#bc like ok. how do u easily tell when someone has a fever if u use celsius
solemntitty · 1 year
for whatever reason weather.com keeps on putting the units in as Celsius as opposed to Frankenstein and i keep on being like pls. i am in america. use the freedom units i am begging you what the hell does 17 even MEAN
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batz · 8 years
!! rag !! sibs !! headcanons !! please !! so happy to know you're also love them !! hope u have a nice day !!
oh thank u so much!!! yes i will write down some of them Good Headcanons™ under the cut
Ann- she makes herself 4535435 outfits for different occasions, since she knows how to sew (she is very adventurous and accidentally tears herself up! so she knows how to sew)- she LOVES to just… travel around… she easily gets cabin fever and can’t stay in one place for too long! even  though marcella always tells her to never go into the deep deep woods, she just can’t help it! she’ll definitely be careful!! - i also waffled on making her like,,, not an inventor perse, but she has the ability to create things that help her out of sticky situations with the little things she has. she works VERY well under stress - despite her underlying anxiety and depression(?) she is very optimistic, always forcing herself to look on the bright side of things because she believes that if u keep urself positive u can get out of any predicament!- she can be very soft spoken, especially when talking about things shes interested in, but if shes grumpy she speaks…. like a passive aggressive mom. - on the topic of her talking like a mom she has a tendency to speak in cliches and quotes when/if someone asks advice. - she isolates when shes sad :( she loves taking care of people so much that she forgets that sometimes people,,need to take care of her too :( but thats rare, it only happens in Super Serious Movie Moments the Serious Moment of the Movie - anns favorite decade she lived thru was PROBABLY the 50′s.,, thaat Aesthetic….the music….the movies….- her laugh is terrible,,, in the sense that its like… scream-laughing.. she also silent laughs where she just like…. quieet violent wheez ing everyone is worried is she ok like yeah shes jus laughing but holy shit jokes r Fatal 4 Her - she and andy hardly ever argue, but when they do shes very mature and calm abt it while andy is like,,, too mad to even talk like he’d stick out his tongue and just walk off to a corner to calm Down in. ann is often the one to go to him after a while and they make up easily- ann’s piano skills are pretty damn good for a doll with mitten-hands. she can’t read music but she can easily learn by ear.- oh ya shes super gay. she loves girls… she sees a girl and just -steven universe star eyes- 
Andy- aloof distant boy……. negative emotions??? ha! hes just… Too Cool for those Bad Feels - he’s an asshole, to everyone!!! but like… he doesn’t mean to be? he’s MUCH less of an asshole toward ann though, if anything a bit sassy, but ann can be to so they even eachother out - he always goes with ann on her adventures outside into the deep deep woods even though he tries to convince her not to more often than not. he feels like if marcella says they shouldn’t go into the forest then FUCC man we should LISTEN TO HER. i mean they always get a little torn up and thrown into nearly inescapable Death. luck won’t always be on their side you know!!!! - he fucking loves boats. marcella has a toy boat she puts him in when shes playing and like….. he p much clings to it he just, really loves that boat. one time marcella accidentally dropped and broke it and andy was, like , just as broken as that gotdamn toy boat. - on the topic of andy being destroyed over a toy boat, hes definitely a drama queen. he easily makes a big deal out of small things. ann refers to it as something cliche like “he makes lemons out of lemonade!” he just,, hes a massive pessimist - his favorite decade to live through was probably the 80′s.. the aesthetic…..the music…… the movies………- he really dislikes change,,, which is why he likes staying Inside the Toy Room… its the same thing day after day, its nice and good - he’s probably rlly good at tetris - he’s a fucking Nerd like he reads a lot (when marcella and the parents aren’t around so he can sneak into the library) and reads a lot abt boats… if it weren’t for the fact that he was a doll he could possible pilot a dang boat my dude - due to his excessive book-reading he also knows how to bake. in canon he knows how to make candy so fuck it he knows how to bake too lol- he likes scary movies but can’t handle them they are just so scary!!!, ann doesn’t like them mainly bc she finds them boring or gross rather than spoooooky - andy rlly likes broadway musicals and i n h a l e s showtunes - andy doesn’t like boys or girls he just prefers eating food and reading  
ogiwnrgoiwrm sorry im too tired to write those r the hcs i am awake enough to type down i hope u like them !!!
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cliveboney · 6 years
im tryin to get over this & move on w/ my life so maybe making a post abt it will help
so i applied for a zine a while ago (well like. 2 weeks ago) bc i’ve never been part of one & i thought it might be cool (also free copy + $$ right yell heah yeehaw). from the beginning i wasn’t really expecting too much like im just basically like “it won’t hurt to just apply & see what happens”
so i spent a bit of time gathering up some recent pieces to put in my “”portfolio”” so i could send it over because like. applications were open but there was like a week until the deadline to send yours so i took advantage of that to finish up some drawings i’d been working on etc (that’s why i was suddenly super active on my art blog for like a week lmaoo)
Anyway i did all that & put it in my portfolio & then submitted it the day before the deadline & it was all taken care of, time to wait. the next step was for the organizers to post the list of accepted artists, so they did that & i checked & unfortunately i didnt make the cut which is like. cool, fine, i wasn’t expecting much anyway, right? they had a ton of applicants so chances were slim, etc etc
not gonna fuckin lie to myself tho ok i rly did want to be a part of the project & i was pretty proud of the things i had worked on in preparation for the application & yea i did think i had a p decent chance li ke i obvs didn’t know who i was up against & it could’ve totally been a bunch of amazing artists who blew me out of the water but i felt like my stuff was at least. u know. nice to look at 
anyway i didnt get in & i was like rip & the organizers were like “we’re gonna send out emails to everyone including those who weren’t accepted” & i was like ok cool at least this way i’ll know for sure they got my entry
except. i never got an email?? they were like “we’ll send them out today/tomorrow” & it’s been almost a week now & i haven’t gotten anything so now instead of moving on like i’m supposed to be doing i keep thinking about what if my entry didn’t go through, does this mean i actually did have a chance but some random error prevented it from happening? they had so many entries & there was so little time between the deadline for submissions & the announcement of the artist list, did they really look at all the entries, or did they stop before they got to mine? did i fuck this up by waiting too close to the deadline, ensuring that my work never even got considered? but if i had submitted early i wouldn’t have had any examples of my current work to show, and my art has definitely changed since the last time i posted smth i was actually proud of so it wouldn’t have been good to submit at that point anyway
im just fucking overthinking everything & it’s so. ugh. and im literally /literally/ the worst person for doing this, but i did look at some of the accepted artists & i did compare my work to theirs & i absolutely did feel like mine could have easily been accepted over theirs but then again i have the creator’s point of view i dont know what my art actually looks like, maybe it looks like shit maybe it looks dumb as hell with weird proportions & unintentional warping that just makes it so goddamn ugly no one wants to look at it & that’s why all the things im proud of never get reblogged, who knows!! 
i don’t know what the organizers’ criteria for judgement was & i dont know what precisely they were looking for all i know is i didn’t get into the thing i rly wanted to get into & im upset abt it despite my best efforts not to be & i wish i could just move on and try again next time but that was literally the only time i’ve ever seen a call for applications to a zine, i have no idea how tf people actually find these things because the only way i ever find out about them is when they’re done and being advertised to sell so even though i know it’s not the case this felt like a special one-time opportunity which is making the rejection feel even worse & im just overall rly mad abt this bc i went into this so casually & somehow came out so unhappy
i just wish i could forget about it & get on with more important things in my life like hmm maybe the one month i have left to catch up in my classes & not fail them both like uhhh this shitty 90 second animation for this shitty piece of shit class that someone somehow tricked whoever’s in charge into labeling an “animation class” for which neither of those words apply as there is teaching of neither animation nor any other fucking thing in the entire universe going on during what i like to call the Three Hell Hours, each referred to respectively as “i woke up this early and walked this far and climbed this many stairs for This”, “holy shit it’s only 9 am how”, and “just 55 more minutes until i can get the fuck out of this time trap and spend the rest of the day trying to figure out if this moment right now even happened or if it was all a terrible fever dream that i had while really spending the morning actually asleep”
this got away from me, it’s well past midnight, im tired and not happy ok, today was a bad day for no reason, just generally a shit day, i gave a presentation on my half-assed painting project today which was about aromanticism & ended up telling my class im aro which didn’t seem like a big deal at the time & probably isn’t in the long run but for some reason i’m regretting it big time now like i feel like i shouldn’t have been so casual like that with a bunch of strangers & i was trying to explain the project but people were confused bc i forgot that most people don’t even distinguish between romantic/sexual orientation & people know basically nothing abt aromanticism bc nobody ever talks about it except sometimes on the internet and hhhhhh it went fine and all but i feel retroactively uncomfortable at having been so open about myself in front of a bunch of people who Don’t Get It man what a wakeup call after having been online w/ people who do get it for so long
my only consolation is that i have a friend in that class who Gets It & she’s like. my one support in that class, she said i handled it well so that was reassuring at least. but god. i can’t wait for the semester to be over so i never have to go back & face those people again lolllool godddddddd
anyway that’s all the venting i want to do for now lmfao sorry about this i just. hohjhj
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