#batdr oc: valley maine
harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
{While Audrey is talking with Henry in the Keeper's prison, Valley is lured away by the faint strums of a banjo. She follows the sound to another cell: Subject 418... Valley pulls the lever and the cell's shutter lifts up, behind the glass she's greeted by a faceless ink person; his back facing away from her just strumming away at his banjo... Even without a face Valley knew deep in her gut who this person was.]
Valley, Knocking on the glass: Hey...Excuse me, a-are ...Are you M-Mr. Lawrence?
Sammy: I have nothing to say to a heretical wench... Go away.
Valley: Um, well I sort of can't, this gonna sound weird..
Sammy: I Said. Go. Away!
Valley, under her breath: So that's where I get my stubbornness from...
{The detective sighs trying to figure out how to get Sammy to talk to her, when it hit her a few seconds later Valley was humming a song...A love song that Sammy had wrote for her grandmother Rosalynne, The banjo stops as Sammy tenses up.]
Sammy: That...Song, I know that song I-
Valley, cutting him off: You wrote it.
Sammy, now standing and fully facing the girl: I didn't write it for you...
Valley: I know. *holds a picture up to Sammy* You wrote it for her.
[Sammy went to grab the picture but the glass prevented him from doing so.]
Sammy: Rosie? Why do you have her...
[Sammy pauses finally looking between the girl and Rosalynne's photo and noticed the uncanny likeness between the two]
Valley: Ah, there's the light bulbs going off... It's scary, eh? Everyone always says I look like my granny when she was young...
Sammy, processing everything: Your granny?...Rosie, my Rosie she's- *Valley nods* ...who?
Valley: Who was my grandfather? Well, who else Sammy?
Sammy: But, but..She..s-She never said-
Valley: You disappeared before she could tell you, had to raise my mom all alone.
Sammy, sits down burying his head in hands:
Valley: I know it's a lot to take in...
{Someone clears their throat and Valley sees Audrey waiting on the second floor.]
Valley:...If you want me to go away now I'll just-
Sammy: Wait...Tell me your name.
Valley: It's ...Carol, but I prefer to be called by my middle name Valley.
Sammy: Valley...
{Audrey yells at her to hurry up, Valley sighs and backs away from the cell and calls out to Audrey]
Valley: Miss Drew, what our deal was again?
Audrey:..Are you serious right now?
Valley, as her tattoos start glowing: 'Fraid not friend, the deal was to get you to the Gent building. I never said anything about meetin' Wilson. I trusted that bastard once, look where it got me...
Audrey: But maybe he can fix it maybe he can-
Valley: There is no maybe, Audrey. This is where we part ways...
[Valley draws a hole into the floor and jumps into it, the hole disappears a few seconds later leaving an upset Audrey and baffled Sammy behind.]
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
{Valley, Audrey, Henry and Bendy are fighting off vampires, things were going fine until the alpha vampire showed up and gave them an ass kicking. Things were looking pretty bleak... When suddenly, a car with barbed wire and wooden stakes strapped to it's grill crashes through Valley's front window! Impaling the alpha vampire through the chest killing it. A tenseness fills the air as everyone waits for the driver to exit the car; everyone was expecting Tom or Alison but to their shock it was...]
Audrey, Henry, Bendy and Valley: SAMMY?!
[Everyone gawks as Sammy quietly steps out of the car, he inspects the dead vampire then calmly walks over the fridge; opens it grabs a can of cherry coke cracks that open and takes a drink as his stunned granddaughter takes cautious step towards him.]
Valley, nervously: Granddad?
Sammy: One thing about living in this town your grandmother and I never could stomach; all the damn vampires!
{Sammy then closes the fridge and heads to his room while everyone stares at him in disbelief.]
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
[Toon alley au: An Alternate universe where the toon world merged wold the real world some time in the 40s, Bendy is a mob-boss in Toon city who meets a strange tattooed human living in the slums who turns out to Sammy's granddaughter.]
Valley: [fed up with Bendy always teasing her] Listen here pal, my hair may have lost it's beautiful red hue from the ink floods of 97, but I still have one thing you'll never have: a soul!
Bendy, shrugs his shoulders: Meh.
Valley: ...And freckles!
[Bendy's lip quivers and he bursts into tears.]
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
{An alternate universe similar to Who framed roger rabbit? a strange tattooed human is helping Mob boss! Bendy rescue Boris from the Angel gang luckily Alice is willing to bargain, but not with Bendy.]
Alice Angel, to Valley: I want something from you that's very precious. Something you've worked very hard to conceal. Something when gone, you can never regain. Something soul shattering.
Bendy, looks between the two women confused: What's she talking about?
Valley, starts to sweat: Oh no...
{Cut to Bendy's club where Valley on stage singing a cover of the 1952 song "You belong to me". with her grandfather Sammy on the guitar, Midway through the song Alice starts crying Bendy hands her a tissue.]
Alice, wiping her tears: Beautiful.
Bendy, lighting up a smoke: And you'll keep your end of the bargain?
Alice: A deal's a deal. Boris is free to go, She can stop now.
Bendy, whose enjoying Valley's performance: Not on your life.
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
{After Audrey frees Henry and the others from the Keepers prison, Sammy meets his granddaughter Valley for the first time.]
Sammy: I'll devote every second we're trapped here to protect you, my dear. I’ll even kill for you.
{Sammy holds his banjo up like he intends to bash it on something, and that something being Wilson's head.}
Sammy, slowly smiling: Please ask me to kill for you.
Valley: No grandpa-
Sammy, lowers his banjo: Grandpa....Grandpa? Now, Granddad I can handle but grandpa?...You'll be callin' me gramps next!
Valley: Granddad. You don't have to go after Wilson...I think miss Drew might have that covered.
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
{After Valley meets Audrey and Bendy she brings them back to her P.I. office. Audrey noticed the name outside was painted over with Valley's name and reads the name on the other side of the office door.]
Audrey: Heraldo M. Palmer: Private eye...Is that your boss or your partner?
Valley: Nope!
Audrey: Then why's his name on the door?
Valley: Probably because it was Heraldo's office before I... borrowed it?
Audrey: So you just moved into a random person's home?
Valley: Look around miss Drew, does it look like there's anyone here that cares? Besides the place was empty when I found it. Seemed almost like destiny.
Audrey: So is it just you here?
Valley: No, I have friend. Porter, he let's me use his safe house a few doors down...He likes to wander around.
Audrey: I met him already.
Valley: Did you, was he ok?
Audrey: He got stuck in a pipe but I got him out.
Valley, chuckles: Yeah, that sounds like Porter.
{Suddenly Audrey startled by a small strange looking Lost one it took a moment for Audrey to recognize it's shape and realized it was cat! A lost one cat! the cat jumped in front of Bendy who looked at it warily before it headbutted his side his mouth made an "O" shape before smiling and started petting the kitty.]
Audrey: What is that?
Valley: That's Blotty, my cat.
Audrey: So the ink can infect animals too?
Valley: Erm... The ink didn't make Blotty, I did.
Audrey: What?
Valley: I can't explain, It's better if I showed you.
(The tattoos on Valley's hands glow gold as the detective takes a blank page from her notepad and draws a simple little butterfly. Audrey and Bendy watch in awe as the butterfly came to life and flew off the page! it flew over to Bendy who tried to touch it but then the butterfly suddenly dissolved into dust.]
Valley as Bendy looks at her sad: Sorry, B. I don't know why some of them do that.
Audrey: Some of them? You made others?
Valley: More or less, I wasn't joking when I said I have eyes and ears everywhere. You might seen a few of them skittering around. Birds, rats, maybe even a few frogs?
Audrey: I did, I just thought they were animals that got corrupted by the ink.
Valley: Welp, the more y'know, now what can I do for you?
{Audrey explains how she needs to get to Gent building. Bendy seemed against it. Hell, Valley was against it! That whole building was Wilson's little playground of horrors, but Miss Drew seemed desperate to get there and Valley wasn't one to turn someone who needed help away...]
Valley: *Sigh* Fine, I'll escort you the Gent building's main gate but that's as far as I'll go. That whole place gives me the heebie-jeebies; Not to mention those damn Keepers patrolling it's halls... Believe me when I say I'd rather try my luck cuddling the Ink demon then be anywhere near those screeching bastards.
{And that's how Valley joined Audrey on her journey through the Ink world, and learned about Bendy's true identity as the Ink demon and most importantly the fate of her grandfather Sammy Lawrence.]
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
Audrey: Can't you just leave me alone? I'm miserable enough already.
Valley: I know it's not much consolation, but I kinda know how you feel.
Audrey: No you don't. I've got no home, no family.
Amok: No friends.
{Audrey bashes Amok in the head with her wrench; Killing him instantly, before calmly going back to talking with Valley while ignoring Amok's followers who were now bowing to her.]
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
Valley, sees her grandfather inspecting a peach: Wait, you can still eat?
Sammy: What kind of question is that?
Valley, flustered: I just thought... Cos ya d-don't have a mouth.
Sammy: What are you on about? I have mouth.
Valley: Hm?
[Sammy moves his mask aside as Valley watches aghast as a smile like slit slowly forms on his featureless face revealing a gaping maw full of shark like teeth, she then watched with morbid curiosity as her grandfather eats the entire peach in one go before spitting the pit out.]
Valley, stares at Sammy stunned:....
Sammy: ....What?
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