#bassem posting
bassia-bassensis · 7 months
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- Alaa awad
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dianaladrislovebot · 1 year
howard: hey, can you hold this ?
orc: this is your hand
howard: i know :)
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blackpearlblast · 5 months
list of GFMs for families trying to evacuate gaza
making a list of all of the fundraisers of people who have reached out to me directly on here in order to have them all in one place. all of them have either been vetted by other users or i verified them personally by checking their other social media accounts (like twitter or instagram) to confirm. everyone here definitely needs support, a lot of their family members are injured or in need of medical care that is not available in gaza. i am also linking their tumblr accounts so that you can follow them to keep up with their campaigns.
Ezzideen Shehab - @drezzideen his close friend and campaign runner is @boshradaoud1 - €23,727/75,000
Haya Orouq - @haya-orouq19 - $55,180/70,000 (USD)
Nesma Ahmed - @nesmamomen - $55,756/80,000 (USD)
Dina - (Nesma's sister) - $265/20,000 (CAD)
Hala - @hlabarka22 - $7,277/50,000 (CAD)
Sahar El Tibi - @eltibisahar - €8,925/30,000
Haneen Atya Altalla - @haneenatya - $31,661/70,000 (AUD)
Sujood Odeh - @sujoododeh - £27,691/70,000
Fatma Bassem - @fatmabassem - $18,515/40,000 (USD)
Donia Tanani - @doniatanani - €76,117/100,000
Nozha Emad - (Donia's sister) - €2,249/18,000
Said Tanani - (Donia's brother) - €33,759/50,000
Mohammed Emad - (Donia's family) - €1,073/100,000
Abdullah - @amhdes90 - $7,447/47,000 (USD)
Amal and Ruba Abushaban - Amal's account was terminated but her sister Ruba is @rubashabansblog - €12,987/50,000
Mahmoud ElTibi - @mahmoodeltibi - €9,076/60,000
Heba Maqadma - @hebaalmaqadma - €60,915/80,000
Fadi Sharif - @fadisharif11 - $25,232/62,500 (USD)
Mohammed Bardaweel - @mohbardaweel - €3,948/37,000
Ahmed N. Abubaker - @ahmednabubak - €25,868/85,000
Alaa Al Khateeb - @alaagaza - £20,457/26,000
Ahmad Shaban - @ahmd-iyd - £6,146/150,000
Omar - @omarsobhi - €4,253/20,000
Wesam and Tahani Shorbaje - @wesamshorbaje-2 and @tahanishorbaje2 - $8,093/50,000 (USD)
Fahed Shehab - @fahedshehab - €5,416/50,000
Hani Alhajjar - @skatehani - €14,365/50,000
Amneh Sharif - @amnehsharif - $4,550/150,000 (USD)
Mohammed Talatene - @mohammed-123 - €7,530/20,000
Bilal - @bilal-salah0 - €21,938/70,000
Amjad Sido - @amjadsido - €1,333/30,000
Firas Salem - @firassalemgaza - €17,414/65,000
Mahmoud Balousha - @bba3lo - €5,654/50,000
Amal Abu Shammala - @amalisam96 - €46,170/50,000
Madleen - @mado-o-on - $45,991/70,000 (USD)
Iman Eyad - @imanblogs - £1,787/60,000
Deaa - @familydeea - $22,453/90,000 (CAD)
Laila Shaqura - @lailashaqoura - €2,033/35,000
Wafaa Alnhl - @wafs-posts - €15,309/50,000
Shahed - @shahednhall - $662/50,000 (USD)
Alaa Ayad - @hello-alaa-universe-blog - $2,438/50,000 (AUD)
Momen Alostaz - @momenalostaz - €7,781/70,000
Tawfik Satoom - @tawfiksatooom -$11,555/40,000 (USD)
Mahmoud Saleh - @mide404 - €1,754/20,000
Ahmad Alturk - @ahmadturk00 - €5,915/70,000
Bahaa Elhosary - @bobelhosary - €15,577/30,000
Malk Zaeem - @malkzaeem - $14,413/50,000
Mahmoud Helles - @hillesmahmoud - €15,752/20,000
Karam Al-Nabih - @karamrafeek - €7,115/20,000
Ahmad Waleed - @ahmadwaleeed - $3,106/10,000
please also see @el-shab-hussein's full list of verified campaigns here, most of the campaigns here were verified by him or other tumblr users such as sayruq, fairuzfan, ibtisams, and others. please note my ability to vet campaigns myself is limited to if someone has an active social media account (that clearly shows that they are from gaza) from before october of last year that links to their campaign. please do not consider me a resource on this, i made this post only to make sure i did not lose track of the campaigns people had personally reached out and asked me to share.
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fatmabassem · 6 months
Hi everyone
I’m fatma from Gaza Strip and I really need your help
We need you now more than ever- please donate what you can even if 1$ it will be a big help & share my GoFundMe widely. I'm depending on you. Thank you🙏🇵🇸
If you can’t donate help me share it widely like comment and reblog this post!
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 11 months
Israeli forces arrested Ahed Tamimi in a pre-dawn raid of her home in the village of Nabi Saleh, occupied West Bank. An Israeli intelligence officer took this photo of her and posted it online. Soldiers also ransacked her home, as shown in these photos.
Ahed’s father, Bassem Tamimi, was arrested over a week ago as he was trying to travel to Jordan. The family has no idea where he is being held and have heard nothing.
An Israel surveillance drone has been flying above their home for days .
I have heard alarming reports of the abuse Palestinian prisoners are suffering in Israeli prisons in recent weeks and am deeply concerned about their safety.
As many of you know, I coauthored They Called Me A Lioness: A Palestinian Girl’s Fight For Freedom with Ahed.
Caotion bg Dena Takuri.
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Note that Ahed was detained in 2017 by Israeli forces when she was 16 years old and was sentenced to 8 months in prison.
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matan4il · 4 months
I just saw with my 2 fucking eyes ST calling Bassem Tamimi a peace activist, the guy who made his child go confront IDF soldiers for clout aand thinks stone throwing - which kills people, including friendly fire between Palestinians - is so cool
Nonnie, I am... You know that thing where you just smile wide, because reality is too much to deal with, and you just have to detach from it for a minute? That's me right now.
I mean, one of the things I've noted over the years is that often, the worst takes from Standing Together's leaders are posted on their personal social media accounts rather than the official ones, which makes it a bit harder to explain why the notion of the movement is great, while what they do in practice is awful and anti-Israeli. So when I got your ask I was wondering on which private account they posted that, but no. They posted it on an official ST account. There is not enough 'face palm' in the world for this.
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Bassem Tamimi was arrested in October due to suspicion that he was aiding terrorist activity against Israel. If you ask me, he should have been arrested for child abuse as well, the way he's used his kids, pushing them repeatedly at soldiers to gain clout among the anti-Israel crowd, and praising them when they got arrested for violent terrorist activity. He has also generally encouraged rock throwing terrorist attacks.
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The ST post claims that Bassem advocates for non-violent resistance, which is an absolute lie. He supports rock throwing at Israelis, which IS a violent act (funny how for the anti-Israel crowd, Israeli words are violence, but Palestinians throwing rocks at Israelis, which has killed more than once, isn't. For some reason, I have never seen any of the people claiming that rock throwing is a form of non-violent resistance volunteering to be its physical targets, I wonder why. Anyway, reminder that when it comes to non-Israelis, people have no issue calling deaths caused by rock throwing "murder," even when executed by teenagers, or calling out the terrorizing quality of such crimes).
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Not to mention that Bassem's own daughter, Ahed Tamimi (who is mentioned in the same ST post as having been arrested by Israel "multiple times", and who the family has actually sent countless times to confront soldiers in order to film her "bravery" when really, that's child abuse) was arrested twice, the first time for physically assaulting a soldier. The second time was after the Hamas massacre, when Ahed posted on social media, promising that Palestinians will slaughter Jews, and that "you will say what Hitler did to you is a joke" in comparison, that Palestinians will drink the blood of Jews and eat their skulls. Yeah, SO non-violent!
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Let's also not forget that Bassem's niece, Ahlam Tamimi, was a terrorist who helped carry out the Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing in 2001, a massacre of 16 people (since the Palestinians insist on counting unborn children when pregnant women get killed in the conflict, I think it's only fair Israelis do the same), leaving another person in a vegetative state for over 20 years. Ahlam's interviews from Israeli prison and after she was freed in a hostage deal are some of the most chilling I've ever seen, and this woman is a "journalist" and an icon for the anti-Israel mob, living in and broadcasting from Jordan, allowing her to help poison the minds of the next generation.
Nothing about the arrests of either Bassem (or Ahed or Ahlam) was arbitrary, unlike the claim in that ST post.
I'm just... beyond sickened. Anyway, this will also go under my Standing Together tag for easy reference, if you ever need it.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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hero-israel · 8 months
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I tremendously appreciate everyone who is taking this opportunity to learn more about the Jewish people, our history, and how we withstand the threats we have faced - then and now.
Multiple good sources here.
If you already like Bassem Eid, consider Khaled Abu Toameh.
Histories of Arab and Muslim antisemitism can be found in "The Dhimmi" by Bat Ye'or and "In Ishmael's House" by Martin Gilbert.
"Jerusalem: The Biography," by Simon Sebag Montefiore - one of the very best books I have ever read, on any subject
"Six Days of War," by Michael Oren
Everything by Benny Morris (especially "Righteous Victims")
Everything by Tom Segev (especially "One Palestine, Complete" and "The Seventh Million")
Everything by Einat Wilf (especially "The War of Return")
"Empire of Refugees" - Ottoman colonialism
I invite other readers to post their own suggestions in replies / reblogs.
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satellitebroadcast · 18 days
Samidoun Network: Telegram
Press statement by Bassem Naim, member of the Hamas Political Bureau, in response to what the Washington Post published yesterday about US officials regarding the ceasefire negotiations in the Gaza Strip and a prisoner exchange: Yesterday, the Washington Post published a report regarding the ongoing ceasefire negotiations in Gaza. According to the newspaper, US officials stated that during the last week Hamas has presented in new conditions to mediators concerning the release criteria for Palestinian prisoners in exchange for israeli captives. These new conditions, the official claim have poisoned the negotiations -- which had already stalled due to Netanyahu's new demands. In light of this we would like to clarify the following: First, we appreciate the US official's acknowledgement that the negotiations have stalled due to Netanyahu's new demands. Second, Hamas has not presented any new conditions to the mediators neither on the issue of prisoners nor on any other matter. The movement reaffirms its commitment to what was agreed upon on July 2nd of this year, which was based on President Biden's proposal and the UN Security Council Resolution number 2735. We are ready to immediately negotiate the implementation measures for this deal. Third, regarding the criteria for release of prisoners, we would like to emphasize that the movement has shown a great deal of flexibility to reach an agreement that protects our people. For example while Hamas initially demanded the release of 500 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for each israeli female soldier, the movement later accepted the release of only 50 prisoners for each soldier. However, it is important to point out that Netanyahu, in his new conditions regarding prisoners' release has backtracked even on the standards he presented in his proposal at the end of May this year. He now seeks to impose new conditions that would strip the agreement of the prisoner deal of its substance, turning it into a futile prisoner deal. Fourth, instead of evading responsibility by fabricating lies about new conditions from Hamas the US administration should pressure Netanyahu to retract his new demands and move forward with the immediate implementation of the agreement reached on July 2nd. Fifth, an agreement or proposal that does not include a complete withdrawal from the Philadelphia Corridor, reopening of Rafah Crossing, the safe return of displaced civilians to their homes, a serious prisoner exchange deal, relief for our people, and reconstruction of the destroyed Gaza Strip will not be acceptable. The US administration will bear full responsibility for the failure of these negotiations to achieve their objectives if it fails to exert pressure on the zionist government to stop its aggression against our people. Thank you very much.
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bassia-bassensis · 5 months
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parasiticcocoon · 3 months
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mariacallous · 4 months
U.S. President Joe Biden laid out a new Israeli proposal for a hostage and cease-fire agreement with Hamas on Friday, describing it as a “road map” to an “enduring cease-fire” in Gaza that would secure the release of some 128 hostages that remain in Hamas captivity. 
Speaking from the White House, Biden gave one of the most detailed outlines of a proposed deal to date in an effort to pressure both Hamas and far-right members of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to accept the agreement. Negotiators from the United States, Qatar, and Egypt have sought for months, without avail, to strike a deal between Israel and the militant group to secure a pause in fighting and the release of the remaining hostages.
“Everyone who wants peace now must raise their voices and let the leaders know they should take this deal,” Biden said. “Work to make it real, make it lasting, and forge a better future out of the tragic terror attack and war,” he added. 
Qatar transmitted the four-and-a-half page proposal to Hamas on Thursday, according to a senior Biden administration official who spoke to reporters on condition of anonymity under terms set by the White House.
The first phase of the Israeli proposal would see a six week cease-fire and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from densely populated areas of Gaza. It would also allow for Palestinian civilians to return to their homes across the enclave, including in the north.
This would be accompanied by a surge in humanitarian aid of at least 600 trucks per day—the number that U.S. officials have assessed is required to adequately tackle the threat of famine—as well as the delivery of hundreds of thousands of temporary shelters, including housing units. 
The first stage in the deal would also see the release of a number of Israeli hostages, including women, the elderly, and the wounded in exchange for “hundreds” of Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails, according to Biden. 
During the six week cease-fire, Israel and Hamas would continue to negotiate on phase two of the proposed deal, which would entail a permanent end to the war and the release of all remaining hostages, including male soldiers, and the full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza. 
Biden acknowledged that there were a number of details that still need to be agreed to in order to move from phase one to phase two, but he noted that under the terms of the deal, the temporary cease-fire would remain in place beyond six weeks—as long as negotiations continued. 
“The people of Israel should know, they can make this offer without any further risk to their own security because they’ve devastated Hamas forces over the past eight months,” Biden said. “At this point, Hamas is no longer capable of carrying out another Oct. 7,” he added, describing Israel’s principal war objective as a “righteous” one.
The final stage of the agreement includes the return of the remains of dead hostages and outlines steps for the post-war stabilization and reconstruction of Gaza, where some 370,000 homes have been damaged and almost 80,000 destroyed, according to a United Nations report released at the beginning of May. 
The proposal is “extremely close in almost every respect” to the kind of agreement that Hamas indicated it would be willing to accept in previous failed rounds of negotiations, the senior administration official said. Hamas officials have previously insisted that any cease-fire agreements must be permanent.
Senior Hamas official Bassem Naim said in a statement after Biden’s speech that the group viewed the president’s remarks “positively” and indicated that it was willing to work with any proposal that included a “permanent ceasefire” as well as Israel’s military withdrawal from Gaza, provisions on reconstruction and the return of civilians to their homes, and a “prisoner exchange” deal.
In the face of rising international condemnation over the spiraling humanitarian crisis in Gaza and domestic pressure to secure the release of hostages, Netanyahu is likely more inclined than ever to try to strike a deal, said Aaron David Miller, a former Middle East peace negotiator for the U.S. State Department. 
“He’s got to demonstrate that something has been achieved,” he said.
Netanyahu’s office issued a statement on Friday following Biden’s announcement, saying that the “Government of Israel is united in its desire to return the hostages as soon as possible and is working to achieve this goal.”
“The Prime Minister authorized the negotiating team to present a proposal to that end, which would also enable Israel to continue the war until all its objectives are achieved, including the destruction of Hamas’ military and governing capabilities,” the statement added.
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All posts of the situation of 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 I saw today (Fri, Apr 19.):
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sixtysilverwishes-art · 5 months
THANK YOU SO MUCH to my great friend @yes-im-a-simple-man, who donated to help Fatma Bassem and her family evacuate Gaza! In return for the donation, I’ve drawn a commission of @yes-im-a-simple-man’s OC Ida in Klaus Nomi’s Elizabethan outfit.
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This was such a fun commission and I really appreciated drawing it! Thank you once again to @yes-im-a-simple-man for contributing to Fatma’s GoFundMe!
My charity commissions are open until Fatma’s goal is reached. If you would also like to commission me and help Fatma, see this post for details.
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moonsnightowl · 1 month
The fact that Bassem Youssef deactivated his X account after being terrorised enough to fear for the safety of his family, then the official account of Israel posting a screenshot of the deactivated account and commenting "bye" is just disgusting. Netanyahu's government is not just committing genocide, they're not just being straight apartheid state.. they're also fucking terrorists.
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news4dzhozhar · 7 months
This whole interview was great but apparently it's too much truth for the powers that be. TikTok removed it saying that it disparaged a "protected group". Instagram slapped Bassem with a warning and I tried just now to post the YouTube link to the full video but received this error:
This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.
That's bullshit truly! Removed the entire account instead of just the video.
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matan4il · 7 months
Daily update post:
There was another independent terrorist attack today, this time in Samaria, in the area of Yitzhar. The victim is reportedly a young Israeli man of 19 years, and he's in a serious state, while the terrorist is said to have been neutralized. The craziest thing at the link is a small summary about the Palestinian terrorist activity in these parts. In Judea and Samaria alone, an area geographically disconnected from Gaza, where Hamas does operate, but which is not under its rule, just from Oct 7 to Jan 15, there have been no less than 2600 (!) terrorist attacks recorded.
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Bassem Eid, a Palestinian journalist and human rights activist, has published an op ed at Newsweek, where he's writing to his fellow Palestinians, asking them to stop blaming the Jews for the starvation Hamas is causing in Gaza.
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We already knew that the IDF has been using millions of leaflets, phone calls and text messages (millions of each) to warn Gazans to evacuate from dangerous war zones, and that in itself costs a lot of money. I don't think I've ever come across any country investing this much money in evacuating the population of the other side in a war. But now, I saw a TV report on how the IDF is trying to do even more. I've found the footage that they showed, a short vid of an IDF drone, that has speakers attached to it, so it can announce to the residents of a specific project in Khan Younis to evacuate it:
The IDF has also shared an intercepted phone conversation, where they recorded an UNRWA teacher, who is also a Hamas terrorist, talking about his part in the Oct 7 massacre, where he brags about having kidnapped an Israeli woman. The call took place 7 hours after the massacre began. In this context, and while the UN continues to express itself in a way that unjustly vilifies Israel, it's no wonder that Israel's envoy to the UN has been called back for consultation, something Israel hasn't done in 8 years. Honestly, I think at this point it's clear that it's not just that the UN has been biased against Israel since before Hamas had started this war. As Israel continues to expose the complicity of UN workers in the Oct 7 massacre, the UN now also has the motivation to do its best to discredit the one country that can prove its guilt better than any other.
I generally don't talk about the negotiations for another hostage deal. It's a lot of emotional ups and downs to follow them, and I also know many reports are denied quickly, some can be just plain false and made by people eager for attention, while other can even be statements intentionally made to pressure one of the sides in one direction or another. I follow the reports, but IDK which ones I believe myself, even when they come from normally reliable media sources. However, I've heard this report on multiple Israeli news sources, and I tend to believe it reflects the genuine belief on Israel's part, so I'm passing it on. Apparently, the Israeli officials in charge of negotiations now believe that Hamas is intentionally not agreeing to any deals, because it wants escalation during Ramadan. It tracks for me, it's clear that the idea of fighting during Ramadan will be used as parpaganda against Israel, even though Hamas are extremist Islamists, who have no issue with violence during Ramadan, and even the US has made it pretty clear through Blinken's statement, that they currently see Hamas as the side saying no to a truce as part of a hostage deal.
It took way too long for this committee to be appointed, it took them too much time to do anything while the world either denied or justified the crimes perpetrated on Oct 7, it's releasing its port 5 months after the massacre, when the initial info started coming out just days after it, but an independent UN envoy has finally officially confirmed that there is "clear and convincing evidence" regarding the sex crimes of Hamas, committed against victims on Oct 7 itself, and against the hostages since then.
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This is 22 years old Noa Farage.
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She was a surfer, was planning to travel to South East Asia for 6 months, and volunteered as a scouts counselor. She was very excited to go to the Nova music festival, because it was going to be her last time hanging out with her best friend Roni before her trip. On Oct 7, Roni survived, but Noa was murdered by Hamas terrorists.
May her memory be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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