#barty crouch.....JuniOur
cewyllenw · 3 years
i know no one cares about hp but can we talk about how fucking unhinged the 4th movie is 
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broken-lycan · 4 years
i finished the fourth hp book (goblet of fire) today and decided to watch the film
and oh god... I think if I read the book and loved it and then watched the film because of that I would be so fucking disappointed
as it is now, I’ve watched the film about three times and read the book a long long while before I watched it for the first time and even then wasn't into it enough to remember details of the book or care much about how accurate the film is
but now that I have a close comparison?? now I can safely say that the film adaption is pretty bad
I’m only an hour in and there are already so many things that annoy me xD the obvious ones being that Durmstrang only has boys and Beauxbatons only girls and that the whole house elf side plot was dropped entirely and the whole “did you put your name in the goblet of fire?” Dumbledore said calmly thing
what’s up with Hermione being smitten with Krum right from the start? why is Krum so muscular and (at least I think he’s supposed to be) good-looking? why is Moody so cruel and crazy? I mean he is a little crazy in the book but not that cruel and loud also Dumbledore pronunciation of beauxbatons kills me every time. I know french is hard but pls! pls for the love of everything! pls look it up and at least try and idk if it was like that in the other films too, its been too long since I’ve watched them but was Hermione always this bitchy? and so... idk all judgy eyebrow and surly expression? and idk it bugged me a bit in the book but in the film it’s so much worse because there’s this whole obsession with crushes and being love. (Harry & Cho, Ron & Hermione, Hermione & Krum, literally all the boys & the beauxbatons girls, the girls & Krum) just so much!! why! (this really makes me appreciate the few films and series I know that don't have romance at all, don't shove romance in your face like that or where it’s at least not the main focus.
one little moment I loved tho was when Dumbledore said sth along the lines of “nah harry stays in the tournament, the law is the law and crouch said so. i agree with severus. fuck reason & rationality and fuck potter’s safety.” and McGonagall opened her arms from where they were crossed in front of her or sth and kind of dropped and them and did a motion that you do when you huff in frustration just short of stomping your foot. it was only blurry in the background but I loved it xD
and I’m very glad that they strayed from the (with the background knowledge about jk’s stance on things) “weirdly transphobic but not quite” description of Rita Skeeter in the book even without that I would’ve disliked it because pointing out how evil someone is by pointing out their “ugly” characteristics or style choices is about as low as you can get imo
also whoops because of that one glance from cedric to Viktor and then from Viktor to cedric behind cedrics back as he was leaving the champion’s tent before the first task I now lowkey ship them
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aquamotto · 4 years
Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire, the way I imagine it
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If you think that Harry and Cedric hug each other like they are on the battlefield here, then you are absolutely correct because GoF is Dunkirk of HP and Harry is about to be tied to a cross. (What a scene, by the way! And what a battle!)
 I am joking, of course. Mostly. 
It is my favorite Harry Potter book, together with Order of Phoenix and sometimes I even think I like Goblet of Fire more because of its stellar beginning (please reread it, it is genius). So much in GoF is right and close to my heart...Its expanded world, political lore, death eaters taking shape as real people walking beside you, not phantoms. Deadly magical sport which only needed a Battle Royale of sorts (it kinda ended up that way anyway but...) What else can you possibly need? Barty Crouch Juniour is my favorite Hp villain. (I don't consider Snape to be a villain). His story is fascinating and tragic in a way and I think he belongs on a cover, unlike his disguise. But why is he wearing victor's laurels? This is a secret that is connected to some way I imagine death eater philosophy to be. I'll tell you about it one day.
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