bonbongiveshell · 2 years
I am compiling a photo album bc remembering things is difficult for me so if we are friends and you are comfortable, pls dm me a picture!!!! Even if we haven't spoken in a while, I probably still consider you a friend and I would rly appreciate it. I'm gonna tag some people I don't already have pictures of but even if I don't tag you you should still send me a picture
@austrelle @battlinkat @marcusbrutus @emayas-born-to-troll-history @notsoheadless @angryrivaini @evenstarfalling @ijustrealizedi
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babybluebex · 2 years
Hi for ur 4K celebration can I have a Simon Feck with forbidden romance / there’s only one bed please !! I love Simon thank u ur a fabulous writer !!
oooh yes!! i love simon, he's SUCH a sweet baby
(tumblr is gonna ruin the quality of this gif but i tried, i'm a writer not a gif maker)
i also kinda subverted the one bed trope, you'll see ;)
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You knew better than to get involved with an asset. That's what Simon was supposed to be to you: nothing more than part of your job. Your boss Roy was tasked with protecting Simon, an incredible genius that created the Zephyr battery when he was just a year removed from high school and now, several years after, Simon's life was in danger.
But, you considered, was sharing a bed with him really getting involved?
It was around midnight on the Austrian train, and you and Simon had been getting along well up to that point. He had shared his iPod during the ride, loaded almost exclusively with Hall & Oates, and he had told you stories that made you laugh. You were housed up in the same small train cabin, him on the bottom bunk with you on the top, and you had been lulled to sleep by the constant hum of the train. You were halfway aware of Simon still awake below you, but you didn't worry too much; he would eventually fall asleep.
You were woken up by movement in the room, and you were instantly alert, the way that Roy had taught you. Your gun was under your pillow, just in case you needed it at the drop of a dime, the safety on, and you grabbed it quickly. A second's examination, though, showed you that it was just Simon, standing up out of bed and absently looking around the cabin. "Si?" you asked, and the tall man turned to look at you. He wasn't wearing his glasses, and something about the lack of them made him look older and more handsome. Yes, during the day, you had admired the golden glints in his dark ginger hair and his big green eyes, but the silver moonlight coming through the window washed him in a beautiful light. "Everything alright?"
"I just can't sleep," he mumbled. He wiped at his eyes and looked out the window, then back to you. "It sounds stupid and I promise that I'm not trying to do anything, b-but can you— Do you think it would be possible for you to-to get in bed with me? J-Just until I fall asleep! I’m just having a hard time, it’s cold a-and I’m kinda scared—“
“No worries, Si,” you told him. "I understand. Is there room for me down there?"
Simon looked down to his bunk and nodded, and you got out of your bunk, leaving your gun in its place. You let Simon slip in first, his back against the wall, and you went in after him. The small space forced you two close together, and his arm slowly wrapped around your waist. "Sorry," he mumbled.
"No, it's okay," you told him, and you slowly took off his glasses and placed them on the table just out of reach of the bed. "Small space, right?"
"I-If someone comes for me," Simon started. "You'll protect me, right?"
"Of course I will," you told him, and you brushed his hair from his face. "I'll look after you, honey."
"Okay," Simon nodded. "Th-Thanks. Umm, goodnight."
The tug in your chest couldn't be ignored, and you said, "Wait, Simon. Um... I feel stupid asking, but... Can I kiss you?"
The man's eyes widened for a moment, and he said, "I-I've never been kissed before. Is that a problem?"
"No, honey," you assured him. You smoothed your thumb down his cheek, letting your finger rest on his bottom lip, and you added, "That's not a problem for me." Without delay, you moved closer to him, and you nudged his nose with yours. He breathed heavily, almost a gasp, and you said, "Y'know, when we're trained at the FBI, we're told not to fall in love with assets or marks. I think I failed at that."
"All the better for me, right?" Simon chuckled, and you laughed.
"Yeah," you said. "Yeah. Better for you."
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alexturner · 4 years
Hello I’ve just been going down your blog on this fine day and I saw in your tags that you read ghost radio and if you ever want to gush about it I like that whole book so much and no one I know has read it
Hi!!! I haven't read the book, but I'm listening to the audiobook! As a mystery/horror story, I really like it so far, but I haven't finished it, so I can't form a full opinion on it just yet. I will be sure to update you once I finish it, thank you for offering 😊
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natalieweepoetry · 5 years
Hello I love your “I am good I am loved” poem. Do I have your permission to get it tattooed?
Hello dear one! Oh my gosh.. Of course. I’m so humbled you’d even consider getting my work tattooed on you. Thank you.
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androgynealienfemme · 9 years
Non-stop and helpless ?? (for the Hamilton ask meme)
helpless:when was the last time you had a crush that really hit you hard?
A: oh gods a few years back. its been a while i havent had a crush in a long time. 
non-stop:talk about something you’re talented at, or even just something you can do very quickly and efficiently
A: like im not gonna lie im super good at writing fast good work under pressure like i hate it and it makes me anxious as hell but i can get it done fast when i have less time and i push myself to write better too. related but i have 2 essays due in the next 2 days so like. yeaah this pressure writing is applying to me rn. 
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bonbongiveshell · 3 years
Tagged by @sirenofthetimes! 7 comfort movies, 7 people tagged~ I also don't watch movies a lot lmao. In no particular order:
1. Con Air
Yes I watched it because of Homestuck and bc I think nic cage is hot don't @ me. It's a very good movie!!! Although, how Cage's character manages to punch someone to death I will never understand
2. Moonstruck
It's another Nic Cage movie and I was definitely to young to have seen it when I did. Cher is engaged but falls in love with the guys brother and Dean Martin plays in the background
3. Bruno (2000)
This movie knew I was gay before I did tbh. A little boy crossdresses in the name of the Lord.
4. Avatar
Why do so many people hate this movie???? It was amazing and the aesthetics went off and Neytiri hot and that's all I have to say on that.
5. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
This was the first book out of the series I read and it's my favorite one and all the characters had long hair in this one for some reason and that's my type ¯\_(ツ)_/¯I think it's also that you get to see more of the wizarding world outside of Hogwarts and I love me some world building.
6. Labyrinth
I would also like to be kidnapped by a hot goblin in tight pants and I wouldn't complain about it like Sarah
7. Into the Spiderverse
The animation goes off, the found family goes off, the black people being superheroes goes off, the cast possibilities of the multiverse GOES👏OFF👏
Oh wow that was difficult! I can't even remember any other movies that I enjoyed
@emayas-born-to-troll-history @ijustrealizedi @marcusbrutus @friestastic @angryrivaini @notsoheadless @battlinkat of course if I didnt tag you and you want to do it you absolutely should
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bonbongiveshell · 4 years
I was tagged by @mermaid-on-land to make a playlist based on my url uwu
I have a dnd character named BonBon Gives Hugs and the party have been known to call her BonBon Gives Hell when she fights bc she doesn't like to fight but when she has to, you'd better watch out. She fights for her wife, her children, her god, her party.
God's Gonna Cut You Down-Johnny Cash
Wrong Bitch-Todrick Hall
White Flag Warrior-Flobots
Undone In Sorrow-Crooked Still
I will tag @emayas-born-to-troll-history @battlinkat
@marcusbrutus @rideordiepartnersingcrime
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