#bc other than narrative parallels and like enemies to lovers I can’t think of any they concisely fall into
dykesbat · 2 years
Genuine question, what trope would you consider Ghostbat and Cassrose to be? I've always thought of them as sort of rivals to lovers but I'm curious to hear what you would say they are since you said you don't really like rivals to lovers
i do think they’re rivals to lovers (or at least can be interpreted that way w gb) but I don’t like them e cause they’re rivals to lovers yk!!
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konaizumi · 4 years
Gen Y ep 11 thoughts/reaction
- yeees, make thanuwayu canon!
- i literally just want wayu to be happy
- one of my favorite things about this show is how mature the characters feel, like a majority of the conflicts are caused by the characters being confused or unsure of their feelings and trying to take time to work through them and this unintentionally hurts other characters, but this feels more genuine than a bunch of drama created by stupid misunderstandings and characters being petty, and yes, communication would help a lot of these problems, but it never feels like the writers are just adding things in for no other reason than ‘drama’
- anyways, back to thanuwayu and that beautiful hug and wayu’s precious smile
- that brief flash of thanu’s smile, looking so genuinely happy to have wayu in his arms
- poor phai tho, I don’t want any of my babies getting hurt
- anybody else freak out for a second when he took off his shirt in the mirror and worry that he had gotten the tattoo then were immediately relieved when his back was still bare? just me?
- i tend to prefer college shows rather than high school ones, but my favorite thing about high school thai bls is how accurately they portray high school boys, just boys goofing off, showing their sexy hips
- pls poktong just kiss and make up already, i liked you a lot better when your genre was fluff
- watching pok being all flirty and douchy just seems out of character
- 15 min in and still no markkit
- i’m glad the whole blackmailing plot has now been fully explained, but seeing sandee suddenly smirking and being an asshole is giving me the same feelings as when poktong got weirdly aggressive last ep (by feelings i mean confusion and dislike)
- i wanted phai to end up with sandee bc sandee was so cute and sweet but i don’t know if i want that anymore
- also i forgive tong a little bit for what he did (getting pok beat up not switching the test scores) knowing that he had good(ish) intentions, he still fucked up tho and did a bad thing
- i’m calling it now, either next ep or next season, right when poktong is finally making progress, pok will find out about the switched scores and bam, drama
- pls poktong just kiss and make up already
- i know this scene is supposed to be romantic and all but i can’t stop cringing at the placement of the kisses, like next to the mouth but not quite the cheek? the chin??
- back to my preferred high school babies
- i can’t stop laughing at how they all got the coming of age parted bangs hairstyle to symbolize that they’re in college now
- all the high school babies look good except for pok who now has too much forehead, not that his style before was great but it was better
- thanu is such boyfriend material
- that phaiwayu hug hurts my soul, wayu looks so happy, i just want them both to be happy and not get hurt
- Finally!! 25 min in and finally we get markkit
- i want more of this thanu, thanu with a smile and joking around with his friends
- I really want jiw’s butterfly shirt
- jack and jew kidknapping mark like that was prob my favorite moment of the whole episode, that gif is now my header
- alright, padbok is back, still waiting for their story, but i kinda hope their resolution waits till season 2 bc i want character development for padbok and there’s already so much that needs to happen next ep that i think his story would only be rushed and somewhat glossed over
- i know some people hate padbok, and i also find him annoying, but ever since they dropped the idea of padbok x sab in an earlier ep, all i want is padbok redemption ark
- i guess thanu is somehow going to feature in the poktong story
- i absolutely love sab and klui, they are my favorites of the high school babies
- i guess i can’t call them high school babies anymore
- jackkoh, just admit your feelings for each other already
- aww, markkitwayu choosing custody over the babies, mark wants to be a good senior so badly
- soon as kit said they hadn’t picked a medicine beau, i was like, it’s going to be tong, and i was right, it’s ittpai all over again, but whether it’s better or worse remains to be seen
- kit really does attract the beau’s doesn’t he
- don’t worry mark, you’re much prettier than pok
- pls give me more kitwayu bonding and helping each other heal from pha
- damn kit, you were so close to getting phai to spill
- yes phai, make kit move in with mark
- i absolutely need to know what kit’s test is for phai’s suitors
- i would just like to admire dun’s ability to look so completely lovestruck, like his gaze is just so full of love and it’s so sweet
- that kiss was so cute, i’m sorry i ever doubted you thanuwayu
- that’s pha’s car isn’t it? he’s watching them? I thought he would come back this ep and cause some drama, but he didn’t so he has to come back next ep right?
- i like that they’ve softened poktong bc i like them much better as friends to lovers rather than enemies to lovers
- honestly, their story has a lot of potential but something about it is just really not working well for me and i think its the weird aggression bc they don’t annoy me when their being sweet and smiling. I think if pok had more of a bad boy vibe originally it would’ve been better bc the aggression wouldn’t seem so ooc and the conflict would feel a bit more natural
- their story also has a ton of parallels to ittpai (my gear your gown), so im interested how it’s going to go bc i did like ittpai despite the narrative issues of that show
- poktong: *doing whatever tf they’re doing*
  mark: tf did i just step in
- i really appreciate thanu just saying straight out that he has feelings for wayu, i know he struggled with it, but i like him coming to this point that’s like yes, he feels an attraction to phai, he feels drawn to him and he’s seen their poential future, but right now he has actual, solid feelings for wayu built up from their interactions over months
- what he has with phai isn’t real--it could be real, if he went down that path and choose to get closer to phai, but right now his feelings for wayu are real, so that’s what he’s choosing
- him saying they should never meet again was a little tho, spare my poor baby phai at least a little bit
- i get a dose of serotonin every time i see kit wearing mark’s gear
- the markkit is lacking this ep but they are trying to make up for it with all this good good thanuwayu content
- i’m torn between wanting and not wanting thanu to tell wayu about phai bc it will hurt wayu if he does but it’s gonna hurt more later on when wayu finds out on his own
- I can’t tell if wayu has a suspicion about phai, like he def senses there’s another person but I can’t tell if he knows it’s phai
- okay but thanuwayu are so cute and sweet together
- pls let my babies kiss, i couldn’t appreciate their first kiss bc i didn’t ship them then and wayu thought it was pha so pls let them have a do over
- you know what, i like thanuwayu having visions like thanuphai. I can’t quite tell if that was the writers’ intention, but i hope it is bc that would imply that thanuphai aren’t actually soulmates and that what they see is just a potential future, like they could be happy together, but there are also other people who they can be happy with
- i’m not super crazy about this whole ‘let’s rewrite my memories of pha with memories of you’ bc that doesn’t seem like the healthiest way to move on from pha or to start a new relationship but whatever makes wayu happy i guess
- however i do like how it ties into the whole ‘no predetermined fate’ thing and shows how life is shaped by choices and chance
- pls let my babies kiss tho
- hey so i am not liking this preview of the next ep
- anyways, so i’m liking how their handling the thanuwayuphai thing so far, but it is going to be bad next ep as im assuming the envelope that has phai’s picture is probably phai returning the picture to cut ties but obvi wayu is going to find out about their relationship
- still not sure how i feel about poktong, its better than last ep which i did not like and def shows more potential, but i think we’re gonna have to wait and see, don’t like the direction they’re taking with sandee tho
- also whoops, this got really long but i have a lot of feelings about this show
- fingers crossed for actual markkit content next ep
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