#bass player frank
forfoxessake · 8 months
Frank Iero and The Architects (2013)
Deaths Spells opened for The Architects at Knitting Factory in 2013 (November, 19) - and for some reason, Frank had to play bass for them. Y’all probably have seen these before but it’s the first time I've noticed him using the Mikey Way Fender Bass Guitar.
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more pictures
I have managed some low- audio-quality videos of the show where you can clearly see Frank playing and vibing.
videos: One Two Three
If you don't remember, The Architects have opened for My Chem a bunch of times, Frank did a cover of Suspect Devices (Stiff Little Fingers) with them on stage during the World Contamination Tour in 2011. During the same tour, Ray also joined them on stage .
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jezcat-18 · 5 days
Weekend Duffy Stuff 💖
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kill-em8all · 1 year
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angstics · 9 months
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Frank: Ray and I typically develop musical concepts around our childhood experiences--which helped us deal with the demands of the lyrics. For example, on the bridge of "This Is How I Disappear," Ray's high lines and my chord progression with moving bass notes were based on a music box my morn gave me when I was a kid. What we played wasn't the actual music box melody, but the parts made me feel the same way as I did when I listened to it back then. All the parts on the record were composed around how things made us feel. Another example is "Sleep." Certain parts on that song pay homage to these haunting melodies we heard during the end credits of the Dune movie, which were performed by Toto. We get ideas from everywhere. Nothing is too weird for us.
Guitar Player (Vol. 41, Issue 2) | Feb. 2007 | sourced from gale.com
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thankyouforthev3n0m · 3 months
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Roger Taylor was born in Norfolk, on the east coast of England, and he spent his teens in Cornwall, the summer resort area in the southwest. His background was respectable and ordinary – “the boring middle class,” he calls it – but he’s been captivated by rock ‘n roll ever since the age of eight.
“It was like a bit of a dream then,” he says.
He started playing acoustic guitar at nine, and then when he was 12 he decided to take up drums and electric guitar. “Basically I was a frustrated guitarist,” he says. “But I seemed to be better at drums. My father just bought me a drum, and I took to it and started adding to it and found I could get along well.
Taylor was a 19-year-old dental student in London when he joined his first real band – an outfit called Smile which also included future Queen guitarist Brian May. He quit after a year of dental college because he “just couldn’t be bothered any more,” but then he decided to go back to school for a degree in biology from East London Polytechnic. But by that time Queen has been formed.
“Brian and I were very disillusioned,” he recalls. “But we had known Freddie and eventually, after about six months or so, Freddie persuaded us to start Queen working. Which we did. It was pretty hard going in the beginning. We had quite a few bass players, we went through about five or six until we found John, who was the only one who really fit in.” And after that came the problem of finding the right contract, which wasn’t accomplished until 18 months after the band’s formation, when they hooked up with the new production arm of Trident Studios.
“We wanted to do it right. We wanted the right contract with the right people. So we were really very careful. I think we could’ve moved a bit quicker, but I think that probably was the best idea. It took a lot of patience, a lot of faith, but we got a pretty good deal in the end. We were offered quite a lot of deals by virtually every major company over here, but this really seemed like the best thing to go for at the time.”
- Roger Taylor
Interview, 1975 - Circus
Queen’s Roger Meddows-Taylor – His hands are soft but his beat is hard
By Frank Rose
📸 Pic: Early 70s - Freddie Mercury with Roger Taylor sitting on Volkswagen Karmann Ghia (1955-1974)
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perfectsunlight · 10 months
warnings: minor manipulation, language, mentions of alcohol, toxic behavior
word count: 1.8k
part of the series: LOGICAL
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lisa’s birthday party was supposed to be something worth smiling about. however, a permanent frown seemed to be etched onto Y/N’s face from the moment they arrived.
the bass boosted and the young point guard swirled the red solo cup in her hand, watching as her girlfriend stood in a circle with chaeyoung and a few of the other girls from the volleyball team. lisa’s arm was wrapped around the blonde’s shoulders in a lazy fashion, laughing at whatever comment chaeyoung just made.
the vibrant lights that adorned the party venue cast shifting shadows across her face as she observed the scene before her. her eyes, usually filled with a sparkle, now held a glint of hurt and confusion.
lisa had been the center of Y/N's world for what felt like an eternity. 
ever since they were paired up on the first day of training freshman year, lisa was the only thing she could focus on.
the way she talked, the way she walked, the way she breathed next to her in bed when she slept, and even the way she smelled after a shower. 
lisa was not just her life, she was everything in her life as well.
from morning practices to late night lifting sessions, Y/N was always around her girlfriend. it was a different dynamic having her cousin on the same team as her girlfriend, and with her mom as the coach. but Y/N found it somehow endearing, finding comfort in the fact that she got to share the well loved sport in her family with the love of her life.
when they were on the court, lisa’s attention was always on Y/N. every pass and play consisted of the two working together and being each other’s right hands. there wasn’t a single win in YGU’s books that was done without the efforts of the two girls.
however, once they were off the court, it was a different story.
chaeyoung was the reason Y/N felt like she was third wheeling in her own relationship.
park chaeyoung, with her blonde hair and effortless beauty, had effortlessly woven herself into lisa's life after they met in different classes they had together. 
from the sidelines, Y/N had watched their friendship blossom over the years. at first, it was endearing—a friendship between two athletes, something that seemed innocent enough. but as time passed, Y/N couldn't help but notice the subtle shifts in dynamics whenever chaeyoung was around.
her girlfriend was an entirely different person around the volleyball player.
lisa's laughter would ring a little louder, her smiles a touch brighter when in the blonde’s company. they shared inside jokes, lingering gazes, and an inexplicable closeness that left Y/N feeling like an outsider in her own relationship.
while Y/N had never caught the two in any compromising situations, the unease had settled in her mind like an unwelcome guest. the innocent interactions between them often stirred a whirlwind of doubt and insecurity within Y/N. 
she found herself second-guessing every conversation, dissecting every smile exchanged between her girlfriend and the blonde.
to be frank, it was driving Y/N insane.
there were numerous fights about it, both somi and yena being witnesses to the hours of yelling and shouting. lisa always insisted nothing was going on, but Y/N could not believe that.
not entirely, at least.
it wasn't jealousy, not entirely. it was the lingering fear of losing the person who meant the world to her. 
the young girl’s heart ached with the weight of uncertainty, the constant worry that perhaps lisa's connection with chaeyoung ran deeper than mere friendship, even if her girlfriend would never admit it.
the point guard was drawn out of her thoughts when yena took a seat next to her on the couch, sighing dramatically as she pulled her roommate in for a side hug.
“what’s that look for?” yena asked over the music, already knowing the answer was standing 10 feet away.
the brunette forced a smile, trying to mask the tumult of emotions raging within her. “nothing really. just enjoying the party,” she replied, the words tasting bitter in her mouth as she tried to feign enthusiasm.
her roommate arched an eyebrow, her gaze piercing through the facade Y/N was desperately trying to uphold. she never understood why she still tried to hide the obvious from her.
 “yeah right,” she retorted knowingly. “i can practically see the storm clouds hovering over your head from here.”
sighing softly, Y/N leaned in closer to yena, her voice barely audible above the music. “it's lisa and chaeyoung,” she confessed, her words laced with a mixture of frustration and vulnerability.
yena's expression softened, understanding dawning in her eyes as she cast a glance towards the duo engaged in conversation across the room. “ah, those two,” she remarked, her tone tinged with empathy. “they've been inseparable lately.”
“it's driving me crazy,” Y/N confessed, her voice filled with a hint of resignation. “i feel like i'm constantly second to her. it's not like lisa can’t have friends, but this just feels different.”
yena nodded in understanding, her hand offering a comforting squeeze to Y/N's shoulder. “have you talked to the demon about how you're feeling?” yena asked gently, her concern still evident even in her sarcastic tone.
“yes, and it ends the same way every time.” the point guard huffed, taking an angry sip from her drink before grimacing at the taste.
the girl next to her chuckled before taking the cup from her hand and setting it on the nearby table. “okay, enough of that.” yena’s figure stood up, dragging the other girl with her. 
she was determined to take matters into her own hands. “alright, time for operation confrontation,” she announced with faux enthusiasm, her smirk betraying her playful intent.
before the other girl could protest or comprehend what her roommate meant, yena grabbed her hand and pulled her up from the couch. without giving Y/N a chance to object, yena guided her through the crowd, weaving through dancing bodies until they reached where lisa and chaeyoung stood engaged in conversation.
lisa's eyes met Y/N's for a brief moment, but before any meaningful exchange could happen, yena intervened with calculated boldness.
 “yo lisa, happy birthday!” she shouted, her tone laced with faux enthusiasm. she knew lisa was drunk enough to not comprehend the difference. 
lisa blinked in surprise, momentarily taken aback by yena's sudden interruption. “uh, thank you,” she replied, glancing at Y/N with a hint of confusion before her gaze shifted back to chaeyoung. whenever yena ever spoke to her, it was usually in the form of cursing and throwing things.
Y/N felt a pang of disappointment as her girlfriend’s attention drifted back to chaeyoung after a brief acknowledgement. the ache in her chest deepened as she watched chaeyoung subtly steer lisa's focus away from the brewing conversation by fixing the jacket her girlfriend was wearing.
it made her want to drag lisa out of her own birthday party and wisk her away to some foreign country with no other people except the two of them. perhaps an island, or even somewhere like greenland.
despite the disappointment, Y/N felt a mix of emotions swirling within her—a sense of frustration, hurt, and a growing annoyance at chaeyoung's deliberate interference. she couldn't shake off the feeling that chaeyoung's actions were intentionally undermining any chance of communication between lisa and herself.
the point guard shifted and forced a genuine smile on her lips as she leaned into her girlfriend’s chest, inhaling her familiar cologne. lisa didn’t take her focus off of the blonde in front of her, nodding along to whatever it was she was saying while gently nudging Y/N off of her.
Y/N's heart sank as lisa's attention remained fixated on the other woman, despite Y/N's attempt to seek comfort in her girlfriend's embrace. 
trying to hide her disappointment, Y/N straightened herself, feigning a nonchalant demeanor. she masked her inner turmoil behind the mask of a casual smile, though the ache within her intensified with each passing moment.
“don’t do that while i’m talking, babe.” lisa chuckled, eyes still on chaeyoung before sparing a quick glance at her girlfriend. 
the blonde girl chuckled along with lisa before raising an eyebrow, quickly eyeing Y/N up and down. “is that your girlfriend?” 
the basketball player hummed in response, gently patting Y/N’s cheek in a dismissive manner. “yup.”
Y/N didn’t know how to describe the look park chaeyoung gave her. it wasn’t malice, annoyance, or jealousy. chaeyoung's gaze held a peculiar mix of indifference and subtle dismissal. it wasn't a direct confrontation or a harsh glance; it was a cold, distant demeanor that seemed to cut through Y/N's attempt to engage. 
her silence spoke volumes, a silent assertion of dominance or perhaps an intentional act to disregard Y/N's presence.
as the interaction continued, Y/N felt a knot form in her stomach, a rising sense of frustration at being sidelined and dismissed. she struggled to comprehend the volleyball player’s behavior—was it a deliberate attempt to assert her influence over lisa, or was it merely an innocent display of friendship that inadvertently left Y/N feeling excluded?
despite the confusion and the subtle discomfort, Y/N tried to maintain a composed facade. she attempted to brush off the blonde’s disregard, but the weight of her actions lingered heavily in the air.
lisa, caught in the middle of the exchange, seemed oblivious to the present tension. “i think you two could be close friends. the three of us can hang out soon.” the basketball star stated casually, taking a swig of her drink before glancing back at chaeyoung. “we’ll be off next weekend i think. depends if we have to watch film.”
however, chaeyoung's response was a simple, nonchalant shrug. “dunno, i’m pretty busy. anyway let’s go get punch, i heard it’s drowning in vodka.” 
without another word, she reached for lisa's hand, gently tugging her away from Y/N's side. the blonde's actions were subtle yet definitive, a clear message that their conversation was over and that she had claimed lisa's attention.
as lisa followed chaeyoung's lead, Y/N stood there, feeling a mixture of frustration, hurt, and a growing sense of realization. the manner in which chaeyoung effortlessly redirected lisa's attention away from Y/N highlighted the undeniable hold she had over her girlfriend.
it was becoming increasingly evident that chaeyoung's influence over her girlfriend was something that was clearly never going to change. 
yena rolled her eyes as she swung an arm around her roommate’s shoulder, ignoring the urge to suddenly kick lisa in the back of the head. she never understood how Y/N puts up with the basketball star, but she didn’t bother breaking her brain to think about it.
all she did know was that lisa never deserved Y/N, not even once.
“come on, let’s go find yuqi. we can go get ice cream.”
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TAGLIST ⸺ ✭ @silantryoo @rosiehrs @niniwhiskers @cwpiqwon @jisooftme @1luvkarina @scarfac3 @santasbitch @lisas-earlobe @wallfl9wer @aerihiltonn @unforgivenangel @uzumakioden @skydreamed @haerinfangs @la-douleur-ne-finit-jamais @haerinkisser @giginings @lilsvx @milanlaia @pandafuriosa60
OPEN!! comment below the masterlist to be added.
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a/n: i finally updated....el oh el
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corroded-hellfire · 2 months
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Prompt Day 18: Freak
Word Count: 687
Rating: T
Pairing: None
CW: Language
Summary: Why is it that no one knows his name?
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If he didn’t know the jocks and meatheads called all the guys in the Hellfire Club that, he’d think it was his actual name around school. He heard it far more often than his own name. Did he actually hear his name at all around Hawkins High?
“Mr. Dawson, eyes on your own test.”
That kind of counts as his name, right? Even if it’s only his last name. His brain skims through the memories of the past few weeks and he can’t recall a teacher addressing him beyond that. They knew his name…right?
It’s sure as hell obvious that none of the students do. 
“Hey, uh…”
He knows that vacant look far too well. A look that realizes halfway through the sentence you don’t even know the name of who you’re talking to. 
“You, um…”
“Larry, we’ve been lab partners since the beginning of the year.”
“N-No, no, I know. I know your name. It’s…Grant. You’re Grant.”
No, he is not Grant. 
Why don’t the other Hellfire guys seem to have this problem?
Almost anyone walking these halls, student or staff alike, knows the name “Eddie Munson.” He’s the Hellfire guy, the guitar player, the guy to go to for drugs, the guy who gives improvised grandiose speeches while strutting down the lunch table like it’s a runway. Selling that good shit will get you far with a lot of the dopes around here. For some, the name brings a smile to their face. For most, it earns an eye roll. But at least there’s a reaction to it. 
“Eddie Munson, get down from my desk this instant!”
Gareth is only a junior but it’s not uncommon to hear his name shouted down the hallway in between classes—and not just by his sisters. His older sister is a senior and his younger a freshman, and tons of people in both those years know Gareth’s name. Popularity by proxy of sister isn’t popularity, but when said sisters have their many friends come over to the house, they get to know the brother that many of them weren’t aware existed. Opens a whole new set of doors.
“Gareth! Hey! What was that video game you were telling me about at your house last week?”
It’s impossible to be in the same classroom as Jeff without hearing his name. Teachers dote on him incessantly. He’s their prized pet, always turning homework in on time and always knowing the right answers. He’s not a kiss ass by any means, he just makes the grades and has the charm that draws adults in. That trickles down to the student population, so many of them wanting to know if Jeff will help tutor them or if he understood the homework assignment. He may not have time to be a tutor between Hellfire and Corroded Coffin, but there’s a high chance that he understood the homework.
“Jeff, will you come up to the board and show everyone how to solve this equation?”
Then there’s that fourth member of Corroded Coffin. He plays the bass, right? Yeah, that one. No, he isn’t a loudmouth. No, he doesn’t have popular sisters. No, he isn’t a straight A student. 
But he is important. Luckily, he has friends that remind him of that on a daily basis.
“Hey, Frank!” Eddie calls down the hallway as the guys make their way towards him.
“Dude, look at this leather jacket we found! It was at the thrift store when my sisters dragged me and Jeff there,” Gareth says, brandishing the item.
“It’s your exact size!” Jeff adds. “I remember from when we got our Hellfire shirts.”
Frank grins as Gareth hands the jacket over.
“Holy shit, this thing is so cool.”
“Put it on,” Eddie urges.
Jeff takes the textbook Frank is holding so he can slip into it.
“It looks good on you,” Gareth says, nodding his approval. 
Frank looks around at the three guys in front of him. They’re all genuinely happy as they look at him in his new jacket. He may not be known by everyone, but he’s known by the right people.
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radarsteddybear · 1 month
Hey, you!
Yeah, you!
Have you ever wondered what actors were in both Hogan's Heroes and M*A*S*H?
Wonder no more!
I made a list:
Sivi Aberg
William Christopher
Peter Eastman
Bernard Fox
Roy Goldman
James Gregory
Johnny Haymer
Chuck Hicks
Robert Hogan
Bonnie Jones
Sandy Kenyon
Bruce Kirby
Curt Lowens
Frank Marth
Lynnette Mettey
John Orchard
Jack Riley
Dennis Robertson
James Sikking
Walter Smith
Dennis Troy
Buck Young
More people who worked on both series:
Arthur Julian
Laurence Marks
Richard Powell
Bruce Bilson
Bass player:
Carol Kaye
Writer/Producer/Co-Creator on M*A*S*H, Director on both:
Gene Reynolds
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reidscanehand · 1 year
you’re the northern star
Inspired by this song by Dom Fera Pairing: Rockstar!Remus Lupin x fem!Reader (Modern AU) Category: Hurt/Comfort/Fluff TW: implied alcohol/drug use (really just overdoing it on Remus’ part)
Well, this is different, innit? I was rewatching the Taylor Swift Miss Americana documentary and I got an idea about a rockstar not sure of what to do with himself. Also, this is a really fucking stunning song that I’ve loved and wanted to use for a while. The other lyrics Y/N sings are another Dom Fera song called “Midnights in October”. 
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Three rum and cokes and a couple beers in Some lucky drunk stood up, heavy with where he’d been And he held onto someone, and he sung out compelled “You’re why I was right to trust myself”
Being a rockstar was everything Remus ever dreamed of. The Marauders had kicked off when the boys had all finished school together. Peter had quickly left before they really took off  - unsurprising, really, but no less saddening - quickly replaced, though, by Frank Longbottom, who was, in fact, a better player anyway. With Frank on keyboards, Remus on bass, James on drums, and Sirius on guitar and vocals, the band really began to gel for the first time. Remus and Sirius wrote all the music and lyrics - mostly Remus, really. He could play piano, guitar, and bass, making it easier for him to arrange everything, but Sirius did his fair share. The addition of Frank seemed to symbolize a new beginning for everything, really. 
That and James and Lily finally getting together. If James wasn’t so head over heels for the girl, Remus could’ve sworn he’d asked her out just for her connections. 
With Lily installed as their manager, The Marauders started to play bigger venues, their songs started getting more streams, and, suddenly, they were releasing EPs, then an album released to stunning reviews and an enthusiastic and ever growing fan base. They were invited on Graham Norton, then played a UK tour, then a US tour, performing on Jimmy Fallon, and Saturday Night Live. Then the Grammys came - Album of the Year, Record of the Year, Best New Artist, and Best Rock Album, all in one fell swoop. 
And Remus suddenly realized that that was all he’d ever wanted. All he’d ever wanted...and now that he had it, what was he to do? He didn’t really know. He suddenly felt embarrassed and uncomfortable. He couldn’t write, he couldn’t sleep, he couldn’t do much of anything. He played with the group, but even Sirius got on him for how bummed out he sounded while singing backing vocals. He didn’t feel like he could talk to his bandmates. He started drinking...aggressively, really. When he couldn���t sleep, he would drink to knock himself out, sometimes popping pills to help in the endeavor. Then he’d take pills to wake up, take pills to energize himself to do a show. He knew it was bad, but he felt just numb. 
It was an unspoken problem with his bandmates. They knew something was wrong, especially Sirius, who was so furious with him after their last writing session - a session to which Remus arrived late and hungover - that he didn’t speak to him for almost a week unless he absolutely had to. This last leg of the US tour couldn’t be over quick enough in Remus’ opinion. Tensions were high and maybe...maybe he just needed a break? He wasn’t sure. Their Reno, Nevada shows had been sold out and with the weekend over, they’d leave the next morning for Los Angeles. Dropping his stuff at the bus and then going to his hotel room to pick up his wallet, he left the hotel without telling anyone, doubting they’d miss him. James and Lily were...canoodling in their room, Frank was facetiming back home with his girlfriend, Alice, and Sirius was seducing whatever groupie he’d brought back that evening. Remus had tried the groupie route, hoping that feeling something would bring him back to earth, but it just made him feel even more numb, really. 
So, he took off. Their hotel was near enough to a bar that he walked over pretty quickly. It was some local place, he didn’t pay the name too much mind, settling at the bar and hoping no one recognized him. It was pretty dark, anyway. There was a little group playing popular music covers on a small stage in one corner, but it wasn’t too busy. Remus asked for a rum and coke, heavy on the rum. The bartender seemed to get the message and Remus quickly chugged back a couple of drinks, asking for a third when the band caught his attention.
“This is a less popular song,” a young woman says while pulling a stool up to the mic, “but it’s one of my favorites. I hope you like it.” The opening chords of the song caught his attention. He watched, transfixed, as the young woman began to sing.
“Oh, oh, oh, oh. There’s a story I tell, really just to myself. Like a prayer I sing to empty shores, so how’s it sound just like yours? How’s it sound just like yours?” she sang wistfully, her pretty voice lilting around the lyrics. 
Remus hoped he wasn’t drunkenly imagining things...because he’d written this song. It was one of the first songs released by The Marauders back before...before anything, really. Before they’d turned to rock, even. It was one of the songs he’d recorded with Sirius when it was just the two of them. He’d recorded all the parts in his closet at university, sitting cross-legged on the floor to fit in there with his various instruments, and mixing the parts on his computer instead of writing a paper for his intro to philosophy course. 
“There’s a spirit over midnights in October and it sings to you and only you. So, how did I hear it too? How did I hear it too?” She continues to play on ukelele as the rest of the band comes in on piano, bass, and drum, but Remus remains focused on the young woman. Her eyes are closed, but she’s smiling to herself as she sings. She looks so...peaceful. He can’t believe it’s his song that’s made her so...so happy, so wistful. The fans loved the music, sure, but Remus hadn’t seen someone love someting he’d created like this before. He sips his drink slowly, methodically. He doesn’t want to get drunk for the first time in ages. He wants to speak to this beautiful girl. He wants to tell her...he doesn’t know, but he needs to be more put together to talk to her. 
“And if we try to say what we need we could be okay. We clearly believe in believing, baby, we’ll try slow, we’ll try slow. There’s a spirit over midnights in October and it sings to you, only you and now I’m singing too. And now I’m singing too. And now I’m singing too.” She finishes the song and there’s a small round of applause, led mostly by Remus. The guitarist steps up to the mic and thanks everyone, announcing the end of the set for the band. The group gets offstage and Remus tries not to seem creepy as the young woman crosses to bar, leaning over it and ordering a Jameson on the rocks. 
“I’ll get it,” he hears himself say. She turns to see him and her eyes widen. 
“Oh my God, you’re...you’re Remus Lupin,” she almost whispers.
“Yeah,” he shrugs unsure of what to say. He’s still not used to the fans. Thankfully, she doesn’t seem the type to freak out. In fact she looks almost embarrassed.
“I promise I had no idea you were here,” she says quietly, “I would never have played that if I’d known-”
“I loved it,” he cuts her off. “You have a beautiful voice.”
“Um,” she looks surprised, “thank you. I really...um, I’m not really a singer or-”
“Could’ve fooled me,” he teases. The bartender hands her her drinks and she seems to remember where they are. 
“What’s your name?” he asks. 
“Y/N,” she answers shyly. She looks down at her drink and opens her mouth, quickly closing it again, unsure of what to say. Remus feels the most sober he’s felt in ages. There’s something about this girl that’s warming him. He can feel his heart beating and it’s the most he’s felt in ages. 
“Well, Y/N,” he smiles, scooting over and sitting next to her. “Tell me more about yourself.”
“I...what?” Y/N looks at him quizzically. “Don’t you have a show or...groupies to...or something?”
“I don’t have anything to do,” he teases, “except talk to the pretty lady that sang one of my oldest and most favorite songs in a random bar in Reno. So how’s about you tell me everything about yourself, hm?”
She looks at him, head tilting slightly, “Can I get you a drink?”
“A water,” he answers quietly. Her eyes glance for the briefest second at the three empty glasses next to him, but she doesn’t ask any questions. She orders him a water and scoots closer. 
“So, my name is Y/N Y/L/N.”
He said Keep me up, keep me out late Keep me close, I need your faith Keep right where you are ‘Cause I followed this far Like I’m sure that you’re the Northern Star I’m sure that you’re the Northern Star
“I need a ticket for tomorrow’s show, please,” Remus asks suddenly, not quite expecting the silence that follows. He looks up and sees everyone on the bus staring at him. “What?”
“For tomorrow?” Lily questions, clearly trying not to sound surprised.
“Yes, please,” Remus replies. 
“Who the hell do you know in LA?” Sirius asks far more aggressively than Lily.
“She’s not from LA,” Remus answers. “But she couldn’t get a ticket to the Reno shows, so I invited her to the LA one.”
“So there’s a she?” James teases, wiggling his eyebrows. Lily elbows him gently and then pulls her iPad over to her from the box it rests in on the bus. She opens it and clicks a few things. 
“VIP, I’d imagine?” she asks without looking at him.
“If you can, that’d be cool,” Remus tries to sound nonchalant. Lily nods and continues typing. 
“And what’s the name of this she?” Frank heckles, glancing at Sirius and James.
“None of your business,” Remus replies, trying to hide his smile.
“I will actually need her name,” Lily corrects.
“You can’t just put it under my name?” Remus almost whines.
“Not if you want her in the VIP area,” Lily looks at him mock accusingly. “And from the sounds of things, I assume you do.”
“Y/N,” he tells her, sighing exasperatedly. “Y/N Y/L/N.” He looks back down at his notebook, scrawling down a few ideas he’d had in his head since last night. He and Y/N had talked until the bar closed, then sat outside talking about everything and nothing until he’d had to leave for the bus. The couch shifts as Sirius plops down next to him.
“You writing?” he asks, trying to sound nonchalant.
“Maybe,” Remus shrugs, not looking at him. He can feel Sirius staring at him, but sees him nod out of the corner of his eye.
“You hungover?” Sirius asks quietly. 
“No,” Remus clears his throat, finally looking up at his friend. “I’m, um...thinking of taking a break from drinking for a bit, actually.”
“Cool,” Sirius nods, a small smile playing on his lips. “Pills, too?” Remus nods and Sirius practically beams, clapping him on the shoulder and nodding. He stands, heading back to his bunk before turning around, now facing everyone, a shit-eating grin on his face, “So, will you be dedicating every song to Y/N, or...”
Remus throws a pillow at him and pretends to be annoyed, but can’t ignore the genuine joy edging its way back into his numbed heart.
Three hours in to a three minute call Some gambler wondered if she’d just won it all And she laughed when he asked if his head seemed alright Singing, “I’ve seen the bright side my whole lovely life”
“How’s the writing going?” she asks, taking a sip of water from her Stanley cup that’s just off camera. Remus leans back against his headboard and groans in response. He’s thrilled when she giggles and he looks back at the screen to catch her smile. 
“It can’t be that bad,” Y/N teases.
“It’s not, actually,” Remus replies. “Album’s due to the label in about two months and we’ve finalized all but two songs in terms of lyrics. So that’s two left to record? Not too shabby since it took us so long to write the damn thing.”
“That’s amazing. More songs about...oh, what’s that new one I loved? Um...the one about Aperol?”
“’Spritz’ was more Sirius’ baby than mine, I’ll have you know,” Remus explains, “but I’ll tell him you like it, he’ll rub that in my face for ages.”
“Maybe he’ll hate me less for distracting his bassist,” she quips. 
“No one hates you, darling,” Remus assures her. “If anything they’re just happy I’m smiling again.” It’s getting dark outside his window and he leans over to turn his lamp on. 
“I’m sorry,” Y/N says suddenly. “I shouldn’t be keeping you up. I know the time difference is-”
“Hey, hey, hey,” he cuts her off, sitting up straighter, “I wouldn’t answer if I didn’t want to talk, love.”
“I know, but we were just going to say goodnight and then-”
“We both know,” he tilts his head teasingly, staring at her through the webcam, “that we weren’t going to just say goodnight.” 
Y/N rolls her eyes but smiles, “There are better ways of telling me I talk too much.”
“I’d love it if you could talk to me all day long,” Remus assures her. “And you know that.”
“I’d like that, too,” Y/N whispers, smiling gently at him through the webcam. 
“Really?” Remus asks, sitting up slightly. 
“Yeah, there’s all this stuff that I want to tell you throughout the day...and I’d text you, but then I feel dumb for texting you-”
“You can text me whenever, you know that,” he reminds her. She giggles and his heart soars. 
“I’ll keep that in mind when you finally get annoyed of me sending you pictures of my morning smoothies,” she teases. 
“Smoothie time? Babe, I’d be heartbroken if I missed it!” She laughs and he uses the warm feeling in his chest to talk about what he’s wanted to for a few weeks now. “But...but what if...what if you were able to talk to me all day?”
She freezes, eyes growing wide, “What do you mean?”
“I know that we...I know we haven’t been together all that long,” he begins. “But, I would...I’d really like it if you’d be my girlfriend. And I’d...I’d love it if you’d come here and just be with me. You can still pursue your music here...I know that you’re...”
“I’d do it,” Y/N replies quietly. 
Remus’ heart does that thing that it’s done since the moment he saw her. It feels like it’s expanding in his chest. 
“How soon do you want me there, lover boy?”
Three weeks away from a year since the score And the reckless thieves reckoned they could get even more They ain’t casing out weddings, nah those are too big a sight They’re just looking at dresses and rings that she likes
It’s warm in the Ed Sullivan Theatre, but Stephen Colbert is easily the nicest host Remus has ever had the pleasure to meet. Despite the fact that he agreed to letting them present the new song instead of playing the lead single, Remus is still nervous. 
“Three more weeks, dude,” Sirius whispers to him. 
“Yeah, I know. How’s James holding up? Ready to get married?” Remus jokes, leaning back so James can hear him, whispering even though they’re on a commercial break. 
James isn’t annoyed, though, he grins hugely, “Never been more ready, boys.”
“No, not that, I mean, yeah, but, you and your girl,” Sirius corrects. “One year, right?”
Remus beams himself, “Yeah, just about three weeks. Our anniversary’s, like, two days after the wedding.”
“You, um...you thinking about it?” Sirius hedges, passing side glances with Frank and James. 
“About what?” Remus asks with faux innocence. 
“Come off it,” Frank groans, rolling his eyes. He and Alice got married during their last break, just before the release of this new album, timing it perfectly before the madness kicked back up again. 
“You guys gonna be copying everything from me and Lily’s wedding?” James teases. The boys laugh, but Remus just smiles. He glances around and spots you talking to Lily, probably going over your set list. You’ll be opening for The Marauders in most cities during this next tour. You’re a bit more indie pop than The Marauders, but the boys genuinely wouldn’t have it any other way. And the fans will likely love how you close with one of Sirius’ and Remus’ oldest songs, bringing the boys onstage with a tune of their own. 
Seeing that you’re distracted, he turns back to his band, his oldest friends and whispers conspiratorially, “No...no, but, um...I mean, I’ve had the ring for about six months now.” 
All three men turn and face him, eyes widening, jaws dropping.
“Six months?!?!?”
“Chill,” Remus whisper yells. “I’m gonna ask when we go to Paris after the tour’s over.” 
“That’s so romantic!” Frank whispers, turning away as a cameraman signals for them. James smiles and sends him a thumbs up.
Sirius stares at him for a moment longer and smiles. He mouthes, “Happy for you, dude” as Colbert introduces them.
“Back stateside for their new tour, the British rock band The Marauders is with us tonight. Originally they were going to perform the newest lead single from their new album, which Rolling Stone has called, ‘a near perfect sophomore album’, but their bassist, Mr. Remus Lupin, emailed about a week ago and asked if he could perform a bonus track. This is a bit different, isn’t it, Remus?”
Mr. Colbert looks to the band and a camera zeroes in on Remus, a kind PA holding a mic up to him. 
“Yeah, it’s not...not really a rock song, I guess,” he grins as the audience titters. 
“It’s called ‘Northern Star’,” Colbert says, smiling widely at him.
“Yeah, yeah,” Remus nods. 
“When we started writing, Sirius and I, we had a lot of songs that sounded like this. And it took someone very special,” Remus finds Y/N’s eyes and his smile deepens, “to remind me how wonderful it felt to write like this again.”
“Well, please take it away,” Colbert finishes. 
Remus nods and looks down at the piano, pulling the attached mic closer to his face as silence falls over the audience. He can feel Y/N staring at him, not expecting this at all. 
“Three rum and cokes and a couple beers in Some lucky drunk stood up, heavy with where he'd been And he held onto someone, and he sung out, compelled ‘You're why I was right to trust myself’
He said Keep me up, keep me out late Keep me close, I need your faith Keep right where you are Cause I followed this far Like I'm sure that you're the Northern Star I’m sure that you’re the Northern Star
Three hours into a three-minute call Some gambler wondered if she'd just won it all And she laughed when he asked if his head seemed alright Singing, "I've seen the bright sides my whole lovely life"
She said Talk me up and talk me down Talk too long, I'll stick around Talk me into following you somewhere far Like I'm sure you're the Northern Star I'm sure you're the Northern Star
La la la
Three weeks away from a year since the score And the reckless thieves reckoned they could get even more They ain't casing out weddings, nah those are too big a sight They're just looking at dresses and rings that she likes
They said Keep me up, keep me out late Keep me close, I need your faith Keep right where you are Cause I followed this far Like I'm sure that you're the Northern Star Oh, I'm sure you're the Northern Star I'm sure And I'm sure that you're the Northern Star.”
Remus hits the last chords staring at Y/N, hearing his friends playing his beautiful song all around him, and knowing that he’s happier than he ever thought he could be. Rockstar be damned, this is what he’d always wanted. 
A/N: This is different, but I hope you liked it! 
Didn’t include my taglist because it’s been so long, plus this is a different fandom! Love you all xx 
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forfoxessake · 8 months
The Architects featuring Frank Iero on bass at The Knitting Factory in Brooklyn, NY on November 19, 2013.
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more pictures
more info and videos on this earlier post
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serendipitouslyyyyyy · 6 months
ok so around a year ago i came up with maybe the best marauders modern au ever and then i just like drifted from the fandom and never wrote it so now im offering it up for whoever may wish to use it. so basically it was about a high school music department and it worked so so well in my mind
so like the og marauders were solidly the jazz band kids. james played sax and got all the solos, sirius played drums, remus played bass (wolfstar rhythm section!!!), peter played the tuba, marlene played the trombone. they also were in like the normal band tho where sirius being a percussionist and having to learn like the xylophone is objectively funny. also mary played the clarinet in concert band and frank was the trumpet player that everyone looked up to.
remus also played bass in the orchestra, as did lily, but she's classically trained and doesn't do jazz band (they're still stand partner besties tho). regulus was 1st violin and really stressed about it and snape was 2nd violin because of course they're both orchestra kids and if course they have beef. pandora played the viola, but was also a soprano in choir.
dorcas was THE choir alto, alice was the senior soprano that everybody loves, and evan was that tenor that is a jock and nobody expected to join choir. barty was a tech crew kid, and of course evan does the school musical and rosekiller ensues
anyways i completely forgot this au was so fleshed out i have like even more about the minor characters that i haven't even put here if someone wants to write it please do because you know i never will
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stanning-reyna · 2 years
What the argo ii crew would do in marching band:
Percy- the star saxaphone (for obvious reasons) or guard (because percy spinning a rifle would be HOT)
Annabeth- played everything and ends up dm (the only junior to make dm at her school and literally no one is surprised)
Piper- flute or baritone (also that one band kid who’s an honorary guard member and learns all the tosses)
Jason- the one pit player who’s everyone’s dad (please tell me every school has these)
Leo- sorry but a bass drummer (hey but at least he’s not one of the pervy ones)
Hazel- the sweet heart in trumpet who has to put up with all the other trumpet bs (she doesn’t deserve it)
Frank- tuba because the tall big guys cannot escape tuba no matter how fast they run
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tyforthevnm · 2 years
MCR Interview - June 14, 2002
Source: wertica_ on LiveJournal
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This one's from a webzine called indiesort.com, and was done on June 14th 2002. I think this was Frank's first show...
An Interview with My Chemical Romance
by Kat Brady
In today's NJ scene many successful bands have come out, and many more new bands continue to come out with their unique styles in their own way. But I'm not sure if NJ is ready for what has just came into the scene. What was once laid dormant is now iridescent. Their style of music is exhilarating; with their chaotic melodies and hard driven beats. This one of a kind style caught the eye of "Eyeball Records", and their new found success will surely blow you away. Their stage performance is astonishing. I haven't seen anything like it before. The exuberance in people's faces that will astound you. The maniacal screams that fill the air transcend into your mind leaving you speechless. Who else can I be talking about? No other than My Chemical Romance. These five chaotic, rogue, guys will surely transcend in the NJ scene.
I'm here with the band "My Chemical Romance" all of you guys say Hi.
Gerard: Hi
Mikey: Hi ya
Matt: Hi
Frank: Hey
Ray: Hi
Your views for tonight playing at Krome?
Gerard: It was a lot of fun, you know. Thanks for the crowd, they made it easier for me, being in the condition I am in. It felt great, it felt really awesome. It felt like home up there.
Mikey your views for tonight?
Mikey: I had an excellent time tonight. Umm, everyone was really cool, like all the people up front.
Matt your views?
Matt: I had a blast, I couldn't hear anything except guitar and vocals, but it was very high in scream, but it was great.
Frank your views?
Frank: Tonight was my initiation!! And um the whole time I was like 'don't fuck up, don't fuck up.'
Ray your views ?
Ray: I'm just really proud of Gerard, for just going up there, it was a real break through. It's like going up there with no fingers on your hands as a guitarist ya know, it was incredible.
How did you come up with your band name "My Chemical Romance"?
Gerard: It was all Mikey.
Mikey: I was at work one day, and someone left Irvine Welsh books, and on the back of one, it was talking about his genre, "Chemical romance." And we added the "my" and there ya go.
Gerard: Then Mikey, had this name and he wasn't even in the band, and we were like we need that fucking name dude.
Ray: So that's how we got Mikey in the band , we used him for his name. Haha, no no, now he's a fucking awesome bass player.
Gerard: This kid picked up the bass.
Ray: Fucking 6 months.
Gerard: Not even that! Since January he's been with us, so wait... yeah we have been together 6 months.
Is this your first interview?
Gerard: No this is our second interview. Our first interview was with "SnaggleZine," Kim and Chris who are interns for Eyeball [records], they did ourfirst interview in Garfield at a show. They asked us questions about Disney character's and stuff, it was fun.
Any new stuff coming out , that I should know of?
Gerard: July 23,2002, "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love." It's on Eyeball Records, it was recorded at Nada Studios with Geoff Rickly, John Naclerio, Alex Saavedra producing. It was really hard for me to make this album , I had a lot of problems and hospital visits.
What do you mean Hospital visits?
Gerard: I was in the hospital 5 times during recording, and I saw 7 doctors and they couldn't figure out what I had. If I had a "stroke" or facial nerve paralysis, they gave me a Catscan, ended up being a fucking tooth. It was driving me so insane, I was fucking delirious, and these people here saw me in the hotel one night.
Frank: Ha ha yeah, spit was coming out of his mouth and he was laughing maniacally, it was fucking great.
How does it feel to be on Eyeball?
Gerard: It's fucking amazing, we love it, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. So many great bands, and there's so many great bands coming out like Sleep Station.
Frank: Little Joe Could, there new album is fucking sick.
Ray: A lot of good stuff is coming out, I'm glad to be a part of it.
Frank how does it feel to be a new band member of My Chemical Romance, after the break up of Pencey Prep? How do you feel?
Frank: It's like your a fan of a band and one day they ask you to be in it and you get to be a part of it. I'm like a fucking kid up on stage, it's like the fucking shit.
Gerard: Having him up there I felt so complete, and that's why it made it so much easier, it felt like all like a fucking unit, like another person to throw out energy, it was fucking incredible, I love it.
Frank, I have to ask you about your hair, what the fuck is up with your hair?
Frank: It was suppose to be dread locks, but I'm a white kid so it's just there. It's fucking itchy and sucks.
So when are you going to shave your head?
Frank: I have a horrible shaved head, it comes into a cone.
Gerard: Ha ha, his hair is fuck'n great.
Ray: Like really.
Frank: I think that's the only reason they asked me to be in the band.
Gerard: Mikey is trying the James Dean hair, I'm trying the wolverine hair, it's working.
Mike why don't you ever eat?
Gerard: When he was a kid he was so fat.
Mikey: But I eat food though.
Ray: He eats Pizza Hut, he eats Popeyes.
Gerard: Century Buffet, I was there and this kid here ate a lot, if the kid wants to eat he eats.
Mikey: I ate my weight in sushi today.
Gerard: Like this kid just dropped so much weight one day and now he's skinny as hell. I use to be like 250 pounds.
Frank: We were all fat kids at once, we were all fucking fat.
Gerard: It's good now.
Ray: See how Matt's staying quiet.
Matt: Shut up, I'm 250
Ray: I'm 235
Anything funny happen lately?
Gerard: Ha, no it's all tragedy, nothing worth smiling.
and a picture to go along with the interviews (posted above)
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
speak now — any headcanons about Matt and music?
i’ve been thinking about this since you first submitted it & doing some research (rewatching DD clips) so let's explore together nonnie
headcannon below the cut
timeless (matt's version)
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so we know that matt likes vinyl records, which is one of the very few clues we get about what devil boy does for fun besides argue and bleed, which I think might be a preference passed down from his dad (jack might've been a collector and passed some down to matt as a kid), but I think it also has to do with the listening experience
I myself collect records, and have for several years, and listening to a vinyl vs listening to music on the radio or your phone is a different experience. sometimes the music can get a little distorted when listening on a phone, or there's interference from the radio, but vinyls usually produce a very crisp and clean sound which might work better for matt's sensitive hearing
I personally think he has a pair of noise cancelling headphones that he plugs into his record player sometimes when he wants to be able to listen to the music without any distractions picked up with his other senses (the buzz of electricity in his building, traffic, conversations of his neighbors, etc.)
I also feel like his taste in music changes depending on what he's doing
for example, if he's working on a court case, I feel like he would pick something like classical music or something instrumental so that there's background noise to soothe his already overstimulated mind, but no lyrics or anything to disrupt his train of thought/focus. think music you would hear playing quietly in a local coffee shop
however when he goes to fogwells, I think he definitely chooses music that will keep him amped up, probably some kind of high energy rock or hip hop with heavy bass and beats he might use to time his jabs at the punching bag
as for what his favorite kind of music in, honestly I think it varies
I could see him in the kitchen cooking with a glass of wine, playing something like frank sinatra, etta james, the temptations, sam cooke, etc. something soulful and a little jazzy that makes him feel relaxed, but also move around his kitchen with a pep in his step
something tells me jack was a classic rock guy, that's just the feeling I get from him. I think this is what matt listens to when he wants to feel close to his dad, or maybe like on sundays when he's cleaning and unwinding, trying to get ready for the week. maybe like the eagles, fleetwood mac, pink floyd, journey, led zeppelin, etc.
I think all of the newer music he listens to is definitely influenced primarily by foggy and karen
foggy nelson is a huge 80s guy. he knows EVERY hit from the 80s and will proudly sing them drunkenly at karaoke. given that he and matt lived together, and shared a broom closet at landman and zack together, and are essentially in a civil union for all intents and purposes, Matt knows a lot of 80s hits bc of foggy.
karen on the other hand is a 90s/early 2000s girly. she's definitely the reason matt suddenly realizes one day he knows all the lyrics to "baby one more time" by britney spears and was quietly humming along in his office while foggy was belting it in his. i'd like to think she plays "wannabe" by the spice girls at least once a week in their office and one night after a few drinks taught both of them the dance which she can only get them to perform after several rounds at josie's
I also think frank is a classic rock kinda guy (we know he likes bruce springsteen) and I have this adorable picture in my head of frank coming over to borrow vinyls from matt, and even adding a few of his own to matt's collection
all the grunge in his collection came from jess and no one can convince me otherwise (here's the angsty music I like to brood to, enjoy- jess)
given the fact that matt speaks spanish, i'd like to think that he enjoys reggaeton and maybe even tejano music (I like to think he's a selena fan, but that could be me projecting)
he's a swiftie. foggy and karen are swifties and successfully convereted matt into a swiftie, whether he likes to admit it or not. i said what i said (frank is next to be converted)
now i'm very curious to know what kinda music y'all think matty likes??
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oldbutchdaniel · 9 months
hi i know i commented on the uquiz but i forgot this historic moment in rpf history at the time and honestly i just think of gerard way’s nightmare polycule frank iero is both the spoke with the least evidence despite sharing close quarters with the guy off and on for the last two decades and also the least interesting (like oh boy, they kissed and then had a fistfight within a few weeks of each other. whatever). what you have to understand about gerard is that being a world famous rockstar is kind of a job he fell into, if it was up to them they’d live in a basement and write comics and never talk to anyone, but they were blessed with the voice of a god and the desire to change the world after witnessing 9/11 so here we are. he also has SHIT FUCKING TASTE. he married the bass player from msi (who did say on twitter she pegs him when mcr announced they were getting back together. so you know. silver linings) for christ’s sake. i mean she’s dreamy but. anyway. that’s not the point. or the rpf thing. the rpf thing is his INSANE puppy-esque relationship with grant morrison, terrible (according to my batman enjoyer friends) batman writer. he flirts with them (grant uses they/them) on twitter, going so far as to say they have a great ass in old tweets where we did not fucking ask. there are pictures of him looking at grant at comiccon like he wants to ravish them. they hired them as the main villain in the interconnected music videos for mcr’s fourth album all the way back in like, 2009, so this is also a long standing thing. and finally, last year, in glasgow, during mcr’s RECORD BREAKING tour, he writes a dedication to one of grant’s comic characters on the drum head and then PERSONALLY GIFTS IT TO GRANT. the morning after the concert. lightly (maybe more than lightly, it was a year ago i don’t remember it exactly tbh) implying he slept over? and then posted the picture of him visiting them on all of mcr’s socials. leading to the coining of the phrase ‘they fucked that old them,’ something i will get gomens fans using if it’s the last thing i do. oh also bert mccracken from the band the used has straight up said the song pretty handsome awkward was about eating out gerard’s ass. both him and his brother kind of share the title of Helen Of Warped Tour (mikey is a whole other can of worms and this is already getting long).
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1) this is so fucking awesome. i like to be different so i would love more than anything to get involved in a gerard way rarepair. LETS GOOOO
2) we are going to start saying they fucked that old them. chart topping phrase truly
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