#baron trio
katkeyboardmastah · 10 months
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Final Fantasy 4 The After Years doodles??? In 2023??? It's more likely than you think.
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iyliss · 16 days
Okay first one. Assuming any feelings you want between Rosa, Kain and Cecil, which pair amongst these three do you think had their first kiss? (If you don't really know, pick the option you feel is most likely or fun.)
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theoreticalconstruct · 4 months
In Starlight (FFIV, Cecil/Kain/Rosa)
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Attempted to draw them slightly more on-model (using Amano's artwork from the GBA version.) But I had to have them remove the spiky armor, or this position just wouldn't work.
Pose: https://polyamships.tumblr.com/post/651528981894627328/jekadoodles-i-couldnt-find-an-ot3-pose-meme-so-i
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paparoach · 4 days
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they are my everything.
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lunarphaseshift · 16 days
I am a proud member of Baron Trio Nation personally but I do think some of my favorite fanworks about them are not the ones where they have a great relationship (although those are nice too). They're the fics where the 3 of them have a messy or complicated setup or are divorced or something similar.
The three are all in their early 20's in the duration of FFIV. Between then and TAY and given the circumstances of their relationship that precede that they have all the potential for just the most insane polycule drama. I want to see another character live with them for a month in their queer housing arrangement (whether this is Baron or an AU is up to you) and regret it after having to deal with whatever the hell they have going on.
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strawhatghost · 6 months
I re-watched Movie 6 (Baron Omatsuri and the secret island) after seeing Marineford and it gave me some inspiration
Check the tags for content warning!!
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Kinda wanna turn this into an au of sorts...
Little details: Ace's hat faces are both smileys because Luffy has the lily carnation and doesn't want to see his brother frown ever again. His tattoo lacks Sabo's Jolly Roger because he never 'died'. Instead of turning into plants, I think Ace and Sabo would start burning/showing their wounds from their respective 'deaths' when the Lily was hungry (or when their 'hungry') which would cause Luffy to grow frantic in keeping them fed.
Idk what the Strawhats are, maybe this is directly after Marineford so they aren't on the secret island. How did Luffy get there?? Shrugs JDOSMSOWMEKS it's almost 3 am I'm just rotating this idea rn
Movie 6 is such a good movie good GODD they don't make em like they used too anymore /j
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vertigoartgore · 14 days
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2003's Planetary/Batman: Night on Earth cover by John Cassaday and David Baron.
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ayzscream · 1 year
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scullys-scalpel · 1 year
What a glow up at the Afanas home. I mean look at how cozy they have it. They really took it from drab..
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..to fab!
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Bonus: I love this moment after they first settled in their new home. The Sire giggling at the television. Baron Afanas enjoying the television as well while petting Aspen the Hellhound. This may be one of my favorite screenshots ever tbh. They are so wholesome but they are also passing time until the unsuspecting Airbnb couple arrive to be their dinner. And you gotta love delivery meal service, ya know.
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 2 years
Huh. We've never spoken to Ose. It's probably rude to ask whether you know anything about Ose, but right now I'm pretty much casting around semi randomly for answers, so-
Oh, also my datemate suggested 'god of shame' for their vote. Which seemed like a curious idea to me.
nah. that one is definitely asmodeus.
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PIC(S) INFO: Mega spotlight on previously unpublished shots of the mighty AMEBIX (with Roy Mayorga), performing live at AS220, Providence, R.I., USA, c. 2009, during the band's first tour of the States. 📸: @skyburial23.
Sources: www.picuki.com/media/3293422894605986118 (Picuki 2x).
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iyliss · 15 days
So! We talked about firsts, now let's see for ever lastings. How official do you think Baron Trio will ever make it? Once again, it can be either what you see as most likely to happen or what you enjoy imagining the most. Really, any option can be fun.
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tizeline · 8 months
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So I've already established that AU Leo has a tendency to abuse his portaling abilities to just go and explore a bunch of places, including New York, which leads to him stumbling across Run Of The Mill several years before he does in canon. And of course he loves the place, the food's great, the Maze of Death is good for training and he gets to hang out with Hueso! Hueso does not enjoy Leo constantly showing up to bother him when he's trying to work, but it's not like he can just kick him out. This is one of THE Baron Draxum's sons, Hueso is already in trouble with yokai law-enforcement and the last thing he needs is more enemies. (And no, he does not have a soft spot for Leo, what are you talking about)
Anway that's all fine and dandy, until two particular individuals happen to stumble across the restaurant....
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Similar to in the show, some time after Donnie's first encounter with the Draxum family, him and April find Hueso's restaurant as well and starts to frequent the place. And considering Leo's a regular, well, it's not long until they happen to visit at the same time and uh-
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This happens pretty soon after Donnie first reunites with his brothers, but they've encounteredeach other a couple of times in between then and now, which means that the Drax Trio have had time to come to terms with the fact that Donnie is not planning on joining their team any time soon. And while they want to change that, they realize that for the time being he is currently an enemy. Mikey and Raph are still pretty hesitant to fight him, but Leo and Donnie pretty early on established a "fight each other on sight" dynamic, because of course they did.
All of this is to say, as soon as they lay eyes on each other in the restaurant, they immidietly start duking it out! Hueso understandibly does not appreciate such a ruckus in his fine establishment, so out of respect for Hueso the twins agree to avoid any fighting in the restaurant specifically.
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Now, you would think that at least one of them would have the common sense to just avoid the place, but they're both stubborn and petty AF and so Leo and Donnie keep running into each other there! And they do respect the no-fight-rule.... to a certain extent. The rule was specifically for physical fights and says nothing about verbal ones! So every time Leo and Donnie run into each other they keep insulting each other to provoke the other into attacking them, which would lead to that twin getting kicked out and hopefully banned for life!
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paparoach · 20 days
I got to get some FF4 on this blog.
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tangledinink · 1 year
Alright! So! The Gemini Twins were raised by Big Mama. Raph ended up with the Foot Clan. Splinter got stuck with April. And Mikey and Venus were raised by Baron Draxum... which means we're only missing one final Hamato.
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( rebellious soldier ) ( indomitable spirit ) ( babyest sister )
enter -> jennika, daughter of baron draxum
the final of the trio of siblings raised by their creator, baron draxum, destined to one day form the army which defends yokaikind. jeni could not be more tickled about her place in the coming world, and is endlessly proud of her place as a fierce fighter and combatant amongst her father's ranks. while venus and mikey may be far more skilled in the mystic arts than she, neither of them can hold a candle to jeni's raw physical strength and skill on the battlefield.
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though just as loyal as her two siblings and committed to their cause, jennika is a bet less willing to follow along and listen to directions as her siblings. being the youngest comes with its pros and cons, and though she is perhaps a bit spoiled at times, she is also often frustrated by feeling underestimated or left behind. especially by her eldest brother. she is spunky, fierce, and brazen... and perhaps a bit sassy.
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in addition to this, while mikey and venus often seem willing to block off any distractions or other facets of life in order to chase their father's goal, jennika is a bit more inclined to... distractions. she may be passionate about her place in the prophecy, but there are other things she's passionate about, too!
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and don't get me wrong-- jeni LOVES her siblings. but jeez, could mikey back off a little sometimes!?
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vilentt · 3 months
He’s Psychotic
Feyd Rautha x Reader
Paul Atreides x Reader
(no decided final relationship yet.
AO3 Counterpart
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The prettiest girl in all of Caladan; prettier than the emperor’s daughter, Irulan. You are princess Atreides.
You’re the daughter of Duke Leto and his forever prized concubine, Lady Jessica. You and Paul have an age gap of four years and have always bonded super well. Although it always felt like Paul wanted the bond to exceed what you thought was the set limit.
Giedi Prime
(6 years after you were born)
10 year old Paul and 6 year old you are sitting in the Giedi Prime conservatory garden, staring amidst the artificial sunlight.
The tension between the Harkonnen and the Atreides was very mild. In fact, mild enough that you, Paul and Feyd were practically a trio. Except the fact you spent less time with the two as they did with each other as you were a girl and could only watch them duel.
As they would duel, your mother would pull you aside to teach you the Bene Gesserit ways. You were well versed in the rules and could command your voice much better than those around you.
Your mother didn’t have to teach you the way of them but she insisted because the consequence of her having a son instead of daughter resulted in her either having to teach you herself or have the Reverend Mother keep you with her for 6 months of each year teaching you the way with much more rigorous behaviour.
“Paul! mother is demanding your presence in her chambers.” you said making Paul and Feyd turn their head to you. “Do you know why?” Paul asked.
“No, I asked but she said it dosen’t concern me and that I shouldn’t concern myself with such matters, then she told me to scram.” You said with a smile and a giggle.
“Oh okay then, Feyd this battle shan’t end now! We shall continue afterwards.” “Challenge accepted.” responded Feyd with a large grin.
Now tiny you and 10 year old Feyd were alone, together.
You always had a special place in your heart for Feyd. It might’ve been a crush but you considered it a blessing.
And then something hit your head, messing up your braided crown.
“Feyd!” You yelled. He only grinned. He gave you his hand to hold, silently asking you to walk with him. You obviously accepted with a pink colour spread all across your face.
-“How are you?”
-“Great! But my mother keeps scheduling classes for me and making me do-…”
He cut your voice out. He tuned it out and focused on your bright eyes, bright face, soft hair and beautiful smile. He would turn the sun around if it meant you would keep smiling. Oh how he always admired that smile of yours.
You stopped.
In front of you was Feyd’s older brother, Glossu.
-“The Baron wants to see you Feyd.”
Feyd nodded knowing what would happen if his uncle’s wishes were delayed. He laid a soft kiss on your hand and walked away.
You were now, alone. A pool of emotions. Your mind turning, not understanding how you feel.
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