#bayonetta and jeanne are best friends
ms-nishakadam · 2 years
Regardless of how you feel about Bayonetta 3's story/ending I am just happy with Bayoluka being canon! It only took 3 games!
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sweetchcolate · 2 years
Reggie. She comes from the same school as the lady who ripped her heart out and created a fucking skyscraping super Godzilla and then walked away slightly out of breath afterwards.
Woolie, Xieyonetta! | Bayonetta 3 (8)
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kinghijinx22 · 3 months
Top 5 queer ships from video games
HELLO my fellow queers! Just in time for the end of Pride Month I have decided to write about my top 5 queer canon ships from video games because I thought it would be a cool thing to do for the occasion, because I play the video games and am obviously very queer myself. This is also sort of a post to go along with the top 5 pansexual characters that I did last year as well. So to begin our list at number 5-
5. Alex Chen and Steph Gingrich, Chengrich from Life is Strange True Colors- Starting off with a ship not from a game I've played myself but I've seen plenty of lets plays of which is something I can say about the whole Life is Strange series, Alex Chen and Steph Gingrich from True Colors are a couple of dorky sapphics with a really cute relationship. The best in Life is Strange in my opinion, while the series has always been known for having good queer representation, I personally was not as impressed as others with the vagueness and burying of gays that LiS 1 and Before the Storm did, and while LiS 2 is better with Sean and Finn in it's explicitness, they make Finn such an asshole. Canon bisexual protagonist Alex Chen of True Colors is the most likeable protagonist in the series in my opinion, and Steph Gingrich who is lesbian, is easily the best love interest. Better then Ryan from the same game in my opinion, Alex and Steph's relationship is well developed throughout the game and the 2 of them have some really heart warming moments, especially that kiss when Alex goes upstairs to see Steph during that town event. Alex seeing the blue emotions around Steph before they kiss because she's worried about Alex not kissing her, and then she does and they explode with the yellow light of happiness. And then in the endings, Steph either settles down with Alex or Alex who is also a musician joins Steph's band and they go on tour together which is very romantic as well. Best LiS couple easy for me.
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4. Bayonetta and Jeanne, BayoJeanne from Bayonetta- So now we jump into games that I have played myself with BayoJeanne from Bayonetta, specifically their relationship from Bayonetta 1 and 2 because Bayonetta 3 fucked it to ship Bayo with that loser Luka instead. Bayonetta and Jeanne though were badass power couple of witches in the first 2 game. Childhood friends, to lovers, to rivals, to lovers again, what a wild ride for a relationship to go through as well but they end up being so sweet together. To explain, in Bayonetta 1 Bayo has lost her memories and Jeanne is brainwashed by Bayo's evil sage father Balder so Jeanne as another powerful witch is Bayo's rival throughout the game and it is heartbreaking, fighting your lover who you don't even remember. They both get their memories back by the end of the game though, and Jeanne rescues her girlfriend Bayo from the goddess Jubileus so she can punch her into the sun. Bayonetta 1 has some strong BayoJeanne moments but Bayonetta 2 goes all in with their relationship, with Bayo going on a romantic rescue mission to save her girlfriend from the demon Alarune, journeying through literal heaven and hell to do so. That file that you can pick up in Bayonetta 2 that talks about someone going through hell to find their lover, and then that scene where Bayo wakes up Jeanne after rescuing her from Alarune is great. "What do you need a wake up kiss or something?" referencing some developer art that shows their homelife, where Bayo has to wake up Jeanne for work. Love this badass witchy power couple, the sapphic aunts who always spoil the nephews with Christmas gifts.
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3. Jala and Tyler, Jyler? from Thirsty Suitors- who I don't believe have an actual ship name until I just made one up because Thirsty Suitors is so underrated that it's fandom is almost nonexistent? Seriously this game is really good and I wish Tumblr had more fan art for it, especially Jala and Tyler fan art because they very quickly have become one of my all time favorite couples in anything. The most recent addition to this list for me, I only just played Thirsty Suitors for Pride Month and while protagonist and biggest bisexual disaster I've even seen Jala has 7 exes in total, 6 of which you need to confront throughout the game, Tyler has been the most important person in Jala's life. Her childhood friend who she has been on and off with romantically, but the girl who was always by her side and who she would always come back to. I also want to say that, it's mentioned that Jala was also by Tyler's side and helped her while she was transitioning which is really beautiful and I think it's cool that a trans girl is the main love interest of this story. Jala and Tyler have a very messy but special relationship, and after Jala is able to reconcile with Tyler after how much she had let her down in the past, it's implied that they do end up back together and in a fully committed relationship by the end of the story through some art depicting their future together which is good. I just need to mention that Thirsty Suitors is a super charming and delightfully queer game that handles it's characters and themes very well and I highly recommend it. It's a game that celebrates queerness while also allowing it's characters to be heavily flawed and their relationships very messy, as seen with even Jala and Tyler.
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2. Susie and Noelle, Suselle from Deltarune- Toby Fox has been a very supportive queer ally and with Undertale and Deltrune, his games have plenty of great queer representation. But while Undyne and Alphys from Undertale are ok, I honestly don't really like Alphys specifically and personally think Susie and Noelle from Deltarune are the much superior sapphic ship. Because both Susie and Noelle are both great characters and absolute cuties who deserve to be happy together! A super adorable story of blossoming young love and self discovery, dorky lesbian deer girl Noelle is head over hooves in love with the cool dinosaur girl from her school Susie. And while Susie does start off as a bully in chapter 1, it becomes clear that she has a lot of her own personal stuff that she's working through that is heavily implied to be from her home life but by the end of chapter 1 she makes some good friends in Kris, Ralsei and Lancer who actually understand her and she grows as a person. While she doesn't really interact Noelle with chapter 1, you do find out as Kris that Noelle has feelings for Susie when she asks them for more information on her. And it's chapter 2 that REALLY develops Susie and Noelle's relationship and gives them a lot of cute moments together, because Noelle actually joins Susie and Kris in going to the Dark World on their adventures this time. And through chapter 2, Susie and Noelle's relationship is developed incredibly well with all of Noelle's adorable blushing and freaking out around the girl that she loves, until the beautiful scene where Susie gets to rescue Noelle from being captured by Queen and they escape on a heart covered Ferris wheel of all things which gives them an incredibly sweet moment together that always makes me cry. Just seeing them these adorable young queer girls being awkward and falling in love for the first time is just so adorable and funny in the best way. And then afterwards, the thing that actually gives Noelle her courage to stand up to Queen is saving the love of her life Susie! AAAAAH I LOVE THEM AND THEY ARE PERFECT FOR EACHOTHER!!!! The only caveat is that Deltarune isn't finished yet and Susie and Noelle technically aren't together yet? But it's very obvious that their relationship is something that is being built towards and I am very excited to see how it develops in future chapters, what we've gotten already has been great though and has given us so many cute moments for Suselle.
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Gregg and Angus, Grangus from Night in the Woods- The only MLM ship on this list because there is a distressing lack of MLM relationships in video games compared to there actually being a decent amount of WLW, especially with main characters. But Gregg and Angus are my overall favorite romantic relationship in all of video games. Night in the Woods is another game with some great queer representation, including it's main character Mae who is canonically pansexual which delighted me to find out as someone who is pan and she made it to the top of my Pan characters list from last year. But she doesn't get much of a romance besides meeting a girl that she has feelings for at a party that doesn't lead to much. Her best friend Gregg and his boyfriend Angus though, are also both main characters and their relationship actually gets a lot attention and development and it's handled beautifully. Their experiences accurately represent what it's like living as an openly gay couple in a small and not so understanding small town. Especially as they were the only queer people living there while Mae was away at college. A small town that also doesn't really have much going on, and they both want to move away where they can live a happy life together in a town where they will be supported and accepted more, where they can maybe meet other queer friends. It's an incredibly sweet and relatable story, and the 2 boys work their butts off at their jobs to make their dream of living that life together a reality. Which is why Mae's coming back home and bringing out the chaotic side of her best friend Gregg does bring some tension to their relationship, but she eventually realizes her mistakes and learns that she has to let them go. Gregg and Angus's relationship becomes even more sweet when you learn more about how they met, how Angus had a horrible upbringing with violently homophobic parents who didn't accept him, but then Gregg came into his life and saved him. And then also that scene where Mae talks to Gregg and he's worried that he isn't good enough for his boyfriend and Mae has to give him and uplifting talk. They just mean so much to eachother and they really bring the best out of eachother as well, with Gregg helping his shy boyfriend to come out of his shell a bit more, and Angus helping reel in his hyperactive boyfriend from getting a bit too wild. Gregg and Angus are so sweet and supportive of eachother, a beautifully written queer couple and my favorite ship from any video game.
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But anyway, I hope all my fellow queers had a safe and happy Pride Month! And also that you enjoyed reading my list, I would recommend all the games that these ships are from to people. Thank you for reading and remember to stay proud of who you are all year round because no matter your sexuality, gender, what pronouns you go by, whether your closeted or not, you deserve all the love and respect and fuck any bigot who thinks they can tell you otherwise.
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sonofanumbranwitch · 1 year
Bayonetta has always been deeper character than people give her credit for.
So I have adored Cereza and The Lost Demon a lot more than I thought I would. But I was watching a review video on the game and one of the points they brought up was how the game makes Bayonetta "A more three dimensional character". While I agree with this, it got me thinking about how a lot of the more subtle and deeper aspects of Bayonetta's character are overlooked, even by people who like her.
There's always been more to her than "Dommy Mummy step on me please"tm who kills supernatural forces with style. Don't get me wrong that's still a huge part of her but she does have other aspects of her.
She is very protective and nurturing like we see in the first game with how she protects and cares for her younger self. In Bayonetta 2 when Loki is struggling with his memories she mentors him and gives advice. As much as she taunts him she is still trying to in her own round about way give him good advice.
She is a fiercely loyal friend who literally went to Hell and back for Jeanne. Regardless of whatever wrong direction platinum themselves take their relationship there can be no doubt Bayonetta loves and cares for her best friend. So much so that one of the only times we've seen her drop her confidence and actually panic is when she thought she was too late to save Jeanne.
Her relationship with her parents is actually very tragic. She was separated from her mother at a young age, and even came upon her mother's dead body during the witch hunts. Then she killed her own father thinking he was an evil bastard who used her and her mother. Only to then learn, no actually he did love her and her mother so much he was willing to destroy himself and his reputation to protect them.
Even her relationships with her mundane friends have depth to them. She goes from teasing Luka with her pet name to showing him she recognizes him as a person she respects by addressing him by name. Even the way she drags Enzo everywhere illustrates she has a weird affection for the little gremlin man.
Bayonetta 3's Bayonetta feels so much hollower by comparison because they made the stupid decision to isolate her for the vast majority of it. Bayonetta depth comes out in her relationships to both friend and foe alike.
Cereza and The Lost Demon does a wonderful job of putting her relationships to other characters at the forefront. But that three dimensional character has always been there. People just needed to look a little harder to see it.
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marinerainbow · 2 months
Has it ever been confirmed that Bayonetta has met Enzo's family? Because ngl, I would love it if Bayonetta and Mrs. Enzo were friends.
Can you imagine it?? Enzo has all these issues with Bayo and is getting caught up in her and Jeannes' constant fight with Paradiso. Meanwhile, his wife absolutely loves his new mysterious boss, who is the perfect combination of classy and sassy. Literally the best woman to be friends with.
Idk. I know most likely that they haven't met, but I just really like this idea.
(It's probably best to add; I'm only just replacing Bayonetta 2 recently after years, and I haven't played the third game, so I probably am missing quite a few details 😅)
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poisonousroxstar · 2 years
Bayonetta coming down to the inferno just to get us back ohhohohohohoho
If Bayonetta got even a smidge, a sliver of info that said you were still alive in inferno, she would race down to the firy depths in her heels and tear it apart herself if she must. We've seen how far she was willing to go for Jeanne, imagine what she'd do for her little one? She will shoot, she will slice, she will stomp, and she will wickedweave any foe that tries to stop her from rescuing her child.
I'd imagine Jeanne is also a platonic yandere for the darling, she and bayo were best friends(or lovers?) so it's likely she and her shared caretaking duties with you. Hell, she's probably the one who helped train you when bayo couldn't. If she did, then you two would be even closer. She was just as crestfallen when news of your demise got to her, and just like bayo she's willing to fight the very gods just to save you.
Two umbran mothers ready to tear down anyone for the sake of their baby. May Jubileus grace their souls.
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annoyed-lesbian-rants · 3 months
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There is a thing I want to talk about and it's newgen bayo fans
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I don't care personally if people came to the game late or from tiktok edits or because people were mentioning the genshin character that looks like Bayo, but I noticed many people getting pissed at Jeanne and Bayo ship, or, beside this post infinite comments calling them "best friends!" like if it wasn't a part of the fandom FOR YEARS and probably beated Luka x Bayo on numbers
Now, in Bayonetta 3 personally it's ok and fun to see a more sweet Bayo, and yes I hated her being with Luka but they kinda made it work? I started liking it tho I still can't get over my hate for the daughter. Beside all this bs, it looks like many people only picked up 3 and see Bayo as that version, when it's the most different one, my problem is that these fans completely go over the very implied relationship Jeanne and Bayo had in the second game, and act like Bayo isn't clearly queer, even if we cut out her relationships, she vouges & her alternative design (at least in the first games) do recall queer culture.
"then why didn't they make them canon🥺" because you will never see canon lesbians in an east asian videogame unless it's the main topic or side characters made to be purely sexualized, because Bayo 1 & 2 came out in 2009 & 2015, gamermate just started in 2014, it hasn't even reached Asia YET, queer relationships in most east Asian media will be only implied in video games, in part because it's still a lot taboo in part because the male audience might lose their heads and boycott the company, and a good example of that is Honkai Impact, Sakura and Kellen are canon LOVERS in the manga, they kiss, if I'm not wrong in the animated series too, in the game it had to be cutted because it was against chinese laws, even tho China and Japan are different countries it does not mean that the people have different opinions on queer people (and I'm not saying the west is paradise since I've never seen more lesbian erasure than ever).
This all to say that Jeanne and Bayo makes very much sense, that a witch that fights angels in a game that is a parody of Christianity being a bisexual character makes completely sense, and if you don't think that I'm sorry but bayo 3 isn't the only bayo that exists. So don't come at Jeanne x Bayo fans when we were literally clenching teeths for years waiting for it to become canon
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Nothing I just wanted to rant bye
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nonnie-the-friend · 2 years
I played Bayonetta for the first time yesterday and holy shit, what an amazing game.
Bayonetta is one of the most incredible characters I’ve seen in a game in a long time. She is a character so comfortable in her sexuality and her femininity and none of it ever feels forced or exploitative. She’s a character who is powerful and attractive and she KNOWS it. Like she is simply a strong character who happens to also be 7’7 and stunningly attractive and it never feels objectifying because it’s just *Bayonetta*, it’s just her self expression, you never feel like she’s having anything less than a good time when she’s dancing and fighting.
The combat is fun and it’s accessible, being able to figure combos out just from button mashing is an awesome feeling. I can’t express how satisfying it is to activate Witch Time at just the right moment and then execute some combos, summoning a Wicked Weave or two to clear the battlefield before your enemies even know what hit them. It’s so fucking fun!!
Rodin is a darling, I love him. Little Cereza is just so fucking adorable, like I don’t even like kids and she just tugged at my heartstrings so much. Luka is the worst, however, and I really don’t like him. The big thing that stands out to me is that he’s the only character in the whole game to objectify Bayonetta, even groping her the first time she kicks him out of the way of an angel. He might be meant to come across as some kind of determined goofball but it doesn’t feel like he was written with a healthy attitude towards women. It just feels really gross and completely out of place in this game. Trying to prove her existence/the existence of the Umbran Witches to validate his father’s work? Fine, that’s a workable motive. Getting so distracted staring at her cleavage that he doesn’t notice the giant fucking missiles headed towards the helicopter he’s flying? No. Just no. I don’t enjoy him as a character and if he were a real human I’d probably avoid him as much as possible. I like his hair though.
I love Jeanne. I love the mystery of her. Just this glam lesbian who appears (usually) on a motorbike every few chapters to taunt Bayonetta, eventually revealed to be her childhood best friend who has been completely brainwashed by Bayo’s father to work against her? Hey it’s a simple plot but it works because it’s done well and because of the genuine chemistry between the characters. Even when Bayonetta doesn’t know who she is, the muscle memory is there and she fights and flows with Jeanne as if 500 years hadn’t passed. I dig them. And also yeah, they were intended to be canon iirc. There is official concept art of them together for the sequel.
Anyway this is a very long winded way of saying that Bayonetta is a fantastic game and you should absolutely play it.
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jonmyblaze · 9 months
Devil May cry au everyone lives traumatized!
So so I wanted to combined two ideas of what if Eva survives and what if Sparda survived..
(We are under the assumption that Virgil is Dante's older brother of 5-8ish years like OG DMC 1 canon Near identical face/ different age )
The tragedy that separated the Sparta family affected each of its members differently.
Eva was a woman of principle, a umbra witch a woman self-taught of the mystic ways of summoning demons with a monster fcking fetish . She got the demon boy she got the skills her life should have been happily ever after.
Then the damn attack occurred. She would admit it herself she wasn't the best mother.( Who let the kid run around with swords, she probably should have sent them to some sort of school instead of individualized education based off of their interests and needs. They probably should have gotten more experience with friends and other people who would care. ) But damn it all did she love her kids. They were her blessed children.
Eva looking through the ashes of the home. She Was not able Not even find her youngest son. Her eldest she feared was already gone dead. Perished cut down for the simple sake of being a hybrid.
Even her husband was gone.
She was all alone. First time in years. This is when she made her vow to hunt down the infernals of hell and eradicate those who sought to eliminate her family and her. Damn the umbra witch code. They were dead order barely surviving off of Madame Jeanne de Arc. She would look at heaven and Earth and hell for her children but she could not find them.
Not until decades later when they didn't even need her.
The devil night Sparta was in mourning. The blaze and the battle had tooken so much from him.
"It's all my fault" he wept, as if the entire event was solely on his shoulders and not those of his enemies.
It's because of my fame, my notoriety and pride that enabled these freaks to have enough leverage to attempt to kill me and my family.
My entire family is eradication
was because of my greed for the limelight. It seems this world is worse f with me in it. "And so the devil Knight takes his self-imposed exile. Not knowing that his wife and children are in need of theirpatriarch.
The eldest son was in a different position. He saw the army that his father took against. Then that would ultimately to his father's downfall. If only he had more power more strength he could have fought with his father and protect his family.
All alone, he wished he could have saved his family had he been a little bit stronger.
"I need more power I need to grow in power or else I will be weak and worthless pathetic
I lost my entire family because of that. No more"
And last but the youngest son, he had witnessed his mother in her final moments and her words struck a chord with him
Hls mother said to live a better life, a happy life don't abandon your family heritage, But don't forget to live. Run away if you must, but be safe and live and grow strong to protect yourself and others.
Dante the youngest son would struggle everyday to bribe steel and make not only a new identity to get an education but to live and to grow. Eventually he would grow into a famous demon Hunter.
The devil brothers would meet again in a strange Tower. Their ideology opposed to one another
one for powers for power sake,
The other craved power for protecting oneself and others.
The family would truly meet up and be reunited during
The Qliphoth incident. Sparta could no longer allow such devastation upon the human world. Eva could no longer allow anyone to die of such a ratchet pain.
Dante was hired for this by a strange man named v
Along with his nephew that he has yet to revealed he knew.
Bayonetta and Jeanne also there.
Their with Eva.
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moth--knight · 9 months
no but seriously tho lol I'm curious about the processing fic, eulogy for roses, and blessed art amongst women?? VERY CURIOUS I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THESE ARE!!!
Also super excited for all of these!! YOU GOT THIS MY FRIEND!!
processing is my forever in progress t4t bayojeanne fic, set post B1 <3 <3 here is a small snippet:
For the first time in years, she wakes up feeling thrilled to start the day. The world has taken on new color with Jeanne in her life.  She wrinkles her nose at her own nauseating sentimentality, and adds a plump grapefruit to her cart. It is nice to get in season produce, and she thinks Jeanne might appreciate the bitter taste. The woman had the oddest preferences. Tart and bitter anything were her go-to, with a disdain for sweetness. Bayonetta will never forget the dramatic scoff Jeanne had let out upon seeing the impressive selection of fruity tea housed within her cabinets. What an odd duck - a witch without a sweet tooth? Nonsensical, if you ask her. Umbra thrive on magical candy, for goodness sake. She gets clementines for herself, a perfectly reasonable choice. 
eulogy for the roses is a sequel to fleurs funéraires, my post B3 hanahaki AU fic!! this fic is from viola's POV. (I had completely forgotten about it until now lol). here is a small snippet:
“Again, kitty.” Viola spits the mud out of her mouth, face crinkling in disgust. Everything aches - this is the fifth (sixth?) time she’s been thrown across the clearing, skidding painfully across the damp earth face first. From within the sword, Cheshire growls in a register akin to laughter. At least someone is having fun. “Asshole,” she mutters, pushing herself up on unsteady arms. Her forearms burn with the exertion, and she flops back to the ground unceremoniously, groaning pitifully in the back of her throat. She can hear Jeanne’s disappointed sigh from all the way across the clearing. Fucking great.
blessed art thou amongst women is actually a Barbara/Melissa fic for Abbott Elementary, and a sorta sequel to my fic sunday best. here is a small snippet of that as well:
It’s getting late. Not that Melissa has obsessively been watching the clock, or anything. She most certainly has not been lying here for the past hour and half in a state of dread and disappointment and self flagellation for said dread and disappointment as the minutes ticked by.  She doesn’t know if Barbara even realizes, curled up against her chest, eyes trained on whatever Lifetime movie she’d put on. Every so often she’ll speak, voice heavy as molasses, and make some witty remark or scathing commentary about the absurdity of the whole film while Melissa strokes an idle thumb against her neck, her shoulder, her ear, humming in agreement.  She seems content, in Melissa’s arms. Wonders will never cease. It would be easy to fall asleep, just like this. Barbara warm and weighty against her frame, the softness of her worn-in couch, the low volume of the TV serving as the perfect white noise. She could close her eyes and drift off, right here. But.
I need to complete some of these WIPs......help. HELP! Thank you for the vote of confidence my friend o7 I hope you enjoyed the small snippets :D
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betagrove · 7 months
The coolest part of Bayo 3 was when it was revealed that egyptian Jeanne was the Eve of her universe but it holds together because her Bayonetta finds the strength to stand tall in the wake of her best friend / lover's death
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this-is-ris · 6 months
~Mutual Catchup~
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LAST SONG: First Kiss- Strawberry Girls
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Coffeehouse Crimes By Adrien on Youtube! (with my coffee in hand)
THREE SHIPS: Bayonetta/Jeanne, Vi/Caitlyn (I know, I saw Arcane, I’m not sorry), Clive/Jill FFXVI
FAVORITE COLOR(s): Eggplant purple/ deep purples, Lavender, Dark greens, Mint, Teal
CURRENTLY CONSUMING: Coffee (of course), fresh fruit and yogurt
PLACE OF BIRTH: West Coast, Best Coast 
CURRENT LOCATION: Good Ol’ Seattle, land of coffee, rain, and even more rain to boot!
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: I am currently in my post-toxic relationship healing phase. UuU
LAST MOVIE(S): Howl’s Moving Castle, Spirited Away, and My Neighbor Totoro, with the lovely @ahollowgrave and @iron-sparrow
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: Working from home today, excel sheets across every monitor and flooding my brain but also brainstorming things I want to do this summer before I hit my 30s! Got tickets for another Distant Worlds concert, planning visits with friends, maybe another Canada visit? More kayaking trips?? So much I can do!
(RECENT) FUN FACT: Just yesterday was my first time skiing (company outing!) and I definitely underestimated how much harder it is compared to water skiing… My coworkers are still recounting how many times I fell on my ass and rolled in the snow. No lasting injuries and 10/10 would try it again!
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Some thoughts I've had after finishing Bayonetta Origins
Before my rambling mess of thoughts here's some general ones for those who don't wanna read.
Its a great game 8/10, the only issues I have with it are skill issue based and the parts the revolve around bayo 3, its beautiful and complex and I love finally learning some backstory (even if it's for my least favorite adult cereza) all the voice work and music are amazing. the art is amazing as usual. I'd highly recommend playing it if you haven't already. Also be wary for spoilers in the read more.
Ok so the rambles and game theories
This game made me realize (in my mind) why bayo 3 cereza was so... weak and emotionless. If the ending is to be believed, she left the village to travel the world. This means that she didn't have jeannes teachings and was more or less self taught (explaining the fact she can't use 2 different weapons) it also explains why she is so socially awkward, people on their own can lose those social skills and she's been alone for centuries. I do adore little cereza and her growth, but she wouldn't have the uh.. trauma that the others would have, if she left there's not reason for her to return for the war if anything she would stay far far away, and I doubt she would think her mother couldn't handle herself. Her dream at the end even shows her without the shackles so Rosa would be imagined at full power (which is very formidable). It also makes sense to me that since she is the arch eve origin she would be the worst so to speak, she was the origin everyone else deviated from her and gained new strength where she didn't. But this is all my own cracked out game theory and thinking too much about it (it's not that deep im just a hater of 3)
Now onto Lukaon, I hate him more the learn about him. why are we supposed to root for their romance when all he was shown to do was manipulate cereza and try to murder her closest friend, like yeah he was desperate but he was still an antagonist. They also just straight up made him a clone of cereza, I won't go into how much I dislike that trope but I didn't like it in stranger things dont like it here. They are just ruining Luka to me and I don't like that I enjoyed bayo 1 &2 luka but now he is a shell of what he used to be. I will say that due to being a hater, I did call lukaon being a villain from the beginning. What I didn't call was Morgana being evil and being his mom.
Onto jeanne, her little side story has just made her death worse for me. You are telling me that she KNEW how she was going to die and just did nothing. Nah, this woman may be insane but she isn't stupid. She so into preserving the umbra legacy and having them live on, she would just accept her death.
Also on that note, the destiny thing. Platinum seems to be backpeddling on the themes of destiny. Bayo 1&2 were all about how you can change your destiny and that fate isn't set in stone but in 3 and origins they say you cannot change destiny and it will course correct if you do so it will always happen. Which imo is detrimental to the story cuz that was always a good message but whatever I'm not a writer (even if I try to be sometimes)
I've realized this is all me complaining and it makes me seem like I hate this game, I don't, I live it! It's just easier for me to put my complaints into words than just saying "it's great!" Over and over.
I will say I loved all the characters (minus lukaon) and I really wish they used the fairies instead of the lameculus, they were so fun and actually unique! But that wouldn't make sense in the lore (even if it still kinda doesn't, like why are there no good fairies that support the true royals??? Maybe they weren't as popular as lukaon said) anyway love the little guys. And the wisps! They were super cute. I do wish we had more of Cereza and Jeanne interacting as they were supposed to be best friends as kids but im not too upset as cereza was in the forest the whole time (maybe some flashbacks would have been fun) and here I go complaining in my positive section lol. Anyway it's a great game and it actually brought back my enthusiasm for the series
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sherbovania · 1 year
every bayonetta angel and demon, ranked best to worst
(in my based and platinumpilled opinion. only including bayo 1/2 appearances for simplicity)
grace and glory. they are my friends :D
alraune. one of the most fun fights in 2 if i’m being honest
fortitudo. goated recurring boss PLUS his fight is the first chapter that i pure platinum’d in bayo 1 :]
beloved. never once let me down
glamor. blinged tf out ice on his wrists
phantasmaraneae. i like when he go boom
affinity. i think they would be excellent marketable plushies. special shoutout to the trumpet affinities they mean everything to me
applaud. like affinity but taller. they make easy combo fodder and for that i thank them for their service o7
braves. what if beloved was small and T-posed on you in groups of 3
temperantia. concrete man take me by the hand
jubileus. woman :D
urbane and gravitas. This Is A Certified Bayonetta 2 Classic
joy. very fun anywhere that isn’t infinite climax difficulty. things start to get less fun there
greed. pupy :] he shoot fire and ice
fearless and fairness. kind of the same deal as greed but sometimes fearless will snipe me across the field and i don’t like that
valiance. Another Certified Bayonetta 2 Classic
iustitia. funny meatball
ardor. movin and groovin on my ass
inspired. i shoot him once and he dramatically goes completely limp and i think that’s funny
insidious. automatically cool bc he’s a manta ray
gracious and glorious. still my friends but they won’t let me witch time their attacks anymore :(
gomorrah. automatically lower on the list bc he kills jeanne like 5 seconds before you face him
sapientia. my least favorite of the original boss fights but i still like him
pain. he’s neat
pride. pain 2
irenic. that is a car
valor. hard to time his hits sometimes
fury. he’s just a little guyyyyyyy he’s just a little birdie
cachet and compassion. how are they that small swinging blades like that
dear and decorations. the childlike voice from decorations kinda freaks me out. otherwise laughably weak
acceptance. what if affinity was a horse
accolade. what if applaud was a horse
enchant. kind of a nothingburger enemy but also kinda lame
hideous. kinda finicky
hatred. keeps blocking my shit and resetting my combos
enrapture. lame asf for stealing all my hard earned magic
belief. he just kind of unnerves me
kinship. sometimes fires missiles i can’t see coming. puts the L in angel
worship. tedious to fight and will make me catch strays even though i swear i dodged fr fr
resplendence. we don’t ever actually fight him so he doesn’t count (i think he looks kinda neat though)
malicious. annoying
resentment. GRAAHHHHHHH (shoots my de-aging beam and kills you instantly). also ugly
sloth. what the fuck. why
fidelity. stop dropping landmines and start killing yourself
harmony. get the fuck down from there stop shooting at me
allegiance. fuck you for blocking midair kill yourself
if i missed any: no i didn't <3
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cuntryofdegens · 1 year
Chikan for Jeanne. Bayonetta got her onto the train just for Issei to have fun with her. And maybe make it a breeding session.
Jeanne figured something was strange with Bayonetta and has been for a few weeks now. But, she wouldn't pass the chance to go out shopping with her best friend, and maybe learned what's been going on.
Sitting in their section, one person caught her eye, a young brown haired man sitting on the opposite end of their seating. He clearly had power, but seeing he was doing nothing but perv on her, Bayonetta, and some of the other girls in the train, she didn't bother him. As Jeanned and Bayonetta chatted, deciding on where they would go, she noticed the her fellow Umbra Witch kept glancing towards the young man. Any further thought was derailed when Bayonetta suddenly pulled her in for a heated kiss. Nothing new, they enjoy making love with each every now and then.
What was new, was the sound and feel of cuffs being attached to her hands. "Sweetie! What in blazes-" Bayonetta cuts her off pulling her back into a deep kiss. All the while Issei had walked up in front of Jeanne as the two Umbra witches make out. He kneels down and pulls down her pants to have access to her pussy.
Issei played with her pussy, Jeanne gasped having felt her pants be pulled and her pussy being invaded. She pushed Bayonetta away to scream what is going on only for said witch to harshly grope Jeanne's tits, causing her to yelp in surprise and enjoyment.
"Sshhh~Hush now Jeanne. Let our Master Issei have his fun! He's going to give you a baby~" She sang as she continued playing with Jeanne's boobs. Bouncing them in her hand as Issei prods and pulls the cuffed witch's pussy folds. Getting her ready for his big cock to enter!
Jeanne thrashed as much as she could, but she felt weak. Clearly from the cuffs but also from her body coming to enjoy this.
Her eyes would then bulge seeing the huge cock Issei is prepping to plunge into her! Having grabbed and raised her legs onto his shoulders, Issei begins ramming into his new Umbra Witch slut!
"Get ready Jeanne! Bayonetta told me how much you want be bred by a man!" He stated as his dick goes in and out as he explores her insides. Jeanne could only moan, her eyes slightly rolling up as the thrust were too sudden and too much for her to handle. He fucked her pussy with such intensity one of her tits bounced wildly while the other was being suckled by Bayonetta.
"Here comes the first load!"
"Wait wait wai-AH~!" She moaned out, feeling a huge burst of cum enter her pussy. She felt relieved, hoping it's done. Only to shout in surprise as Bayonetta moves her body, shifting her into a sort of top-down bottom-up position on the seat.
"I did say I was going to breed you. I don't think one load is enough," Issei said as he align himself to begin another round, and another, and another. Jeanne lost track of time as the young man pounded her and filled with load after load!
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unnocturnal · 2 years
SDV Character Inspos
SO there was this prompt about character inspos in this SDV server im in and i guess im just in the mood to talk about why i chose the inspo i did LOL LONG POST! will add some other characters later since they're based off more general concepts and not actual characters LOL
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Rosario -
1. Zhao Tianyou (y:lad) - literally his voice claim and everything. based alot of him off this guy from his teasing personality and the way he Gets Serious when it comes to people close to him
2. Shun Akiama (Yakuza 4) - Big personality contributor! he's flirty, smart but acts like a dumbass, and like. the perfect amount of sleezy that it comes off as charming LOL 3. Kogitsunemaru (Touken Ranbu) - based the whole white hair, fox motif off this guy. also he's cheeky so what a surprise 4. Geralt of Rivia (Witcher 3) - Less so the character and more so his occupation and world. I yoinked alot of the worldbuilding from the game and yeeted it into my stardew world LOL
5. Majima Goro (Yakuza Kiwami) - its the "he's crazy but one thing is for sure he's loyal as a dog" for me. also the "goating you into fights as a way of flirting" also the whole, living freely and fuck all the bullshit kind of thing. living for yourself and for your best.
6. Luka Redgrave (Bayonetta) - pathetic flirty little shit
7. Dante (DMC: Devil May Cry) - mostly an influence from one of my best friends irl, the badass fuck boy with an attitude i loved, also he's fucking metal i love him
8. Loki Laufeyson (MCU) - a trickster type cocky little shit that gets misunderstood, also enjoying the chaos. and the bisxuality. 9. Vampire Cookie (cookie run) - ...... the hair.
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Luz -
Lady Demitrescu (RE: Village) - tall vampire lader that could crush me without a second thought and long extendable nails haw yee
Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer) - sister to the MC, unwilling transformation into supernatural creature, struggles to reign in new instincts to prey on humans, cool fire powers that come with cryptid-hood
Olivier Armstrong (Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood) - shes hot, strong and can kill me
Luisa Madrigal (Enchanto) - shes hot, strong, and can kill me (but she wouldn't) also body type inspo
Jeanne (Bayonetta) - compared to bayonetta (rosario)'s outright flirt-teasing, jeanne (luz) tends to be a little meaner with her goading. also oooo shes hot strong and can kill me (i swear im biromantic)
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Rouge -
1. Mirei Park (Yakuza 5) - face claim and also a big personality contributor. manipulative but in a way she wants the best for you, harsh but also for the same reason, intimidating, head strong, reliable, and has gone through way too much shit
2. Kiryu Kazuma (Yakuza) - big family woman like him and is super-unnaturally strong and durable. has his strength and everything. also an orphan that grew up with other orphans, and took care of them.
3. Nishikiyama Akira (Yakuza) - bad bitch honestly LMFAOJFOSDIF no i mean like there was a turning point in Rouge's life where she couldn't go back to what things were, and she fully committed herself to the underworld....
4. Osamu Kashiwagi (Yakuza) - Scars
5. Mine Yoshitaka (Yakuza 4) - yoinked the gayness and last name from this one
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