#bc doctors are the ones who give the orders but the nurses are the ones who have to carry them out
vgilantee · 2 months
HELLO. I am here to drop an unsolicited ask abt omegaverse bc it's been racking my brain.
okay so you said ppl can go from b -> a or o->b.
Im a fucked individual and need to know how would they react if reader/you/omega had something happen and become a beta after having been in the pack already (like years)
first and foremost all asks about my omegaverse (or any of my au’s) is always always solicited. i love talking about them. i’m a yapper (and post-writing char here to say oh boy did i yap)
so for someone to change designation, they need to go through what their body perceives as an extreme amount of trauma. the change is a survival instinct for a life-or-death situation. which is obviously different person to person but simon had to dig himself out of his own grave after being physically and sexually tortured in order for him to become an alpha.
it’s also very rare to happen, but even more so in those that are mated. the pack bond strengthens the individual so it takes that much more to alter them
but it’s not impossible
you had been gone just shy of 2 months. 58 days since you were taken, since they failed to keep you safe. 58 days of task force 141 tearing through the worst parts of the world with teeth and claws, trying to find you. 58 nights where they could barely sleep because their bones ached knowing you weren’t with them, weren’t safe. 58 days since they failed you, and one more day because they didn’t even find you. it was alex keller who brought you home.
the nurses and doctors knew better than to try and keep a pack away from their injured omega, especially a pack as formidable and deadly as the 141. so they were allowed in observation when you were in surgery and allowed to sleep in shitty cots and shittier recliners in your hospital room.
medically induced coma. give you a chance to heal and for your body to come to terms with being safe. you mind would come after they knew you weren’t at risk of hurting yourself.
when you wake, they want to smother you with affection. want to hold you and kiss you and make up for the cruelty you suffered for far too long. but they know what torture does to a person, so they hold each other and tear the edges of the bedsheets while you blink away the crust in your eyes and finally scent your pack.
johnny’s knees go out from under him when you sob.
they’re tentative, slow in reaching out to hold you, but you claw and grab and pull them in, wanting to be crushed under the weight of your pack and drowned in the scents that you’ve craved the past 2 months. they cry softly watching you sob and blubber, kissing your hands and cheeks and face. hands squeezing skin not cut or burned or thinly protecting fractured bones.
it isn’t until john presses his nose to your scent gland that he notices it. the scent of omega is gone. he pulls back suddenly and you are terrified that this is another one of those dreams you had where they weren’t really there.
he cups your face in one hand, pushing you to tilt and expose your scent gland gentle while cradling your cheek.
silently, he gestures toward your neck, and kyle is the first to move forward.
“no.” he barely whispers it, and if his cheek wasn’t brushing against your jaw you wouldn’t have heard it.
“what? what’s wrong? john, please. what’s happening?” he presses a kiss to your nose, sadness crashing over his face.
“just… just hold on, love” and you trust him, so you nod and you wait.
wait for johnny to press his nose deep against your neck, the same as he always does, before he jolts back, distraught look fighting to cross his face.
wait for simon to gently press a kiss to your scent gland, already knowing. he could smell it the moment you woke from the coma and your scent began to project. the sharp taste of citrus in the air, and the lack of anything overwhelmingly sweet.
it’s simon who sits beside you and takes your hand, pressing the back of your hand to his lips before he looks at you with so much pity it almost suffocates you.
“i’m so sorry, sweetheart,” he takes a slow, almost shuddered breath, “you aren’t an omega anymore”
“wh- how? that’s not- no! that can’t be right! i’m- im an omega. your omega! th- no!” your voice pitches in panic as you hyperventilate. “i’m claimed! mated! i shouldn’t- no. no, simon you… you’re wrong i can’t-”
you let him pull you into his chest while you sob, grasping at his shirt while you scream and cry.
john hates himself. blames himself entirely. you are a member of the team, of the pack, and you were claimed by him - the pack alpha - first. in every way your safety fell to him. and he failed you.
johnny and kyle both do their best to help you adjust to your new designation. the differences in scenting, the fact that you can no longer do accurately read emotions. you’re overwhelmed and they often find you curled up in the nest that no longer provides you with the same hormonale regulation as it did when you were an omega.
johnny is always trying to be there. not force himself in but he hovers and is so bad for it. he’s always around just in case and even when you scream and throw things at him to just leave you alone, he doesn’t. he needs to be near you, for you but mostly for him. so he knows that you really are back even if you’re different.
kyle is much better at giving you space when you need it. he keeps an eye on his phone in case you text and keeps an ear out when nearby. on a few occasions he’s had to grab whatever you were about to throw at johnny and drag the scot out of the room. both their instincts are to be there and to help, but kyle knows johnny is being too much.
simon, like john, blames himself. but because he knows what you’re going through - the sudden change in the hormones and instincts, the emotional circus show that leaves you exhausted at the end of the day - he tries to make the self hatred less obvious. because of this you gravitate toward him more. he’s not overbearing and he doesn’t look at you like john has been - like everything that happened is his own fault and like looking at you hurts - so you find yourself sitting in silence with him when your brain and body are screaming at you.
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summercourtship · 5 months
Hiii, I love your work!
Could I request something like prompt 96 (“You look a bit tied up, want me to come back later?”) and expanding on Jonathan being very excited about the reader being his patient at the asylum 😳
Thank you!  Okay, so what I imagine happened here was that Jonathan managed to get her committed to the asylum after the whole ‘helping Edward escape and keeping him in her apartment and also stealing medical records’. Does it make sense that she’d be committed? Not really, but this is also Gotham and he’s also very persuasive (see: Batman Begins). This backstory doesn’t matter but I like to have it. Tbh might have to expand this bc I’m obsessed with this (not me thinking about writing an AU of my own gd fic)
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Warnings: dubcon, obvious power imbalance, restraints, possessive behavior, a solid mature rating. minimal proofreading.
stbotdi anniversary special
 Jonathan watched from outside of the cell, his face carefully composed and expressionless as he looked through the small window into the derelict room. Any passing nurse or orderly would think he was just observing the patient inside, doing his duty before deciding on her treatment. After all, her transition into the asylum had been shaky and he was her doctor. Not that any nurses or orderelies would be passing by her room, anyway.
Bracing himself, he entered the cell. 
At the slow metal creak of the door opening, her head lifted up off the bed, taking in his appearance for a second before her expression twisted into a snarl, her teeth bared. 
“Get me out of here.” She was carefully still now, though he knew her mind was almost entirely preoccupied with the restraints on her wrists and ankles keeping her virtually immobile. But she was being a good girl, staying still and trying to show that she could be trusted enough to be untied. He sighed her name, looking down towards the thin folder he had clasped in his arms which was labeled with her name and patient number.
“You committed some pretty heinous crimes-”
“Heinous, my ass.” She spat, dropping her head back on the flat mattress with a dull thud. “You know I don’t belong here, Jon-”
“Dr. Crane.” 
“Fuck you.” 
She’s lashing out like a fox with its foot caught in a trap. 
Jonathan blinked once at her, letting silence fall over the tiny cell again until the only sound was the slight hissing from the rusty pipes that ran along the ceiling. With his eyes, he traced the lines of the pipes around the room, his head tilted back so he wasn’t looking at her when he spoke. A perfected imitation of distraction, one that worked all too well on her. 
“You look a bit tied up right now, I’ll come back later-” He turned, lingering at the door handle and counting down the seconds until-
“Wait!” He looked back over her shoulder at her, unwilling to give her the satisfaction of completely turning around. She was struggling against her restraints again. He preened at the fact that even though she hated him- but only in that moment, she’d come back around to her infatuation- she was desperate to keep him in the room with her. Afraid of being alone. “Can you-” She fell back against the bed, exhausted. The sedative they’d administered upon her arrival must still be in her system, though it was clearly working its way out if her earlier viciousness was anything to go by. “Can you at least untie me?”
She’d put an affectation over her voice, something she’d used a few times when they’d been intimate before. Pitiful, pouting, pleading. Jonathan weighed his choices carefully, torn between the trust he would gain by releasing her with the control he would maintain by keeping her tied up. 
But then again, he had her here indefinitely. He had plenty of time to try both options, and more. No one wanted to be the one to defend the girl who helped the Riddler escape. Not even the Batman was coming to save her from the shackles she’d forged herself. 
Deciding then and there, he spun around. 
Jonathan could practically feel her sigh of relief as he sat at the edge of her bed, placing her file on the floor next to it, even though she was pointedly not looking at him. He reached down to her leg, running his hand down her bare calf. He could feel her shiver beneath his touch, though she was barely acknowledging his presence. 
He fiddled with the ankle restraint, moving his eyes from the leather strap up her body. She was staring at him now, her chest rising and falling steadily like she was carefully regulating her breath. Deftly, he undid the restraint before he could change his mind. But instead of letting her leg go, he kept it in his hand. He brought her ankle to his mouth, pressing a kiss to the tender skin before finally placing it onto the bed. 
Turning his attention to the other restraint, he repeated the process. Caressing her leg, undoing her binding, bending to place a kiss on her skin. She watched, the entire time, lips parted. 
He shifted, moving so he lay halfway on top of her, slotting one of his legs between hers.
“What about my arms?” She said, once his face was close enough to hers that she could get away with whispering.   
“I think I’ll leave them bound.” Jonathan whispered back, watching as her face turned from confusion to dread. “I thought about this months ago, before I even took you home that first time. Locking you away, where only I could get to you.” He brushed a stray lock of her hair away from her sweaty face, her eyes bewildered as she looked up at him. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, to the tip of her nose, to the corner of her lips. 
His hand moved down her body, briefly lingering on her breast before venturing to the hem of the hospital gown they had her wearing. He much preferred the gown on her than Arkham’s typical uniform, especially since it made it so easy to slip his hand underneath and find her clothed cunt, already damp from her arousal. 
Her legs, no longer bound, fell apart at his touch. Jonathan pushed the fabric of her underwear aside, exposing her wet folds to his touch. She gasped, a loud inhale, when he finally ran his fingers over her with no barriers to soften his touch. 
“Jon-” She stopped speaking at the sharp look he gave her, quickly correcting herself. “Dr. Crane.” 
He wondered if she could feel his hard length pressing against her thigh, if she could feel the way it twitched when she called him by his earned title. 
“Fuck me, please.”
Oh, he was glad to oblige her request. 
And he was even more glad that she had been put at the end of a seldom-used hallway in the asylum, so that when he fucked her so that the bed creaked against the screws it was secured to the floor with, that when her gasps became shouts, that when his possessive whispers turned into low growls, no one would be around to hear it. 
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gentil-minou · 1 year
sharing my wangxian phlebotomist!wwx/blood donor!lwj au from twitter here (a summary here if you wanna see)
The hardest part of the adoption process was supposed to be endless paperwork and screenings and the anxiety of not being good enough to meet high standards of the court.
It wasn't supposed to be A-Yuan's first doctors appointment.
His pitiful screams fill the small doctor's office. He's clinging to Lan Wangji's shoulders like there a lifeline, hiding and all LWJ wants to do is bundle up his son and carry him back to safety.
But these are mandatory vaccines he needs in order to attend pre-k. So he cant.
Nurse: Shots are never fun at this age, huh He would beg to differ; they're never fun at any age But see lwj isnt afraid of the shots themselves. Hes terrified of the sight of blood. His BFF loves horror movies & he watches them with her bravely by staring at the corner of the tv
When lwj gets his blood drawn, he looks closes his eyes and imagines being in a cold pond somewhere. But he's never been afraid of just the shot before.
He's helpless in the face of his son's distress. The nurse sighs, saying theyll have to try again another day.
A-Yuan sniffles into his baba's shirt, exhausted from the crying fit. His eyes are still watery and he looks around the room with such fear in his eyes, before withdrawing back into the safety of his baba's chest.
Lan Wangji has no idea what to do, only cradles him closer
Thankfully, LWJ has someone who can help. His best friend, Jiang Yanli is a child therapist and has been helping him prepare his home for A-Yuan.
If anyone knows what to do, it's Yanli-jie
JYL: Zhanzhan, have you tried showing him its not scary?
LWJ has not, bc he's terrified
JYL is the only one allowed to call him Zhanzhan. In Uni she was the one who mentored him his first week of school. Someone slipped him alcohol and he got deliriously drunk.
Yanli-jie was the one who found him and took him home. This is what they told the cohort but actually…
JYL: seeing his Baba get a shot and be okay might motivate him to be more brave
LWJ certainly doesn't feel brave. He's thinking of the blood flowing from his veins and then LEAVING them to go who knows where. It sounds barbaric
He has the distinct memory of learning what a period is in middle school and promptly passing out
He is not a fan of anything related to blood
But LWJ has learned that Yanli-jie knows what she's doing, so, despite the way he can swear he feels his blood pumping with fear, he agrees...but there's a problem.
LWJ: I am up to date on all my shots. How can I show him it is safe?
JYL: Hmm....I have an idea. My brother is a phlebotomist! He can help.
LWJ is confused. Last he heard, the younger Jiang is a prosecutor who makes a living viciously yelling in a courtroom.
JYL: Not him, Zhanzhan. My adoptive brother, A-Xian. I bet he would be happy to help you. He works at the blood bank at Yiling Clinic! The perfect exposure!
For who?, LWJ wonders. A blood bank sounds like a house of horrors to him. And a person who chooses to stick a needle in people and remove the very force that gives them life? He cannot imagine getting along with this person at all.
Yiling Clinic is a community clinic in a part of town Lan Wangji has never been to, especially since the Gusu Group has their own private hospital.
But this is where Yanli-jie's phlebotomist little brother works.
A-Yuan clings to the back of his legs as they approach the receptionist, a young man with amazing cat eye makeup named Mo Xuanyu
These two definitely do not fit the bill for their usual patients, with their designer clothing, so he asks with some skepticism: Um, can I help you?
LWJ has spent the last two hours siking himself up for the blood part, he isn't prepared at all for social interactions. He flounders like a fish.
LWJ: …I am…We are here for…
A shout comes from behind them: Ah! A-Yu, is that A-jie's friend? Zhanzhan?
LWJ flinches until he sees a man sprinting towards them. The 1st thing he notices is this man is wearing lilac scrubs with little white rabbits on them.
The 2nd thing he notices is this man has the most enchanting smile he's ever seen. Already, LWJ feels more relaxed.
The man winks at him: You like the scrubs? A-jie said A-Yuan liked bunnies, I figured this would help keep him calm.
LWJ does not blurt I like bunnies too. But only just.
Beside the man is a pediatric nurse named Wen Ning, no relation, who says he's here to help with A-Yuan
Yanli-jie's little brother, the phlebotomist, introduces himself: Ah! Sorry, Lan Zhan. Jiejie always calls you that so it just stuck. I'm Wei Wuxian. You can call me Wei Ying if you wanna make it even.
Strangely, LWJ feels no need to correct him: Lan Zhan is fine, Wei Ying.
WWX smiles so brightly, LWJ feels dizzy with it.
WWX: Now where's the little bunny himself?
A-Yuan has been clinging behind LWJ's pant leg, tilting around just enough to peek with one eye at this strange gege.
WWX: Maybe not a rabbit then, a radish who likes to hide away!
A-Yuan becomes offended: I don't like radishes!
WWX laughs: Me neither! But Qing-jie says they help us grow big and strong, so they can't be all that bad huh?
WWX is crouched in front of A-Yuan, draping both arms across his knees and resting his chin in one hand. He waits.
LWJ admires his patience. The longer WWX waits, crouched and rocking back and forth in front of A-Yuan, smile gently and welcoming, the more A-Yuan's natural curiosity gets the better of him.
Eventually, his son comes out from behind his leg to touch a black bunny on his sleeve
A-Yuan: I like this one. We only have a white bunny at home.
WWX: I like the black bunny too! What's your bunny's name?
A-Yuan: Banana, bc she tries to eat Baba's banana every morning, and you are what you eat.
He recites this with all the solemnity a 4 yo could possess
WWX's laughter echoes through the lobby: Well! You're very right, A-Yuan. Maybe you aren't a radish after all then. Tell me, what do little boys eat?
A-Yuan: I'm not little! I'm 4 and a half!
WWX: Right, right, I sincerely apologize for my mistake. What do big boys eat then?
A-Yuan purses his lips and taps his chin, pondering his question carefully: Hmm… jelly beans?
WWX looks like he wants to laugh more, but instead says: I see, I see. Thank you for your wisdom A-Yuan.
He looks up at LWJ, dark eyes dancing. LWJ's heart rabbits against his chest
WWX: If your baba is ready, we can head down to my cave if you'd like. I have a lot of cool machines I'd love to show you.
A-Yuan's eyes widen into saucers as he gasps: A cave? Wowww
They grin conspiratorially at each other, before turning bright eyes up at LWJ
LWJ feels warm and much more relaxed inside, so he nods: Mn. We may go.
A-Yuan cheers and holds WWX's hand as the head downstairs.
LWJ trails behind making small talk with WN, watching WWX and A-Yuan swing their hands and skip ahead, feeling something warm blossom in his chest.
The hallway to Wei Wuxian's lab isn't anything like Lan Wangji expects.
The rooms at Gusu are all perfectly pristine and sterile, painted white to promote serenity, rest, and healing.
For one thing, he'd raided a Halloween store at some point and hung up all sorts of decorations, mostly vampire themed. There's one that's says "I vant to suck your blood!" except suck is crossed out and replaced with "donate". Wwx and A-yuan giggle together at wwx's fake accent
It's definitely not up to Gusu General's strict standards. For one thing, there're beanbag chairs in the hall outside. Wwx says it's to feel more comfy while others wait, as he's the only phlebotomist on staff and it can take a while. A-Yuan personally tests each one.
His lab is…adequate if far too small. There's a desk that's overrun with stacks of papers and textbooks and a shelf that's filled with even more. The actual space where blood is drawn is, thankfully, sterile and clean. Though he's decorated with demons demanding blood for food
There's a temp controlled room where the blood is stored, with a red door and the words "Blood Pool" written in menacing barely legible font
Despite the…interesting decor, the room is homely and, surprisingly, welcoming. A-Yuan at least is having a very fun time getting a tour
Wwx patiently answers all of A-Yuan’s questions, even the endless why's, with utmost sincerity, even when his answers are purely nonsense.
Lwj can't stop the fond smile from lifting the corner of his lips. A-Yuan had never warmed up to a medical professional so fast.
He's pulled from his musings when A-Yuan grabs his sleeve: Baba! Blood-gege says this machine makes blood spin around!
Wwx burst out laughing: Blood-gege? I love it!
Lwj is enchanted, head repeating those last 3 words again and again as wwx fondly ruffles A-Yuan's fluffy hair
Wwx: alright, now that you're familiar with my beauty Chenqing (referring to his bloody spinny machine lwj does not want to think about), shall we get down to business?
He says this with his bright dark eyes glittering at LWJ. Right. The blood donating part.
Lwj gulps, nodding. A prisoner walking up to the gallows.
(If you're interested, I'm probably going to continue at least up to the end of the first part before i just make it into one long fic! You can follow it on my twitter!)
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liebgotts-lovergirl · 2 years
All For One & One For All
Gallery II Taglist Application II Symbol Guide
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Summary: In trying to tear them apart, Captain Sobel just accidentally brought them closer. A/N: Just a lil friendship flashback blurb thing that came to me while I was working on Chapter 11 & I figured I'd put it out there lol bc platonic friendships are important!! Taglist: @latibvles @softguarnere @brassknucklespeirs @wwhatev3r @mccall-muffin
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6 Months Earlier: March 18th, 1944. Aldbourne, England.
“I’m gonna kill myself,” Don muttered, hauling what felt like the millionth pile of dirt over his shoulder. 
“I’m gonna kill him myself,” Alix replied out of the corner of her mouth, digging her shovel violently into the Earth with renewed vigor, as though spearing Sobel straight through the heart.
“Not if I do it first,” Skip mumbled back to her with a roll of his eyes. “Can you believe this is our fucking Saturday?"
“I don’t remember giving you three permission to speak!” Sobel bellowed from the outside of the ditch, pacing from one end to the other like a caged animal. 
“Sir,” Skip half-panted, in a tone of forced diplomacy. “We’ve been at this since dawn and it’s almost ten now. When can-”
“You will be digging these damn ditches until I tell you to stop, Sergeant Muck!” Sobel interrupted, nostrils flaring.
"Your times from yesterday morning's run were so pathetic that you should be grateful I didn't make you run beforehand!”
Well what did you fucking expect, Alix wanted to retort.
Don was sick as a dog, and both she and Skip were nursing hangovers on zero sleep, having spent most of Thursday night taking care of Malarkey after they returned from the pub.
What the hell did Sobel expect them to be after all that, Olympic fucking medalists?
Digging pointless ditches only to fill them back in was one of Sobel's favorite punishments and the three of them seemed to always be first on his shit-list: Alix for insubordination and her smart mouth, Skip for lateness, and Don seemingly just for existing. 
Don stopped digging to let out another hacking cough into his elbow and Sobel’s nose crinkled disdainfully.
Keeping his head tilted down, Skip still managed to exchange worried glances with Alix. 
Don's flu had only been getting worse under the constant training in the English rain, and his best friends both wondered silently how long Don could remain working before he collapsed.
Finally, the agent resolved to say something.
She couldn't let this asshole Sobel endanger her friend, even if it meant taking on more punishments herself.
“Sir, Mal can barely stand!" Alix protested, pausing from her work momentarily to wipe away the sweat trickling down her forehead.
She was trying her best to remain civil but it was a Herculean effort.
"Punish me and Skip all you'd like but Don is too fucking sick to be here. He needs rest and a doctor before he gets any worse!"
Sobel glared down at her for a moment and Alix could see the cogs turning in his mind before he spoke. 
"It's Martinelli, isn't it?" he asked finally, eyes narrowed as he scrutinized her. "Our Sparrow-in-Training." 
You have my file; you know damn well who I am, Alix wanted to snap, but she managed a "Yes sir" from between gritted teeth.
“Well Martinelli," he spat as though her name was a curse word.
"You don't give the orders around here. I do. And since you three had the worst times yesterday, you will be digging ditches until I tell you otherwise. Is that clear?" 
"Then let me dig Don's section," Alix pushed. "So he doesn't have to." 
"I can help!" Skip volunteered but Sobel ignored them, continuing on his tirade.
"Director Donovan and the OSS might see something special in you, Martinelli, but d’you want to know what I see?” 
Not particularly but I know you're going to tell me, Alix thought dryly but outwardly she held her tongue, glaring down at her shovel as she dug up another round of soil and threw it over her shoulder. 
He was deliberately trying to rankle her by ignoring her concerns about Don's health, framing it as though she were trying to give orders above her station. 
What a piece of shit. 
“I see a spoiled brat who thinks she’s too good to be here because Daddy paid her way into the OSS."
Alix set her jaw but Sobel was just getting started. 
"You may be Donovan's little princess back at HQ," he sneered. "But as long as you are positioned with Easy for your cover, you are under my command and I will not be allowing this type of insubordination to go unpunished. Get out of the ditch." 
Alix's brows knit. 
"Get. Out. Of. The. Ditch." he repeated, overenunciating his words as though she were a child. 
Once she'd climbed out, Sobel, who towered over her at 6 foot 1, regarded her as though she were an ant beneath his boots. 
"Count yourself fortunate that I can't kick you out, Martinelli," he all but snarled at her.
"Because I wouldn't hesitate. You're not cut out for the Airborne." 
"Good thing I didn't sign up for it then, sir." 
Alix's mouth moved faster than her brain sometimes. 
Most times, she thought ruefully. 
A snicker escaped Skip's mouth before he could stop it and Sobel's head whipped around, descending on him like a hawk.
"Do you think insubordination is funny, Sergeant?"
 "N-No sir," Skip choked out, trying to disguise his laughter as coughs. "Not funny at all, sir."  
Sobel was wearing a sanguine smirk, pacing in front of Skip and Alix's section of the ditch as though he were deciding what method of torture would be most appropriate for each of them.
The sadistic bastard was enjoying this. 
"Agent Martinelli," he announced, turning back to lock eyes with Alix. She could see a vein pulsing in his forehead but she kept her eyes focused, squinting in the morning sun. 
She would not be the first to blink.
"Since you seem to enjoy assuming a leadership role when it has not been assigned to you, you will be running the officers' course: 5 miles at full-speed and you will be timed. Your handler ran it in 35 minutes. Since you seem to think you rank even higher, let's see if you can run it in 25." 
Alix drew her bottom lip between her teeth to keep from yelling, biting down so hard that she tasted blood. 
He's insane, she thought to herself. He's officially fucking lost it. 
Another impossible task, and all because she had been a little tired during the morning run.
She could've screamed, especially when she saw the gloating look on Sobel's face.
"I may not be able to kick you out, Martinelli, but by the end of today, you will wish that I had."
"We'll see, sir."
"Muck, Malarkey" Sobel barked, turning his attention to her other friends. "Get out of the ditch." 
Skip exhaled sharply through his nose, as though he was releasing any hope of having a good day, but he too clambered out of the ditch before reaching down to help Don as well.
"Since I would hate to break up the Three fucking Musketeers--"
Sobel's voice was dripping with so much sarcasm that it left Alix seriously considered how much it would cost her to accidentally poison the man's coffee some fine morning.
"You two will be accompanying Agent Martinelli on the Officers' Course. But this is not a playdate, you three. You will be competing. The one with the slowest time will be filling in this unfinished ditch all by themself."
Alix cocked an eyebrow.
She knew the game he was playing. It was the same game that the headmistress played at St. Mary's: trying to pit friends against each other.
Sobel got a real kick out of being divisive and Alix suspected that whatever else was going on in his life, he wanted everyone else to suffer for it too.
Well, tough shit.
She might've actually felt sorry for him if he wasn't such a jackass.
But Sobel was the sort of man who would probably kick puppies for fun.
He was clearly banking on the fact that if they were busy fighting with each other, they'd be less effective against him so he was trying his damnedest to sow some discord between them.
But he didn't know Warren Muck, not like they did.
Skip was the glue that held everything together, the ever-patient mediator.
Don and Alix may have been quick to anger but never him.
Infinitely good-natured, the Skipper wasn't one to hold a grudge and he as well as anyone knew what Sobel's modus operandi was. It would take more than a stupid punishment from Sobel to make him truly angry at either her or Don.
"What are you waiting for?" Sobel shouted, seemingly morbidly overjoyed to watch them struggle through the course. "Get a move on! You're wasting daylight."
"Yes sir," Alix spit with as much venom as she had in her as the three headed off.
"That man is the Devil in jump boots, I swear," Skip remarked from her right side at his usual bounding pace "I'd stake my life on it."
"You're not wrong, Skipper," Don wheezed through another loud cough, his speed starting to lag. "I'm pretty sure he's tryna kill me."
"Sure seems like it," Alix panted in reply, slowing down to match Don's pace. "Sorry I got you guys smoked too though. I would've rather it've just been me."
"No sweat," Skip chirped cheerfully, still practically skipping, true to his name. "Beats digging more stupid ditches!"
Don managed a small grin.
The bounce in Skip's step never seemed to fade, no matter how dark the day.
"And besides," Skip continued. "At least we're all getting smoked together, right? Builds character."
"Well by the time we're done in Aldbourne, we'll probably have the most fucking character of anyone in the damn whole company," Don joked.
"You're welcome," Alix snarked, the heavy footfalls of her boots sending clouds of dirt up like a small stampede.
"Guys, did he really call us the Three fucking Musketeers as an insult," Don laughed, which quickly turned into a sneeze.
"Or was that just a product of my flu-addled imagination?"
"No, it was real," Alix commented with a grin. "Not a bad book either, Les Trois Mousquetaires. I read it at St. Mary's."
"Hey, no kidding!" Skip's face lit up from beside her. "I read it in school too!"
"Weren't they also called--" Don broke off due to another coughing fit and Skip finished for him.
"The Three Inseparables, yep!"
"'We are never seen one without the others...Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, the Three Inseparables.'" Alix recited from memory.
"And D'Artagnan, the extra," Don added. "But he doesn't really count, does he?"
"I know Sobel meant it as an insult but is it terrible that I actually kinda like it?" Skip asked. "'S pretty fitting, I think."
Alix shook her head.
"It's definitely fitting," she piped up in agreement. "Plus, anything that Sobel hates is pretty much automatically my new favorite thing."
"Agreed," Don replied. "But now we need to figure out what're we gonna do about this stupid fucking competition. We'll be at the end soon."
Malarkey was right, Alix mused, trying to ignore the ever-increasing burning of her muscles as they ran.
They were nearing the end of the course and Sobel would soon be expecting two winners and a loser.
Since Malarkey was sick, most likely, Sobel was betting on him finishing last so that he could be forced to fill in the ditch, but neither Skip nor Alix were going to let that happen.
"Well, the answer's right there, isn't it?" Alix commented and both Skip and Don cocked their heads.
"Care to elaborate?" Skip asked at the same time Don managed to choke out "Share" in between a string of thunderous sneezes.
"'Tous pour un, un pour tous!'"
Skip shook his head.
"Sorry, no dice. Translation please?"
"'All for one and one for all,'" Alix answered brightly.
"We finish the race at the same time, together, that way Sobel can't make any one of us fill the ditch in alone. The work'll go much faster between the three of us!"
"'All for one and one for all,'" Skip repeated, a grin spreading across his face. "I love it. You in, Mal?"
"Of course I'm in!" Malarkey piped up. "Man, I can't wait to see the pissed off look on his face when he realizes we won't play his stupid fucking games!"
And Malarkey was right.
The sense of pure triumph and satisfaction that Alix felt watching Sobel's face turn red with fury as the three of them crossed the finish line arm-in-arm was enough to get her sore muscles through even the most strenuous parts of refilling the ditch afterwards.
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vonstarlight · 3 months
another oc meme!⊹₊⋆
Credits to bluecrusader12 on dA! ^_^/
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1) Pick 10 OC's/Canon Characters in any order
2) Please don't look at the questions while picking characters, it's more fun and funnier if you don't!
3) Tag 2 - 4 people to do the meme (you don't have to if you want)
4) Have fun!
5) Credit me and link back to me
pick ten characters:
1. Aleksi
2. Desperado
3. Davy
4. Roldos
5. Rika
6. Vallius
7. Alice
8. Sid
9. Kiwi
10. Paprika
1. [6] is walking down some stairs when he/she slips and sprains his/her ankle. Who comes to [6]'s aid?
Vallius would rather bleed out on the floor than receive help from anyone……. except his husband, Rhys. he would insist he doesn’t need any help though, & walk on the fucked up ankle instead of showing pain.
2. [4] accidentally walks in on [7] while he/she were changing. What is [7]'s reaction? What does [4] do?
It’s not often Alice forgets to lock doors behind them, so having someone walk in unexpectedly would alarm them, instantly putting them in fight mode. Roldos is luckily witty & quick on her feet so she would quickly pardon herself & laugh at her mistake before she gets a knife thrown at her head.
3. [7] suddenly catches a cold. Who offers to take care of them?
Alice allows very few employees to live in their manor with them so they would opt to tend to themself. They hate doctors & medicine, so they’d power through any symptoms they feel.
4. [1] if you were dared to kiss someone who would you kiss.
Easy! He would kiss his boyfriend, Rylef!
5. [10] finds out that he/she have only has a few weeks to live. What does [10] do?
Oh nooooo Paprika! ;0; Pap would spend every last minute they have with their partners, & if they have the strength they would dance everyday.
6. [2] finds out that [9] ate his/her favourite food/snack. How does [2] react?
Desperado HATES sharing their food, so to find out someone ate their FAVE food!?! they would be beyond furious & chew Kiwi out….. but their rant wouldnt last too long bc Kiwi would give them huge puppy eyes & apologize sheepishly, & whole Des would still be pissed they can’t stay mad long at cute people.
7. (Questions 7-11) [3] is having a baby/babies. Who is the baby/babies father?
Davy’s husband, Fortune! <3 theyre both men so for the sake of the question we’ll use mpreg LMFAO
8. [3] finds out the gender/genders of his/hee baby/babies. What gender are/is the baby/babies?
twins, a girl & a boy!
9. [3] is craving something. Is it something he/she like or dislike? What [3] craving?
Davy is usually a huge fan of seafood, so during pregnancy he would crave it but the smell would make him unusually nauseous. He would suffer through it tho to enjoy his cravings LOL
10. [3] is in his/her room crying his/her heart out. [8] comes to check on [3] and asks why he/she is crying. What is the reason?
Sid would pat his shoulder in comfort rather than actually talking, & Davy would explain he’s so happy to finally be starting a family with Fortune after years of being apart from each other.
11. [3]'s water just broke and he/she is going to have the baby/babies. Who is there to take him/her to the hospital? How did the delivery go?
Pip, Davy’s long good friend & registered nurse, would drive him bc they’re the only one who can stay calm in the moment. Fortune would meet them at the hospital & be in the room during delivery, which would go well!
12. [1] accepts a job as a babysitter. Does he/she enjoy the job? Explain?
Aleksi may look a bit scary to little kids & he grew up an old child in solidarity so he doesn’t have a lot of experience with handling kids, but he has a very carefree spirit & doesn’t mind chaos LOL. He’d feel awkward at first but end up enjoying the job!
13. [8] makes a dinner for [5]. Is the food good or bad?
Sid can make a mean fried teriyaki with spicy mayo on the side, Rika enjoys seafood so she would like the food — especially the silence between them as they eat together LOL
14. [3] finds a Pegasus in his/her backyard. What does [3] do?
Davy would lose his mind in excitement & use his great animal handling skills to tame the Pegasus so he can brush & braid its hair c:
15. [9] do you have the guts to kill someone? Explain?
0_0 She may or may not……. have already killed ppl before….. so…… at one point yes she did but definitely not anymore
16. [6] has a secret that he/she is keeping to himself/herself. Does anyone try to get [6] to spill the secret?
Vallius’ life is built on secrets, you couldn’t torture anything out of him no matter how much you tried. He has a lot of secrets he plans to bring to the grave
17. The cops are at [6]'s door. What do they want? Did [6] do something wrong?
Thievery, trespassing, armed robbery, resisting arrest, identity theft… Vallius has a long history of crime they could be there for anything but it doesn’t matter bc he’s already jumping out the back window LMAO
18. [5] if you could be anyone in this meme who would it be? Explain?
This is tough but Rika would ultimately want to switch with Desperado, because they share a similar need to protect others & she’d want to know what it’s like being a werecat w the ability to shift instead of just part cat
19. [10] decides to look for a job. What job do he/she choose?
Paprika loves a calm environment so they’d want to work somewhere quiet, like a library!! c:
20. [2] what is your ideal partner? Explain?
Desperado doesn’t intend on committing to one partner currently so it’s hard for them to picture an ideal partner. They’d just have to have similar morals to them
21. [4] wants to buy a dog but [10] wants a cat. How do [4] and [10] decide on which pet they should get?
It would take a bit of debating bc Roldos would love a high-energy dog while Paprika would def prefer a calmer cat, they’d decide to go with the cat ultimately bc Pap, as a bunny, is part prey animal & dogs may not work out well LOL. Roldos would get to pick the cat’s name though, as compromise
22. Tag someone to do this meme or tell everyone [8]'s most embarrassing moment?
I tag…… my besties & anyone else who wants 2 do this!!!
here’s Sid’s most embarrassing moment too >:3c they got so wasted after a splatfest that they showed up to work 4 hours late hungover & passed out mid-tattoo sesh
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ebdanon · 5 months
ask pt 2 slight trigger warning for deaths (yes multiple): my husband was being treated like a little kid, in some instances my fil went into the doc appointment and started talking to the doc himself like parents do to small kids. it was insane. so we schedule an appointment with an infectious disease specialist at the most expensive hospital in the country, with a doctor my aunt knows and trusts, because she said she didnt want to drop us with unreliable care, and this way, we could get a recommendation to the right hospital wing. we saw that doctor, who parroted what my aunt and that one other doc said about seeing a specialist in the gastrointestinal wing, and made the recommendation. it was a few weeks away. now, what you need to know is this is private healthcare, which is super expensive, and all the best doctors that are left in the country work there (less stress higher pay after the pandemic shitstorm), unless they made like my aunt and moved abroad for an even better quality of life. she said if we continue being stuck in this situation, we should get on a plane and go to her, she would make sure he gets the right docs and exams in 48 hours as is the law there (she lives in a country 2h away by plane).
i dont want to go into all the symptoms because those were a whole different kind of scary to see him experience and not know why. and finally, we got an appointment with the right doc, who sees my husband and immediately orders the exams my aunt has been saying he should get for the last two months. they're scheduled a couple of weeks after that appointment (because prep time is mandatory) and are definitely pricey but it's not a big deal because having a freelance salary (me) in a low cost of living country means we can afford it. we also have plenty saved up. he had to do the exam under anesthesia bc they had to take a sample from his gut for further testing just in case, and when he woke up, he started speaking in english instead of our native language. it was the funniest thing that had happened in months, and like andrea after taylor's lasik, i filmed a part of it lmao he kept asking the nurse for some of the meds to take home because those 30min he was out were the best sleep he had in months (the symptoms kept him up) and she was like that's impossible you cant have this outside the hospital, it's what got michael jackson kileld, and my husband went "mj was a smart guy to ask for strong stuff like this" lmaoooo (its true btw its on mj's wiki) and then when his head cleared the doc came in, explained his diagnosis, prescribed meds to ease everything. he has to take them continuously until he starts doing at least a bit better, and he can get checkups with that doc any time. at that point, my client had missed one invoice but i didn't give it much thought with all the other chaos, and it sometimes slipped his mind but he always made sure there wasnt anything too overdue. and then he missed another invoice. and the meds were expensive. my husband also started a limited diet, another expense on top, to check what food triggers symptoms.
we went to our hometown for the easter holidays, armed with the new diagnosis and meds, and diet. stayed with the in laws where my mil did all the cooking. the shit talking continued, now, including my parents - all they care about is themselves, they never called my mil to ask how her son is doing (like i said, treated like a kid, they called me every day to ask for updates as they were worried), all they do is waste money on traveling. now some backstory on that last bit- when they were young, my parents wanted to leave this country, but they never got an opportunity to do so, and instead of mourning that, they figured the next best way to get away is travel. they take trips at least one weekend and each month. even if it's just out of town. both their kids are grown up with their own incomes, they have the ability to spend on that instead of their kids, even though we took at least one vacation abroad per year when i was young. they just love to travel and can finally do it more than ever. idk how my mil feels about traveling, she doesnt generally broach the subject unless its to talk shit about my parents or my fil's brother and his wife who also travel frequently. thats the woman my mil accuses of being a witch lmao. my mil took care of her aging and ill parents for the last decade or so so she hasn't even gone out of town for more than a few hours in that time. and take care in the sense of administer meds to her mom because "she's the medical expert" as we've covered. her dad had a complex issue that she looked after but that was two decades ago when it started, it stabilized in the last decade before he passed. and that meant taking him to appointments, giving food and meds according to schedule. i never met him because he was in hospice when my husband and i started dating. anyway, my mil kept going off about how she was the only one who cared and that's because my husband made her suffer through labor for hours. weird logic there but okay. she went on about how the doctors were all wrong and how she knows best and she's gonna make sure he gets better during the holidays while we're there. instead of boiling his food, she started baking it, but it didnt seem to be doing too much good. when we went back home, i asked her about the baked recipes and she told me all the ingredients. but she added a couple of things that were strictly forbidden according to the doc. and i told her. and she said "well ive been adding them the whole time and he seems to be handling them well". i hung up and immediately told my husband, and all the symptoms still being present suddenly made sense. she was practically poisoning him because shes the expert that knows best. i was pissed, but he told me he'd take care of it and i should let it go.
a few weeks later my fil's mother passed away. she had been suffering with health issues for the last couple of months, begging both her sons to take her to get them checked out, which they both ignored. she and her husband lived with the other son and his family. the sons took her to doctors when she couldn't stand on her feet anymore which was too late. thats when i got to hear my mil scream about how shitty that family treated her the entire time she's known them, when i learned her sister in law is a witch, their horrible treatment of everyone (my husbands family lived in that house too, its common here for brothers to live with their parents and bring their wives in the house, people stopped doing that only in the last few years, but my husband's family had to move out after family drama) and more. idk this woman was basically cursing out her husband for the family he came from and blaming him for it. we went back in town for the funeral so i got to hear all this in person.
a couple of weeks later, my sister in law with her family were coming in town (they live abroad, a town over from my aunt actually) for a week so we went to our home town to see them. on the drive there, we came across a traffic accident between a bike and a van, that ended tragically. ill spare you the details of what i saw. a few hours later i got a call from my best friend. turns out the person that passed away in it was her long term boyfriend, he was coming in town for a conference. they were making wedding plans. picking out home decor. what do you mean?! thats when i wrote 2023 off as the worst year and it wasnt even halfway done. forgot to mention, my other best friend was going through a divorce at the time. she lives halfway across the world but we make sure to give each other the big life events even if we dont talk regularly. it felt like everyone i cared about was suddenly suffering and the only thing i could do was offer support. i couldn't even be properly there for anyone else but my husband. summer came, my husband and i were barely functioning, between his symptoms, his family, and a terrible tragedy (my husband and my bff's boyfriend had been childhood friends). the summer turned worse as my client kept missing payments and ghosting me. family members kept asking to borrow money to make ends meet because they know we're fine and we can't really say no. with the bank account running on fumes, we spent august in our hometown to save up on daily expenses by staying with my in laws. my sister in law and her family were in town again and for a couple of weeks there before my niece started kindergarten, and things were a bit peaceful. except it was all a front, because my mil cant shit talk in front of her son in law.
we went back home at the end of the month, to an apartment infested with cockroaches. appliances started breaking down. i mentioned this bit of the story in another ask i think? it was 8 months of constant hell and without the option to look for another apartment because of missed payments and the plan to move abroad as soon as possible (we were already looking for jobs), we figured we could move with my in laws. that way, we could get everything we own in their huge house which definitely has space, and once we move abroad they can ship all the stuff to us. my parents cant do that because they live in an apartment, not a lot of room there. this is a three story house, with a yard and a big brick shed on top, housing two people. over 3000 sqft of space. my husband asked if it was possible, they said of course, this is your home, you're always welcome to live here.
im gonna break up this story in yet another ask
once again i am deeply terrified of where this is going
also im so sorry for your loss thats terrible :(
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gardenstateofmind · 2 years
also it is so funny how scared doctors (especially newer ones) get of nurses bc it really is so true that they run the show
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wwwcapricorncom · 3 years
“I Want To Play A Game”
Second part to the Ghostface series | Apart of Kinktober 2021
Ghostface Series Pt. 1 is here (you don’t have to read them in order!)
Who is under the mask this time ;)?
Description: You didn’t think that flirting with Ghostface in a haunted House would leave you so... helpless.
➥➥ Included Kinks: Oral (F and M Receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, Slight darker themes such a power dynamics, restraints, slight blackmail ig if you squint, orgasm denial, face fucking, gagging, hair pulling, smacking, some exhibitionism, anal play, squirting. Use of the words- ‘daddy’, ‘brat’, ‘slut’. Characters are aged up. MINORS DNI.
wc: 5.4 k
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You walk past the line of excited and partially tipsy college students to the side entrance that Jirou had told you would be on the north side of the building. You thought you were running late, but had received a text not too long ago from her, saying the opening of the haunted house was going to be pushed back an hour or so and to take your time. The problem was that you were already just about there when you had received the text so you figured you would still go inside to aid her and the others in setting up the room within the house.
You had figured you’d easily stumble upon the evil doctor themed room or that you’d see someone who, by your costume: a rather dark themed slutty nurse, would point you in the right direction. However, after aimlessly walking into the wrong rooms and not seeing anybody occupying them, you started to feel a bit lost. You remember her saying that you all would be on the first floor, so you are confused as to why you haven’t discovered them.
At this point, there is one room left and to the right of the door, on its wall, is a large glass mirror. You feel it is fitting of the theme so you fling the door open and see that it is dimly lit inside and only decorated with some light blood on the walls and a table in the center which seems to have restraints on it. The door closing startles you enough to make you yelp which alerts the other person in the room.
“Holy- holy shit I didn’t see you there-
You stop talking as the person turns around and you see who they are dressed up as, “oh Mr.Ghostface how original.”
“And what are you supposed to be?” The person inquires and you can hear the dull, unimpressed tone that laces his voice even though the voice changer.
You pout, walking up to him and doing a little twirl before his eyes, “c’mon Mr.Ghostface I’m a slutty nurse can’t you see or should I give you a better look?” You tease and you can hear him click his tongue in annoyance.
“You’re too eventful. It’s annoying enough that I have to participate in this haunted house. I can’t handle you too-
“You don’t mean that, do you? I’m sure you were just sitting around here bored, why wouldn’t you want to have some fun. Matter of fact, I have some time to spare too!” You giggle actually very amused by the person under the mask. You loved the game of not getting enough attention from someone acting high and mighty just for them to succumb to you eventually. You were also eager to see who you were going to be able to sink your claws into, what unsuspected boytoy laid under that mask.
“It was quiet when you weren’t here though.” He states as he crosses his arms over his very defined chest. He is only wearing a black t-shirt so you can see the definitions of his upper body not to mention the muscles of his strong arms. Black ripped jeans adorn his long legs as you calculate he must be about 6 feet or so. All contributing to your throbbing cunt at this point.
You feign ignorance, “quiet and boring.” You say as you cross your arms too.
He sighs as he starts tapping his foot on the floor, “what do you want from me?”
A wicked smile forms on your face as you say, “duh to play a game!” All the while meaning much more provocative activities. If he didn’t have a mask on then you would have seen how he rolled his eyes, but bit his lip at the naughtier idea that, too, popped up in his mind. Maybe this could be fun, he starts to think, after all he has always had his eyes on you. A lot more than he’d like to admit and low and behold you come strutting into his room, just asking to be put into your place.
“What did you have in mind?”
“Hello you’re the one who is Ghostface, you should know.”
“Hmhm… I see... What's your favorite scary movie, Miss nurse?” He asks and you just about die hearing the condensing tone in his voice. You lick your lips, as you look up at him about to spew an answer.
“The one where the man dressed as Ghostface fucks the little helpless nurse.”
Now, knowing that you two are in sync in your desires, the man decides it’s really time to have fun, “I’ve never heard of it.” He smirks and you pout, rolling your eyes and backing away from him which makes him chuckle.
You start to pay attention to the decorations in the room a bit more in detail as you scheme something up to provoke the man, “you’re a bit mean huh?” You mutter finally nearing the table in the center of the room.
Your eyebrows knit together as you try to figure out how one would be restrained to it before it finally comes together. A small hum comes out of your mouth as you lean forward so that you’re bent over on the table. Breasts press against the wooden top as you place your hands through the little metal clasps.
“Is this how your dirty little contraption works?” You laugh as you shake your ass a bit, but halt quickly as you feel his presence behind you. So suddenly.
He’s clasping the constraints in a flash, so that your wrists are bound to the table while, rasping a “no” as he fixes you just how he wants. You’re shocked at this, not understanding how he switched from being so uninterested to alert. You start stuttering, “h-hey what are-are you doing?!”
He’s only humming at this, bending down to catch your ankle and clasp it to one leg of the table before doing the same to the other. By the end of it, you’re effectively confined to the table with legs spread apart, “this is how it works”.
Your heart is hammering against your chest as he runs a finger up the back of your thigh, admiring his work before reaching the frilly skirt that very poorly covers your ass. He wastes no time in flicking it upwards to expose your cute red panties, licking his lips as he notices the darkening wet spot on them. How cute.
“Ah, you’re a lot quieter now I thought you wanted to make a movie?” He coos and all you can do is stutter, completely flustered by the change in dynamics. How did he get the upper hand? You think, skin breaking out in goosebumps as he continues to trail his finger over your flesh.
A harsh slap lands on your ass and you just know the skin is reddening and rising as you let out a cute pained, moan. “Answer me, do you want to continue?”
You whimper attempting to shake your ass for him as you nod your head which lies on the table, “this is nothing I can’t handle.” He shakes his head and lands another slap to your ass loving how it bounces and bruises so easily under his touch.
“What a modest nurse, good then, I'll enjoy seeing just how far you can go.”
Something about that makes your stomach bloom in hot anticipation as he pulls down your red panties, a rush of cold air hitting your cunt and making you squirm. You can hear the floorboards creak under the pressure of his dirty converse shoes as he squats down behind you, using one of his fingers to spread your pussy lip.
“Fuck.” You whisper, loving how exposed you are to him, knowing that some stranger is watching your pussy hole clench and unclench with the want of something as it grows wetter.
He whistles lowly at this, impressed by “how much of a dirty little slut you are.” He then runs two fingers up your pussy and it makes you quiver a bit which he enjoys, watching those sweet plush thighs and full asscheeks jiggle in his face. Gosh he’s going to wreck you just right he thinks.
He stands up abruptly and bends over you so that his chest is against your back before weaving his middle finger through your soaked folds, “this is pretty sinful of you baby”. He states as he increases the speed of his finger, finally allowing it to rub against your clit.
“Don’t care, don't care I-I just want them inside.” You state wagging your ass from side to side in hopes that he would listen.
“I'm going to make a brat like you understand how to act in the presence of a real dom.” He growls as he pulls his finger away from your cunt to slap it roughly and you gasp loudly, jolting forward some.
You begin to protest again, “but- but I want it already. Stop teasing me!” He only chuckles, his eager bulge under his jeans beginning to press against your folds. The friction makes you optimistic as you both begin to grind into each other. His coarse hands grabbing your hips to further the rolling of his hips even thrusting into you which creates a soft omph noise.
“Now the games really start…” He mumbles and suddenly he’s swirling two fingers around your clit, “If you listen to me, then you’ll get to cum very hard tonight. If you don’t listen then you’ll be very disappointed. Understand?”
You nod your head slowly while starting to indulge in his ministrations which causes him to grunt before yanking your head up by your hair. Your eyes fly open because in the same instance of his pulling, he’s plugging those two fingers into your pussy hole.
“Use your fucking words when I’m talking to you.”
You choke on a moan, “ye-essss yess! I understand!”
“Good girl.” He replies loosening his hold on your hair as he starts to rake his fingers through it, massaging your scalp where you’d have an undeniable ache because of his yanking. You couldn’t help but feel oddly warm and turned on by his approval, succumbing to his actions.
He is good at multitasking in this way as he gently massages your scalp, but starts to completely piston his middle and ring finger into your pussy, “fu-uck yes yes!” You groan bouncing back into his fingers now wanting to push them further in, wanting them to touch your g spot.
He would have scolded you for acting without his permission, but the way your ass bounces on his fingers is something he is starting to relish, watching the flesh ripple upon every impact with his hand. The masked man finds himself wanting to see more, so he starts to twist his finger around in your pussy, knocking into your sweet spot and making you cry out.
“You’re leaking so nicely right now.” He purrs, “your fingers are so l-long!” You state as he starts to curl into your g spot, abusing it repeatedly as if he was smashing a button over and over again. Your slick is running down his palm and wrist as you start to fall victim to his fingers.
He picks up on this like a pro, “are you about to cum sweetheart?'' he asks, getting close to your ear. The weight of him against your back again, his warmth, just heightens the orgasm that was approaching.
“Yes, ‘m gonna cum! Gonna cum!”
He snickers at this as he pumps faster, only uttering one word at that moment: “Don’t.” You, through the fog of it all, try to turn your head to look at him, eyebrows knitting together in confusion and strain, “w-why, what do you-
“I’m not going to let you.” He cuts off your rambling as he pulls his fingers out of you, making your legs shake as your orgasm trickles away, so close to having bubbled over. Your lip quivers and he’s snickering all over again, “I’m just training you baby. You waltzed in here like such a fucking brat it would be a shame if I didn’t correct you!”
As you’re trying to find the right words to articulate how angry you are, he squats down before your pussy again. Your anger starts to dissolve as the hairs on your body stand to attention because you can feel his breath on you. That means his mask has to be slightly elevated if not completely off. Just as you're about to try and turn your head to get a better angle he’s smacking your thigh, “keep your eyes ahead or else.”
Biting your lip, you decide to obey and he's quickly pressing his lips to your pussy which has your back arching. A long “oooo” leaves your lips as he begins to make out with your pussy, his own soft lips moving as if he were making out with an actual mouth. He gulps a few times before sucking and slurping again, suckling your folds into his mouth and between his lips where he pulls at them slightly. “-taste amazing”, he speaks into your folds.
If you weren’t restrained right now then your hand would be on his head right now, stuffing him as far as he could go, not caring about if he could breathe because he was damn good at this. When he pulls back again he spits on your clenching hole which makes you moan, the feeling of his hot glob of spit strategically landing right on your entrance before he starts spreading it around with his fingers was making drops of sweat form on your skin.
He slips them back in again before warning you, “don’t cum.” His voice was low and raspy and it was oh so familiar. If you weren’t being such a slut in lust right now you’d surely be able to identify him, but any intelligence is lost when he starts to pump his fingers into your tiny hole while sucking on your clit. He’s growling and moaning in harmony with the squelching of your obnoxiously soaked pussy.
“How a-am I not supposed to cum?” You shriek as he starts to get harsher and sloppier with his movements, pumping into your g spot ever so deliciously while shaking his head from side to side in your cunt. You’re reaching your peak when he starts lapping at you with a hot, flat tongue feeling the coil in your stomach about to snap.
“I can't, I'm going to- cum!” You yell and as soon as this leaves your mouth, he leaves you. The frustration makes you ball your hands into fists.
“This shit isn’t fair!” You shout and he tsks pulling your hair swiftly again, “that fucking mouth of yours is such a problem.” He harshly let’s you go before making his way to the front edge of the table, walking up to it so that his struggling, defined bulge is in your face. You flick your eyes back and forth between it and his masked face.
“I’d be impressed if you can handle this. In fact it might even warrant a reward.” He states as he pulls his shirt up, holding it under his chin as he unbuttons and unzips his pants. You ponder disobeying, but you weren’t in a position to act much bratty plus you were more than ready to cum and if that meant seeing this through a bit more then fine.
He’s yanking down his underwear and jeans slightly, allowing his big cock to slap against his stomach and your face. You can see that the pretty, pink tip has already started leaking with precum and you’re quick to swipe at it with your tongue.
“Oh fuck- very good girl.” He groans as he thrusts slightly forward, making his cock slide into your mouth before he hesitates then pulls entirely back out.
“Look, um the safe word is Halloween okay?” He’s serious too not having any intentions on letting whatever the fuck this is get out of hand and you slightly swoon, “thank you”.
He hums at this, realizing you’re very cute in any context as you open your mouth and stick your tongue out as a signal to continue. He grabs his throbbing cock and pushes it into your mouth, but doesn’t stop until he’s bottomed out. Your nose presses cutely to his pubic bone as you gag, legs shaking as he moves to retract only half way, watching as you inhale sharply. Your eyes are glassy already and they squeeze shut when he thrusts back inside.
You’re moaning and trying to swirl your tongue and suck him as he starts to find a pace to quite literally fuck your face to. He’s tightly cupping your face with both hands as he starts to rhythmically snap his hips forward. You only have a few seconds in between to breathe and your throat is beginning to raw, but you like the way he is using your mouth like his own plaything. It turns you on and has you getting slicker by the second.
At one point, he bottoms out in your throat and puts his hands on the back of your head, keeping you there for as long as you can hold before he starts to feel you pulling back. He frees you, completely pulling out of your mouth where you can’t help but sputter, saliva dripping from your mouth and his cock.
“Puker those sexy fucking lips up for daddy.”
And you do, sniffling a bit to collect yourself before puckering your redden lips, he groans before taking his wet cock in hand. He pumps into his fist a couple of times as you watch in awe before slapping it against your lips. He smears your saliva and his precum everywhere- on your lips, cheeks and nose.
When he starts fucking your mouth again, he’s moaning subtly as he picks up the speed feeling his own release nearing.
“You’re talking daddies cock so well, fuck yes you are.” He mumbles bending over you to start to toy with your pussy again. To show him you like it, you start bobbing your head faster to his thrusts as he starts to insert his fingers inside you.
As soon as you feel them fully slot inside, you’re moaning contently around his dick, the vibrations making the man’s toes curl as he starts to fuck into your mouth harsher. You’re a gagging, moaning mess working on pleasing him while also focusing on how he’s attacking your sweet spot again. You didn’t need much now, no, you’d cum without even giving him a warning. It’s your plan. He will be too distracted.
Your legs start to shake so harshly, your mouth producing more saliva as you literally drool at how hard you can feel your orgasm coming. Your eyes are rolling to the back of your head as you almost go slack about to be overcome by pleasure when he does it again.
Completely pulls away from you. Ruining yet another orgasm.
A sob so harsh rips through your gut as tears fall from your eyes, “awwwww” he coos while grabbing your face in his large hands to make you look up at him.
“Now this. This is a broken brat. You look beautiful like this.” He is fake pouting under the mask.
“P-please daddy I’m - I’m ready to not be a brat. I’ll do whatever you want. I’m sorry. Just please please let me cum!” You throw out everything you think he wants to hear and then some and he’s utterly satisfied, bending down and resting the side of his face against the wood table, mimicking yours. Neat black painted nails reach out and wipe away the fresh tears that have fallen from your teary eyes “hush hush baby, no need to get all worked up especially after how good you just took this cock down your throat. Daddies going to keep his promise.”
You sniffle a bit at this, moving into his touch unsure on if he is telling the truth or not. He can sense your weariness as he stands up and walks around the table so that he is finally against you again. He wastes no time in gripping his member in his hand and rubbing the tip against your folds, “You believe daddy right?”
If possible, you arch into the table even more ass sticking out as a jolt of pleasure rips through your body at the micro action, “I b-believe you!”
He’s smirking at this as he pushes the bulbous tip in your needy hole, making you cry out while spit pools in the corners of your mouth and escapes down your chin as he pushes further inside. As soon as his hips smack against your ass and he is fully plunged within your thirsty walls your vision is spotting. You cum hard, ignoring how he struggles to hold back a moan of surprise as you shake violently.
“Did you… did you just cum?” He asks truthfully dumbfounded by this and you're apologizing profusely.
“I-I - I’m so sorry daddy please I couldn’t help it, just feels so good-  please don't stop please please-
He’s cupping your throat now as his other hand bunches the fabric of your skirt to aid him in his upcoming onslaught, “shh sh sh...such a sexy slut for that. You go ahead and indulge in this cock. I want you to remember everything, how every fucking vein feels.” He states as he begins to snap his hips into you slowly, knocking the air out of your lungs as he holds you up by your throat.
Each thrust is calculated, rubbing every crevice as you start to moan unceremoniously. Whoever the fuck this is, is teaching you a new meaning of sex and he knows it as he starts to choke you harder.
“Agh, agh fuck I love this, I want you to use me alll the time.” You whisper, nails digging into the wooden table in attempts to not pull against the restraints. He’s adding more force behind his thrusts now, slowly retracting only to plunge back in with teeth chattering force as you grow dizzy. Just when you feel your vision closing in and your face growing red from lack of blood flow, he releases your throat.
He’s next to your ear in an instant, kissing it softly, “your pussy feels amazing,” he raspily states before trailing his tongue from your ear down to the middle side of your neck. He places a wet open mouth kiss against your flesh before sucking it between his teeth, lightly biting and sucking to nurse a bruise into the soft skin.
“Attention Haunted House workers, the test run will begin now. Please be ready to run your exhibition.” A loud voice sounds throughout the building, making your fluttery eyes snap open.
“What's that?” You try to sound concerned, but it comes out breathy and light as he continues his attack on your neck.
He does not stop his actions, snapping his hips into you more roughly while talking against your skin, “a test run”, is all he says before he’s cupping the underside of your chin to make you look up at the wall before you. It is the one decorated with the mirror, “that’s a double sided mirror, we can see out but they can't see in.. unless I press a button to start the exhibition.”
You feel your legs wobble as the sound of voices start to fill the hallway, “should I turn it on so everybody can see how much of a nasty girl you are?” You try to formulate sentences, getting more aroused and embarrassed by his lewd idea, as you shake your head profusely.
“Why not, you're enjoying yourself so much. You're literally strangling my cock right now.” He taunts as he begins to rub your clit, “I'm going to let everybody see.”
“No daddy don’t please!” You plead just as people walk in front of the glass, “did you hear something?” They say as they get closer to the mirror, tapping it slightly just as he rams his fat cockhead into your g-spot.
Your eyes cross and he covers your mouth just as you’re about to scream out, “if you don’t cum quietly for daddy then I’m going to let them see me fuck you stupid”. He murmurs, lips pressing against your ear and you nod rapidly. He lets go of your mouth and continues to rub at your clit while fucking into your gspot. Your jaw drops as you try to not make a sound, a part of you not caring if someone sees how blessed you are right now, watching the people peer at the glass awaiting some horror spectacle. It’s only then that you really try to focus your eyes on the people behind the mirror. Your body heats up even more as you watch your group of friends, the entirety of the male Bakusquad, tap on the class.
“Do your friends know that you're such a slut, hm? It's crazy that they have no clue a slut like you is spearing herself so desperately on a cock just on the other side of that glass. I bet you want to make a fucking noise. To get caught all stuffed stupid and bound.” He states through clenched teeth as he rapidly flicks your clit with his fingers, making you cum on his cock for the second time that night. Mouth agape and eyes in the back of your head, you can’t even manage a squeak through how hard you’re cumming, you feel his pumping slow as your upper body goes slack on the table.
Your breaths are shallow as you lay, cheek smashed on the table, dizzily watching your group of friends retreat down the hall. “I swear, guys, that was supposed to be Hitoshi’s room!” Denki tries to explain to the group as they walk further down the hall and your pussy twitches even harder if possible around the length as your eyes widen.
“Oh no… I've been exposed. Not that that slutty little pussy of yours cares.” He deadpans with a cool and collected cockiness. You can hear the mask plop to the floor as he rubs your thighs, trying to do anything to turn that dumb little brain of yours back on.
You on the other hand are trying to muster up the courage to look him in the face, you two weren't particularly close, but had a couple of classes together. He was just the hot, quiet guy that tagged along with your group sometimes… not anything like this. As you throw a glance over your shoulder to take him in his fingers stumble upon something that is tucked into the front side of your skirt and takes it out, out of curiosity. A smirk spreads on his face as he sees a thermometer and stethoscope, he looks at you, surprised that you are able to even look at him and decides you can handle some more. After all he still does owe you one more orgasm right?
“Is the nurse feeling a bit under the weather? You look like you've gone through a lot. Mind if I.. take your temperature?” You're barely paying attention, tongue tied by how fucking hot he looks right now. Purple locks disheveled every which way as low, bag rimmed eyes bore into yours. You gulp, preparing to talk, to say anything when he plops the thermometer in your mouth which surprises you. “What are you-
He’s hushing you and making sure you keep your mouth closed until the item beeps and he takes it out, “only 98.1, that can't be accurate, right Miss Nurse? Good thing I know of a more accurate place I can stick this...”
Your ears perk up at this as you go to stand upright, only to remember that of course you’re still fucking bound. He chuckles as he spits on his fingers, lathering up his index finger before he starts to softly rub your asshole.
“H-hey you c-can’t I’m too sensitive!” You try to protest, “it's hard to tell if you're serious with how much your pretty little asshole is puckering.” Your cheeks burn red at this and you feel him place the cold metal tip of the thermometer at your asshole. He pushes it inside swiftly which makes you moan loudly before he stuffs his still erect cock back in your pussy.
“AGH UH I-I CAN’T!” You squeal as he pushes the thermometer further in your ass while bottoming out inside of you. Your cunt is squelching and drooling all over him as he gives you a few shallow thrusts while toying with the device, testing it out by pulling it out a bit before shoving it deeper into your tight hole.
Your uneven panting and moaning is enough indicator for him as he starts to fuck you barbarically now, anybody who walks past will surely hear, as the device beeps again. “It- fuck- says 101.2. Fuck baby y-you’re burning up inside. Because I’m fucking you so good, huh?” He is in awe at how aroused you are, how much wetter you have grown not to mention how your walls quiver around his cock while hugging it so snuggly. It’s affecting him almost to a lethal degree, but you’re no better. You’d like to say that you weren’t enjoying this all the more now that you know who is treating you so well, but that would be untruthful. He starts to push the device further inside, never slowing his thrusts- too mesmerized- and you begin to babble with a sense of urgency.
“If- if you, shit shit, keep pushing it deeper then you’ll-
Before you can finish the thermometer presses against your g spot in the same instant that his cock is kissing it so sweetly. The combination rips a scream from your lungs as your body basically heaves, shooting a stream of cum all over the floor and the man's shoes.
The force of your gushing, pushes his cock out just in time as he paints the floor and your ass with his sticky thick cum, watching as you shake so violently “holy fucking shit, holy fucking shit”. His voice strains and shakes as he continues to pump his cock not thinking he could produce so much ejuculation, every spurt providing immense pleasure.
By the time he is done, you're laying there dumbly, breath hitching erratically as you try and bring yourself back. His cock is screaming with sensitivity as he wipes it clean and fixes himself, panting as well. He's quick to grab some supplies that he was planning on using for the haunted house to clean you up, gently wiping your lower regions before fixing your clothes. Then he's unclasping your restraints and sitting you on the table as you both collect yourself quietly.
Just as he’s about to speak, there are knocks on the door and he throws one look at you, silently asking if it’s okay to open to which you nod, pulling out your phone and ignoring the millions of messages you have. You’re fixing your makeup when Denki comes inside talking about how he knew this was Hitoshi’s and Neito’s room and asking where he was. He started explaining how Neito was running late when Denki finally saw you.
“Hey y/n I think the girls were looking for you what happened? I didn’t know you and Hitoshi were acquainted!”
The tall man only softly chuckles at this in response as Denki continues, “watch out man this one is fierce!”
He looks at you, allowing a relaxed, almost lazy even, smirk to spread across his face while his eyes flick up and down your body. You can't help but press your legs together, you can practically feel him inside you all over again and you almost want to mewl in response to his look.
“I don’t think I have much to worry about right, y/n?”
Nobody would have guessed that that was the night Hitoshi became such a good daddy to you.
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
an ode to winter | dabi.
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♡ pairing: dabi/touya todoroki x fem!reader.
♡ word count: 14.1K
♡ rating: mature, 18+, mdni.
♡ genre: manga war arc!au, single-parent!au, unplanned pregnancy!au,  angst, fluff, smut.
♡ summary: touya todoroki had broken a lot of things, your heart, promises, your window a few times, but you swore he'd never leave your child feeling that way. but when he wants back into your life, will he take no for an answer? And do you even want to say it?
♡ warning(s): please read ! heavy smut, ( literally 5k of it ), MANGA SPOILERS IN THE EXTENDED ENDING,  mentions of pregnancy, mentions of semi-toxic!relationships, struggling with parenting, blackmail ??,   unprotected sex ( wrap it before you tap it, losers ), handjobs, oral sex ( female receiving ), fingering ( female receiving ),  choking, branding, squirting, spit!kink, needy touya lol <3
♡ author’s note(s): OK so this started out as a fic for my bestie @ozzy-bozzy​ but then turned into this long ass vent fic bc i do be struggling!! i’ve barely written for touya so apologies if his character is off. special thanks to @bakugous-trauma for beta reading n @doinmybesthere for the summary and beta reading and thanks for 4.7K MWAH <3
♡ masterlist | requests
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the snow had fallen heavy that day, its flakes dancing along the window panes while you’d brought her into the world. you hated the cold, the way it nipped at your nose and stung at your cheeks, how it could freeze over a heart so badly that it would take years to thaw it out. you’d complained about the ice sheets that frosted your windows to the doctors, the ones on the roads too, but they’d simply wrote it off as your anxieties related to bringing kori home for the first time in such weather.
funnily enough, your daughter much resembled the cold in many ways. you’d named her ‘kori’; meaning ice, since her hair was white as the crisp blanket of winter outside and her eyes a piercing shade of aqua marine, that for a while, had no meaning written behind them except for a cool curiosity that you knew didn’t come from your side of the family. she wasn’t warm either, the first time you held her, her flesh against yours was almost a painful spark of frostbite— you expected that it was related to the lineage she came from too.
you thought that you’d resent kori when she was born; for the struggles that her new life had brought to you. you’d given birth alone and afraid, having lost friends and contact with your family due to keeping your pregnancy a secret. if they had known who caused you to end up in this situation in the first place, you were sure you’d have lost them all anyways. you hadn’t a chance to attend maternity classes due to the hours you worked in order to ensure yourself and your child’s financial security. although, prior to her arrival, dabi had told you that if you chose to give your daughter the todoroki name; you both would be looked after when the right time came.
and like a fool in love, you’d believed him, avoiding the apologetic gazes of the doctors and midwives who’d delivered your baby as you filled out her paperwork and birth certificate. one nurse even asked you if you wanted to contact endeavour for support, and you couldn’t blame her— the rumours of your child potentially being that of natsuo todoroki’s had spread fast through the hospital and it was a given, figuring his bad boy college reputation. natsuo and his ventures into the college life were no stranger to the media, so it didn’t surprise you nor the doctors to believe that this wasn’t the first time a girl had given birth alone to a todoroki child. you suspected that if there were any, enji todoroki would have paid them off.
so you let them believe what ever false truth that might have plagued the hospital walls about yourself and your daughter— not having the heart to tell them that you’d probably receive a much larger sum of money to keep hush about the child that you mothered and the child who’s father belonged to endeavour’s deceased, eldest son.
so you realised, thumb held by the chubby hand of your sweet infant girl; that you couldn’t hate her for the mistakes you’d made and the mess you’d become tangled up in— you could only promise to do your best in raising her despite the odds and difficult circumstances, you could give her the life and childhood that her father never had but most certainly deserved.
“miss yn...”
your midwife; himari enters the room, calling for you— tearing your gaze away from the hypnotising sea-foam eyes belonging to your daughter, the way she looked at you only reminding you of dabi. you’d told him once that his eyes always took you to the mediterranean sea, to which he’d laughed and mentioned you’d never seen it before. when the pair of you realised that this was true, the boy with the black hair and intoxicating stare made an oath to you, that he would take you there someday so you could bask in the warm sun and dip your toes into the clear oceans. you only hoped that this oath still remained true.
“miss yn...” himari tries again, this time stepping further into your hospital room. your thoughts had carried you so far away that you hadn’t realised how close she’d gotten as she lingered by your cot. her hands lay flat against her pale blue uniform, nails you note—neatly trimmed— and a smile that would have made you feel comfortable had you not known she’d volunteered to care for you because she too believed she’d be paid off by endeavour. you almost felt bad that she thought the silly lie was true and that she had a shot at a big time bonus but it was funny to think that no one would believe her when she eventually took to the news to claim that she cared for the next heir of the todoroki empire. “it’s says here, that kori is scheduled for feeding— i was wondering if you wanted to continue breast feeding or try pumping a bottle or two today?”
chewing on the inside of your cheek, you hum with hesitance. feeding kori was something you’d never discussed with dabi, some of the nurses had assured you that it was possible for you to do both— so that you could grow closer to your daughter and form a tight bond whilst also giving the opportunity to others to feed her when need be. there weren’t many others, but you figured that dabi might want to give bottle feeding a whirl when he finally returned from the league business. the business that had made him miss his little girl’s birth.
kori gargles from hunger in your arms, drawing your attention back to her tiny form. a stray strand of hair curls against her forehead from underneath her blankets and swaddling— the end you notice has a slight tint of red to it. the icy shell around your heart thaws. glancing back up to himari; you grin with a decision in mind. “i’d like to try breast feeding again, we can use the pump tomorrow.” you say, voice quiet.
“do you need any help getting her to latch?” your midwife asks, aiding you into a comfortable position to feed kori.
“no,” you smile after getting settled, pushing down your gown to expose your breast to your little girl. “i’ve got her, i can take care of her.”
you say the words more so to yourself than to himari, a hidden reassurance that you’re more than capable of raising your daughter on your own.
for now at least.
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that winter, dabi never came home.
the snow melts, the flowers bloom and the seasons change. your daughter grows with the swift transition of the weathers too, her hair is a little longer now but the small curl of red against her forehead remains hidden and the same. her eyes open wider, still that deep shade of ocean blue, she can sit up on her own, throws toys out of her crib  and her favourite movies are bambi and bambi two. they’re the only things that she watches, which you hate, because they remind you of her. an innocent child who loses one parent and is left in the care of the emotionally closed off other.
you hadn’t realised how much you would need dabi, but still he is nowhere to be seen.
raising kori on your own proves a challenge, especially now that she’s a little bigger— it was easy after she was born; she was quiet and only made a fuss when she was hungry or needed to be changed. went down easy too, that was until her wails reared their ugly head as soon as the colder parts of winter hit. no matter what you did, the girl would cry for hours on end until her face would hurt from how scrunched it was and her fingers would turn red from the grip she had on your hands.
since her birth, you and kori had to move three times due to the noise complaints about her consistent crying throughout the day, evening and night. by the time february rolled around, you’d ended up in an apartment not so far from dabi’s old neighbourhood— it was a shitty area with high crime rates and an eerie feel to it that made you clutch your purse tighter when you walked home from the late night shifts— you had never had any intentions to raise kori in a dump like this, you wanted a better life for her than what dabi had, but your shabby two bedroom apartment in the dark side of town would be enough for now.
the rent was cheap since your current boss at the local grocers market was close friends with the building manager, but your boss was also a sleaze who thought offering you an extra 10% off of your weekly shop and an expired coupon for the coffee joint down the street would be enough to get into your pants. he was just another thing on your list that you hated about the world, about the current life you lead but you needed to keep him close to keep your rent low and a roof over your head.
besides, it had been a few days since you last saw him at work— the asshole was probably taking a few days to himself while you and your colleagues practically ran the store.
you can’t leave kori with a sitter; they never worked with her. your daughter was far too temperamental for the average person and would spend one night with her before taking their pay and quitting. the only person able to handle your beloved little girl was the old lady who lived two floors above yours, mrs. yamamoto. she was a sweet woman, widowed by fifteen years and had taken a liking to kori that one time you’d helped with her groceries when she couldn’t make it out in the february winter after your little girl was born.
it seemed kori liked mrs yamamoto as well, she was only ever quiet in the woman’s presence and you put it down to how high she had the heat up in her apartment. one time, it was up so high the power in the building went out for an entire night— which was hell for you since kori wouldn’t stop bawling. however; you appreciated the help, you’re sure that without the help of the elder woman you would have been far under the surface— drowning in regret.
but sometimes, it’s easy for the darker emotions to slip through the cracks— take a choke hold over your sanity. there would be nights where guilt would consume you and tears would flow heavily down your cheeks while your daughter slept. it was hard being alone, no one to confide in about the troubles of parenting or to reassure you that you were doing a good job at taking care of your child.
it didn’t help that winter was coming up again, kori’s first birthday fast approaching. the sudden milestone only made you wish that dabi was around more — it hurt you to know that there was possibility he’d run out on you and his responsibilities as a father but part of you believed that your lover was better. the eldest todoroki son appeared way too excited throughout your pregnancy to leave you with nothing.
despite not being able to make it to appointments due to his criminal nature, dabi had somehow manged to find the money to get you a 4D ultra sound of your baby, telling you a few odd jobs here and there allowed him to scrape the cash together. you never asked what it was that he did, afraid of what you might find in the eyes of the man that you loved so much.
why did you allow yourself to love a man who wouldn’t have given you the time of day if he hadn’t broken into your home? his seafoam eyes a glowing shade as he threatened your life through shards of broken glass and then wails of cop sirens outside. were you just as broken as he? had you not realised it yet? you could blame this whole mess on the fact that he kept coming back, but you always let him back in. dabi was a broken man who only knew blood and grit and grime and you were the girl with a chance to lead a normal life— yet you poured all of your heart and all of your soul into loving him because you were so sure that you could fix him.
and every single time you’d convinced him, convinced yourself that what you had could be normal and domestic— dabi would slip between your sheets, pinning you to your bed with your name heavy on your lips and the emotion of love painted into the turquoise flecks in his eyes. they burned with passion while his heated cock sunk between your plush thighs and welcomed him into your warmth. the moans you’d share while your skin slapped together, creating a bubble of safety where you were the only two people on the world.
dabi made promises against your swollen lips as his fingers swirled hidden messages of desire into your slick, puffy clit. he couldn’t give you the ring, the wedding or the house with the white picket fence and dog barking at the post man in the front yard— but he could give you every part of him from the good to the bad, the beautiful to the ugly and he would seal that promise with a throaty groan of ‘you are mine and i am yours...’ into your ear as you came together.
but it seemed that like all things, dabi’s promises were broken like shattered glass— never meant to be kept or eternalised. the shards cut your delicate fingers, the pain numbed as you were left to pick up the pieces and be strong for the small life you were now responsible for.
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you were careful to not let the door fly in and hit the wall opposite as you unlocked it, stumbling into your two bedroom with kori’s chubby legs locked around your hips and bag full of groceries in your other hand. “look princess,” you coo down at your daughter sweetly, watching as she drools all over your staff lanyard from work. “we’re home!” bending down, you dropped the produce off by the door before heading off to your living room area, propping kori in front of her toy mat.
smiling down at her, you brush the pure white hair that curls over her cobalt eyes and kiss her freckled cheeks— heart swooning at the way kori giggles in your arms. she’d been on her best behaviour the entire week, keeping out of trouble with the staff at her daycare and mrs yamamoto in the place upstairs, so it was only right that you treat her.
“you hungry babygirl? want mommy to make your favourite, hm?” kori is barely old enough to talk aside from a few babbles and repeats of mama but that doesn’t stop you from asking.
you press another kiss to her baby fat cheeks before heading to the kitchen to prepare her favourite dinner— spaghetti. ever since kori started eating her solids, she hadn’t been a picky eater and you noticed that her appetite much resembled dabi’s, who couldn’t afford to be fussy about any of the meals you’d made for him before he disappeared.
making the sauce is easy, a dish you’d prepared from when you were a child and used to cook with your parents— you retrieve the ingredients from the groceries and pull out the stuff you’ll need to cook them. you mince the vegetables easily like you’d been taught as your mind gets away from you.
you wish that dabi was here to enjoy the domesticity of your current life— maybe him being around would lift the dark cloud over your life. sometimes it hurt to know that he would be missing out on moments like this and you could imagine him sitting by the couch while kori played with her toys and you cooked for them both. in this world, he’d laugh at her fascination with colder toys and magnets— make a joke about how much your little girl resembles him and kiss your cheek when you served them both up their favourite meals.
tears pool in your eyes at the thought of your wish never being granted and that’s all it takes for you to slip and cut your finger while chopping up the garlic. “fuck!” you boss, dropping the knife and squeezing your hand around the wounded digit. you know that the clattering of the knife has scared kori, and from the way she looks at you, you can already tell that she’s seen you injure yourself. “god, fuck...that hurt.”
there’s a pause in time, while you rinse your cut under the tap, cold water soothing the sting before kori starts to wail like her life depends on it. in a rush, you grab a tea towel in hopes that it’ll stop the bleeding and head straight for your baby, hoping that you’ll be able to soothe her. by the time you reach kori, her eyes are red with tears and snot dribbles from her nose down to her chin while she babbles loosely all the new words she’s learned— in a whiny tone.  
“baby, don’t cry mommy’s got you,” you murmur to her, reaching out to the little girl with open arms. your heart breaks at the way her bottom lip wobbles in a watery pout. kori crawls into your arms, white mop of soft baby hair buried into the junction between your shoulder and your neck— her tiny body shakes with awful heaves and cries while her tears dampen the old hoodie of her father’s that you wear, effectively ruining the fabric. “come on honey, it’s okay! momma didn’t mean to scare you...”
she snivels in your arms, quiet for only a second while you walk around the apartment bouncing her. walking kori up and down seems to soothe her for the most part, a trick that worked when she was first born and had her horrible crying fits. “good girl, mama’s got you...” you continue to soothe her, brushing a finger under her white lashes to remove her tears. all is well for a second and it seems her tantrum has calmed, until she grabs onto your wounded finger and makes you curse in pain again.
“m-momma-!” kori whimpers, face creasing in pain as her cheeks start to heat up again. you fear that if you don’t do something soon she’ll bust a lung from crying.
you shake your head in an attempt to calm her down, baby sobs striking right through your body and resume bouncing her, hoping that it’ll work. “shhh kori, honey, it’s okay— mommy’s okay and so are you...” in the process of comforting her, you somehow trip over the discarded knife, sending it flying into the cabinets across from the island and making another loud noise that further spooks kori.
at this she screams bloody murder, the sound of her little chest heaving giving you a splitting headache. you were tired, tired of your daughter’s crying , working long hours with no help and raising a child all on your own. you were tired of the pain spreading through your head and your body and your heart. you needed an out or break at the very least.
you should feel guilty for what you’re about to do, heading for the nursery with a heaving baby in your grip. you can’t think of anything better to do than put kori down for a nap and hope that her crying tires her out— you do your best to pry the little girl from clinging onto your clothes and tuck her into her crib as she sniffles, quickly backing out of her room before she can call for you and make you feel even worse than you already do.
you close the door quietly behind you, somewhat sliding down it while your own sobs take over your body— shaking you violently as you hug your knees to your chest. you don’t know how long you sit there, biting your lips and holding onto in your whimpers while tears stream down the apples of your cheeks, but eventually
you find yourself drifting off with dreams of your happy family.
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you jump awake a few hours later, surrounded by a thick darkness from the sky outside. the hum of the city streets helps to bring you back down to earth as you rub the sleep from your puffy eyes and blink away the exhaustion. you don’t quite remember when you’d fallen into a slumber but you figure that kori must have eventually, judging by the quietness that surrounds your apartment.
the blanket of the night allows your guilt to burn brightly in your chest— you shouldn’t have left her alone. scrambling to your feet, you stumble over to the kitchen counter and grab your phone to read the time. 11:06pm. it’s just about time that you check on your daughter, but with two steps of heading to the nursery and you’re met with foreign sound that doesn’t quite fit in with the usual creaks and squeaks of your apparent.
happy gurgles belonging to your baby creep out from underneath her bedroom door, low humming or singing to accompany her sweet sound. humming that you don’t recognise. with a pang of fear to your heart, you reach for the knife on your kitchen floor as a weapon of defence— this would go down nicely with the police. a single mother on self defence...yeah, that could work out.
the knife shakes in your hand as you approach kori’s nursery, barely steady even when you push open the door.
nothing could prepare you for what you’d see after walking into that room but when your eyes fall witness to your love standing in the centre of the room with a little tuft of white hair cradled to his bare chest. the air around you tingles with warmth as if dabi has heated the place up with his quirk and your little girl curls into him as if she’s known him all her life. but she hadn’t, he hadn’t.
all at once, your heart heals just as it breaks— it’s been so long since you’ve seen the villain that you can’t help but notice all the changes in him, the way his eyes droop a little more with exhaustion and his hair dusted with a the slightest bit of white. he was noticeably thinner too, maybe from being away from a warm bed and good food for too long...so a half of you was relieved that he was home, the other— hurt and betrayed.
“hey beautiful,” dabi’s timbre voice fills your entire being, stimulating your senses into a dull tingle. his lips a drawn into soft smirk as he rocks kori back and forth, your  baby’s eyes flutter with the gentle indication of sleep. “how’ya been?”
if you weren’t frozen in shock, you would have given the villain a piece of your mind. how dare he...after all this time apart from you, from his daughter...ask how you were doing? your eyes flutter to the open window behind the oldest todoroki son, as if you need to look away from him to convince yourself he’s real and he won’t disappear when you look back.
proven right by meeting the cool, chartreuse sea of his eyes— your throat runs dry as all you’d ever dreamed of saying in this moment, flees from your mind. “what are you doing here?” you say, trying to sound firm even though your voice falls through.
touya stays quiet, twirling a long finger through the small curls on his—your daughter’s head. “i was in the neighbourhood.” he mumbles, gaze tearing away from you to focus on the content infant he has in his arms.
you should feel angry, you should be screaming and kicking at dabi— forcing him out of your home with your child safe in your own arms but your body doesn’t will you to. hurt seeps through your veins at the casual aura in his tone. of course dabi would treat the situation as if it never existed and that he’d been with you the whole time. the pain of seeing him with her as if he’d been in kori’s life from the very start wraps around your heart in a poisonous grip and squeezes hard until you’re choking back a sob, letting it sit in the base of your throat.
you refuse to break in front of him.
“you need to go. you need to put her down and you need to leave.” you attempt to assert yourself in a harsh bark, almost making dabi jump. he’d never seen you like this before, but then again he hadn’t seen you in a year. he could only imagine what motherhood had done to you, especially facing it on your own. touya hesitates, kori shifting in his soft grip— one he didn’t even know that he had as a villain but you steady yourself and repeat your words. “touya, i said you need to leave.”
“why? so you can fall asleep and leave her crying on her own again?” the villain spits out, harsher than he intended. he watches your face fall and your body curl in on itself and he feels bad. dabi had promised you a lot of things since realising he loved you, and not hurting you like his father hurt his mother was one that he’d just broken. relenting, the dark haired villain eases kori from his pec and tucks her into her crib.
there’s a beat of silence and then. “i’m sorry.”
“you should be.”
“yn,” he sighs, running a hand through the light roots of his hair as he leans over his child’s crib. the young father tilts his head, scanning kori’s face while he identifies every characteristic she has from the family he’d done his best to free himself of.   “i’m sorry, it’s just— just that she was cold and crying, so i took off my shirt and held her and she warmed up and—“ dabi pauses his quiet rambling, finally looking up from the slumbering baby tucked away into powder blue silk and locks eyes with you. “and she probably has my mom’s shitty quirk. and i can’t get over how much she looks like them, how big she’s gotten.”
touya finds his shirt after admitting that, throwing on the thin white material before closing the window he came through. he moves with the swiftness that comes with his job, and it’s almost peaceful to watch. you stay plastered by the door, torn between falling right into the palm of his hand and demanding the answers that you and your daughter deserve.
it makes you feel a little sick when he gazes down at kori with pride, it makes you queasy at how easy she was to handle to him. touya todoroki doesn’t know half of what it was to raise his child...but did that make you a bad mother? was there something he shared with kori that you didn’t? dabi hadn’t known what it was to love someone other than himself until he’d met you, but you’d spent your entire life around family and friends who took care of you and made you feel cherished every day. you had all of that before you had dabi, and you’d given it all up for him.
shouldn’t you be the one to easily put your daughter down for a nap? to soothe her tears? and for him to come so briskly into your lives and take care of it all when he doesn’t even know what you’d been through, hurts most of all.
“you don’t even know her,” you start, tremble to your bottom lip as the sob in your throat builds up and threatens to burst. “you never saw her after she was born, never cut the cord, never knew her weight. you don’t know how tiny she was when she came into the world, you don’t know because you didn’t come!” with each word, stray tears manage to escape from your tired eyes, but you’re too fixated on dabi to bother to wipe them. it hurts to cry, it stings even as they stream down the apples of youth cheeks but you don’t move.
“yn, sweetness, i—“
“i know how much she weighed when she was born, four pounds and thirteen ounces. she was so tiny i was scared that she would break—“ you’re gasping now, almost choking yourself out on the pain that burns brightly in your lungs and claws its way up your throat. “i know her favourite foods, what fabrics irritate her skin, her favourite stuffed toys, how she likes to be swaddled in her blankets at night or that her curls make her face itch but they’re practically untameable.”
you start to heave, losing breath with every word and dabi does nothing but watch, keeping an eye on kori to make sure she stays sleeping as he steps towards you. “i know that i love her more than i’ve loved anything in my entire life, despite how much i suffered alone bringing her into this world. and i know that i named her kori after the ice that frosted the windows of my hospital room while i waited for... you.”
touya remains emotionless while you descend into madness, letting you cry it out. “i’ve been watching...”
you want to scream, beat his chest and blame him for how insane you’ve become. “watching isn’t enough touya, she needed you. i-i needed you.” you whimper, falling limp against the door frame as your hands move threateningly towards your hair as if you’re going to rip it out from the root. “...you couldn’t come and visit? not once i-in the eleven months that she’s been alive? not once while she’s been breaking me down and giving—“
“giving you a hard time? i tried, i took care of you from afar...i’m the one who made your boss disappear. the one who put his hands on you.” dabi sneers towards the end of his once gentle words, standing a breaths width away from you. you hate that you crave the same touch from him as he gave to kori, but you’re still so mad at him.
eventually, it all becomes too much and you succumb to the tears that wrack your exhausted body. you sway with each choked wail that tumbles from between your chapped lips and dabi surges forward to catch you after kicking the knife from earlier away, letting you sink into the warmth of his embrace. he feels like home, smells like safety and not a word is uttered as he brings you to the floor and cradles you like he did with his daughter.
dabi doesn’t need to say sorry when he shows you through how close he holds you to his heart.
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when you finally calm down, dabi lifts you bridal style to your bathroom and draws you a bath with the salts and lavender extract from the cupboard above the sink. neither of you speak except for when he softly offers to help you undress— to which you decline— and when he tells you he’s going to fix something to eat.
you knew damn well that the villain could not cook, he hadn’t been when he was little since endeavour took away the entirety of his childhood and you’d only taught him the basics when he was still on the run and stopped by your place from time to time. his favourite thing back then had been to watch you cook to the weird music you kept playing, hips swaying to the beat and a sparkle in your eyes— but you didn’t do that anymore, he could tell those days were long gone.
dabi orders in takeout in the end and you have half a mind to curse him out for using your money— but the day’s events have exhausted you beyond your wits end, so you eat with him in silence atop your double bed after dressing in an old shirt of his. “stay the night.” is what you tell him, scared that he’ll leave. he puts his cigarette out on your balcony. the doors usually stayed locked so kori couldn’t crawl out on her own but you opened it for him since dabi liked to smoke and you hated the ash.
he promised to quit back then, and he hadn’t now.
“i’ll stay.” dabi says, throwing the butt over the ledge and stripping his clothes as he follows you to bed. he decides not to mention he wanted to stay anyway. you peel back the covers enough for him to slip in behind you, heated arms wrapping around your waist and settling on your tummy, where he rubs small patterns into your skin. the villain’s chest is  overwhelmingly warm against your back— reminding you of the days where you would spoon and he’d wait with baited breath for kori to kick.
both of you lay together, wide awake in the dark for goodness knows how long. touya’s breath balmy against the nape of your neck and if you focused hard enough, you could feel his eyelashes fluttering against your skin. he pretends to sleep, refusing to acknowledge that his proximity to you affects him in the worst of ways— evident in how his prominent hard on presses against the swell of your ass.
rolling over, your heart skips a beat at the way your love’s eyes still manage to glow brightly in the dark— ignited by the flames of his quirk and emotions of angst from the past.
they flicker as he looks to you, pale skin illuminated by the silver moon slipping in from your balconies, scars as enticing as ever. tentatively, you reach a hand out to cup his face, not kidding the apprehension that paint his matured features even as you run your fingers down the scars on his jaw. “been a while since we’ve been like this,” is all you can muster up, leaning forward to press a kiss to his cheek while your free hand snakes between your bodies in an attempt to pleasure the man.
fear strikes you right in the chest, leaving you panting as dabi flips you onto your back quickly, pinning your wrists against the bed. “don’t,” he growls, almost feral in tone and in his eyes. “don’t do something you might regret in the morning.”
you lay still, staring at the man above you in an attempt to read him. doing so had always been hard, but tonight you can see every detail of his life and every part of him.  the fear of being his father and disappointing another group of people, a broken man torn between the people he loved and the life he led— you could finally see him. you wondered if it hurt him to be away from you and his child, if he ever thought of you.
you take a deep breath, fabric of the sheets fuzzy in your ears as you shake your head up at him. “i could never regret being with you,” you sigh, dabi’s gaze lowering. “i just need you...”
your proclamation is all the permission dabi needs before he ascends on your neck, almost whimpering at the taste of your skin against his tongue. you know that he’s avoiding your lips, scared that things may not feel the same if he kisses you there— as if your love might have fizzled out from the months that you’ve been apart. the villain’s mouth is hot against your skin, sharp teeth sinking into the column of your throat— it’s not hard for him to find the spots that make your back arch and body tingle, the dark haired man  would be embarrassed to admit that he had your body mapped out in his brain. you were all that he thought about in the months between then and now.
you miss his lips, but you fear that if you push your love to far he’ll clam up and withdraw from you completely. you can’t lose him while you have him now. in the meantime, your bodies press against one another hotly, burning while dabi paints shades of blue and purple deeper than his eyes against your flesh before lapping at each love bite with an odd tenderness people wouldn’t think he possessed at first glance. as he works, touya loses grip on your wrists, allowing them free roam across the expanse of his back.
your nails leave light tracks across his back, trailing up from his muscled back to the nape of his neck— curling in the white roots of his hair in an attempt to tug him up to your lips. “baby,” the old pet name tumbles from between them before you can catch yourself, laboured from where you’re short of breath. “please kiss me, please..”
with newly mussed hair, dabi is still for a moment before leaving one last mark at where your jaw meets your neck— wet tongue lolling over the fresh bruise while his large palm move back to cup your head. a thumb belonging to a scared hand runs over your bottom lip, pulling the plump flesh down while he watches your face for a reaction. “are you sure that’s what you want, beautiful?” the villain chuckles into the dark of the night, pink muscle running over his own lips to wet them in anticipation. “you want your man to kiss you?”
your senses go into overdrive, desperate for any kind of contact from the man above you— he feels so close and yet, a million miles away, even with his body making its way between your thighs and your chests pressing together eagerly.
“touya—“ you breathe, barely able to finish your sentence before the man himself delves deep into your mouth. his lips move with hesitance at first, sucking on yours slightly and parting for air more often than he should but you grip him by the whites of his hair firmly and tug him further into the kiss. your tongue dances along the seam of his lips, prying them open as you seek permission for entrance— dabi groans lowly as you tug on his roots and force your way into his mouth, tasting him as if it were your last time.
you swallow each of his moans that mingle softly with your own, while your tongues dance together messily— the kiss were and sloppy as if the two of you were out of practice. your worries fly out of the window from there, it’s good to know that neither of you had been with others during your time apart instead you feel like a teenager making out with their highschool crush for the very first time. dabi’s hips rut into the plush bed beneath you both and you can tell that even the slightest touches are riling him up beyond belief— it’d been almost a year since he’d felt you against him in any way and it didn’t help that you were so ready to accept him.
that you still wanted him.
whimpering at the thought, the villain pauses against your lips to catch his breath— panting softly. you can feel him pulling away, questioning if he deserves to be with you after everything he’d put you through. so, cupping dabi’s jaw, you let your free hand slip between your heated bodies and glide your fingertips along the waist band of his sweats.
“yn, i ain’t so sure about this,” dabi sighs, body twitching at the proximity of your hands to his hardness, his eyelids flutter shut and lock away his beautiful blue eyes— holding fear, insecurity and desire. “what if ya’still regret this later on?”
smiling up at him, you thumb at his cheek and work your hand deeper into his pants, past his underwear. “you’ve been away too long baby, i would regret not being with you more,” you coo up at him just as you grasp at his hardened length, watching as dabi shudders in your grip. his cock leaks hotly against your soft palm from going untouched for so long, your fingers explore him— tracing down the thick veins on the underside of his length. “let me make you feel good tonight.”
“fuck, sweetness. talk pretty with that filthy fuckin’ mouth of yours.” touya breathes heavily against your mouth, both of yours falling open in hot moans. cheekily, you run a thumb over his tip, circling the slit at the top. dabi collapses on top of you, burying his mop of salt and pepper hair into your neck as he drives his hips into your hand at his own leisurely pace. “y’better live up to those words—shit, don’t go letting me down, princess.” jade orbs finally open, heavy with lust and desire as the air around you tingles with a newfound desire to make each other feel good, settling on the planes of your marked and scratched skin.
your grip around dabi tightens while he fucks into your closed fist, wet sounds filling the room from where he leaks at his bright red tip— almost hot as his hands that dance up your sides and tenderly touch at your hips. so unsure, yet so needy. clear, thick precum guides the movement of your hand as it slides up and down your lover’s girth— he’s much bigger than you remember, swollen with an impending orgasm and dabi stutters when you reach further down his boxers to grip at weighty balls full of his seed, just about ready to burst.
he howls from deep within his chest, the noise only muffled from the drool that glides across his tongue before the villain’s wandering and scarred palms stop at your rib cage, settling just under your breasts. you don’t bother to stop pleasuring him even as his quirk ignites, blue flames burning right through your night shirt to expose your skin to the cool night air.  without even a second thought, dabi’s mouth ascends on your tits, taking one into the hot cavern while his free hand seers marks over the other.
the thought have being branded by your man makes your hips jump and your hand squeeze his cock in your grip— a reminder of what’s to come later on. his strawberry tongue rolls across your hardened nipple and you yelp in surprise with the sudden feeling of cool metal across the exposed flesh. “y-you have your tongue pierced?” you squeal as dabi repeats his actions, loving the way you arch your back into his mouth and your heart rate speeds up.
“never know when a bit of metal’s gonna come in handy, sugar tits.”
you barely have time to formulate a response before your boyfriend’s mouth is back on you, biting and sucking and marking your raw flesh like a man starved of his last meal— you don’t let up either, quickly pumping his cock as he continues to leak, painting your hand with teases of his incoming release. you’re sure that his sweatpants and the sheets below you will be stained with his arousal from how much precum oozes from his dick, slicking up your hands and creating the perfect flashlight but you don’t dare to think of anything else but the way dabi’s face twists with pleasure as he desperately thrusts himself into the softness of your palm.
his cheeks flush red, globs of drool connecting the roof of his mouth to his tongue while his eyes grow fuzzy at each step he takes closer to orgasm, the very drool from his mouth covers each of your breasts as dabi switches between them— creating a layer of wet against your supple skin that shines under the moon. you flick your wrist around him, faster, harder— giving the villain everything you’ve got to make him feel good.
“shit pretty girl, y’gonna make me...cum,” touya shakes in your grip, eyes crossing and tongue becoming lazy against your marked up chest. his salvia pools against your skin while he pants and fucks your wet hand as if it were your pretty little cunt clamping down on him. “fuck, fuck, fuck. don’t you fuckin’ stop, don’t you dare fuckin’ stop...”
he barks out the demands, but there’s a neediness to his tone and whine to his voice that makes you grin with pride, even if you’re barely there from having your nipples stimulated beyond belief. “cum for me touya, please, wanna feel you come undone for me.” you beg him, ever so slightly and it’s just enough to push the villain over the edge, sending him into an earth shattering orgasm. you don’t dare to stop as you jerk him off, guiding down from his high as his cock twitches from release and paints your knuckles with the thick white of his seed. he mewls contendly into your breasts, slowing his hips while the world of colours dance behind his cerulean eyes.
“here with me yet?” you murmur to him, grasping his wild locks to tilt his head up towards your face— dabi looks so blissed out but the smirk on his raw and bitten lips tells you the night is far from over.
pressing a searing kiss to your sternum, your boyfriend’s pierced tongue makes yet another appearance as he trails the muscle down your soft tummy— biting your navel as he goes. “never left gorgeous, but don’t you fucking dare think for a second that this is over, y’got that?” he sits up quickly, grabbing hold of your doughy thighs and using them to pull you down the bed. the pads of his fingers start to burn marks into your skin, dancing along your legs and stopping just above the waistband of your underwear. “gotta stretch this cunt open before i give you my cock, remind you of who the fuck you belong to.”
spreading your thighs nice and wide, you release a breath you hadn’t realised you’d been holding as dabi’s hands finally come into contact with your slit, prodding at your slick folds from over your panties. lowering his face between your open legs, your boyfriend hums in satisfaction as he peels your sticky panties away from your pussy. “why, babydoll, you’re so fucking wet down here. this can’t all be for me, can it?” touya teases you, hot breath fanning against your unused sex while his fingers play with the string of your slick that coats them. “y’must’ve missed your man badly for your lil cunt to look this fucked up, s’pecially when i haven’t even touched’ya yet.”
you shiver and nod weakly, willing to say or do anything to feel more of your boyfriend against you. “s’all for you dabi, o-only you could get me this wet, n-no one else could take your place...” you mewl, hips bucking into the air while the man himself watches you grow needier and needier, hormones expelled into the air. dabi grins, leaning into your core once more to press his nose into your wetness, sniffing your spiked panties like the dirty man he is— only to then lay his pierced tongue flat against your folds, tracing your hole with the muscle while his nose bumps at your clothed clit.
“saved this all for me, huh? you’re so loyal, sweetness. waiting for me all this time…” he kitten licks at your cunt until you’re writhing amongst the already solid sheets, forcing his spit into your hole from over the thin fabric of your panties, creating a more prominent outline of your puffy lower lips as your thighs quieter around his head. they threaten to close as he works on you through your underwear— teasing and prodding at your sex to see if you respond the same way to his touches as you used to.
you force your shaking through his black and white locks, grabbing hold of his roots in an attempt to pull dabi back to your heat when he lifts his head from between your thighs— pushing your lips into a pout. “no, no no, baby, please— need you to eat my cunt, want your mouth on me, please!” you cry out, but you’re quickly pacified by his scarred hand which cups your pussy— seat of his hand grinding into your clit.
“god, if i had known you were still this eager to fuck me i woulda come home a long time ago, babydoll.” he chuckles, licking up your inner thigh and biting down on the plush flesh. “need’ta get rid of these though, they’re getting in my way.” the villain gestures to your panties, making you watch as his quirk burns it’s way through the silky material until it’s nothing but ash against your sheets. you gasp as soon as your cute little pussy is exposed to the cool air, missing the warmth of touya’s pink tongue against it. “better.” he sneers, eyes bright and glowing in the dark with a new sense of feral desire.
thick digits press into your tight hole at the same time touya takes to sucking on your swollen clit, forcing their way up your velvet walls in search for your pleasure spot. dabi chuckles against your sticky folds as you begin to whine, hips rolling up into your lover’s face while his tongue draws rough patterns onto your bud. you’ve missed him, missed this. the nights where the villain dabi would sneak into your home, becoming your touya todoroki between the four walls that you shared— where you would spend nights seeing stars by his hand or his cock and he would make you his over and over again. the memories have you clamping down on his digits like there’s no tomorrow, greedily sucking them in as he strokes at the walls of your sex and makes your whole body shake.
touya works hard at pleasuring you, apologising for his absence through slurping the juices from your folds only for you to gush and paint his scarred chin with more of your nectar. the way you taste makes him dizzy, he could spend the rest of his life between your thighs and never miss the outside world like he did before tonight. he wants to be good for you, make you feel good too and it’s not enough to feel the ecstasy roll off of your heavenly body in waves— he wants all of you, mind, body and soul to belong to him.
you can barely breathe, leaking with every swipe of his tongue against you and every twist of his fingers inside of you. you can feel everything at once, the euphoria crackling across your brain, high on the way touya makes you feel. “god, t-touya, don’ stop...feel so fucking good…” you heave in a drawn out moan, barely able to tell what’s up and what’s down as the villain pulls his fingers from your slick hole and replaces them with his tongue ( only after they’ve pushed down on your g-spot over and over again ).
“you’re not the one giving orders, sweet stuff, oh no.” dabi reminds you sloppily, looking like a child with no table manners as your nectar smears across his face. for his own satisfaction, he delivers a harsh smack to your pussy, watching as your entire body jolts and jumps up the bed. “your cunt is mine and i’ll do what i want with it, show you how much i missed it.”
his possessive words almost set you off, the knot in your stomach growing tighter with every pinch of your nub and every swirl on his tongue inside your walls, committing every ridge to memory. your body burns and you’re not sure if it’s from dabi pressing against you so hotly or because of the desire that fuels the fire inside you.
“yours, yours, yours!” you chant like a mantra, high pitched and whiny— your voice mixing with the crude sounds of your own pathetic cunt, that grows louder when dabi spits on your clit to add to your wetness. he lets it drip between your folds, fingers to busy with stimulating you to catch it before it slides between your lower cheeks, opting to use his tongue on you instead.
“ya’like that don’t you? missed your whinin’ pretty girl, fuck, even missed making you a fucking mess.” you keen into his touch, babbling incoherent praises to the man between your legs as he spreads you wider by the ass with one hand and forces his fingers back into your cunt with the other. his fingers curl into a come hither motion, repeatedly pressing down on your spongy spot as he sloppily makes out with your puffy nub— taking only one, two, three strokes to make your eyes roll into the back of your skull and your orgasm to wash over you.
your body convulses, shaking as you’re hit hard by your release— juices gushing all over your lover’s face even as he refuses to let up. “t-touya no...no no...can-can’t,” you whinge, tears clumping in your lashes. dabi spreads your lips again, using three digits instead of two to continue stimulating your clit until another release builds up inside your lower belly— clear liquid gushing out of your abused pussy and staining the sheets below.
he hums proudly, pressing a lasting kiss to your fluttering hole before reaching up to your lips to do the same, barely allowing you the time to catch your breath— chest heaving while you come down from your high. “so pretty when you squirt for me like that, sweetness,” dabi moans into your mouth, allowing you to taste yourself on him. but as soon as he comes, he’s gone— rolling you onto your stomach and lifting your hips so your ass sits in the air for him. “gonna take my cock now, kay?”
“kay,” you mumble into the sheets, brain too  fuzzy to resist as the villain manhandles you the way he wants.
after shoving down his sweatpants, the eldest todoroki grips the peachy soft flesh of your ass— smacking it a few times with his heat activated palms to watch the flesh jiggle and his handprint sink into the skin. you lean back, watching over your shoulder as his cock stands at full attention, hard from seeing you come undone on his fingers and tongue. it burns bright red at the tip, another fat glob of precum making it shine and making you dribble with anticipation. “y’such a fuckin’ slut, my beautiful slut… hungry for my cock even after i’ve wrecked your lil pussy so bad,” dabi says with a cocky lilt to his voice, the very tone making your hole clench around nothing. he taps his sticky cockhead against your slit, running it up and down your cunt three or four times— groaning as it slides between your cheeks. the sensation causes your back to arch as you wail, fingers gripping the bed covers so tight that you almost cause them to tear. “don’t you worry baby, ‘m gonna make up for lost time, you don’t have to miss me anymore.”
there’s a double meaning to his words that you don’t ask him to elaborate on, too caught up in the way he teases your hole as he dips his length in— only to pull it right back out. “don’t tease, need you badly,” you plead, earning yourself another harsh spank to your raw ass cheeks.
“shut the fuck up and let me fuck you,” the words are harsh against his tongue, but dabi utters them softly as he relents to his wishes. his cerulean gaze flutters down to where your bodies begin to join, his large hand gripping his length before he starts to push into your dribbling entrance. “god, you’re s’fuckin’ tight, you might as well be a virgin.” pussy spasming at his words, you leak against touya’s cock, creating a lewd squelching sound as he pushes more of himself into you. the weight of dabi’s thick girth causes painful, yet delicious burn which he eases by rubbing soothing circles into your clit once more. “been s’long, i outta fuck you open again, huh?”
“uhuh, take me again touya. make me yours, all over again.” you slur over the spit drowning your tongue, eyes fluttering shut when the villain’s hips surge forward his dick brushes against your cervix. his rough, calloused palm grabs your neck from behind, forcing you down into the sheets while he bottoms out inside of you and pushes the last of his cock past your entrance. the two of you groan in unison, touya sitting heavy inside of your walls before you muster up the energy to say. “move.”
he doesn’t need to be told twice, whilst dabi was enjoying the feeling of being engulfed by your soft, warm insides— cock twitching in relief from time to time— he finds it within him to pull back from your selfish cunt to thrust into you with all his might. the force pulls a broken squeal from between your bitten and bruised lips, your hips pushing back against dabi to keep him inside of you. the pair of you move in sync, bodies dancing in a sensual grind between lovers that moulds your cunt into the shape of your boyfriend once more. “oh fuck yeah baby, oooh, missed your cunny s’bad…” dabi yowls loudly, listening for the squashy sounds of your sexes moving against one another. “christ, you like when i talk about your pathetic little pussy like this?”
you bite down on your lower lip, embarrassed by your own bleats of pleasure when he degrades you like this. annoyed by your lack of answer, touya grabs onto your hips and pulls you off of his cock, only to slam them back into you seconds later. his pace is unforgiving and relentless from there, forcing your body up the bed with every thrust into your core. “yes! like it, love it, missed your cock so bad touya!” you cry, holding onto the sheets for dear life as his dick drags along your pleasure spots and his hands burn marks into your ass and hips.
weakly, you attempt to match his thrusts. circling the meat of your ass back onto dabi and squeezing around the head of his girth every time it plunges into your sopping pussy. your arousals mix as he pounds away at your hole, a thick string hanging between your bodies and dribbling down your inner thighs, tainting innocent skin. the wet noise reverberates across the room, creating a passionate symphony with dabi’s deep, pitiful moans.
even though it had been a while since the two of you had been intimate like this, dabi still knew all the ways to get your body going. he took you from behind but still let his marred hands wonder and explore the planes of your skin, pinching here and there, marking your body as his to use and his alone. there’s love hidden beneath his rough touches, little signs that he missed having you so close to him— having you split open on his cock while you dripped on his pelvis and ruined your bedsheets, was his own way of unleashing his pent up emotions of love, anger and despair onto you and you wanted it. you wanted his good and his bad while he fucked you like his life depended on it, balls deep inside the pussy of the woman he loved was where he was most vulnerable with you.
“s-shit, sweetness, you’re such a pretty mess, so fucked up on my cock, can feel you clamping around me like my greedy bitch should.” you’re stuffed so full, clenching every time touya drives his cock deeper into your gummy cunt, head prodding at the sensitive bundle of nerves inside of you. he’s losing his mind at how you choke out his iron hot girth, clear liquid seeping down your thighs at every thrust. “you’re my beautiful brain dead baby, letting me fuck you like this, yeah? missed you baby, missed this,” despite his words, touya is no better than you, mind hazy with thoughts of you creaming around him because of how good he’s made you feel. him, and no one else. you saved yourself for him after all these months, the least he could do was bring you to cloud nine.
he does so by angling his thrusts up to meet your pleasure spot every time, howling your name in the way he knows you like just to feel your hot cunny spew more of your juices out against his tummy. “missed you, thought about this for months,” you lament, elbows that kept you up finally giving out as your body tiredly collapses into the sheets— dabi’s balls still clapping against your ass. he follows you down into bed covers, chest pressing hotly against your back as the jackhammers into you from behind. “thought about your fat cock in my tight pussy, t-touched myself to you...made being alone worth it, made waiting for you to come home worth it. ‘cause i get to see your beautiful face when you fuck me…” you barely register what you’re saying, babbling incorrectly while the temperature of your body rises with your level of arousal.
behind you, touya’s cheeks burn with a new feeling. deep down, all he wanted was to be validated as a lover to you, he’d always been deemed as the bad guy incapable of feeling anything for anyone other than himself. but you, you had proved him wrong so many times and he still found your words hard to believe. yet, it felt good to know how much you loved him. snaking a hand down to your face, the villain squishes your cheeks together and brings you up to his own face despite the arch to your back— he keeps up his sinful pace, your lower cheeks bouncing with every push and pull of his length while he drips a globule of his saliva into your pouting mouth. “shut up,” he grunts harshly, although love is written across his cobalt eyes.
you smile up at him dopily, keeping eye contact with him as you swallow gratefully. “anything for you,” his hands slip from your squashed cheeks to your throat, cupping it as he holds you against him. more arousal pools in your lower stomach, turned on by the thrill of him being able to end your life right then and there, all it would take would be one flame but you know more than anything that dabi loves you and would never hurt you. “i love you, touya todoroki. i a-always will.”
your admission makes dabi’s heart stop in his chest, heated pants tickling your ear as he continues to take you and claim your body as his. with newfound vigor, he links his free hand with yours that lays against the bed and rams his cock into your core as hard and as fast as he can, determined to make you cum. “i—oh fuck, i love you too, sweetness…” the arsonist can feel the way your cunt flutters around his girth at his confession, tears building up in your eyes once more. god, you were so pretty like this, arched for him perfectly in the moon, stars illuminating every curve and dip on your body— showing off the stretch marks from where you’d carried his child. everything about you turned him on in the best possible ways and everything about you that turned him on, also turned out to be everything he loved about you.
your stupid big heart, your stupid big eyes when you say that you love him, your stupid smile when he used to kiss you and hold you and even now when he fucked you. touya todoroki was in love and in the worst possible way but he couldn’t say he regretted a single moment of it, not when you stayed true to him after all these months of being apart. you raised his child and you loved him all the same and a part of him is grateful that you never turned your back on him like everyone else he’s ever loved.
so the least he could do is make love to you, push his creamy cock into the depth of your core while kissing down your spine to watch you shudder oh so cutely. it’s messy and sloppy and the pair of you should feel nasty for the stench of sex in the air, lingering against your skin. but you don’t, how could you? not when love and adoration tingles in the air as well, it’s messy because of the unadulterated emotions you feel for one another— deep in vulnerability is where dabi grinds his cock slowly into you, hitting all the right places that make you scream his name into the night. makes him mumble incoherent praises against your bruised neck and squished cheeks as he lewdly licks a stripe up the column of your neck to behind your ear.
you gush around him and he grunts with ecstasy into your ear, tightening that knot in your stomach as you both step closer to your highs. “you like the way i fill this cunt up, huh? yeah? when i hold you like this, when i fuck you like this?” dabi mutters to you lewdly, holding onto his sanity by a thin thread as his own release sneaks up on him. “tell me you like it...fuck sweetness, please.”
“i love the way you fuck me touya, fuck! only you can make me feel this good,” you moan to appease him, bouncing back against his cock while his hips begin to stutter and your eyes begin to cross. it’s true, you love belonging to him, being able to bring him such pleasure and you know he feels the same way. the villain prods at your g-spot over and over again, stealing your breath away as he pulls you up and into your chest, changing the angle of his hips to bring you to the last hurdle. “baby—ohmygod—-touya! ‘m sososo close, don’t stop...don’t stop, gonna cum, give it to me, give it to me please!” you chant, eyes fluttering shut as you lean your head back against his shoulder and search for his hand, voice rising with every octave as you get closer and closer.
“fucking cum for me sweet girl, shit, cum all over this fucking cock.” dabi manages through gritted teeth, grasping your hand while the pace of his thrusts grow inconsistent.
that’s all that you need to hear before the damn breaks and arousal floods through your entire body courses through your veins. white dances behind your eyes in flashes as your release flushes out of your pussy and drips between touya’s balls, coating them in a layer your honeyed slick. you slump against your boyfriend, not able to mutter a word as you convulse in a silent scream and squeeze both his hand and cock alike.
gently, he pushes you down to the bed and pulls his cock from your intoxicating heat— his free hand clasps around his cock, palming himself towards a swift release. “yeah, oh fuck yeah, fuckin’ love you baby,” he cums on your back and your ass, thick, potent and milky seed landing on your flushed skin before he collapses beside you and exhaustion settles in his bones.
you black out for a few minutes after, fingers still intertwined but dabi manages to slip out long enough to retrieve a washcloth that's damp and warm to clean you both up with. you wake up just as he crawls back into bed with you, kissing your hairline while he makes himself comfortable. “almost thought i’d killed you for a second,” the villain jokes, slinging a loose arm over your bare waist and pulling you to lay on his chest.
“you couldn’t, even if you tried.” you counter sleepily, drawing star shapes on your boyfriend’s naked stomach. a comfortable silence sweeps over the room, despite the thoughts that linger on your mind. looking up at dabi, you notice him drifting off but still can’t help the words that slip from your lips. “why didn’t you ever come back?”
you feel dabi’s chest rise and fall with a deep sigh, fingers coming up to scratch at your scalp— something that used to help you to sleep when you were together before. “i was figuring out a way to get out of the league, to be with you and kori.” he says after some time, catching your eye as you give him a confused look. “shigaraki doesn’t know about her, i never told him. but i knew from the moment we found out about her, i didn’t want her to be a part of the life i’m involved in and knowing how the league works, they’d find a way to make use of her.”
you stay quiet, not knowing what to do with the new information and dabi’s reasoning for staying away for so long. on one hand you were grateful to him for keeping your daughter quiet and safe but part of you still wished he’d given you a sign to let you know it’d all be okay. grabbing your chin, he forces you to look up at him—passionate flames burning in his eyes. “i need you to trust me on this one sweetness, i promise nothin’ will happen to you nor kori. so long as i’m around.”
“pinky promise?” you ask him sweetly, feeling the truth to his words.
you hold up your pinky to the villain’s face, smiling through exhaustion as he rolls his eyes down at you. “pinky promise, babydoll. now get some shut eye, kay?” touya links your pinky with his, scoffing when you make him kiss them.
“g’night, touya.”
“sleep well, babydoll.”
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the bed is cold when you wake up the next morning.
the panic sets in quickly, speeding up with the chirping of birds from your balcony outside. you shouldn’t be tearing up over the childishness of a pinky promise. he always made you promises but never actually kept the and as quickly as dabi had waltzed back into your life, he had left you alone and in the cold once more.
gathering yourself together, you stumble out of your bed— avoiding any mirrors that may show the cascade of marks dabi had left against your skin from the previous night. you feel embarrassed and ashamed that you let him back into your life so easily, especially now that you had kori to think about. tears start to well in your tired and puffy eyes as you head to the kitchen, thinking that a mug of coffee will calm you down before you prep your daughter for the day.
but as you wander out of your room, the familiar sound of your baby girl’s laugher drifts through the air— seemingly coming from the kitchen.  the sweet melody calls out to you and suddenly your casual stride to the kitchen becomes a brisk walk so you can reach her faster. “kori? baby? did you climb out of your crib again—?” you call out to her, stopping in your tracks when you round the corner.
dabi stands in the middle of your kitchen, still shirtless, with kori balanced on his hip— in one hand he holds a small blue flame, which you’re sure he believes is safe enough for kori to play with while the other steadies your baby girl while she claps and squeals. a first. you’re not too sure when the last time you’d seen her happy was, but you figure her father’s presence had something to do with it.
“i was going to make you breakfast, but the little shit woke up and i didn’t have enough free hands to make you a grilled cheese.” touya smirks over at you, diminishing his flame to grasp kori’s hand and use it to wave at you. she squeals happily, curls bouncing and eyes lighting up in a similar way to her father’s. your heart melts at the sight of them being together, seeing the mannerisms that they share and how joyous they seem. they both grinned the same way, shared the little twitch in their noses and even their sneezes. kori todoroki was an exact replica of touya todoroki, right down to the tiny red curl she had lost in her white locks.
“you know, i thought you’d left,” you make your way across to the island where dabi sets his daughter down and check her temperature— just in case her sudden change in mood is down to any sickness. “the bed was cold when i woke up.”
“didn’t i make you a promise last night, sweetness? i’m not going anywhere,” the arsonist reminds you, wrapping his arms around you from behind while you wipe at kori’s pudgy baby cheeks and give her the once over again. “if you’re checking the kid’s temperature, she's usually pretty cold because of my mom’s quirk. something ice related will be coming through, but she must’ve inherited your strong constitution. guess she has a normal body temp when i’m around ‘cause it balances her out.” while dabi explains the inner workings of kori’s incoming quirk, she claps and babbles excitedly from her place on the island— making a game out of throwing her toys off of it. all of dabi’s logic makes sense and you seem a little more relieved knowing how to take care of her from here.
picking her up, along with her stray toys, you set your baby down by her playmat again and switch on some baby-safe cartoons while you fix yourself and dabi some coffee, kissing all over kori’s face beforehand. he had whined when you pulled away the first time to give your daughter some attention, it was almost comical how the big bad villain had pouted then. “i wonder if there’s anything of mine she inherited or if it’s all you and todoroki genetics.”
“well, her pretty smile certainly didn’t come from me, babydoll.” dabi muses with a light chuckle, arms trapping you against his chest once more as you continue to make you both some much needed caffeine. the coffee machine whirrs as you sway together in the early morning sunshine, warmth from the sun brushing against your skin and touya’s hair tickling your neck before he presses kisses over your fading love bites while kori’s annoying shows play in the background. everything feels complete and at peace. you feel like a real family. “i could get used to this, this life with you.”
you spin in dabi’s arms, cupping his cheeks and taking in his face for the millionth time in the last twelve hours. “then stay, or at least visit some more now that you’re back. you may not feel it, but kori and i need you. everything has always been better when you’ve been around touya… and i mean that. stay.” you stare at him with pleading eyes, standing on your tiptoes to stare him down and communicate just how much you needed him here with you both.
and for once in his life, touya todoroki feels the most loved he’s ever really felt. here in this shitty two bedroom apartment with his angelic little girl and his beautiful girlfriend during the winter season— touya knows this is right where he needs to be. “i’ll stay, for as long as you’ll fuckin’ have me.”
“forever, then?” you ask, eyes lowering to your boyfriend’s lips.
“forever it is, babydoll.” the villain nods, following your gaze before leaning down to capture your lips with a promise written into your sweet kiss.
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extended ending
you thought that the best kind of weather was when the sun peeked out from behind the clouds but the air around you was still as cold as a december’s day. the breeze is enough to make your nose run just a little, but occasionally the warmth of the sun’s rays radiates across your skin like a warm blanket, balancing it out.
it was the kind of weather where people didn’t know how to dress, some wore mismatched shorts and jerseys whilst others were decked out in scarves up to their cheeks and sandals where their toes flopped out. it was the kind of weather that reminded you of dabi and kori, they were your warmth and your cold, they balanced each other out and made your family whole.
kori sits on your right hip as you push the car door closed and wave goodbye to an accomplice of your boyfriend’s— your driver for the evening. your little girl’s curls are combed back into two even pigtails, dark blue bows in each one while the red lock of her hair ( now, much longer ) curls against her forehead stubbornly. she looks so pretty, all fancied up a dress that dabi had chosen for her on this particular occasion, the lace irritated her only slightly but the decapitated endeavour plushie her father had gifted her served nicely as a distraction.
you bounce her once, cooing down at your baby before you look to the hospital in front of you— a look of determination in your eye. ever since the night touya had visited you and swore to stay, he’d kept his word to the best of his abilities. being a villain was still a major factor in your relationship, he came when he could stayed if his job permitted it— taking care of your daughter when your shifts were long and even going as far as to learn his and kori’s favourite recipes to cook on the nights where you couldn’t or you didn’t fancy take out.
in the last few weeks his visits had become slightly more scarce with shigaraki becoming more and more demanding, but touya’s plan to leave the league was slowly coming to fruition along with endeavour and the hero society which had both carved a life of struggle for the three of you.
your boyfriend being busy had given you more time to reconnect with the friends you had lost over the last year, meeting up with those from college, mina and tsuyu ( who’d simply thought you’d gone off the radar ) for kori’s first birthday. they absolutely loved her and your sweet girl loved all the attention she was getting. you even had the chance to reunite with your parents, who were more remorseful that you felt you couldn’t come to them for help than the fact that you’d gotten pregnant during college.
of course, they all asked who the father was and you simply told them that he had died ( which was half true ), using the excuse that you were embarrassed to be widowed and with a child at your young age.
shaking your head, you enter the hospital and recite the words that touya had made you practice the night before. you were here by endeavours orders and needed to see mrs.todoroki. your lover had used some sort of hack to put you on the list of visitors for his mother but one look at kori was all the guards and staff needed to let you through. a few nights prior to today, dabi had asked you to do one thing for him before it all went down, kissing your knuckles over some sushi take out.
so despite your nerves, you would go through with this for him, especially if it meant your family could be together. some guards escort yourself and kori to rei todoroki’s room, leaving you with a curt nod and slightly more polite wave to your daughter. the room itself is slightly bleak, a chair and some blue cushioned sofas positioned in an L-shape parallel to the blanketed bed. there’s a tv in the top left corner which and a set of draws underneath where a clear vase sits— containing blooming blue flowers.
rei looks up when you enter, grey eyes flashing with confusion despite the blank look on her face as kori babbles happily in your arms. “who are you?” she whispers, hands retreating from her flowers and  folding neatly in her lap.
“oh! i’m yn, your son’s fiancé and this,” you beam kindly, further entering the room and being sure to lock the doors behind you. you nod your head down to your daughter who waves around her endeavour plushy— paying no mind to the situation unfolding. “this is our daughter, your granddaughter...kori todoroki! she’s just turned one and daddy thought it was about time she met you, isn’t that right pretty girl?”
rei blinks and you smile again. “she’s a daddy’s girl,” you explain and lift your hand to snow the small sapphire engagement ring on your ring finger. touya had proposed last night as well, certain your plan would work out. “and quite frankly, so am i! how can i not be when your son treats me so well.”
nodding slowly, the wife of endeavour looks down at her hands which you note, nervously fiddle with a stray petal. “so, natsu and you—?” you can see her trying to work it out, curiosity written across her features. you could see why the woman might think kori was natuso’s child— they looked a lot like each other just by first glance but rei was missing an important feature. the colour of kori’s eyes.
“oh no, your other son. the eldest one.” you correct her with a sinister shake of your head. swiftly crossing the room to set your daughter down in rei’s lap. you watch with an evil air of satisfaction as rei todoroki freezes with fear, as the mistakes her family paid out to touya suddenly come to the forefront of her mind. she wobbles with kori still in her grip and you shoot her a dark glare— reaching over to fix her flowers in their vase. “touya picked these out, always said that you loved them. such a pretty shade of blue, no wonder why they’re your favourites, right?”
“please leave.” she looks up at you pleadingly, shaking like a leaf in the breeze outside. oh how you wish your fiancé was here to see this but he had more important things to do.
rolling your eyes, you grab the remote to switch on the tv— pinching kori’s nose affectionately to make her laugh again. “come sit with me rei, let’s watch some tv to help you calm down.”
the woman nods weakly, barely moving an inch as you take a seat beside her with a smile. you skip channels a few times, pride swelling up in your chest when you finally land on the right one, touya’s broadcast flashing across the screen. he sits leisurely in a chair, shirtless with all of his beautiful scars on display— a painful reminder of his childhood and what he’d become. “i, touya  todoroki, was born as the eldest son of endeavour. today i’ve killed over 30 innocent people until now, some to protect my family. my daughter, who i have not been able to see due to my father. i would like to let everyone know why i’d end up committing such a hideous act.” he speaks such calmness and clarity, and you can’t help but feel emotional at how he stands in front of the world.
kori grins, leaping up at the sight of her father on the screen and claps her hands. “dada!! dada!! lookie s’daddy!!” she squeals while rei struggles to breathe, panic set in her eyes.
you put a hand on the woman’s shoulder, offering her a sweet grin in an attempt to calm her before the oncoming storm. “keep watching, mrs.todoroki, touya said we’d be one big, happy family after this.” the words are sugar coated and sickly sweet, carrying the dark meaning across to your fiancé’s mother.
looking away, your heart swells while touya tears down the hero society and spills the truth for all of japan to see. you were grateful to the man he’d become— loyal to you, to your daughter and the dreams that you had. the satisfaction of seeing the real villains of the world fall was much greater than any hush money enji todoroki could ever offer.
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@husband-to-tomura-shigaraki @grace-todoroki @toshiuwu  @whet-ones-write​
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yourmidnightlover · 3 years
all my fault
Request: spencer and y/n are married, and they’ve been trying to have kids, and then she finds out she’s pregnant. a few weeks into the pregnancy, she has a miscarriage, and at the hospital the doctor said it’s bc she had an abortion as a teenager, and it fucked up her it yet us. spencer didn’t know she had an abortion, and blames her for the death of the baby, and they end up sleeping separately for a while and they have to grieve by themselves. spencer ends up talking to emily about it bc of her experience and it has a comforting ending!
Summary: when reader has a miscarriage after trying to have a baby with spencer, and things about her past are revealed and leaves things rocky within their relationship.
CW: miscarriage, pregnancy, mention of abortion, spencer’s rly harsh at first, teenage pregnancy, mentions of surgery, a cervix condition that i kinda made up, depressive thoughts, negative self-worth, HAPPY ENDING. *please let me know if i’ve missed anything*
A/N: i’ve been working on coming up with a series, which i posted last thursday! i’m sorry i haven’t been as consistent with my schedule, this summer has really taken a toll on my mental health and school is about to start back up. i promise i’m not quitting writing, but my writing might become a bit more sporadic in terms of my posting schedule. i’m still not sure if i like how i’ve executed this piece, so please let me know what you think!
IMPORTANT A/N: this contains serious topics centered around pregnancy and abortion. reader end up blaming herself and it is a very triggering subject to some. if you aren’t comfortable with those kinds of depressive thoughts PLEASE DONT READ. i don’t want anyone to be triggered by my writing. your mental health matters. you matter. do not read if your sensitive to the subject matter, please!
when you and spencer checked the third pregnancy test and saw those two, very clear lines on the stick, you felt an unbelievable amount of joy.
“oh my god,” you clamped your hand over your mouth, your eyes welling with tears.
“y/n…” he held his breath, holding your free hand with both of his own.
“you’re gonna be a dad,” you huffed out a laugh as his arms flew around you.
“and you’re gonna be a mom! we’re gonna have our own little family,” he cheered as he breathed in your scent, elated from the news he had hoped for since you said ‘i do.’
spencer had wanted to be a father since he met henry, you remember how attached he was to the child who wasn’t even his own. you hadn’t always wanted children, only when you were absolutely ready for them. now, you were more than ready.
your arms flew around spencer’s neck as his went around your waist. he dropped to his knees and began pressing kisses against a bump that wasn’t even visible yet, praising you and your body for carrying his child.
because it was so hard for you to get pregnant, spencer decided to baby you every chance he got. you didn’t do the dishes or sweep, you weren’t allowed to reach for high shelves or even step on a chair to do so. he was worried about you and the baby, so you let him. you found it endearing.
the perfect man that you married was so worried about the little bean inside of you, worried for your safety, that it drove him a bit mad. who were you to complain? each time he’d do one of the new little quirks like not letting you lift anything above 10 pounds, you just smiled to yourself and brushed it off.
being pregnant was something that you had lost hope for, in all honesty. spencer had been talking to a few friends who had adopted children prior to finding out you were pregnant. if this hadn’t worked out, the two of you were going to look into adoption.
spencer had planned your doctors appointment for 6 weeks after your last period. the appointment was in three days. and then the perfect outline you had for your future went down in crumbles.
you had been having pains in your lower abdomen, and you figured it was just because you were pregnant. you went to the bathroom like you normally would when you felt queasy, kneeling by the toilet in preparation for what was to come. only nothing came.
you decided to just go pee and get back to bed. there was a pain that wasn’t like you’d felt before when you were peeing, like someone had been pulling your intestines out of your body. when you looked down, you felt your stomach drop.
“spencer!” you cried out. “spencer, hurry!” you felt tears well in your eyes until he ran up beside you. his hand was on your thigh as the other one was trying to steady your shaking hand.
“what is… oh,” he looked in the toilet to see blood inside of it.
“spencer… what happened? i don’t know what happened. everything was doing so well and the baby-we just found out and now they’re-wh-what’s gonna happen?” you rambled out, unsure of how something this horrific happened so quickly.
“i-i don’t know, my love,” he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “i don’t know. but we’ll go to the hospital right now, okay? we’ll get answers.”
you just nodded. you couldn’t speak anymore. you felt your throat closing in on yourself. you cleaned yourself up and got dressed. even looking in the mirror with spencer’s arms around you, you didn’t feel anything but guilt and worry.
spencer’s touch would usually be something to ease your mind and take away the thoughts of everything else around you. only this was something wrong inside of you. you were the problem this time. and you didn’t think anything could fix this feeling.
“let’s get to the hospital, yea?” you nodded as he held onto your hand, trying to ground you to himself as he guided you to the car.
you were silent the entire drive to the doctor. there was nothing to say. there was nothing to do. there was just… nothing. you were numb.
“hey,” he spoke up, “we don’t know what happened yet. there’s a chance it’s just a fluke, right? the baby might be okay.”
“what’re the statistics, spencer? tell them to me,” you ordered as tears flowed from your eyes.
“tell me! why don’t you want me to know?!” you accused him, looking over at the man driving as he but his lower lip. “1 in 4 women who experience bleeding during a pregnancy are fine. 25 percent. the other 75 percent of people have either a miscarriage or serious complications. those are the statistics.”
“y/n…” he sighed, “it’s not your fault. you didn’t want this to happen. besides, there’s still a 25 percent chance that nothings wrong.”
“whatever,” you rolled your eyes and opted to look out of the window for the remainder of the drive to the hospital.
“alright,” the doctor entered the room. “we have the results from the test and we’ve examined the ultrasound pictures. i’m so sorry, but you’ve had a miscarriage.”
what were you supposed to feel? an overwhelming sense of sorrow? like a failure? like the one thing you wanted most in the world fell through?
“how-how did this happen?” you spoke through the tears. “we were so-we were careful. i didn’t lift heavy objects, i didn’t do repetitive motions, i just… we tried so hard to make this work,” you shook your head in disapproval, as if you wouldn’t accept the answer that had already been proven to you.
“there’s proof of an abortion when you were a teenager. there was severe damage done to your cervix that wasn’t assessed pre-pregnancy. now, we can repair the damage within the next two months, but it will still be difficult to become pregnant after the surgery,” the female informed you.
“then what’s the point of getting the surgery?” you scoffed, looking at spencer who was just staring off in space.
“while getting pregnant will still be difficult, maintaining the pregnancy is much more likely. the fetus would be more protected and secure after the surgery,” she explained with a pitiful smile, you couldn’t help but wonder how she could smile after giving you the worst news of your life.
“right,” you nodded curtly, allowing her to sense the mood of the conversation.
“i’ll leave you two be. i’m so sorry for your loss,” she gave the both of you a pitiful smile before exiting the room, the only sound audible being the closing of the door.
it didn’t feel real. it felt as though you were in a nightmare. only this time, you wouldn’t wake in spencer’s comforting arms. you wouldn’t hear the soft soothing voice of the man you love trying to calm you down. you wouldn’t feel the solace he would provide by merely being himself in your proximity.
the drive home was eerily quiet. there was an inkling of animosity between you. looking over at spencer in the driver’s seat, he had a dead look on his face, the only sign of previous emotion being his red-rimmed eyes and tear-stained cheeks. he didn’t even look like your spencer. he looked like a stranger in the drivers seat with a cold expression that you could barely read.
you knew this was something you should talk about. when the nurse came back in the room it was only to offer a few referrals go therapists that specialized in this kind of grief. clearly, any couple should talk about losing an unborn baby. but you knew that’s not what spencer was truly upset about.
you waited until you shut the door to your apartment before saying anything.
“maybe we should talk about it?” you whispered, not knowing how he’d react.
“about what? the fact that you’ve lied to me for our entire relationship?!” he wouldn’t even turn around to face you. “i thought we were in this together, y/n. we aren’t supposed to keep secrets from each other - especially not any that just killed our child!”
“hey…” you winced at his words. “why would you say that?”
“that’s the truth! your choices when you were a teenager just killed our child! my child!” he finally turned to face you, and you wished he hadn’t.
“do you think i knew they would botch my abortion, spencer?! do you think that’s what i wanted?!” you stepped closer to him, he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
“i don’t know what you want anymore, y/n,” he shook his head, clearly exasperated.
“i want you. i want to get the surgery to fix my cervix. i want to grieve our child. i still want kids… with you, spencer,” you tried to ease the mood, calm him down. you reached your hand out to cup his cheek before he dodged your touch, afraid of touching you. “but you don’t want that?” you whispered so quiet, too afraid of the answer to raise your voice.
“i-“ he sighed and bit his lower lip. “i don’t know.”
“right. of course you don’t,” you shook your head before sitting on the couch, dropping your face in your hands.
“what’s that supposed to mean?” he scoffed as he took off his coat.
“it means that: of course, you’re making this about you! it can’t be about us grieving our loss together like the doctor recommended?!” you peeked between your hands at the man you still didn’t recognize.
“maybe we shouldn’t grieve together since we can’t even have a conversation without getting angry at one another,” he tried to reason.
“the only reason i’m getting mad is because you’re blaming me for my baby’s death,” you spat back at the doctor before you.
“because it’s your fault!” he stood strong in his belief. “when you were a teenager, did you or did you not have an abortion?”
“i did,” you admitted.
“and the nurse said that in said abortion, they screwed your cervix up! if you didn’t have that abortion, our child would still be alive! we would be on our way to become happy parents!” he accused, rubbing salt in the already stinging wound. “it’s your fucking fault!”
“stop saying that,” you shook your head and dropped it back in your hands, trying to hide the tears that began to flow down your face.
“it is, y/n! i can’t believe you’re even trying to say this isn’t!” he chuckled, clearly getting under your skin.
“shut up, spencer!”
“i can’t, y/n!” he sat in the chair across from you before standing back up, too hyper to sit. “no wonder it was so hard for you to get pregnant.”
“spencer,” you begged him to stop, meeting his face with your teary eyes.
“y/n,” he stared you in the eyes, and you saw a glimpse of the man you loved for a second before he retreated to the bedroom.
you sat on the couch in confusion of what had just occurred.
when you were 15, you’re boyfriend was adamant about taking your relationship “to the next step.” you didn’t think you were ready to have sex, but you wanted him to stay with you. so, you gave in. it just so happened to be that you were one of the lucky girls that ends up getting pregnant her first time in spite of birth control and a condom. you couldn’t tell your mom about your pregnancy, she’d have your head on a pole.
so, you earned enough money from your job to get an abortion yourself. you went to a clinic and had your boyfriend’s mom come with you to sign as your guardian. was it smart to get an abortion that cheap? probably not. but you had no other choice. your mom had made it abundantly clear that if she caught you fooling around with him that she’d kick you out.
you were 15. you were young and still had to finish high school. there was no support system for you. you would’ve been on the streets with a little baby - not to mention the amount of debt you’d go into for just giving birth to a child in a hospital. it was the only choice.
and now you were being berated for making the only choice you even had - and by the person you loved most in the world.
you curled into yourself on the couch, laying your head on the arm and crying into the fabric. you released all of the tension and turmoil. you held onto the cushions as if it were the man that you wanted - no, needed to comfort you. because as much as you’d hate to admit it and try to fight those thoughts, part of you thought that spencer was right. it was your fault.
you fell asleep on the couch that night. you didn’t have the strength to get up to grab a blanket so you just sucked it up.
spencer didn’t sleep at all. he was used to having you curled into his chest, or himself on yours. he felt terrible about how he had talked to you, but he was too stubborn to admit anything just yet.
in the middle of the night he went out of the room to grab a glass of water. he saw you curled up in a ball, you head resting on the arm of the couch as you slept. it was the most peaceful you looked in the past 24 hours. but you began shivering as you slept. you were probably too exhausted to get up to do anything.
he went to the hall closet on a detour and grabbed your favorite, soft blanket and laid it on top of your body. after placing a soft kiss on your forehead, he went into the kitchen and made his glass of water before taking one more glance at you. you had snuggled into the blanket, pulling it up to your chin with a gentle smile that always appeared when he kissed your forehead as you slept.
maybe he didn’t screw up too badly, after all.
the next few days were spent avoiding one another. spencer couldn’t face you after knowing you had kept something so dire from him for the entirety of your relationship. you couldn’t face him after he made you feel as though it was your fault you lost your baby.
you would stay on the couch all day, barely eating or drinking anything while spencer would go out - only mentioning the library or the office to do more paperwork. eventually he just started sleeping at morgan’s house - probably because he couldn’t stand being around you.
you didn’t know how to grieve your baby, you were hoping that spencer might help, but that clearly won’t be happening. on top of that, you were worrying about your marriage. he couldn’t even look at you, how was he supposed to talk to you and sleep beside you?
a lot of times, it’s perceived that the only reason women were put on this planet were to have children - of course that’s a false notion, but it didn’t make it sting any less. your body had betrayed you. you had betrayed yourself.
it was only 12 days after spencer left when he came back home, if he could call it that anymore. once he walked into the living room, he saw you curled up in that same position on the couch. you had a blank stare that was directed towards the black tv. the only evidence that you were doing something was the empty water bottles surrounding you - certainly not enough considering he’d been gone for over a week.
when he entered you didn’t even flinch. your gaze stayed on the empty screen and your face remained vacant of any emotion.
in all honesty, morgan was the one to tell spencer he should check on you. spencer hadn’t told him everything about your argument, he knew he was in the wrong. but he was just so angry. regardless, he was here now, and it’s a good thing he was.
you hadn’t been taking care of yourself. spencer had morgan and savannah checking on him, but you had nobody. he only realized this when morgan pointed it out. and as upset as he was, spencer would always love you. your expressionless face only worried him more. your clothes had been changed from when he last saw you, but he doubts you’ve had a shower.
he stayed silent as he began picking up the empty water bottles from around the table and couch. you looked at him quizzically with furrowed brows.
“what’re you doing?” you asked, your chin already quivering as tears threatened to stream down your face.
“i’m trying to help,” he whispered as sensitively as he could, making eye contact with the most pitiful face you’d ever seen.
“i think you’ve helped enough,” you rolled your eyes before resuming your serious stare-down with the television. “you can leave.”
“no, i can’t,” he replied, sitting down on the opposite end of the couch while being sure not to touch you - he didn’t know if you were ready for that.
“you already did,” you brought to his attention, briefly looking at him. “just go.”
“y/n, i-“
“i don’t want to hear it! what’re you gonna say that could make me feel worse, spencer?!” you let the tears fall past your waterline. “i know it’s my fault. i know i screwed up! and i’m sorry! i’m so sorry!” you replied with far too much sincerity, the tears streaming down your face before he scooted closer to you, planning on wrapping his arms around you. “stop! don’t come near me!” you pushed his shoulders away. “it’s my fault,” you lowered your voice significantly before wrapping your arms around yourself.
he had called emily as soon as he got back into the bedroom. he knew she had previously had an abortion when she was a teenager, and he just needed to hear her side of it. part of him didn’t even expect her to pick up the phone.
“reid, what’s wrong?” she immediately answered.
“i-i think i need to talk to you,” he whispered in a hushed tone.
“right now?” she asked in a mildly concerned tone.
“if you can? the sooner the better,” he answered honestly.
“alright. you want to meet somewhere or just come over?”
“can i just come over? it’s really personal and i wasn’t sure who else to go to,” he began tying his shoes and hoping she’d agree.
“of course, come on over,” she replied in a worried voice.
“ok. i’ll be there in twenty.”
he quietly left the apartment, not before sparing you a regretful glance. he lost his child, but you also lost your child as well. he just couldn’t control his anger. and partially, he thought he was right.
how could you not have told him about something so serious? the second you had began having issues getting pregnant, maybe you should’ve been open about previous pregnancies.
“hey,” emily greeted before giving him a hug after seeing his teary eyes. “come inside.”
“thanks,” he sniffled before stepping into her apartment.
she guided him into her living room and sat down on the couch beside him. they sat there for a few silent minutes before he was able to work up enough courage.
“y/n was pregnant,” he whispered, barely audible if she weren’t right beside him.
“was,” she pointed out, already feeling as though she knew the rest of the story.
“she uhm-she miscarried two weeks ago,” he somberly admitted for the first time to someone else. “the doctor said it was because she had an abortion when she was a teenager that somehow ruined her cervix.”
“and that’s why you felt like you needed to talk to me?” she gathered, she was a great profiler for a reason but this was far more obvious.
“i was pretty harsh. i-i told her it was her fault,” he bit his lower lip as he grimaced. “i really rubbed it in, too.”
“spencer… “ she sighed, taking a deep breath before continuing. “you’re mourning a life, right now. obviously, that would raise tensions and emotions would be heightened. but… have you apologized? for telling her it was her fault?”
“no?” he replied after thinking about it. “i was going to do that today but she’s… she’s not in good shape. i’m not saying she needs to be perfect, but while i was at derek’s i can tell she didn’t take care of herself. she barely drank any water.”
“did you ask her why she had an abortion? why she didn’t tell you? did you ask her anything about how she’s feeling?” emily asked once more.
“no,” he cowered down, feeling even worse about the truthful answer. “i was just… selfish. i didn’t think about how she’s feeling. i just-i feel so bad now, seeing what state she’s in.”
“when i got an abortion it was because i wasn’t ready for a child,” she began to inform him. “i was a child, myself. how was a child supposed to take care of another one? my mother would’ve been disgraced. i basically had nobody there for me. i kept it a secret because having an abortion is so controversial. i knew people would look at me differently for making a responsible decision for my future.”
“god, i feel so bad,” he began to tear up himself. “i love her so much and i told her these horrible things.”
“make it right, spencer,” she gave him a supportive smile and pat his thigh before he stood up.
“i-i have to go,” he wiped the tears from his face before giving emily a hug, grateful she would listen to him at such an ungodly hour.
he quickly drove back home, where he decidedly belonged in the first place. he never should’ve left home. he never should’ve left you. you were his home, and he didn’t know how he could possibly lose sight of that.
“y/n,” he cooed as he entered the apartment once more. it was noticeably a bit more clean. the trash was taken out, the dishes were done, and your hair was wet from a shower - he assumed. “hey,” he smiled when he saw you sitting on the bed, cheeks still red and tear-stained with red, puffy eyes.
“hi,” you sighed as you brushed your hair, spencer sat down beside you.
“how’re you feeling?” you shrugged. “i need to apologize to you,” he admitted, placing a hand on your thigh. “i’m so, so sorry for what i said. telling you that it’s your fault that we lost our child… i-there’s no excuse. i was clearly upset, but so were you. what i said was so out of line, and i’ll never be able to express how sorry i am to you.”
“you’re right,” you shrugged. “it was my fault.”
“no,” he rubbed his thumb on your skin. “it was not your fault. i’m so sorry i made you believe that.”
“when i was 15 my boyfriend at the time pressured me to have sex. we used a condom and i was in birth control but i still-i still ended up pregnant,” you began, taking a deep breath before continuing. “i couldn’t tell my mom because she would’ve kicked me out, so i saved up some money and had his mom take me to a cheap clinic. she signed as my mom and i got the procedure done. that was the end of it,” you finished tears streaming down your face. “a few weeks after the procedure i started having pains in like my lower back, but i didn’t think anything of it. so… it is my fault. i shouldn’t have gone to a cheap clinic, but i couldn’t live on the streets with a baby and no way to clothe or feed them.”
“y/n,” he got your attention, wiping the tears from your cheeks. “you were a teenager who had no other choice, love. it’s not your fault, it’s the clinic’s.”
“i just… it hurts so bad, spencer,” you shook your head in defeat before he wrapped his arms around you. “not even just emotionally, my body physically hurts so bad. i don’t know what to do and i thought i lost you and i didn’t know what i would do without you because i didn’t think you loved me anymore because it’s my fault,” you ranted out, sobbing into his shoulder before he moved the two of you around the bed to lay down, you on his chest.
“i’m so sorry you had to go through that, and that you’re still dealing with the repercussions,” he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “but know that i’m not leaving you. i love you and nothing will ever change that.”
“there’s nothing we can do now,” you whined, clutching to his shirt as if he’d disappear once more.
“we can go to the recommended therapy. we can get that surgery to fix your cervix,” he reminded you, rubbing circles onto your back as you sniffled. “then, if you’d like, we could try again for a baby.”
“so you still want to be with me?” you whispered by his ear, clearly worried of the answer.
“of course i do,” he said as if there were no other option; there wasn’t. “i’m so, so sorry, love.”
“the reason i didn’t tell you is because,” you sighed as you shuffled on top of spencer, now sitting on his lap and facing him. “because there’s this stigma that comes with having an abortion - and i didn’t know how you’d react. i also didn’t know it didn’t go well in the first place, but that’s a different story,” you chuckled. “i’m sorry. i should’ve told you about something so serious.”
“you don’t have to apologize,” he brushed a strand of hair from your face. “that was from your past. this is our future, we shouldn’t get caught up on it and allow it to ruin this.”
you nodded, “you’re right. are-are you staying here, now? or are you going back to derek’s?” there was an obvious look of hope in your eye that spencer never planned on squashing.
“i’m staying here,” he smiled. “home. you’re my home.”
“you’re so cheesy,” you rolled your eyes as a laugh left your lips.
“i’ve missed your smile,” he pressed a kiss to those very lips, your smile not going away but growing even bigger.
“i’ve missed you,” you pointed at his chest. “please don’t leave again.”
“i won’t. ever again,” you held your pinky out, he smiled and wrapped his own around it. “i’m so sorry.”
“we’ll work at it,” you sighed. “we’ll build back the trust and fix my stupid cervix and then maybe try again for a baby.”
over the next few months spencer and you had been going to therapy once a week, mourning the loss of your baby and working through your other issues.
five months after you found out about the miscarriage, you had the surgery to fix your cervix.
one year after you fixed your cervix you and spencer began talking about having a child. you were extremely nervous, rightfully so. you voiced your concerns to spencer about what if the surgery didn’t work? what if your cervix wasn’t the only issue? and he replied by reminding you that you would both take this one step at a time.
seven months after having the conversation with spencer about having children, a miracle had caught up to you.
you were pregnant.
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emeralddaydream · 3 years
𝙺𝚒𝚝 𝚃𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍
Kit x Fem!Reader
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A/N: So, this wasn't what I'd planned on posting next, but I've been going through some things, and my brain has just not been cooperating. Sigh. But, I've been in a very dad!character mood lately, so I thought I'd give y'all some more of my take on dad!Kit bc I love him💜 I hope you like it!!
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Your daughter’s only seven months old when she gets ill for the first time.
Being that you and Kit are both first-time parents, the entire experience is beyond overwhelming.
You're awoken in the morning, not long after Kit leaves for work, to the sound of her cries. She doesn't stop for hours, eventually tiring herself out enough to fall asleep.
While she’s down, you decide to make a quick phone-call to Kit.
You don’t call him at work very often, but you're worried; you hate seeing your baby so upset.
“Hey, sugar.” Kit presses the phone into his shoulder so that he can wipe some grease on his pants, before taking the receiver in his hands again. “What’s up?”
“Kit, it’s Y/D/N.” You’re pacing back and forth in the kitchen, tugging at the phone cord anxiously. “I think something’s wrong.”
“What do you mean?” Kit does his best to hide the alarm in his voice, but you're not fooled.
“She’s had a cough since this morning, wouldn't stop crying, I've never seen her like this... She’s finally asleep now, but I took her temperature before putting her down, and she’s definitely got a fever.” You’re trying hard to keep your tears at bay, but your bottom lip is quivering, panic beginning to set in. “What do I do?”
“Grab your jacket.” You hear Kit pull away from the phone for a moment, hear his muffled words as he speaks to someone. “Y/N? I’ll be there in ten minutes to pick you up. We’ll take her to the hospital.”
The baby wakes as soon as you pick her up from her crib, whimpering and whining the entire ride to the hospital.
Kit does his best to comfort her while also paying attention to the rode. He tells her over and over again that everything's going to be okay, occasionally reaching a hand out to stroke her pudgy little arms.
As soon as you arrive a the hospital, the baby's reaching for Kit, and he happily takes her in his arms as the three of you are led to a private room where you're told that a nurse will be with you shortly.
Kit leans back one of the chairs in the corner, the baby resting against his chest, looking up at her father with beautiful brown eyes that match his own.
While Kit has a hushed conversation with the baby, you move to a small shelf against the wall, grabbing a few of picture books before returning to your seat.
After the nurse arrives to take the baby's vitals, the two of you take turns reading to her while you await the doctor.
She really doesn't have any idea what either of you are saying, but is engaged all the same, simply enjoying the sounds of your voices, even letting out a few strained giggles of her own.
By the time Kit finishes the third book, her eyes are drooping, and she's nearly asleep again when the doctor knocks softly, before opening the door.
It doesn't take him long at all to figure out what the issue is; your baby has gotten her first cold.
You let out a relieved sigh at the diagnosis, knowing that this will at least be an easy fix, and that as long as you follow doctor's orders, your little one should be feeling better in no time.
When you arrive back home, the baby's more than ready to eat so you feed her and give her a quick bath before handing her off to Kit, who changes her into a cozy pair of pajamas.
You take the opportunity to take a quick shower of your own, and when you make your way back into your daughter's room, your heart nearly melts.
"Well, what do we have here?" you ask, stepping quietly over to the rocking chair where Kit sits, your daughter in his arms. She smiles sleepily as he hums soothing tunes in her ear.
"We're waitin' for you to come say goodnight, momma," he smiles, pressing a kiss to your cheek when you lean down to grab onto her tiny hand.
"Goodnight, sweetheart. I love you," you whisper, reaching out to move to some hair that's fallen onto her forehead, quickly noticing the change in her temperature. "Her fever's gone down." You sigh in relief as Kit yawns, running a hand gently along her back as her eyelids get heavier. "Maybe she'll feel better in the morning."
"I hope so. I hated seeing her so upset today." He recalls how upset she'd been when he'd picked the two of you up this afternoon, a frown on his face.
"You did such a good job taking care of her, though You always do." You smile at the sound of your daughter's gentle snores, her little face burrowing into Kit's neck. "You really are the best dad, you know that?"
"And you're the best mom," he replies, pressing a loving kiss to your lips before carefully lifting himself from the chair so that he lay the baby down. As the two of you stand there, watching the little angel, Kit's hand pressed against yours on the railing of her crib, you're overcome with a sense of adoration for the both of them; you're thankful to whatever or whoever decided to bless you with the perfect little family.
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taglist: @americxn, @kitwalker64, @elaineygrace, @milly-louise, @liandav, @therenlover, @tatestripedsweater, @kitwalker02, @undeadcortez, @sallyscigarettes, @xmaximoffic, @samsassinparvismagna, @billyhxrgrove, @mossybank, @slightlyvicked, @ronswansonsburntoffeyebrows, @spider-starry, @divinerulerluvr, @ikkleroniekins, @auricgold, @sanni333 (please fill out this form if you'd like to be added/removed here)
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scarecrow-supremacy · 3 years
A/N: Oookieee, so I decided to start writing a new fic bc I have great ideas for a story line. Yet I can’t bring myself I writing an actual beginning. Like I’ve already written some random chapters, but I can’t do anything with them because they don’t really make much sense without the context of the rest of the fic/my ideas. Like this chapters is where the romance/actual x reader gets into actual action. Hopefully you get the gist of what the plot is, and aren’t confused as hell from this part. Sorry if it’s a bit long, it’s around 4.8k-ish words. Enjoy 💜
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Hatake Kakashi wasn't one to celebrate his birthday.
He simply thought that they were foolish excuses to let loose and party. To Kakashi, birthdays were no reason to be happy and celebrate. They were just reminders of how long he had endured the pain of living. Each year marked another without the people he once held close in his heart. His father, his sensei, his teammates, and (y/n)...
The day that (y/n) gone on that horrible mission was his special day. The mission he was supposed to go on, but (y/n) filled in for because she wanted him to go celebrate with Gai and the others. So much for having the day of joy...Kakashi thought to himself mournfully.
With a great sigh, he grabbed the last of his belonging, shoving them in his mission pack. He'd promised to take his students out of a group mission for the day, but it had been mostly for selfish reasons. Kakashi had hoped that this would take his mind off of the weight in his soul, yet knowing that his efforts would be futile. The loss would never leave him, it would always follow him like a darned shadow. It would forever haunt him. There was not letting go of the horrors of his past.
Slowly, Kakashi strolled to the gates of Konoha to meet his kids, shoving his hands in his pockets as he mumbled a little tune under his breath. The dark cloudy sky and drizzling rain seemed to mirror how he felt inside.
Drip, drop. Drop, drop. Drop, drop.
Each raindrop fell upon the dirt paths of the town, dampening Kakashi's Jonin uniform. If only he'd gone on that mission, if only he hadn't let (y/n) take his place. If only so many things that happened hadn't. If only he felt whole again. He could feel the heavyweight of guilt on his shoulders, spreading pain throughout his body. Sure, Team 7 filled the void, but they could only do so much. If there is one thing I wish for, it is that these kids will grow up to be happy.
A soft smile played upon Kakashi's face as he approached the three teens. "KAKASHI-SENSEI!" His hyperactive blonde student, Uzumaki Naruto, yelled at him, "YOU'RE LATE-TTEBAYO!" He raised his fist in anger. Sakura glared at both Kakashi and Naruto, slapping the boy's back to calm him down. Off to the side stood Sasuke, his hands in his pockets as he briefly kicked the dirt and pebbles around him to form his clan's symbol. "Usuratonkachi," he grumbled at the group. To be honest, Kakashi did feel a little guilty about keeping the kids waiting for him. They were being held back just because he was wallowing in self-pity. And Kakashi felt ashamed of that; ordering his mind to push his thoughts further to the back of his mind.
Kotetsu and Izumo, guards of the gates, turned to the team and smiled in greeting. "The gate opening mechanism is broken, so we have to manually open the gates," they explained. "Heading out yet again, eh?" Kotetsu chuckled. "I thought you lot just came back from a mission. Ya leaving so soon?" Izumo asked. Naruto pumped his hand into the air, "Yeah! Dattebayo! It's only a C rank, but it'll be fun-ttebayo!"
He's a lot like you, eh Obito, Kakashi's mind wandered as he looked up at the clouded sky, a drop of rain fell upon his nose and slid down his mask. If only you, Minato-sensei, and Rin were here to see us in action. You would be proud.
But what about (y/n)? Part of Kakashi was surprised that he didn't think of her immediately. Did he still believe that she could've been alive? After the Hokage had told him that he'd lost contact with (y/n), Kakashi didn't know what to think. It had been 3,650 days since she left. 3,589 since she was supposed to come back. And 3,529 days since they fully lost contact. What were the chances she'd come back, alive or injured? Kakashi wanted to believe that she was still alive. Was that realistic?
"She's gone, Kakashi! You need to understand that!" He flashed back to when Asuma, Gai, and Kurenai had tried to slap some sense into him. Well actually, Kurenai had slapped him. "Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura gently tugged his sleeve, straining her arm up so her red umbrella would also cover his head. "Are you okay? You've been spacing out a lot lately." She whispered as she looked up at him.
"I'm fine, Rin," Kakashi weakly smiled, "It's nothing that you should worry about." Sakura flashed him a questioning look, "Rin?" Sucking the air, Kakashi's whole body tensed up, "Sorry." He looked away, turning his attention to the bickering Sasuke and Naruto. "Just a little mix-up, Sakura." He put on a fake smile, breaking up the boy's fight. "Let's go, shall we?"
"Alright! Shanaroo!"
Kotetsu and Izumo went to open the gates but stopped to exchange worrisome glances. "Someone just knocked from the other side of the gates. Which is weird because our list says that we shouldn't be expecting anybody." Izumo knit his eyebrows together. Kotetsu, who had been looking through a glass which allowed him to see the incomer, hastily urging Izumo to help him. "ANBU!" He had barked at his partner, "Bleeding! Dying, wounds, whatever! They need medical attention!" That had caught Kakashi's attention, he got ready to act as the guards opened up the gates, heaving on the rusted hinges. Yet he was not mentally prepared for what awaited on the other side of the grand doors.
There she stood. Uniform torn, stained and ripped up. The wakizashi sword that was strapped to her hip was blunt and scratched, the sheath dented. Skin scratched and bruised, wounds dripping with blood and gore. A long x shaped cut on the inner side of her left thigh. Gasping and choking for air, she started to wobble, blood dribbling down her limbs and stomach. The rain continued to fall, now hard and heavy; burning and searing the wounds of the lady. Yet she still managed to keep her face from wavering In an instant, Kakashi recognized who the woman was based on her cracked porcelain ANBU mask. (y/n).... "Sakura! Go alert the hospital. And you two boys, clear the way for Sakura so she can get there. Quickly!" Kakashi ordered them as he took the heavily wounded woman in his arms. Anger and fear coursed through Kakashi's veins as his heart thumped erratically. He could feel (y/n)'s body twitch in pain. "Izumo, go let Hokage-sama know that Ibara-hime has returned." Kakashi let out one last demand before zipping off to follow his kids.
"Kakashi..." (y/n) mumbled out his name, "Kakashi..." she shakily rose her hands up to gently cup his masked cheeks. "What is it?" He whispered, gently rubbing her skin through a torn patch of her ripped uniform. "Happy birthday, Hatake..." She softly breathed, her tight grip of Kakashi's chest loosened as her eyes dropped closed. Please don't die, (y/n)... I've waited all the fucking years. You aren't leaving me again. A tear formed in Kakashi's eye, flying off with the rain as he bolted towards the hospital. Stay with me a bit longer, will you?
"My sensei will be here any second with an ANBU woman in need of immediate medical attention!" Kakashi heard Sakura's voice quiver as he barged into the hospital. "I'm here, kids. Go to Gai-sensei and stay with him until I'm back." He quickly barked, flashing all of the nurses who flowed into the room a nervous look. "Please, help her. I'm begging you." He pleaded with the staff uncharacteristically. I need her to live. Need. "We do what we can, sir." One of the medic-nin nodded, putting (y/n)'s unconscious body onto the stretcher. If (y/n) lives, that would be the best birthday gift ever.
Kakashi jogged after the nurses and doctors, peering into the emergency clinic room through the window. "I'm sorry, Sir, but you won't be able to visit the lady until all the major injuries have been cleaned up and treated." A male nurse out his hand in his shoulder from behind. "But..! Okay..." Kakashi let out a sigh, "Isn't there any paperwork that needs to be filled out?"
The nurse shook his head, "The Hokage has come and is speaking to one of my colleagues about it. Don't worry about it. You won't have to take care of any of that." He tried to reassure the angsty shinobi, "The woman is part of the ANBU ranks, right? Her mask is of the uniform." Kakashi nodded his head, biting his lip inside of his mask, "Yeah...she is... but it's kinda complicated." The nurse raised his eyebrow but just shrugged. "Can I speak with the Hokage?" The Hatake requested. "Come this way," the other man sighed, leading him away.
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Kakashi let out a deep and long sigh as he held (y/n)'s scraped hand in his gloved ones. He had been told by the same nurse from before that (y/n) was in a decent state to accept visitors, yet was still unconscious. He could tell that the nurse was hiding something from him, but he was too worried about (y/n) to give it a second thought. Hesitantly, he brought her hand to his masked lips, gently pressing them against the fabric. "Ya know, (y/n). After you left, I decided to give those goddamn books a try. And you're right, they are addictive. Thanks for the gift," Kakashi sadly chuckled before pausing for a moment.
"Those books, they helped me a lot. They helped me get through my days, just like you told me."
"They also helped me realize something. They helped me realize that I don't hate you. I don't want to hate, and I never should've."
"I've realized that I was such a dick to you at the beginning and that it was all my fault that our relationship became how it was. I regret it... So when you wake up again, I just want to start over again. Maybe not entirely, but just so that we can leave all the hate behind us. How does that sound?"
Kakashi stared at the sleeping (y/n), her chest heaving up and how slowly and rhythmically. It hurt him to see her like that, her skin swollen in the places of the stitches and anointed bruises. "Listen, (y/n). I'd never been able to tell this to you while you're conscious, so I might as well let it out now. I...I love you." Kakashi rightly shut his uncovered eye. "After feeling your loss, my dumbass self finally realized how much you are worth. After they pass on, you and the others were all I had left. But then you also left me, that hurt like hell." His tone started to break.
"Lord Hokage told me about the whole fake-death move, and I was relieved that you weren't gone for good. And then we lost contact, everybody assumed the mission had been finished, and your squad sacrificed your lives for it. I couldn't let the fact that you could be a dead sink in. It didn't feel right. Gai, Asuma, and Kurenai tried to get me out of another depression cycle. Kurenai even went to the lengths of quite literally slapping some sense into me." Kakashi played with a loose strand of (y/n)'s (h/c) hair.
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The muscles of (y/n)'s hand twitched ever so slightly. Kakashi's drooping head snapped up; he'd almost fallen asleep in the chair. "(y/n)?" He murmured as her eyes started to flutter, "(y/n)?"
(y/n) chapped lip parted ever so slowly, taking a big breath of air, her (e/c) eyes squinting. "Hatake..?" She shakily managed to mumbled, her voice hoarse and dry. She tried to prop herself up on the bed, but Kakashi eased her back into her resting position. "Rest, (y/n), you're not ready to stress yourself yet." Kakashi to her, "I'll be back with a nurse and some water for you, alright?" (y/n) opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She simply looked down and nodded.
Moments later, Kakashi came back with the nurse and water. "Here," he carefully put the cup to her lip, gently tipping the cup, "Good." He turned to the nurse, who seemed to be scribbling something down from the little monitor to his clipboard. Kakashi's eyes followed the cord attached to it, to the long x shaped hash in (y/n)'s inner left thigh. What worried Kakashi was the anxious look on the nurse's face.
"(l/n)-san, your vitals are doing alright, but you'll have to stay here for a night or two just so that we can keep an eye on something's that may need monitoring." He curtly nodded his head, "Lord Hokage wished to speak to you. So, sir, that means you may have to leave."
Kakashi tried to reason with the other man, but (y/n) reached to weakly squeeze his thigh. "It's okay, Hatake. You can just drop by later." (y/n) tried to smile. "Fine," Kakashi grumbled, leaving the room and letting Hiruzen in.
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After what seemed like an eternity, Hiruzen came back out. "How's (y/n)?" Kakashi asked him impatiently. The Hokage put his hand on Kakashi's shoulder as if trying to soothe him, "She'll be better soon. Don't worry, alright." The silver-haired shinobi let out a small grunt, "I know that she'll get better with time. But what about now?"
Kakashi knew that Hiruzen loved (y/n) almost like a daughter, he cared about her deeply. Hence the elaborate cover-ups to protect (y/n) and her squad on the unconventionally lengthy mission. The Hatake could see the sadness that had tried to be tucked away in the Sarutobi's eyes. "The main concern of the moment is the poison in the gash on her left thigh. The medic-nins have tried to extract as much of it as possible, and try to find something that will counteract the effects." The elderly man explained to him. "Did they find an antidote?" Kakashi questioned.
"That is where the problem lies," Hiruzen explained, "There is a certain medicinal herb that is used alongside a jutsu to nullify the effects, as the poison has traces of chakra. We have a few medics on hand who support the skill to perform the jutsu, but we don't have the plant. Even so, that won't be a permanent cure." Kakashi knit his eyebrows together, "How would it not be a perfect cure? Plus, since there are traces of chakra, could we possibly track down the person who created the poison and make them fess up on the cure?" He questioned.
"Great thinking, but..." Hiruzen groaned, "(y/n) said that they performed a self-destruction jutsu just after striking her. He probably thought that it would be in their best interest to take their secrets to the grave with them." Kakashi cursed under his breath, "Fuck... This is terrible."
Hiruzen nodded in agreement, "No duh."
Kakashi's head shot up, "Uh?!"
The elder man's eyes widened, "Did I use the term correctly?! I'm trying to pick up on the phrases the kids are using these days..."
Kakashi gritted his teeth, "Right idea of the meaning, I guess. But the context and timing...wasn't quite fit." Looking ever so slightly dejected, "Oh...alright." Smoothening out the wrinkles in his robe and putting in his cob pipe, "Kakashi, if you are going to stay here with (y/n), could you at least pick up some good food. The food in the hospital canteen is quite bland." Kakashi nodded his head and obliged, only to be stopped in his tracks by Hiruzen.
"Kakashi, I'd like to ask you something?"
"What is it?"
"What caused your change in actions towards (y/n) change so much?"
"What do you mean?"
"I've observed you two whilst you were in the ANBU together, and you never got along that well. And suddenly you act so attached to her, Kakashi. You don't need to answer. It's just that as your leader, I want to understand what is going on in the heads of some of my most trusted people." Hiruzen explained to Kakashi, puffing out a cloud of smoke from his cob pipe.
Kakashi frowned from behind his mask, trying to figure out how to explain his change of feelings in a professional manner. "I think that after I was given the impression that she was gone, I noticed that I cared about her. It made me realize that I was wrong to not see how much she meant in my life." He tried, his voice fading off into a whisper. Hiruzen smiled and nodded, "You really are something else, Kakashi."
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Kakashi silently strolled over to Ichiraku's to grab some takeout. The paper lanterns lit the nearly empty streets of Konoha, creating a soft and soothing ambiance. The smell of the rain and moisture still clung to the air, the dirt roads had muddy dampness to them. "Yo! Kakashi, my eternal rival!" A boisterous and friendly voice greeted the said man. "Hey, Gai," Kakashi responded, he noticed his students sitting alongside each other and gave them a quick wave and smile. Naruto and Lee were arguing about who'd get Sakura. Sakura insisted that Sasuke would come around in her favor. Sasuke was quietly eating his food. And Neji and Tenten were discussing a new sword they saw in the windowsill of a weaponry shop.
"I'll take two eggplant miso soups with brown rice noodles," Kakashi leaned over the counter space between Lee and Naruto to order his meal, also effectively stopping the argument. "Thanks, Ayame," he thanked the daughter of Teuchi, owner of the quaint place. "No problem, Kakashi-san!" She chirped.
"Kakashi?" Gai raised his brushy brow, "Your kids told me about what happened this morning..." Kakashi sighed and pulled him aside so that they were at a comfortable distance, "It was (y/n)..." he told his best friend, "She's back and in the hospital because she's not in good health at the moment. I just came here to pick up a meal for her." Kakashi watched as Gai's jaw dropped, "(Y/N) IS ALIVE!" He exclaimed a touch too loud for his eternal rival's taste, "CAN I MEET HER?!" Tears of youthful joy waterfalled down the jumpsuit-clad man's cheeks. "I'll see if you can come tomorrow, alright Gai." Gai smiled broadly, "This is very...unusual. Youthful, nonetheless!" He grinned.
Kakashi rubbed the back of his head and nodded, "I'm glad she's back..." he murmured barely loud enough for Gai to hear. Knowingly, Gai patted Kakashi's back. "Oh! Yeah! Happy birthday, my youthful rival!" He gently punched his comrade's shoulder. A smile formed on Kakashi's lips, "Thanks, Gai." He flashed his eccentric friend his signature close-eyed smile.
"I'll see you later."
"Bye, Kakashi! Have a good night!"
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Knock knock, Kakashi rapt (y/n)'s door, "Can I come in?"
"Come in," (y/n) murmured, a small moan of pain escaping her lips, "Ouch..."
Kakashi quickly set the takeout on a little table, rushing to (y/n)'s side. He wrapped his arm tightly around her waist and helped her to the table. "I got us dinner because the food at the canteen isn't that good." He explained with a slight shrug. "Thanks, Hatake," a weak smile formed on her lips. The silvered-haired Jonin served them their meals. "Itadakimasu," they both mumbled.
Heavy tension filled the room as they ate in silence. (y/n) knew that Kakashi had his mask down, but didn't look up. "It's been a while..." Kakashi breathed, in hopes of hearing (y/n) speak, "Too long..." The kunoichi rested her forehead on her palm, "I- Yeah..." she mumbled, eyes growing classier by the second. So much for trying to start a conversation... Kakashi thought sadly as they resumed their meals without a word. The silence seemed to be killed him. Kami, it had been 10 goddamn years! 3650 days since he had gotten to talk to the woman. He missed her. Hell, he could even say that he missed all of their little spats. Hatake Kakashi missed everything about (y/n).
"I missed you..." was all Kakashi mumbled as he pushed his finished food away and pulled up his mask, "All these days, months, and years."
Hot tears slipped down (y/n)'s cheeks, forming a puddle on the table. "I-I came back be-because I didn't want-want to hurt you and the r-rest. Dying on passed down pain to the people who love you. I can't afford to c-carry the guilt of t-that." She mumbled shakily, "I promised to be back, a-and I held up the promise." Kakashi sadly smiled as he awkwardly reached under the table to gently caress (y/n)'s thigh.
"You care about others so much, but you should really take a moment to care about yourself, (y/n)." Kakashi scolded the injured kunoichi, "You had me scared for you; all those gashes and open wounds... You could've died," he knit his eyebrows together in worry. "Don't do that ever again."
(y/n)'s dull smile faltered as Kakashi spoke on, "Now you know how I felt when I saw you doing all those suicidal stunts back then on those missions. It was like you were in a hurry to die... I mean, I was too, but you did some seriously dumb shit," she giggled emptily. Kakashi sweat-dropped, "I see... I guess you are right..." (y/n) rolled her (e/c) eyes as the masked shinobi let out a drained sigh, "I'm always right, Hatake."
"Really, (l/n)? You've been through torturous pain, and you still act like a child." Kakashi groaned, "All these years..." (y/n) shot him a hard glare, "All these years and you still think you're in charge of me." He cast a confused look, "It's my duty to protect you, as a comrade." As a comrade... "I guess, but you're just annoying, Hatake," she huffed.
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"I'm sorry about ruining your birthday with my arrival and stuff. I probably ruined your plans with those kids." (y/n) looked down, breaking the silence that had fallen upon them, "I could hear you guys through the gate; they seemed pumped about going out. I'm sorry, I didn't think about the flaws in my whole plan." Kakashi's head snapped up from its resting position on the table, "It's fine, they don't even know it's my birthday," he paused, "But you planned to come here? As in, today in particular. With all those injuries, (l/n), you should've just tried to take care of yourself. My birthday isn't as important as your health."
The (y/n) shook her head, "I was going to stay at a small village pretty far from here before finally coming home. I planned to just heal up there and see how things went from there. I even considered settling down there. But that just didn't feel right," (y/n) face set in a frown, "Once I realized that your birthday wasn't that far off, I decided that I couldn't stay and needed to come back. I doubted I would even live to be back. But here I am..." she said with a soft wince of pain. "It was terrible, I hated every second of it," Her (s/t) fingers made their way to the raw mark on her inner thigh, “I’d already lost so much; there was nothing for me to lose at that point.” Kakashi's face softened as he understood what she meant. (y/n) wasn't put in the mission alone, she had her team. They all must've been killed with time.
"Ouch!" (y/n) yelped as she let out a moan of pain, clenching the fabric of her hospital-issued pajama pants. “Shh..." Kakashi whispered into her ear, quickly leaning in to soothe her, "What's causing all this pain?" He asked with a frown as (y/n) bit her lip. "It's the thing in your thigh, right? Lord Hokage and the nurse told me a bit about it. But I still don't fully understand it and how it can't fully be cured."
(y/n) buried her face in her hands, "Oh..." She mumbled, "The poison can't de be removed because it's already been inside of me too long. And since it is laced with chakra, the properties of it aren't completely like normal poison." She blinked back the stinging agonizing tears in her eyes, "The herb that I need is just going to ease the effects in my body, whilst the jutsu will seal it from triggering anything that was layered in with the chakra." (y/n) explained. Kakashi could tell she was trying her hardest to keep her face straight, pushing back the pain and hurting inside. "The thing is–"
"What?" Kakashi asked the pained woman, his tone soft and soothing, "I can help if I know what's going on."
Warily, (y/n) agreed to speak on, "The place where the mission was stationed at was just underground of the nuke-nin outpost I was from. And the guy who poisonous me was one of the other kids' experiments were done on, along with me. He was a few years older than us, and his name was Hiroto Myoga. His parents were in owed debt to the rogues, they were forced into being test subjects until they died. Which left Hiroto in the nuke-nin's hands." She rubbed the temple of her head pushing away the images that sent a shiver down her spine, "Something similar had happened in the case of my parents and me. But unlike me, when the ANBU did the raid, Hiroto was snuck away just in time."
Kakashi's heart sank as he heard what she was telling him. (y/n) had never known much about her past, the damned curse seal had caused. “Since he was older than most of the other kids there, the nuke-nin's of the outpost decided that they needed to trust their information. It was all precautionary, just in case they were taken down. And that's just what happened. Hiroto was the one ordered to put memory restriction curse seals on us, the kids, before he fled to be underground, where the actual harm was being done. That meant that all this time Hiroto had been working in those old plans." (y/n) closed her eyes tightly, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.
With a subtle groan, Kakashi supported (y/n) up from the chair and rested her in her cot. "Don't stress yourself, (y/n). You can just tell me later; it's getting late anyway." He told her. "It's fine, Hatake. Letting this out helps me feel better." She reassured him.
"The ANBU caught wind of suspicious activity in that area and decided to send out a squad to go check out. I overheard Danzō arguing with Lord Hokage about it, and got interested. It was really dumb, but I just wanted to go to learn more about what happened in my past. I learned, but that can with lots of twists and turns. 10 years of going undercover..." (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes met Kakashi's single uncovered black one, "It wasn't long before Hiroto became suspicious of us, slowly narrowing the group down till it was just me." (y/n) took a deep breath and continued, "After Hiroto killed himself in our final fight, my curse seal was lifted. That's how I suddenly was able to remember all of the past. All of it."
A pit formed in Kakashi's stomach as he watched (y/n) cry in silence. He wanted to help her feel better, he really did. But he was afraid that he'd make things worse; dealing with feelings just wasn't his thing. "I'm here for you, (l/n). We've been through so much together, you've helped me through it all," Kakashi tried to reassure her, "It's my turn to look after you. Please, just don't cry." He reached out his hand to brush a tear-off of her streaked cheeks.
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“Are you okay with me staying here for the night?" Kakashi asked (y/n) as they sat at the bay window, looking down upon the empty moonlit streets of Konoha. The soft light cast down by the moon seemed to make everything look beautiful, serene, and at peace. "(l/n)?" He asked again, turning to look back at her. A gentle smile played on Kakashi's lips as he saw that she'd fallen asleep. (y/n) had been through so much throughout the day, she not only deserved to rest for a long time but also needed to. "Good night, (y/n)..." he carefully lifted the sleeping beauty and placed her on the cot. Sitting back at the bay seat, Kakashi took in a deep breath. "I love you."
She's finally back.
She's finally home.
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hi i am in the hospital and have been for a week but it's been okay actually i get to see a therapist every day she works which has been like every single day and she is very helpful and supportive and um the doctor team working with me has been so wonderful because they are truly treating me as a person and also because i initially told them straight up that i will not take any medication until they give me a list of all the side effects etc and about my past experiences regarding hospitalization and medication and well that has lengthened my stay bc i'm not getting discharged until next week i was going to be screened for a nearby residential program but after talking with a social worker and signing a lot of releases for my university we decided reducing my course load would be more helpful than taking a medical leave. i think it's been such an okay experience because it's a university hospital. i haven't been treated like an animal for students to watch despite that. i have one med student on my doctor team and she doesn't talk! plus i finally tried a blood pressure "ptsd nightmares" medication and idc if it's a placebo i haven't had nightmares. the first night i got it the nurse who administered it to me came into my room and was like "here's your high blood pressure medication" and i was like huh? my blood pressure has been a little low since getting here and then i saw that her badge said she was a traveler. i'm allowed to have my phone once a day after being here for two days but the doctors forgot to put the order in for it until literally today when i asked them about it 😐
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jehovahhthickness · 3 years
Dr. Ryan Cole M.D, a board certified dermatolopathologist and researcher of immunology stated:
• Cole suggested that some of the COVID-19 vaccines could cause cancer or autoimmune diseases.
• Cole suggested that the federal government withheld a treatment for COVID-19 in order to “vend” a vaccine.
• Cole claimed that federal agencies “have suppressed this life-saving medication.”
• Cole said public health officials should encourage people to take vitamin D supplements rather than wear masks or stay physically distant from others.
There are plenty of other doctors, nurses, and scientists who have confirmed the complications that come along with getting this vaccine so people aren’t inherently wrong for not wanting to be part of a mass experiment that wasn’t even brought into fruition based on the safety measures that are meant to be followed (meaning, how long it takes to see if these vaccines are going to be safe for long term effects).
Did we also forget that the cure to COVID is already on the market (hydroxychloroquine)? The same cure that Dr. Fauci (the person you trust with the vaccine), is using for himself and his family privately but telling us to get the needle? Did you ever ask yourself why aren’t the people who are telling you to get the vaccine, vaccinated themselves?
Please stop guilt tripping people into taking a vaccine that comes with so many risks and complications. As a black woman, whom I’m sure is familiar with the Tuskegee experiment, you’re the last person I expected to be so pushy about this, to say people deserve to lose their jobs bc they’re concerned about their health and long term safety is extremely counterproductive and insensitive.
You work in the medical field and I know you’ve heard about numerous nurses being paid (or fired) to lie on people’s reason of death and say it’s COVID. Or how about the nurses who have come forward on their social media platform telling us that they’re being forced to lie about the real results of people’s death and how dangerous the vaccine really is.
People being stand offish about this vaccine doesn’t mean they deserve to lose their jobs, livelihood and most importantly their life.
All in all, there are plenty of resources that confirm the dangers of this vaccine, so you can’t blame people for being skeptical nor should you hope people lose their job bc they don’t want to conform to something they don’t have a full explanation on (or a vaccine that LITERALLY can still cause you to pass COVID to someone else which defeats the purpose).
Instead, promote the use of vitamin D. Explain the benefits of consuming more ginger, cayenne, and numerous other herbs that keep mucus out of the body which in turn will maintain a healthy immune system.
Your educational intellect should be solidified in knowing that the FDA (who approves of all the cancer chemicals and pesticides in your favorite foods) and the government + medical institution don’t give a fuck about their citizens. So why would they all of a sudden have our backs with this vaccine?
I really don’t care about any of this misinformation that you’re spewing.
I’m the one that’s working on the Covid units, watching people suffocate and having to make calls to family members that their loved ones are intubated in the ICU or dead.
If this is the hill you wanna die on, so be it.
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maybe-your-left · 4 years
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anon... titty?
okay so, spoiler, i don’t want kids. so i’m always kinda wary of doing pregnancy stuff bc i don’t think as a woman you HAVE to have kids in order to be successful. however yes, i would hypothetically want kids with kylo ren in any sense. but i don’t see Dr. Ren with a breeding kink, i feel like since he’s a doctor and he and his partner decided they wanted a baby, he would approach it very... medically 😂
enjoy these pregnancy HC w Dr. Ren:
- Dr. Ren is a very focused, meticulous, and controlling medical professional. He has to know any outcome and consequences for anything he recommends for his patients and his personal life.
- So when his wife told him they were pregnant he went into overkill mode. Bringing out textbooks from medical school about prenatal and birthing.
- Making appointments with friends in the field, getting both of your genes mapped to see the likelihood of certain traits. Anything he could do, he was doing it.
- He would be nosy to the OBGYN who tried to suggest anxiety relief practices, pretty much challenging them whenever they suggested something.
- Sex became a fiasco too, he had spent an entire afternoon explaining to you, via whiteboard, how cumming inside you could affect the baby. He also would only fuck you in two positions bc he didn’t want to strain you.
- Like he wasn’t already a strain on your growing body.
- Ren also started hiding unhealthy snacks from you, not wanting you to binge eat things that he didn’t approve for the baby. Which just led to you creating a stash under the bed.
- When it came to your 9th month, Ren was on edge. Not going into work, constantly watching you like a hawk. If you groaned when the baby kicked he would be next to you saying, ‘Okay let’s go to the hospital’
- Unluckily for him, you went into labor when he was out at the grocery store. Your sister had driven you to the hospital, dialing him as you wailed from contractions, ‘you asshole! why’d you leave me home alone!’
- Ren was horrible in the delivery room, completely scrubbed in like he was the one delivering the baby, not to mention trying to micromanage your birthing technique. Every nurse in the room had to elbow him out of the way when he tried to flip you on all fours.
- Finally, you snapped during a contraction, ‘Kylo Ren you need to back the fuck up from me and shut your mouth, or else I will literally shoot you.’
- He tried to explain himself but was cut off by your scream and another threat, ‘I am not kidding! Either shut up or go wait in the lobby!’
- 18 hours of grueling labor until you had your baby boy in your arms, your husband was banished to the hallway until the last moments of your labor. Ren was sobbing and apologizing into your sweat slicked hair once it was over.
- ‘I’m sorry love, I just wanted to help. You were in so much pain.’
- You shushed him, giving him a kiss before the both of you stared at your baby. All cleaned and bundled in a black blanket, his deep brown hair longer than you expected.
- Ren laid in bed with you, once you were moved to the other maternity wing. Both of you laying in blissful silence as you admired your creation, Odin Ivan Ren.
- ‘Should we count all his fingers and toes again?’
- ‘No love, I’m sure there’s still ten.’
well anon... probably not what you were wanting BUT i wanted to talk about it 😂
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despiteherself · 4 years
what ur favourite ahkj side character says about you:
pancho: you’re a furry
willie: your doctor is giving u free handout of adderall bc ur broke ass couldn’t afford it otherwise
ted: as a child you wanted to be a cowboy when you grew up before you realised you’re scared of horses
horst: you secretly like taylor swift
hector: httyd2 was your least favourite movie of all time and you want people to stop asking you about it
dorothy: you subscribe to men’s magazines and pretend they belong to your boyfriend/husband/male dog
xixi: you know all the lyrics to the pina colada song
dr. s: you are also a furry. are they called scalies if it’s a snake? is that’s what’s going on?
rob mctod: you have an embarrassing crush on your best friend & they WILL definitely think differently about you if you told them
timo: a jock literally gave you a swirly in high school
mary Ann: you have girlboss gaslight gatekeep in modern calligraphy on your living room wall
butterfish: you don’t even bother to crack the window when you’re smoking weed in your work’s bathroom and literally everyone knows what you’re doing in there for like half an hour Jesus Christ man, you’re lucky the manager thinks you’re cute
tammy: you bully children at the playground because you have no life outside of babysitting your nephew and you call it “character building” when the police are called for the fifth time this week
todd: your parents & your kindergarten teacher got you professional mental help because you always painted only in black but it was literally just because that was the only colour left at the end of the day when you remembered that you actually wanted to paint
karl: you get upset that your ninety five year old grandfather doesn’t know what anime is
chauncey: you make vague posts on twitter about how rude it is to reply “kill it with fire” to any non conventional pet because you’re too scared to call people out directly
bruce: you’re trying to get your friends into investing in bitcoin
Trent and whatever the other dolphin is called: ok but seriously no one’s fave is the dolphins
king shark: you need scocophobia tagged
tentacle: you think your posts of rupi kapur poetry and like screencaps from pride and prejudice are high art
hans: you haven’t heard of deodorant
crimson: you have deep worries about the state of the earth, and how everything feels like it’s going to shit but you’re so overwhelmed by the state of all you just sort of do nothing and then like order doordash for the fourth time this week because your vegan boyfriend has cooked tempeh and seaweed for dinner again.
pam: you think anyone agreeing with someone else online and they follow each other is like, a secret cult
king joey: your favourite movie is wallace and gromit
karen: you are married to your childhood sweetheart, have three kids and a nursing degree
masakura: you think phoebe from friends is underrated and won’t stop telling people that
sage moondancer: you think you’re special because butterflies are your favourite animal and give unsolicited commentary about how you think they scream whilst in their pupa and present it like a real scientific fact
koto: idk some trump voter joke. #mmga
the crocodile ambassador: once you found a monogrammed handkerchief whilst op-shopping and you’re convinced it’s got your initials on it but really there’s a clothes moth hole and a weird stitch that doesn’t fit in and you throw a tantrum whenever one of your friends point this out
princess amy: you want your pet japanese spitz to be instafamous and you bully all your friends into liking and sharing all the photos you post
andy fairfax: you tell everyone you meet a different back story because the Heath Ledger joker is your icon and you will get into a fistfight with anyone who liked Joaquin Phoenix’ portrayal better
fred the giant scorpion: no one will watch movies with you because they hate having to explain that not every movie is a documentary
zora: you have a subscription beauty box addition and you won’t admit you need help
uncle king julien: you’re a simp for henry winkler and u know what? i respect that
grandma rose: you see a buff woman and you stan
butterfly queen: you unironically post “just because I’m beautiful doesn’t mean I’m not fierce” posts whilst you’re getting a manipedi and think that’s peak femininsm
prince barty: you think James Bond is a real man
princess julienne: you get mad when people think you “had” a superwholock teaboo phase. you’re still in it, it’s just called a dark academica now >:(
julien the terrible: as a child your friends dared you to eat a millipede and you did it but then they all called you millipede-breath and laughed about it and told everyone, and so you planned a years long revenge plan that you’re still slowly finalising to this day
becca: you have like ten brothers and you have to beat them at literally everything. you punch harder, spit farther, yell louder.
abner: you’re trying out a new clothing style and are disappointed that no ones noticed you look different
magic steve: you get mad when people can’t pick out the 42 ingredients you out into a soup you overpowered with garlic
brodney: you’re that sibling that’s like at least 10 years younger than your siblings so you know you were definitely a mistake and No! Of course it doesn’t affect you in any way! How dare anyone suggests that!
stanislove: you’re obsessed with the space race and goddamn i am SO damn sick of hearing about it
any of the pirates: you’re like 13
maggie the unwashed: you are literally 13 and you think fart jokes is peak humour
pineapple: you are allergic to strawberries and if you hear “oh, like pepper potts?” one more time you will commit murder and that just can’t happen because if you’re arrested then they’ll finally catch you for tax fraud
shrimp cocktail: your meat is huge
watermelon hawking: in your spare time you ponder the inner workings of the universe because you think it makes you seem very smart but the truth is no one literally has any idea what you’re thinking about so it’s not actually doing anything to impress anyone? if you’re gonna be like that why not at least ask fake deep questions to make sure everyone knows you think you’re big brained and you’re sure your name will be in history books.
wickman wilderbeast: once you beat an old lady at arm wrestling and you won’t let anyone forget
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