#baroness x tristian
lunarowena · 4 years
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For @badthingshappenbingo, Hiding an Injury
I said yesterday I wasn’t far enough in Pathfinder Kingmaker to write fanfic, and then I wrote fanfic.
Pre-relationship Baroness x Tristian
Also on AO3
The last thing Adia thought before she went down was, Maybe this wasn’t my smartest move.
A boarded-up well emitting ghostly wails in an area previously established to be haunted. And she had pulled the top off. It had only gotten worse from there.
Maybe they would have been able to do more damage to them if they weren’t will-o’-wisps and therefore immune to her electric blasts. Maybe they could have dealt with the lightning bolts if Tristian had prepared Communal Resist Energy today. Maybe they could have made the will-o’-wisps visible with a Glitterdust if Octavia hadn’t immediately been knocked out.
Maybe Adia was an idiot and they were all about to die here. Maybe she was about to be undone by her own element.
It felt so wrong, the lightning pouring into her, out of her control. The tiefling woman felt the current surge through her skin, burning her. She tried to seize control, redirect it, but her body failed her. Just pain. Then blackness.
Adia’s first instinct upon regaining consciousness was to gasp, which immediately lead to coughing as she inhaled a face full of mud. Her lungs burned, and even as she spat out the mud, she couldn’t quite fill them with air.
Someone pulled her up. “She’s alive,” Ekundayo’s voice said.
A wet rag was thrust into her hand. Adia wiped the mud from her face, finally able to assess her surroundings. Ekun stood in front of her, looking ready to catch her should she fall over again. Valerie and Amiri were setting up camp; or Valerie was trying to set up camp while Amiri bragged about her new scar. Which just left…
Adia swayed a bit on her feet, pressed the wet rag against her brow, and forced herself to look again. Tristian knelt over Octavia. Octavia wasn’t moving. “Is she…?”
“She breathes,” Ekun said.
The gods had been kind enough for her stupid decision. Adia eased her way over to the well, ignoring the aching in her chest.
Three coins. She had almost killed her party for three coins.
Her head spun. She wasn’t going to be much use in setting up camp. Ekun, having apparently decided she wasn’t immediately going to keel over, had gone to help Valerie. Pushing away her light headedness, she made her way over to Tristian.
Adia knelt down beside him. “How is she?”
Tristian looked up to acknowledge her, but quickly turned his eyes back to his patient. “Not well, but I believe we’re past the point of immediate danger. I’ve healed her burns and poured enough healing into her that any muscle damage should be repaired, but we’ll need to wait until she awakes to verify there is no permanent brain damage.”
Adia’s stomach twisted. “Regongar is going to kill me.”
“As I said, I believe the immediate danger has passed.” He looked back up at her now. “How are you? I regret I left you where you were, but I assessed Octavia to be in the more critical condition. Any light headedness? Aches? Burns?”
Adia only now noticed his own twisting, lightning burn on his arm. Ignoring the aching in her chest, she shook her head. “I’m a bit battered, and I feel like I have a few burns, but nothing critical. Take care of Octavia and the others—and that includes you—first. Take a look at me when we have more resources, if I haven’t naturally healed by then.”
He looked her in the eye now, evaluating. “Please be sure. It would be unfortunate to return to the capitol without our Baroness.”
She waved him off. “This is my fault in the first place.”
“That doesn’t mean you need to suffer.”
Adia had to break her eyes from his earnest gaze. “I’m just a bit achy, that’s all.” No need to complain she couldn’t take in a full breath of air when Octavia might be suffering permanent brain damage.
Tristian hesitated, seemingly about to argue, but then nodded and turned back to Octavia.
It was a tense day and a half before Octavia regained consciousness, and another two days beyond that before the group was ready to move. Every morning Adia woke up hoping the aching in her lungs would have vanished, but it hadn’t. Able to assess herself in the aftermath, based on the crackling burn patterns on her skin it looked like she had taken a lightning bolt straight to the chest. Dark red lightning surging through already red skin.
Maybe she should ask Tristian to take a look at her, but with Octavia still weak, Adia could bear the reminder of her stupidity a while longer. Especially since the concept of Tristian examining her unclothed chest made her feel… things she didn’t want to deal with right now.
So she didn’t bring it up when their day of hiking back to the capitol left her winded. She didn’t bring it up when fording the river left her exhausted. And if not for the fact that she took a little too much burn while fighting cultists attacking them on the road, she probably could have made it home without bringing it up at all.
But upon reaching too far for her inner reserve of electricity, she felt her lungs finally give out.
Adia awoke to a warm hand on her sternum. Power flowed into her body, relieving her pain and restoring energy. She opened her eyes to see Tristian’s concerned face above her.
“You lied to me.”
This was off to a great start. “I…”
“I specifically asked if there was anything wrong with you and you said, ‘no.’”
Adia sighed. She could feel the airflow to her lungs approaching normal. “With Octavia’s condition… I didn’t want anyone to worry over me.” They were alone in a tent. Wherever everyone else was, she hoped they were far enough away to not hear this conversation.
“Octavia has been out of danger for days. You, on the other hand...” Tristian paused as he cast another healing spell and another burst of energy rushed through her. “You have had severe lung damage from the heated air expanding inside your body. If your intention was not to worry me, you have achieved the opposite as I now have to wonder what else you haven’t been telling me, holding back an injury like this.”
“If I told you you’re probably right and I’m an idiot would it make you feel better?”
“Marginally. How is your breathing now?”
Adia took in a deep breath and felt her entire chest expand. “Much better.”
“Good.” His voice softened. “Adia, I know you’re tough, but please don’t lie to your healer.”
She grabbed his hand off her sternum, giving it a small squeeze as she sat up. “It’s probably better for you to worry about what’s actually wrong with me than everything I’m potentially not mentioning.”
“One of these I can fix, the other is too much concern with no gain.”
Adia looked down at her chest. “Huh. The scars are still there.”
“I was more preoccupied with the deeper damage. I can fix them too if you’d like.”
“I think they look kind of cool, honestly.”
Tristian gave a small smile. “That’s what Amiri said.”
Adia realized she was still holding onto his hand and let go with a small cough. “Well, I can’t have Amiri being cooler than me, can I?”
“I believe her actual turn of phrase was, ‘badass.’”
“I’ll take that, too.” Searching around for her shirt, she grabbed it and pulled it over her head, finagling it around her horns.
“I’ll leave you to rest, then.” Tristian moved toward the tent entrance.
“I’m completely fine now.” Adia lost her balance trying to get her arm through her sleeve and nearly fell over.
Tristian looked at her with the closest thing that Tristian could approach to a glare. “Rest.” He ducked out of the tent.
Adia flopped back down, grabbed the nearest pillow, and screamed into it. This entire outing had been a disaster from start to finish.
It definitely hadn’t been her smartest move.
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noire-pandora · 3 years
I got tagged by @crown-laurel @kittynomsdeplume @hezjena2023 I know a few more people did but I’ve been falling behind with the tagging games and I’m losing track of who tagged me. Sorry for that, I’ve been lazy for a while. 
Rules: tag nine people you want to know better!
Three Ships: Solavellan, Watcher x Aloth and Tristian x Baroness 
Last song you listened to: I will never die by delta rae
Last movie you watched: A simple plan
What are you currently watching: Only Murders in the Building
What are you currently reading: Making Money by Terry Pratchett (I have this HUGE crush on the main character, you have no idea. I have a thing for conmen huh xD)
What are you currently craving: nothing, really. 
Tagging: @kittimau @starsandskies @pinkfadespirit @wickedwitchofthewilds @dinrenan
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adozentothedawn · 4 years
Got tagged by @orime-stories, thank you!^^ And I absolutely consider you one of the bright spots too! :D Without you I wouldn’t have found my way here and I’ve been so much lonlier.
Three ships
I’m not really into shipping to be honest, but these are the ones I sometimes actively seek content for.
Claudeleth. Claude is my baby and I love him and Byleth will take good care of him, just like the other way around. I’ve seen some really good fics of the two of them and I love them. A lot. You can pry these two out of my cold dead fingers. And while we’re here, Hilda totally ships it and gets her girlfriend Marianne in board as well.
Chrobin. Ah, Fire Emblem Awakening, the game that introduced me to Matt Mercer and even let my self-insert marry him. Yeah sue me, I really loved. I don’t think I can ever play awakening without romancing Chrom. He’s such delightful dumbass. Also Lucina and Morgan are my babies. (Another one from Awakening I really like is LonMiri. They are so stupid I love them. @fuckyeahlonmiri there still are some of us and I was working on a good post, but I haven’t gotten around to it, never give up hope!)
Kanerah x The Baroness x Kalikke. (If there is a shipping name I don’t know and I’m worse off for it.) My tiefling wives are the best and I can’t understand why so few people ship it. I get the appeal of Tristian, but have you seen these two? I love them. They deserve love too and I’ll make sure they get it!
As you can see, these are all kind of self-insert ships (though to be fair Byleth has at this point evolved beyond that. She’s great.) I’m not sorry for it, and neither should you. (Also can some people please stop pretending only male Robin and male Byleth are canon? Thanks.)
Last songs listened to:
I’ll actually give you more than just one, because I have thoughts. Surprising I know. Anyway, the very last one was The Mary Ellen Carter, because this song is not finished packing its bags and moving out of my head, even after I finished the chapter from The Adventures of Hildraed Dawnsbane. 
And the other one right before that is All You Wanna Do from the Musical Six. To be honest, I don’t think I’d like the show, it just seems like it’d hit all my pet peeves, but there are some nice songs. This song specifically has absolutely made me obsessed. This is the one song with an actual arc, and it protrays it so well too. You can hear the singer move her face to emote and the emotions are so clear it’s delightful. YOu can ust hear the pain every time she says “connection” Also it just really resonates with me, it builds her character so perfectly and tells her story in one song. (I am ignoring historical accuracy, because I don’t want to shovel myself into an early grave, and also that’s not the point of musical anyway.) Also also, tell me this doesn’t sound like beginning of some lesbian romance novel. Even better an ace lesbian romance novel! I keep waiting for her knight in shining armour to storm in and mow down the assholes for the real romance to begin. (No really though, I have a whole head of ranting how she’s is totally portrayed as ace here. May write it down at some point. For now let’s just say that this totally a Jessica Rabbit situation.)
Currently watching:
The Mighty Nein! I love my boy Caduceus and will defend him from the grabby shipper hands. At least in my own imagination. Anyway, Talisien, how do you do it? How do you make me fall in love with every single one of your characters? If I do end up watching Vox Machina as well, know that it’ll be just for Percy.
Aside from that I’ve wanted to rewatch The Witcher, My Hero Academia, and The Hollow Crown for a while. And I keep rotating back to the same video essays on Youtube. Lindsay Ellis, Jenny Nicholson, and Sideways have also moved into my head and refuse to leave.
Currently reading:
Still Kyoshi, because reading books is hard, even when they’re really fun. There’s also Good Omens that I want to read (and watch) again, the screenplay of it (which is hilarious in of itself), really any Terry Pratchett book (but his phantom of the opera version is among my top choices because of the aformentioned Lindsay Ellis), and also the newest (and last) installment of The Trials of Apollo. That one will probably be my last Rick Riordan book (at least for a while), since I’m really noticing know how I’ve grown out of them. I already wasn’t really invested in Magnus Chase anymore, but I really want to finish Apollo’s story at least, he’s fun. 
How’s it going:
All in all, not bad really. Or at least not as bad as it could be. My family wasn’t really hit by covid, as my dad works in the computer department (? translation is hard too) of a bank and so home office really wasn’t an issue (for me it was just annoying because his office is right next to me room and so he kept waking me up), and my mom was already pretty good with computer technology and so actually got more jobs getting the schools tech stuff up to date and helping the other teacher get a hang of it, so at least money isn’t really an issue. (Not we’re not rich, but you know what I mean.) Home schooling for uni also really isn’t bad, especially the lectures can definitely stay that way. Absolutely nothing changes, aside from the fact that I can sleep longer and have an infinte supply of tea. Yes please, I’ll take it. And from the way it sounds, my chances actually won’t be terrible that they’ll really keep it around after covid. We’ll see. It also means that everyone else also has to rely on things like discord for social contact, which is just so much nicer for my introverted ass. You can just meet up in two seconds and leave just as fast if you want. The shittiest part of it for me is the fact that I can’t use my dice anymore for roleplaying. And my birthday LARP weekend was cancelled. 
So really right now the shittiest thing is the five exams I’ll have in the last two weeks of january. Fuck me. Especially because I really don’t have a feel yet how much I really have to study for this shit.
A whole bunch of people were already tagged for this but I think @stylishanachronism, @moon-sugar, @porokelle, @oddstitchlips, @haledamage, and @quenthelicious remain untagged. So if you want, consider this your invitation!^^
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noire-pandora · 4 years
Got tagged by @lord-woolsley thank you for the tag!
Rules: tag 9 people you would like to get to know better.
Top 3 ships:
Solas x Lavellan
Aloth x Watcher
Baroness x Tristian 
(yes, all my OCs because i’m like that!xD)
Last movie you watched:
The old guard. Freaking amazing movie!!
The Dark Tower by Stephen King.
What food are you craving right now:
Chinese food. (going to order some later but I crave it so bad rn)
tagging: @dreamerlavellan @sopml @aspiritofcompassion @tragic-lavellan @ma-serannas-vhenan @lavellanvibes @resjade @potatowitch @felassan @maythedreadwolfbreakyou @aranislavellan  (as usually, no pressure. Please dm me if you want me to stop tagging you. Thanks!)
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