#bc i wasn't the same writer as i was months ago apparently
t-lostinworlds · 2 years
nothing like the self-hatred you feel when you want to reread a WIP so you can freshen up your mind to be able to continue it only to see the word count and you just. who even has the time and patience for this @ author why have you given future me 45k words of jumbled mess to proofread and edit. just why.
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ladysophiebeckett · 4 months
need to talk all of you about this amazing movie i watched after watching a couple of duds (sometimes we have to watch duds to find gold)--
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and you think 'oh its another hallmark movie'--no. as u can see it's 'reel one entertainment'. dont confuse them. (its like the same thing)
anyway--'the marry me pact', starring Rejected Property Brother #19203 (i assume they have more of them in canada) and Brunette American Carey Mulligan--brings the drama in this 'my best friends wedding' rip off.
opens with rory (rejected property brother) on his 29th birthday reminding 'charlotte' of the pact they made at 21--(bc some girl dumped him) that if he wasn't married by 30 he could marry his best friend charlotte (american carey mulligan). and rory wants to cash in bc this is his face when charlotte says 'yeah but u weren't serious right?'
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he was charlotte. he was.
so then she buys him a plane ticket out of miami to like, south america or something. as a present.
then its a year later.
charlotte visits a psychic for research purposes (she's a writer). the psychic tells her 'hey girl there's a man in ur life and also a pact to marry him'. she got all that fm tarot cards. but at no point does she actually do any book research. its over. now the idea of getting a man is in her head.
and boy does it. bc then at the end of the day shes like 'what if rory is the love of my life???' uh u didnt even want him a year ago....
psychic tells her one thing and she's all in.
then rory calls her and is like 'im back in miami' and says 'i have some things i need to tell you'
so they're at dinner (it's pizza at her sister's restaurant. bc a man wrote this so they just eat pizza its their favorite food blah blah blah) and he's like 'yeah i want to settle down. i started to envision that for myself', she's like---
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thinking he's gonna say its her. out of nowhere.
but then rory says 'i met rachel!'
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then rory's like 'oh yeah we're engaged. and getting married in 3 weeks. and also can u be my best man? and on top of that, can u help me plan my wedding, bc im absolutely useless'.
charlotte: uhh
rory: you're gonna love her. she's a nerd like you. she loves food, like you. she loves the green witch fm that musical, like you. in fact, why dont you meet her right now?
yes, why dont we.
this is charlotte and rachel hugging:
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this is rachel in case you're confused.
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and this all three of them having wine in his kitchen--
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that's right. rory went to south america and found the first american brunette that looked like charlotte and called it a day.
this man is sick.
then charlotte's like 'damn it looks like u couldnt get rory to have better taste in art' and rory's like 'uhh that's one of rachel's paintings' and then rachel spills wine on charlotte. but it was an accident.
im not kidding that really happens and i laughed.
moving on to another hilarious moment--charlotte's finally checking her fan mail that's been sitting in her organized office for 6 months--and what does she see? a postcard rory wrote her from chile declaring his love for her and he says in it 'you dont have to reply and nothing will change between us if you dont feel the same way'
charlotte reading this like--
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and what does she do after this? nothing. she just mopes. like a loser.
then later, somehow in a big city like miami, they all run into each other---
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the woman in blue is charlotte's pizza sister, she has a boring ass romantic subplot of her own but it doesn't matter.
the script makes it a point to tell us that rory and charlotte love bookstores bc they 'make them feel safe' while rachel the fiancée complains that she likes hitchcock movies but rory falls asleep during them.
rachel is such a loser for liking 'psycho' meanwhile im pretty sure rory's lying about knowing how to read.
anyway he has the audacity to complain that charlotte hasn't been helping him plan his wedding to another woman, literally in front of her (rachel). bc apparently charlotte's been blowing him off. gee, i wonder why.
then he tricks her into going to find a tux and then he tricks her into trying out a wedding dress with the excuse of 'i just want to make sure i look good standing next to rachel in her dress'
we dont even know what rachel's wearing. but sure.
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anyway, this little freak got what he wanted.
then charlotte's like 'can u get my shoe off, its stuck in the dress' idk how that even happens but whatever--
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then that little freak got what she wanted. ect ect.
of course we get a scene of his brother saying 'hey we always thought you would marry rory lol' and then charlotte leaves immediately.
then we meet the psychic again who says she got a vision of a woman in a wedding dress leaving a wedding. and we think 'oh is she gonna run out on rory?' but the psychic says, what i think is a great line, 'my child, i dont get visions of the future. i get visions of the past'
charlotte and anyone watching this: what?
psychic: i dont make the rules.
this is the worst psychic in miami. she'll give you the lottery's numbers but it'll be the winning numbers fm like, a year ago.
so then its like 10 days before the wedding and we're doing cake testing with rory, rachel and his best friend charlotte.
rachel when charlotte shows up:
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rachel (in private), is like ' wtf is she doing here??'
rory: shes helping us out.
rachel: i thought this was something we could decide together??
rory: i could tell her to go...she does find this all tedious..
rachel: no..i dont want to make things uncomfortable
rory: i think u should be happy someone like her is helping me tho bc im so stupid :\
rachel: yeah ur right :\
personally i think rory is getting away with too much.
so theyre tasting cakes but rory and rachel dont agree and ask charlotte and of course charlotte like's rory's choice, which leads to another hilarious moment--
rachel: well what do you know about wedding cake?
charlotte: i know you never ate your first one
and then rachel almost chokes on her own spit.
fast forward--rory's like 'what was that about?' and charlotte's like 'uh nothing'.
rory: do you mind cutting rachel some slack? its important to me that you two get along.
charlotte: i promise.
so now rory has two women apologizing to him for fuck ups he initiated.
let me remind you that a man wrote this.
then charlotte has to apologize to rachel and takes her to a Hitchcock retrospective. rachel's tells us about her failed engagement that happened 'years ago'. but then charlotte stalks down the ex fiancé and finds out rachel left him a year ago. not 'years ago'.
and if you think that's gonna come up later or be resolved--you're wrong.
then charlotte had to help rory find the location of his wedding and we find out that he hasnt written his vows.
rory: u know im terrible at writing. you'll help me right?
like,,,is there anything rory's good at? i dont think so.
now im fastforwarding filler scenes to get to the bachelor weekend--
the boys and charlotte go on some partnered up seeing sight hike and rory's sprains his ankle in his attempt at trying to win...something.
later that night, charlotte and rory have a talk.
rory: im sorry about the hike. i rushed into it--
charlotte: like you do everything--
rory: what does that mean??
charlotte: you rush into everything--today, the south america trip, this wedding--
rory: you supported me doing that trip--u basically bullied me into doing it--
(she did no such thing)
rory: u dont like rachel. that's the problem.
charlotte: that is not true. i dont think u should be declaring that you're gonna spend the rest of your life with someone u dont even know.
rory: why are you telling me this now? my wedding is next week.
charlotte: exactly! i dont want you making some huge mistake! maybe you need more time to decide if this is something you really want--
rory: i do want this
charlotte: does she?
rory: what are you talking about?
and then charlotte spills about rachel's runaway bride incident and shes like 'does that sound like someone who knows what she wants??'rory's like 'you went behind my back'. which is not true imo.
rory: i would have thought you had more faith in me, as my best friend.
charlotte: your best friend? you barely contacted me while you were away.
rory: i contacted you. i wrote to you. i told you i had feelings for you. that i had feelings for you for years. you ignored it.
charlotte: i never got the post card. not until recently.
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charlotte: it's too late now anyway
rory, grasping at straws: i mean...do u feel the same??
charlotte: it doesnt matter now does it?
rory, still grasping at straws: doesn't it??
and then charlotte says what i think is the best line in this whole movie---
charlotte: no because you left the fate of our relationship to the postal service!
(i just want to say that it is no way the post office's fault. that fan mail bag was in her office long before that. so the USPS delivered. she just just never bothered to read her fanmail. USPS is a great service and we should continue to support it. thank you. )
rory, seeing that he's not gonna his shot with charlotte: so why are you bringing this up to me now? we had all of our 20's for you to tell me how you felt. now im engaged and im happy and you want to dredge all this up---
( he's the one who brought up the postcard!!! he also could have said something in his 20's!!!! )
Charlotte: all of this has been really hard for me
rory: so what do u want me to do? not get married? have you and i try and figure out whats going on?
(that's literally what he wants. he's still hanging on for hope)
charlotte: I can't tell you what to do.
rory: you know what? this is so selfish of you. i cant believe that you chose this moment to do this.
charlotte's face rn:
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girl ur being gaslight !! get out!!!
rory: i would have expected a lot more fm my best friend. i think u should leave and i think its best you dont come to the wedding.
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he's literally the worst. he didn't get his declaration of love and he's like 'okay get out. ur uninvited to the wedding i made you help me plan'
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anyway shes back to moping when really she should have booked a flight out of miami to get away fm him.
she gets flowers and she thinks its fm him--
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WRONG! its her agent telling her to get her ass up and get to work!!
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and she's really happy about it. she's like 'i love work. work is never gonna uninvite me to its wedding or gaslight me or make me plan a wedding'.
then rory and rachel have a pizza dinner night before their wedding and they realize they dont dont know anything about each other and when rachel tells him to ask her anything, he has nothing to ask her.
yeah because he doesnt care about you rachel. ur were a charlotte replacement. wake up.
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also this card is fm target. i know bc i have this same stack in my drawer.
its the wedding day and rachel's missing (the escalade broke down) and rory's panicking but he makes his brother call her. this man is useless. he has everyone else doing thing for him. can someone kill him?
so charlotte sees rachel running through the park and she's like 'i'll help u get to wedding on this scooter and i promise it wont look gay'
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that promise was broken.
so rory and rachel make it down the aisle and they almost do get married until rory has his flashback thinking about charlotte and then at the same time rory and rachel stop the wedding. but instead of rory being a man and being the one to say 'i cant marry you bc i love someone else' --rachel is the one to stop it and take the blame. she runs out and gets charlotte.
rory tries to apologize for being a dick but charlotte doenst let him and then takes more blame.
you think theyre gonna get married but luckily that doesnt happen.
rory: you know i think you'd make a better wife than best woman
(so he's still trying to trap her)
charlotte: for now why dont we get a slice and watch some figure skating?
rory: i like that.
yeah, those are things HE likes to do. we dont really know what SHE likes to do.
and then they kiss--
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i know i said at the beginning that this was an amazing movie and if you've read this far, you're like 'this wasn't amazing'.
i said it was amazing, i didnt say it was good. it was just incredibly messy and i think rory should die.
3\5 stars for being incredibly messy.
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