samhainmade · 7 months
@barreloftears //
Shona drummed her fingers off the table as the seconds dragged by. Gasping for some kind of distraction for the bordum creeping up inside her, she turned her attention to Barrett with a grin. "Hey shit for brains'-" shona called out, wondering what was going on inside of his strangely shaped head of his. "Who would win in a fight. Me or you?"
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naturallytwofaced · 7 months
LOCATION: evermore park FOR: @barreloftears
He tried to avoid Oz's crowd. He seemed to fail pretty terribly at it with Shona, and exceptionally badly with Luis, but there was one his path managed to steer clear of for the most part. He should know that eventually that would change, but he didn't imagine he would be running into him in the middle of his stroll through the park today — quite literally. "Oh, I'm sorry," he started, it had been his own fault for staring down at his phone without watching where he was going. But recognition set in before he could finish his apology, catching him off guard as his eyes were lifted to a face he'd really only seen in passing but knew of well. "Barrett. Hello."
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