mollyoddled · 4 years
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teddy bear,
I might have spent charms class today doodling a risque picture of the most inappropriate dream I had last night about a certain someone who shall remain nameless lest thing one and two manage to get their hands on this note. it’s so weird. I need to show it to someone. I don’t think daisy can handle it. no teasing, but find me at lunch.
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dingledorcas · 4 years
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
there are moments when we’re on the pitch, and I lock eyes with you. we’ve killed the play. we both grin. I can see it so clearly. there’s a more simple world where we’d be friends.
but you suck,
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hauntedblonde · 4 years
Send “✆” for a MORNING text.
where is my emerald tennis bracelet? I let you borrow it last week. I want to wear it. I hope that it will find it’s way back to my jewelry box by the end of the day lest I have to take more extreme actions.
narcissa black
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winnievere · 4 years
Send “%” for a CURIOUS text.
are you up?
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antigoneaway · 4 years
Send “@” for a SCARED text.
it would seem I am lost again. it is very dark in this place that I am. there’s no more light and no candles. I do not hear anything, but dripping water. it’s telling me these awful stories. I would really like to not be here anymore. I don’t want those things to happen. if you could find me I would be very appreciate it very much.
thank you,
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serastarless · 4 years
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
yur hair looked fuckin swee today. i’m so glad that we are friends. dunt tell anyone, but yur my favoryte. i can trust u. u knoabout oh shit. you are fukkin pukin rn in the corner. I’m gon help.
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sybilltrelawnxy · 4 years
4, 8, & 20!
A memory that your character cherishes
As Sybill has learned over her time in school it is not uncommon to see a group of first year Ravenclaws huddled around the door, pleading with it to give them an easier riddle or just let them in. (The door forgets, she thinks, that there are many different kinds of intelligence and it is not all measured by books.) There are those in the years above who’ll take pity on the group, and those who will not.
This particular memory takes place when Sybill herself is one of those huddled first years, and the fifth year who breezes by them... Well, she breezes by, sparing the group barely a glance, nevermind the answer to their riddle. While the others squabble and talk loudly over eachother she has taken to sitting quietly on the step, staring at the conundrum where she has written it down in her notebook.
All this staring, and she realizes its an anagram. Without much ceremony she stands and whispers the solution to the door, a little too proud- and slightly too spiteful- to give the others the answer. When the group finally spill into the common room they’re greeted by a few older students, who are laughing loudly and asking who managed to finally get them in.
Sybill does not often like being the centre of attention, and even now she only allows for a few moments of praise and laughter before excusing herself to her room, but there’s still a big grin fixed on her face when she closes the door behind her.
Something that makes your character laugh
Surprising no one, Sybill likes clever word play. And when people fall over.
What your character is like at social events
Usually not there, but if you do manage to drag Sybill along to the gathering she’s likely to find one particular corner of the room she likes, from which to observe the festivities. It’s not that she won’t be having fun, just that most of the time she would rather people watch. If you want her to dance in public you’re really going to have to plead with her, but she’s not terrible at it if you do get her on the dancefloor.
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disgraceddogstar · 4 years
14, 22, 52
014. Detail one secret shame your character feels.
Secretly, Sirius is ashamed that he was disowned, that he left the House of Black in the manner that he did. It isn’t easy to lose everything he’s known - even if it was for the better. He acts proud, as if he doesn’t care - because isn’t that easier? But he is ashamed to be the white sheep of the Black family, for now, while the wounds are still fresh.
022. What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen?
The shared laughter of his friends in the dorm at ungodly hours, all of them doubled over because of some stupid joke or another. There is nothing quite like seeing all of his friends happy, and that, he thinks, is the most beautiful thing he’s seen.
052. What is your character’s worst flaw?
Sirius is impulsive. He is rash decisions made without a single thought of possible consequences. He acts first, and it is only after the fact that he realizes mistakes may have been made. His impulsivity has almost cost him his closest friends, and he has yet to learn from the past.
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xparecivm · 4 years
❤(Tedromeda) 💛(Bella&Andie) 💛(King&Fab) 👶(Andie) 🍕(Fab)
old married coupleeeeee
the other two are coming later i swear hfkjebjhbj
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thatdarkdivide · 4 years
🤗Are they physically affectionate?
Nik: He is very affectionate when he’s comfortable with the person, but he really does have to feel connected to the person to feel comfortable enough to be affectionate. Morgana: Not particularly or not any more than other couples.  Millicent: No, she is not physically affectionate.  Septima: She can be, but it takes a LOT for her to be like that with a person.  Otto: Yes, he’s affectionate with basically anyone that will let him be that way.  Asami: Sure, if you’re a cat? 
💚Are they prone to jealousy?
Nik: He’s not jealous, typically. However, he’s very insecure, so he can get a little jealous. Morgana: Not at all. She trusts people.  Millicent: Nope, it’s not a trust thing. Septima: Yes, absolutely. Otto: That requires too much effort. Asami: Nope. 
🐶Are they a cuddler?
Nik: Unfortunately, he is a cuddler.  Morgana: She loves to cuddle. Millicent: No.  Septima: No. Otto: Yes, he will cuddle anything.  Asami: Yes, especially with fluffy pets. 
⚔️ Are they protective of their partner?
Nik: He’s very protective.  Morgana: She’s not because she’s too soft for that. Millicent: Yes.  Septima: Yes, but she’s more protective of friends. Otto: He is.   Asami: No. 
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expectofm · 4 years
Rab has devised a secret plan for him and Bella to take over the world and then for him to get her to kill him
5/10. Bas doesn’t think he’ll have to make a plan for Bella to kill him; that part will just happen naturally.
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conteramme · 4 years
Evan- 📇 🤝 Emmeline- 🎐🏚 Lucinda- 🔖🕹
Is your muse a gossiper? oh god yes. if there’s gossip in the slytherin common room you can either assume he and nat started it, or you can be damn sure he helped spread it. Does your muse forgive others easily? no. once you’ve wronged evan, that’s it. he’s a master grudge holder and he will go out of his way to make you sorry you crossed him.
Does your muse like to collect/hoard anything? books. lots and lots of books. she has hundreds at home in her library and she has an extendable enchantment on her trunk so that she can store even more in there when she’s at school.
Does your muse like to explore dangerous places? if there’s something to be learned from the dangerous place then absolutely. she’s pretty respectful when it comes to old or ancient sites and she’s not likely to trespass without a reason.
Is your muse a daydreamer? What do they tend to think about? luce is usually hyper-focused on the task at hand, but if she has some free time to just sit around she’s pretty likely to zone out and daydream. she’s probably daydreaming about her dog or her plants. What does your muse do to occupy themselves when bored? gardening, painting, or baking. when she’s at home she likes to skateboard and get her frustrations out by zipping around country lanes. when she’s at school you can either find her in the greenhouses with all her plants or painting.
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dingledorcas · 4 years
⊙ (Kingsley)
| Admirable | Attractive | Absentminded | Amusing | Abrasive | Aloof | Arrogant | Brilliant | Bizarre | Bland | Caring | Charming | Clever | Confident | Courageous | Creative | Cute | Careless | Childish | Clumsy | Cowardly | Cruel | Dignified | Dramatic | Desperate | Devious | Disrespectful | Elegant | Energetic | Emotional | Excitable | Faithful | Forgiving | Friendly | Flamboyant | Foolish | Frightening | Generous | Gloomy | Greedy | Gullible | Helpful | Honest | Hateful | Intelligent | Ignorant | Impulsive | Insensitive | Irresponsible | Lovable | Lazy | Mature | Malicious | Misguided | Monstrous | Narrow-minded | Optimistic | Obnoxious | Peaceful | Persuasive | Protective | Power-hungry | Quirky | Reliable | Romantic | Ridiculous | Sexy | Sophisticated | Selfish | Trusting | Treacherous | Understanding | Unpredictable | Unstable | Vulnerable | Witty | Weak |
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hauntedblonde · 4 years
✿(All of your babies) 💛(Bella&Cissy) 💛(Tig&Amabella) 💛(Dorcas&King) 👶(Cissy) 👗(Sera) 🏠(Dorcas) 🍕(Tig)
I think I did all these omg.
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mollyoddled · 4 years
bumble bees
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antigoneaway · 4 years
elaborate flower crowns, the feeling of lace between your fingers, tracing your finger in the sand, messy braids, colorless photographs, wandering about in an empty building, friendly smiles
Tumblr media
tig feels v seen.
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