#basal metabolic rate
shivasriworld · 11 months
How to Increase Metabolic Rate?
1. Build and Maintain Muscle Mass:
Muscles require energy at rest compared to tissue. Engaging in strength training exercises can help build and preserve muscle mass thus boosting your BMR.
2. Incorporate High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT):
HIIT involves alternating bursts of exercise with periods of rest or low intensity exercise.
High intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts have the potential to rev up your metabolism and continue burning calories even after you've completed your workout session.
Here are some tips to stay active throughout the day:
Incorporate activity, into your daily routine. Opt for taking the stairs of the elevator walking or biking distances instead of driving and make an effort to keep moving throughout the day. These non exercise activities contribute to increased calorie expenditure, known as exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT).
Stay properly hydrated as dehydration can have an impact on your metabolism. Drinking an amount of water helps maintain metabolic function.
Ensure you get sleep aiming for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Lack of sleep can disrupt metabolic processes. Lead to imbalances that affect appetite and energy metabolism.
Don't severely restrict your calorie intake for periods as it can slow down your metabolism of boosting it. Make sure you consume a number of calories to support your bodys energy needs.
Include protein in your diet as it has a thermic effect compared to fats and carbohydrates. Consuming an amount of protein temporarily increases calorie burning due, to the energy required for digestion and absorption.
Consider exposing yourself to temperatures as it can stimulate the production of brown adipose tissue, which burns calories by generating heat. This doesn't mean you have to start taking ice baths. It could be beneficial to expose yourself to temperatures occasionally.
3. Handle Stress:
Long term stress can cause imbalances, in hormones that can impact your metabolism. Try incorporating stress management techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises or yoga into your routine.
To know more details about BMR, read the article - https://letsmoderate.com/blogs/blog/what-is-basal-metabolic-rate
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mission-to-dietitian · 11 months
STATE OF SHOCK AND INJURY: A release of the catecholamine epinephrine suppresses response to insulin.
Basal metabolic rate increases 7% for every degree rise in fever.
OBESITY: Obesity starts at a BMI of 30kg/m^2 (3 classes of obesity. BMI of 40kg/m^2 or > is Class III obesity). There are 3,500 calories per pound of body fat, so start with a deficit of 500cal/day for weight loss of 1 pound per week.
Initial rapid weight loss is water weight, due to glycogen stores pulled out from the liver (for every gram of carbohydrate stored, 3g of H2O are stored w/it)
You cannot spot lose fat. Plateau (can't continue to lose weight) occurs because BMR has dropped in order to match loss of weight.
DEFICIENCIES: stomatitis due to riboflavin (B2) deficiency
PREGNANCY: Pregnancy-induced hypertension begins at 20th week. But sodium restriction NOT recommended as the intervention.
TUBE FEEDS: Deadly to feed into an ileus. Elemental formulas = more expensive.
4-hour hang time for open systems (concern for pathogenic activity/growth). 24-48 hours for closed systems.
Nasogastric tube for short-term enteral access (for those with NORMAL GI function who require nutrition support for 3-4 weeks). Bolus, intermittent, or continuous infusions.
Naso-duodenal OR naso-jejunal feeds for those unable to tolerate gastric tube feed (recall it is best to do gastric if possible to mimic body's natural eating functions).
Give 1cc of H2O per calorie ingested. Formulas that are 1 calorie per cc are 80-86% water.
Peripheral parenteral nutrition (AKA total parenteral nutrition/TPN -- LAST resort due to the fact that it is like foie gras to the body, with implications of liver issues developing) is via small surface veins, which is short-term nutrition support. Includes protein and fat (a 10% solution of intravenous fat provides 1.1 calories per cc. A 20% solution provides 2.0 calories per cc. Think about propofol, delivered in a fat medium).
Solutions have dextrose, which provides 3.4 cal/g.
# of calories from a volume of dextrose = mL provided × % dextrose × 3.4
PPN/TPN is used to achieve anabolism when patients cannot eat by mouth and you cannot do an enteral tube feed.
Long-term central access occurs via cephalic, subclavian, or internal jugular vein and feed ls into superior vena cava.
PPN/TPN concerns: Bacterial translocation because you are bypassing the gut, which would normally kill bacteria that is ingested per os. Bacteria can travel through bloodstream and lead to SEPSIS.
In TPN, protein is provided for anabolism at 1g of nitrogen for every 150 calories ingested. The percent concentration tells you # of grams of protein per in 100mL of TPN solution (a 3% solution provides 3g of protein in 100mL of TPN solution).
Glucose infusion rate for dextrose in TPN should not exceed 4-5mg/kg/min for hyperglycemia prevention.
Fat is added to prevent essential fatty acid deficiency.
Begin tapering TPN for EN slowly, when enteral feeds provide 1/3 to 1/2 of nutrient requirements. When 60% of needs can be tolerated enterally, discontinue TPN.
BEWARE OF REFEEDING SYNDROME (starved cells take up nutrients, shifting K+, phos, and magnesium into the cell, causing HYPOKALEMIA, HYPOPHOSPHATEMIA, and HYPOMAGNESEMIA).
Overfeeding dextrose can lead to hyperglycemia
Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) reflects current population needs.
Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is goals for healthy individuals.
Estimated Average Requiremenr (EAR) assesses group nutritional adequacy.
Upper Limit (UL) offers guidance on safe upper limits for nutrients such as vitamins.
Dietary Guidelines made to prevent chronic disease. DG written by USDA and HHS. Community nutrition programs use Dietary Guidelines to develop their plans (variety in eating, nutrient density, serving sizes, limit calories from saturated fats and added sugars, reduce sodium intake.
Healthy Eating Index (by USDA) is a measure of overall diet quality. Measures how well we follow the recommendations.
My Plate (USDA) shows essential food groups. Recommendations: balancing calories, foods to increase in the diet, foods to reduce.
Healthy People Program (HHS) identifies broad goals and specific objectives for improving health of the public. Focuses on disease prevention by changing behaviours.
The three steps in planning programs:
1) Mission Statement - describes the philosophy of the program. Need/Problem Statement describes the current situation, who says it's a problem, and what will occur if nothing is done.
2) Goals - goals are statements of broad direction and general purpose. Determine which health problems have nutritional implications. Determine what the high risk groups are. Determine what the most critical needs are.
3) Objectives - must be measurable. Objectives are more specific and defined than goals. Include specific target dates for completing specific projects. Evaluate alternative strategies available using cost effectiveness analysis.
Budget controls and coordinates activities. Indicates how and at what rate money should be expended.
Public health departments derive a portion of their income from general revenue taxes. Federal, local, and foundation grants are other sources of income.
Intervention via community nutrition programs relates to the 3 domains of learning: Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor.
Enabling makes it easier for people to act. Use the 4 Ps of marketing: Product, Price, Place, Promotion.
A strategy which involves psychomotor learning is helping people develop the skills needed to make and sustain new habits (e.g. how to budget, how to find the services they need.
Monitoring and Evaluation = the 4th step in the Nutrition Care Process (NCP)
Nutrition care outcomes represent results that the practitioner and nutrition care impacted individually. They can be linked to nutrition intervention goals. They're measurable and occur in a reasonable time period. They are attributed to the nutrition care provided. They're logical stepping stones to other health care outcomes.
Nutrition care outcomes are distinct from other health care outcomes b/c they represent the nutrition practitioner's specific contribution to care. They are grouped into 4 categories:
1) Food and Nutrition Related History
2) Lab Data and Medical Tests
3) Anthropometrics
4) Nutrition-Focused Physical Findings
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health-navigation · 1 year
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sojack977 · 1 year
The Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) calculates the essential calories you need daily. Click here to learn your ideal BMR and about suitable agewise BMR.
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cjackchang · 1 year
查看「How to Increase Basal Metabolic Rate: Understanding the Effects of Age and Lifestyle Factors」一文。
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allcalculator · 2 years
 Understanding BMR and its Role in Weight Loss 
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Weight loss is a common goal for many people, but understanding how our bodies burn calories can be confusing. One term that is often thrown around when discussing weight loss is BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate. But what exactly is BMR and is it necessary to know your BMR to lose weight? In this article, we will explore the concept of BMR, how it is calculated, and its importance in weight loss.All calculator.net 
What is BMR?
BMR stands for Basal Metabolic Rate and is the amount of energy our bodies need to function at rest. This includes maintaining vital bodily functions such as breathing, heart rate, and temperature regulation. BMR is measured in calories and is unique to each individual. It is influenced by factors such as age, sex, weight, and muscle mass.
How is BMR Calculated?
There are several formulas used to calculate BMR, but the most commonly used is the Harris-Benedict equation. This formula takes into account an individual's weight, height, age, and sex to estimate BMR. There are also online BMR calculators available that use this formula, making it easy to determine your BMR.
The Importance of BMR in Weight Loss:
Knowing your BMR can be helpful when trying to lose weight because it gives you an idea of how many calories your body needs to function at rest. This information can then be used to create a calorie deficit, which is necessary for weight loss. A calorie deficit is created when you consume fewer calories than your body needs, forcing your body to burn stored fat for energy.
However, it is important to note that BMR is just one factor in weight loss. Other factors such as physical activity, muscle mass, and hormone levels also play a role in how many calories your body burns. Therefore, it is not necessary to know your BMR to lose weight, but it can be a useful tool in understanding how your body burns calories.
Side Headings:
Understanding BMR
How BMR is Calculated
The Importance of BMR in Weight Loss
Other Factors in Weight Loss
Understanding BMR:
BMR is the amount of energy our bodies need to function at rest. This includes maintaining vital bodily functions such as breathing, heart rate, and temperature regulation. BMR is measured in calories and is unique to each individual. It is influenced by factors such as age, sex, weight, and muscle mass. The more muscle mass an individual has, the higher their BMR will be because muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue.
How BMR is Calculated:
The Harris-Benedict equation is the most commonly used formula to calculate BMR. This formula takes into account an individual's weight, height, age, and sex to estimate BMR. For example, a 30-year-old woman who is 5’5” and weighs 150 pounds would have a BMR of around 1,400 calories. There are also online BMR calculators available that use this formula, making it easy to determine your BMR.
The Importance of BMR in Weight Loss:
Knowing your BMR can be helpful when trying to lose weight because it gives you an idea of how many calories your body needs to function at rest. This information can then be used to create a calorie deficit, which is necessary for weight loss. A calorie deficit is created when you consume fewer calories than your body needs, forcing your body to burn stored fat for energy. For example, if your BMR is 1,400 calories and you consume 1,200 calories a day, you will create a calorie deficit of 200 calories.
However, it is important to note that BMR is just one factor in weight loss. Other factors such as physical activity, muscle mass, and hormone levels also play a role in how many calories your body burns. For example, if you are physically active and have a high muscle mass, you will burn more calories than someone who is sedentary with a low muscle mass. Therefore, it is not necessary to know your BMR to lose weight, but it can be a useful tool in understanding how your body burns calories.
Other Factors in Weight Loss:
In addition to BMR, other factors to play a role in weight loss such as diet and physical activity. A healthy diet that is low in processed foods and high in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins can help create a calorie deficit and promote weight loss. Regular physical activity, such as cardio and strength training, can also increase the number of calories your body burns and promote weight loss.
BMR, or Basal Metabolic Rate, is the amount of energy our bodies need to function at rest. Knowing your BMR can be helpful when trying to lose weight because it gives you an idea of how many calories your body needs to function at rest. However, it is important to note that BMR is just one factor in weight loss and a calorie deficit can be created through a combination of diet and physical activity. It is not necessary to know your BMR to lose weight, but it can be a useful tool in understanding how your body burns calories.
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deluxewhump · 3 months
Matteo, what was feeding like with henry? After he turned on you ofc. How often did you get fed? What types of food did you eat? Is it better with therrin now
Few and far between of course! Guards would bring the other prisoners food on a regular schedule, but skip Matteo because he was King Henrys prisoner. They were instructed not to speak to him, ever (and Matteo did try to speak to them, at first, trying to befriend them or bribe them or beg them to bring him paper and ink and send a letter for him, promising large rewards). The King would bring him food as he saw fit. The King might bring food with him and wait to see if Matteo would ask for it. Then depending on his mood he might make him eat it from his hands, like feeding a dog scraps, or retaliate for his even asking. It’s a great method of control, and a way to keep him guessing. He would bring a variety of food including meat or fish. The fat content in fish would keep him going for a few days, but he most misses the fruit of the southerlands. The north has so many root vegetables, and the bread is different. Of course at a certain point he’d take anything gladly.
Now he knows he can have whatever he wants but between the bad tooth and the richness of the food, he has to take it easy. It’s easy to feel sick after basically doing an extreme version of intermittent fasting for so many months. There’s a mental sharpness that comes from fasting, which makes him feel more like himself again, until he takes it too far and gets lightheaded and mentally fogged.
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mars-ipan · 1 month
prednisone cravings hit solid tonite
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what i want to know is this. theyre using refitted insulin pumps for cortisol pumping. they have studies showing continuous glucose monitoring helps fine-tune corticosteroid dosing for adrenal insufficiency. but ive seen nothing abt ppl doing cortisol pumping using the ??? built in cgm ?????? hello ???
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moderncalculators · 1 year
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drpedi07 · 1 year
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Calculator
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Calculator BMR, Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator Free calculator for the estimation of your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) rate based on your age, gender, and size.
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freepenguinmusic · 1 year
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The Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) calculates the essential calories you need daily. Click here to learn your ideal BMR and about suitable agewise BMR.
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lookinghalfacorpse · 2 months
In what way do you think Dream is disabled/affected post-prison and if he does, what do you think he does to hide it?
permission to yap granted
this is what i do in most of my fics, so i have a good amount of content to go through. i could keep yapping, honestly, but i wanted to include the main things that cause my brainrot. gross pictures under the cut.
muscle atrophy. this happens quickly as the body enters starvation mode and begins to burn proteins. there would be a visible decrease in muscle mass, he would feel very weak and his limbs might tingle. recovery is possible, but isn't as easy as i think many people portray. the body is smart and will reduce its basal metabolic rate to adjust for a long period of starvation, and even after leaving the prison, his body would be primed and ready for another period of starvation. his body has learned that his environment doesn't provide consistent food. the body cannot 'reset' after a normal calorie intact resumes. the body keeps the score, or whatever they say. (i looked at a lot of pictures from 'the starvation experiment'. it lasted a little less than a year and was a setting where participants were carefully kept alive. most men lost 25% of their weight and only returned to their pre-study weight after 2 years of extensive treatment and therapy. u know cdream ain't seein a therapist. pictures under the cut)
quickened mouth decay / mouth dryness. on the topic of starvation, the mouth is actually one of the first places affected during a period of starvation. we don't make the saliva that we should when we aren't eating, and without saliva, the mouth begins to rot. this, along with fasting headaches, would be one of the first things he notices in the prison. it would be fixed pretty quickly upon eating normally.
seizures. many things can cause seizures to begin in someone who wasn't born with an epileptic condition, and dream's experienced most of them: starvation, head trauma, nerve damage, severe vitamin d deficiency, severe sodium deficiency, severe stress. these may decrease in frequency as he heals, but he'll be at greater risk if he fasts for any amount of time or if he's stressed. low-level muscle spasms are also going to be common.
impaired night vision/ decreased overall visual acuity. malnutrition does a ton of funky things, including to the eyes. he'd probably have a harder time adjusting to nighttime; i imagine returning to the prison is comfortable for this reason because he can control the brightness. hazy, eroded corneas are also common and might be visible to others. i put a picture under the cut. notice the green hue.
weakened immunity. like many others have mentioned, he will emerge from that cell with a paper-thin immune system. he'll be particularly weak to pneumonia and other respiratory diseases-- muscle atrophy also effects the muscles of the lungs.
essential tremors. just a fancy word for constant shaking. these could be psychological in nature, given the, you know, torture, but there are some links between malnutrition and tremors as well. he might try to hide it with weighted gloves.
improper amputation. "improper" is certainly a word for it, i know, but i want to emphasize that the kind of chop c!quackity would perform is nowhere near the level of a professional, surgical amputation. wearing a prosthetic would be very painful to say the least, especially if it isn't hand-crafted to suit his residual limb. i think cdream would probably try to endure that pain for the sake of hiding a major amputation, ie leg or arm, but i'm not sure he'd worry much about something like a finger. losing fingers doesn't affect grip strength as much as you might think, and i feel like thats all he'd really care about.
panic attacks, ptsd, memory loss, depression, hallucinations. just being locked in a single room for that long, let alone being tortured in it, would be enough for any of these symptoms. we have canon evidence for many of these, of course.
whatever other symptoms his injuries caused. depending on what tendons/muscles/bones quackity targeted, we might be looking at some different symptoms. i'm a big fan of concussion headcanons, and stiffness/immobility around scar tissue.
ultimately, i think the best bets for cdream as far as HIDING these effects are thick clothing, ill-fitting prosthetics, weighted gloves, moving in daylight, and avoiding confrontation. he'd probably want to prioritize mobility training to regain some dexterity and coordination, and to ensure that he can run away even if he can't fight.
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^ eroded cornea
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^ the starvation experiment
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andmaybegayer · 7 months
Every now and again someone will make the claim that "Calories In Calories Out weight loss techniques don't work" and a brain genius will round the corner waving a conservation of energy equation to tell this person that they're an idiot and I do not care for the brain geniuses here.
The brain geniuses are fundamentally misunderstanding several things, potentially willfully. Calories In Calories Out isn't a fundamental truth, it's the process of tracking estimates of energy consumption and usage and the problem is that both of those numbers are highly variable and nearly impossible to track reliably without continuous intervention.
The Calories in Calories In Calories Out process typically means "the number on the side of a bag of food" and "your basal metabolic rate plus activity energy" and importantly it is that and not the fundamental law of nature that conservation of energy is.
Metabolism is a very complicated thing to measure and, under real world conditions, the amount of energy you extract from food is extremely variable, depending on how and when you eat, the structure of your digestive system, your own hormone and enzymatic and bacterial profile, and many other things. The number on the side of a packet is a suggestion that is largely estimated empirically, not even measured by something as crude as a calorimeter, just added up from components and older estimates.
Similarly the amount of energy you burn both as a basic level and in activities depends on many things, basal metabolic rate estimates that you can do without specialized equipment and several days are extremely quick and dirty and are basically just simple thermodynamics estimates. Even if you do get your estimate spot on, the amount of energy you burn can change pretty dramatically in response to changes in diet, lifestyle, and situation. It doesn't help that the majority of many people's energy consumption is passive metabolic energy consumption and that's regulated hormonally, largely beyond your direct control or awareness.
I'm also sympathetic to this because I have completely given up on gaining weight. In my final year of high school after spending three years oscillating between 50 and 55kg my parents and I decided to try and increase my weight by eating more calories, I tripled my breakfast calorie intake, added supplementary protein, ate like 1.5× more at other meals, all while slightly decreasing my activity level because I had dropped some extracurriculars, It felt like a ridiculous effort, I often ate way more than I was comfortable eating, and a year later I had hit an incredible 59kg and was stuck there.
I now just manage my diet and activity to keep on useful muscle mass and make sure I don't go below 50kg because my bones have enough problems to deal with.
If I was trying to lose weight, did the opposite of what I did, cut my calories by 30%, for months, increased my activity by a small amount, and I lost less than 10% of my weight, I would probably also move my focus elsewhere. I'm sure the system works for some people! But it's not as simple as adding up some numbers and making sure one is bigger than the other.
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shaunasbutcher · 22 days
Pro Tip From a Weightlifter That Used to Bulk & Cut (now I just be cuttin)
If you are restricting heavily (under your BMR) and you've been consistent and not binging every weekend (and no, I'm not talking about those one or two days you ate normal sized meals and felt like it was a binge) you very very likely did not gain those few pounds of fat your scale is lying to you about. I wish body fat scales were more accurate, but they're not yet.
However, if you are eating a lot of carbs when you do eat, your body is going to hold onto more water. For every gram of carbs you consume, your body will hold onto 3 to 4 grams of water to help store the energy (glycogen) until that energy is used.
This is not to discourage anyone from eating a carb heavy diet, just letting you know that babe...you DID NOT gain 1-3lbs overnight eating below your Basal Metabolic Rate. It's not gonna happen. You're not a champion competitive eater. Our bodies are dynamic ever-changing biospheres so...
You'll piss it out eventually.
You're good 💝
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mammalianmammals · 2 months
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The origins of mammal growth patterns during the Jurassic mammalian radiation
Elis Newham, Ian J. Corfe, Philippa Brewer, et al.
We use synchrotron x-ray tomography of annual growth increments in the dental cementum of mammaliaforms (stem and crown fossil mammals) from three faunas across the Jurassic to map the origin of patterns of mammalian growth patterns, which are intrinsically related to mammalian endothermy. Although all fossils studied exhibited slower growth rates, longer life spans, and delayed sexual maturity relative to comparably sized extant mammals, the earliest crown mammals developed significantly faster growth rates in early life that reduced at sexual maturity, compared to stem mammaliaforms. Estimation of basal metabolic rates (BMRs) suggests that some fossil crown mammals had BMRs approaching the lowest rates of extant mammals. We suggest that mammalian growth patterns first evolved during their mid-Jurassic adaptive radiation, although growth remained slower than in extant mammals.
Read the paper here:
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