist
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bigjitsu · 8 months
THANK GAWDDD FOR this blog . It may be short yet it warms my heart . VICES & VIRTUES BUGJITSU STYLE RAHHH IT IS HEAT . Ima take a romp thru ao3's Yoshi and Big Momma tag for ship centric morsels *shakes fist* You find any swag BigJitsu fics lately you can direct me to ? *blinks continually* I need more of them why does viacom hate good m/f ships yes I'm a twenty something who's too invested
oh my god im sorry for the late reply, i dont know how i missed this! ive had quite a few asks on different sideblogs that i also apparently missed, so maybe its just tumblr being tumblr
listen i LOVE lou jitsu and big mama and im so thrilled that there are people out there who love them too. i could talk abt them ALL DAY its just real life gets in the way and drags me away from my fandoms for a bit
I too am a twenty something who's too invested but god they are just so special in my heart
its so hard to find some bigjitsu fics that focus on them-or at least feature them-without delving into baron draxum/lou jitsu or big mama x baron draxum x lou jitsu, which i know is a lot of people's otp/ot3, and thats fine, but its just not something i personally ship, so i tend to filter them out, which, honestly doesnt leave much else
if you do find any yoshi/big mama fics out there id love some recs, the few ive read, you probably have to, but let me link them anyways
^not complete, currently on break
^ambiguous/open ending but in my head that means theyre up for some reconciliation
^also a wip
Edit: yes!!!!! Vices & Virtues big jitsu style!!!!
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loveofafangirl · 3 years
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I’m not a WinterBaron shipper but the way Zemo looks at Bucky here 😳😳Is it just me or is he tracing his lips in the last second with his eyes?! 
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mischievous-thunder · 3 years
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Meanwhile, Sam was completely unsure as to whether or not he should make it public
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taruyison · 3 years
I'm here to share the word about evil husbands Stephen, Mordo and Kaecilius. They're all sleep deprived disasters that paint each other's toenails and drink wine for breakfast.
Also, Stephen fills in Kaecilius hell-tattoos with bioluminescent makeup so he lights up under a blacklight and they all have a party (this is why they don't get enough sleep, the idiots)
Mordo is the stoic mom to the other two, but he constantly gets in on their shenanigans - either because he just can't resist it or because he wants to make sure that they don't fall over a chair and die (he will never forget that one time Stephen tripped in the library)
I would add more but my poor brain is shutting down so I'll come back to this at some later point-
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