#basu sisters
The Basu Sisters, posted simultaneously for the "sticking together all the time" effect.
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Name: Sakyu Basu
Gender: Female
Class: 2-2
Club: None
Persona: Spiteful
Overall: +30
Liked: +70
Respected: 0
Feared: +20
Crush: None
Strength: Incapable
Name: Inkyu Basu
Gender: Female
Class: 2-2
Club: None
Persona: Social Butterfly
Overall: +30
Liked: +80
Respected: 0
Feared: +10
Crush: None
Strength: Incapable
By all means, these two can be a succubus and vampire respectfully, and I would completely go with it. I probably won't add anything regarding this in the story due to the supernatural bit sticking to Oka's week, and I don't want to overwhelm the topic.
I am curious about their parents, though. Do you think it's an otome game situation where the plain main character is their mother, and she gets wrapped up in some supernatural nonsense? I might go with that as well. 🤔
For the other students, I might keep their info-dumping shorter than the rivals for the sake of efficiency, but I hope you all enjoy them regardless.
(Also, the Sukubi bit is based on a joke I made when I was supporting YanDev a good long bit ago. I can't recall when I made it, but I do know that my friend loved the thought, so I think I'll keep it. 🤔)
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mysteryflowers · 5 months
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The website character page got updated with art for the Basu sisters
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aupermittymeowmeow · 1 year
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old ones
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Day 24: Plagued by the horrors
Girl who has never had a crush on another girl before thinks said girl has placed a fuckign curse on her
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ratanslily · 6 months
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Happy Holi, everyone🎨❤️💜💙💚💛🧡
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sofiims · 1 year
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Naya called her mom to tell her about the date and she actually came to visit and spend the day with her.
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cainpain · 5 months
Inkyu Basu redraw !!
I was in a drawing mood today and found out Inkyu got official art which is awesome, I'm pretty sure Sakyu got one like 4 days ago? I redrew her though because I had nothing better to do, and I do really like the cutesy pose !!
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I tried referencing Kjechs style and rendering, but I'm not good at following another style 😭 I need to draw the Basu sisters more tbh. The smaller image is the original one btw !!
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agattthaa · 6 months
Paring: Deviya Sharma x Radha Basu
Word count: 1.095
Rating: T
Summary: One joke makes Radha loose her sleep in wonder about who is the owner of Deviya's heart.
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Another night of staring at the ceiling.
Radha was tired of it already.
Since the day she was having tea with her sister and Devi, she was haunted by her own memories. It was just a joke. She knew that. It was only supposed to take a few laughs out of her and of Saraswati and it was supposed to be forgotten. Just like all of her sister's lame and forgetables jokes, they were supposed to bother the person around the joke, in that case, Deviya, and be quickly forgotten.
But this time, Radha couldn't forget it.
Saraswati had pointed out that Deviya was becoming more sociable, going to the services, arriving earlier for the meetings and always leaving late. She was dressing up more, using more jewelry, taking better care of her hair and skin and her outfits all complemented her figure in all the right places.
Sometimes, too focused on the right places.
So Saraswati asked her if she was working that hard to attract certain eyes to her. The Sharma head immediately went silent and became red, Saraswati began to poke her on the sides, chanting: 'Our little fawn has a crush! Our little fawn has a crush!'
Deviya became redder, slapping Sara's shoulder and telling the youngest Basu that she was crazy, but when her eyes met Radha's, she knew. It was true.
Radha didn't understand why this bothered her so much. Deviya was beautiful and she was young. It was perfectly normal for her to have feelings for someone. Even Radha went thought that, although she deeply regretted it. It shouldn't bother her.
But it did.
Profoundly so.
She couldn't help herself. It bothered her. Knowing that Deviya was so infatuated by someone that she went through such lengths to try to appease them, to know that she bathed thinking of that person, that she chose her clothes thinking of that person, that she went to bed thinking about that person. It bothered her. And it bothered her even more to not know who was the one responsible for stealing Deviya's heart.
Of course that the reason for the mystery was not the lack of pretendents. On the contrary, perhaps it was the fact that there were too many of them. Deviya was smart, intelligent and capable of keeping a conversation even on a subject unknown to her. She was quick to make friends, she was incredibly sweet when she wanted to, her smile was a piece of art and she was absolutely beautiful.
So of course than from the top of her head Radha could imagine more than five people completely in love with Deviya.
The most obvious one was clearly Mr. De Clare. If he really wanted people to think that the reason he wanted to celebrate that damned wedding was his responsibilities, he could at least try to hide that stupid smile he carried on his lips anytime that he was on the same room as Deviya and stop his stupid hands that were too eager to touch the Sharma heir whenever he had the opportunity to do so.
Obviously it wasn't him. Deviya never tried to hide how displeased she was with that situation in front of Rahda. And once while they were in the Basu's heir bedroom and Deviya was playing with her hair while Radha rested her head on her lap, Deviya had confessed that if her wedding did happen house Sharma would be condemned to not bear any heirs.
So, clearly it wasn't him.
Kamal, although he clearly had feelings for her, also wasn't the one on Deviya's heart. Rahda had pointed out the clear feelings of the tutor towards his protegee once, making Deviya laugth. She had told Radha that Kamal was like an older brother to Kairas, so of couse he could only see Deviya as a baby sister, just like his own. That made the Basu heir roll her eyes, Deviya was too naive sometimes. The last thing on the man's gaze above her was brotherly affection. Either way, he had failed. I was not him.
It couldn't be Saraswati. And thanks to the godness for that. Deviya had refered to Sara as her sister at least once everytime that the two were together. And Radha didn't want to know if her sister had feelings for Deviya. Her head refused to think about it and her heart ached with the mere possibility.
It could be Ram. They grew closer after Deviya came back. She appeared to be the only person who he wasn't averted to touch and they made each other laugh as easily as breathing. Thinking better about it, not only he didn't avert her touch but he appeared to reach for it, always navigating on Deviya's space, always trying to get scrapes of her attention, just like all of them. And although his touch didn't seem to bother her as much as Mr. De Clare's, she didn't run towards it.
Not as she did with Radha, at least.
She didn't hold his hand when she was nervous or sad, nor did she call Ram beautiful whenever he smiled at her.
Perhaps, it wasn't him.
Perhaps it was the person that Deviya ran towards the touch, she thought. Perhaps it was the person that she always held hands with. The person that she always hugged the longest, the one she played with her hair and that always braided and unbranded it. Maybe it was the person that said that reds and purples and blues are the prettiest on Deviya, making the Sharma heir wear basically only those colours. Maybe it was the person that always won a beautiful peace of jewelry whenever they met and that was called beautiful any time she smiled.
Maybe Deviya didn't even like anyone. Maybe she was just feeling a little shy during that day. Maybe she realized that she needed to dress as magnificent as possible to preserve the pride of the Sharma family.
But maybe, just maybe, Deviya could love her back.
Maybe she was the reason for Deviya's smile, and maybe she was the motive to make Deviya's eyes shine so brightly. Maybe this was all bullshit and Radha's feelings made her see things that didn't actually exist. But maybe she was right, and as she fell asleep she knew that the mere possibility of having Deviya to herself made any uncertainty seem irrelevant.
Maybe this day, that was already rising, was the one that marked the time to put an end to any maybe.
It was time to be sure.
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I’m almost Upstate, but I think I’m being dragged back into the Hondo simulator, fandom solely by people redesigning the rivals and some of the more popular non-rival characters (along with Ayano, Taro and Rioba)
And the reason I’m getting dragged back in it’s because I wanna take my own shot at rewriting the story and doing redesigns, especially because I remembered that the basu sister and “Ebola Chan” are some of my favorite characters designwise, and no one has been tackling them
Like, I have experience making characters for it. Where my first two OCs for the game terrible? Yes I came up with a whole new club and named the two girls morning glory and moonflower (both of them literally had the Japanese word for flower as their last name, and the girl who I named after a morning glory was improperly spelled & I use that as my handle for so many things outside of Tumblr.)
I never thought I’d get dragged back into the phantom after seeing all those videos going over what Yandere dev did, but here I am right now contemplating a whole rewrite for the game which has Ayano & Oka as best friends)
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koko-uwu · 9 months
I guess I'll rest today✏️💪
🔥🔥Twin sisters, Radha and Saraswati Basu🔥🔥🔥
The Basus belong to the Kshatriya caste, they are ruling, they manage the affairs of Bengal. Matriarchy reigns in this family, their symbol is the lioness, the color is purple, it symbolizes power and wealth.
Romance Club, "Kali-Flame of Samsara"
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Uekiya Engeika
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Name: Uekiya Engeika
Gender: Female
Class: 3-2
Club: Gardening
Persona: Social Butterfly
Overall: +50
Liked: +100
Respected: +100
Feared: -50
Crush: ???
Strength: Incapable
I've seen some interesting art about people headcanoning that Uekiya is two-faced. As in, despite appearing sweet, she's secretly incredibly rude or uncaring. While an interesting idea at first, I feel like we have enough two-faced young ladies polluting Akademi. Like the gyarus, Akane, and even Ayano herself, frankly.
Rather than being two-faced, I'm more interested in what exactly makes her unique in terms of being a sweet person. The main things I've thought up is her eagerness to socialize with people who are usually alone, her discomfort with rumours, and the fact that she's homeschooled.
Of course, to be clear, none of that is canon information to the actual game. All three of those little bits of information likely change Uekiya's canon character, but I also think it helps to strongly differentiate herself from her clubmates and other female students following a similar trope.
One thing that Uekiya knows is a problem in public schools is gossip and drama. She, of course, knows that due to being raised to avoid such ugly problems. Thanks to being raised how she was, Uekiya tries her best to combat such regular occurrences with her own efforts. This being a reason why she wishes to be a friend to the labeled "loners". Since I imagine the Basu sisters being well-acquaintanced with the gyarus, Uekiya's efforts usually fall on deaf ears when she tries to speak to them.
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chiarts45 · 2 months
Character Introduction
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He is a rather miserable and bitter/hateful guy who is evil and whose evil main goal is to cause people around the world misery and sadness due to his several sad backstories he had since he was a child although is machines or robots never end up completely working and always malfunction in some way leading to his plans always failing and him being defeated by DOG(destroyer of galaxies) his arch nemesis, note that this is because they are in Cherish's POV of the story plus Cherish's pet DOG was also once a villain whose name was Cosmo but then dedicated his life one day to stopping all evil, anyway AARAV is a frustrated guy who is always stressed and always in a bad mood/always angry except when he's watching robots/sci-fi shows, reading robot comics, or playing with his robot toys he also hates all humanity and despite all his failures is always determined in achieving his goal and he is also very unfriendly and a bit stupid because he isn't smart and never did well in school hence he lives with his middle-class twin sister in her house. He is 23 years old and he is also pretty clumsy hence part of the reason why he tends not to succeed with his plans.
A pretty unbothered and laid-back kind of girl who always supports her brother in whatever he does hence she helps him build the machines needed for his evil-doings as she is the smarter of the two and doesn't mind joining him in whatever evil plan he has. She is pretty chill and loves playing video games/ is a video game fanatic. She also has a love for eating candy and is a pretty friendly person. She is also very nice. I also can't really say she's evil or as evil as her brother as she just joins him in it to support him. The evil twins also play a vital role in the shows story in that when Ngozi (my oc) or some other character in the show causes mischief or trouble their(the twins) inventions malfunction and then worsen the situation for the actual main characters/cast.
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sapphoschoices · 1 month
Save The Date MC: Percy Hoffman
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Age: 25 (2019) 30 (2024)
Height: 5'4"
Occupation: Wedding Planner
Birthday: February 13th 1994
Love Interest: Lindsay Basu
Orientation: Lesbian
Location: New York City, New York
Hometown: New Brunswick, New Jersey
Ethnicity: African-American
Demi Hoffman (Mother)
Warren Hoffman (Father)
Quinn Hoffman (Older sister)
Truffle (Dog)
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pink-tonic · 6 months
What's Going On?📰
All Chapters
Warnings: None
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It's the day after the small scene with Kizano. I'm putting away my outdoor shoes, but as I reach out to grab my indoor shoes, I can hear all the chatter around me.
"Did you hear about the leader of the Occult club?" A girl asks her friend as they both switch out their shoes.
"No? What happened?" Her friend asks, wondering what her friend is talking about.
"He is a stalker! Someone took pictures of him as he stalked a few of the girls! He is so creepy!" The first girl explains to her friend.
"Really? I knew the Occult Club was weird, but I didn't know that the leader would do that type of stuff!" The second girl responds with disgust at what the leader was caught doing.
But this does surprise me. How did they know?
Who took pictures of Ruto and showed them to people? Especially in such quick time. Ruto has only been her for a few days, so the person who took the pictures must have already known about it.
Before school was canceled temporarily, there were rumors about how Ruto would stalk both of the Basu sisters. Nobody knew if this was true or not. Maybe someone decided to prove these rumors, right? But how did they make it spread so fast?
I'll have to think about this later.
"Have you heard all the rumors?" Taeko asks me as she opens up her bag of chips.
"Yeah, I've heard them this morning," I respond as I pop open my soda, "How do you feel about it?"
Taeko looks to the side and reverts her eyes away from me.
"I don't know what to think," she finally answers, "I'm happy that people know and it'll make him stop since everyone now knows what he is doing, but I wish it could've happened differently."
"Yeah, at this point, I'm sure he is going to leave the school."
"But another thing...," Taeko starts, but she cuts her sentence short.
"What is it?" I ask, wondering what she is thinking.
"When I was coming back from the vending machines, I saw that group of bullies pushing someone into a classroom," Taeko starts to describe what she saw, "I swear the voice sounded like a guy. I think it was Ruto."
All that comes tumbling out of my mouth is a soft 'oh'. I didn't think that the rumors would get so bad that the bullies would start to get involved.
"I just wish nothing bad happens to him after all this. He didn't hurt me or anything. He just might now know how to approach someone," Teako countines on as she keeps eating her chips.
"Don't worry about it too much, alright? I know that you're somewhat involved in this, but don't stress out over what happens to Ruto."
"You're right, but I just wish things could have turned out differently."
We both eat our lunch in silence, not bothering to talk about the topic of the rumors.
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canonically47 · 1 year
are YOU a fan of yandere simulator?
are YOU a fan of equestria girls?
are YOU looking for a fanfiction that is a crossover of the two?
in my AU, which i have titled Equestria Girls Yandere Simulator Alternative Universe (EQGYSAU), megami is in the role of twilight sparkle, and itachi, in that of sunset shimmer. currently, EQGYSAU is under heavy editing, especially the first book, but the list of equivalents is, as of now:
megami saikou as twilight sparkle
kaga kusha as megami’s best friend (NOT a spike equivalent!)
itachi zametora as sunset shimmer
gema takagaki as rainbow dash
budo masuyama as applejack
tsuruzo yamazaki as rarity
geiju & shoku tsuburaya as fluttershy
miyuji shibakoya as pinkie pie
other major roles include the student council (soon to be replaced with another mane 6), genka kunahito as princess/principal celestia, the basu sisters as the dazzlings and kocho shuyona as principal sinch!
here are some moments :>
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these are from the first two books!
and, as i said, this is currently under heavy editing! the mane 6 of the pony world will soon be replaced with shima as applejack, midori as pinkie pie, asu as rainbow dash, kizana as rarity, and sakura as fluttershy!
but i hope you do decide to check it out and that you enjoy it! <3
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aciddaffodil · 8 months
2024 Winter Season-What I Dropped
So here's the anime I decided to not to keep up with after 3 weeks:
The Demon Prince of Momichi House
I know we as a collective anime fans, are suffering from a sever lack in shoujo series but I couldn't hook me. Himuri with no family history, an orphan I assume, receives a will and the deed to the Momichi house. She goes, excited to have a place to reconnect with her unknown family past to find it already occupied. I'm sure they're be hijinks and she and Aoi end up together but I just didn't vibe with it.
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Tales of Wedding Rings
An actual good fantasy OST for the first episode, a bop of an opening and then it's a harem fantasy anime...with yet another "Dark Lord" of the realm to beat and you can only fight with light magic. The cliche of that turned me off for the series, and I just couldn't stomach the thought of watching it? I may give it another shot when I can binge it but until then...nope!
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The Strongest Tank Labyrinth Raids- A Tank with the 9999 Resistance Skill got Kicked from the Heroes Party
I watch too much fantasy survival series as is and had a suspicion it would turn into a harem anime (cursed genre/lh) so I dropped it. There wasn't anything stand out for the protagonist to me. He adventurers in search of a light-something that can cure his sister's incurable illness. After he leave the party, he saves a random chick and journeys on with her. Just wasn't my cup of tea.
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The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil
A war with angels and devils exists and is happening, the devils are at disadvantage, so Masatora Akutsu comes to Earth to find someone to rally under and selects the sweetest girl in his class to find uh oh-she's an Angel and to spare his life is collared and has to obey her. Yeah no, not here for that. Also the CG in their short fight scene, ugh questionable? (apologies for the shitty photo quality)
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Delusional Monthly Magazine
There wasn't a particular reason why I'm dropping this, I just didn't vibe with it. The character design is very remanent of Bullbuster , which I regretted last season keeping up with. It's an interesting take for including ancient Atlantian technology and spiritual powers but I just didn't vibe with it. I may give it another chance considering my boredom of not having many anime releases during the week.
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Sengoku Youko
I was insanely bored with this. The fight scenes were anticlimactic and the characters too overpowered? Plus its going to be 37 episodes long...that's a TON of commitment from me so hard pass. I just am a very particular person when it comes to fantasy and mythology. I'm sure it's an amazing series but to stick around just for the shamisen music wasn't enough to keep me.
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Snack Basue
For as many animanga accounts have praised this, especially since it's an adult comedy with some dark humor. Follows the shenanigans of a snack bar with the hostesses and a revolving door customers. I couldn't find myself watching another episode. The animation is, animated but the writing is on point.
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And lastly Chained Soldier
Yet another harem anime (they're in my nightmares/j) but homedude is used to unlock the Captain's power so he's just used as a house husband going forward except for when they need him in battle. I already am losing braincells at work, might as well lose less by not watching this.
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