#bc Dustin Mike and Will are the most “current” ones
jonathanbyersphd · 11 months
Me, a conspiracy theorist, wondering if it's significant which funkos they picked for shooting.
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campbyler · 8 months
if i may ask, i am v curious when the party got their cars/how long theyve had them
ella i hope you don't hate me from harboring this ask since the end of august bc i really did mean to answer it sooner. i love u mwah.
mike: some of the lore surrounding the mustang has now been revealed through chapter 9.1, but to reiterate for the purpose of this ask: mike really wanted to get a car with manual transmission, and wanted something used so it could be a purchase he made himself. he did a lot of research online and in person before finding the mustang, which he did think was a little gaudy, but to me he's also a pretty big car buff and likes a lot of classic models -- no matter anyone's feelings on mustangs as a whole, it is a very iconic car with a lot of history, so mike definitely appreciates that a lot. he had nancy co-sign but he paid for everything himself! as of acswy, he's had it for just over a year!
will: will's car is also used, and also something he (mostly) paid for by himself! originally he was going to inherit jonathan's car but like in the show, it died. rip. but hopper Knows A Guy who works on and then sells a lot of used cars and that's who they ended up buying will's car from. he got it when he turned 17 for around ~$2500 since hop's friend cut them a deal, and he paid for Most of that himself (using money he's saved up from camp and the part-time job he had during the school year when he was in hs) and hop and joyce covered the rest. that said, will does pay them back on a monthly basis and pays for his own gas and insurance, so to him they didn't help at all (even tho they helped more than mike's parents did lol). by the start of acswy, he's paid his parents back in full and now just worries about the insurance payments.
lucas: lucas's parents and smart and invest and told their beautiful talented son that if he worked hard and got good grades they would buy him a car for graduation. so he did. and then also got a full ride scholarship to uconn to play basketball and his parents said oh ok slay boy. thanks so much. so since they are saving on a LOOOT of tuition and room and board fees they said we will get you a nice car. and lucas said bet, hellcat? and his mom said ABSOLUTELY NOT and his dad said ABSOLUTELY. mike was fuming btw. if you care.
max: tbh we haven't so super fleshed out a lot of max's family lore so i'd have to consult w suni re: current arrangements BUT 2 me max shares her car w her mom. i think her mom works from home and when she needs to go somewhere uses max's step dad's car just so that max can have some extra freedom. it's also my headcanon that max is the oldest in the friend group so she got her license first and was will and el's designated chauffeur for a while <3
el: el Just got her car and license before the start of acswy! i think she's the youngest in the party and she had will and max to drive her places so there was truly no need to get her license or car until now, plus i think she had some driving anxiety. she also got her car thru hop's friend but it was a little more expensive than will's since it's a bit newer and a nicer model, but she's had more time to save up for it! she mostly got one because she wanted to be able to have something to drive back at school, and also because she's more willing to admit than will is that the cobalt is not going to last super long, so one of them needs to have a car lol.
dustin: dustin got his car from his mom when she upgraded to a new one and while most people would complain dustin said FUCK YEAH because he loves his mom's car and also didn't have to spend a single dime on it lol. i think he got it when he was 17 as well so he also drove lucas and mike around for a bit before they got their cars as part of the indy crew!
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queenie-ofthe-void · 3 months
Wiggly Worm Wednesday Thursday
I've been tagged by the amazing @devondespresso and my most favoritest @carolperkinsexgirlfriend
I'll do one I'm working on and one I have no intention of following up on!
1. My favorite WIP is my fic The Babysitter Chronicles, which feels obvious because I post about it the most! It's a 5 + 1 Steve asking all of the parents of the Party if he can officially watch their kids. I've got Dustin, Lucas, and Will finished. I've got outlines for Max and El. I have absolutely no idea what I want to do for Mike and it's holding me up tbh. I want that one to be a bit angsty and come with some Nancy closure, but it's a hot mess in my brain still so idk. My other WIP is single dad Steve and teacher Eddie which is basically finished I'm just sitting on it.
2. My first Steddie idea ever was a Stranger Things x Supernatural crossover. I'm not planning on writing this, but I am currently outlining a post explaining my idea.
Basically through Angel Shenanigans, Dean ends up an invisible observer of STs2 and realizes that each person in The Party contain fractions of Souls from his world. So Steve is part Dean. Dustin is parts Sam and Ash. Max is parts Jo and Claire (you get it; i've got all the characters mapped in my head). So, with Cas's help, Dean can sometimes interact in short bursts, while Cas works on a way to save him.
Dean helps Steve with his concussion and tells him to look for the bits of Cas, Charlie, Sam and Bobby by describing their defining traits. Dean watches Steve find Robin (Charlie and Sam and Cas) in s3. Low key Dean is confused bc Steve is 100% older brother!Dean, protector/self sacrificing!Dean, and car!Dean, but none of his other qualities.
Cue Eddie: metal music!Dean, also big brother self sacrificing!Dean, two halves of Dean drawn to each other (surprise! Steddie Soulmates AU) but it's not quite right bc where is the rest of Cas (so far just Robin, El)??
Finally: Cue Kas!Eddie as Leviathan!Cas and Dean/Steve have to save him.
Ok hopefully that's legible! This was super fun tbh, who doesn't love a good rant.
No pressure tags (I'm a day late so I won't tag too many people): @lingeringmirth @cuips-not-cute @harringtonwinchester (it's all in the name!)
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crimsonwing62 · 2 years
Stranger Things HC (Based around the Christmas holiday but not really a Christmas HC)
Its the late 2010s? Everyone's grown up, they have their own families, their careers, their own lives.
Steve's a support worker at the local all through years school.
Robin currently teaches a humanities subject at the local university. 
Nancy worked as a journalist eventually building her own paper from the ground up and just celebrated its 10 Yr anniversary. She and Robin have travelled the world and still plan on new adventures.
Eddie's was discovered in '88 he toured throughout the 90s and early '00s. He still makes music but likes to focus more on Music Producing so he can spend more time at home with Steve and the kids (15f, 10f, 6m). Robin and Nancy are their Godparents
The four get together for an adults only dinner at least once a week, alternating who's hosting - everyone secretly prefers Steve's cooking but no-one ever says it. Robin often pops in to the Harrington-Munson household for a cup of tea and a gossip throughout the week anyway.
Dustin works at NASA (or an equally impressive physics institute), in Florida which they all simultaneously give him shit for and are jealous of bc he can go to Disney and Orlando whenever he wants to. 
Lucas and Max have been married for 7 years now. Max still skates, Lucas still plays basketball with his friends on Saturdays. They have a two kids (12f, and 4m). 
Erica is also a world renowned scientist in her field. She often gets brought on to teams as a consultant and has worked with Dustin on a couple projects.
Will has his own Gallery in California which Jane (El) sometimes volunteers at. Mike works across the road at a job he loves but not as much as his Husband, Will.
Jane's taking life easy taking in experiences, learning what she can about the world. Max and Jane often meet up for girlie days.
Jonathan tours new exhibitions, releases photobooks, does photography around the world. He travels with his partner (or roommate depending on which country) Argyle. His most recent photobook has been his biggest success. It featured a collection of his earliest work of the Upside Down Gang. Themes of Queer Platonic Family and Queer Joy could be explored through the photos and the accompanying pieces written by Nancy.
Hopper and Joyce retired together and finally married in the 90s. Hopper gets antsy so he still does some volunteer work here and there.
Karen finally left Ted Fucking Wheeler after his reaction to the revelation of the the '86 earthquake actually was, was less than appropriate (he under reacted, which made her realise how much of an ahole he was) she remarried to a lovely chap called, Dan, a few years later. The Wheeler kids warmed up to him eventually. And Holly Wheeler exists somewhere but doesn't really apply here.
Anyway every year they made a promise to go away for Christmas.
Robin usually researches the place to go, Steve co-ordinates the kids, hopper-byers', and Karen and her Husband's Schedule to find the best dates to book it for, and everyone's order of arrival. Nancy organises the travel for the four and Steddie's kids whilst everyone else organises their own. (Will books Jim and Joyce's flights for them. Joyce is okay with a computer, much better than Jim, but if it goes wrong she can't fix it) Eddie wrangles their kids, packs and gets their family ready to go as Steve is often to focused on the craziness of  school the run up to winter break.
Steve, Eddie, their kids, Robin and Nancy are the first to arrive, two days after their schools finishes. Eddie and Nancy are usually sent into the village to get a Christmas tree whilst Steve and Robin unpack the food, the drinks, snacks, the decorations. The kids, after exploring and claiming beds, get involved in the decorating part, often making paper rings, snowflakes. The eldest acts like she hates it but secretly loves making them better than last year.
When Eddie and Nancy get back, most of the decorations are up except for the Tree. They do that together, Christmas music blasting in the background.
The Jim, Joyce, Will, Mike, Karen, Dan, arrive mid morning the next day having met up  after the airport and drove up together.
Lucas, Max, their two kids and Jane, Jonathan and Argyle arrive at the same time mid afternoon.
Dustin's the last one to arrive late evening that day.
The whole time is full of fun, buzzing energy, exchanging stories from the year and generally enjoy being in each others presences after being away for so long. A family walk outside on Christmas Eve. One day, They play in the snow and end up in a massive snowball fight. Inevitably there's at least one evening, when the kids have gone to bed, and a couple bottles of alcohol have been consumed so the everyone's a little tipsy and honest, the topic of that place comes up. Most of them have dealt with the trauma it caused, gone to therapy (either paying for it themselves or via Eddie, Jonathon, or Nancy covering the cost). Night terrors were few and far between, paranoia about flickering lights or animal screeching noises have turned into a dulled response. The initial flinch will always be there but panic and worry that used to follow doesn't anymore. This particular year, it hits the party that Lucas and Max's eldest is the same age as the younger party members were when Will went missing, and Jane turned up on Mike's door step. And Steve and Eddie's eldest is a year younger than the elder party members were, and their middle daughter the same age as Erica when she was brought into the fold. Lucas, Max, Steve and Eddie make a mental note to keep a closer eye and hug them a little tighter this year.
Jonathan's photography book is based on one of my favourite head canons by @schrijveer
This headcanon was inspired by a house i saw in an interior design book and thought it looked like a perfect place for the Party's Christmas get together…
I'm also 60% sure my brain was also consulting the Music video for Last Christmas for ideas of activities...
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howtobecomeadragon · 2 years
10, 13, 18, 27 please and thank you 🤭🥰
dang okay, i had a lot to say for these!!! hehe thank you for asking 😊
10. has a piece of writing ever haunted you? has your own writing haunted you? what does that mean to you?
hmm. none of my writing haunts me. but I have been a big reader all my life and there are certain books that have stuck with me, due to how much they made me feel, whether it was joy or heartbreak or grief. and I think that is haunting in a way. and I guess in a way those books haunt me bc I want to write something that sticks with someone that long.
some books/series that haunt me: six of crows, in other lands (terribly underrated book), the princess diaries (ik 🫣), many books by tana french, the raven boys, inkheart, neverworld wake, love and other words, his dark materials, wolfsong, the library at mount char, every heart a doorway.
13. what is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you to write about? what is easy?
some personal stuff incoming here... everything to do with will's relationship with lonnie in my current big wip (come back to me and forgive everything) is very difficult for me, bc it is very much so inspired by my relationship with my dad. will's rant on the swings was me about my dad, the sneaking around the house trying to avoid lonnie was me growing up with my dad, will putting himself in a situation where he stays with his dad despite everything was me in the past with my dad. upcoming things I haven't posted yet from that fic are as well. i wanted to write about it obviously, but it's been challenging bc of that too!
also umm kissing scenes are impossible, they stress me out to the max.
the easy stuff? the yearning. all the ways that being infatuated with someone shows up in silly little ways. I love that shit.
18. choose a passage from your writing. tell me about the backstory of this moment. how you came up with it, how it changed from start to end.
Here's a little passage from my movie magic fic:
"The Byers had moved to Hawkins five months ago. Or rather, technically, they had moved back to Hawkins five months ago. They’d lived in Hawkins as an unhappy little family until his parents had divorced. Will was only three."
I probably could've had this fic done like a week ago if I hadn't agonized over Will's background. I originally had this ambitious idea of Mike returning movies, but behind that, I was also going to have it so that the Byers moved away from Hawkins when Will was in kindergarten or first grade... so he'd already met Mike. it was going to be this whole complicated thing of Will slowly remembering Mike and figuring out when Mike remembered Will, long lost best friends from when they were 5, etc. it was going to be very dramatic.
but then I was like "??? write a short fic for once, ffs." so I scrapped that idea for this one (still ended up with 14k though. 🙄 I will continue to pursue the goal of writing a short fic). also had a short time where I was just going to have the whole fic be post s5, but I wanted to change the dynamics up a bit.
I may very well return to the concept of Will moving away after meeting Mike in a different fic in the future, but for now I like the simpler concept I went with instead. Will is just a new guy in town.
27. who is the most stressful character you've ever written? why?
Dustin is stressful for me to write tbh?? he's kind of a loose canon and he's very very much so Not Me, so although he had a big scene and a ton of dialogue in one of my fics and he's here and there in other fics, I tend to be cautious about writing him. it's just harder for me to get in his head I guess.
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hpandstfan · 2 years
lemme give my opinion for the debate of which hogwarts house are the characters in stranger things are sorted in
Slytherin: Nancy, Mike (i wasn’t that sure about him being in slytherin but it mad the most sense to put him in Slytherin bc of his inability to process his feelings), Eddie (ik some of yall thinking hes a Gryffindor bc he dresses up like Sirius but hes in Slytherin bc his personality was like Regulus’, ran away but died with almost no one knowing that he died for good), Max, Erica, Brenner and ofc 1/Peter/Henry/Vecna
Gryffindor: Lucas, Hopper, Steve, Jason (he kinda gives me McLaggen vibes), and 11
Ravenclaw: Robin, Will, Suzie, Murray and Vickie(even though she had little screen time i think shes a Ravenclaw) (basically Suzie is the token straight)
Hufflepuff: Chrissy, Argyle, Dustin, Jonathan, and Joyce
fyi: this is what i think the characters in season four would be sorted in yes ik that some deserve to be in other houses but i based it on the most current season and what made the most sense
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jugheadthejones · 2 years
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I posted 106 times in 2022
That's 86 more posts than 2021!
22 posts created (21%)
84 posts reblogged (79%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 87 of my posts in 2022
Only 18% of my posts had no tags
#words - 22 posts
#dreamling - 18 posts
#gay shit - 7 posts
#photography - 7 posts
#sandman - 4 posts
#art - 3 posts
#fic rec - 3 posts
#dream/shakespeare - 3 posts
#romo - 3 posts
#steddie - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#(i see him just getting over the smaaaaaaall moral issue just as dustin and mike roll up starting the issues anew but massively tented now)
My Top Posts in 2022:
i NEED messy jealousy screw dream/shakespeare!!!! i cannot believe!!! dream dips on his date after hearing about his happy marriage to go “””make a deal””” with some lively little dreamy twink PLEASE!! and hob def knowing. def making dream make up for it
25 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
i go back in forth on my headcanons about whether hobs not dying status is enough to clear him of the ‘no mortalsxEndless’ rules but ive starting reading the dreaming (2018) and yknow if dream can fuck his great-great-grandniece he can fuck hob.
38 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
not to perpetuate eddie munsons reputation as a satanist BUT what if one day he accidentally summoned a sex demon. and for some reason it took the form of steve harrington.
+for some reason dustin (&mike?) show up at his trailer (dnd stuff?) and hes gotta try and explain why theres a horned up steve harrington double in his bedroom when theh swear they just left him at family video not an hour ago?
47 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
i want. dream and hob to have an actual conversation about nada. but i dont. bc i feel like hob, even with his own sour history, would see that as just too fucking much man
but also i DO bc hob would punch him, as he deserves
51 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
anyways. hob having sex w dream in the dreaming while lying in bed with his current girlfriend in the waking. shes hearin him moanin abt dream, which is weird but whatever wet dreams be wet dreams. shell wake him up for another round or just let it be cos shes wiped out this isnt about that tho
hob maybe still doesnt know/understand that dream Dream is real Dream while Dream thinks theyre in a fully understood relationship (theyve been doing this for awhile now, after meeting back up in the waking after his imprisonment)(hes still Very Bad at openly explaining things to his mortal lovers), hob just also has relationships in waking since theyre Casual TM (dreams a little afraid of commitment rn) (and Dream can’t physically fuck Be With a mortal in the waking)
Edit: no actually this is a bout weird somno and hob being just totally wrecked by the dueling sensations of his girlfriend in the waking trying to wake him up by feeling him up to go for another round, and Dream using all hos might actually a considerably small amount of his might (but yknow, emotionally all of his might) to keep hob fucking him in the dreaming. the weird relationship status is a secondary concern
59 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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eddiebillysteve · 2 years
a/n: this came to me at 4am last night and i had to write it and now i'm posting it because i think it's low key funny af if i do say so myself?? find it on ao3 here.
tl;dr: max gets her period for the first time while hanging out with most of the party and chaos ensues bc three 13 y/o boys not knowing what periods are?? good god. steve harrington has to be called in for backup (as always).
Max had scoured the Byers bathroom, had dug through every drawer, but there was nothing. No pads, no tampons. She momentarily debated on stuffing her underwear full of toilet paper and making a run for it, but she was supposed to call Billy to pick her up and there was no way in hell she was risking bleeding through it and onto the seats of his car. 
Shit, shit, shit. 
With no other option, she opened the bathroom door a crack. “Lucas? Can you come here?”
School had only been out for a couple of days and they’d already broken up and gotten back together once. They were currently on a high spurt, but they weren’t overly obsessed with each other like Mike and El were, either. She hadn’t even seen either of them since the last day of school, the two of them always holed up in El’s bedroom. 
“You’re being summoned,” Dustin giggled, half pushing Lucas as he got up from the couch. Lucas waved him off and made his way to the bathroom door. 
“What’s wrong? He raised his eyebrows at max through the crack of the door. 
“Can you, like, ask Will where his Mom keeps her pads?” Max murmured to him. 
“Pads? Like, notepads?” Lucas’ eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“No, you idiot. Period pads,” Max rolled her eyes. “I just started. I don’t have anything.” 
“What’s a period pad?” Lucas didn’t sound any less confused than he had two seconds earlier and Max let out a huff. 
“You cannot seriously tell me you don’t know what a period is? Do you even listen in biology?” 
Lucas shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe I was sick that day.” 
“Just go and ask him, would you? And be quiet about it. Don’t let Dustin hear.” Max shook her head and slammed the door shut again. 
Will and Dustin were bent over a book when Lucas returned. Dustin had originally meant to go away to camp for a month at the beginning of summer, but he changed his mind. Wanted to spend more time with the party and Steve, who had quickly become his best friend. 
They glanced up when Lucas returned; he went straight to Will, leaning to cup his hands around his ear to whisper to him. 
“Whoa, hey!” Dustin immediately reached out to shove at Lucas’ hands. “You can’t just go and tell Will a secret when I’m right here, asshole. You have to tell me too!” 
It was Lucas’ turn to roll his eyes, but he didn’t fight him on it. “Will, she wants to know where your mom keeps the pads.” 
“Pads?” Will had absolutely no idea what he was talking about, either, and it made Lucas feel a bit better. 
“Yeah. Like, for periods.”
“What the hell is a period?” Dustin asked then, just as confused as the other two boys. 
“I don’t know. She said we should have learnt about it in biology?” Lucas’ answer came out as a question. 
“Uh, yeah, no. I’d remember if we did,” Dustin got up. He had to know what it was now; there couldn’t have been something science related that he didn’t know.
Lucas and Will got up and followed him to the bathroom. Lucas was the one to knock, though. 
“Where are they?” Max called out. There was some shuffling, and then Max opened the door a crack again. She should have known she’d be greeted with all three of them. “Oh, for God’s sake.”
“What’s a period? I would remember if we learned about it,” Dustin immediately asked. 
“Jesus, this is not happening right now,” Max sighed heavily. “You know, it’s when you bleed every month? Every girl gets it.”
“Bleed? You’re bleeding?” Lucas immediately asked, concerned as ever. 
“Are you okay?” Will’s voice was next, laced with worry. 
“You have to put pressure on it to stop—“ Dustin started, but Max cut him off. 
“God, the three of you are useless. I’m bleeding from down there. I just need a pad or tampon or something to use until I get home, okay? Just—“ Max didn’t even know what to tell them. They were more clueless than she was. 
“You’re bleeding from your vagina?” Dustin burst out, voice higher in his panic. “That can’t be normal.”
“Should we call an ambulance?” Will added. 
“Oh, God. She can’t die,” Lucas’ hands went to his forehead, holding his head for a moment.
“I’m not dying!” Max said, but their panic was making her panic. Maybe it wasn’t her period, maybe she was dying. 
“Lucas, stay with her. Put pressure on it. Make sure she doesn’t bleed out,” Dustin’s voice shifted into a very no-nonsense one, ready to take charge. “We’ll find something.” He grabbed Will’s hand to yank him back towards the kitchen. 
“Don’t think you’re coming in here. You can wait out there,” Max said to Lucas before shutting the door again. 
In the kitchen, Dustin scrambled to get out the phone book. 
“What are you doing?” Will burst out. 
“What do you think? I’m calling Steve!” Dustin flipped through the pages in a hurry, looking for the Scoops Ahoy number. Steve was working, just like he did most days, but it was always just with this girl that was pretty cool, so Dustin didn’t think he’d get in trouble for calling. 
A woman’s voice picked up on the second ring. “Ahoy there, you’ve—“
“Robin,” he cut in, voice frantic. “Put Steve on. It’s a red alert. 9-1-1.”
“Which kid is this?” Robin immediately asked, startled by the panic.
“It’s Dustin! Put him on!”
There was a few seconds of waiting before Steve was answering the phone. 
“What’s wrong? Where are you?”
Even though Steve knew very well that most of Dustin’s emergencies were never actual emergencies, he took every single one seriously. He had to after everything that had happened; any day there could be a hellish sequel beginning.
“It’s Max,” Dustin nearly panted into the phone. “She’s bleeding out. All over the place.” 
“Why the hell are you calling me instead of 9-1-1?” Steve burst out. 
“She said not to!” Dustin’s voice shifted into a whine. “She said it’s her period, but—“
“Her period?” Steve blinked.
“Yeah, she said she’s—“
“Dustin,” Steve covered his eyes with his hand, his heart starting to slow back down to a normal rhythm again. “You’re calling me because Max got her period?” 
“She could be dying, Steve!” Dustin’s voice was almost a shout. “She said she’s bleeding! It’s internal! That shit is serious!” 
“Henderson, listen. It’s not serious. It’s not internal bleeding,” Steve tried to sound as serious as he could but he so badly wanted to burst into laughter. It wasn’t their fault, they were four kids home alone and he was glad they thought to call him, but it was just a funny situation. “Just— calm down and hang on. Alright? I’ll come with some stuff. Stop freaking out. She’s fine.” 
“No, no buts. She’s fine. It’s normal,” Steve insisted. “Seriously, Henderson. Chill out. Give me, like, twenty minutes. Are you at Mike’s?”
“No, Will’s. Mike’s too busy sucking El’s face off to hang out with us anymore, remember?”
“Right, yeah,” Again Steve had to try not to laugh. “I’ll be right there.”
When he hung up, he headed back out to the front of the parlor where Robin stood, though there were no customers, thankfully. “What the hell was that? Kid sounded like he’d run a frickin’ marathon.” 
“Max got her first period and Dustin is convinced it’s internal bleeding. You wouldn’t happen to want to deal with this, would you? It’s a girl thing, and you’re a girl,” Steve waved his hands around a little as he spoke. Robin would know what to do, what products to buy. He knew enough about periods after being with Nancy, but he didn’t know anything about first periods and what you were supposed to buy specifically for that occasion. 
“Uh, no,” Robin laughed. “This is all you, dingus.”
“Well, can you tell me what to buy, at least?” Steve pulled his hat off, flinging it at her before reaching for his bag.
“I think it’d be funnier to hear what you get when you come back. Don’t take long, I want to go on my break,” She snickered at him and Steve rolled his eyes before leaving.
Luckily, Starcourt had everything inside of it, including a pharmacy, which was where he went. He had bought tampons for Nancy once before, had no shame in buying it like other teenage boys, but she’d given him the exact brand and size and it’d been a matter of finding the packaging and getting out of there.
This time, he had absolutely no idea what to get. His solution, he decided, was to buy one of everything. One of every brand and every size, both pads and tampons. The total came to nearly fifty bucks and he had two bags full of boxes, but he didn’t care. 
Dustin was waiting outside for him when he pulled up. “She’s weak, man. I don’t know if she’s going to make it.”
“You’re an idiot,” Steve rolled his eyes and moved past him to go inside. Dustin trailed after him like a puppy. “Max?”
Lucas was still outside the door, the two of them talking through the crack and giggling over something, but it stopped when Max heard Steve’s voice and his footsteps coming up the stairs. “You called Steve?” Her voice was a screech. “I could have just called my Mom! Why the hell would you call Steve?”
“Woah, hey. Rude,” Steve scoffed. “I know about this shit, alright? I dated Nance for ages. Here. Look through these and figure out what works. I’ll show Lucas how hot water bottles work.”
Max shifted behind the door, hiding herself, and opened it enough that Steve could slip the bags in. She let out a groan over how mortifying the entire situation was. 
“Is she going to be alright? Will that stop the internal bleeding?” Dustin asked when the door clicked shut.
“Dude, it’s not internal bleeding. I mean, I guess it is, but it’s not that kind of internal bleeding,” Steve ushered the three boys downstairs. “It’s like… shedding. The girl parts inside, they shed, and then it comes out as blood. It’s all about eggs and shit. Did they not teach you this in bio?”
“What biology classes did you and Max go to? Jesus!” Dustin shook his head. “Because it sure as shit isn’t the same as mine!”
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hcrrorbabes · 6 months
I gotta put this into more detail and posts on their own but for now this is going to have to do. below are Eddie, Enid and Jason's verses. they've decided they're the primaries for the moment. I will flesh these out a bit more when I have time. especially Eddie's and Jason's.
DEFAULT V. currently tweaking s4 slightly bc fuck that noise (will post soon but willing to discuss) survived The Incident ™ because I said so spent a ridiculous amount of time in the hospital a town over returns to " Natural Disaster Clean Up " and battle plans
PRE S4 V. running HellFire & attending band practice being a general menace to society casually failing most classes because who cares
WITCH V. ( as a treat ) inherited his mother's penchant for being a kitchen witch spends most of his time helping supernatural beings that no one else really will is essentially a hex / love potion ( always fake ) dealer and backyard surgeon
KAS V. 'dies' in Upside down loses his mind in a way and turns into a bit of a monster not as far gone as Henry but def on his way claws his way out of the cracks caused by the breach secludes himself to the trailer park tearing any bat / demodog that slips through kids hear police talking about 'teens messing around' in the trailer park nosy little shits go to check it out --- because why wouldn't they find Eddie completely 'feral' scuffle ensues, quote unquote adults step in to put a stop to it kids (read: Dustin & Mike) are determined to 'bring Eddie back' devise a plan to 'tame the beast'
DEFULT V. post s1 currently learning how to deal with her transformation and her mother out of school for the moment
S1 V. contains all of the events of the first season
DEFAULT V. reigning bat fam disappointment #1 batman hater Tim Drake's biggest fan currently dividing his time between helping street kids and vigilante behavior
SUPERNATURAL V. Wayne family hunter who's seen the bad side doesn't believe in experimentation or research on supernaturals has the bad habit of black and white thinking dispatch the bad, turn a blind eye to the good begrudging older brother Tim Drake's biggest fan
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
Hi so I have been thinking about this for awhile now and I wanted to get your opinion so imagine in stranger things when Nancy falls through and gets stuck she time traveled to now and then when all the gang and y/n dating Steve Go to save Nancy they all get stuck and have to learn how to live and like how different the world is. and they discover tiktok and stuff and maybe robin is surprised that she can be openly out in 2022 and she gets a girlfriend I would write this but IdkiIcouldoitjustice
omg I really love the idea of our stranger things babies in the modern world, especially with tiktok idk why it just makes smile to think of the different accounts they would have
like Steve and Robin would absolutely be doing dumb tiktok dances and challenges together
Nancy would run one of those self-defence tiktok accounts
Eddie does heavy metal covers of current pop songs
Max and El are always doing best friend challenges together
El has one of those safe space accounts where she goes about doing everyday things that might give people anxiety so she can show everyone that it’s okay
Max has her own skateboarding account
Will runs a dnd tips and advice account
Jonathan runs a photography account ofc
Argyle just films random stuff as he goes about his day but somehow has amounted like a million followers bc he’s just so funny lmao (kinda like @/kodasteven on tiktok of y’all know him)
Lucas is on sports / basketball tiktok, giving tips and advice, updating about his matches, his training programmes, etc.
Dustin runs like a tech account where he provides the most hilarious reviews of the latest tech and stuff, most of his followers don’t care about the tech they’re just there for how funny his videos are
Billy is obviously one of those cringy thirst trap tiktok boys
Mike prefers to scroll rather to actually post, but when he does it’s just random stuff that he feels like posting, a dnd game here, a cute vid of him and El there, just that kind of stuff
Erica runs one of those roast accounts where she makes fun of other people being cringey or stupid on the app (she frequently makes fun of Billy’s thirst traps lmaooo)
- hope
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mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
Ahh Noah recently did a two truths and a lie interview and I'm very curious now. He said that 1, a main character dies, 2, there's an intense romance, and 3, the upside down eats up Hawkins, taking over the real world. I think 3 is a lie, so the other two must be true imo. And if this "intense romance" he's talking about had already been made clear and established to be romantic by now it wouldnt be a spoiler right???
hello and sorry this took so long to answer 🤪
i haven't watched the interview, but it's very interesting that those are the 3 things he chose to say. i think you're right that the third option (the upside down eating hawkins) is the lie. this seems a little too specific for it to be the truth, especially since i haven't seen any theories about that. it does seem like the obvious lie. plus, if there really is a significant time jump to s5, how would that work if hawkins didn't even exist anymore?
so if the third option is the established lie, that must mean that in vol 2 there's an "intense romance" and a main character that dies. 😵‍💫
i ageee with you that the "intense romance" doesn't really fit any of the couples currently together atm. we've got: jancy, mi|even, and jopper (pretty much). relationships that have been hinted at in vol 2 include stancy and byler. so far from what i've seen, jancy and mi|even couldn't be categorized as "intense," because they both have lots of problems in which the characters involved either aren't being truthful, open, or emotional. i could maybe see jopper described as "intense," based on how their escape from russia will go. perhaps if they're in a near death situation and one of them finally confesses their feelings, i'd say that could warrant being called "intense." idk tho. i definitely couldn't see this for stancy, and i honestly don't think they're going to end up getting back together--steve has learned more about himself and has realized he shouldn't be with a girl who wasn't able to love him back. similarly, nancy and jonathan work better together, and i think they'll be able to work everything out in the end. as for byler, depending on how the final fight with vecna goes down, i could definitely see it being "intense." particularly if will gets outed by vecna, the painting is talked about, vecna messes with mike or will's trauma in regards to their secret feelings, etc. this relationship seems the most likely to be called "intense," but idrk.
as for a main character dying, i don't really want to think about it bc i can't lose anyone of them honestly 😔 however, the fact that noah said it would be a "main" character kind of rules out the possibility of karen, murray, or dmitri being this person. while any of them could still die (they're kind of who i'm thinking atm), a main character will be dying as well. i'm not really sure who--i know people have been theorizing steve or dustin for ages. ig i could see murray being classified as a main character tho after all his screen time this season so far. he got as much (or more?) as mike/will/jonathan 😐
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garfieldsladybird · 2 years
hi garfield!!! i was wondering if i could get 📚 library; i’ve maxed out my book limit • so ill tell you who would be your lover, best friend, and enemy/rival!! — send in a description about yourself; personality, appearance too if you'd like, gender preference & fandom.
personality: i’m a very sarcastic person, i’m kinda mean but only if we’re friends or you’re rude to me. to strangers i’m pretty nice and stuff. i’m a very funny person even w/o meaning to and i’m very loyal. i have a lot of negative traits tho including anger issues, bottling up my feelings, and being quite judgmental even if i don’t voice my judgements.
looks: i’m 5’6-5’7, i currently have bleach blonde hair but i’m dying it orangey-brown soon, it’s very shaggy and dead :,). i’m kinda tan but not super. i have freckles and moles on my face and arms. i have hazel eyes and a heart shaped face :)
i’m agender and use they/he prns, my gender preference is male and if you could i’d like stranger things and hp (but if just one then stranger things please<3)
i hope all that’s enough!!! have a good day/night :)
okay sorry if I get any of the details of Stranger Things wrong because I’m not super into it yet ;) you never said if you wanted The fruity four or the party..  I gave you the party, it just felt right :))
mike wheeler; he’s kind of a dick so if you were a dick back to him maybe he would like that. by dick I mean sarcastic. but yeah.  but ngl he seems like he has a lot of problems, like you said you have anger issues and I feel like he has anger issues too so i feel like you would go at each other… now I feel like you and Dustin would have a lot of fun <3 just being sarcastic the whole time ;) I feel like you both would raise dart together <3 (was that his name?) same with Will, he seems like a more comforting friend so I feel like he would help with the feelings and just talking about it instead of getting mad about it. I feel like Lucas would be mean back too but would also be playing with you yk yeha
you’re nice to strangers; when eleven came to Hawkins, you most likely welcomed her in ‘cause like she was in pouring rain in a big shirt so you now have your first girl best friend and then moving onwards when Max comes to hawkins, and her and eleven became friends, it was eleven’s mission to make you two become friends!! once she introduced you two, she put her hands on both of your shoulders like in a side hug and said, “friends!” nodding her head with her beautiful big smile while you 'nd max just said, “yeah, sure.” shrugging into the side hug, then all three of you went to the mall <3
I really don’t know about the fruity for though :) i’m kind of set on the party with you.. if you want the fruity four tell me what you doing your free time? ;) i just don’t know. like I don’t know who would you love in the party so yeha. maybe you have a little crush on Steve 😭
I don’t feel like you would have a rival… except for venca but like a person that hates you.? no one could hate you. maybe what’s up bitches name in season four release she was bullying El… idfk I don’t need to know her name.. maybe she would hate you bc you fucked her up yeah!! ;DDDD
okay now hp :)) yeahhh you didn’t choose marauders or golden era 😭 i’m sorry I should’ve stated this in the post, im choosing which one I think you would be the best in <33
I feel like you would be best friends with Lily!! oh yeahhh, but then you would grow very close with Marlene once you met her, similar personalities I feel like ;) I feel like Alice & Mary are great with like feelings and so it lily, I feel like Lily would know how to deal with your anger issues or when you get mad or something. if you were to say something maybe judgmental I feel like Lily would scold you on that and also school you school you on that, like if you’re unknowing of something maybe.. I feel like she would also help you grow from your negative traits like if you were to pointed out to her or she was just seeing that you were acting different. somehow.
Remus lupin. just yes! you give me sirius vibes ngl. I feel like you and Sirius would be best friends too, and slowly build into something more. BUT. you and Remus were also close too and yeha, you were building closer with him your friendship with Sirius was becoming something else. and then you got with Remus right.. Sirius is still very flirty to both of you and he was the biggest shipper EVER!!! and then since you and Remus were already together you guys like talked and since Sirius was into both of you you then talk to him and I don’t know if you like into poly relationships but I feel like you three together would be good!! <33 
enemy um except for Voldemort I do not know…
also thank you && goodnight <33
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queerdilf · 2 years
- First we have the 100% will not be dying tier. These are the characters I am not worried about and if they do die, I will admit to having egg on my face.
• Eleven- Eleven will not be dying this season. They’re not even thinking about killing El. She’s their main character super hero money maker and I really don’t think she’s going anywhere anytime soon.
• Mike- I don’t think they’ve built Mike’s story up enough as a main character this season enough to justify killing him. They just gave him some side stuff to do with the Cali gang and his entire story revolves around El and Will right now. In order to kill him in a satisfactory way, they would have needed to focus on him more in this specific season.
• Hopper- They’re not going to kill him because they tried that last season. That would be the weakest fake out ever if they fake killed him, tortured him for a season and then killed him. There wasn’t enough time in between close calls for him to build up the suspense. Hop is pretty safe I believe.
- This next tier is my “I think they’re pretty safe and I’d be surprised if it happened but I’m not writing it off” tier. These people are most likely safe but I’m not writing them off totally.
• Max- Max, like Hopper, had her near death earlier in the season. I think she’s going to be okay this season for the rest of it, I think she’s a risky bet to put in this tier, but I think she’s safe for now.
• Lucas- I also think this is a similar idea with Mike. I think Lucas’ arc is so caught up in Max’s this season that I don’t think they’d kill him without some serious setting him up in the next few episodes. I think he has more of a solo story this season than Mike did and I’m so happy to see that, but I’m not that worried about him staying alive.
• Joyce- I can’t fully explain this one, but I don’t think they’ll kill Joyce mainly bc I don’t think they’ll stop using Winona Ryder, they’re gonna milk her for all she is worth. Also, what would be the point of killing her? Literally there would be no point.
- This is my tier of characters who I’m actually worried about potentially dying but not as much as the final tier. These are the characters I can easily see dying this season if the Duffers wanted and I don’t see that they have any plot armor. If they died this season, their stories could potentially be satisfactory and it would make sense looking back that the Duffers were setting it up.
• Dustin- I think Dustin is on the fence right now between this tier and the previous one. I see them potentially setting up a Dustin death, and even though I don’t think it’s the most likely, I think if Dustin keeps trying to get into the older kids’ business, he might be in some serious trouble. He’s too smart for his own good and the brains of the operation has to die eventually.
• Robin- I actually think that Robin is the least likely of the older kids to die. First off, it would be major bury your gays and I’m just hoping we’ve moved past that as a society, but Robin’s been set up so much as this character we’re watching grow and a foil/duo with Steve. With her attachment to Nancy as well, her character and storyline still has a lot more to develop and I don’t think we’ve had enough time with her as an audience for them to kill her. If the Duffers are going to kill Robin, realistically they would do it in a later season after we’ve gotten to love her more.
• Will- I know this is an odd choice, but hear me out. I’m worried about Will, but not as worried as I am about a few other characters. I believe that the Cali gang is currently in the least danger and the people in the most danger are the Scooby gang kids, and I just think Will is really far removed from everything right now. Will could also go higher on this list, but I think he hasn’t gotten enough individual focus this season either and getting rid of him here wouldn’t mean anything unless something major happens in the next few episodes.
•Erica- Erica sits on the border here for me for one reason and one reason alone. The Duffers tweeted that Lucas’ actor Caleb McLaughlin, performed a gut wrenching scene, potentially the saddest in Stranger Things history. Now, this is either for Erica or for Max (or maybe one of the other three original kids) but Erica has gotten a lot of attention this season and last season and I feel like even though she’s a little girl, that might be a part of the shock value they’re going for. I am so very on the fence about Erica but I lean towards fear.
- This final tier is the tier of characters that I am actually extremely worried about, good god someone please protect these characters, they have done literally nothing wrong and I need someone to keep them safe please please please or I will die and so will everyone else.
• Eddie- Eddie is going on the line here along with Erica. The reason Eddie isn’t higher is because he’s been featured too prominently in this season to get a satisfying ending to his arc this season. I think he’s a two season character at the very least, like Billy. He’s too developed and I think they still have more for him. The biggest three things that make me put him this high are A. his little intro speech about walking at graduation would be super ironic if he died and I think that’s just the irony the Duffers are into, B. What the hell is he supposed to do if he doesn’t die, he’s literally being chased by the whole town, he’s gonna get arrested if he doesn’t die, and C. He does fit the archetype of the “character we only get for one season and then dies” like Alexei and Bob and Barb. I think he’s the safest character of the ones that are the most in danger.
•Nancy- Miss Thing is in a fuck ton of danger and I’m very afraid for her. They have built her up so much this season, they’re rebuilding her connection with Steve, building one with Robin and wrecking her perfect relationship with Johnathan, which leads me to believe that either she or Johnathan are dying (spoilers for one of my higher characters on this list). The only reason that she is this low is because they’re genuinely trying to build up her and Steve as a thing and I think in the love triangle we have built here, Nancy is the most likely to live, but the chances are high that she doesn’t.
•Murray- There is something about Murray that just screams that the Duffers are trying to figure out ways to squeeze in this comedic character into every season. He works so, so well and I love everything about him, but you can’t tell me the idea of him flying a plane to Russia with Joyce wasn’t the most coked out shit of this season. I think he’s played his part very well in the script, but I can absolutely see him dying in this season.
•Steve- Fan favorite Mr. Steve Harrington is a very popular choice for most likely to die this season. While I agree with the fact that they might be setting him up to die, there’s something about this that seems way too obvious. The “Protect Steve” sign that Netflix put up plays straight into the theory that Steve will die, and I don’t think they would do that if they seriously killed him. I do however, think he is perfectly set up to have a satisfying death this season, complete with heart wrenching unrequited love (whether that be Eddie or Nancy, most likely Nancy but a girl can dream and ship). Steve is an extremely popular side character who has served his purpose and niche, and if they’re introducing an Eddie, they have similar but not the same archetypes. I don’t know if they keep both Steve and Eddie alive together for too long.
• Argyle/Enzo- These two are going right here together because I have the same reason for both of them. It’s the Barb/Bob/Alexei effect, we always need one single season character to kill off with just enough emotion impact planted in them to make you feel upset when they die. We aren’t getting through the season with both of these two in tact. One of them is dying, I think Enzo is the more likely one, but you never know.
• Johnathan- My most likely to die this season is shockingly (she said sarcastically) Johnathan Byers. Johnathan’s role has always been to protect Will, and I genuinely think this is going to be the season we see him get seriously hurt and killed doing so. Maybe even protecting Nancy. Johnathan’s role just is protector and I genuinely believe that they’re breaking down Johnathan and Nancy’s relationship in order to kill one of them. Johnathan has very little impact on the story right now, they have practically stripped him back role wise from being the main love interest to the biggest side character. Of all the character on the show, I do think his has suffered the most from the growing cast and I think they’re trying to phase him out and then they’ll pop him back into relevance right before they kill him. Nancy will be crushed and then will try to run to Steve. I see it all set up ahead of us. I think they’re gearing up to rip the Byers family to shreds and honestly I will absolutely sob if this happens.
It is currently 1am EST and I’m so excited for the show to drop. I won’t be able to watch it right when it comes out, but starting tomorrow night I’ll be watching and I’m very hyped to see if my guesses are right, even though I hope to god that they aren’t and everyone miraculously stays alive.
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I would love to see the updated stranger things AU list. I'm currently in the middle of season 4 and my list just keeps changing. I'm starting to think that I should maybe focus more on role in the story and just ignore the personalities and relations in the show.
To clarify, while this is based off of the roles and personality and stuff of everyone in the show, it’s not meant to be a 1 to 1 at all. Not even close. Naturally, there will be diversions! This is Season 1 only, as well, because it’s the only season I’ve fully watched.
Eleven - c!Tommy (you do all know how much I like labinnit haha. besides, they’re both painfully loyal kids who'd do anything for their friends, and they’re also both the best characters in their respective series no I’m not biased)
Brenner - c!Dream (this one just feels obvious. both morally questionable scientists, both willing to do anything for their goals, both being superficially friendly and charming but also being manipulative fuckers, both having an abusive but seemingly close relationship with someone they're using as a tool…)
Hopper - c!Sam (cop)
Joyce - c!Wilbur (both because their emotions and care for those they love are an important part of their character and their greatest strength, but mostly for that bit towards the end with Joyce comforting Eleven so I can make the c!Crimeboys stans go wild too)
Nancy - c!Quackity
Jonathan - c!Karl
Steve - c!Sapnap (covering these together bc I chose these three as a group. they’re the fiancés because i desperately want these threes story arc to end in a happy polyamorous relationship because I adore all three of them. also c!quackity is nancy specifically bc transfem c!q rights)
Mike - c!Tubbo (so that c!clingy is the most important relationship! it has to be! c!clingy for life! it’s /p here obviously though lol. also that means we get c!q c!tubbo brothers and that is clearly important)
Will - c!Ranboo (okay this one is Partially because of the spoilers I know about Will and Mike, but also because they’re both incredibly autistic. the most autistic. they’re the tbh creature)
Dustin - c!Fundy (i think he fits in with both the more comic side along with the intelligent and knowledgeable side both at once)
Lucas - c!Jack (entirely bc I made Eleven c!Tommy tbh I just thought it’d be funny).
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myriadof-fandoms · 2 years
i'm procrastinating so: my theories for tomorrow (kinda includes spoilers just bc of scenes from the trailer)
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vecna won't be defeated (this just seems. yeah,, idk if anybody actually confirmed it?? but it just seems like what's most likely)
or,, he does and the villain in s5 is the government? which would lowkey be kinda cool but seems less likely
"hawkins will fall" "your friends have lost" yeah ngl i think we might be fucked this time boys. it's giving infinity war vibes ngl.
eleven blows up the lap thingy
eddie doesn't make it. bc like. yeah. idk i'm just trying to prepare myself really.. i mean there's a witchhunt out for him
fuck jason btw pls hit him from me lucas <3
billy <3 (yes. i'm holding on by a thread. the thread is dacre saying scenes)
lucas gets vecna'd
max gets vecna'd again?? if they kill max i will just be disappointed by their lack of imagination tho. i just think there's like one single second in the trailer where he has his claws on her again
i am HOPING the whole theory of will was actually vecna'd all along turns out to be true
for whom the bell tolls 🙏 pls
reunion of all groups,, i'm not actually convinced? i just think the cali group makes it back to hawkins maybe? bc otherwise how tf does will find out about it all..? bc mike and he talk about it. okay i'm not gonna clown and say will and vecna mind connection but yk
i mean eleven has to be back as well bc otherwise how does she show up in the creel house
gay painting ftw (lowkey i don't ship byler but,, they do be hinting. i think we might at least get a coming out from will? but. yeah i am trying to be realistic about even that lol)
jamie bower will be iconic
so there's gotta be at least one death in the main cast right? like they have almost all said sth in an interview
they won't touch the kids pls
i'm really afraid for dustin but like. i feel like that's unreasonable.
it's not gonna be steve. this is partly just me not being able to even deal with the idea but also,, with the current trend of media wanting to always be surprising? killing off steve would be the most expected thing they could do
also the actual stakes of killing steve? very low. if you think about it they could do almost nothing with that. the only people who would actually be properly targeted by his death would be dustin, robin, max and nancy. maybe lucas and eddie.. if eddie makes it. no one else has an actual proper close bond with him. we don't even know his parents.
they could kill off robin but then i will fight them to the death so. but they did just give her a love interest? who we've only seen once?? it would be.. weird. also again, very low stakes in the show itself
which leaves nancy as most likely to die for me. (jonathan just seems. huh. idk i just don't see it? could happen i guess)
reasons for nancy: shock factor! again i think most people expect steve to bite it and nancy would be sort of unexpected. stakes! almost everyone has a close relationship with nancy (mike for obvious reasons, steve, jonathan, max and her were bonding too this season, dustin (remember snowball), lucas and will have known her for ages too), and we know her family. they could do a lot with this.. also wasn't karen shown in a trailer screaming? or did i make that up
oh that reminds me i'm still hoping the whole stancy thing was just set up so that when nancy sees jonathan again she can have a moment of "oh right that's the boy i have loved for three fucking season i just missed him so much that i forgot"
i just really don't want steve to die and i'm not ready to lose my new metal son thank you for coming to my ted talk
the duffers seeing me find as many reasons as possible for why steve won't die:
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lesbianrobin · 4 years
have u done an analysis on endgame st ships? a penny for ur thoughts
i have not!! i would like two pennies please. my thoughts are not actually worth that much but i think i deserve them anyway. i’m gonna talk about some stuff that may seem unrelated or only loosely related to the question but i prommy it’s relevant <3 warning this ended up being like a thousand words somehow idk how that happened but i’m putting it under a cut bc i’m nice like that.
so! something that’s kinda unique/interesting to me about stranger things is how all of their ships are so clearly telegraphed and quickly developed. there’s a sense of... impatience, for lack of a better word. on the surface, it appears to be largely an effect of the cinematic style of the show; there’s very little room for questioning who someone’s gonna end up with or for slowly developing a relationship over time when you only get eight episodes every like. twoish years. AND you have about a dozen main characters AND evil government forces AND monsters from another dimension. it’s a lot to juggle!
stranger things has a lot to accomplish in a pretty short amount of time. the timeline of a single season usually spans no more than a week (excluding flashbacks/end-of-season timeskips), and well... nobody wants the important stuff to happen offscreen! i’ll use the stoncy love triangle as an example: jancy was originally intended to get together at the end of s1 after steve’s death, but since they decided to let steve redeem himself and survive, there was just no time to separate stancy and get jancy together without it seeming wayyy too abrupt. since jancy was always their plan, they didn’t want to leave nancy with steve, but they knew they couldn’t just have that boyfriend swap occur offscreen... which is why s2 Had to have a stancy breakup plot in order for the writers to accomplish their goal of getting jancy together.
the main characters in stranger things tend to maintain homeostasis between seasons, their circumstances and relationships rarely changing any more than the audience might have just assumed they would anyway (like lucas and max dancing together + sharing a kiss at the end of s2 and officially dating by the start of s3). steve and nancy are dating at the end of s1, so they must still be dating at the start of s2, and thus we must break them up DURING s2. joyce and hopper are friends with some deeply buried feelings in s2, so they’re friends with Less Buried feelings that must become apparent during s3. excluding the stancy situation (for reasons which i think are obvious but i will talk more about later), momentum is always forwards. mileven, lumax, and jancy argue, but they come back together, presumably more mature and stronger than before. 
all of this is to say that stranger things has thus far been rather dedicated to their starting ships. there isn’t much misdirection; mike’s crush on el is obvious from the start, nancy and jonathan share charged moments even while she is with steve in the beginning, lucas shows interest in max immediately and shares more significant interactions with her than the other boys from early on in s2, and the deep loyalty and care between joyce and hop is always apparent. steve and robin (initially intended to be together romantically) hold hands quite early in s3 and dustin asks steve about whether he likes her. 
the point? stranger things doesn’t dick around when it comes to love! they handle their ships with remarkable efficiency. in each season, it tends to be pretty obvious from the start who’s going to end up with who, and heading into the show’s fourth season, almost everybody is paired off: mike and el, max and lucas, joyce and hop, nancy and jonathan. which leaves us asking... are all of them going to last until the end?
we’ve only had one true breakup on the show so far, and as i’ve said before, the stancy breakup is an anomaly as it was essentially “righting a wrong,” allowing jonathan and nancy to get together as they were intended to do from the start. the only other romantic relationship to end on the show was between joyce and bob, and well... we all know why that ended, and it started/ended within the confines of a single season. 
stranger things tends to treat each season as an extended film, right? they draw inspiration from classic 80′s films, and each subsequent season after s1 is treated as a sequel (they are Literally referred to as stranger things 2 and stranger things 3). when they introduce tension in a season, they’re inclined to resolve that tension by the season’s end so that people leave satisfied, while also providing a plot hook for the next “sequel” for audiences to theorize about. this hook is always part of the grander plot, not a will-they-won’t-they tease or something else of the sort. remember, they could have broken up steve and nancy in s2 and waited to get jancy together in s3, but they didn’t! they wanted to go ahead and resolve the tension! 
while there are narrative and practical incentives that i’ve covered for this impatience/efficiency/[insert better word i can’t think of here], i also think it kinda reveals something about the writers of the show. to some degree, they genuinely care about and want their ships to be together! we’ve watched them introduce new characters just to kill them off a couple of times now, and i think it’s fair to say that the writers might be a bit too attached to the mains to consider killing any of them off (at least prior to the series finale). maybe... this reluctance to kill their darlings extends to ships.
romance isn’t the primary draw of the show, but an indulgence, something that there may not always be time for but that the writers continue to prioritize as much as they can because they enjoy it, or feel that it is important to the overall product. if we accept this idea, that the inclusion of and focus on so many romantic relationships in stranger things is (to some degree) indicative of the writers’ own desires, then it might inform our speculation regarding endgame ships.
i’m not here to like... really actually assert that i know what’ll be endgame, because i don’t really know jack shit. however, i do think that the writers are pretty invested in all of the current canon st ships (and yes, i am including jopper in that, as their romantic development was explicit in s3). i also think that the writers like catering to fans, leaning into popular jokes (steve “the hair” harrington) and devoting more and more time to the ships fans obsess over (particularly mileven). 
with this all in mind... i really think that most if not all of the current canon ships will be endgame. 
i think that barring any extreme circumstances (i.e. a character Actually dying instead of just fake dying) jopper will be endgame. they’re the only ones that the writers have had the restraint to actually do a slow burn with, and i really can’t see them devoting so much to developing their dynamic just to say it was all for nothing in the end. 
i’m less confident on the others. there are some signs in canon that the remaining couples have some serious problems and may not last, but these issues are often dismissed, played for comedy or brushed over within the text itself, and many of the details within the text contradicting this dismissal are often so small that it’s unclear whether they’re intentional or not. while breaking up mileven might make perfect sense for a fan who reads into subtext and pays attention to unusual acting choices and subtle parallels, it would be a pretty risky move on the surface level. allowing these ships to remain canon for awhile and garner large fanbases only to break them up later would require both a willingness to actively contradict the desires of their audience as well as a certain degree of restraint in their romantic storytelling, which runs counter to the impression i personally have of the st writers (this is, of course, my own personal opinion).
there’s a good chance that at least one of the current canon ships will break up by the end, if only because i think that it would be a little boring if every relationship stayed the same for almost the entirety of the show’s run, and the stranger writers like to keep things new and exciting. perhaps long distance will kill jancy or mileven, or lucas and max will go off again and never come back on, but either way i wouldn’t be surprised if we got a breakup in s4. even with that, though, i think it’s somewhat likely that a current couple may break up in s4 and get back together for the series finale, just for the sake of a little suspense. overall, though, i feel like our current canon ships are going to be more or less the same at the end of the show.
that’s about it. i suppose i didn’t really... answer the question you asked skdndsdkjc i feel like you probably just wanted to know like if i’m a byler endgame truther (which i am not but i could happily be proven wrong). thank you for asking, though! i hope this made at least a little bit of sense.
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