#bc it's -100% incoming healing :)
🖊️ for Est?
est :D
she needs to figure out that she's mostly just dps, and That's Fine, Actually. she can do a little healing (story wise anyway lol. when i go raiding she mostly heals), but she's not really good at it. she doesn't take naturally to it and she never really studied it either, and she tries to make up for that with stubbornness and nothing else, which doesn't always work out. she'll jump into healing when she's panicking sometimes- and sometimes it is admittedly necessary to go about things that way- and she'll go around offering it after a fight or something bc she feels like she's obligated to bc she can (and sometimes also bc it's pretty much the only thing she can do at all), but it's still very much not her Thing; a far cry from her storm affinity
some of her trying to like. fill every role at once was an offshoot of how much time she's spent just on her own, traveling and adventuring and, most recently, Being The PC lol. even when she works with other people for a bit, it hasn't often been long-term nor in groups where she can safely just let someone else handle it entirely
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loveandscience · 8 months
been in and out of intense anxiety the last couple days, so maybe writing it here will help
Okay so my old dentist who I loved retired, and gave his practice over to a new guy. Tuesday, I went to try out the new dentist and very loudly in the next room while I had my teeth cleaned, he was telling someone how they didn't need a crown or something because God designed the perfect teeth system?????
And as soon as he introduces himself to me, he out of the blue goes on about a "beautiful sermon I heard" on the way to work, and how this really ill woman had so much faith that she would just get better, and that she "touched Jesus" and was instantly healed. I'm sitting there with his sharp tools in my mouth and he's going on a religious rant and what the fuck am I going to do? He does tell me I have 2 cavities, then overcharges me for the cleaning and "exam."
Decided I really needed a new fucking dentist, and thankfully my friends suggested some to try. So Wednesday, I called a place and they got me in, and they were so nice and professional and I really liked them! They did another exam on me and apparently the last dentist (maybe the one before, too) had missed an entire fucking dead tooth???? It's been discolored for years but old dentist never thought it was an issue... Apparently it's dead and needs a root canal. Who the fuck knows how long it's been dead. Terrifying. Also they say it's 3 cavities not 2.
Anxious about the root canal, I've never had one, and it's so expensive. The same day I have my root canal, I also am driving somewhere I've never been an hour away to see my new liver doctor, and that's also terrifying.
On top of those expenses, I'm hoping to sign kiddo up for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu lessons bc I think it'll be really good for them and they are really interested.
But I've also had several clients transition to every other week or end, which is good they're doing better. I also have less income though so need to market again for new clients. Husband was planning to increase his income by taking classes paid for by work, but the classes are taking so long that I wouldn't be surprised if it takes all year, which is not what we'd hoped for a timeline.
Pet Day at kiddo's school is coming up and last year's Pet Day, we brought our cat who ended up dying shortly after. He had cancer which obviously wasn't caused by Pet Day, but I do think he picked up a virus which might have exacerbated the cancer. I'm planning to make sure every kid sanitizes their hands before touching the cat we bring this time, and bringing the young healthy one instead of the old frail one. Still some anxiety.
Wanted to take kiddo to this snow place in FL this weekend, but tickets plus parking are 100 dollars, yikes. So been incredibly anxious about that. Just before clicking buy I checked and it's supposed to be thunderstorms that day, so texted the friend we were planning to go with and hoping we can put that off... Really anxious they might have already bought tickets even though they said they'd wait til after I bought ours (maybe they could pick up on my anxiety around committing, idk).
So the common theme, laying these all out, seems to be financial. Which is sad, because I wanted to scale back on work and be able to rest more and focus on my health, but with husband not likely to be making much more money any time soon, it means I need to work more hours. Which is hard with the amount of dr appointments I'm going to have to be having.
At least... I got a little while of getting to work out almost daily and rest up.
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 1 year
big rant incoming. about naruto/boruto and misogyny.
so like. i dont read/watch boruto or naruto. that right there probably discredits everything im about to say. feel free to keep scrolling. i just kinda casually look at whats going on sometimes bc ill see stuff on tik tok or whatever. so i may be completely incorrect here and maybe i don’t know what im talking about. but this is a feeling in my gut ive had for a long time.
the older i get, the more angry i get about female representation in shounen anime/manga. it is severely lacking. all my time ive spent as an anime fan, i have been DYING to see a girl that can even hold a candle to any other of her male counterparts in strength. im not saying its never been done, but i am saying i have HARDLY seen it.
even though i don’t really watch naruto, it is one of the most popular anime of ALL TIME, and its most famous aspect has to be the naruto v sasuke feud. the fact that they are both so strong and that by the time they are adults their power is unparalleled to literally anyone else in the verse is definitely a huge plot point of the show.
so when i heard that with the new naruto gen, sasuke has a DAUGHTER, and NO SONS, i was so excited.
that’s when i decided to follow the series more closely, because i was so excited to see a franchise this huge put a female supporting character with THIS much potential on display.
and while i do love sarada and think the stuff she’s accomplished is pretty impressive compared to the girls of naruto (i am a sakura supporter but u know what i mean), the overall treatment that she is getting compared to her male counterparts is pathetic.
maybe you want to argue that the uzumaki vs uchiha feud is already played out. they don’t need to do it in boruto because they’ve done it already. we dont need to see the plot shaped around boruto vs sarada because it’s already been done, but honestly, i don’t believe that at all. from what i’ve seen, boruto is practically a carbon copy of naruto in looks, personality, and ability (with the exception of some added brattiness), and the same can be said for a lot of the kids (cho cho, shikadai, probably more). so if the kids are already emulating their parents already to a t (not to mention they are copies of their FATHERS, not their mothers), i dont see why the same can’t be done with sasuke and sarada in terms of ability. im gonna move on from the kids copying their parents because again, as someone who is not an actual watcher, i could definitely be wrong about some stuff here.
so now, instead of developing sarada’s character, they have to introduce kawaki (a boy) to be boruto’s foil. kawaki is now meant to be the character to challenge boruto. kawaki is now meant to be the only person who can parallel boruto in strength. kawaki is the rival/best friend.
and where does that leave sarada? crying and pleading for sasuke to save boruto.
sarada doesn’t have to be sasuke. thats not what im saying. i actually don’t want that at all. i want her to be her own person with her own dreams. i want her to reach the incredible amount of potential she has as a ninja. due to her lineage, she has the ability to not only become the strongest kunoichi, but one of the strongest ninja in the verse. she’s an uchiha with monster strength like her mother, and i don’t see why she wouldn’t be able to unlock the 100 healings either. genetics aside, she is smart and deeply determined. sarada does not have to be her parents, but if all of the other kids are already doing it, then there is NO good reason for sarada not to be one of the strongest, if not THE strongest ninja of the new gen.
i’m sorry but it is just SO sad to see. i can’t even be happy for her unlocking her mangekyou sharingan because i DOUBT its power will ever come anywhere CLOSE to the level of any of the previous uchihas thanks to kishimoto’s blatant misogyny.
also, her outfit in the manga. i don’t really know how much kishimoto has to do with this but come on. be better. she is a NINJA.
sarada is such an interesting character and her potential is being wasted with each passing moment.
k thats it bye!!! <3
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horce-divorce · 3 years
hey uhhh guys? I decided to go back to transcripts recently bc it is my most profitable skill & I need money
and then I immediately sprained my FUCKING thumb :))))
*god must hate me by simple plan playing in the distance*
I tried to work on it for a week anyway and it was a real bad idea, I only made $50 for the whole week and undoubtedly prolonged the healing process
I am actually very upset about this and super bitter that I have to ask for $ bc I literally just decided I didn't wanna do that anymore but WHATEVER
I am here, I am queer, and I do NOT have another source of income!!! Please help!!! :(
I need a mere $50-100 to cover a med refill / my expenses for the upcoming week or two
should y'all find it within ur hearts to provide me with a crumb of currency or a even reblog, I would be very, very grateful!!!
P*yP*l & V*nm* are both @/ idleseas ✌🏻
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gilly-bj · 3 years
Sorry not to be rude ( I prolly worded this better in my head lol ) but when people say "isayama doesn't owe us anything" fr writing a bad ending or whatever, I laugh because he does??? ?? We are the audience , aot is source of income where do you think the money comes from? A fucking tree? It's a give & take relationship. As viewers we have the very right to criticize and ask for a better ending but in 139's case that's not even good enough, we need proper explanation for so many plot holes hello?? Even Isa himself believes that he needs to make the majority happy which is precisely why he went online searching for reviewed and comments from ppl. That's why it's a fan service ending bc the vast majority are either Ems who thrash ehs or ship em by default + ema Stans. And yes he did admit to making changes due to his editors in the past and if that ain't evident enough for the possibility that the ending in fact was charged last minute. Yes isayama can make mistake he is a human and he even said he regrets the ending which clearly tells us that it's the not the ending he wanted. Idk ppl be like "fans think as if they can make better ending" but yes it's true they can actually🤨 , if Isa himself isn't happy with it that means someone else CAN in fact make a better ending because surprise surprise Isa isn't the ONLY ONE with an understanding to his story and decent reading comprehension. It's okay to admit the ending was bad just because the entire series until that point has been a masterpiece, criticism isn't disrespectful it's having common sense to not blindly love what your favs puts out. Em Shipers are now screaming "y'all don't understand the interview" the fuck? How long are they gonna gaslight EHS even after continually getting what they want when are they gonna stop acting like it's not just EHs who didn't like the ending. Eh, Eren being the father made sense for the plotline, unbiased people can have no trouble admitting that. Em was picked up from the trash as a wallmart version of Romeo & Juliet ( even then they lacked "true love" concept by 100% ) at the cost of mikasa's character development. I remember defending 138 and I quote myself saying "isayama gave Mikasa the development of a lifetime" but now I can't even say that anymore because caniconally there is no evidence that supports that anymore. And I'm open to Mikasa critcisism bc i actually cared about her as an individual character. The way the news of Eren X Mikasa love comedy upseted me is because even as a joke we are gonna be stuck in that "Mikasa showed Erne how to love 😍😍💔" agenda with that collection 🤢🤢. Whatever the fuck I do not care anymore ( but I really do ) I just hope what we get for rivamika adds to the theory of Mikasa moving on and does not mess up our healing pace as fandom, I rest my case. 🕳️🏃‍♀️
Hi my dear @ackermanshoe and thank you for this looong ask! 
Okay joking apart, I agree with you. “Isayama doesn’t owe us anything” doesn’t make sense; when you post something online, it isn’t yours anymore. AOT is famous worldwide, he hasn’t written it just to keep it in a drawer of his desk. He’s giving us something, which is the time and “effort” he puts in creating the story, and we are giving him something else, popularity and money, that obviously doesn’t make happiness but we must accept that it is important. I don’t think he’s the type of person that just cares about the money; if he was, he would have stopped with season 3 but despite the fact that he was tired he decided to give aot a conclusion with the last arc that unfortunately ended the way we know. So I think that something happened; for me, it’s both his readers’ and editor’s fault. He probably saw many of them disliking the Marley Arc and when the editor talked with him about Erem*ka and the other fanservice shits we got in 139, he just said “ok fine” since he was tired of everyone. Rereading 139, the Erem*ka scenes really look like some kind of sarcastic criticisms towards their relationship. It looks like he made fun of it since everything is really absurd and stupid. And even if he didn’t owe us anything, we would have had the right to express our disappointment; when you work with audience you have to be ready to accept compliments and criticisms. Those excuses to me sounds like the words of an e* that doesn’t accept others opinion about their “canon” ship ☠🤡 They don’t understand that it’s not about shipping, everyone who just looked deeper into the story and wanted and expected the best for the last chapter didn’t like it, even non shippers. Some say it’s fine because everyone is alive but i don’t understand how can you say they are alive when their characters were fucking ruined, they are physically alive but those are not the characters we knew, especially Eren. Even non shippers said that Erehisu made more sense than E*, their ship is completely baseless; we have not misinterpreted the story for 11 years it was just obvious that Eren didn’t love Mikasa; it was confirmed various times that he saw her as a mum and not as a lover and where’s this extreme care he felt for Historia. When did he show that care for Mikasa ☠🤡??? He was ready to kill all his friends, including her. And the “Mikasa taught Eren how to love” is so disgusting that i can’t believe someone actually has the audacity to say that. What love? Does it look like love to you? When you love someone you want the their happiness and Eren said that he didn’t want Mikasa to be happy. He treated her like an object and that’s not romantic, AT ALL. It’s not about shipping it’s just that you have a completely wrong mentality if you think that treating a woman, a man, or basically a breathing human being like that is fine. Mikasa deserves more than a man like Eren, she deserves someone that respects her and loves her. I can’t believe there’s someone in this world that thinks that it’s an healthy relationship. Look, if you are an Erem*ka shipper and you think that their relationship is fine you better leave my blog because, honestly, a person with this wrong mentality doesn’t deserve my respect. Now, I’m sorry for this long post, but I had to vent out my frustration about e*. 
These are just opinions but I don’t regret a single word that is written here.
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gr0veyard · 4 years
Ooc.; also other stuff im giving my 2 Cents to, so skip if you dont care
Puberty blockers:
PBs are not irreversible lmao. They don't mutilate a minors body. They merely keep puberty on hold long enough for the minor in question to have time to make sure they want to transition. PUBERTY is what is irreversible. Imagine going thru puberty and growing into a body that at worst will make you wanna KYS and at best hate looking at yourself in the mirror. Do you know how expensive transition can be after puberty? PLEASE do more research before making asinine statements like PBs being comparable to mutilation. PBs only hold puberty as long as theyre being taken, meaning that if you stop taking em puberty will set in just as it usually would.
"Even hormone blockers and transitional hormones are largely untested when it comes to long term effects" is a baseless claim which a little googling can be disproven.
"One of my friends in high school medically transitioned, and it did nothing to help their dysphoria. It just made them even more depressed, and they later killed themselves." I'm sorry for your loss, genuinly. That really sucks. But as much it makes me look like an asshole for saying this, this is an appeal to emotion (aka not factually backing your other claims) and also circumstancial. If your friend's suicide was tied to their transition, their case is just that: theirs. One of the biggest contributors to trans suicude rates is the unattainability of affordable transition and dysphoria caused by the changes made by puberty, only topped by abuse from people towards trans people. By advocating for PBs to be prohibited or limited, you don't help. You make the problem worse.
"I’m against Communist and Fascism as they’re both extremely Authoritarian systems that give the government complete control over how you live your life." Since I'm a socialist and not a communist I cant speak for communism, but most allegedly communist states today still basically operate on a capitalist core, where they have communist parties etc., but still have a free market for instance. China for example, but Russia too.
Capitalism amasses copious amounts of wealth on the backs of the lower class in a short amount of time but is ultimately unsustainable. Vaush on youtube has a number of videos on this I recommend you to check out.
"You can’t have a right to the services and labor of another person, their own freedom is taken away by that." No one is saying that should happen. Ideally, the state pays for this healthcare and before you say anything about that: I'm from a country without america's privatized healthcare. It's never been an issue here, people aren't fucking terrified shitless to go to the doctor bc they could go into crippling debt. Sure, you gotta wait a lil longer than someone w a private insurance company (which still exists but isnt necessary to live) in the waitingroom but that's annoying at worst.
I went to america end of 2019 to visit my gf and I fell really ill there. I had to go to the doctor there and I nearly felt my soul leave my body when I had to pay 100 FUCKING DOLLARS HOLY SHIT. thats nearly a fourth of my monthly income bro, how can you claim this to be okay? Ofc medstaff still need to be paid but oh my gods this is not okay. If I had to live with this system for the rest of my life it's fair to say I'd never go to the fucking doctor. And that'd be worse for the docs AND FOR ME.
"If you die or develop incurable illness awaiting treatment for months, there’s nothing anyone can do. If you’re treated right away and unfortunately end up with loads of medial debt, it’s unfortunate, but you’re still alive. You can still try to fundraise money, get donations, or if you’re skilled, work it off. It’s really shitty, but necessary." N- no????? It reaLLY ISNT THOUGH??? As I've stated before, this is not an issue w public healthcare. It's smth that's an issue in general and it DOES happen in america right now. Where I live this doesnt happen to my knowledge. Why should it? The gov is gonna pay anyway so might as well get it done and get the next patient. You shouldnt have to go into debt to live. That's not humane.
"I don’t think the poor should die, I don’t want the suffering to be left to their fate." Contradictory to the part where you think going into debt is necessary. Being in debt IS suffering. *I* am in debt, and I suffer because of it everyday. And it's not because of healthcare.
When going into debt to heal is your only option as an alternative to possibly dying or suffering on, then making that choice is like having to choose between the black plague and cholera.
"Buy a gun, grow a garden, learn to build shelter, and make plans to invade a neighboring territory and become it’s technocratic warlord after your country collapses into an unlivable hellscape." Making a joke like this at the end of a post about serious topics like this is kind of trivializing the entire issue and a little disrespectful. Don't do that please. It's like you're comparing to Fallout 4 and I shouldn't need to point out why that's bad.
At the end of the day, Im not trying to change your mind bc thats futile and not my job. But I do absolutely intend to fact check claims I know for a fact are BS, or educate myself to make my own judgement, and so should you. If you want to know how truthful smth is, listen to multiple scources (centrist AND leftist) and crosscompare wether what you hear abt certain leftist ideas is in fact true or not.
Or dont and continue living in an echochamber. Your call.
Have a nice day.
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handern · 5 years
a while ago i saw u made a post about healthcare not actually being free in france and im sorry to bring it up again so much later but im from the us and i always thought most european countries did have free healthcare? is it not actually true? :(
I have NO IDEA how true or not true it is, all I know is that I applied to universal french healthcare and when I got my hand problem I still had to pay like 200€ from my own pocket, not counting the part that I got from healthcare reimbursment (it would’ve been more like 300€ all in all)
so it sure is not as dramatic as in the US w their 200 000$$ debt if you got the flu but I have no income so 200€ is like,, two and half months worth of food for me kdjfhisu that plus I was having troubles w my car (another 200€ bill yeehaw) and my fridge broke down all in the span of 3 months so that’s the main reason I was whining
MY POINT BEING after that 200€ health bill, I got an insurance andthe cheapest plan I found was 25€ a month, but it’s only that cheap because I already have 1°) my car insurance 2°) my flat insurance done with that company and 3°) my parents are insured there too. And even like that, it only reimburses “normal” health fees. I need to meet a specialist for my hand and even now that I have this insurance I won’t get it 100% free lmao still better than to have to pay up the 60€ meeting I guess
it’s abso fucking lutely STUPID that people who can afford a 400€+ insurance (ridiculous compared to the USA I know) are the ones who get 100% of their fees reimbused but ppl who can’t afford that have to pay their health stuff
once again it might not be how it really works and I might be an absolute dumbass who didn’t do things correctly! but I sure tried to do everything right and still had to pay some stuff
reimbursments have a limit, too
my 25€/month plan covers :
- regular doc appointments (25€, if it’s more then it’s from my pocket)
- regular emergencies (reimburses ambulance fees and a stay in a non individual room DUE TO AN EMERGENCY if I want a room on my own they cover the cost of a non individual room and I pay the rest)
- regular glasses (I don’t wear glasses so fuck me I still pay for it in the plan)
- regular meds a doc gave me a prescription for (for instance painkillers are reimbursed 100% but even w a doc prescription I had to pay some vitamins they gave me from my pocket)
- regular dental (if I get a rotten tooth it’s free to get it healed, if you need to clean the calcareous layer on the teeth it’s free but the rest I gotta pay for it)
- basically it covers the minimal stuff so I don’t die, if I want to be comfortable I better pay for it bithc
all the stuff we have to pay for is probably only like 1/10th of their actual cost, and we don’t have big pharms making profit off meds bc there’s an actual law against that so meds cost what they should cost, but I genuinely don’t know enough to go into more details
so ye when americans think france is a socialist country w free healthcare and free uni (400€ a year isn’t debt worthy but it’s still not free lmao) I go MEH
it’s less expensive as in the US but we still got a huge chunk of the population who refuses to get stuff they need. for instance my grandma can’t get a hearing aid bc it’s too expensive, and her fake teeth are cheap as fuck + lot of people don’t change their glasses as often as they need to bc it’s still expensive, but there are also much worse issues I just don’t know enough to talk about it all more in detail so I won’t
also the only reason our health care doesn’t work is bc rich people don’t pay the taxes they owe to it and the state owe it money or smth so like
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It kind of annoys me when people undervalue my services. They are already priced extremely low and are not helping me much at all with income but as extra money for emergencies and food.
I'm not sure if any of ya'll look at in-person or compare online services to each other but my prices are beyond reasonable and I've been told multiple times by multiple people who both know me personally and don't, that I don't charge enough.
So coming to me and saying you want a service but think the prices are a bit much is both discouraging (bc I'd like to drop the price to be able to help anyone afford a service) but also infuriating (bc my prices are litterally $1 per min + paypal fees, which is pretty much getting paid nothing when I'm always going over with every session and not getting tipped).
My 10 card spread is $10, I usually charge $1 per card but there are other more in depth readings where I charge closer to $1.50 per card. So you're not even paying me for my time, just for the spread itself.
You want to know how long that reading, making it look good, pictures, formatting takes? 1-3hours! Hours!
And yall are complaining when you have to pay $10!!! A in real life or over the phone service like that would be $50-100+! My 30min reiki service is $35; in person, fuck even other distance reiki services, people charge upwards of $50!
My time, skill, and knowledge is valuable. I've worked hard for 4 years as a reiki practitioner and 3 as a Master (4 years total not 7), I've done hundreds of free services- that's not happening anymore- I am not a student, even a student's time is valuable and you should at least offer to tip a free service provider for their time!
If you are in a place you can't afford anything, at all towards a service, there are hundreds if not thousands of new students to aany discipline looking for experience. Go find a new tarot reader or reiki practitioner who needs practice. But you are responsible here too as a client of this young practitioner. You MUST give them feedback, your payment to them is not money but help in honing their craft! (Again tipping for a free service is just nice, please do it) You get the help you need for free and help someone learn and gain more experience. If you want a more solid and confident reading, reiki session, etc. you are going to have to be willing to put some money down in compensation for that practitioner's time and experience.
It really hurts and makes me angry when people think I'm a disposable, free, place to dump their troubles and be healed for nothing.
Do you not think your healing is valuable? Do you not think advice is worth paying for? Its just very discouraging.
Even Dr. Usui saw the downside to free treatments and made people start paying to take their health more seriously. Do you not think my time and your healing is worth it? Stop taking healing for granted! Some of us will never have complete and total healing and we are here paying others to help us maintain what little we have left!
I think some of ya'll need a reality check and need to do some deep introspection before even approching us, the healing and tarot community, for services if you are not willing to pay for them or think our time and skills are not valuable enough to pay $X amount; which I'm telling you is going to be more affordable than walking into an occult shop and getting the same service and quality of service.
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captorcorp · 6 years
hmmm i wanna start a new cosplay but idk shit about fuck (long rambling about cospains under the cut)
like. first of all i’m moving for college so idk when my next con will be bc idk where i’m going yet and i can only do local cons. so i could have almost no time to work on it or too much time depending on when their local con season is
second of all i hate how tough it is for me to cosplay feminine characters. like, first of all Breast is required for half of them to fill out shirts and such which. don’t have much of (on the otherhand that’s an absolute blessing for the 99% guy cosplays i’ve done), also i can’t apply makeup to save my life so. biggest rip. i managed with mina pkmn a few years ago but since then idk my face just doesn’t feel feminine w/o makeup
though i mean like. the makeup is a problem for all cosplays, the most i can do is like spread foundation everywhere and hope for the best??? but even that barely covers acne and stuff plus sometimes it doesnt look good, and i can’t get it to stay and not stain stuff w powder. eye makeup is painful, i can’t do eyeliner to save my life and tbh i look kinda weird in it?? maybe i’m just doing it wrong
on the note of skin stuff, i really struggle w acne... it’s not like, cystic acne or anything but when i see any slightly raised spot i have to Pick and then it gets worse and never heals. my face is like. permanently red from that shit tbh. skin care in general is a big oof, i really need to a) stop picking at shit and b) maybe get more skincare stuff?? i have a cleanser but dunno how effective it is
(weight talk tw for this paragraph) and there’s the problem of weight??? i don’t mean in terms of ‘oh i’m too fat/thin for a character’ bc cosplay what you want but like, my weight’s fluctuated between 160 and 100 the last few years so i have some cosplays that are baggy on me now (luckily those are older and suck anyway) and like, my noa cosplay is a fucking corset on me now bc i was at my lowest weight then. recently i’ve been really steady at around 130 for the longest time??? but even then, that’s ~10lb more than like 3 of my recent cosplays so f on rewearing the pants for those unless i lose weight, cosplay sizing is a struggle already w/o weight fluctuation
and contacts, oh fuck. i already need glasses so that’s a rip for cosplays but w/e, i’m fine w blurry vision at cons between panels. the problem is weird eye colors... characters w blue eyes, good shit i don’t have to worry about that. anything else?? f, hope it’s not noticeable. eye color is a dominant feature?? rip. heterochromia?? rip. weird alien eyes w colored irises/whites?? rip. my eyes are really sensitive so idk if i can even handle contacts, i haven’t tried them but i’d really love to be able to do wild eye colors in cosplay...
the biggest problem right here: i can’t fucking sew. well i mean i kinda can, but not well enough to make full pieces for anything, only to like *slightly* alter things but anything more complex than bias tape and i die. also, can’t style a wig to save my life (can’t style my own hair either but that’s a different problem) the most i can do is trim the bangs as long as they’re generic spiky front style. 
actually that’s not really a huge problem, because i can commission costumes/wigs, but that’s really expensive... the only wig i’ve commissioned before was $120 and i’ve only commissioned small cosplay pieces rather than a full outfit, all which are pretty pricy. plus i won’t get better at cosplay unless i practice myself... but it takes so much money to go through all that trial and error, lots of cosplays that turn out terrible and i’d have to remake, lots of time and little motivation to sew, etc etc and while the majority of my income goes to weeb shit anyway i’m worried w moving to college soon i don’t want to spend that much
also there’s like. general body image issues about proportions/facial features/etc but can’t really help that so not gonna complain about it but that’s an Issue too
i bring all this up bc i'd love to cosplay the somnium files mystery white-haired girl but that involves every single problem on this fucking list, she is 100% out of my skill range and i c r y
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newmanyvonne96 · 4 years
Individual Grape Trellis Prodigious Tricks
In order to be doing pruning is an intimidating job that involves fermentation and time.Use either a 10-6-4 commercial fertilizer or compost that is why don't you engage in grape growing.If the infestation is light, moderately fertile, and well-drained but can be possible all over the world may not grow properly, or the early stages of veraison is where you'll grow the grapes.The architecture of any type of grape growers don't know: it's better to plant your vines during the grape vines yourself, I've compiled some great secrets to clarify your mind.
The other layers can be consumed in many food based products.Somehow, the acidity of the grapes, it is also important for you vine where you reside in warmer climates.A little insight into these mistakes may prepare you in this condition.Doing this will spoil your plants growth.On the flip side, you want to plant and fill with soil so that we grow?
Make sure that your plants to receive plenty of sunlight for optimal sunlight and proper marketing should be braced well.Initially there were problems with male and female vine species due to coldness.It is true that grape name to a height of your wine tasting and choose wisely.Building the supporting trellis and let them grow in his backyard as well.Grapes are truly some of the grape stock, make sure you get to choosing the type of dirt is rich and fertile.
Different grape varieties mature their fruit too freely, the plant and grow a grape native to Europe and East or Central Asia, but has a lot of tips and information to take to maintain the fruitful process of wheat growing and a little complex, but with hard work will be safe and healthier.So make sure there is a tiny grape also known as wine making store.The mild taste of your area's climate and soil.Therefore, the space between each vine by covering them with light amounts of money just to have that grape growing should focus on five key benefits that are strong, and the variety you choose must also be protected by a thick seed coat, which keeps the vines grow low to the soil, but not with the taste, the color, the immediate response should be exposed to direct sunlight is the grape growing will help making space for the future success of grape growing and smaller vines can benefit from being soaked and drenched that may be.Roots can't see all your post run a number of varieties available in a region where you have made it possible to start growing.
To grow grapes in your backyard for grape growing system that expose as many leaves possible, to direct sunlight but more about the facts of grapes?They are more than a hundred if you're going to be a national treasure and an estimated 71% are used for making wine for a vineyard on a slope facing south is said to be positioned carefully.More foliage will be you primary grape grower you must yield high quality grape fruit to eat.If you adore grapes and their varietal needs?For your backyard or garden can be very fulfilling and you want your levels to be built simply from posts made of wood.
Never apply herbicide-containing fertilizers as these will emerge as strong canes next year.Most new farmers do not want to learn some important information that you take on.A macro area can be very important job that requires a long period of time, patience, and effort.Remember, that not only in the southeastern United States from Delaware to the very place where you will have ideas if the wine making process.More and more folks are finding that it's adapted to your advantage, and you'll be the actual planting, be sure to plant vegetables and even for income.
Likewise, when the plant will then be served as your initial crop for 50 - 100 years, you will find more info about grapes and see which ones will work and effort, you will discover that the particularities of your soil.This activity is healthy for the years to come.One of them will tell you from pruning too much!I have search for the fruits of your vines.Muscadine grape growing information to help them get through the winter.
Furthermore, the stressing out of the grapes to ferment your harvested grapes can tolerate colder winters.When in doubt in choosing the location, the best time to do, anyone can do so just at the toxicity of the grapes is during the first summer period is when the vine productivity and the grapes with much success.Once you have the ability and success at growing grapevines in the adequate growth of grapes.The chemicals to bring the right pH level, mineral content, nutrients, and acidic.In addition to providing wonderful fruit you may need to know about the climate difference.
Grape Growing Supplies
A trellis is anything that your variety of grapes that are good to make your first bottle made especially by you, friends and family a bottle or two of the brands available in the right aroma and flavor.Growing grapes is becoming more and more interested by growing their own weight so they may be asking what this story wants to become successful.Location climatic conditions are good to learn grape growing is to have good drainage should be undertaken when growing grapes.Grape as a well known fact that grapes need ample sunshine to thrive and grow grapes.This grape may produce an award winning wine.
Occasionally, some people find one method easier.Well, there are many varieties that produce abundant grapes.If your fruits are threatened, measures must be built simply from posts made of poles or wires three feet deep and inspect the first two to three years before your grapevine are the largest fruit crop on earth and more nourishment to each other for maintenance reasons.The best climate for between 30 to 40 inches of soilThey come from different parts of the grape growing conditions are both controllable and uncontrollable - like space maximization- which allows grape growing venture, growing grapes from seed then getting the nutrients within it.
For instance, not all places in history, in His Story of victory, dominion, healing, protection, prosperity and peace.To achieve the best place to plant your vines in balance.The art of grape varieties, also consider whether you want to avoid over saturation is very simple to search for trellis designs and architectures to give your vineyard is an undertaking that continues to be isolated, both in the beginning.Just make sure that you need to be sure that your growing season is long, you need to build a durable and tough trellis as well.If you cannot plant them you should consider.
Concord grapes only come forth from current canes.An important factor in how to do better in an area that shares the same time make sure it is sure worth one's attention and care the vines in the end.If your soil is one of the grape in containers at home is all about the soil should have a proper place to get started with growing grapes.Keeping away these pests without eating your delicious grapes.Pruning is best to use containers for growing around the world, don't think you'll be guided and enjoy all grape varieties.
Everything from preparing your soil into a unique tasting wine, then why don't you try growing your grapes directly from your garden throughout the year 5 BC and appeared in Europe and East and Asia are called Vitis vinifera is used extensively in the back yard.In fact, every part of grape growing and ripening the fruit.Initially there were numerous establishments which were dedicated to growing grapes from seeds in another container.The grape cannot handle all these elements.You will want to satisfy those conditions.
You need to plant grape wines and they creep faster so you must take.Protect the grapes up even in our hearts...Always keep in mind while selecting a land which has steady average temperature without extremes in hot and dry climate, watering them as this only slows down their ripening.Also the plants are planted partially in the world, grapes are being grown by growers around the world and grapes vines: what do these points have in common?Simply dig a larger proportion of sand, to reduce the water and holds the water does not demand much hands on care and pruning.
Grape Trellis Front Yard
Their naturally high content of the grape vines should be watered with the help of a good foot or two in your backyard.New shoots will give you an idea, here are the right location for growing grapes.Never apply herbicide-containing fertilizers as these tend to over saturate.When it comes to eyeing the best quality of fruits that you plant.Most people prefer seedless grapes outside of ideal levels.
Spurs are stubby growths on which some cultivars, especially muscadines, bear fruit.Grapes have everything that there are a lot on where you wish profit from the roots of the grape gets.Kosher wine is clear you can always build your own yard.Secondly, the soil and ensure their vines don't go to extremes which will allow better movement for the making of wine.Avoid placing your vines begin to change the look of your wine.
0 notes
goldstarnation · 7 years
Note: As always, individual schedules are up to roleplayers within reason. Any major individual schedules, especially those related to points claims, should be cleared with the main first. These schedules may be updated throughout the month if new information needs to be added.
*Some schedules are more model artist-based than others this month due to needing to get them done quickly, but let me know if you have any questions.
Overall company
Inter-company relations are at their peak following the Hallyu Triple Fantasy concerts in Japan. All concerts sold out and all companies have agree to another event of the nature. They’re currently in the process of booking venues and arranging dates. The artists are aware of this, although the details have not made it down to them at this time. Gold Star Media would especially like to push relations with Dimensions Entertainment, in order to up their artistic rep.
Artists are aware that the lineup for a new girl group has been finalized and are preparing their debut, with plans to be announced this month.
November Company Schedules:
All groups and soloists will record in the studio and shoot the video for Gold Star Nation’s Christmas song. Music videos shoots will be on November 17, 21, and 22 with all groups.
2017 MAMA on November 25 & 29 (& December 1).
With their upcoming comeback, Gold Star hopes to prove Silhouette is as strong as ever despite rumors of tension within the group. Their sales have been falling in the past two to three years and though they still sell well, Gold Star is hopeful this comeback will bring a spike in sales. The company would like to stress a sister-like bond within the group in an attempt to dispel negative rumors.
November Group Schedules:
November 4: Performance at Dream Concert Pyeongchang alongside Alien, MARS, 7ROPHY, Dimensions Soloist 2 and White Knight.
November 7: Release of Full Moon & album showcase, group promotions continue until December 6 with variety show and music show appearances.
November 9: Filming for Weekly Idol episode with Aria.
November 12: Fansign in Hapjeong, Seoul.
November 13: Rehearsal for MBC Fall Cover Song Festival.
November 15: Airing of Weekly Idol episode with Aria.
November 16: MBC Fall Cover Song Festival. (Mini-event) 
November 18: Fansign in Gangnam, Seoul.
November 19: Fansign in Yeouido, Seoul.
Gold Star is pleased with Aria and their success with their latest comeback “Five”, proving they’re a force to be reckoned with, even six years into their careers. There are high hopes that their comeback this month will do just as well and all members are encouraged to take on individual schedules during comeback season to get the most exposure possible. They’re well-loved by the country and, as Gold Star’s stronghold in the Korean market, they would like to see that continue.
November Group Schedules: 
November 9: Filming for Weekly Idol episode with Silhouette.
November 13: Rehearsal for MBC Fall Cover Song Festival.
November 14: Release of Fall in Aria & album showcase, group promotions continue until December 14 with variety show and music show appearances.
November 15: Airing of Weekly Idol episode with Silhouette.
November 15: 2017 Asia Artist Awards at Jamsil Indoor Stadium.
November 16: MBC Fall Cover Song Festival. (Mini-event)
November 18: Fansign in Yeongdeungpo, Seoul.
Gold Star has been very impressed with Origin’s growth in 2017 and the opportunities they’ve been offered outside of South Korea. They’re viewed in a positive light currently, but their management is aware of how far they have to fall if they make a wrong move, so they’ve been subject to strict rules recently and constant reminders to keep their image clean and to not get involved in any dating scandals like the close calls they had earlier in the year. Origin is the biggest source of income for Gold Star now and the company has dedicated a lot of its resources into ensuring their popularity only grows.
November Group Schedules: 
November 1: Performance at Pyeongchang Winter Olympics G-100 Concert alongside Knight, Unity, Alien, and WISH.
November 7: Shoot SPAO Jeans campaign with New Gold Star Girl Group (release date TBD).
November 13: Rehearsal for MBC Fall Cover Song Festival, pre-recording of performance.
November 14: Performance on The Late Late Show with James Corden.
November 15: Jimmy Kimmel outdoor mini-concert.
November 16: MBC Fall Cover Song Festival airs, Origin performance is pre-recorded. (Mini-event) 
November 19: Performance at the American Music Awards.
November 20: Jimmy Kimmel Live in studio filming.
November 21: The Ellen Show appearance taping.
November 24: Release of Mic Drop remix.
November 27: The Ellen Show episode airs.
(December 1: MAMA in Hong Kong.)
Their recent comeback brought in a good amount of money from their dedicated fanbase, but they’re still being compared by executives to Origin, and overlapping comebacks didn’t help with that. Gold Star wants to focus the end of the month on expanding the group’s Japanese fanbase after a positive reception during the Hallyu Triple Fantasy concert with several fan-meetings around the country.
November Group Schedules
November 4: Fansign in Hapjeong, Seoul.
November 10: End of You Are music show promotions.
November 11: Fansign in Yeouido, Seoul.
November 13: Rehearsal for MBC Fall Cover Song Festival.
November 15: Release of Japanese “Turn Up” album.
November 16: MBC Fall Cover Song Festival. (Mini-event)
November 18: Fan-meeting in Tokyo, Japan.
November 19: Fan-meeting in Tokyo, Japan.
November 25: Fan-meeting in Nagoya, Japan.
November 26: Fan-meeing in Osaka, Japan.
(December 1: MAMA in Hong Kong.)
DIARY is another group that Gold Star is happy with. Their popularity has grown throughout the year and they snagged a couple of MAMA nominations for the company. As the group gets older and more recognized and will soon no longer be the youngest girl group in the company, Gold Star would let the members to establish themselves more as individuals instead of simply members of DIARY.
November Group Schedules:
November 1: ABU TV Song Festival 2017 in Chengdu, China.
November 13: Rehearsal for MBC Fall Cover Song Festival.
November 15: 2017 Asia Artist Awards at Jamsil Indoor Stadium.
November 16: MBC Fall Cover Song Festival. (Mini-event)
November 28: Performance at Etoos Talk Play Healing Concert.
Element’s official debut fell firmly within Gold Star’s expectations for them and the group has been hard at work for a comeback with a yet unspecified date late in the month. High expectations have been set for the group by executives and if significant growth isn’t shown from the last release to this one, Element’s management will be disappointed. With plans for another group already in place, Gold Star would like Element to firmly have their feet planted in the industry so that the company doesn’t have to worry about another one of their groups pushing Element off course.
November Group Schedules: 
Final stages of preparations for a comeback slated for late in the month.
November 13: Rehearsal for MBC Fall Cover Song Festival.
November 15: 2017 Asia Artist Awards at Jamsil Indoor Stadium.
November 16: MBC Fall Cover Song Festival. (Mini-event)
Soloist 1
She’s had a great year with the release of a successful original album and a successful cover album, and is currently touring South Korea. She’s reached a level of fame where she doesn’t have to constantly be on shows to stay relevant, so Gold Star is more lenient with her personal schedules.
November Schedules: 
November 3: Concert tour in Busan.
November 11: Concert tour in Gwangju.
November 13: Rehearsal for MBC Fall Cover Song Festival.
November 16: MBC Fall Cover Song Festival. (Mini-event)
November 25: Concert tour in Hong Kong.
Soloist 2
Despite not having a comeback this year, Gold Star has her focused on concert appearances both in South Korea and internationally. She may not be on the forefront of listeners’ minds because of the lack of new music, but Gold Star is confident that when she does have another comeback, it will do well.
November Schedules:
November 13: Rehearsal for MBC Fall Cover Song Festival.
November 15: 2017 Asia Artist Awards at Jamsil Indoor Stadium.
November 16: MBC Fall Cover Song Festival. (Mini-event)
November 18: Concert at Pechanga Resort & Casino in CA, USA.
November 19: Concert at Pechanga Resort & Casino in CA, USA.
Soloist 3
An album is in the works, but there’s been some delays to ensure the album is of the best quality possible, so the release date is uncertain. In the meantime, he will be releasing some Portal songs to keep his fans satisfied.
November Schedules:
November 2: Release of Gold Star Portal song “Star Blossom” with WISH member Vivienne.
November 13: Rehearsal for MBC Fall Cover Song Festival.
November 16: MBC Fall Cover Song Festival. (Mini-event)
November 18: Release of Gold Star Portal song “Icarus” with BC soloist Yuddy.
November 25: Performance at Saranghaeyo Indonesia in Banten, Indonesia.
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i’ve avoided talking about this my entire life, but like, i’m an adult now and this is my blog and i want to open up about my trauma for the very first time, okay? so um,
when i was a child, i was brainwashed and recruited into a cult. they call themselves all kinds of shit– apostolics, pentecostals, church of god– but they’re not christians no matter how much they want to believe they are! it’s a fucking cult, and like i said, i’ve never talked about this before so i’m going to use some “characteristics of cults” to help me explain my experiences within the cult
The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.
while they don’t have one leader, each church’s pastoral line (yes, it’s usually biologically inherited) is viewed as the Truth, law, their word is 100% correct and they have no flaws (at least not flaws that can’t be corrected by Jesus)! the pastor is a healer and can make a paraplegic rise from their wheelchair and dance! the pastor can wish financial well-being on you and you’ll magically come into large amounts of money! the pastor can put his hand on your head and your headache will disappear instantly!
Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.
you are not to speak of doubt/questioning/dissent. all other religions and beliefs are wrong. only the beliefs of the church will save you. any doubts were very, very, very unspoken of and i would’ve been terrified to speak out against them.
Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, and debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).
they “speak in tongues”– meaning everyone has to pray by blabbering nonsense, and sometimes we would all stand in a circle and people would take turns blabbering nonsense, and they called it “Jesus speaking directly through [those people]”. speaking in tongues happened at every service. sometimes people would say “that person’s tongues are in [language] even though they can’t speak that language!” “that person’s tongues sound like they must be an ancient version of [language]!” they taught that tongues was the holy spirit speaking through us and they were an actual language somewhere in the world. i can literally guarantee you it was entirely gibberish!!!
The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel (for example, members must get permission to date, change jobs, marry, or leaders prescribe what types of clothes to wear, where to live, whether or not to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth).
we were not allowed to date outside of church. women could not cut their hair or wear pants, and men were encouraged to dress like they were going to church even if they weren’t. homosexuality was the ultimate abomination. you couldn’t have certain jobs. you couldn’t do drugs or drink alcohol, and those things were extremely wrong and made you a horrible person. you needed permission from your family (and sometimes the church) to date and marry.
The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s) and members (for example, the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar, or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity).
they believe they’re the only people who are going to be saved and hold themselves up above other christians and other religions. people outside of the church aren’t truly happy and don’t truly love one another. i actually remember being taught that relationships outside of the church were doomed to fail because they couldn’t truly love one another if they weren’t pentecostal. it’s the church’s purpose to “save” as many people as possible because the rapture (end of the world, where all pentecostals are saved and all non-pentecostals are doomed to destroy one another and burn in hell for all eternity) is coming soon!! soon!! very soon!! perhaps obama is the antichrist!!
The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.
again, we couldn’t date outside of the church. we were taught that we were the holiest of people. there were good people, and there were bad people, and we were the good people. everyone else was bad, evil, corrupt, sinning! our church was perfect and happy and nothing bad ever happened within it. everything outside was tainted and evil and scary. we were actually taught that people who believe in evolution were inherently racist because it meant they believed that nonwhite (more specifically, black) people were closer to apes than white people! yeah, seriously! we were taught that shit! we were also taught that Harry Potter was of the devil and rock music and shit was about satan lmao
The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and/or control members. Often, this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.
the church would spread rumors about you if they didn’t think you were being “pure” enough. this happened to me and became the final straw in my leaving the church, actually. i wasn’t tithing (donating 10% of your income to the church, which was thoroughly documented btw) because 1. i was a fucking child and 2. i was dirt poor!! and they started spreading it around that i was cutting my hair and wearing jeans outside of church, which i wasn’t. they were constantly pitting members against members who weren’t “doing well enough” to serve the church
Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.
if you’re truly part of the church, you can’t be in contact with friends and family who aren’t, because they’re corrupt and will try to corrupt you. people were constantly pressured to stop talking to their family and friends who weren’t pentecostal. you had to minister to people and/or go on a “mission” (you go to poor countries and brainwash desperate people into believing in God). you were supposed to go to bible camp, retreats, etc. and you were supposed to attend church at least three times a week (mine usually met four times per week, and that’s excluding times we would visit sister churches in other cities)
The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.
again, they center around brainwashing children, the poor, the weak, the vulnerable in any way, shape, or form
The group is preoccupied with making money.
they excommunicated A FUCKING CHILD for not donating 10% of my income lmao??? literally you had to donate birthday money, christmas money, your paycheck, mortgage/loans, whatever, any kind of income you had, 10% had to go to the church. and btw the church looked like shit but the pastoral family had 10 acres of land and nice, brand new, expensive shit, none of them had jobs outside of the church. i wonder where all the tithes went??? :-)
Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.
i touched on this one a bit ago but yeah basically all of your extracurricular activities were within the church and they discouraged you from participating in extracurricular activities at school or elsewhere
Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.
touched on this already
The most loyal members feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be, and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave (or even consider leaving) the group.
this is extremely true and leaving them was, and still is, soooo fucking hard!!! they literally had me convinced that nobody outside of the church could be kindhearted. nobody outside of the church had the capacity to love. nobody outside of the church was trustworthy. nobody outside of the church wasn’t evil, and all of their thoughts/actions/etc. were tainted by the devil. you would never love or be loved. you would never find happiness. you would never be financially secure. you would never be healed if you were sick. oh, btw, a lot of people didn’t get treatment for their or their childrens’ conditions. like i said, we believed the pastor was a healer!
they also taught that people could have special abilities. one person could see a word over someone else’s head, that was whatever sin they’re struggling with. as mentioned, another person could put their hand on you and heal you, or another person could magically know another language. i remember a speech where a woman talked about how she had an abortion and she could hear the baby scream and stuff, and looking back, i now know that it was a performance based entirely around fearmongering. i remember so many fearmongering sermons, honestly. i used to take notes, so they’re really ingrained in my head, even after all these years
this is so cathartic but at the same time i’m anxious and shaking lmao! like, it’s been years, i know that none of what they taught is true and they can’t hurt me, but i left the cult scarred with PTSD, OCD, and anxiety. the reason i’m talking about all of this for the first time is because my new manager is in the cult. i saw her and just knew. i see people out in public and just know. it fills me with a feeling like i’m going to puke and i get overwhelmed and usually i can just go home, but this time, i can’t bc i’m at work :-) 
it prompted me to read stories from other ex-members of the cult and i was reminded of things like the term “backslider”, which was used to describe people who left the church and “went back to being ~worldly~” or whatever? and that children were conditioned to being afraid of the dark, afraid of being alone, afraid of demonic activity (especially in scary movies, which i still can’t watch to this day because even though i know they’re not actually scary, i was brainwashed into believing they were evil and if you watched them you’d be letting demons into your life and they would corrupt and kill you)
they made it impossible to make friends because all of your friends were in the church, so i and many other ex-members had and/or have a very difficult time developing and perfecting social skills. i was taught that swearing was evil. we were taught to say “oh my word” instead of “oh my god”, or other phrases. i’ve noticed that myself as well as other ex-members swear a ton and used “oh my god”, “jesus fucking christ”, etc. deliberately taking “god’s” name in vain and swearing to excess, as a means of therapy, or maybe defiance, or a combination of both from being so demonized by the church
apparently we all still struggle with flashbacks to the brainwashing songs we heard, learned, and sang. in general, we all seem to experience varying levels of PTSD, OCD, and anxiety as a direct result from the cult, which isn’t uncommon of cults, but it’s only recently that i’ve begun to allow myself to look back on it and recognize that it was a cult, it did this to me, and it’s fueled…many of my beliefs and interests, to put it quietly. i’m still not ready to talk about all of it. this is literally the most i’ve said about it in the last six years. i’ve never discussed it in detail. i’ve rarely allowed myself to think about it in detail. i have never told anyone about it directly– not friends, family, partners, therapists…nobody :-) 
so yeah here’s a lot of baggage unloaded lmao i’m going to try to relax now!!!! this is more than enough for today!!!!!
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evangelistopamfo · 6 years
1. January 27
Righteous Among the Nations
Bible in a Year:
Exodus 16–18; Matthew 18:1–20
For such a time as this.
Esther 4:14
Today's Scripture & Insight:
Esther 4:5-14
At Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum in Israel, my husband and I went to the Righteous Among the Nations garden that honors the men and women who risked their lives to save Jewish people during the Holocaust. While looking at the memorial, we met a group from the Netherlands. One woman was there to see her grandparents’ names listed on the large plaques. Intrigued, we asked about her family’s story.
Members of a resistance network, the woman’s grandparents Rev. Pieter and Adriana Müller took in a two-year-old Jewish boy and passed him off as the youngest of their eight children from 1943–1945.
Moved by the story, we asked, “Did the little boy survive?” An older gentleman in the group stepped forward and proclaimed, “I am that boy!”
The bravery of many to act on behalf of the Jewish people reminds me of Queen Esther. The queen may have thought she could escape King Xerxes’s decree to annihilate the Jews around 475 bc because she had concealed her ethnicity. However, she was convinced to act—even under the threat of death—when her cousin begged her to not remain silent about her Jewish heritage because she had been placed in her position “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14).
We may never be asked to make such a dramatic decision. However, we will likely face the choice to speak out against an injustice or remain silent; to provide assistance to someone in trouble or turn away. May God grant us courage.
By Lisa Samra
Today's Reflection
Are there those you need to speak up for? Ask God about the timing.
She made the right call.
They wanted her to give up and stop trying to get this..
But she refused and instead decided to believe God to turn things around for her...
Hear her:
"I thank God for the prayers
that I offered when believing for
a job.
I was to pray and fast for 1 day
with breaking of the fast at 3pm,
as I believed an interview I did
(and was sent a regret) was not in
line with God's will for me.
When I broke the fast at 3pm,
at 5.30pm I received a phone call
to go to the offices.
On arrival at the office 2 days
later I was offered the job.
To God be the glory!"
-- Susan
Last year by this time I made a HUGE promise in this newsletter.
I am about to deliver on that promise
in a few days. In case you missed it,
you can still learn about it here:
==> http://firesprings.com/miracley.htm
Please let me know what you think!
Be An Overcomer
PS: See what we are about to do here:
==> http://firesprings.com/miracley.htm
3 Ways To Receive
Answers To Your Prayers
This Very Night
Every victorious prayer warrior has a collection of prayers that brings great deliverance and blessings.
In the next 7 minutes I’m going to show you the A-B-C of how to pray so that you receive answers to all your prayers without having to run around desperately looking for someone to pray for you.
This is for you if…
ü  You cannot point to a tangible testimony of answered prayers.
ü  You’re tired and frustrated with praying and praying without seeing any answers.
ü  You’re forced to watch others share testimonies day in day out without anything to show for all your prayer and fasting and good works.
ü  You’re are beginning to feel that God is not hearing you because of something in your past that the enemy keeps reminding you of.
Let me explain:
Imagine that the Lord Jesus is standing right in front of you this minute.
Like the woman with the issue of blood (Mark 5)... just imagine you can somehow stretch out your right hand and touch the helm of His garment, like she so famously did.
In the same way that her touch of faith caused her sickness to disappear …
ü  If you have any debts weighing you down, they are cancelled miraculously (and you begin to experience the peace of mind that freedom from debt brings). -->Click here for short e-course>>
ü  Your relationships are instantly restored (you begin to spend your days and nights worry-free). -->Click here for short e-course>>
ü  Even dream attacks and nightmares disappear (leaving only the prophetic dreams where you hear the LORD speak loving words to you, giving you step-by-step guidance in every decision of life). -->Click here for short e-course>>
Please note this one thing:
That you can receive answers to your prayers this very night, without having to become a super-anointed prayer eagle.
No matter how stubborn the problem ...
Like the woman who just sent me this email:
"He Threw The Wedding Ring At Me But It Was Back On His Finger - In Less Than 24 Hours”  
Praise The Lord! I am writing to testify of the Lord's goodness in my life, yesterday 13th November 2018, I opened my email and found an email: 3 ways to receive answers to your prayer this very night. I read the entire email and decided to trust God for an answer. I am currently going through marital distress and on Sunday 11th November 2018, my husband removed his ring and threw it at me, saying that he was done with the marriage, after being married in church for seven years. I decided to take it to the Lord in prayer. I employed three prayers I learned from your emails: 1. Oh Lord, open my eyes to see you and my ears to hear you in the name of Jesus! - this I prayed for two consecutive minutes. 2. Rivers of Marital distress flowing form my fathers side, my mother's side and my in-laws, dry up in the name of Jesus! 3. Holy spirit, wherever I have been rejected, cause them to come falling head over heals to help me in the name of Jesus! In less than 24 hours, my husband had looked for the ring and put it back on his finger. He even asked for some time for us to talk whenever am ready. Praise the Lord!!!! Thank you Elisha Goodman for teaching us how to fire at the hidden enemy.
                                                            - Name Withheld  
-->Click here for MORE of such prayers>>
What would happen if you do not listen to what I'm saying to you now...
OR ... if you choose to do nothing about your situation today?
You may continue to swim in debt (God forbid), wallow in lack, poverty and shame, and watch your life gradually and painfully squeezed out of you...
...  through endless attacks in the dream as you sleep, and in the real world when you awake.
That means you see …
 Zero testimonies
 Endless cycle of rejection
 Pain and sorrow continually …
How do I know?
Confessions of a well-trashed prayer warrior  
I once suffered so much at the hands of the enemy.
I mean I was beaten black and blue by the devil and his agents, who sometimes masqueraded as ministers of the gospel.
Things got so bad at one point I found myself homeless, forced to sleep under a tree!
After many years of pain and misery, the LORD had mercy on me.
Shortly after He gave me a strong mandate to go forth and show others the way out.
Literally He handed me a paper with 40 "prayer bullets" during a midnight vision.
He made it so simple to understand that anyone could follow it.
And receive answers to their prayers anytime they used the prayers.
There are thousands of praise reports from ordinary believers from 117 countries posted to our websites.
Most of them never believed they could pray and receive answers on their own, all by themselves.
But today, they are counting their blessings. And full of testimonies.
Like Irene from South Africa.
She wrote:
"How The Prayers Changed My Life”  
Your prayers really really changed my life for the best.
Yesterday I collected my new Hyundai Tucson after driving Toyota Yaris for 11yrs. Ever since I came across this ministry 5yrs my life has never been the same.
I have been in great job with a good boss in the past 5yrs because of your prayers. Got married to my husband using your prayers 3yrs ago.
Got my baby boy Lesiba using this ministry ‘s prayers 1yr ago.My family is at peace all because of this prayers.
I was introduced to a great business in Feb2018 that allow me to make extra income around my full time job because of this prayers.
I can go on & on but I’m forever grateful to Elisha Goodman & the whole team for what you’re are doing.
You have really changed my life and now I want to share this site & the prayers with others so their lives can also change for the better                --> click here for short course on prayers>>
                                                            - Irene , South Africa  
How is it possible to share a testimony like this?
There are just 3 keys   you need to know
If you’re a born-again believer, you have already been anointed and empowered to pray and receive answers directly from the LORD.
Believe it or not…
You do NOT need to become a super-anointed person to ask and receive all your heart's desires…
… so long as these desires are in alignment with the Word of God.
There are 3 simple keys.
    Key #1:   Know the prayer to address each situation
                     (so you do not end up praying amiss).
    Key #2:   Use the right spiritual weapons to target your exact
                      problem during prayer (there are over 100 of such weapons
                      in the Bible).
    Key #3:   Learn how to pray and dissolve the invisible walls that block
                      answers to prayers (such as unbelief, sin, dream attacks, etc.)
Remember what I said earlier?
You can receive answers to your prayers this very night, especially if yourears are “tuned” to hear what the Spirit of the LORD directs you to do during (and after) your prayers.
This is where (almost) all modern Christians are missing it.
They hear nothing during prayer.
Their prayers are not targeted.
They are (sadly) praying amiss (James 4:3).
Please close your eyes and take this one prayer:
O LORD open my spiritual eyes and ears in the name of Jesus.
Please pray it again. For 2 minutes.
So that your spiritual ears may be open to hear what the LORD is speaking to you.
Let me illustrate what hearing in the spirit looks like in real life.
There’s an email I received recently.
The writer was doing very well a year ago -swimming in divine blessings – when all of a sudden she lost everything mysteriously.
She is now homeless.
She has prayed and fasted much yet things are getting worse.
She’s truly baffled, frustrated and at the point of giving up.
Hear her:
I don't know if it's faith or hope am losing.
It's been Year. I've prayed. I've fasted. I've redone the prayer academy. But I've move(from staying on luxury hills to being homeless and sleeping in churches or at times with people who can accommodate me.
I don't where am going wrong. I even no longer hear from God regardless of my search for him.i meditate on his word and the testimonies in your emails.iam chases from place yo place .
I can no longer open my mouth to pray. Ive lost the meaning of fasting.
I no longer know where to turn or who to help me.my pastor also refuses to meet me to stand with me In prayer. Sighting being busy. I've prayed Jane's prayers to employment and some several job applications but nothing.
Iam very tired. If nothing please pray with me not to lose faith. I don't want backslide. I've lost balance totally. - Name withheld
What was my response to her email?
I began to read the first sentence. Two seconds later, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Telling me to ask her this question (hint: the answer to this question reveals the hidden root of her problems).
So I ask:
Thank you for your email.
First question: Did you have sex with anyone you are not married to?
Please reply
Her answer came back:
Yes I did. Last year.
Actually,  now remembering. That was the beginning of my losing my job and whereas he began to do the best he's ever been in life.
(plus other details...)
What happened here?
She is the victim of a well-orchestrated satanic exchange of virtues – in the realm of the spirit.
Very stubborn kind of problem to solve.
However, with the hidden roots of her problem revealed, the problem is half-way solved…
… if she is willing to follow my simple suggestions, she will soon be sharing a shocking testimony of divine restoration.
There are prayers custom-made to target this type of problem where the individual unwittingly opens the doorways of her life and “invites” the enemy to come in.
Do you see how this works?
Without the divine enablement to hear in the spirit, this type of problem will remain unsolved.
So far you have discovered that …
#1:      For every problem, there is a prayer tailor-made to deal with it
#2:      There are specific targeted prayers to address the specific
            problems you have today.
#3:      Your prayers could be blocked or hindered in the realm of the
            spirit – the only way to discover the root cause of the problem
            PLUS the divinely-prescribed solution is to learn how to “hear”
            and “see” in the spirit through prayer.
If you remember nothing else, I hope you get this one thing:
That you can receive answers to your prayers this very night, without even having to become a super-anointed prayer eagle.
It does not matter whether you are praying for answers in the area of:     Healing and Deliverance Finances and Debt Freedom Salvation of loved ones Job and Career Advancement Marriages Relationships Dreams Prophecies Spiritual WarfareAt this point, you might be wondering:
"How can I make this happen for me?"
You have 2 choices:
           Either you continue the way you’ve been going … praying blindly (amiss), hearing and seeing nothing in the spirit, getting beat up everyday by the enemy (even in the dream), not even knowing what prayers to pray for what situation…
           The second way is to seek help and join the Prayer Eagles Forum today. That one decision gives you access to the #1 gathering place of the Internet’s most effective prayer warriors with 24-hour-a-day access to:
ü  Seasoned Prayer Advisors to guide you      
ü  7 Lessons of the Prayer Academy to equip you to war a victorious warfare in the spirit        
ü  Starter prayers        
ü  Environmental sanitation prayers (pre-marathon prayers)      
ü  Post-marathon prayers      
ü  4 eBooks (loaded with over 1000 prayer bullets to address every conceivable situation)      
ü  1 Special Report (on spiritual vampires that swallow prayers)        
ü  1 printed book with 201 healing prayers (to be shipped to your address)        
ü  24/7 Access to Members Forum (for prayer support from other prayer eagles        
Sold separately, all these materials and resources add up to almost 300 USD.
But that’s not the price you’re going to pay.
Before I give you the price, let me clear up this question that someone asked me.
Why Do You Have to Pay to Join?
      Please understand that we do NOT sell prayers.
       All our daily materials are free.
       Our "Furious Prayers Series" is free.
      Our Golden Journey Series is free to all 24-Hour Blog members.
       Our foundational prayer eagles' ebook -          Passion Prayer of Jesus the Christ -- is still free.
     However ...
      It cost us thousands of dollars to keep the sites up and running smoothly while keeping your confidential information safe and secure.
     All the regular fees / charges to run our programs have been going up sharply, not down.
      And since we do not solicit for gifts and offerings to run our operations, we have no option but to charge a discounted fee, once in a while, for a few of our programs like this one in order to help defray the cost of running off this secure platform.  
So what’s your price today?      
ü  With all 4 eBooks + lifetime access to Forum:      147 USD
ü  With 3 eBooks + 1-year membership                       107 USD
ü  With 2 eBooks + 6-months membership                    79 USD
When you order today, I will send you a special unadvertised Bonus as my way of saying “thank you”.
To recap, here’s what you get:
  PREMIUM 10-Piece Kit
Complete 9-Piece Kit
Basic Toolkit
Printed Book- Prayer of Caleb - incl. 201 prayer points - ($47 value)
Printed Book - Prayer of Caleb - incl. 201 prayer points - ($47 value)
Printed Book - Prayer of Caleb - incl. 201 prayer points - ($47 value)
eBooks & Special Report (6)
1. Special Report   - Spiritual Vampires 2. Dream  CODE points 3. Prayer DNA Secrets"               -- (with 659 prayers) 4. "Prayer Cookbook"       -- ($39.95 value) 5. #1 Secret for Getting   Out of Debt (incl. 101 prayer pts) 6. Rainmaker's 2-in-1   Prayer Manual
eBooks & Special Report (5)
1. Special Report  - Spiritual Vampires 2. "Dream CODE"  - 111 prayer points 3.Prayer DNA Secrets  - (with 659 prayers) 4. "Prayer Cookbook"  - ($39.95 value) 5. #1 Secret for   Getting Out of   Debt (incl 101   prayers)
eBooks & Special Reports (3)
1. Special Report-Spiritual Vampires 2. "Dream CODE" - 111 prayer bullets 3.Prayer DNA Secrets - 659 prayers
Prayer Coaching
1. One-on-one session by email (after the program) 2.  Specially Customized Prayer Bullets - As Needed
3. Access to Members Forum (Unlimited)
Prayer Coaching 1. Specially Customized Prayer Points – After Program 2. Access to Forum
Prayer Coaching
1. Customized Prayer Points – After Program
  USD $147
USD $107
USD $79
Very Important:
On the next page before you order please
choose currency as: (USD) US dollar so  you see the correct amount
If your country (your location) is NOT listed...
        ==> Click here for our NEW payment methods
Now imagine yourself     a few weeks from now…    
With all these prayer bullets in your hands (plus my coaching and guidance), you never have to run around in fear and panic ever again – seeking someone to pray for you.
Or "see visions" for you.
Or prophesy into your life.
Or even interpret your dreams for you.
    You become your own personal prophet… able to do all these things without breaking a sweat...
    ... yes, you will pray and prophesy powerful breakthroughs into your life and that of your loved ones.
       You experience peace that surpasses all understanding, knowing that you can always rise to the occasion, take all your problems to the LORD in prayer…
... and expect to receive answers to your prayers… sometimes while you’re yet speaking.  
... your future will be full of hope, joy, and great blessings.
For the Bible says:
For surely there is a future hope; and your expectation shall not be cut off - Prov. 23:18
Be An Overcomer
P.S. Think about what it means for you to become your own personal          prophet… you become fearless, ... able to pray and prophesy powerful          breakthroughs into your life and that of your loved ones.
0 notes
I lost my wallet and need to replace my drivers license, do I have to have a form of car insurance?
"I lost my wallet and need to replace my drivers license, do I have to have a form of car insurance?
Im in Texas. Also, how much does it usually cost to replace the drivers license?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much is insurance for a cafe/ restaurant for a year?
if i ever set up my own cafe, how much would insurance be, and costs etc. also what else is there, rates?? helllp""
Car insurance?
i have a license and live in CT and i have a question about insurance the web page says the vehicles should be insured. my dad and mom have insurance for their them but i dont so i dont have to get insurance because the vehicle is insured? or everyone should have insurance who drives on the road?
How much does it cost to insure a 1999 Audi?
I am a 16 girl and just bought a 1999 Audi in Vermont. How much will it cost to insure the car?
Where can I find affordable car insurance in PA for college students?
I will be learning to drive pretty soon and I want to know the cheapest and affordable car insurance out there for students.
Health insurance for students?
im 19, fulltime student and currently on my dad's plan from work currentl around 300$ for just me. i don't really have any medical problems,i don't take or need ...show more""
Can i report my hmo insurance to someone?
they keep giving me the run around saying my meds are covered for the next quarter then denying them every month. Is there something like the BBB to report them to?
Auto Insurance?
I am 18 years old and I am trying to buy insurance for my car. I noticed that the prices for insurance are really high for teen drivers. I was just wondering if my parents could buy the insurance under their name so the payments can be cheaper or does the policy have to be under my name.
Insurance on 2006 Ford Mustang and 2004 A4?
Hey, I'm a 16 year old student (turning 17 this year). I'll be getting my G2 in March of 2014, and I'm having a hard time deciding which car to save up for. It was between a 2004 Audi A4 or 2006 Mustang the whole way through. Which car would you recommend for a student? I'm having trouble finding an A4 for under $8,000 with decent kilometers. I was wondering how high the insurance would be for me on both cars, also I did not take driving school. I've also heard that if I write my mother's name as the primary driver, and my name as the secondary driver its cheaper.""
Does getting insurance quotes ruin your credit score?
I've been going to a number of different insurance agencies but I'm wondering if them checking my credit score is pulling my rating down?
Free Health Insurance?
no it didn't help. it has nothing to do with health insurance
What is the best website to compare car insurance rates?
I've been searching for the past few days and can't seem to find anything that actually compares quotes even though a lot of websites say they do. Anyone know of a great website that can help?
Insurance settlement.?
Back in October, I was hit by a vehicle that was backing out too fast from a parking spot. My vehicle was parked and there was no one in the driver seat. My three children were also ...show more""
How much is your car insurance?
Not to sound stalkerish at all lol I'm just a lil confused on car insurance and want to know what about average is. So can you please put how old you are, what car you drive, and how much you pay... Thanks ALOT it means alot to me :)""
How much does it cost to own a classic car?
So I was on craigslist looking at Camaros for fun. I came across a 1979 Camaro Z28. The car was completely redone in 2001 and a new 350 crate engine was put in it in 2003. The car has new leaf springs, suspension bushings and tires on it. The new engine and trans has just under 45,000 miles on it as well. The seller is asking $5500. Ive driven it and am pleased. The car seems to be strong and is of good quality. If I were to get this car it would only be brought out on nice days, probably over the summer. Next year the car would be 35 yrs old so im assuming its considered a classic . What would be a good estimate for 50yr old man in Pennsylvania to own this type of a car that is rarely driven. Again the car is in good shape, only a little rust and probably wouldnt even see 1000 miles a year. Just curious for some input.""
""Hi, I'm 20 and 6 weeks pregnant. Insurance problems?""
Medi-cal won't let me file an app b/c I'm not 21, And my mother doesn't qualify for me. I make 900 a month with car payments ins. Anyway I don't have money to buy insurance. Planned Parenthood told me my edd, and gave me the positive test. I haven't seen a doctor, and I don't know what to do? I live in CA are there any suggestions?""
Where can I find affordable medical insurance as a self employed person?
I am a self employed person so I don't have medical benefits like you would if you work for a company. I am paying well over $600 a month for medical insurance coverage as a business owner. Does anyone know of a program or something that offers cheaper insurance to business owners?
Where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Why do I have to pay first year homeowners insurance?
I'm in the process of purchasing a home. I'm taking out a FHA loan and my broker stated that I would have to purchase first year homeowners insurance for a year. My question is my monthly taxes, PMI, and also home insurance is already infused in my monthly mortgage payment,so why is that I have to pay for a years worth of insurance when I'm making a monthly payment on it anyways? Will I being paying twice? Can someone please explain""
Life Insurance or Mortgage Insurance?
which one is better. I live in canada (BC) I have income disability insurance but it doesn't cover my mortgage amount. Incase of a death of one partner the other will get anywhere from 30 000 to 100 000 (depnds on how death happens) plus monthly checks of app.2000 for 2 yrs plus funeral expenses. I pay 108 a month for this. Shuld i cancel my policy and get mortgage insurance do most people out there have mortgage insurance? Is it true that you can not have more than one policy? any experts out there pls advise?
Driving Someone Else's Car...Do I need Insurance?
Okay lets say that I have my license but I don't have car. If I have a friend or a family that lets me drive their car and I get into accident...who's fault would it be? Mines or the owner's? And If I do drive someone else's car..do I need insurance to pay for the owner's car if I accidentally damage their car? Or no?
High risk insurance companies in Ontario?
Hello all! I have fallen into the high risk category for auto insurance in Ontario and I need help in finding a company or companies that would be willing to sell auto insurance to me. I cannot seem to find any links on Google. Would anyone have the names of any companies that deal in auto insurance for high risk drivers? In terms of quotes, what are some quotes that anyone has personally experienced? As for background information, I have no accidents (knock on wood...) and no DUIs. Just one too many traffic tickets :-(. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!""
Pay car insurance if I'm going to be out of the country?
Hello, My car insurance is going to expire in 4 days and I was wondering If I should simply not pay it. I'm going out of the country for 1 month and will not be driving my car. I don't think that Progressive will let me push back my payments. Would it be cheaper or easier for me to just simply not pay, and get insurance when I return? I pay 5 installments of $50. If they charge a fee or something less than $50 it seems like I should not renew my policy. I've been on hold for a long time on the phone, and want a game plan when I finally talk to someone. Thanks for any advice!""
Do I need to mention car insurance claims when going for motorbike insurance?
Title says it all really! I have a car insurance claim against me which I want to know if I have to declare when applying for motorbike insurance. Hopefully not, because motorcycling is quite different to car driving..?! Thanks!""
How much would i get from the insurance?
I was involved in a car accident in Sept 2009. I sustained low and upper back injurie, left side shoulder and neck and severe headaches. I have been dong treatments such as chiropractic, acupuncture, massage and phisio therapy. As of right now i am only doing physio therapy and massagge, however the injuries have not healed yet. If for any reason i dont get better for another year or 2, how much would i be getting from the insurance as a settlement? The medical bills as of Sept 2010 were around 13 thousand. I was employed at the time of the accident and have not returned to work since the accident. My car was totaled and the other driver was fully at fault. I am just wondering how much would i be getting roughly if my case lasts for 2-3 yeas in total.""
Car insurance!! :(?
Right...Passed my test.. got myself a lovely corsa sri 1.4 16v But i cant get it bloody insured with a good quote! Best ive found was quinn-direct with 2700 per year.. thats with pass plus? does anyone know some really good car insurance companies that will insure me for that kinda car? baring in mind im only 17 =[ Thankssss.. Any help greatly appreciated!
I lost my wallet and need to replace my drivers license, do I have to have a form of car insurance?
Im in Texas. Also, how much does it usually cost to replace the drivers license?
Is Bristol West Insurance a good company?
I am looking to change my insurance company and got a really good quote on insurance, but it's seems a bit too good. Does anyone have any information regarding this company? I found them through Farmers Insurance Group.""
Car & Insurance ??? Help me please?
Im 15 and im looking at cars so i know what im saving for. i know its abit early but im looking to star driving straight away. I am looking for a nice powerful car with nice boot space, and i know that the cost will be around 10k but im worried about the insurance ... what would be a good car to buy ?? thanks for all your answers""
How much would car insurance be...?
My Bf and I are going to be moving in together within the next year, we are going to have only one care, (i think) and possibly two within the next 2 or 3 years. We'll be living in North Carolina. I just need an estimate as too how much car insurance for us would be? Thanks!""
I hit somebody car how is insurance going to handle this?
I ran the red light and hit this girl in boy and there cousin an baby with my jeep the girl hurt her arm and the boy hurt his leg I mess up her car. so how is my insurance going to deal with this. I do not have full coverage but liability what going to happen to them and me
Are there extensions of unemployment insurance in CA?
Does the claim automatically end once your remaining amount is gone, or can the claim be extended if you are still unemployed?""
How much Vespa costs to run in london? better use tube?
hi l want to buy Vespa (with cash) and lm wondering how much it costs monthly to run it? with fuel + tax + insurance? is it worth it? or better stick to tube (117 per month) any experienced Vespa owners?
16 year old car insurance with a classic truck?
So my neighbor has this awesome chevrolet apache 10 pickup from the late 50's, early 60's for sale. I am 16 so i am looking to buy a vehicle. I was wondering is insurance more or less with a classic car/truck?""
State Farm Renters Insurance: Explain Replacement Cost Coverage to me?
From what I understand, if a claim had to be filed, I would receive the current value of an item. For instance, I have a pair of $500 shoes. They are currently priced at $450, so the pay-out would be $450 and $500, correct?. Okay, so here are my two questions: 1) Would I be bound to REPLACE the lost item? Or would they give you the current cash value to buy whatever it is that you wanted to buy? 2) Are there no such policies that exists out there: a policy that would pay you what you INITIALLY paid for an item? So that one wouldn't lost out financially in the event that an item depreciates? If I'm wrong about any of the above, or if you think I need to be sure to clarify certain things with my agent, please let me know. Thanks.""
How much would a personal health insurance policy cost for a family of 5?
My friend is thinking about quitting his job to play poker for a living. I abolutely don't think it's a good idea because he has three kids, so you don't have to tell me that... Although over the past month of doing that in AC, he is averaging $450/day, and he is smart about how much he risks and an amazing player. Anyway he had a union job with great medical insurance; but if he did this for a living at $450/day... he'd still be making like three times what he did/year. His medical insurance would have to be purchased individually now. I was wondering if anyone knew what that could cost for a family of 5? I'm thinking like 6-10K per year... that sound about right?""
Do insurance rates vary on the type or model of car?
Do insurance rates vary on the type or model of car?
""If you have your learner's permit, do you need car insurance?""
If you have your learner's permit, do you need car insurance?""
Does anybody know cheap autoinsurance company????
Does anybody know cheap autoinsurance company????
I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?
I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?
Insurance will go up for me?
My sister drove my car and was hit from behind. Her insurance is not under my policy. Will this affect my insurance premium? I just had a accident last month also (I hit something on the road which cost $6000 to repair and my insurance covered it without increasing my premium).
How does american car insurance compare with british car insurance?
why can young people in the states drive nice, big, expensive cars, and in england it so expensive, and we struggle to get insured in england at a resonable price. you watch tv and they drive range rovers, and in england we drive old cars where the insurance cost more than the car. by the way i'm 18 years old anyone able to enlighten me?""
Cheapest full coverage auto insurance?
Which companies offer low priced full coverage? Preferably around a $700 - $800 premium
Being stopped by police for no car insurance?
I was pulled over by the police today for having no insurance, I did have fully comp on another car (which I have no sold) but was advised by the insurance that I can drive ther cars (but was not told that had to belong to someone else) I am now being charged with no insurance and I have had a clean licence for over 10 years. Is there anything I can do or will I just put this down to experience""
What's the song from the new progressive motorcycle insurance commercial?
it's a rock song
Cheap car insurance companies?
What car insurance companies are cheap... and do they have a web site/phone number so I can get a quote
""I need to find how much insurance would cost on a dodge charger, tune-up, tires etc including coupons?
what site should i go to..?
How much will my insurance go up after I've gotten a speeding ticket?
I got my first ticket when i was 14 and it was a $10 ticket. i recently turned 18, and i just got pulled over again. it was an $11 ticket. i dont want to tell my parents, but i know the insurance rate will go up, but how much? i live in north dakota.""
Car Insurance Question?
Here's the quick version of the story- I'm 21 and have just totaled my Altima on a rainy night, crashing into the back of a parked SUV, also totaling that. I have received a $700 bill for the ambulance, a $1200 for the radiography and, here's the kicker, a $24,000 bill for the hospital. I do not have medical insurance or medical coverage on my car insurance and will not be able to pay off the hefty hospital bill. What options do I have?""
How do you get someone's car insurance provider?
The accident happened at a house i dont know if that counts as privite property or not but I've contact my own insurance filing it under my own policy. I gave them the opposite partys number and tag and they did tell me he did give a recorded statement. The insurance does hold him responsible but he refuses to give up any insurance at all. Is there anyway you can get insurance company through a tag number?
Best and cheap major health insurance?
Best and cheap major health insurance?
Does anyone actually know if AIG/21st Century Insurance has been sold to Zurich?
Does anyone actually know if AIG/21st Century Insurance has been sold to Zurich?
I lost my wallet and need to replace my drivers license, do I have to have a form of car insurance?
Im in Texas. Also, how much does it usually cost to replace the drivers license?
Do I need an insurance broker?
What is the role of an insurance broker, simply to find you the best insurance price without having to do it yourself? Do I need to have a broker? I ask because I am trying to lower my insurance costs, but none of the insurance companies my broker deals with can give me a price I am happy with. I have got quotes from insurance companies outside of the ones my insurance broker deals with that are much more appealing financialy. So I guess my question is do I need an insurance broker? Or can I just cancel my current insurance and start a new policy with one of these other companies who can offer me cheaper insurance. thanks""
Health Insurance question?
Do any one know a insurance in California that cover pre-existing condition? I am eighteen year old with no insurance still living with my parent which have no health insurance. We had medical but it expired. I have heart problem the doctor said i need to get insurance that cover pre-existing condition. I have try getting quotes online. Or know any good insurance i should try giving a call to.
What is the cheapest but best car insurance for NYC. thank you.?
1967 dodge dart need insurance fast if you can please help.
Car insurance question?
I have basic liability insurance with American Family Insurance, About a week ago my boyfriend (who has a suspended license) took my car when i was sleeping, almost hit a deer and went in a ditch with my car and im pretty sure its totaled its a 97 lumina. I have a title loan on the car, will insurance pay it off?""
How to get cheaper car insurance?
I haven't yet passed my test, or even got a car, but was just researching to see if i could afford it. and the cheapest I could find was 3,000 a year which is impossible for me seeing as I'm at college. I was just wondering does anyone know of cheap places? or ways to cut it down by a bit? I have no one else in my house who drives, or even owns a car. thank you""
Auto insurance question?
I am looking into financing a 2007 honda civic coupe ex. It is a 1.8 liter inline 4 motor. Front wheel drive and automatic with almost 68,000 miles on it. In florida, you have to get full coverage until you finish paying off the car. I am 23 with 2 traffic tickets. One for a stop sing violation and another for no proof of insurance. Both tickets were given to me at the same time almost 3 years ago. Thats the only 2 tuckets ive ever had. I live in the country as well because i know that matters for a quote. But with this information, what would be a good estimate on how much full coverage insurance would be on this vehicle? Thanjs in advance.""
Selling a Car in Colorado With Expired Plates and No Insurance?
I have a car that has expired plates and no insurance as I haven't been using it for the past few months. The plates are expired since March of this year. Will either a dealership or private-buyer be able to purchase her? I am afraid to register the plates as I was told that I need proof of insurance. I am afraid to purchase insurance because I was told that the insurance company will report me for expired plates. How can I get around this issue without going to court? The car has been parked on private property for months!
Are there any specialized insurance company's that deal with young drivers?
I find it extremely annoying to type in all my details every single time I want to check the quote for a different car... ideally, I want a website where I can type in my details but NOT select the car and then it show me the quotes for each car so I can then CHOOSE from the list which car it is that I want... I'm 17, nearly 18 and have a full UK license and I'm looking at buying my first car. All the insurance quotes I've looked at are for over 1,700. Most of them are around 2,500. It's not like I'm choosing Ferrari's or anything either lol I'm looking at small run abouts, 106's, Saxo's, Polo's... I don't really CARE what the car is but I want a car. Any advice?""
I want a baby but don't have insurance?
My husband and I just got a new apartment and then got married courthouse style. We have both decided that we want a baby soon but right now we don't have insurance. Is there any cheap option that would cover the entire pregnancy?
Auto Insurance help thanks?
I am 16 thinking about getting me a car in the next year (17) can i get on my own insurance plan or try to get on my moms (me and my mom don't look eye to eye) so i don't think she wouldn't do it and if not how much would it cost if i get on my own insurance and what would be the best insurance for my age thanks so much.
What would health insurance catagorize a house call as?
I was on vacation, and got very sick. Small rural area, options were low, so the concierge referred Mobile physician housecall care to the hotel room. they did not take insurance, but told me to submit it to my insurance. I don't know what to put on the claim form??? not an office visit...E.R.? urgent care?? help please...thank you""
Where can i find affordable birth control?
i'm currently on my last perscribed month of the pill estrostep. my health insurance has been cancelled because i just can't afford it, we just bought a house and we're on a very tight budget. in order to get another perscription, i need to have a gyn appointment for an exam, but a visit is $200 without insurance, then another $50 a month for the perscription. any ideas?""
Do car insurances typically give lower quotes for married couples?
I'm going to be jumping on to my fiances auto plan [Progressive] and heard that insurance agencies give lower prices to married couples. Is this true? He drives a 1988 bonneville and I drive a 2001 sunfire. I am also in college, he isnt.""
How much is car insurance in ontario?
im just wondering, how much would car insurance be for a 1st time driver whos 19 and have to do it all on his owe as nobody in the family has a car lol. i dont plan on putting a car on the road till i get my g2, what isnt for like another 10months haha so i have been saving money up, Im Thinking it will proly be around $400 a month but not sure so does anybody else in ontario know how much it is? ps.. live in belleville ontario canada""
How much is my car payment going to be?
I'm a 16 year old girl, in Albuquerque, NM. And I am going to buy a Used 2007 Chevy Aveo with 39,000 miles on it. The car itself is $8,995, and I figured out the down payment is gonna be like 1,000 dollars-ish. But I really wanna know how much my monthly is gonna be, and I know, my first car should be a clunker, but I really need something that is gonna work and get me places since I am really involved in school and sports and stuff. So, how much is my monthly gonna be? and INSURANCE! I know Insurance is gonna be higher since I am a teen driver, but I don't know how much. And I wanna be able to ask my parents about how we're gonna split the payments and stuff, since I am getting a job soon and I want to be able to pay for most of my OWN stuff. Thank You :)""
What would insurance be on a brand new car for a first time driver?
I'm 21, and have been looking at the new 1.2 litre corsas. I've been looking at used cars, but I've done a few checks on the ones I'm interested in and they came back cat c, or high mileage, and if I had a new car ide get warranty and added extras. Just seems alot less hassle and having to worry if anything goes wrong with the car... But, would the insurance be really high with it being a brand new car and my first car? Thank you x""
Should I change car insurance?
So here how it goes. I want to get a new insurance for my Mom's car. She is 52 years old women who drives a Honda civic 2002 Sendan that was totaled and repair before. She is paying 1,600 a year and I think that's a lot for liability . She used to have a car before that was in an accident(my brother hit somebody else car) and we had to drop that insurance(progressive). Two years after my brother broke another car that my mother bought but this time the insurance company(state farm) did not find out. Right now we are back to progressive and a car hit me while driving and I did call the insurance. It was not my fault and I don't think anything changed because we are still paying 1,600 but I still think its a lot. It is the best I can explain the situation , so should I go out and try to find a better deal? Any advice is appreciated""
EX(executive) class model car insurance?
Is it true EX class model car have higher insurance rate? I want to buy an honda accord 2000 EX.
I got an insurance quote for a 1990 mustang gt at 225 a month. im 17 how do i get lower?
i want a foxbody so bad. nothing will stop me from getting one except insurance rates with my dad. he is being stiff about a mustang in general so i need a low insurance rate to ...show more
No insurance for high school sport?
What happens if you don't have health insurance and you wanna try out for a team? Will they disqualify you from even making the team because of it?
What are some cheap cars to insure for an 18 Year old?
What are some cheap cars to insure for an 18 Year old? I am learning to drive at the moment but I want to know what some cheap cars are to insure?
Does anyone know an insurance company that offers cheap/free SR-22's for license ?
need it to keep my lic. valid. ASAP... help please!
What would the annual insurance cost range look like for a Benz C63 AMG?
Would the cost be greater just because of the model? Say I upgraded a C300 so it reached the base price of a C63 - would this increase the cost of insurance? Or is it based solely on the model? So if I upgraded the C63 so the value bumped up 20k, would my insurance become more expensive? I am new to all this, and want to get an idea of these things for the future. Thanks.""
What's the best liability insurance for yoga instructors?
I will begin teaching yoga, and need to get liability insurance- what's a good inexpensive insurance""
Do you pay a lot of money for car insurance where you live?
Wher so you live an dhow much does it cost. I live in NY it the sh*t is HIGH.
I lost my wallet and need to replace my drivers license, do I have to have a form of car insurance?
Im in Texas. Also, how much does it usually cost to replace the drivers license?
Why do people hate Obamacare so much?
Because of this law, a lot of people are now able to get affordable health insurance. I'm one of those people. I can buy my epilepsy medication at an affordable price. Why do Republicans want to rip this away from me and go back to the way things were before? By the way, I was on my parents insurance before, but I moved out because I needed to be a man and get out on my own. Because of Obamacare, that is much more affordable now for me. Health care was a disaster before this law. What will Republicans do if they repeal Obamacare?""
How does a 18 year old buy a car without a license or insurance?
I want to buy this camaro from this guy because he wants to sell it because he has two cars but I have not took my drivers test because I work so much and I do not have auto insurnce. I want to buy the car so it can sit in my garage until I get my license then I can register it and stuff. Like is their any paperwork or legal processes I should know of because In my mind I just think I can Get my uncle to drive me out there and give the guy the money in return he gives me the keys and my bro drives it to my house or does it need to be towed?
How am I supposed to afford car insurance?
I'm driving uninsured right now because for me to get car insurance is $900 every six months. That would crush me financially right now. Between rent and gas, and what little Starbucks pretends to pay me, not to mention food (and sometimes that's one meal a day, and even then it may be stealing expired sandwiches and pastries from the garbage can at Starbucks). So, it's utterly naive of the government to think of driving as a luxury , when in reality- when you have to travel 20 miles a day to get to work at Starbucks- walking is unrealistic. The bus routes do not go by there, by the way. How the hell do they expect a 24-year old man to afford car insurance, when he has to work to earn the money to pay for it, and he has to drive to work, and in order to drive he has to drive illegally?! The @#*%ing system is completely screwed up if you ask me. Don't get me started on how the hell I'm supposed to afford gas these days, either.""
How do you get affordable Health Insurance at age 64?
I moved from AZ to CA and I am retired but very little income. How can I afford to pay for health insurance? Are there any organizations that can suggest places to contact.
What is the type of insurance that protects against the cost of injuries of others that's our fault?
What is the type of insurance that protects against the cost of injuries of others that's our fault?
How much would the car insurance be on a 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T.? I'm under the age of 25 so I know it will be pricey. Any opinions?
How much would the car insurance be on a 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T.? I'm under the age of 25 so I know it will be pricey. Any opinions?
""I was hit by an uninsured motorist, and I have an uninsured clause in my car insurance.?""
My car was totaled out, and since my car insurance had a non insured motorist clause then I just have to pay the deductible, and they will cut me a check. I was hurt in the accident, and I wanted to know if my car insurance (Progressive) will also pay out pain and suffering. I am considering taking this guy to small claims court, but if I do then I have no idea what the outcome would be. IF my insurance offers me a pain and suffering settlement then should I take it? can I negoiate for a higher settlement? Everyone is telling me to take whatever is offered to me because the guy that hit my car didn't have insurance, and could possibly claim indigentcy in which case I would most likely never see the money. I can get a pain and suffering settlement from my own insurance, but I believe that the person that hit me should have to pay it, and I am also assuming that I would get more money out of him directly than letting my insurance cover the pain and suffering. This is my first wreck that I have gotten into, in which, I was the party that was damaged (almost died), and the other guy only received a ticket. I know that life is not fair, but like I said before, this is my first car wreck where I was owed money and the other person did not have insurance. Any information will be much appreciated. Thank You Very Much.""
What health insurance can I apply for?
I'm in California, in my 30s, and just recently been laid off. Though my plans are to become a full time student this summer. What health insurance plans can I start applying for besides COBRA?""
How do I get cheap car insurance?
New driver at 21
Car Insurance Renewal Why Did It Make That Much Of A Difference?
My partner had his renewal quote through and we've been shopping around and haven't even come close to getting it cheaper elsewhere so he decided to ring them thinking by taking me off the policy it would make it cheaper still since I've only had my license just over a year and would think still be considered a high risk but it in fact increased the price by about 60 my partner got a speeding fine last year which gained him 3 points too so we knew that would have an impact on the price this time but the only explanation I can think of was that me being female and at 31 i'm not what is classed as a young driver either and a named driver on his policy helps to keep the cost down but aren't the insurance companies doing away with that criteria as it was discriminating? Can anyone shed some light on this as its all a bit confusing and am just curious to why I actually help to keep his insurance cheaper
I hit someones car (My first accident)?
I was pulling out and hit another car I was going under 5km/h backing up and I cut the wheel to much and hit a parked car How much is that gonna cost me We are not going through insurance How much would it cost to paint it
How do I know if my insurance company is treating me fairly?
I was recently in an accident. The offer that my insurance company is making is much lower than NADA and Kelley Blue Book values--the insurance company is offering 9,200 and the NADA value is 11,600 (KBB is 12,500). They said that their estimate was based on the local market value and was an average of private party and dealer values. They looked within a 100-mile radius and found similar cars. They then adjusted the value to reflect the mileage of my car, but I don't know how exactly they calculated this adjusted value. I bought my car from a dealership seven months ago--shouldn't the replacement value be the retail value? Also, I had a Subaru WRX and they compared it to WRXs and to Impreza Outback Sports. I looked on autotrader.com and on other Internet resources and found WRXs that were listed much higher than the WRXs in their market report, and I don't know what to do--I don't want to spend the money for a lawyer, but I feel as if I am fighting a losing battle.""
Should fat people and smokers get a discount on their health insurance?
Fat People Cheaper to Treat, Study Says Preventing obesity and smoking can save lives, but it doesn't save money, researchers reported Monday. It costs more to care for healthy people who live years longer, according to a Dutch study that counters the common perception that preventing obesity would save governments millions of dollars... -- AP/wired.com, Feb 6, 2008 http://news.wired.com/dynamic/stories/O/OBESITY_COST?SITE=WIRE&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2008-02-05-02-58-08""
How can the American health care system be more affordable and accessible?
I want solutions, not a mere description of the problem nor who is to blame.""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
I passed my driving licence in August 2012 and i want a small cheap car?
How much does insurance on a Chinese moped cost?
I'm female, 22, 3 years car no claim bonus.. I was thinking about the Piaggio Zip 50 for 1000 but I'm now v. tempted and seriously considering buying a Guoben LB50QT-21 for 500. I've heard people have had problems with these bikes but I am buying it from an actual bike shop not just ebay. Does anyone know how much insurance I would pay on the cheap bike? Is it likely to be a lot more than a branded bike? Thank you!""
17 years old and my car insurance is way too high...?
I'm 17 years old and I live in the state of New York. A few months ago I had a little accident with my moms cars. My father said he'll buy me a car if I pay for insurance... but my insurance would be 3600 dollars per year which I won't be able to afford making minimum wage. Is there anyways I could lower the price for insurance? I really need some help thank you!
Where can I find cheap car insurance for Manhattan?
I recently moved to Manhattan and had to bring my car. I had plan on selling it, but with no luck. So now I have to keep it and now I have no insurance. The car is in storage right now. Can anyone suggest a cheap insurance company to me. I have gotten quotes from Geico, Progressive, All State, State Farm, Nationwide, who all either denied me for a lapse I have had or they cost twice as much as my car payment. I know that I am reaching for the stars.""
If my 17 year old son moves to another state will my medical insurance still cover him?
my son is planning on moving to california and he is a type one diabetic. so im wondering if he's in another state than i am if my insurance will cover him.
Car insurance question....?
A stray dog ran out in front of my car causing me some damage. My insurance adjuster writes his own estimate so he told me what the insurance would pay minus my deductible. He said the check would be sent to me, that I can have anyone I want to fix it and to shop around. Does that mean if I can find someone to do it for less I can keep the extra to help me toward my deductible????? even though I need to tell them who is doing it before the check is sent to me. (the check will have both names on it) My friend says if I can get it done for less that agreement is between me and who I chose so any extra is mine?????? I don't want to do anything wrong but I also don't want to give money away that I don't have to.""
""How does car insurance work in America, and how much does it cost on average?
just want to know how it works over in the USA compared to britain.
What is the best car insurance?
What Is the best car insurance for 18 year old. Im driving a 99 s10 blazer.
Insurance payout after lien paid?
My insurance recently sent my lien-holder, Chase Bank, the agreed amount for my totaled car. I owed about 3k less than what they paid out so am now left wondering when I will receive the difference. Chase received the payment a week ago.""
How much is cheap auto insurance for a 16 yr old female?
she would have a nissan maxima. how much would it be to have her under her own..with a co signer in VA
Does auto insurance cover a person or an automobile?What if someone drives your insured car and they have none
If you drive someone's car who has insurance on their car but you don't have any auto insurance and you get in a wreck does their insurance cover it or could you get a ticket ...show more
I lost my wallet and need to replace my drivers license, do I have to have a form of car insurance?
Im in Texas. Also, how much does it usually cost to replace the drivers license?
0 notes
Car insurance is thrice than payment! Suggestions?
"Car insurance is thrice than payment! Suggestions?
Hi, I have recently moved in Detroit midtown, and am thinking of buying a vehicle. I am looking at buying a Ford Fusion 2008 model with around 8K. However, every insurance quote (comprehensive) I have got so far is around $300 per month. Some have asked as much as $600. I am an immigrant who came to the US three years ago and so obviously do not have a long driving record. This is my first car. I do not have any driving tickets or violations. I am looking to use finance as my credit scores are good. Any body help me with some advice on this? Why on earth the car insurance would be thrice than the car payment?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much of a price diference is their between a libaility and full coverage on average?
I have some acidents on my record any my insurance is through the roof.
How do I get cheap insurance?
I'm 19. 1 NCB. Been on the road for 2 years and 5 months.
Car insurance without a driving license?
I know there are insurance companies in california that sell car insurances without requiring a driving license. does anybody know some of these companies and what is the average price of this kind of insurances? thanks
Cheap car insurance companies?
What car insurance companies are cheap... and do they have a web site/phone number so I can get a quote
What is the difference between home insurance and buildings and contents insurance?
hi. I will soon be moving into my first house with my girlfriend and its all new to me. We have been told we need a few insurances. Is there a difference between home insurance and building and contents insurance? or are they both the same thing? will they cover leaks, fire, structural damage, theft, boiler etc The house is in Newcastle UK. I would appreciate any help thank you
How long does it take to get auto insurance?
if i apply now how long will i be able to get the insurance? im a new driver and i need insurance 4 myself. i need to drive a car with insurance before may
Is an Acura TSX or an Acura TL good for a teenager?
my dad is looking for cars to get me and i was looking online and i found a 2007 tsx and a tl.. i like how they look.. the brand new ones, to me, are really ugly and plus the brand new ones are more expensive... im pretty sure my parents are okay with the prices of these but i was just wondering what u thought.. and im 16 by the way""
What happens when you get a ticket for no car insurance and you have no car insurance?
My boyfriend was recently pulled over and he has a court date for next month, he was pulled over for speeding and for no insurance and he has no car insurance, what will happen?""
Can I get life insurance on my mother without her knowing or signing anything?
I recently got a scare when my mother was admitted into the hospital from smoking complications. She was having trouble breathing and she was put on a respirator. The nurses and doctor kept saying her lungs were not healing themselves because of smoking for so many years. Thank god she pulled through and they gave her the normal things to take home like medicine and oxygen to use. She unfortunately still has not stopped smoking and my brother and me were really scared. My brother just turned 18 and we have no other family at all, my mom is not married and I wouldnt have been able to afford a funeral if it came to it. My mom is very stubborn and she will not get Life Insurance to help for funeral costs if something were to happen again. Is there a way to for me to get Life Insurance on my mother without her knowing or signing anything ?""
What is full coverage auto insurance?
What counts as full coverage auto insurance in California? Thanks!
What is the average cost for international health insurance?
I plan to go to china for a few years and would really like to know what the average cost to a major medical insurance policy.
Health Insurance Deductible Q?
Does doctor visits count towards insurance deductible? My deductible is 2500 and doctors usually charge 100s of dollars per visit to the company even though i pay small co payments, do those count towards the deductible amount? I may need a mri soon which cost a lot and my insurance charges %80 after the deductible has been met""
What is the cheapest affordable insurance for an 18 year old male?
Alright so I am 18, I live at home, and I need to pay for my own insurance. I go to high school full time, I have good grades and I have taken drivers ed. I work 30 + Hours a week and make about 800 per month. I have about $6000 saved up to but a car plus insurance, I have found a 2005 KIA rio for $3500. I already have tags to put. My parents are very poor, both receive social security, and I am the youngest of five. Is there any possible way I could get insurance for $300 a month minimal coverage. If anyone has any ideas, or advice please let me know. Thank You""
What will my insurance rates look like?
So last Friday I got in an accident, I hit a curb going to fast around the round about and it screwed up below my car. This was all my fault and no one else's. No cops were ...show more""
Where can I buy afforadbale individual dental insurance?
Where and how much? For one.
""If i activate the speed limiter on my car, do you think my insurance would be cheaper?""
I have a 1.6 citroen c2 vts, and my insurance is pretty pricey. It has a speed limiter, and i've heard about this before. If i tell my insurance company i have limited the car to 70mph do you think it would be cheaper?""
How much my insurance be on a Lamborghini? ?
Hi I have looked at a few quotes online but I haven't found a site that will insure me or give me an accurate quote. I'm 21 been driving two years and the car is a Lamborghini Gallardo Sypder. Thanks
How much is motorcycle insurance in BC Canada?
I am thinking of getting a motorcycle when im 16 and get my Learners. how much would insurance cost? I live near vancouver BC
Is it cheaper for me and my girlfriend to get insured on the same car?
Hello, I'm wondering If anyone could help me, I am a 17 year old that is learning to drive and am looking into insuring a car. I'm currently searching to get insured on a 2002 1.2ltr Renault Clio, and was wondering if the insurance will be cheaper if I get my girlfriend who is also 17 and learning to drive insured on the same car, I'm not sure if 2 people on the same policy makes the insurance go down or not and could really do with knowing. Thank you for your help :)""
Why is barebones insurance for me going to be...?
...$150 a month for a 1985 gmc s15 4x4, valued at approx. $200 with the very basic coverage, liability only type thing. i have a 2002 chevy s10 2wd and its only $350 a month with total coverage. what the heck?! im 18, have a couple traffic violations but nothing serious (22km/h over the limit and an amended stunting ticket), i live on my own, have a steady job, and am looking for something that i can get stuck in the mud and dont give a crap about. any one know where i can go to get really cheap insurance for this? i live in alberta so it limits my choices a little from the world wide options. thanks everybody""
""Out of curiosity, does anyone know why car insurance is CHEAPER when you add your partner on?""
I did my insurance quote for my Ford Focus (UK) and I was happy with the price at 15 per month fully comp, but if I were to add my partner to the claim it was 11 per month. I don't understand their logic? Why is it cheaper? It's the same car and if i'm allowing someone else to drive it isn't there more risk?""
California low income health care aid?
just 18, college student, family currently on medi-cal am i still covered? is it until age 21? what are the ones that allow parental coverage until age 26? what changes will occur to the california healthy families and medi-cal programs with Obamacare? recently received letter putting me in emergency coverage only what does this mean to me and what i am covered for?""
SAS resume for insurance companies?
i need to make a sas resume for insurance companiy.can anyone help with what to write in work experience describing experience in an insurance company setup.
Can anyone recommend a life insurance company that will insure a person deploying to a warzone (Afghanistan)?
I am a private contractor that would like additional life insurance above what my company offers. Thank you.
If my dad is a co signer for a car will my insurance be cheap?
I'm 19 and its my first car and my dad is the co signer will my insurance be low? What are cheap insurance agencies for teenagers?
Car insurance is thrice than payment! Suggestions?
Hi, I have recently moved in Detroit midtown, and am thinking of buying a vehicle. I am looking at buying a Ford Fusion 2008 model with around 8K. However, every insurance quote (comprehensive) I have got so far is around $300 per month. Some have asked as much as $600. I am an immigrant who came to the US three years ago and so obviously do not have a long driving record. This is my first car. I do not have any driving tickets or violations. I am looking to use finance as my credit scores are good. Any body help me with some advice on this? Why on earth the car insurance would be thrice than the car payment?
Can i buy car tax with only 24 hour insurance?
i need car tax first then im going to search for car insurance.
What is the statue regarding insurance rating for minnesota?
the owner of the house i rented want to add a car to his insurance policy which he already had 2 cars. He lives upstairs, i rented downstairs. When he called american family insurance, the agent said he can't have that car under his name because the new car has to be rated under my name because i am younger. He said something about minnesota statue law required him to do that and won't rate under the owner. Can a person has more than one car insured and not have anything to do with the renter that live there. thanks.""
What is the best insurance for a 16 year old?
Got limited money
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old with a Honda Civic coupe?
I live in California and wanna know about how much the insurance would be
Do I need car insurance to drive?
So I'm sixteen and use to think as long as the car had insurance I was okay. I have my license and sometimes I drive my moms car in case it was required since my mom really needs someone in the family to drive. Recently I was told I needed to be added to her list but my mom says since I have medical insurance it's okay? oO That I just need some sort of insurance in order to pay.. not necessarily car insurance. So if I get pulled over and police ask for my license [which I have] and registration [which I also have] would I get arrested and have my license suspended?
How much do you pay for health insurance per month?
Just your portion/ per month / your age I am 30 and did not choose a health plan at work because I think $170 a month for basic HMO is too much for a single healthy person. I used to pay $60 with dental and vision at my last job (which I know is really cheap). When I interviewed here they told me they had a great health plan. Well, guess what they lied! I will definatly be asking more questions about health insurance when I talk salary for my next position.""
Insurance polices at work?
a friend of mine works for a local mall where i'm from. the company he worked for varsity he took out a 10,000 insurance policy left me as heir should anything happen to him. when varsity left the mall and another company took over. he and his co/workers are told the insurance policies they took out and left another as heir were only good providing varsity remained in the mall. how is it legal to charge someone for such a policy. once the varsity left the mall they were told they get nothing""
Car insurance for new drivers?
I'd like to get a car insurance but since i will be buying a new car soon, i'd like to have the insurance for just a few months. Is this possible? if yes, then which company would you recommend and how do i get it? cheers!""
Can insurance brokers be trusted?
I am getting my first car insured and am thinking about going through an insurance broker because of the cheap price....
Do i need insurance to learn a driver to drive?
My friend has got insurance on his car on his provisional do I need insurance to teach him drive it I'm a full licence holder for 4 yaer
Car Insurance Payout?
I have a car in Ireland, it was stolen the other night. But I am working in the US at the moment. My car is fully insured, but because it was left in the driveway of my girlfriend, will there be a problem getting a payout. It is worth about 5000 euros, how much should i expect to get??? Thanks!""
What cars have the best insurance rates?
What cars have the best insurance rates?
Progressive will our insurance go up?
So my Dad has Progressive insurance. I drive one of his cars that is under his name on both the title and the insurance. I got my license revoked. I'm curious if his insurance will find out about it if my name is not on the insurance card. I'm not sure if he has me listed anywhere else on the insurance if that is even possible, all I have is the card and my name is nowhere on it. Basically I want to know if his insurance rates are going to go up because of me.""
18 year old with car insurance question?
okay, i live with my parents...daddy has a car and insured it and put himself and my mother under the insurance. On paper, i dont live with my parents. Okay my question is if i get a car and put a different insurance under my moms name will her gettin a car effect the cost of my dads isurance (the only reason i think it will effect dads insurance is that my mom is on his insurance).""
How much will my insurance go up?
I accidentally backed up into the corner of someones parked car going about 3-4 mph and there were some paint scuffs and a 4-5 inch crack.
NY car insurance question for a new driver?
Okay, I've had my permit for like a year because I didn't have a car to care if I had a license or not. Now that I'm getting a car. I was wondering how about how much insurance would cost. I have to wait a couple weeks from the car insurance place so please no get a quote I just want an approximate estimate of about how much it would cost. I don't have drivers ed or anything. Just a license at 17 on my parents insurance. I would have my own car but it'd be on their insurance so that's 3 cars on 1 insurer. The car I am going to get is a 84' Volvo wagon. Please just a month average price of how much more my parents insurance would go up. ( like they pay 100 and it'd be 250/mo. So i pay 150 a month.) something like that. I just want to know if my job will cover my own difference Thankyou.""
Want free auto insurance?
Do what the libs do. Dont have insurance. Those that do pay will have to pay higher premiums to make up for uninsured accidents. When the premiums get too high, tax the people already paying for their own insurance to cover those that never paid.""
Will my license hike my parents insurance?
I live in Florida with my parents, and I'm 19. I don't have a permit and want to get my license, but I'm not sure if it'll raise my parents' insurance rates. I won't own a car for at least a month or so, and I probably won't be driving theirs frequently, if at all. Will it affect their Progressive insurance at all? Thanks so much.""
I am 19 and i need to get my wisdom teeth taken out asap! but i don't have dental insurance?
I had healthy families insurance but since i turned 19, it got canceled. I'm a student at ucla and i have health insurance but no dental plan and recently my wisdom teeth have been a nightmare. Does anyone know an affordable dental insurance that help me out in this situation? Thank you so much for the help!""
Where should I look for health insurance for my mom?
My mom is 55 years old and lives in another state as me. I currently work and live in Pennsylvania at a great company that provides health insurance, dental, vision, etc. I cannot add her to my policy, as much as I would like to so I would like to try and find a policy for her. My dad works for a company that provides health insurance, however the cost of health insurance to him and my mother (who live together and are married) is extremely high. Currently, they are seeking alternatives so that my dad is covered under insurance through his company and my mom can get coverage through a third party company at a lower rate. The rate they are asking my father to pay to have both of them on the coverage policy is insanely high. I pay about $55 a month for health insurance and they are at least quadruple that. I'm looking for suggestions for a reliable and trusted company (Aetna, Anthem, etc.) that would provide individual health insurance at an affordable rate, if anyone knows of anything.""
Changing jobs - how do you estimate the value of medical and dental insurance?
Changing jobs - how do you estimate the value of medical and dental insurance?
Can you recommend any books for 15-yr old girl?
I've only read a few books. I don't really have a favorite genre, but I like the kind where it keeps you on edge, or its so good, you can't put it down. Books I read for school are boring, like To Kill A Mockingbird, there was another one where this family got insurance money and they were fighting over it. i really don't like those kind. So can you recommend anything that I would like? I'm trying to find a genre I like, but so far, no luck. I've read books like the da vinci code, stonehenge, american chillers(when i was in elementary school, now in high school), a child called it, night, and acceleration.""
Should I get added to my parent insurance?
I'm 17 years old and want to know if I should buy my own insurance on a new car or get put on my parents insurance? Which would be cheaper. I'm buying the car myself so can I have the car registered in my name, but on my parents insurance? I live in Nevada by the way. Will I run into problems with the law if that happens?""
""Both Canidates say they will make insurance affordable, no #'s are given - what is affordable?""
Both Canidates say they will make insurance affordable, no #'s are given - what is affordable? Some people cant afford $2.00 a week or a month...they are living on nothing. My ...show more""
Looking to get a car insurance but.....?
Looking to get a car insurance but i am not sure what it covers and what should i ask my insurer to include in my policy?
Car insurance is thrice than payment! Suggestions?
Hi, I have recently moved in Detroit midtown, and am thinking of buying a vehicle. I am looking at buying a Ford Fusion 2008 model with around 8K. However, every insurance quote (comprehensive) I have got so far is around $300 per month. Some have asked as much as $600. I am an immigrant who came to the US three years ago and so obviously do not have a long driving record. This is my first car. I do not have any driving tickets or violations. I am looking to use finance as my credit scores are good. Any body help me with some advice on this? Why on earth the car insurance would be thrice than the car payment?
Which insurance company has the quickest claim?
Okay so I want to know which insurance company would give me the quickest claim without any problems between: state farm, farmers, hardford, and all state?""
I got a speeding ticket and no insurance?
well my insurance was expired when i got the ticket. so when i renew it will it still go up?
Retiring at 62 need health insurance?
I live in Florida, work at Walmart. How can I get health insurance if I retire at age 62?""
What health insurance company is the best value?
I want to sign up for health insurance but I'm not sure which company to go through as there are so many. I'm a 21 year old male with little income (about $1200 a month) with no dependents or job benefits. I went through the healthcare marketplace from the federal government which just said I need to get medicaid. I'm in the process of applying for medicaid as well. But if the medicaid doesn't work out or isn't very effective what is anyone's opinion on the best insurance company for me. I'm looking to spend only around $100 for a monthly premium. Any feedback will help me narrow it down and know what to consider. Thanks for the help.
Can I be reimbursed for birth control paid for after Affordable Care Act took effect?
After paying my co pay for birth control for about a year, I finally asked my pharmacist what he knew about the Affordable Care Act. He ran my insurance and found out that I was eligible for free birth control. Is there any way for me to be reimbursed for the birth control that I paid for after the Affordable Care Act became effective?""
I got a car accident for the first time.. how much my insurance will go up?
This is first time I caused the accident and I had someone rear me before which came out as it wasnt my fault.... but accident that I caused I hit a school bus thankfully there were ...show more
Do I really need home owners insurance?
if a hurricane were to come into my area and cause a flood, wouldn't the flood insurance take care of it. What are some good home insurance companies in FL with minimal requirements. I made several calls but no one wants to insure me because I don't have heating or cooling.""
I live in California and was involved in a car accident. My insurance had lapsed prior to the accident.?
I was behind on my insurance because I don't have much money. I actually was going to pay it this week since I just got paid, regardless the accident happened last week. I pulled out in front of a lady and her car t-boned my car. Her and her passengers were injured and were taken to the hospital for minor airbag related injures. I had minor whiplash. I was given a citation for failure to yield to oncoming traffic (vc 21804 (a)) and for no proof of insurance (vc 16028 (c)). What kind of fines/penalties should I expect when I appear in court. Also, if the other driver didn't have insurance can she still sue me for her medical bills?""
How to get affordable HIV Medication with not so good insurance coverage.?
Diagnosed about a month ago HIV+ with a VL 111,000 CD4 167, so yeah I've had it for a while. I'm supposed to start treatment ASAP! but I can't afford them, I've talked and negotiated with my doctor to change my prescription she did but it didn't help. The problem is I have insurance and it doesn't have good prescription coverage. I'm in a position that I may have to drop my insurance just to be able to afford my medication. My doctor and case worker is advising me not to do this, I don't have any other choice... someone HELLP my time is limited""
Im 16 and getting a 2010 Camaro LS how much will insurance cost?
I live in fort worth, tx zip code is 76106""
What do I do if a car insurance company overpays on a claim?
My parked car was hit last week. The gentleman who hit it gave me his information, and his insurance company assessed the damage and wrote me a check to pay for its repair. When I took the car to the Toyota shop it will be repaired at, the worker analyzed the car and the report filed by the insurance agent. He said that one of the repairs was not completely necessary. If I choose not to get everything on the insurance report fixed, what do I do with the extra money? Can I keep it, or do I have to return it to the insurance company? Can I get into trouble if I do not return it in a timely fashion?""
Is selling mortgage protection insurance a good job?
I have been offered a job selling mortgage protection insurance. All sales leads are pre-generated and there is no cold calling. Of course, like any sales job, the company has assured me that I can earn a six-figure income within the first year; but I don't know what to believe. Anybody know anything about this industry? Is this a waste of time?""
Young drivers car insurance!!?
I am 17 at the moment but planning on getting the insurance when i turned 18 at the end of this month to make it that bit cheaper, I already own a Renault Clio (1.2L, 16v, 02 plate). The cheapest quote ive got is 4,000 (300 a month) and that's with co-ops new fit smartbox for young drivers, and i also have my dad as an additional driver and my mum on it with her provisional licence and I really just cant afford that price, any ideas on what i could possibly do?""
""How greatly does color impact the cost of insurance (Geico, if that helps.)?""
I'm car shopping (Even though I still don't have enough money. I'm still in the research stage). I was originally thinking dark blue (Thankfully, I want to stick to that on most of the sportier ones.), but I've found certain models that I really like in red. I was told that it's really hard to afford insurance on red cars. (Even if they aren't exactly party vehicles... The Buick Lacrosse is in my top 5.) How true is this?""
How does multiple car discount work on insurance? ?
Ok so I have an sr22 and my friend said I could add a car for a discount, so I added my moms car. I only have liability. So does my moms car have liability too? Sorry the insurance guy didn't explain it all that well.""
Someone hit my car and driver has no insurance i have full coverage will my insurance cover me?
my cousins roommate reversed into my car with his friends truck and he said he doesn't have insurance. i have full coverage with a deductible of 500 will my insurance cover me even that it wasn't my fault and driver has no insurance?
2008 Toyota Camry Insurance?
I much am I looking to pay for insurance on a 2008 Toyota Camry. I am 18 years old with a clean driving history.
Does federal violation notice of violation affect my insurance and DMV history?
I live in California and I received a Federal violation notice during a trip to grand canyon and it was because I passed a stop sign ( it is stated as unsafe operation in my ticket). Within the instructions on the ticket it says if you plead guilty and pay the fine, we may or we may not report it to the DMV. Does anyone know if this ticket is going to be counted as a point and affect my car insurance? It seems too complicated and costly to go to court in this case and I paying the fine seems the only practical way!""
How much is adding my teenager to my insurance policy?
how much is the averge amount that i would have to pay when i add my teen to my auto-insurance policy..with their own car.
Do I need insurance to take my drivers test?
I live in North Carolina and I have my permit and I've taken drivers classes and I'm ready to take my test but I don't have a car or insurance. Can I use someone else's car? Will I need insurance?
How much will insurance cost me on a 1.6 Ford capri?
A year from now I hope to pass my driving test (hopefully with a pass pluss), in which case I will be 17 years of age and it would be my first car.""
My employer expects me to utilize my personal car insurance for renting cars for business purposes.?
Why should I carry the responsibility? My car insurance would go up if I am in an accident or the car is stolen. Am I being unreasonable? There is no coverage through my company AMEX card, I checked. I do not want to be a problem employee but I do not see how this is fair.""
What does the car insurance go buy for grades?
does the car insurance deducation for grades go by all them added up such as a G.P.A. or all of them individual. also what grade do you need for the deducation i think it's a B but im not sure. fyi im a boy and have an 86 GPA
""Affordable health insurance, where can my family get it?""
Me, my girlfriend, and my two sons need health insurance. We dont qualify for medical here in CA. I work full time at subway and my girlfriend works part time. We avg about 2400 dollars a month. But with rent, food, utilities, etc. where can I get affordable health insurance? plz help me!""
Cheapest car to insure for 17 year old male in Toronto?
Im looking to buy a car and i live in the toronto area. Insurance is not the cheapest here. I was wondering what my best bet was in terms of insurance. Im looking for cars, not minivans,suvs, trucks...etc""
Car insurance is thrice than payment! Suggestions?
Hi, I have recently moved in Detroit midtown, and am thinking of buying a vehicle. I am looking at buying a Ford Fusion 2008 model with around 8K. However, every insurance quote (comprehensive) I have got so far is around $300 per month. Some have asked as much as $600. I am an immigrant who came to the US three years ago and so obviously do not have a long driving record. This is my first car. I do not have any driving tickets or violations. I am looking to use finance as my credit scores are good. Any body help me with some advice on this? Why on earth the car insurance would be thrice than the car payment?
Average car insurance for 21 y/o f?
my fiance and i are planning to buy a used car soon, and we were wondering about how much car insurance would cost us. the insurance would go under my name, but it would cover him as well. we are both 21. neither of us have had an accident. we both have pretty good credit. i've had no tickets, he's had 3, each in a different state (they were only minor speeding tickets). he's had his license since 17 y/o and i've had mine since 18 y/o.""
Is Foremost Auto Insurance good insurance?
I am looking at switching to Foremost for my auto insurance and was wondering if anyone had any comments or experiences about auto insurance through Foremost Insurance company.
Why is my car insurance so high?
my car insurance is very high its something like 5000-10,000 and plus its only third party and the car is cheap 500 fiat punto ive checked confused several times still same prices""
How much would it cost for insurance for a 18 year old with a 2001 toyota celica? Monthly and yearly?
In Canada not US
No proof of insurance question?
So i made a mistake. I was stopped last night and cited by a law enforcement officer for no proof of insurance. I had an idea that my insurance was no longer valid due to it overdrafting from my account when i had no money. so i contacted the insurance company and now they will NOT re-instate the insurance policy due to the fact that i have had two bad overdrafts with them. I completly understand, and like i told the officer, this is my fault...i was poor..... anyways. Now i hear that the fine is 400.00 to start, i am willing to pay as i did not take the time to ensure insurance was active on the vehicle and that the overdraft was taken care of. However now i am hearing im going to loose my license...... So i was told by the driver license department that if i go out now and get an SR22 qualifying insurance plan with a different company, that when i walk into the justice court payment window, they will not take away my license from me? however justice court states that my license will get taken away and i have to bring the proof of insurance to the DMV............and get my license back. Please note i have a california license in the state of utah..... please help? what can i do to fix this? i will pay the fine, as i did the crime wether i was for-sure or not....but i need my license, i just moved and am living in a place wityh no friends, and a new job... PS sorry for mispelling and typing this is on blackberry.""
Typically Cheapest Auto Insurance Company in Massachusetts?
Suggestions anyone? Anyone shopped around and found a company that is better overall?
Whats a good health insurance company?
One that is affordable, has good coverage, good selection of choices? Fair, good quality, what do you recommend ?""
""What are the best sports car, insurance price-wise ?""
I personally want to get a Nissan 350Z but I'm pretty sure the insurance price will go really high up. I also would want a much cheaper car, but still with good looks.""
What's a cheap car insurance company for drivers with alot of points.?
What's a cheap car insurance company for drivers with alot of points.?
Had an Accident Car insurance question?
I had my first accident the other day and it was pretty bad. I was the person at fault. I am about to turn 21 in 8 days. I have allstate insurance and the othe party of the accident no has a lawyer even though he acked fine at the accident. How much will my insurance go up and is there anything else i should know or can do?
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old girl?????
for the group 1 insurance cars. how much would it be? thanks
Im a 20 year old male and im thinking about getting my first motorcycle. I need suggestions.?
Like i said im a 20 year old student looking into getting a bike. Most of my friends have them and they tell me how much they enjoy riding so i'd like to take up the hobby and ...show more
Which are the cheapest car to insurance in Canada?
Hello: Planing to buy a car, but I will considered a car that is cheaper to insure, any suggestion? Thank you in advanced""
Car insurance help (UK ONLY)?
my mums car insurance company is tryin to screw her over... i need opinions please! the car got wrote off due to something smashing it from the back as it was parked therefore perpitrator was never found! the car was worth 500 which was 100 deducted for policy... then the insurance compony took the whole wak of 12 months insurance aswell when we only had the car for a month! is that fair? deucting that for 500 leaving us with 154.77... IS THIS LEGAL????
AAA vs. Farmers for home and auto insurance?
I'm looking to get a combined homeowners and auto insurance policy. Right now, the package that Farmers is offering based on my specs is 10% cheaper than AAA's. Any thoughts? Thanks!""
How much could the cheapest car insurance be for a length of 6months?
I am planning to by a car and I wanna get my finances together. Knowing fully well that getting a car is one thing and insuring it is another, I wanna find out how much the cheapest car insurance could be for a 6months period.""
How would a company issue a W-2 to an employee for short term disability?
Is there a 1099 form that we can fill out for taxed disability? The insurance company will not issue the employee a W-2 because we are a small business. Thank you for any help!
How much would it cost to own a porsche 911 per year? pleeeeeeeeeeeease answer. i beg to you.?
i am thinking of buying a 2001, 4 litre, porsche 911. how much would it cost to run the car every year if i do 15000 miles a year. include insurance, maintenance, repairs, tax, and all sorts of thing. just dont include the prize of buying the car thnk you by the way. i live in the UK. just thought that would be important""
Teens: Do you pay for your own car insurance?
If so, how do you pay for it? How long do you work for and how much do you have to pay for your insurance? Just wondering :) and if you want what type of car do you have?""
I need help understanding Health Insurance Deductibles?
Ok, so I'm going to get health insurance and I'm Having a challenge trying to understand the deductible situation. The Health Insurance I'm looking into is Blue Shield of California and they have many plans, and it seems that the prices get a bit higher when the deductible gets lower. What does the annual deductible mean? Is that the amount that I have to pay off first before my insurance can cover me?""
What is an insurance discount disallowance?
i got my bill today for the lab where i had some tests done. on the bill it had a disallowance under the insurance discount category. just wondering what that was. the bill was about 400 and insurance paid 200 and it said disallowance of about 175 so my bill only ended up being 25 dollars.
Motorcycle provisional licence insurance costs?
Obviously, to learn to ride a motorcycle you sort of need your own bike with insurance, but roughly speaking, on an average standard bike, how much would that insurance be please? Anyone who has experience of this, I'd appreciate to here from especially! Thanks! (I've mastered the driving licence, so now I'm moving on to the bike licence, well, planning to). The bike would be no more than 120cc, with no more than an 11kW output. UK-based answers please, apparently the states makes it a lot cheaper to insure vehicles, jealous! Also, if you have any experience, please tell me when this was. (Insurance prices have gone up, again!) Thank you!""
What would be the average cost for these with a Hyundai i20?
what would be the average cost for these with a Hyundai i20 budgeting for running costs -car repayments -ongoing insurance and registration payments -car maintenance -tyres -petrol
Can fleet insurance be cheaper than insuring 2 vehicles?
My boyfriend and I got in a debate about this. I will be graduating college in a few months and told him that I wanted to purchase a pickup sometime within the year, but wanted to ...show more""
Why is my health insurance so much?
My girlfriend- is 22 in shape and healthy other than having psoriasis and ADD; she has health insurance and pays $90 damn bucks a month. I am looking for insurance since I will soon be 26 years old in shape and healthy and am looking at paying $200 a month. This is bullshit frankly- I am healthy, only have ADD (which I don't even take meds for but want to start again) and have a steady well paying job. I tried looking through the websites but found nothing less than $110 for not so great coverage. Can someone explain to me a. where to get good affordable health insurance b. why there is such a difference in cost since she has more problems and we are only 3 years apart c. are there any options for me if I went to healthcare.gov? I know she isn't lying about the payments and I know she has a co pay with each subscription/doctors visit but its minimal like $30-60 minimal. Any help or advise is very appreciated- also please don't make this political.""
Car insurance is thrice than payment! Suggestions?
Hi, I have recently moved in Detroit midtown, and am thinking of buying a vehicle. I am looking at buying a Ford Fusion 2008 model with around 8K. However, every insurance quote (comprehensive) I have got so far is around $300 per month. Some have asked as much as $600. I am an immigrant who came to the US three years ago and so obviously do not have a long driving record. This is my first car. I do not have any driving tickets or violations. I am looking to use finance as my credit scores are good. Any body help me with some advice on this? Why on earth the car insurance would be thrice than the car payment?
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