#basically they walked on stage and the crowd HATED them
dekupalace · 6 months
one thing about me is I Will make a playlist. this is an ongoing threat and there is no stopping me
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these morons of jujutsu high
pairing: gojo satoru, geto suguru, shoko ieiri and fem!reader
genre + warnings: - this is NOT a poly fic. they’re all just vvv good friends. nanami and haibara were mentioned. mentions of blood, death and general jujutsu kaisen TW stuff. smoking, the word “goddamned” is mentioned. gojo being an idiot lmfao.
overall FLUFF !!
word count: 1219
authors note: so this is just a cute, heartfelt piece about the jjk troublemakers including and reader. i was thinking of making this the intro of a potential series but ✨ let’s see ✨
enjoyyyy <3
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Is this really my life?
A question that always lingers in your mind.
Being a jujutsu sorcerer was no walk in the park. Death was a regular occurrence in your line of work. Deaths you anticipated, deaths you caused, deaths of friends, and even deaths of curses. None of them are ever easy to deal with. Nothing about this goddamned job is easy.
The smell of blood is as common to you as the smell of antiseptics is to a doctor. The sound of a curse evaporating into nothingness is ingrained in your brain as the sound of a child's first laughter is ingrained in the minds of their parents. Your hands are used to the touch of the cold steel of your weapons as a guitarist is used to the wood of their guitar.
This is your life. Your weapons are your instruments and the world is your stage. The only difference is, you have the blood of the crowd on your hands every. single. day. The blood of curses, the blood of humans, the blood of your comrades, and the blood of your own body.
How could it be that this life; so full of hurt, pain, despair, regret, fear, loneliness, anxiety, and depression, can also have so much happiness, love, excitement, companionship, adventure, humor, and serenity? That’s life, you suppose. But how can a life like yours have so much love alongside such hatred?
Your friends are the reason, you suppose.
These morons of Jujutsu High.
They feel the same emotions as deeply as you do. They have all felt loss, betrayal, grief, and death as much as you have.
Gojo Satoru had basically been raised as a trophy or a high-value product kept in perfect condition for the world to gawk at with wide eyes and ulterior motives. With the weight of the responsibility of being ‘Strongest’ hanging over his shoulders and daggers and spears pointed at him from every direction, he never had the chance to be a mere child. Which is what he was. Just a child. From birth to the present day, he has had eyes on him with the neon sign labeled ‘Strongest Sorcerer Ever’ blinking over his head. Always on his guard, being wary of who to trust. Not a moment to be a child. Not a moment to be a teenager and certainly not a moment to be an independent adult, free to choose who to love or what to do in life. He only has one thing to do. One obligation he has had since birth. Be the strongest. Throughout the heavens and the earth, he alone is the honored one.
It's a pretty lonely role for one person to bear.
Geto Suguru has kind eyes, a simple smile, and an extremely feared cursed technique; but what that smile and easygoing personality covers is his heart burdened with the horrors he has had to face in his life. He too, was born with the responsibility of using his cursed technique to help people. Born with the ability to absorb curses and later use them as he so desires. Living every day just killing and absorbing something that tastes like a rag covered in vomit and shit. Having to force your oesophagus to open up and force your mind to think of something more delicious whilst absorbing the thing you killed a few minutes ago is all second nature to Geto Suguru. Doesn’t mean it ever gets easier. But the smile comes easily to him and his voice stays soft and stable as his words soothe even those who hate him.
Because Geto Suguru wants to help those who are weak, and he would swallow all the curses necessary in order to do so.
Shoko Ieiri is the epitome of genius. Since she was a child she knew fully how to use the reversed curse technique; the ability to heal oneself and others, a technique even the strongest and most experienced jujutsu sorcerers have trouble mastering. Being so valuable means she has to stay in a lot, or go to missions alone a lot. She doesn’t get to choose missions, doesn’t get to accompany her friends to even ‘potentially’ dangerous locations. Being so valuable, she is the first person every jujutsu sorcerer goes to for healing and rejuvenation. Which also means she has to see a lot of her comrades lie on the steel bed, lifeless and cold and limp. She is the one who has to patch them up and she is the one who has to cut them open. Dealing with death and the aftermath is her job.
That's a lot of death for two eyes to see and two hands to explore.
Meeting them, knowing them, and growing to love them is the most rewarding experience your roller coaster of a life has had to offer by far. Checking out every single cafe Japan has to offer, milking Satoru of all his wealth by going out to eat and Satoru eating the most (ironically), pissing off Yaga-Sensei, celebrating birthdays, arguing and then making up with actions instead of verbal apologies, being the loudest group in every train station, smoke breaks with Shoko and Suguru while hiding away from Satoru, spending sleepless nights under the stars with Satoru, teasing Nanami and Haibara for acting like a 50-year-old married couple, fighting curses and always having each other’s backs. This was your family. However dysfunctional and however small.
So now, sitting in the classroom watching Suguru and Satoru bicker about who knows what this time, with Shoko sitting next to you fiddling around with Satoru’s sunglasses making faces and terrible impressions, bathed in the golden rays flooding the room through the windows as the sun goes down, you ponder the question; is this really your life?
You hear your name being called and the train of thought comes to a halt, as you look up to find honey-gold eyes staring back at you.
“What’re you thinking about so hard?” Suguru asks with his soft eyes and an even softer smile.
“She’s obviously thinking about how right I am and how wrong you are, Suguru,” Satoru interjects with his usual cocky smile and teasing lilt to his voice.
“Yeah, she definitely thinks a seal can beat a hippo in a fight to the death,” Shoko quips with unimpressed eyes and an obviously sarcastic smile.
Satoru slaps his hand on the desk so loudly that the sound reverberates throughout the entire floor you’re on, “HAH! Thank you Shoko, exactly what I’m saying. Of course I’m right.”
He wears an accomplished smile as the sarcasm completely flies over his stupid head.
“Gojo… I was joking. You’re obviously wrong.”
You can almost hear something crack in his head. The sound of disappointment.
“HEY just think about it okay? So a seal-“
As a new chapter of bickering begins between Shoko and Satoru, Suguru nudges your shoulder with a quirk of his eyebrows, silently repeating his previous question.
You look at him, look back at Satoru and Shoko and shake your head with a content smile and a huff of laughter, “Just thinking about life, I guess.”
With a hum and a smile Suguru relaxes on your other side as you both turn your attention to the ongoing argument unravelling before you.
Yeah. This really is my life.
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kengan-daddies · 23 days
Hey!!! I have a request for some of the Baki men. But first i would like to so that I personally LOVE your Baki x Motherly reader series! Now on to my request: How would the Baki men react if reader was part time fighter and part time Burlesque dancer? And if your asking what a Burlesque dancer is, basically people who put on very suggestive dances and performances.
For the characters can you please do, Baki, Hanayma, Retsu and Katsumi? Feel free to skip any characters or add!
First Baki ask, LETS GOO!!
Most of there's POV's are relatively the same, aside from their thoughts, Baki's is probably the most different, and with the most 'plot' coming in from the views of a young high schooler.
(S/N) = Stage Name
The boys aren't aware of your second occupation, you're a great warrior and an even greater friend, but to know that you had such a secret life was far beyond them.
Burlesque dancer? - Retsu, Katsumi, Hanayama, and Baki
Anime : Baki: Son of Oger
Characters : Retsu Kaioh, Katsumi Orochi, Hanayama Karou, Baki Hanma
Warnings : Mention of drugs, alcohol, misuse of drugs
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When he went into the club, he wasn't there for anything promiscuous, he was here for business, a meeting with Hanayama, Katsumi, and Baki. It wasn't an ideal place, but it was the most discreet place. The dancers on stage were ignored by him as he kept his eyes on the people around him, taking in his surroundings. It was an atmosphere that he wasn't used to but not unfamiliar with.
He pushed through the sweaty bodies that smelled of alcohol and musk, it wasn't a present smell, but he smelt worst. The sight of people slumped against the walls caught his attention, people slipping pills and others grinding and kissing. It was disgusting but it was also very human. Every sin that you could think of, was in this place.
He didn't hate it, but he didn't agree with it. The lights suddenly dimmed, catching his attention, but he didn't give it much thought. 'Must be the climax of the party.' He thought as he continued on his way. "AND NOW, FOR THE PERFORMANCE YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!! SHE'S LOVELY, SHE'S AMBITIOUS, AND SHE'S EVER SO SENUAL!! GET READY TO MAKE IT RAIN, FOR (S/N)!!!"
The sound of men cheering excitedly caught his attention, and he looked around, hearing the excited cheers. "This '(S/N)' must be very talented." He spoke aloud as he looked at the stage. Multiple spotlights came on, lighting up the catwalk, he watched as a young woman walked down the catwalk, her legs like a cat, her hips swaying like a seductress. His lights lit up in recognition when he saw her face. "(Y/N)!?" He called out in shock as he watched her approach the crowd of men.
'To think, that this was a means of living for her. She's a warrior, surely she could've made more money by fighting. Hell, she could even ask me for a few dimes, I'm more than willing to give.' He thought his eyes lingered on her for a moment longer before stalking off through the crowd, making his way, admittedly, much smoother through the now still crowd. He could see an opening and he made a beeline for it, unashamed that he might have to stand on a table just to see where his comrades were, but he was most pleased when he saw them.
Baki was the first to notice him. He watched as Baki's eyes widened and a small smile graced his face. His arm suddenly shot out, his finger pointing. "Hey look, Retsu's here." He said, a small smile on his face. Retsu could be seen pulling his leg out before he walked over towards them. "Well, now that all of us are here, let the meeting commence." Hanayama said. Retsu nodded.
Walking through the crowd of drunken people was like a maze for him, it wasn't too difficult but it wasn't pleasant either. However, he kept calm as he walked through, making his way to the meeting area. He gave a relieved smile when he saw Baki and Hanayama sitting at the rounded booth, half a bottle of champagne sat in front of Hanayama, along with a champagne glass that he was drinking from. "Hey boys, long time no see." he casually greeted as he walked within hearing distance. Baki and Hanayama both greeted him. Hanayama with a curt nod and Baki with a small smile.
"Katsumi, how ya been, man?" Baki asked as he watched Katsumi sit on the booth and he scooted his way in. "I've been well, training has been very promising, my students are improving every day. What of you two?" He asked as he got comfortable. Hanayama shrugged. "I've been well, but not much has happened in my life, it's been the usual but also rather calm... Which is troublesome." He said. Katsumi gave him a small smile of pity. "Yeah, I know what you mean, quiet days are welcomed, but they never promise any good." He agreed. Hanayama nodded before he looked over at Baki.
"What about you, Baki?" He asked. Baki snapped from his thoughts as he looked up from the table and up towards Hanayama, a wide but sheepish smile on his face. "Hmm?... Oh um, yeah... I've been pretty good too, same ol' same ol', going to school, kicking ass." He said. Katsumi chuckled. "How's school been, Baki?" He asked. Baki looked over at him. "Oh you know, boring as ever." He said with a wave of his hand. Katsumi chuckled. "Oh yeah, I remember those days." He said as he sat back in the booth, a nostalgic smile on his face. Hanayama nodded. They were quiet after that, lost in their own thoughts.
the lights suddenly dimmed, catching all of their attention. "AND NOW, FOR THE PERFORMANCE YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!! SHE'S LOVELY, SHE'S AMBITIOUS, AND SHE'S EVER SO SENUAL!! GET READY TO MAKE IT RAIN, FOR (S/N)!!!" Came the announcer's voice, they all looked over towards the stage, watching as the lights slowly lit up the catwalk. "An entrance like this for a single woman? She must be something special." He said aloud. Hanayama nodded. "Yes, she must be for such high praise, and the silence of these men, she must be a fan favorite." He added.
A shadowy figure came forth, stepping into the light. Katsumi's eyes widen. "(Y/N)!?" He practically shouted in shock as he stared on. 'But... why?... Unless this is just some sort of side gig she just happens to enjoy.' He thought as he watched. Her legs were like a cat, her hips swaying like a seductress, he was nearly hypnotized. You're an attractive woman and an amazing fighter, it's just easy for him to forget that you were a woman. It was always a secondary thought in his mind when it came to you, you were like one of the boys honestly.
He was pulled from his thoughts when Baki's arm suddenly shot out, his finger pointing. "Hey look, Retsu's here." He said, a small smile on his face. He looked over at Baki before he looked over, from the crowd, Retsu could be seen pulling his leg out before he walked over towards them. "Well, now that all of us are here, let the meeting commence. " Hanayama said.
He was the first of the boys to arrive at the club, the first thing he did was flag down a waitress and order himself a bottle of champagne. His fist cup in, and Baki was the first to arrive. A soft pat on his shoulder made him turn around in question, seeing a smiling Baki standing there as he waved at him. "Sup Hanayama." He happily greeted as he walked around. Hanayama nodded in return. "Baki, I'm surprised to see you here so early." He said as he watched Baki get comfortable in the booth.
Baki chuckled in amusement as he looked around the club, honestly so am I." He said. Hanayama looked away from him as he took a sip from his glass. "So, what's this meeting gonna be about?" Baki asked. Hanayama looked over at him as he placed his cup back down. "Honestly, it's just a way for us to get together, along with the topic of Pickle." He said. Baki cocked a brow at him. "That's it? A simple get-together?" He asked in disbelief. Hanayama stared at him for a moment before he looked off from him.
Baki stared at Hanayama for a while longer before he looked off and over towards the stage, seeing the women dance, a relaxed smile on his face. "Well, a simple get-together isn't so bad." He said aloud, Hanayama nodded as he took another sip from his drink. "Hey boys, long time no see." Came a familiar voice, both Baki and Hanayama looked up in curiosity before a familiar gleam shined in their eyes. Hanayama gave him a curt nod and Baki gave him a small smile.
"Katsumi, how ya been, man?" Baki asked as he watched Katsumi sit on the booth and he scooted his way in. "I've been well, training has been very promising, my students are improving every day. What of you two?" He asked as he got comfortable. Hanayama shrugged. "I've been well, but not much has happened in my life, it's been the usual but also rather calm... Which is troublesome." He said. Katsumi gave him a small smile of pity. "Yeah, I know what you mean, quiet days are welcomed, but they never promise any good." He agreed. Hanayama nodded before he looked over at Baki.
"What about you, Baki?" He asked. Baki snapped from his thoughts as he looked up from the table and up towards Hanayama, a wide but sheepish smile on his face. "Hmm?... Oh um, yeah... I've been pretty good too, same ol' same ol', going to school, kicking ass." He said. Katsumi chuckled. "How's school been, Baki?" He asked. Baki looked over at him. "Oh you know, boring as ever." He said with a wave of his hand. Katsumi chuckled. "Oh yeah, I remember those days." He said as he sat back in the booth, a nostalgic smile on his face. Hanayama nodded. They were quiet after that, lost in their own thoughts.
the lights suddenly dimmed, catching all of their attention. "AND NOW, FOR THE PERFORMANCE YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!! SHE'S LOVELY, SHE'S AMBITIOUS, AND SHE'S EVER SO SENUAL!! GET READY TO MAKE IT RAIN, FOR (S/N)!!!" Came the announcer's voice, they all looked over towards the stage, watching as the lights slowly lit up the catwalk. "An entrance like this for a single woman? She must be something special." He said aloud. Hanayama nodded. "Yes, she must be for such high praise, and the silence of these men, she must be a fan favorite." He added.
A shadowy figure came forth, stepping into the light. Katsumi's eyes widen. "(Y/N)!?" He practically shouted in shock as he stared on. Hanayama's eyes widened when he saw that it was you, his mind raced with questions. 'Why?... She's a proud warrior, so why?... Is she struggling to make ends meet?... She could've just asked me and I would've helped her, no payment needed in return.' He thought as he observed her. Her legs were like a cat, her hips swaying like a seductress, he was nearly hypnotized. You're an attractive woman and an amazing fighter, to see you in such a position, made Hanayama slightly sad.
He was pulled from his thoughts when Baki's arm suddenly shot out, his finger pointing. "Hey look, Retsu's here." He said, a small smile on his face. He looked over at Baki before he looked over, from the crowd, Retsu could be seen pulling his leg out before he walked over towards them. "Well, now that all of us are here, let the meeting commence." Hanayama said. He'll probably find a way to pull you to the side and get some answers out of you.
The music was blaring and it was nearly deafening, Baki wasn't used to coming to these places, hell, most high schoolers weren't... But Baki wasn't a normal high school boy, so this was just a part of the package deal at this point. "Guess being the Oger's son... has its perks." He said aloud to himself as he remembered the bouncer immediately allowing him access once he heard him say his name was "Baki."
He eased his way through the crowd, taking mental notes of every little detail, his young mind acting like a sponge. He couldn't help but notice every little thing, his eyes gleaming in innocent curiosity when he would see the strangest things, from people slumped against the walls to others pouring liquor and slipping pills. It was grotesque and yet he couldn't look away from it all. He looked forward and he sighed with relief when he seen that there was a gap in an opening from between the bodies.
He pushed his way through taking a much-needed breath of slightly fresher air once he was able to pull from the crowd, he looked back at the people with a sheepish grin. "Yeesh... I wonder how they're able to breathe in there... The air is so dense." He said aloud before he looked forward and his eyes gleamed in familiarity and relief when he saw Hanayama sitting at the table, a freshly opened bottle of champagne on the table. He shoved his hands into his pockets and walked over to him, coming up from behind him he placed his hand softly and invitingly down on his shoulder, making Hanayama turn around in curiosity.
"Sup Hanayama." He happily greeted him as he walked around. Hanayama nodded in return. "Baki, I'm surprised to see you here so early." Baki gave a quiet sigh as he walked around the booth, sliding in his eyes and taking in the contents of the table before he looked up at Hanayama with a small smile on his face before he chuckled in amusement as he looked around the club, honestly so am I."
He said aloud as he thought over the fact that it was a miracle he even found where Hanayama was sitting. He's never been to a club before so this was all so new to him. Hanayama looked away from him as he took a sip from his glass. Baki looked back at Hanayama, taking in his relaxed poster, his eyes dull with slight boredom. 'Man, I bet he's real familiar with this type of atmosphere... This must be a common site for him.' He thought as he observed Hanayama.
He sat up straight in his seat as he leaned onto the table in front of him. "So, what's this meeting gonna be about?" Baki asked. Hanayama looked over at him as he placed his cup back down. "Honestly, it's just a way for us to get together, along with the topic of Pickle." He said. Baki cocked a brow at him. "That's it? A simple get-together?" He asked in disbelief. Hanayama stared at him for a moment before he looked off from him. Baki stared at Hanayama with a perplexed gaze before he relaxed back in his seat.
'Just a simple get-together?... I mean... I guess there's nothing wrong with that... But in a place like this?... Why not the park or something?...' He thought in confusion as he observed Hanayama in confusion. He'd never be able to understand the man before him, but he will admit, that Hanayama always moved with purpose. Baki stared at Hanayama for a while longer before he looked off and over towards the stage, seeing the women dance, a relaxed smile on his face. "Well, a simple get-together isn't so bad." He said aloud.
"Hey boys, long time no see." Came a familiar voice, both Baki and Hanayama looked up in curiosity before a familiar gleam shined in their eyes. Hanayama gave him a curt nod and Baki gave him a small smile. "Katsumi, how ya been, man?" Baki asked as he watched Katsumi sit on the booth and he scooted his way in. "I've been well, training has been very promising, my students are improving every day. What of you two?"
He asked as he got comfortable. Hanayama shrugged. "I've been well, but not much has happened in my life, it's been the usual but also rather calm... Which is troublesome." He said. Katsumi gave him a small smile of pity. "Yeah, I know what you mean, quiet days are welcomed, but they never promise any good." He agreed. Hanayama nodded before he looked over at Baki. Baki looked between the two, taking in their conversation, he honestly didn't know what the hell they were both talking about.
Small talks were never his strong suit. "What about you, Baki?" Came Hanayama's voice. Baki snapped from his thoughts as he looked up from the table and up towards Hanayama, a wide but sheepish smile on his face. "Hmm?... Oh um, yeah... I've been pretty good too, same ol' same ol', going to school, kicking ass." He said. Katsumi chuckled. "How's school been, Baki?" He asked. Baki looked over at him. "Oh you know, boring as ever." He said with a wave of his hand. Katsumi chuckled. "Oh yeah, I remember those days." He said as he sat back in the booth, a nostalgic smile on his face. Hanayama nodded. They were quiet after that, lost in their own thoughts.
Baki felt a bit out of place, first, he was in a place he wasn't very familiar with... Actually, scratch that, this was like a different world entirely. second, he was talking about his life like it was sooo normal, because yeah... His life is totally normal... and he totally knows how to have a normal conversation about his very normal life... Yeah, know?... Like normal people do.
the lights suddenly dimmed, catching all of their attention. "AND NOW, FOR THE PERFORMANCE YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!! SHE'S LOVELY, SHE'S AMBITIOUS, AND SHE'S EVER SO SENUAL!! GET READY TO MAKE IT RAIN, FOR (S/N)!!!" Came the announcer's voice, they all looked over towards the stage, watching as the lights slowly lit up the catwalk. "An entrance like this for a single woman? She must be something special." He said aloud. Hanayama nodded. "Yes, she must be for such high praise, and the silence of these men, she must be a fan favorite." He added.
Baki stared in his confusion, wondering what all the hype was. 'She's just another woman... What's so grand about her? Is she like rich? Super attractive?... Tall?' He wondered as he looked around at all the people who've all gone quiet.
A shadowy figure came forth, stepping into the light. Katsumi's eyes widen. "(Y/N)!?" He practically shouted in shock as he stared on. Baki's eyes widen as well when he sees you. 'HUH!?' He thought in surprise. First, this weird ass place, second the very normal small talk, and now this!! What's next, clouds are going to start falling from the sky now??
He watched as you walked down the catwalk, your legs were like a cat, hips swaying like a seductress, he was nearly hypnotized. You're an attractive woman and an amazing fighter, to see you in such a position, was confusing for Baki but at the same time he could understand that bills have to be paid, food needs to be bought, or maybe it was just something you simply enjoyed... Either way, it wasn't really any of his business, you were an adult, and you knew what you were doing.
He looked away from the stage for a moment, letting his eyes trail along the crowd when his eyes widened and a small smile graced his face. His arm suddenly shot out, his finger pointing. "Hey look, Retsu's here." He said, a small smile on his face. Retsu could be seen pulling his leg out before he walked over towards them. "Well, now that all of us are here, let the meeting commence." Hanayama said.
'Thank god... because I don't think I can be here for another second.' Baki thought.
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smoooothoperator · 2 years
Drunkenness Scale
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Normally she doesn't drink. Her fridge doesn't have beer or other type of alcohol, neither the drinks cabinet that is on her livingroom, that is supposed to have alcohol on it but instead she has snacks and chocolates. When she eats a good piece of beef she prefers another thing instead of a red wine. And on special events she only takes a sip of champagne and then leaves the glass on the table.
But when party time comes she is the first one to go to the bar and order shots and drinks. She knows every components of the cocktails her friends like. And her friends know every stage of her drunkenness scale.
"Well, well, well" Max smirked walking inside the crowded club, heading directly to the VIP zone. "Today will be the day we meet a new stage?"
"Seriously? Are you really going to continue with that?" she frowned, rolling her eyes.
"You are our Amy Santiago" Lando laughed wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "And we were so close to meet the sixth stage last month"
She looked at them and groan, but she smirked after that. She knows she can trust them, they have been best friends since they were little and both boys would kill if something happened to her.
"Okay, okay" she laughed. "Let's get started!"
Stage 1: too normal yet
The first shots of tequila came to the table. Lando looked at her amd them at Max, moving his eyebrows up and down. The three of them drank the liquid all at once, groaning when the alcohol went down their throats.
"I hate tequila" she groaned, taking a bite of the lemon, eating it.
"Well, it doesn't seem like that" Lando teased her, leaning on the back of the seat, looking at her, waiting for a reaction.
"Come on, guys" she groaned looking at them. "I'm okay! That theory you two have is stupid!"
"The two of us? Oh no" Max laughed. "Pierre, Charles, Carlos and Alex are part of this study too"
"I can't believe it" she sighed.
She was feeling the effects of the alochol, but had enough strength to hide them. So she just talked with her friends, smiling, even making small jokes and enjoying when she heard her best friends laughs.
But then it was Max the one that ordered another round of shots. This one was vodka with mango and other things.
Stage 2: time to tell facts that came from nowhere
She drank the small glass slowly, humming at the sweet flavour of the shot.
"I like this one" she smiled looking at Max.
They were talking with some other people of the group that was on the boat Lando rented joined, while she just sat in silence, looking at them.
"Did you know..." she started, getting the attention of her best friends that had a smile on their lips. "... that The King of Hearts is the only king without a mustache?"
They looked at her and laugh, giggling. She smiled softly, innocent, and looked at them. She loves when she makes them laugh
"I didn't notice!" Max laughed grabbing his phone and searching it. "It's true!"
"This shot has mango?" she asked tasting the drink. "Oh! Did you know that they can get sunburned?" she said gasping.
"Really?" Lando frowned.
"Oh yeah" she chuckled. "And flamingos turn pink because they eat shrimp" she smiled proud.
"Sometime I think that George and her could make a competition about who tell more facts" Lando joked, making her smile wide.
"Oh, oh! And you know the the only thing you can lick on the mirror is your tongue?" she said laughing.
Stage 3: suddenly, she can speak other languages!
"Hola, puedes ponermos otra ronda de shots?" she asked on a perfect spanish, the only thing that betrays her is the English accent.
"Spanish? Really?" Max frowned.
"Yeah, why not" she shrugged her shoulders, looking at the waitress that came back with other type of shots. "Estamos en España! Hay que hablar en español"
"I don't understand a shit about what you said" Max frowned looking at Lando.
"Something about Spain and Spanish" he frowned too. "Last time it was Italian... Are you sure you don't search on Google basic things to say on every country?"
"No! Of course not!" She giggled already a little tipsy.
She does study a little of languages, but she listen to people talk, so her own brain works fast when she's drunk and remember things she heard hours before.
Alcohol can do magic.
Stage 4: dance. All she wants to do is dance and jump and scream. Like if she had too much sugar (in fact, she did)
"Let's go to the dance floor!" She exclaimed, leaving the shot glass on the table and jumping up, standing on her heels and holding her friends' hands.
Lando and Max looked at her, giggling. The three of them were already a little tipsy, but the two men were making sure they were not drunken enough to control their friend and take care of her.
"Oh god, I love this song" she exclaimed, jumping and singing the lyric of Despechá by Rosalía. "Come on guys!"
Lando chuckled and danced with her, small steps and making sure she wouldn't go too far from them. In this state she uses to be too much social and go dance with strangers.
"Oh! Guys I think I saw someone I know!" she exclaimed and started jumping trying to reach that person, that unfortunately she definitely doesn't know.
"No, no, no!" Max exclaimed holding her hips and stopping her, making her giggle and continue dancing, swinging her hips and looking at her friend with a big smile, giggling.
Stage 5: depressed. Not the depressed that thinks her life is shit but the depressed that is too much dramatic.
After she drank the shot glass that had again a fruity drink, she let a long sigh escape from her lips, making her friends look at her.
"You know... Sometimes when you go to races I cry" she sighed looking at Lando, making him frown.
"Why?" he frowned, biting his lip and trying to not laugh,knowing that this might be one of those moments of drama queen.
"Because your work is drive a car that goes 300 km/h! And there's a tiny chance of you dying!" she exclaimed, raising her arms and making dramatized mevements. "And I will never have the chance of saying goodbye to you because you are always away "
"Ah, come on" Lando chuckled softly, hugging her and rubbing her back. "In case something like that happens..."
"No! It can't happen!" she exclaimed holding him by the shoulders, shaking too much to make someone throw up. "It will never happen! You hear me? Because if you did I'll kill you!"
"Okay, okay" he laughed hugging her, looking how Max was trying to not laugh loud.
Stage 6: the new stage. Too soft to be her.
When she swallowed the last drop of alcohol she placed the glass back onto he table, taking a deep breath and smiled. She feels light, like if her body was a feather and she was floating around her friends.
"Well?" Max smirked.
"I'm feeling really good" she smiled softly, leaning on him.
"Oh?" he frowned confused.
She smiled looking at Lando. He's handsome. All her friends are handsome. How can she be so lucky to be surrounded by handsome guys? Some girls might say she's lucky, and in fact she feels lucky; other would ask how is not possible that she dates one of them.
"You are so handsome" she smiled cupping Lando's cheeks and squeezing them. "I'm so lucky to have such a handsome best friend!"
Lando and Max looked at each other, Max grabbing his phone and documenting how the new stage is.
"Since when do you have such a beautiful face?" she gasped turning around and looking at Max, rubbing his beard and smiling. "And so cute! Look at those curls! And that nose!" she exclaimed tooching the tip of his nose. "Boop!"
Lando and Max were shocked. She never showed so much affection or gave her friends compliments.
"I need to record this" Lando laughed, grabbing his phone and recording how she was hugging Max and pocking his cheek, while his friend was calling for help with his eyes.
"Yeah, definitely no more drinks for you" Max sighed hugging her back.
"Look at this curls! Oh god so cute!" she giggled playing with their hair.
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mqsi · 2 years
Can you do one where reader is a model and gavi has the biggest crush on her when he saw her walking in a fashion show and his teammates were making fun of him in the locker room and the rest can be up to you
Hey anon, thank you for requesting. I changed up the request a bit, since I already did a story about the team making fun of him,so I hope you don’t mind. 🫶🏻
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Pedri and him were driving around the city,when of course fans stopped by the car asking for photos. Pedri pulled down the windows of his mini so they can take pictures. Gavi was smiling at some girls phone when he noticed a billboard in the distance. It was an ad for some clothing brand, the girl advertising it really pulled Gavi’s attention and he probably ended up looking in the wrong direction in the pic.
When Pedri finally managed to slip out of the crowd, Gavi turned to him “Can you pass here one more time?”
“What? You want me to go in circles when I barely managed to pass trough?” Pedri said, confusion and irritation evident in his tone.
“Please, I have to check something” Gavi replied making Pedri sigh and take a turn.
They were passing by the same spot again when Gavi pointed at the billboard.
“There. That girl, I need to know her name”
Pedri took a few glances off the road to see what the hell Gavi was talking about.
“I think I’ve seen her on instagram or something, but I don’t know her name” said Pedri “Can you see what brand she’s working for?”
The billboard was pretty far from the road, Gavi was stuggling to read the letters but he ended up recognizing the logo.
“I got it” he said before opening his phone to dig out the information about the model, that being you. He found you on the brands instagram page, also finding out that they were having a fashion show this weekend.
“We need to go” Gavi said.
“Where now?”
“To her fashion show”
“You want us to go to a random fashion show? And for what? It’s not like you can do anything from going to her fashion show exept watch her” Pedri replied now laughing at his friends ideas.
“Bet” Gavi replied, already searching the way to get tickets.
Gavi ended up convincing Pedri to come and they both agreed this should stay between them. Since they were famous themselves, they got seated first row. Gavi spent most of his time looking around the room instead watching what was presented to him, until you came out on the stage.
His eyes instantly locked with your body, analyzing your features. You on the other end, had to stay professional and not let your eyes wandre the room. But duting the entirety of your part, you felt an intense gaze. As you were walking back, you stole a glance at the boy that was looking at you. Your eyes locked for a second, making Gavi smile. You quickly turned your head, basically rushing off the stage.
When the show ended, Pedri and Gavi had a plan. Pedri was going to stand in the middle of the entrance practically presenting himself to public, making a crowd and letting Gavi slip behind, hopefully unnoticed. And they did just that. Gavi managed to rush in an empty hallway where he was hoping to find your changing room. As he was walking, looking around, he suddenly felt a hand on his chest stopping him in his tracks.
“Hey there big guy” the man said “you can’t go back here”
Gavi usually hated using his reputation for private life occurrences but this was a must.
“Do you know who I am?” He said.
“Woah golden boy slow down, your football doesn’t mean nothing here, it ain’t a football pitch” the man said.
You were in your room, just a few steps away and had already changed into a pair of sweats and a hoodie when you heard the commotion outside. At first, you just brushed it off proceeding to take off your earings but you got curious. Stepping out of the room, you were met with the same eyes from before. Gavi was looking at you, chewing on the inside of his cheek in hopes of you letting him trough. The man, seemingly your body guard or something, was still ordering him to leave.
“No, it’s okay let him” your voice inturrupted him.
“What? You know we can’t do this”
“As my manager, you can decide stuff I do for work. This definietly isn’t work so you might as well leave us be” you said, making your manager leave down the hall. Both you and Gavi followed him with your eyes until he was out of sight,before turning to each other.
“Hi, Im Pablo-”
“Gavi” you inturrupted him “ I know. And I’m guessing you know me as well, since you came all the way here”
“Well yeah, I wanted to see If I can get your number or something?” He said making you chukle.
“You’re a bold one, aren’t you?” You said taking a step closer.
Gavi’s face got hot, why were you so close to him all of the sudden? He put his hands in his pockets cause otherwise he would fidget with them.
“Listen, I can’t give you my number right here, there are cameras around and that would make a headline everywhere, don’t you think? But..” you said before slowly reaching to your pocket and signaling Gavi to look in that direction. He got the memo and took a step closer and you slipped a card in his hand, which he quickly stuffed in his pocket.
“There’s my manager’s number written on it. Call tomorrow, and I will answer. We have a meeting and I’ll make sure to answer the call myself and step away from him. After all,he is always distracted at meetings,trying to organize my schedule” you said smiling at him.
Gavi smirked, biting his lip.
“Well, I’ll see if it was worth it” you smiled back, now turning away from him so you can get back in the room “Oh and take a second exit down the hall so people don’t see you come from here” you said before dissapearing into the room. Gavi stood there for a few moments, just smiling at the thought of you.
a/n: poor Pedri still being outside alone with the fans
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i-am-a-l0st-gh0st · 6 months
Secrets I have held in my heart- Lyney x Gn!reader- Part 2
Are harder to hide than I thought t/w- Angst comfort, dancing in the rain, fluffy lyney and girl boss Lynette Summary- Hear me out... The reader is lyneys friend in Fontaine who secretly has a massive crush on lyney, thinking those feelings are one-sided hence not telling him. They went to lyneys show, but then lyney took an audience member - a beautiful woman - for a trick which involved a little dance motion. That made the readers heart crush, as they sat in the dark audience seat with tears falling down from their eyes - their mind telling them they'll never ever be in place of that woman.Gn reader please!!! A/n- I maybe wanted to start doing Honkai Star rail Oneshots too! Would you guys enjoy that??
Taglist form!
Part 1!
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Lynette pov
Y/n walked out the performance mid way through. It was unlike them to do that, usually they sat and watched all of his tricks no matter how cheesy. I turned to face lyney, he was basically flirting with the girl on stage. About a week ago he had comfessed to me his love for y/n and y/n had done the same. Both thought it was one sided. Freminent and I are the only ones who knows. It kills us both to watch them be so oblivious.
The show continues as normal and Lyney and I finish with a bow as he throws flowers into the crowd. He has everyone fauning over him, girls, boys and everyone in between. I just don't think he realises how much he likes y/n and how much they like him back.
"Well I'd say that show was pretty successful wouldn't you Lynette?"
"Well yes, apart from the fact y/n walked out mid performance."
"They walked out? I-i didn't notice?"
"You were to busy flirting with that lady on stage."
"How could I be so stupid."
"I don't know. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to make tea."
Y/n pov
You wrapped your jacket tighter around you, the rain and wind were equally unforgiving. Maybe you should just get up and go? What were you doing waiting here? Were you hoping that Lyney would come out and find you? That he would come and hug you? That he would tell you how much he loved you?
It was useless. Of course he didn't love you back. You felt angry at him. He had flirted with you so much to the point that you'd actually fallen for him, and when he found out he was going to throw you away.
The suddenly stopped, well above you atleast. "Would you happen to be needing one of these. You might freeze to death if you keep sitting here in the rain."
"Go away Lyney."
He seemed taken aback at your words, and his usual flirty tone stopped. "Y/n what's wrong? You can talk to me you know."
"Not about this Lyney."
"You know I'm going to get it out for you eventually."
Maybe it was just the rain dripping down your face but something tickled your cheek. He gently reached out his hand almost like picking up an Injured bird. He wiped away your tears and slightly smiled.
"Come on don't cry. What's there to cry about?" He grabbed both your hands. "Come dance with me."
"You know I can't dance Lyney."
"And? I can teach you."
Despite the cold nipping at you, you started to feel warm. He dragged you out from the cover of the umbrella. Lyney placed one hand on your waist and the other leading your hand to his shoulders. Your hands were interlocked and you could feel yourself getting warmer by the second.
"Now just follow my steps. Can you do that?"
He moved so gracefully, just like on stage. Except he seemed more genuine. The smile on his face was so.... Handome. You felt your heart skip a beat. It wasn't fair that he could make you feel like this from just smiling.
You pulled away quickly not wanting to even look at him anymore. He looked like a sad, damp puppy.
"Please tell me. I hate seeing you like this."
"Well I hate seeing you flirt with every person you-" You stopped because you realised what you said.
"Your jealous?"
"You are oblivious aren't you Lyney." Lynette was standing against a pole with he tea in hand.
"What are you taking about Lynette?"
She sighed like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You both like each other."
You could see his face turn a bright red as he turned to face you. "You like me y/n?"
"I-i do."
"See there you both go." Lynette said.
He ran quickly towards you and embraced you in the tightest hug and his whispered in your ear. "And you never told me..."
"I thought you didn't like me."
"What gave you that impression?"
"You flirt with alot of people."
"Well...yeah I do but I only had eyes for you." He thought for a bit longer before saying, "May I kiss you."
"You may."
So he did.
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@pandragonsoul, @atsukawolfcat
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Cherry - James Potter x Barmaid!Reader
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Pairing: James Potter x Barmaid!Reader
Prompt: the songs Cherry by Harry Styles and the song Best Friends by Rex Orange County
Warnings: smut basically. (Also first song type fic so go easy on me!)
No Beta today lovelies let me know about spelling errors. ENJOY!!!
You clutched your jacket to your body, running as fast as you could, your heart pounding against your chest as your lungs fought to take in more air. Your hair was whipping in the wind as you sped around the corner straight towards The Three Broomsticks. The second you burst into the pub everyone stared at you in mild shock before going about their evening. 
“Y/N your late!” Rosmerta huffed making you pout. 
“I know I was up late helping my sister with her homework.” You sighed as you slid the denim jacket off your shoulders before wrapping the plain black apron around your waist, putting your notepad and pen in the left pocket then your small tea towel hanging out the right pocket. 
“Be warned The Marauders are playing tonight so it's gonna be packed.” Rosmerta explained as she began ringing someone up. 
“O-Oh. Awesome.” You stuttered as you tried to control your emotions. 
“Don’t tell me you still fancy Ja--
“I am well aware he has Lily you don’t need to remind me.” You glared at her making her eyes widen. 
“Actually, they split up about 6 months ago.” Rosmerta whispered with a smirk. 
“R-Really?” You whispered trying to conceal the small flicker of hope. 
“There was a rumour that she found out one of his songs was about another girl.” You heard Frank whisper behind you making you jump a little. 
“I hate it when you do that. That’s the most stupid rumour I’ve ever heard.” You snorted with an eye roll. 
“It’s Cherry.” Her stated and suddenly you couldn’t breathe.
“I don’t think I’ve heard it.” You muttered with a frown. 
You had gone to school with both the Marauders and The Valkyries. You had been friends with them for the most part but they weren’t people you overly saw outside of school. So, when school finished you never really spoke to them again. When you got a job here, you’d occasionally see them after they performed. However, when they got more popular, they started doing bigger gigs. You had even dated James in year 9 when you were both 13 but you were kids, so it didn’t last. You both thought you were so mature, calling each other baby and kissing cutely behind the side of the science block.
You grinned at the adorable memory before shaking it off just in time to see The Marauders walk through the side door. You looked up to see those same hazel eyes, even to this day you would recognise in a crowd, even after all this time they still made you heart clench. You hadn’t seen him in over a year, it felt surreal. 
“Holy shit! Is that little Y/N Y/L/N?” You heard Sirius shouted excitedly making you tear your eyes away from James who was staring at you liked he’d seen a ghost. 
“We were in the same year, ya’ fuckin’ numpty.” You snorted making Sirius grin. 
“Hey show some respect! I'm a rockstar now!” Sirius laughed causing you to roll your eyes.
“Ha! I don’t give a shit if you're selling out 100,000 tickets love. This is my domain.” You snickered before passing him a beer.
“How’s Evan? You guys have been together since...year 10 right?” Sirius asked excitedly as he sipped his beer. 
“We broke up, about 2 years ago actually.” You muttered awkwardly as you tried to busy yourself drying the rim of a glass with your tea towel. 
“Oh! That sucks.” Remus sighed sadly as his eyes flickered towards James. 
“Right, I'm letting in the crazies so get yourself set up lads!” Rosmerta shouted as she pointed to the small stage in the corner of the pub. 
You watched the set as the boys played happily, they hadn’t changed in the slightest, even now with such a serious fanbase. They were still fun and down to earth. You watched the first few songs with interest as you served the gaggles of girls that were cheering too loudly but you couldn’t blame them. They’re in their element up on stage, like they’d always been. You chuckled as Remus and Peter told the other two they needed a break. 
“We’re gonna play Cherry whilst our Drummer and Bassist take a break.” James muttered breathlessly into the mic.
Sirius began playing a beautiful tune on his acoustic guitar that you instantly felt a connection with. It almost sounded like the first random tune James created when he first learnt to play guitar. You decided to take you break and stand a little closer to the stage. This is the song Frank had said was about someone else. When James started singing you listened to the lyrics intently. 
‘Don't you call him baby. We're not talking lately, Don't you call him what you used to call me.’ He looked at the floor as he sang making you frown in confusion, he usually sang with a lot more confidence, until he finally looked up to meet your eyes.
‘I, I confess I can tell that you are at your best, I'm selfish so I'm hating it.’ His eyes bore into yours and you couldn’t understand why, but you figured maybe the spotlight was obstructing his view.
‘I noticed that there's a piece of you in how I dress, Take it as a compliment. Don't you call him baby We're not talking lately Don't you call him what you used to call me’ You frowned as you realised he was wearing a red plaid shirt over a white T-shirt similar to one you had back in school. Don’t be stupid Y/N it’s not about you, you thought to yourself.
‘I, I just miss I just miss your accent and your friends. Did you know I still talk to them? Does he take you walking round his parents' gallery?’ You instantly felt your heart stop as your eyes widened. This song was about you, Evan’s parents owned an art gallery in the next town over. You looked for an escape spotting the door to the outdoor smoking area and immediately sped out the pub telling Frank you’d be back soon as you shoved past the hordes of girls. 
“You okay Y/N?” You heard someone shout as you got outside. 
“Is that song about me?” You asked blatantly making Remus smile sadly. 
“Its one of them.” Remus answered calmly taking a pull of his fag. 
“THERES MORE?” You shouted, your jaw dropping in shock.
“Yeah, there's also Best Friend that’s an old one though.” Remus laughed calmly, you grabbed the half-smoked fag from his fingertips and took a long drag of it. 
“You were always...the one that got away, I guess. You dated as children, but I think James always wished you guys had waited until later in life.” Remus added making your eyes soften. 
“This isn’t why Lily and James broke up is it?” You asked, guilt swimming in your gut but the question had laughing again. 
“Nah, Lily came out the closet.” Remus chuckled making your eyes widen.
“O-Oh okay.” You chuckled shyly before passing the lit smoke back to Remus which he motion for you to smoke. 
Remus left you to your thoughts as you took drag after drag trying to calm yourself down. Your hands were shaking causing the ash to drop off the cherry-Cherry…why was it called that? You thought curiously your nerves fading into curiosity. Just then you looked up to find those hazel eyes staring at you from the exit of the smoking area.
“Hey.” He muttered like he couldn’t quite believe you were here.
“Why Cherry?” You asked abruptly making his mouth open as if to say something but he paused for a moment before finally speaking.
“You had this red tinted lip gloss…when we dated, it was the girliest thing you owned, and it tasted like Cherry. You wore it everyday for a whole year even after we broke up, then in year 10 you started dating Evan and stopped wearing it.” He answered softly making your heart clench.
“I can’t believe you remember that. That was 12 years ago.” You chuckled in disbelief.
“I remember everything about you…about us. Like how you never used to style your hair because you’d always run your hand through it and ruin it. Or how you didn’t wear much makeup in summer because you have hayfever and are always rubbing your eyes. You used to hate the colour yellow but you think your baby sister looks amazing in it. I remember how you used to love when I’d play with your hair. I also remember the last time we really spoke, it was just after we had finished 6th form and we all went to the pub. You were out having a smoke and Evan had already passed out at the booth. I said to you that I was glad I’d met you and you replied—
—Don’t be such a sap. Just buy me somet nice when yer’ a rockstar.” You finished for him with a laugh which was quickly silenced when you looked at James hand that was holding a box in his hand.
Your eyes widened as you stared at the box like it was about to bite you. He seemed to find this amusing but he swallowed his laugh and opened to box showing you the contents. There sat a white gold chain with a white gold and rose gold cherry pendant hanging off it. He took it out the box, sliding the empty velvet box into his pocket before approaching you. You could feel tears building in your eyes as he came behind you.
“I was jokin’ ya’ fuckin’ sap.” You sniffled so quietly you were sure he heard you.
“I wanna say I forgot how much I love your accent but that would be a lie.” He chuckled happily as he lower the chain around your neck.
His fingers brushed against the skin at the back of your neck causing your body to come alive, goosebumps all over your body, you held your breath, praying this moment would never end. He did the clasp so slowly, you knew it was intentional, but you didn’t care you welcomed it. 
“Can I take you out next week?” He whispered in your ear his hands brushing all the way down your spine over your clothes.
 “Y-Yes.” You stuttered almost breathlessly.
You were just sliding your white strappy heels when the knock on the door came. You brushed off your white satin shirt that was tucked into a grey tight mini skirt that hugged your hips perfectly. You opened the door and instantly saw a bunch of what looked like a bouquet of flowers but when you took a longer glance you realised it was multi coloured chocolate covered fruit made to look like flowers.
“I suggest this be put in your fridge and not a vase.” James joked making you grin.
“Probably for the best. These are awesome, way better than normal flowers.” You giggled as you pulled out two gold dusted white chocolate cover strawberries before placing the ‘bouquet’ into the fridge.
“You’re wearing the lipgloss.” He muttered in shock as you passed him one of the strawberries.
“Well I’m wearing a cherry lipgloss. I don’t think they even sell the brand I had 12 years ago.” You giggled before biting into your own strawberry.
“You look gorgeous.” He muttered happily as he finished his strawberry, popping the stick in the bin before holding out his hand for you.
“I would return the sentiment but you have enough fan girls doing it for me. Where are we going?” You snickered as you slid your hand into his, lacing your fingers together.
“Thought I’d take you to that little Italian place they just opened then maybe dancing?” He muttered nervously making you soften.
“You could’ve said McDonald’s and I’d of been happy cos I’d still be with you.” You replied sweetly making him grin from ear to ear. 
“Careful, you almost sound like a sap.” He teased you playfully.
“I’m not 18 and emotionally stunted. I’m  allowed to be a sap.” You argued with a cute pout on your lips.
“Stop pouting or the only place I’ll be taking you will be the old science block.” He whispered in your ear as you both exited your flat block.
“Mr Potter the scandal!” You exclaimed in a Scottish accent, a clear imitation of the time Ms McGonagall when she’s found you both behind a wall kissing. Though you had joked back your cheek we’re still painted red with James previous ‘threat’.  
“Oh I miss Minnie. I wonder how she’s doing?” James sighed softly with a small smile on his face.
“I see her at Tesco a lot. She seems well. She recently retired lives just at the edge of Hogsmeade in a small cottage.” You answered with a grin.
“I miss living here. Don’t get me wrong I love being able to play music and live with my surrogate brothers but I miss the quiet here. I still come back to see mum and dad but it’s not the same.” James sighed as he looked around at everything around him as you both started walking towards the restaurant hand in hand.
“Could you not live here but still do your gigs?” You asked with a soft frown on your face.
“I never thought so but recently Remus has been talking about being closer to his parents. They moved up here a few years ago when Remus mortgaged them a little cottage with 2 bedrooms. I think he wants to settled down, have some roots. Sirius is a wild card though. He’d rather be in a new city every night. Peter only has his mum so I think he’d be happy to move back here too. So really it’s just Sirius stopping us.” James rambled making you smile at the utter familiarity of it.
“He’s dating that Pop singer right?” You laughed making James roll his eyes.
“I think she really understood him and it freaked him out so he ended it not long before we got here. That’s my guess anyway…he won’t talk to me about it.” James huffed with an eye roll. 
“Idiot.” You snorted as you both saw the restaurant ahead.
James opened the door as you both approached it, his face lighting up when you leaned up to kiss his cheek before walking past him into the restaurant. James stood in front of the host with a polite smile. However when the young woman looked up her face instantly lit up.
“You’re Jame Potter right? The lead singer of the Marauders?” She asked as if trying to keep the excitement out her voice.
“Yeah we have a table booked for 7.” He replied with a smile.
“I love your new song Cherry.” She gushed as she showed him the way your table clearly not even bothering with your presence.
“Thank you! Can we get two glasses of red please? And some menus?” James asked as he pulled out your seat and suddenly the girls eyes were on you. 
She scanned you with a look of mild disgust until she caught sight of something on you that seemed to have her flushing, with anger or embarrassment, you weren’t sure but you looked down and instantly realised you had the Cherry necklace James had given you on.
“Two glasses of red. Got it, here’s your menus.” She stated in a professional tone that made your eyes widen. When she walked away you turned to James with a deadpan look.
“She totally knows.” You whispered nervously.
“Knows what?” He asked with a frown.
“That I’m Cherry.” You hissed as she began coming back towards the table with two glasses of wine.
“Thank you.” You said sweetly making her eyes narrow before turning back to James.
“Can I get a quick picture and an autograph?” She asked in a sickeningly sweet tone that made you laugh behind your wine glass.
“Do you mind?” James asked you sweetly making you smile with rose tinted cheeks.
“Of course not love.” You whispered softly making him grin happily. 
He jumped up, posing for a picture with the girl before grabbing a napkin and signing it for her. She gave him a bright grin before scampering off probably to text her friends. You watched as James sat down with a happily look on his face.
“You’re really in your element aren’t you?” You chuckled softly as he looked up into your eyes, sipping his wine.
“Without our ‘fans’ I really would be no where. Did you know the first record company that approached us was because a young woman who worked there, retweeted a video clip of our gig in a run down underground bar in London. She gushed about it so much a few of the higher ups saw it. Sirius got his first photoshoot because a photographer saw her teenaged daughter liking a bunch of the bands Instagram pictures. Without fans we would probably be washed up nobody’s.” He explained and you felt your heart melt. 
“I’m so glad you stayed the same baby.” You whispered with a cheeky grin.
“I never called Evan baby by the way. Just wanted to clear that up.” You giggled making him flush.
“Good. I-I never called Lily it either.” James replied making you smile a sincere smile.
“Good.” You sassed playfully making him chuckle.
You both finally ordered food, flirting over the dinner table with an alarming amount of ease. It felt natural, like this was a normal everyday date night; and not the first proper date you two had ever been on. You laughed, you both got tearful and nostalgic. Everything was going swimmingly until your ex boyfriend walked in with a blonde girl you knew was his secretary.
When you both locked eyes he seemed to go through a slew of emotions ranging from sadness to love, until he caught sight of James and it all turned to anger. 
“I want to say I’m surprised but I really shouldn’t be should I?” Evan scoffed quietly as he approach your table.
“Evan, how are you mate?” James tried casually making Evan visibly sneer at him. 
“I’m well, thank you Potter. When did you two start dating?” He spat making James’ eyes narrow.
“This is our first date.” He stated as calmly as he could, clearly surprised by his hostility.
“I’m surprised, considering you’re the reason my girlfriend of 7 years said no to my marriage proposal.” Evan spat out and suddenly everything grew silent.
“If I remember her words correctly. She said ‘I’m sorry Evan I can’t marry you. I can’t picture my life in the future with you. I thought I’d give us a chance but I can’t take the next step when I don’t feel it.’ I obviously asked what she meant by it and she said ‘The pull.’ I had no idea what she even meant. I mean I was her first PROPER boyfriend she’d never been with anyone but me. Then I found her secret little—
“Shut up Evan.” You snapped in utter humiliation.
“I found a box full of things from when you two had you 3 month long relationship in year 9. Letters, notes with music notes on them, cute little gifts you gave her. There was even a cutely pressed flower sealed in resin. I mean I’d think that was cute if she had things like that from OUR relationship but nope. Nothing.” Evan finished making tears prick your eyes.
James was never gonna wanna see me again. He’s gonna think I’m some creepy stalker that has been obsessed with him for 12 years. You went to stand up but James reached out and wrapped his hand around your wrist.
“What did you honestly think was going to happen by telling me that she’d been longing for me just like I have for her? I also have a box filled with things from her including the red plaid top she left at mine after a party in year 11.” James snorted out proudly making your jaw drop. 
You wiped the unshed tears away carefully before you glanced at Evan who looked beyond angry. He didn’t say anything else just walked to his own table silently. You turned to James who let out a small sigh making your heart clench in fear. 
“I never understood why you dated that dick.” He huffed with an eye roll.
“Because you started dating Lily.” You whispered brokenly and he looked up at you with a frown.
“I didn’t start dating Lily till you started dating Evan.” He corrected making you frown.
“No I remember seeing you and Lily at Madam P’s on a date. You bought her my favourite cream puffs.” You huffed with an eye roll.
“I bought them for you! Then when I went to give them to you you were making out with Evan!” He argued and suddenly tears pricked your eyes.
“N-No cos then that would mean I wasted 7 years with the wrong person…” You whispered sadly with tears brimming your waterline.
“Oh baby…” He muttered sympathetically before standing up to kneel at the side of your seat.
“We were kids. We didn’t know better. As adults we know it’s easier to talk about things instead of assuming.” He stated gently, his hand caressing your thigh in a soothing manner.
“Come on, I’ll pay for dinner then we can go for a walk instead of dancing?” He offered sweetly making your heart pound heavily in your chest.
You gave a nod and collected your purse as he signalled for the waiter. The waiter came over with the bill which you quickly offered to pay half of, but James looked psychically wounded, so you dropped it. 
He offered you his arm which you took as you both began strolling towards the park. He was quiet until we got to the floral covered entrance of the park. He clutched your hands that were resting around his bicep as he looked down at you.
“I missed you.” He suddenly said making you flush under his gaze.
“I missed you too.” You replied sweetly making him grin happily.
You walked into your flat, locking the door behind you and putting the latch on before throwing your keys into the bowl near the front door. You kicking off your shoes before shuffling straight towards your bedroom. When you opened the bedroom door and turned on the light,  you instantly caught sight of your boyfriend making you frown a little before you let out a squeal of happiness.
“Shit…I fell asleep.” James grumbled huskily as he sat up rubbing his eyes. He grinned at you sleepily holding his arms out.
“I thought you weren’t back till next week?” You giggled as you launched yourself into his arms.
“The show in Sheffield got cancelled cos of the rain. So we came back early.” He explained as he nuzzled into your neck.
You and James had been dating for about a month, you’d only given him a key because he was always away so you told him if he ever got back early he was welcome to chill at yours. You guys had yet to take it to the next step, you weren’t sure why he was hesitant, but for the past three days since you’d accidentally given a full view of James naked torso over FaceTime, you’d been insatiable.
“I missed you baby.” You whispered in a rather seductive tone as you settles on his lap and leaned down to kiss him softly.
“Mmm missed you too.” He mumbled as he pulled away from the kiss. 
“Nope m’not done yet.” You grumbled as you brought him in for a more heated kiss.
He gasped against you lips but his hands gripped at the back of your work shirt. You moaned against his lips, your tongue sliding along his bottom lip teasingly before pulling away with a grin.
“I need a shower. You are welcome to join me.” You offered with a wink as you climbed off his lap to strip down to your undies.
“I’ll wait until your out. I’m not making love to you for the first time in the shower.” He chuckled as he stripped off his T-shirt and laid back on your bed with a smirk.
You couldn’t help the way your eyes raked over his now naked torso. It was like he was sculpted by the gods. The only thing you could think of in that moment was, I wanna lick him. He reached down and cupped his package, something that would usually make you roll your eyes but instead you found yourself wanting to drop to your knees and beg him to use you. 
“Ugh it should be illegal how fuckin’ hot you are.” You huffed before stomping off to your bathroom with a pout.
When you got into the shower you sighed happily, you realised you’d thankfully shaved the day before as well as washed your hair so it saved time. You quickly put on a shower cap before stepping into the water to start washing. You used your expensive lush Snow fairy shower gel, smiling at the sweet smell. Once done you got out and dried yourself off before using the matching Snow fairy body mist. 
You took the show cap off and wrapped the towel around you before wandering into your bedroom. When you walked in James looked up and immediately sat up straight. He must’ve been expecting you to come out in clothes because his face flushed softly.
“Why pray tell, are ya’ still dressed?” You smirked making him grin.
“Apologies my lady.” He exclaimed as he very dramatically dropped his pants making you openly laugh.
“Idiot.” You laughed as he threw his jeans and socks across the room leaving him in a pair of tight Calvin Kleins. 
“You look like a fuckin’ Calvin Klein advert.” You groaned deciding to wind him up as much as you felt wound up.
The second the towel dropped so did James’ jaw. You smirked as you sauntered over to the bed, your hips swaying as you went. James seemed in a slight daze as he shuffled after you. You laid down, leaning up on your elbows to raise an amused brow at him.
“Fuck you’re gorgeous baby.” He groaned as he crawled onto the bed admiring you body openly.
“Been wanting this for days.” You whispered as he hovered above you, his arms trapping you against the bed. 
“Oh really?” He teased his index finger trailing up your body slowly, until it reached your chin.
“Mhmm Sirius accidentally pointed the phone at you when you went to change a few days ago…haven’t been able to satisfy myself since.” You pouted playfully making him smile.
“Poor baby.” He whispered huskily in your ear before leaning down to kiss just below your ear making you gasp.
“Please James…” You whispered breathless arching again him as his hand slid downwards until he arrived at your hip.
He said nothing, instead he gave you what you wanted. His hand slid down a little further, his fingers brushing through your already wet folds. He groaned audibly as his finger pulled the wetness to your clit and began massaging in slowly tentative circles. You arched against him your moan long and full of desperation. 
“Feel good love?” He asked sweetly as he began pressing kisses over your chest before taking your left nipple into his mouth, suckling on it gently.
“Mhmm…oh f-fuck…just like that baby.” You moaned as he dipped two fingers into you tight wet heat before dragging them back out putting pressure on your clit before diving back in.
“Need to taste you.” James growled as he backed down the bed until his face was level with your dripping pussy.
You suddenly felt a little panic. Evan had only done this once of twice in the years you’d been together and it was never any good for you. As if James sensed your worry he sat up a little and stared at you with worried eyes.
“I-I’ve never…I’ve only done this twice a-and I-I didn’t really enjoy it..” You whispered shyly your ears and cheeks flushing bright pink.
“I’m sorry… I thought I just heard you just say you’d only had this done twice?” He whispered in disbelief making you shrink a little.
“Fuck that come ‘ere baby. Let me change your mind.” James whispered in a slight daze as he bent your legs back exposing you but before you could feel embarrassed his tongue was on you.
You moaned at the feeling as he began leaving sloppy kisses all over your exposed heat. You keened against him try to change the feeling but you loving accidentally caused his tongue to slip a little further than your pussy. You let out an embarrassing squeak covering your face with your hands as James peered up at you with the dirtiest smirk on his face, if you’d of been feeling more coherent you’d of slapped it off.
“Interesting.” He whispered smugly as he kept eye contact and over down to lick your puckered hole making you gasp loudly which was followed by a long drawn out moan as he did it again.
“Gonna file that but of information away for another day.” James chuckled huskily before moving back to your pussy which he quickly began devouring as he slid two fingers inside your sopping wet heat.
“O-Oh shit…” You moaned loudly as he pressed his fingers into your g-spot.
“Could do this all day.” James groaned, his hips grinding into the bed like a horny teenager which shouldn’t of been as attractive as it was.
“M’Close love.” You cried out as his finger sped up but his tongue stayed gentle and precise. The combination had you clenching around his fingers but you needed something but you couldn’t quite figure it out so you took the initiative.
“Stick your tongue out baby.” You moaned and he looked up at you with a hint of surprise before he looked at you lustfully and did what you asked.
You hands slid into his hair as you began grinding against his tongue. He groaned at the sight of you using him for pleasure but you couldn’t focus. You threw your head back in pure ecstasy as you thrust against his tongue.
“Fuck yes. That’s it baby…gonna cum all over your pretty face.” You moaned as your hand gripped his hair even tighter. Finally you felt yourself tumbling over the edge your thrusts erratic and untimed but you clenched around his fingers coming undone on his tongue.
“Ahhh James.” You cried out as your legs shook with the force of your orgasm. When your body turned to jelly you released his hair letting him sit up as he licked his lips happily.
“That was so fucking hot.” James growled as he leaned down to kiss you heatedly.
“Need you…Need to be inside you baby…please.” James whispered breathlessly as he shimmied out of his boxers.
“How could I say no when you look so pretty begging.” You chuckled seductively as you reached down to guide his rather large cock into your pussy.
He pushed in slowly making your head fling back in pleasure. You’d never felt this full, it was like you could feel him everywhere. You let out a long drawn out moan, your heat clenching around him as he bottomed out. He let out a husky groan, burying his head in the crook of your neck.
“Fuck your so tight.” He growled against your neck making you chuckle.
“That because the only person I slept with was barely 5 inches.” You snorted and James let out a surprised laugh.
“That is the only time talking about an ex is acceptable in our love nest.” He laughed as he leaned up to kiss you passionately making you instantly forget what you’d even been talking about.
When he began thrusting inside you wet heat you let out an embarrassingly high-pitched moan that had you flushing as you attempted to bite your lip to contain anymore.
“Ah ah. Don’t you dare cover your moans. Wanna hear you.” James growled as he gently freed your lower lip from your teeth.
“James.” You moaned as he sped up his pace.
You flung your arms around him, your nails digging into his back as you lost yourself in the feeling of him inside you. You pulled him into a messy heated kiss, your hands sliding into his hair to grip it tightly.
“Fuck…harder p-please.”  You so yes as you pushed your hips up to meet his thrusts.
“We’re supposed to be making love baby.” He teased as he refused to speed up.
“James if you don’t fuck me like a whore I’m gonna get myself off while you get to sit there with blue balls.” You growled threateningly making his eyes widen.
“You my love have got a dirty little mouth on you.— he gave a deep thrust to punctuate his words.— Such— thrust—An—thrust—impatient—thrust—little—thrust—slut.” He growled before he began pounding into you.
“Fuck yes! M’ yer’ little slut though.” You moaned loudly making him groan, his cock twitching inside you as he began thrusting at an animalistic pace.
“S-Shit so tight and wet for me.” He moaned huskily against your neck, his hand squeezing your arse cheeks roughly.
You clung to his muscular body unable to do more than lay there and let him fuck into you like his own personal fuck toy. You could feel yourself building up again so you reached down to circle your clit but James slapped your hand away before leaning up to spit on your pussy, the whole scene was something you’d thought would disgust you but it only had you moaning as he brought his fingers to your clit. 
He began circling the swollen bud as he contained fucking into you roughly. You felt yourself teeter towards the edge until he began drilling straight into your g-spot knocking your orgasm out of you like a punch. You came around his cock which triggered his own orgasm, growling through gritted teeth as he came inside you. 
“F-Fuck Y/N!” He groaned deeply as his came, his thrust begin to slow down until they came to a stop. Your legs were shaking and you felt limp everywhere but you’d never felt so satisfied.
“Wow.” Was all you managed to say as James moved your left leg to lay over your right one before laying down behind you making sure he didn’t slip out.
You flushed a little at the intimacy of the whole thing but as he left soft kisses on your spine and shoulders, you closed you eyes and basked in the feeling. Usually you’d jump straight up, pee and get dressed but this felt right. 
The sound of James phone ringing broke the moment and he rolled his eyes before sliding out of your pussy causing you to let out a breathless gasp. He smirked down at you as he grabbed his phone and answered the call.
“What do you mean your outside ay/N flat?” James sighed as you passed him his boxers. He slid them on after hanging up on his best friend and walking towards the front door of your flat. 
“Sorry to interrupt you screw sesh but this is important!” Sirius exclaimed as he pulled out the bands shared tablet and slapped it into James hand.
“Your ex girlfriend posted a new single?” James questioned with a frown as you finally came into the room dress in James t-shirt.  
The second the song finished you burst out laughing. You knew you shouldn’t of but the fact was, it WAS fucking hilarious in your eyes. 
“You finally pissed off the wrong girl.” You snorted through your laughter.
“What the fuck do I do now! Everyone knows this is about me!” Sirius growled as he began pacing.
“It’s a good song?” James tried as he tried to hold back his own laughter.
“Are you serious?” Sirius screamed making you fall into another round of laughter.
“Karma. Am I right?” You smirked before plugging the tablet into you speaker with the aux cable before blasting out the song.
“I don’t speak boy shit!” You cheered as you did a little dance making James burst out laughing. 
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zyonsay · 1 year
Blinding Lights
Fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Warnings: NSFW-> guk guk 3000,Alcohol, Gay shit
Reader: Male
Word count: 1'655 Words
Song i listened to while writing: "I threw at my friend's eyes and now im on probation" by Destroy Boys
AN: Hey :] Lemme know what u thought about this! Im open for tips, as i still struggle with writing. Also this is like the first time i wrote smut. Deadass. But anyways, Enjoy!
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Your black military boots made a slouching, wet sound as you walked through the city streets of London. It had rained earlier, but that didn’t stop you from having fun at the club.
The entrance that greeted you looked absolutely disgusting, the only thing you’d expect to occupy the old sewage system would be rats or some old, sick stray dogs. But behind the big, withered cloth that probably inhabited maggots a dimly lit, colorful tunnel hid itself. It was covered in Graffiti and colorful bottles hung from the ceiling. Loud music could be heard from the other end, which was covered by a dark blue curtain, resembling the night sky you had abandoned just a few minutes ago.
The colorful lights blinded you temporarily, but you felt right at home. This was one of the less popular meet up spots for underground artist and queer people. It wasn’t just some nightclub, it was a safe space for all kinds of people, that’s why you loved it so much. You too were very much part of the LGBTQ+ community, so you sought out your nightclubs very carefully. Being involved in a hate crime wasn’t exactly on your bucket list, obviously.
 Some unknown band was absolutely tearing up the stage with their messily decorated instruments. People were dancing, drinking, and singing. It was a big chaos, but you felt at peace, surrounded by your people. The big, broad room was filled with a bar, a few sofas and the stage and it was also thoroughly decorated with graffiti, more colorful bottles, and fairy lights.
You ordered yourself some alcohol, vodka being your favorite. The band was finishing up their last song, then thanked the lively crowd. Then another band stepped foot on the stage, their guitarist and lead singer looking familiar. You’ve seen him around a lot, but you’ve never talked to him. You were basically eye banging him, he looked very good. The way his eyeliner had already smudged made him even more attractive. It almost seemed like he read your thoughts, because he stared right at you, a big grin plastered on his face. You thought it might’ve just been your imagination, the crowd was way too big for him to have looked at you specifically.
The band began performing their first song, the mass of people around you immediately started dancing and singing. Everybody was having a good time, including you. You were dancing with your drink still in your hand, gripping it tightly as the alcohol was way too expensive for you to spill it. You directed your glance towards the stage again, wanting to grace your eyes with the hot man shredding his guitar solo. People were cheering and clapping for the young man, showing him exactly how amazing he is. He continued singing the lyrics to his song and while doing so he grinded against the mic stand, firing on his ego even more.
People were screaming at his cheeky action, a drowned “GET ME PREGNANT!!!” could be heard from the other side of the crowd, many people laughing at that. The punk on stage was smirking at that, though he was seemingly looking at you again.
Now shit got absolutely wild, he was pointing at you and then pointed to the door, which hid a storage room for the band’s instruments. You grinned at him, taking another sip of your drink. He then sang along to the suggestive lyrics of his song, looking at you again, making a very distinctive gesture with his hands. He wanted you to blow him. You felt hazy, blood rushing to your face as you smirked at him, nodding while raising your drink to him.
His band finished their set, people were cheering them on, excited for their next song. Meanwhile a young woman went on stage and announced a campaign for disabled people, receiving a lot of cheers and support.
You on the other hand had made your way to the storage room, feeling a hot, burning feeling in your core. Your cheeks were slightly reddened – whether it was from the alcohol or from your excitement, no one knows. You must admit, giving a blowie to a random guitarist wasn’t the most unhinged thing you’ve ever done. You really didn’t care to be modest anyways.
Then suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder, causing you to spin around and look at whoever was behind you. You were greeted with two beautiful brown eyes and a cheeky grin.  
“Sorry if I put you on the spot there, mate” You smirked at him, then replied “I would’ve let you know if I didn’t want to, but who would say no to you?” You smiled, checking the person opposing you. He was tall and handsome, something mischievous glimmering in his eyes. He smiled at you, slowly growing impatient, since there wasn’t much time in between his band’s sets.
He led you into the storage rooms, revealing a sofa and wall covered in mirrors. This was probably where the bands waited for their performance and could freshen up their makeup. “By the way, I’m Hobie Brown.” The man now known to you as Hobie sat down on the sofa, gesturing you to come over. “Names’ Y/N.” You muttered with a smile, eyeing the bulge building up in the punk’s pants. You shifted closer to Hobie, not wanting to waste too much time. You settled between his legs, kneeling on the orange and pink patterned carpet.
You started fiddling with his belt, looking up with your big eyes, almost looking innocent if it wasn’t on the big smirk on your visage. “Ready?”, you were barely whispering. The young man, who was looking down at you with a grin only nodded his head. You opened up his jeans, slightly pulling them down to give you space for slutty activities. You touched his member through his plain grey boxers, that already had a wet spot on them, revealing his excitement. Hobie let out an impatient groan, wanting you all over him this instant. You quickly got rid of the remaining cloth in your way, your own erection pressing painfully against your jeans. You took his cock in your hand, Hobie hissed at the feeling of your soft hands around him.  You pumped him slowly, before leading your lips towards his tip, enjoying yourself a lot. “Mmmhhhh…” The man above you threw his head back. You then took more of his dick into your mouth, enjoying the feeling. You swirled your tongue along his shaft, earning quiet grunts and sighs from Hobie. He gripped a handful of your fluffy hair, slightly fucking into your mouth.
He looked at you through lust filled eyes, a pleading expression painting his face. “Can I fuck your mouth?”, he whimpered.
 You nodded, slowly letting his member out of your mouth. He stood up, facing your kneeling figure. You got right back to savoring him, as he held you by your hair again. He then began thrusting into your mouth, enjoying the wet, warm feeling. He still held back some of his length, waiting for you to look at him with your doe eyes. He smirked down at you, whispering something along the lines of “Get ready, darling”.
 You took the rest of his cock into your mouth, tears building in the corner of your eyes. Hobie fucked your throat slowly at first, but quickly fell into a more violent pace. You glanced to the side, seeing a sinful scene playing in the mirrors covering the wall. It could’ve well been a baroque painting on the wall of a filthy rich art critique. But there you were, in an underground nightclub, full of drunk queers, sucking off a musician. 
Hobie was now thrusting at a devilish fast pace, using you like a cheap toy to get off on. He looked at you, grinning at your face. “You gonna swallow, like the good little slut you are?” You nodded slightly, not wanting to disturb his pleasure. Your own dick was pulsing in your pants, starved from any kind of stimulation. You were stabilizing yourself by holding the back of Hobies thigh, feeling slightly dizzy due to alcohol and lust. You wanted to make the man in front of you feel good, even tough you merely met him a few minutes ago.
Your thoughts were cut off by Hobies cock twitching in your mouth, you quickly looked up at him, watching happily as he threw his head back and let out a moan. “Ngahhh… Fuck!” Thick ropes of cum flowed down your throat. You tried your best to swallow all of it, as you didn’t want any of the white fluids landing on the fluffy carpet beneath you. Even though this carpet is probably covered in it anyways, you thought to yourself. This was a messy nightclub after all.
Hobie slowly pulled out, grinning down at you again. He pets your fluffy hair, with you sitting at his feet like an obedient dog. “Good Boy.” The punk zipped his pants up again, as you got up from the floor, straightening your messed up clothes. Paying little to no attention to Hobie, you didn’t expect him to tip your chin up. He captured your lips in a feverish hot kiss, getting a taste of himself. You two then parted, leaving a fragile strand of saliva between you two. Outside of the storage room, a loud voice announced Hobies band again, receiving many loud cheers. “Gotta go sweetheart”, he turned around to leave, when you gripped his wrist gently. You looked at him, smirking.
 “Ya wanna come home with me later?”, you received a mischievous look from the man. You cocked your eyebrow, wanting an answer. Hobie then leaned forward, leaving a small kiss on your neck. “Deffo.” He then left the storage room, leaving you with weak legs. You were definitely planning to take this man home tonight.
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lackofbrains · 10 months
i dont really know how to work tumblr posts and im not really a good writer but i wanted to write a velvet x reader story since theres hardly any on here
story info:
its kind of angst but like ends with fluff or whatever its called
so basically you’re like a pop artists along with velvet an veneer, and you’re like almost more famous than them and velvet gets really jealous and starts to hate you, but in the end she realizes she doesnt.
y/n's POV
"so y/n your new song is at the top of the charts!" the interviewer fred or whatever his name was said, i honestly couldnt care to remember his name. "yeah. im so greatful for everyone who listens to my songs i wouldn't be here without all of you!" i replied directing the last part towards the audience in front of me. they all cheered in response and i smiled a bit, loving the attention and thankful for the fans. "awww, thats so sweet! so we need to know, is there any new songs in the making?" he asked me really prominently on the need part. "welllllll" i drug out my word trying to thing of a good response. i get really awkward and anxious around huge crowds, kind of a bad thing for a pop star but. "i may be working on a new song, look out for teasers on my instagram." im so excited for the new song to release its definitely gonna be one of my best songs yet "okay we'll make sure to check!" he glanced down at his watch, i guess the interview was finally over thank goodness. "well, y/n. looks like our interview is sadly over, it was great having you thanks so much for coming" he said "no, thank you! this was great-" i stood from the comfy sofa i was on "and thank you all for coming!" as i said that the crowd went crazy, mount rageons screaming all over the place. it was kind of overwhelming so i probably walked faster than i needed to off stage, as i got backstage i blew out a sigh of relief, thankful for the opportunity to spread my music but also thankful it was over.
                                velvets POV
"ughhhhhhh" i groaned "i cant stand her and her goody two shoes self, shes so annoyinggggg" i complained to my brother, veneer. "shes not annoying velvet, she seems really nice." he replied to me, i abruptly took my feet off the coffee table they were on and turned to him. did he really just say that to me. "why are you defending our competition!" i basically screached at him, "sorry, velvet. i wasnt lying though, you just like to see the bad in people" he sighed, crossing his arms like the sassy twink he is. "i cant stand you sometimes! its like you want us to be second best." i really did not understand why he was defending someone thats trying to take MY crown. i got up off the couch and walked away from him, i mean yeah she may be nice and pretty but shes trying to take whats mine and that cannot happen."
(time skip to some award show thingy that i just made up bc it helps the plot)
                                y/n's POV
looking around i see so many different singers, some well known, some not as much and probably werent even invited in the first place. as my eyes scan the crowd of celebrities, looking for my friend, f/n, they land on no other than veneer himself, standing with my mortal enemy, velvet. the green haired twins were my competition and i had to beat them. i honestly didnt mind veneer too much, he seemed like a nice guy. velvet on the other hand, i had a totally different opinion on. ever since she basically said my music sucked in an interview of hers, and no i don't just watch all her interviews(yes you do dont lie), i havent liked her, thats an understatement. i cannot STAND velvet.
as i was in my own little word of dislike towards the prettier twin, i didnt notice someone standing right in front of me. i looked up expecting the brown caring eyes of f/n, only to be met with cold blue eyes. i sharply inhaled, to be honest scared out of my mind "y/n!" "what are you doing here?!" the green haired girl shriecked, "i was... invited..?" i replied in a hushed tone, not being able to find my voice. "well you shouldnt of been, your music sucks, and overall you dont deserve any award." she replied, flipping her hair asif i wasnt even there? "okay... well my song on top of the months best pop song chart says otherwise" i said turning around and walking away before she could hear the last part of that, she had really pretty eyes..
"y/n!" i hear from behind me, this time from a more scruffier voice. i turned around recognizing the voice was coming from f/n. "there you are! i was looking for you everywhere." "i saw.. i also saw your run in with the twins. tell me everything!" i groaned at that last bit "no f/n it was scary enough i dont need to repeat it." i replied also turning away from him "attention! all invited pop singers, please make your way to the stage!" 'finally' i thought to myself, ive had to wait an hour and a half through the rock, country andddd rap awards.
im going absolutely insane, why did i have to be seated RIGHT NEXT TO VELVET. its like torture, i could feel her eyes on me for the whole 10 minutes it took to introduce everyone, it was awful, but sort of nice in a way.
(time skip to the actual awards bc im a horrible writer and cannot care enough to try and fill the gap with sappyness)
"andddd the award goes to-" his eyes widened as he read the slip of paper with the award winners name on it "velvet and veneer-" he was interrupted once again only this time not by himself, but by the crowd behind him going crazy "wait!" he said and they all quieted down just enough to hear him, i looked beside me and velvets smile dropped hearing him say that "AND y/n y/ln!" the crowd went even louder this time, i gasped hearing my name "well dont just sit here come get the award..s?" all three of us walked torwards him, i looked to my left towards velvet and she actually smiled at me, and not even a condescending one! we both took the awards, as we walked back to our seats, velvets arm brushed against mine, i got so flustered i had to turn away so she didnt see me blushing. i dont know why i was acting so weird i hated her... right? "congratulations to the winners of this months most amazing pop stars!!" the crowd hadnt stopped yelling yet, i was fidgeting uncomfortably in my seat, picking at my hands, feeling a panic attack coming along, when suddenly i felt a hand on top of my own, locking fingers with me. i was so shocked i didnt even wanna look because i knew the amazingly pink painted nailed hands belonged to.... velvet.
she had held my hand the rest of the show, which in reality was about 10 minutes but felt like hours with her hand in mine, her hands were so soft.
(time skip to like after the show but like not left yet bc thats so unsexy an doesnt fit my amazing plot)
i was standing around the desert table talking to f/n, well it was really him talking about how much i deserved the award and how great my music is. he really knows how to make someone feel special. i looked around for velvet spotting her talking to her brother, i really wanted to speak to her, my "hatred" for her had turned to love in less than 3 hours.
"yeah you were obviously winning the awar-" f/n was cut off mid sentence by the green haired girl that i couldnt get out of my mind "hey y/n can i talk to you?" she asked me, her cold demeanor still up but i felt like there was something under her coldness, i followed her after muttering a quick "sorry" in f/n's direction.
we finally got to a deserted hallway when she finally spoke "are you okay?" she asked, cold demeanor slipping as soon as we were alone "y-yeah why wouldnt i be?" i asked stumbling over my words abit because of the close proximity between us..
velvets POV
her stuttering was kinda cute. "because you seemed like you were gonna pass out, babe" i couldn't catch myself before the pet name slipped out, i guess its out there that i dont reslly hate y/n now. i guess i just didnt like the idea of not being on top, but now that we're both on top its kinda nice. "oh yeah that..." she trailed off, blushing a bit, either from embarrassment or the pet name, probably the latter if we're being honest. "sorry, i just get a bit overwhelmed with thr crowds and loud screaming, which i know is weird since im a pop star- so i basically signed up for this-"y/n" "and they probably saw me too and they think i hate them now- and im gonna lose the award-"y/n" "and im not gonna be able to write music anymore because everyones gonna hate me, and ill have no money- and ill be homeless and-"y/n!" i finally got her attention finally silencing the rambling girl "sorry.." she looked really upset "its okay y/n, you dont need to apologize. you did nothing wrong i promise." i replied tucking a loose strand of hair behind her hair, finally noticing how close we were. "velvet" y/n whispered, as i cupped her cheek "hm?" i hummed leaning in a bit waiting for her to initiate what was about to happen(consent is sexy) "are you sure" she muttered "mhm" and with that she finally closed the gap, her soft lips meeting mine. when we finally seperated we were both panting from the lack of air. "that was..." "great" i finished her sentence. "would you wanna maybe, you know. go out tomorrow?" i asked, still a bit flustered from the kiss. "like a date?" she said teasingly "y-yeah. a date." "of course, what time are you picking me up" she said with a smirk "is 8 good?" "see you at 8 velvs" and with that she gave me one more peck and walked away.
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ornii · 2 years
Folie à deux II: Addams
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As the crowd roars as the final note plays, (Y/n) stands before them, exhausted but smiling. He raises the mic to his mouth and gives one last speech.
“Before I leave.. i Wanna say something, you can do anything you put your mind to, put your mind towards it and you’ll reach the top, legends never die. “ with those parting words he departed the stage to applause that could be heard around the world, (Y/n) walks off stage and to his manager, Karl, after a bit of reluctance he accepted one, and he’s never looked back on it. He slumps down wand Karl sits with him.
“Last city, and ended it with a bang, gotta say you did perfect, Celebes are all over your Twitter.” He said smiling and pats (Y/n) on the shoulder.
“Thanks..” (Y/n) Said, obviously weary.
“Look get on the bus, we’ll head home and you take a long break, I’m sure you got more music to work on.” He says and (Y/n) nods and stretched, and headed back to the tour bus, after sitting inside the exquisite bus, he hears the tv play.
“(Y/n)‘s “Welcome World” Tour had ended and with over 40 concerts done it ends and overall fantastic reception, after a debut single and his first Album “Beyond.” Eyes Are on the young star and we can only imagine what he has in store.” They say, he turns the tv off and falls into a deep sleep.
A Few months pass, and all seems well for you, while a big chunk of the internet is absolutely crazy for you, you never let it get to your heard, more importantly your music is slowing down unfortunately, working 20 hours straight trying to focus on producing a beat takes its toll physically and mentally. As you slump in your chair across your station, Karl enters and peers over.
“You Look Tired, Cmon take a Break, i Wanna talk to you about somethin.” He said, you reluctantly stop the beat and remove your headphones.
“What’s up?” You say and Karl sits down.
“I’ve been thinking and you’re burned out, you can’t keep this up forever and you’ll end up hating it, so, why don’t you focus on somethin different for a bit?” He says.
“Like?” You say asking for an example. Karl leans in.
“This is between you and us, but I chatted with some executives on Netflix and they’re producing a show, you know the Addams family right?” He says, and you smirk and snap your fingers twice.
“Who doesn’t?” You reply.
“Okay Okay Smart ass.” He replies jokingly, “Netflix wants to do a series on the Uh, what’s her name? Wednesday.. yeah and it’s going to be in a boarding school, and with that type of young actors, it’s perfect for you to get your feet wet.” He explains.
“Sounds cool Enough..” you say. And check your phone. “How longs the shoot?”
“Few months? They got the girl from scream or whatever.” Karl says, which immediately catches you off guard, your head jerks up and you lean in.
“Jenna?” You ask.
“Uh yeah that’s her name, she was in other movies but yeah— so—“
“Yes!” You say a bit too excited for Karl, who was caught off guard. He chuckles, “Okay kid don’t go kissing her feet when you see her.”
You scoff at this.
“Ha! As if I-I don’t.. do that.” You say, and Karl shrugs, “I’ll call the executives and let Em know.” He says and leaves you alone, a giddy feeling in your chest goes wild as you stand up, reinvigorated!
The next week was the first week of shooting, and was nerve wracking, sitting inside your trailer you read the script, the director, the Tim Burton stood across from you, a legend who made some of the most unique films, a Nightmare Before Christmas, The Corpse Bride, Beetlejuice! Even the 1989 Batman film! It was like meeting a figure from your childhood.
“Okay, so.. who am I going to play?”
“You’ll be playing a man named (Y/n) Healy. An Irish demon, you’ve heard of the old tale of Balor and the evil eye? Basically that, but a more, human aspect.”
“Okay… and his role is he the, Villian?”
“No, in fact he’s going to be with Wednesday.” He says and your face loses color, wether it was excitement or embarrassment, you weren’t sure but you don’t hate the idea. “Okay.” You say nodding.
“I’ll method act the blindness, I’ll need a cane..”
“The props we have will work wonders, but it’ll be up to you to make the watchers believe it.”
“Yeah.” You say with confidence, Tim nods and leaves and you read over the first episode, and start to come to some terms with what you’ll be doing. You stand up to go get dressed and out of the trailer, and you’re suddenly almost face to face with a blonde haired girl.
“Oh! Sorry.” She says, and you step back, but accidentally bump into the the trailer with a bang.
“Oh! Hey!!” You day as she obviously tries not to laugh. You awkwardly chuckle. “My bad if this was your trailer..”
“It’s not.. i just came to say hey, I’m Emma, I play Enid.”
“Myers?” You reply and she nods, you shake her hand.
“It’s great to meet you!”
“You too! Your musics pretty amazing, so when I heard you were a part of this I just had to say hello at least.” Emma says and you thank her immensely.
“Thanks, seriously I mean it, so.. are you heading to make up?”
“I am, ready?” She says and you nod, following, entering another trailer to get your face to look as unrealistically handsome as possible, you continue to talk.
“So, your character is a, Werewolf? That’s.. pretty cool.”
“really?” She replies, “I’m glad, Tim showed me how her character works and, I think I can make it, yours sounds charming, charismatic and kinda chaotic.”
“Huh, then I’ll do just fine.” You say, the words barely rolled in your mind before you said that, which made you just sound egotistical, but Emma smiles
“You’re confident! That’s good!” She says, and you couldn’t help but crack a smile. You get dressed with your glasses and work on your script with Emma, and prepare for the first scene for you to shoot. You sit on a stone bench and are awaiting, and you hear a “Action.” You pretend to drink Tea, before Emma, (Enid), walks over and places her hands over your “Blind” eyes
"Guess Who~" She says, and You play your role to perfection
"Enid.. you know that doesn't work, right?" You say, and she lets go, and sits next to you. You turn to her, but act as if you can’t see her.
"I know, but I didn't want to cover your ears, you couldn't hear me then (Y/n)." She says smiling.
"Well, what's new? You're pretty exited.." You ask. And she acts so; amazingly, her cheerful tone, the cute highlights in her hair.
"I should and called you about it but let me give you the deets, I'm getting a roomie!" She says, and you smile in response to this
"That's great, is someone changing dorms?" You ask.
"No, she's transferring from another school, Wednesday Addams! I did. my research and she got expelled from her last school." She explains and you Sip from the tra
"Yeah she tossed piranhas into the school pool and a boy lost a testicle." She flatly said, and you, which wasn’t part of the script almost cough up the tea. Instead of asking to stop you roll with it
"E-Enid, are you... sure You want someone like that to Room with you? I think Principal Weems would understand you wanting a transfer."
"What? No! We're going to be the best of friends! I can already picture it! Doing each others hair, nails, talking about all the gossip at Nevermore, the Boys~" She says, you nod sadly and go with it
"Well, I hope you have fun then." You said, before Principal Weems spoke up from behind you.
"Miss Sinclair." She said with this gaudy and proper tone, Enid quickly turns around, and smiles.
"Please, allow me to bring you up to your new Roommate, good morning also to you Mister Healy." She said, turning her attention towards you, and give a bow.
"Good Morning Principal." He replies, "Could I ask you what time it is?" You say, and she checks her watch.
"Nearing Seven."
"Ah, well I should get to feeding the crows then." You stand up with your cane and walk over to a cage of birds, granted the bird keeper said they don’t bite, but you don’t prefer to take risks, you “feed” them, you act oblivious of the two approaching and you recite the lines in your head.
"And this, is (Y/n) Hearly. (Y/n), this is Wednesday Addams." Emma says, you turn around to act oblivious again, but you couldn’t this time, her clothing, her deadpanned face, even though she showed no emotion you were absolutely smitten by her, Wednesdays Addams, Tara carpenter, those names meant nothing to you, the only word that rang though your mind, was “Jenna”.
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so-much-for-stardust6 · 5 months
You’re My True Love Pt. 2- Damon Albarn
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summary: this is second part to this story and it starts off where the last part ended. being madly in love with another caused damon to blurt out something crazy on the last day of tour.
lowercase intended
warnings: bit of cursing, slight sexual intentions
a/n: this feels so rush and i hate how many time skips there are but i couldn’t think of anything to write 😞 but here’s part two 🫶
my eyes flutter open, the bright sunlight causing me to squint. once i focus my eyes, i didn’t recognize the place we were in. damon was still asleep on my shoulder, slightly drooling onto my shirt. i press a kiss to his head, waking him up from his slumber.
“good morning, love.” his morning voice sending butterflies to my stomach.
“good morning, how was your sleep?”
“the best since i’m with you.”
i blush madly and turned my head to avoid his gaze.
“you know you owe me a shopping trip.” i say, still looking out the window.
“i do?”
“yeah. i mean you dragged me onto tour without any real luggage.”
“just use my clothes.”
i laugh a bit out loud at his words, slapping my hand onto my mouth to shut myself up.
“sorry but i need my own clothes. i need undergarments, dames.”
“i suppose you’re right. well once we get settled at the hotel we’ll go out.”
he intertwined our hands, leaning down to press a kiss to my hand.
after 30 minutes or so of driving, we made it to the hotel. everyone groaned out as they stretched their limbs.
“how was your first nap in the van, y/n?” alex asks.
“awkward. i hate sleeping in cars.”
“gotta get used to it, love.” damon laughs, patting my back.
i help everyone bring their luggage inside, alex having the most.
“what the fuck do you bring, dude?”
“you’ll never know.”
i furrow my eyebrows at the weird man but shrug it off. we all get keys to our rooms and head our separate ways. damon and i walked down the long hallway until we reached our room.
‘room 107’
he unlocked the door, a beautiful view of the sky caught my eye.
“look at that view, damon!” i gush, running over to the window.
“it’s so beautiful!”
the sky was grey and cloudy, the best type of weather in my opinion. damon walked over to me, staring at me with love filled eyes as i stare at the sky.
“do you want to rest before we go out?” he asked.
“i’m not really tired but if you want to then we can.”
“i’m all energized.”
“then out we shall go.” i say.
i was still in my pajama pants and baggy shirt, something i really don’t want to wear out in public. damon lended me some of his sweatpants and a t-shirt.
after changing we left to a nearby outlet that was absolutely crowded. we held hands the entire time, damon wanting to touch me whenever he was able to. i picked out as much clothes as i’ll need for the rest of tour, and also a bunch of necessities.
“you hungry?” damon asks as we reach our hotel.
“you’ve paid for enough already today, love.”
“who said i was gonna pay?”
i stare at him in disbelief, disconnecting our hands and playfully shoving him away.
“oh fuck you.”
“i’m kiddinggg, you sure you’re not hungry?”
“i’m fine, dames. now let’s lay down because i’m so exhausted.”
~fast forward to later tonight~
it was finally time for the boys’ first show of the tour. i was so excited and proud of them, constantly telling them ‘i’m so happy for you guys’.
“are you sure you’re okay to stay back?” damon was worried about me staying backstage as they perform.
“i’ll be watching from the side, dames. i’ll be fine.” i assure him.
he slowly nodded, trying to convince himself.
“now get out there and make people sing.” i kiss his cheek.
“i think you missed a spot.” he pointed to his lips.
“you’ll get that one after the show. now shoo.” i shove him towards the rest of the band who was patiently waiting for him.
they all pour out on stage, crowd going wild at their appearance. they began playing their set list, damon looking gorgeous as ever as he sung. my eyes were set on him the whole time, basically eye-fucking him accidentally. occasionally his eyes would meet mine, his famous smirk appearing on his face. i jumped and sang my heart out to every song, hair probably all frizzy. they eventually ended their show, walking off stage after thanking everyone.
“you guys did great! i’m so proud!” i exclaim.
“thanks mom.” dave jokes.
“our number one supporter right here guys, couldn’t get any better.” damon slipped his hand into my back jean pocket.
“now are you still annoyed at me for inviting y/n to my house last night?” graham spoke.
“annoyed? never! thank you, gra.” damon grabs the boy’s face and plants a quick kiss to his lips.
i laugh at graham’s shocked face.
“are you already drunk?” i ask damon.
“maybe..” he giggles.
“jesus…let’s get going.”
~fast forwards towards the end of tour~
i felt soft kisses on my bare shoulders, tickling me awake.
“mornin’ dames.” i grumble.
“mornin’ love. how’d you sleep?”
“like always.” i turn to face him.
his blue eyes bore into mine as he softly smiled at me.
“how long have you been awake?”
“hmm, maybe like 30 minutes or so.” he shrugs.
“so you’ve been staring at me? weirdo.” i laugh.
he then leans over to me, attacking me in kisses.
i scream out in laughter, trying to shove him off. i felt his smile as he kissed me, causing me to smile as well.
“today’s the last day of tour, you know.” he mumbled.
“i know, dames.”
“let’s go out, celebrate before our show.” he propped himself to hover above me.
“celebrate how?”
“i mean, we could start off on the right foot…” a devilish smirk appeared on his face as his hand roamed my bare body.
“you’re cheeky, you know that?”
“very well…” he connected our lips.
after our little morning “workout”, we got dressed to go out.
we just walked around and chatted about whatever, stopping for ice cream at one point.
“so i called my sister to get my car but she said no so i had to call my mum-“
“i love you.” damon said, cutting me off.
“what?” i chuckle.
“i love you. just wanted you to know.” he nonchalantly spoke, licking his ice cream after.
“i love you too, dames.” i peck his lips that tasted exactly like his ice cream.
“what are you gonna wear for tonight?” he asks me.
“i’m not really sure. maybe those cute cargo jeans we bought.”
“wear one of my shirts, i’ll love to see you on the side wearing my clothes.”
“anything for you, my love.”
the long awaited show finally came, everyone ready to go home and sleep for days. i was excited like always, but also nervous. damon and i are gonna go back to our normal lives at home but now we’re together. i smile at the thought of us hanging out at one another’s place like usual but now as a couple.
“any good luck kisses?” damon asked me, tapping his lips.
“just this once.” i joke.
i go to press a quick kiss to his lips but his hand on the back of my neck caused the kiss to be longer. he cheekily slipped his tongue into my mouth, something i didn’t complain about. i step closer to him, deepening the kiss even more. my cloudy mind suddenly became clear and i quickly pulled apart.
“we’re in public, damon! plus we already did it in the morning.” i scold him.
“couldn’t hurt a man to try, love.” he laughs.
i roll my eyes at him before sending him away.
they play their usual set, mixing some different songs in there as well. damon was right about loving to see me in his clothes, his smile bright every time he looked at me. i’m surprised my voice hasn’t been lost since i scream their lyrics every show. in a blur (no pun intended once again), the show ended. damon gave this long thank you speech for everyone who attended the tour and everyone who made it possible. with one last wave, they all exited the stage.
“let me guess, “you guys did so great!!” thanks mom.” dave laughs.
dave has created this “nickname” for me since i act like their mom, congratulating them after every show.
“am i that predictable?”
“very.” they all say.
i turn to damon who was staring at me with this look.
“i’m so proud of you, dames. you never fail to surprise me. i lo-“
“move in with me.” he blurted out.
i should be used to him randomly blurting out stuff but i was still caught off guard.
“i love you so much and being on tour with you got me so used to waking up next to you every morning and going back to waking up alone is something i don’t want. so move in with me, live with me, please.” he grabs my hands.
i process his words, this time with no intention on running away. i slowly smile as i think the same things he said. waking up next to him is something i did get very used to.
“yes?” he was shocked.
“yes. i’ll move in with you, dames.”
“let’s fucking go!” he picks me up and began spinning us.
i laugh out loud as i hold onto him.
“i claim responsibility for this relationship.” graham spoke up.
“i love you, man!” damon stopped spinning to look at him.
he let me go to make his way to graham but he was shoved away.
“do not kiss me, damon!” graham tried to fight off damon.
he then ran away, damon hot on his trail. i laugh at their stupidity, realizing that one of them is my boyfriend. my heart beats with love when it fully hits me. i’m moving in with damon.
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because-she-goes · 1 year
parental guidance
warnings: none, just some anniversary fluff!
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The noise of the crowd was deafening. Nora shook her head quickly, ridding herself of the nerves. Tonight was her and Matty’s 3rd wedding anniversary, they were in her beloved big apple at her favorite venue in the world. Matty had had this tour date circled on the calendar since he found put about it, wanting to plan something extra special for the concert - and ofcourse for Nora.
“Now, ladies and gentlemen before we get into this next bit. We have to bring it back to basics, yeah? I mean c'mon admit it… your life wouldn’t be as dramatic without this song.” Matty’s voice booms out of the overhead speakers as the band begins the intro to Robbers. Nora braces herself for the inevitable hunt Matty goes on trying to find someone in the crowd to pull on stage and kiss. He jumps down to the barricade and feigns his search, already having a surprise planned out in the back of his head. He walks to one side, then the other before jumping back up onto the stage and he struts his way over to the side stage where his wife is absentmindedly watching the crowd still.
“Actually, we have a different plan tonight everyone. As some of you may know, I got married three years ago today, in this exact city! In honor of that, I’d like to invite a special someone to join me for this song in particular.” Nora comes back to her senses once she hears the words married and special someone and her face goes white. He knows how she hates big public romantic gestures like this, always commenting on people who propose at sporting events on the jumbotron and how much pressure that puts on the moment and the person being asked the question.
Her eyes lock onto Matty’s as he walks toward her with a small bouquet of white flowers in his hand, other hand reaching out to her. White tee shirt and dress pants suiting him wonderfully. Matty almost freezes when he sees her outfit. They came separately since he had to soundcheck and she was busy finishing up work for a buyer in her studio so she got changed since he last saw her. Nora had decided to go a bit out of her comfort zone for their anniversary, not thinking she would be pulled out on stage to face a crowd of tens of thousands of people. The sheer lace bralette adorned her body beautifully, black caging framing her ribs and contours of her chest. She also had thrown on the red lipstick she knew he liked and a pair of his black jean she had cut into shorts since they were more comfortable and roomy than normal women’s ones. She also had brought the anniversary present she got the two of them with her, thinking he’d like it for the afterparty.
He gulps, rethinking his plan for half a second. She notices the worry flash across his face and how he was thinking about subjecting her to face a crowd in her current outfit. She holds a finger up to him and pulls out their anniversary gift. With leather being the customary third year wedding gift, she had gotten custom leather jackets made for both him and her. Embroidered with their New York wedding date and the skyline on hers, and the Manchester wedding date and map of the city on his. Pulling them out of the bag and handing over his, she slips hers on. “Happy Anniversary, handsome.” He pulls off his button down and swings on the jacket. She kisses him on the cheek as she walks past him and out onto the stage. Waving a hello to the now mental crowd, she smiles - Matty still bumbling behind her in awe. “And everyone please welcome my wife, the incredibly talented Nora Downey! Now, I have a surprise for you tonight. You, my dear, have always mentioned wanting to get some tattoos of your own… Well, I’d like to also welcome our tattoo artist for the evening.” Nora is practically buzzing with excitement over how she is about to get her skin permanently etched with symbols that remind her of Matty. They had decided ages ago to do matching tattoos and figured out what they’d be, but their schedules never aligned with any of the openings the tattoo parlor in London Matty had gotten all of his at had. The tattoo artist walked out on stage with her kit and in a lab coat like the rest of the crew members. Nora took her seat on the comfy couch and pulled off her jacket. Matty sits next to her, getting comfortable as he tells the tattoo artist what he’d like - the words “i’m a man” scrawled along his ribcage as well as the number 12 on his right collarbone. Nora then follows the idea up with her own. They decided to do the three ideas Nora was most certain on: a MOM tattoo on the top of her wrist, i’m a woman also along her ribcage and then finally a 12 on her thigh.
Matty was first. He peeled off his jacket and leaned back in the couch, letting his abdomen be on full display. While the tattoo artist artist got to work, he began to sing. Head leaning back, “she had a face straight out a magazine, god only knows, but you’ll never leave her. Her balaclava is starting to chafe…” and Nora looks at Matty dead in the eyes as the next bit comes, ink finally piercing his skin.
“And when gets his gun, he’s begging ‘Babe stay, stay, stay, stay, stay. And I’ll give you one more time, we’ll give it one more fight. Said one more line, will I know you?” Matty’s voice rings out over the crowd and Nora can barely look away. Her brown eyes locking onto the tattoo beginning to form, mouth agape at the man in front of her. He has never looked more himself in this moment, he has never looked more like her Matthew. Singing his heart out, skin being decorated with inky blotches she has now memorized, curls going in a million directions around his angular face. In that moment, like every other moment she has ever looked at him, she knows he is the love of her life. The song progresses a bit more and the tattoo begins to form. Matty holds Nora’s hand tightly as the needle dances over the bony part of his ribs, pain starting to seep into his voice a bit. She glances down from his face and to their hands, forgetting the crowd of 20 thousand people staring at them. A blush crawls over her cheeks as she admires their silver rings glinting in the light - like the moon being mirrored off the ocean.
“Now if you never shoot, you’ll never know. And if you never eat, you’ll never grow. You’ve got a pretty kind of dirty face, and when she’s leaving your home she’s begging you to stay, stay, stay, stay, stay.” Nora mouths the words to Matty and he feels his heart soar out of his chest, the emotions of both the song, the moment, the night flooding him. He has never loved anyone more in his entire life, he has never seen a more beautiful human being, he has never known anyone better than Nora. The thought he had when he first saw her all those moons ago in Las Vegas, and every other time he ha ever looked at her, reverberates in his brain… she is the light of his life.
Finally, “I’m a Man” adorns his ribs. The artist cleans the area and wraps it up. Moving up to his clavicle for the 12 he requested.
“We’ll give you one more fight said, one more line. There’ll be a riot cause I know you! Well, now that you’ve got your gun it's much harder now the police have come. And I’ll shoot him if its what you ask…” The tattoo needle quickly draws the number on his shoulder, Matty glances down at his two new pieces and smiles to himself, then to Nora. “Sing it babies!” He commands the crowd before leaning over to her.
The whole of MSG screams: “But if you just take off your mask, you find out everythings gone wrong! Now everybody’s dead!! And they’re driving past my old school.” Nora takes his face in her hands, thumbs rubbing his cheeks as they soak in the moment. Both sets of eyes glassy and overcome with how much they love each other in this moment. As they continue to yell, Matty takes his microphone to his lips and Nora mouths back to him.
“He’s got his gun, he’s got his suit on and she says ‘Babe, you look so cool! You look so cool, you look so cool!” He now forgets everything else and kisses her like he never has before, all the love and admiration in the world being poured into it. The rest of the world evaporates around them and suddenly it is just her and Matty together. That is until Goerge is yelling in his in-ears to move to the next song and get his mind together.
“Right, we have another surprise everyone. In honor of my lovely wife being here, we’d like to play the first song she ever heard from us. Because I can be romantic, thank you very much!”
With that, the boys jump into Settle Down as her and Matty switch spots on the couch. Nora’s face breaks into a mile wide smile as she starts to lightly sway to the music. Her and the tattoo artist agreed on doing her upper body pieces first then moving to the 12 on her thigh.
First, the “I’m a woman” on her own abdomen, right under the bralette. Matty sings beside her while holding her hand as she braced for the needle hitting her own ribs.
“A soft sound, into the way that she wears her hair down covering up her face. And oh what a let down I don't seem to be having any effect now, falling all over the place.” Nora bites her lip as the needle hits her skin, trying her very best to contain herself and the slight, but constant pain. Matty’s thumb brushes over the back of her palm soothingly and she instantly relaxes into the couch. Remembering to take deep breaths so as to not pass out on the stage.
Matty continues to sing, but his eyes never leave her. Worry flashes across his face a few more times during the song but once she is finished with the rib tattoo, he knows the worst pain is over - his wrist one was a walk in the park and so were the ones he had gotten on his legs.
Getting her own abdomen wrapped and sealed, she offered her wrist to the woman beside her. Luckily this one would only be three letters and not a whole phrase like the other one.
“A small town, dictating all the people we get around. What a familiar face, do you know what I mean now? I’m so fixated on the girl with the soft sound, her hair all over the place.” Matty takes another glance in Nora’s direction before getting off the couch and back to walking around and dancing to the music. She gives a thumbs up to him and with that, the worry slides off of him. He blows a kiss and off he goes.
“And you’re sure that I’d learn. I’m pushing through bodies, avoiding me and walking ‘round you. And you’re cold and I burn, I guess I’ll never learn ‘cause I stay another hour or two.” He knew that was one of her favorite lyrics he had ever written and he smiled, glad he could surprise her and give her such a lovely night.
With the mom tattoo now complete, they moved to the 12 on her thigh. She thought about how their hands would now look holding hands - wedding rings, matching tattoos and all. She swooned. She couldn’t have dreamt of a better husband than Matty.
“For crying out loud, settle down! You know I can’t be found with you, we get back to my house. Your arms, my mouth, now I just stop myself around you for crying out loud!” The song finishes as soon as the 12 is done and Nora runs to Matty once she is all finished and jumps into his arms. Like out of a movie, the two kiss in front of Madison Square Garden as it erupts in cheers for the happy couple.
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An empty castle, filled with bells and whistles. Loyal and emotionless servants which cater to one's desires, and endless wealth which flows like a river. . .
The life of Greed is, although wanted by some, a lonely life. . .
Mammon, the Prince of Greed, is not only hated and outcasted by the rest of the Deadly Sins, but has difficulties connecting with others, especially with those under him. Sure, he had his workers like the Glam Sisters and Wally Wackford, but those relationships could only go so far. . .
It's obvious that Mammon wasn't keen on changing his ways, he was the Prince of Greed after all! So, what else is there to do?
Well, HB Fandom. . . I'd like to introduce you to. . .
👑Trinket👑 The daughter of Mammon
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Personality: Despite being raised by the Sin of Greed, many describe Trinket as the "watered down and more complex version of her father." Yes, she's, as expected, a very spoiled toddler who gets upset easily. But instead of using manipulation or sheer force, she uses persuasion and charm to get what she wants. Something else notable is her possessiveness, being extremely overprotective of the things and people she holds dear
Likes: She has an extensive love of collecting and hoarding. Whether it's instinct or not, collecting was always something that made her happy, especially with tiny objects. Stuffed animals and comfy things are also up there, whenever she's frightened or upset, she'll often hide and try to seek protection herself, and if she's not clinging to the nearest trusted adult, she used things like pillow forts for comfort. Although more of a weird fascination than an interest, she loves bubbles and puts lots of time and effort in the art of bubble blowing, as silly as that sounds. To a point where she was given a device that delivered that purpose, which we'll get to later. Finally, it'd be a new brainer to mention her love for clowns, since she lives with them, they're hard to ignore, and if her papa is a clown, then she must be one too!
Dislikes: How this developed is unknown, but Trinket has a deep hatred for birds. Doesn't matter what type, either big or small, dangerous or not, once she sees one, she'll go out of her way to chase it and scare it away (sorry Ars Goetias). Another thing she can't handle are large crowds, similar to her father, she doesn't take being within crowds very well, but is perfectly ok with being up on a stage, since it creates a clear border between her and the crowd. Lastly, she hates rude and disrespectful people, she can't stand the sight of her family or friends getting bullied, so anyone who messes with them, they'll face the consequences. . .
Headcanons & Abilities
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Her abilities:
☆ Eating inedible items without any affect (hot coals, soap pieces, etc.) Which allows her to power her special device: The Trumpet Gun
-Gifted to her by Wally Wackford, Trinket's Trumpet is the perfect device for a professional bubble blower. With just a push of the trigger, she's not only able to make millions of bubbles instantly, it also can create fire
☆ Even without her trumpet, Trinket can still breathe fire! On the downside, however, she doesn't have much control over the ability whenever she's not using her trumpet, so yes, there is some carnage. . .
☆ Despite her tiny legs, and being well, four, Trinket can walk surprisingly long distances without getting tired
☆ Something others find unnerving about Trinket is her extensive knowledge on bombs and explosives, considering Mammon's old performer (aka Fizzarolli) was an explosive survivor, having him replaced with basically a walking nuke is kinda weird. The good news is the bombs she creates are mostly harmless. Mostly. . .
☆ When Mammon first got Trinket, she almost immediately became another one of his brand faces. But unlike the twins, all the content surrounding her is very kid friendly, because kids are a lot harder to entertain than adults, therefore, more expensive to care for
☆ Despite being only a child, Trinket is never nervous when on stage and preforming in front of others. In fact, most of the time, she doesn't ever need to act or hide her emotions. She views performance as a form of play, so she acts like her regular self!
☆ Demons alike, regardless of age, can be instantly charmed by her cuteness! (Move over Fizzy, there's a new cutie patootie in town!) which is what she uses to get what she wants
☆ Reported by Mammon himself, Trinket is weirdly warmer to the touch compared to any other toddler. And it's not because of fur either, that's entirely her body heat
☆ Inside Trinket's room, there's actually a pillow fort beside her bed, called "Trinket's Tent." There, she likes to hide her treasures, a wooden case filled with the tiny things she collects. She considers her fort a place of safety, and only lets those she cares about inside (i.e: her father, the Glam Sisters, and Wally) So if you want a spot in that tent, you'll have to work for it
☆ Whereabouts of Trinket's mother and background are a complete mystery, according to the public, a good portion of hell barely knows she exists! But arriving roughly 6 months after Fizzarolli quit, led to conspiracy theories and rumors of where Trinket came from. But in Mammon's words, "She just kinda happened!"
☆ Another thing most impressive about her room is on one of the walls, labeled "My Friends and Family!" On the wall, is a art mural consisting of portraits of her, Mammon, both Glam sisters, and Wally. Each portrait done by the respected family members, as well as their signatures and painted handprints. Placing a drawing of yourself on this wall is the highest honor, according to Trinket, and can only be earned by gaining her trust
☆ And as expected, she doesn't like when others do things to the wall or take pictures of it without her consent, cause, in her words, "it's not done yet!"
☆When in public, Trinket is extremely easy to lose. She has an unhealthy habit of wandering off and not staying in one place, which leads the adults having to carry her most of the time as to not lose her
☆ Even without friends, Trinket still found ways of having fun, which involved running around, collecting various items. And now that she's does have friends, innocent little adventures turn into something else. . .
Mammon: From an outsider looking in, you'd expect their relationship to be a toxic one, considering his old relationship with Fizzarolli was abusive as well. But in reality, that's not entirely true, where yes, Trinket does love her dad and Mammon loves the amount of revenue she makes, making their relationship somewhat one-sided, however, what people don't know is that these two are far more complicated than what they let on. Cause according to Mammon, Trinket is the only one he has in terms of relationships and thankfully, his past with Fizzarolli made him a tiny bit smarter. He learns to nurture and care for Trinket not just to have her stay longer, but to prove others wrong, that he can be a parent! With his status, Mammon's biggest concern is having Trinket taken away from him, so it's safe to say that he became pretty overprotective of his daughter. Overall, the two are slowly building a father-daughter bond, and you can bet that Mammon spoils Trinket rotten with all sorts of luxuries!
The Glam Sisters: Admittingly, to say that the two didn't care for Trinket would be an understatement. The twins initially wanted nothing to do with her, and the fact she was getting more attention than them, they couldn't go a day without hating on each other, let alone a four-year-old toddler. But they soon noticed that their boss became a lot friendlier to the workers who are nice to Trinket, and that changed their relationship fast! At first, it was small things, like doing Trinket's hair and makeup before shows or getting Trinket water after shows, then they went as far as to design her a new stage costume, to which they were quickly favored by their boss. It wasn't long for the whole charade to turn into a competition, trying to win over Trinket and gain their boss's favoritism, all the while Trinket was none the wiser, only thinking their doing it out of kindness. And despite caring for Trinket primarily for the perks, they do genuinely care about her, they just refuse to admit it; they were actually the ones who came up with and created "Trinket's Tent." In her eyes, Trinket views the twins as "cool aunts," who let her get away with anything, and given their endless amounts of perks from the boss, they heavily believe they are
Wally Wackford: With all the nurturing Trinket already receives, it's safe to say that Wally is the most caring out of the main four. Unlike most the workers, Wally's the fondest of taking care of kids, mostly due to his home life, and quite enjoys spending time with Trinket, something which she entirely accepts. Wally is Mammon's inventor, so he's always working, and on rare occasions, he often makes little devices for her to play with. And although Trinket does enjoy the gifts, she can't help but worry for his health
Asmodeus: News about Trinket sort of came out of the blue for a lot of the inhabitants, the other Deadly Sins were no exception. Upon finding out that Mammon, of all demons, had a daughter, Ozzie was a mess of emotions! Relieved, shocked, and most importantly, confused. With how well he knows Mammon, he was immediately set on knowing where exactly Trinket came from, to which he's so far unsuccessful on getting an answer. Other than that, Trinket's relationship with Ozzie is a pitiful one, Ozzie thinking that, because she's being cared for by Mammon, she's possibly neglected to some extent. Doting on her and wanting to get Trinket out of what he thinks is a "toxic environment." All the while, Trinket doesn't take much interest in the Sin of Lust and finds him "weird," mostly due to her father's many warnings on Ozzie and the fact she'd only seen him angered and yelling at her dad. And of course, Mammon takes full advantage of her dislike for Oz, feeding her lines to say to Ozzie himself, and since she's a child, she could get away with saying some messed up shi*. . . (Sorry Oz)
Fizzarolli: Unsurprisingly, finding out about Trinket, he was just as shocked and confused as Ozzie was, especially when you consider the short amount of time that passed since he first quit. But upon meeting the young toddler, he quickly went into "older brother mode." Like Asmodeus, he thinks a place under Mammon's care is completely unfit for someone like Trinket, he did work for him after all! and wanted to help. Yet as he got to know her more and about her experiences with Mammon, he learns just how different Trinket's work environment was to his. Of course, she was very oblivious to what he was trying to get from her, going on about how everyone is so nice to her and how great working for her dad is. Information that, respectfully, bewildered him, he was treated like trash, but Trinket suddenly gets off easy? What's going on?! And sure, it could be due to her being a child, but this is Mammon we're talking about! He treats everyone the same! So rather than figuring out the "how," Fizz is trying to figure out the "why." Meanwhile with Trinket herself, as sad as this sounds, she actually likes Fizz more than Ozzie, due to his recognition and because somewhat reassembles her dad
Oliver (Deaf Kid): Oliver has a hard time making new friends, mostly due to his disability, but what made Trinket so interesting to him was, unlike most kids, she quickly recognized that he was deaf. Both were each other's first friends in different ways; Trinket was Oliver's first friend entirely, whilst Oliver was her first friend who's around her age. Despite the obvious communication barrier, the two manage to find temporary workarounds, the most used being a whistle and a whiteboard and marker, both gifted by Trinket herself. It isn't surprising to say that Oliver is a lot shyer than Trinket, who's a massive social butterfly, and although most the time, he'd rather stay in his bubble, there are times where Trinket does push him to be braver, which helped them in forming their current friend group. Overall, the two are the best of friends and bond over their shared love for art and Fizzarolli!
And that's all! I had this OC cooking up for long time. . . Now is more than the right time to bring her out!
Be on the lookout for other projects And as always, stay tuned^^
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t4tvglow · 3 months
i'm ngl nyc pride was also a bummer because we were at first stood next to some barrier with cops everywhere and some guy with a bike was kind of nasty to my group and tried to force his way past the barricade because he was working and three cops got in his face and he was screaming at them and luckily nothing escalated but it was still nerve wracking to be like. next to a Possible Situation. they just told him to go around because they were filming in that area but it still just. sucked. the Amount of cops sucked. every float and group of people walking was for some politician or corporation. i was just like. tired and bored and uncomfortable where we were standing even when we moved and then of course The Pretty-Much-Stampede Happened and it was a nightmare and basically nothing was fun or exciting and also there was an israeli flag waved in the parade and no one seemed to notice or care like. all the other gay jewish flags were great. why are we flying israel right now. luckily saw a lot of palestinian flags and people in kufiyahs and watermelon stuff which ruled but man. i didn't even get to compliment anyone's outfit because i was too caught up in how unhappy i was lmao. i don't want to hang out with my coworkers anymore i don't have fun with them because it feels like we exist in different worlds despite them being bi too like they just have different priorities in life and different outlooks on things that i strongly disagree with or find uncomfortable and like. i like them they're nice girls but they make me feel Othered all the time and i just don't want my only friends to be people i hang out with because i have no one else. i WISH i was better at interacting with strangers and making new friends, i used to approach people so much easier for a short time in my life and it was nice but i've gotten fucked up again and idk what to do about it as of right now. i just have no creative energy and nothing to say that isn't work related and i feel incredibly insecure about my appearance right now largely because i'm growing out my hair from a buzz to the scalp and it's taking forever and i hate the middle stages so much like i just feel In Between everything i feel liminal and uncomfortable and bored and bothered and i know my meds are working because i can't like... go any lower or higher than this baseline. this is my neutral. and i cannot stand this being my neutral.
also i lost my FUCKING PHONE in the crowd and i can't get a new one until tomorrow so i'm just. angry in concept even though i can't even like cry or anything. i'm just bitter right now and it's deeply unattractive and i'm not doing myself any favors by complaining but i'm also not doing myself any favors by keeping it all inside, either.
tbh i started feeling fucked up when my mom lost our cat so i'm pretty much like ah yes it's been a month and a week of This Feeling. but yeah. pride was a fucking waste of my time largely because i didn't like the people i was with and i was getting misgendered by one of them and another one was having problems with her abusive boyfriend that she won't cut loose (i recognize that it's harder than it sounds, i have been in abusive relationships, i'm not blaming her) and i was just fucking tired and sweaty and not okay in the crowd i am not BUILT for those things unless i am with people i love and enjoy which does make sense it just fucking bums me out because the only person i truly love in this world right now is 13 hours away until g-d knows when and i don't know what to do without them i feel completely lost and lonely and i'm just like.
complaining about not having a partner isn't gonna Get Me A Partner but i am romantically lonely too and it peeves me off that i can't just snap out of this and start Making Friends Again i'm just. blocked off. My Chakras Noooooo. g-d. can't wait for this slump to end! i want to write again i want to be creative i want to have joy in my life i want to make friends and go places and have adventures and love things and people and i want to be happy and also i want my fucking phone back
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hermionesnape523 · 3 months
finnick Odair x you enemies to lovers
warning ⚠️: swearing You and Finnick are both from District 4 and are picked for the 75th Hunger games. For some reason you don’t know he hates you. soon you will learn from Peeta and katniss that you remind him of his ex fiancé that Snow killed as Finnick’s punishment for not wanting to be Snow’s puppet.
You and Finnick are both sitting on stage at the interview with Caesar. Caesar asks Finnick a few questions and this is the first time you have heard him talk, his voice is soft , and warm. Then Caesar asks you about your first games. You respond “ well it felt wrong at first to kill these innocent kids but I learned that I could just hide until it was just me and one other person and the just kill them, though it doesn’t get any easier to kill random people you’ve never met you get over it at some point.” Caesar then asks of you have anyone at home. You again respond and say “ I don’t really have anyone my parents were both reaped when me and my sister were 8 and 12 she was then reaped the next year and they all died so I’ve been on my own seen 9 but I do have Haymitch and Effie you are basically the parents I never had.” Caesar says “ you don’t have anyone your in love with back home in District 4 ?” You look down at your feet in embarrassment, then lift your head reply “ no I’ve never had a boyfriend” Caesar along with the whole crowd look at you with confused and sad faces.
You and Finnick then leave the stage. You get backstage and Finnick asks you “ is it true ?” You turn to him and say “ what that I’ve never had a boyfriend yes that’s true , but why would you care ?” He just stares at you in disbelief and then says while walking closer to you “ How could a beautiful girl like you not have a boyfriend?” You push him away and say “ I don’t know I…I ….. I just I’ve never had one ok!” You yell. Finnick steps backward and turns and walks away.
Later that night you wake up screaming because one of your nightmares you have and you see Finnick run in your room shirtless. You just stare at him. You then ask why he’s here and he responds in his gentle voice “ You were screaming I thought something was wrong. “ he said as though he genuinely cared about you. He turns to leave and you call after him “ Finnick………… please stay.” He comes back and you make room in your bed you both just lay there. You eventually fall asleep but have another nightmare and wake up screaming this time Finnick holds you in his arms and strokes the stray hairs out of your face and behind your ear and for the first time in your life you feel safe in his arms you look down ashamed that you keep having this nightmares and he gently lifts your chin to make you look at him. Your eyes filled with tears he pulls you close into a hug he then says to you “ it’s going to be ok I’m here “ you look at him and admire his eyes and hair. You finally find your voice and say “ Finnick…… I know you hate me but you make me feel safe” Finnick looks at you and then looks away you both fall asleep. You wake the next morning before Finnick , to see Katniss , Peeta your allies and Haymitch and Effie all staring at you. Your eyes widen “it’s not what it looks like” you say to them in a panic and Finnick wakes up and realizes what’s happening. You all get ready today is the day of the hunger games.
You immediately dive into the water and get to the cornucopia first and grab a bow and quiver of arrows and Finnick comes up behind and you almost shoot him. “ Oh sorry Finnick” he then yells at you to duck, you duck and watch him throw his spear killing someone. You and Finnick find Katniss and Peeta. Finnick leaves looking for fish. Peeta stands on lookout. You ask Katniss if she knows why Finnick hates you katniss whips her head around and says “Finnick hates you because you remind him of his ex fiancé Annie Cresta “ you look down and say “ oh so he’s mad he’s not with her?” Peeta looks at you and says “ no she was killed by Snow for Finnick not wanting to be Snow’s puppet. “ you open your mouth to speak but see Finnick walking back with another girl. You pull your bow back right to shoot. Finnick tells you it’s Johanna and you lower your bow. Finnick sits next to you as Johanna, Katniss, and Peeta leave to go hunt in the forest for food. “ finnick “ you say softly he turns his head to look at you. “what ?” You look down and he grabs your chin to make you look at him. Your heart flutters a little, you speak up and say “ Katniss and Peeta told me why you hate me…….. I’m sorry about your fiancé “ He looks at you and then turns away you see the tears in his eyes as they come down his face. You hug him because you feel bad for what you said. He hold you tight is he’s arms, He lets go and look at him, he’s still crying. You ask why he’s crying but before he can answer you hear Katniss screaming and you both run toward the noise.
You both run into the jabberjays. Katniss and Johanna were trying to tell you that it’s not real but you couldn’t help crying and screaming. Finnick is crying as well. You imagine that he’s hearing his fiancé. All you can here is your sisters voice saying “ Y/n I have to go” you remember this moment it was the day your sister was picked for the reaping you didn’t want her to go but she had no chose…… that was the last time you ever saw her alive. You can’t hear her voice anymore. You open your eyes and see Finnick curled up in a ball crying, you close your eyes again because you can watch Finnick be in pain. You feel someone touch your shoulder you look up and see Katniss.
You all return to the beach. You and Finnick are sitting by each other and Katniss , Johanna , and Peeta can tell that some is up. Finnick see that your still crying and puts he’s arm around you. You wipe the tears away , as Finnick asks you “ who did you hear ?” You shake your head and look down he grabs your chin a makes you look at him again “ fine…….. I heard my sister the day she got picked for the reaping” the tears start flowing again and Finnick lets you rest your head on his shoulder. Katniss starts to walk over to you and Finnick. She says “ we have to go the careers are coming… come on.” You can’t really walk after the jabberjays so Finnick cares you on his back. Katniss, Peeta Johanna happen to kill the last of the careers and find a safe place to rest. Katniss climbs a tall tree and shoots an arrow with a wire one of the careers had attached to it and it hit the top of the arena sending a powerful explosion down to the ground. Finnick saw the explosion and covered your body with his to protect “ you tried to tell Finnick that you didn’t need protecting but he never stopped shielding you”you, you closed your eyes as you held onto Finnick.
You woke up to a bright light that looked like you were in a hospital, but you weren’t you were in District 13. You didn’t even know there was a District 13 . You see Johanna, Peeta, Katniss, and Finnick. They all look like they’re in pain. Katniss gets up and walks over to your bed. You look at her and say “ WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR WE ALL COULD HAVE DIED!! “ Katniss looks at you then at Finnick, you follow her eyes and your eyes land on Finnick but because he was shielding you he was in a coma. You got up and walked over to him, hoping he would wake up. You looked back at Katniss and she look at with guilt in her eyes. You turn to go back to your bed when you feel someone touch your arm, you whip your head around and see Finnick ! Finnick was awake you hug him tightly never wanting to let go again.
You and Finnick were both in rehab. You would sit in a room and talk. This was your rehab. He listened to you and you did the same. You started to get along with Finnick, he was your safe place. Every time you were around him you got this feeling in your stomach that you never felt around him before. You soon realized that you are in love with him , but you just don’t know how to tell him.
One day both of you are sitting on the beach after rehab, you let it slip out. He looked at you and said “ what did you just say ?” With a smirk on his face . You look down then back up at him “ I said I….I…….i love you ? “ he looked at you with the same smirk and said “ I love you too y/n” he said as he kissed you.
Three weeks later Finnick was kidnapped and taken to the Capital by one of Snow’s peacekeepers. Then on the TV you watched as one of the peacekeepers whipped Finnick, you watched and cried knowing there was nothing you could do, but you felt the warmth of a hug that was given to you by Katniss, Peeta, Johanna, Effie and Haymitch. You knew you were safe but couldn’t stand to watch Finnick be tortured any longer.
Katniss, Peeta, Johanna and you all set out for the Capital to save Finnick. You finally arrived at Snow’s mansion and got inside. You could hear the sounds of a whip and screams the sounded just like Finnick. You tried to ignore them but they kept getting louder. You found the room with Finnick and the peacekeepers left soon after. You ran into the room. Finnick was unconscious and had bloody scars all over his body. You untied him and cared him out and back to the plane.
He was healing in district 13 . Snow was on the TV and was furious that we had taken Finnick back. You never left Finnick’s side afraid he might be taken again. Eventually he woke up. You were asleep with your head resting on his. When you woke up you saw he was awake and kissed him. He told you that before he was kidnapped he was going to give you something but wasn’t able to. You asked “ what is it ?”. He then got up from his bed and got down on one knee and asked you to marry him. You eyes filled with tears of joy. Obviously you said yes!
Three years later. You tell Finnick “ Finnick I have something to tell you.” He looks at you and says “ what is it darling” you shallow the tears and walk closer to him and hand him a Pregnancy test. “Surprise! I’m pregnant “ He looks at you in shock and pulls you into a warm embrace and kisses your head. “ we’re going to be parents “ you say softly he nods because he can’t speak he’s still in shock.
Finnick was forced to move to district 7.
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bonewyvern · 6 months
luke thompson, the man that you are, serving the cunt-ry🫡
but unlike my twt post this doesn’t have a typo😭
electricmoose and i saw the second showing of LLL (friday, april 12) and OMGGGG the best show ever like 10/10 recommend. it was so upbeat and lively and all around felt like time was flying by. i also did not know ANYTHING about the play/original story shakespeare wrote, but the way it’s set out, i walked away completely understanding what happened. i also really really REALLY loved luke in it, like he characterized berowne so well. and even in the scenes where he wasn’t talking but in it, he still carried himself with energy that made me turn my attention to him or maybe i’m just down bad but whatever. also was NOT expecting him to come out from the sides of the theater, and we sat in the stalls next to the aisle, so to start the show and he strides on in was a pleasant surprise☺️
and after the show, we RAN🏃🏻💨to the stage door bc we were like “what are the odds he comes out. and if the odds are high (which we felt they were) we could potentially see him. and if not, at least we tried.” and so we were nervous if there was going to be a crowd, so we very quickly sped walked to the stage door, and there were already the barricades up (those pole and rope thingies) and we were like 🤔. we waited around for about 10 minutes, and then BAM we glimpsed him through the windows that led from inside to out. and we were told a couple minutes beforehand he isn’t allowed to take selfies can could only sign RSC merch (so HIGHLY recommend getting the £6 program so he can sign it!!). and he started with the first person in line, then moved to on to me and electricmoose bc we were second and third. and i held out my program cover up bc i’m used to the broadway playbills being signed on the cover. but he took it and was like “do you want me to sign under my name?” and i was like “oh sure! i’m so sorry, i don’t know where you are😭 (IT WAS DIM AND I WAS FREAKING OUT)”. and i don’t know what happened but he ended up flipping to his page with his headshot and bio, and the first thing out of my mouth was “really nice picture!” and he smiled and was like, “oh really? thanks! my mum hates it” and i laughed while he signed the program. HE WAS SOOOO SWEET like going into it we were nervous he was going to be sign-and-go kinda type, but he totally defied our expectations and really took the time to chat at least 30 seconds per person.
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pic rundowns
1. signing the first person’s program
2. after he signed ours, he moved on but realized he had a sharpie he could’ve used and so ran back to get it and i caught him mid-run😭
3. moved onto the signing other ppl’s programs
4. electricmoose’s REALLY shaky hands
6. signed program in front of the theater
1. HE ATE PAPER???!!!!!! low key still thinking about it to this day bc like his mouth was full, but by the end of the scene, he was talking like normal
2. I WANT IT THAT WAY WAS HILARIOUSSSSSS. like the curtain was down and i didn’t know what i was expecting, but all of them in knight gear (??) SINGING?! that was NOT on my bingo card😭 listening, i heard a high harmony and low key i like to believe that was luke’s doing
3. when he started unbottoning his shirt i was like “OH, we’re doing this??” AND THEN HE UNDID AND TOOK OFF HIS PANTS TOO AND I WAS LIKE “WHATS GOING ONNNNNNN”
4. him climbing the tree to eavesdrop and basically that entire scene had me DYINGGGGGGGG
5. the women SLAYED and i absolutely love all of them😌
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