#bc its tommy h and it feels fitting
momotonescreaming · 7 months
STWG Daily Prompt: Posession [Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three]
And so Tommy settles back into the ugly chair, sat diagonal from Steve. He can see the visible relief on his face, the way his whole body sort of melts back into it, sinking into the pillows. His hand almost hovers in the air between them for a second, as Steve lets it hang there, and Tommy can see the bruises. The split knuckles. The tanned skin and dusting of hair. Soft, yet strong.
His own hand twitches, yearns to reach out and grab. Clutch Steve’s hand between his own. To run his thumb in gentle circles on the back of his hand, feeling the downy hair and soothing the anxiety he’s feeling. To feel the callouses on his fingertips, the softness of his palms.
Swallowing a breath, watching as Steve blinks and slowly lowers his hand down. Dropping towards the shitty mattress of his hospital bed. Tommy holds a breath in his lungs, steadies his shakes, fucking steels himself. Lets the thought posses him until he can’t think of anything else. In those split seconds where Steve slowly lowers his hands onto the bed.
And Tommy reaches out and grabs Steve’s hand.
Steve whips his head up to meet his eyes more readily, and the movement shakes him, the other boy wincing at the force of it. Brain rattling in his skull. But he doesn’t pull away from Tommy’s grasp. Doesn’t let go. And so Tommy doesn’t either. Squeezes Steve’s hand, aiming for comfort. Something soothing. Tommy isn’t going anywhere. Not anytime soon. He’ll be here until the nurse kicks him out when visiting hours are over.
A moment.
And then Steve is squeezing back. Holding tight, their hands clasped together. Connected. Anchoring themselves. He’s smiling. Something soft, and small, and just for him. The two of them, joined together in the little room at Hawkins Memorial.
There’s a lot they need to talk about if they really want to do this. Be friends again. They need to talk about Wheeler, and Hargrove, and how Steve said he and Carol were miserable people. Assholes. As if Steve wasn’t friends with them for years and years. As if Steve wasn’t one as well.
But it’s nice like this, just for now. He can feel himself blushing, a gentle pink heat wash across his cheeks, his freckles. Steve’s hand is warm and holding tight, with no signs of moving anytime soon. Tommy’s the same. He just hopes that Steve can’t feel how clammy his hands are, all awkward and sweaty.
Steve smiles at him, soft and sleepy and sort of coy. Ducking his head into the pillows and then looking at Tommy again. He doesn’t say anything. Tommy doesn’t know what to say either. There are so many questions on the tip of his tongue and he doesn’t know if it’s his place anymore to ask them.
How did you get your concussion? How did your face get so cut up? Who did it? Do you still want to be friends? Why isn’t Wheeler here? Do you have other friends? Have you replaced me?
They used to be able to tell each other everything.
“Thank you,” Steve eventually says, not moving his hand. Just resting it at the edge of his bed, stretched out between them. “No one else knows I’m here. So. It means a lot.”
“’Course.” Tommy says with a shrug off his shoulders. “I’m not that much of an asshole that I’d just leave you here after getting that message.”
Something washes across Steve’s face, something awkward and ashamed and sort of frustrated. He looks down at their hands, then back up at Tommy. Almost searching for something. “Really?”
“Yeah. I’m here aren’t I?” Tommy asks, trying so fucking hard not to sound angry. Defensive. Let the anger that bubbles and boil over take everything until it flows out of him like it has him enthralled. He’s in it’s possession. It’s a knee jerk reaction, he knows, built up over the years of living with his father. But Steve doesn’t like it, was willing to cut him out because of it. Because he had the revelation that he didn’t like being mean even though they really weren’t that bad. It was the only fucking way to survive Hawkins High. “Speaking of, why doesn’t your girlfriend know you’re here? Waiting until you’re better?”
It feels a little like bile when the words come up. At the very mention of Steve’s Girlfriend. Where is Miss Priss, one Nancy Wheeler? She should be here, giving him flowers and fluttering over him like Steve’s a wounded knight or some shit. It writhes like envy, like anger, at the thought of her. She’d be here with her little notebook and pen, making her own compendium of concussion care. He teased Steve in the showers about her going off with Byers, but he didn’t think she’d actually run off with him. That they had broken up for real. He was mostly doing it to get a rise out of Steve. Anger and hurt and betrayal possessing him to hurt Steve back. He saw how in love with her he was. He’s not trying to hurt Steve now.
Steve pulls a face. It wrinkles, mouth turning down, brows furrowing, and there’s a sadness to his eyes. He looks like that sad, scared kid again. Tommy thinks he’s hurt him anyway. He can see the heartbreak on his face as he speaks. His voice wavers as he speaks. “We’re not together anymore.”
“Oh shit,” comes out of Tommy’s mouth before he can stop it. That absolute bitch. What the fuck did she do. Did she really run off with that freak, Byers? Maybe he should have spray painted more shit about her, back when he did the movie theatre marquee. He’s not going to do it now, much as he wants to. Steve wouldn’t like it. “Fuck, dude.”
“It’s fine,” Steve says, shaking his head. Although he hasn’t quite hidden the hurt on his face. “She was better off with him, so I broke up with her.”
A pause. Steve sighs. “You can say it. I told you so.”
“Nah. I’m fucking trying alright?” Tommy says, squeezing Steve’s hand again. He’s just glad he didn’t bring up his taunting. He hopes Steve can see how much he’s trying now, just by being here. It’s a start. “To not be such a miserable asshole, or whatever.”
Doesn’t mean he’s not thinking it though. That Nancy Wheeler is a bitch who played with Steve’s heart and ruined everything. He’s just not saying it anymore. Fucking progress or whatever. Plus Steve sure as shit isn’t going to be mean about it. Voice his anger and hurt and heartbreak. So Tommy can do it for him.
“Means a lot.” Steve says, chin wobbling a little as he speaks.
[Part Five]
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stevethehairington · 5 months
okay but. stranger things challengers au when hrjskskdjsms
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doodlboy · 3 years
my dysphoria is a bitch like that too, where it is so very extreme it actually moves me to tears (and i don't cry much), and then other days where i feel ike i am the sexiest motherheccer on this side of the Panama canal. A big chunk of my teen years too was me feeling like i never identified with any cliques or subcultures, until i just started dabbling in like. E v e r y t h i n g. It was one of the worst sensations i've experienced ngl, not feeling like i'm part of anything. i'm sorry it is ABSOLUTELY HARDCORE bullshit you're goin' through right now though sheesh jesus-
Dang Tommy I'm sorry dude, that's really rough. I'm the same way, some days I want to toss my whole closet bc nothing feels right and then the next its like haha handsome man go brrr-
Your vibes are impeccable and one of a kind dude and that's something I admire abt ya, you put a lot of work into finding what fits you and it shows.
I'm very much stuck in a "why choose?" stage, which just leads to everything being disjointed and confusing. Like- why pick a color scheme when you like all the colors kind of thing. It's definitely not fun so I'm gonna keep exploring and see what I land on.
Thank you though Tommy, I'm gonna do my best to work through all these weird vibes and hopefully I'll turn out alright
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eyes emoji
someone sent me a screenshot from twitter of holly saying she’s interested in twewy and . hlvrai reapers game au.
preliminary thoughts:
coomer is a support reaper (or more likely a harrier who just kind of. mostly spends his time helping players anyway for fun).
like a certain someone from twewy canon, he’s actually been around for a long time and is quite strong, he’s probably been offered a promotion but turned it down. 
his overall power is why he can get away with being.....Like That. (a rule breaker)
he probably likes hanging out with living folk. he boxes with them. they’re weaker than him by default but the other reapers don’t care to humor him. they’re too busy (he wins every time and they’re salty)
bubby is a harrier reaper
obviously he Loves it when the reapers are allowed to attack directly during the second half of the week, he doesn’t care about much else
i doubt he would care about getting promoted either. i think he would go the “kill god” route if he wanted one and not actually work for it. 
not sure how to incorporate the tube stuff yet? can you engineer a reaper??? not really. i could make it painful and say he was a test tube baby who died but. what age did he die and why
benrey could be the composer just because it’s hilarious as fuck to me.
not sure Why yet, but maybe he killed gordon and took his memories so he could partner up w him during the game.
(i could be mean and like. make it angsty.
they Were friends but gordon forgot about him for some reason? maybe gordon could see spirits as a kid? and made friends with the lonely composer? and benrey got tired of being lonely and waiting for gordon to die)
he can still be the final boss! not up to working out the logistics of how this Game would go right now tho
since he’s gordons partner he has to have a combat motif. its gotta be passport related but idk yet
gman would be the producer i guess. no thoughts about this it just makes sense from a canon perspective. 
tommy...m. if gmans the producer and he’s the producers son is he like? half-angel now? i don’t know how the angels feel about half-angels in twewyverse, but something tells me Badly
maybe gman is hiding him? in his cafe or w/e?
maybe tommy is the conductor? just bc i don’t know who else would be able to fit the slot, but presumably he’d be pretty strong if he’s half-angel
but i like the idea of him being Game Master better i think
tin pin slammer. TIN PIN SLAMMER (for the uninitiated its uhhhhh kind of like beyblade (i don’t know anything about beyblades, but tin pin is fighting tops? so)
gordon is a player ofc! which for anyone who’s not familiar means he’s already dead lol (so is everyone else tho) but if he Wins he can maybe come back to life (or become a reaper)
what if i said “take damage” and told u joshie was his entry fee?
he doesn’t mention joshie for the entire duration of the Game, and it’s because he literally doesn’t remember him!
instead of mr. h, it’s coomer who imparts the lesson of “trust your partner” to gordon. maybe he knows benreys the composer as he says this, maybe he doesn’t
obviously benrey takes his memories of Dying. but being around him causes him to Remember, so like. even though there’s no hand cut off scene he still ends up feeling betrayed by benrey bc he kind of remembers being killed
no darnold or forzen thoughts, i guess they can be players too but i just. we see them so little so idk. feel free to contribute to this i had more but my brain just shut off as i was typing
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