#bc i wanna do something and this would be a cool method for it
liquidstar · 5 months
hi! if i link this post can you guys see it? or does it just take you to an empty page or something?
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bonkutoe · 3 months
nekoma hcs i've been dreaming up since before the movie came out:
- shibayama keeps a quote book
+ there are some absolutely foul, heinous statements in there.
+ he ends up passing it down to a first year before he graduates and has to explain uhh. quite a lot!
+ "um. why does yaku call kai babygirl" "how about we stop talking for a while!"
+ "'it tastes so good i would stick—' shibayama-san what IS this" "I'M JUST THE MESSENGER IT'S NOT MY FAULT"
- kuroo made a sliding scale diagram of every nekoma member from most to least catlike and refuses to accept any criticism
+ in order (as far as more relevant characters go) it went kenma, fukunaga, kuroo himself, tora, yaku, kai, shibayama, lev, inuoka
+ yaku in particular was deeply offended about his placement
+ "you're like if a dog could be a cat" "FUCK you how is tora higher than me" "well that's because he's like if a cat could be a dog."
- inuoka has a special handshake with everyone
+ the one with tora is the longest because they keep thinking of stuff to add and its really cool and not a distraction at all kuroo they promise
+ it's 40+ steps at this point
+ they keep having to restart because one of them forgets something
+ kuroo just wants to do serving drills and he's getting tired of asking nicely
- fukunaga can will and does fall asleep anywhere
+ like. anywhere. in a plane on a train on his desk at school on the floor in the library you name a location and i'd bet good money he's snoozed there. he fell asleep on the bench during a timeout once in the middle of a practice match. yaku found him in a cabinet one time
+ some under the counter door closed curled up shit. made it look like sleeping on a cloud too i'm sure
- speaking of fukunaga. he carries around one of those little party noisemaker things around with him so he can use it when something makes him happy
+ like those ones where you blow in them and the paper unrolls and it honks or whatever. you know the sound idk how to describe it
+ he's exploring creative methods of communication so he doesn't have to force himself to talk all the time :)
- every time kuroo sees a cat he HAS to meow at it, it isn't a question of if he will or not, he Has To. it's like a compulsion
+ it's the alternative to baby-talking them (which he also does sometimes)
+ when ppl send cat pics in the gc he types meow and hits send
+ he wants to be POLITE and say HELLO and since cats can't speak japanese, kuroo will speak cat
+ he gets down to their eye level too or at LEAST crouches. he doesn't wanna frighten them
- lev tried to keep the blood speech alive after the third years graduated
+ "ok we're blood--" "you're doing it WRONG" "WHATT WHATTTTT"
+ he tries to come up with something new but gives up bc he can't stop thinking of vital organs
+ "ok ok kenma i got it this time. so we're like the liver--" "tora i'm gonna kill this guy"
- touchiest volleyball team known to man
+ hugs, heads on shoulders or in laps, holding hands, shoulder touches, patting each other on the back or the head, arms around shoulders, cuddling at sleepovers they're doing it ALL
+ totally indiscriminate too. if you attend nekoma high school and join the boys' volleyball club you will not be touch starved i can tell you that
- you know how when you have a litter of kittens they all kind of sleep in a pile
+ this is a maneuver nekoma hits often, i think
+ it turns into a catch-all solution for like. anything
+ didn't get enough sleep? cat pile. finals are coming up? cat pile. forgot your phone at home? cat pile. it rained during the school day and you got the bottom hem of your pants wet on the way to afternoon practice? cat pile.
+ it sort of happens in the gym before/after practice just because it's the most convenient option, but it definitely happened in the bleachers after the dumpster battle too
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babybearcookie · 1 year
ATEEZ Age Regression/Caregiver HC
not requested
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this is an age regression headcanon; if you don't like that, don't read it, age regression is a sfw coping mechanism, so i will be blocking anyone who might sexualize it
as a caregiver
we all know where this'll start, right?
everyone's favourite, like there'll be wars to get his attention
even if there's no one around, his baby wouldd always be seeking his attention
maybe by showing something they'd made or misbehaving
he's tried to say that 'if you want attention, you just have to ask'
but no bc that would not be right
no clue, seongwha doesn't rly get why his attention is so important but he thinks it's kinda cute either way
when he's watching over his little, he's also just content sitting there, doing nothing other than keeping his eyes on them
but even with as soft as he can be
he WILL call you out when you misbehave or cuss at him
he hears a commotion happen and he knows his baby is in the middle of it?
uh oh
"you stop that right now, little one!"
and you will bc he has pretty much mastered the 'don't you dare' stare
and you don't wanna be on the receiving end of that
well, that depends
bc it usually works on someone regressed younger
but if they're a kid regressor, they'll probably just constantly push to see how much he'll take
and you'll know when he's had enough bc, not only will he tell you, but you can also see it in his eyes.... shuddering at the thought of being on the other end of those
but he will soften up as soon as his baby acts cute toward him
just a cute little gesture and some puppy dog eyes and they're back in the warmth, so to speak
seonghwa would be so devoted to the role of someone's caregiver
he has so much love to give and being able to just take care of someone's every need while they're small and vulnerable and innocent and adorable?
it's a hell yeah from him
having someone to baby like that is one of his favourite things
he's not very loud and/or wild when in his caregiver headspace, so a calm regressor would be the best fit for him
but he would of course never reject being someone's caregiver just because they aren't calm
he'll just guide them into calm states a lot, since those are his favourites
he loves loves loves having his baby lay in the crook of his arm, cuddling into him, as they follow along in the book he's reading aloud for them
it's even better if it's a little longer of a story, since he absolutely adores looking down randomly to see his baby having fallen asleep to his voice
though, as much as he likes when his little is calm small, he does NOT like it when it's bc they're sick or down
then he starts fussing and worrying over them
he hears one unhappy whine and his cool, calm and collected nature is out the window
might even call for backup from another member if he's RLY worried
and he dreads taking his eyes off of his baby for even a second when they're in that state
when he does have to, he leaves them with a million kisses being placed all over their face (mostly on their forehead) and just holding on to them
that goes on for like 10 minutes, less if the little falls asleep while he comforts them, before he can do what he needs to go out and do
when regressed
i definitely believe that he's a shy little baby
he keeps to himself a lot, doesn't seek out the attention
he loves being warm n cuddly
big sweaters n coats n blankets
give them to him, let him snuggle up pls
he also love his kitty ears headband
he got it as a gift, it has little bells hanging from the ears
it's his favourite accessory when he's regressed
he's the type to, as soon as he sees his caregiver, he gives them a smooch on their cheek
it's become his way of greeting them
he's feeling just a little bit small, his reserve of being affectionate in front of others goes away
and it's become a method of payment, if you will
if he asks for something, his caregiver will pretend to think about it very hard and then tell him that it costs him a kiss on their cheek
which he gives happily
can still be a bit shy about doing it in front of others but still does it
bc he gets such cute reactions when he does it regressed
a lot more coos than if he were to do it when he's big
flappy hands when frustrated or excited
it can result in some injuries if we aren't careful
like, hitting himself, but that happens more if his frustration isn't taken care of
he just need someone to help him calm down
he's just feeling a lot of feelings that needs to be expressed :((
is pretty calm and quiet until you put on girlgroup songs, best of all twice, then he'll jump up to have a dance party wherever he is
and of course, movie nights are the how to train your dragon movies 50% of the time
he even acts out toothless' facial expressions while watching the movies
not for anyone, i don't even think he himself knows he's doing it, but it's adorable either way
he has a million toothless plushies hidden all around
he always have one ready to grab
he's never more than 50 meters from one, like it's excessive
when going out, he either brings a little plushie or a stuffed toothless keyring accessory
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as a caregiver
i'll just say it now
he's definitely the type to dress you up all fancy just to go to the store or park
like those parents who dress their toddlers like they're young adults
but he makes sure you enjoy your outfit too
it's actually more that he matches his outfit with what you like to wear, just a more grown-up version of it
he's loud and you know when you've reached his line
he'll yell but not in a scary way, more like in a way that makes it fun to get him to that point
but if he actually feels like he needs to discipline his little, he'll do it when in private
never in front of others
both for his own sake and his baby's sake
something like that is very personal
and never actually yelling. he's very aware that there are some things you never do to a child, and never ever to someone who may already have certain triggers
dramatic dad tho
but also very very sweet and considerate
if you see something in a store, he'd be game to go and buy it for you
he just likes to provide like that
and it makes him happy when his little one is happy
he's very aware of people's relationship to being touched, as it's something he struggles with himself
so he'll always ask before doing anything involving touching
"do you want a hug, baby?"
one thing he does love is when you lay your head in his lap uwu
"can you hold my hand while walking outside, sweetheart?"
he knows that his baby would rather have him with them all the time, but as his role as leader and the time he spends in the studio, there are some days when he doesn't get back till late
but he always makes sure to stop by his baby's room, check in on them and give them a kiss on their forehead
probably have something, like tying a little bow with some string around your finger, to let you know you'd been kissed goodnight if you were to wake
when regressed
he mostly uses aegyo as a weapon
if he wants something or wants to avoid doing something, out comes the squishy cheeks and big puppy eyes
and it's super effective
excited and polite baby
also very bitey
he doesn't know what to do with his affection and his energy a lot
so he just bites ppl
his caregiver is going to get bitten the most
it's done out of love though <3
if he gets a lot of love, he might get a bit emotional
pull back and isolate himself
it's not that he doesn't like getting loved on or being around those who love on him
he's just used to being the one having to keep it together
so if you see him become quiet and pulling back, go with him and hold him as he cries
baby has sensory issues
when he isn't regressed it mostly manifests in not wanting to be touched
but when he's small it shows a bit more
some days he's okay with most things but
some days he needs his sensory clothes and can't even handle his hair touching his forehead in a wrong way
and he wants to show affection but doesn't like the feeling of being held onto
so he finds something, holds it at one end and offers the other end for his cg to hold onto
hongjoong can easily get pulled out of his headspace though
so, it's best to hide everything that reminds him of his responsibilities when in his adult headspace
there's nothing worse than when he suddenly gets pulled out of his regression
he'll get overstimulated and confused and dizzy at the sudden shift
and there's nothing to do rly, other than leave him be to get himself to the right place mentally
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as a caregiver
for me, yungho seems like the one most likely to be physically affectionate with his baby
not that the others wouldn't be, but he's just something else
he's always holding his baby's hand and pulling them into his arms
just always touching them in some way
hand on their back or arm(s) around their shoulder(s)
cuddles are a must with him
he loves loves loves just laying with his baby
bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces
he feels nothing but bliss and happiness if his baby lays themselves on him
most likely to love giving you 'uppies'
he also loves teasing his little with threats of eating them
opening his mouth around one of your fingers and softly chomping down on it, just as a little joke
"you're just so cute, i wanna eat you!"
"Daddy's gonna eat you, baby!"
big fan of listening to baby talk coming from his little
just gibberish directed towards him and him going
"oh really? wow, tell me more!"
and in that vein, he also has conversations with stuffies
if his baby says one of their stuffie said something, he'd look at the stuffie and talk to it
absolutely playing along, not ever a question coming from him
(he also secretly loves playing dress up, feeling good when he's dressed as the prince or knight that saves you)
he actually reminds me a bit of bandit from bluey with the way he just goes along with his baby's shenanigans
i don't know how else to say it but
he's just so warm and loving
he would go above and beyond as a caregiver
do everything in the world to make sure his little felt loved
i really feel like he'd be the best caregiver of the bunch,,
he works so hard to make himself a safe space for others
when regressed
naps, a lot of naps for this one
he gets very confused a lot
just big questioning eyes
being confused a lot can make him feel even younger
everyone is very protective of him bc nobody can stand seeing him upset, least of all his cg(s)
another regressor would maybe use that to get their way, but not yunho
he just feels safe and cared for
he's not incredibly loud when regressed
type to always carry a plushie around with him
he just loves having something soft to hug and hold
shy when it comes to affection but loves it
he won't ask for hugs and kisses but is given them all the time
and he gets all blushy but he likes it a lot
in his head he's way smaller than he is physically
so, when he's running up to his cg or anyone for a hug, he doesn't realise how big he is
more than once making the person he's tackling fall over or lose their footing
he loves when he's laying in his cg's lap and looking up at them
makes him feel so small and giggle, especially if the cg is making faces and being silly
he just loves being the one below, being doted on
a lot of times that means he's being tickled but he doesn't mind, as it makes him feel smaller
he's more of a baby regressor than a little actually
which hurts his cg bc he wants to be carried around and treated like a baby when regressed
but he's so physically big, it's hard to do so
even though most of them work out and are strong
but there are ways to help
he loves bottle time
it's usually before bed with some warm milk
it's warm and safe and he feels like the tiniest little boy
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as a caregiver
i don't see yeosang being a parent-type of caregiver, i rly don't
babysitter maybe, mostly see him as being an older sibling type
he'll try his best though
he'd make the space very comfortable and very chill
like, priming the livingroom for colouring and cartoons time for the little
family means a lot to him, so if you really see him as a parental figure, of course he'd do his very best
he'd do well with an older regressor that'll pull him along for things
then he'd just primarily have to make sure they're okay
likes guiding the little
just holding their hand
and maybe having dance parties
very giggly when the little is being silly
always ready to shower the baby with compliments but
if you want him to be flustered yeosang (tm), just give him loads of compliments back
he loves feeding the one he's taking care of
it's one of the things he know he'd be able to do successfully
!!! he also loves playing board games with the one he's taking care of
he'll get so into it, it would just be a great time for both him and the little
he likes cuddling together
both him and the little will just fall asleep like that most times
he'd also agree to playing dress-up, though he would be a little embarrassed about it
when regressed
loves playing pranks, but very quick to apologise if the slightest look is given to him
though, he doesn't have to apologise bc all is forgiven when it comes to yeosang
very very giggly at almost everything
everybody, and i mean EVERYBODY, finds him adorable, which makes it hard to scold him when he's done or said something
if someone asks him to do something he doesn't want to do
it's one pleading look from him and he gets out of having to do it
he's definitely king of the house when he's regressed
the little prince who rules everything
and he doesn't have to lift a finger if he doesn't want to
the only thing that is a sure thing, that everyone has agreed to uphold, even if little yeosang pleads and looks sad
is that he cannot have chicken every day
2 times a week at the absolute most
he loves being fed so so much
and his cg(s) love feeding him
he looks so cute munching on food that's given to him
it's almost a fight for who gets to feed him if he has multiple cgs
which is not such a wild thought, bc everybody wants to take care of him if they find out he regresses
if wooyoung is one of the cgs, he definitely sneaks himself more chances to feed yeosang, since he's making a bunch of the food and snacks for him
i think the one who loves feeding him the most is hongjoong, so he's second in line after wooyoung
his cg(s) would definitely lead the 'yeosang protection squad'
ready to fight if anyone dares to disrespect little yeosang
they'd go to the ends of the earth to make sure yeosang is feeling safe and happy
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as a caregiver
his first priority is making sure that his little is his first priority
everything else comes second
always makes sure they are included in everything
it's important to him that he's verbal when it comes to caring for his baby
so, a lot of reassuring words and words of affirmation and love
but he won't forget the physical
always pulling his baby into his embrace and having them there for safekeeping
so he can be a shield against all negativity
he'd do all the things that are tedious so you wouldn't have to
cutting up food, putting in the DVD, bringing you your stuffie
and he's so quick and silent about doing that, that you mostly don't realise he is doing it
he's always keeping his (affectionate) eyes on his little
ready to jump into action at the slightest hint that they need him
always keeping them comfortable
absolutely staring daggers at anyone who has made them uncomfortable
you do not want to be on the receiving end of those
he'd be the parent cg that's always there
which can maybe be a bit much
but for a clingy little, he'd be perfect
he'd go to sleep and wake up hugging his baby close to him
that physical connection is very important to him
he wants to make sure he's a safe space
even around others he wouldn't change his behaviour
he isn't shy or ashamed about his relationship with his little
and if they wanna be little around other people, he is there to make sure that nothing happens while they are
when regressed
pouty baby
and with a lisp uwu
and and he's very loud when little
he has problems with fine motor skills
though that doesn't stop him from enjoying doing makeup while small
especially on others
it'll look like a mess of colours and glitter but he just loves doing it so much
has to have his stuffie in bed or he can't get to sleep
(probably blåhaj or blåhaj sized, since it's perfect for hugging to sleep)
((can confirm))
his mind flies around a lot
until it locks on something specific and then he can't stop thinking about that until he has done something about it
when he's excited about something, he yells out about it multiple times
to show how excited he is and get others just as excited about it
he doesn't really care if people gush over how cute he is
he wants them to indulge in what he's into at that moment though
showing care for what he pays attention to is the best way to show you care about him
very territorial when it comes to his favourite people
the person who's his favourite can vary, but not how clingy and possessive he is about them
he will hold them tight, not letting them go
and if anyone tries to take them away, he'll hold them tighter and either get angry or upset
when he's upset he's prone to hitting
either himself or others
he doesn't hit hard and it only takes a gentle hand and a soft "baby, no" for him to stop
but it's what he does when he's frustrated or upset
to get him to calm down, cuddle him tightly
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as a caregiver
he loves carrying his baby
just having them in his arms is something he loves
and knowing they feel better being held by him is everything
piggy back rides is something he's rly good at
he can run and stuff for when it's supposed to be fun
and he knows how to walk slowly when you're tired
is the type to let his little cuddle with him while doing other things
or having adult conversations with someone
just holding them tight while continuing to talk about work or whatever
loves tickle fights
he usually wins but
he just loves hearing his little one giggle up a storm
will aggressively pinch your cheeks
he'd sometimes ask his hyungs for advice on taking care of someone younger
he's a little nervous about it
but they usually tell him just to be himself and go with his gut
and they are right
as soon as he gets into the mindset of taking care of someone, he does really well
he loves nothing more than to have his baby in his lap while they colour
pointing and asking what they're colouring
helping too if the little asks for it
is the type to take his little out on walks to parks
holding their tiny backpack for when they wanna run around and have fun
just watching with a smile
when regressed
loves rolling around
it makes him feel all small and silly
also laughs with his entire body
which sometimes is the reason why he's rolling around
loves being in his cg's lap
but he's also very self-conscious about his size
so it usually ends up with his legs being slung over his cg's legs
unless they physically pull him into their lap
very curious
will look over your shoulders if you're doing something on a device
even if his young mind won't understand it, he loves watching the screen as things are being done on it
pretty shy about wanting attention
when he wants some, he usually bumps his head into the person he's wanting attention from
he loves being held from behind
even if the person holding him is way tinier than him, he'll feel small and protected
isn't much for eye contact when little
will look at your nose or lips when you're talking to him
he'd be a menace around other regressors
whispering and keeping secrets and plotting against the cgs
probably be the planner of the cookie coup
sweater paws >>>>>
he loves having knitted sweaters that are just too big for him
a very snacky boy
and plays with his food too
but he's just too adorable doing it that nobody can tell him not to
(especially dino nuggets)
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as a caregiver
so attentive
like the boy is all over the place and wild but when he's with his baby, every single ounce of his attention is on them
his eyes are glued to them and he loves keeping their hand in his
some of the members may tease him about that but he loves giving kisses
and he doesn't hold his want to give a smooch back
as soon as he gets the impulse to give a little kiss to his baby, he does so
you'd never not feel loved, being wooyoung's little, because it's constant affection with this one
he'd always be ready if his help is needed, you just need to say the word
"papa, can help me with my math?"
"need help cleaning up"
"check underneath my bed for monsters, please"
his answer is always "of course!", he puts everything on hold if his baby needs him
he feels the most in control and in his element when he's cooking
he loves having his baby watching him
he loves when he's cooking and his little joins him in the kitchen, sitting at the table he isn't using and start to colour while talking to him about random stuff
he loves the domesticity of it
and he loves it even more when they come over and peek at what he's doing in the kitchen, eyes full of wonder
making snacks is therefore one of his favourite ways to show love for his baby
when regressed
not gonna lie, i see wooyoung being really shy about his regression
he knows it's just banter and fun but he's so used to the others sometimes hating when he's acting cute normally
he'd always scurry off when he's slipping, not wanting the others to catch on that he might be a little different
but of course they do
i might write something further on this but
san is the first he tells about regressing
he trusts him and knows that san would never look down on him for something like this or ridicule him
when he finally feels comfortable enough, he fully lets out his cute childish side
grabby hands for almost anything
always wanting his cg by his side
whining a LOT bc he wants his way with almost everything
loves performing
like, dancing across the room, making sure all eyes are on him
he just loves attention
repeats sounds or words or sentences a lot
if he finds them funny at least
his cg says something like "nah-i don't know actually"
and wooyoung repeats it very giggly
lovesss praise
he does something and immediately seeks praising words and pats on his hair
when he's excited he hops
so much his cg refers to him as 'little bunny'
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as a caregiver
he loves providing for his little
you want anything and he'll bring it
within reason of course
loves having quiet nights
where he'll be reading a book and his little will be watching a movie
maybe they'll look up at him, tugging at his pant leg, going "papa, papa! look!" and pointing at the screen at a scene they like
and he'll ofc look up at it and respond with something like "that's very cool, baby!"
and then go back to his book until his attention is needed again
very verbal about how proud he is of his baby
he always wants to show his support for whatever they decide to do
ending the praise with a soft kiss placed on top of their head
can stare you down if you've done something you weren't supposed to
best at tucking someone in at night
and omg the lullabies he could sing
though, i do worry about him going all in and being too loud for the baby to sleep
(jk, boy is very respectful about his volume)
he's the type to come home and cuddle you if he's been working late
fully dressed too, not even getting under the covers
it's how he recharges
wears soft cardigans a lot bc he knows it's a nicer fabric for cuddling
also will let you put whatever cute headbands you want on him
when regressed
is a sucker for being dressed
someone helping him, pulling a shirt on over his head
snapping his overalls in place
he just becomes mush
loves really soft clothing
anything with fleece
sleepy baby in the mornings
barely a person, so has to be helped a lot
clapping his hands when laughing or finding something amusing
but very quiet other than that
even if he has comments or concerns, he whispers them in his cg's ear
even if they're alone
he just doesn't really like talking when he's regressed
gets his way most of the time
one pout from him and your argument is invalid
he likes teasing too
like the kid that's constantly poking you?
yeah that's jongho
won't outright admit to it but he loves being held
nuzzling into someone's warmth is very comforting for him
he likes playing games
not video games but those children's games that aren't exactly board games
like the crocodile you have to push its teeth or the hanging monkeys?
those kinds of games
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A/N: gosh this took a lot of my creative energy but was so fun to do. since my ateez concert, i've just not been able to get those boys out of my head, so now they're here too :3
tag list:
@mylittlesafehaven99 @luveuly @ihugjakey @kiki-woo
bolded couldn't be tagged
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krystaldeath · 6 months
Cotl Auuuuu
It’s modern time babeyyyy
* This au does take place in modern day but it technically “starts” in the late 90s bc it’s a Narinder and Lamb were childhood best friends au :))
* I honestly have the most ideas for when they’re in high school but I’ll get to that in a bit (also should say this was inspired by that one prom post from redcrowncafe where Lamb talks about their prom date who was an asshole and wishes they knew Narinder then so they could’ve gone with each other. Saw that and thought “okay but what if they did” and that spiraled out of control)
* I’ve yet to say that my personal headcanon for Lamb’s family is that they had two moms, and three younger siblings (a sister about 12 years younger, and 18 years younger twins; one male one amab gender-fluid). The twins don’t show up till Lamb is, well, 18 tho so they won’t come up much yet
* The Bishops (Bishop is just their last name here) are all foster siblings who have shitty foster parents. Shamura stays even a bit into their early 20s because of this since they don’t want to leave their younger siblings alone with those two. The foster parents’ were abusive in multiple ways, and they also kept any money the Bishop’s respective parents might’ve left for their offspring to themselves (spoiler: Shamura’s in particular were LOADED and so when the Bishops are finally away from these two they’re pretty much set for life). It’s after a particularly scary night where a two year old Leshy and a six year old Heket are threatened while Shamura and the parents are arguing that something in Shamura snaps and they begin to plan to murder their foster parents. Yay!
* I don’t have the details but they in fact /do/ kill them. Thing is they’re super smart about it and hardly any evidence can be traced back to them. It is a small town though so there aren’t too many suspects and overall the one who would have the motive and probable method would be Shamura (unless they wanna try and pin it of 13 year old Kallamar or 8 year old Narinder). Thing is, their foster parents? No one liked them. So no one’s gonna point fingers. The police try and press people to give a suspect but no one does. So the case goes cold. But, even though no one liked the two, murder is still frowned upon by most so the siblings move away.
* But BEFORE all that let me explain a bit about Nari and Lamb’s friendship: they met in kindergarten (idk why they’re in the same grade when I hc Lamb to be a year older but shhh) and while Narinder tried to act “cool” and “aloof” Lamb was having none of it and dragged him along on little kid adventures like playing in the mud and pretending to be power rangers. Also almost from the get go Nari had a little crush on Lamb lol. Since Nari and his sibs move away when he’s 8, these two knew each other for 3 years. Idk what all happens in that time. Like I said most of what I’ve thought up for this au (mainly about Narilamb) happens in their high school years. It is thanks to their play dates at each others houses that Lamb figures out that being nonbinary is a thing from Shamura and is like “Wait… Me too???”
* After the move, Nari and Lamb stay connected through letters and phone calls. They also send pictures of all kinds of things, mainly of themselves so the other “won’t forget what I look like!” Neither make many lasting friends, at least, not ones around the same age as them (Lamb befriends Ratau and his buddies. Narinder befriends kind library assistant Forneus and her two twin sons).
* Lamb is loud and proud about who they are, which unfortunately makes them targeted for bullying, though it’s not just for their gender, it’s also because of their - Idk a better word than quirky Sorry - personality and the rumors about their long distance best friend; there’s multiple rumors, like that he doesn’t exist (this comes from those who don’t know much about the whole Bishop family scandal) or that he’s a murderer, just like his older sibling (this comes from those that /do/ know, ofc)
* Btw over the course of these years they’ve been apart Nari’s crush has only grown and Lamb has also gained a crush on Nari themself
* OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY TIME FOR THE BIT I HAVE THE MOST OF AN IDEA FOR GET READY (it’s super cheesy and corny and honestly feels like a Disney channel original movie but this fandom could use a little more of that imo so let me live)
* So, I know some schools would let Juniors have their own prom. Let’s say Lamb’s school does that. They had been asked by some guy to be his prom date and figured “why not?” and accepted. Thing is the guy asked if they could buy his ticket, and being the nice person (yet to decide if this is also a human au or if they’re still all animals) they are they do so. The guy then just takes the ticket and tells them to get lost. Lamb didn’t like the guy but it still hurt to have their kindness taken advantage of. They tell Narinder all about it and admit they probably won’t even go to the prom, even though they already bought a ticket and outfit. Nari, who Lamb can’t see bc it’s just a phone call, is absolutely SEETHING.
* Now Narinder has a mission: Get a tux, flowers, and other gifts. Convince Shamura to let him go in his truck (yeah he drives a truck in this au, idk it’s just the car I imagined when I thought it up lol) and be away from home for a few of days (it would take about a day to drive there, then he’d want to stay for at least one or two, then another to drive back). Shamura is reluctant (that town holds a lot of bad memories and him being so far away when he’s only 16 is scary), but seeing the determination in his eyes makes them relent.
* He calls Lamb’s moms and lets them know his plan, but wants it to be a surprise. They both agree to convince them to go to prom even if they will be going alone, without letting it slip that they will have a prom date after all.
* Prom night comes around, and Lamb, who is dressed in a tux-dress combo, is confused as to why their moms, who were so insistent that they go, aren’t ready to take them? (Projecting my reluctance to learn to drive onto them here, so that’s why they can’t drive themself). Then the doorbell rings. They answer and see Narinder (who is now like a foot taller wow couldn’t tell that in the photos he sent) in a tuxedo holding a bouquet and corsage. He’s got a nervous smile on his face as he says “I know it’s a little last minute, but will you allow me to accompany you to prom?”
* Almost a full minute passes in silence, making Nari sweat and begin to regret doing all of this. Then he gets jumped by Lamb into a hug that topples them both to the ground as they scream “YES!!!”. Thankfully they aren’t hurt and their formal wear is alright, though they wouldn’t notice otherwise, their focuses only on each other’s laughter and presence.
* When he opens the passenger door for them there’s a basket of treats, jewelry and a black cat plushie. “Ohh, Narinderrrr! You’re making me feel like I’m royalty!” “You are, to me.” *pause as they look at each other in flustered silence* “A-ANYWAYS WERE SHOULD GET GOING RIGHT?” “OH YEAH YOURE RIGHT. Uh, help me up?” He helps them climb into their seat, close the door, and silently screams about how dumb that was (while Lamb is inside internally screams about how sweet that was and oh no they think they’re falling for him)
* They get there (Yeah I realized Nari doesn’t have a ticket but let’s say somehow there was enough for him to buy one at the entrance) and they’re having a good time (only barely noticing the looks they’re getting and the whispers of “Isn’t that one of the Bishop siblings? Figures Lamb would have to settle for a murderer to be their date.”), dancing, eating and drinking the possibly spiked punch. I’m sorry to say some hurt is about to happen
* They have a run in with the guy who tricked Lamb and Nari almost breaks the guys nose before Lamb pulls him away saying it’s not worth it. He’s about to disagree and say something embarrassing again like “maybe /he’s/ not worth it but /you/ are and he hurt you so he deserves to be punched” when a girl “accidentally” spills her whole cup of punch onto Lamb’s outfit. Everyone around them laughs and Lamb, barely blinking back tears, runs out of the building. Narinder growls at them all and runs after Lamb.
* He finds them curled up by a tree outside, and sits down next to them. He tries to comfort them but they sob out “Just take me back home.” He agrees to do so, but tells them to go wash up a bit in the bathroom while he gets something. As they’re washing up he knocks on the door and asks to come in. They let him and see he’s holding a box. He tells them he planned on giving it to them later after Prom for something else he had planned but figured they’d just go now since Lamb didn’t want to stay anymore. He hands it to them and says he’ll be waiting outside.
* Surprise! It’s another outfit :)) It’s a bit more cozy than what they were wearing before, but still fit for “royalty”. And a black crown with a big red jewel inlaid in the middle-front
* They get dressed and marvel in the mirror before going back out. Narinder’s heart skips a beat when he sees them.
* Idk what to put in between so let’s skip ahead to when they’ve arrived at a spot out in the open wilderness where it’s easier to star gaze. He sets up the trunk bed to be comfy and reveals he had a cooler and basket of food for them to have a night picnic under the stars.
* After they’ve eaten some, one thing leads to another, and then Lamb pulls Narinder into a kiss. They both confess and spend the rest of their time cuddling (until Lamb gets a phone call from their very nervous moms because of how late it’s getting and they’re not home yet lol)
* I have more ideas but to sum them up for now: The rest of this AU is just Narilamb long distance relationship angst & fluff. Eventually the Bishops move back to the small town and then it’s not long distance narilamb (and eventual leshycat and whatever else).
* I will say this: Another murder will happen, this time it’s Lamb who commits it. That’s all I’m giving y’all ;))c
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ssruis · 1 month
Recommending this again bc its got updates. & also because I’m obsessed. It’s so good… go read…
Leaving my full comment here as well bc ao3 called me out for my immensely wordy method of commenting so. Y’know. Spoilers. Go read first.
Nene tucks her bag and coat under one of the seats in the stalls, then tries to find a person who doesn’t look terrifying to speak to so she can ask what they need help with. She barely recognises most of them, having not properly met with any other tech crew since the first rehearsal. Well- maybe if she just…stands here, someone will ask-
HELP… I love her so much. Nene Kusanagi. the most girl of all time.
“It’s so interesting learning about how much there is going on backstage! I guess I never really thought about it before…” Minori leans back to grab more paint, leaving another handprint on her leggings as she does. Should Nene say something…? “I bet the cast work really hard too! Having to sing and dance whilst smiling and acting the whole time too…that’s something I really want to learn!”
yayyy minori she’s so cute :) meeting of the fail girls. I love how you’ve worked in so many of the other pjsk characters in a way that feels very organic (instead of just random roles) and gives them a little spotlight even if they’re not the focus. You can tell there’s so much love and care put into everyone’s characterization.
I…have to be proud of the person I am now, if I want to be proud of the person I’m going to be.”
Wait, what is she saying? That’s not- that’s not something she came up with-
Somewhere tsukasa just got a huge ego boost. Thank god he’s not here he would be so insufferable.
He always speaks to her like a worried parent…the message might as well read ‘did you make lots of friends at your first day of school?’.
So real… he’s so annoying… Rui acting like that despite being like one year older than nene will never not be funny.
“I am about to fall over!” Tsukasa yells back breathlessly, hunching over once the piano stops.
“If you have the air to complain, you have the air to hold that last note!”
Insert the “I’ve hired a tyrannical director” tsukasa quote.
“Right? You’ll be fine.” Rui watches as A bends down to check on Tsukasa, lightly patting his shoulder. “We’re almost there.”
Tsukasa has died (cheering) (end story)
“Maybe!” Rui shrugs. “Honestly, I wasn’t completely sure at first, but I’m glad my intuition was correct. Seems like the star quality runs in the family, after all.”
“...I think you’re right,” Nene says quietly.
Nene and tsukasa relationship progression… smiles…
“N-no…” No, don’t remember me from auditions. Actually, please just forget my entire existence-
“Hopefully you make it next time, if that’s what you wanna do!” An says. “A little bit of confidence goes a long way, y’know? And you can always fake it if you’re not sure!”
she’s so funny I loved this part. The nene & an dynamic of girl with horrible social anxiety and girl who is so so cool but also so so excited to get to know everyone will never not be funny.
“Nene, your outfit looks so cute!”
But apparently there’s always one person who manages to find her. Nene looks up from her phone, Emu already barreling over to her. So long as she keeps away from the very heavy, very expensive lighting equipment, they’re fine.
The return of the pink thing… (The crowd goes wild)
Probably because you never sit still, Nene thinks. Especially right now. If Nene is rattling from nerves, Emu looks about to burst with excitement. It must be nice to be immune to any and all fear.
“I hope everyone is gonna enjoy the show tonight!” she says, smile bright even in the dark. “I bet it’s gonna be super wow wow yay yay woo woo!”
1 so true getting that thing to sit still is a losing battle 2 I love how you write her dialogue so much… perfectly straddles the line between her very silly onomatopoeia laden moments and her more serious moments.
“Every time I see the light I’m gonna know it’s you and get super super smiley!”
:) I care them
Nene repositions the light towards the stage, casting the bright circle over Tsukasa. He instantly looks up then recoils at the light, squinting up at them.
“Oi, what’re you doing! That’s bright!”
“Hi Tsukasa!” Emu calls back, waving. “You look super shiny shiny sparkly bright!”
“Oh, really?” His angry face quickly swaps to flattery, and he poses accordingly. Nene turns the light off. “Hey, put it back on!”
I laughed he’s so funny. Anytime Tsukasa gets irritated or upset (or completely unreasonably hesitant about a perfectly safe sane and normal stunt that is definitely necessary for the show) you can just redirect him with flattery. Works every time.
“Are you curious about the hair ties?” she asks. “We’re wearing them in mutual support with Saki, since she can’t be here tonight. She has one too! It’s cute, isn’t it?”
“Y-yeah,” Nene says. “Is she, um…recovering okay…?”
“I believe so! According to Tsukasa, she should be out in a few days.” Honami laughs. “She really wants to attend closing night…she keeps talking about it non-stop.”
“I was worried talking about it would make her sad, but she seems more excited than anyone else,” Ichika adds. “It’s a really great thing we didn’t have to cancel the show. It would make her really happy to be able to catch our last performance.”
“She should focus on getting better first,” Shiho says, not taking her eyes off her bass. The other two just smile and shrug. 
"Let's hope Saki can join us soon," the tall pianist says. Crap, Nene can't remember his name- Aoyagi? Nene isn’t sure what their relationship is, though he has a scrunchie tucked into his shirt pocket too. "She cares about this performance very much."
THATS SO CUTE… I love how well the L/N interactions are written. Shiho & her concern that comes off as uncaring when it’s anything but… also toya with the scrunchie too awww…
Nene stares. “What part of this is fun…?” 
“You’re all part of the team, so you all have to join in,” Rui says, and Nene groans, trudging out the pit with the others. It’s fine, if she just hides at the back, maybe she can get away with half-effort… “Here, Nene. You can stand next to me!”
Bastard. Nene jogs alongside Rui, ignoring his pleased expression.
Making a gamer exercise. Rui truly is a bastard.
“So this is what the life of a stage actor is like…” Aoyagi muses from up in front, hands barely stretching past his knees.
I giggled. Truly built like a wet paper bag, that one.
“Something like this is easy for me!” Tsukasa says, still looking strong with his hands planted on his hips. If Nene had more energy, she would stab him right now. “I’m not tired at all!”
And so he lives another day. It’s ok nene. there will be other opportunities.
“Um, no, I think you need to stay with the rest of the cast…” Nene says, aware that the company is mostly split into their separate groups. Surely she’s not supposed to stand alongside the actual important people, like the director, the lead, the important actors…even if it seems like they…want her there?
OUUGH you get it… You Get It… nene is so so loved but her anxiety ridden saw trap of a mind makes that so difficult for her to see.
“Huh?” That’s not what she’d…
“Not!” Tsukasa finishes, holding his head up high. Nene quickly hides any and all concern.
“Makes sense an idiot like you would be stupid to get nervous. I didn’t care anyway.”
HELP…. ‘I didn’t care anyway. Idiot.’ I love how you write them so much.
It’s too soon…she needs Emu to cling to her arm and say stupid stuff so that it doesn’t feel so real-
Obsessed. I know what you are nene.
nene & tsukasa scene
I’m so happy this fic exists all the time but esp during the nene & tsukasa interactions they are so fascinating to me and you write them so well… nene telling tsukasa he’s overthinking it is so funny. I liked the little moment of him having a moment abt whether or not to send saki the pictures it reflects their whole dynamic so well. And him getting the text from saki and going SAKIII 🥺😭 was so cute.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you down here, Nene,” Rui says, and the way his eyes glint with just a little pride make her want to curl up and avoid everyone ever for the next ten hours. She settles for just crossing her arms.
Hes so annoying… I love how you’ve written their dynamic…
“But wow, the others really did a good job with you, Tsukasa,” Rui says, studying Tsukasa appreciatively. “You really look professional. And the hairstyle is very cute.”
“Cute?” Tsukasa narrows his eyes. “I’m not cute! I’m cool! Cool!”
“Yes, yes. Very cool!”
“Hm, that’s right.” Tsukasa flicks a strand of hair back, grinning to himself. “I’m so cool.”
Yuck (said fondly)
“Yes, I think you’ll do well tonight,” Rui says, taking a seat on the table at the side. Can’t he sit on a chair like a normal person?
I grinned at that. I love all the little details you put in your writing like Rui’s passion for sitting like A Weirdo… it’s like putting treats in an enrichment toy for people who are insane about these characters (me) to giggle at.
“You really know the script inside out by this point.”
“Of course I do,” Tsukasa says. “Especially after last night when you made me recite lines whilst throwing goldfish crackers at me…”
“What the hell was that for?” Nene asks Rui. 
“It was just really fun!” he says.
“Seriously, what’s wrong with you…”
“Don’t worry, we didn’t study too hard last night,” Rui says. “We even watched the original movie to help keep the atmosphere. It’s important to have fun sometimes.”
“Fun for you! You were still throwing stuff at me even then!”
“Well, a good actor needs to be prepared for the unexpected…”
they’re so funny. I can’t keep saying “I love how you write x dynamic” because it’s true for literally every dynamic in this fic…
Emu gasps, jumping back. “Oh, sorry, I mean, um- break your legs, Nene and Rui!”
“No, it sounds kind of terrifying when you say it like that…” Tsukasa mutters.
Emu and inventing entirely new sayings. She’s doing her best <3
Kind of amazing that any guy can sound so sincere singing about love whilst wearing knee-high boots and beaded booty shorts, but.
HELP MEEEE… He really will do anything for a show won’t he.
Nene wishes she could be down there too. More than ever before. To be part of something. To be alongside others. The way Tsukasa gives it his all and shines…Nene wants to try that too. There's a fire down there burning so strong that its sparks are lighting her too. 
YESS I loved this part I love the acknowledgement of her competitiveness & “I want to do better I want to be on stage” attitude, and how that drives and motivates her
“I thought so too! They didn’t seem to think it was weird at all. Even my mom said she liked it, but I think she just likes the idea of two guys dating…”
new favorite side character: Fujoshi mom
“O-oh, um, I’m…um…” Nene fumbles for the words. Well, obviously, she took off her tech stuff so they don’t recognise her…and, actually, thinking about it, it’s not like they would let her sit at the table full of cast members anyway. They’re the important ones. Not Nene. Heat rises to her face as she takes a step back, because, seriously, what had she even been thinking, deciding to sit with everyone else like this-
“Nene’s a part of our team!” Tsukasa’s voice thunders out from behind her, and Nene jumps, turning to them. “Of course she can sit here!”
“Yeah, Nene is super important!” Emu adds, jumping up to grab Nene’s arm. “Wiithout Nene we would all be completely in the dark and the audience would just be looking at nothing for two hours!”
WxS is actually a theatre troupe second and a nene hype squad first.
“Wait, Emu!” Tsukasa holds up a hand. “Next time, can you try not kicking me whilst we’re in the Irish dance line?”
“Huh, I kicked you?”
“Oh, I thought I saw that,” Rui says.
“And you’re still telling her to do things the same tomorrow!?”
“Sorry, Tsukasa!” Emu bows. “Next time I’ll try not to kick you so hard.”
“Don’t kick me at all!” Tsukasa sighs, recollecting himself.
Writing group dialogue - esp for a visual novel that relies solely on dialogue and can rely on visuals instead of writing “x said” “y said” - is such a challenge and you do it so well… you can always tell who’s speaking and it flows so nicely…
“I’ll tell Ena and Mizuki not to be too rough tomorrow,” Rui says, then his face turns coy. “I do think that bunny suit looked good on you, Tsukasa.”
(Spraying Rui with water) inside thoughts! Inside thoughts!!!
“That’s my dream role,” Emu says, almost shyly.
“Hm? You want to be Cinderella?”
“I wanna be the cow,” Emu says dreamily.
“The cow-?” Tsukasa chokes. “That’s not even a human role!”
Emu’s face falls. “But I wanna be the cow…” 
“Don’t crush Emu’s dreams, Tsukasa,” Nene says.
“It’s not even a speaking role! It’s just a model of a cow on wheels!”
“Tsukasa, we have to be kind to our fellow company members,” Rui says. “I believe in you, Emu!”
Everyone ganging up on tsukasa… you love to see it. My experience with theatre is rather limited, (in that I attended the shows my sister was in, and took photos during their dress rehearsals), but I will say that when my high school put on into the woods we actually had a girl (not my sister, she was the bakers wife) be the cow. The girl actually requested it… she wanted to be the cow... That costume was terrifying. All that to say: I believe in you emu.
“Yeah, after the past two weeks I can see that…” Tsukasa says. Nene is sure she can almost see the trauma in his eyes. Rui tilts his head, suddenly forlorn.
“How can you say that, Tsukasa…? I’ve always been so considerate to your needs. When have I ever done something mean to you?”
“You made me stand on one leg for an entire rehearsal once!”
“To improve your balance and muscle strength-”
They are so irritating.
“Maybe we should consider that for a future show?” Rui says, and Nene suddenly realises something momentous. They’re talking to her because they want to. They’re talking to her because they see her as a friend. And they’re all here because they love theatre and they love putting on shows, and Nene is the same. She loves it too. She belongs here. They’re her friends, too. 
I love this part so so much… nene realizing she belongs… I feel like her own hang ups about having friends goes unnoticed by a lot of people in favor of rui’s (which, to be fair, his are a little more blatant). it’s so nice to see a fic that examines nene & her realizing she’s a part of the group and that they all love her.
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floof-ghostie · 1 year
casually leans on wall and hands you a microphone. how was the spiderverse experience i want all the deets (ive already watched it dw about spoilers👍🏾)
Ohhhh Strap in we're gonna be here for a while (Imma do this in point form for this, because so many thoughts, no energy for real paragraphs
Okay the animation. THE ANIMATION MEDIUMS. So many cool methods. I loved the colour changes in Gwen's universe. HOBIE'S ENTIRE THING, THE WAY HE'S ANIMATED OMG
Mumbattan is such a cool city, I love mashing irl cities to make one cool megacity so much it's such a lil fave worldbuilding thing of mine
Pavitr is so great, I love him, idek how to talk about him I just like him a lot. Him and his gf make such a cute pair too!
Also him saying "I don't use product, just coconut oil, prayer, and good genetics". I love him
The chai tea scene. God he's so great
THe character design is amazing and sososososo cool!! I love that we see the characters change (Gwen's hair growing longer and pinker, Miles' growth spurt, Peter B.'s bathrobe, MAYDAY's LIL SPIDER HAT THAT MJ PROLLY MADE FOR HER).
I love Pravitr's costume glowup. Thank you to whoever arranged for that.
Also, Hobie??? His lace coded boots?? His locs??? HIS FUCKING PIERCINGSSS??? HOW HE COMPARED A FUCKING VOID TO CAPITALISM??? Him taking a liking to Mayday, and straight up SHOWING MILES HOW TO GET OUT OF THE FORCE FIELD WITH A LIL SMIRK?!!! I need him. Need his gender. I love his anarchist ass.
His design really calls back to the punk scene in England, and I love the way he reminds me of old newspapers
Speaking of Hobie, holy shit that guy was flirting with Miles. I know what you are (pls Hobie do u like enbies?)
"I hate the AM, I hate the PM (prime minister probably, idk for sure) AND I HATE LABELS" I love you
Daniel Kaluuya, thank you for your service.
Also Hobie and Gwen make such a funny friendship. But I don't ship them.
The themes of growing up, and Miles' parents being worried about Miles and the people he's with...I nearly cried in the theatre, and I don't normally cry during stuff.
You can just tell that black people were making the big decisions for this movie. Aaron and Rio asking Miles why he took the braids out. Jeff and Rio being like "On time means 5 minutes early", I felt so at home watching this movie. I'm not even from Brooklyn but I just felt so at home at all the interactions Miles had with his neighbors. Even the random storeowner.
Like ppl were speaking aave, using patois, Hobie's accent. And none of that was played for laughs (except for Hobie's lingo but that's a little different bc he's British)
I love how Miles' Ganke is so different from Peter Parker's Ganke. It's such a fun detail how Miles' Ganke was like "I'm not gonna be your guy in the chair".
I love that despite the general "Canon" for Spider Man, there are some differences! I love those intricate details!
And the way the lady in the office was so hasty to force the narrative of them "struggling" when that really wasn't the case? Hit real close to home. I just love the Davis-Morales family
I love the way that the Spot isn't like a general "mildly bad" villain like I originally assumed. I really thought he'd be kind of a "setup" villain, or something that they'd have to clean up and THEN Miles would take care of Miguel and them.
I especially love the way that The Spot is someone from the first movie, who we don't even know until his backstory is brought up.
His voice is also perfect too. He sounds like a complete loser.
Miguel O'Hara. Meet me outside, I just wanna talk
No For real though, he talks a lot of shit about Miles being "The Original anomaly" when his ass needs to inject himself with some kinda spider-fluid to maintain his powers??? Mind you, he tried to force himself into a reality that wasn't his.
This guy is just an A-class hater. What do you have against Miles, honestly???
On the subject of the Spider Verse I think it's so cool how there were so many callbacks to the original canon of Spiderman! I loved seeing the og live action Spider Men in the film too!
And the easter eggs! I couldn't keep up with them all!
Also, wtf was Childish Gambino there. I mean I'm not mad, I actually found Miles' staring at him really funny
I love Issa Rae's voice! But Jessica, queen, please don't fight, you is PREGNANT
Also idk why but for some reason I thought Jessica and Miguel were married in the beginning. Not completely sure.
Gwen being like "Can you adopt me?" when first meeting Jessica...She's so real
Also Gwen is so sososososo so so trans. It's so great
THE ENDING FUCKING DESTROYED ME ARE YOU KIDDING???? 42-Miles being the Prowler?? I'M NOT OKAY BUT I'M SO EXCITED to see what happens!!
But in all seriousness, all the feelings in the movie talked about and the the things left unresolved for the next movie is just. You can tell this was such a labour of love and all the animators were so happy and excited to work on it. I cannot wait for Beyond the Spider Verse!! I'm still buzzing!!
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baileythebean · 4 months
to mod, Hey tthere silly dudeszz... i need the info so How do Bailey fight? LIKE I NEED YOU TO INFODUMP ME ON HOW THEY FIGHT [Copypasting this to the others inbox lmao]
OMG THANK YOU FOR ASKING THISSSSS So Bailey has multiple different fighting styles just because of all the different places he’s lived. He was rarely at the AA headquarters, usually out on some mission, and then there’s the stuff he learned before he was auctioned. He usually prefers to have some sort of weapon, so hand-to-hand combat is usually not his go-to. He does pack quite a blow though, because his muscles would’ve been strengthened by the weight of holding his heavier weapons (rifles, katanas, ETC) over long periods of time. (Plus training) His preferred weapon is a pistol, really any kind, but the one he carries on his waist has a grip made to fit his hands specifically and he likes that. The other two in his backpack are just in case. He’s good at aiming, even at moving targets, plus it’s small, fast to load, and easy to carry. (Light) He’s good at sniping (with or without rifles) and even mid-range, but the close range gun/hand-to-hand you see in movies? The one where they’re like, rolling on the floor tryna shoot each other and tackle each other? Yeah he sucks at that. It’d probably never happen anyway, but if it did, he’d probably opt to something like biting his opponent. Growing up in a heavily cultural environment, Bailey was taught the basics of both Aikido and Kenjutsu before he left. This is why he likes looking at cool katanas and making up his own moves because he was never taught anything beyond basic, so he’s not really that skilled in these areas. Doesn’t really use this method, but his old friend Cameron taught him how to make explosives from household materials and scraps of metal/trash. He uses pocket knives/switchblades usually to sharpen sticks/prepare food/cut random stuff when needed. Not usually a weapon, but if he has to… And a kitchen knife is a pretty good standard weapon too, if he needs it. Because of his aiming, he could probably do well with a bow, but where would he keep it? He thinks it’s kinda impractical when he can have the small, easy and transportable gun instead. His actual fighting STYLE is very much ‘see the situation then make a decision whether to fight or not’ unless that person is hurting his friends. In that case, they better come up with their last words soon. He’s pretty fluid in his movements, given his flexibility and strength and he keeps that up with a little practice every morning (which Pebble complains abt bc he has to leave bed ((whatever bed means, it could be a random alley or Jasper’s shelter. It depends.))) Sharp movements are not his go-to bc pulling muscles, ouch :( and he HATES stretching. (He’ll still do it tho) He usually does a lot of flippy evasion stuff in hand-to-hand (ducking, rolling under, dodging, flipping, ETC) so usually he hopes a few hard hits from him are enough to knock the other out. He spends the rest of the time evading blows. Well that’s everything I can think of… lmk if you wanna know anything more specific or anything else! Asks are still wiiide open :D -mod
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docilepillow · 8 months
2024 January Media Post Thingy
i dont post on tumblr.com a whole lot i mostly just love to reblog but i wanna see if this novelty thing sticks because for like 2020-2022 i had like a text file i did that i stopped doing in 2023 or so for like video games in particular and i unno it was fun but i got distracted cus half that month i was doing retail anything special happen this year yet? not especially, but since soon ill be very busy with something that IS indeed special, and my bday, i may as well make a post now bc i feel like i will be preoccupied for the first good bit of febuary personally ( exciting life stuff ! ) last disclaimer is that at some point i would want to add movies and shows to this list when i get around to it , but for me december and january've kinda blended in that regard.. me and my friends watched Wonka recently and i was kinda so-so on that just cus' i think the original movies a certain way i guess. oops. i think there were other movies/ shows too and comics as well but once again, december-january blurr for me. Furthermore, any piece of media i pick out for this will also have a completely arbitrary doc-ism secondary title just because i feel like it. Enjoy! VIDEO GAMES! ! MARIO GALAXY 2 < SECOND ROUNDEST MARIO GAME >
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I wanna say i spent from the first of january to the third on this game, but my Wii Menu calendar is a little fucked up....
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Whoops! Regardless, i do have a bit of a background of not completely " gel-ing " with the original Mario Galaxy gameplay wise in my own friendgroup, to mostly dismayed reactions n junk. In short, i think artistically the game's merits are absolutely fantastic, but since i played it on the switch 3d mario collection some time after sunshine, i do think the control scheme is overall pretty limited, and that does apply to mario galaxy 2, i guess, but methodically, i think playing this game on a wiimote does make the limitation feel i guess more fair in terms of like camera control and deliberacy n stuff... the galaxy games and presentation are completely amazing works of art obviously and theres some good music here but i think between galaxy 1 and 2 i definitely prefer 2 mechanically. i enjoy the level scenarios more thats primarily it, i think. I'm so-and-so on how comets work and how many stars you need to get to get to the end ( I think how comets spawn is a little filler-ey and waiting for them to appear in a level i don't know it'll appear in was a little obtuse to figure out, even if i did eventually manage it and actually enjoy the challenges they offer. its mostly just really annoying comet spawning mechanics that were a drag. a very deliberately- controlling mario i guess and being more familiar with galaxy's control probably was why i was able to enjoy this one more ? Yay! I think i still enjoy 3d world more then this and most other 3D marios, though. It's a good video game and i liked the boss fights in it, theyre surprisingly cool and dynamic for what i'm used to from the mario series. I didn't do the special world, though. i wasn't compelled to go that far past the credits. ( You'd think this game's doc-ism title would come from it being the sequel to mario galaxy, and thus, second roundest, but honestly, i think in terms of the mario series scale, Mario Pinball Land has round mario in it, and galaxy 2's starship mario is definitely, i think, rounder then the comet observatory from galaxy one. That makes Mario Galaxy the third-roundest mario game! )
From around the 6th to the 13th, I ended up playing --- ACTRAISER RENAISSANCE < THE CEREAL-BOX GOD GAME >
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actraiser is definitely a mixed video game for me, because i definitely see the merit in it. It's a very unconventional splicing of both sidescrolling and city-development game, a " remake " of a novel SNES/Famicom game with the same premise. You're like a big god of light guy who sends your soul into this little warrior guy who cleanses the land of monsters for around 6 different settlements to florish in with the assistance of a cute little angel friend and whatever area's flavor of local legend the game gives you after a story event or two to hold down the place from encroaching monster dens and such; and, apparently exclusive to this version, there's also little tower-defense segments that come in waves around four or five times per area, which in my opinion are kind of this game's weakest link, but not without like Some kind of merit. At the end of each town segment, there is also a big boss fight, usually tying into the story in some way.
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( I think one of the things that genuinely pushed me to give the game a try was the cute angel design in it..... ) (I usually take an excessive number of screenshots whenever i'm playing on switch, just because doing so is very easy and i'm a sentimental freak ( For actraiser R, this is 148 screenshots ) ) ( If i continue doing this next month, i'll try to include the foresight to actually use my capture card for images, instead of taking pictures with my phone.. ) ( I think one of the things that genuinely pushed me to give the game a try was the cute angel design in it..... ) (I usually take an excessive number of screenshots whenever i'm playing on switch, just because doing so is very easy and i'm a sentimental freak ( For actraiser R, this is 148 screenshots ) ) ( If i continue doing this next month, i'll try to include the foresight to actually use my capture card for images, instead of taking pictures with my phone.. ) Some things i like that this game does, alot ---
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i think it has a very very cool " world select " map. one very postive thing is that it updates in real time with your progress in the area, so you can watch it all expand from your little sky palace once you've done your buisness there. it's really satisfying and pretty... this game's got really good 2d art, i think. I've heard people be mixed on the sidescroller art in comparison, but i think it's got a charm to it. I think it's cute and while its probably more a budgetary limitation, i do like how everything kind of looks like one of those fantasy stills you can sometimes buy from arts and crafts stores. The framerate on them is like a bit lower then what you'd expect from a modern game but mechanically its still very responsive, which makes me feel like it's a stylistic choice to look more stop-motioney, i guess. Maybe im just a fan of ham, i unno.
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In terms of the overhead segments, it's pretty basic and automated, which is fine by me, and perfectly workable for what it is, i think, conceptually ( they build out on your own but you do kind of " guide their hand " when it comes to where paths go, at least. It does lead to a weird meta thing being to zap your own people with holy lightning to destroy stuff you don't want though, which feels flavorfully odd for a benevolent god.... I guess it's fair enough
the main problem with the game is that the tower defense segments, the main major feature and addition of this remake, does kind of take the game's pacing and drop flat in the middle of it. They're usually decently long segments where you can only indirectly fight, and are kind of slow. They also usually need you to protect or have a certain number of buildings left by the end of it ( having all of your farms in tact by the end, defending the main temple, not having every house burned down ) which can be a bit more difficult then it sounds. i dont think the segments are bad or anything, there's just.... entirely too many of them??? like mechanically theyre fine they just happen every other second between story events and it feels kind of padded after like the second one in one area, and there's about 5 per area of increasing difficulty. i definitely think if anything could be reined back, it'd be that. I don't think the story is too special , either, the angel kind of just quips sassily about the story at you from time to time and your followers make requests of you at the temple, usually manifesting in the town segements as " have x number of y " or getting the population to a set threshold, or getting x number of resources. The structure of each area isn't shaken up too much, mostly just " new settlement, find a guy, guy isnt so sure about this lord of light guy but through fighting alongside u and some small character arch, they become a champion of yours or something and you meet the scary boss guy and kill them and weaken the big bad dark lords forces behind it all, but there were two segments i liked, both pretty late-game, with the ice wyvern and this guy named shemall whose only affront to you is having a more popular humanitarian ideology ( who actually becomes the dominant ideology in the segment leaving the church literally empty for a good portion of it , and is only tied into the status quo by the dark lord himself possessing the other temple and shit and starting a really really bad storm of eeevil , who i like a bit ) and a boss in the last area who was implied to once be a force of good but ultimately subservient to the bad guys will, which is basic but i tihnk neat. also they have cool designs. )
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Shrug! I think it's neat but it has problems that bog it down! Waah! i dont regret playing it or anything but it's like a 7! ( It's kind of like a game you'd get in one of those cereal boxes, and it's a little cheap, but its endearing to me ? ) TOREE 3D < LEAST-CONSEQUENCIAL SPOILER AWARD >
finished this game the same day i finished actraiser, in one sitting. Ummm... i know this game's like a crowd favorite, and it's, like, solid, but i don't really have all that much to say about it ..... Like, it's an OK platformer, with like really great value for your dollar, but i don't really have all that much to say about it, endearment-wise. I think also that the VHS horror elements are largely unnecessary and are kind of whatever, but I know i'm not really the audience for it. That's the spoiler, i guess. Around the same time, in a date range I don't remember, I basically ended up completely reorganizing my room for Life Stuff, and ended up giving a really cool fan project a try, from a series i've always wanted to try more of, if not for the language barrier, in the form of -- STARFY ORIGINS ( Densetsu no Stafy ) < SPLASHABLE VIDEO GAME >
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Waaaaaaaa ! i love starfy ( Stafy? ) You probably wouldn't have the background on it unless you knew me, but i'm a real DS head, and one of my earliest games on the system, one i have vivid memories with, was The Legendary Starfy, an " underwater platformer ", mostly known as being a kirby-like game in style, and being the last entry in a mostly untranslated series of platformers that're japanese-exclusive!
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Essentially, what this means for me was that there was , for a very long portion of my kid-years, a bunch of video games out there that i knew i'd be instantly endeared by if ONLY i could play them ( since, even at the time, gba emulation for me was kind of mystical and out of my ability ) ; and , at least in my mind, that meant it'd have just as many lovable characters and such as the the starfy I got to play, anecdotaly meaning the only exposure i'd have to these games beforehand is ferverously looking up stuff on the starfy wiki and watching youtube videos of the final bosses and stuff; basically just lementing for years that " aww,, theres no translation. i guess it's just too obscure " with the rest of the starfy fans i've heard about online, until recently! I emulated this game on Vita and overall i'd just have to say its a cute, decently-novel-but-slightly-padded 2d sidescroller. I'd say it was like ok-levels of worth the wait, but im honestly just floored that a translation of the first game happened at all, and i think its awesome what's been done. It's selfish to want, but i'd really like to try the other DS starfy game sometime, whenever that's translated. It's honestly one of the few loose-end games i can even think of and mechanically that one's a whole lot more out there then this one, which, other then the novelty of playing this game i've only heard murmurs of for over a decade, is just kind of alright. kudos to the fan translators making this game work out!!! I wonder if the team that did this have plans for the others now that this game's been translated....
Wew, halfway down the list, i'm sick of typing, but i'll keep going with ---> DEATHSMILES < SCARY >
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Cool bullethell shmup with really tight gameplay my friend endeared me to with a single screenshot and a slightly empassioned ramble i forget the exact context of
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idk i think this green girl is neat and the arcade style bullethell gameplay's really fun on steam deck; i just think the girls should be like 7 years older each then what the game says because the loli aspects of this game are kind of uncomfortable and unavoidable and i don't like them at all... the gothic horror halloween aestetic the game has otherwise absolutely rocks and is just up my alley, though. i guess its just part of the style theyre going for, but it's a really unfortunate Japanese quirk you kind of have to just tolerate for the other Very Good aspects the game has gameplay and artisticly wise ( music and art direction is awesome )
the girl's dragon familiar is named booboo by the way. just thought that's important. LITTLE GOODY TWO SHOES < GAME **MOST** RESPONSIBLE FOR SINGLE-HANDEDLY HOME-WRECKING MY BRAIN CHEMISTRY THIS MONTH >
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Another game my friend reccomended whicch is completely awwesome and my entire aestetic and i love it alot and i think its my game of the year unless something else comes around and im absolutely floored with it and i went into it completely endeared and its completely wrecked my vernacular and its so pretty and its so artistic and its so different and its so pretty and its so girl and its so gay and im Elise and im in the woods i like being in the woods this game has the best aestetic of any game ive played ever and it feels like no competition and ummmmmmmmmmm
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idk just fucking look at it its so so so so good i love this games world so sooso osososoos s oso ososo o os so mcuh its so good it so nice its so charactered genuinely great little slice of life slash horror slash social sim game with admittedly some jank portions of it that piss me off a little bit but holy fucking shit this games aestetic is the best besy best best bersy tbest best thing ever made i think its really really good pelease watch this segment on youtube its so silly
im not gonna type anything else this game Is its narrative and i dont wanna spoil anything but its great its got a lovely dark fable aestetic and i think everyone should play it especially if you like rpg maker horror type games / are gay as hell / love fairytale aestetics like I do
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i like ummmm Lebkuchen by the way. if u wanna know what my ending is. there is some fucked up shit that happens in this game though despite how absolutely adorable it looks. everything in this game points to it being one of my favorites of all time or at the very least it will definitely poison my brain forever at the expense of my friends who havent played it yet. Waaah..... no i dont think talking about a fanmade pokemon rom hack after arguably a massive artistic achievement is disrespectful thats just how the month flows POKEMON ROWE < I broke it, oops... >
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really cool open-world emerald rom hack, similar to crystal clear and the like. I've technically played it already, but this is the first time i've completed it, though i completely broke the game really early into it that undermined it in a way i didnt realize for about 7 gyms, before i accidentally nuked the overworld with a massive bug that scrambled my player's gender and made the overworld color pallete fuck-ey, which, im not ggoing tto blame the developer on, i'm summing that up to a cosmic ray or something. i think with time and with more polish i could see myself liking this more then crystal clear, but time'll see. ( Team was as below )
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MIGHTY GUNVOLT < tie in video game i've ever played >
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typing this like an hour ins making me realize this docism thing might not stick but mighty gunvolt is neat i guess i never finished it when i first played gunvolt and obsessed over that when it was new ( Mighty gunvolt came as a free download if you bought the first game digitally, you see ) because of the first boss, but now as a more experienced gamer, that's really just because the fire boss is kind of just a weird difficulty spike at the start that the rest of the game difficulty wise doesnt really match up to. It's a cute, very short ( i beat all 3 character campaigns in two hours , liesurely ) platformer styled like megaman, and that's all it really needed to be at the time. i wouldnt go out of my way to play it these days if it wasnt for my own baggage with the gunvolt series in general, and if it wasnt for my much greater affection for its sequel, mighty gunvolt burst.... I'm just gonna say if this game interests you , you really should just play burst instead. Even if you've played the latter before, you're really not missing out on much more then a moderately ok side scroller. it sure is a tie in demake on the early 3ds ! 6180 THE MOON
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Surprisingly, this game's on alot of platforms? I just kind of chose it on a whim 'cus it was on the top of the list of H-SHOP stuff and i was looking for something short to play, but it's pretty artsy.
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It's a puzzle-platformer where the gimick is that the ball wraps around the screen when you fall down or up, which works really well with the 3ds in my opinion. with the compression and stuff on the 3ds and how the game was laid out, it affectionately reminds me of a flash game you'd find on coolmath or the such, and its very relaxed ( if a little wonky ) . i dont have anything bad to say on it or anything its just a small little game i played on a whim. it's very minimalistic, if you're into that aestetic, you might like this. That's the last of the wholy " new " stuff i finished this month, and id say overall its a solid start for me, and kind of out of season ( very octobery-feeling game lineup in retrospect..! But that month's always usually crowded with obligations and stuff, so i doubt i'd be in a mood for them even at that time of year.. )
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Also, i gave a try to cavestory on wiiware, first time i've played the game in a few years now since the switch rerelease! I think its just as fun as i found it when i first discovered it on 3ds, and, while i have a friend who adamantly disagrees, i actually really do like the OST of this version. It's a cute mutation on the games ost that in my opinion enhances the kind of forelorn vibe the game originally had, and i really like the blown up art of this version of cave story, even if it does have nichalis's hands all up in the matter. since it's unlocked from the start, i played the game on Curly Story till the true ending. I still love this game alot. Sometime i'll trick a certain individual into finishing it, i hope.
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That's all i have to say! this is the first time i've made such a big post on any kind of social media period, so, hopefully its not unreadably disjointed or self-absorbed. Whatever!
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play little goody two shoes
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sovereign-skyy · 1 year
So was the cypher just a 22 shift cypher with + at the end of the alphabet or did you do something special beyond that? Bc while I know what the correct translation should be I can't quite put together why an answer with just the 22-shift would be close if the decoder is just using the regular alphabet but completely off when using a 27 letter alphabet of A through +. I know the paragraph before is supposed to have all the clues but there's definitely something I am missing and I gotta know what. Sorry to just pop up randomly and ask you this but I saw Amity reblog another question about it and just like zeroed on your blog in bc cryptography and flirting is so fucking cool and your rules do say to send you an ask.
First of all, don't apologise for popping up out of nowhere I love this! I have it in my bio for a reason lol
For anyone who didn't see the cipher in question (which I expect to be almost everyone who sees this) here's the link to @k1nky-r0b0t-g1rl's post (I'll also be quoting the relevant stuff but if you wanna try to kinda still solve it for yourself start there, I'll be explaining it in detail here):
I'll make this a more comprehensive explanation for anyone who wants it so it's probably gonna contain quite some stuff you already know, if you want to skip it just scroll until you see 'NOW FOR THE GOOD STUFF' in big text!
Here we have the original message:
E sxjp pk ejopxhh x oqynkqpeja ejpk ukqn ouopaio pdxp ixgao ukq osepzd ejpk dknju ik+a sdajaran E oxu "Kd Xiepu gjkso sxuu ikna xykqp pdxp," ok pdxp E zxj ixga ukq atlhxej atpnaiahu zkilhezxpa+ pklezo sdeha ukq'na oq++ajhu qjyaxnxyhu dknju xj+ pnuejc +aolxnxpahu pk de+a ep.
And this is the hint I gave:
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There's three important parts to this so I'll go through them in order
Firstly, the hint is about Julius Caesar, hinting at the fact that the later text is encoded by a Caesar cipher. This is a cryptographic method where you move all the letters forward a certain amount (called the shift) of letters in the alphabet. So a caesar cipher with a right shift of 1 shifts all the letters one space forward, eg. A -> B, X -> Y. Generally the right shift is the default so I left it at that. A better hint would have also incorporated the right part but eh I'm not perfect.
Secondly, I talk about 23 people stabbing him, which indicates a shift of 23, giving us the following conversion table:
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where the top row is the original letters and the bottom is the shifted letter values. If we left it at this and tried to decode the message we'd get:
H vams sn hmrsakk a rtbqntshmd hmsn xntq rxrsdlr sgas lajdr xnt rvhscg hmsn gnqmx ln+d vgdmdudq H rax "Ng Alhsx jmnvr vaxx lnqd abnts sgas," rn sgas H cam lajd xnt dwokahm dwsqdldkx cnlokhcasd+ snohcr vghkd xnt'qd rt++dmkx tmbdaqabkx gnqmx am+ sqxhmf +droaqasdkx sn gh+d hs.
Which is very much not correct. Now, we can cheat a little and change this to a 22-shift cipher (which is not correct) and get the following:
I wbnt to instbll b sucroutine into your systems thbt mbkes you switdh into horny mo+e whenever I sby "Oh Bmity knows wbyy more bcout thbt," so thbt I dbn mbke you explbin extremely domplidbte+ topids while you're su++enly uncebrbcly horny bn+ trying +espbrbtely to hi+e it.
Then we see something comprehensible, but not quite correct: there's some random B's, C's and D's in there and still some plusses in the middle of words. Regardless, you can make out from this wrong result what the message was supposed to be (an oversight on my part, and something I will take into account if/when I do it again)
And now comes the spicy part!
Thirdly, I say "a little (+) at the end" which (as you correctly identified in your ask) refers to the fact that I didn't use the default 26-letter alphabet, but instead used a slightly modified 27-letter alphabet with a + at the end, so we'd have the following letter order (I'll be referring to this as alphabet+ for brevity)
If we try to decode the message as a 23-rightshift caesar cipher with alphabet+, we get the following conversion table and message:
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I want to install a subroutine into your systems that makes you switch into horny mode whenever I say "Oh Amity knows wayy more about that," so that I can make you explain extremely complicated topics while you're suddenly unbearably horny and trying desparately to hide it.
Which is finally correct! Yay, we have the original message!
But now we finally get to your question: why does the regular 22-shift almost work if it's totally wrong for alphabet+?
For that, we can consider the equivalent left-shift operations of our right-shift decodings:
For any standard alphabet caesar cipher, the 26-shift (left or right) operation is the same as the unencoded version (because A + 26 spaces is once again A), which means that we can also express our right-shift operations as a left-shift operation of shift 26 - R where R is the shift of our right-shift (if this doesn't make sense to anyone I'm happy to try to expand on it btw).
For the alphabet cipher, that means a 23 right-shift is equivalent to a 3 left-shift, and a 22 right-shift is equivalent to a 4 left-shift.
However, for alphabet+, it doesn't take 26 shifts to get back to normal, but 27 (since there's 27 characters in alphabet+). This means that a 23 right-shift alphabet+ operation is equivalent to a 4 left-shift and NOT a 3 left-shift.
Now, since they're not the same set of characters, an alphabet 4 left-shift is not the same as an alphabet+ 4 left-shift. However, it's good to take into account that the solution in alphabet+ is also very similar to our almost-solution in the regular alphabet.
If you'll look at Table 1 and 2 again, you'll see that while A, B and C translate to X, Y and Z for both 23 right-shifts, the + in the middle for alphabet+ messes everything up and leaves us with an icky leftover left-shift of 1 (which is close, but still incomprehensible to humans since it's such a big portion of letters)
However, if we create a conversion table for the 22 right-shift of the alphabet we get the following:
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If we compare this to Table 2, we see that A, B, C & D are not the same for both. However, from E on, these two are EXACTLY the same. The part left of the + just has a right-shift of 1 (which is symmetrical to the left-shift of 1 we saw in Table 1).
So, in conclusion: because of the difference in amount of characters, both the 22 and 23 right-shift alphabet decodings are not EXACTLY the same as the 23 right-shift alphabet+ decoding. However, due to the similarity of the lower 4 left-shift, the 22 has more correct characters and is therefore more comprehensible.
I hope that helps a little and I didn't make it more confusing lmao, this is longer (and also took longer) than I thought it would be but it was fun to write, so thanks for asking! If anything is still unclear feel free to reblog with a question or send me an ask (that counts for anyone reading this btw)! Also, since you said you're a fan of flirting + cryptography, how about I unleash the next cipher on you? ;)
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daddyhausen · 2 years
• kinktober — day twenty eight : gun play — angelo parker •
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{ masterlist } | { kinktober 2022 }
{ warnings } — 18 + { minors do not interact }, gun play, cnc, free use, submissive/dominant dynamic, vaginal penetration { gun }, oral sex { female receiving }, dirty talk, degradation, rough sex, vaginal sex, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, squirting, multiple orgasms, male + female orgasms, internal cumshot, vaginal creampie
{ word count } — 827
{ pairing } — fem!reader x angelo parker
{ genre } — smut
{ taglist } — @stxrrlightwrites13 @boutmachines @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @baysexuality @legit9thlunaticwarrior @slut4kennyomega @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @damnnhausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @nicoleveno14 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @baybay-boom
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
“what’s all this?” he circled around you like a predator stalking his prey
you were merely and innocent little lamb caught in the fangs of a wolf
his eyes scanned your naked frame
as if he were trying to decipher exactly how he was going to pick you apart
how he was going to use you for at his own free will
he carried a pistol on his right hand
what exact model you could not make out but you surely knew it looked vintage of the sort
it was not loaded of course but you did not need to know that
he took his position behind you, the barrel of the gun pressed against the small of your back
a quiet whimper left your lips
you were not scared, none of the sort
in fact, the danger of it rather turned you on something fierce
“babydoll…” he hummed,
dragging the gun across your him, now resting it between the apex of your thigh
“so many ways to use that pretty pussy of yours”
he placed the handle of the gun between your thighs
teasing your clit, wetness gathering against the fabric
“what do to with you?”
he pried the gun from between your thighs
free hand gripping you by the hair, turning you to face the bed
“lie down. legs spread” he commanded, now placing the barrel to you head
you whimpered at the sensation of cold metal being pressed against your temple
now on your back, legs spread. just as he asked
he retreated to his knees, hooking his arms underneath your thighs, pulling you closer to his awaiting tongue
“be a good girl and maybe you’ll get my cock” he warned
you gulped thickly, feeling the cool brush of his breath against your clit
the sensation quickly replaced by the barrel of the gun
he swirled the barrel slowly, creating delicious waves of pleasure in your clit
you arched your back with a loud moan, gripping the bed sheets below
“as of now, babydoll…i wanna taste your cunt”
he tongue took the place of the gun, flicking and toying with your clit
however the gun would continue to be in play
at first you were anticipating his fingers, feeling the lovely stretch of your cunt
only to realise that the cold metallic material would be that of once again, the barrel of the gun
you gasped suddenly at the sensation, having never felt so aroused in your lip
he pumped the barrel deep into your void, loving the way you clenched around it
he groaned against your clit, taking your sensitive, swollen pearl between his teeth, nibbling softly
“look at you, such a little whore getting off like this. who would of thought, my babydoll was this fucking nasty”
you whimpered and moaned in pleasure,
sweetness dripping down the barrel as you desperately tried to hold your orgasm back
waiting for his command
but you could only hold on for so long
without warning your sweetness gushed down the barrel, much to his amusement
“were you that fucking turned on huh? couldn’t even wait for me to tell you to cum?”
his mocking words fell on deaf ears
mostly because your mind was to fucked out to even comprehend his scentence
“sir, please…please fuck me…” you whined.
without a word he joined you on the bed, flipped you over onto your stomach and propped your pretty ass in the air
“another peep from you and i’ll blow your fucking brains out, babydoll”
he pushed your head into the mattress, placing the barrel to the back of your head
he lined his cock up with your dripping entrance
not bothering to give you time to adjust to his size as he filled your void
he slammed into your viciously, his cock filling your cunt with such ease
you were breathless, crying out in pleasure as he ruined you
“such a tight little cunt, you feel so fucking good around my cock”
you hummed mumbled please into the sheets
desperately hoping he would fill you up like he has done so many nights before
he leaned down, his chest pressed against your back
“gonna give you all my cum, sweetheart. you’re gonna take every last drop and i ain't gonna stop until you’re dripping with my seed”
if bliss was a sentence it would be that one
your stomach tightened with release, pussy clenching around his cock
his speed increased, thrusts became more violent as his orgasms neared
“fuck yes baby-! cum all over my cock! fuck, oh fuck!, i’m cumming!-”
he slammed into you a final time, hot seed filling you to the brim
your body shuddered at the feeling, your own orgasm drenching the sheets
you gave a thrilled moan, coming down from your high
he pulled out of you, tossing the gun to the side, watching his cum spill from your void
“come ride me, i wanna fill you up again, sweetheart”
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ellzilla · 1 year
madame my beloved
bls hand over the madame lore, literally anything give me whatever comes to mind
Also hi ell luv u ell your characters are v cool ell I love them 💜
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Ok so Madame lore take TWO because tumblr fucking DELETED ALL THE HOURS WORTH OF PREVIOUS WRITING AND DIDN'T AUTO SAVE TO DRAFT AND I'M REALLY UPSET ABOUT IT but I'm too tired to write it all in detail again so a tldr version. She's a ''demon'' akin to Zalgo but instead of being a parasite focused on infecting others, she's only focused on keeping herself alive n' eating humans. She used to be an IT, being more like a wild animal who'd hunt by mimicking and concealing itself as a injured prey animal so any human would see it as a free meal. However, they would be the free meal instead. Times change however and this method became less and less successful as humans started moving into cities and hunted less. It started to become desperate for a new answer for food, so it tried to find successful 'modern human hunters'. It stumbled across Veronica and decided to focus on stalking her n' eventually decided to confront this 'apex hunter of the current age'. Um. Refer to the image below for Veronica's shocking answer.
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It decided to follow Veronica around more afterwards, learning truly what makes humans tick, what they'd be blind for and what would be the most successful thing to disguise itself as. Eventually, it decided to morph it's casual, physical form to be more humanoid and more female. Not because it decided it would be the best form to trick humans with, but because Veronica rubbed off on her so much it said "Female's a pretty cool gender! I wanna be that." so now it's a she! Oh also the name she used prior was Aakormk but um. That's no name for a lady so she settled on Amorette. She also likes the prefix of Madame so. She uses the vents on her back now not to make humans hallucinate into thinking she's an injured animal, but whatever's the prey's "desire". You could describe her as a pesudo succubus now? Convergent evolution succubus even. Oh also due to her physical power and pure intimidation with her primal morph, she was able to throw her weight around in the city. Something something nowadays she owns a club in the Underrealm, the only place you WON'T have to worry you'll get your head bashed in while getting a drink or a bag of chips. Oh also she has beef with Zalgo bc as I said before, she's a being akin to Zalgo so they've known eachother for MILLENIA Whereas Zalgo grew to corrupt a chunk of the underrealm and then REGRET it because he finds human culture extremely interesting but CAN'T interact for long in fear of either killing or separating from his 'core'. And well. Now Madame rubs it in his face that she gets to mingle with humans EVERY DAY! And runs something INVENTED by humans and helps 'the ecology' of the city with her club! And he HATES her for it! He is jealous!
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toxycodone · 3 months
umm ven scar placement… so the first thing is what ur trying to achieve w/ the scars, like do u want him to look battleworn & cool & kind of scary or do u want him to look a little pathetically beat up to emphasize how he has suffered as a result of thistles whole thing (for this one i woul start taking chunks out of him as opposed to like, slashing wounds- like have him missing an ear or something) or do u wanna go for a naturalistic look where u would place scars based on where he might most likely receive them during battle (areas where self defense wounds are common like hands & forearms, & areas where his coat is thinner). i think a scar on his lip would look cool especially if it revealed a little tooth/created a little scalloping in the lip. also the different types of scarring! he might have scars from burns & weird magic scars along w/ ur typical scars from fighting. sorry if this is a lot or it sounds pretentious or anything i just really love character design!!
bone anon…
bone anon you are. this is not pretentious at all it’s so genuinely smart…I’m gonna scream…
so I was given the idea of Venery having a scar on his throat for speaking when not spoken to/ not supposed to (courtesy of thistle). So your ideas for magic based scarring fit in perfectly there.
AND THE MOUTH SCAR. I like that too because again I think Venery has a smart mouth and gets punished for it (which makes him more “docile” seeming later on). But like!! You’re giving me ideas too for scarring on the lips from the dragon fangs! I’m sure they’re a bit too big for his mouth so when they poke out he cuts himself on accident ❤️ poor baby
my friend also gave me an idea for him having a scar on his abdomen from scratching himself with his back talons when first becoming a dragon and almost disemboweling himself hehe
My goal here is I want Venery to look more like an experiment. Bc he’s Thistles first attempt at making a chimera so I think he would just look. Wrong.
my personal head canon is when thistle chimeraed Venery he used the beastkin making method which is why Venery is still like. Humanoid.
Falin on the other hand was a more traditional chimera making method Thistle learned from that trial and error. He could easily restructure her since he had practice manipulating souls and appearance (thanks Venery!!!)
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bandedbulbussnarfblat · 6 months
y'all, I'm so high rn, but I think I wanna write something in omegaverse. It would be my own twist on it, of course.
Imma put the thingy cause I got a little ramblelly
Bc I think like the trope itself could be so fun to examine through a world building aspect. Having a secondary sex, (or gender, that's something else I'll get into) is such an amazing thing in and of itself. There would be whole new ways to be transgender and/or queer.
So, would transgender people really be treated differently? When they have to be pretty common, like say statistically 30% of the population, at bare minimum.
But back to the sex thing. Like, assumably, you could still reproduce with your primary sex? So, theoretically, you could be the biological mother or father of your child. That means in a society like this, gender roles about parenthood could be virtually none existent.
And your secondary sex (I'm calling it a sex bc it aids in reproduction) is also sort of an assigned gender. Like, in fic, that I have read (bc sometimes when you got a rare pair, you gotta step outta your comfort zone) omegas are sort of looked down on, and alphas are looked up to. But what if you're born physically an alpha, but you feel like an omega? And is being alpha/omega rare? And aren't they sort of expected to go together? So what would people think of alpha/alpha pairings, or omega/omega? I imagine being beta is like, the equivalent of being cis het here, in terms of commonality.
And then there’s that scent thing. Apparently, it makes you very attractive to your...idk how to explain this gender split stuff rn, bc I'm like, so baked. Like how irl some people still think men/women are opposites, in omegaverse people think alpha/omega are. Attractive to your opposite sex/gender.
But like, if alphas are supposed to be this charismatic idol, then naturally, they make it to the top. But what if that scent thing also works on all people attracted to alphas?
And the omega scent thing is also supposed to be all sex and shit. But also like, protective? Like it gives you this urge to keep them safe or some bullshit? Bc they might be pregers. And it works on all people attracted to omegas.
And like there could be people omegas attracted to other omegas. But they might be able to get away with it if they're male/female bc that's always been the expected thing. (Bc obviously, if betas are in charge, they aren't going to think about the needs of alphas/omegas.)
(Though it could be entirely the other way around, with alpha/omegas being the norm, and betas being looked down on bc they only had one method to breed.)
See? There's so much you can do with it. But usually, all you see is the sex stuff. Which is cool if that's what you're looking for.
But I want a political intrigue type drama where the different genders play against conventional roles. And also there's a lot of smut.
But like the being in heat leaves you coherent enough to say yes or no. Or that their scent starts to smell bad as a self-defense mechanism. Oh, I like that, actually. But anyway, I don’t like dub-con like this. For like, personal reasons.
So there is a lot of smut. That is at least a little queer every once in awhile. But tbh that's just bc this gummy got me horny af. Except I'm also asexual af and the thought of myself in any sort sexual scenario makes me want to have a panic attack irl.
Anyway, you could write it as this gender equality utopia.
Or you could right it as the way it probably would be--humans always find a way to build culture, to make a society. Societies have rules to keep the status que. There will always be those who are by nature against that status que and will be seen as different or other.
Ok, I think I have accidentally done like, some of my world building here. That makes this a sacred post.
Wait shit. Am I actually going to do this? I don't really think I can. Unless I write it on my phone, bc the shitty ass laptop is too far away.
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glassroo · 1 year
i love blue peep but why are they condemned to shock collar??? kinda fucked up to use ECT on a psychic without consent i’m sure there’s better stuff. or was it already there and the psychonauts are trying to figure out how to take it off??? or was it voluntary on their end like “i will fuck you all up if you don’t physically harm me?” not being judgy or anything! just trying to figure out how the psychonauts and stuff slot together in your world cause your ocs are so fucking cool
AIGHT so first off i wanna start by saying TY FOR ASKING ABT MY OCS THIS DOESNT HAPPEN ENOUGH 💝💝 this response will be layered, bc when it comes to any of my ocs, what ive written barely covers 1/50th of whats in my head. ill try and dot-point without rambling too long
the shock collar isnt as severe as it looks, i really leaned into the "exaggerated overblown Psychonauts™️ design" with it. the Psychonauts put the collar on them shortly after committing them to their psychic rehabilitation program. it generates enough of a zap to bother them, and stop their psychic power. nothing more. regular checkups are performed by Sasha to make sure the output treads the border of effective and safe
there is, as of the year our friend is 15, a psychic rehabilitation program within the Psychonauts. its mostly geared towards the youth, people with more pliable minds that tend to be more receptive to change, general age range being 13-19, and is headed by Oleander. Kylie (our pink muppet bestie) and a few others are also in this program :)
I also typecast the Psychonauts as being a bit more...antiquated with their methods. remember the psychoisolation chambers? i wouldnt put a goofy ahh psychic shock collar past them
our baffling friend has used their psychic suggestion so often throughout their life that it triggers in any question they ask or vague statement they make. the shock collar is part of their CBT, and was deemed necessary after they displayed a severe lack of control over this dangerous ability, plus their (admittedly small) rap sheet. anyone not actively shielding their mind WILL be influenced by their words
their overuse stemmed from the need to constantly use their power to survive their situation growing up. without going too much into it, they experienced severe emotional neglect, moderate physical neglect, among more nuanced stuff that comes from having emotionally immature parents
they committed crimes of their own accord. this only started a few months before the Psychonauts captured them. it's not a regular pattern of behaviour for them. they had come into contact with a psychic with similar, but much more pronounced abilities, which influenced them greatly. the Psychonauts (justifiably) fear that without harsh intervention this behaviour would escalate. this person is somewhat on the Psychonauts radar, but not much is known about them
with all said, our friend didnt consent to the shock collar. i dont think most 15y/o's would. but theyre aware of their issues with unintentional power usage...they just dont think its a big deal though. theyve never had an issue with their power hurting someone, so isnt everything being blown way out of proportion?
throughout their rehabilitation they do come to realise (much like Raz with Hollis) that tampering with the minds of others is not something done lightly. while at the start of their rehab their sentences are constantly interrupted by jolts and zaps, somewhat symbolic of their lack of understanding or care for how their words (powers) affect others, towards the end there's barely a spark when they speak. theyre even able to ask a few questions without triggering the collar, or their powers
in summary, this character has a lot of me in them, and tbh i couldve used some harsh psychic CBT instead of having to unlearn bad coping mechanisms the long, hard way. like me, they hate having a name, they love quiet public transit, they fear expectations, and they ponder where their somewhat aimless life will take them. im glad you like them, and i hope my 3am ramblings have grown your appreciation for them! i think the name J. (Jayden) Doe will work for them. for now. like me, theyll probably change it later :)
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gardenerian · 2 years
hi! your most recent mickey gifset is so gorgeous omg would you be able to explain how you did the black and white coloring for that?
ahh hi thank you, i really loved making that one!! definitely happy to help. here are a couple of methods to try (hint, second method is the most fun!):
first, there's the black and white filter!
(i am assuming you know where to find these setting but if not, please report back and we can do a more in depth tutorial!)
so after adding the filter, we end up with a grayscale image like this:
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kinda meh, ya know? not bright or contrasting at all. it's literally just a black and white coating. so then you wanna adjust the curves, levels, brightness, and exposure. brighen that bitch up! i especially like to work with levels in black and white bc it's so dramatic. so now we have this:
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looking better, yeah? now head to selective color. here you really wanna work with the black, neutrals, and white. for this one, i upped the black, decreased the black within neutrals, and decreased the black within white. and we get.......
(again, lmk if you want like. a video of this ksjdfh i am bad at explaining things!)
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yeah! looking good my man. now, you can go back and adjust any curves or other light settings as you want. but! another cool thing you can do in selective color is ADD COLOR to your blacks/neutrals/whites. so maybe you want something like this:
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for this, i just added magenta and cyan to the black, decreased the yellow, and upped the whole saturation. but that's just something you can play around with!
NOW. method number two.... gradient map:
the gradient map. well. it maps onto the light of the image. which i think makes for a more dramatic result.
for this one, color the gif FIRST. so do it how you normally would. i end up with this:
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not my best but we're going for speed here aksjdfh
okay, now add your map! you want it to go from black to white:
there are three settings for the map: perceptual, linear, and classic. i could not begin to tell you what each one means, but try each one to see how it looks! i usually go with classic or perceptual, which you can see here:
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pretty sweet! now i just tweak my usual settings: curves, levels, brightness, exposure, selective color. and we get:
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lol the screencap makes it look like mickey's missin a tooth but! i am happy with this result.
there ya have it! one other cool thing about gradient maps is you can change the colors!!! here's black to red:
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i hope this helps! i am happy to go into more detail about the exact settings and process when it's not 9:45 pm on a wednesday asdjkf just let me know what you might wanna see!
happy giffing!
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thegeminisage · 1 year
im FINALLY playing zelda again and exploring gerudo town a bit...
damn i didnt have to get my own ice or anything lol
tbh. i kind of liked it better when u could crossdress. pretty much EVERY npc has to go out of their way to make it weird that link is here? which i guess it is so it should be? but if we're talking about making him androgynous so anyone of any gender can enjoy playing him...this space reminds you constantly that you are a man. idk. is this less transphobic??? i'm not a trans woman so i can't like Speak On It but to me it feels like it's just a different flavor of bad. a better solution might be to let us cross dress if we wanted to but also still have access if we weren't. then there's no Evil Invasion of Women's Spaces By Predator stereotype but also u can be a girl as a treat if you like
but i have problems with this "girls-only" race of people having their entire culture and identity revolve around men anyway. whereas gorons are all boys and they don't think about gender at all. I Wonder Why That Is. nintendo wrote themselves into a problematic corner here and they're not going to get out of it by being cowards!!!
holy shit lol apparently gerudo sleep SUPER deeply and it contributes to them all being so tall and muscley <3 that explanation is such bullshit i fucking love it. and then they need less and less sleep as they get older...
man i wish that was me.
weird, it's still all purple and misty in the secret shop
oh my god SAND BOOT GUY IS STILL HERE???? he's hiding over the secret shop lmao
i think i've got redead ptsd. i saw a couple of voltrfruit cacti out in the distance and froze like a prey animal
anyway it's great the town is back on track and i wanna do ALLLL the sidequests here but...i need my low stakes exploration rn. i think i should unlock the last great fairy now that i don't need to worry about avoiding any part of the map
wait first i see zelda. time to shoot my gf :(
so i warped to the skyview tower and pikango is here?? what even is his purpose in this game...
huh. a light dragon's talon can HEAL when attached to a weapon?? wtf...
lol do i beat bokoblins with it and they get better
omg wait you can just pluck spine shards from her back...no arrows needed...this is nuts
eugh i see an ice gleeok from here. no thank you
its so fun that she goes clockwise around the map. time, time, time
you can see so much cool stuff from up here. i'm really glad totk added that you could ride them bc i feel like if i had more patience i could get such a lovely tour of hyrule from on zelda's back specifically, since she makes the whole circuit...like this game is genuinely beautiful and this is such a wonderful way to enjoy that beauty. and spend time with my gf.
i just wish i could like browse my menu or check my map or something WHILE MOVING...in other cases i would be livid if the game kept going while i was "paused" but i hate that fooling around makes the game's clock stop so if you're say waiting ten minutes for the dragojn to glow again you really do just have to wait
also. i never noticed glowing or lackthereof when the dragons were ready again. i may be unobservant lol
SO many shrines spotted from here btw. foolproof shrine finding method
ok, she DEFINITELY looks like she's glowing (her spines anyway) but nothing happens when i shoot her horns...is light dragon horn not a thing??
google says it's a thing.
oh no wait THERE it is. ok. now that i've seen it yeah thats a huge difference
luckily i'm quite close to that last great fairy now. thanks for the ride babygirl :(
briefly tempted by the fountain from one of link's memories below, near satori mountain...ultimately decided not to go bc theres not gonna be anything but a korok seed. just a little totk gripe
dark link armor to night sprint! i miss people getting jumpscared by it though :(
oh wait they ARE getting scared...weh thats so nice
ok, i have to take a break to do stuff :/ i wanna dot he stable quest!!!!! soon..............
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