borderlinebastard · 1 year
what “feeling better” can look like after using a coping technique:
beng able to get up and walk around safely
thinking/talking more clearly and lessening of brain fog
a willingness to re-engage with a situation/emotion (even with some reluctance)
ability to do a task you did not want to/could not do before
being able to plan and problem solve (even if you still don’t know what to do)
improved concentration/focus
more understanding of a situation
calmer and slower thoughts (rather than scattered thoughts/rumination)
slower heartbeat and breathing
faster heartbeat, if doing exercise, and momentum that gives you a chance to do a task before you sit down again
being able to sleep easier
an ability to look at the big picture and not get lost in the details
feeling that you can “manage”
ability to control outbursts/destructive behaviour or pause before acting
managing to stop crying
I think people tend to assume their mood is what will improve after trying coping techniques, however, your mood is not the full extent of your mental health, and it doesn’t totally define whether or not a technique has helped you. When disorders cause symptoms like chronic emptiness and low mood, it’s worthwhile to pay attention to your body and your abilities to look for signs of improvement, which can then have an affect on your mood in the long term.
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mooned-knights · 1 month
lou wilson "you were no help at all AND YOU WILL BE REMEMBERED" vs lou wilson "everyone behind these cameras is over. if you're in a hole dying I WILL NOT BE THERE"
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weebstr · 2 years
everything in life is about disco. except disco, which is about gay sex
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yummybongwater · 2 years
touching grass isn’t enough i need the lethal injection
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derpis · 2 months
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How do you do a tumblr
Have a thing
He's a little shit
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dykeaeon · 2 months
my mother was so right I will never be good enough because I'll never feel good enough because I was always told I wasn't good enough
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fogmothshroom · 14 days
It's horny season fellas, time to do a bastard wriggle (shimmy up the wall), zoom across my open plains (Aspen), and gaze confusingly out the invisible wall (glass vivarium door)
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errorciphersystem · 8 months
I refuse to put more effort into doodles, miss me with that bullshit
Killer belongs to RahafWabas
I love him so much 🤣🤣
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dat-anime-potato · 2 years
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kinged · 2 years
bisexual couple that is a lover boy and a hater girl
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borderlinebastard · 2 years
there are 4 elements to improving your mood: relaxation, stress management, cognitive control, and exercise (RECS for short). and I think people who struggle to do so don't realize they're focusing too much on one area, or aren't doing them effectively.
like as my therapist told me, using your phone or watching TV to relax doesn't really work because your brain is still "on" and processing a shit ton of information, or doesn't really engage your mind while still requiring concentration.
me personally, I think I wind up relying on cognitive control to tackle emotions instead of addressing them in the other ways.
here's how to do your RECS:
Relax: Read, write, listening to calming music (but don't rely solely on this! and don't listen constantly) going into nature or a park, meditation, puzzles
Exercise: walking, yoga, weight lifting, dance, gardening, cleaning the house
Cognitive control: self control/stop & think, self monitoring/evaluation, emotional control/managing feelings, flexibility, task initiation, organising, planning (and the things they teach you in CBT)
Stress management: breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, talking/venting
you can pick one from each and see how they affect you when you’re feeling a strong emotion, you might need different techniques for different emotions.
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mooned-knights · 15 days
"i think i miss my wife" is such a beautiful humanizing moment. it's the stupidest most petty thing nolan could be thinking about in that moment but if you were in his place, would you not be missing your wife? he loves and he misses and he regrets just like the rest of us. get humanized idiot
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weebstr · 3 months
one of the reasons i find jinjae so immensely compelling is that at points it feels like they took the "charming rich man falls in love with average woman" trope and applied it to two men in their 30s where one hates the other and its also an isekai story
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god-of-sins · 2 years
Du hast recht, ja ich weiß
Ich hab Problem damit mich zu entscheiden
Doch bei dir fällt es mir leicht
Denn dich Bastard kann ich wirklich nicht leiden
- Tu nicht so
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milhojasvt · 8 months
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Cómo te cuesta entregar el corazón no?...
Y si, si cada vez cuesta más pensar que todavía hay gente que no es chamuyo...
Si todo es verso y ganas de ponerla...
Cuesta mucho confiar, cuesta mucho bajar la guardia...
Dudas, al principio dudas una banda, pero hace un par de cositas que te gustan, decís "me la juego ya fue" y apenas te la jugas la caga...
Aparecen los chamuyos, las actitudes de mierda que cagan todo...
Por qué será que complican tanto algo tan simple como el amor?...
Porque el amor es simple, lo complica esa gente que disfraza de amor las ganas de coger y nada más, como si no se pudiera venir de frente de entrada...
Por qué será que cuesta tanto tener un poquito de paz de a dos?...
Por qué será que hay que volverse fríos, duros a la fuerza?...
En fin, relajá...
Esa paz que buscas de a dos, encontrala primero de a uno, en vos...
Capaz así, te sacas ese imán para la gente de mierda...
Capaz vos también aprendes que una vez que estas en paz, no va a negociarla más y no volves a aceptar menos de lo que te mereces....
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📚 Ya podes conseguir
❤ Basta de amores de mierda 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5 por separado en combo!!!
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x-seelenspliitter · 1 year
Dear Daddie,
I will always hate u.
xoxo, your daugther. <3
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