#bartolomeo imagine
luffington · 4 months
Hello!! Hope you’re having a wonderful day!! I wanted to request something uwu
I’m currently obsessed with Bartolomeo, I was wondering if you could write something for him. Like him talking about how beautiful and wonderful is lover is to the strawhats and of course Sanji has to be the jealous one and be like “you have a girlfriend? please who would date you?”
And suddenly reader appears and smacks the shit out of Sanji uwu
// could the reader be a female gothic girl pls 👉🏻👈🏻
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➤ pairing: bartolomeo x reader
➤ word count: 602
➤ warnings: none
hiii i'm sorry i took so long to get to this! barto is so silly i love him too <3 i did bullet points instead of a full story i hope that's okay!
(also this seems like a sanji hit piece i'm so sorry)
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Bartolomeo always goes over the top with his dedication to someone so he's fucking OBSESSED with you. Sure, he's not the most classically romantic boyfriend ever, but he makes up for it with how much raw love he has for you.
But you need to accept very early on in your relationship that the Straw Hats are his number one priority. He obviously loves you too (in a very different way) but Luffy always comes first.
Most of the time you think his fixation on them is pretty cute - a feared and vicious pirate who goes soft for a tiny reindeer. You haven't met the crew in person yet, but from the stories Barto tells you about them, it seems like they take advantage of his kindness sometimes. He doesn't see it that way, though, and brushes off your concern.
The next time he sees the Straw Hats, he excitedly tells them about you - not to brag (bc who is he to brag to his idols?) but to combine his two favorite things. He adores you all so much so of course he should include you!
That man can ramble for HOURS so he starts by explaining how you met in way too much detail (Luffy falls asleep two minutes into the story) and then expresses how beautiful and perfect and incredible you are.
Sanji ignores Barto until he starts describing your physical appearance, and then he sees red. There's absolutely no way a creep like him could pull a girl as gorgeous as he claims you are. He accuses Barto of making up a fake girlfriend to impress them, or at the very least, greatly exaggerating what you look like.
You're lurking nearby, enchanted by the way your boyfriend describes you but not wanting to interrupt his time with his idols. Of course Sanji's comments infuriate you.
You wait to see if he would finally defend himself, but unsurprisingly, he immediately caves to Sanji. He insists that you're real as gently as he can, trying his hardest to appease the cook. He couldn't live with himself if a Straw Hat was angry at him.
That's when you finally step in and smack Sanji on the back of his head, hard enough to almost knock the cigarette out of his mouth. Barto's eyes pop out of his skull and he fucking screams, shocked that you would dare to hurt someone as strong and incredible as him.
(But he's secretly very happy that you get Sanji to stop harassing him and fuck does he love you.)
Sanji whips his head around, ready to curse out whoever the fuck smacked him but he immediately stops. Absolutely horrified that he was ready to kick the shit out of a beautiful woman.
The blonde was about to embarrass himself with dumb pickup lines, but you rush over to Barto and cling to his arm, calling him 'honey' and nuzzling against his shoulder.
"This is, uh, who I was talking about," your boyfriend says shyly, with bright red cheeks and a dreamy expression. Sanji's face immediately falls and Luffy bursts into laughter.
Luffy-senpai likes you!! He can finally breathe again and he returns your affection by throwing his arms around you and pulling you into a tight hug.
Later that night, when you're back on his ship and lying in his shared bed, he confesses that sometimes he also thinks you're not real. He doesn't deserve the love of someone as wonderful as you.
So you smack him this time and tell him to get out of his head, stop being so corny and cuddle you already.
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rose-riot-johnson · 6 months
Hey my Tumblr Peeps😁I have a treat for you, not only I'm gonna write another One Piece fanfic, however considering that I have been noticing that there are people (aside from myself) who is a fan of Bartolomeo, I decided to give writing about him a try🔰😃👍
*This fanfic contains 1 or more long paragraphs😅
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🔰Why Do Want To Join My Crew?🔰(Bartolomeo x Afab (assigned female at birth) Reader)
Genres: Comfort, Possible Smut, Possible Angst (Warnings +18⚠️: Sexual Comments, mentions of cheating (niether the reader nor Barto are part of cheating), Language, possible mentions of jealousy, alcohol use (and reference))
You were one of Bartolomeo's childhood friends and one of his secret crushes. While he did worship Luffy since the incident in the Loguetown where he saw Luffy escape from Buggy (which prevented Buggy from executing Luffy), you are also very, precious to him in many ways. Unfortunately, you had a boyfriend before at the time prior to Bartolomeo becoming a captain of his own crew and what makes things worse for Barto is the fact that your boyfriend is a captain of his own crew, because you ended up joining your boyfriend's crew before Luffy inspired Barto to become a pirate and even joined your boyfriend's crew (and dated him) before Barto was able to confess his love for you.
Bartolomeo was happy for you and all, however eversince he met your boyfriend (and captain), he always has been feeling off about him. Barto has been tolerating him, especially to save your feelings, however there was just something he doesn't like about your boyfriend. Barto wasn't sure if he was jealous of your captain or if there was another reason he's easily irritated deep down, however he just has always felt off about that captain who you were in a relationship with.
Sometime after Bartolomeo and his crew formed an alliance with the Strawhats (Luffy and his crew), it became a coincidence that he bumped into you, as he notices you were currently in the same exact area of the same village without the captain or any of the rest of the captain's crew. Barto was surprised and excited to see you (even though he tried his best to contain his excitement). You were actually low-key happy to see him, as you gave him a hug. You asked him about how he has been doing and he actually was more than happy to tell you about his adventures with his crew, how he met his hero Luffy and other stuff he was super excited to tell you, even tough he believes that you only wanted to check on him to see how he was doing, as friends do. You listened to every word he told you, as you admitted being happy to hear that he's doing well. After he finished talking about his adventures, you then asked, "I hate to intrude on you or anything, however may I join your crew? Navigator or possibly any position you set me up in for your crew? If I can't join your crew, may I atleast tag along for a while, Barto?".
Bartolomeo was actually confused and surprised that you have asked the questions that you had asked him, as it took him a minute to think about your questions, as he then answered, "I'm confused... You want to join my crew? We will talk about that later, considering that I thought you were in a crew with, (captain name).", as he then smiled ashe continued, "However you can certainly tag along with me and my crew... I certainly don't mind...". You were actually glad he was going to let you atleast tag along, however you were surprised with his answer. It's not actually about his confusion, however it was how he answered you, as you somehow, expected him to not even let you tag along.
It was sunset, when you and Bartolomeo went on his ship and you were fascinated with how his ship was set up. You then asked him, if he did have his own room and if you could have alone time in his room if he did have his own room on his ship, which made him blush and was surprised you asked him this, so ofcourse he's going to tell you yes. He would never turn down any opportunity to hangout with you, especially without that captain you were around alot.
The next thing you did was follow Bartolomeo inside his room, as you became very fascinated to see, how he decorated his room. "I see, you liked what I did with decorating my room, (Afab reader name)...", he happily cooed before offering you an alcoholic beverage he knew you enjoy drinking. Once the both of you started drinking, he then said, "I will admit... I was shocked you asked me the questions and I'm honestly most shocked about the fact you asked me to let you join my crew... As much as I would be more than happy to let you join my crew, let me get something straight... You were in a crew with your boyfriend (captain name), who I thought was still your captain... I really don't know what to make of this... So, if you don't mind, I would like to hear your explanation on any motives you might have about asking me to let you join my crew, (Afab reader)...", as your questions from earlier were the main things that crossed his mind, as he was having mixed feelings of concern, happy, and frightened, while making sure not to jump to any conclusions about your questions you asked him earlier.
You were annoyed about something he said, as you were trying to keep as calm as possible as you explained, "It's complicated, Barto... I really thought my captain loved me... A few months ago, he had me fetch him a keg of beer... Unfortunately after I got back to his ship with a keg of beer I fetched for him, I caught him and another crew member having sex together... I snapped asking the both of them what's going on, to let them know I caught him cheating, because it was fucken obvious that he was letting her ride on him... After I asked, they were shocked I caught them, then they stopped fucking together, as he then told me that he no longer wants to be with me and I'm no longer his navigator... I was confused as I asked what did he mean by what he said, because I thought I have been doing an amazing job as a navigator and I treated him well, so he told me this woman who is part of his crew is my replacement, because I'm so horrible in bed that he couldn't help look at me anymore and that if anyone else finds out how horrible I would be to have sex with, they would cheat on me and/or wouldn't want me in their crew and that I would be the most unlovable person, where I'd be the most impossible to love... So, his philosophy is that if I'm horrible in bed, then I'm also a horrible navigator, crew mate, and lover anyone could ever have... So, eversince (captain name) started fucking his mistress who is his other fucken crew mate, dumped me, and kicked me out of his crew, I pretty much traveled alone... I did overhear plenty of people talk about your hero Luffy, his crew, you, and your crew often... Tough I haven't talked to anyone until we bumped into eachother and it was a complete coincidence... I'm actually surprised you still talked to me... I mean I wasn't trying to get at anyone nor was I being desperate by any means... I just want you to know I want to make things right, if I do join your crew... Just ask me for anything and I will try my best for whatever you ask... Tough, I might be terrible at anything you ask me to do, to warn you...", before you looked down at the floor. Barto was shocked about what he heard from you, however he was still confused about what you meant when you said about making things right. He also notices your felt really degraded.
Bartolomeo then asked, "What do you mean when you said about making things right? And doing anything I ask even tough you believe you can't do things right? Do you actually believe you have to be perfect in bed to be considered as someone'a amazing significant other and a great navigator?". You then began to sob, as you broke down in tears, proceeding to hug him. Barto then had his arms around you, while petting your head with his left hand. He just truly felt bad for what your ex captain (who is your ex boyfriend) did to you. Now Barto figured that no matter if he was jealous of (captain name) or not, he now has found a reason why he couldn't stand your ex. Your ex turned out to be that bad, after all.
Bartolomeo then calmly said, "You don't have to worry about being good at everything, sweetie... Infact, nobody is perfect... I can just tell from what you're telling me, he hurt your self-esteem really bad... Since you seemed to have good motives to join my crew, I will let you join... Just hear me out... I've been wanting to tell you this for a very long time... I had been in love with you for a long time... Even before I became inspired by my hero Luffy, to become a captain of my own crew... I will understand, if you only like me, as a friend... I rather not pressure you into anything... I just want you to be yourself... Fuck what anyone else thinks of you, (Afab reader name)... Sorry to say this, but fuck what your ex thinks of you, too... I knew something was off about him, it's just I didn't know he would stoop low as he did... Even Luffy would be ashamed of him, because how much of a disgrace he turned of to be, if he was to find out about it... I shit you not... Luffy would also be very livid to hear what your ex did to you, needless to say... I'm saying this, out of a captain's love, considering I will be your new captain now and you asked me to join your crew... So, all I'm asking you is to not push yourself into any favors, and you to be your own person... Seriously... Just because I have a huge crush on you and I'm your captain now doesn't mean, you have to throw yourself at me and be an object to pleasure me... Okay, (Afab reader name)?". You then stop sobbing, as you replied, "Okay, Barto... Thank you for being there for me, especially when I needed you... And may I hug you, atleast a little longer?". He then replied back, "No problem and go ahead... And that's what I'm here for, so hug me, as long as you need to, my precious angel...".
After that evening or night, you began to realize you were a part of a crew that really cares about you. Yes, even your captain Bartolomeo truly cares about you, obviously. It did took some time, however you and Barto took some time with your relationship with him, considering that it turned out, you felt the same way for him, as he does for you. It's like the both of you are soulmates, who are destined to be together.
A bonus for Bartolomeo is when he saw your ex hanging out with his mistress, Barto madesure to wait for your ex's mistress to go to another area, where your ex would be alone, before Barto does beat the crap out of your ex. The way Barto beat up you ex (captain name) alone, will tell your ex how Barto truly feels about him and Barto madesure your ex paid for what he did to you.
🔰The End🔰
Okay my Tumblr Peeps😃👍While I did get inspired to write some ideas down for this particular One Piece fanfic, I honestly have been wanting to write a fanfic about Bartolomeo for a while, especially before reading some fanfics pertaining him and a few fanfics that pertain characters from a different anime😁🔰While it's rare I write about the character beating up the reader's ex (which was something I have written in 1 of my Bleach fanfics), for this fanfic it was kinda a last minute idea while writing this fanfic😅 Aside from the character, no matter what character I write about I honestly wanted to write a fanfic with some ideas the way I have written this fanfic and I did my best to be creative with this fanfic best I could think of writing🔰💡😃👍As for grammar, if I made any spelling or grammar mistakes, it might be because I really wanted to write this fanfic about Bartolomeo and I may have rushed with the fanfic where I forgot to check it😅 Otherwise I hope you enjoyed this fanfic about him, and I really had fun writing this fanfic about Barto🔰😁👍
*Fun Fact: While I was reading one of the chapters of One Piece, for what Bartolomeo did to the guys talked trash about Luffy, I honestly don't blame Barto at all and this is why I have tons of respect for Barto🔰Ofcourse he's 1 of the characters I'm keen on😃🔰
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bbyjackie · 1 year
do they trust your driving? one piece + driving feat: like the whole one piece cast lol
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(header by gh2ting)
you think you're a passenger princess? nah, you're a passenger survivor. these delusional ones that think you suck at driving and always make fun of you when you're behind the wheel, but the moment it's THEIR turn to drive, it's like y'all are in GTA. and you can't even call them out on it cause they actually think they're like an F1 driver and will not take ANY criticism.
ace. kid. LUFFY. buggy. roger. FRANKY.
nervous smile on their face whilst they're GRIPPING the car seat so freaking tight. listen close enough and you can hear the nervous chatter of their teeth. they don't have the heart to tell you to stop the car, but the moment you swerve a little too fast you best bet they're opening that car door and walking the rest of the way there.
chopper. CORAZON. vivi. bepo. ace.
absolutely does NOT trust you. you wouldn't even be allowed near the wheel, but if you somehow manage to convince them, they would force you to stop mid way and switch because there was no way they would let you even NEAR the highway. also type to act like a parent teaching their kid how to drive. every two seconds they go 'SLOW. SLOW DOWN. YOU'RE GONNA HIT INTO THE CAR INFRONT OF US', even when you're a good five meters behind the car. you both defs start screaming at each other and end up going 90 in a 40.
usopp. IZOU. crocodile. NAMI. sabo. iceberg. lucci.
the BEST person to drive with because they are patient and don't mind if you accidentally take a wrong turn. will give advice whilst driving like 'okay make sure you turn on your indicator'. if you get stressed out, the coax you to pull over on the side of the road and will help you calm down before encouraging you to drive again. pls they are literally the only people you can trust to get on the road with.
robin. LAW. mihawk. marco. rayleigh. jinbe.
will not hesitate to tell you that you suck ass but will help you drive. it's all good with this drive if you can take a couple of insults because you eventually do get better with driving if they're with you. you might get your feelings hurt a little though.
LAW. nami. rayleigh.
you're not driving, they are. the whole time you guys will be arguing with each other cause they have NO chill and will lean over the glove box to turn the wheel or honk the horn with absolutely no warning. absolutely the worst people to have as a passenger because 90% of the time you're gonna be late to your destination cause you got into an accident.
kid. DOFLAMINGO. shanks. crocodile. BOA. perona. LUFFY. ace.
they don't tell you that you suck at driving. even when you don't slow down for a speed bump and they end up getting a concussion. they're too preoccupied with your feelings and don't want to hurt you. so cute of them but this just means that you STAY sucking at driving. everyone gets concerned when you guys show up and they have a nasty bruise protruding on their forehead.
SANJI. bartolomeo (only if ur a strawhat lol). ace. brook. yamato.
calm ride but you're never getting there if you ask them for directions. it's kinda on you for trusting them.
zoro. aokiji.
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writingsofafanboy · 4 months
Barto crushing on a Strawhat reader is already pretty fun, but a Strawhat reader who is terrible at accepting praise?
Just think of our poor dork, raving about how cool and amazing you are, only to be caught off gaurd when you suddenly bolt. He's so confused and heartbroken, thinking he must've done something wrong. But what? Sure, his praising of you was a bit more intense than toward the other members of your crew OTHER THAN MISTAH LUFFY OF COURSE! And maybe his descriptions of your greatness were bit... sweeter and more infatuated sounding... but why did you run like that??
Beating himself up over it despite not knowing what the actual issue is. He's mortified and feels terrible for having made upset you somehow. But every time he tries to approach to apologize, you're gone before he can say anything. He'd use his barrier to try to talk to you, but the butterflies you give him and how distraught he is over the overall situation leaves him unable to even think of activating it.
Finally asking the other Strawhats and it being explained that you always act like this when someone even tries to compliment you; trying to brush it off and withdrawing as you try to hide your embarrassment. Telling him that no matter how much they try to get it through your thick skull, you still never seem to think very highly of yourself or actually believe anyone's praise towards you.
The other Strawhats quickly recognizing the crush he has and pushing the two into interactions because you really do need to think better of yourself in general and maybe the Barto brand of affection will help with that. Nami and Usopp also think it's hilarious to see you so flustered by the attention so it's like an endless supply of free entertainment whenever you two interact.
Barto trying to reign in his fanboying tendencies to make you more comfortable but slipping back into them almost every other sentence as he praises you. Making it even worse when he accidentally blurts out how cute you are, even flustered like this. Only to realize what he said as you practically short circuit from his words.
The two of you slowly becoming closer as you yield and accept that your crewmates are clearly bent on you not being able to hide yourself away whenever the energetic, green haired rooster comes around. Gradually realizing the nervousness you feel around him isn't just you being embarrassed by his praise. Coming to terms with the growing affection within you.
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burts-baked-bees · 1 year
Straw Hat Snapchats - 5 SMAU
CW: DRESSROSA AND PUNK HAZARD SPOILERS, Language, Luffy, bullying Law, Barto being Barto, mention of death
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4 Pt. 5
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Taglist: @otakv-trxsh @bjizzlesmalls
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cebwrites · 2 years
Hellloooòooo! Hope you have been doing well!
If it's okay I am here to request an headcanon🥺👉👈 of course of the dorky Barto,because we need more content of him please, Katakuri and Zoro if it's okay? If it's too many then only Barto!
The prompt would be: their s/o suprises them with a more daring outfit that comes with a choker and/or a leash for them to wear....what wpuld be their reactions?
i've been so-so, my brain feels like jelly these days tho someone send helpppp (T▽T)
disclaimer that cev is NOT fashionable whatsoever if these fits make absolutely no sense even though they’re supposed to be ‘sexy’ i do apologize to all parties involved JDSKEGDNFJSDFGF
surprising them with a new fit (Bartolomeo, Katakuri)
gn reader (there is a mention of heeled boots in kata’s one but they’re the chunky unisex kinds i promise!!)
slight nsfw under the cut word count: 0.7k
Bartolomeo’s brain? Left the building - for all we know, it’s melted out of his ears, if he could he’d do the cartoon heart eyes and awooga at first sight he would
This is the most unsubtle man in the WORLD trying not to make it obvious that he’s staring at his partner, and he’s failing, but it’s the thought that counts
Barto wants nothing more than to get you around back and put his hands all over ya, admire how stunning y’are in something a little different than normal but look no less gorgeous in - and, god-willing, maybe even yank on your leash if you’d let him
You’re the one with the collar but he follows you throughout most of the the day like a lost puppy if he can help it - captain’s duties be damned, Gambia can figure it out - though he plays it off, you can feel his eyes on you like a hungry wolf
You wear your new fit loudly and proudly; knee-high boots and some god awful, brightly-colored print pants with an opened fur-lined coat that shows your chest off to match with him; how could Bartolomeo just sit idly by?
He’s just always conveniently close by, sizing you up in the most conspicuous way possible, it’d be embarrassing if you didn’t find his feeble attempts to hide it earlier in the day before ultimately giving up to shamelessly stare at his own partner to be endearing
When you finally give him an in, Barto all but pounces on you the moment you step into the captain’s quarters, wrestling on the floor a bit and laughing before the both of you finally manage to unceremoniously crawl onto the bed, disheveled but giggling like schoolgirls
He covers you in kisses, your hands make themselves at home by roughly tugging into his hair, he returns this with a harsh tug on your leash, smirking at your gasp
You lean in close, grazing your nails across his chest when you tell him that this might be your turn now, but the next time that they dock at an island with a shopping center you’ll be looking for a collar for him too
If Bartolomeo had a tail he’d sprain it from wagging, but he doesn’t - so this dick will have to do
Kata is also short circuiting, not like he’d overtly or outwardly show it, but if you get close enough to his face you’ll see his pupils darting around a bit, up and down your figure; if you put a hand on his face he’d probably swallow audibly, too
Kat isn’t ever one to police what someone else is wearing, given his own wardrobe that’d be hypocritical, and - provided that the two of you remained within prior agreed upon boundaries for public interaction - it should be fine, right?
Heavy, heeled boots clicked ever so pleasantly with every step you took, leather pants that hugged your legs snuggly, a bomber jacket with lots of fluff around the collar - all in all, it wasn’t that outrageous of an ensemble 
Upon close inspection, however, the fur around your neckline would reveal a matte spiked choker and... a leash, that you hid beneath your jacket, going under your shirt, into the pocket where you held it
You revealed this bit of information to Kata during the brief interval in that week’s family meeting when no one in particular was looking - sure that he probably noticed a little earlier before, but wanted to have the satisfaction of a ‘proper’ reveal anyway
The meeting went smoothly, nothing else of worth to note with everyone muttering mundanities and the usual complaints as they filed out at the end, 
As you stood to leave and casually ask your husband about his lunch preferences were today so you could tip off the chefs, you see him statue-ing in his seat, arms cross and face sunken into his scarf to hide treacherous shades of red threatening to expose him from behind it
You realized that he’d been absolutely frozen in that position ever since the reveal when the leash brushed against your side - he looked like a purple mushroom about to pop - and since there were only a few people left across the large meeting room, you allowed a quiet laugh for his ears alone while Kata feigned annoyance at your antics
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lost-my-sanity · 4 months
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mugiwara-lucy · 1 year
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At some point whenever we do see the Grand Fleet I would LOVE to get a flashback of their POV during Wano with how often Luffy’s Vivre Card was fluctuating 😅
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ESPECIALLY given the fact that Luffy basically died in Wano 🤣
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dw-flagler · 7 months
i know it's bad form to laugh at your own jokes but i do think it's really funny to imagine swedish-american labor activist Joe Hill, writer of songs such as There is Power in a Union or The Tramp, who was very famously killed in 1915, is actually still alive and just fucking around on tumblr.
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iwillfightformydream · 10 months
Bartolomeo Time Travels 
That is all
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weeblmaodotcom · 1 year
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Imagine Bartolomeo trying to imitate Luffy's other Techniques like he did with "Bari Bari no Pistol" , Meme by Weeblmao.com
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l-in-the-light · 1 month
Trafalgar Law on touching and being touched
It won't be a perverted post despite the title lol. But I won't stop your imagination, be free!
There's this funny theme going on with Law and Luffy in particular that picked my interest.
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Luffy touched him first.
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And he later returned the gesture, much more awkwardly.
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Again, Luffy grabbed him angrily first.
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Law made sure to return the gesture. (btw he also does it with Zoro, who was the first one to wrap an arm around him at post-Dressrosa feast. In Wano Law has no problem grabbing Zoro and shouts at him angrily. Again, it was Zoro who initiated the touch first).
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Law grabbing Luffy to teleport them makes Luffy react in a curious way, you wanna know why?
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Because it totally feels like this moment. Both Law and Ace, right after getting uncuffed, grabbed Luffy in same way to get him to a safer place. Ace-Law parallel in relation to Luffy kills me. The whole Dressrosa arc's plotline between Luffy and Law is just Marineford Went Well This Time. Ngl I kinda hated Oda at first for that. Now i dig it.
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He didn't seem to like that. Luffy says "Let's all get along well!", but Law thinks alliances don't have to "get along".
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Mistranslation here. What Law says here, being so surprised, is "nakayoshi ka?!" which means "you two get along?!" or "you two are buddy-buddies?!". It's a callback to Luffy declaring that Law and Strawhats crew should get along (he uses same word then, nakayoku-get along), Law learns here that Luffy's crew indeed "gets along well". You can interpret it whatever way you wish, but I will use it this time to put this scene into context:
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The same gesture Luffy did to him before, but Law didn't return it to Luffy - that's because they're not crewmates. But he takes the lesson to heart and "gets along" with his own crew. Omg I can't believe i'm writing it, I make Law sound like this completely awkward adult who doesn't know how to be friends with people.
But bear with me, the shit is only starting. If you don't want to have feels I reccommend you just laugh at it and stop reading here. I digged up a feels landmine by accident. In-depth study starts below!
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It's also a possible callback to the "reassurance" Law got from Cora-san. "I'm counting on you to escape" and Law did. He counts for his crew to steer the submarine well in similar manner.
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Law's family didn't seem very touchy-feely, so please keep that in mind as well. He's got limited experience with touches and the few touches he did get familiar with were either taken away from him or brutalized.
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Law getting patted on the head lovingly by his parent.
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Next time this loving gesture happens, he gets thrown from like two-floor building into a pile of garbage.
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And then he gets lied to that everything will be fine. We all know it wasn't.
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Do you still wonder why he hates being touched on the head?
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The sister touches his face gently while showing child Law support and compassion, reminding him not to despair, someone kind will help him.
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Corazon doing the same gentle touch to the face while crying for him, thinking of all the pain Law had to experience. Indeed, the world sent Law someone kind. And Law lost him and blames himself for that.
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Law holding Lammy's hand while lying to her that it will be alright. He never does that gesture again to anyone.
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The sister holding Law's hand.
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"Don't come closer! Don't touch us! We will get infected!" even doing the barrier gesture (I guess that's why Law doesn't get along with Bartolomeo). I used only few examples, there is much more, I just couldn't bear posting them all. Anyway, Law's got the message, his touch is unwanted. The body and mind remembers this.
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Similar shit said at the auction in Sabaody about Fishmen, we don't see Law's reaction to that, but we can guess already that it was for sure triggering. Those people talking are sitting not that far away from him.
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Ever wondered why Law throws people when teleporting? Besides the fact he avoids making contact with anyone unless they initiate it first, because that trauma is still strong in him ("Stay away! Don't come closer!"), there is one other possible reason:
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Wonder no more! He does it to people because that's how people treated him as well, even people who apparently loved him.
Now that I have ruined the "Law is just an awkward unsocial nerd" joke for you, let me offer something to warm your heart a bit in exchange:
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Corazon made sure to touch Law a lot and hold him in his arms, despite being often clumsy about it. I think he understood Law's trauma about being touched and his fear to touch or approach anyone, and tried to help him overcome it.
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Being hugged and trying to return the gesture. Corazon's efforts did bring some results! But it only works for very few people, Law is still wary of people he doesn't know well. He expects to be unwanted and acts uneccessarily cold, distant and unapproachable because of that. But if you scroll back to the beginning of this post, you can see that he is trying his best to overcome it as well, one step at a time. Some things just can't be rushed.
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And hey, at least he seems to be actually relaxed and almost like he *enjoys* being carried around. You think it makes him look uncool? Definitely. But suddenly it feels like Something Important, kinda intimate in a way and not just a silly comedy moment. It's a sign Law relies on people when he lets them carry him and that's why he doesn't protest.
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Sanji is like "Why are you relaxing like that?! Get off!!" Finally, it makes sense why Law makes such a sour face here. Sanji should be grateful for the rare privileage after all! Anyway, this is anime-only extension, in manga Sanji actually doesn't tell Traffy to get off and Law chooses to scramble by himself, which doesn't taint the fragile trust those two just shared.
For those who made it to the end of this post, have I ruined Law's comedy moments for you forever? Because I sure just did that for myself.
I could also add one more cute thing from One Piece World Seeker Law's dlc, but I will let those interested to discover it by themselves!
I'm also amazed by the consistency of this theme. Both manga and anime never forget that touch is seemingly a big deal for Law.
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thepepsislvt · 8 months
we got some Bartolomeo head cannons now because this is my account and i said so >:(
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Bartolomeo x GN! Reader
warnings: nsfw minors dni! read it if u want i cant stop you but dni!
(this is my first time in a while writing anything nsfw i hope i did okay)
Bartolomeo whos never been in a real relationship before. People where always to scared of him
Bartolomeo who treats you just like the Strawhats if not more crazed
Bartolomeo who is scared of showing you any kind of physical affection because he is scared he might hurt you. but the second you so much as hug him he will be all over you. you need to show him first it’s okay to touch you
Bartolomeo who makes up excuses to have you touch his hair. He can’t seem to figure out how to style it? you’re helping him. He thinks there is something like a leaf in his hair? he’s sitting down in front of you. he will even straight up ask you just to pet his hair.
Bartolomeo who goes on rants about Luffy and his crew and how he got to help them in Dressrosa. you listen to him every time even though he has repeated the story several times. It’s so cute to see him i excited (hes autistic like me guys)
Bartolomeo who still hasn’t kissed you yet throughout your entire relationship because he thinks his teeth will get in the way or poke you
he sits with a shocked face when you kissed him for the first time
he then asks you every 5 seconds for another kiss until you finally shut him up with a longer one
“Can i get another one sugar? please? this is the last one i promise” he asked oh so innocently while holding you in his lap with his arms around your waist
You decide to humor yourself and give him yet another little peck on his lips.
you didn’t mind him asking you but you wished he would just take action and kiss you himself
“okay I lied that wasn’t the last one-“
you don’t know if he was going to say more or not so you just gave him a long and loving kiss. you only pulled away from him to regain your breath and to see the look on his face
He sat there in silence before he hugs you closer “you should totally do that again!”
he will consistently keep asking for more kisses no matter what you’re doing
Bartolomeo who really likes to brag to his crew how amazing you are and how he totally asked you out first
you asked him out first in reality but you’ll let him have his moment
Bartolomeo who seems all tough and mean to everyone else but you see a side of him not many other people do
he is really just a big softy and i love him
Bartolomeo who didn’t know how to ask for sex
he not only is terrified of you saying no and leaving him
but also he is just a big guy
being 7’3 will definitely give you some length and it’s probably gonna hurt since you’re over a foot shorter than him
Bartolomeo who masturbates for the first time with you on the mind the day you first kissed him
he feels guilty but he couldn’t help but feel a little excited
he took one of your shirts from your room and held it up to his nose to fill his senses with your scent
Bartolomeo who makes frequent trips to your room to snag something else or to replace what he has taken already every time you are off the ship or sleeping
Bartolomeo who frequently imagines you touching him and praising him
he almost nuts immediately when he can hear your voice in his head calling him a good boy
Bartolomeo who thinks he gets away with stealing your underwear and then returning them a couple days later
you knew all along
you would have been oblivious if you didn’t have a limited supply of clothes while being in the ship
you even found a bunch of feathers from his coat one day while preparing to do laundry
Bartolomeo who is terrified when you walk in on him pleasuring himself and grunting your name
Bartolomeo who starts apologizing immediately and promises never to do it again thinking you were mad at him
Bartolomeo who is absolutely floored when you get on your knees in front of him
Bartolomeo who stares at you with wide eyes and whimpers loudly when you take his cock into your mouth
As you take more of him into your mouth, he has his hand on your. he doesn’t guide you, he just needs to hold onto you somehow.
When you start moving your head faster up and down, you wrap one of your hands around the rest of him that you couldn’t take.
He came way faster than he’d like to admit but when he did you deep throated him so he can shoot his load down your throat.
Bartolomeo was a panting mess after the best orgasm he has ever had.
He was up and ready to go for round two after you called him “good boy”
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avocadorablepirate · 5 months
What Do We Call This? - 06
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Pairing: Trafalgar Law x fem!reader
Summary: On a quest to find what you've been looking for, you acquire the help of the Straw Hat pirates, who've agreed to let you temporarily join them. There are however many challenges that come along with your temporary recruitment - an alliance with a certain Trafalgar Law being one of them.
Word Count: 1.4K
Warnings: fluff, angst, kinda slow burn, swearing, the occasional OP spoiler (this chapter contains spoilers for the Zou arc)
A/N: Protective Law reporting for duty. I didn't want to delve too much into the Zou arc so this is just Law being protective at various points in the arc. Also, can I just say, Zou Law is my favourite Law cause gawd dammit he looked so hot in that black button down shirt, you know the one....anyway, I hope you like it!
Despite initially finding your newly acquired bounty amusing, it had made Law hyper-aware of your every move. While bounties would usually imply that you were more than capable of holding your ground in battle, to Law it signified a potential recklessness - a reason for you to test the limits of your powers to a dangerous extent, which only meant you could cause more harm to yourself than you had in the past. And whether it was the sudden soft spot he harboured for you or the fact that you had mentioned Corazon twice, indicating your familiarity - that intrigued him, Law felt protective.
This protective instinct first manifested when you were approaching Zou, or rather it was the first time Law had come to realise this need to protect you. He had watched as you emerged from one of the cabins and sat alone on the deck, a frown etched on your face. Prior to the incident at Dressrosa, he would have disregarded your demeanour, but now felt that his dynamic with you had shifted, and it was only right to show concern.
"Everything okay?" he inquired as he took the seat beside you, and the faint smile that you gave him, told him all that he needed to know.
"Who were you healing?" His eyes searched you for any fresh wounds, though you had done well to conceal your bruises with a long sleeved top and a pair of loose cargo pants, not to mention the bandages that you were already covered with.
"Some of Bartolomeo's crew had a few minor injuries, nothing to worry about," you reassured him with another smile, touched by his concern.
"Don't overwork yourself," he advised as he made himself comfortable beside you. If you attempted to heal anyone again, at least this time he could intervene.
The next time Law felt his protective instincts surge was when it came to climbing to the top of the elephant on whose back rested the island Zou, where his crew had been waiting for him. The pink dragon that Kanjuro had conjured up made Law feel uneasy. Regardless of the fact that he found your gushing over the dragon endearing, he couldn't imagine a single scenario in which a terribly drawn dragon would reach all of you to the top. However, there weren't any other options, and Luffy's excitement, plus your words of encouragement to the little dragon had everyone piling on top of him, with Law quick to take the place behind you.
The climb was going smoothly until Law noticed your body sway as if on the verge of unconsciousness. His arm instinctively encircled your waist, providing support as you fell against him. "What's wrong?" The tension in his voice was clear, and as he watched you struggle to stay awake he grabbed at your wrist to check your pulse.
"Using her powers on Bartolomeo's crew members must be making her drowsy. She should be awake by the time we reach the summit," Robin answered on your behalf, and Law couldn't help but click his tongue in frustration as you slumped further into his embrace, his hold on you tightening. He couldn't blame anyone for not knowing the repercussions of your powers, but the frustration grew within him towards everyone who had made you use those damn powers.
As Robin had said, you awoke just as the summit came into view. Law felt a sense of relief wash over him as you stirred in his arms, and with a gentle squeeze to your side grabbed your attention.
On feeling Law's presence behind you, you sat up straight and mumbled an apology as you fumbled to break away from his grasp, but he wouldn't let go, instead leaning closer to you, "I told you not to overexert yourself," he chided, and you rolled your eyes in response, missing his irate tone.
"This was before, and it really was nothing. I'm all good now." Despite your assurance, Law remained unconvinced. Once again silently vowing to protect you from any harm, especially in your endeavours to heal others.
Law remained glued to your side as you ventured further into Zou and took to examining what remained of the Minks' residence. Earlier, he had let his guard down and you were nearly electrocuted by a Minks; luckily Zoro had stepped in before she could get a hold of you. Now he watched over you carefully, his sharp gaze scanning the surroundings for any potential dangers.
"This looks like it was used to inflict torture." Law eyed you with concern when the words you spoke were accompanied with a tremor as you took in the remnants of the wooden cross that had been stuck to the ground, worry settling in the pit of your stomach. From a little further ahead Usopp yelled something about a huge drop of water, and from where you were crouched on the ground inspecting the wreckage you strained your neck to see what had cast a huge shadow onto the ground.
"We need to get to higher ground!" You heard Robin instruct through the sudden chaos. Before you could even comprehend what you were looking at, Law's hand closed around your arm, a tinge of annoyance in the sigh he let out as he transported everyone to the top of a building that hadn't been destroyed in the earlier conflict.
As you caught your breath, your heart racing from the sudden teleportation, you looked around, taking in the view from the elevated point. The destruction that spread out before you was a clear sign of the chaos that had engulfed the country, and once again a feeling of dread settled over you. You tried to peak your head over the edge of the building, curiosity getting the best of you as you attempted to catch a glimpse of the water from above flood the city. But Law's grip on your arm remained firm, holding you back from leaning any further. Fate seemed determined to test his resolve to protect you.
"Stay back, we don't know when these buildings could collapse," his voice was authoritative yet imbued with concern as he pulled you away from the edge, and you couldn't help but throw him a glare. At first his concern for your well-being had been endearing, but now it almost felt suffocating; his overprotectiveness acting as a sign that he didn't think you could handle yourself.
"I can take care of myself, you know," you muttered under your breath.
"I'd rather not take any chances," he didn't miss the irritation in your tone, countering it with his own stern response. Before you could retort, Usopp's voice cut through the almost rising tension, alerting all of you that he had spotted Luffy.
Even when Law had to momentarily separate from the group to reunite with his crew, he was reluctant to leave your side. He would claim that he would go look for them, but then wouldn't move an inch, instead his eyes fixating on you in a silent plea for you to say that you would join him. Though that was far from what you wanted. You were looking forward to reuniting with the other Straw Hats for a short banquet, and if anything craved to get away from Law's protectiveness.
Just when he had had enough of the indirect approach, and was on the verge of suggesting that you come along with him, you spoke up, seizing the opportunity to get away, "Law your crew's probably waiting for you, we'll catch up with you later." You locked arms with Nami and Robin and pulled them away before he could even get a word in.
Law, ever perceptive, knew you were trying to keep your distance, and it was starting to bug him how good you were at it. Upon returning with his crew, his interactions with you were short-lived; you would either swiftly engage in conversation with someone else, or make a quick exit the second he took his eyes off you. Your avoidance made it clear to Law that you would be more inclined to go with Luffy to Whole Cake Island, whether it was to retrieve Sanji, or evade him. Nevertheless, Law remained determined to keep you by his side. As discussions about the division of the group for the missions to Whole Cake Island and Wano arose, he was quick to suggest that you accompany him.
"Why?" you asked, your curiosity sparked by his unwavering insistence, and for a fleeting second you thought you saw a flicker of hesitation before he composed himself, "I need your assistance." His cryptic response didn't give you the explanation you were looking for, it was however, compelling, and you found yourself willingly agreeing to accompany him nonetheless.
A/N: Wanted to include the whole ninja scene but thought I would only ruin it XD. Next chapter is the one that I wrote well in advance (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ we've made it this far y'all ᕙ⁠(͡⁠°⁠‿⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠ᕗ.
taglist: @trafalgardaria @deathsmajestysworld
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at1nys-blog · 1 year
Jealousy is green
Pairing: Zoro x gn!reader
Summary: you are not jealous, not at all. Whatever, this is what you told yourself to sleep tight at night
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Sanji screaming in the middle of the street of Wano got your attention, wrong moment. You were wondering where on Earth did Zoro end up and there he was. A girl hanging from his neck.
Is not his fault you thought.
Is not his fault. The words kept flying in your head like an endless spiral, making your head feel like it was weighting too much for your body to stand up.
Is not his fault. That was the last thing you had in mind before falling asleep that night.
The picture of Zoro and that girl was hunting you down, it was always on the back of your mind no matter what. Even when you had to think about the plan and the plan only.
It was stronger than you. The feeling that was eating you from the inside did not stop for a second, because when it did, somehow, your mind was pulling you back at that day.
You and your friends were all, almost all, gathered together after a long time all over the Land Of Wano and you were happy about it… for three seconds because Kappa talked about how Hiyori, you learned her name was that, wanted to give Zoro the sword that was once Oden-sama’s property.
You scoffed at the mention of her name, not that you meant to, it just happened without your control. No one but one person noticed.
“Are you okay?” He whispered, you jumped out of your skin at the sudden question. “Is just me, chill. So, are you okay?” He asked once again.
“Yep” you answered, putting some distance between the two of you. “Everything is totally fine” you added.
“Are you sure?” The man said getting closer to you, to which you moved a little bit away from him. He looked at you confused and then closed the distance once again.
“Sure” you couldn’t look at him, not when spitting lies after lies.
“Uhm, okay. Then why are you moving away from me?” He said and you noticed that you had moved away from his presence once again. This time without even realizing.
“I didn’t notice I was doing that” another lie and once again Zoro came closer to you.
This little game between the two of you ended up when you were butt on the ground and everyone looked your way. You assured your friends and allies everything was fine. Zoro on his side was laughing, subtly, but still laughing.
You got lost in his laugh, you missed it. It has been since that day in Saboady when Bartolomeo Kuma decided to teleport each one of you somewhere different. It was before Luffy’s loss that you had heard him laugh. It has been since that day you opened up to him and you two started to spend more time together. His laugh belonged to the past but for some seconds to the present too.
You came back to reality thanks to Zoro flicking your forehead with as much strength as to not kill you.
“What where you thinking?” He said, now standing up in front of you. “And don’t lie to me. I know when you lie” he said.
You were debating if you should have told him about the situation or not but you got saved when the old man with the red mask came back with a black box. You imagined it was the katana’s box, and you were right.
Zoro took the one with the purple case and look at it. He was admiring the weapon with such love and eagerness to use it and make it his. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him in his natural habitat, trying out a new sword.
That day Zoro seemed to have forgot about your little conversation and you were so glad about it. Now you had to time to think of a proper lie to tell him.
The next couple of days leading to the big battle against Kaido you only trained and trained as if nothing else mattered. From time to time you would stop, too tired to even stand up and it was in moments like those that you would check up on Zoro, making sure he was fine and if he needed anything.
“Green looks good on you.” He said one day out of nowhere. You stopped hitting the bamboos and waited for him to explain why he said what he just said. “I’m serious. I should make you jealous more often.”
You yelled at him and threw a dagger his way, which he obviously dodged. Looking at you he smirked and you had to find all the strength in your body to not start a fist fight with him.
“And of who should I be jealous of? Come on tell me.” He said her name and once again you scoffed unintentionally. “Totally not jealous of her.” He kept relating her name, and you had to admit it. You were totally jealous.
“Just say it. You are jealous of Hiyori.” He was teasing you, but he was right, you were and there was no way to avoid it. You repeated, voice soft and low, his words. He laughed and picked you up. You fought a little to get down but the swordsman was too strong and stubborn to let you go. “Now you will se there is no reason to be jealous of her.” You giggled.
That night he made you feel loved and the most important thing in this world. That night it was just you and him. No war, no nothing. Just you two.
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cebwrites · 2 years
Haunted House Reactions (Katakuri, Bartolomeo, Paulie)
gn reader, masc reader (paulie) word count: 0.5k
Honestly? The staff might be more scared of him than he is of them
You adore Kat with everything in your being, he’s your heart and soul, but yeah, you see why some people (weak bitches) would be frightened by his appearance
He loves coming along but sometimes has to wait outside because not many places are built to accommodate folks the height of two storey houses
When he does get to go in, he’s excited to be there but most people wouldn’t know because Katakuri doesn’t let it show
The actors have a hard time scaring him because, frankly, who can?
He’s great and holding (carrying) you throughout if you’re scared though, or a perfect fearless counterpart to accompany you if spooks and ghouls are your thing
He’s 100% accidentally frightened strangers accidentally just by existing there and kind of blending in with the props/actors 
”Why is this one so big?! He’s chasing us too, gyaaaah!!!” (When poor Kata was just going with the grain)
Makes a big show of ‘protecting’ you from all the scary monsters, isn’t actually scared though
He’s a little bored but he likes proving that he’s a tough guy to you so that arm is definitely around your waist and he’s walking like a caricature of a yankee 
It’s pretty easy to spook him honestly, but it has to be you who does it, because Barto isn’t expecting it (oh, the betrayal!)
The one scare that does catch him off guard is gonna make him shatter glass with how high he screams (it’s something innocuous, like a spider he thought was fake on his shoulder but turned out to be real)
Equally as likely to get sidetracked in a conversation with one of the staff talking about how cool their makeup is as he is to get into a fistfight with with one if he thought they were eyeing him (or you) the wrong way
Can’t take this man anywhere istg, at least he’ll treat you to ice cream later to make up for it
He’s a MAN’S man, he’s tough as nails, he’s-- quaking in his boots.
Paulie doesn’t get spooked by a lot but what does scare him makes this man shriek and cling to you
Then immediately pretend like his grown ass did not try to climb you like a tree
Paulie’s got his pride to protect and he wants to protect you, his man, too - but that means you’ll have to deal with him being a little bit silly for a bit
Overcompensates for every single sound he makes in response, putting his arm on you and proclaiming that there’s nothing in here that would scare two big strong guys, like yourselves
This just spurs the actors on a lot of the time because it’s funny to make these types of guys squeal
Honestly Paulie makes it much harder on himself by doing this than if he just let himself be scared like a normal haunted house patron
100% would not be surprising if you had to carry him out bridal style like the babygirl he is
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