#bc it's full of that one specific type. of people who write only because it's seen as the easiest way of doing it
icedille · 5 months
one of my toxic traits is that i can't stand writers as a class of people WITH THE EXCEPTION OF A FEW ONES ok some of them are also the loves of my life but. they're crucially a minority so apart from those they're all SO annoying to me. and the fact that i'm also one doesn't help. anyway if you're a writer and i don't know you personally you should die
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mio-nika · 5 months
Disgusting (comic) AU. Over-arching plot, characters profiles and relationship dynamic breakdown.
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Mostly based on a modmad "What if Ace Attorney Investigations: Simon Blackquill".
Post Dual Destinies, Phantom spends some time in prison (like a month). And now let's get him out (temporary), so he can sell his employers with comfort. And also pair him with Simon, because they don't hate each other enough. Phantom get's his Bobby mask because artistic continuity, if I change his face we are bordering on Original Character territory.
I'm not smart enough to write actual spy plot, so they are existing in some limbo doing something spy-like. I'm mostly here to inflict the massive amounts of psychological and emotional damage on characters and fans.
Main Protags:
Phantom - after his meltdown in court, getting shot and the conviction his brain got chopped in much finer mush. With his blood, fingerprints and face being recorded he has no way of going back to his classic "run and hide" bullshit. Doesn't like to be out and about. Prefers to be locked up in jail, since he gets solitary and full protection.
Simon - is suffering. Understands the assignment of being paired with the guy who actually knows how to run underground spy business. But still does not like it. AT ALL.
Athena - since I'm not a fan of women centric whump (it's very rarely good and I can count the good examples of it on one hand). I'm using her as a plot device and brain can opener. She's not involved in operation, bc Simon cares about her to much. But sometimes spends time with Phantom as a psychotherapist.
Relationship chemistry:
Everything is very bad. I mean. Except psycho duo, but they are kinda. A well oiled machine.
• Simon <- -> Athena - they are something that I call platonic soulmates. Two people who's lifes are so deeply intertwined, that they can never be apart. They are friends. They are siblings. They are uncle and niece. They would be together from this point to the eternity.
• Athena -> Phantom - she feels disdain towards him, but also pity. I mean:
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I truly think that the therapist in her. And the saviour complex would destroy her "he killed my mom". So she kinda goes as "I would help you, but only if you yourself would try to change. Bitch you live like this".
• Phantom -> Athena - fear. I mean. She can read his mind. She can feel that he feels. She is the reason why his life was destroyed. And I'm not only talking about last trial. She made original reading from his bomb threat.
Her abilities to read his mind is probably horrifying to him, since his entire persona based on hiding. But I also think, that he would gravitate to her. She thinks he can change. She's also mentally not normal. She's a therapist. There's a lot of reasons why he can be scared, but also longing for understanding.
• Simon -> Phantom - disgust, babeey! There's probably a lot more, but this bitch does not talk to me. So I'm just observing him from the side.
• Phantom -> Simon - we went so far from good doggie woof woof, that we came back to it.
I'm calling it "fucked up backward loyalty". It's half "I has no reason to make him even more mad, we are trying to work here". And "please please please give me any type of attention". It's the same way as with Athena. Before every human interaction Phantom had for *we don't know how much* time was filtering through his role. Basically "it's my funny friend Bobby", not "it's my funny friend Phantom". So I think he got kinda. Lonely. Not even lonely, more like deep social dissociation. Simon hates him, but he hates HIM, SPECIFICALLY, not Bobby. And the hate is extremely powerful emotion it's almost like love.
Anyway. Local spy got his brain hard rebooted. And mistakenly imprinted on two people who hate him. WHAT CAN GO WRONG
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ssruis · 3 months
Idk the treatment of saki’s disability by the writers just irritates me bc like (& full disclosure this is written by someone who’s chronically ill but able to live w/o major symptoms) there’s so little thought put into how her disability specifically intersects with her mental health & overall life beyond a general Inspirational Look At Her Go She Can Overcome Anything type of take.
I dislike fully articulating my thoughts but to sum it up my experience with my own chronic illness was manifestation at 18 -> horrifically managed for 2 years bc doctors/parents did not take it seriously -> in so much pain that I couldn’t really move until i was put on immunosuppressants during peak covid and I watched close friends treat me like a burden for wanting the group to take covid precautions/abandon me because I couldn’t Party Hard anymore (to the point where one friend brought me somewhere where her friend fucking had Covid and sat next to me & then she texted me the next day like whoops heehee) -> severe depression & life ruining ensued. My family had to deny a good insurance opportunity bc my RA was an existing condition & they wouldn’t pay for my meds for two years and I had the fun side effect of my mom implying it was my fault/it was a burden over it. Etc etc. I don’t want to get into the full story because it’s unfun and also lengthy but I want to provide context for why saki’s treatment bugs me.
Her not really caring about honami/shiho not visiting bugs me. I get that life gets in the way but them going (semi?) no contact is a little shitty. Being disabled & not being allowed to be upset about the treatment you receive from your loved ones because you know they don’t see it as a big deal is. So frustrating. She deserves to be upset with them for that and have a conversation about it. There’s so much pressure on people w disabilities to essentially go “yeah I am a burden it’s my fault so I’m grateful you’re even spending time with me” that’s reflected in saki’s story and never challenged.
I’m too tired to articulate the complexity of her dynamic w tsukasa but it also frustrates me that it’s only touched upon that saki feels like she inconveniences him by being sick/she thinks him going out of his way for her is a burden. I love tsukasa and I’m obsessed w how much he cares about his sister but I also think saki deserves to be frustrated with how neurotic he is about an illness that isn’t his own.
So much abt being disabled (especially for those who are more affected than I am - I want to make that clear) is being told by society that you are a burden for needing accommodations/costing your family money/struggling with things able bodied people can do/etc. & saki very clearly feels a lot of that but it never gets challenged. Something that’s always stuck with me was seeing a tiktok where someone was like “actually I AM a burden bc I cost my parents money for antidepressants/adhd meds” which was so…. Buddy as someone on those meds and also 4/5 other drugs to manage the chronic illness I don’t want to hear shit from you abt being a burden. Imagine having panic attacks over career choices & fucking up your schooling permanently because you’re petrified of not having stable insurance to pay for the overpriced meds that keep you from being in agony and your friends/family don’t take it seriously because you look fine even though you can barely move without extreme pain and nobody in your life understands it or attempts to do so and you feel like the doctors don’t care because they give you meds & no diagnosis and you’re still in a pain that defies description. And your disability gets in the way of your passions and you can’t just muscle through it because doing so would fuck your body up even more. & then get back to me. Whatever. Doesn’t matter. Moving on.
I don’t know if the colopale writing team has anyone w a disability but I feel like saki’s chronic illness essentially being a thing of the past & she’s just like “I’m fine now” is shitty. Ig it fits with her character but also she’s a fictional character and the writers are capable of addressing this. and they’re not. I want to see saki being told that she’s allowed to be mad and she’s allowed to feel unwell and she’s allowed to not be inspiration porn and she’s allowed to have ugly feelings and address those & that she’s not a burden and it’s ok to rely on others when you’re struggling.
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rowrowknowa · 7 months
---General Rules
✮ this blog contains some NSFW content; i'll always try my best to tag all warnings appropriately
✮ MDNI, non-negotiable. i won't interact with ageless or take requests from ageless blogs. don't follow me, don't send asks, stay outta grown folks business!! ✮ i don't take requests for minors (obviously), even SFW asks if they're romantic in nature
✮ black bi, i dont tolerate any type of racism, colorism, ableism, fatphobia, zionism, homo/queer/transphobia -- i want a space of inclusiveness and i will check you
✮ i currently am taking requests! but to keep it real theres no guarantees so dont be offended if i dont do yours
✮ i take spoilers VERY seriously and VERY personally for myself and others im so serious so please pay attention to where i am in a given work (anime only) and try not to give anything away pls (if ur not sure ask)
---General Writing
✮ what i write for at any given moment will depend on what my current fixation is
✮ ill always write for one piece (anime and live action). currently taking requests for FE3H and JJK as well - if you have a request for me to write for something outside of these feel free to suggest
✮ im a reader insert lover im so sorry so majority of my works will be in the second person. only rarely will i have an OC and thats likely for longer works
✮ all works will likely default to member x cis f!reader because thats the POV im most familiar with (i.e. i tend to write myself as a placeholder), but don't take that to mean i won't write any other reader inserts. i'm open to writing with a reader insert of any gender / any genitalia so please request it! and leave feedback and critique so i can improve on writing in those POV
---NSFW writing
✮ i dont do scat, (watersports is a maybe...if you're convincing enough), dont do abo, dont do raceplay, dont do ageplay, no extremely dark content/kinks/themes, dont do gore, not a fan of "daddy"
✮ a separate bullet because this one is important bc its popular: i won't do size kinks that center/elevate petite/skinny frames. ive seen so many works that write them in a way thats bigger/taller/larger body exclusive and bordering fatphobic/heightist.. i dont want people who are already marginalized to feel even further marginalized. if you wanna read that go find another work.
✮ i do write for a variety of kinks. the inclusion/exclusion criteria here isnt exhaustive if you're not sure, ask.
✮ i don't write characterxcharacter usually but im a slut for a good threesome with it peppered in. i won't write a poly relationship mostly because i know my strengths and weaknesses and i promise you wont want to read my attempt at that
✮ requests are welcome!
✮ headcanons, A-Z, MTLs, reactions, and scenarios are more likely to be fulfilled because they're less intensive to me, fun and quick!
✮ when sending an ask, please be specific! give mama (me) something to work with. feel free to try and make it interesting, give me ideas to bounce off of, send your thoughts/fantasies/etc
✮ i will take one shot requests but the longer, more complex it is the longer it'll take/lower chance it is i'll do it if it's not speaking to me
✮ i'm my own biggest critic so if i feel like i don't like what i write i won't post it
✮ i do work a full time big girl job so be patient and don't be offended if i don't get to your ask
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huntershowl · 12 days
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i don't have one particular otp — big ships change depending on the Era hellhound is in!
nothing illegal obviously — other than that, aside from long-lifespan characters whose mental maturation is slower, i generally stay away from with 10+ year age gaps when the younger muse is under 20. just feels like a weird power dynamic i guess?
yes! ships on this blog cannot be pre-established — i tend to lose interest fast if they don't build up naturally, either through lots of ooc plotting or through writing. on top of that, seph is ... piiiiicky. she has very specific Types. generally, ships with very gentle, soft, mentally well-adjusted characters are possible, but transient — seph falls out of love after a point, but remains staunchly protective of them.
the long and short of the matter is she's a freak, and you kind of have to match that to be compatible as a long-term partner. but even then they don't always line up perfectly! idk. seph's weird. simultaneously very easy to ship with and very hard to ship with.
oh i've got lots of good ones going on right now!! pls forgive me for gushing. focusing on currently heavily-plotted and/or written ones for this bit bc otherwise it will be pages and pages!! if i forgot someone you have full permission to impale me on a pike i am SO SORRY. (aka i'll go back and add u in omg)
@vsagis' villain izuku— i had to put u first bc u kickstarted this shipping renaissance. seph and izuku clicked instantly and started a long-term trajectory that i don't think either of us writers expected. they're just freak enough to match each other, just soft enough to genuinely care. we're really putting these two through the horrors(tm) and watching them fall hopelessly, horribly in love. <3
@spiritcrown's pasha — how could i not mention pasha!! i was so happy to see you back, because pasha and seph's relationship was soooo formative for seph's development wrt romance. seph is absolutely, completely and utterly devoted to pasha. they worship at the altar of her. they would bend heaven and raise hell for her.
@crowshoots' jesper — UAHGHGBBHBH INCOHERENT CRYING NOISES. the first thing seph noticed about jesper was extremely respectable fighting skills, but even then they were definitely uhhhh touch and go for a while there before they started to simmer down and. pin each other down and — one thing led to another and jesper's being antagonized by her antagonists and they're too deeply in love to go back!! i love them. i l
@crowgreeds' kaz — HHHHHHHHH god. hi siri i know ur not around the dash much but idc im writing u into this. kaz and seph both have such a darkness in them that the other recognizes and not only feeds, but when necessary, balances. they're ruthless and violent and mean but at the same time, they have such a softness for each other that they both thought was dead. also, you're the recipient of probably the best rp reply i've ever written (that fucking. hellhound kill description. my GOD im feral for seph protecting him)
@tewwor.... goose is2g we really have the creatures ever. litho — FIRST SHIP!!!! FIRST SHIIIP i still cant believe it took 4 irl years for them to finally admit their stupid feelings. now they're soulmates and there's no turning back. he's the reason seph likes poetry in every verse. the softest snarkiest ship. probably the closest to a true YA-style soulmate seph has. she hasn't forgiven him for all the twilight jokes though tough luck jie & ricochet — the boys... the absolute chaos trio... i never expected seph and jie to fall for each other but honestly i should have. he falls so neatly into her "equally feral" type. ricochet is so calm and seph is kind of intoxicated by that. sheathed claws kind of vibe. just love these three their dynamic balances itself so well
@spungolden's dio — two femmes raised as weapons with deeply suppressed emotions, chillin in a murder alley, five feet apart cause theyre not g— (theyre gay. theyre so gay) these two are so sweet they sometimes make me tear up. they skipped the trauma stage and went straight into lesbian domestic fantasy with only occasional murder.
@chaoslulled oh boy(s). toji — brutally in love. they saw and embraced each other's monster, refused to shy away, and now they somehow revolve in this strange orbit of violent and incredibly soft with each other. i think he's the first of the current ship lineup that seph has in-thread said the L-word to. this ship was so easy to jump right into, the chemistry was like lightning in a bottle. satoru — one of the most genuinely unexpected slowburn ships i've stumbled into. these two read each other for filth INSTANTLY as lonely motherfuckers who, in some way or another, had loved and lost. they haven't even gotten to the oh-shit moment in the slowburn yet but i'm lookin forward to it yakuza sukuna — THE PAIN. THE SUFFERING. AUHHHGHGGGG HOL YOU'RE FUCKING KILLING MEEEE. these two are mirrors in the worst possible way. they've got their throats stuck under their boss' boot heels; they've been disfigured, they've had their siblings used as leverage, they've been made into muzzled dogs. despite hating each other at the start, they can't not recognize that, and it's led to this fierce protectiveness that isssss whoops evolving into feelings. i'm sure nothing will go wrong
@eraserisms' shota — AHHHHHHH god okay most of this ship has been pure plotting vibes and responses to memes, but i truly cannot wait to get into writing more of them because they own my heart and soul. i think they know each other to the marrow in a way that's not super common for seph, and the gentleness and caution with which they're starting to explore revisiting their care for each other is heartbreaking in the best way
@sasouken BEE!!!! ok chronologically(??): deku — so precious and wholesome from the start. your honor he's just a little guy with a big dumb crush. when i tell uuuuuu some of our plotting has literally made me tear up a little??? the absolute bleeding heart on this boy??? HURTS ME??? one day they'll hold hands casper — slated to be our angstiest dynamic, i just Know it. two motherfuckers who love their siblings, inextricably involved in a tangled web of crime and violence. two people who have lost so much and don't want to lose anyone ever again. i will die i WILL satoru — such... a different vibe than i was expecting in an amazing way?? his dynamic with seph is so fuckin sweet? so much physical touch born of trust and comfort. also again: her first ever fwb (for now), which is truly a wild thing to experience. sukuna — i .. . dont even know what to say about this one. (affectionate). he unlocked an entirely new dimension of freak in seph's psyche and attraction style that i couldn't comprehend before we started writing them but retrospectively makes so much sense. what the fuck is going on with these two i have no idea but i am OBSESSED with it. also writing them getting down nasty has been extremely fun, i'm enjoying it a lot
there are more sort of beginnings/potentials for ships that haven't been explored yet which i haven't included here, but i'm truly excited to see where each and every one of them goes!!!
yes absolutely hahaha — at least communicating ooc about it is necessary! i'm much more comfortable shipping with partners i mesh well with as a mun and have an easy time talking to.
LOOK I. LISTEN. LISTEN... IM FERAL FOR SHIPS. FERAL. even though seph is picky about them — and i promise it's not personal if it doesnt work, it truly is just her dumb creature ass being unable to normal.
N/A for this blog, but as a fun trivia fact, i'm deep in satosugu hell rn
it's all vibes babey. we just start writing their non-romantic dynamic buildup, and if it clicks (or even if u just think ur character would have a crush!) we talk about it ooc and plot some more, then plot some more and before u know it, the angst hammer looms over ur head
Tagged by: @bearratic (thank youuuu!!)
Tagging: (points) do it
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hella1975 · 1 year
would LOVE to know full details to the culture difference bestie when you've got the time because I'm kinda just a sucker for that. also. were we too nice for you tell me more about that
here we gooooo here's a rundown of the top things that were really jarring to me as a brit in america!
kinda dumb that i feel the need to say this but ive been burned before: americans, if you're going to send me shit about this list, please first reread what you've typed and ask yourself 'am i addressing this person as an actual real life adult that not only has experienced both countries she speaks about but also has perfectly functioning social skills that allow her to navigate what is and isn't a culture difference, or am i talking to her like a condescending little prick?' this includes messages like 'americans aren't actually ___, we're just ___ which clearly went over your head as a silly foreigner :)' do u understand how condescending messages like that are as the person who was there? this list is me saying what was strange to me AS A BRIT IN AMERICA. it is a comparison, not an objective statement of something ive decided is a fact about your culture. im not writing this so people can try and like. educate me on all the things i missed because america was just soooo complex. okay? stunning
you guys were SO nice like i think the best way i can contextualise this for an american is that the first time i felt actually comfortable (not that i was uncomfortable otherwise but i mean in a social sense) was when we were in new york city. no one looked at me no one wanted to talk to me people were shouting and being rude to each other it was just like home <3 the way americans are friendly is just so intense and it took me a good while to stop being so bowled over by it. like if you met someone one time they'd try and hug you and i found that very very strange
americans generally talk about their feelings a lot more and i dont even mean just from the people i interacted with bc that very well might have been because i just got on well with them so we were talking honestly, but even on commercials and things you guys talk about mental illnesses and such like it's a grocery shop whereas in england there's still very much a stiff upper lip culture about that kind of thing
you guys do speak louder. like objectively even 'quiet' americans were louder than most brits and would be glared at in public if we were in england just bc of the volume they were speaking at. you also inflect more. again i think this is another thing that boils down to americans being very bright and intense while the english are renowned for not wanting anyone to look at them ever. like a bug under a rock
FREE REFILLS!! i have not shut up about this but if you order a coffee somewhere then you have in fact ordered UNLIMITED COFFEE. the first time a waitress leaned over me to fill my coffee up i flinched away from her bc i was like what in god's name are you doing
if you try and make a hot drink in america then you are taking your life in your hands. you have to filter the water, find whatever apparatus this specific house uses to boil water, remind yourself that americans have a vendetta against milk so you have to use creamer which is 'exactly like milk' but 'you wouldnt drink it like milk' so what the fuck is going on there, and then by the time everything's done you want to go out back to curl up and die like an old dog. dont get me started on tea
one thing i thought was cute is that you guys say 'come get in the AC' the same way we would say 'come get out of the rain' like that's such a cute little human thing i think
AC itself is such a godsend but me not being used to it was kind of baffling to americans. boom's brother asked me what my ideal AC temp was at home and i just. looked at him bc i didnt even know where to start with that
it took me WEEKS to stop trying to get in the driver's side of the car
american ignorance is a very real very frustrating thing. 'whats that thing they do in europe-' idk bc ive never been to all of europe. 'when i went to europe-' where in europe. it is a continent. i got asked if we have fireworks in europe. bonfire night is older than the founding of america. there's just a genuine belief amongst americans that they're not even AWARE of (because it would be smart, nice americans that i genuinely liked saying these things) that america is the most elite country in the world and is the only place to have certain things
speaking of the european thing with americans, the fact that 'travelling to europe' is typically a bragging right over there and is seen as quite an upper class thing is very interesting. a lot of the times people would be bragging TO ME and it would go over my head bc id be like 'well anyone can go to spain'. i feel like shagaluf would give americans an aneurysm
the sheer size of america never truly registered with me until i was there like i cannot wrap my head around it. the uk can fit in lake michigan 4 times. you guys have cargo ships on lakes. the roads just go straight for miles and miles and miles. you have every environment and weather possible. literally obsessed
capitalism is actually way more intense in america. like yeah it makes sense america is thee capitalist country but i guess i thought because i was coming from a western capitalist country myself that it wouldnt change much. but like. billboards on roads. adverts while you pump gas. there is someone selling u something everywhere u look
tipping was so hard 😭 i knowwww it's necessary i understand the econ behind it all but i was so stressed all the time because of it 😭
i knew i was going to have to change the way i spoke in america bc of obvious things (my accent isnt The British Accent that americans recognise, i use a lot of slang etc) but it surprised me just how much i had to change. like by the end of it i wasnt using any slang and i was enunciating every letter because i was just so tired of saying something just for boom to have to literally translate bc like? it was no fault of theirs or mine or even the person i was talking to but it just made me feel Weird and Odd and most surprising of all was that it made me feel stupid? and i guess that's bc i get a lot of shit for my accent over here too so im oversensitive to it but ive never properly felt more like a foreigner in a different country than i did trying to talk to americans
sarcasm. im just. like the running joke is that americans dont get sarcasm and id have actually preferred that i think bc what instead happened is you guys have AMERICAN sarcasm and it just. made no fucking sense to me at all. i literally did not get american humour even slightly it was probably my biggest thing when i was over there like i literally felt like entire conversations were going over my head. british humour is very dry so not only did i not get american humour but sometimes MY humour would be misinterpreted as well and the entire thing was just very strange lol
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sighonaraa · 4 months
Answer the questions and tag five fanfiction authors you know!
Tagged by the wonderful @lady-of-the-spirit and the lovely @kvetchinglyneurotic and the incredible @altschmerzes!! thank you guys <3
1. How many fandoms have you written in?
3 (ted lasso, daredevil, and thor & loki which i'm counting as one)! but i have a lotta fics in the works for different fandoms ESPECIALLY as of now the bear. because. if you've been on or near my blog lately. You Know.
2. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
writing fanfiction? probably since i was like 11/12, so 8 or 9 years. but that was just for goofy fun in my google docs. i didn't publish my first Actual fic till just last year in fact!!
3. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
i think i go through like... idk, waves or something? when i first watch/read something that Sparks The Brain, i'll devour all the fic i can tailored to my interests/character dynamics/etc. but then i usually start writing and once i do that i read fic a loooooot more sporadically and i'll go through long periods of not reading any fic, just writing my own and re-watching/re-reading the source material.
4. What is one way you've improved as a writer?
hmmmmmm. Hmmmmmmmmm. i think that writing fic has allowed me to get more comfortable with writing platonic intimacy and affection and love? i've always wanted to, but there's so much amatonormativity (no, autocorrect, i don't mean noninflammatory JDKLFJ) in the world and especially in fandom spaces that it always felt like. idk. something that i Shouldn't be writing, i guess? but entering into the fandom space myself and engaging with other incredible lovely brilliant creators has given me SUCH a boost in terms of like. really leaning into what i love writing because it is important and good and true and necessary.
5. What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
for the mom city fix it, i had to do a lot of research about funeral planning in london specifically, and it was really reaaallyyyyy hard because apparently every single place has different laws and rules about what you can do, what you can't do, et cetera. i was trying to figure out how jamie could just like. Not. have to deal with that. and i finally stumbled across the possibility of public health funerals, which was so perfect and only took ten hours of me frantically googling "what do you DO if a family member DIES and you HATE THEM".
6. What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
is it cheating to say any and all? because it's true! but i do have a special place in my heart for comments that pull out specific lines and react to them they're very :') to me.
7. What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
i feel like in the general Fandomness of fandom gen affection/love/intimacy tends to be sparse? i'm so so lucky to have found people here that enjoy those types of stories as much as i do but. i guess they would still kinda be considered fringe to most.
8. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
happy stories? where nothing goes wrong?? Who Is She
9. What is the easiest type?
it's not like. EASY easy because it often ends with me clawing out my hair but. more often than not my fics will quickly spill over from "ooh a 2k one-shot" to "HOLY FUCK the sub-plots are multiplying". and those longer fics often come more naturally and tend to be more introspective, messy, full of emotion.
10. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
i toggle back and forth between google docs, scrivener, and my phone notes app! and i do most of my writing like. whenever, i suppose? we've got a couch by three big ol' windows and i love sitting there bc i can look out and there's so much natural light. unfortunately, i think most of my Best writing happens at the beautiful sexy hours of 2 in the morning.
11. What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
i really want to write like. something explicitly Whump-related, i suppose? i think a lot of my fics have definitely done the emotional whump side of things, but i want to do a fic that's also got the physical whump. luckily i have a bad things happen bingo card now, so! we shall see where the tides of fate take me!
12. What made you choose your username?
oh my god. [buries face in hands]. embarrassing. when i was twelve and didn't have tumblr yet i decided that when i One Day did have an account it was going to be 'sighonara' because. haha. sayonara but SIGHonara . puntastic. and then when it did come time to make my tumblr account that idea had kinda stuck so i was just like. might as well! and i'm not displeased with that tbh. feels good feels right.
i'm doing this so late that i'm not sure who's been tagged and who hasn't so! feel free to ignore this if you've already gotten it (or if you just. don't want to do it which is so fair <3)! @thirteenemeraldcats, @jamietarttsnorthernattitude, @orbitalpirate, @anguishmacgyver, @roughroadhaley, @eluvion, and @jamietxrtt!!
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cunningweiner · 6 months
Regarding your petition for hcs.. bc I can't sleep, my personal hcs
Randy: After defeating the sorcerer the Nomicon calling him the "Last Ninja" He is the last one in the chain (making reference to the symbol in his shirt)
(A little non sense considering the 9 chapter thingy but ok)
He constantly forgets to covers up bruises and no one thinks anything weird because he has the fame of being kind-of adventurous (and stupid)
He makes up stories when someone asks him about them and recycles them. Sometimes when someone points out they already heard that, he convinces them into thinking they did not (art of manipulation nomicon lesson when)
His notebooks are full of doodles and drawings of lessons the nomicons gives him, and they're messy af
Has scars from fights that didn't end to well
He knows Japanese thanks to the Nomicon
He settled for having only one friend so his social skills are terrible.
Messy guy overall
Howard: Knows facts about everything, but not to the point of being an expert.
Knows how to read people (body language and expressions) ESPECIALLY Randy, he knows every habit of his, he knows him pretty well.
Has lots of "proyects" started none of them finished.
Has a scar on his back from the thengu incident (representing the wings)
He is never alone, let it be with his family or with Randy but he always has someone beside him, that's one of the reasons why he's has issues with being alone (it's weird for him) he feels bad when Randy tells him it's not a big deal (Randy's absent parents hc sorry for this)
Theresa: lots of friend groups but she doesn't feel like she belongs anywhere
Baby bat (interested in goth)
YES TYTYTY sorry for the slow response but okok here we go
I also kind of thought of him as the last ninja (lowkey disregarding secrets of the nine💀) but I got a different ask with some really interesting points so I’m kinda torn lol
Scars-having Randy is soso real to me. Also YES about him forgetting what he said and gaslighting people. That boy has so much brain damage I know it KNFHD
Him keeping a notebook full of the doodle lessons from the nomicon is sooooo good. Also him learning Japanese from it????? 10/10. I hc him as part Japanese but I don’t think he was taught any growing up (true wasian experience tbh) and I think he was really happy to learn
Howard is suchhhh a socialite but nobody ever talks about it??? He makes friends so easily (even if he doesn’t like them) and is super well received in crowd situations. I’ll write up a seperate post about that soon I think lmao. Anyway I love that Randy is the socially awkward one of the two. I think he would never make any other friends if Howard didn’t introduce him lmao
Smart Howard is so dear to me and I think he’s definitely the type of guy to know at least surface level about literally everything. Like that one Dan Vs clip about knowing who carved Mt Rushmore but not what state it’s in
I have a Whole Thing about Tengu Howard that I’ll write up/draw soon and the wing scars are going in immediately. I think I’m just a sucker for those scars specifically I’ll never turn them down on anyone
Yes you’re so correct about his isolation issues being purely from circumstance. I think he has a huuuuge family so he’s never really by himself but Randy is an only child with only child parents so he’s Always alone when he’s not with Howard. Absent Cunningham parent are real to me - would love for them not to be but he gets away with so much shit there’s no way they pay that much attention
I’m not really a big Theresa fan in general (she’s just a little boring imo but I know they would have developed her more if they had the time to :,( )but her being a baby bat is so good. I think Julian shows her his music and they share cassettes (they’re edgy like that). I think also I just want to see the members of the Klub interact more
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gladiatorcunt · 9 months
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# RULES - ♱ ♱ ♱
“They're angelic symbols, passed on to mankind by the archangel Gabriel.”
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+ general ::
♱ 18+ , no minors may interact. ageless blogs will be blocked. for blank blogs: if you have an age in your bio and you don’t seem like a bot, i’ll let it slide. tws will be tagged accordingly but lmk if i’ve missed any. requests are open and if you’re not sure if i write for a fandom/character, just ask. do not copy, repost, or translate my work anywhere. all writing is my own. dm’s and asks are also open
♱ dark fic & non dark fic topics welcome (specifics below but since i’ll definitely forget stuff, feel free to ask. will be more dark content focused overall though)
♱ no ultra specific requests (reader’s full appearance or background, basically outlining an entire fic that you should maybe write yourself, etc.)
♱ mainly smut reader inserts including those that vaginas and/or dicks w/ different terminology for specific parts being used on occasion (please understand that my readers won’t be neurotypical or all that extroverted as it’s hard for me to get in the headspace to write that. and also that having a certain style of dress, feminine or masculine, doesn’t mean that that reader is a man or a woman. & gn pronouns doesn’t always mean nb it just means a general they/them that anyone can read and imagine themselves in.)
♱ plus sized reader is the only physical trait i will typically involve (other than glasses sometimes) bc i’m plus sized (no hate to people who aren’t plus sized, i’m just tired, and i write for myself at the end of the day)
♱ i can’t shut up so requesting other parts is fine but please do so respectfully and with the understanding that it might not be a priority or that it might not happen
♱ trying to work and go to school so i don’t have a posting schedule. i also do not take requests atm but ideas/thirsts/suggestions are fine with the understanding that they may never see the light of day
♱ i reserve the right to not fulfill a request or write something i said i was going to if life gets in the way, i’m just not feeling it, or it’s a topic/fandom/character i don’t write for
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“One for every sin. So quite a few.”
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[dune, the boys, elden ring, wuwa, & original content]
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+ i won’t write ::
♱ extreme physical abuse (character enjoys hurting reader in whatever non sexual way or vice versa), cnc (triggering for me and not how i personally cope), scat, degradation, hardcore humiliation, whipping, exhibitionism where people are actually watching, cheating (character on reader), torture, hardcore bdsm, choking to the point someone passes out, anything involving frogs (same reason), child abuse/csa (reader can have a past that involves those things but no explicit descriptions), love triangles (they’re either poly by the end or not, i’m not into the tsitp type drama), pornstar au (not for me), blindfolds/object gags, pegging, unrequited love (let me be delusional), characters or reader making the other(s) jealous on purpose or because it’s funny (just a personal pet peeve), orgasm delay/denial, dom reader (will write this on occasion but it’s never a sure thing), only character x character
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+ i will write ::
♱ pregnancy (either in the baby trapping way or otherwise), non dark fic topics, dub con, toxicity aside from cheating & physical abuse & bullying, obsessive/possessive behavior, oviposition, yandere, manipulation, kidnapping, gentle & slightly harder non con, wax play, psuedo-incest, rpf (no underage people obviously), knifeplay, face slapping, incest (ONLY WHEN IT COMES TO HOTD/ANY TARGARYEN YALL PLEASE-), omegaverse, vomit, pain play, monster/creature stuff, bondage/leashes, characters or reader as hybrids, age gap (no underage stuff anyway between minors but also no age gaps involving minors), au/s, female characters, oc x reader, etc.
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+ don’t send messages about ::
♱ the crow remake & bill skarsgård (i’m 50/50 on him objectively but don’t push it, messages that focus more on him are fine i guess. it’s more the remake itself.)
♱ hades game spoilers, god of war ragnarok spoilers, honkai star rail spoilers, arkham knight trilogy spoilers, baldurs gate 3 spoilers, gotham knights spoiler, assassins creed odyssey and origins spoilers, borderlands presequel spoilers, persona 5 spoilers (or anything i mention currently reading or watching or playing
♱ deeply personal trauma/info that can doxx you (asking for advice is fine), i’m sympathetic but i’m a stranger on the internet. also nothing about hating kids or marriage or people in relationships, at my core i’m an obsessive romantic that wants to get married and have kids someday.
♱ asks that pretend to know me irl or be one of my mutuals, i am paranoid and i will believe you. anything about drugs (other than weed) and mental health medication/anti psychotics unless i’m asking for advice. no selfship stuff unless you’re my mutual, (you can interact obviously i just don’t wanna be messaged about it too heavily). and no hate towards subliminals or reality shifting
♱ any nightwing ship (and the dickbabs cheating thing) that’s not dickkory or him x me, i do not play about that man. so therefore, no nw slander unless i started it lmao.
♱ any anti spirituality or predatory/bigoted christian behavior (those spam sounding ‘you’re going to hell but jesus can save you’ youtube comments) . also no fear mongering when it comes to politics, and no ‘but voting for kamala won’t do anything’ (if you’re in the us just don’t vote for trump idgaf).
♱ meeting my faves irl (esp hayden christensen), i’m so happy for you objectively but my eyes will twitch out of my head.
♱ lewd things directed at me, no strong flirting if you’re not a mutual i’ve known for a bit, any vagueness that my ND brain could not pick up on (say what you mean and i’d appreciate tone tags).
♱ cw dc shows (other than smallville) & disney star wars (check my about me for the shows i like), any strong love for han solo (he’s just a guy to me and also atton rand clears).
♱ eddie munson, tengen uzui from demon slayer, or eren yaeger (sorry, also don’t ask about stranger things or attack on titan in general). also no drake meat riding (i’m a kendrick fan)
♱ the stereotype that southern people are dumb/etc. any hate towards people in extremely rural areas specifically (don’t call me a redneck that gives me the biggest ick)
♱ the whole scott/logan/jean/her clone/emma thing. my main x-men ships are cherik, scott/logan, logan/nightcrawler/storm, mystique/hank, logan/storm, jean/storm, logan/nightcrawler, rogue/gambit, & bobby drake/johnny storm.
♱ anything overtly negative and pessimistic, including sui ideation and/or you having a GENUINE psychotic break or mental breakdown. (i wouldn’t recommend a hotline immediately but if you don’t have a trusted person in you’re circle to talk to they can maybe get you through that moment.)
♱ a demand for a follow4follow type relationship, ‘i’ll reblog your fic ONLY if you’llreblog mine’, any obviously conditional support for example: don’t follow and then once i’ve followed back or reblogged with your posts, unfollow me.
♱ batman being an abusive dad & damien slander, anything having to do with slade or trigon (teen titans trauma, also don’t ask about teen titans go), the ric grayson plot, dc live action movie flash & aquaman (justice league 2004 aquaman is my fav aquaman)
♱ anti anakin/hayden’s acting slander or overtly pro jedi opinions, DO ask me about star wars lore & it’s universe in general bc it’s my number one interest.
♱ larian studios meat riding, hate towards ascended astarion and the people that like him, any mention of that one writer who’s name starts with a w, durgetash/gortash, any astarion ship that’s not him x tav or x reader (esp him x gale), downplaying wyll’s treatment, hate towards evil route players.
♱ pro daemon targaryen sentiments (or disrespectful hotd fandom war behavior of any kind). i’m team green but i love characters from both sides and also it’s not a real war!
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if you’re uncomfortable with any of the above topics, filter the tag/content so you won’t have to see it from me
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- gladiatorcunt 2023 ++ intro.
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solibrie · 11 months
Hello darling! ✨🙋‍♀️🧠🤯! Have fun! And choose one you want to answer. :)
hiii oomf :D
✨ - give you and your writing a compliment. go on now. you know you deserve it. 😉
HA. i think i'm pretty good at writing out the way characters think. my manner of typing is practically me transcribing my own internal speech patterns, and that naturally gets projected onto the characters i'm writing. it DOES result in my characters all sounding vaguely californian (i really do say 'like' a LOT), but it works in the case of jatp where the characters are californian B)
i also think i'm good at dialogue, specifically at making them actually sound like people talking. and while i'd never call myself properly funny, i know i'm good at making myself laugh, so i hope that joy is reflected in my writing.
🙋‍♀️ - do any irl people know you write fanfic?
i... don't think so? my friends from high school knew, but i haven't spoken to them in years so i am unsure if they still count as irls.
🤯 - what's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
ACTION 100%. loving zelda and fire emblem makes this especially tragic. my ass is never going to write a compelling sword fight but you can bet i will at least try.
🧠 - pick a character, and i'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
okay, uh-
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i'm very invested in julie's conceptual relationship with rage (and it's actually something i touch on in the next chapter of 22c). maybe this sounds crazy, but if i were julie and i was being bullied for roughly a full year because i was depressed that my mom died and the only person who had my back was my best friend and everyone else was complicit through participation or silence, i would be PISSED that people started to think i was cool after a single performance and then act like everything was fine forever.
the AUDACITY of people asking her for selfies after the garage party is so striking to me. julie deserves to be pissed!!! she deserves to be angry!!!!! like if s2 happened i needed her to have a scene yelling at nick (even if it's only possessed!nick) bc he literally just stood there and let carrie say whatever she wanted for a year.
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monmuses · 10 months
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onlyheartaches asked: 🚩; send me a 🚩 and i'll share my unpopular rpc opinions and hot takes. bonus points if you include a specific topic to talk about, like follower count, softblocking, graphics, etc.
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if i can give ONE thing that gives me a major ick within the RPC, its fetish roleplay blogs. yknow the ones - strictly smut blogs with half assed writing but their muse pages are FULL of stolen 1080p 4k art of anime girls drawn with very exaggerated proportions (often for fat fetish folks or just. straight up porn) and they smack that on their blog.
the amount of times ive had those blogs follow me because they see "monster girls" and think im like that makes me so irritated. ive had one ghost me because i didnt give them the smut content they wanted for an open starter a couple years back, and i gave them the benefit of the doubt that it'd be different! but nope! i asked them after like, two weeks. their excuse was they were super busy, but they had been responding to a smut thread for a week straight with consistent replies...
they're not my cup of tea and ive disliked them showing up in my activity. the muns behind them don't look for actual fun roleplaying threads from my experience, it's ONLY wanting smut. they are the only types of roleplay blogs i HAVE NOT enjoyed writing with, or even tried writing with. people who genuinely write that sort of content but do it so poorly are folks that i genuinely DO NOT like seeing in this community bc of how they act towards others and how they brand themselves in the RPC. its just really fucking weird.
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flfverse · 4 months
Ok so I’m so obsessed with Free Falling and I actually think about it all the time and make up little scenarios in my head for it like I’m writing fanfic of it, so when you said the other day, shoot me ideas, I probably screamed. (Sorry this ask is really long again; I’m just incapable of shutting up)
Full disclosure here, I actually found FLF not because I’m a massive fan of BNHA (I actually stopped watching after season 3 before I even found your fic lmao) but because I’m kinda obsessed with BDSM-AU, specifically as the whole extensive-world-building-biological-imperative type genre.
Obviously now I’m super invested in your Dabi-Hawks. But honestly, I would be so thrilled to see you delve into more of your d/s world’s world building. Like what’s up with the submissive’s rights movement you’ve alluded to? Obviously most of the core leadership of the villains are subs, or switches, and Shigaraki’s made clear that he has a vested interest in that, but maybe not yet publically. How are they viewed? Are villains extra threatening to society because their rejection of a heavily respected institution that’s very dom central is appealing to the sub rights movement??? And so not only are they dividing on lines of hero and villain, they’re diving people along lines of traditional orientation and traditional relationships, etc etc?
I’m also just so fascinated with how other people see Hawks. I’m obsessed. I’m always scanning FF for the little tidbits you share about how other people view him. (Like the fact that Shigaraki clocks and thinks about way more of Hawk’s sketchy behavior than he lets on, or that Aizawa is probably pretty concerned about him.) obviously this is limited POV so there’s only so much of that. but beyond simply the stuff like cutting off Hawk’s bird features, how much of his meetings with the hero commission are about, well this tweet say you were acting a little subby in this press conference so that’s a problem” or “you react too defensively to questions about your dynamic” etc etc.
Do people theorize online about his orientation? Is he unusual in that he’s not super open about it, or are there others like him?
And lastly, because I can’t shut up, that one specific scene where Shigaraki and Hawks are sitting on the couch together and Shigaraki is like you’re obviously not a dom bc you suck at this and they’re talking about collars and contracts and Shigaraki is literally so keyed in to Hawk’s discomfort about contacts and the fact that he wants a collar so bad literally lives in my head rent free. Think about it all the time. And it’s just so fascinating to me because there’s something so uniquely domestic about it? I just love their relationship in this. They can’t be friends. They shouldn’t be. They’re not even open people. But it’s just this casual way that they interact on a dynamic level, it’s literally just subs chatting about sub things, and there’s this moment when Shigaraki realizes that something (contracts) that are a comfort and a safety net for him could be used to cause hurt in Hawks— idk it’s just this window to where it feels like the heros and villains part of it comes seconds. They’re just people, who have limited power in their society, talking about things of cultural importance, and relationships, and the ways they’re either supportive or abusive and it’s like … it’s so subtle but it just added so much to them as characters and the scope of your world and mostly I’m just saying that that one specific scene just lives with me.
bullying tumblr mobile for not telling me i have asks smh. anyway, hi!!
it’s my turn to be honest here and say i’m really not a worldbuilding person. which is weird, given the types of things i gravitate towards! FLFverse is my attempt at…i don’t want to say “working on that,” which would imply i want to write stuff like this all the time. i definitely don’t. but i do think having one project where i get really into it is fun and good for me. that said, it’s hard! i don’t know how people do this on the regular! there’s a lot of stuff in my head!
some of y’all compliment me on that and i just need you to picture a very frazzled writer at a comically large desk, surrounded by loose papers, just being like “ahaha, thanks??” bc i don’t know how i got here, but i am pleased with it, but also this is not my native habitat send help.
this is why chapters are taking longer ajshahdgs. or part of the reason. it’s a good thing, stretching my creative muscles, and i probably could stand to be a little better at worldbuilding overall, in other projects, so, there’s that.
so this ask has reminded me that i do need to add more little worldbuilding tidbits, which actually might work very nicely with my plans for chapter 16.
you’re absolutely right re: sub’s rights movements and villains. i wouldn’t call it part of their public mission statement or anything (yet), but anyone following them sufficiently closely knows the league has some pro-sub’s-rights leanings, at the very least, and it is definitely another big dividing line. i wouldn’t be surprised, even, if we start to see some regression in the rights subs and non-traditional folks have because of that.
i definitely want to write about how hawks is viewed online now and the commission’s reaction to it, omg. people definitely theorize. he’s definitely an outlier in not picking a label because it’s just such a hard thing to hide for a very long time, especially when most heroes are well known in their teen years and have some kind of accessible public record. and most heroes are doms and switches anyway, so there’s no real reason for them to hide. it’s sort of like how on forms when your gender options are “male / female / prefer not to say” you CAN be a cis person and pick “prefer not to say,” theoretically, but that option functionally just signals that you’re trans or nonbinary or what have you.
i think the commission probably does their very best to not outright label hawks as anything, but very heavily imply things. so your average person who doesn’t care much probably just assumes he’s a switch, but knowing how crazy fans can get in our world with theories….yeah. now i’m thinking about hawks being accosted by fangirls, tbh
a good way to test it would just be to command him on the street…..now that would be a nightmare scenario. tucks it in my back pocket.
i had to go looking for that shigaraki and hawks scene, lol, because i only partially remembered it. i do like that scene a lot so i’m glad you do too! i should write him and hawks more, too. it’s such a weird relationship, because shigaraki is this unhinged, angry guy, but he’s got this soft side, and i think he does care about people like him on some level—the league wouldn’t be so loyal to him if he didn’t. and in that scene he really starts to realize that hawks is a lot like them and, yeah, the different perspectives they have on things.
i still want to write a side spinneraki story at some point, lol. shigaraki has so much stress, even in canon, someone’s gotta help him out with it.
i don’t know if i added that much or if this is just a very long post reiterating your points, but….i definitely need to do some thinking. i get tunnel vision about strictly writing dabi & hawks’s relationship a lot of the time and forget other things exist. so thanks for the reminder!
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peccaberry · 1 year
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I made a Pokemon Legends of Arceus ship list bc lists are fun! These are all just my own personal preferences and not a condemnation/moral judgement of any ship. If a ship isn't listed it's because I don't really have an opinion on it/didn't think of it. Feel free to copy me and make your own list!
❤️ Talk of ships below cut ❤️
OTP ❤️:
Rei x Volo - No one who has spoken to me for more than 2 seconds is surprised about this one. I have an ongoing Fanfiction where they are the main couple and I am probably the biggest shipper of these two that I know of. Rarepair but they mean a lot to me in the specific context they have in the story I am writing. In any other interpretation it can definitely depend because Volorei is something a lot of people like to do in ways I can't get behind.
I tend to stick to just making my own Volorei content and just enjoying that but my friends also have started making content for them at times because they love me and like to see me lose my mind. I love them for it, y'all know who you are 😂
If you want to know more about why I ship this just go read Achilles Come Down (link in my pinned post) bc that is my 100,000 words and counting Volorei thesis paper.
Anyway Volorei is autism 4 autism to me and that should sum it up nicely
I really like this ship:
Adaman x Irida - Two young people leading rival clans who also are probably the only people with any real understanding of the pressures that puts on a person? Good shit good shit! They should yell at each other and then kiss about it. They should date in secret. They should be messy and lovestruck and it should affect the clan relations in ways they must deal with together.
Adaman x Rei - If I had to ship Rei with anyone who wasn't Volo it would absolutely be Adaman. I'd probably be cool with writing fanfic about them in the future but seeing as the next billion years will be taken up by writing Volorei in ACD it's too soon to say if that will happen.
Dawn x Irida - One of my friends ships this and has inducted me into the cult. Not something I would have thought of on my own but it's cute and if you've been following me I'm sure you've seen my art of it 😂 I prefer considering this interpretation as one of Dawn in the place of Akari bc Akari is aro ace to me.
Adaman x Melli - A ship full of any number of potentially hilarious situations. I actually really like it and I feel like there are actually some things that could be interpreted as canon feelings on Melli's end and I feel like that would be interesting to explore. Good luck Melli, go get your man!
Ginter x Tuli: THEY ARE MARRIED TO ME OK??? This is actually canon based on I said so.
Cogita x Ama: Ok this one is just Cogita x My fanfic oc but this is my list so I get to put it on here. Let the ridiculous sapphic woman get her awkward immortal gf ok? I mean it ends tragically in ACD but I still like them together so this is definitely my top Cogita ship.
I could get behind this:
Mai x Arezu - They both eat hot chips be bisexual and lie together. It's just so obvious how could they not be together? Needs more research.
Adaman x Volo - This is probably the only non Rei ship I would probably ever consider for Volo. Idk if I have any strong feelings about why or how it would work but they seem like two personalities that could be interesting together. Wouldn't seek it out or anything but maybe it wouldn't be so bad?
Cyllene x Cogita: Older ladies kissing? You have my attention.
Pesselle x any age appropriate girl: You know it!!! 🥺❤️ we must research the potential....
The Miss Fortune Sisters: Lesbian crime triad tbh. Absolutely Iconic for it.
I don't particularly like this ship:
Palina x Iscan - This ship held so much potential, especially as the only canon one, but overall it kind of disappointed me in practice. Iscan is just so cartoonishly afraid of ghost types it kind of makes him harder for me to like because they made it so much of his personality. If they'd been less heavy handed with it I'd probably like this couple more but I just end up feeling meh because I don't wanna see them interact more.
I feel like someone could convince me with a good fic where Iscan is treated like less of a complete coward though. There's nothing wrong with having fears or phobias but I guess I just didn't vibe with this particular portrayal of it. It's really too bad because the backstory they have together is so sweet and they are one of the ones I wanted to like the most but it just didn't end up happening. Iscan deserved better writing tbh.
Laventon x Cyllene - Cyllene just doesn't seem like she'd appreciate Laventon like he deserves. He's so nice to her and she just kinda brushes him off. I'm sure some people like ice queen type pairings and if you do you'd probably like it more than me but I want Laventon to have someone who acts just as happy to be with him as he would be with them.
Hard no:
Volo x Akari
Volo x Ingo
Volo x Emmet
Purely personal reasoning but I do what I can to avoid them. There's nothing wrong with them I just don't want to see it because all the characters here besides Volo I like to interpret as Aro/Ace and as an aro ace person myself it's just gonna be that way for some ships 😂 I also interpret Volo as a lot younger and the twins as a lot older than a lot of people so it's just not my thing based on that too.
It also feels weird that Volo x Emmet is as much of a thing as it is because Emmet is not in PLA. It makes it feel like more of a submas fandom thing than an actual PLA fandom thing so I honestly am pretty heavily dissociated from wanting to see it even more than with Ingo.
Volo x Cogita - While I know there's no official interpretation of their relationship I feel like too much points to both Cogita being way older than him (her having lines under her eyes/grey hair to indicate being older, her calling him "young man" to indicate she sees him in a much different age group than her) and potentially a direct ancestor of him herself (how similar they look in facial structure)
Now you could interpret things as they are the two unrelated people that got together to eventually have Cynthia and they are both immortals or whatever but it doesn't really seem that way to me and it kinda just doesn't vibe for me because of that. No shade if you disagree but it's not for me! They will always be dysfunctional family members in my eyes.
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kenobihater · 2 years
@pedantic-inquisition wrote up this short post about the drunk crossdressing mission, and it got me thinking about it again. the crossdressing mission is honestly one of my favorite missions in the game and is imho a rare example of mainstream media playing with gender that isn't wildly transphobic bc it focuses on the camp instead of punching down or othering anyone, but it always pisses me off a little that geralt is the only one of the three who wears a pair of yen's pants instead of one of her dresses.
like yes, he's still crossdressing and he's obviously having fun (which sidenote is what i love about the mission - we so rarely see him let loose and i'm sure it's the same for the other witchers), but imagine how much better the mission would have been if he was in a dress!! i think the crappy gamerbros who love playing this game bc they view it as a masculine power trip would have shit their pants at the sudden appearance of their stand-in wearing full finery and having the time of his life making drunk phonecalls with his brothers! but no, cdpr were cowardly and because hegemonic western masculinity is so unbelievably fragile that simply wearing a dress or skirt can shatter it in the eyes of gamerbro shitheads, they didn't go the full mile and have geralt wear a proper dress like eskel and lambert. and that sucks! it sucks that they put the possible outrage of idiots above writing their characters having fun.
you think geralt would give a good goddamn about what people think about his masculinity? i don't think he would give a single, flying fuck about what other people think of his masculinity, and i'd bet anything he wouldn't feel emasculated by wearing a simple dress! so this lack of a proper dress wearing geralt wasn't for the character or characterization (though we knew that already), and so i figure that it was a writing decision made for the benefit of the "average" (read: cis, white, male, and straight) player, specifically to keep this type of player within their zone of comfort, and to avoid shattering the illusion of it being nothing more than a masculine power trip. if you have your player character messing around with dresses and still being masculine as hell and unbothered by it, that might make some "average" players uncomfortable, and we can't have that! 😒
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Eric Surt Headcanons? Like any form? Also bc i am on mobile and cant read up on rules that well, do you do general hc or specific things?
I can definitely do these up for you, my lovely anon! Where you gave me complete freedom, I stuck to mostly general headcanons! But I do understand how hard it is to find the rules on mobile (and honestly, I need to update those anyway)! Thank you so much for thinking to ask.
It’s probably easier to say what I won’t do for headcanons, anyway, since I accept most requests. I won’t do canon character x canon character shipping, since I’m pretty much the antithesis to a shipper, but will write for canon character ships or polyships with canon characters and a reader/reader’s OC. And I’m always happy to accept canon character platonic headcanons or deep dive into the relationships and interactions between characters in a non-romantic sense. If headcanon requests are for smut, it’s a female reader because it’s what I feel comfortable writing, and I won’t publicly make my headcanons on character’s gender identities or sexual orientations known; and I don’t answer requests like ‘what would character think of a gay/transgender/non-binary partner’ because like, they’d adore them, just as they would any other type of person! And I don’t write yandere headcanons or headcanons where any character is abusing another or straight up toxic where it’s expected for me to treat it as okay or romantic. Other than that, please feel free to ask because I love seeing the ideas people come up with!
Moving on to the headcanons, I hope you’ll enjoy them!
So, carrying along with something I mentioned in my last batch of headcanons for Eric, he’s a lightweight when it comes to alcohol and gets drunk really quick. But he’s not a violent asshole of a drunk, like you might think he would be. Nope, drunk Eric will still be kind of irritable and he’ll definitely still insult people but overall, drunk Eric is a happier drunk than sober Eric. He gets really giggly too. Like, this boy will straight up insult someone and then straight up giggle over whatever insult he came up with because he’s suddenly grown a sense of humour and his sense of humour is that he’s fucking hilarious. He even just randomly giggles because something popped into his head that he finds really funny, and he thinks he said it out loud, but he didn’t and nobody quite understands why he’s laughing. It’s probably one of the few times people hear him full out laugh too, by the way.
Because of his light colouring, Eric blushes pretty easily and pretty noticeably and it embarrasses the fuck out of him. He hates it. When he blushes, it’s not just his cheeks either. His whole face gets really red and his neck and upper chest flush red too. It’s not just embarrassment that makes him blush either, since he gets really red if he over-exercises or gets really angry too.
Eric doesn’t like socks. He’ll only wear them if he absolutely has to and takes them off the moment he’s able to. He doesn’t even really like wearing shoes that much, to be honest, and enjoys walking around barefoot whenever he’s able to. Weird headcanons, but I feel his feet have a pretty big gap in between his big toe and the rest of his toes, which are all close together. Doesn’t affect him any, but his feet look kind of weird because of it.
Eric’s definitely the kind of guy who wears his pants more than once before washing them. He doesn’t do laundry often and probably even does this with his shirts. The only things he won’t re-wear and that he puts in the dirty laundry to be washed right away are his underwear and even then, there are times (mostly when he just doesn’t have a spare pair clean) that he might re-wear those too.
Eric has tried smoking, but it tasted disgusting to him, and he honestly doesn’t get how people smoke or enjoy cigarettes. He can’t even describe the taste, but it’s worse than food he’s been forced to eat out of the garbage in his past, so that is saying something major.
Eric calls himself a dog sometimes, but he doesn’t really like the animals. He doesn’t hate them or anything. He won’t push one away from him or be mean to one and he’s okay with sitting around while Kousuke feeds the strays dogs that he looks after. There are even certain dogs that he can be pretty cool with. It’s just that they’re definitely not his favourite animal and there are a good number of other animals he’d rather have as pets. I personally see him as having fish as a starter pet and really enjoying them. He gets along well with fish too but his dream pet, and the one that makes him happiest…He wants one of those mini, tea-cup pigs.
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
In my super sour skittles induced pain I am once again having small brain thoughts about unhinged men
i was feeding my little silly obsession of the moment and I have notice something
I see so many writing Elijah as a creep or some sort of unhinged manipulator who gives zero fucks about anyone
I hate the headcanon of him not caring about androids or being like some sort of perv towards anyone. While I do think he has a god complex I don't think he's that narcissistic and mean as everyone makes him out to be
I know, I just know he tries to overcompensate how insecure he is by putting on this more cold and calculate persona. I feel like he's the type of person who struggles to find a something to fit in, he fears people and is scared of the idea they might get of him so he just distance himself before anyone can get close enough.
Like I can totally see him doing the most to create a specific idea of himself to others so they don't have the chance to hate on his real self. He prefers to be criticise for what he has choose to be seen as rather for who he really is
I was ready a character study a couple of days ago about him being bullied a lot growing up and it totally makes sense with how he is. Like this man put himself into creating basically a replica of human life perfect and you mean to tell me that the only reason behind it it's because he wanted to be seen as some sort of god? NO, THIS MOTHERFUCKER WANTED A FRIEND AND HE ALWAYS FELT LIKE NO HUMAN PERSON WOULD EVER WANT HIM.
Like no FR imagine being 16 and being the weird super smart kid in a college full of older fuckers who are always treating you either as if you were just a stupid kid or as the bottom of the joke because of the things you like or BC of the way you are. IMAGINE HOW LONELY HE MUST HAVE FELT
You can't fucking tell me that man didn't almost had s fucking heart attack as soon as Connor and Hank left
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