#bc maybe someone does think they’re cute !!!!! and good for them they should have them then
niymue · 2 years
people immediately freeing those pajamas from the ea play paywall are the backbone of the sims community but I still will not be downloading as they are just so truly hideously ugly ❤️ god bless
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allpiesforourown · 2 months
I know people hate “bully/victim” ships so IM SORRY theres just a silly modern au bully bingge idea i’ve been thinking about a lot lately .
cw for the above mentioned dynamic!!
Luo Binghe getting into some exclusive academy after finding out about his family’s inheritance. He immediately hates all these out of touch rich people… all of them except for Shen Yuan. 
They have a basic meet cute. Shen Yuan spills Binghe’s coffee and offers to buy him a new one, giving him a tour of their campus while they’re out. He introduces him to the librarians and the office staff. Binghe is certain this is way too good to be true, and Shen Yuan has got to have some ulterior motive. 
One some base level he knows Shen Yuan is a good person that is being kind for him for no particular reason. He’s seen him do the same for other people. But the idea of him being just one of the many people Shen Yuan is friendly with makes him feel bitter and self-conscious. So he’s like fuck it, I hate Shen Yuan actually he’s gotta be a green tea bitch or something (because if he’s not it will literally shatter his world-view if he finds out not all people are greedy and bad) 
Hear me out . listen. Pushing someone around is something that can be so homoerotic
Bingge picking on Shen Yuan and being super, super aroused the whole time. He’ll dump water on shen yuan as a joke, then ignore everyone else laughing bc shen yuan’s shirt is sticking to his skin and his nipples got hard because the water was cold-
Or he’ll take shen yuan’s glasses and hold it above his head so shen yuan has to stand on his tip toes and come really close to try to grab it back (one time he even tripped and fell against binghe’s chest!!) Because he’s nearsighted, sometimes Shen Yuan will even forget to put distance between their faces and be within kissing range while he argues with Binghe. 
Once he snuck into the changing room and stole shen yuan’s clothes so he would have to walk back to his dorm in his swim trunks. He definitely didn’t take pictures of Shen Yuan’s blushing face walking back to his room half naked and he definitely didn’t keep the clothes and sniff them like a weirdo haha…
It’s an average day for them (Binghe takes shen yuan by the wrists and holds him against the wall and calls him a fragile little princess and taunts him by saying he’s not strong enough to break out of his hold. Prime bullying tactic for someone you’re in love with 1. Binghe gets to see live reaction of sy’s face when he’s pinned down and struggling and can save that image for later use 2. Physical closeness, they’re practically pressed together 3. Shen yuan bruises easily and seeing binghe’s handprints on his wrists for like a week is super satisfying 4. Binghe can call him romantic pet names like princess or wife and shen yuan will just think binghe is calling him effeminate as an insult) 
Luo Binghe even lifts Shen Yuan’s hands above him to catch both wrists with one hand and says, “You can’t even get out if I only use one hand?” It makes Shen YUan flush red from humiliation in suuuch an adorable way. 
So anyway, Binghe is picking on shen yuan in the back room of some office somewhere, doing his whole routine because he’s been hurt too many times in life to be vulnerable with someone again and this is his only way to achieve intimacy with the person he loves. He’s been saving the “are you sure you’re a man? Maybe I should check” card for a long time and he’s so excited to use it. He’ll even say something about Shen Yuan’s dick being so short, he should just wear a skirt and become a real man’s wife, and that’s BULLYING, it’s NOT a kink, binghe does NOT jerk off to the thought of Shen Yuan wearing short dresses and greeting him home, he DOESN’T. (he does) 
Before he can fulfill this amazing plan, Liu Qingge, another man in their year, barges in?? Obviously, they fight and Binghe’s chance to feminize his crush slips through his fingers
The worst thing is ??? Liu Qingge rescued Shen Yuan like some righteous prince saving the damsel in a fairy tale. Shen Yuan is not allowed to have a storybook romance with someone else! He hates Liu Qingge so much it’s unreal
It becomes impossible to corner Shen Yuan and get some time alone. He and that Qingge guy are together more and more often. Liu Qingge is in the library carrying Shen Yuan’s books now? Now they’re always hanging out on the grass having lunch?? They’re discussing what electives they can take together?!?! 
It’s been like a month since he’s gotten to properly tease shen Yuan and he needs it bad. If he doesn’t pull down shen yuan’s pants in public to embarrass him (and see his ass) soon, he might actually die. 
Then he spots him: Shen Yuan walking to class. Unaccompanied.
Luo Binghe is so overcome with exhilarated relief, he doesn’t even think about what he’s gonna do. He just runs over, ignores Shen Yuan’s screaming, throws him over his shoulder like a bag of rice, and carries him away. 
Shen Yuan freaks the hell out because, okay, petty insults and light fighting are one thing, but he’s straight up getting kidnapped?? That’s not bullying anymore, that’s a crime!! 
Binghe knows he only has so much time before Qingge manages to find them. He needs somewhere he can hide – he races back to his room before he can plan any further. He throws Shen Yuan on the bed, locks the door, and sighs in relief. 
Shen Yuan is sure he’s gonna die. He has no idea what he ever did to piss Binghe off so bad. Yes, he spilled his coffee, but he got him another one! 
Binghe takes a seat on the bed as well. He averts his eyes away from him bashfully, but glances back periodically like a maiden trying to play coy. Shen yuan has no idea how to navigate whats happening. He backs up on the bed until he hits the wall and holds up a pillow like a shield, except- there’s something underneath. 
It’s the cucumber patterned gag boxers he got as a joke from airplane. No one in the world would buy them. “Is- is this my underwear?” 
Binghe lunges at him to knocks the evidence out of Shen Yuan’s hand, but instead pushes him onto his back and ends up with his hands on either side of Shen Yuan’s head. 
Shen Yuan is shocked in place. Binghe, on the other hand, is in bullying-cute-boy withdrawl. He sees Shen Yuan's beautiful face flustered by their position, on Binghe's bed, and POUNCES.
Now that Shen Yuan finally understands his feelings, Binghe has permission to torment him! And he does. For hours, with various tools and against every surface. 
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porkcracker · 1 year
Can you do a TFA decepticons (separate) falling for a kind and innocent autobot reader that believes they’re good deep down and tries to befriend them
Hello, yes, I'm a sucker for these bastards. For the sake of my sanity and limiting the wait time, I only took the Decepticons on earth (plus Shockwave, bc Shockwave is <3) and not all and every one of them. I do hope you enjoy this, and now let's get to it.
I actually started to answer this ask months ago, but never finished it, I truly hope this can still be enjoyable even being this immensely late.
TFA Decepticons x Autobot!GN!Reader
Soundwave is a very logical and goal orientated bot, it doesn't even really occur to him that he isn't good
After all, his goal in achieving robots and mechanical beings as the rulers not the workers is going to benefit all kind of mechanical life
So he really has no problem with you per se, but with the cause you align yourself
It's really a shame as well, you would be such a good ally
even if you don't end up becoming a Decepticon, as long as you don't hinder his plans too badly he can accept you as someone who will see reason when the time arrives
With your kind attitude, he knows you will get used to it, when the time arrives, and then you can maybe become even more than friends
A thing that he especially loves your sweet and caring behaviour towards his cassettes
He cares deeply for them, so to have you treat them so gently makes his feelings go wild
Blitzwing is a rather loyal bot, so he doesn't like you insisting he's actually good deep down
Icy simply ignores your insistences and tries to correct you, even if he pulls his punches in a way he would never admit
Hothead on the other hand sees your kind behaviour as a personal insult
Are you saying he's not a real strong warrior, going so soft on him?
Not on his watch, he almost always insists on fighting you when the opportunity comes up
Random thinks your sweet personality is cute and aggravating at the same time
He wants you to keep going and at the same time to stop, he'll egg you on and in the same breath lean into your words giving you a bit of hope of getting through to him
It's a slow fall, but when he realises his three personalities go about winning you over differently
Icy cuts back on the physical fighting and engages you in verbal fights that are far more attempts to show you he can be what you think he could be
Hothead doesn't change too much, he's not one for too soft feelings and attempts to show you that he could protect your sweet nature easily
He does also love to give you words of affection, where Icy prefers gifts
Random loves to spend time with you no matter in what way, as long as you're close and having fun
Though his fun is relative, he does attempt to make it fun for both of you
Your chances of actually winning Lugnut over are very low
He is a warrior and not necessarily the smartest, but he is loyal as all hells come
There is a use in bots that have a talent with words that he can acknowledge
But there is already one bot whose words have pulled him into an orbit
He might develop some kind of crush on you, due to your kind side, but unless you change to the Decepticons he will most likely never act on it
But sometimes he likes to think of you, not as an Autobot, but a Decepticon like him and imagine what it could be like
Those times are very rare, however
Shockwave is at the same level of loyalty as Lugnut and there is very little that could make the Decepticon reconsider his opinion
He thinks it's rather cute how you attempt to convince him that he isn't actually that bad and good deep down
During his time as Longarm Prime, he had seen your kind behaviour directed towards many bots for various reasons
It's a no-brainer that he took advantage of that several times
But still, even as useless as your endeavour is, he can't deny that you're cute
Maybe, just maybe, he should get himself a little souvenir from Cybertron
Surely Megatron wouldn't mind his spy indulging himself with a cute little prisoner
He'll show you how wrong you are with your opinion, but don't worry, he'll give you a very long time to attempt to change his mind
Depending on how forceful you behave, you'll stay with the Decepticons for a very long while, or he'll set you free, because he grows too fond of you
He will deny having any good in him vehemently
The moment you start to talk, he'll talk over you and don't you even think of speaking over him
That's actually the first thing he really notices
Sure, he knows you exist, but he only starts paying attention after he notices that you actually let him do his speeches and listen as well
It's surprising
He pays more attention, and he can't help, but be very pleased by the attention you give him, no matter if it is to convince him he's actually good or some bullshit
At first, he only uses you to stroke his own ego
But as time goes by he starts to really care for your validation
He'll search you out in fights and outside of fights
Making sure your attention continues to stay on him at all times, no matter what
You don't stand out to him at first, and it is unlikely that he will notice you in a broader setting
But when it comes to a one on one meeting things change
You're so small in comparison to him, most Autobots are, and usually he doesn't care much for it beyond battle advantage
He brushes your words off at first
From his point of view, he is the good guy
But as you keep running into each other, he can't help but note that you seem far more innocent than even your fellow Autobots
You try to see the good in every thing and every one, and you help where you can
It's hard to imagine a bot like you being a product of an Autobot lead Cybertron
He is impressed that you have not yet consumed the propaganda every Autobot seems to believe and hopes that it will stay the case for longer
Once he notices that he is growing fond of you, he reverses your situations
Where you have tried to appeal to him before and bring out his good side, he now attempts to appeal to you and win you over to the Decepticons
You could be great together
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saintescuderia · 6 months
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welcome to the mini series of the random, mindless thoughts had by a poet disguised in an orange jumpsuit watching cars speed by all weekend. enjoy!
--- note: 5am starts, 7pm finishes. all four days. gotta love formula 1!
thursday: media day!
i want the ferrari jacket
there are school kids here?
i don’t want the ferrari jacket
$7 for a small can of red bull is THEFT
especially since they broke the cost cap
me walking through the “accredited personnel” gate and tapping my special lanyard is a CORE memory
i think my uber driver dropped me off on the opposite side of the track
*stressing about being unable to admire the sights of albert park bc i’m stress-running from the opposite end of the track to my station*
pls don’t be a dick and say i’m late - i know
how is a 5am wake up not early enough HOW?
“last year i was stationed at the corner where charles spun out.”
sole thought = 💀💀💀💀
i. fucking. love. cars.
the whole SENSORY experience of a race ffffffffffffuuuuuck
“be careful taking pictures because that security camera is on us and is straight to race control and the FIA.” is such a cool sentence to hear
a porsche gtr should not be covered with branding idc
i’m definitely going to abuse caffeine this weekend
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friday: FP1 / FP2
the sun is rising over the lake as i walk on the albert park track and i’m happy to be alive
especially as i found a toilet that isn’t a port-a-loo
ah, a cafe that does good decent coffee thank GOD
am i going to pay $10 for a croissant?
i'm going to pay $10 for a croissant.
i lived in paris but this one fresh lune choc croissant has topped it all
no like there will never be another croissant experience to beat me eating a fresh pain au chocolat on a f1 circuit as the sun rises over the water with the melbourne skyline in the background
aramco engineers are walking behind me as i shit talk about f1, nice
“it is an increasingly unique experience peeing in a port-a-loo beside a formula one track as cars race by.”
120’000 is a LOT of people
how has the float not broken yet?
metro boomin has released an album as i stand before live formula one. life has PEAKED
fernando alonso is the first F1 driver i ever saw live
there is a shift in formula one as the heritage fans of motor racing are on the out as the next generation of fans absorbed in driver hype and social media takes over and we see this in how F1 has created the new US tracks and made them all into spectacles and fans are here because of it being “cool” instead of caring about cars
… maybe i should buy the redbull jacket instead?
bonus: sole thought during the pitlane walk for the marshals
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saturday: FP3 / qualifying
the relief of thinking you’re late and then seeing someone you know HA
commentators are now contractually obligated to bring up saudi arabia every time they talk about ollie bearman
jesus they’re as bad as the f1 girlies
i have to watch the grand prix replay after all of this i have no idea what’s actually going on
kimi spinning out has me actively wanting to cry
a safety car FROM THE PIT EXIT
welcome to F2 everyone 👏👏👏
not me lying to the cute irish guy hitting on me about @saintescuderia
a big fat ha at the eshays holding their puffer jackets - even they can’t stand the heat
don’t flex on me that you’re here at F1 when you don’t even know what’s going on yourself bruhhhh
to the red bull fan telling me i’m “dramatic” for rolling under the fence (it’s how marshals have to do it) pls get help
$7 for a calispo is a JOKE
recording F1 quali isn’t even worth it bc they're TOO FAST
i’m very lucky for my team of marshals :))))))))))
i’m only going to eat half my muffin
*finishes the whole thing*
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sunday: race!
do i ask for a photo?
*every photo of charles leclerc being abused flashes through my mind*
nah leave him be
five minutes later: i regret not asking him
the group of aussies dressed as lance stroll drunk at 9am have my heart and my respect
i need a coffee
seeing kimi walk right by me has now made so much invested for f2
i really need a coffee
yep they screwed kimi with all those safety cars
i really, really need a coffee
we get to go ON TRACK? for the DRIVERS PARADE
*starts practicing “get well soon” in spanish*
my heart is BEATING
lol jokes carlos didn’t even look at us
*checks footage to see that i accidentally just recorded guanyu zhou next to carlos the whole time :))))*
lol are they putting lewis and charles together all the time?
every marshal: “that was the shittest parade ever.”
i need a drink
pls don’t talk to me for the next two hours
don't meet your heroes kids
but also why the fuck did they do the float in one big car? and do INTERVIEWS? this is legit the one time the drivers can be there JUST for the FANS
race start = okay it's happening
nevermind i love him
"race control has asked that you calm down, marshals are supposed to be neutral."
lol at the entirety of albert cheering that max is slowly coming to a DNF
mclaren swapping oscar for lando is DISGUSTING fuck zak brown
somehow, i've forgotten that charles is just there
(this is all because i told you que te mejores pronto!)
daniel ricciardo....man..... aus gp can't market you like this.......
damn yuki got HANDS
ferrari and mclaren having the top 4 places is just *chefs kiss*
lewis just had to stall just pass my sector like i hope ur okay but couldn't u not be ok in front of me?
red bull deserves this after all the FLACK i've copped from red bulls fans ("dramatic" MY ASS)
wait george russell ARE YOU SERIOUS?!
singapore all over again. i can already see the memes.
somehow marshalling a gp has you closer and more removed from the whole thing i have no idea what's going on
(literally the only time i used my F1TV live timing)
finishing after the safety car means i can't stick my head out and clap for carlos FUCK OFF
wait, he came up right UP TO MY SIDE OF THE TRACK TO WAVE
... do you think he noticed me?
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justyourtypicalwriter · 2 months
ask game ✨ for uhh everyone you wanna answer these for: 👿🧸🏳️‍🌈 :3
Omg this didn’t save before
👿-How do they cope with ableism?
“You don’t look like you’re disabled.”
“Mmmm well by saying that *proceeds to go on a thirty minute rant about how that harms the community by making more people believe stereotypes*”
I feel on a good day he’d just ignore, ignore, ignore until the problem goes away. On a bad day he might have a bit of a panic attack but it is what it is
He’d laugh, maybe make some semi inappropriate jokes about it for the most part. That is until someone tries to grab at his dog, I feel like he’d have a complete mood switch and start spewing out their full name and address and doxx them or something😭
“You don’t look like you’re disabled.”
“You’re nose doesn’t look broken-“
He then proceeds to get them both kicked out of the store
Would call the ableist person every slur under the sun and record herself doing so to post on TikTok…or stomp on their foot if she’s in heels
Doxx them but also make death threats against their families. Where do you think the doxx list came from?
Probably show off some kinda goofy ass thing he can do because of his hyper flexibility like the hEDS king he is to scare them off…then whine about it later-
🧸-Do they have a comfort item?
This big ass fluffy hoodie that’s honestly big enough to cover her like a blanket. It’s one of those fleece lined ones with a hood too
Oof uhm I was gonna say Sparkys dog tags because he wears them a lot after he dies but I have a feeling he should have something else too…
I’m surprised I haven’t mentioned this one before but it’s a little odd. It’s a hand sewn stuffed possum made from scraps from his friends old clothes. Kenny got hand-me-downs from them on occasion and knew that they weren’t exactly Karens style, so he repurposed them
Soft things. Preferably stuffed animals (in specific this stuffed fox he has). He seems like someone who’d appreciate soft things like that
A plush deer she was gifted from Wendy! It’s cute and has a pink bow!
His goofy ass dolls and stuffed animals. Live laugh love Clyde Frog
Idk he seems like a weighted blanked type guy. When he was little he probably tried to used one to build a blanket fort or something. But it didn’t fucking work because they’re WEIGHTED and Clyde’s a dumbass, instead it collapsed the whole fort and probably knocked a chair ontop of him
🏳️‍🌈-A random headcanon about them and their disability
(I’m just gonna answer more from the list lmao😭)
😺 - Is there anything they enjoy about being disabled?
Designing gear designs for Nike! Especially if it’s a bad day and she can’t really do anything
❤️ - Would they have any advice for someone else struggling with their disability?
‘Someday you’ll find someone who wholeheartedly believes that you matter’
🌞 - What does a 'good day' look like for them? Is there anything they like to do on their good days?
Picnics with the rest of the m5 at Starks Pond! Just being able to look at the animals with Butters, or swim in the pond with Stan, or listen to Kyle point out all the different types of plants or roughhouse with Cartman is what he cherishes the most!
📋 - Are they diagnosed? Do they want a diagnosis?
Kyle is diagnosed! Not like he wanted it, the motherfucker just wanted to be treated normally
Diabetes at 4, PTSD & ARFID at 11, and POTS at 13
🌻 - Do they do anything that helps manage their disability? (Ie medication, hot and/or cold patches, set sleeping times, ect)
Salty snacks EVERYWHERE. I kid you not there’s some kind of salty food stashed in almost every room of her fucking house
🧑‍⚕️ - Do they have a carer or anyone who helps with their disability? What are they like?
I guess I’d have to say Dolly. She’s a little rat shit but she adores him and he adores her
🦾- How does their disability effect their daily life? How do they overcome some of the struggles thrown at them?
I’d have to say random dislocations although there’s plenty of shit his ass has to deal with every day
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ssruis · 1 month
Recommending this again bc its got updates. & also because I’m obsessed. It’s so good… go read…
Leaving my full comment here as well bc ao3 called me out for my immensely wordy method of commenting so. Y’know. Spoilers. Go read first.
Nene tucks her bag and coat under one of the seats in the stalls, then tries to find a person who doesn’t look terrifying to speak to so she can ask what they need help with. She barely recognises most of them, having not properly met with any other tech crew since the first rehearsal. Well- maybe if she just…stands here, someone will ask-
HELP… I love her so much. Nene Kusanagi. the most girl of all time.
“It’s so interesting learning about how much there is going on backstage! I guess I never really thought about it before…” Minori leans back to grab more paint, leaving another handprint on her leggings as she does. Should Nene say something…? “I bet the cast work really hard too! Having to sing and dance whilst smiling and acting the whole time too…that’s something I really want to learn!”
yayyy minori she’s so cute :) meeting of the fail girls. I love how you’ve worked in so many of the other pjsk characters in a way that feels very organic (instead of just random roles) and gives them a little spotlight even if they’re not the focus. You can tell there’s so much love and care put into everyone’s characterization.
I…have to be proud of the person I am now, if I want to be proud of the person I’m going to be.”
Wait, what is she saying? That’s not- that’s not something she came up with-
Somewhere tsukasa just got a huge ego boost. Thank god he’s not here he would be so insufferable.
He always speaks to her like a worried parent…the message might as well read ‘did you make lots of friends at your first day of school?’.
So real… he’s so annoying… Rui acting like that despite being like one year older than nene will never not be funny.
“I am about to fall over!” Tsukasa yells back breathlessly, hunching over once the piano stops.
“If you have the air to complain, you have the air to hold that last note!”
Insert the “I’ve hired a tyrannical director” tsukasa quote.
“Right? You’ll be fine.” Rui watches as A bends down to check on Tsukasa, lightly patting his shoulder. “We’re almost there.”
Tsukasa has died (cheering) (end story)
“Maybe!” Rui shrugs. “Honestly, I wasn’t completely sure at first, but I’m glad my intuition was correct. Seems like the star quality runs in the family, after all.”
“...I think you’re right,” Nene says quietly.
Nene and tsukasa relationship progression… smiles…
“N-no…” No, don’t remember me from auditions. Actually, please just forget my entire existence-
“Hopefully you make it next time, if that’s what you wanna do!” An says. “A little bit of confidence goes a long way, y’know? And you can always fake it if you’re not sure!”
she’s so funny I loved this part. The nene & an dynamic of girl with horrible social anxiety and girl who is so so cool but also so so excited to get to know everyone will never not be funny.
“Nene, your outfit looks so cute!”
But apparently there’s always one person who manages to find her. Nene looks up from her phone, Emu already barreling over to her. So long as she keeps away from the very heavy, very expensive lighting equipment, they’re fine.
The return of the pink thing… (The crowd goes wild)
Probably because you never sit still, Nene thinks. Especially right now. If Nene is rattling from nerves, Emu looks about to burst with excitement. It must be nice to be immune to any and all fear.
“I hope everyone is gonna enjoy the show tonight!” she says, smile bright even in the dark. “I bet it’s gonna be super wow wow yay yay woo woo!”
1 so true getting that thing to sit still is a losing battle 2 I love how you write her dialogue so much… perfectly straddles the line between her very silly onomatopoeia laden moments and her more serious moments.
“Every time I see the light I’m gonna know it’s you and get super super smiley!”
:) I care them
Nene repositions the light towards the stage, casting the bright circle over Tsukasa. He instantly looks up then recoils at the light, squinting up at them.
“Oi, what’re you doing! That’s bright!”
“Hi Tsukasa!” Emu calls back, waving. “You look super shiny shiny sparkly bright!”
“Oh, really?” His angry face quickly swaps to flattery, and he poses accordingly. Nene turns the light off. “Hey, put it back on!”
I laughed he’s so funny. Anytime Tsukasa gets irritated or upset (or completely unreasonably hesitant about a perfectly safe sane and normal stunt that is definitely necessary for the show) you can just redirect him with flattery. Works every time.
“Are you curious about the hair ties?” she asks. “We’re wearing them in mutual support with Saki, since she can’t be here tonight. She has one too! It’s cute, isn’t it?”
“Y-yeah,” Nene says. “Is she, um…recovering okay…?”
“I believe so! According to Tsukasa, she should be out in a few days.” Honami laughs. “She really wants to attend closing night…she keeps talking about it non-stop.”
“I was worried talking about it would make her sad, but she seems more excited than anyone else,” Ichika adds. “It’s a really great thing we didn’t have to cancel the show. It would make her really happy to be able to catch our last performance.”
“She should focus on getting better first,” Shiho says, not taking her eyes off her bass. The other two just smile and shrug. 
"Let's hope Saki can join us soon," the tall pianist says. Crap, Nene can't remember his name- Aoyagi? Nene isn’t sure what their relationship is, though he has a scrunchie tucked into his shirt pocket too. "She cares about this performance very much."
THATS SO CUTE… I love how well the L/N interactions are written. Shiho & her concern that comes off as uncaring when it’s anything but… also toya with the scrunchie too awww…
Nene stares. “What part of this is fun…?” 
“You’re all part of the team, so you all have to join in,” Rui says, and Nene groans, trudging out the pit with the others. It’s fine, if she just hides at the back, maybe she can get away with half-effort… “Here, Nene. You can stand next to me!”
Bastard. Nene jogs alongside Rui, ignoring his pleased expression.
Making a gamer exercise. Rui truly is a bastard.
“So this is what the life of a stage actor is like…” Aoyagi muses from up in front, hands barely stretching past his knees.
I giggled. Truly built like a wet paper bag, that one.
“Something like this is easy for me!” Tsukasa says, still looking strong with his hands planted on his hips. If Nene had more energy, she would stab him right now. “I’m not tired at all!”
And so he lives another day. It’s ok nene. there will be other opportunities.
“Um, no, I think you need to stay with the rest of the cast…” Nene says, aware that the company is mostly split into their separate groups. Surely she’s not supposed to stand alongside the actual important people, like the director, the lead, the important actors…even if it seems like they…want her there?
OUUGH you get it… You Get It… nene is so so loved but her anxiety ridden saw trap of a mind makes that so difficult for her to see.
“Huh?” That’s not what she’d…
“Not!” Tsukasa finishes, holding his head up high. Nene quickly hides any and all concern.
“Makes sense an idiot like you would be stupid to get nervous. I didn’t care anyway.”
HELP…. ‘I didn’t care anyway. Idiot.’ I love how you write them so much.
It’s too soon…she needs Emu to cling to her arm and say stupid stuff so that it doesn’t feel so real-
Obsessed. I know what you are nene.
nene & tsukasa scene
I’m so happy this fic exists all the time but esp during the nene & tsukasa interactions they are so fascinating to me and you write them so well… nene telling tsukasa he’s overthinking it is so funny. I liked the little moment of him having a moment abt whether or not to send saki the pictures it reflects their whole dynamic so well. And him getting the text from saki and going SAKIII 🥺😭 was so cute.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you down here, Nene,” Rui says, and the way his eyes glint with just a little pride make her want to curl up and avoid everyone ever for the next ten hours. She settles for just crossing her arms.
Hes so annoying… I love how you’ve written their dynamic…
“But wow, the others really did a good job with you, Tsukasa,” Rui says, studying Tsukasa appreciatively. “You really look professional. And the hairstyle is very cute.”
“Cute?” Tsukasa narrows his eyes. “I’m not cute! I’m cool! Cool!”
“Yes, yes. Very cool!”
“Hm, that’s right.” Tsukasa flicks a strand of hair back, grinning to himself. “I’m so cool.”
Yuck (said fondly)
“Yes, I think you’ll do well tonight,” Rui says, taking a seat on the table at the side. Can’t he sit on a chair like a normal person?
I grinned at that. I love all the little details you put in your writing like Rui’s passion for sitting like A Weirdo… it’s like putting treats in an enrichment toy for people who are insane about these characters (me) to giggle at.
“You really know the script inside out by this point.”
“Of course I do,” Tsukasa says. “Especially after last night when you made me recite lines whilst throwing goldfish crackers at me…”
“What the hell was that for?” Nene asks Rui. 
“It was just really fun!” he says.
“Seriously, what’s wrong with you…”
“Don’t worry, we didn’t study too hard last night,” Rui says. “We even watched the original movie to help keep the atmosphere. It’s important to have fun sometimes.”
“Fun for you! You were still throwing stuff at me even then!”
“Well, a good actor needs to be prepared for the unexpected…”
they’re so funny. I can’t keep saying “I love how you write x dynamic” because it’s true for literally every dynamic in this fic…
Emu gasps, jumping back. “Oh, sorry, I mean, um- break your legs, Nene and Rui!”
“No, it sounds kind of terrifying when you say it like that…” Tsukasa mutters.
Emu and inventing entirely new sayings. She’s doing her best <3
Kind of amazing that any guy can sound so sincere singing about love whilst wearing knee-high boots and beaded booty shorts, but.
HELP MEEEE… He really will do anything for a show won’t he.
Nene wishes she could be down there too. More than ever before. To be part of something. To be alongside others. The way Tsukasa gives it his all and shines…Nene wants to try that too. There's a fire down there burning so strong that its sparks are lighting her too. 
YESS I loved this part I love the acknowledgement of her competitiveness & “I want to do better I want to be on stage” attitude, and how that drives and motivates her
“I thought so too! They didn’t seem to think it was weird at all. Even my mom said she liked it, but I think she just likes the idea of two guys dating…”
new favorite side character: Fujoshi mom
“O-oh, um, I’m…um…” Nene fumbles for the words. Well, obviously, she took off her tech stuff so they don’t recognise her…and, actually, thinking about it, it’s not like they would let her sit at the table full of cast members anyway. They’re the important ones. Not Nene. Heat rises to her face as she takes a step back, because, seriously, what had she even been thinking, deciding to sit with everyone else like this-
“Nene’s a part of our team!” Tsukasa’s voice thunders out from behind her, and Nene jumps, turning to them. “Of course she can sit here!”
“Yeah, Nene is super important!” Emu adds, jumping up to grab Nene’s arm. “Wiithout Nene we would all be completely in the dark and the audience would just be looking at nothing for two hours!”
WxS is actually a theatre troupe second and a nene hype squad first.
“Wait, Emu!” Tsukasa holds up a hand. “Next time, can you try not kicking me whilst we’re in the Irish dance line?”
“Huh, I kicked you?”
“Oh, I thought I saw that,” Rui says.
“And you’re still telling her to do things the same tomorrow!?”
“Sorry, Tsukasa!” Emu bows. “Next time I’ll try not to kick you so hard.”
“Don’t kick me at all!” Tsukasa sighs, recollecting himself.
Writing group dialogue - esp for a visual novel that relies solely on dialogue and can rely on visuals instead of writing “x said” “y said” - is such a challenge and you do it so well… you can always tell who’s speaking and it flows so nicely…
“I’ll tell Ena and Mizuki not to be too rough tomorrow,” Rui says, then his face turns coy. “I do think that bunny suit looked good on you, Tsukasa.”
(Spraying Rui with water) inside thoughts! Inside thoughts!!!
“That’s my dream role,” Emu says, almost shyly.
“Hm? You want to be Cinderella?”
“I wanna be the cow,” Emu says dreamily.
“The cow-?” Tsukasa chokes. “That’s not even a human role!”
Emu’s face falls. “But I wanna be the cow…” 
“Don’t crush Emu’s dreams, Tsukasa,” Nene says.
“It’s not even a speaking role! It’s just a model of a cow on wheels!”
“Tsukasa, we have to be kind to our fellow company members,” Rui says. “I believe in you, Emu!”
Everyone ganging up on tsukasa… you love to see it. My experience with theatre is rather limited, (in that I attended the shows my sister was in, and took photos during their dress rehearsals), but I will say that when my high school put on into the woods we actually had a girl (not my sister, she was the bakers wife) be the cow. The girl actually requested it… she wanted to be the cow... That costume was terrifying. All that to say: I believe in you emu.
“Yeah, after the past two weeks I can see that…” Tsukasa says. Nene is sure she can almost see the trauma in his eyes. Rui tilts his head, suddenly forlorn.
“How can you say that, Tsukasa…? I’ve always been so considerate to your needs. When have I ever done something mean to you?”
“You made me stand on one leg for an entire rehearsal once!”
“To improve your balance and muscle strength-”
They are so irritating.
“Maybe we should consider that for a future show?” Rui says, and Nene suddenly realises something momentous. They’re talking to her because they want to. They’re talking to her because they see her as a friend. And they’re all here because they love theatre and they love putting on shows, and Nene is the same. She loves it too. She belongs here. They’re her friends, too. 
I love this part so so much… nene realizing she belongs… I feel like her own hang ups about having friends goes unnoticed by a lot of people in favor of rui’s (which, to be fair, his are a little more blatant). it’s so nice to see a fic that examines nene & her realizing she’s a part of the group and that they all love her.
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redactedwriting · 1 month
ok followup question on ryden gay chicken. how far do they get...is it mere seconds before they burst into nervous giggles. does it lead to needing to try again in private. does it get super hot and heavy super fast and then ryan breaks away and freaks out
honestly i think all three at the same time tbh. walk and talk with me
so they’re at a party and it’s fever era yeah? it’s at pete’s house or it’s an afterparty or album release thing or something, a bunch of dcd and fbr and friends are there. it’s like a seven minutes in heaven thing, this game of gay chicken, but you don’t go in a closet. the others are being Normal Bro Guys and backing out 2 seconds into getting within breathing the same space, but brendon and ryan have always had this Energy, like they would date and live happily ever after if the timing was different. right person, wrong timeline type shit. thats ryden to me.
they’d start leaning in and brendon would grin and ryan would start the nervous giggling, moving his hand up to brendon’s neck, which makes brendon start giggling really hard and saying “shut up, quit laughing<3” but they can’t, and it’s even worse bc everyone’s looking and that makes the giggles come Harder <3 it’s so cute and boyish i love them
maybe someone says they should do it behind a door as a joke, but they’re like yeah okay, that’d probably be better. so they go in a closet (oh the layers) and that’s when it actually happens (THE LAYERS)
ryan would bump his nose against brendon’s and brendon would bump back, they’d both be smiling, and one of them says “you sure this is okay?” before the kiss. and then they’re kissing, and it’s so fuckign weird but also not weird at all, it’s just an elevation of what they do on stage. it’s closing the deal. the first swipe of tongue makes brendon gasp, licking back into ryan’s mouth. ryan would get a hand in brendon’s hair then, stabling himself, and give more tongue, press harder, maybe make a small little moan if brendon pulls him closer or pulls his hair/clothes.
and it’s so good, and neither want it to stop, but ryan’s starting to freak out. he doesn’t know when his hand started touching brendon’s hip under his shirt and he doesn’t know when his own shirt got the top two buttons undone but his head is reeling now, spinning out, and he’d pull away with that frantic look of his. brendon would notice immediately and say “hey, no. it’s okay. ryan i promise this is okay…”
“no it’s not, we can’t-it’s us-it’s the, the band, brendon, we can’t-“
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valleyfthdolls · 4 months
Y’know what this post is gonna seem silly to my followers and mutuals who do know anything about sonic but I keep seeing people (who will never see this post bc we don’t follow each other) get some basic stuff abt the series wrong when they’re new to the fandom so I’m just gonna set some stuff straight, just put it on the record:
If you google “how old is sonic” it will say like 35. Sonic the series is more than 30 years old. Sonic the character is 15.
The reason Sonic is such a “bad boyfriend” to Amy is that they’re not dating; Amy has a crush on him they both know is unrequited and they both seem to have accepted that, though it doesn’t stop Amy from being especially lovey-dovey over Sonic at times.
Knuckles is an echidna. This is a real animal. Look them up, they’re very cute.
Amy is a hedgehog. She does look like an echidna to the point she’s been theorized to be a hybrid, but canonically, she’s a hedgehog.
Shadow is not 50 nor is he 65. He is intentionally framed as being from 50 years ago, not 50+ years old. It’s akin to Aang- he was in cryostasis for 50 years and didn’t age at all. He’s often believed to be ageless, but appears to have a similar maturity level and bodily age (?) to Sonic, Knuckles and Silver.
There is no relation between Sonic, Shadow, and Silver. They’re just 3 unrelated weird hedgehogs.
No ships in the series are canon. If someone tells you they are they’re lying. Some characters canonically have crushes, but they have mandates against relationships entirely.
Shadow is implied to have PTSD. They sometimes miss the mark when writing him, but this is the core reason for his initial cold and brooding attitude.
Knuckles is black and indigenous coded. Sonic is also generally believed to be black coded as well. (autisticshadowthehedgehog has a good post on this.)
Most if not all of the characters excluding Vector, Rouge, all parents, all visibly middle aged or older characters, and maybe a couple others are children or teens. Being horny about them is generally considered weird.
Re: the IDW comics, Surge the Tenrec isn’t a Sonic clone. Tenrecs are believed to be more closely related to elephants than hedgehogs if that says enough.
They’re also a real animal. Very cute. Spiny mammals are the best
This one’s not something people get wrong but when starting the IDW comics, the metal virus story arc is often considered to be very bleak and difficult to handle, with things just constantly getting worse for the cast no matter what they do before it hits you with “next time: from bad to worse!” three quarters of the way through and you realize these characters still have something to lose and can and will lose it. It’s the closest to horror the series ever has or probably will come, though it is of course a children’s comic so that’s not necessarily saying it’s particularly horrifying, and it genuinely did get tough to read at times. A lot of fans consider it to be quite distressing or disturbing, so I’d skip it if you don’t know if you can handle that.
Anyway that’s all I can think of rn so if anyone else has anything they think should be cleared up for new fans please feel free to add on
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ctrlhope · 4 months
Spider Jimin! Omg it's so amazingly written. I hate spiders, but somehow, you made me fall in love with one! It was just so soft and sweet (until the spider side appears, but god, that was hot, hehehe)
Are the hybrid series just one shots or are you going to expand/continue.....I have so many questions! How did she end up in the cabin? Do they stay there, do they have babies/how does that even work? 😳 does she meet all the others. How does a human survive in the reserve. Could his vemon kill her? Does it? So many questions....
WAHHH SHOULD WE MAKE OUT RN??? Thank you so much for reading and enjoying 🥹 He’s just a little slice of sunshine for everyone to enjoy <33 Or.. maybe he’s just waiting patiently as always! We’ll have to see ^^
I’ll try to answer all your questions without giving away any spoilers!! You never know what might happen in the future 🤭 Apologies in advance bc this got long 😭 So far my plans are for them to be one-shots with drabbles whenever they’re requested, but at the same time I do have plans for a sequel to Jimin’s story once I finish the others!! I might write sequels for the other stories too, I’m just not sure yet!! But hopefully <33
Now on to Jimin~ hybrids and humans (in my universes) can have kids! It’s more difficult, especially depending on species, but still possible! And trust me when I tell you— Jimin’s spider genes just scream that he wants a big family. So many cute little spiderlings to teach, have them learn all about the world and how to be a good spider just like Jimin. The human side of Jimin doesn’t care as much— he’s happy with just one kid he can love and care for. Build a nice and happy home with you. Give them all the love the reserve employees raised him with.
He’s going to get pouty either way, unfortunately 😭 it’s just in his nature okay! Especially when you have to explain to him that normally humans can only have one kid at once. It’s common for most hybrid species to have more than one, but it makes no difference. He’s still going to love your kids either way. No matter how many you have, he’s going to be the best spider dad <33
Jimin isn’t exactly sure the effect his venom would be on humans. He knows Yoongis’ (a scorpion) is toxic and could severely harm someone but… there are only rumours about what his can do. Some of his friends say it can act as almost an aphrodisiac, others say that it can act as a sedative, nothing about it being deadly though. Something about spiders not being created with the intent to harm like scorpions were. He doesn’t know! He’ll have to ask around because he really, really wants to bite you. It’s something that itches at the back of his skull, honestly. Constantly nagging him.
Mm, I think that’s all of them I can answer for right now!! Oh, except I can say that the only humans meant to live on the reserve are employees— they have cabins closer to the visitors center that they live in while working! Other humans can visit and camp like other nature reserves in designated locations. Trying to live there would be illegal! So… don’t get caught :D (by humans or hybrids ajdjdj) this will be expanded more in Jungkook’s story dw <33
Bye I’m sorry this response is so long 😭 if you can’t tell I really love world building so it’s difficult to stop me once I start rambling asdkaixjsk please lmk if you have any other questions! About jimin or any of the other hybrids and I’ll try to answer them as best I can <33
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dolliecworpse · 1 year
Aaaa I just discovered this blog and it's really interesting! I don't know too much about xenogenders/neopronouns since they kind of get me very overwhelmed due to my need to Absolutely understand everything and categorize/label stuff when I'm in a community (ex: fandoms, archetypes, tropes) so this might be a dumb question but.. what exactly are titles and what are they used for? And how should someone go about when making a gender-system? I'm asking because I plan on making one for a story and don't really know how to go about it.. anyways, so sorry for this dumb ask! I hope you're well and have a amazing day or night!!! Keep up the great work!!
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there are no dumb questions here!! i’ll put the two explanations under the cut since it’z kinda long. sorri abt that! the gender systems i mention have alreadi been created, and i’ve linked them where i mention them if you wanna check them out!!
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okk so titles are basicalli a name that describes someone or a certain aspect of them. does that make sense? it’s kinda like a name or pronouns in that they can give someone euphoria and they’re a way of describing a person. like a realli simple one that’z used outside the mogai communiti bc it’s an actual like position would be the prince!! more creative titles that aren’t used in day-to-day life might be “the creator of the heavens” or “(pronoun) who creates life.” these are more creative and descriptive than just a “job” title (i put in quotes bc i’m not sure if being a prince is considered a job LOL. but a more job-like one would be the baker). but yeah, they’re p much used as one would use a name or a pronoun, which is to address people.
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as for gender systems, there are a few things that are considered sort of…gender system etiquette, shall we say?
1) think of the concept you want to convey. do you want a gender system where one’s gender is decorated with smth (genderdecorated)? or maybe one where one’s gender is related to certain fonts (genderfont)? then take that idea and turn it into a single word. most gender systems don’t have commonli seen gender endings like -ic or -gender, but just the word. am i making ani sense? i hope so 😅
2) take that word and put gender in front of it!! like with genderdecorated and genderfont. people will replace the word gender with the concept (or with genderfont it’z the font name) name of their choosing. like for example, if they want to coin a gender under the genderdecorated gender system where one’s gender is decorated in cuteness, it would be known as cutedecorated.
3) before we go ani further, check to see if the gender system alreadi exists!!!! look up gender_ in the tumblr search bar, and if nothing comes up, you’re probabli good to go!!
4) the next step is creating the flag template. try to make a unique flag template outside of just straight stripes, if possible. if you’re not sure how to do that, check out this quick tutorial here. if you have ani questions regarding this step, feel free to send in another ask!! below is the greyscale color palette i use for my templates. ik it looks boring, but people will use the template as a base and recolor it! this is commonli done w the bucket tool, but there’s probabli other methods. aniways, here’s the palette. simpli put an image layer into your canvas with this as an image and sample out the colors so that you can use them in your flag!!
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ignore the colors above and below the greyscale line, i could onli crop it sm </3 keep in mind that you don’t need to use all of these colors in your template!!! they’re just there if you need them.
5) craft the definition, adding in blanks for people to fill in with the concept they want. for more info on what i mean, check out the coining posts to the gender systems i’ve mentioned above (dw, they’re linked!!) or check out any of my gender system coining posts, which can all be found linked in the pinned post of @bloodygendersystems !! sorri that i’m not great at explaining this part. it’z probabli just best to look at examples.
6) this part is optional, but it’z helpful for people who may want to coin under your gender system. upload your flag template(s) to deviantart!! when saving flag templates straight from tumblr, they get a bit blurri, making them harder to recolor. if this has ever happened to anibodi reading this, dw!! i got you. upload the flag you’ve saved from tumblr to this upscaler website, click the highest upscale option available to you, fill out the captcha, click download, and voilà! it should be readi for you to recolor!! ik the website name is kinda weird, but it’z upscale power is unmatched. i’ve also seen other people use it without issue so it should be good!!! i think it’z also an app, but i’ve onli ever used the website.
7) post your gender system!! if you plan on coining ani genders under your gender system, add the names of them into the post so people know not to coin those ones!! you could say smth like “planning to coin x, y, and z, so please don’t coin those unless i get overwhelmed and say you can.” some people might reblog with genders they’re going to coin as well, so make a mental note not to coin those ones.
i think that’z everithing? lmk if i’m forgetting ani important steps 😅
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humanoidtyphoons · 2 years
sometimes i wish bleach had gone a bit deeper with exploring karin’s character, bc i do wonder how/if her views on ghosts shifts, over time? like, to begin with, she wants nothing to do with them, and they are effectively, invisible to her because she can somehow pretty much deny their existence.
doesn’t quite seem to apply with hollows, (grand fisher, and the first hollow that caused ichigo and rukia to meet), but. at least it seems like from then on, she cannot turn away, if only because ichigo is involved, and she worries about him. but i still don’t know if she actually feels like acknowledging ghosts, from then on?
i think karin has to make up a frame of reference of her own, bc nobody tells her anything, but she can recognize the uniform that ichigo wears, that rukia wears, that toushirou wears, that she can safely go, oh they’re an ally. if they’re okay with ichigo, friends? or something like that, then that must mean that they’re okay in her books as well. so she can distinguish the difference between ghost, hollow, shinigami.
this is why her meeting toushirou is so interesting. it’s not quite ichigo&rukia take 2, but karin at that point, is more open to the idea of the supernatural. she’s gaining more awareness of the supernatural, and maybe she’s never that involved, but she’s still conscious of it. (maybe she can’t tell that kon-is-ichigo, but i bet she can sense that something is off, even if she can’t figure out what). it’s why their two episodes together are so cute, because both are kind of out of their comfort zones, but they’re still so sweet as burgeoning friends.
anyway, ichigo loses his powers, and during the timeskip, karin steps up. but how? i don’t see her fighting hollows, because ichigo’s friends have got that covered, tho i guess the super sentai thing with don kanonji could still be in effect, regardless if he’s in town or not; and karin does visit urahara’s shops, so maybe her and jinta talked something out.) so my best bet is that karin just... talked to ghosts. told people off and acted as a messenger for some ghosts, stuff that ichigo prolly did before the first chapter when ichigo met rukia happened.
karin steps up, because someone in the family has to. karin steps up, because she sees it as a way she can protect ichigo. it’s duty, rather than interest.
but after? after the thousand blood war. does karin go back to ignoring ghosts again? there’ll be less hollows about, thanks to aizen not needing to create them. shinigami should be good at their job, but there’ll probably always be a stray ghost wandering before a shinigami performs konsou. does karin pay attention to ghosts now that ichigo has his powers back and can see them again, or does she go back to ignoring them like before?
anyway, kind of want a future fic where karin is like. right, i want to get this supernatural stuff out of my system, convinces herself that it’ll happen symbolically, if she just has a one night stand with toushirou, and then they can go their separate ways, only for karin to try and move on, and realize that that damn kurosaki gene is kind of in her dna, (that desire to help people no matter what) and toushirou to realize that actually. he’s in love with her.
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skoulsons · 2 years
Gonna talk about the five love languages in regards to Joel and Ellie, and examples of them in the games bc im profusely down bad.
So, we got…
• Words of affirmation. First one that came to mind was in Bill’s town in the optional dialogue before the pickup truck and fighting the infected in the street section. “You’re doing a good job. Figured you should know that.” That’s the first time we hear him express anything like to her in their journey thus far. And the “she did hold her own back there.” Once they’re out and he talks to Bill. It’s not directly to her, but I’ll count it. Though, I don’t think there’s too many because their relationship isn’t super verbal in communicating appreciation? The appreciation is clearly there, but for them to express it directly to each other isn’t too common, but the times it’s there, it’s always special. The times Joel has needed to say “thank you”, but because he’s a dumb old man and can’t just outright say it and has to say “it was either him or me” instead counts, too. Maybe not affirming, necessarily, but a word of thanks, which can go a long way.
• Acts of service. Their whole relationship, if we’re being honest. I think they serve each other by protecting and taking care of each othe r. For the most part, it’s Joel’s fatherly instincts that are there, not wanting her to get hurt. But, what I think goes hand-in-hand with that is his heart in general, especially as their relationship grows. He does it because he wants to. He takes care of her because he wants to. And Ellie doing the same, especially during winter. She gave him everything. All the warmth and majority of food while he was out. She needed him, maybe, but she cares about him. She willingly endured what little food, sleeping on a cold basement floor with no warmth, and fearing what could happen out there alone all for Joel. (I’m not mentioning his end of game decision because I don’t think it necessarily falls under the acts of service definition <3)
• Gift giving. A precious one. The biggest one, obviously, is the tape recording of the space launch in the museum flashback in TLOU2. The amount of time and effort that Joel put in to not only the tape, but that whole trip. Scoping out the entire museum and surrounding area (with the exception of the second building) to make sure it was safe for Ellie, finding the museum in the first place, finding the recording and making sure it still worked, and setting aside a few days for them to get out of Jackson for the trip. Him giving her the guitar is the other big one, of course. Giving her that specific guitar to have and practice on and cleaning it up just for her. Plus, him loving guitar and music as much as he does makes it even better that he’s teaching what he loves so dearly to someone he loves so dearly. And a small one is finding the comics while playing as Joel in TLOU1. It’s gameplay only, but the notion of him picking them up and doing his whole “Ellie! Found another one of them comics you’ve been reading” is very cute.
• Quality time. Sure, they’ve had plenty of quality time the entire year they were on the road together, but I think what sticks out the most is them playing guitar together. We don’t get any scenes of it (sadge :/), but we know they spent a lot of time on it for her to learn as much as she did from him. For her to learn Future Days, Take on Me, and like two or three other songs from what she plays in game means they spent a decent amount of time together. Late night jam sessions on his porch or out in the town. Maybe even in his house on the couch or at the dinner table. Another point for quality time is their movie nights. We know they watched a good amount together (Jurassic Park, a number of cheesy 80s action films that we know both Ellie AND joel like, based on her dialogue with Dina). And we also know that Joel was reading a “idiot’s guide to space(?)” book, hoping that he’d get to have some more time with her to talk about it and bond over something he knew she loved so much.
• Physical touch. Oh look, my favorite to talk about. As much as I have this head canon that they hugged before winter for some reason or another, I also like thinking that that was their first one. Joel taking a moment, despite them being in a burning building and definitely inhaling plenty of smoke, to pull her away and hold her to calm her down and comfort her. Something he definitely missed doing and probably thought he forgot how to do, but it came back like muscle memory. And I like to think that, after that, it was easier. Maybe she slept closer to him on the harder nights out there. Maybe she did bunk with him when they were newcomers in Jackson and she had a nightmare and didn’t want to be alone (maybe this is from reading too many fics of them 😶). Also,, him kissing her head when he found her at Saint Mary’s :’)
Mmm hope this made sense bc I was literally shaking wanting to write this. Dropping this ten minutes before the ep drops, cant wait to lose my mind
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wander-wren · 2 years
HELLO WREN i do not mean to be bursting into your inbox like this but do you have any thoughts on aro shouto? he has been on the mind a lot lately and you seem like you'd have some cool ideas/hcs floating around
hi!!!! don’t be sorry that’s what it’s there for!
hm, aro shouto,,,,i am not Super the type to just Have Headcanons but i managed to think some thoughts. then they got kinda long so. cut.
first of all i’ve like the idea of tododeku qpr (and also just, qpr with anyone i normally ship him with) for a while, sometimes paired with romantic bakudeku. i feel like shouto’s pretty uneducated about Queer Stuff so he’d probably fall into it completely by accident and then be very confused. and my other related hc is that deku is the local queer things encyclopedia bc idk. feels correct.
speaking of confusion, given the not-great example of romance he grew up with, i imagine he’d be pretty confused for a while about how much of his attraction (or lack thereof) related to his father, maybe trying to force romance to “get over it” or thinking it’s just another thing broken about him :(((
don’t make yourself sad, wren, don’t think about him planning the most cliche romantic date he can think of and rehearsing how to be a Good Boyfriend and being all tense and stressed the whole time while his partner is deeply confused. and then obviously they have to be like “…..okay whats going on” and then it all comes out and there are like, hugs. it’s okay shouto!! you don’t have to give more than you’re comfortable with!! whichever way you love people is enough <333
i also feel like he’d be very touchy. maybe not at first, kinda depends where you are in his arc and how emotionally stunted he is, ig. just always in his partner’s lap, or with them in his lap, hugs, holding hands,,,,oH omg the thing where you draw things on someone’s back? that. bonus points for mixing hot and cold sides. massages. yes. but i do just feel like my boy is touch starved and incredibly touchy once he figures things out in Any universe so. lol
but in spite of the touchiness, i think he would draw the line at kissing or anything. OH. *yoinks a hc from my own ocs* i have had this cute idea of a person who is generally not fond of kissing vs his partner who Does like it, and it being like a special-occasions thing. or a thing where the partner can ask if they rlly want to and maybe he’s like “eh. alright.” bc it makes them happy am i explaining that right is it weird. ack. anyway.
connected to that last point, i feel like he’d be kinda romance-neutral? that might just be bc he’s Always neutral in canon. that face. but like, would do stuff if his partner wanted to, doesn’t really get the point otherwise.
i just realized you said aro and didn’t specify aroace or aroallo uhhh. hmph. i have no thoughts on that. this is kinda hard lol i am…fairly firmly demiro/demiace myself i think, so i just never know what i’m doing on either end of the spectrum. *flails*
wait (wow this is getting long) lets. jump back to pairings. my main shouto ships are with deku, shinsou, and sero. i do like the dynamic i mentioned at the beginning where bakudeku are also dating but mostly just for the angst factor of both shouto and bakugo being insecure but shh deku has two hands. also i think its funny if the two of them are boyfriends in law its such a silly dynamic. they can gang up on deku and force him to do self care or smthn
i think shinsou could also very easily be some flavor of aroace…hm…idk just smthn about his Vibes. him and shouto just doing whatever the hell they feel like and then everyone thinking they’re dating and they’re just ????
“are….are we dating?” “i didnt think so?” “should we be dating?” “do you want to date?” “idk” “okay. cool.”
“wait, shouto, don’t you have a boyfriend?” “i…have friends who are boys.” “no, like…shinsou.” “oh. shinsou?” “yes, babe?” “are we boyfriends?” “no??” “no i do not have a boyfriend.”
sorry i think he’s silly. he’s so smart but so dense. fun to play with. but also he’s right!! other people should catch up.
where the hell was i im so sorry im getting carried away. SERO. himb. i just. holds him. i think he’s a sweetheart. i think he’s maybe allo but like fully chill with whatever shouto’s chill with. i think every day about the time he called him roki.
wait i have a cute idea. after the sports fest sero comes up to him like a one-man hype squad. and like, hugs him or smthn. and shouto just decides Okay We Do This Now and the touchy things begin and sero just kinda rolls with it. eventually they both realize they are like, spooning during movie night and thats. hm. perhaps Not Quite Friends territory. and talk about it.
yeah ummm i think that’s it idk how i did like i said i am Not the kind of person who can just like rattle off a list of headcanons like other people do. i chipped away at this for like half a day lol. i do love all the shades of aroace rep tho!! and i would love to hear your thoughts aswell
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shoheiakagi · 1 year
Akagi 💐 - 💝 - 💖 - 🌹 - 🌺 - 💌 - 💄 - 💓
ty for the ask!
💐 - What small things go a long way for your muse? What small favors can someone do to get on their good side?
having faith in him and trusting him to make the right decisions, trying to get to know and get along with hmr, surprising him with a meal while he’s at work, etc.
💝 - What's their love language
act of service is an obvious one, but physical touch is another big one. he always has hands placed on his partner: threading his fingers through their hair, hands placed on their waist, hands intertwined together, his face buried in their neck while he wraps his arms around them, random kisses, having his partner sit on his lap, etc.
💖 - What traits does your muse find physically attractive?
Long brown hair, pouty lips, wide eyes, and a small waist
🌹 - If asked to define love what would your muse say?
unwavering loyalty
🌺 - Would they be willing to change any part of them for a partner? If not how far would they be willing to go
it really depends on what his partner wants him to change. if they want him to leave hmr and his friends behind, then thats a hard no and maybe they should consider breaking up if his friends are a deal breaker. if they want him to pursue a more serious career path, thats something he will understand and will try to clean up his act. but, it may take some since he’s a high school drop out who’s not interested in pursing higher education. one topic that i think would lead to multiple lengthy conversations before ending with some type of compromising and mutual understanding is shouhei establishing boundaries with (non hmr) friends. like i mentioned here, i can see shouhei being that guy who unintentionally hurts his relationship bc of the amount of priority he gives a certain friend.
💌 - How would they confess to their love interest? Would they wait on a confession?
I think Shouhei is pretty direct and immediately asks someone out once he realizes his feelings for them or if he just thinks they’re cute and is interested in getting to know them more. He can be flirty and a bit touchy, some of his confessions ending with him initiating a kiss
💄 - Is there a past relationship your muse wishes they could have changed?
a fwb he had in the past. It ended with him catching some unrequited feelings on the long run, but he’s moved on. he sometimes thinks about it and misses them. he can’t help but think that maybe if he didn’t end up falling for them, their relationship wouldn’t have gotten awkward and they still could have remained as friends
💓 - What are some signs your muse has fallen for someone
he’s a pretty cheerful guy in general, but i think his friends would be a little confused on how he seems to be glowing and god forbid gushing about someone (some of hmr: men can’t be gushing!). love songs being added to his playlists and being played more frequently than other songs. being a little more absentminded during conversations with others because he’s lost in thoughts or daydreaming. visits to the bar is a little less frequent (unless emergency or celebratory), because he is trying to make more time to see the other person. introducing them to his friends even before they become official, joking about them belonging to him.
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thelovelybitten · 1 year
random stendy headcanons (12:00 am edition) (pt 1 out of ???)
hi everyone, I’ve just passed 2 months with stendy in my life and I’m just feelin’ slapping down some hcs for no reason
cw: mentions of drinking, s*x and unaliving
junior high stendy would be just so messy
like they wouldn’t date in junior high just bc they broke up so much as kids
they rekindle in high school for maybe a year and a half
Wendy drags his ass and Stan makes sure he does the same
everyone else in the school LIVES FOR THE DRAMAAAA
never to be mentioned again until college (two years in)
stan is such a clingy boy when it comes to wendy, physical touch is a must
wendy secretly likes being pampered by stan when she’s having a bad day
in turn she does it for him too
stan and wendy have a tradition of ice skating every winter on starks pond and it is SO CUTE
they are so touchy feely (but in certain places, lol— don’t wanna make the friends cringe bc they are eskimo kissing or sumth)
kyle hates wendy so god damn much until they finally get together for good. even them being together again is a touchy subject
therefore bebe should hate stan ??? wrong. both bebe AND TWEEK hate stan. they are her defence brigade. craig has been a hater of the core 5, so since he's tweeks bf, he's automatically a wendy advocate.
i think stan and wendy would enjoy watching survivor for no reason other than stan yelling at the screen at all the betrayals and idol plays (and then saying it's a dumb show but then is screaming abt it again LMAO)
stan: I could do this easy, football drills have prepped me for this shit
also stan: can't be bothered LMAO
bebe and kyle sometimes come over to watch too !!!! mostly bc bebe and wendy are super fans, haha
wendy and stan are opposites when drinking, obvs wendy is a lightweight and stan is a heavyweight (thanks randy gdi)
wendy will try to one-up stan in a drinking contest and fails almost every single time
besides one night at their high school after grad party when they were pissed at each other... don't compete w wendy when she's pissed ok
other than that, they’re super all over each other drunk
probably would fuck in the bathroom or sumth
wendy would like moscow mules, not too sweet, but not too bitter
stan is a beer drinker until he dies, the stronger the better. during his depressive episodes, he will drink abt an ounce of everclear bc it's faster and makes him feel nothing.
wendy forbids him from drinking it but she knows stan doesn't care, esp in his dark times
kyle, kenny and wendy are the only people who are there when stan almost dies from alc. poisoning. he basically tried to unalive himself in front of his mirror with a razor blade, but was found just in time by his dad before he bled out.
all 3 kiddos are scarred by this. but they make sure stan goes to therapy and recovers well, esp. kyle, who takes stan to his appointments at the therapist's office every week.
wendy is the one who manages his prescriptions until stan recovers
and kenny makes sure his parents know everything that goes on with stan, only if it's causing him or someone else harm. he's the source of light, in all honesty (as he should be, that's my mf son)
sorry I'm ending this v dark but I didn't want to make this too lengthy
:D more soon
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euphoricfilter · 2 years
Omg soulmates!! especially omegaverse! (is omegaverse ok? ahh) One of my most favorite concepts! Fate bringing people together and having them fall in love!! For balance, there should be omegas, alphas, betas in a pack. It's interesting to see different roles for the members even though Namjoon is usually pack alpha from what I've seen. It's usually werewolves. But I think more variety of hybrids is better. Mc as a cute, small animal like a bunny or cat while the boys are big animals omg! Why are bird hybrids never in these? The human arms and bird wings on back type for features. Tails, ears, and wings being sensitive omg! Imagine only alpha, omega world though. I like the true alpha, sub alpha thing. Maybe sub alphas can replace betas instead. Bc alpha omega dynamics is so good omg! (betas are nice too but alpha!! omg) Dom alpha bts omg! Omegaverse au also allows for things to be explained as instincts ahh. Nesting, scenting, scuffing, courting, mates, heat, and knots ahh! So much possessiveness too. Omega mc ofc bc I just want to be spoiled :( The fics I've read usually have some angst too though :( I just want happy mc and bts!
i wrote a hybrid series, omegaverse borders that idea it’s fine!! i also breathe omegaverse fics 😭
i’ve always wanted to write a soulmate au, maybe i’ll do that one day because i love the concept of- no matter what life we both live, i’ll love you in all of them, i’ll find you in all of them LIKE COME ON
literally there aren’t enough bunny m/c, i need soft, skittish, baby bunny m/c with her scary alpha doms, maybe another omega, i imagine jimin, whose spoiled by her alphas and they’re all just in love, maybe i’ll write that one too one day when i have the time because ahhh baby bunny m/c :((
what animals the others would be… let’s think
i’m gonna ignore my ‘to build a home’ choices for this one and assign each member a different animal, i think a lot of them would be big cats
omg i love bunny m/c but but but imagine big cats! bts x domestic cat m/c not only the size difference but the way they’d be so protective over her 😭
namjoon would maybe be a bear, he’s quite broad and strong so i think that would fit him most, though if he were to be a big cat i think he would be a lion, head of the pride/ pack
tiger taehyung seems right who’s ears have pretty stripes, and maybe he’s weak to ear scratches
panther jungkook
lynx jimin, a little dainty but just as dangerous
snow leopard yoongi who has his own little home built in the garden that’s colder than the rest of the house
cougar hobi
i’m debating between leopard jin or cheetah jin. i think cheetah because his waist is quite slim and cheetahs are very… elegant
ahhh i read a fic once where jimin was a bird but i can’t remember the title
however— dom alpha bts has such a hard grip on me, and pack dynamics always make me swoon
nesting 🥲 and the courting gifts being super soft blankets and pillows for the m/c that smell like the rest of the pack and maybe the m/c is really fussy about texture :( and maybe she likes to fuss over her alphas before bed because she knows where she likes them :(
scruffing from the pack alpha ALWAYS DOES THINGS TO ME IDK WHY I GIGGLE WHEN IT HAPPENS the thought of like just turning to jelly in an alphas lap as they pet over your back :(
so so so much scenting as well, especially if the m/c wanted to go out, maybe you can even scent mark someone by cumming on them, and jungkook would be the most possessive, imagine the m/c waking up to jungkook towering over her, her panties pulled down to her thighs as he runs his cock through her folds, a smug smile on his face when he cums all over her and it takes more than a few showers for the scent of alpha cum to go away
YUH KNOTTING especially knot slut m/c who cant get enough of warming her alphas’ knots, or just sucking on the tips of their cocks as they watch tv because she just needs something in her mouth especially when she’s on the cusp of her heat
the breeding kink
would be so so good
especially if either of them were in rut or heat, i feel like the m/c would love love love just being stuffed full of cum, tugging on the backs of their shirts when she feels too empty and maybe even a few tears dribbling down her cheeks so her alphas will say yes (though they’d never actually say no to her, it’s cute seeing her so desperate)
maybe they’d make her cum from just playing with her tail, tugging on it meanly until her panties are ruined as you mouthing at her alpha’s cock, pitiful whines tumbling off her tongue like liquid gold and you know the alphas would eat that up so fast
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