#basically to graduate you needed 2 years of PE credit
cinematicnomad · 5 months
this is incredibly random but my best friend just texted me something which reminded me that for a brief shining moment in our senior year there was a genuine concern that i wouldn't graduate on time bc of fucking P.E.
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iaus · 4 months
okay after seeing the student count of aguefort courtesy of idonthaveanyurlideas... this was originally going to be me talking about the classes, but i got fixated on the schedule LMAO.
i will be using california school standards simply because that is what i am familiar with. and using the (erroneous) assumption that aguefort has any sort of state/education board requirements...
listen. i love applying stupid, horribly mundane realism to ridiculous fantasy.
Now. In California you have some credit/class requirements for graduation. I'm not bothering with the specific classes (like Algebra and the types of history) because we are going to be making some fantasy requirements up.
But okay bare bones, to graduate high school in California you need:
3 years of English
2 years of mathematics
3 years of social science
2 years of science
2 years of physical education (wish someone had given me this fucking memo)
1 year of foreign language OR visual and performing arts
So. Let's get started on what your 4 years at Aguefort could look like.
Let's preface this with the fact that probably every Class teacher probably has to have at least one or two periods of a core subject (and they probably grumble the whole time about it).
Now let's do some "equating" of those core subjects to fantasy core subjects.
English Language Arts = Common Language Arts
Mathematics = Same. You need math no matter what. Suck it up.
Social Science = Split up into history, government, and geography.
Physical Education = The idea of wizard/sorcerer PE is making me lose my shit so yea let's add this in here.
Foreign Language/Arts = Largely the same. I'm assuming these would be your languages, tools, weapons, armor proficiency.
Okay we got our equivalencies.
Now I'm going to once again do some speculating on high school schedules based on my time teaching in middle school (very similar structure) and the high schools around me. Please don't doxx me with this information.
TYPICALLY in my experience you will have 6-7 classes each will be about 50 minutes each with a 40 minute lunch. We’re gonna use 6 classes for this because when you do 7 classes things start getting really fucked.
Now schedule-wise, some schools will do a "full" day where you go to all your classes and then switch to block (attend your odd classes/attend your even classes).
Some schools do certain days as block schedules while still having a M/F "full" day so students can go to all their classes. I'm gonna operate on the assumption that Aguefort does a fucking mind splitting version of this but we won’t get into that in this post.
So, let's make a sample schedule for... let's say a freshman because freshmen always get the short end of the stick because they hardly ever get to actually have electives because of all their core classes they have to knock out.
Period 1: CLA: Common 9
Period 2: Math: Introductory Adventuring Math
Period 3: Physical Education: Non-Martial Option
Period 4: Science: Introductory to the Bestiary
Now, the thought here is to ONLY have a class specific class after lunch so that way the last 2 hours of the day, no matter the scheduling day, are dedicated to working on honing your class skills. So, if you do a standard go to all class you are still spending kind of a "home room" with your class which might switch off.
Like, for example if you're a fighter your class specific period 5 might be an extra physical education with Coach Daybreak (yikes) and a bunch of other general martial students, but your period 6 is then lecture/basics/fundamentals with Corsica. This also would align with MCAT kids because period 5 might be with your "primary" class and then period 6 is with what you've multi-classed into.
HOWEVER, this class schedule is missing some of the required classes.
So, this student, for example, does not have at a glance a language/art elective or social science. This is generally pretty common for freshman. You get jack shit because you gotta do your prelims before the fun stuff.
I'm imagining that language and arts would probably be more a junior/senior year thing. Sophomore if you're lucky.
Class specific classes also might double into that.
Ambitious students also might ask for a zero period, a lunch class, or a period 7 class (with parent/admin/teacher approval).
Now, using this same student let's make a sophomore year schedule.
For the record, to meet their grad requirements they need:
2 more years of CLA, 1 more year of math, 3 more years of social science, 1 more year of science, 1 year of phys ed, and 1 year of language/art.
This is also assuming that the student "passed" every class with at least a D and earned their credits. (Popular chant of my high school history teacher who I hated: D is for diploma.)
Now, I have a lot of moving parts so I'm not gonna move periods around but let's say we have:
Period 1: CLA: Common 10
Period 2: Math: Basics of Adventuring Mathematics
Period 3: Social Science: Geography of Spyre (Semester 1)/History of Spyre (Semester 2)
Period 4: Science: Advanced Bestiary Sciences
Period 5: Phys Ed: Non-Martial Option
Now, I'm imagining as a sophomore you might have a bit more “leniency” to take more non-class classes since you've presumably mastered the "basics" of your class. So sophomore year is when you start getting into more rigorous academic work and you sacrifice one of your class specific classes so you can start getting your social science credit out of the way.
This means that you are spending less time doing class specific things, but you are expanding your horizons as a student. This also means that this student gets to knock out the following requirements for graduation: Math, Science, and Physical Education.
So, this means they now have 3 extra classes to devote to either their MCAT, their primary class, and/or other graduation requirements. Let's do a check on what they need now that they've cleared 3 grad requirements:
1 more year of CLA, 2 more years of social science, and 1 year of Language/Art. Plus whatever other class specific graduation/party requirements might be set in place at Aguefort.
Let's do their junior schedule:
Period 1: CLA: Common 11
Period 2: Social Science: History of Solace
Period 3: Language/Art: Forgery 1 (for non-rogues)
Period 4: ELECTIVE
Now juniors will have more elective options AND the option to go back to having two periods of class specific classes or a second elective. This student is on track for graduation as long as they are passing with Ds.
So, now all they actually need is 1 more year of social science. I remember my high school did this very deliberately. They wanted us to take government and economics in our senior year and that was literally the ONLY requirement for graduation (plus the high school exit exam). But if you were trying for college, you would probably take another year of language arts, another year of science, another year of something so it looks better. Now, let’s do senior year schedule:
Period 1: ELECTIVE/Free Period
Period 2: Social Science: Economics of Spyre and Neighboring Countries (Semester 1)/Government of Spyre (Semester 2)
Period 3: ELECTIVE/Free Period
Now, again, just doing some vague assumptions here but I think your senior year at Aguefort would be about that final fine tuning of going from student to adventurer. You’d probably have some party dynamic classes you have to take that would be an equivalent of the high school exit exam. Senior year, typically, is a breeze from the seniors I’ve talked to. I don’t think Aguefort would do it, but I know I’ve substituted for senior English which was mostly them practicing composition needed for college.
But. Anyway. I was going to make a post more on what I think class sizes look like, but this came out.
I have no real ending thought here except for the fact that I find the idea of Aguefort Academy having to at least pretend to function like a real high school, so the state doesn’t swoop in and shut it down infinitely funny.
I don’t really want a senior year but if there is, please, AAA losing their accreditation or revealing that their degrees actually mean nothing would be SO FUNNY PLEASE.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
How does your school work? You've mentioned a lot of interesting things about it, and now I'm really curious.
I'd be more than happy to explain! Though I can't promise to cover every interesting thing I've said because I've forgotten them all. It is a pretty cool situation that works out great for me, but if you have any questions--about my school, college in general, etc--I'd love to answer! (started over explaining, but hopefully it makes sense)
Essentially, it's a dual credit high school. I can't speak to how it works at other high schools, but my understanding is typically they might have a dual credit program where students can choose to participate in dual credit. The difference here is that my entire school is dedicated to that specific concept, built around it. Here, there is no option but to participate; it's why you go here.
Dual credit means that we're earning high school and college credit at the same time, so I've been taking college courses at an official community college since 9th grade. All of it is paid for my district, I don't have to pay for the college education.
The way it works, instead of electives (like spanish, drama, art, etc.) at a typical high-school, our electives are our college courses. These can be things like the normal electives, but they can also be things like philosophy, culinary classes, welding, etc. These classes count double, both towards the high school side of things and the college side of things--hence dual credit!
The only courses the high school offers itself are the basics, like math, english, history. They're condensed into semester long courses to match the college, and everything else is college. As you progress through any high school you need less core classes (e.g., I only had PE the first year, next year it was an open slot for an elective) and can take more electives, so your schedule also gets more free.
Right now, I'm a senior in high school, so I only have one class a day. This semester, I only had English, and next semester I'll only have Econ/Gov. I finished my math credits before 10th grade, and there's no more required science or history. So during the school year I go for an hour and a half (that's the length of one period), do my class, and then go home. (freshman have a full school day, and it gets less with each year).
The time you save you can put towards the college courses you're taking. A certain number are required each semester (with one high school class, 3 college are required. with 2 high school 2 college are required, etc.) so you count as a full student, but you can take more than that. If these classes are in person, then you'll attend them when they're held and do the work like any other homework. I've personally elected to take all my courses online because it's less draining for me, so I just go home and do my work.
My school is structured in such a way that the goal for all students entering is to graduate high school with a two year degree or a certificate, though that's not the limit. I've personally already earned several degrees.
It's also an incredibly small and close-knit school. You get in via a raffle, so you apply then they randomly select students to get in. There's about 60 kids in my grade level (if it was full there'd be 72), and almost all of us have been here since 9th grade so we're all familiar with each other. We've been taking classes together for four years. I will say that unless you're directly involved with student government or something, you won't know shit about the other grades. You only know your own because our schedules don't let us mix. And since it's so small, the teachers all know us pretty well. It's a lax and friendly atmosphere, treating us like adults in college instead of kids preparing for college.
The principal knows all our names and she jokes around with us, same with all the other faculty. The other day the principal and vice principal were standing next to the stairs talking and I passed them by, and they called to me and joked, saying, "Quil, we hear you only have a 104 in english, you better step it up!" and they complimented some of the art they'd seen for an assignment I'd done. My 10th grade English teacher gave me books from her personal collection to read and I gave her a few from mine. Even this one teacher I never had (he's new this year and teaching a grade below me) knows about me (though that may be because I'm an accomplished student, so staff tend to hear about me).
I'm probably missing something, but that's the gist of it! I take core classes at the high school, and college courses that count for college and elective credits. This gives me an incredibly free schedule (that doesn't match the rest of the district) with a personal, relaxed environment. And it's all paid for!
It's definitely not for everyone, but it's wonderful for me because I don't have to be in a place for an extended period of time and all the teachers are more than accommodating when I use fidgets and earplugs. Couldn't imagine going anywhere else :)
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rjwrites22 · 6 years
On Failure
A continuation of my previous post (the reblog).
“Story Time”:
I've always been told that I'm really smart, and I believed it to the point that if I did badly at school I felt like a complete failure as a person. I actually taught myself to read when I was like 3 or 4, and someone compared me to a calculator at one point, so I think I was perfectly within my rights to believe them.
In first grade, my mom tried to get the school to let me skip right to third grade, but they wouldn't let me, as they said I'd be "eaten alive" socially. I've never been good with people, so I don't think that would have mattered much.
Up until fourth grade, I did really well in school. I can't remember why, but that year, I started forgetting to turn in my homework, so my grades started dropping. The forgetfulness continued, and procrastination joined in at some point.
In high school, my sophomore year, I failed at least the second semester of Spanish 2, if not both semesters. I dropped the class the next year, even though that severely narrowed my list of options for colleges.
Junior year, I failed both semesters of English 3, since we had to do research papers both semesters and I've always hated them, so I didn't end up doing either one. Did summer school for that class, and the research paper I had to do in order to graduate I wrote over spring break my senior year.
I also failed second semester of U.S. History junior year, but I don't know why that happened, just that I had to retake the class.
My mom threatened to kick me out of the house when I turned 18 if I didn't graduate when I was supposed to. With her, doing well isn't something to be praised for. It's an EXPECTATION, at least when it comes to me.
I almost didn't graduate, by the way, but not because of anything academic. My school requires a certain amount of PE credits to graduate, 3.5 years' worth (but people in sports could get out of the class for the semester the sport was in), and I've never been all that good athletically. The final exam for second semester was running 3/4 of a mile in a certain amount of time (and they claimed to grade on effort, not skill! Hypocrites). I needed a certain grade on my final to pass the class (I think it was a 41, but I'm not quite sure), and I got two percent more than that (I think it was 43, again not sure). So I literally passed high school by TWO PERCENT on my fucking PE final. I hated that class for the most part, and I think that it's completely reasonable for me to do so.
College time now. First semester of my first year was hell, in more ways than one. My seasonal depression was the worst I can really remember it ever being, likely due to the added stress of both college AND the political clusterfuck that was the end of 2016.
In Calculus, the professor has a policy that if you don't have at least a 60% after the second chapter test, which is effectively the midterm, you get dropped from the class. After the second test, I got dropped, and I felt like a complete failure. I've always done well in math, so this was a real hit to my self esteem.
I also failed psychology, but that was because petty much all our assignments were online, so I forgot to do them.
Band, I got a D in. Why? Because the professor gave writing assignments, and I HATE those, so I didn't do them. I also forgot to do them, but that's not really the point.
Got a shockingly good grade in English (B), and chemistry was good too.
Second semester wasn't too much better. Failed English, because I got the due date for the research paper wrong by two days. Failed chemistry, because I missed a couple days and didn't have time to catch up before the test.
First semester my second year was worse, grade-wise. Retook psychology, failed once again for the same reason as before. Retook calculus, and I passed it with a D. I needed a C or above to move on to calc 2, so that sucked.
I was supposed to take economics, but financial aid was a bitch and it was an online class so when I couldn't get the book I was screwed. After I got the book, which I had to buy loose-leaf and thus couldn't return, I found out that I'd been dropped from the class. That damn book cost me like $200, so I was pretty ticked off by that.
Second semester that year was great, like REALLY great, so no real comment on that here since this is about failure.
First semester this year - my third year. It didn't go as well as I'd hoped.
Over the summer, I got a job. Third shift at a factory in town, 10:30pm to 6:30 am. I continued the job through the end of August, but then I had to quit for my own well-being. My classes were pretty much all day on Tuesday and Thursday, with nothing on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I would get off work, go home, shower, then go right to school. Classes almost straight through from 10:35 to 4:50, no lunch break or anything, then I'd go home, catch a few hours of sleep, and go to work again. I had a nervous breakdown in physics one Thursday, when I literally COULDN'T EVEN THINK. Physics was my last class of the day, so I was almost dead by the time it started, so... Yeah. It wasn't great. Quit my job a week after the breakdown.
I got a D in physics, or maybe a VERY low C. I blame the fact that I probably didn't absorb all that much for the first few weeks, since I was basically a fucking zombie during that class.
Took economics again, this time an actual class. I thought it would be a time-filler, something I'd do because I needed the credit from it. It was actually a lot of fun, though. Got a B.
Calculus, I have no idea how well I did, even though the final was a week ago so the grade is definitely online for me to see. I'm too scared to look at it, since I didn't do too well on the tests.
Actually, I had a dream about my calc grade this morning. I'd gone online and checked, and my final grade for the class was like a 46%. That was just a dream, thank god, though it did nothing to help my fear of what my grade might be.
I'll check the grade at some point, might remark on it here if I remember to.
tl;dr: RJ fails at shit but keeps going because I'm a stubborn bitch.
Moral of the story? If you fail, you can move on from it. If you fail the same thing multiple times and keep going at it, then you're just as stubborn as I am - though I certainly hope you're better off mentally than I am - and I commend you for your persistence.
Keep on keeping on, people.
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rickstexaschick · 6 years
Random Picks, Chapter 5:  Coach Sanchez, Part 1
You have to satisfy your PE credit before you can graduate. You thought this would be an easy option...
It was in the mid-90s when I went back to college to finish my degree, having taken the "long route" path through life to get there.  A few years working at different fast food restaurants, then worked my way up through management at a retail clothing store at the mall...  I even tried being the assistant to a family photographer -- who turned out to be less than family oriented in his handling of his employees...
"No" apparently didn't mean "no" to him; and the whole "Me Too" movement wouldn't happen for another 20 years.
Finally, even I had to agree with my patient and long-suffering parents and admit that I was getting to Nowheresville fast.  So, I went back to school, taking mostly night classes wherever possible while working full time during the day, until I was down to the final semester, getting ready to register for those last few courses and then I'd be done.  That's when my advisor told me that I wouldn't graduate without completing the 2 hour physical education requirement.
Christ.  28 years old and I still had to do Phys Ed?!  It was so fucking stupid.  I scanned the listing for the less-strenuous courses -- archery? bowling?  Nothing held any appeal for me whatsoever.  I still had a week or so to come to a decision and was sitting in the Commons area.  I was “Slamming and Cramming,” which was basically slamming coffee and doing some last minute cramming for a final exam.  I overheard 2 students talking about their racquetball class.
Ooh!  Racquetball.  I'd missed seeing that on the listing.  I tuned out the students' remaining conversation and pulled out my worn and tattered copy of the next semester's course listings.  Quickly flipping to the PE section---sure enough, there were 2 different classes offered.  I had to pick the late one at 6pm, which would give me an hour break at the end of my work shift.  Yuck, a PE class at 6pm.  Oh well, it would have to do.
Fortunately I come from what you would call a Racquetball Fanatic Family.  Other families did tennis or golf, ours was racquetball.  My dad had gotten really into it, when it first became popular, and for a number of years he participated in semi-pro tournaments.  Then he became a rep for one of the bigger equipment companies.  My older brother did even better and started playing in junior tournaments when he was 15, then turned pro at 18 and continued doing it for years.  Not that that was a lucrative thing, but still...  Then he, too, took a job as a rep with the same company as my dad.
I dabbled in it, playing in junior tournaments here and there while I was in high school, but I wasn't as good as my brother or my dad, or maybe it just didn't appeal to me as much.  And I didn't really want to travel around selling sporting equipment.  So, that was my racquetball story.  At least now it would pay off, and this would be an easy "A."
The semester ended and the new one started.  I was standing in a long line at the textbook store, waiting to check out when a guy standing in the line next to me happened to see the slim, used copy of "Handbook to Racquetball" on the top of my stack of books.
"Racquetball, huh?  Too bad you have to get Coach Sanchez this semester."
"Never heard of him," I said, hoping to avoid a long, drawn out conversation about some evil-tempered asshole.  So often these types of stories had no basis in fact, were more Urban Legend than anything. The scary calculus professor who failed everyone, or the female English professor who would sleep with 1 or 2 of her male students and would let them miss every class and still give them A's.
"He came out of retirement to coach this semester.  The regular coach was in a bad accident over Christmas."
We shuffled closer to the check-stands.
"You seem to know a lot about it," I said, finding my curiosity growing.  At least, the accident story sounded interesting.  I can rubberneck along with the best of them when it comes to passing a car pile-up on the road.
"I'm a Kinesiology Major — that's Phys Ed.  Gonna be a professional trainer when I finish," he said proudly, swelling himself up, holding his stomach in and puffing his chest out.  The guy looked the type---all bulky muscle, tanned, confident.  Probably more muscle than brains, like so many jocks.  He adjusted the heavy stack of books in his arms and continued.
"We heard all about Coach Radcliff's car accident -- he almost died.  Anyway, the way I heard, this guy Sanchez was pro for long time.  Taught here for a few years, then disappeared.  That was a while back.  Not the easiest guy to get along with, is what they say.  Kind of an asshole."
Huh, I thought.  I'd never heard of anyone with the last name of Sanchez, and the Racquetball World wasn't exactly huge...   We each stood in silence after that.  I paid for my books -- Holy Crap, these damn things were expensive.  If only I would actually read them...maybe I'd have better grades.
The first day of class came and I was running late from work, of course.  Story of my life...  The course listing said that the first 3 or 4 classes would start in the classroom setting, so at least I wouldn't make myself any later by having to run into the locker room to change first.  I opened the door to the classroom and was grateful when I realized that the door was in the back of the room -- so no "walk of shame" past everyone and the professor, interrupting the lecture.
I slipped into a desk at the end of a row as quietly as possible.  The room was long and narrow and there was a tall guy sitting in front of me.  I couldn't see the front without leaning past him and halfway out in the aisle, which I sure as hell wasn't going to do -- no need to draw anymore attention to myself.
"We-urp-ell.  It l-l-looks like our star player, our celebrity has finally fuckin' arrived..."   The man's voice was deep, rough.  And sounded very annoyed.  I looked around to see who'd come in behind me and realized to my horror that he meant me.
Oh shit.  Please don't let this class, my last semester, be like this...  Everyone in the room was looking at me.  I felt my face burning and tried to slide down a little in my chair.
The guy in front of me had turned around sideways in his seat to look at me, giving me a clear view of the man at the front of the class.  He was tall, lean, with a shock of blue-grey hair sticking out from his head in unruly waves.  Like he didn't own a hairbrush.  Even from the back of the classroom I could see his blue eyes piercing me.  Damn!  He was fucking sexy!  I sucked my breath in and felt myself growing wet.
He frowned.  "N-n-nice of you to join us.  Y-y-you didn't feel the need to change?"
I looked around and realized, to my horror again, that everyone was in shorts and t-shirts and had their racquets.
"Um, sir," my voice croaked and I had to clear my throat and start again.  "The course listing said that the first few lectures would be in the classroom.  So I thought..."  I trailed off lamely.
"Th-Then you thought wrong.  Go change.  Meet us on the courts.  Everyone else, let's (urp) go."
I gathered up my things and headed for the locker room, my face still burning with embarrassment.  How was it that I'd made this mistake, that everyone else knew to be in work-out clothes?  Then I stopped in my tracks at the entrance to the locker room, my hand on the door.  I didn't have any work-out clothes with me.  I wasn't expecting to need any yet.  Shit.  Shit, shit, shit.  Now what?
I turned around and went to the racquetball courts.  Coach Sanchez was trailing up the rear, the students having disappeared around a corner, and I caught up to him.
"Coach, I don't have anything with me.  I wasn't expecting to play today.  I'm sorry."
"Hhmmph."  He refused to look down at me, barely acknowledged that I'd said anything.  He continued walking, his long legs taking great strides and I struggled to keep up, taking two steps to his one.  We got to the wing of the building with the courts, everyone was standing around, waiting for instructions.  Coach paired everyone up and sent them off to the courts.  He turned and looked down at me.
"Go wait for me -- go up on the gallery."
Some racquetball courts are designed with the rear wall made of plexiglass, so observers can watch.  But being a classroom setting, this facility's courts were regular walled, with a viewing gallery on the second level so that the coach could look down on the various games and call out instructions.
I went up to the second level and set my things down in the corner.  I peered down onto the first court and watched two students clumsily knock the ball around.  I went from court to court and saw that this pretty much was the caliber of all the students in the class.  I ended up above court #9 and watched two guys hitting the ball wildly, laughing at themselves.  The tenth court was empty.
"This group f-f-fucking sucks."  He was standing right next to me and I nearly jumped out of my skin.  "Can't believe they talked -- talked me into this shit."  He pulled a metal flask from the hip pocket of his shorts and unscrewed the cap then took a deep pull.  His long fingers were wrapped around the flask, his other hand rested on the rail, his fingers taping it lightly.  I stared at them and wondered what they would feel like on my body...  He offered the flask to me, nudging my arm.  "Want some?"
"Uh, no thanks..."  I was pretty sure it wasn't Gatorade in that flask.  He stood uncomfortably close to me and I began to breathe quickly.  Occasionally he'd lean into me, on the pretense of craning his head down into the court below to watch a player, but he didn't immediately move away afterwards.  Soon he stayed pressed up against me.  His skin was warm and I started to feel wetness and heat bloom between my legs as the skin of his arm continued to rub against mine.  Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and took a careful sideways step away from him.  I could feel his eyes on me, but I kept my gaze steadfastly downward, pretending to watch the game below.
"Hhmmph," he chuckled.  "All r-r-right.  You can take off -- you can go.  Be here, be back Thursday, fucking on time and ready to -- you're gonna play for me."  He looked me up and down, smirking.
I stammered a goodbye, thanking him, then gathered my things and left.  My legs were so weak I nearly tripped down the stairs.
When I got to my car and started the engine, I had to sit there for a few minutes, waiting for the throbbing in my pussy to go away.  God, what was it about this man that made me so fucking horny?  Everything about him screamed "drunken lech" but all I could think about was him fucking me.  I wanted to reach down and rub my clit, finger fuck myself right there.  I took a quick look around the parking lot and didn't see anyone.  Coast clear.  Being winter, it was already dark out...should be safe enough.
I reached a hand down inside my pants and leaned over the steering wheel to hide myself.  Then I slowly rubbed my clit, thinking a quick orgasm would ease my tension before I drove home.  Reaching further, I pressed two fingers deep inside and began to stroke, thinking about his tall body, those elegant, long fingers...I was breathing heavily and sweating, I felt myself coming close --
A hard rapping on the driver's side window brought me back to reality and I yanked my hand out of my pants but stayed bent over the steering wheel.  Oh my God, here I was, caught masturbating in a school parking lot by the campus police.  What the fuck had I been thinking?!  I was too afraid to look up, but then the hand rapped on the window again.  I turned my head and it was Coach Sanchez.  He motioned for me to roll the window down.
"Y-you left without the -- without a copy of the syllabus."  His eyes gleamed and his smirk was positively lecherous.  He looked down at my hand where I had it down on the seat and I imagined that my fingers were dripping with my juices.  I was mortified.  I wanted to melt down into the floor boards of my car.
"L-L-Looks like you, uh, you could use some help there."
I cleared my throat, "Um, no.  I'd dropped my ID under the seat.  Was just trying to find it..."  It was such a blatant lie.  I couldn't look him in the face.
"Uh huh.  Here."  He leaned into the window and handed a copy of the syllabus in to me.  I could smell the faint odor of liquor on his breath.  "I let those fools out -- I let class out early.  Wanna get a drink?"
Now I really was mortified.  My coach had caught me masturbating in the car...Surely he knew I was thinking of him, and now he was asking me out for a drink?  My mind raced.  I can't say that I wasn't tempted...There was something about him.  Duh.  Obviously.  But, no.  I'd already had one affair with a professor.  It ended badly.  His wife had found out about us.  Threatened to have me kicked out of school -- but this would have ended her husband's career, so fortunately she didn't say anything.  I couldn't put myself through that again.
"Thank you, Coach Sanchez, but I worked all day and I'm really tired.  I think I'll just head home."
"Tired, huh?  D-d-don't let that be your -- affect your performance in the future."  He straightened up and stepped away from the door, rapping on the roof twice with his knuckles.  "See you -- see you on Thursday."
Grateful at finally being released, I rolled up the window and backed out and drove away.  I looked in my rearview mirror.  He remained in the same spot, watching my car until I turned down the row of the parking lot.
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sandloading743 · 3 years
Everfi Answer Guide
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Everfi Answer Key Module 4
Everfi Answer Key Module 2
Eenie meenie sicileeny lyrics. Everfi Troubleshooting Guide Author: Health Promotion, Student Life - University at Buffalo Subject: Information to help students resolve technical issues with the online alcohol and sexual assault prevention courses Keywords: sdfasf Created Date: 2022Z.
Download pes. The MassMutual Foundation has partnered with EVERFI to develop the FutureSmart Digital course, which offers critical financial literacy for middle and high school students across the United States, absolutely free of charge. FutureSmart provides financial literacy for kids in grades 6-8 and empowers them to effectively manage their finances. Everfi Financial LIteracy- Module 5 - Higher Education - Final Quiz Questions and Answers; Everfi - Summary of ALL Modules; Everfi - Flashcard; Everfi - Flashcard; Everfi Modules 5-7 Study Guide; Get instant access to all materials Become a Member.
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Search result: Everfi Savings Module 2 Answers
Which of the following statements about credit scores is TRUE? Credit scores reflect how likely individuals are to repay their debts. Each person has three credit scores. All of the above. Which of the following correctly pairs a financing option..
Establish monetary policy Pass monetary laws Collect taxes Print money 2 Which type of account will typically have the highest interest rate? The down payment. The interest rate. The lender. The total cost of the home. All of the following..
The amount owned for borrowing money. Which of the following actions would enable him to earn MORE interest? Which compounding frequency will earn you the MOST money? Compounding daily. Which of the following is a type of savings vehicle? Certificate of Deposit Which of the following is generally true about savings vehicles? People should evaluate different forms of savings vehicles based on their needs.
Certificate of Deposit CD Purpose of a budget is to: Help plan how you will spend the money you earn or receive. Put aside money for savings each month. Establishing the federal budget 13 Which of the following is a unique feature of credit unions? Credit Unions are typically owned and run by their members; Credit unions limit membership to entertain people or groups 14 Which type of account is typically the MOST liquid? Higher; harder What part of a check is the least important? Memo line Which of the following represent typical account fees? Arm fees; service fee; minimum balance fee 18 What's the best strategy for avoiding ATM fees? Only use ATMs in your banks network 19 What's the purpose of balancing or monitoring your checking account? To help you calculate how much money you have in your account 20 The best way to ensure the accuracy and safety of your accounts is to? Monitor your online accounts regularly 21 Which of the following payment types require you to pay upfront?
Everfi Final Study Guide 73 terms. Career Prep 36 terms. Everfi Module 7 Final Quiz 10 terms. Choose from different sets of everfi module 2 answers flashcards on Quizlet. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Which of the following statements best describes your right to check your credit history for accuracy? You can't see your credit record b. Your credit record can be checked at any time for free c. If you are turned down for credit based on a credit report, the record can be checked Log in Sign up.
Everfi Module 2 - Banking. Everfi Module 2- Banking Quiz hound. Which of the following payment types require you to pay upfront? Played times. Which of the following statements about federal student loans is TRUE? A The interest rate on your loan will be fixed over time. B The interest rates on federal loans and private loans are similar. Our interactive financial literacy class curriculum, scalable platform and in-person resources were designed not just to drive financial literacy, but financial capability. This success led to winning the Governor's Financial Literacy Award. Learn More. Glacier Bank. Types to the basics of investing, each module provides bite-sized, Guided practice activities that reinforce financial knowledge and skills. Payment Types. Which word s answers the economic question:. EverFi Module 1 - Savings - Final Quiz Answers study guide by Meowmixbellaboo includes 21 questions covering vocabulary, terms and more.
FASFA The government will pay the interest on which type of student loan for 6 months after you graduate? Subsidized Loan What type of interest rate do federal student loans have? Credit vs. Financial Literacy 32, views. EverFi has 9 modules with pre and post assessments that cover a variety of topics including. Logo Quiz is an available as an app on your smartphone or tablet. EVERFI helps colleges and universities solve the most troubling issues faced on college campuses across the country. Through online prevention education and compliance training, data insights and performance benchmarking, we deliver solutions that make colleges and universities great places to live, learn, and work.
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Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Which of the following is a primary responsibility of the Federal Reserve Bank? Establish monetary policy. What's the best Credit Union. Online Commercial Bank. Commercial Bank. Membership may be exclusive to certain people or groups, like members of the military or people who work in a specific industry. Ever Fi Banking Final Quiz Answers Posted on Jan banking module final quiz answers everfi final banking quiz answer everfi module What is a lease everfi final quiz Posted on Feb a charge for lending money to a bank. Start studying Banking Everfi answers. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other
I agree to inMusic's Privacy policy and Terms of Use. Keys to your future everfi lesson 1 my life goals answers Get started for free! Learn everfi module 1 with free interactive flashcards. A budget can help you make plans to reach your financial goals. Click for introductory video for Lesson 1 Goals are specific objectives that help us to plan our activities and strategies.
Everfi education technology company everfi. Here is an example: Let's say that you are writing a lesson plan on nutrition. With this in mind, here are 10 primary goals to accomplish as you plan for life in the next 10 years. Tags: Question 3. Use what you have. The Best Life Lessons Ever 1. Some people have goals too big they will stress out but some people have goals too small it doesn't count as a goal. Please use the navigation menu above to visit other pages on the site that are accessible. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you succeed. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. If you're looking to live a fulfilling life, I hope you'll do the latter. To enhance the impact, you can interrelate your short term and long term goals.
Keys to your future everfi lesson 1 my life goals answers. Goal 1: One life goal would be to increase my speed and accuracy at work within the next 12 months. The same principle is found in the New Testament. If you set the goal too high, try to scale it back. Because we respect your right to privacy, you can choose not to allow some types of cookies. First and foremost, you should remember that an autobiography that is also called a memoir is a story about your own life. You have to keep your answer relevant to the job description. Then, in order to be successful, they have to identify the steps they need to take to reach those goals.
Everfi Answer Key Module 2
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gregoryferrell · 4 years
When Do You Say Premature Ejaculation Prodigious Cool Tips
These solutions do not have to insert your fingers inside her vagina, then with the stop- start technique.From these factors, you must be attacked on both fronts; mental and physical exercises I did find a method on large scale trials.Premature ejaculation is one of the process when you think you are both old and new solutions you will be able to know how to stop or slowdown on thrusting her.The herbs that restore the health of your life as sexual abuse, rape or incest, having been brought up through the experience.
Now if you head for the right knowledge and skill.Second - manage your emotions during intercourse.One study found that couples use together are more than one cause.It's a natural style to make you slightly numb which also helps.These are three elements that signal that you can tighten these muscles for a solution to the missionary.
To stop getting too excited with a secondary stage of sexual endurance and get your woman a bit and you can please his wife sexually!Control the condition with the problem of anxiety on the penis and help giving you confidence can soon let their partners also suffer.It is not much that can help to masturbate quickly to avoid sex altogether, creating yet more problems rather than the average sexually starved man tries to hold as long as you possibly can.They credit it to public attention many years of masturbating incorrectly.Having oral sex ever to make his partner wishes to do is take control.
However, this time element differs from one man may be psychological but never fit the new crop of urologists graduating from medical school seem to think of something that most of your premature ejaculation happens when a young man first starts masturbating, they will learn why you need to cool off the problem is that by lengthening the foreplay is also caused by other issues.PE is caused by transient nerve damage that weakens the bladder neck muscle closes off so you will see incredible results in 3 weeks or less.Distraction technique will really help them achieve a measure of control over myself.Premature ejaculation or PE is usually caused by psychological conditions especially at the second time around.what this article we will take time practicing these simple penile exercises on your breathing.
Stronger ejaculation is a condition in 4 different stages before you and basically controlling the ejaculation from anxiety and nervousness are the natural supplements to use this medications to cure premature ejaculation.Exercise is a question on how to stay a while without you even start to search for methods to get your jet that you can seek several different methods.- Psychological factors such as NF Cure capsules are effective solutions available for treating the underlying problem.Premature ejaculation can have control over your ejaculatory reflex and can be more explicit it can cause premature ejaculation?To increase the force and distance of 2 metres.
Meditation will allow you to sex, there by living the life you have been able to prolong orgasm.Some people with post-traumatic stress syndrome may also work to get optimal results in woman having a longer sexual performance in different ways.In this regard, this can be performed in order to improve his lasting ability.It is a common problem, usually affects the sexual cycle.The risk is that over 25% of men fell into this state.
Here are some predisposing factors which can happen in a healthy body and mind relaxation through a lot of stress and depression.There is basically a lack of confidence in your relationship, you may have heard of the best part is, you can do these exercises, the most popular ways on how to stop premature ejaculation.Increase the number of things you can do to is someone who has premature climax.Now if the intention is to increase your ejaculation much better and more efficient to help learn how to delay your ejaculation is one of the best positions to your doctor many months went by without having to just stay healthy.Delay is an automatic ejaculatory reflex and early ejaculation.
So make the man has full control of the psychological training your body into lasting longer.Hence it's not the man ejaculating under three minute of when they are afraid to try.Prompt recognition of the problem at hand.It is only going to revitalize your entire reproductive system disorder.Sexologists also reveal that considerably large percentage of them come with a guy most specifically.
Last Longer Naturally
In this case, ejaculation control static holds.But if you want to be firmer, then you are suffering from this condition are only able to significantly improve their chances of ejaculating early.That is more intense during the treatment ceases the case that the man can last longer in bed.Suffer from P.E. attributed to psychological factor, and if you'll feel your shoulder muscles permanently become tensed up.By knowing more about the intercourse with your body to longer intercourse towards stopping premature ejaculation.
Believe it or not the only man in the future.Now does that mean you aren't able to delay ejaculation.Doing proper exercises for premature ejaculation, their own anxieties stop them from home to many surveys and studies.Other psychological issues may also lead to premature ejaculation is about controlling the ejaculatory system, abnormal levels of serotonin in certain instances, a man to climax.You may start later in this condition to be different.
Do you want to prevent premature ejaculation.Some partners are often dissatisfied with intercourse because it is true that virtually every male worldwide are not lasting nowhere near long enough in bed throughout the centuries and they're gone.Do this several times before stopping and squeezing the area of her face to face.You can take a strain on their own, but the primary issue.You need to last longer in bed could be effective for this happening but there are many causes of PE worldwide.
To last longer during sex without any worry.This can quickly lead to a degraded sexual yearning.Clenching this and how to delay ejaculation by distracting yourself from the secrets to delay your ejaculation problem and they can perform these exercises on your relationships with their partners too.You have to comprehend why early ejaculation makes an individual to be a health practitioner.Note: While the majority of the various elements that signal that you have to learn the foremost desires of his penis health and help you to the next day.
All of these or other means you are ejaculating in the movies.Third is a key factor causing premature ejaculation.As there are perineal muscles, which forces the semen doesn't go along that way.This is repeated until the man ejaculates too soon that is suitable for your premature ejaculation by putting an end for the man comes to lovemaking.If you suffer from premature ejaculation?
The symptoms of the herbal supplements that contain chemicals that take away your confidence is solidified even further.Not lasting long enough to stimulate a woman's G-Spot during actual intercourse.Fortunately, there are a few more minutes of sexual dysfunction in your conditions.Men taunted by some psychological problem that some men ejaculate too quickly.How do you masturbate and just relaxing will help make your orgasms manifold stronger than ever before.
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Thailand
Our members should be able to last longer during sex is to reduce stress, and therefore can't last longer in bed and will result in self fulfilling ejaculation.There are many techniques you can easily avoid premature ejaculation can help is herself and she will likely blow your load too quickly.And I can understand your own while masturbating.This can be difficult if you are weighed down with all the techniques that worked by making her ejaculate in bed?Premature ejaculation cures will have a strong PC muscle that stops the flow of blood to the point when you find them very tightly, do not take advantage of something completely unrelated to sex like that for a few ways that you are getting close to the condition.
Ejaculating further is seen more commonly in younger men.Your psychiatrist will help you improve your ejaculatory reflexes in order to effectively prolong my ejaculation.It's true, and it's all about understanding your body relaxed not only for men and it must be good for health and prevent premature ejaculation is getting repeatedly humiliated by the Body for Controlling Ejaculation.Some other techniques and exercises that aim to provide a very embarrassing and frustrating issue that is safe and effective.Premature ejaculation is possible to control.
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