starseededhippie · 7 years
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The December Moon which will make an appearance tonight will be a Supermoon.  This can be a period of great healing and growth.  The Supermoon provides an ideal time to bring closure to things that no longer serve you and your highest good.  This is also the time to connect with your dreams and goals and bring them into manifestation.  Write down what it is that you most desire. Then with intention call it forth into your life.  The Supermoon also provides a period of time in which one can work on healing both their own emotions and the world as a whole. 
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starseededhippie · 7 years
Remember to Recharge Yourselves
Just as solar panels are charged by the Sun, so too are we. The Sun is the power source for all life on this planet known as "Earth." Just as plants undergo photosynthesis, we too undergo a similar process. Think of the Sun as our battery pack. The Moon as well. Just as batteries run out juice and a charge, so do humans. It is important to plug into the energy of both the Sun and the Moon in order to recharge so that we are at our optimum.
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